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Why are you talking to your beverage?
Quartet in WTFMagic!Alienville
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Simultaneously like a flower and seed. It blossoms and it takes roots. Petals extend out and reach to call attention and draw sustenance. Aiming towards the abstract. It is a rigid fractal and organic curve.

Above all, it is power, but power for what and from what it isn't clear.

The threads weave through them. Four kinds of threads, matching the four of them.

It pulls and draws scenes. Artificial bits of stories. It finds something that could be considered kinship in these false realities.

They watch the torrent of information forming and flowing around them. An adult talking to an infant in liquid form, held in a beverage container. Humanoid non-humans in the background. The question of a confused friend.

More fragments are taken. A changeling rising from a sea of iridescent light, taking humanoid form. A lizardlike humanoid in a victorian dress. Captain Kirk fending off Gorn. Julian Bashir, reaching out, hypospray and tricorder in hand. 
A hand touching a face. My mind to your mind. Your thoughts to my thoughts. Our minds are merging, our minds are becoming one. 

The fragments are wonderful. The fragments are terrifying. The fragments are fates. The fragments are... made into existence.

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Erin wakes up. 

She takes a moment just to breathe. That dream was... Something. It was definitely that. 

But hey, it only makes sense that she would dream about Star Trek and Doctor Who after a three day long sci fi marathon. So what if it was surreal and terrifying? It was a dream. Dreams are like that.

That settled, she begins to sit up. Slowly, because all three of her friends are still snoring peacefully in various, and in some cases precarious, places around her. Robin is half sprawled over her blanketed legs, and half off the bed. Which is going to be a problem. Caine and Jamie are curled together on her left side, so she'll have to get out on the right. 

Her position check completed, she slips her legs out of the covers, scrunching them up to give Robin something to cuddle, and gets to her feet. Shifting a bit in discomfort, she heads to the bathroom. 

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Her house appears mostly the same from what she remembers last night. Maybe some things are out of place, which is to be expected.

When she gets to the mirror something catches her attention from the corner of her eye. A weird color in the mirror.

And once she looks directly at it she will notice many things, like how her hair is sitting precariously on her head exactly like a wig half-pulled out of place. But that isn't the only thing.

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What. Is this...? A prank? But how? 


Erin reaches up and strokes her cheek. It's bumpy. She taps it. Her nail makes a little 'chik' noise as it clicks against the smooth scales that now cover her face. 

She reaches up and tugs the wig - her hair? - the rest of the way off, revealing five short ridges running along her crown to the back of her head. She pauses a long moment to take it in.

Then she smacks her hands down onto the counter.

"What. The FUCK?!?" 

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Her voice echoes through the house. The wig hangs from her hand, revealing it's insides, a mesh of plastic material with blinking LED dots. There is no obvious answer to her question.

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At the sound of her shout, Robin snaps awake, the suddenness of his movements sending him careening off the matress in a flailing tangle of limbs and blankets. One of those limbs smacks into Jamie on the way down. The other teen, who, at the sound of Erin's uncharacteristic yelling, had been half-way out of bed, instead curls around his wounded knee with a swear. 

Untangling himself, Robin staggers to his feet and rushes towards the bathroom. Caine, following close behind him, notes that he's moving so fast he seems to be blurring. 

Reaching the door, Robin twists the knob, barely registering the snick of the lock turning, and opens it.

"Erin, what-?"

It quickly becomes obvious what the yelling was about. 

"Oh my god."

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Robin has a vivid recollection of how it must have been for Erin to come to the bathroom and look herself in the mirror, pulling out her wig.

What a oddly vivid deduction.

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Caine reaches Robin's side as he shakes his head like a dog, giving him an odd look before turning his attention to Erin. 

"Ah." He says. He almost looks surprised, if you're paying close attention to his eyebrows. 

After a moment, he steps closer to get a better look. It's... not exactly obvious that this is Erin. The ridges make it hard to tell if her features are still Erin-like, and her eyes are a different colour. Still, judging by the all-too-human shock on her face, and the direction Erin's voice had come from, it is most likely her. 

Having come to this conclusion, Caine reaches for her hand.

"Alright?" He asks. 

 At that moment, Jamie catches up to them, and immediately suppresses a squawk at the sight of Erin's new appearance. 

"Seriously?" Robin mutters in the background. He's blinking hard, a hand on his temple. 

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A thin drop of blood drips from Robin's nose.

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Erin grips him back, hard. 

"Fine, I-" 

She takes a deep breath, then stills; quick as a whip, she snaps around to look at Robin as he slides his palm down from his forehead to wipe under his nose. Her eyes follow the motion, and the red smear on his fingers as he pulls his hand away, and then she grabs his other hand and starts dragging him out of the bathroom, Jamie quickly stepping out of her way as she goes by. 

Trailing the other two, she hauls Robin up the stairs and into her room, dropping him on the bed and making for her desk. 

Caine and Jamie slip inside and blink at the state of the room. Then Jamie goes to sit with Robin, and Caine heads towards Erin to see what she's doing. 

Erin notices none of this. She's intent on the contents of her desk, fiddling with the lock on the drawer, which wasn't there the day before.

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Automatically, Erin places a thumb over the lock, there is a pixelated effect over it and then the drawer opens with the sound of pressurized air escaping.

The drawer not only slides out of the desk, but unfolds, revealing several gizmos made of chromium and plastic. Some look like rectangles made of plastic with glowing writing, there is a series of vials next to something that could be reasonably called a "syringe gun", some other things are of even more arcane purpose. One looks like almost like a sonic screwdriver, with a forked tip.

Something will be off to Robin. There is one more person in the room than he previously thought.

Robin, and possibly the others, might also notice that Sam's terrarium is gone, replaced by a cat bed and tree-like perch that takes up a corner.

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Jamie notices. Sam is family. Sam is life. Unfortunately for Sam, whatever the hell is happening to Erin and Robin is more attention grabbing at the moment. 

Jamie lifts the hem of his shirt to dab at Robin's nose, nudging at him to tilt his head back. 

Erin grabs one of the glowing plastic doodads, then turns it on Robin, it's squiggly writing scrolling across the screen and making no sense at all as far as Jamie can tell. It seems Erin can read it however, because she fiddles with it, pressing a series of symbols on the screen. Then she huffs in frustration and lets her hand fall to her side, blinking rapidly. 

"You doing ok, 'rin?" Jamie asks, hesitantly. Robin pulls his hand away to check if he's still bleeding, then quickly puts it back when it becomes clear that he is. Makeshift tissue in place, he glances around, squinting in equal parts confusion and pain.

Erin nods absently, muttering something mostly unintelligible, then, "Not even bleeding, so far as I can tell."

Then she blinks again, and shakes her head, "What?" She takes in the room, "I think I'm hallucinating. Weren't we just in the bathroom? And I thought I looked like a lizard." 

She catches sight of her hand and balks, "Oh, never mind, then."

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The mechanisms beep softly and there is a clear pleasantly polite but emotionally detached voice from a drawer device. "Synthesis complete." The device ejects a thumb-sized glass vial with cyan liquid.

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Caine reaches into the drawer and picks it up, holding it up to the light streaming in through the window. Some kind of medical scanner/synthesizer set up? He shakes it, and then shrugs; not his area. He passes it to Erin who takes it automatically. 

"You hyperfocused or something," Jamie says, "As soon as Rob started bleeding, you were right on him." 

Erin nods, staring at the vial Caine had passed her. She's happy to ignore her sudden makeover for a little while, but- "We should probably not test the mysterious liquid on Robin before we have any idea what is going on here."

"Good plan," Robin says, a bit muffled behind the shirt. He's squinting intently at the half-open door to the dressing room. If he had to describe how this knowing feels he'd say it's like the feeling you're bein watched, except you're the person watching. Which makes almost no sense even to him, honestly. 

So they're just going to ignore the scaly elephant in the room, Caine assumes.

Robin clears his throat, "Yeah, uh, speaking of scaly elephants, hey, 'rin, where's Sam?" 

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Robin feels a "pull" towards the closet.

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Robin rises to his feet, dragging Jaime by his shirt. He steps towards the closet, reaching out and tapping the door open a bit more.

 "Sam? You in there, buddy?"



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Through the crack of the door, Robin can see a lizard that's not quite the Sam he knows. Quite a bit larger, and with a red crest around his neck. It peeks its head out of a towel nest. 

<Yes, I am, Robin One. What was all the screaming that happened moments ago? Some of us want to sleep.>

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"Ack!" Robin half jumps, half falls away from the closet door, losing his grip on Jamie's shirt. Luckily it seems the bleeding has mostly stopped. 

Distracted from the vial by sudden giant lizard, Erin hurries towards the closet, eyes widening as she takes in Sam's new form. 

 "Sam, is that you?" She kneels down in front of the towel nest, reaching towards him. "You look really different! What the heck is going on?"

Caine, meanwhile, seeing that situation is being dealt with, picks up the wig Erin had dropped on the desk and peers at the tech inside of it. 

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<Who else would I be? I am not feeling different.> He looks at the closet's mirror. <Same dashing Oroth Lizard of yesterday.>

It looks like a mesh of plastic, LED lights whenever two lines meet, touching it gives a slight electric feeling.

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Robin squints at Sam, "But you weren't-"

Joining the others near the closet, Caine interrupts Robin with a more important topic.

"How does this work?" He holds the wig up. Based on Sam's reaction, he can only assume that the giant lizard is the only one who has any idea how to navigate the situation they've found themselves in. 

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<You put it on your head. And let it activate the hologram.> There is something somewhat amused about the tone of his words. He turns to Erin. <Is this the result of what human call a 'hang over'?>

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Erin- well, she doesn't flush, but if she looked human she definitely would have. Ok, they'd had a bit to drink last night, but only a bit! She'd managed to head off Jamie when he'd tried to sneak into the alcohol cabinet, so they'd only had enough to get them a bit tipsy. And she'd made them all drink water! They definitely didn't drink anything that could have had them hallucinating this. she glances at her reflection. Yep, still a lizard person. 

Then Caine drops the wig on her head, arranging it to sit properly on the ridges. 

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And her reflection changes. 

"Well," Caine says into the silence, "I vote we go to my dad."

"Good plan! I am on board with this plan! Let's do that, let's do it right now!" Robin babbles, standing up from his place on the floor and waving spastically towards the door.

Erin stares for another long moment, trying to find any trace of lizard in her reflection. At length, she nods. "That seems like a good idea," she says, and then turns to Sam, petting his fringe in thanks as she stands. 

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Sam licks her hand and goes back to his towel nest.

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Being closest to the door, Jamie leads the way downstairs, Erin staying behind to pull some clean clothes out of her closet and get changed. The other three duck into the recroom to do the same, Robin taking his meds, and Jaime grabbing the pile of dirty, and in some cases bloody, clothes to drop off in the laundry room for later. Ms Lowry, the maid, will do them if she has time, and if not they'll deal with it whenever they get back.

 Once Erin joins them at the front door, they head out onto the porch and begin the long jog down the lawn to the street, climbing over the fence once they reach it. 

Steadying Robin when he slips on his way down, Jamie frowns when he notices the other boy squinting. 

"Headache?" He asks. 

Robin nods, then shrugs, "Just the hangover, probably."

They make good time into the downtown area, heading towards the condo where Caine and his dad live. A few blocks from the building they turn down an alleyway to take a shortcut.

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They are lucky to behold another unusual sight. A man crawling on the ground half-covered by a metallic blob. They can't see his face, but given the way he struggles there is a definite sense that the man would be screaming.

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"Holy shit!" Robin squawks. Before any of the others can do anything, he rushes towards the struggling man, blurring again. The skin around Caine's eyes tightens slightly as he follows, swallowing irritation for the other's haste. 

When he reaches the man's side, Robin reaches towards him to free him, his hands coming into contact with the strange substance just as Caine and Jamie reach his side. Caine takes hold of his shoulder, ready to pull him away if the blob tries to switch targets, while Jamie grabs hold of one of the man's un-blobbed legs, ready to pull if Robin manages to detach it. 

 Behind him, Erin pulls out the odd scanner, fiddling with the icons on the screen. The fact that she can read this language when she couldn't yesterday is just another weird thing on top of all the others. She selects the one labelled 'scan substance' and points the scanner at the blob. 

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The scanner reads:

Warning: biometrics detect a class five shifting lifeform.

The blob touches Robin and appears to recoil from the contact. It releases the man, who falls to the ground unconscious, but breathing.

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'Class five shifting lifeform'?

Once the blob is far enough from the victim, Erin kneels down at his side and fiddles with the scanner again. First, the back button. Then the icon that translates roughly to 'scan health'. Jamie, who had lunged forward just in time to catch the man's head, peers over her shoulder and shakes his head when he still can't read it. 

Meanwhile, Robin and Caine follow the blob as it retreats, keeping a few feet between it and them. 

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The scanner reads:

High levels of stress and heart rate. Physical condition stabilizing. Mental condition showing signs of memory loss.

The man breathes heavily and starts to jerk and shake.

The blob retreats up to a wall... and then starts taking shape, coalescing into a humanoid shape.

The shape of the man that is on the ground a few feet behind them.

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Robin hesitates at the sight, and then glances back at the sounds coming from behind him. Caine stops at his shoulder and watches the shapeshifter, content to stay at a safer distance now that Robin isn't rushing into danger. 

Erin sets the scanner down, "I think he's having a seizure," she tells Jamie. He loosens his grip on the man's head as it jerks, not wanting to strain his neck. 

"What do we do?" He asks. 

She pauses, then tugs on his shirt, "take this off and bunch it up under his head. I'm going to see if I can make sense of this scanner."

As he does as instructed, she picks up the scanner and presses the button labeled 'recommend treatment', then tugs out the device that spit out the vial last time. Along with the two devices she also brought: the hypospray, a packaged set of six vials, the possible sonic screwdriver, and a small device labeled 'sanitizer'.

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The shapeshifter stares at Caine wide-eyed. It is moving its mouth, but he is apparently not very good at it, and no sound is coming out.

Erin starts a process that involves mixing the vials and applying the sonic screwdriver, causing the contents to change color, then she can apply the final result, which she knows is a "neuro-overload stabilizer".

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Caine watches it evenly in return. Or perhaps him, or them, or her. He has no way to conclude what the shapeshifter's preferred pronouns might be. 

Robin, seeing that Erin has the situation well in hand, turns back towards the shapeshifter. He frowns, watching it struggle to verbalize. Tentatively, he steps forward, saying (and, though he doesn't quite realize it yet, thinking very intently), "Are... are you alright? What were you doing to that guy?" And, to the air in general, "What the hell happened while we were asleep?"

 The treatment complete, she comes out of the fugue once more. Blinking hard, she looks down at the vial in her hands, and then picks up the hypospray and inserts the vial into the socket. She glances at Jamie for a second opinion, "I only sort of know what this does. But I think it should help?" 

He shrugs, "Better him than one of us," he says. 

Frowning lightly at his response, Erin nonetheless leans over the man, presses the pointed end of the hypospray to his neck, and pulls the trigger. The hypospray makes a small ksssk sound. She leans away from him and watches closely for any results. 

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The man appears to stabilize and eventually his eyes flutter open.

Both man and the shapeshifter let out a grunt. The man tries to get up, very slowly.

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Erin and Jamie each grab an arm to steady him, helping him into a seated position.

"How do you feel, sir?" Erin asks, shifting to hide her sci fi tech from view. 


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"Like I just woke up from the worst hang over after spending the night drinking and smoking we- I feel terrible." He is blinking at the sunlight like it is bothering his eyes.

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Robin takes another step closer and then stops, Caine's hand on his shoulder preventing him from continuing. He scowls at the younger boy, and then looks back at the shifter, squinting in concentration. 

He may not be as observant as Caine, but even a guy like him has got to get a clue eventually. All this weird stuff happening, Erin having a hologram disguise, mysterious futuristic medical equipment, Sam being telepathic... and then the things he's been seeing and... sensing all day. 

He focusses, reaches out and... listens. 

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Jaime grins, patting him on the back, "I've been there, man. You feeling good enough to walk home? We can help you out if you're in the area."

Erin shakes her head, then reaches up to shade his eyes, pushing up higher on her knees to get a look at his pupils. "Are you seeing any aura or black spots?" She asks. She pulls out her waterbottle and offers it to him, "Here, have some water, it might help the headache."

It's probably pretty weird for a teenager to be acting like a nurse, but at least he's not likely to find her too suspicious. Hopefully they can send him on his way without noticing the tech, or the guy who looks like him down the alley. If the general population doesn't know about aliens... she's going to assume there's a good reason for it until she knows enough to decide whether it's a good idea for herself. 

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He can listen to the shifter's thoughts... they mostly go around in circles screaming "I got caught! I got caught!". Robin feels a stab in his forehead. Brief, but acute.

"I am not... I think... he looks up the street. Oh, I am close to my atelier, I can just walk there myself, thank you."

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He did get caught, yeah. Doing something apparently very painful, or possibly just terrifying, to some poor guy.

Despite the circumstances, Robin feels kind of bad for the guy... person... being. 

Jamie and Erin help the guy in question to his feet, steadying him and then backing off.

"Try to be a bit more careful about where you pass out next time. You never know what might happen in the back alleys in this city," Erin advises him, wry, and still a little concerned. 

Jamie, meanwhile, goes to join the other two, stopping a few more paces away than they are. He compares the copy to what he'd seen of the original. 

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It is an insanely good copy, the clothing is identical to the point of having the same colorful stains around the legs.

The original moves slowly and makes his way across the street.

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Oh yeah, there were stains, weren't there. Wonder what kind of art the guy does, Jamie muses. 

Robin glances his way as he reaches them, then turns back to the copy. He reaches up to rub under his nose, wiping away the trail of blood that has begun to trickle out again. Tugging his arm out of Caine's grasp, he takes one step closer, Jamie following.

"Hey, we're not going to hurt you," he soothes.

Caine sighs. The shifter seems to be having some kind of panic attack. Which honestly makes him more tense about Robin and Jamie getting closer to it. Even if it wasn't the kind of being that had literally just sent a man into unconsciousness, he wouldn't have advised getting too close to it while it was panicking. People can get violent when they're like this. He remains wary, ready to jump into action as soon as the shifter gives any sign of hurting his friends.

Erin watches the man until he's across the street, and then turns to watch the boys and the shifter. 

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The shifters thoughts start becoming more repetitive, but turn into dark questions about what they are going to do to him. He realized that the technology isn't from Earth.

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Robin backs off, putting his hands up placatingly, "Hey, I mean it, we-" 

He pauses. He reaches out with his mind, We're really not going to hurt you, he says. 

Caine catches sight of Robin's expression and staresRobin, he thinks, very deliberately, Are you mind-speaking at the probably hostile changeling?

Robin side-eyes him, He's just scared, he sends, maybe if I calm him down we can get some information. 

Jamie, unknowing of the telepathic conversations going on around him, edges a bit in front of Robin. His fsce scrunches a bit in confusion as he looks at the shifter, feeling... something. 

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Medani! Screams the shifter's mental voice.

And he presses himself against the wall, mentally pleading not to be mind-wiped.

Then he blinks and Jamie, a sliver of hope half-forming around the word "friend", then wordless fear.

The shifter tries to run.

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Robin is distracted by his conversation with Caine - he can only focus so much, he's new at this - but he catches Medani, whatever that means, and 'friend', though not what that thought is aimed at. He also catches the fear of mind wipes, though has no idea how he'd go about doing that, and then the fear almost overwhelms him. 

When the shifter runs, he's a bit too distracted by the blood pouring from his nose to pursue.

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Jamie turns to help Robin immediately, deeming his well-being more important than the escaping shifter. Erin joins them, pulling out the vial of liquid the synthesizer had made at the house earlier and brandishing it and the hypospray at Robin, who nods rapidly. 

Caine, however, attempts to pursue, but the shifter escapes the alley before he can get a grip on him. He dashes out into the street, racing after the fleeing man-shaped being with all the intent of a wolfhound. He's only a few meters behind him, and getting closer.


