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miles to go before i sleep
Permalink Mark Unread

Karaoke is a charming old Earth pastime in which music which normally has lyrics is played without them and supplying vocals is left as an exercise to the participant. Ivan was coaxed into going by a local handing out drink vouchers for the bar which offers the activity, and there he got slightly tipsy, sang the only three Barrayaran songs in the entire catalogue, made out with a somewhat drunker girl, got her number, and stumbled home while some Earthling was stumbling through interminable verses of some song. It has not been a bad evening.

Permalink Mark Unread

Between the tubeway's exit and the embassy's entrance, there happens to be someone coming the other way on the sidewalk who looks a whole awful lot like Ivan's cousin Miles, if Ivan's cousin Miles had suddenly and inexplicably grown a fashion sense.
Permalink Mark Unread

Blink blink.

"Hi?" Ivan says, on the grounds that this is almost always a safe thing to say to strangers who are not immediately pointing weapons at you, and also pretty okay if Miles has dropped by with a fashion sense newly installed.
Permalink Mark Unread
"Hi," says the stranger who is not immediately pointing a weapon at him. "Can we talk?"

That's... not Miles. Miles natively has a Barrayaran accent much like Ivan's, except when he comes over all hills-like, and he can do a good Betan much like his mother's, but he does not have any settings that sound like a Londoner.
Permalink Mark Unread

"Please don't take this the wrong way, but who the blazes are you?"
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"That's one of the things I was hoping we could talk about, yes."

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"Well, ah, I invite you to talk about it."

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He glances around. "Not here? Not your embassy, either. I want some semblance of privacy that I won't have to pretend to be Miles Vorkosigan to achieve."

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Ivan, too, looks around.

"It's possibly my imagination is running off with me a bit but can I be quite assured that that's not a terrible idea? For example, will you object if I comm th'captain about my intended whereabouts."
Permalink Mark Unread

"Nah, go ahead," he says.

Permalink Mark Unread
Ivan comms his captain, says he may be out a bit later than usual and if some sort of emergency should call for his presence he will be in this diner over there.

"I hope the diner will suffice. Place is dead at this hour."
Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure," says not-Miles agreeably. (His accent is not quite entirely London-centric, but whatever else is in there, it's not familiar.)

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So they go sit in the diner and Ivan orders a coffee and a slice of pie and waits for not-Miles to explain who he is instead of Miles.

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"The thing is..." he starts, when there isn't anyone else obviously in earshot. "I'm in kind of a difficult situation, and I'm looking for your help."

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"Go on."

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"You want the whole story in order, or just the summary version?"

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"Summary will start me off."

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"A vengeful Komarran expat ran off a couple clones of Miles, would've been when he was about six, raised us for a substitution plot, whichever one turned out better was supposed to impersonate him and kill a bunch of people, the man hasn't picked yet but it's getting down to the wire, I need you to help me rescue the other clone."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well," says Ivan, "all right, where is he?"
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That elicits a smile.

"A little old house in a quiet neighbourhood. I can give you the address. I have to be back in two hours or it'll tip off the boss, but there's time to plan."
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"Right - have you got a name, by the by?"

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"Not that I've ever had a chance to use. The boss just calls us both Miles, and if he needs to tell us apart it's Miles One," vague elsewhereish gesture, "and Miles Two," gesture at self.

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"That is extremely awkward and if you don't choose something I'm going to accidentally start calling you Dimitri in my head and it will be very hard to get me to pick up on a later selection."
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"Hah. Fine, then, call me Aaron. The other one gets to be Mark."

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"Is that Aunt Cordelia's father's name, I couldn't call it to mind."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. So I can go in and tell th'captain you tipped me off and I need, oh, how many people to assail this house for having Vorkosigans in it who don't wish to be there?"

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"There's the boss and three loyal minions, all with stunners, and enough nerve disruptors to go around but they don't all carry those when they aren't expecting trouble. No other prisoners besides me and Mark. You might know better than I do how many people you need to deal with that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sounds doable. What can you tell me about layout?"

Permalink Mark Unread

He can give an extremely complete summary of the building's tactically relevant features, is what he can do.

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Good, good. Ivan borrows a pen from the waitress and writes this all down on a napkin. "What else should I know?"

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"I might have to pretend not to be on your side for a while when you arrive. Mark will probably just collapse as soon as it looks like there might be a rescue."

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"Collapse of what?"

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"Panic attack. He gets those when he tries to do something that might piss off the boss. He'll be fine afterward, just won't be much use in the fight."

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"All right. And what form will your pretense take?"

