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A whole new world
Permalink Mark Unread
There is a forest that likes to pretend that it's ordinary. It isn't, it's quite bizarre. Every night, in fact, zombies and other horrible monsters swarm this place, looking for people to kill. Not that they've found anyone, the forest itself is quite empty of residents. But they search anyway, during the night, shambling and groaning and occasionally leaving body parts lying around. Those disappear pretty quickly, but it still happens. Then the day comes, and they depart to who knows where, swearing (if mindless monsters could think, or in fact swear to anything in particular) that they'l be back the next night. Repeat ad nauseum.

It's currently in the day portion of this cycle of directionless attempts at violence. Maybe this day will be different from all of the others.

But then, probably not, it's a very boring island without anyone here.
Permalink Mark Unread

...a girl appears out of thin air just above the forest floor, cutting herself off mid-scream when she thumps onto the grass.

"Absent gods," she mutters to herself, drawing a knife from a sheath strapped to her leg and looking around warily. No blight sign she can detect - it might be safe to open her groundsense... but she remembers what it felt like last time she did that, and shudders. Ordinary senses will have to do for now. Not that she thinks anything could adequately explain a giant snake popping up out of nowhere and swallowing her whole, nor how it transported her to this... vaguely unsettling forest.
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It is a forest! There are trees, and hills.

An observant person might note that there aren't any fallen trees. Or, in fact, fallen limbs or twigs or leaves. The forest floor is soft and grassy, and nearly bare of bushes and ordinary foliage, except for a bush, over there. There are berries on it. There are birds, too, up in the branches. Also a rabbit, sniffing at a flower. It looks quite unconcerned with her. Hop, hop, hop.
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Wincing preemptively, Sable stops veiling.

It doesn't hurt any more than usual, but... "Have I gone mad?" she wonders. "Am I dead? Is this some strangely geometric hell?"

Because the whole landscape divides into cubes. Even the trees with their round but strangely regular trunks fit neatly into cube-shaped spaces, and all the dirt and stone under her feet is a seamless pattern of cube-shaped parts, their borders invisible to the eye (and intangible to the feet) but clear as day to groundsense. Nervously, she shifts until she isn't standing on any borders.

She expands to her full half-mile range. Cubes, cubes, cubes - also pain, ow, back down to ten feet in every direction, there that's better. The cubes seem to be just about two feet on a side. She crouches down to peer at the grass. It doesn't seem to have any trouble growing right across the borders, and the surface of the earth doesn't match up precisely with the flat level surface of the invisible cubes.
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The strangely geometric forest has nothing to say on its hell status. It may or may not be hell. It's impossible to tell.

Hell or no, there are procedures to having someone present on the island. The first of those is: now there is another someone present on the island. He walks towards Sable. Walk, walk, walk.

There is something very wrong with him.
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Her first thought when he steps within range is 'mud-man', and she scrambles away, but that isn't quite right - his shape is all human, and his mind isn't any familiar kind of strange, it's not there at all.

She holds her knife between herself and the stranger and watches him warily.
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"Greetings, Sable," says the not-man. "I'm your guide."

He says this like it's the most ordinary thing in the world.
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"What," says Sable.

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"I am here to give you advice on what to do next. It is recommended that you talk with me anytime you get stuck."

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"...why?" she asks.

He sounds almost reasonable. Maybe he's some sort of afterlife person and those just don't show up right to groundsense.

But she's not putting away her knife just yet.
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"I'm your guide," he says, like that is an answer.
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"You... you said that already."

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He shrugs, smiling at her a little condescendingly. "You'll need this." He produces a pack. "If you want to survive, you will need to create weapons and shelter. Start by chopping down trees and gathering wood."

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"I'm not sure chopping down trees is that easy," she says, but she ventures close enough to grab the pack with her off hand. Without opening it to make sure, it seems to contain metal tools - is that pure copper? Feels like it.

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It is pure copper!

The guide looks at her silently, smiling a little. Sort of vacantly.
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She retreats to put her back against a tree, sheathes the knife, and opens the pack. That's a tiny copper sword. And a copper axe and a copper pickaxe, each of ordinary size. O...kay...

Well, the creepy soulless man said to start by chopping down trees. She takes out the axe and puts down the pack and picks a different tree to experiment on and does her best.
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Chop! Chop, chop, chop - this is taking a while - chop, chop, chop, there it goes, just about done -

It doesn't fall over to one side or another, like an ordinary tree.

The cubes it's made up of become relevant. Each cube separates itself from the others, shrinks itself down to the size of a sugarcube, and falls to the ground harmlessly in a rain of little wooden cubes. Plop. Plopplopplopplop. The tree is now no longer a tree. There isn't even a stump left. Or, a hole in the ground where the stump would be. Just - flat grass, like the tree hadn't even been there at all.
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It finally occurs to her what was so intensely weird about these trees.

None of them have roots.

She kicks at the scattered cubes and turns to 'her guide'. "What do I do with these?" she demands.
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The scattered cubes, upon coming in contact with each other, get pulled together as if by very bizarre magnetism. Then all but one cube disappears. It's quite tidy.

"You use blocks to build structures," says the guide, helpfully. "Pick one up and you'll be able to place blocks."
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...Sable picks up the tiny cube.

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It is tiny and cube-shaped and made of wood. There's a - something, in her mind, telling her that she can now place thirteen blocks of wood within a radius, at an ordinary size instead of the tiny version. She just needs to pick where the blocks go, and it all aligns to the cube system already present.

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"I don't want to build structures yet," she says to the guide. And thirteen cubes isn't much of a structure anyway. She sticks the cube in her pocket and attacks another tree.

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The tree is chopped! The cubes rain to the ground - a few land on her, but they then disappear. Her tiny cube total is now 18, not counting the cubes still on the ground. The cubes still on the ground form up and condense themselves to three separate cubes. Along with the cubes are little acorns, scattered around and condensing themselves like the cubes but obviously not cube shaped.

"If you want to survive, you will need to create weapons and shelter," says the guide.
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"Yeah? How do I create weapons, then?" she asks, collecting the cubes and the acorns.

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"When you have enough wood, create a workbench. This will allow you to create more complicated things, as long as you are standing close to it."

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"How much is enough wood?"

With all the wood-cubes and acorns consolidated, she starts on a third tree.
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"Ten blocks of wood are used to make a workbench."

The third tree also goes down! She now has thirty-three blocks of wood, and five acorns.
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"Hold the blocks of wood in your hand, then make a workbench."

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...She takes the consolidated wood cube out of her pocket.

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Thirty-three of them, yep, can place them where ever she likes, yep -

Oh. There's a - a thing. Separate from the blocks of wood, inherent to her. She feels like she can make things. The things she can make with the materials she's got in her hands right now are: a number of wooden platforms, and a workbench.
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Okay then.

She... makes... a workbench?
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There is no foreseeable process between A and B. She tries to make a work bench, and - now there is a tiny workbench in her hand along with the consolidated wood cube. She now has twenty-three blocks of wood, and a workbench.

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The next obvious step is to... put the workbench.

Now there is a workbench.
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It is a workbench! It's an ordinary size for a table.

The whatever-it-is in her head telling her that she can craft things sort of. Expands. Or - no it doesn't, the 'she can craft' section is the same, but there's another section added, 'workbench can craft.' There's quite a few more things, here. Wooden tools, a door, a chair, a table, fences, a sign, a fishing pole. It seems sort of random.
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"None of this crap would make a very good weapon," says Sable. "Unless wooden swords are unexpectedly great in this strange creepy cube world."

