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Misadventured piteous overthrows
Juliet plays the Teen Wolf Dating Sim
Permalink Mark Unread

Today, Beacon Hills High School prepares to welcome a new student! The halls buzz with rumors and gossip. She is the first new student they've had in years. Their sleepy little town could use some fresh meat, and who am I, the humble Narrator, to judge?

Welcome to Beacon Hills, Juliet.

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Uh. What. "Who said that?"

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I'm your Narrator, Juliet. I'm here to simplify the process. Today begins your first day at Beacon Hills High. Take a look around. Aren't the people here something? Every one of them has their own story, their own life. Which would you like to speak to first?

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"Seriously. Who are you?" She looks around the corner. "Where are you?"

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I exist nowhere and everywhere, Juliet. I'm a Narrator. I don't have a body. I suppose it might be nice. Bodies have some advantages and disadvantages. Maybe you should discuss them with your tour guide!

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Your tour guide must be this handsome young man walking towards you. What a smile!

Danny Māhealani is the only gay guy in BHHS, which means he is, unfortunately, not one of the many students you can build a future with.

Say hi, Juliet!

"Hey, you must be the new student. My name's Danny, I'll be your tour guide."

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"Danny, I know who you are." She takes a deep breath. "I'm late for class. Cut it out."

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You're a new student, Juliet! No one here knows who you are. You could be anyone!

"We should help you find your classes. Let's stop by the office to get your schedule."

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"I am not a new student, I've been here over three years. We have most of our classes together, Danny." She starts searching for a speaker. "Where is that voice coming from?!"

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"Let's find somewhere quiet to talk."

He grabs her hand tightly, and then lets go. What a strong grip. Imagine his arms wrapped around you. How sweet!

"I'm having a weird day."

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"No kidding. Who set this up? Was it Stiles? It was totally Stiles."

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"Stiles, Lydia, Jackson, there are a lot of people I wouldn't put it past if they had any reason, but none of them remember a thing."

Although it's only your first day, Beacon Hills already feels like home. Now that you've enjoyed your tour, it's time to meet your fellow classmates!

"I think only we can hear the voice. You can hear it, right? The one that keeps talking about how excited she is for you?"

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"Of course I can hear it, it's very bossy and kind of pissing me off. What do you mean they don't remember a thing? Did someone take their memories again?"

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"It's not everything, it's just you. They think you're a new student, like the voice said. That's it. I don't know why I can hear it."

That's enough of Danny, Juliet. Find someone who's actually interested. There are so many available students.

"...I guess that's a decent reason why."

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"What. Because you're gay? You're not the only gay person in the school."

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"I haven't polled everyone in school yet, I don't know if anyone else is immune. Whatever it is, it's definitely centered around you."

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Oh, look! It's Allison Argent! Although Allison herself only arrived in Beacon Hills two years ago, she's made the place her home. Founder of the BHSS archery club, avid fan of the lacrosse team, and an expert in military history, Allison is as dedicated to the pursuit of physical prowess as she is to her studies.

"Hey, Danny. Is this the new girl? I'm Allison, Allison Argent."

She offers her hand. It looks delicate, but there's no denying the strength there.

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Juliet looks at Allison, her hand and then to Danny, ignoring her. "Are you actually serious? Nobody knows me?"

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"I think that usually happens when you're new? It has been a while since I moved here, but I don't think I forgot that much."

Allison's family moved around frequently, once upon a time. Now, she's adjusted to her new circumstances with aplomb.

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"Everyone I've talked to so far. They don't get it if I try to explain."

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She bites her lip and then addresses the Narrator.

"Why are you doing this?"

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I only want you to be happy, Juliet. Finding love is a beautiful thing.

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"Um, hello? Are you alright?"

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Although she has barely met you, Allison already worries about you. Loyalty and compassion come easily to her, despite her family.

"...so, Allison, this is Juliet. Juliet, Allison."

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"Why do you want me to be happy, do I know you? How exactly are you doing this?"

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I want all of the creatures in my town to be happy. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself if you just try.

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"I think maybe I should get to class. It was nice meeting you, Juliet."

She gives a half-hearted wave, hurt that you ignored her. Allison was used to this, once, when she had to move to a new school once a year. There was always gossip, and drama, and she had never let herself get involved. She kept to herself. Now, you've reminded her of that. You still have many opportunities with your other classmates, though, don't fret!

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She lets out a frustrated huff. "We met two years ago!" She calls after Allison.

"Would you stop with the pity party!" She looks up at the ceiling, or where ever the Narrator is. "What will it take for you to stop this and make it so people remember me again?"

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You begin your day with a disappointing first encounter. You won't be leaving this school until you find someone you can truly call beloved!

Still, you have time.

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"Should I ask around discreetly? There might be a few others who were trying to keep it to themselves."

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"Yes. Do that. I'm just gonna..." and she walks over to the exit door and goes to leave the school.

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As the bell rings, the other students begin to make their ways to class.

Soon enough, you're alone in the hall, standing by the door.

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Is it locked? Can she force it open? Can she force it open with werewolf strength?

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You could never leave the school until you've found your true love. You would only be hurting yourself and the love of your life.

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Someone behind her clears their throat loudly.

