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troll ashton kutcher
Permalink Mark Unread
Zanthe likes to consider herself a reasonable person. When she kills people, it's for a reason; Alaine's mom needs fed, she needs some cash, she's bored that day. If someone offers criticism, she gives it all due consideration before stabbing them. She's perfectly happy to cooperate with others, even, as long as they follow all of her commands to the letter and don't question her or have an annoying face or something.

(To be fair, by Alternian standards this puts her somewhere just below Troll Mahatma Gandhi.)

At the moment, however, she is feeling decidedly unreasonable. Leo blew off her perfectly good advice to leave the goddamn sliding puzzle alone and kill himself into immortality, and what's worse, Alaine backed him up. She's used to him agreeing with her ruthless play style, but for some reason he felt like the pointless sidequests would be useful, and "it's not like we're in some kind of hurry, right?"

So, like the reasonable person she is, she stormed out of the computer room and went off to explore the meteor and steal people's stuff from the chests. So far she's found Sky's lacy underthings, a handful of boonbucks, Ari's lacy underthings (which she files away for later perusal), and more weapons than anyone could reasonably need, all of which have gone straight into her inventory.

She opens another door. It leads-

to a refreshmentblock?

She draws a heavily alchemized dagger and advances slowly toward the beveragetable. "If Troll Ashton Kutcher shows up, I'm stabbing him in the face," she warns the empty room.
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The empty room has nothing to say about this.

The door opens again, letting in a sickly green light and a tall human dressed exclusively in shades of pale grey. He freezes in startlement; the door swings shut behind him.
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Zan jumps back in alarm.

"Whoa! You are definitely not one of the six humans who didn't die in a fiery meteor apocalypse! ...I mean, I only know one of them, but none of them are out of their pupal phase, so. The fuck?"
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"...I think if there had been a fiery meteor apocalypse, I would have noticed," says the inexplicable human in a quiet, thoughtful tone. "Arguably there's been an apocalypse, but it wasn't especially fiery or meteoric. And it didn't kill all but six humans. I wonder what's going on."

On closer inspection, his outfit is... a little weird, in a possibly familiar way. Hems and other edges tend to fade away into smoky wisps rather than end cleanly, and on the front of his pale grey tunic is a symbol: three wavy horizontal lines in a slightly darker grey, with something behind them that might be a white vertical bar or just a trick of the light.
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Her shirt is kind of similar! Kind of. It has heraldry, at least; a black skull or mask, of some kind, on a background of incredibly bright red. Her pants are the same shade, but with black accents.

An alternative to the "heraldry" idea is that she shops at Hot Topic a lot. Or whatever Hot Topic equivalent they have on whatever planet produces women with chitinous grey skin and candy-corn colored horns and dragonfly wings.

"Is this some kind of time travel bullshit? I hate time travel." She takes a closer look at his outfit. "That's... Is that supposed to be a God Tier outfit?"
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"...I'm not sure what you mean," he says. "As far as I know, there isn't any strange time magic going on at the moment. Plenty of other strange magic, though."

When he moves - which he isn't doing much of, except to speak - the quasi-visible white bar on his shirt wavers between barely there and totally absent, and the rest of his outfit swirls subtly from one nearly identical shade of light grey to the next. Almost like shimmering velvet, except not very much like that at all.
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"That's... no kind of God Tier outfit I've ever seen, for sure. Tentative 'no, just weird'. And tentative 'you're from some really weird universe'."

Tentative assumptions established, she strides over to the bar and pounds on its surface. (A napkin appears beneath her fist; she ignores it.) "Hey! Drinkmonkey!" (Another napkin appears, pinned to one of her horns; she ignores it.) "Quit fondling yourself and serve your cust-"

A napkin adheres itself to her face. After some undignified flailing, she peels it off and reads it.

"Oh. The bar's a person and she'll give us a free drink apiece. Considerate of her."

She sits on one of the stools, soliciting and receiving a carafe of some kind of cheap soda.
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"Well," he says reasonably, "what is a God Tier outfit?"