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The shifter is looking back at him.

Which is not the most tactically sound decision, since the shifter runs straight into a lamp post. It finally makes a proper sound with his mouth, which is a groan of pain.

When it turns around the head is slightly dented. Not inhumanly so, but noticeably so. And the being quickly recovers from the impact and runs until he finds another alley.

Caine will be just in time to spot the once again liquid shifter going through a manhole.

Once applied, the hypospray stops the bleeding.

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He stills with his hand on the brick corner turning into the alley, watching the last of the silvery substance fall through the holes. He frowns lightly, and then turns to make his way back to the others. 

When he reaches them, Erin is just packing away the last of the equipment in her backpack. Robin and Jamie both eye the states of their shirts - the former's covered in blood, and the latter's in some black gunk that it had picked up off the ground. Neither looks happy about them. After a moment, Jamie shrugs and slings the shirt over his shoulder, while Robin turns his attention to Caine. 

 "The - thing? Shapeshifter?" He asks. 

Caine shrugs, "Escaped," he sums up, "Down a manhole across the street." 


Erin stands, pulling her backpack on, "Well, if it's gone, there's nothing we can do about it. We were heading to Caine's place, remember?" She reminds them.

 All in agreement, they head for the Attens' condo at double speed. 

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Meanwhile, Scout 15 makes his way around the piping under the street, luckily, he can follow his own slime trail back to base. Where he reconstitutes itself after exiting through a sink.

The are member members of the collective waiting for him.

No, way, he wasn't supposed to be thinking like that. There is no "him", just a part of the collective.

Also, he shouldn't let himself be distracted by thinking, not while people are watching. The five collective members looked already impatient.

"Report?" Says their leader, wearing the shape of a old woman in a gardener uniform, including the human device that Scout 15 now knew are called shears.

"There was a hostile encounter with non-native, sir!"

Everyone tensed. Their leader was quick to take action. "Worker 23, merge with Scout 15!"

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"But, Supervisor 17! Scout 15 is a deviant!" The one called Worker 23 responds. It wears the form of an absurdly muscular man, sweat stained tank top and grey shorts fitting tight to its body. It eyes the reporting Scout with unease, "Researchers 54 and 32 have yet to determine whether its abberation will transmit during merging!"

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"That's why I am not merging with Scout 15 myself! Do it, before I start assuming you're a deviant yourself."

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The Worker quickly nods, turning to Scout 15, "Yes, Supervisor," it says. It moves towards the Scout, it's hand losing shape to become a blob of coppery material, of almost mercury-like consistency. It reaches out, clearly expecting the Scout to respond in turn.

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Scout 15 does the same, and he lets their minds merge, knowing full well that they will know that he attacked an artist on purpose, even if he was ordered to pick someone...

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Worker 23 does note this, yes. It also skims through Scout 15s memory of the encounter with the non-native lifeforms.

We're really not going to hurt you, blood streaming from burst blood vessels: inexperienced Medani psychic. Devices made of materials not available on designation-Earth, synthesizer capable of producing neuro-stabalizers: probable Allurian medical technology. Familiar lifeform? Unknown signature, other collective? Possible ecounter with parent-collective? Unknown. 


 Preference of target outside standard Collective protocol, it notes, Why? 

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Scout 15 recoils, but pours the answer out through the link.


Art is beautiful.

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Worker 23 pauses, ...Art? 

It goes looking for a definition of this word. Instead, it finds a stream of images.

Pencils on a page, fanciful swirls of colour forming an image drawn from the artist's imagination. Hands on a block of soft clay, spinning and slowly forming into a crooked pot. A splash of colour upon a canvas, dripping slowly down to the ground. A detailed painting of a woman, her mouth crooked in the slightest of smiles. A child smearing wax onto a page, her focus and delight clear. An abstract sculpture, its shape conveying to the viewer a sense of melancholy and helplessness. A mural painted over an entire alley, depicting the struggle of a young woman to live her life on her own terms. 

Overwhelmed, Worker 23 almost pulls away as it retreats to collect itself. 


It unmerges with Scout 15 and turns to Supervisor 17, "Untrained Medani psychic, possible Allurian medical technology, one human, and one Unknown, Supervisor. Lifeforms encountered Scout 15 attempting to absorb a target and removed the subject from within it. Lifeforms were not hostile once Scout 15 had released its target; it was able to flee the scene through the sewage system."

It does not mention the Scout's... unusual preferences. 

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"I see." Supervisor 17 says narrowing their eyes. "Scout 15 you're dismissed. The rest of you we have much to discuss."

Scout 15 does not waste a second and immediately leaves the room.

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As quick as they're moving, it only takes them five minutes to reach the building. The ride up the elevator is made in antsy silence, Robin fidgeting with his keys and Erin with her scanner. On the tenth floor Jamie takes Robin's hand to stop the jingling noise, having noticed Caine getting more and more annoyed as it continued. They get off on the seventeenth floor and make their way to the second last door on the right. 

The other three loiter around the door as Caine unlocks it, and then file in behind him. The scent of bacon fills the apartment, leading Robin and Jamie to exchange excited glances and push past the others to race to the condo's small kitchen. 

"Hey Mr. Atten! What's for breakfast?" 

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Caine's dad glances up from his place at the stove, giving the boys a smile as he transfers bacon from the pan to his plate. 

"Morning, boys," he greets, "Breakfast is whatever you make of it. There's more bacon in the fridge, along with eggs and bread. You know where the cereal is if you want that instead. Is Caine with you or are you here for my own company?" 

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"Yeah, I'm here dad," Caine says as he enters the kitchen. He gives his dad a small smile as the man offers him a strip of bacon from his own plate, which he accepts, and then heads for the cupboard to grab some oil to fry the bacon Jamie is pulling out of the fridge in. 

"Favoritism!" Robin claims from the stove. Erin snorts as she goes to sit at the table across from Mr Atten, still fiddling with her scanner. 

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Samuel stops eating once he catches sight of the scanner. He slowly puts his fork down, and then leans forward to get a better look. 

After a moment, he clears his throat. Erin looks up, and blinks in confusion at the look in the man's eyes. 

"Where did you get that, Erin?" Samuel asks quietly. 

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Erin glances down at the scanner, then back up at Mr Atten. "Um. It was in my room this morning, and it wasn't there last night."

The others pause in their food-making, turning to participate in the conversation.

"Yeah," Robin says, "And apparently I'm psychic or something now? I definitely read this... guy's, mind just now, and I think I maybe saw some things earlier, too?"

"And apparently Erin's a lizard person," Jamie adds.

Caine hums, "Robin moved much faster than was natural twice this morning," he mentions. 

Robin whips around to stare at him, "I what?" He exclaims.

Jamie nods, "Yeah, I thought he seemed to be blurring a bit inthe alley, but it could have been the light." 

Robin waves an arm at Jamie, "And you didn't mention it?" 

"I mentioned it now, didn't I?" 

Erin shrugs at Mr Atten, whose eyebrows have climbed up his forehead and look likely to disappear into his hair at any moment, "So, yeah," she says, "It's been a weird morning. And that's all before we ran into that shapeshifter basically eating a guy on our way here."

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At that last, Samuel half stands from his chair in alarm, "Shapeshifter?" He asks, "You ran into a shapeshifter on the way here? What happened, were any of you injured, were any of you copied, did you see where it went?" 

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"Yeah, we ran into one," Jamie tells him, concerned. "It was trying to eat this artist guy, it let the guy go when Robin touched it. Then it freaked out for a bit and ran off."

"Went down a manhole," Caine offers.

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"Damn," Samuel breathes, "Damn it all." He leaves his breakfast and rushes out of the kitchen, making for his office. The kids all follow him, confused, and then watch in suprise as he opens up a secret room behind his bookshelf.

They catch a glimpse of what looks like some kind of high-tech armory mixed with a thief's wet dream before the bookshelf closes behind him. 

When it opens again about two minutes later, he's dressed in some kind of armoured bodysuit complete with a utility belt, carrying several weapons which look like something out of Star Trek, and carrying a device made of the same material as Erin's med tech. 

"Right, you four," he says quickly, most of his attention on the device in his hands, "You did good bringing this to me. I need to go, but once I get back I'll explain what's going on. Stay here, and stay out of trouble."

And then he activates one of the buttons on his belt and vanishes. 

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There's a long moment of silence.

Then Caine starts for the door, the other three following.

"We're not going to listen to him are we?" Erin sighs. 

"Of course not!" Robin says, "Have you met us?"

Erin nods, "Usually Caine's at least somewhat sensible," she laments.

"Nah," Jamie snorts, "He's just a good actor."


They make their way down to the lobby and then out of the building, pausing once outside as they try to figure out how to track Caine's dad. 

"Hey, Erin, can you use the scanner to find him?" Robin suggests.

Erin frowns, pulling the device in question out of her bag, "I don't know," she says. She fiddles with the screen, seeing if there's anything that looks likely to help with that.

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There is a function to find similar "bio-signatures" that can help her find family members if she has a template to work from.

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A legitimately useful function, and not just in this particular situation. She taps it, and hovers the scanner over Caine, who bears it stoicly. It beeps, and then does a search of the area. It eventually locates a matching signature, and beeps again. The others, watching over her shoulder, while still unable to read the language, can make out a topographical map with a blip on it, showing a position fairly nearby. 

"That's probably him," Erin says, "Unless you have any immediate family we don't know about. The way this day has been going, I wouldn't be surprised." 

Caine snorts, and they begin following the blip through the city. 

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The blip goes towards the industrial district, Samuel is moving fast enough that they have a hard time to keep up, but they still managed to keep pace.

It is plausible that they wouldn't recognize everything in this part of their town, but that abandoned factory building really isn't familiar. Nor is its gray logo which the name "Mercury Synthesis" beneath.

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'Mercury', huh? That seems suspicious.

Jamie takes in the locked chain-link fence and then gestures the others to stand back. He backs up to give himself some momentum, and then runs up to the fence, springing up and catching some higher up links, and climbing up. At the top he tests whether there's and current coming through the wires above by listening closely, and then dropping a saliva-soaked hair on it. 

Safe from being electrocuted, he still unties his dirty flannel from around his neck and lays it over the wires, tying it down with the sleeves, to prevent them from cutting him. Then he carefully clambers over, unties the flannel, and drops down. 

Now on the other side, he slinks into the dark security booth and knicks the keys, then tries them on the gate lock until one works. 

One of these days he's going to get a lockpick kit that has the tools to pick padlocks. No matter how much fun going around obstacles can be, and how difficult getting ahold of a locksmith grade lockpick set will be, they're losing time right now that they wouldn't be if he had already had one.  

Key found, he pulls the gate open enough to admit the others, and then they make their way to the nearest entrance.


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The place is completely deserted.

Jamie... finds the layout easy to navigate. Eventually the scanner points that Samuel should be in this large area. Oddly enough it isn't or can't give a more specific coordinate.

The large area is some kind of large and empty deposit space.

There is no sign of Samuel.

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"...Was he onto us, you think?" Robin wonders. He tries to scan the area for minds, but doesn't find anyone other than them.

Except maybe there's something familiarly lizardlike hiding at the edge of his range, but then it's gone before he can pinpoint it. 

"This place is pretty cool," Jamie comments. He's sitting on his heels on a shipping container about twelve feet above the others, looking around for anything interesting. 

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There are several containers, some industrial machines (fixated to the floor), a rectangular section of the wall that appears to be at an angle like an ajar door, a whole lot of pipes.

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That looks suspicious!

"Hey, there's something over here, we should go check it out." 

He slides down from the container so he's holding on with his fingers and then drops down carefully. 

"What kind of thing?" Erin asks.

"A secret door, it looked like." He leads them over to it and then peers inside. 

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There is an old room, dusty and cobweb covered, the town's map hangs from the wall with several areas circled in red ink. There is an office table beneath it, with several papers strew about. Plus several file cabinets and a dead potted plant.

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Poor potted plant. Jamie pats it on the least crumbly-looking leaf as he passes. Robin pauses to poke at the soil and then shakes his head and moves on.

Erin takes the map, copying the red circles' positions on her scanner's map. Then she joins Caine in looking through the papers on the table. Jamie and Robin each take a filing cabinet. 

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The files seem to pertain about the purchase of various chemical supplies. They might be typical for this kind of factory, though common household sugar stands out as particularly weird when compared to the other things...

Also, there are files on various individuals from around twenty years ago, thus very outdated. But the positions are recognizable.

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Caine lifts one of the files up and nudges Erin, drawing her attention. 

She frowns, "Wasn't he the mayor?" She asks of the file. 

He nods at another file on the desk, "That one's on the old police chief. He invites my dad and I to dinner once in a while."

"Hey, guys," Robin calls, "Is it just me or is some of the stuff this factory ordered really weird?" 

The others glance at him, and then Jamie waves the file he was reading, "There's more people here," he adds, "The Hospital Director, the Superintendent; it's like the who's who of the city circa 20 years ago." 

"So," Robin reasons, "This happened before. The shapeshifters. Or maybe they've been here all along, just laying low?" 

"What about all the other things that have been happening today, though," Erin asks, dissatisfied. "I'm an alien, apparently, and Robin has psyhic powers, and Caine's dad is some kind of secret agent? And we found out about it all on the same day as we found out about the secret shapeshifter invasion?"

The others exchange looks and then shrug; they can't explain it either.

"We should keep looking for Mr Atten," Robin suggests after a moment. 

Erin lifts the scanner, "I still can't get a lock on him," she says, frustrated. 

"What do we do then?" Jamie asks, glancing at Caine, whose brow is furrowed in equal frustration. 

He huffs, "If we can't find him, we don't have much choice but to head back to the apartment," he says reluctantly. 

Agreed, they gather what files they can carry and then head for the exit, Erin checking the scanner one more time. 

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Scanner is increasingly less confident in its results, it will sometimes point at Caine, simply because it is using him as the template.

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She shakes her head at Caine when she sees him watching. 

Jamie locks the gate behind them as they leave, heading back to the apartment. The walk back is quiet. Caine walks ahead of the other three, leaving them to watch his back with concern. When they get back to the apartment, they beeline straight for the office. 

Robin pokes around the desk, looking for a switch of some kind. Caine searches the bookshelf. Jamie leaves for the kitchen after a few moments, scraping the food from Mr Atten's abandoned plate and sticking it in the washer, and then starting on lunch. Erin pulls out her phone and brings up google maps to compare with the scanner map's new markers. 

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Jamie turns to regard Erin as he sets the timer for the mac and cheese, "You're no where near as all right about this as you've been acting," he observes. 

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She tenses, "No," she says, tightly, "But my breakdown can wait until we have time for it." She keeps her attention on the screen, avoiding eye contact.

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Shaking his head, he crosses the room to stand next to her and leans back against the table, nudging her, "We have time now," he argues lightly, "Since we couldn't find him, we should really sit tight until he gets back." 

Not that he plans to wait more than a day before going to check out those spots on the map, but the idea is to get Erin to open up, not worry herself into shutting down more. 

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Their conversation is interrupted by a loud dragging noise. Caine pulls away from the bookshelf and glances back at Robin, noting the position of his hand under the desk: a hidden switch, as expected. 

Robin comes to hover behind his shoulder as the bookshelf slides out of the way, revealing the room they'd caught a glimpse of before. 

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There is a vast variety of what looks like high-tech weaponry. Most are obviously ranged weapons in the vague shapes of fire-arms. There are other kinds of equipment, like bits of body armor, high-tech gloves, discs and many other things.

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Caine moves to the center of the room, turning slowly to take everything in. 

Meanwhile, Robin heads straight for the phaser-alikes, practically hovering in front of the shelf with delight. Jamie, having left the kitchen along with Erin as soon as they heard the bookshelf moving, eyes a shelf full of little kits and doodads, poking at one of them and jumping back when it sparks. Erin shakes her head and pokes at her scanner. She's not sure whether to expect any help identifying anything in here with it - it is a medical scanner after all. 

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Her scanner detects some weapon-components that are potentially dangerous but labeled "safely contained, but handle carefully". She also recognizes lesser versions of her equipment, mostly meant to set bones and close wounds.

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She hums, and wanders over to look at the medical equipment, pausing to stop Robin from touching one of the more dangerous weapons. He grins sheepishly, then gestures at a blank spot on the racks, "He took a bunch of stuff," he offers. She nods, turning to look at Caine. 

The younger teen is studying the far wall, where the discs and other gadgets are located. He picks up one of the discs and lifts it up to the light, hoping to get a clearer view of the words written on it. Jamie steps up beside him with a pen-shaped gadget in hand, pressing buttons to alter the bit into various key-shapes. 

"Guess I won't be needing that lockpick set after all," he muses. He looks up as Caine puts the disc back and picks something else up in its place, "What've you got there, Kay?" He asks. 

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It looks a lot like a smartwatch, the design is even evocative of "clean", "monochrome", "simplistic" and other Apple-related buzzwords.

It comes to life in Kay's hands with a holographic interface in alien script.

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Caine eyes it, then glances at Erin and waves her over, gesturing at the screen, "Can you read it?" He asks.

She and Jamie both lean in for a better look, while behind them Robin picks up one of the weapons next to the largest gap in the rack, looking for some identifier. 

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None of them can, the script is different from all alphabets they have been exposed to so far.

The weapons are labelled, but it isn't obvious how to divine meaning from the symbols.

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Erin shakes her head, "Sorry, it's not the same as my scanner," she says. 

"Damn," Caine bites out. He sets the watch back down and whirls around, stalking out of the room in possibly the most emotional display any of them gave ever seen from him. The others trade worried looks and follow, Robin settling the weapon back into its spot. 

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Caine leans his forehead up against the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, focusing on the fog his breath makes on the glass, trying to clear his head. He's just being impatient, he tells himself, if he were thinking clearly he'd have stood with Erin and convinced the others to wait for his dad to get back in the first place. There's no reason for him to be so worried - Samuel Atten is the precinct's best detective and apparently also a secret agent of some kind. 

It's not like him to hide something like this from his son, though. He'd only have done so if he believed the danger in him knowing outweighed the danger in not knowing, and Caine can't see how that would be the case. Unless something had proven otherwise. 

He has so many questions; his dad had better be prepared for a real inquisition when he gets back.


Having regained some measure of calm, he turns to his friends, settled on the various soft surfaces in the condo's living room. Erin has curled up with her chin on her knees, looking at her reflection. Robin is laying half-on, half-off the loveseat, squinting at Jamie and rubbing at his nose, thankfully not spewing blood. Jamie is sprawled over the couch, watching Caine watch him with concern. He smiles when Caine nods, beckoning him over. He goes, nudging the other boy over and squeezing onto the couch. 

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Jamie immediately flops down on his lap once he's comfortable, patting his bicep, "Better?" He asks. Caine nods, so he turns to Erin, "So about that breakdown?" He asks, getting back to the topic from before. 

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"Have I always been a lizard person?" She asks blankly, poking at her face and then tugging at the wig. It, and the illusion, remain stubbornly in place. She's actually not sure how to remove it now that she has it on. 

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"Weeell," Jamie says, dragging the word out like taffy, voice cracking in the middle. He clears his throat, "I'm pretty sure Sam hasn't always been six feet long and waist high," he offers after a moment. 

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"Yeah, there's definitely more going on here than meets the eye," Robin agrees. 

After a momeny of silence, he starts humming the Transformers theme, causing Caine to snort. Jamie shakes his head, "Sentient Robots are the last thing we need at this point," he declares. 

Robin shrugs, "I dunno, I think we could use some Autobot help. I'm sure they'd be helpful for dealing with aliens." He pauses, "Or maybe someone from Marvelverse. They deal with skrulls all the time, I bet they could help us with Erin's scaly alter-ego."

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"Guys," Erin says sharply, "Could we just... not right now?" 

Robin coughs, "Sorry," he says. 

She sighs. 

"Let's just... eat lunch. Wait for Mr Atten to get back."