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"Staying out of the way and acting like I don't want to be rescued. But if the boss gives me a weapon I'm shooting him."

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"All right, I can work with that."

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Aaron smiles.

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"Anything else?" Ivan finishes his pie.

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"Don't think so. Thanks."

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"You're welcome. Please don't turn out to have planned to assassinate people from your new vantage point all along, I'd be very disappointed."

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"Ha. No," he says. "I like what I've seen of Miles's family, I have no plans to murder any of them."

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"They're good folks."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"So I... suppose I'll see you tomorrow, Aaron."

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"Suppose you will," he agrees, and he gets up and leaves.

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So the next day Ivan and the captain and some of the boys swing by the house.
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The house contains:

three loyal minions,

two imprisoned Vorkosigans,

and a surprise.
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Galeni is really surprised by this surprise. It's lucky they found him only after stunning all three minions.

Permalink Mark Unread
The surprise is moderately surprised by Galeni, to be sure.

"This... isn't the reunion I was hoping for," he says slowly, glancing between Galeni and assorted subordinates.
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Whatever else he was about to say is lost to history when he is rudely interrupted by a nerve disruptor bolt to the head, coming from the direction of the conference room's other door.

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"Thank you Aaron. I'm assuming you're Aaron."

Galeni puts his face in his hands, sighs, says, "Vorpatril, you're in charge of exit," and just. Leaves.
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"Yeah," says Aaron. "Hi."

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"So, I hear I'm in charge of exit, where's Mark, I assume he should exit too."
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"Panicking in a closet. This way."

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"Will I have to carry him?"

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"You could make me carry him instead."

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"Can you?"

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Would he rather it, do you suppose?"

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"Hard to say. Seems plausible."

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"All right, then that's your job, hauling your - brother, s'pose - out to the car."

Hello, Aaron's brother s'pose.
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Aaron's brother s'pose is unavailable for comment.

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Aaron scoops him up without a whole lot of trouble even though they are precisely the same size. (Where'd that nerve disruptor go? He certainly isn't holding it anymore.)

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"By the way, did you know that it's not technically legal to go about with nerve disruptors in London."
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"I heard something about that," he says agreeably.

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"Also, I am not sure that the embassy wants them there, either. And if we have to explain why that fellow is dead, the locals might want the murder weapon."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you want the murder weapon, I can put Mark in the car and go get the murder weapon," he says.

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"I just want it accounted for and did not see you put it down, is all."

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"Sharp eyes," he says, and laughs. "Fine, fine, I'm still carrying the damn thing, call me paranoid. Where'd you rather I put it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Down, somewhere. Near where you fired it would probably make the forensics people happy? Perhaps, anyway, I don't know how forensics works."

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"Sure. I'll get Mark in the car and then go put it down somewhere. Unless you'd rather the other way around."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Other way around, please."

Permalink Mark Unread

He puts Mark down. He produces the nerve disruptor. He puts the nerve disruptor down. He picks up Mark.

Permalink Mark Unread

Out to the car they go then!

Permalink Mark Unread

Out to the car indeed.

Permalink Mark Unread

And at the car, Veli wants them both searched for weapons. Although he says 'lord' while he insists on it.

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Aaron shrugs and produces one stunner and is very agreeable about being inspected for further weapons, of which the ensuing inspection does not discover any.

Permalink Mark Unread

Mark continues to be totally unresponsive to the outside world and also does not have any weapons concealed about his person.

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Veli takes the stunner.

To the embassy they go. Ivan's in back with the twinplets.
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Aaron seems content not to talk on the journey.

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"They'll probably put you in the room by mine. 've got a monstrously awkward letter to write Aunt Cordelia and Uncle Aral. I believe I'll make them break the news to Miles."

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"Sorry about that," says Aaron, laughing softly.

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"Hardly your fault."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"How long will Mark be, er, out?"

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"An hour or two all told, I bet. May be longer what with being searched and all."

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"Is he, you know, conscious, or sort of dead to the world?"
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"He'll remember all this afterward, if that's what you mean."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right then. Hello Mark. Sorry about the panic attack."

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"Apology accepted on his behalf."

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And here is the embassy.
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Imagine that.

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And indeed Mark and Aaron get the room next to Ivan's, and are told where the food is, and Ivan goes to write his awkward letter.

Permalink Mark Unread

Aaron deposits Mark in their room. Aaron retrieves food. Aaron figures out where to retrieve clothes from and gets some of those too. Aaron remains in their room.

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That evening Ivan knocks.

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Aaron - probably? - answers the door.

