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(Dis)Respecting Your Elders & Other Helpful Tips
Silvers & Storms in Elsewhere
Permalink Mark Unread

Niya starts her day with a little youthful vandalism.

Having been woken up at the crack of dawn by her dear mother, she feels good about this.

She's supposed to be watching her little brother, Tiuten, and escorting him to the market to pick up some Earth-tech. He's twelve and more than capable of going by himself. So she sends him on his way and instead finds herself with a bucket full of paint, a blank wall and a vision.

Her mother is going to be furious... she can hardly wait.

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"Niya, what are you doing here? Are you not supposed to tak- What did you just do to the wall? Mother is going to be furious!"

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"Yes, I supppse so. Maybe I should add a little more detail? Then I could upgrade from furious to an actual full blown rage fit."

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"Yeah. Please, don't include me in your diabolical little schemes."

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"Rude. Don't you want to add a little Dal flavour? I'm sure you've got a couple magical tricks up your sleeve that could really make this thing pop."

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"Yes. I'm definitely sure. Why are you doing this? Is this a special occasion?"

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"Oh for sure. It's King Govadaro's birthday. Did you forget?"

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He makes a face.

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"I'm kidding, Guli. I'm pretty sure he just sprung into his evil existance fully formed. Thus, no birthday."

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"Yes that sounds like an accurate description of past events. In that case, why the sudden remodeling?"

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"Oh! You didn't hear the great fucking news! I'm getting married!"

Aaand more paint goes on the wall in a very agressive manner.

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"Ah, too bad that I'm not an initiate yet and can't celebrate the ceremony."

He does not believe her.

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"Oh, that's terrible. Maybe we'll just have to cancel the whole thing! Mother and the whole fucking Vaesteri clan are going to be so devestated."

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That is Guli's conciliatory tone where he tries to convince her to see from their parents' perspective.

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"Don't! I don't want to hear it, Guli. Not from you." 

More agressive paint.

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"Sorry..." That is entirely sincere.

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She notices the sincerity and stops painting. "They can't do this to me. I don't want it."

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So much hug.

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"They really shouldn't. The marriage that is."

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"When has that ever stopped mother from doing anything?"

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Sigh. "I did try to tell her that the subsequent separation would be worse to our reputation, but yes."

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"I am not going to let it get that far."

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"As in?"

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"Chill, Guli. Nothing drastic. I'm just going to demonstrate to the Vaesteri boy that I am not the girl for him."

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"Try to not scare him for life. Is not like he is getting much choice on the matter."

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"Maybe. I don't know him. I mean, there's three of them, aren't there? I don't even know which one it is!"

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"I think it's the middle one."


"I actually have no idea, which one is the middle one."

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"Saaame. I've seen them at functions and everything, from across the room, and they are so identical. You know I don't even know his name, or any of their names."

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"They have two apiece. One for Elan and one for Earth."

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"They're from Earth? I didn't know that... which is further proof that I am not the girl for them- him, whatever."

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"Okay. I know you use willful ignorance to annoy mom, but everyone knows that the triplets' parents changed universes after the triplets' uncle died... After falling from a balcony... Likely on purpose."

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"The willfull ignorance thing has a side effect of me not knowing stuff that everyone knows, obviously. I'm committed to it and it has served me well. But also: sad. Poor uncle."

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"Yeah. It's not that well known among people of our age. I just know because I heard they're from Earth and I was curious if mom set up so Tiuten could have access to technology or something and asked around."

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"Ahhh. Our mother, always looking to for an in."

She stops suddenly and looks at the sky. "Uh. Speaking of Tiuten... what time is it?"

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He checks his watch and tells her. "Why?"

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"Tiuten was supposed to be home already... did you see him in the house?"

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"No... what did you do?" He asks alarmed.

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"He begged me to let him go by himself! You know how he gets.... I mean, he's twelve and a genius...."

She looks panicked. "We should go find him."

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"Yes!" Guli says acerbic. He stands up. "Do you know where he wanted to go?"

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"He said there was a new shipment of Earth-tech that he wanted to check out..."