They do so, Jamie wandering back to the kitchen to finish making the pasta, and then bringing out bowls for himself and the others. 

They eat in silence; at some point, Robin flicks on the tv, turning it to the comedy network, which is showing some old specials. 

The day passes in this way, Erin ignoring any attempt to talk about her problems, Caine watching out the window despite his father's invisibility gadget, Jamie playing with his new lockpick, and Robin falling asleep as soon as he finishes eating, the psychic backlash having left him more exhausted than he'd realised.

The eat a late dinner of fish and chips and then clear the furniture from the center of the living room, pulling the futon out of the couch and settling down to wait restlessly for Mr Atten to return. They fall asleep one by one, Caine lasting longest, playing a game on his phone to keep him up, until he too falls asleep in the early morning. 

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They are woken by sounds coming from the kitchen the next day. They don't sound like someone is cooking.

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Normally Caine would be the first one woken up by strange sounds in the kitchen. However, since he was awake until the wee hours of the morning, it's Jamie who wakes first instead. 

Lifting his head just an inch from Erin's stomach, he squints in the direction of the hall for a moment, and then lets it fall back down. It's probably just Caine's dad, is his first thought. He stares blearily up at the ceiling for a long moment, waiting for his brain to wake up, and then sits up so fast he wakes all three of the others. 

"Wha-" Robin groans. Jamie pats him apologetically as he gets to his feet. Caine follows after a moment, looking more alert than should be possible considering his late night, and rushes towards the kitchen without delay. Jamie follows close behind him, while Robin curls into Erin's side, accepting her hair pets with a tired sigh. 

"Dad?" Caine asks, as he passes through the door to the kitchen, with Jamie just a step behind. 

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Sam has somehow managed to open the fridge's door and inspect its contents. He half turns towards Caine. <Our names are similar, but you should be able to tell that I am far more handsome.>

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Caine is briefly startled, but his expression doesn't show it. Meanwhile, Jamie sucks in a breath in shock and starts coughing on spit. 

Checking that he's alright from the corner of his eye, Caine nods at Sam in apology. "Have you seen him?" He asks. 

Back in the livingroom Erin coaxes Robin out of bed with the promise of waffles, which Mr Atten always has around for the four of them. Robin goes reluctantly, shuffling into the bathroom to take one of the pills he keeps at Caine's place in case he forgets to bring one. 

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<No. Do you have olive pits? I am hungry>

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He frowns lightly, preoccupied by his dad's continued absence, but answers, negatively, "We get them without pits."

Jamie nudges the lizard a bit as he reaches into the back of the fridge to grab the screwed shut container of olives, opening it up to show him, incidentally offering him the pit-less olives if he'll take them instead. 

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Sam gives a lizardly shrug and takes the olives. <Lacks the crunch, but still have the flavor.>

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Erin comes in and immediately slides down next to Sam to pet his frills. Jamie hands her the canister of olives so he can go looking for waffles in the freezer. She shakes out a handful and offers them to her newly embiggened lizard, getting the grease all over her hand. 

Robin shuffles in and looks at her imploringly, leaning against Caine's shoulder, "Waffles?" He asks. Caine shakes him off and stalks down the hall, checking his dad's room, as well as the office and its hidden room, and then his own room just to be thorough.  

Erin watches him leave before posing a mostly rhetorical question to the room, "So are we skipping school today, then?"

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Sam noms the olives and licks the grease with his surprisingly prehensilve tongue.

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"Guess so," Jamie states in answer to Erin's question. 

Ignored, Robin makes a pathetic face as he slumps into the room to take a seat at the breakfast table. He perks up again when Jamie waves a packet of instant waffles at him from across the kitchen. 

Caine comes back in just as Jamie sets the toaster toasting the first four waffles. "He's not here," he says, hovering over Erin, all controlled restlessness. 

"So we're going looking for him, then," she nods, having been expecting this. She shakes out another handful of olives. 

The toaster pops; Jamie puts another load in. He grabs four plates and plops a waffle on each, and then hands them out, pouring a dollop of syrup onto his own from the toppings on the table. The others make their own topping choices and then dig in. Erin shakes the remaining olives into the lid of the canister and sets it down where Sam can get at it easily.

Once they've eaten their fill, the dishes are left in the sink as they gather around Erin's scanner to get a look at the map and the markers she'd copied from the factory. Caine fiddles with the space-apple watch, which he'd picked up earlier from the secret room. Erin absentmindedly offers Sam a leftover raspberry as she brings up the map. There's a lot of points, but there has to be some way of narrowing them down...

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Sam noms at the olives and then climbs up the sink to drink some water straight from the tap.

There are several metrics that they could narrow down, including the alien language in it. They can't read the words, but they can notice the repetition of about four "words" around the map.

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"Four types of places," Caine says, pointing out the repeated sets of symbols. Erin follows his fingers and nods, zooming in the map to get a closer look at the area around a few of the first category, trying to see if they have anything in common aside from the symbols. 

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One of the words appears to be focused largely in the residential areas. Two of the other words appears to be in non-residential areas. The fourth common word shows up all over the place.

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Hm. The homes of people replaced by shifters, some unknown category, the workplaces of shifter imposters, and... Bases, maybe? All from the invasion 20 years ago, he guesses, based on the information they collected last night. 

Is there a symbol corresponding to that factory they were at last night? That seems like the likeliest place to start looking. 

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The warehouse they visited falls into one of two non-residental word categories. There are four like it around the city, it is the smallest category.

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So the last one is probably something to do with supplies, considering the list of weird orders Robin found there. 

He offers his thoughts to the group, who all agree this seems reasonable. 

"So which one should we look at first?" Robin asks. 

"Are there any locations near the factory? We should start there, since that's where we lost track of Mr. Atten," Jamie suggests.

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There a couple. One is the residential-area-related-word (it is located in the edge of the industrial zone) and the other is the word that shows up regardless of area.

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"That one," Robin says, pointing at the latter marker. "If you're right, that should be a base. All the stuff about where the shifter copies were living and working probably isn't up to date, since this is from twenty years ago, but the bases might still be used by the ones around now." 

Caine nods, agreeing with the logic. He turns to Jamie, "You know anything about the area?" He asks.

Jamie frowns, "I, uh. Normally I'd say yeah, but... I didn't actually recognise that factory last night, so maybe not as well as I thought?" He takes a long look at the map, "The maybe-Base is on one of the side streets, so it's probably not a warehouse like the others around there. It'd be hard to get trucks in there." 

Robin stands, stretching a bit, and then gestures towards the office, "Should we take something from your dad's lair, you think?" He asks Caine. 

Caine hums, then glances at Erin, "Can your scanner tell us anything about the weapons?" He asks. 

She shakes her head, "I tried last night," she explains, "All it could say was that some of them contained dangerous substances, but that they were stored safely." 

"But it might be dangerous to go looking into shapeshifter bases. We should take some of the small ones at least," Robin argues. 

Caine snorts, "Would you even know how to use one?" He asks, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair to give the standing teen a Look. "No, they'd be more dangerous to us than anyone else." 

Robin huffs, but gives in. Mostly. "You know how to shoot though, right?" 

Caine shakes his head, exasperated, "Yeah, I can use some firearms safely, but I have no idea what those weapons even fire, let alone how to use them safely."

"Come onnn," Robin wheedles, "Just bring one, just in case. What if we run into a shifter with a blaster and we don't have one? Never bring a sword to a gunfight!" 

Caine frowns lightly, then sighs and heads into the office, nodding to Erin and then the scanner in a silent request that she follow. Jamie and Robin do as well. 

Is there anything on the weapons racks that looks small, easily concealed, and which Erin's scanner isn't worried about? 

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There are a couple of ray guns and a thing that looks like a wand with a trigger. Some other objects also fit in the category, but it is harder to divine how to use them, they could explosives or ammunition.

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Caine goes over the weapons Erin pointed out, and ends up picking up one of the ray guns. He's still not sure firing it is a good idea - he has no idea how it handles, if there's any recoil, if whatever it shoots is likely to go through walls... It's just a bad idea in general. But Robin's not entirely wrong that it could be useful, just in case. He tucks it into his jacket's inside pocket and checks to make sure there's no obvious bulge.

This done, he joins Jamie in looking over the various tools and kits. Is the purpose of any of them obvious? Caine has the watch in his pocket, and Jamie still has the lockpick, but there might be something else they could use. 

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Some kits in Samuel's wall seen to contain the chemicals found in the supply list. They notice that the possible-residential-place is in route to the other non-residential place near the warehouse.

Also, some places in the map appears to be locations dedicated to produce or store the chemicals in the supply list.

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"Hey, Erin, any idea what these chemicals could be for?" Jamie asks. 

Erin turns her scanner on them, pulling out of the map function and switching to the treatment function. 

Robin glances over thoughtfully from where he was poking at one of the larger ray guns, "Hey, that one home marker that was near the factory, that's on the way from here to the base, right?" He directs his question at Caine, since Jamie and Erin are busy bent over the scanner. 

Caine nods, "We could stop there on the way. It wouldn't cut into our time." 

Agreed, they moved to join the other two around the scanner. 

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After poking a bit on the scanner the chemicals appears to be... shapeshifter food. Or rather, they are the basic elements that compose the shapeshifter bodies and thus required for their growth.

The side of Erin's mind that knows Sudden Bizarre Alien Medicine feels that makes complete sense, but the other half has sufficient knowledge about chemistry to be completely surprised that even half of those elements are meant to go into a living being without killing it afterwards. Even shapeshifting alien goo.

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Once the sugar is identified, Jamie licks a finger and sticks it into one of the bags, pulling it out and sucking it off. Erin makes a face; Caine sighs heavily.

"Yep," Jamie announces, going back for another, "Definitely sugar." 

Robin shakes his head, grinning, then glances down as Erin pokes back to the map. He frowns, "Hang on," he says, leaning in to get a better look. He swipes the map over to one of the markers, pointing it out to Caine, "Isn't that..." he trails off, uncertain. 

Caine stares at it for a long moment. Then he nods, "Mom worked there," he murmurs.  

After a long moment of tense silence, Jamie clears his throat. "Come on, guys, let's get going," he motions towards the door, "We should try to get to the industrial district before school starts, or we'll have to deal with people asking what we're doing out." 

Jackets are grabbed, to combat the early morning chill, and waterbottles and granola bars are packed for later. Before they leave, Erin kneels down in front of Sam. 

"Are you coming with us again?" She asks, "I'll pack you some food if you tell me what you want."

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<I will come. I might not be around all the time.> He transmits what he wants for food.

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Jamie packs it up for him, and then they all head out of the apartment. 

 As discussed, they make their way to the spot on the edge of the residential district near the warehouse first. They slow to a stop half a block away on the other side of the street, trying to get a good look at the place. Erin brings her scanner to bear, as has become her habit, searching for anything unusual in the area. Robin tries to pay attention to the minds around them. 

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It is pretty easy to identify the place. It appears to be a half-ruined candy shop, what makes it really strange is the fact that it appears to be covered and sheets of some kind of white substance. Or at least it was at some point, then weathering and defacement peeled away some of it, leaving a weird ruin.

Looking at it, Jamie finds himself thinking about the attack on the artist... but also about candy, the vivid taste of glucose mixed with artificial flavorings.

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Coming upon the scene, Jamie is almost instantly overwhelmed by the scent, and taste, of sugar. He's always had a sweet tooth, enjoyed maybe a bit more candy and other sweets than was healthy. He's never felt so surrounded by it as he does now, though, despite the fact that the deterioration obvious here should mean there would be less sugar than in any of the candy shops he'd visited before. There's just something about this place...

He blinks.

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 The sign reads Gem's Bakery and Confectionary. They beam up at it proudly, taking in the streams of eager customers and the busy hive of employees. Slipping through the crowd, they beam at the boy manning the confectionary counter, coming to a stop before--

--A shadowy figure tips their face up, taking in their features with a keen eye. "Acceptable," the figure says after a long moment, releasing them with a thin, pleased smile, "The target will find you quite pleasing, I am sure." They feel a rush of pleasure and nervous anticipation and--

 --Terror, as the stream of molten plastic chases them through the alley, herding them towards a dead end. They try to dodge away from the trap, screaming as a few drops strike them and they feel--

--Large, soft hands on their face, fingers in their hair, on their back, trailing down--

--Curling up on an old couch, shivering beneath the blankets, the lights on full blast to keep the figures in the shadows from reaching them, knowing--

--I won't be what they want me to be.

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And his eyes open.

He gasps for breath, staggering back from the dilapidated building. Behind him Robin's hand flies up to stem his suddenly gushing nose as he half-lunges towards Jamie.

"Robin?" Erin exclaims in concern, tugging out her medtech as she prepares to make another vial. Caine reaches for Jamie, drawing back with quickly-hidden hurt when the other boy lurches away from him, falling to his knees, his hands cradling his skull. 

Squinting, Jamie cranes his head up at the building, searching for something. He has no idea what that was, but while the- the vision, or whatever it was, is fading, he remembers a sign, and the weapons - the plastic guns, he remembers those. 

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The building stands there, oddly ominous for a building covered half in white plastic in the light of the day. Looking closer, the plastic does not quite look like glued on strips, but something tighter fitting and unnatural. Easy to miss, if you don't know what to look for.

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Jamie knows what to look for. 

That... person, he saw, they weren't hurting anyone. They were afraid, hiding from someone, or maybe everyone. Those people with the plastic weapons... the gear they were wearing looked an awful lot like what Caine's dad was wearing when he left. 

Jamie doesn't know what to make of that 'vision,' but he does know how to spot the stuff those weapons left behind. 

He staggers to his feet and reaches out to Caine, who offers him a shoulder to get his balace on, the stiffness in the other boy's shoulders relaxing when Jamie leans against him. Jamie knows he won't be able to play off his brief rejection as anything but what it was. He can only hope Caine knows it wasn't about him. He probably does. Caine's good at noticing things, though social queues, particularly ones about him, sometimes fly over his head.

Erin holds out another vial of nosebleed-begone  out to Robin, whose nose is in fact still gushing. He necks it and hands the vial back, then turns to Jamie, nostrils pinched between two fingers.

"What was that about?" He asks, nasally, gesturing at the dilapidated building. 

 Having regained his balance, Jamie steps closer to the ruin, reaching up one hand to hover over a long ropy strand of plastic, twisted together from the decades it spent wasting away in the ice and sun. He doesn't touch it; if he'd noticed he might wonder why, but it's an instinctive wariness, so he doesn't. 

"I think I saw the person who owned this place?" Jamie half-asks, half-answers. He pauses for a long moment, then continues, "I think the organisation your dad belongs to killed them," he adds, glancing at Caine. 

As a continuation on her theme of late - Erin turns her scanner on the plastic. 


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The scanner helpfully informs what kind of plastic that is and how it's harmless to most creatures.

But with the notorious exemption of being harmful to the shapeshifters, particularly ones in their transitive liquid state.

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Erin frowns down at the scanner, lifting it to show it to the others before remembering that they can't read it.

"So Jamie's psychic too, now?" Robin asks rhetorically. 

 "Psychometric," Caine corrects absently, "Like Quinlan Vos."

Robin noticeably stills, turning to stare at Caine, taken aback by the sudden show of nerdiness. He has enough control not to make anything of it right now, but any other time...

Erin steps forward, gesturing at the bearest strand of plastic with the scanner, "It's some kind of plastic compound. It's harmless to just about everyone, except..."

"Shapeshifters," Jamie finishes for her. He steps back from the plastic, glancing around at the others. At their looks, he shrugs, "Some of the things I saw... I think they were some kind of... Seduction specialist or something? Except. Not a specialist. Just told to go seduce someone. Then... I don't know what happened, but I think they were just... minding their own business, living a normal life, when those agents came for them..." 

He frowns up at the faded sign, dangling from one corner. 

Robin coughs, awkward, "That... really sucks," he offers. "At least we know what those guns Mr Atten took were, now?" 

Jamie shrugs, "Guess so," he mutters. Robin pokes at a strip of plastic as they all pause in silence for a long moment.

Giving Jamie's shoulder a gentle squeeze, Caine takes a step back from the building, and then turns away. "Come on," he urges the others, "We have somewhere to be." 

At their own pace, the other three turn away and follow. 

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They find themselves approaching another dilapidated factory space, though this one is a solid block of building with a few chimneys rising from the top. It covers half of the city block and bears the faded logo and words "Mercury Synthesis" that they saw in the factory last night.

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Eyes sharp as ever, Caine takes in the factory, looking for any sign of movement. He glances over at Erin; scanner out, she pans over the factory, from one side to the other. She stares at the results for a long moment, and then looks up at him.

"Well, there's definitely shifters around. It can't tell anything else, but the scanner can tell me that much." 

Arms crossed, Jamie leans against the wall of the building they've taken shelter behind, across the street from the factory and protected by the thick shadow produced in the early morning light. He hums, "So," he starts, "How are we gonna do this?" 

Robin frowns, glancing back at Erin, "We need better information on what we're walking into," he says. He waves at Erin's scanner, "Do you think you could get better readings somehow? Is there a setting you missed, or maybe if we get closer?" 

Erin looks down at the scanner, taking a closer look at the home screen. 

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There are indeed some setting she can fiddle with, though they take a few moments to readjust or require rebooting the system.

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She reboots it, then. No time like the present.

Caine, meanwhile, turns back to the factory to keep watch. 

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Someone clears his throat behind them. 

When they whirl around to look, Samuel raises an eyebrow at them, "Hello, kids," he states neutrally. He really doesn't need to say anything else to get across the message of 'what are you doing here' and 'you're in big trouble'. 

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Caine shifts guiltily, taking in his dad's unimpressed face. He looks down, avoiding eye contact, then glances at the others. 

Robin clears his throat, "Heyyy, Mr. Atten," he says with a strained grin, "Fancy meeting you here." Jamie snorts, nudging him hard enough to shift him over a bit, "Hey!" He mutters loudly, scowling and rubbing his arm. 

Erin hugs herself around the middle, "Sorry, Mr. Atten," she says, about half-honestly, "We were worried."

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He raises his other eyebrow, "About me?" He asks, rhetorical. He shakes his head, "You should know better, kids." He gestures across the street, "I'm finished here," he says, eyeing them sternly, "But if you'd snuck in while I was in the middle of the operation you could have gotten hurt." 

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"Sorry, sir," Robin mutters, eyes everywhere but his face. Caine and Erin echo him, though Caine addresses him as 'dad'. 

Jamie frowns, rubbing his hands over his arms. Something feels... weird. 

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Yeah, it's hard to put a finger on what's off.

Erin's scanner produces a chime informing it has startup. It's oddly familiar.

More importantly gives off a detection alert.

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Erin glances down at it, startled. Then she reads the alert, which looks familiar for another reason. She looks up at 'Samuel', wide-eyed.

"We can talk about this more when we get home," the imposter says. He half turns, waving them ahead of him.

The others begin to move towards him. When Caine passes beside her, Erin grabs the gun from his jacket pocket and aims it at Samuel.

"Guys," she says, finger hovering over the trigger, "That's not Caine's dad." 

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He gives her a puzzled look, and then notices the scanner. He huffs out a sigh, "Cursed Allurians," he mutters. 

Quickly, he pulls one of his own weapons, aiming it at Jamie. 

"Now," he says, "Why don't we calm down before someone gets hurt?"

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Jamie tenses, recognising one of the plastic guns from the memory. Caine, meanwhile, frowns, remembering that most of what was missing from the shelves was from the same section, the weapons that were good against shapeshifters. The one that wasn't was bigger than this one is. 

Robin steps to the side, trying to put himself between Jamie and the gun. Erin's hand shakes, before she takes a deep breath and steadies it. If it looks like he's going to fire she needs to do her best to get him first. 

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"Uhp," he says pointing at Robin with his other hand, "Now now, don't move, you wouldn't want to startle me, would you?" 

Robin stills, and the imposter smiles, "That's better," he says. He looks over at Erin, "Now, how about you put the weapon down and we can talk about this like civilised beings?" He suggests, like some strange, villainous version of Caine's dad. 