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"Once you have a wooden sword, you might try to gather some gel from the slimes. Combine wood and gel to make a torch!"

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"...The slimes? What is a slime?"

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"There are many monsters that roam the land. Most at night, but some, like slimes, are out and about during the day," informs the guide.

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"Oh. Great," says Sable. "I better keep clearing these trees, then."

Several trees later, she has a roughly cottage-sized space cleared out and more than enough wood to build a small cottage. She starts putting down walls. Building things in cube land sure is fast.
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It is! The place is convenient like that.

Partway through the cottage's construction, a slime hops into her groundsense radius. It is green, partially transparent, and looks like it's made out of some kind of spherical gelatin.
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"Is that thing a slime?" she asks the guide, pointing.

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"Slimes come in many different sizes and colors. The most common are blue and green slimes. They are usually found on the surface. Other types can be found in other areas, depending on biome and distance above or below water level."

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"I'm going to take that as a yes," she sighs.

She makes a wooden sword. Except - "Is there a good reason why I need a wooden sword specifically for slimes?"
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"There are lots of different kinds of weapons," he says, almost conversationally. "A wooden sword is often considered the most basic."

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"Ugh. Fine."

Sable collects the pack and puts it on, to have an easier time keeping track of her mysterious tools, and she picks up the wooden sword and goes and hits the slime with it.
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The slime is knocked back! It lands a few feet away, and scrunches itself a bit, like it's lost its temper. Scrunch scrunch scrunch - jump! It's method of attack is 'launch itself at Sable,' apparently.

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She dodges and whacks it again.

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It is not a very smart slime. It is whacked, and goes right back to trying to launch itself at Sable. This doesn't work particularly well for it, but apparently upon seeing a tactic fail hilariously it's method is to do it some more. It's a pretty one sided fight. To no one's surprise, the slime loses.

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And does it then vanish, leaving small mysterious items in its place?

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It sort of explodes, actually. But it leaves small mysterious items in its place, along with the mess. The mess that is partially on Sable.

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She picks up the small mysterious items anyway.
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The small mysterious items are: two little balls of gel and three coins made out of copper. The gel consolidates itself at the first opportunity, the coins do not.

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The coins go in her pack. She prods the little consolidated ball of gel, assessing it for likelihood of getting goop on things.

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It's surprisingly neat! It does not want to get goop on things, it wants to stay a little goopy ball of gel.

(If she's paying attention, the 'she can craft' portion of her head has had a new addition. She can craft torches, now.)
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Okay, then, sure. She will craft torches.

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Torches! They are sticks that are on fire. Surprisingly they're at an ordinary size. They consolidate, and the fire doesn't actually appear to be hot. Just - bright.

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Sable prods the fire at the end of the consolidated torch.
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It doesn't burn her.

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Also weird: they can be put, like the wood blocks and the workbench. She puts them all in a row along one wall of her cottage, just out of a superstitious desire not to shove them in her pack in case the fire decides to start acting like real fire all of a sudden. Maybe attaching them to her wooden house isn't much better for that purpose, but at least she isn't wearing her house.

And back to construction.
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She isn't interrupted, this time. But the remnants of the slime she killed slowly fade away, like she was never partially covered in goo at all. How... tidy.

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Well why'd it have to go and explode on her in the first place, then?

She makes a door and places it and finishes the roof. There. And now she goes outside again and looks for the creepy guide-thing.

"What's the pickaxe for?"
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The guide is wandering around aimlessly outside. He looks up when addressed. "You should do some mining to find metal ore. You can craft very useful things with it."

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"Ugh," says Sable. "How?"

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"Use a pickaxe to mine through dirt, stone, and other materials. Some pickaxes are better than others - a copper pickaxe couldn't mine through obsidian."

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"Am I going to need to mine through obsidian? Oh, whatever," she says.

She puts her axe and sword away and gets out her pickaxe and, rather than start randomly assaulting surfaces until she finds something useful, extends her groundsense down and out to see if she can sense anything. "Ow, ow, ow..."
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There is copper and iron down there! They're surprisingly pure veins, divided up into cubes.

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Of course they are. Of course.

Sable assaults some dirt with her copper pickaxe.
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The dirt doesn't stand a chance. The iron and copper are exactly where promised, and predictably consolidate into two little perfect cubes of ore.

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She climbs up again, filling the dirt back in along the way.

"What do I do with the ore?" she asks the guide.
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"Now that you have some ore, you will need to turn it into a bar in order to make items with it. This requires a furnace!"

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She sighs heavily.

"How do I make a furnace."
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"You can create a furnace out of torches, wood, and stone. Make sure you are standing near a work bench."

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She has some stone left from her mining adventure. She goes inside and collects up some torches from the wall and stands next to the workbench to see if it has furnaces available.
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It does! She can make a furnace, now.

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Sable makes a furnace and puts it next to the workbench. Now what can she do with her ores?

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She can turn them into bars. Not a large amount of bars, but bars all the same. Something can likely be done with these bars once made.

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She converts as much ore as possible into bars.

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She now has three copper bars and four iron bars! This doesn't seem like a lot.

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It really doesn't. She goes back outside.

"You. Guide. If I leave you out here by yourself are you going to get eaten by a slime or something?"
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"Hello! My name is Dylan. In order for a room to be considered a home, it needs to have a door, chair, table, and a light source," says... Dylan. "Make sure the house has walls as well."

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"Thank you," she says, rolling her eyes. "If it wasn't for you I definitely would've forgotten the blighted walls. Does that mean you want a house?"

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"There are many different ways you can attract people to move in to our town. They will of course need a home to live in."

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"I object to both the 'our' and the 'town' in 'our town'," says Sable. "On the other hand, if more people show up maybe one of them will have a soul. Fine. I'll make your blighted house."

She starts clearing trees again. Aggressively.
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Dylan has nothing else to add. He smiles vacantly, again, and wanders around some more.

The trees don't know what hit them. Well. Okay, that's not true, they are completely aware that it's an axe. But they are powerless to stop the tree-based assault.
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When she has enough wood and enough free space - and a bunch more gel, from slimes that interrupted her while she was working - she makes another, smaller cottage next to hers. It has a door, a chair, a table, and a light source. And walls and a roof.

"Is that a house?" she demands of Dylan, pointing at it.
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Dylan... Looks at the house.

He purposefully walks to it, opens the door, finds the chair, and sits.
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Sable shuts the door on him. There. Now he won't be eaten by monsters, probably.

She builds an identical tiny house beside his, sharing one wall. If someone with a soul shows up she'll expand it to put in a bed. Although...

She opens Dylan's door. "How do I make a bed?"
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"In order to make a bed, bring fifteen wood and five silk to a sawmill. Other types of beds can be made at other crafting stations with different materials," he informs. He's still in his chair. He hasn't gotten up. It's entirely possible he is going to sit there for the rest of eternity.

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"How do I make a sawmill, then?"

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"A sawmill is made at a workbench, with ten wood, two iron bars, and a chain."

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"How do I make a chain?"

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"A chain is made with one iron bar at an iron anvil," he informs. No instructions on how to make an iron anvil. Of course.

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"I bet you make an iron anvil out of iron," says Sable.

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"You will need an anvil to make most things out of metal bars. Anvils can be crafted out of iron, or purchased from a merchant."

