Sadde and Bell in Worm
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"Fine," she says, absolutely unconcerned.

They stand there for ten minutes. Then, with a line of robots and capes depositing themselves along the line between there and Piggot's office, Lorica escorts Rewind there.

"Come in," says Piggot.

She does. "Ma'am," she says.


If the politeness mollifies Piggot, she doesn't display a sign of it. "So you want to be a hero, now?"


"That's the long and short of it, yes."


"We'll want all the intel you have on Lung, you'll lie low for a day or two while it's put to whatever use we can get out of it, and you're on probationary status."


She shrugs. "Sounds good. First thing, he was really happy when you called him Fireball, or as happy as Lung can get. Lets people underestimate him. I don't actually know what he does, he doesn't want to show, but clearly he becomes big and does fire. He also regenerates."


Piggot nods.


"He wants to join all Asian gangs, though, for some reason. Doesn't say why, doesn't even say what his plan is to actually do it, but apparently wants all Asians in the city to belong to him or something." Shrug.


Piggot frowns, but nods again.


"Ummmm... He's staying at the Docks mostly? But he moves around a lot. Also he has his eyes on that duplicator dude, the one with the demon mask, I think he's calling himself Oni Lee? But hasn't been able to catch him, 'cause no helpful heroes have knocked him down for Lung yet." Is she bitter about that part? Maybe a little bit.


"I see. How does he induce recruits to work for him?"


"Erm, so far by being big and mean and scary. Especially scary. Like, he doesn't have a lot of people working for him, yet, he joined this one gang called 'Azn Bad Boys,' can you believe that? But he pretty much does whatever the hell he wants and the 'higher ups' are mostly too scared of him and confused that he hasn't completely taken over their gang to say anything about it. He does do what they ask, though, and is generally a big scary muscle who has helped them recruit people."


"I see. How old are you, Rewind?"




Piggot hands her a Wards form.


She looks at it, then up at Piggot. "That's it?"


"I'd also like the names and addresses of everyone you stole from so that damages can be paid back out of your budget, but as long as you toe the line here on out, yes, that's it," says Piggot with a cordial smile.


"...huh. Okay. Yeah, I can do that. Do you want that now, though, I don't actually remember by heart..."


"A written summary later on will do."


"Cool. Okay." She looks at the form, then up at Piggot again. "And I fill this out now? Can I have a pen?"


Lorica takes a pen out of Piggot's desk jar and hands it to Rewind.


She starts filling it out!

She reaches the personal info form, ponders a bit, and decides the best way they can help her is if they know who she is, and fills it all out. Apparently her name is Ha-eun, but she goes by Jeannie.


And when it's done, Piggot takes it back and Lorica says, "Welcome to the team. I'll be your captain. Do you need a place to stay for the immediate future? We have rooms."


"Um... well, Lung knows what I look like, and he knows where my parents live, so, um. A little help on that front would be nice, yeah."

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