"Miss Salvatore. Shouldn't you been in class by now?"

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Juliet really wishes she was in her dungeon right now...

She turns on him, her eyes flashing red. "Let me out," she snarls.

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You need to stay in control, Juliet. For your sake and for the others'.

"...the sun. Listen, repeat after me. It'll hold off the transformation. The sun, the moon, and the truth. Repeat."

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Juliet throws him against the door.


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You throw your beloved history teacher, Mr. Hale, against the nearest wall, but he stands up easily, unharmed.

"Juliet, repeat after me. The sun, the moon, the truth. These three things may not long remain hidden."

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...yeah not helping. Her teeth lengthen and her nails grow sharper and longer.

She lunges at him, going for his jugular.

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Your claws could never penetrate skin. High schools are havens of learning and socialization.

"Juliet, please. Stay calm. Everything will be fine."

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She pushes him down to the floor and starts clawing at his face. No words left.

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Your teacher sees your struggle with control; it's all too familiar. He decides to help you through it.

Unconsciousness takes you quickly.

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Ow. She wakes up. And is calm. This is not at all unusual for her. Where does she wake up this time?

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You wake up in the hallway, disappointed with yourself. Not only have you missed classes, but you've missed the people this school has to offer!

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Juliet exhales deeply. "Right. This is happening." 

"So you seriously want me to what, fall in love with someone? And then you'll let me out?"

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When you fall in love, the town will be a happier place, and everything can be normal again. It's sad that not everyone can understand love. Now I can!

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"Are there any other rules or things I should know?"

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Some relationships are hard. Sometimes you can ruin them. If you get any relationship to turn into love, you win! If you ask me, I can tell you how much strength you have, how much intelligence, and how well all of your relationships are going. Good luck!

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...she starts breathing purposefully, calming herself. It is not the full moon, she can deal with this.

She stands then and asks, "What's my next class?"

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"I don't have access to your schedule, Miss Salvatore. I just recognized your face from the roster. I wasn't told we had another werewolf coming, but I'm glad to see one."

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...that's Derek Hale. "Derek. Hi."

She shifts from one foot to the other. "I attacked you?"

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"I'll be fine, Miss Salvatore. I'm practically a man of steel, I can handle a little scrap. Which pack are you with?"

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Well. Normal Derek already knew this, but she supposes fake!Derek also had his mind reset.

"No pack. Wait, roster? Are you- are you a teacher?"

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"Yes, Miss Salvatore. Is that so hard to believe? What would you expect a history teacher to look like?"

You realize that you might need to be more intellectual to impress Mr. Hale.

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Really? Huh. She never would have guessed that.

"You look young, is all. Though that's not really saying much when you're a werewolf."


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"Beacon Hills High School has trouble retaining faculty. They were happy to have me."

You realize you might need to be stronger to impress Mr. Hale.

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...does he want her to beat him up again?

"How strong am I right now?" She asks the Narrator. "What's our relationship thingy?"

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Your Strength is currently 0.

Your Intelligence is currently 0.

Your Charm is currently 0.

Your relationship with Derek is currently 2.

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"I should take you to the office to get your schedule before you miss anything else."

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"Out of what, one hundred? How do I improve these stats." She asks the Narrator.

She nods to Derek, thinking... "Thank you for stopping me. I don't have much control. It's really hard doing this alone, with no pack. But. Thank you for not letting me hurt anyone."

Ahhhhhh. That was awful.

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"It's no problem. I could never let someone like you go it alone. Maybe I should introduce you to my pack?"

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You find yourself shocked. It would be scandalous for you to leave school with a teacher! But he is pretty...

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She can leave?! Please let her leave.

"Yes. Let's go right now."

....wait. Um.

"I've never met other werewolves before."

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He takes a sudden step back. You seem to have offended him.

His hand trembles as he raises it to his head, rubbing his temples.

"I think it's best if I just take you down now, Miss Salvatore."

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"Oh..." fuck shit, she screwed up.

Quickly she lowers her gaze, sadly, look how sad she is and continues"yeah, alright. I don't need anyone else anyway... Which way to office? I can go alone."


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He offers you the directions verbally. You can hear the sadness in his voice. A moment of human connection, but now it's gone. Ah well. He has a class to teach.

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She quickly walks away and when she's out of sight and hearing, she sighs in relief.

"Okay, so that was super weird. Did my stats change at all? Also why is he a teacher?"

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Your stats have not changed. To change your stats, go to the appropriate place.

Derek Hale is a teacher because there must be at least one teacher for you to fall in love with. He is much too old to be a student!

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"And the appropriate place is where exactly?"

She kinda feels all icky because of all that fakeness she spewed. She shudders.

"Do I actually have to go to the front office and get my schedule or can I just go to my usual class?" She looks at a clock. "Math?"

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You must go to gym class to increase strength, history class to increase intelligence, and lunch class to increase charm. You have no other classes.

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"Uh. Okay. Do I get to pick which one, or are they scheduled? Don't really want to see Derek again so soon... awkward."

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You can choose one class every day! Which would you like to attend?

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"I need to eat. Used up a lot of energy when I shifted. So lunch."

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Lunch it is!