He follows her to the bar, hanging back just barely within conversational distance; his footsteps make absolutely no sound.
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"If you're playing the Game - sorry, let me start over. There's a video game. Playing it ends the world, but you're destined to play it, so the world is ending anyway, so playing the game is more just sort of coexistent with the end of the world, but it also ends the world itself in a lot of ways? So, if you play it you go into this fucked-up alternate dimension, and in that dimension there are these special rocks? Like, this big slab of rock. And if you die on the rock you become immortal, sort of. And get super awesome powers based on your destined Role. And wings. And bitchin' pajamas."

She imbibes some of her vile beverage. "Pretty basic shit, really."
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"That doesn't sound very much like how I got this," he says. "So maybe the resemblance is just a coincidence."

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"How'd you get it, then?"

After a moment's thought, a pair of glasses appears on her face, and she blinks decisively at his clothes. A card appears in midair; she stabs it, and it vanishes into her inventory. She crushes the glasses in her fist, and they, too, disappear. "I'm alchemizing myself some of that bullshit magic fabric in red," she "explains".

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"...You're doing what to it?"

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"Alchemizing. It's... I'm going to make myself clothes out of that stuff. With weird magic."

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"I wonder if that will work," he says. "To answer your earlier question, I got it by physically entering the Fade, which is supposed to be impossible. And there do seem to be interesting powers and a destined role attached."

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"If it doesn't work I'll bully Ari's human kid into doing it for me," she shrugs. "And that sounds about right, actually. Guess you're playing the Game. Let me know if you've figured out the Ultimate Riddle, I've got a bet going with Alaine that it's actually just a knock-knock joke."

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"I haven't encountered an Ultimate Riddle so far," he says. "Maybe that comes later."

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"Eh. It's bullshit anyway. You're well rid of it."

She finishes her soda. "That's strong, man. Could I get a chaser?" A bottle of eye-wateringly powerful alcohol appears, and she swigs some. "Ta."

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He spares a curious glance at the drinks, but doesn't ask for any.

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"You want some Faygo? Or rum? Or rum and Faygo? Or to get your own drink?"

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"No, thank you."

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She shrugs. "Suit yourself."

After a moment, she asks "What's your world like? I'm nosy and our humans are all boring. D'you have trolls?"

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"I don't think so," he says. "We have humans, dwarves, elves, qunari, spirits, demons, and darkspawn. And maybe other things that I don't know about or am forgetting."

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Zan sniffs disapprovingly. "That right there is entirely too many species. Two should be enough for any reasonable world to be getting on with."

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"I've never minded."

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"I'm sure you haven't."

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He doesn't appear to have anything to say to that.

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Zan sighs. "Well, not that this hasn't been a lovely collection of awkward silences, but I'll be going now."

She spends a while shopping at the bar and smashing her purchases into thin air, then gets a flask of Faygo and strolls out the door.
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What an odd person.

Sefton waits until she has gone and then peeks out the door. Katrin and Stalas seem to be... just in the process of coming over to investigate.

"I would've expected you to follow faster than that," he observes.
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"I didn't realize you were so impatient," Stalas says dryly.

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Sefton frowns slightly in confusion.

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"Well, what did you find?" asks Katrin, stepping through the door.

She stops and looks around, clasping gauntleted hands in front of her.

"I don't believe this place is in the Fade," she says slowly.
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Stalas follows her in.

"Funny, that didn't look like a rift. What new and exciting way to break reality have we discovered this time?"
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A grey-skinned young man in a bright purple codpiece walks in. He has two splintered horns on his head, and from his back sprout enormous jade-green butterfly wings. He looks around in delighted confusion.

"Cool, some kind of weird space bullshit! And it's full of humans! Hey, humans!"
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"Excuse me?" says Stalas, turning to face the newcomer. His wings, previously folded, lift slightly away from his back - gorgeous stained-glass feathers in white and gold and every shade in between, framed in shining silver. The white-and-gold theme continues in the rest of his outfit: lightly armoured, with boots and vambraces plated in silver scales with a pattern reminiscent of feathers, and the wings of Hope displayed prominently on the front of his pale gold surcoat; but there are also unthematic pale blue accents to be had, in the lining of the surcoat and the edges of its silver trim.

Also, he is glowing faintly blue-white.
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"Whoa. Shiny human. Nice wings."

He flutters his own wings semi-consciously as he trots over to the bar. "So, like, anybody know what's up with this place?"