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Okay, he has watched this for long enough and the angle is just right for a sneaky attack.

The four teenagers will spot what appears to be a section of the wall peeling away. It's like someone painted themselves to camouflage perfectly against the brick, then they extend an arm and the paint washes away...

"Deep Hibernation." Says the pointy-eared young man holding a leaf-decorated staff.

There is a surge of green dust that surrounds not-Samuel and the impostor falls asleep.

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With the gun out of play, Jamie relaxes. The others don't, or at least not all the way: Erin lowers her weapon, not willing to aim it at a seemingly helpful stranger, but raises the scanner at the same time; Robin steps fully in front of Jamie, completing his intended action automatically, even with the threat out of play; Caine relaxes only the slightest amout, turning all of his deductive skills on the pointy-eared stranger. 

Elves, now? He wonders, What is this, crossover fanfiction? 

Robin snorts despite the tense situation. His own tension broken, he clears his throat, "Um," he says, "Hi?" 

Very nice, he thinks, Very smooth. Good job. 

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He turns an inquisitive look at them. Then he asks. "Serious question. What do you guys think about the fact that elves can be naked in public?"

He sounds completely serious.

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Robin freezes at this unexpected question, suddenly imagining... things. 


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Jamie leans out from behind him, "I support your life choices?" He offers. 

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Caine huffs, shifting closer to Jamie and eyeing the (nudist?) Elf more seriously. 

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Erin side-eyes the boys, then returns to staring at the elf, "Um," she says, and then stalls. 

She tries again, "I think... anyone can be naked in public? They'd just be arrested for public indecency if they were?" 

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The (nudist?) elf (?) turns his gaze at Erin and nods after a long moment.

He is wearing a mix of normal clothes and fantasy-style leather armor. Like a cosplayer half way done through the costume.

"That was a serious question, and not an invitation," he clarifies, "would you say that you or your friends have experienced... a change of opinions recently?"

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Caine relaxes a bit, eyeing the other boys as they blink innocently (Jamie) and flush (Robin). He notes that Erin is looking down at her scanner to see if it has anything to say about the new arrival. 

Observations complete, he looks back up at the elf?, "About elf nudity?" He asks, dry. 

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"About opinions in general." He looks around. "We shouldn't talk this in here."

The scanner identifies him as a human/elf hybrid. Elves, the scanner says, are a mysterious species native to Earth.

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Erin stares at the scanner. 

Then she recalls that she is actually a lizard person, tucks this revelation in among the 'this is my life now' set of files, and carries on. 

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Robin recovers from his embarrassment, glances from the unconscious shapeshifter to the Mercury Synthesis building, and then to Caine, who he can tell is not inclined to agree with the stranger's suggestion. 

He nudges Caine, "Come on," he says, "We weren't sure how to get in there without being found - which we didn't manage anyway..." he trails off, "Maybe this guy has some idea what's going on?"

Caine gives in, grudingly, and the four of them follow the half-elf.  

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Wordlessly Fenris pushes not-Samuel to a corner then he says. "Camouflage." And not-Samuel appears disappears. "I do know what's going on, to a degree. Follow me." He starts moving. "How long since you noticed things?"

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"Well," Jamie tells him, squinting at the spot where Not-Samuel had been as he passes it, "If you mean 'when did things start getting weird', I'd say yesterday morning." 

He nods over at Erin, "At first it was Erin, and then Robin, and then Caine's dad turned out to be some kind of secret agent, and now apparently I have psychometry?" 

An astute sort would notice that the only secrets he's revealed are his own and the one that was already somewhat obvious due to what the Samuel imposter was wearing. 

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"At least we managed to find you fairly quick. First of everything, there is... a force - one could say it's magical - that has been changing places. They go from normal to having supernatural things of various sorts."

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Robin frowns, "But. Mr. Atten - the guy that shapeshifter was copying - he seemed to have fought shapeshifters before? And we found all these files, about the last invasion, 20 years ago or something." 

And, the presence of Sam's mind reminds him, "And Sam said he'd always been giant," he adds, a statement which night not make any sense depending on whether their rescuer can see the giant invisible lizard. 

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"The phenomena alters memories, objects and even places. All my childhood pictures have pointy-ears now and no one remembers otherwise." Pause. "At least in the affected areas. If you go outside range there is a layer over changed things and they sort look normal again and people remember things as they were."

Fenris does not appear to be specially bothered by the giant lizard comment.

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Erin is struck by curiosity over whether any of her childhood photos depict her lizard form now. Not that there's a whole lot of them, mostly school photos and formal family ones. Maybe not, then. 

Something else occurs to her, though, "My parents were out of town," she says, "They were supposed to get back early yesterday morning, but I haven't been home to check since before they would have gotten home. What happens if they were outside when the... change happened?"

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"Oh, I am sorry, but if they step back in town they are going to be changed to fit in."

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Jamie's not going to say anything, but considering the way Erin's parents treat her he wouldn't be surprised to find out they'd been lizard people all along, never mind this 'force'. 

"So if everyone is supposed to forget that it wasn't always like this, why do we remember? Why do you?"

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"I want to go somewhere safer before I go into all details. But the force that causes this picks a group of people. The changes are extrapolated from them. In my case, it was me and my D&D group. I gather that you got something more sci-fi ish?"

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"Yeah," Robin agrees, "Alien invasions, pseudo-science space magic, futuristic gadgets- the works." 


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"Is it just you here? Are you taking us someplace in particular, or should we be going to one of our places, or?" 

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"I was looking for a city park, but one of your places should work just as well. There are others, we split up to cover more ground."

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"My place is closest," Robin offers, the he shakes his head, "But we're actually, kinda, skipping class right now, so we should probably go to Caine or Erin's instead." 

Caine nods, and moves to take the lead of the group, though of course his friends all know how to get to his place as well. 

"Will your group be able to find you?" Robin asks.

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"Once I have directions to give them. I do have a phone, but given the sci-finess I figure it's better to use a communication spell once we are somewhere secure."

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"A spell?" Robin repeats, "You said it was your D&D group, so, what, you're all D&D characters now?" 

They reach the edge of the industrial zone and begin walking down a low-class residential street. The apartment is a good 20 minute walk further. 

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"Yeah. It isn't a direct translation and I didn't become my own character, but it's pretty obviously based on D&D tropes and the like. What's your theme?"

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Robin shrugs, "We seem to have a generic Sci-fi theme," he says, "You know, sci-fi not-magic and psychic powers, hologram disguises, shapeshifters, tricorders, mysterious medical tech, apparently shapeshifters are vulnerable to a certain kind of plastic? That sort of thing."

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"Huh, and are you star trek or star wars fans?"

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"Yes, we were actually having a science fiction marathon over the weekend. So... it draws from our interests? Your D&D group, our sci-fi shows..." 

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"Yeah, not necessarily strong interests, just something everyone in the group has in common. There is also at least two other fantasy-ish cities and a super-hero city."

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Robin nods, "Are there vampires?" He asks. He expects that there are vampires.

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Fenris flinches. "There were vampires."

Now that they are going through better trafficed streets they can notice people reacting (or lack of reacting) to Fenris' ears. His attire still grabs some attention, but probably just "cosplayer" attention.

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Robin notices that flinch and looks away awkwardly, "Sorry," he says. He may be tactless sometimes but at least he apologizes afterwards.

The lack of reaction could just be played off as them thinking the ears are part of the costume? It's still kind of weird, though. 

Shortly, they arrive at the building in which Caine lives. They file in, wave at the security guard, amd make for the elevators. 

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Once the elevator door closes Fenris takes out a conch shell out of a pouch and does sparkly magic things to it before saying the place's address and that he found "the seeding cluster".

He is not the most talkative person.

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Caine has hardly said a word since they met him, so he's clearly not the only one. 


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Once they're inside the apartment they all settle down in the living room. "You want something to eat? Or a drink?" Jamie asks. 

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Shrug. "Do you mind if I put up a small ward around the room?"

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The others look at Caine; he shrugs, "Go ahead," he says. 

While he does that, Jamie wanders off to grab the jug of iced tea from the fridge and snag a stack of plastic cups from the cupboard. Erin pokes at her the synthesizer, accepting a cup when it's dangled in front of her, and the others all settle in to drink while they wait for the incoming people.

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The ward - or at least some step regarding it - involves coaxing a bell flower to grow and reshape itself closer to its namesake.

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Soon enough there is a knock at the door with three people standing on the other side.

One of them looks like Fenris, but with different clothes, more of a wizard theme and an rune-scribed eye-patch.

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There is another young man with pointy-ears, but also grayish skin and very small tusks. He carries a sword and shield, but isn't wearing anything else obviously magical.

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Behind them there is a tall blond guy, shirtless, but wearing jeans. There is an ax behind his back and one might notice what appear to be shackles around his wrists, with three chained links dangling from them.

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Robin leans forward to watch the flower growing with barely contained enthusiasm. If he'd looked even a little less focussed Robin might have peppered him with questions. 

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Jamie's the one who opens the door when the knock comes. He looks them over, pauses at the shirtless guy with a blink, and then smiles, turning to the identical twin.

"I guess you guys must be with..." He pauses, "Uh, we never did get his name," he says, suddenly sheepish. 

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Felix returns that with a bright apologetic smile. "Don't worry. I am not surprised. I am Felix Bright, and he is Fenris. These are Henry and Gabe."

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"Hi, may we come in?"

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Jamie's smile brightens in response to Felix', and he nods towards Henry, "Of course," he says. 

"I'm Jamie, Jamie Starr," he offers in response as he leads them in. When he reaches the living room, he gestures around at the various alienville residents as he introduces them, "These are Erin Newark," Erin glances up from the synthesizer to wave, "Caine Atten, who lives here," Caine nods, "And the guy who looks like he's going to die from gardening enthusiasm is Robin Chiswick." 

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Robin looks up from the flower when he hears his name, waves at the new arrivals, and turns his grin on Jamie, "He grew a flower with magic, Jamie!" He exclaims in delight.

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"I don't doubt he did." He takes the liberty to approach Fenris' flower and puts a hand on it. It acquires a golden glow.

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Fenris smiles at Henry and turns towards Felix. "Did you check?"

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"Yeah, they are the cluster. Too bad we didn't bring Temperance then, she is an actual wizard."

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Robin leans back in towards the now-glowing flower, "Space telepathy is cool," he mutters, looking wistful, "But, man, imagine the stuff I could grow if I had plant magic." 

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"What's the significance of wizards?" Erin asks. She sets the synthesizer to the side so she can pay attention to their guests, noting their unusual features now that she's paying attention. Tusks ain't nothing when you're secretly a lizard person.

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Felix and Fenris exchange a look. "Well, apparently Fenris didn't tell you anything. Might be smart given the shapeshifter situation."

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"I did tell them about other places having other things. But I didn't elaborate much. Also, the term is Magus, not wizard."

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"Hey, the important thing is that they can make things go boom by poiting at it."

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"Probably a good precaution to make," Erin agrees. Then she reiterates her previous question, "What's the importance of Maguses- eh, Magi? Then, in this context? Aside from being useful in a fight, I guess."

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"Our cluster thing is classes. Felix can explain."

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"Oh, okay. The magic that create these changes, will pick some sort of archetype or concept to base the creation process. Our cluster was classes, similar to D&D or video game classes. A Magus is a spellcaster stylized after wizards, they have spell tomes, versatile and strong magic, but are more fragile than say, Warriors or Champions."

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Gabe waves when Felix says Warriors and raises Henry's hand for Champions. Henry rolls his eyes.

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Caine knows a little bit about D&D. Not from playing it, but he read his way through the locl public library's collection of Forgotten Realms books one summer. "Champions are Paladin equivalents?" He guesses. 

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Robin looks up at this point, "What's the plant magic class?" He asks.

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"Exactly." Felix tells Caine. "And presuming that you're talking about Fenris' class. It's Shaman, they actually combine druids and warlocks which means that Shamans make deals with spirits - usually nature spirits - in exchange for their powers."

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Caine leans forward, "So this force can create gods?" He asks. "Local ones, I assume."

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"Do the classes only apply to your city or can we learn to do your magic, too?" Robin wonders. He's gone back to hovering over the flower. He has enough restraint not to literally poke it, but it's tempting. 

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"Small local gods might be a good way to put. Though, Champions and their less fighty equivalent, the Saints, don't really need to have a faith. And the classes are teachable. Though we will likely have to deal with your shapeshifter problem first."

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"Right," Jamie says, "How are we going to do that? Is there some way to make things go back to the way they were, or do we have to work within the system?" 

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"There is a way to partially get things the way they were, but it's tricky. The source of the change is concentrated on a thing. We call it the Seed, it's somewhere in the affected area. If we give you access you will be able to edit things, changing some things back, but completely undoing everything makes the magic fight back."

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"Even without it fighting back, it's likely somewhere hard to reach and guarded. If you're having a shapeshifter problem, I bet we will have to go through them first either way. Also, we given some our experiences it might be better to just ameliorate whatever problems the changes are causing. We managed to erase one kind of vampires, then the next city had another nastier kind of vampires which we even tried to make less nasty, but had to resort to destroying them as well."

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I bet that's going to come back to bite them in the ass, Robin muses, finally turning away from the flower. He nods, "In that case I guess we'll have to work with what we have," he says. He gestures at Erin, "We've got the scanner, which can identify shifters if we check." Erin has just finished turning the scanner on each of them when he mentions it. He waves at Caine next, "Caine's dad left a secret room full of gadgets and weapons, though he took the weapons that are meant for fighting shifters specifically. Only problem is all the labels are in some strange language none of us reads." He shrugs, "And Jamie and I have some kind of space magic powers."

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"We should still figure out where the Seed is, though," Erin argues.

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"We absolutely should figure where the Seed is. I am just allocating a strong possibility that we still will have to deal with shapeshifters beforehand."

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"I might be able to identify what your the weapons can do. What sort of space magic did the two get?"

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"None of you are aliens, or something?"

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Erin coughs, raising her hand, "Lizard person," she says. She runs that hand through her hair, "I'm wearing a hologram disguise," she explains. She still doesn't know how to turn it off, though; the wig continues to be firmly fixed in place. 

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Jamie waves, "We think I have some kind of psychometry," he says, "I remembered something really vividly, from the perspective of someone who looked nothing like me earlier. And I think I can tell when someone is a shapeshifter?" He adds uncertainly. 

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"Psychic," Robin states. He pauses, "And apparenly I've moved way faster than I should have been able to at least twice."

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Caine shrugs when it's his turn, "I haven't noticed anything," he says. Then he nods towards the hallway, "The room's in the study," he offers.

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Felix nods. "I am a half-elf and Diviner Mage. Henry, take the explanation from here?" He will follow Caine's lead.

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"Sure, do you guys have any questions?"

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Caine will lead Felix down the hallway and into the study, where they will find that the bookshelf is covering the hidden door again. He crouches down in front of the desk and searches for any irregularities in the wood. Not finding any, he runs his hands over it, until something gives a little click, and the bookshelf starts sliding out of the way. 

Once inside the armoury Caine gestures to the items on the walls, "They're all the same, so far as I can tell," he says evenly. 

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Robin waits for Caine to get out of earshot before speaking, "So can you guys help us find Caine's dad?" He asks. 

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Felix approaches... there is a staff on his hand where there wasn't one. He waves and a circle of runes appears in front of him. He removes his eye-patch. Where the eye was supposed to be, there is... it's like looking at a galaxy.

"Huh... I think I can tell what they do, at least in a way that let us test them without being afraid of blowing ourselves up."

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"We should, that's exactly the kind of thing Felix does. Uh, Felix's class is Diviner Mage, which sort of represents the DM. His powers are finding-adventure-and-give-advice focused."

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"The poor thing was so bored, staying behind when we would have all the fun."

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"Hey, yeah, did you guys find anything interesting when you split up?" Jamie asks, reminded. He gestures at the scanner, "We have a map of possibly interesting sites, but we haven't visited most of them." 

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Caine hums. Robin would probably say something about the relative goodness of not being blown up, but all Caine says is, "Thanks." 

He looks over at the empty part of the wall, "Can you tell if we have any of the plastic weapons left?" He asks. 

Related, he curses himself for being so distracted as to not grab the weapon the shapeshifter had been threatening him with. 

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"What do you mean with plastic weapons?" Regardless he creates more cool runic light show.

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"We might have found another alien, but I didn't get any danger vibe from them. Can I see the map?"

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"Robin and Jamie mentioned then earlier," he says, "The shapeshifters are vulnerable to a type of plastic. The weapons fire streams of it." 

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Erin pokes through the scanner's menu and pulls up the map, offering it to Henry. "I can read this language," she mentions, "But the others can't, and I couldn't before yesterday."

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"Okay... give me a few minutes."

Felix sets to work.

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"Yeah, same thing with me and Orcish. And the twins with Elvish." He says examining the thing. "The possible alien we saw wasn't in any of those places."

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"Yeah, he could just have been racist against people of Orcish descent. Or slave-owners, which is pretty much the same, I guess."

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"Wait, Orcs are slave owners?" She pauses, "Shouldn't we, um. Fix that?" 

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Seeing as that subject is being tackled, Jamie turns to Henry, "Well, what kind of building was it? I might have seen it," he huffs, "Assuming it didn't appear out of nowhere like the Mercury Synthesis factories." 

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Caine leans back against the doorway to watch Felix work. He briefly wonders whether Sam followed them back to the apartment; giant lizard or not, he might know something about this stuff. He knew how to work Erin's wig hologram, after all. 

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"You can't! It's oppressing their culture! Just like how people of elven people are allowed to walk around naked."

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"Try to be a little less... yourself, Gabe. And the current state of things is our best fix. Our cluster wasn't responsible for the fantasy races, and the one that... caused Orcs died before even got to their town. We managed to make the slavery thing be something like voluntary indenture and add a bunch of provisions against the mistreatment of slaves. And people act like they are out of satirical piece about respecting cultural minorities. It's insane."

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"When people leave the affected areas they sort of return to normal. We've been mostly trying to get most enslave people out, it's easier than dealing with magic or trying to abolish the relevant laws." Fenris speaks after a long silent.

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"I am sure can't complain about my master." He raises, showing the chain dangling from his wrists, while patting Henry on the shoulder.

Henry flinches.

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Drawn into the conversation, Jamie tenses, and then makes himself relax. If Gabe's is as fine with it as he acts, then it's fine, right? Though, Henry looks less than enthused...

Jamie's not actually sure why the idea of forced servitude bothers him so much. Sure, he's had a few iffy foster families, but none of them were that bad. 

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Robin blinks, looks between the shackles and the tusks. He's not sure whether or how to address that flinch, but, "How'd that happen?" He asks, "If it wasn't from your cluster... do things from the new cluster start applying to you once you're in them?" 

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"Also," Erin interjects, "Elves actually walk around naked?" She glances at Fenris, thinking back to the question he's asked about opinions, "I know you said, but..." She pauses, "And wait, does that mean you and your brother could wander around naked here and not get looked at twice? Or is it just in the cluster that's from?" 

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"That question was meant to check if you group was the cluster. So far, the change never affects the cluster's episodic memories. And people would likely me look me twice, but because I am fit, young and attractive. Not because I am doing something illegal. And the thing only holds inside affected areas, in fact, if I leave an affected area while naked, I am likely to spontaneously acquire clothes."

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"From what I remember. The nudity thing is like that in the US, Canada and Europe. I am pretty sure in places like the middle-east they don't allow it. Or at least that's what my altered brain remembers."

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"Gabe is not part of our cluster, his mind was affected like everyone else's. And that level of information is pretty typical among the affected. Even tried to get him to search about the topic on Wikipedia, but that only got us an error message."

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"So you can tell affected people about the changes? Though I'm sure most would think we were crazy if we brought it up," she admits.

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"Yeah," Robin says, "And who would we even tell?" 

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"What about Granny?" Jamie suggests. 