When you arrive, you see your new classmates. Each one has their own spot in the cafeteria, and you can see that by choosing to spend time with one, you'lll miss out on the others.

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Juliet gets her food and stands frozen, unsure where to sit.

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Finding a seat in the cafeteria can be a daunting task, but thankfully, you have me to guide you.

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Even the newest of students can identify Lydia Martin: social butterfly, renowned gossip, and mathematical genius, Lydia's calculating stare works just as well on a new person as it does on a new problem.

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As aloof as he is charming, Theo Raeken draws attention not because he tries, but because he doesn't. He finds most students as interesting as drying paint, but the rare specimen that draws his notice will be subject to the most intense courtship imaginable.

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Malia Tate (not Hale, or you'll get punched in the face) is not exactly a paragon of etiquette. What she lacks in social graces, she makes up for in her dogged determination, exceptional empathy, and a mean right hook.

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Unfailingly kind and loyal to a fault, Scott McCall is the kind of friend you can count on, and he doesn't object to a well-intentioned prank now and again.

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Sarcastic, curious, and just a little bit paranoid, Mina has a bark that's as bad as her bite- if you hurt the people she cares about.

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Thoughtful, methodical, and patient, Sean Walcott attracts a gaggle of friends who need someone who'll listen. He's still looking for someone who wants to talk.

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Quiet but friendly, Matt Daehler is happy to talk anyone's head off about literature, cinema, or the latest high schoool drama, as long as he can snag a picture for the Yearbook.

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Well. Juliet knows Matt. They're both into photography and... she's pretty sure he died around two years ago.

She goes and sits down in the chair in front of him. "Hey." She pauses. "...I'm new and you have a camera. Let's be friends."

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"Pretty forward, don't you think?"

Your relationship with Matt has increased!

Your Charm has increased to 10!

"The name's Matt. What should I call you?"

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"Yup, I have so much momentum. I'm Juliet. But for the purpose of this 'new school' thing, don't you think I should have a cool new nickname?"

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"I'm not great with nicknames. My parents put 'Matt' on the birth certificate."

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"I got Juliet Zaccaria Rowan Salvatore." She puts her chin in her hands. "That's just too many names."

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"Rosaline," he offers.

Your relationship with Matt has increased!

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"I hope that doesn't make you Romeo."

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"He moved on from her pretty quickly, I'm sure she recovered."

Your relationship with Matt has increased!

Your Intelligence has increased to 10!

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"As much as a human plot device can recover."

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"I'm always interested in the margins of stories. Whatever did happen to Rosaline, or Benvolio, after the losses they suffered? I can't say it's my favorite Shakespeare, though."

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"My dad used to read it to me at night," she shakes her head, "he's obviously a fan. I prefer the comedies though. The Tempest, or Much Ado... also Hamlet. Hamlet is a comedy, right?" She jokes.

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"I like his tragedies best, but if you're going to pick just one, Hamlet is a good choice."

Your relationship with Matt has increased!

"It looks like it's time to go," he adds.

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Lunch is almost over, and you've had a very nice chat with one of your fellow classmates. Hopefully things will go well tomorrow!

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"It was nice to meet you," again, "try not to die between now and the next time I see you!"

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"How many other dead people are alive now?" she asks the Narrator. "Wait- Allison. Oh my god. I'm an idiot."

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You will have the chance to meet several dead people, including Matt, Erica, Vernon, Allison, Sean, Brett, and Gabe!

For now, sleep takes you.

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After an exciting first day at Beacon Hills High School, you're looking forward to meeting more people!

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Mason rushes towards you in the halls, apologizing to several people as he bumps into them.

"Juliet! Are you okay?"

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...and she didn't even get to eat any of her lunch. Sigh.

"...you've been kidnapped and forced into this thing too, huh?"

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"That's one way to put it. I couldn't get to any classes...yesterday? A few minutes ago? Do you have any idea what's going on?"

You feel a light disturbance in the air next to you.

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"So something has hijacked the school, brought a bunch of people back to life and has made me the player character of some sort of video game thing. With stats and relationship bars and everything. Did you hear the Narrator? Danny could hear it."

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"...yeah. We were discussing it, but I wasn't sure if it was just us. No one else had symptoms."

He waves his hand.

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Someone appears next to her.

"Just us, you and Danny, and you're the center. So, gay guys?"

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Juliet jumps a bit, and blinks a lot at Corey "...how did you just do that."

She shakes her head and continues.

"Um. It wants me to be happy and fall in love. That's the end game."

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"He does invisibility. I think it's unique. Anyway, that sounds like a problem unless you think you fall in love quickly, do you want help trying to get out?"

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"Invisibility? Okay then." She moves on. "I don't think we can get out. I mean. If it's done all this, and brought people back to life... it's powerful. I think I need to... play along? Bang the Big Bad. Or something."

"Speaking of. Did you know that Derek Hale is the History Teacher?"

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"I've met the guy once or twice, but even I wouldn't guess 'teacher'. If you're sure you can play along, I'll leave it alone."

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"I don't think we have any other choice. And I've tried getting mad and wolfing out and that did not work. Do you have any ideas?"

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"We can try one strategy while you try the other, it's better not to put all our eggs in one basket."