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"Ah, okay. That narrows down to Little Terra." He grabs his motorcycle keys and walks out.

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"Do we super have to take the bike? Last time you nearly ran into that Arano kid."

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"It's faster than the car at this time of the day. And asking to borrow the car is going to take longer even if Mom does not pass out of anger on the spot."

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"This is true. And as much as I love to get under her skin... I don't want to be murdered."

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So they go the district filled with Earth products, media, food and miscellaneous Earth-related stuff. There aren't that many Earth-tech stories around. Any sign of Tiuten?

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Nope. But someone might have seen him half an hour ago heading in that direction.

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Guli thanks the person politely and goes in that direction.

He wishes his breath-gift could distinguish people well enough at a distance. Sigh. They search for him.

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Niya uses her breathe-gift to telepathically send whispers out to try and catch their little brothers attention. Unfortunately it's very short range and its nearly a full hour before they get a response.

"Uh. You're gonna be mad." She gets off the bike quickly and starts heading in the direction of a dark looking shop front.

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"Also, the sky is blue and fire is hot."

What sort of shop?

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The shopfront only has the name 'Smith' on it. Doesn't say what they sell.

And the door is locked.

"Break it open. Now."

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"Damn it." Guli reaches into a pocket and breaks a vial of herbs while reciting some short magic words.

The structural integrity of the doorknob is much less structured. Guli breaks the thing with a kick and the door swings open.

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And they find Tiuten nearly huddled into a corner, looking very very uncomfortable. Between him and his siblings is a very tall augumented man. He turns and looks at them, stunned.

"You broke my door!" The man yells.

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Of course. "It was shoddy work anyone could've broken it. Could you do us the favor of explaining what are you doing behind closed doors with our little brother?"

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Tiuten uses this opportunity to slip past him and to his siblings. He steps close behind Niya and whispers.

"Wanted me to buy a bunch of crap. Wouldn't let me leave when I said no."

The man hears this and gets madder. "He's a liar. Disrespecting in my own shop."

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"We would more than glad to respect you away from your shop. Niya, take Tiuten home."

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Niya clutches Tiuten to her chest protectively. "Uh. Are you coming with us?"

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"In a second."

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She looks at Guli and then glares at the tall augmented man. Several seconds go by before she nods and starts moving back. "We'll wait for you outside. Be quick."

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"Don't worry." Guli says glaring at the augmented man in all his 8-feet-ness.



Minutes later Guli shows up outside rubbing his left eye. It's turning purple. "Well, that is dealt with."

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"...sure it is. Do you want me to break his shop front window or something too?"

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"...what if he has good tech later? He wont let me back in if you do that."

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"I think that bridged is burned after I... cursed him."

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"Uh... you shouldn't have done that. He totally deserved it, but."

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"Do you think he'll get me banned from the district?"

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"Hey! He punched me! A little- okay, a lot of sting in his eyes is not that bad. And I don't think a single shop would have enough pull to ban someone."

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"I've heard things." Tiuten says cryptically.

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"Huh, what?"

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"You're being paranoid, baby brother." She holds him closer and gives him a squeeze. Then she starts smiling, a broad grin on her face. "Oh, I can't wait for mother to see you face, Guli."

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"I'm glad to help. That was why I took a punch from an guy twice my size."

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"Less than that. Only about one and a half times your size."

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Guli laughs and ruffles Tiuten's hair. "We should go back home."

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"Can we go to another tech shop first? I've still got some money left over!"

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"No." She snatches his wallet from his pocket. "This is your punishment for wandering off. You promised me you would stick to the main stretch."

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"And we are all late and if we take any longer mom is going to spontaneously develop a wakefulness gift out of sheer stress."

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"She would."

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"We're not going to tell her what happened are we?"

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"Sorry, but we certainly will. Don't worry. Mom is going to be too busy screaming at Niya to remember forbidding you to come here again."

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"Way to throw me under the bus, brother."

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"So I won't get into trouble?"

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Guli ignores Niya. "You should have seen the things she painted on the wall outside the tearoom. I'm not sure mom will be able to register our existence for the next day or two."