There's a moment's pause while the other two give him incredulous looks. He coughs sheepishly, "OK, never mind." 

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"And the internet isn't affected," Robin says, moving on. "That's good. Is that good? It could be useful to research the stuff everyone's supposed to know. It sounds like the seeding blocks off a lot of stuff, though, so maybe it's not a good thing."

Robin is very determinedly steering the conversation away from the topic of nude elves. He's already embarrassed himself on that topic once, thanks, he's not going to do it again. He's been doing what is in his opinion a stellar job of ignoring the shirtless hot guy's... everything. He doesn't need any more mental images along those lines. 

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"Yeah, you can tell people. But they react like you're crazy and often the changes are such that's hard to convince people? The fantasy races were publicly known, but everything else had degree of secrecy, which we are not sure is the magic adjusting or if it's a genre thing. But even the fantasy races don't feel... properly inserted in the world?"

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"They don't like to show non-humans on TV because of racism, I don't see why is that such a weird thing to swallow." Says he of shiftlessness - who absolutely notice Robin staring.

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"Who is Granny?"

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"It sounds as though the magic does its best to keep from changing society too much, with the masquerades, and when it does make big, public changes, like the introduction of new species, it takes every excuse to cause as little fuss as possible."

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"My grandma. She's... an experience. I'm almost afraid to wonder what the seed's done with her."

How can he have noticed any staring when he is definitely not staring, nope. 

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"We all call her Granny because, besides the fact that she knows everything, she's also everyone's grandma. If you eat any of her cookies, she adopts you. She's like a fairyland of one."

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"She might have your space magic powers," Fenris points out. "Any chance she could be dangerous with them?"

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"Yeah, though it's hard to tell why it works like that. If it's a power constraint, a computational constraint or something else. It definitely doesn't appear to care about changing people's minds too much."

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Robin makes a so-so gesture, tipping his hand side to side, "Eh. Depends on what you mean by dangerous? She probably won't be very... I don't know the word. Careful? Respectful of other peoples' minds?"

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"Ethical," Erin offers, "And I agree. She likely wouldn't do anything malicious with anything she learns, but." She shrugs, "I'm not sure I like the idea of her with telepathy. She'd be well-meaning, but that wouldn't mean she wouldn't be reading everyone's minds."

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Jamie grimaces, at both Erin's words and Henry's, replying to the latter with, "Why spend energy making a believably integrated society when you can just rely on racism, right?" 

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"Ugh," Is all what Henry wants to comment on Granny. "We can send myself and Felix. We all are more mentally resistance than the average person, but that's mostly against being influenced." To Jamie, he says. "Well, speaking as someone who used to be another kind of bi-racial I actually think the societies are surprisingly well integrated. But this thing clearly has the power to create little pockets of paradise and instead uses it to re-enact common YA tropes."

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"Not that I disagree, but I might need her help to figure out this psychic stuff, if she really is like me." He pauses, "Though, I wouldn't be surprised to find out she isn't. Despite her busybody habits, I actually have a better source of mysterious mind powers, in that I have no idea who my mom is." 

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"That's a good point," Erin agrees, "If this things runs off narratives like that, having a mystery parent is basically asking for it." She grins at Robin, "I bet you're secretly alien royalty." 

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"You might think that's funny, but that's exactly how it works. So far every town has at least one royal of some sort among the seeding cluster."

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"My favorite was the Prince of Atlantis from the hero city. Gotta love a guy that walks around in only speedos. I totally felt like committing some crimes just to get his attention."

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"Oh? Who's your royal?" Robin asks. Don't read too much into that, he tells himself of Gabe's statement, sternly.

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Erin snorts, side-eyeing Robin hard, "Is nudity a theme," she asks, "And is it likely to happen to us?" There's lots of sci fi tropes to work with there. The womens' uniforms in Star Trek: the Original Series is only the beginning. 

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"Ish? Things that fascinate people. And in a fascinated in... sexual things."

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Now Erin is wondering about Lizard Person reproduction. What a brave new world she lives in. 

She wants to tell Robin to calm down, honestly. The guy is cleary some flavour of gay, but he's also probably too old for them. Robin's already 18, but they're still in high school for another three months, whereas this group sure seems to be in their twenties, at least - it's hard to say if being other species, or magic, might have affected their aging. 

Recalling what they were talking about earlier, she brings up the topic again, "The other alien you saw? Do you remember anything about the building? Any unique features, or signs, or something?"

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"Oh, right, sorry. Sometimes is hard to keep track of things."

He gives a description of the building. It's recognizable.

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"He also forgot tell you that he is our mysterious royal, though in his case is more like the chosen one or something."

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"That's because he doesn't like that part of his backstory. Not even his self that I remember like it that much."

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"Hey, isn't that Caine's dojo?" Jamie asks of Henry's description. 

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"You think it's Master Soren?" Robin wonders. He leans over the back of the couch, shouting towards the hall, "Hey, Caine, Soren's an alien!" 

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Caine turns his head towards the door of the study, briefly, snorts, and then turns back to watching Felix work. 

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Erin's lips gain a wry twist at Robin's actions, "Well," she says, "If he is royalty, I expect he'll have a lot to learn," she says. 

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"I am Henry Oswald. The magic has decided to put me in the cliché role of the prophesied hero. The only thing I have to learn is rebuild the foundations of scientific knowledge, so I can manipulate this mess of physical laws into something more sensible."

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"Henry, my dearest half-cousin, I love you, but you be cray."

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"Personally, if it is royalty for us, I hope it's Erin," Jamie says, "The rest of us would hate it a lot more than she would." Especially if they couldn't just ignore it. 

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Robin dangles half over the back of the couch, squinting into the hallway, "What's taking them so long in there, anyway," he wonders. 

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"Felix's magic is rather slow-working."

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"Anyway, who is Master Soren?"

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Erin tugs on his shirt, "Get down from there before you fall off," she suggests. He rolls down into her lap petulantly, and she pats him on the head. 

"Master Soren owns a dojo about ten minute's walk from here," she explains, "Caine's been going since he was four."

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"He's kind of a badass," Jamie agrees fondly. He pauses, "Soren too," he adds. 

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Fenris notes the physical closeness. "You might actually like my kind of magic. Or at least the wolf totem."

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"They are adorable, indeed. Anyway, I bet Sorean is the NPC we should talk to."

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Jamie, perched on the arm of the couch like a bird, grins at Gabe, "We are the most adorable," he agrees. 

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Robin looks up at Jamie, "Food?" He asks. 

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Jamie snorts, "Fine," he says. He slides down from the couch and looks around the room, "Dietary restrictions?" He asks, "I was gonna make hamburger helper, but I can switch it up if someone's vegetarian or something."

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Leaving that up to the guests, she follows up on Fenris' comment, "What does the wolf totem do?" She asks. 

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Fenris sometimes is vegetarian, but not today. No food restrictions. 

 "It gives or boosts magic that affects your group. Or your pack. I can tell where my friends are for example and aim spells at them more easily."

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"With the drawback that your emotions about them are stronger. More fondness. Also, more us vs. them mentality."

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Erin smiles at the description, "That does sound useful," she agrees. She glances in the direction of the hallway, where various sounds can be heard coming from the kitchen, "It probably wouldn't be good for Jamie, though; he's already 'pack' oriented enough as it is."

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"Those drawbacks could be pretty problematic," Robin agrees. Never mind Jamie, Erin's the only one of the four of them who probably wouldn't be too badly affected by that kind of change.

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"I manage it, but it's definitely not for everyone."

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Felix returns, presumably followed by Caine.

"Bad news, I am pretty sure Caine's dad took all the anti-shapeshifter weaponry. The good news, I think there are enough weapons and spare pieces that we can build some of our own."

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"Great, now all we need is someone who knows how to build alien weapons," Jamie comments from behind them.

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"Hey, maybe Master Soren knows someone," Robin suggests. 

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"We still don't know that it actually is Master Soren," Erin reminds him, "It could have been one of the students."

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Caine hums, "We won't get anywhere just speculating about it," he points out, "We can drop by the dojo after school is out." 

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"We technically do know someone who can build alien weapons, but he is literally a super-villain."

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"Also, outside of town. We probably shouldn't have the shapeshifting aliens unchecked for too long."

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Something dings; Jamie vanishes into the kitchen again. 

"The dojo, then," Caine says, pleased to have a plan, though edgy about the all the waiting. The longer they take preparing, the more time his dad remains missing. He wanders further into the room and settles down on the far end of the couch, sighing when Robin slides his legs into his lap. 


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Grinning at Caine's exasperation, Robin moves his legs and sits up between the other two, before turning to Felix, "So, how does that work?" He asks, "Do the villains come from people who were already pretty villainous before the seeding, or can anyone become one?" He's mostly wondering if they should be watching likely types for alien powers or something.


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The sound of plates and cutlery clattering around can be made out from the doorway. "Uh, hey, could someone come help me carry these things?" Jamie calls.

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"I will help." Gabe says, going kitchen-wards.

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"I think people that the cluster has some sort of animosity towards is a stronger metric than any sense of villainy. But that isn't a hard rule, our cluster didn't get that. Doctor Projector was a teacher that everyone disliked. The super villain version was changed into a fallen mentor archetype. With lasers."

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"Thanks!" He says to Gabe when he reaches the kitchen. He gestures at the stack of plates and cutlery, both of his hands busy with a large pot of hamburger, noodles and sauce. "So, is there, like, a combat benefit to shirtlessness or something? Or is it a personal choice?" He asks idly as he finishes stirring the food and picks it up. 

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"I don't think there's anyone at school who's really hated, particularly," Erin muses. "But I suppose the shapeshifters could replace anyone, so that's not really the problem we have." 

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"Yeah. It's also worth consideration to know... well, how they replace people in the sense of the shapeshifters being entirely new or being already existing people that are changed by the magic."

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"Personal choice with a combat benefit! Am I being too distracting?"

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"I had considered that problem, yes," Erin agrees. "If it's the latter we'll have to worry about the shapeshifters having hostages, but if not then we'll be harming and possibly killing otherwise innocent people who have become our enemies because of the seeding." She shakes her head, "I know which one I think is worse, but neither case is good."

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"They have hostages either way," Caine points out, posture tense.

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"Right," she agrees. "Hopefully the answer isn't 'both'."

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Jamie shrugs, "Nah," he says, and indeed he's only abstractly appreciative of the display; he can't deny that Gabe's good looking, but he's not compelled to stare or anything. "I was wondering since I figured you must have been kind of cold outside. It's only April, after all." This being southern Ontario it's not freezing or anything, but it can't be more than 10 degrees out. 

As he talks he scrapes the hamburger helper into a large bowl. He then drops the pot into the sink with the pan and hefts the bowl into his left arm, grabbing a serving spoon and a roll of paper towel with his right. 

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Gabe shrugs and takes part of the load. "I appreciate distracting guys and I have cold resistance."

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"Anyway, besides the dojo and the places in the map, do you think we have another lead?"

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"That would be really useful," he says, a bit envious. Being cold resistant enough to go around shirtless in the winter would make his hobbies so much easier. He's not entirely sure what's so distracting about shirtlessness, though; it's not like Gabe has anything he hasn't seen before. Even the abs - Jamie's seen Caine naked plenty of times by now. 

His other questions - about the slavery thing - are both none of his business and still unnerving him in how much it bothers him, so he leads Gabe back into the living room rather than asking. He sets the bowl down on the coffee table, snags a plate and fork from Gabe's pile, serves himself, and settles down on the couch.

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"Well," Robin says thoughtfully, "We should take a closer look at Erin's place, I think," he suggests. "We only looked at a few rooms before we came here to talk to Mr Atten about all the weird. But we still found Erin's med tech and that her lizard is now an alien lizard. If her parents are lizard people like she is, who knows what they might have kicking around the house?" 

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"And we should see if we can figure out whether Robin's grandma is psychic," she reminds them. 

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Gabe grins at Jamie's comment and then serves himself and Henry.

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Henry accepts it. "Should we split up to cover more ground? Also, Jamie's family wouldn't provide any leads?"

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The teens all trade glances. Jamie grimaces, "Uh," he says, "I'm an orphan - a foundling, in fact - and my foster parents..." he shrugs, "I basically just live with Erin and Caine." 

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"We should still check, though," Robin says, slipping an arm around Erin to squeeze Jamie's arm. "If they've turned into evil aliens or something you'll probably want to stop going back for inspections." 

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"As for splitting up," Erin says as she fills a plate for herself, "It's probably a good idea. You were saying we should send two of you in particular to check Robin's grandmother, right?" She settles back on the couch so Caine and Robin can get some food, "Then maybe Robin could go with you, and the rest of us could split up to take a look at the dojo and check my house?" 

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"Uh..." they can see his cheeks turn a darker gray. "Can't walk around away from me in a foreign country, without a written permission that we didn't have the time to acquire."

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"Same plan, but Gabe goes with Henry and Robin. If it turns out that his grandmother is hostile, Felix will be less helpful in a fight than Gabe."

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Erin stuffs a forkful of food in Robin's mouth befote he can say anything. The guy clearly doesn't want to talk about it, and nothing Robin has to say is likely to help. 

"Sounds like a plan," she agrees mildly. 

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Robin chews mulishly, then grudgingly moves on, "Caine and Erin should go to the dojo, then, and Jamie can come with us. We can meet up at Erin's after." 

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"Sounds like a plan."

They can spend the rest of the time eating and talking about classes. Felix can summon a book "The Diviner Mage Guide to The Changed World" from thin air, which various charts and class explanations. Classes have levels and each level increases your health and mana, gives you ten points that you can spend mostly in attributes (like strength) or skills (like being good at using an ax). How efficient a point is at making you better at those things depends on your class, race or "sub-class". For example, a warrior will get more physically strong than a Magus by spending the same amount of points. In the first level and every three levels thereafter you get some sort of class feature, which is usually customizable to some degree, like picking a sub-class (which expands on what your class can do).

It's very D&D.

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So it is. Caine leans forward after the initial information has been explained, "And you can teach these abilities to us," he states. He pauses, "Can you tell us more about what the Champion and Saint classes entail, if they don't necessarily involve gods?"

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"We can teach some abilities to you, yes. But in practical terms, what we do is give you a few pointers and then you do something that earns your first class level. Champions and Saints embody or at least perform virtues through vows and living up to ideals. Saints in particular also benefit from proselyting or inspiring others."

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"How do we do this, then?" Robin asks, "Can you get us started before we leave? And what kind of thing do we have to do to earn our first level, are we talking getting good enough at the skills for that class, or defeating a bunch of enemies, or what?" 

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"And, what kind of virtues do you mean? Are there known virtues, or are they whatever the person believes is virtuous?" 

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"There is the matter that we would want to get a better sense of you first. Both to see which class you fit, but also if you would be responsible with more powers. On the topic of setting it up. Time varies for setting it up, there has been at least one case where all it took was Gabe shouting some instructions in the middle of a goblin attack. But usually it's a few hours. There is the additional issue that while I can teach anyone any class, you can only teach your own class to others and there is no multi-classing. It's possible to switch classes, but it takes considerable longer. It's possible to earn class levels with only intense training alone, but combat makes it much faster."

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"It doesn't have to be to the death. Though, picking up fights in a bar works better than, say, do a wrestling match with a few friends."

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"Yeah, that. It's usually much better if you are trying to win in a way related to class skills. You can try convince the hypothetical bar fighters to stop fighting by trying to convert them into being pacifists or something if you want to be a Saint."

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"Both kinds of virtue work. It's more about the commitment to the concept."

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"So then, real experience is better than mock experience, or theoretical, right?" He confirms. "Makes sense. And I don't blame you for wanting to give it a bit before you hand us magical powers."

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Caine hums, "My guess... Well, I don't know all the classes in dungeons and dragons. Only the basics. Even if I did, your classes aren't the same." He pauses, glances around at the other three teens, "Jamie would be a rogue. Erin some kind of cleric." He's not so sure how well she'd suit this 'Saint' class, however. Erin's a healer at heart, but she'd never really be comfortable confined to pacifism. Which shouldn't be a surprise to Fenris, at least, considering the fact that she was holding a shapeshifter at gunpoint when he met them. 

He looks Robin over, thoughtfully, "I suppose Robin might be a druid, or a warlock," he muses. 

He's not sure about himself; ranger? Monk? Fighter? Paladin? 

Probably not Paladin, he admits to himself. 

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"Is the Saint class a healer's class, then, if they're meant to be pacifists?" 

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"Rogues translate into either Tricksters and Experts, the latter one is a bit like a bard in the jack of all trades sense. Both druids and warlock translate into the Shaman, though you could make a Saint that fits the concept. Saints don't need to be pacifists, but they are the best healer class, yes. You can take a vow of that lets you injure your enemies as long you heal them afterwards. And even the pacifist vow lets you attack things that don't experience pain, though it doesn't let you indirectly harm living things that way."

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"You can technically get someone that can heal out of all classes, not necessarily good healing, mind you."

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She smiles, "That does work better," she admits happily. 

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He perks up at the bit about Shamans, then smirks at Erin's pleased smile. So kind, yet so scary! Erin likes being dangerous to her enemies, as many would-be middle school bullies had learned to their detriment.

Back on topic, "Shaman- that's Fenris, right?" He glances at the quiet twin, "Awesome!" 

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"Ok, how do Tricksters and Experts work, then? All I know about Bards is that they do music," he admits. 

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"Correct," says the quiet twin.

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"Tricksters learn - appropriately enough - various tricks which are... supposedly not magical, but obviously work through some magical ability to accurately do things. Like, being excellent at dodging, distracting enemies, finding traps or firing implausible ricocheting shots. Experts work similarly, but get something that are more akin to concrete knowledge and can branch more. Ironically, they are not that great at magic singing like a bard, that's more a Saint thing."

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"Alright, I'm liking the sound of Tricksters, but what kind of things do Experts branch into? Can they do some of the stuff other classes do, or is the branch stuff unique to them?"  

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Robin grins, then pauses, looking at Felix, "And, uh. What about Diviners? I know you said you're like the dungeon masters of the magic system, but what all can you do?"

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"Yes, all classes can dip a bit in each other territories, but Experts are the closest thing that we have to multi classing, you can be, well, an expert in one field, or good at two or passable in three and so on. Diviners are a bit like... oracles, I can have visions that tell me things, like where to find you, I can identify magical items with a touch, teach people their first level in any class, figure out hints like a guest-giving NPC, and protect a select few locations to be the party's home base. It's very behind the scene stuff."

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"Felix didn't like that he couldn't use his power more proactively. But it helped us a lot early on, since he could just tell us. And none of the other clusters managed to find each other until we came along."

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"Yeah, I think I'll take Trickster, then, whenever we get around to it. Expert sound interesting but," he shrugs. 

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"Some of those other seeds you mentioned were older than yours, then?" 

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"Yeah, you're the second that was founded after ours. That we know of."

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"Are there only the five you've found so far, or are there more that you haven't reached yet?"

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"Those are the ones we found, but we don't know if there are others. Yours is the first one outside the United States. At some point in the future we are planning for me to do a trip across the globe to see if I can detect other clusters."

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"Mm. And we're still really close to the border here," she agrees. "Once we get our problems figured out around here, we can try to help out with that," she offers, "I mean, for one thing, no matter how distant my parents are, being their daughter gives me contacts all over the world as well as places to live all over the world. Or at least it gave me those things, depending on how the whole alien thing plays out."

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Felix smiles. He has enough smile for both twins.

They can talk some more and then throw a couple of wards around the house before leaving to their respective destinations. Twins with Erin and Caine. Cousins with Robin and Jamie.

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They split up in the lobby, Caine's group heading left out the door and Robin's group walking through the first floor hallways to take the backdoor.

"There's an old swimming pool down here," Robin mentions, gesturing at one of the large doors off the hallway. "They closed it down a while ago 'cause it cost too much, but we sometimes hang out in there." 