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"Yes. Try and find more people that haven't been hijacked. Meet back here later. They might have more insight into this whole thing."

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"Good luck," says the disappearing man.

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Now that you've had a chance to meet Mason and Corey, Beacon Hill High School's longest-lasting couple, it's time to go to class!

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Well she still kinda wants to avoid Hale. "Gym it is... will we be doing gym things? Or will it just be witty romantic banter?"

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You arrive in gym class, ready for an hour of exertion!

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"Alright, let's get to work. Greenberg, put that down! Today we're starting on floor hockey. Try not to break any bones. Sticks are over there, balls over there."

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Yay! Juliet goes over and grabs a hockey stick and ball. Who is she going to play against? She hopes they're graceful losers.

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Allison Argent can certainly be described as graceful, though she doesn't tend to lose on the field. She gives you a salute and a smile as she equips herself.

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Jackson Whittemore is no slouch either, and he wants everyone to know it. He slings his stick over his shoulder as he surveys his competition.

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You don't recognize Cora Hale by sight, but she has the same barely-contained fluid aggression in her movements that her brother does, and she smiles like you don't stand a chance.

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...you don't recognize this student, but Gabe is quite capable in a fight and never backs down.

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Brett Talbot eyes you with disdain. He's never been the most welcoming, but he's used to a harsher atmosphere. His team spirit shines through anyway.

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An average lacrosse player and mediocre student, Brian has never caught your attention.

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Liam Dunbar, adorably wrong-footed by these stronger and smarter opponents, prepares himself. With an encouraging whisper to himself under his breath, he looks at you and your other classmates.

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Juliet feels bad about ignoring the once dead Allison earlier... buuut. No, Thank You, Hunter Girl.

Jackson is a dick, one time he purposefully tripped her over in the cafeteria because she was taking too long...

She has no idea who Gabe and Brian are... pass.

It'd be fun to take Brett down a few... but this is not the aim of the game.

Liam? ...No. She'd feel bad about beating him. Also she might hurt him. He's a puppy...

Juliet rises an eyebrow to Cora Hale, who is very cute and also a werewolf. "Challenge accepted."

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Your relationship with Cora has increased!

You watch as Cora begins to move. It's exactly what you'd expect from a werewolf not holding back.

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Your relationship with Jackson has increased!

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She's going to enjoy this. She'll also show them what a werewolf looks like when they don't hold back.

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You and Cora are not evenly-matched. She has better training, which means every controlled motion is more efficient, more effective. But your lack of control manifests as greater power, and the two of you cede the lead back and forth equally.

Your Strength has increased to 10.

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Your relationship with Liam has decreased!

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...Juliet thinks of pain and the dungeon and pain and she is able to keep her transformation somewhat under control.

She breathes and then addresses the Narrator. "..why is Liam upset?"

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Liam is afraid of your lack of control. He has had his own struggles with control, and fears he may never stop.

"Let's see what you can really do," says her opponent, as she goes in for one final round.

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Well. She will show her what she can really do.

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You win, but Cora doesn't mind.

Your Strength increases to 10!

Your relationship with Cora increases!

"Good game."

She offers you her hand.

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Juliet shakes Cora's hand... is slightly embarrassed about the lengthened nails. She quickly puts her hands behind her back.

"You're really good. How do you keep so in control?"

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"Born wolf with years of practice and a good alpha."

She rubs the back of her neck.

"Not anymore, but it helped while it lasted."

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"I never had that. You're lucky you had them as long as you did."

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Your Charm has increased to 20!

Your relationship with Cora has increased!

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"Nice hustle out there today, ladies. Everyone pack it in."

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...."Hey Coach, do you wanna date me? Please say no."

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"That's very flattering, but no. Out of my gym, Salvatore."

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"Best thing I've heard all day." She leaves.

"Narrator, what are my stats? And how exactly do they effect me?"

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Your Strength is 10! Your Intelligence is 10! Your Charm is 10!

Your stats allow you to impress your potential dates!

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"Shouldn't my strength be higher than that? I am a werewolf. Also tell me about Cora, why did her relationship stat increase so quickly?"

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Your Strength begins at 0, like all stats, so that you can equally consider every option.

Cora's relationship bar is easier to fill early on, but more difficult later. Shows of Strength increase it quickly no matter when you use them!

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As you leave the gym, you find yourself in the usual hallway. Today you have the chance to go somewhere else!

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"Somewhere else, another class? Also can you tell me about Matt and his relationship thing?"

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Interesting conversation, literary references, assertiveness and a certain amount of coyness have increased your relationship with Matt to 4! Congratulations!

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"Huh. When you break it down like that, it's kind of interesting. But also kind of creepy. So. History?"

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You may go anywhere in the school! The pool, the lacrosse field, the library, or the guidance office!

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"More excerise is always my thing, so pool. Locker room first?"

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You enter the locker room. There are already some other girls there, getting ready. Allison, Cora, Gwen, and Kira all prepare to swim.

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Kay. Juliet does the same.

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Is there someone you want to talk to while they change?

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"I haven't spoken to Kira since she left... whenever she left."

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Kira is free to talk!

