She wants the story of his life, mostly; global history is useful context.
It's been a few hours of guided summary when Bella slips into the room. She doesn't interrupt, just goes up to Edward and slips her hand into his.
"Appropriately rearranged, and the hosts returned to their original states, and Elspeth is talking to them now."
"You wouldn't get much use out of the edible kind," she says reasonably.
"Is there some use to the bronze kind which is unclear to me?"
"You can hang it on the wall on a little plaque and then look at it and bask in the memory of my approval."
"I believe I will find your approval sufficiently memorable absent the cookie. Are you approving of me for anything in particular?"
"All the people you've brought back from the dead recently spring to mind as an example."
Bella laughs. "Yes. Anyone else I should pick up and haven't yet?"
"Any special instructions on how to wake her and introduce her to the world?" Bella asks, poising her hand over her new Jane-gem.
"Jane, you heard her," says Golden, tapping the gem.
She locates the correct Chris in the catacombs.
[Hello, Chris. Your niece has recently been resurrected from the dead and asked for you.]
[That's nice,] says the appropriate Chris. [Where can I find her?]
[I can pick you up and put you where she is, if you don't want to ask me any questions first.]
"So, Edward grew up and married an immortal vampire empress," she summarizes.