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Jupiter's University Days
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She lets out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through her hair. This philosophy the Professor describes sounds like grasping at stars - endless seeking after impossible knowledge and forces far beyond human ken. And yet, she finds herself drawn to it. To look beyond herself, understand the true nature of this world and all others... Her restless heart beats faster at the thought. We do our best. Perhaps that will have to be enough. "Very well," she says, fixing the Professor with her gaze. "Take me to this Admissions. Let them test my aptitude for wizardry, if they so wish." She has come this far, after all. Fallen through cracks in reality itself to find this place. It seems foolish to turn back now, simply due to frustration or feelings of being overwhelmed. There is still so much to learn. So much beyond herself left to seek and comprehend.


Admissions is tucked out of the way for privacy, hard to find by accident. Probably a minor area of unfocus, though he was strongly informed that his investigations into Admissions were not endorsed by Admissions. The door looks slightly different every time he sees it. There is a nonzero chance that they are doing it on purpose just to mess with him. Today, it is emerald green with etchings in black. He knocks once, sharply, then enters.

"New student," he says, gesturing to Jupiter. "Foreign arrival. She'll need a full inspection."


Today, Admissions is a woman with a focused gaze. Her eyes catch the barest edge of the Professor's wrist, and she grins. "Imprinted already, then? Another project? So soon after the last, for shame, Professor." Then she stands from her desk and walks over to Jupiter, and the smile retreats behind professionality. "Tell me your name."


Jupiter stares at the woman, unblinking. She had not expected this place to seem so...mundane, at first glance. "My name is Jupiter," she says simply, folding her hands behind her back. Her knuckles tighten, one hand grasping the other wrist to still their restless longing to touch, as if this Admissions might sense her capacity for intimacy as easily as she reads the Professor. "I come from...elsewhere. Beyond. The Professor has told me your kind might teach me the ways of this world, if I prove...apt." Her smile twitches, eyes flicking to the side as she recalls her frustration with the philosophical grasping after impossibilities. But still, she is here. Still seeking, as ever. "Test me as you will. I am ready to learn."


The grin returns, and Admissions waves the Professor out of the room. "We need privacy for tests of this sort, Professor. Imagine the scandal." Once the door closes, she turns back to Jupiter and extends a hand in expectation.


Jupiter extends her hand, palm upturned, callused fingers twitching once. She breathes in deep, steadying herself as she looks up to meet Admissions' gaze. Her eyes are pale blue, pupils swallowed by the churning storms beneath the surface. This woman sees too much already. Knows her too well after but a glance. It leaves her defenses down, vulnerability bare and quivering in the light, a moth pinned by its wings to the table. "Do your worst, then," Jupiter says, a faint smile touching her lips. She is afraid, but there is thrill in it, too - knowing she might find herself at the mercy of this stranger. Her hand opens further, an offering and a dare both. "I am ready."


Admissions takes Jupiter's hand in her own. Admissions's hand is cold, firm, soft. She runs a thumb across Jupiter's wrist. "Rapid flow of thauma. Are you nervous? Don't be. I'm incapable of inflicting intentional harm without due cause. Now, close your eyes."


She closes her eyes, breath catching in her throat. The hand upon her wrist is cold but not unkind, firm in its grasp. She waits. This woman sees too much already.


And the inner chamber of Admissions's beautiful heart unfurls, spilling light across the room. Her eyes gleam as she stares at what could be considered by the less academic to be a soul. There is a hunger there, a desire kept bound and confined. There is a guilt there, wretched and wanting. Clairvoyance will be difficult with such a strangled soul, but there is such potential for connection. There is also a faint filigree of gold and sapphire wrapping itself around her. Not of her, but precious. Cradled by that starving desire. There is beauty in this. More than the beauty is the power. Like a river overflowing, like the great wave of a tsunami, like a dust storm, her power echoes through every piece of her. A flood, drowning and choking and blinding. But the power too is bound, thorn vines twisting across it, holding it inside. "What have they been teaching you, child?" she whispers, letting the hand not holding Jupiter's wrist brush against her brow. There is no space for pity in this place, but Admissions is tender in the way of warm things. 