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"He isn't a human," Katrin interjects before Stalas can get any angrier. "He's a dwarf. And we were just wondering that very thing ourselves. Sefton? You got here first...?"

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"I'm not sure," he says. "But in the time between coming in the door and opening it again, I met another person and had an entire conversation with her, and it seemed like you didn't think there had been enough time for that to happen in. I'm not sure whether that's a Fade thing or a this place thing, though."

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"Whoops, sorry. You looked like you were on their pink-brown chromospectrum and you don't have horns, that's the only tells I know. Humans are neat, though, no need to get upset."

He examines one of Zan's discarded napkins. "Huh, sentient bar. Could I get a slime cocktail?" He receives a faintly glowing viscous green beverage and a crazy straw.
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"I wonder what you'd make of a qunari," snorts Stalas.

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"Sefton and I are both human," Katrin adds, since this seems to need clarification.

Her outfit is less... radiant than Stalas's, but also bears a symbol on the front, although this one is less recognizable and partially obscured by a long open coat. She and Sefton have no wings. Maybe they're a dwarf thing.
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After entirely too long, Ari notices the particulars of Stalas' outfit. "Hey, that's Hope! Are you playing the Game too?"

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"What Game?" says Stalas.

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"I think we might be," says Sefton.

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"Cool! Good luck making a universe; we kind of fucked up ours, but I think we were destined to anyway, so it's whatever. Unless it's a different quest every time? That'd be pretty weird." He considers this question, turning philosophically to his crazy straw.

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"...Making a universe?"

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"Well, that's what everybody said. I wasn't really sure how we were supposed to do it either, tell the truth. Apparently frogs were involved? Anyway, Alaine's in charge of making the universe, I just kill stuff."

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"I see."

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"What sort of stuff, specifically?"

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"Imps, ogres, basilisks, assorted other jerks? The Black King that one time? Ionno."

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"So, if this isn't the Fade, I have to wonder: where is it instead? Katrin, care to weigh in?"

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Katrin shakes her head slowly. "I am not at all sure."

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A napkin presents itself to Ari.

"Bar says she's a pocket dimension that 'isn't particularly anywhere,'" he reports. "Thanks, Bar." He pats the bar's polished surface.
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"Is there a way from here back to - hm. No, on second thought, I would rather confront the nightmare demon," says Katrin. "No shortcuts."

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"Want a hand with that? I punch good."

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Sefton looks at the other two.

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Stalas and Katrin exchange a thoughtful look; Stalas speaks first.

"We appreciate the offer, but the place we came here from has numerous other hazards and we're not sure exactly what all of them are. Very few people have ever traveled there physically, and legend has it the last batch turned into horrible world-destroying monsters who have been plaguing us ever since."
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Ari begins to argue the point, but pauses.

"...Given my fated role... that is probably a valid concern. To have."

He glowers at his slimetail and takes a resentful sip.
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"Why, what's your fated role?"

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"Well, I'm Bard of Rage, right? So according to my brother - he understands shit, that's his deal - I've got one of three paths I can go down. Invite destruction through hatred, allow hatred to be destroyed, or allow myself to be destroyed by hatred. For obvious reasons, I try to stick to the second of those, except when something really needs destroyed. But, uh, 'turned into a horrible monster that wants to kill everything' kind of sounds like being destroyed by hatred to me. Or close enough that you're better safe than sorry."

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"Our explanations haven't been nearly that precise," says Stalas. "For the most part, our explanations haven't been."

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Ari shakes his head sympathetically. "Sucks. If I could call Elisha in here I would, he'd be glad to help out, but he's on the other side of the meteor trying to keep an angry human teenager from burning her planet to the ground."

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"That doesn't sound good..."

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"I mean, she'd only be killing a bunch of tiny pastel dragons, but it's the principle of the thing. We've got to guide them through their quests, and her smashing every puzzle she comes across into bitty pieces is not the most helpful thing she could be doing."

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"Tiny... pastel... dragons."

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"Yeah, her consorts are dragons. It's adorable. She's pissed off about the pastel, though. Says that something in charge is making fun of her?" He shakes his head. "She's kind of touchy."