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"Hi. ...Which one are you."

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"Still Aaron."

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"Thought I'd check on Mark, is he recovering okay?"

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"Yes," says an Aaronlike although differently-intoned voice from the parts of the room not visible from the door.

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"That's good! You two settling in all right?"

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"Yeah. Thanks."

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"You're entirely welcome. I have sent Aunt Cordelia and Uncle Aral the awkward letter. They'll get it in a week and a half, ish."

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"Won't that be a surprise."

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"Yes, I imagine."

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He laughs. "I hope they're not too upset."

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"Well, I imagine Uncle Aral pacing a lot. Aunt Cordelia will probably be very Betan about it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Very Betan?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I'm not sure how else to summarize it. She's probably... got some businesslike attitude towards finding two unplanned clones of her child have been raised by a villain backed up by lots of cultural history, a pithy saying, and a very down-to-earth handbook entitled So Your Child Was Cloned Twice Without Your Knowledge?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Aaron giggles.

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"Yeah, that does sound typical," says Mark.

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"Anyhow, turns out th'Captain is your captor's son. Weirdest thing. Squeaky clean far as I can tell though."

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"Yeah," says Mark.

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"Let me know if you two need anything, will you?"

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"Absolutely," Aaron assures him.

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And Ivan leaves them be.

Permalink Mark Unread

They're a quiet bunch, are these extra Vorkosigans. Mark just doesn't seem to leave their room at all, and Aaron is polite and friendly but not very talkative when he's out fetching food or other necessities. (He doesn't ask Ivan for anything.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Ivan checks in on them once a day, usually in the late afternoon when he's done with work but hasn't gone out for the night yet. "Mark, why are you always cooped up in here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Because I'm a terrifying abomination who shouldn't interact with people if I can avoid it," says Mark.

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"Having not been warned of this supposed hazard I can't say it's obvious from here."
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"You'll learn. Or you won't, I suppose."

Permalink Mark Unread

"May I ask what manner of warning sign exactly should be on the door? 'Do not enter, abomination' is non-specific."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Eh," he says. "Hard to explain." He pauses consideringly for a moment, then—

Permalink Mark Unread

"Extreme trouble relating to people, if I had to summarize," he says, in an unnervingly accurate imitation of Miles.

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Ivan backs into the doorframe with a thump. "The fuck did you just do."

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"Abominated at you, apparently."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You Milesed!"

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"Yes. I was having trouble explaining on my own, so getting Miles to do it seemed the obvious thing, he often understands my problems better than I do. I did not predict that Milesing would turn out to be an abominable action."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you claiming to have Miles stuffed in one of your hemispheres sufficient to run social errands for you?"

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"I've been trained to impersonate him, did you imagine I was bad at it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I imagined you'd expect to pass long enough, but that wasn't passing, that was -" vague gesture.

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"Aaron can't do it. He has the accent and the mannerisms but he doesn't have the - the soul. It's why Ser Galen was having such trouble deciding between us; I'm otherwise useless and much more openly rebellious, but I'm a perfect assassin and a perfect Miles."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I see."

Permalink Mark Unread

"D'you understand what I mean about being a terrifying abomination now?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, not really. I mean, I was surprised but I'm not sure I'd go all the way to 'terrifying abomination'. 'Disconcerting irregularity?'"

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Shrug. "Well, if you prefer. But that's why I try not to talk to anyone who isn't Aaron."

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"D'you want me to leave you alone? I am supposed to look in on you but I could just stick my head in and not try to make conversation if you'd rather."

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"Supposed to?"

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"I'm not saying I would ignore you two forever if th'captain didn't want to keep track of your general whereabouts but I am saying I would not remember to visit on a daily basis."

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"Mm. Well. I don't mind you talking to me."

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"That's good, I wouldn't want to abominate you."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Where's Aaron?"

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Permalink Mark Unread

"The cafeteria isn't made of thickets and woods."

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Mark giggles.

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"See you around."

Ivan goes to the cafeteria, which is not made of thickets and woods.
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Aaron is there! He is acquiring food. Actually he has already acquired the food and is most of the way through eating it. Unusual; he rarely stays out any longer than he has to.

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"'Lo, Aaron, how're you?" asks Ivan, plunking next to him with a bowl of soup.

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"Pretty good, and yourself?"

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"I'm all right. Mark Milesed at me."

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"Yeah, he does that."

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"It was uncanny."

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"Guess I'm used to it."

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"Well, and neither've you have ever met Miles in person. I s'pose you must've had some vid but like most people he is seldom being recorded."