 They exit the building without incident, filing out into the still cool afternoon air. Robin sticks his hands in his jacket pocket, while Jamie pulls his up into his sleeves. 

Robin squints at Gabe, "You gonna be ok there?" He asks. 



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Jamie shakes his head, wry; he glances over at Henry, "Are you ok?" He asks. A listener might think he's talking about the cold; he's not talking about the cold. 

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Meanwhile, Erin and Caine lead the twins out onto the street. This time Caine takes a closer look at the reactions of the passersby. Any surprise about the ears? Do they even notice them?

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Wow, that sure is a smile. They're very pretty, this group. 

Outside, Erin directs the group through the best shortcuts she knows from Jamie. The ground-based ones, anyway, she's not actually capable of running most of the others. Though she hasn't had a chance to test her capabilities as a lizard person. She should get around to that at some point. 

"Who was it that saw him?" She asks, realizing she hadn't asked when the group was all together.

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People definitely notice the ears, but only in the sense people would notice a racial minority whose marking trait is having pointy ears. Quite a few double-take and quite a few appear to be surprised or confused by the twins' choice of attire. A cosplayer would get weirder looks.

"I think it was Henry and Gabe, but being able to recognize a quest relevant person that someone else saw, to move the plot forward is totally a thing I can do."

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Gabe flexes his pecks. "Don't worry. I am pretty cold resistant."

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"Be at least 40% less lewd, Gabe." To Jamie he says. "You mean, about my current situation?"

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Jamie shrugs, "Yeah, you seemed, uh. Less than enthused? Sorry if you don't want to talk about it."

Also: wow, Jamie didn't realise Robin was capable of going that red.

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The motion brings Robin's eyes down, as expected. He flushes, reaches up to cover his face in despair. After a moment, he gives up on covering the blush, lowering his hands. "Uh," he says, "That's. Good?"


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Well. More confirmation, he supposes. He eyes the twins' outfits, "Why the odd clothes?" He asks. 

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"They are magical equipment." Fenris says in the tones that should be obvious.

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"Yeah," Felix says to diffuse the tension, "they are not a bold fashion statement."

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"I sure think so, I am sure many also agree."

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"Ah, I just not the type to spill my heart to people unless it's pretty clear that's what should be happening. I am cool with talking if you want to know, you definitely have the right to be prepared."

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"Ah. They draw some attention." He nodded towards a passerby eyeing them at the moment, "I suppose it's worth it." 

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Jamie blinks, then frowns, "Prepared for... Uh. Are we in danger of being enslaved?" He asks, tensing, before he forces himself to relax. "That you know of, I mean," he adds. Frankly if their fears are influencing the way this plot goes, it'll probably come up at some point.

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"Do you make them yourselves?" Erin asks idly as they walk down a quiet public path leading through the middle of the block, "Or someone else? Or, I guess, maybe enemies drop them like a video game." She starts the last sentence in a joking tone, but isn't really joking by the end. 

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Robin nods in agreement. 

Then his eyes widen. 

Yeah, Robin's just going to stew in horrible embarrassment for a bit. He turns his face to the sky and tries to think about the upcoming meeting with his grandma. Maybe if he focusses on that he can stop himself from spontaneously combusting. 

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"You're not in danger of being involuntarily indentured by a part or full orc."

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"I am really sorry that you weren't so lucky, kid."

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"Less, Gabe. Less. Anyway, you should know that the way this thing works, it comes with some targeted downsides. Until recently, Felix had to stay back home and wait. Fenris would never picked a magical class with mental effects. Meghan - our Saint - was livid by being having her vows forced into her. It shouldn't be bad for you, but there is definitely a sense that the Change drew something from your fears."

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"Full explanations, Fenris. Our town has an ever-changing dungeon underground which creates monsters every once in a while. When they die, their bodies dust and often leave stuff, which can be used to make other stuff. It doesn't work on monsters of other origins, though if we defeat-without-killing a person, we can get them to give their cash to us." Pause. "We don't use that capability often, but it ever happened."

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Jamie frowns, "I didn't mean," he stops, he didn't mean Henry specifically, for one he's better at reading people than that. For another they were actually talking about figuring out how to get around the issue, earlier. He's just, high strung about the topic. For some reason. For most people it might make sense to be empathetic about something like this, but Jamie's only ever cared that much about three people, and none of them have been in that sort of situation. 

He shakes his head, listens to the rest of the explanation, and only gets a worse feeling the more is explained. 

Maybe their fears haven't changed them directly, but he suspects, contrary to Henry's words, that whatever effect they do have is going to be bad. 

As for Gabe, it's great that he's happy, but... "I don't think I'd like it," he tells him. 

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"So... this was a fear for you?" Robin asks. "Uh. That's personal, sorry, don't answer that." 

Look, there's the house up ahead! Soon he will be able to escape the awkward of this situation for the awkward of the next!

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Caine hums in response to the explanation as they turn onto the block with the dojo. He gestures towards it and takes the lead up to the doors.

The place used to be a florist's; the outside looks like any storefront, with a glass and metal door and long window out front. After Master Soren took over it was renovated significantly, turning much of the space into several separate rooms suitable for training. Caine leads them inside when they reach the door, pausing before the front desk, which is currently unmanned. 

There's no sign, and it's just after school. This is. Not usual. 

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Felix can sense the tension. He tries to feel if there is any danger imminent.

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Fenris' sniffs the air, calling forth the spirit of the wolf.

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Henry raises an eyebrow, but sure, that is sure a house.

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It sure is! 

And there's Grandma, working in the front garden! She's raking, piling up the leaves that had been hidden under the snow. Robin feels a little guilty for having been gone since friday, now; raking is supposed to be one of his jobs. 

He hops up the steps which lead up into the raised yard, reaching out to grasp the rake in offering when he reaches her. "Hey, Gran," he says, "Let me take over?"

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"Good afternoon!" Gran replies, letting go of the rake with a smile. She catches sight of Jamie and calls out a greeting to him, as well. Jamie, contrary as ever to the efforts of architects to make their designs accessible, hops up the ledge and then over the fence right next to the steps. 

"Hey, Granny," he says, leaning in the accept a hug. Pulling away, he glances back at Gabe and Henry, "We brought some people," he says, which, obviously, "Some friends from out of town," he continues.

"I see," she says, "And is this why you haven't been at school today?" She asks, knowingly. 

Robin freezes, but Jamie just laughs it off, "Yeah, I guess so," he agrees. 

Gran turns to eye the cousin pair with a welcoming smile, "Hello," she greets, "It's lovely to meet you. I'm Robin's grandmother, Katherine."

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Well, what do you know, that sure feels like some imminent danger right there! 

Moments after he starts feeling for it, the sound of a low, guttural roar carries into the front room, followed shortly by the sound of blaster fire right out of Star Wars. Fenris might be able to make out the scent of smoke, as well as an odour he may have noticed emanating from the false Samuel earlier that day. 

Caine exchanges a look with Erin and then they rush towards the noise. 

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Henry tries his best smile.

He still not sufficiently used to the tusks.

"Hello, I am Henry Oswald. And this is my Gabe Valentine."

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Gabe smiles. "Hi!"

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They are soon followed...

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...by a pair of large wolves.

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If Caine were less busy at the moment he would have had some kind of reaction. As it is he only has the mental space to take note of the wolves in his haste.

He comes to a halt at the sight of a massive smoking hole in the wall, and then tugs Erin behind the wall blocking a changing room. The sound of something crashing through the wall (again) is followed by more blaster noises, and then a low snarl comes from just outside the divider. Caine tenses, holding his breath; Erin follows suit. 


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Katherine smiles back, "It's always lovely to meet my Grandson's friends. Please, come in, come in. I'll let Robin finish up the yard," she gives him a mock-stern look, and then beckons Jamie to follow her, "And Jamie, you'll help me with dinner, won't you?" 

Jamie turns from grinning at Robin and nods, following the lady into the house. 

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Okay, most people usually have a moment where they can't manage to hide their disgust with the situation between him and Gabe.

To be fair, that was often true before the change, but now they are not legally allowed to do anything about it.

"Thanks for having us here, you have a lovely home."

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"And your grandson is such a sweet guy."

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Felix - who has a milky white eye in this form - sniffs the air and waits for Caine to take the lead.

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The shapeshifter scent is easier to distinguish, now; they may be hard to tell apart, but there's at least more than one. There's also a decidedly non-human scent, smelling of fur and something quite unlike anything else. 

Caine waits for the growling to move away from the opening before carefully peering around the divider. 

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He gets an eyefull of giant furry alien backside. Angry furry alien, judging by that angrily lashing tail. 

The creature looks back at him while he's staring, growls a bit louder, and then turns away, stalking around a corner towards the back entrance to the room he'd been flung out of. 

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"Giant cat alien," he reports in a murmur when he pulls back to look at the others. He pauses, then says, "He saw me and didn't attack."

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"Well, if it is Soren, we should figure out who is attacking and then help out," Erin suggests. 

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Caine nods in agreement. He creeps out of the change room and leads them in the opposite direction from that which the alien took, towards the other entrance to the room. 


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She laughs, "He is a sweetheart," she agrees, "If impulsive," she adds, eyeing his sheepish expression before she heads up the porch stairs and into the house, "And I thank you for the complement; my darling Carlito and I put a lot of work into it over the years," she says of the house, fondly wistful.  

"What's for lunch, Gran?" Jamie asks. 

"Oh, I just bought two pounds of strawberries! I was thinking, we'll make some of those ham-cheese-and-cucumber sandwiches you love, and bring those and some strawberries and fruit dip into the sitting room. I can get to know your new friends while we eat."

 "Sounds good to me," Jamie says, glancing back at the other pair for their opinions. Light lunch in the sitting room - living room, really, but Gran uses terms like that sometimes - means she wants to grill them all in comfort. 

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"Thank you, you're too kind." Henry says, oblivious.

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Twins follows the lead. Though he keeps an eye out for someone trying to sneak from above or behind.

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There's no one that he can see, but of course that's not his primary sense in this form anyway. He can smell some kind of reptile - it's a little off, but still recognisable, scales and venom and some kind of wet pond smell. It also smells strongly of Erin, and, to a lesser extent, the other three teens. It's very quiet, but it does make enough noise that a sharp-eared human could hear it - a sort of whispery shuffle, with four feet and a tail. 

 Caine had noticed Sam following them a while ago, but he's not paying much attention to the signs of his presence at the moment. As they creep up past the other training room they hear a yowl and another crash coming from their destination. 

He breaks into a run and comes around the corner in time to see a group of beige-clad people scattering away from the cat alien. Two of them are deformed, their bodies deteriorating into blobs of metallic goo in several places. They slowly reform as they scramble away from their attacker. One of them turns and notices the two teens and the wolves. They hurriedly aim their weapon at them, firing three quick, completely inaccurate blasts in a panic. 

"Shit-" Caine begins, then has to dive out of the way as another shifter notices them and fires as well. 

Most of the shots - some kind of energy or gas in a thin, translucent casing? - go wide, but one, through some unhappy miracle, arrows straight towards Felix. 

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Erin shoves through the door to the office on the left side of the hall, pulling out the blaster she still has. She watches for a chance to get it to Caine, cursing that she'd forgotten she had it until now. 

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Robin comes in just as Jamie is bringing in the tray of strawberries and dip and flops down on one of the cushy chairs in front of the wide livingroom windows. He reaches for a strawberry, then pauses, notes his grandmother's look, sighs, and gets up to go wash his hands. 

He gets back just as the last tray, holding a tea pot and mugs, settles on the table, grabs his strawberry and pops it in his mouth without any dip. 

Gran smiles, "Now," she begins, "Why don't you tell me why you skipped school today?" 

"Um," says Robin, quickly swallowing his mouthful, "A lot of weird things have been happening to us lately," he starts hesitantly. 

She blinks, then her eyebrows lift, "What sort of 'weird things'?" She asks, knowingly, a slight smile playing around her lips. 

Robin glances at Jamie and their visitors. Jamie nods encouragingly - if anyone is gonna know what's going on with Robin it'll be his Gran. 

Gran turns to the newcomers as well, following Robin's gaze.

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"He and his friends got attacked by a shape-shifting bugger and one our friends helped them," Gabe answers bluntly.

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Henry takes a strawberry, dips and then shoves it into Gabe's mouth. All without looking.

"Not wrong."

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Scrambling his four legs and falling out of the way of the blast was totally on purpose. Regardless, it gets him out of the way of the blast.

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Fenris leaps and bounces off the wall in a way that you only see cats doing it. But the important thing is that it gets his jaws around a beige-clad person. His teeth, are surprisingly cold.

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The being in Fenris' jaws shrieks, their attempted dodge stalled by his cold teeth sinking into their leg. After a moment of struggle, the limb comes off, detaching from the rest of their mass with a disgusting squelch noise. The leg dissolves into a pale metallic silver goo in Fenris' jaws, and thin tendrils of the same material stretch from the shifter's stump, attempting to heal the wound but lacking the spare mass to do so. The shifter will have to completely un-shift in order to fully reform again. Being in such a vulnerable position, they instead allow thenself to fall to the ground, bringing their blaster to bear on Fenris and attempting to fire on him.

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Meanwhile, the shifter that had first noticed the newcomers goes for Erin, seeing as she's the one with a weapon they recognise. Their next attempts hit the wall around the doorframe, the door of which she ducks behind when she sees them coming. Getting proper hold on her own weapon, she leans out from behind the door and fires once herself, before she can think too hard about it. The blast leaves a shallow charred hole in the floor behind and to the right of them. Quickly, she fires once more, hitting their arm and leaving a slightly less quickly repairing wound of her own there - though at least they lose their own weapon in the process. 

Blasterless, they rush her, attempting to get to her before she can fire again. A futile effort, it turns out - she holds down the trigger as she retreats further into the office, the blaster delivering in the form of five fast bursts of energy/plasma/whatever the thing fires. She hits the back wall, flinching from the light given off by the weapon in her hands, and then looks up again to find her enemy collapsing into a spreading pool of charred silver on the floor. 

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As the first being turns to attack Erin, Caine rises to attempt to go to her aid, but a third shifter intercepts him. Caine snarls lowly as they advance, before ducking low to sweep a leg out, unbalancing the shifter and sending them onto their back. He tries to dodge around their form, but the being stretches - their limb gaining a shimmery silver appearance as they do so - and grabs hold of him, tripping him and sending him down into a quickly controlled fall. They drag him back towards their body, more of them turning into silvery goo as they touch skin under his pant leg, which is riding up. The touch burns like acid on a thousand papercuts, like it's eating into his skin; Caine lets out an agonised scream. 

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Might-be-Soren is busily savaging the remaining four beige-clad shifters, holding his ground and preventing them from entering the training room. He seems to be doing alright; he's a little singed, but whenever a blast hits him it seems to disperse a bit, the site of the hit shimmering a bit as it does so. 

He's pretty occupied, though, so they'll probably have to deal with their opponents on their own.

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Fenris attempts to kick the blaster out of the way but he is shot.

However, he manages to land a solid bite against the creature's shoulder and a powerful breath of cold air freezes half of its torso.

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Felix rushes in against the shifter that tried to shoot him before. He will try to tackle the creature to the ground.

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The unfrozen half of their body goes silver; the frozen half shatters in the attempt to do the same. With the mass they have left they shift again, into a smaller form - a silvery-scaled snake of some sort, their fangs dripping with the silver of their natural form. They lunge towards Fenris fangs first, attempting a strike which would have similar effects to the attack which made Caine scream. 

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Her awareness expanding beyond her own fight, Erin suddenly notices Caine's screaming. She rushes out of the room, jumping over the puddle of ex-shifter to help. Aiming at the point farthest from Caine on the shifter attacking him, she fires two shots into their right shoulder, which is still human-shaped.

Hissing, the being releases Caine, who scrambles away, choking as his leg drags over the ground. Whatever she gave to that guy they'd met in that alley the day before must have done something about the screeching nerves left behind by the attack they'd both suffered. 

Eyes narrowing, Erin fires again at the reforming blob, getting off two shots before the blaster won't give out any more. Hopefully either a cool down period is needed or a new cartridge, but either way, without the stream of energy projectiles the shifter regains enough momentum to lunge its liquid form at the two teens. Caine, half leaning against the wall to keep weight off his leg, drags Erin out of the way. The shifter splatters against the wall and has to take a moment to regather itself. They get some distance while it does, Erin examining the blaster for clues as to whether it will be ready to fire again at some point. 

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...Shifts back to human form, with his hand ready to grab the snake by the neck. And then freeze it.

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Felix' shifter goes down when he tackles them. Once they hit the ground they start shifting back, attempting to catch Felix with the debilitating affect merging has on solid beings, their most effective tactic in melee combat. 

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Felix senses that Fenris is doing rather well on the fight. He can't say the same for him, but there is some luck on his side.

The shifter manages to grab hold of Felix's neck when young-man-wolf tries to bite the creature. The hold is solid, the merging is debilitating.

Except, that Felix's power set includes access to a lot of information he has to process through with concentration and care. The shifter will enjoy being carried adrift into the  tornado of noise that's Felix's mind right now. There is just too much.

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The snakeshifter turns into a snakecicle, and then snakefetti. 

Felix' shifter tries to take in the wave of information coming from their victim, makes a squeaking noise so high-pitched probably only the twins (and maybe maybe-Soren) could hear it, and dissolves into a puddle. They're not dead, but they don't look much better. 

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The blaster makes a whirring noise as a light Erin hadn't noticed going out lights up again. Taking that as a sign, Erin fires at the shifter in front of her again. She gets one shot off before the light goes out again, and the shifter reforms around the wound - much more slowly than they had from the last ones, but they still do it. Caine steps in front of her, weight entirely on his one good leg, as their enemy approaches. 

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A growl comes from behind the teens; the shifter stops in its tracks. 

The cat alien leaps over them and tears into the last live-and-conscious shifter, splattering silver all over the hall. It doesn't reform. 

Work finished, maybe-Soren turns to regard his unexpected comrades. 

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Felix also turns back to human shape. "Uh, hi?"

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After a moment, during which maybe-Soren studies the four of them intently, the air around him shimmers.

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And then there is a perfectly normal-looking human standing there. He still smells like cat, though. 

"Hello," he returns. 

He's covered in specks of silver, and his clothes sport charred holes revealing reddened skin. His face is bloody, too; somehow the damage and mess littering his true form has carried on to this one. 

He looks them all over, then folds his hands together in front of him. "How can I help you?" He asks, mild as milk. 

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As soon as the danger has passed, Erin whips out scanner and synthesiser to fix Caine up, and then Felix as well, if he looks like he needs it. The boy slides down the wall until he's sat on the floor, paying attention to the scene in front of him but accepting that he won't be of much help if it turns into a fight for some reason. 

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Fenris gives Erin a weird look, almost standoffish, and then proceeds to hover his hands over Felix, they glow with soft green energy.

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"Our half-orc friend came here earlier and thought you might have been an alien." Pause. "I guess he was right."

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Erin nods, businesslike, at Fenris' look, and turns back to Caine, offering him a vial of the neurostabiliser. While he downs it, she turns the scanner on the nearest charred silver pool. The scanner informs her that the shapeshifter in question is dead. She pauses for a long moment, face going unreadable, and then closes the scanner to pay attention to Soren and Felix. 

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He huffs, "An alien, yes," he says, something wryly amused to his countenance. "And what did you need from another outworlder, exactly?" He asks, glancing at Erin as he does. "Not that I do not appreciate the assistance," he adds. 

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"You know, then," Caine states, cautiously stretching out his leg from his spot on the floor. 

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"That your friend is Allurian, yes," he agrees. "But my question stands."

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"We are... less informed about the situation than you might think and would like to know more. Specially regarding the disappearance of Caine's father."

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He turns to Felix head on, giving him his full attention; one might notice at this point that his eyes are slitted like a cat. He stares got a long moment before speaking, "Samuel is missing?" He asks, rhetorically. He unclasps his hands, "I did not know. This is very concerning." 