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He makes a confused face. "Why'd you do that, Niya?"

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She Does Not Want to get into the explanation with her baby brother. So she lies. "I had a vision."

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"Did you really?"

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"Dal-Lila appeared to me and gave me my life's mission: painting a giant mural of Dracula on the side of the tearoom. Who am I to refuse such a request?"

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"...you're lying. Right?"

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"Don't be blasphemous, Niya."

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"You don't know! Just because I'm no Dal-In-Training that doesn't mean I can't have a Dal given higher purpose. You're just jealous."

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"Please don't tell mom that. She'll get even madder."

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"I'm worried that the next time you pull something like this Tiuten is going to get hurt."

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"He was supposed to stick to the main stretch! He's twelve years old, not five. We shouldn't coddle him."

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"It's our job to protect him!"

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"And how exactly do you plan on doing that after you leave?!"

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"I don't know, but I bet I still going to do a much better than you while you are around!"

Some people are noticing this discussion.

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Tiuten shrinks in on himself.

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"This was one time. And also not my fault. How was I supposed to know he'd go wandering off?! We went to the market by ourselves all the fucking time when we were his age, younger even!"

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"Yes, because someone kept escaping and going to the market anyway. And someone also had a sibling to keep track of them instead of going completely alone!"

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"Like you weren't complicit. You only ever got upset when we got caught!"

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"Well, most people mature after their age hits double digits!"

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"Well excuse me for being upset about having a crazy overbearing mother! Maybe I would act more mature if she actually let me make my own decisions! I am not a pawn to be bought or sold to further her ambitions!"

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"Excuse me when I think that is no reason to cause our baby brother to come to potential harm!"

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"It was an accident! It's his first time, now he'll know better. He has to learn sometime, especially since we won't be around forever! Do you really think I'll be allowed to go with him every time he needs something when I've been shipped off to live with a bunch of strangers?"

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"I'M SORRY. Please stop fighting."

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Guli turns to Tiuten worried. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Tiuten. It's okay, it was not your fault. At all."

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Niya shuts her eyes and turns away from them both, trying to calm herself down.

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"But it is. I went to that shop even though I knew I wasn't supposed to..." He looks on the verge of tears.

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Yes please.

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Niya watches them sadly. "I want to leave."

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"But... where could you go?"

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"Home for now. I haven't thought that far ahead."


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"Niya... what... what are you planning to do?"

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"There's this place, it's really far away, but I've been talking to someone and they said they'll take me there. Whenever I want."

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"That is not only vague but the opposite of reassuring."

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"I don't think mom's going to be that mad."

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"It's a little more complicated than that."

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Sigh. "We should go home. Niya...?" Guli starts but he has no idea what to say.

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"You take Tiuten on the bike. I'll find my own way back. Maybe mom will have calmed down a bit before then."

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"Okay... try to.... take care, sister."

Is Tiuten agreeable with this plan?

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Tiuten is hungry.

"Can we get something to eat on the way? I'm hungry."

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"...Okay. But only because I think mom will be madder if you excuse yourself to eat in the middle of her seizure. And no junk food."

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"That's all the good stuff though."

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"It can be frozen Laka berries..." He thinks about how much money he has in his wallet. "The rainbow kind."

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He jumps on the bike then and waves at Niya.

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She waves back.

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Guli surpresses a chuckle and even waves at Niya before speeding away.

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On the way they buy a large cup of frozen Laka barries from a small shop and have no incidents on their way home.


However, their dad is waiting just by the door. He had opportunity to train his Serious Father Face. Look how well-trained it is.

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Tiuten hops off the bike and continues to eat his sweets.

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Guli gently but firmly keeps a hand on Tiuten's should so he doesn't go inside. He is not afraid that their dad will be mad. Their dad is never mad, even when he is putting the Serious Father Face. Guli is more concerned that their dad only puts the Serious Father Face when their mother lacks outlets to express how serious the situation is and then uses her husband to load off some of the pressure.

"Hi, dad... we're just back."

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"I noticed, boys. You're late." Pause. "I don't suppose you two have any idea what happened to the wall right in front of the tea room?"