Then she lets go of Jupiter's wrist and slowly tucks her heart back in her chest. When she is the woman again, she says, "You can open your eyes now."


She opens her eyes, blinking against the light. Her hand tingles where Admissions touched her, a ghost of that glacial caress lingering upon her skin. This woman has seen too much. Knows the storm that rages in her bones, the grasping hands that seek but never touch. Her loneliness, her longing, the love that nearly drowned her in its depthless tide. And yet...she smiles. "They have taught me little, save philosophy. Endless grasping at stars, the Captain calls it." Her eyes flicker to the door through which he left, a faint fondness in her gaze. Then back to Admissions, pale eyes peering into the beautiful heart for but a moment bared. "I know there is...power in me. A capacity for connection that frightens as much as it thrills. I came here hoping to understand it. Tame the storm, if such a thing is possible. Teach these hands of mine a gentler grasp." Her smile twitches, gaze dropping to her hand as it forms a fist, then opens once more. Palm upturned, a silent plea. "Will you help me, Admissions? Will you teach me the ways of this world, give name to the forces that move through me like wildfire?" She looks up, defiant, daring this woman to glimpse her vulnerability again. Her need. "I am ready to learn, if you will have me."


She laughs lightly, soft and sweet like windchimes. "I am not a teacher, darling Jupiter. Not even a wizard. I am here because I can see the beating imprints of your heart." She reaches out once more and takes Jupiter's hand, this time just to hold. "Call me Medea if you decide to attend. And you should. It would do your soul good, I think. It would teach you how to see." In the back corner of the room, a small automaton dings as it finishes writing Jupiter's timetable in dark blue ink. "There's a free period in the evenings before curfew that's blocked out to catch you up on the essentials. Any of the staff are authorized to supervise you during that period, though some of them are not as equipped as others. I'll be here if you ever want to... chat."


Jupiter stares at the woman - Medea, she says to call her - pale eyes searching that beautiful heart once more. There is truth in her words. Jupiter has come here seeking to understand the forces that move within her. She smiles, squeezing Medea's hand. "Then I shall attend. And we When the need arises." Her gaze drops again to their joined hands. She breathes deep, steadying herself against the thrill of that touch. The pull it awakens in her skin. Jupiter looks up, eyes glinting pale fire. Her smile softens, a silent plea for mercy - or perhaps its opposite. She has chosen to be here. Chosen to cast her fate into this woman's hands. Into the hands of any who might teach her gentler grasp. "Thank you, Medea. For seeing me." Her hand tightens once more, loath to loose its grip.


Admissions grins and pulls over the timetable with a wave of the hand not being held by Jupiter. It's a fairly standard timetable, though without electives for now. Just the six required courses until she 'settles in', so to speak. "Come on, we should go fetch the Professor. The chair outside is not comfortable, and if we leave him too long, he'll get grumpy and give all his students failing grades on their latest essay." She hands the timetable to Jupiter and gently leads her to the door.


Jupiter follows Medea from the room, timetable clutched tight in her hands. Her knuckles have gone pale, gaze fixed upon the woman leading her. There is truth in Medea's words. She has seen Jupiter's soul laid bare, beating heart exposed beneath her ribs. And yet...she smiles. Extends her hand in kindness, offers to teach Jupiter gentler grasp. The storm rages still. Awakened by Medea's touch, longing to be fed, seeking solace in her embrace. And yet she does not reach, does not grasp. Medea is not for her. She knows this, deep within her bones, and the knowledge brings both anguish and relief. Jupiter is afraid. Of her hands, her heart, the forces that move through her and threaten to consume all they touch. But Medea has offered guidance. Promised to help her understand. Jupiter looks up as the door swings open, gaze softening at the sight of the Professor waiting without. "My apologies for the delay, Professor. Admissions and I had...much to discuss." She holds out her timetable, a silent question in her eyes. The storm churns on, but for now, she keeps it in check. These hands of hers remain at her sides, clenched into fists against the longing to touch. To be touched in turn. She smiles, pale eyes glinting faint defiance. "Well? Shall we begin?"