He looks the four of them over again, more closely this time, "And you really don't know what is happening here," he confirms to himself. "Well. I have another guest to see to, first, but once I have done so I would be willing to give you an overview of the situation." 

He glances back towards the training room, presumably where his guest is. 

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The presumable guest peeks out of the room, briefly. But he is recognizable.

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Caine jumps to his feet at the sight of him, grabbing Erin's arm to get her attention before the 'guest' ducks back inside. "He's one of them," he tells Soren, "We ran into him copying a man downtown yesterday." He's pretty sure Soren must know this, but it never hurts to make sure. 

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Soren frowns, "He is," he agrees, "He has run away from his Collective, however. I have offered him sanctuary," he warns. He discretely plants himself to more effectively guard the door from them, should they attempt anything. 

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Felix smiles brightly. "That's great. Is he alright?"

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This response relaxes Soren somewhat; he half-turns away from them, looking into room, "If you would allow me a moment, I will ask." 

He steps into the room, pacing barefooted on the springy wooden floor, and states to the room at large, "Our attackers have been vanquished, friend." He doesn't look for where the shifter might be hiding; better to let the timid being come to him, should they choose. 

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Scout 15 tentatively steps out of his hiding spot. Looking like an shy toddler in body language. He doesn't speak.

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Soren gentles his expression as much as he can, "Are you injured?" He asks. 

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"Scout 15 is uninjured."

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"I am glad to hear that," he says. He gives the room a once-over, noting the destruction, "This location is not safe, it seems. Perhaps you would prefer to retreat somewhere else? I would offer my home to you, if you wish, or perhaps our unexpected allies might have suggestions, if you are willing to meet them." He pauses to allow his guest to decide. 

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Scout 15 is a bit confused by such a wide arrange of choices. "Go with unexpected allies?"

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"This is your choice?" Soren returns. He gestures towards the door, "They wait just outside this room." He gives the shifter a serious look, "You have requested my sanctuary, friend, and I have given it. Honour demands I assist you however I can, and protect you from aggressors. You will be as safe as I can make you."

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Scout 15 nods rapidly. "My choice."

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Offering a nod in return, Soren turns to the door, leading the being out of the room. 


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Meanwhile, back at Robin's house:

"Ah," Katherine begins slowly, "Back again, are they? And I suppose you've gone and gotten all mixed up in that mess, just like we did all those years ago." She pauses, apparently reminiscing, then sighs, turning serious, "Those shifties are dangerous beings," she tells them, "though not the most dangerous types the galaxy has to offer," she adds as an aside. 

She reaches out to dip a strawberry into the cream, "What do you want to know?" She asks, nibbling on the tip of it, "I am happy to offer what help I can." 

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Robin leans forward, eager to get some information at last - even if it is all made up by the seeding. "I think I'm reading peoples' minds," he tells her, "Do you know why?"

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"Ah," she says, "I was wondering if that was it, before you brought up the shifters. You take after your mother, then; I've been expecting this for some time. She was Medani, you see; my dear Cameron met her during the last invasion. The Medani are all psychics, though their species produces some few with other powers as well."

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"My mom was an alien." Robin states, blinking. "Or, is?" He corrects tentatively, "Is she...?" Gran tilts her head gently in her equivalent of a shrug, and he sighs; one more mystery to add to the pile, he supposes. Still, if the psychic came from his mom, then Gran shouldn't be one, right? That's a good thing, he supposes. He looks over at the others to see if they have any questions. 

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Caine glances up from where he was talking to Erin when Soren comes back into the room, tensing slightly when he sees the shifter. Now that he knows what the victim they met the other day went through, he feels a less charitable than he did then. Not that charitable is one of his usual settings. 

Still, if Soren is protecting him, he's willing to wait and see how this plays out.

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"What sort of powers?" Henry asks Gran.

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She hums, "I know only a small amount about the unusual manifestations," she tells him, "Ami spoke little of them. She had an aunt who could control the minds of others, I believe, and a distant ancestor could summon unquenchable flames. There were a great variety of possibilities." She looks over at Robin, "I assume you demonstrated something beyond the usual psychic abilities?" 

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He shrugs, "Maybe? Jamie and Caine think I moved a little faster than I should've been able to, a couple times." 

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She looks to Jamie, who shrugs and nods, then she answers, "A little telekinesis is part of the usual abilities, but that sounds somewhat different. I suppose we will simply have to find out more about your gifts as you learn them." 

Having explained what she knew, she turns her focus on her grandson's new friends, "And how did you get mixed up in all of this?" She wonders. 

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"One of my friends stumbled upon the four while a shifter was attacking them."

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She looks then over, "And you are certain none of you were replaced?" She asks. 

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"The fight was over pretty quickly. They didn't really have a chance."

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"Is there an easy way to tell?" 

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"They only receive the most recent and most important memories on the first scan," she says, "So if you can think of something not particularly stand-out to ask that you know the other person will know, a shifter likely will not."

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"Could we perform the test with non-personal information? Or they get pop culture as well?"

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She smiles at him, "Pop culture is an excellent idea!" She tells him, "It often takes them even longer to fully understand the local culture than to decipher the memories of the individual they are replacing. All of that background information, which hardly registers to the average person - references from films, lyrics from popular songs - it all makes excellent material." 

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"Oooh, Henry can rant how scientifically inaccurate a show is."

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"You guys like scifi?" Robin asks, "Or, watch it, at least? Which ones?" 

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"Henry rants about Fantasy shows, because he likes missing the point, but he likes scifi too."

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"I only watch fantasy shows because you put them on, and I don't rant about them... much. But I like scifi..."

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Scout 15 shadows Soren and appears to feel shy under scrutiny.

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Felix tries his best friendly smile, but notices that the shifter doesn't want to talk. "How did you two meet?"

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"My guest came to me and requested Sanctuary. Once I had learned of the force they fled, I felt honour bound to offer it." 

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"They're fleeing their... Collective? Is that what the shapeshifters are called?"

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"Yes. To choose to leave such a group when it is all one has ever known takes a great deal of courage." 

He speaks from personal experience. 

"I am pleased to assist," he directs a gentle look at the being hovering behind him. 

Then he looks back to his unexpected allies, "But this place has been compromised, and it would be quite simple to discover the location of my home, were we to retreat there. Would you be willing to assist?" 

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Erin looks to the others for their opinions, "We were going to meet back at my house after we were done looking into things," she says, "I don't mind if you come along. Safety in numbers, right?"

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He certainly doesn't mind. He has some questions he'd love to have answered, for both Soren and the shifter. 

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So do the twins. Well, so does Felix, Fenris is his usual quiet self.

"Should we get moving? Is there anything to retrieve from here?"

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Soren tilts his head, "No, I keep nothing personal where it might be easily found." 

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"Alright, let's get going, then." 

They exit the dojo and head towards the upscale residential area where Erin lives. The others will be coming from another direction, so it's unlikely they'll run into them on the way. 

With shapeshifters in play, there's no knowing if someone around around them might be one. They try to stick to side streets away from large crowds, but they can't avoid a few passers-by here and there. Hopefully their new location doesn't get back to the Collective. 

Eventually they come to the edges of her parents' property. Erin leads them to the gate, rather than over the fence, scanning her passkey to get past the simple security. Or, at least, it was simple yesterday; she's not sure she wants to test it now. 

It takes about half a minute to cross the lawn, and then she lets herself and her guests in. 

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The buzzer rings just as she enters the front hall. When she answers it, Robin's voice comes through, "Hey, its us, let us in?"

After they'd finished their lunch and conversation (which had devolved into a discussion of sci fi and fantasy by the end), Robin, Jamie and their guests had waved Gran goodbye and made their way to Erin's house. 

Robin leads the way up the path to the front door, where Erin lets them in. 

"Oh, hey, Master Soren. I guess they were right, then? You actually are an alien?"

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As Soren nods, Erin gestures them all inside, "Let's grab some snacks, sit somewhere, and compare notes?" She suggests. 

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"That sounds splendid."

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Snacks are grabbed (Jamie and Robin abstain), and Erin leads everyone to the rec room. The room is only slightly messy - the futon is still out, and they didn't make it before they left - but nothing she can't fix quickly. After she folds it back into a couch she settles on it, Jamie and Robin bracketing her. Caine chooses one of the chairs, leaving the other two, another couch, and a trio of beanbags.

"So. Summaries?" 

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"From what point. After we left his apartment." He waves at Caine. "Jamie, Henry and I went to Robin's grand mother. We talked to her for a bit. Mostly nerd stuff because the aliens don't know nerd stuff."

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"Yeah! So we can do secret passcodes! Well, sort of. Actually, not at all, Gran said recent and stand-out stuff they get before anything else. But if we think someone's been replaced by a shifter we just have to start talking about star trek or something and they won't know what's going on at all!" 

"Also, she explained the psychic thing. Apparently my mom was an alien? And they're all psychic, and some of them have other powers too. She thinks those times I moved too quickly were in the 'other powers' area."

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"We should investigate that at some point. Your powers that is. Meanwhile, Fenris, Erin, Caine and I went to Soren's dojo and found ourselves in the middle of a war zone."

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"It is unfortunate that you were drawn into the fight. Still, I appreciate the assistance."

He nods to the shifter, whom Jamie has been eyeing strangely this whole time, "My friend here had only just requested that I give them sanctuary when we were attacked by members of their Collective seeking to take them back." 

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"And did you do anything to check this isn't a ploy?"

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He blinks slowly, "My people sense lies. Such an obvious falsehood would have come through very clearly. This is why we treat such promises as sanctuary so seriously." 

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"Oh, great. What caused you to live the collective?" He asks Scout 15.

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Scout 15 shifts uncomfortably. "I was not very good for the Collective."

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"What do you mean," Caine asks shortly. 

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"Like, you didn't fit in, or what?" 

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"I was not a very good scout."

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"Aaaaand... they would have punished you for it?" Jeez, talking to this guy(?) is like pulling teeth. 

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Scout 15 nods. "Deviants are not allowed to infect the collective."

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"Are you sick or something?"

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"No... I am deviant."

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The word 'deviant' makes Jamie shudder, for some reason. 

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"So they were goig to kill you, then," Erin says. "For being different? It's called a 'Collective' - do they not allow any individuality at all?" 

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"No?" Scout 15 says blinking.

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"Well, that's... unfortunate. What is it that makes you deviant, if you don't mind me asking." 

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"I am disobedient." Fidget. "I like art."

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"Nothing wrong with that," Jamie says quietly. 

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"Do you know where they took my dad?" Caine asks. Reassuring the shapeshifter that individuality is a good thing is... great, but he'd like to get to the point. 

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The shifter pauses, tilts his head and nods.

"Can you give us an address. As in, tell us one if you know."

"I... can give you directions..." He gives them in a small voice.

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"Hey," Erin says, soothing, "We're going to keep you safe." She looks around at everyone in the room, "We have some pretty diverse skill sets, I'm sure you'll be alright. If you tell us how to get to where he is, we'll make sure they never know it was you who told us."

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"And I will remain at your side regardless," Soren assures. When Caine looks prepared to protest, he raises a brow at the boy, "I swore an oath I would never again harm another in anything but defence of myself, defence of others, or with the aim of teaching another to protect themself." He admonishes him, "I will not break that oath." 

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"Does something more exotic than strong social repercussions happen if you do break your oath?"

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He frowns, but does answer, "Strong social repercussions... Yes, I suppose that is all, though I would also lose all respect for myself. To break one's sworn word is not done lightly. In the best of circumstances it would not be done at all." 

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"Anyway, as Erin said, we are going to keep you safe." Felix tells Scout 15. "Even if you don't tell us of use to help Caine's dad. But we would appreciate if you do."

Scout 15 nods.

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Robin nods, "Yep, that's the deal. We definitely want to be the good guys here, we're not going to hold you hostage for information or anything. Catch more flies with honey, and all that." 

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Caine almost frowns, but doesn't argue with any of them. 

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"Well, this is gonna take a while, it might be a good idea if we make some food while we figure out what we are gonna do and how he is going to help us."

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Jamie stands, "That's an idea. Who's helping?" 

Robin and Erin exchange looks, before looking at Caine. Caine huffs, but stands to join Jamie. 

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Felix tries to get Erin and Robin to talk somewhere where Caine won't hear.

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Catching his meaning, they follow him out of the room, leading him to Erin's father's study, on the opposite side of the house from the Kitchen where Caine and Jamie are preparing food.

"He's pretty volatile right now," Erin says of Caine. 

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(Fenris follows them there.)

"I guessed. What I am concerned is with him turned to violence."

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"Unproductive violence. The shifter - who no one asked the name of yet - doesn't look particularly smart and not the sort that will react well to an outburst. If he doesn't try to turn on us."

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Robin smacks his face sheepishly, "Not asking names seems to be a theme for us," he says. He glances off in the direction of the kitchen, thoughtful, "We don't usually see Caine get really angry, you know? I mean he thinks a lot of people are annoying but he usually doesn't do anything about it." 

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"I haven't really seen anything like this from him since he lost his mom," Erin agrees. "Still, I don't think he'd actually hurt... our guest. He might get noticeably angry, though. Maybe we should just keep him occupied away from them." 

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"Yes. I was hoping a solution like that. Me and someone else with knowledge of the local area and lots of patience should interview our guest."

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Erin shrugs, "I'll stick around," she offers. "Everyone else could poke around the house for... secret passages, or whatever we might find." 

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"And maybe some of us could go back to Caine's place? We should really take the dogs out - we should have done it before we left, but with Mr Atten missing..." 

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"Do you want to make this your main base of operations? It is worthy spending some time strategizing here before going back there. I think. That place might have more useful stuff, but it's an obvious target. Maybe..."

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Robin frowns, "I dunno how defensible this place is? There's a bunch of exits, it'd be hard to cover them, never mind the windows. Then again, we have no idea what kind of changes Erin being an Alien lizard person- Allurian - might have caused. Maybe there's, like, force fields on the walls now, or something." 

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"So we should definitely take a look around before we decide whether to make this place or Caine's place our base," Erin suggests. 

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"We have some wards that make the place harder to find, but we have them up at Caine's place and if we put them up here, they will fade there."

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"They're a one-place-only deal? Alright-" 

She leans back against her father's desk, holding her hand under the lip to keep her balace. Unexpectedly, her hand shifts, a quiet 'click' coming from beneath the desk. 

In the wall to the left of the door, a bookshelf slides aside, revealing an opening with a staircase leading down. 


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Felix is about to reply when the bookcase moves. "Huh... Do either of you volunteer to investigate?"

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Silly question! Robin's already moving to peer inside. 

"Huh! I guess the house has a basement after all." 

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"I guess so," Erin replies to both Robin's statement and Felix' question. "Are you coming?" She asks the twins as she crosses to the secret doorway to peer in herself. Robin preceeds her down the steps, setting lights on the walls of the stairwell glowing as he passes them. 

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"Of course."

They follow.

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So they head down the stairs. 

At the bottom is a large room, a round metal table filling the middle of it. In the center of the table is a pyramidal device of unknown use, and various buttons cover a band around the edge. A number of tall chairs are tucked into the table, made of the same metal as the table. The right wall is covered by a bank of lockers, and to the left a number of couches sit. 

There is one door in each of the other three walls. The one to the right opens to some kind of infirmiry, containing four beds sectioned off by curtains, currently open, and a number of cabinets, and tall thin machines. On the other side of the room is another door, which leads to a small operating room. 

The door across from the stair well leads to another armory like the one at the Caine's apartment. The walls are covered in racks and shelves, filled with similar weapons and devices to the ones they'd seen in Samuel's hidden room.

Finally, the door to the right leads to, what they can only assume is a massive underground hangar. The pit, which looks about twice as deep, wide, and long as the house itself, is currently empty. A smaller berth at the same level as the rest of the secret basement contains a winged vehicle that looks large enough to carry four people. 

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"Okay. This is a cool secret dungeon."

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"The sweetest secret dungeon!" Robin agrees gleefully. He jogs over to the small ship in the hangar, poking at the door hopefully. "Any ideas how we open it?" 

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Erin's back in the infirmiry, scanning the medical machines to try and figure out what they are. Hearing Robin's voice echo through the base, she heads out into the main room, poking her head into the hangar, "Maybe don't poke at it, Robin. It might have autopilot or something." 

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"Yeah, or maybe a self-defense mechanism. I should cast those same divinations I did on Caine's house. It should help and safe."

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"Soren might know... the shifter might be able to ooze through an opening."

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"Yeah, and we should go update everyone upstairs about this before we do anything else, anyway." 

Back upstairs and to the rec room they go.

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"Found a secret passage to Erin's parents secret alien paraphernalia."

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Jamie and Caine are still in the kitchen, but Soren looks up at their entrance. 

"Were there any molten plastics in their supplies?" he inquires, "If you intend to attack a shapeshifter base, I would recommend bringing some." 

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"I didn't see any when I scanned the armoury. Would you mind coming down and helping us identify things?" 

He nods agreeably. 

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"I will go with you. Fenris and Henry, please try to interview our friend about the collective's base. Also, oh, what's your name?" He asks the shifter.

"My designation is Scout 15."

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"...Do you like your designation?" 

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Blink, then very slowly Scout 15 says. "That's my job."

"I mean, do you want a name, something that's beside a job designation?"

Long pause.

Very long pause.

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"It is alright if you do not. If you cannot think of anything, we would be honoured to help you decide, as well." 

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"Do you mind if we use your designation in the meantime?"


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He hums, "Would you prefer I stay until the interview is complete, Scout 15?" He asks. Their comfort is his most important consideration at the moment, "And, do you have preferred pronouns?" 

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Scout 15 nods vigorously. "I... he and him?"

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So he stays. 

Erin, Robin, and presumably Felix head back downstairs to poke at the lair some more. Soren folds his arms and plants himself to the right and slightly ahead of Scout 15, making sure he knows he's on his side. 

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Felix does want to go back and poke at things in the lair. Yes. See what new interesting finds they can discover down there.

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Worker 23 is at the library. The existence of this archive of human (and other earthling) knowledge was only recently revealed to it during its last scan of its original. It has been devouring books all morning, and just hours ago discovered that it was possible to log onto the guest computers without a 'library card' (which it did not possess). 

It has seen much more art now, than the taste it received from Scout 15's memories. The scout was correct - much art is beautiful, though some does not appeal to the worker. 

Some art does not appeal to the worker which would have appealed to the scout, it now knows. And as for the rest of the Collective... they would see no use in it. 

This is confusing. The worker is the Collective, and therefore should believe the same things the Collective does - but it does not. 

Aside from the art, it has also discovered 'poker'. A helpful 'window' offered it a 'link' to a 'website' where it can play this new game. It is quite enjoyable! It has been playing for three hours now. 

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A librarian comes up behind his chair, "Uh, excuse me. You've been on there for a long time now, some other people would like to use the computer." 

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The worker glances back at him, irritated, "This- am using the computer." 

"Yes, but it's been four hours, we only have five computers, and many people need to use them. Please log off." 

It looks back at the screen; its hand has been folded automatically, as it didn't respond in time. It scowls in frustration, but logs off as asked. 

Getting up from the seat, it asks the librarian, "Can you show me the study rooms?" Its original used them as a quiet place to work when he went to college. 

The librarian sighs, glancing at the cart of books he was reshelving, but turns to lead the worker down between bookshelves and up the stairs to the second floor. Halfway down the second floor hallways he stops outside an empty room. 

"You can use this one."

The worker steps inside, pivots towards the librarian as he turns away, and grabs him around the throat. 

"Ah! What are you-?" 

Its hand covers the man's mouth, and then turns copper. 

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Five minutes later, the librarian steps out of the room alone. He locks the door behind him, and returns to the first floor to resume his duties. 

 At the end of the day he is the last one there. He brings his car up to the loading dock, wheels out a book cart with a large bag on it, places the bag in the car, wheels the cart back in, and leaves. He does not go home, to his one bedroom apartment, but instead drives to a large building in the industrial area of the city. 