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"Are merchants horrible mindless person-things like you?"

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"If you want a merchant to move in, you will need to gather plenty of money. 50 silver coins should do the trick!"

He doesn't seem to take offense to being called a horrible mindless person-thing.
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"How do I get fifty silver coins?"

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"If you see a pot, be sure to smash it open. They contain all sorts of useful supplies."

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She exits Dylan's dismal little room and shuts the door behind her and extends her groundsense to see if there are any pots nearby.
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There's a cave, thataway! It has pots in it.

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Thataway she goes, then.

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There is a cave! It is dark.

There's also a chest, in there. Along with the pots.
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How nice.

She smashes the pots with the back of her pickaxe to see if anything useful appears amid the wreckage.
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Rope! Copper coins! Arrows, torches (how does that even make sense, the pot wasn't lit up before she smashed it), and a vial of red liquid! A windfall, surely.

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Sable collects the rope and coins and arrows and torches, and picks up the red liquid to look at it suspiciously before she puts it in her pack, and then goes to open the chest.

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There's a set of throwing knives, more vials of red liquid, empty glass bottles, and four iron bars.

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How convenient. She consolidates everything that consolidates, closes the chest, and heads back to Dylan to plonk the consolidated vials in front of him on his table.

"What's this?"
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He looks at it, dutifully. "Lesser healing potions can be made at an alchemy station, out of bottles, gel, and mushrooms."

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"It's a 'healing potion'? What does it do?"

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"If you run out of health, you die. Keep your health up by consuming healing items, staying near items that cause you to regenerate, or wearing certain accessories." ... That sounded kind of condescending.

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Sable is not going to be condescended to by a horrible mindless person-thing. She ignores that undertone.

"Items that cause me to regenerate? What items?"
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"You can make a campfire with five torches and twenty wood."

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She leaves Dylan in his house with the healing potions on his table, and for convenience's sake she makes a workbench and puts it against the wall of his house next to his door, and she makes a campfire and puts that in the middle of the open area between her house and the tiny houses.
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There's a warm feeling as soon as the campfire's down, that's quite separate from heat. A feeling of safety seeps in.

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It's like anti-blight. It almost doesn't hurt to open her groundsense, if she stands close enough.

She makes another one and sticks it in her pocket. Then two more. Just in case she's eaten by another giant snake with a mirror for a face.
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The campfires are perfectly happy to burn without heat or fear of catching, in her pocket.

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Of course they are.

This blighted place...

She sighs and goes to consult Dylan again.

"What are all the ingredients of a bed?"
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"In order to make a bed, bring fifteen wood and five silk to a sawmill."

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"How do I get silk?"

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"You can craft silk with seven cobwebs at a loom."

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"How do I get a loom," she sighs.

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"You make a loom with twelve wood at a sawmill."

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She leaves Dylan in his tiny house and goes looking for cobwebs. Of course cobwebs come in whole numbers here. They probably consolidate into a cute little web of string or something.
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Probably, yeah!

There is a slight problem, though. The sun's setting. It will be night, soon.
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Monsters come out at night, apparently.

Sable is too fed up with this crazy world to care about that right now. If any monsters show up she will just beat them to death with her stupid wooden sword.
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Well, that's up to her.

There are more caves around, and they have cobwebs in them. Also more pots.
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She collects cobwebs and pot contents. Smashing things! Hooray!

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Smashing things is fun!

... Groundsense says that there is a walking thing heading towards her. It's human shaped.
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Human-shaped, but less so than Dylan the horrible person-thing. The horrible person-thing at least seemed to be sort of alive.

She climbs out of her current cave and holds up a torch to get a look at the walking thing.
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It looks rather like a walking corpse. It growls a little, heading towards her with singular determination.

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Sable is frightened but also ticked off.

She attempts to beat it to... extra death... with her stupid wooden sword.
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It is much tougher than the slime. Also less easy to knock away. And stronger. And faster.

... More show up before this one's dead.
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She will beat them to extra death too.

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Well, the first one becomes extra dead.

And now there are a lot of them. Along with the walking dead, there are flying eyeballs. Flying evil eyeballs.
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"Blight it all," Sable growls.

Rather than continue fucking around with the sword, she resorts to extreme measures. She has experimented enough with ground-ripping to know how, and that she can do it, and that it really does a number on her already oversensitive ground - but if ever there was a time for it, 'surrounded by walking corpses' is that time. She targes a chunk of the nearest walking corpse's spine just below its head, and an instant later that piece crumbles to grey dust and she is metaphysically splattered with a tiny bit of horrible-walking-corpse essence. Ow.
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Well, that worked. The dead thing becomes more dead, and as such, explodes. As is tradition.

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Good. She does the rest, thwacking the flying eyeballs with her sword whenever one comes close.

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The remaining shambling corpses explode, too. The flying eyeballs... Are thwacked, but spin around to charge her again, and again.

(More of them are coming...)
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But now she has enough breathing room to make a run for her house.

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She's faster than the things after her. But there are, of course, lots of them between her and her house.

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She explodes all the corpses and dodges or thwacks the eyeballs as necessary. It's not much fun, but she makes it home and slams the door behind her. None of these monsters are smart enough to open doors, right? Right? Because she will block up the door if she has to.

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They are not smart enough to open doors.

But they are smart enough to bang on it. And scratch at the walls. It's fruitless, but the effort's there.
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"Blight you all," yells Sable.

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The only reply is more groaning. Also an eyeball flinging itself at her roof.

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Of course.

She's technically within range of the campfire outside, but she places another one and curls up next to it.
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Obligingly it doesn't set her house on fire.

Well. It'll likely be a long night.
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The campfires' aura is soothing enough that she actually manages to sleep.

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She can likely tell it's day when the sounds from outside have stopped.
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The quiet wakes her, and she stumbles outside, rubbing her head and growling to herself. Her head isn't exactly what hurts, but it would be impractical to rub her ground.

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It is idyllic! As if nothing last night even happened. No mess from the zombies, no claw marks on the door. Just some scattered coins from the exploded zombies, twinkling innocently in the sunlight. A bunny hops, over there, nibbling on some dandelions. Hop, hop, hop. Nibble nibble.

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Sable kicks a wall. And then sighs, and goes to collect all the coins.

That day, she successfully assembles all the materials to make a bed. Her house is kind of crowded with crafting stations at that point, so she clears some more trees behind it and expands the one-room cottage into a two-room house. She discovers that wood can be crafted into thinner two-foot-square panels instead of the default two-foot-thick cubes, and exchanges her dirt floor for a thin wooden one and puts up interior walls to separate her bedroom from the crafting room.

Now she's ravenously hungry. She goes out and tries to catch one of the suspiciously tame rabbits.
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The suspiciously tame rabbits don't actually have the sanity to run! They are tame enough to be picked up, and will even tolerate petting. This makes it pretty easy to kill them. They explode upon death. But the pieces can be cooked just fine. Campfires, as it turns out, are just fine at cooking rabbit. It's just the environment and her that it won't burn. If she wants to cook with it, it'll work just fine.

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Sable has a nice breakfast of exploded rabbit.

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Delicious, delicious exploded rabbit.

Shortly after breakfast, there's a feeling of someone has arrived.
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...She opens her groundsense to its full range again. (Ugh ugh ow.) Where is someone?

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The someone is in the second little hut!

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And, when she ventures close enough to tell for sure, the someone doesn't have a soul either.