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"If I had to deal with tiny pastel dragons in order to save the world, the thought that I was being mocked by fate would certainly occur to me," says Stalas.

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"See, I don't get that! I'd just think, 'hey, these are adorable and I love them,' and get on with my quest. And probably keep like half a dozen of them in my sylladex so I could hug them at random times."

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Stalas glances at Sefton, who seems to keep knowing things.

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Sefton gives a nope-no-idea sort of shrug.

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"In your what?"

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"Sylladex?" Out of thin air pops a small piano, which then turns into a brightly colored card. Ari tucks the card back into thin air. "Sylladex."
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"...Yeah, our world doesn't have those."

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"How do you carry shit?!"
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"In... bags...?"

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"But- what if you need to carry a piano, or a dragon, or ten tons of highly flammable shaving cream?"

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Ari shudders. "That sounds awful. Do you want some wallets to take back to your inconvenient universe? I've got like five of them in my wallet."

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"And by a wallet, you mean...?"

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"Wallet modus. It's a kind of sylladex, except you carry it around instead of just... having it. It can carry anything up to and including a small planet." He takes out his own wallet to show off. (It has a little dinosaur on it.)

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"How do they... work?"

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"...you captchalogue something, and it goes into your wallet. It's- here, see for yourself." He tosses Stalas a wallet. "Try to take a barstool."

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"Try to... again, how?"

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Ari wracks his brain. "Try... seeing it as a card? Instead of an object? Everything can be either an object or a card, that's basic object duality. Feel the card in the chair."

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Stalas gives this a fair try.

It is not immediately successful.

He gives up and tosses the wallet to Sefton.
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Sefton catches the wallet, dutifully tries to take the chair, fails, and hands the wallet to Katrin.

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Katrin makes an attempt.

She frowns slightly, then shakes her head.
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As a test, Ari successfully captchalogues the stool, then puts it back in place.

He looks rather crestfallen. "Sorry, then. You can keep the wallet in case you figure out how to make it go later."
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"Thank you," says Katrin.

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"Let me know if there's anything else helpful I can give you, too. I've got a ton of weapons tucked away. And if you're all playing the Game you can use all the help you can get."

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"What kind of weapons?"

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"Uh. Take your pick, really. Swords, hammers, axes, double tridents, a couple of Fancy Santas? Other junk probably? What do you use?"

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"I'm a mage," she says, with a gesture to the staff she is wearing on her back. "Stalas and Sefton both prefer daggers, I think."

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"Well, I might not say no to a sword, depending on the sword. But I'm still somewhat unclear on what this Game is and whether or not we are in fact playing it. On the other hand, we might need all the help we can get regardless."

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"That's the spirit!"

Ari goes over to a table, which is suddenly covered with swords. Most of the swords look patently ridiculous. Another table gets a pile of equally ridiculous knives. As an afterthought, yet a third table is covered with ridiculous wands.

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"...Why are they all so..." Stalas gestures vaguely at the ridiculousness.

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"I made them by taking random shit and throwing it into an alchemizer? They're still deadly weapons, though!" He picks up a sword emblazoned with the face of some mildly distressing middle-aged action hero and swings it through the air.

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"What's an alchemizer?"

Stalas starts looking through the swords table for the least ridiculous available items.
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Sefton looks through the knives.

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Katrin approaches the wands with a dubious fascination.

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"Alchemizer's this machine that takes things and combines them into other things if you feed it grist - grist comes out of dead monsters, it's a thing. Anyway, it's handy for making random cool shit, but it's really good at weapons. Like, you can toss a weapon in there with pretty much any other object and it'll come out ready to massacre things. It's kind of a hobby of mine. As you might be able to tell."

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"Yes. I'm beginning to wonder if your world even has mages of a kind I would recognize..."

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"Well, we've got a mage. She's the planet-burny one. But that's just her Fated Role. Is it like... a species for you guys?"

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"Not exactly. Some people are mages, and some aren't. The only relationship with species is that dwarves don't produce mages at all. But we three are the only people with fated roles I know of and there are many more mages than that. And mine is not Mage."

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"Huh. Neat!"

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She inspects some more wands, looking for one she would be willing to pick up even if the fate of the world were not at stake.