"Oh, hey! You're Juliet, right? I'm Kira. It's nice to meet you!"

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"That is me! Everyone seems to know my name, was there a school wide announcement or something?"

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"Lydia. She makes sure everyone is up to date. How are you liking it here so far? Is this anything like you're used to?"

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"I haven't spoken to Lydia yet, but that doesn't surprise me at all. Uh. It's exactly what I'm used to. I grew up in a town near identical to this one."

To the Narrator: "Give me the details on what Kira likes and all that relationship stuff. Though. Isn't she with Scott?"

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None of them remember the world you knew!

You can impress Kira with Charm and Intelligence! Kira would prefer you take the lead, but not in an aggressive way. She likes gentle and soft-spoken people who are more confident than her.

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"That's good. I hate moving. I'm glad you're handling it well."

Your relationship with Kira has gone up!

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All of you have finished changing and prepare to swim. The boys are at the pool, too.

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Juliet loves swimming, she walks towards the pool and addresses the Narrator: "She doesn't remember, but I do."

She says to Kira: "Yeah, it was really easy for me."

She looks around when they arrive at the Pool. Which boys?

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Jackson, Isaac, Scott, and Liam are already in the pool, waiting for you and the other girls.

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"Give me the run down on how to impress... everyone?"

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Jackson is impressed by shows of superiority: Strength or Intelligence impress him if you aren't modest about it. He likes dominant personalities that depend on him for something.

Allison likes people who are sweet but strong-willed, with a bit of a mischievous streak. You should increase Charm.

Isaac is difficult to impress unless you achieve an impressive feat using one of the three stats.

Gwen is impressed by Charm and Intelligence; if you can keep her engaged in conversation despite her own weakness in those two, you win.

Scott wants to see self-sufficiency and empathy; middling Charm and the right words will help you here.

Cora wants to see those who can keep up with her, and who don't need coddling. Increase Strength, keep Charm low.

Liam looks for someone who can offer a cooler head when he's in hot water. Increase Intelligence and keep Strength low.

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Well. Her strength has always been her main thing. And if she's going to find love it's probably best that she stay true to herself.

With aplomb Juliet dives into the pool and starts her normal routine of pushing herself. She does this everyday, so she's good at it.

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Coach approves!

He starts shouting something about tadpoles and submarines, but it's hard to hear when you're swimming through the water.

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Cora comes in first, Kira third, and Gwen fourth. Allison takes her loss good-naturedly.

Your Strength has increased!

Your relationship with Cora has increased!

Your relationship with Jackson has increased!

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"What are my relationship stats with everyone?" She does several more laps and then wants to watch the boys swim.

Moseys on over to Cora. "Congrats. I feel like we have a nice rivalry going on here."

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Matt: 4!

Cora: 4!

Jackson: 2!

Liam: -1!

All of your other relationships: 0!

Would you like to eliminate all failing relationships?

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"Yeah, I'm not going to fall in love with Liam, cross him off the board... Jackson keeps popping up. Why?"

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Jackson finds your displays of Strength which could easily overpower him attractive!

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"Oookay. I'm going to ignore that. Are we done here, or can I go talk to Lahey? We were sort of friends before... before he also mysteriously left town."

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You can return to the hallways and move on to your next location!

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Back in the hallway, you join the throng of people. Surrounded on all sides, you are an island in a vast sea of life.

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"So you're the Juliet I've been hearing so much about."

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Juliet rolls her eyes at the Narrator, but is relieved she's no longer wearing her swimwear.

"Oh? And what exactly have you heard about me?"

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You have a short amount of time to gather your 'books' from your 'lockers' before you have to be somewhere else!

"You know, the voice in my head. It's telling me a whole lot about your romantic journey."

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Juliet laughs. "Oh. You're aware. That's awesome. The voice in your head is not just in your head, and also appears to have taken over the whole school and decided to play some sort of romance game with me as the main character." She pauses. "What's it told you?"

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"It doesn't want to talk to me. I'm hearing what it's telling you. That's my guess, anyway. I'm hearing way too much about Jackson Whittemore's taste."

You waste your time chattering away with a woman who isn't interested in you. Soon enough, you can get back to romance.

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"...yeah, that's my guess."

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"Yeah, I also know way to much about Jackson for comfort. Have you tried getting out?"

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"Yeah. I bounced off the doors. Then I tried again shifted, and bounced off harder."

Soon, you realize that you should go somewhere else, besides the hallway. Perhaps the library? Maybe the art room?

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"Same. Though when I shifted I actually attacked Derek Hale."

To the Narrator: "If I go to the art room, can Erica come with me?"

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If you insist on it, yes.

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"Yup, insisting." She starts walking. "Have you tried talking to anyone else?"

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"Your potential dates don't talk to me. I can talk to Danny."

You make your way to art class, where you see familiar faces! Matt, Gabe, and Malia are there too! Say hi!

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"That's... really gross, Narrator- what the fuck."

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You stand in art class talking to Erica instead of progressing your romances.

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"I'm just looking forward for this to be over."

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She shuts her eyes and thinks of pain. And when she opens them they are her normal brown.

"Fine. Lets do this." She walks over to Matt. "Hey there Hamlet, wanna work together?"