She opens the someone's door. "Who're you?"
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"Sable, is it?" says - a not-person that looks like an old man with a fluffy white beard and a slightly stupid looking hat. He looks like he's already settled in. "I've heard good things, friend! I'm Gus."

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"What are you for?"

She does not see any point in being polite to the horrible mindless person-things.
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"You want apples? You want carrots? You want pineapples? We got torches."

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"I have torches too," she says. "I would love an apple. I can't live on rabbit."

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"Sword beats paper! Get one today."

He motions to her, and hefts a chest onto the table. He opens it, and - oh look, useful items to buy. He doesn't, actually, sell swords. Or apples. Or carrots. But he does sell various items, including:

  • A mining helmet
  • A piggy bank
  • An iron anvil
  • A bug net
  • A copper pickaxe and a copper axe
  • Torches
  • Two types of potions, one blue, one red
  • Wooden arrows and shurikens
  • Rope
  • Permalink Mark Unread
    Well, that will be useful if she loses her existing axe or pickaxe, she supposes.

    "If I ask you what these things do are you going to make more inscrutable jokes about things you don't sell?"
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Keep your eye on the prize, buy a lens!"

    Permalink Mark Unread
    "That's a yes, then."

    She contemplates the chest.

    "How much do all these things cost?"
    Permalink Mark Unread
    He is surprisingly good at explaining how much things cost! And also he assures her that his prices are 'very reasonable.'

    In short: the highest priced thing she can afford is an anvil. The mining helmet, piggy bank, and bug net are too expensive for her, and everything else she can buy a reasonable but not excessive number of.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    "Okay then," says Sable.

    She reaches out and closes the chest, to see how the merchant will react.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You have no idea how high dirt blocks sell for overseas."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Is there anyone overseas to sell them to?" she wonders, drumming her fingers on the top of the chest.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Not even a Blood Moon can stop capitalism. Let's do some business."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Nah," she says, and she grabs the chest and bolts.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    It turns out that, actually, a scrawny old man is not as fast as a twelve year old girl. It's really not a contest.

    "My prices are very reasonable!" insists Gus, unable to keep up.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    Sable declines to argue. She runs, ducks into a cave, scoops the entire contents of the chest into her pack, and 'listens' for Gus with groundsense.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    He declines to leave a certain radius of his designated home. "I hope a scrawny kid like you isn't all that's standing between us and Cthulu's Eye," he calls, aggrieved.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    Nope. Not arguing with the horrible mindless person-things.

    She experiments to find his radius and spends the afternoon building herself another house well outside of this area, then goes ore-hunting.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    Ores! Goodness, so many ores. Copper and iron and two ores she's not able to identify on her own.

    (Gus eventually gives up and goes back to his house.)
    Permalink Mark Unread

    She ventures over to ask Dylan about the strange ores.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Tungsten is a hard metal that is an improvement over iron in most cases. Platinum is very rare and is one of the strongest ordinary metals, a set of armor made out of it would protect someone very well," is his ruling.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Seriously? This world is crazy," says Sable. "Platinum isn't stronger than iron. And what's an 'ordinary' metal? Are there extraordinary ones?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Hellstone can be found in the Underworld, and requires at least a Nightmare Pickaxe, Deathbringer Pickaxe, or better to be mined."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...Who names these pickaxes? What are they made of?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "A Nightmare Pickaxe is better than either a gold or a platinum pickaxe, and is made out of twelve demonite bars and six shadow scales." Pause. "A Deathbringer Pickaxe is better than either a gold or a platinum pickaxe, and is made out of twelve crimtane bars and six tissue samples."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "What's demonite? What's crimtane?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Demonite can be found extremely rarely in very small veins underground, but it is most commonly acquired upon killing the Eater Of Worlds or the Eye of Cthulhu. Crimtane can be found extremely rarely in very small veins underground, but it is most commonly acquired upon killing the Brain Of Cthulhu or the Eye of Cthulhu."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...What are all these eyes and brains doing?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If you combine lenses at a demon altar, you might be able to find a way to summon a powerful monster. You will want to wait until night before using it, though." Pause. "Your current equipment simply won't do. You need to make better armor."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Out of what? Platinum?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You should focus on gathering more heart crystals to increase your maximum life."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...What's a heart crystal," she sighs.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Underground are crystal hearts that can be used to increase your max life. You can smash them with a pickaxe."

    Permalink Mark Unread
    "Great. Okay. Fine."

    She goes back to her ore hunt. Ore hunt, ore hunt, ore hunt. It's usually pretty difficult to sense things through a thick layer of stone or dirt, but everything here is so regular that the ores shine like beacons.

    She neglects to get inside before dark.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    Ore! Wonderful, wonderful ore -

    And then there are zombies.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    Blowing up zombies is painful but, frankly, kind of fun. Sable could use some fun right now. She clears a path back to the surface and heads for her new house, exploding zombies and smacking eyeballs along the way.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    Halfway to her house, something bright and somewhat colorful plummets from the sky, going very fast.

    It nails a zombie, right in the head. Appropriately, the zombie explodes.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    The fallen object doesn't feel... monstery. She crouches down and peers at it where it sits in the grass.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    It is a tiny stylized star! It glows brightly, at first seeming white, but the light it gives off shifts colors; pale blue, pink, yellow, some kind of purple, and others. The little star gives off little sparklies that fade away quickly enough. It's kind of cute, actually. Sparkly, sparkly, sparkly.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    She prods it. It doesn't do her any obvious harm.

    She picks it up and sticks it in her pocket and kills all the zombies that have approached while she was screwing around with sparkly things.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    The star-thing fizzles a bit in her hand, and then in her pocket! It sort of tickles, but it doesn't feel like it's harmful. If anything, it feels sort of... magic.

    The zombies explode. No more star-things are obviously falling from the sky.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    Well, maybe she can ask Dylan about it later. For now, she's just going to go home.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    Home is present and accounted for.

    Slight problem: Dylan's door is open.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    She investigates.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    Dylan is inside! Along with a dead thing.

    The dead thing is currently hitting Dylan. Dylan doesn't seem to notice.

    "You should stay indoors at night. It is very dangerous to be wandering around in the dark," he observes, as if there wasn't something trying (and doing pretty well at succeeding) to bash his skull in.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    Sable ground-rips a chunk out of the walking corpse's spine. It explodes.

    "Did you let that thing into your house?" she demands.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "There is treasure hidden all over the world. Some amazing things can be found deep underground!"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    She goes outside, shuts his door, and stacks wood blocks in front of it until it is completely covered. Then she does the same thing to Gus. Then she kills every corpse in sight and stomps back to her own house.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    That is probably best. A slightly overripe fruit would be better at surviving the night, because at least the fruit wouldn't open the door to let the creatures in.

    At least her house is free of the door opening menace.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    So she can curl up and go to sleep in it. Hooray.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    Yep! The horrible monsters outside will sing her a lullaby of their people. It goes sort of like: Bang, bang, scratch, claw groan groan bang, scratch scratch bang. Truly inspired.

    Predictably, the cacophony has stopped the next morning. Back to idyllic bliss! And bunnies. Exploding bunnies.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    Sable gets up, unblocks Dylan's door, stomps in, and wordlessly shows him the sparkly thing that fell from the sky.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Stars fall all over the world at night. They can be used for all sorts of useful things. If you see one, be sure to grab it because they disappear after sunrise," he says.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It's after sunrise now," she points out.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    "If you gather 5 fallen stars, they can be combined to create an item that will increase your magic capacity."