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There are fewer wands than blades, and they are, fortunately, the least ridiculous of the bunch. Apart from the FROGINATRIX 3000, which may be politely ignored.

Searching eventually turns up a silvery wand with a shining blue stone in its handle. The tip glows faintly cyan.
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Acceptable. She picks that one up and looks over to see how Stalas and Sefton are doing.

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Methodically sorting through sharp objects! Why do so many of them have faces. They are watching him. It is no good.

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Stalas is being slightly less methodical about his search, but is equally disconcerted by the faces. The face-emblazoned swords are getting piled on a separate table so he doesn't have to look at them.

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Not all of the silly blades have faces! Many are just covered in fur, or made out of razor-sharp teddy bears, or similar. (One notable broadsword is constructed entirely out of pornographic magazines.)

There's still some viable weapons in the stacks, though. Many basically just look like swords (or daggers, as the case may be). One pair of daggers emit a faint haze of caustic red smoke; another dagger glows with what would appear to be the shining light of Hope.

There's no Hope sword, but there is one which, when Stalas touches it, begins to burn a startlingly familiar shade of blue.
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"...Is there lyrium in this one?" wonders Stalas, picking it up for a closer look.

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Ari comes over to look. "Nope. That's the Bloodsword. What's lyrium?"

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"...Well, among other things lyrium is technically in my blood... under ordinary circumstances, it's a magical substance which most people are well advised to keep out of their circulatory systems."

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"Ooh! What kind of magic? How well advised? Can I have some?"

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"Um, most kinds of magic, really, in our world's terms... I'm an outrageous fluke, most people with this much lyrium in them are either dead or well on their way. There are mostly-safe ways for mages like Katrin to power spells with it, and mostly-safe ways for dwarves or magically deadened non-dwarves to enchant weapons with it, and supposedly-safe ways for humans to use it to get special powers, but apparently the special powers come with an addiction that eventually destroys your mind, and all they seem to be good for is disrupting other magic of the same kind."

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"Cool! Can I have some? I wanna alchemize a lyriumsword so I can stab people with deadly magic poison!"

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"...That's really the least of what a sword made with lyrium could do, and I'm not sure I want to give up my only source of it for this purpose."

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"You might not have to give it up," says Sefton from where he is still sorting daggers. (He took the ones with the red stuff for himself and the Hope one for Stalas, but he's not about to just assume that's the best he can do.)

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"Take as many knives as you like," Ari clarifies. "I'm not what you'd call short on stabbing implements."

He turns back to Stalas. "And, yeah, what he said. I have a thingy that can get a card from something without actually taking the item. Can't use it for anything but alchemy, but you can use it for alchemy, so."
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"Well, all right then," says Stalas. He produces a small pouch from somewhere - there is a lot of room in his outfit to hide things, if you're the sort of person who does that - and opens it, extracting a faintly glowing blue rock and a puff of faintly glowing blue mist.

"I don't recommend breathing the fumes but they shouldn't actually kill you," he adds.
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Out of thin air pops a camera; the camera flashes at the lyrium, producing a card, and both vanish.

"Sorry if this is rude or something, but: I'm making this thing now." A large patch of floor space is abruptly occupied by a heinously complex-looking machine.

Ari runs over to it and begins fucking around with his cards, and eventually produces a bright blue crystalline scimitar. He brandishes it in delight. "Fuck yes!"
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"Well, that's... fascinating," says Stalas, putting away his lyrium. "Is that pure lyrium...? Can I borrow it for a moment?"

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"Sure!" He hands it over. "Also, d'you want some more lyrium, I can duplicate some for you if you like. It's apparently kind of expensive, but 'expensive' is a word that applies to people who don't have six planets' worth of build grist at their disposal."

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"Not quite pure," Stalas concludes. "But close. Closer than any smith I've heard of could get and still have the result be something you could feasibly wield in combat. Definitely don't do the thing I'm about to do."

He cuts a fingertip on the edge of the sword and hisses under his breath. His blood is red, but sparkles with glimmers of lyrium blue. "Yeah. That's close to pure, all right." He conscientiously wipes the blood off the sword before he hands it back. "More lyrium would be... an interesting prospect. More lyrium weapons might be more interesting still."
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Ari fiddles with the controls a while longer. "Hm... how about..."