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"Yeah, that's why my Miles imitation is so bad. Well, comparatively. Mark, though, he says it's like he has an internal copy of Miles's soul that he can run at will."

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"How does one come by such a thing?"

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"I'd say 'intensive study and copious torture', but that didn't give me one, so who knows."

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Aaron laughs. "Sorry."

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"Not me who had to live through it."

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"True. Still, there's no call for me to make you think about it. You clearly don't think it's funny. Maybe I should be joking with your Captain Galeni instead. He had to live through Ser Galen's idea of actual parenting, God help him. What must that have been like?"

Permalink Mark Unread

There is a cough from the direction of the salad bar.
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"Oh, it's Junior. Hi, Junior," Aaron says sunnily. "Your old man was a vicious fucker and I'm glad I shot him. How're you doing?"

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"Aaron," says Ivan.

"Recently orphaned," snaps Galeni, "which I thought I'd already gotten over with."
Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd apologize, but I don't actually like lying."

Permalink Mark Unread
"Then perhaps you could keep your mouth shut, instead," says Galeni.

"Captain -"
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"Where's the fun in that?"

Permalink Mark Unread
"Find other sources. Or don't; your entertainment is not my concern."

Ivan winces and pushes his soup out of the way.
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"Anybody ever tell you you sound just like your dad?" asks Aaron. His voice is steady but his hands are shaking.

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"Vorpatril, I want you to take him back to his room," says Galeni through his teeth.

Ivan hops up to his feet.
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And Aaron shoves away from the table and launches himself at Galeni in a blind rage.
Permalink Mark Unread

Galeni dodges. Ivan tackles Aaron.

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Aaron is theoretically a trained assassin but at the moment he is acting more like an enraged small animal, complete with biting.

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"Ow - fuck - Aaron, calm down!" says Ivan, wrestling him into a more secure and less biting-friendly hold.

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Telling people to calm down is notoriously ineffective at achieving this result. Witness the lack of calm.

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"Aaron you little shit stop trying to bite me!" says Ivan, struggling to his feet without the use of his arms.

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At least he is no longer succeeding?

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That will have to do.

Ivan carries him out of the cafeteria. "The fuck was that? Who does that?"
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Aaron does not answer! He is too busy trying to... no, actually, he is no longer too busy trying to bite Ivan. Now he is too busy crying, instead. This is arguably an improvement.

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Ivan hauls him all the way back to his room and kicks the door a couple times.

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Mark opens the door.

"Ah, shit," he sighs.
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"Little bastard launched himself at Galeni and fucking bit me!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Aaron, for fuck's sake." He shakes his head. "Leave him with me, please."

Permalink Mark Unread

Ivan drops Aaron onto his bed. "Learn some fucking self-control," he mutters, and he edges out of the room without turning his back on Aaron.

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Aaron burrows under a blanket and doesn't say anything.

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"Sorry," says Mark.

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"You didn't try to start a brawl in the cafeteria, what do you have to be sorry for, you've been perfectly civilized the entire time."

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"I'm apologizing on his behalf since he is currently unavailable for comment."

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"Fair enough. Don't let him out without my escort till further notice, I'll be by to take him to breakfast or just bring it in for you both if he's in a mood."

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Mark nods.

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"See you in the morning."

And Ivan shuts the door.
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Perhaps surprisingly, they are both still there the next morning.
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"Either of you want to come to the cafeteria or should I just bring you your bread, water, vat bacon, eggs...?"

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"I'll go," sighs Mark.

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"Right. Aaron, no wandering off, th'captain doesn't care to run into you again and needs the run of the place to do his job."

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"He doesn't feel up to talking to anyone yet but he understands and he's not going anywhere," says Mark.

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Ivan leads Mark to the cafeteria.
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Mark is very quiet. Mark acquires foods.

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Ivan also acquires foods. "You'll know what Aaron'll want better than me."

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And when they have foods for Aaron too Ivan walks Mark back to the room.

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On the way back it occurs to him to ask, "Did you find out about the courier yet?"

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"The who? No."

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"Oh. This embassy's courier to Tau Ceti was being extensively blackmailed by Ser Galen. Less of a problem now, of course."

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"...Well, less, but I'm sure they'll still be glad to know it. Well, for certain values of glad. Thanks."

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"Happy to help."

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"You don't look happy. What's the matter?"

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"It's an expression. I am not a very happy person."

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Here is the room. Aaron receives food.

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Or at least Mark goes into the room with food. Aaron is still under his blanket.

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Ivan leaves them be.