    This is going to be one of those times where he just fails to answer her question.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "My magic capacity?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Slow blink. Vacant smile. "Stars fall all over the world at night. They can be used for all sorts of useful things."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    She puts the star back into her pack and stomps out. Maybe today she'll explore the surface instead of hunting for ore.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    She is entirely free to do so! Technically she's free to do whatever she likes in this land. It's just some of her available choices are likely to be deadly.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    So far daytime has been mostly safe. She keeps her groundsense open, but only to a range of about thirty feet.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    There's a lot of island to explore!

    There turns out to be a desert, close to the forest. It starts rather abruptly. There are cacti.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    She tries cutting down a cactus to see what it turns into.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    It turns into a bunch of tiny, slightly pointy little cactus squares! Well, one little cactus square, it consolidates. The needles are very dull for cactus needles - the uncubed version's much more dangerous.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    They're probably useful for something. She collects cactus squares on her way through the desert.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    The cactus squares have no comment on being collected. If they did, it would likely be, "Oh god, the destroyer of cacti is coming, run for your lives fellow Cactaceae, if you can in fact run along with commenting on various subjects! She's coming because we are probably useful for something!"

    At some point, she gets a pink and slightly prickly pear along with the ordinary cactus.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    Maybe the pear is also useful. It goes in her pack with everything else.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    The pear has no comment on being collected, either. Not even a, "Oh god, you killed my family, you killed my family you monster!"

    Soon Sable runs out of desert! Now it is forest again. Hooray!
    Permalink Mark Unread

    This place is intensely weird.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    And it's about to get weirder.

    Ahead is something... Purple.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    ...That is not even a recognizable type of landscape. She expands her groundsense to full range, wincing, and focuses on the purple place.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    It feels evil.

    More than evil, actually, it feels sick. Like the earth itself is diseased and corrupted and wrong. But the wrongness is alive, and it could very definitely spread if given half a chance. Fortunately, it has exactly zero of a chance, because it can't seem to get through solid stone, only grass. The landscape is not entirely grass, and thus the sickness can't spread. It's - contained. Dubiously, dubiously contained.

    Also the sickness very strongly hates her and wants her to die. How nice.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    Her groundsense snaps shut instinctively, and she clings to a tree to avoid falling over, muttering curses under her breath. Blighted crazy cube world with its blighted crazy purple death dirt. Ugh ugh ugh.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    The blighted crazy purple death dirt hates her too.

    Obligingly, the tree holds her up. It does not hate her. It is a tree, it doesn't feel anything in particular about the situation.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    Sable hugs the tree. What a good tree. How delightfully not-evil it is. Touching living things still hurts, but not nearly as much as the evil purple death dirt. It's soothing in comparison.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    The tree would be happy to be of assistance, if it were in fact aware of the situation. It is not aware of the situation.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    "Ugh ugh ugh..."

    Okay. She lets go of the tree. She looks at the purple place, just looks, to get a sense of it visually so she can recognize it in future, and then she heads straight back home to curl up in bed next to her campfire for an hour.

    After that, she's feeling well enough to go ask Dylan, "What's the horrible evil purple place?"
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "The ebonstone in the corruption can be purified using some powder from a dryad, or it can be destroyed with explosives."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "'The corruption'? Is that what it's called?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Demonic altars can usually be found in the corruption. You will need to be near them to craft some items." Is that a confirmation? That sounds like a confirmation.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "What? What items? Are they worth it?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If you combine lenses at a demon altar, you might be able to find a way to summon a powerful monster. You will want to wait until night before using it, though."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I don't want to summon a powerful monster! Why would I want to summon a powerful monster?!"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You should prove yourself by defeating a strong monster. That will get the attention of a dryad."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...And dryads are the people - or 'people' - who make the powder that purifies corruption?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "The ebonstone in the corruption can be purified using some powder from a dryad, or it can be destroyed with explosives."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Does the dryad powder purify all corruption things, or just this 'ebonstone'? What's ebonstone?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Ebonstone is stone that has been twisted by the corruption. Two ebonstone can be used at a furnace to make ebonstone bricks."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Twisted by the corruption. What else gets twisted by the corruption?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Corrupt grass can be planted using corrupt seeds."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "What if I want to un-corrupt things, what then?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Sunflowers, when planted, stop the spread of the corruption nearby. They also have delicious seeds!"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...Where do I find sunflowers?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Sunflowers can be found in the world and harvested, or bought from a dryad."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If I ask you exactly what I have to do to find a dryad are you going to be annoyingly useless again?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You should prove yourself by defeating a strong monster. That will get the attention of a dryad."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Is it the same strong monster with the lenses and the whatever, or a different strong monster, or does it not matter?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You can create worm bait with rotten chunks and vile powder. Make sure you are in a corrupt area before using it."

    Permalink Mark Unread


    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Your current equipment simply won't do. You need to make better armor."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'll bet," she mutters. "Out of what, exactly?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "There are lots of different types of armor in the world. It's recommended that you search for what is best for you!"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Is platinum armor the best I can make right now?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "There is treasure hidden all over the world. Some amazing things can be found deep underground!"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Okay. Sure. Can horrifying things that want me dead also be found deep underground? I bet they can."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You can make a grappling hook from a hook and 3 chains. Skeletons found deep underground usually carry hooks, and chains can be made from iron bars."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Skeletons. Are they like those dead things that were hitting you earlier?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You should focus on gathering more heart crystals to increase your maximum life."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You're really frustrating, you know that?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Underground are crystal hearts that can be used to increase your max life. You can smash them with a pickaxe."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yeah, so I've heard."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Greetings, Sable. Is there something I can help you with?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You could try being less of a pain in the butt," she grumps.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "They say there is a person who will tell you how to survive in this land... oh wait. That's me."

    Permalink Mark Unread
    "I'm done here," she sighs, and she goes out and blocks up his door again and starts trying to figure out a sensible way to organize her various resources. It's a pity there don't seem to be any recognizable desks available in her crafting repertoire. But there is something called a 'Dresser' that has a respectable number of drawers visible in its little picture...

    Dressers turn out to be a decent organized storage option. No way to label the drawers for now, but she remembers what they're all for.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    The dressers are happy to be of service. It's not technically what they're there for, but they don't mind. Helps that they're inanimate.

    The rest of the day's pretty quiet. It's up to her if she wants to go out star hunting or not that night.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    She is grumpy and sore and does not feel like ground-ripping any more zombies. She stays in with her nice cozy bed and her nice cozy campfire.

    In the morning, she considers trying to have another conversation with Dylan, and then decides to go exploring instead. Keeping a careful eye out for purple things so she can avoid going anywhere near them.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    There are more caves, and more pots, and more bizarre biomes. Snow, for instance. Even though there is also still a desert on this island.

    The crazy cube land is not going to stop being crazy and cubelandy.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Okay," she says, glaring at the snow, "the desert was one thing, but I shouldn't be able to take two steps and enter a different season."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    The snow has no comment on this. There is a very abrupt border between forest and snow, though.

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    She can step from one to the other and feel the change in air temperature, or stand back and feel it with groundsense. It's deeply bizarre.

    No point standing around staring at it for an hour, though. She keeps exploring.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    Eventually: there is a building, ahead. It is made of stone and looks ominous.