A pair of daggers appear! They're like lyrium, but red. Some kind of... red... lyrium? "Hell yeah! Zan's gonna love these."

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All three of them react with immediate alarm, but Stalas is the first to act. "Don't touch those," he says sharply, moving to put himself between Ari and the daggers.

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"Aw." Ari obediently folds his hands behind his back.

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"It's roughly the same kind of potential hazard as entering the Fade, but much more so and much more widely verified," Stalas explains. "If this is in fact red lyrium and not merely lyrium that happens to be red. You might be safest just leaving the room while we figure out how to dispose of it... the trouble is, there really isn't a way to dispose of it as such, the best we can do so far is break it into very small pieces and seal it in a warded container and lock it up. And we don't currently have access to any of the appropriate equipment." He contemplates the ominously glowing daggers unhappily.

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"...Can you draw the equipment? I've got a Modus that can work with that."

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"I'm increasingly convinced that it is red lyrium. If only I had thought to warn you not to make it red. I'm still not used to the principles this thing," he waves vaguely at the alchemiter, "seems to work by."

The gesture causes a drop of blood to fly from his hand. It lands on one of the red daggers. There is a crackling hissing noise, and the spot where the blood touched the crystal turns from red to a bright silvery white. Stalas yelps with surprise. "What the fuck just happened!"
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"I'm not totally sure I trust this result!" says Stalas.

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"Try bleeding on it some more," suggests Sefton.

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"Not necessarily a bad idea," says Katrin. "It's hard to imagine how turning white could make it significantly worse, and 'Dawn of Hope' does... thematically suggest a tendency to improve things."

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"Well, if you insist."

He flicks a few more drops of blood at the daggers. As more and more white spots appear, their glow brightens and the angry red aura of the red lyrium correspondingly dims. The white begins to spread out from the points of contact. Stalas stands back slightly and waits.

Then there are two daggers made of silver lyrium.

"Admittedly they feel much less evil now. Katrin, Sefton?"
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"A noticeable lack of... evil, as you put it."

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Sefton nods tentatively.

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"D'you want to try poking yourself with them again? Unless there's a less stabby litmus. Preferably one you can draw."

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"Unfortunately, this stuff isn't nearly that well understood. I'm going to pick it up and hope I don't die," says Stalas.

He picks up a dagger. It glows softly, the same blue-white as the rest of him.

"...Okay, I'm not hearing crazy singing or feeling any urges to keep it under my pillow at night. That's a good start, right? So apparently I can turn red lyrium into... white? Silver?" He studies the dagger. "I'm calling it silver. Silver lyrium. I think this is genuinely the strangest thing that has happened to me today."
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"Nice! Can you, like... channel Hope through it, or something?"

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"Good question. I'm more wondering if I can get out of having to bleed on all the red lyrium in existence. I mean, I'd do it, I've done worse for less reward, but I am really hoping I won't need to."

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"I can have Arcanist Dagna look into it," says Katrin.

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"I mean. I could, instead, alchemize a few gallons of your blood. Or, like, a lot of gallons."

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"Would alchemized blood even work? ...Do we dare test it?"

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"Personally, I dare test just about anything. And I've already got the codes for the knives set up, so we can try it out and if it fails you can just do some more bleeding."

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Stalas glances over at Sefton and Katrin.

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Sefton shrugs slightly.

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"Go ahead," says Katrin.

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Ari takes a swab of Stalas' blood off the floor, then begins pressing a number of buttons on the alchemiter.

A red lyrium dagger appears on the platform, followed shortly by about a pint of sparkling blood, which splatters pretty much everywhere, since Ari forgot to alchemize a container for it.

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The new dagger silverizes immediately on contact with the blood.

Stalas giggles.

"Oh dear. We should find some way to clean that up."
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Ari allots SOULSWABBER, REMEDY OF FILTH to his MOPKIND abstratus and mops a Sign into the floor. Geometry twists, and the room sparkles as though it had never been befouled.

(Several million miles/years/?? away, a Horrorterror licks its lips.)
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"...Well, that was... effective," says Stalas.

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"Anyway. Now you know what to do if you see red lyrium: throw my blood at it until it turns silver," says Stalas. "And if you can get some in... containers of some kind, then we can take it home and have extra."