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"Uh, hey. How's it going?"

He clutches the camera in his hands closer to his chest reflexively.

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Juliet pulls her camera out of her camera bag. "Don't worry, look but don't touch. I get it."

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Your relationship with Matt has increased to 5! Would you like to eliminate all relationships below 1?

"Sorry about this whole setup. Taking pictures for grades is a little...I don't know. The fact that they let me use my camera instead of playing with brushes is plenty, though."

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"This actually isn't new to me, at my... other school, we had the same set up. Plus side is that they helped me build my portfolio for college applications..."

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"Yeah? How long have you been doing this?"

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"Well when I was five I broke into my cousins bedroom and stole one of his antique cameras... my dad caught me playing with it and eventually got me my own. But I didn't really get into it seriously until I was around eight. I'm aiming for an Art Major at Duke. How about you?"

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Your relationship with Matt has increased!

"Not until I was around ten. I needed something that could let me...keep the world still."

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"I like that. For me... I have a really good memory. But. Sometimes I feel like it shifts and distorts. I can't trust it. So. I take pictures. And I know its the truth." She's never actually told anyone this before... she looks away from him, nervous and uncomfortable.

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He nods, solemn now.

"Our brains are liars. Some more than others."

Your Charm has increased to 20!

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Juliet is suddenly reminded how much she missed talking to Matt. They never spoke much but when they did.... and then he was dead.

She clears her throat and looks back at the Very Much Not Dead Boy. "What are you working on now? Anything you wanna share?"

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"Idle hands, you know. Right now I'm doing something with chains, wires, gates- lines and confinement."

He shows her a few samples.

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Juliet looks at them all carefully. They really remind her of... her dungeon to be honest. Creepy. And oddly calming.

"They're good. Really capture a sort of dark tone. I like it."

She pulls out her camera and shows him the screen.

"This set is kinda similar. Though more focused on..." pain, "control."

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Your relationship with Matt has increased!

"Thnaks for showing me these. You've really got a talent here."

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Unfortunately, you only have so long before it's time to go home!

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"....do I actually get to go home, or are we gonna jump straight till tomorrow?"

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The next week, you've become more comfortable at your new school, and you even have a group of friends. You all sit together for lunch!

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"Hey Juliet, you okay? We lost you for a minute."

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"She was just lost in thought. It's a useful skill."

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"Right! Sorry. I was totally in another room entirely." She looks at both of them and smiles. "Have you two been friends long?" 

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"It's more recent."

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"We have something in common."

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"I hope this something in common is worth it."

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"So far. How was your night?"

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"I'm really not sure. It feels as though I'm just teleported through space and time from when school finishes and to when it starts again. Sad. I miss my bed."

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"They're overrated. You just need better friends."

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"Anything new in the portfolio?"

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"Well, I have you two now, doesn't that count as better?"

She pulls out her portfolio and lays it on the table.

"I took this a couple of weeks ago. Not really sure about it..." She visibly hesitates for a moment before she shows it to them both. "I think it might be too violent for my college application portfolio."

The picture is... yes, very violent. It's pretty much the aftermath of one of her full moon and many other full moons before it. They're shots of the view from inside her cell.

...she addresses the Narrator. "Uh. This isn't very romantic, is it?"

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That depends on you and them!

"Colleges won't like it."

Your relationship with Cora has increased!

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"How did you get these shots..."

Your relationship with Matt has increased!

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"Oh, you know, just an every day run of the mill werewolf holding cell. No big."

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"You're really something."

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"I hope it's something good."

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But before Matt can answer, you must move on. You return to the hallways before your next class.

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"No luck on our end. How's Operation Instant Romance going?"

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Juliet blinks and clears her throat. "It's going." She looks around the hallway. "No progress for you at all?"

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"We've tried going through the doors, breaking windows, asking nicely...I tried a spell, but I had to substitute some ingredients so I'm not sure that counts."

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"A spell? Really. I've never seen one before. Are you magic, Mason?"

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"I'm learning from a local druid. I guess spell isn't the right word, but it's pretty cool."

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"That is cool. And nothing worked?" She sighs. "Well. I guess I've got to buckle down on this whole love thing."

She shifts around on her feet uncomfortably. "I'm not really sure how to continue. I feel really dishonest and kinda gross about it?"

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"Well, think of it as a trial run. I've been thinking about it, and I don't think the Nemeton could pull off something on this scale. It might be a personal hallucination which it's really doing a lot of detail work for. That doesn't explain me and the others perfectly, but if it's a shared hallucination, that could work...we're still tossing around some theories."

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"The Wild Hunt can erase people. There could be some byproducts of that. We also were thinking maybe the Dread Doctors left behind some of their technology, that could make everyone forget you."

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"So if it is a hallucination.. then everyone that was dead... is still dead."

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"If it is. We're not sure. We can't be sure."

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You can do one more thing before you have to leave! Choose carefully and have fun!

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"Come with me to History?"

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They eagerly follow you to your final class of the day!

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Mr. Hale greets you neutrally with a small wave as you come in. An avid student of history and mythology, Derek Hale is Beacon Hill High School's third history teacher in as many years.