    There's an old man standing outside of it. He looks very tired.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    Sable checks with groundsense. This one doesn't have a mind, either.

    She sighs and starts examining the outside of the building, making no attempt to interact with the old man.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    The old man makes no attempt to interact with her. He's got red eyes. They glow a bit.

    There is a somewhat elaborate entranceway to the building. It's a sturdy thing, almost castle-like in appearance. But it's not particularly big - at least, not on the surface. Groundsense proves that it goes deep, deep down below.

    It's not like the corruption, it does not say murder murder murder. It doesn't hate her. But there is a something in there, guarding the place. It does not feel like a nice something, and it feels connected to the old man, over there.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    ...Sable sighs to herself. Whatever that is, she's the nearest Lakewalker and it's her responsibility to do something about it. The same with the corruption, really.

    Which means she should probably talk to the mindless old man.

    She approaches him, sword in hand in case he turns out to be a more hostile sort of mindless person-thing than she's used to.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    He doesn't look to be hostile. He looks to be - tired. Worn. More of a shell than the other mindless person-things. He looks at Sable with hollow eyes.

    "My master cannot be summoned under the light of day," he says hoarsely, monotone.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Is your master the horrible thing in the big creepy stone place?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Please, no, stranger. You'll only get yourself killed," he murmurs.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Do you have anything useful to say?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I cannot let you enter until you free me of my curse." He motions to the door to the place.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...And is your curse the horrible thing that's in there?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Defeat my master, and I will grant you passage into the Dungeon," he informs.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    "Uh-huh. Bye," she says, and she heads back home. To (ugh) ask Dylan about it.

    "What's the big stone building with the red-eyed mindless old man and the horrible thing?"
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "There is a old dungeon not far from here. Your current equipment simply won't do. You need to make better armor."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "We've been over this. It would be a lot easier if you'd tell me what I should be making better armor out of, and how, and where to find it."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You should do some mining to find metal ore. You can craft very useful things with it."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "So is 'platinum' the answer I'm looking for, or are there more metals that are even more inexplicably superior?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You can craft very useful things with it."
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Okay. I'll go find a lot of platinum, I guess."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Underground are crystal hearts that can be used to increase your max life. You can smash them with a pickaxe," reminds Dylan.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'll go find a lot of platinum and smash some crystal hearts. Where underground?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You can find different items depending on what biome you are in."

    Permalink Mark Unread


    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You are in a forest," he informs, brightly.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...Okay. And instead of being in a forest I could be in a desert, or the land of mysterious winter?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "There are lots of biomes in the world for you to explore. Even the ocean is a biome!"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Okay. Biomes. Sure. What an exciting educational adventure this place is."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Dylan smiles at her. "My name is Dylan. I am your guide."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You're creepy and frequently unhelpful but I guess you're not completely useless."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I am here to help."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...Do you have a mind which you just keep somewhere other than your body? It's hard to tell."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Then there's a yelling. Not from the guide. From the merchant. It's just barely audible.

    "Sable, is it? I've heard good things, friend!"
    Permalink Mark Unread
    ...Sable looks at the guide.

    She looks at the wall his house shares with the merchant's.

    She looks at the guide again.

    "Do you share a mind which you keep outside of your bodies?"
    Permalink Mark Unread
    "The last guy who was here left some junk... er I mean... treasures!" calls the merchant.

    "There are many different ways you can attract people to move in to our town," says the guide.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...I didn't catch that, I don't think. Unless you're just demonstrating how well you can coordinate your creepy mindless people. But - wait - were there actually other people here before me? ...Did they die? They died, didn't they."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You should stay indoors at night. It is very dangerous to be wandering around in the dark," says Dylan.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Eeeegh," shudders Sable.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I am here to give you advice on what to do next. It is recommended that you talk with me anytime you get stuck. You should focus on gathering more heart crystals to increase your maximum life."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You're really keen on this heart crystals thing, aren't you. Platinum and heart crystals, got it. And... more houses for more creepy mindless people? Is that important too?"

    Permalink Mark Unread
    "If you combine," begins the guide, and he lowers his voice to a mumble, but it's hard to hear over the merchant yelling, "- will tell tales -" but that's all that can be heard from the merchant.

    The guide has to finish mumbling his sentence, and he starts mumbling another one, "Is there something I can help you with."
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...Clever," says Sable. "Got it. And apparently one of the creepy mindless people can help me deal with that corruption stuff, too."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "The ebonstone in the corruption can be purified using some powder from a dryad, or it can be destroyed with explosives," agrees Dylan.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    "I guess I'll go build a lot of houses."

    She expands the pair of houses into a row, each unit big enough to contain a chair, a table, and a light source, and each unit with a single door. She stops at ten, because the sun is getting low, and goes to bed rather than deal with zombies.

    In the morning she visits Dylan again.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Greetings, Sable. For a nurse to move in, you might want to increase your maximum life."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'll get around to it eventually. I'm concerned about cave exploration safety."

    Permalink Mark Unread
    Pause. It's likely the whatever-it-is that controls the dialogue is thinking.

    "Combine wood and gel to make a torch," he provides, slowly. "You need to make better armor."

    From the merchant: "Better buy some more healing potions!"
    Permalink Mark Unread

    She goes next door (unblocking it in the process) and peeps in at the merchant. "You're not going to chase me again, are you?"
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "The sun is high, but my prices are not."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'll take that as a no. What if I steal all your stuff again?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Lovely morning, wouldn't you say? Was there something you needed?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Great." She comes inside. "Do you have more stuff?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Not even a Blood Moon can stop capitalism. Let's do some business," says the merchant, and he produces the chest. It has - the exact same items that were in it before. Well then.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Sable grabs it.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    The merchant sighs heavily, but does not give chase this time. "Night be upon us soon, friend."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    She goes to add today's stock to her nice organized dresser, then comes back to ask Dylan, "What's a Blood Moon, anyway?"
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You can tell a Blood Moon is out when the sky turns red. There is something about it that causes monsters to swarm."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Worse than normal?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It is very dangerous to be wandering around in the dark."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'll keep that in mind."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You should stay indoors at night," agrees Dylan.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I hear you."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    The guide doesn't say anything else, but he does look at Sable, sort of expectantly.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "So, I should go dig up as much platinum as I can find and make armour with it, then pack a lot of healing potions and torches and start exploring caves? During the daytime so I don't get swarmed by lots of monsters?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You can make a grappling hook from a hook and 3 chains. Skeletons found deep underground usually carry hooks, and chains can be made from iron bars," says Dylan. In a - sort of agreeing way.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Underground sounds like a useful place. Anything horrifying I should be worried about down there?"

    Permalink Mark Unread
    There's a noticable pause. The - whoever is in charge is thinking. Possibly how to relate information, not the information itself.

    "You should focus on gathering more heart crystals -"

    From the merchant, yelled through the wall: "-watching-"

    Mumble mumble, "- deep underground."

    Merchant: "- can hear -"

    "There is something about it that causes monsters -"

    "Check out - dirt blocks!" adds the merchant.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...I should be paying attention to monsters that will come out of the dirt? What, like... extremely aggressive moles?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You can create worm bait -"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...Worms. Are they by any chance giant worms," she sighs.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    From the merchant: "- big -"

    That would be a yes.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    Sable contemplates this.

    Then she says, with determined cheer, "At least they're not malices. Malices would be a problem."
    Permalink Mark Unread

    Silence from Dylan and Gus. No reply available.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Thanks for the warning, anyway."