Seeing Jupiter, he tucks away his red pen and the small stack of student essays. He pulls the timetable closer so he can see it. All the standard courses, free periods, her identification. Seems to be in order. "Classes were cancelled today because of an unauthorized thaumaturgic surge. Speaking of, I should probably tell the rest of the professors that there isn't a maniacal mage on a mad quest for power causing unauthorized surges. How about you get settled in your room, and I go wrangle my idiot colleagues? When I've finished with them, we can talk about history, I suppose. Or maybe we can visit Madame Ryoko's library. It would probably be more informative." 


Jupiter takes the offered timetable, glancing over its contents. Six required courses until she finds her footing - it seems simple enough. Her gaze lifts at the Professor's suggestion, a smile touching her lips. "The library sounds ideal. I should like to know more of. this place, and its workings." Her heart beats slower, soothed by something as simple as deciding where next to go. "After you've calmed your colleagues, I shall await you in the library. No need to hurry on my account." Her eyes glitter pale mischief. "I've nowhere else to be, after all."


He nods. "It's the second level down. You'll know you've reached it when things become uncomfortably warm." Then he heads off, fading entirely once out of eyesight.


The library is warm, as the Professor warned, but not uncomfortably so. Jupiter makes her way through the shelves, trailing her fingers along the spines of books as she walks. There is so much to take in. Histories and mythologies of worlds beyond her ken. Spells and sigils, the workings of magic laid bare in ink and parchment. Her heart beats faster at the thought of learning them.


A large dragon glances over from the Help Desk. "Hello, dear. What are you looking for?"


Jupiter trails her fingers along the spines of books as she walks, pale eyes scanning the shelves. So many worlds contained within these pages, waiting to be explored. "Tell me more of this library, and those who tend it," she whispers. An invitation and a dare. "I would learn from any who offer guidance."


Madame Ryoko leans closer. "Well, I'm the librarian. You actually wouldn't normally see me at this time, but the disruption to thaumaturgic equilibrium woke me up early! I have some assistants that are currently monitoring the... large quantities of books we have outside the library at this time." She twitches a little at the thought of her hoard being touched by untrusted hands and— "Anyway, the books are sorted by subject, and you can browse on your own or look through our catalogue if you have a specific book in mind. There's some reading nooks upstairs if you want some privacy, and do tell me before you leave the library with my books. We need to keep track of them all."  


She smiles, trailing her fingers along the spines of books as she walks. This place is filled with worlds she has never known - histories and mythologies far beyond her ken. "A pleasure to meet you, Madame Ryoko." Her gaze lifts, pale eyes glinting curiosity. "Might I impose upon your guidance? I to this place. The Professor has offered me a chance to learn, but I find myself at a loss for where to begin." Her smile twitches, gaze dropping once more to the books around her. So many secrets waiting to be discovered. So many worlds she longs to explore. "If you would point me to a text on the...workings of this place. Its rules, and those who oversee them. I should be most grateful."


"Well, if you're looking for history specifically, that's the yellow section. It's sorted in chronological order for the most part, so books about the founding of the University should be about 230 years back. If you want to know about the University as an institution, society is the cerulean section. It's sorted by continent, then nation, then aspects of a nation, so the University would be under the continent Sekorin and the nation of Arcasa. There might be some information about it in provincial overviews, but those are usually written by Inersi, so they aren't very accurate."


She's very interested indeed in this! She'll go looking for that institutional review, and curl up with it in a cozy armchair if she succeeds.


Fortunately, the library is extremely well-organized with clearly-signaled sections! She quickly finds several books about the University. Some discuss it as an educational institution, some discuss wizardry in Arcasa with the University featuring prominently due to its status as the largest public educational facility for wizard hopefuls, some discuss the structure and precepts of the University, and some discuss the University as a geopolitical entity. There are also some books that appear to be gossip pieces about certain staff members, but by the looks of them, they were written in-house as jokes. Probably jokes. Unless there really is a scandal where the Alchemy teacher is secretly putting potions in the food.

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