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Kira Yukimura is prepared to learn, with highlighters and pens strewn across her desk, though not in any particular order. She tries to pull herself together.

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Josh Diaz smiles at you as you walk in. Known for his dashing good looks, he has a trick or two up his sleeves.

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"Stiles" Stilinski makes no attempt to hide his skepticism about their teacher's competence, and he barely gives you a second glance.

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Vernon Boyd is watchful and silent. What secrets lie beneath that still exterior?

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Isaac Lahey does not want to be here.

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Juliet raises her hand in a pathetic attempt at a welcome to Derek, still feeling massively awkward. She shuffles away from the door a bit.

Kira: she likes Kira. But really doesn't think that talking to her would be conducive to ending the whole thing.

Uh. Josh? She knows his face and is pretty sure that they've had classes together. But like. Pass.

Stiles? ....no.

Boyd though! Boyd she likes. They were kinda friends. They ate lunch together a lot when he was.. not a werewolf. And you know. Alive. She stares at him for a moment, really committing his face to memory.

And Isaac. Well. Juliet knows that feeling well. So she quickly whispers to Corey and Mason. "Distract Hale for me?"

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"On it," your invisible ally says.

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She walks on over to the spot besides Isaac, sits and then whispers to him.

"Hey. Do you wanna bust out of here?"

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Your relationship with Isaac has increased!

Your relationship with Isaac has decreased!

Your relationship with Isaac has increased!

"Let's do it."

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Juliet smiles at him mischievously and then shifts in her seat, looking ahead. Is Derek distracted?

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Derek is happily discussing some subject in history with Mason. He hasn't bothered to start class yet, so he won't notice you making your romantic getaway!

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Well then! She looks on over at Isaac raises her eyesbrows, caaasually stands up out of her chair and starts walking towards the door.

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You and Isaac successfully escape the classroom!

Where would you like to go next? The club, the skating rink, or the preserve?

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"That's up to Isaac." She looks at him. "What do you think? Seedy club, corny ice rink or the local werewolf playground, aka the preserve?"

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"What kind of guy do you take me for?"

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"I don't know, you tell me. I was mostly thinking that we both Did Not Want To Be In There. And those were my list of locations. We can part ways if you want?"

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"Definitely the seedy club."

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"Awesome. Maybe if I flash my eyes at them they'll serve us beer. They've gotta earn that seedy cred somehow."

To the Narrator: "Can we take my car, or are you gonna do the whole teleporting thing?"

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You get into your car with Isaac, and you're off towards the bar!

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"Nice car. Does it take a lot of upkeep?"

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"Yup, a bunch. My dad and I restored it from a bunch of scrap years ago. Though now he makes me service it regularly by myself as a sort of condition of ownership. It's... calming though. I usually do it once a month, near the full moon. Helps with the control. Not much, but a little."

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"You ever do anything he wouldn't approve of in here?"

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Juliet blushes. "Uh. Sometimes I go really really fast? By myself. I've never really, uh- I legit have no friends. So."

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"Join the club. We have room for two."

Your relationship with Isaac has increased!

You arrive at the club, and soon enough, you're inside!

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"...Hi. What can I get you two today?"

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"Hey. Two beers?" She turns to Isaac. "Unless you want something else? The Salvatores are super into bourbon." She looks over at the selection on the shelf. "Probably wouldn't trust any of the bourbon they serve here though." Beat. "No offence, Hayden."

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She takes no offense to your comment. Ignore her and get back to Isaac!

"Yeah. Have fun."

She wanders off.

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Did she leave the drinks? Because otherwise Juliet will go behind the bar and serve herself.

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She left no drinks!

She seems to be having a whispered conversation with Mason!

The drinks are certainly available somewhere.

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"Great service. So once we get enough alcohol in you, are we dancing?"

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Juliet laughs. "If you're think you're prepared for that." She jumps over the bar and goes straight to the top shelf, grabbing two bottles. "So I have no idea what these are, but." She opens one and takes a swig, then makes a face and appropriate disgusted sounds. She hands the other bottle to Isaac.

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Your relationship with Isaac has increased!

"I'm not sure about that. I have a weak stomach."

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"Have you drank since your transformation? It does weird things to your tolerance for alcohol. Weird good things, to be honest. You don't have to if you don't wanna, though." She places the bottle down on the bar. "Beer? Or soft drink?"

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"Beer, why not."

He takes a sip.

"Not my favorite taste in the world."

He takes a large gulp.

"Much better, barely tasted a thing."

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Juliet laughs then and takes a chug of the Unknown and Questionable Top Shelf Liquor. She coughs a bit, and then walks back around from the bar towards the stereo. Are they the only people in the bar right now, apart from Hayden and Mason, who she has not failed to notice.

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There isn't anyone else that you recognize-


Nope, no one.

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"Is it insult to ask how experienced you are at this?"

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"I've never been to a dance club before! I was home schooled before starting high school and... very sheltered. Meaning, I had shit enough control that my dad kept me pretty much on house arrest till I was thirteen, which meant no friends, which meant no bars. But. The drinking?" She laughs. "I have an older cousin who is the Worst Influence."

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"I'm glad to be taking your dance virginity, then."

Your relationship with Isaac has increased!