    Permalink Mark Unread
    "I am here to give you advice on what to do next." Pause. The tiniest of frowns from the guide.

    The merchant calls: "-I've heard -"

    "- to move in, you will need to -"

    "- guy who was here -"

    "- to help!"

    Silence. Silence silence, silence. Slow blink from the guide. "My name is Dylan. I am your guide."
    Permalink Mark Unread
    ...She peers at Dylan.

    "...So... your mind is busy?"
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If you see a pot, be sure to smash it open. They contain all sorts of useful supplies."

    Permalink Mark Unread
    "Taking that as a yes."

    She goes off and starts organizing for her expedition. First she's going to have to gather a lot of platinum, which means ore hunting. While she's out there she can keep an eye out for foods that aren't blueberry or exploded rabbit, because it's important to vary one's diet. Right, goal formulated, off she goes.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    There are mushrooms! They are bright and yellow and have orange spots.

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    In the evening when she heads back home, she goes to see Dylan and shows him the mushroom.

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    "Lesser healing potions can be made at an alchemy station, out of bottles, gel, and mushrooms," he proclaims.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Are the mushrooms safe to eat?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "A mushroom, a goldfish, and a bowl over a cooking pot makes a bowl of soup."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...And where do I get a goldfish?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You can make a fishing pole with 8 blocks of wood at a workbench."
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Okay. And then I can catch goldfish. In weird cube world magic ways, or relatively normal ways?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Some amazing things can be found deep underground. Even the ocean is a biome."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...Do your crazy goldfish live in the ocean or is there something else going on here?"

    Permalink Mark Unread
    "Sword beats paper!" calls Gus.

    "You need to make better armor."
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Fishing in the ocean is going to get me better things than soup? Soup is important!"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "A salmon can be made into a cooked fish at a cooking pot."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Got it."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I am here to help," says Dylan, a little primly.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    She snorts.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Is there something I can help you with?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Well, while I'm locating an ocean to fish in, you could try to tell me whether or not the mushrooms are edible by themselves."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Keep your health up by consuming healing items," says Dylan, with a significant look to the mushroom.

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    "I will take that as a yes. If it turns out to make me hallucinate I'm going to be annoyed. If it turns out to kill me I suppose I won't get the chance."

    It doesn't feel like any toxic mushroom she's encountered, but it doesn't feel like any mushroom she's encountered, and she knows enough about mushrooms to be wary.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I am here to help," sniffs Dylan.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    "All right, all right."

    She eats the mushroom and does not immediately keel over or start seeing stranger things than usual.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    It has the texture of a mushroom, and it sort of tastes like one, too. But it's sweeter, and there's a warmth that spreads to her limbs after eating it, sort of like a hot drink. Except the mushroom itself wasn't hot. For a few seconds, groundsense hurts just a little less. It's not as strong as the campfire, but it's still nice.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...Magical healing mushrooms. How nice."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Stars fall all over the world at night," says the person on the other side of Dylan, almost wryly.

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    "...Are the stars nice too? Should I be putting up with the corpses more often to collect them?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If you gather 5 fallen stars, they can be combined to create an item that will increase your magic capacity."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "That does sound useful. Whatever a magic capacity is. I guess I'll find out."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If you see one, be sure to grab it because they disappear after sunrise."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "So I've heard."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "That's me," says Dylan. Is. Was that humor? From the NPC? Probably.

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    ...Sable snorts.

    "Well, off to plan a fishing expedition, I guess. Unless you have any more wisdom for me."
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If you want a merchant to move in, you will need to gather plenty of money." Pause. "Your ne-xt ssss-tehep should be to explore the corrupt chasms."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I should take one of the merchant's nets along? What do they do, anyway?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You ca-n use your pickaxe to dig through Dirt, and your axe to chhh-op down trees."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Catch things. But not in a fishing way?" she guesses.

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    Haltingly, robotically, some mix of a puppet and a zombie, Dylan moves his hand to the table, then across it. He wiggles his fingers as he does, hand palm-down. It looks like a scurrying motion.

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    "Catch creepy crawly sorts of things? Such as I might use for fishing bait?"

    Permalink Mark Unread


    Permalink Mark Unread
    "Well, that's good to know. All right. Off I go."

    She prepares for her fishing expedition. Mushrooms, for snack and/or healing purposes! One of those nets! A fishing pole!

    Now to find someplace to fish.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    There are a few bodies of water around!

    One of them has a fish in it, easily visible to eyesight, let alone groundsense. It looks like a goldfish.
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    ...For her own amusement, Sable attempts to catch the goldfish in her critter net.

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    It is caught just fine, actually! It turns into a little stylized goldfish, not even the size of Sable's palm. It doesn't flop around in her hand, or even move, but the informational extras in her head inform her that it is definitely still alive. Just - travel sized.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    That is... actually sort of adorable.

    She tries putting it back in the water.
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    It goes back into the water without a problem! It turns back to an ordinary fish size, and goes right back to swimming.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    How useful. Scoop! Now she has a little pocket goldfish.

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    Yep! It will love her forever and ever and ever. Until she eats it. Then it will likely not love her anymore, because it would be dead.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    Well then.

    She seeks out little crawly things to catch with the net, next.
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    There's a grasshopper! That looks like it would make good fishing bait.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Scoop! Does it become a pocket grasshopper?

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Yep! Just like the gold fish. How convenient!

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    She also has to find an ocean. She tries a direction that she hasn't gone yet, scooping any crawlies she spots along the way.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    Butterflies! A scorpion! More grasshoppers!

    Oh, look, an ocean.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    Okay. So... time to fish?

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    The fishing rod is pretty intuitive with bait, and it's quite straightforward. Soon enough, she catches a trout. It flops around for a bit before it turns travel sized, and it looks like it would make a pretty good meal.

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    Travel trout! How charming. Also, as she half suspected, fished things don't seem to exist until caught. She'll keep at it for a while, then, to see what else turns up.

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    A crate! A tuna! A bass! A chainsaw?

    Permalink Mark Unread

    ... What.

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    It's a fish. It identifies itself as a sawtooth shark, but it does not shrink down to travel size and when picked up it identifies itself as an upgraded axe.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    That is an axe?

    She stashes it in her bag for Dylan to explain later and goes back to fishing.
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    She runs out of bait pretty quickly, but nabs another tuna, a bass, and two more trout.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    So many pocket-sized fish!

    Time to go back and ask her guide what in the wide green world is up with that fish-saw.

    She returns to Dylan's house, and gets the sawtooth shark out of her bag, and holds it up, and says "What."
    Permalink Mark Unread
    Dylan looks at it.

    "You can use your pickaxe to dig through dirt, and your axe to chop down trees."
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It's a fish," she says. "A fish with saw teeth. And it thinks it's an axe."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Start by chopping down trees and gathering wood."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Okay. I will believe you and the crazy fish saw about its axehood. I guess. Thanks for the tip about fishing."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I am here to help!"

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    She goes to test out the fish-saw-axe on a tree.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    It is really effective at cutting down trees. Leagues and leagues better than the copper axe.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Ooh. Nifty. She'll just be carrying around the fish-axe instead of the copper axe from now on.

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    The fish-axe has no comment on the matter! Axes don't talk, and neither do fish, unless it's a Disney movie. And this is not a Disney movie.

    The clouds darken, and it starts to rain.
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    Sable was wondering if this place had weather! Apparently it does. How nice.