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"Yeah, it's a quick fix-" Ari punches in some different numbers, producing a large but still portable water tank filled with sparkling blood. "There."

He pauses. "Actually, how would you like to have a- vehicle that goes very fast and can carry things in itself? Because, useful, and also it'd let you carry quite a bit more magic blood."
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"...Potentially we would like that a lot, but how exactly does the vehicle... go? Because if it can't fly or something—I'm imagining trying to take even an extremely well-designed wagon through the Fade and out the rift and through the fortress, and the imaginary wagon isn't holding up terribly well."

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"It can totally fly!"

He punches in a code, and a holographic image appears of a ROCKET CAR. It is covered with flame decals, and it looks tacky as all fuck.

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"That's... certainly something. Does it come in... stealthier versions? Many of the places we're going to need to deliver a lot of my blood to are hostile territory."

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"It actually doesn't. We've tried."

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"Well, good enough, then. Maybe we can paint it or something."

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"That. Is an interesting idea."

Ari alchemizes the car, then captchalogues it. "I can appearify it outside the door when you're ready to go so you don't have to, like, drive it through the doorframe."
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"Thank you, that will be convenient. All right... I have these fancy silver lyrium daggers and this interesting sword; Sefton's found a few things; Katrin, are you satisfied with that wand?"

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"Well, now I'm wondering what would happen if you combined my staff with silver lyrium," she says. "In the spirit of experimentation."

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"Your wish is my command," Ari says with an elaborate bow. He takes a picture of the staff and heads back to the alchemizer, then pauses. "D'you want to incorporate the wand as well?"

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"Hm. No, I think the wand is a separate experiment."

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He puts the codes together, pushes the button, and-

receives some piece of shit robot.

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"That doesn't seem to be at all what I was looking for."

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"He just- no, it isn't. Alchemy mishap. I fucking hate this guy. "

"No disassembl-"

The robot vanishes into Ari's sylladex. "You're a tin can, robots don't have feelings. Let's try this again, shall we?"

With a different set of buttons pressed, it produces: a large lyrium crystal, shaped like her staff. Ari swears under his breath. "I was worried about this. Long story short, the combination that would result in a working staff with the properties of your staff and silver lyrium instead produced that jackass, and trying to do the same thing in a different way just made staff-shaped lyrium. Got any more staves?"
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"They're a bit bulky; I don't usually carry more than one. Unfortunately. ...What would happen if we did include the wand? Or some other ingredient?"

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"That could work! Combining multiple items increases the risk of collision, but since the one-to-one already hits a Johnny coordinate, there's no harm in trying it, right? So, just the wand, or do you have something else you'd like to throw in there?

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She thinks about it.

"Let's try just the wand first."
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Buttons buttons buttons STICK! Magic stick. Specifically, magic staff. The haft is an oddly organic combination of fluted glass and silver; at its base is a gently curving blade, and its cap is a clouded sapphire with the faint impression of a skull.


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"I approve," says Katrin. She picks up the new staff; her eyes widen slightly. "I definitely approve."

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Ari hefts the surplus staff. "I could hit people with this pretty decently. This feels like a good hitting-people stick."
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"I'm not sure that would be a good idea. Although you can if you like."

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"What caliber of bad idea, like, red lyrium bad or just 'it'd break' bad?"

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"It will probably break eventually, and I'm not sure whether it might do mildly inconvenient magical things like become very cold unexpectedly, and it seems like an inefficient use of resources to take it from a world where it's a high-quality magical staff to a world where it is a good hitting-people stick."

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"Fair enough."

He puts the staff back where he found it. Then he alchemizes another one and hefts that one instead.
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Katrin shrugs. She returns her old staff to its holder on her back and keeps the new one in her hand. (It's so pretty. And roughly twice as powerful as the original.)

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Meanwhile, Stalas is playing with his silver lyrium daggers.

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Ari makes himself a combat dummy and utilizes his hitting-people stick.

"Anybody want to have recreational sex?" he asks offhandedly after a few minutes.
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This question is greeted with a puzzled and slightly awkward silence by all three adventurers, but Stalas is the one who recovers almost immediately and says, "No, thank you."