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"Can I see it?"

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"Oh, son we won't keep it." Irimeliun says forgetting the Serious Father Face for a moment then he coughs and resumes the Serious Father Face. "I mean, it is..."

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"...'an appalling behavior'." Guli offers.

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"Yes, thank you, Guli. Painting the wall like that was an appalling behavior and your mother is livid. And it won't help that your sister is not around to give an explanation."

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"There was only so much room on the bike. And I think she's upset." He looks to Guli to continue his explanation.

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"Yeah, and obviously better for her to come home a bit later."

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He absently nods and then resumes Serious Face without noticing that he nodded.

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"It's not without reason."

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"Are you really going to send her to live with strangers?"

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"Is not quite like that. We want to match her with someone who can start a family with her."

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"Gross. Can I go to my workshop now? I have a bunch of new stuff and I gotta feed my turtles."

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He ruffles Tiuten's hair. "Of course son. Run along."

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He looks back to his brother. "Guli can come too?"

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He nods agreeable. "I just need to talk to him for a second, but it won't take long."

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Tiuten nods and goes inside.

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And Guli shows up a few minutes later.

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He is sitting on the ground and watching two of his turtles crawl around between his legs, he looks up when he enters.

"You wanna hold Archimedes?"

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Guli smiles. "Sure, which one is Archimedes?"

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He moves around and points to a tiny baby turtle still in the enclosure.

"She's the youngest."

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Guli gently picks her up and holds her carefully. He pats the turtle gently.

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"She's going to be the worlds first teleporter."

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"Gosh, a turtle with amazing historical significance." Pat pat.

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"Do you really think Niya will run away?"

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"I'm sure she will try, but... I don't know. Mom and Niya never clashed this bad."

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"You'll both be gone then."

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"Yes, but not forever. I will be able to visit you often and family can always visit me at the temple."

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"Maybe I'll figure out teleporting soon and it'll be easier."

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"I wish you luck."

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Their mother walks into the room.

"You're home."

She looks very unimpressed.

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Guli does not gulp, but gosh he makes a face that expresses gulping.

"Yes, we are."

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"And where were you, Giulikian? Surely not somewhere where you would acquire such an injury. Not in the company of your baby brother."

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He looks to his older brother to fix this.

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Oh, well. There is no way his mom will be happy to hear this story, might as well play up to her sensibilities. "It was a govad. He was trying to extort Tiuten."

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"He was trying to sell me Earth-tech from the 60's." He makes a face.

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"And where was your sister in all this? She who was supposed to be Kirimeliun's escort."

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"Yes. Yes, she was. I don't know where she was at the time."

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"So you know nothing about our new art piece outside the tearoom?"

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"Ah, I know my dear sister made it. That is without question."

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"Maybe she could do one in the house. She can paint my room."

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"No, dear heart. This is not something to be rewarded. We have guests tomorrow."

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"...Who is coming?"

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"I few members of the Vaesteri family. You will both be there. I have set aside the clothes that you will be wearing, I had them tailored this morning."

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"I have an experiment that I was going to work on tomorrow."

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"Maybe you should wait for a couple of days and talk with the Vaesteri about the experiment, they could come up with an idea for it."

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"Why? Are they inventors too?"

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"Well, they're from Earth and sometimes even people that don't know anything are good sources of fresh perspectives."

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Titus perks up.

"They'll be family soon. Maybe they can take me to Earth!"

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"Uh..." Guli says looking helplessly at his mom. "That sounds safer than you going by yourself."

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"You don't need to go to Earth. You can get everything you need right here."

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"Can not. Everything they import isn't good enough. They don't know what I need. I don't know what I need. Earth has everything."

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"How do you know there is such a difference?" He makes this sound like a honest question.

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"There has to be, right? It's a totally different world."

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"Well, yes. And we import everything we might want from there."

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"Being there myself would be better."

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"No. That's the end of this conversation. Please clean yourself up for dinner."

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Guli pats Tiuten in the back and guides him washroom-wards.

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"Have you ever been to Earth?"