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    And then a flying fish shows up and tries to kill her.
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    "Ugh!" she says, swatting at it with the pointy end of the fish-axe.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    Et tu, fish-axe? Et tu?

    The flying fish is murdered by its fish-axe brother. The traitor.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    Sable goes indoors to her campfire and sees about cooking some of her travel-sized fishes.
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    She can actually turn the fish into food items (specifically, one called sashimi) without the use of a cooking pot, but the cooking pot is required for the soup. It's only ten iron, she can afford it.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Ten iron is definitely worth it for soup.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Then she may now have soup!

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    Good. It's almost like real food.

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    Well, the main materials involved seem to be pretty easy to gather, so she can likely have as much of it as she likes.

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    She bets she will be tired of it in a week.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Probably. But there are other food options! Like... Blueberries. And fish. And more rabbit. And maybe that fruit from the cactus.

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    Well, she can always eat the grasshoppers. If she wants some variety.

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    How about instead, she goes on another fishing trip the next day.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    That is fine! There are fish to be caught. It's still raining, though.

    ... There is a walking goldfish. Right over there.
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    Sable stops and stares.

    The goldfish. Is walking. On its little fins.

    That's adorable. And bizarre.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    It thinks it's quite normal, thank you very much.

    (A slime hops nearby. It has an umbrella.)
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    ...That is an enormous slime. Sable avoids it.

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    That is fine. It hops along, umbrella in... slime. It has no hands.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Fishing occurs! Fish are caught. Flying ones accost her the entire time, but those might be able to be cooked, too. Or not.

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    She's not going to try the flying fish. There are enough fish of the non-flying variety.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    Well, that's fine. The flying fish will just keep flinging themselves at her until it stops raining.

    That takes about two hours.
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    Two hours is enough time to collect a respectable amount of fish! But really she's hoping for more weird crap like the fish-saw.

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    Another crate! This one's made of iron, instead of wood.

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    Maybe she should try to figure out how to open these crates. It's not like she's managed to fish up a crowbar.

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    It's pretty intuitive, once she focuses on it. Just grab the edge of the wooden one like so, pull up, and - oh look, loot.

    There's a blue potion, a green potion, some silver coins, and several bars of what looks like platinum. That's likely useful.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    Handy! She gets the iron one too.

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    There are several snazzy looking red potions, in fancier bottles than the earlier healing potions. Along with that there are several iron bars, a yellow potion, some gold coins, and... A fake beard. It is bright red, and looks very fluffy.

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    Well, whatever. She can take it home in case it is ever useful. And iron bars are good.

    What other bounties does the ocean hold today?
    Permalink Mark Unread

    More fish! And an iron crate. The crate has more money, what looks to be an upgraded version of the blue potion from the wooden crate, bars of a metal recognizable as a very strange type of lead, and a small but very sharp blade.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    How nice.

    Encouraged, she keeps fishing.
    Permalink Mark Unread
    Fish! More fish! Exciting stuff!

    And then one pair of very strange green boots. They look vaguely frog-like, but they can definitely be worn by an ordinary human. Just, the shape's possibly a bit tacky.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    She eyes them suspiciously, evaluates how much room she has left to carry things, and decides to call it quits on that note. Back home she goes with her weird lead and her boots and her beard.
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    And her fish! Don't forget the fish, because while they are tiny and consolidated, there's a lot of them.

    The guide has the following to say about the strange frog-boots: "Keep your health up by consuming healing items, staying near items that cause you to regenerate, or wearing certain accessories."
    Permalink Mark Unread

    That sounds like a suggestion to put on the boots. She puts on the boots.
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    The boots inform her in no uncertain (or explicable, the knowing is directionless and apparently baseless, but absolutely certain in it's truth) terms that Sable can now jump much higher, and fall further distances without injury. A sufficiently long fall will definitely still hurt her, but it's harder to do.

    Permalink Mark Unread
    How convenient.

    "What about this stuff?" she asks, showing him the potions.
    Permalink Mark Unread

    Of the blue potion: "Mana potions can be used to restore mana. Make them with two lesser mana potions and a glowing mushroom at an alchemy station."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    And the rest?

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    The yellow potion: "Spelunker potions can be used to see precious ores, gems, and other useful items through blocks. It can be made with bottled water, blinkroot, moonglow, and either platinum or gold ore at an alchemy station."

    The green potion: "Night owl potions are used to improve someone's night vision. They can be made with bottled water, daybloom, and blinkroot at an alchemy station."
    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Well, that sounds... less painful than using my groundsense, I guess. Are you going to tell me about all these weird herbs?"

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    .... Silence.

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    "I guess not. That will make finding them interesting."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You can tell a Blood Moon is out when the sky turns red. There is something about it that causes monsters to swarm." Pause. "Hey, buddy, do you know where any deathweed is?"

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    "That wasn't even one of the original weird herbs! But good to know, I guess."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I am here to help."

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    The guide smiles, just a tad, and then it flickers away and his face is back to its ordinary emptiness.

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    "But weird herbs are probably lower on the priority list than going underground, right?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You should prove yourself by defeating a strong monster. That will get the attention of a dryad."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...Is the dryad weird-herb-related?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Shaky, puppet-like nod.

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    "A lot of things seem to come back to this dryad."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "For a nurse to move in, you might want to increase your maximum life," offers the guide.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Which... comes back to going underground?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Underground are crystal hearts that can be used to increase your max life," he agrees.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yeah. Me and my weird frog boots will get right on that."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Another smile, from the guide. "I'm here to help."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Against all odds."

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    "Greetings, Sable. Is there something I can help you with?" asks the guide, with a hint of sarcasm.

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    "There's no need to take that tone with me," she says in her best imitation of her mother.

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    The picture of innocence, the guide says, "They say there is a person who will tell you how to survive in this land... oh wait. That's me."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Sable cracks up.

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    Dylan smirks.

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    With gravity, as if he's imparting critically important information: "If you see a pot, be sure to smash it open. They contain all sorts of useful supplies."

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    "My mama taught me not to break other people's things," she says primly.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You can smash them with a pickaxe."

    Permalink Mark Unread


    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I am here to give you advice on what to do next. You can smash them with a pickaxe."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If you insist. But if my mother shows up asking why I've been going around smashing things, I'm blaming you."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Shrug. Dylan doesn't seem to mind.

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    "I see you've never met my mother."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You should prove yourself by defeating a strong monster."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "My mother's killed two malices. She doesn't have a problem with strong monsters."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    .... Head tilt? Confused head tilt, questioning look.

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    "Ah, so you don't know everything," says Sable. "In the world I came from, there are creatures called malices that come up out of the ground and try to destroy everything they can reach. People have to kill them, or the ones we didn't get would just grow and grow until they ate the world. My father's killed seven or eight of them, and my mother's killed two, but it's more impressive coming from her because she doesn't have any magic."

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    Somewhat confused: "If you gather 5 fallen stars, they can be combined to create an item that will increase your magic capacity."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It's a different kind of magic. Have you seen how I kill the walking corpses? Can your star magic do that?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Dylan haltingly shakes his head.

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    "Didn't think so."

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    "Stars fall all over the world at night. They can be used for all sorts of useful things," defends Dylan.

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    "Well, I'll try it and see if it's as good as mine."

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    "I don't suppose you can tell me what it does."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Head shake. Dylan lacks the words.

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    "Oh, well. It'll be an adventure."