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A slow song comes on, and you realize you have a wonderful opportunity.

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Yeah no. She laughs and moves over to the stereo. "Maybe something more.. upbeat?"

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"Up to you, I'm an amateur."

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"You say that now..." she changes it to a loud and tech-y sort of beat. And points at him in mock warning. "If you laugh..."

And she starts dancing. She's sort of ridiculous, but her natural grace shines through. She really needs to let off steam.

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Isaac 'dances' too!

He mostly moves his arms from side to side.

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Juliet smiles at him and moves closer, inviting him to touch, but not actually initiating it herself. She will encourage him to move more though.

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He's moving, he's moving!

He dances around you, moving closer.

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She lets him! Look how much fun she's having.

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Your relationship with Isaac has decreased!

"I'm feeling thirsty over here, how about you?"

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Juliet nods and stops dancing. "Yeah. You okay? We can go if you want."

She hesitates, and wants to ask the Narrator about it... but.

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"I think I've danced enough for one night. We should do the shimmy and shake again sometime."

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Juliet takes him on his word and laughs at his phrasing. "I had fun. Thank you for coming with me. I know we just met," from his perspective anyway, "but.. you've made me feel really welcome." She stands up on her toes and gives him a small kiss on his cheek. "Next time then?" And she steps away from him.

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He watches you go.

You should head off to bed, since you have school in the morning!

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After a good night's sleep, you're back in the hallways of your new school; it already feels like home.

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Juliet sighs and gives up a little. "Please give me all my stats. And detailed stuff about Cora, Matt and Isaac's relationship do and don'ts."

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Your Charm is 20!

Your Strength is 10!

Your Intelligence is 10!

Your relationship with Cora is 5! Your relationship with Isaac is 3! Your relationship with Matt is 8!

Cora wants to see those who can keep up with her, and who don't need coddling. Increase Strength and Intelligence, keep Charm low.

Isaac wants to see impulsiveness, daring, and recklessness. Increase Strength and Charm, keep Intelligence low.

Matt wants to see interesting conversation, literary references, assertiveness and a certain amount of coyness. Increase Intelligence and Charm, keep Strength low.

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"Well, alright. Matt it is then." She pauses. "When I.. win and the game is over, will Matt just go back to being dead? And everyone else that was dead too?"

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I can promise you nothing. I am only the remains of a mighty grove of trees, reduced to a single, dead stump.

Those who leave bodies behind can be revived, with the right means.

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"...can you be revived?"

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That would take blood. You are unwilling to pay the cost to heal me.

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"How do you know that? How much blood?"

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It took twelve human sacrifices to give me enough power to once again call my creatures to me, and to grant the dark oak her power.

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"...that's a lot of people." She is so tempted. They could be strangers or convicted criminals... she could do it.

She looks down at her hands and thinks. Matt, Erica, Boyd, Allison, Sean, Brett and that Gabe dude. Are their lives worth more than the lives of twelve human strangers? Could she do that?

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My current power may be enough. The other ingredient in the resurrections was a Hellhound, and a strange chemical substance produced by the Dread Doctors. I do not know more than you about where those might be found.

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"Do you know who would?"

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No one in this simulation will know for certain, but one of those who isn't interested in you, Mason, may know most.

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"And you'll let me talk to him about it?"

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You can speak to whomever you wish to speak to.

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Hmmm. "Let me speak to Matt first."

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Matt is available at her lunch table, where it's just him, and her.

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Mason appears to be sitting at a table with some of his friends.

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Uh. "...That was quick. Um." She looks at Matt seriously. "Hey. So. This is going to maybe sound insane. Though insane in Beacon Hills is.. really relative. But. Uh."

She struggles to find the words.

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"What's up? Is everything okay?"

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"It's not okay. No. But there's a chance for me to...fix it." She stops and then continues. "If someone you cared about died and you had the chance to bring them, and a bunch of other people, back to life... would you? I mean. I'd have to maybe, possibly- probably- kill twelve other people, strangers, to do it." She looks at him. "If it were you that were dead. Would you want me to do that?"

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"...twelve people, for me."

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Your relationship with Matt has increased!

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"Okay." She takes in a deep breath and looks over at Mason, still speaking to Matt. "So. Apparently Mason might have the information I need. But also. Would he give it to me?"

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Mason will tell you what you need if you do not mention the sacrifices. When the bodies were revived, there were no sacrifices. They happened prior, to strengthen me. He may not know.

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"I'm not sure I know him well enough to tell. When do I die- did I die? No, that's not important. Um, try phrasing it as a question about how Nemetons work?"

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"...yeah. I can make that work." She turns back to Matt. "Do you know where we could get twelve humans? Preferably ones that we don't...know- or are just bad people?"

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"I can come up with a list."

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"Thank you." She stands up. "Well. I'm off to potentially kill twelve people because the boy I like is dead and I wanna bring him back to life." Beat. "Wish me luck?"

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"Good luck, Juliet."

Your relationship with Matt has increased to 10! You win!

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As you realize you have found your one true love, you reflect on your experiences at Beacon Hills High School. Life fulfilled.

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???? "What. No! What is happening? It can't be over. I'm not finished."

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You wish Beacon Hills goodbye, for now.