Some workers come to take his bag out of his car, and he follows them into the building and then continues into the supervisor's office.

"Supervisor 17." Worker 23 acknowledges its superior. 

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Supervisor 17 turns around from the map they were observing. "Report, Worker 23."

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"This one has discovered a new source of information on the lifeforms of this planet. This form belongs to a human who works at what is called a 'library', which is an archive of human and other earth native knowledge. This one believes it is well placed to replace the original, but brought the original in case the Supervisor believed another would be better."

Though the worker would not like to have to say that to a Yagul, they would have sensed the lie immediately. Hopefully if it offers all of this the Supervisor will agree to let it change missions. 

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"This is a position for a Researcher, Worker 23." Supersivor says with quite a bit of scorn. "With your familiarity with the area and the original role's you will do minor infiltration and replacement work with his face, as well assist with manual labor that the Researcher shouldn't concern themselves with. Which... yes, Research 4 should fit this assignment."

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Worker 23's form... shudders, a bit, going coppery in safe places where the Supervisor's eyes are blocked by the desk. It nods in acceptance, but internally it feels something strange... resentment, perhaps. It recalls its former original had resented several classmates for seemingly being better than him. The worker is not sure why it feels this - the Supervisor is, of course, correct. Investigating the archives of the library is a Researcher mission. 

"Of course, Supervisor. This one will assist Researcher 4 to the best of its abilities." 

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Supervisor 17 dismisses Worker 23 with a gesture and turns back to staring at the map with various positions and resources marked.

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The worker leaves the supervisor to do... supervisor things. 

The researchers on base all work in the same area. They will all be very busy, most likely, so Worker 23 makes its way to the sustenance area first. While it is there it helps itself to a cup of nutrient beverage and its ration of sugar. 

Once it has completed its meal, it makes its way to the research area and flags down an assisting worker to gain knowledge of Researcher 4's location. 

It tries to settle itself on its way to the researcher's office. A number 4 is very high on the Collective's hierarchy; Worker 23 cannot afford to show any of its recent oddities in the researcher's vicinity. 

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Researcher 4 is - unsurprisingly - researching, he does not even look up from what he is reading, before demanding a report on the situation.

Without even looking - or touching - Worker 23 for the information, Researcher 4 demands the original to be brought over for "uncontaminated assimilation" whatever that means.

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So Worker 23 leaves the research area for the storage area. It inquires with the workers there for the pod holding the original it brought in earlier, and then has one of them assist it in carrying the human back to Researcher 4, still wearing a mask to keep him unconscious and thus unbothersome. 

"The original, Researcher 4," Worker 23 states. 

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Wordlessly, Researcher 4 takes the form...

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"...Interesting. Take the original back to storage and return here for further instructions."

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The worker does so.

Once it returns, it waits stoically for the researcher to address it. 

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For a long time Researcher 4 just stands there contemplating.

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Worker 23 can stand very still for a very long time, and has no intention of interrupting Researcher 4. Standing around waiting for orders is one of the duties expected of Workers, after all.

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And after a moment, Researcher 4 notices that Worker 23 is there, looking annoyed. He still doesn't speak for a few long minutes. And then he starts giving orders. They shall use the original's primitive vehicle and go to its place of residence.

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Worker 23 snaps to obey the researcher's orders immediately. He shows the researcher to the vehicle and waits for them to determine which shifter will drive. 

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"Drive." Researcher 4 says like it is obvious. He will spend the entire drive with his face in a book.

He is not reading it. Just covering his own face.

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So it drives. 

The librarian lives in an old but well-kept apartment complex. The worker parks the car in the lot out back, as close to the door as it can get. 

The apartment is on the third floor. The worker has the keys on the same ring as the car key is on. 

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"You should have left me in the second to last corner before his residence and then I would meet you there after you got inside." Researcher 4 says with scorn. "Now that we are both here, very visible. Go take an alternative route through piping or something. I will take the main route."

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The worker nods, chastised, "Yes, Researcher." 

It opens the car door and dissolves into its coppery form in the shadow of the car, pooling under it and then carefully making its way from shadow to shadow until it reaches an access to the sewer system. 

It takes it a little while to figure out the confusing piping, but eventually it seeps out of the bathtub drain in the correct apartment.

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Researcher 4 has started on some sort of organization system of all the original's belongs. Separating objects according function. Relevance for disguise integration. Potential threat level. And research relevance, of course. He instructs Worker 23 on how to help.

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It follows the researcher's directions. 

So passes the night, and in the morning they enact the plan to infiltrate the library, the worker using the librarian's face to complete his duties while the researcher uses another to look into the wealth of information stored there.


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Meanwhile, back at Erin's house... 

While Soren remains by scout 15s side to reassure him, the others return to the lair. 

"There's a medical center, an armoury, and a hangar," Erin says, gesturing to each door in turn. "I think this room must be some kind of command center," she adds, going over to take a closer look at the round table in the middle. Not unexpectedly, she finds she can read the writing on the control panel - it's the same as the laguage her devices use. Allurian, perhaps? 

She presses a few likely looking buttons, and the pyramidal device in the center of the table opens, revealing a smaller, transparent pyramid with glowing ball of energy inside. A ray of light extends from its point, slowly diffusing into a plane and then coalescing into a map of the facility. 

"...Well, that's useful."


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Felix investigates. "Any area we haven't explored yet?"

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She looks up from the controls, "We haven't looked very closely at the hangar," she says, "There's a massive bay, probably for a larger starship," sometimes she can't believe the words that come out of her mouth, "There might be something on the other side of it?"

She pokes at the controls, seeing if she can manipulate the map. It circles around to show another view of the facility. 

"Huh. Is that..." 

She reaches out to point at a tunnel branching off from the hangar. 

"I wonder where that goes." 

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"Is that how far it goes? Does this thing have notes or something?"

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She hums, poking at the control panel a bit more. This one rotates, this one magnifies...

Something in her suggests that it would probably be easier to just... 

She reaches out and runs a finger over the projection, spinning it lightly. 

"Oh hey, manual control," she murmurs, pinching two fingers and then drawing them apart to magnify the tunnel, the rest of the map fading out as it gets bigger. She taps it twice and it pulls back as an opaque panel covered in writing hovers beside it. 

The writing is Allurian again. She glances at him, "Given your powerset, do you have anything for translation?" She wonders. She can read it, but it wouldn't hurt to have someone else around who could. 

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"I absolutely have magic to decipher runes of important knowledge. He holds up his staff and taps it on the ground four times.

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And lo, he can read the language! 

Emergency escape tunnel leading to secondary base. DNA locked. 

The control panel is readable now too. Besides the control pads, with which she was rotating and magnifying the map earlier, there are several others. Including a Big Red Button, of course. 

She smiles at him, "Do you want to poke at it before we take a look at the tunnel?" They are living in a science fiction, might as well have fun with it!

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"Sure. Do you expect to be able to access the tunnel through your own DNA?"

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She shrugs, "It stands to reason, doesn't it? This is my parents' home, after all. Unless it's locked the them specifically. Perhaps we should find out what in the way of security systems we should expect before I try, though." 

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Felix thinks. "Does this thing have any information on them? On you? The change sometimes messes things up."

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She fiddles with the controls, eventually managing to navigate to a database of sorts. She finds a search bar and tries typing in her name. 

A number of results pop up, the first among them a file titled 'Riun Nellien'. She taps on it. 

A hologram of what she recognises after a moment as her body in lizard form appears over the table. The holographic screen now displays information about this Riun Nellien, as well. 

"Is that the name the seed gave me?" She wonders. 

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Felix nods. "You have an entire backstory. Sometimes not a very consistent backstory, but you have it."

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She nods, "Alright. Riun. Not bad." She goes back to reading. 

Daughter of Lady Oran Nellien and her consort Kurst Nellien. Graduate of the Allurian Academy of Medicine, specialising in emergency medicine and infectious diseases. 

"Well," she says, "This seems to tell us a lot about me, but not so much about my permissions in this facility. Lets see if I can..." 

She taps away at the controls for a moment, pulling up another opaque screen and then eventually finding the facility controls. She pokes at the word 'permissions' and it opens yet another screen.

Riun Nellien: Limited Command Control. Access to Facility 1. Access to Facility 2. Emergency Access. Hovercraft Access. Limited Security Control. Safe Access Denial. 

"...Ok. Now what does that mean exactly?"

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"I think you don't have access to all features. I am not sure what Safe Access Denial is. Maybe ask what they have for security?"

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"Good idea." 

She taps through a few menus to pull up the Security menu. The panel she's resting her hand on lights up at one point, stalling to scan before letting her through. 

"...According to this 'Safe Access Denial' means that if I don't have access to something it will just not let me through. Rather than attacking me, as in Aggressive Access Denial, or stunning me, in Containment Access Denial." 

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"Okay, could you gives us the same sort of Access Denial? Or at least keep it to Containment?"

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She hums, tapping away. 

After a moment, she answers him, "I think my access should let me designate someone as Containment? And I can give you access to some of the things I can access - this facility, the emergency tunnel, the hovercraft... but not Facility 2, whatever that is." 

She pulls up the correct opion for this and moves aside a bit, "You have to put your hand on the panel here, on the controls, so it can scan you. Then I'll alter your permissions." 


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Felix does that.

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And he is scanned, and permitted. 

"Alright. I should probably get Robin changed, and then we'll leave him to poke around more and warn the others, and we can check out that escape tunnel?" 

She calls Robin over to be scanned. 

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"Huh... do you mind if we scan Fenris' wolf form? We have always been curious if it's the same DNA."

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"Sure. It's probably wiser to scan everyone in before we leave, anyway," she admits. 

They go back upstairs to retrieve the rest of the party. 

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Jamie and Caine have finished cooking, but are idling in the kitchen waiting for someone to come get them. Cain looks calmer than when he left. 

"Need us for something?" Jamie asks.

Erin explains the situation and they follow her back downstairs, looking around with curiosity and interest. 

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Fenris gets scanned in his wolf form and then turns back to human. "Does the system have any way to tell me and Felix apart?"

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She nods, "It stores your signatures as two different people," she says, "So I suppose so. It isn't only scanning DNA, it also scans the actual bodily composition... and a mental scan, it looks like. Just a profile, it doesn't seem to be getting any thoughts." 

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"How about my different forms?"

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"Same mental signature, so it registers as you... and I can set multiple forms with the same mind under one profile. It reads the forms themselves as different, though." 

She sets the profiles accordingly, asking Felix if he wants his wolf form recorded too. 

She gives Scout 15 access to the facility and the emergency exit, and the others she has scanned all the same permissions as Felix. 

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Felix will get his wolf form scanned, thank you. Scout 15 looks at the scan wearily, but it takes his signature just as well.

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"And you two?" She asks the other members of the DnD party, stepping aside to offer the hand scanner on the console to them. 

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Robin leans against the command console near Fenris, "So what did you learn from Scout 15?" He asks quietly, so as to avoid attracting Caine's attention. 

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"He didn't see Caine's dad but knows where he is likely to be kept. He is working on giving us a map."

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"Uh, this won't create clones or be used in alien experiments?"

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"...I want to say no. I certainly wouldn't use it for that. But."


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Jamie coughs, "Uh, yeah, that's a big 'but'. This is your parents' secret lair. And I wouldn't put cloning past them."

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"If you don't want to be scanned, well, you just won't be able to open any of the locked doors or operate the hovercraft. So long as there's someone around who can, you should be fine. You'll have to be careful, though - I can't set you to Containment Access Denial if I don't get a scan." 

It's too late to take anyone off, now. Now that this problem has been pointed out, she has suspicions that deleting a scan from the Security settings won't actually delete it entirely.

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"Oh good," Robin nods at Fenris, relieved. He glances over at Caine. "I guess we'll have to figure out a strategy for getting him back, then."

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"Man, imagine if Felix or Fenris had to deal with people walking around with their faces. Also, I am cool with being cloned. Better than being shot because of sciency thingamabob."

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Henry bites his lip. "Okay."

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"Yes, we can."

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Erin gives Henry a concerned look, but waves at the control panel again, "Just put your hand on the scanner," she says. 

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He nods, watching the last two people go through the scanners. They can bring it up to the wider group once they have that map. 

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"I'd be more concerned about what they'll do with the clones than just the making of them," he comments. 

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"Me too. I just decided it was slightly better to have to rescue clones than to face the threat of local security systems. And honestly, if the magic decides to clone us, I don't think we can stop it."

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He frowns, "Good point," he agrees. He looks over at Erin, "Are you sure there's nothing you can do to... protect our signatures, or something?" 


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"I don't think it will even let me remove them now that I've inputted them," she says, poking around a bit more. 

"...We should really take a look at Facility 2," she says. "I have a suspicion that it's going to be important." 

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"After Caine's dad is found?" Robin reminds them before Caine can speak up. 

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Felix thinks. "It's possible that Facility 2 will have something we could use. And I don't think Caine's dad will significantly get more in danger if we discuss it as a course of action."

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Caine shifts unhappily, fists clenching, but nods.

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"Alright," Erin nods as well. "I have to be the one to open the door, but while it's open anyone can follow me inside, I think. There's an entrance through the escape tunnel in the hangar, if we decide to take a look." 

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"Do we have any idea what's inside?" Jamie asks, "Or would we be going in blind?"

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"Not really. It looks like anything on the topic is blocked on this terminal," Erin says, motioning at the blacked-out holoscreen. 

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"They might have weapons that could be used against shifters. Bio-weapons that only target shifters even. Or alternatively, medical supplies."

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"Pessimist alternative: They have nothing of use. Only have dangerous biological hazards that could harm us. And investigating the place could take forever."

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"Is there any way we could get more information on what's inside before actually going inside? Do any of you have magic that could do it?" 

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Erin looks at Felix - that seems like something he might be able to do? 

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"Oh. I do have that sort of capability, but I would need something to improve my divination - which is not easily made or transportable - to get an answer from this far. We would need to weight the pros and cons of making the trip potentially returning. Which is part of what we are doing." Pause. "I have a sense of intuition that neither option will be boring. Not out of any magic, exactly. We are just getting used to these things and it wouldn't make something so curious and secretive to only end us with some boring warehouse or something."

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"I expect you're right about that," Erin agrees. 

She looks around at the group, taking in Caine's body language, and sighs, "We should wait, I think. Getting Mr. Atten out of the Shapeshifters' hands should be our top priority right now. We have no idea what's in the facility - we could get caught up in something there that will stop us from looking for him tonight." 

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Caine relaxes a bit at Erin's decision, nodding once in agreement. 

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"You're probably right," Robin agrees. "We've got enough on our plates." 

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"Alright. It's decided then."

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"We should make a note of investigating the place. I am not saying Mr. Atten is not a priority, but Facility 2 does sound like something we should address as soon we recovered from the rescue. Maybe even before we dealt with the shifters once and for all."

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"Yeah, we should take a look as soon as we have the time," Jamie agrees, glancing at the map on the holotable. The idea of potential clones is still kinda weighing on his mind. 

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Robin looks over at Scout 15, wondering how that map is coming. 

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Going pretty well, he needs some guidance to figure out what is useful information. But he has good spatial memory and drawing skills.

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Jamie will take a closer look, seeing if he can use his knowledge of the city to see what area of the city he's drawing. He can also tell him what information will be useful to them - paths to get close, spots to take a look from above, the entrances and exits to the base, patrol routes? And other such things. 

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Meanwhile, the others can make an inventory of what they have at their disposal and figure out an attack plan?

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Yes. While Erin goes to the infirmiry, Caine will go take a look in the armoury, where Soren is examining the weapons and other items. 

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He pulls a pair of identical weapons down from the wall. They look much like the blaster they already have, but with a small canister underneath. 

"Plastic weapons," he states, handing one to Caine. "The Collective are vulnerable to the compound in this," he adds, tapping the canister. 

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Robin, following after Caine, leans over the other boy's shoulder to look. 

"Plastic blasters," he muses. "Plasters!" 

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"That already means something," Caine tells him, shaking him off. 

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"No one calls band-aids plasters around here," Robin insists. 

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"And plasters might mislead our enemies."

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"It might. Gabe's real reason is the pun."

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He grins up at Gabe, "Mine too," he mock-whispers, "Don't tell Caine." 

(Caine rolls his eyes.)

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Soren will give them a quick safety lesson with the 'plasters' while they're there. 

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That's good. The adventurers can all pay attention to the lesson. Though Fenris is not inclined to use mechanisms.

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That's fine, there's only two plasters, anyway. A quick lesson will ensue.

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Meanwhile, in the infirmary, Erin peers around at the small vials of liquid in the cupboard, pulling out her scanner to examine them. 

"Hmm... should I take some of these pre-prepared formulas with me," she muses, "I don't know what they all do - I'd have to rely on that fugue state..." 

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"Does your fugue state only activate when you are faced with an injured person?"

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"So far, yes. It's only happened twice, though - just after we woke like this, when Robin had a nose bleed, and when we came across Scout 15 on the first day, so I could treat his... victim. I can't quite remember either incident. When I'm repeating a treatment I've already preformed I don't fall into it, though," she adds with a frown. "I seem to remember how to preform the treatments despite not remembering doing them." She shakes her head, "It's very uncomfortable."  

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"Yeah, it is... a trait that the magic does not care about our comfort. Does it come with any... steps that you could infer things from? Like, using this reagent because it prevents bleeding or something?"

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She nods. "I... don't like that it takes control of my body and mind away from me," she mutters. She shakes the thoughts off, thinking on the other question. 

"I'm not sure," she pulls the synthesizer out of her bag, "The formula I made for neuro-overload... If I were to do it again..." She focuses on the synthesizer, her hands going through the motions almost automatically - produce the two vials, mix them together, poke with the not-sonic screwdriver, and voila! One 'neuro-overload stabilizer'. 

"I guess it does, yes," she adds once she's done. "...It might take a bit, but if I scan all the ingredients the synthesizer produces, maybe I can work out the steps needed to produce something without the fugue state." 

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"Yeah, instantaneous competence is not all that what is cracked up to be. Maybe we could try to induce the state beforehand? So we could figure out the best thing to bring in a combat situation?"

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"That's probably a good idea, yes. I think someone will have to get hurt to induce it, though," she's not just going to ask someone to injure themself. 

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"How hurt?"

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"I don't know. I must have passed people with all sorts of light cuts and such, and it didn't activate for that. We might just have to experiment."

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"Huh, too bad you're not a man."

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"Because of Gabe."

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"Um." She glances between the two of them. "Is he... a masochist? I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with that, even if he was interested in women." She shifts on her feet, uncomfortable. 

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"Not quite a masochist, more li-"

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"Fenris, shush."

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She coughs, "Thanks," she tells Felix. "Um. I don't really want to have to ask someone to let me practice on them, but all of the boys will probably volunteer, if I do." She sighs. 

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"We will volunteer as well, my main fear is that we might get too hurt to be fixed for the shifter confrontation. Can you check beforehand what are the limits of what you can do?"

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"I hope activating it doesn't take an injury that serious. If we start getting to that point we should just stop and wait to test this until we aren't planning to be doing something very dangerous in a few hours. As for checking the limits, I'm not sure how I would. Maybe the database on the command console will have the specifics of what all this equipment is for?" She lifts the scanner, and waves at the machines in the infirmary. 

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"Wouldn't hurt to check. ...Huh, this a weird idea, but what do you think it happens if we prevent you from treating an injured person? Any idea? Do you think you would turn violent?"

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"I..." She thinks on it. 

"...It depends on what my actions while in the fugue are based off of? If they are based off of some... nebulous concept of what a doctor should be like, then no. If they are based off of what would do, if my conscious mind was disengaged and there was someone I felt I could help, but I was being held back... then yes." 

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"What if they were your friends? I am trying to see if we could keep you in the fugue state for longer."

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"Longer? Why? Well, I'm really not sure if I recognize anyone while I'm in it, anyway." She thinks back on the two times she went into the fugue state, trying to remember the exact circumstances.

"...It activated automatically for Robin, where it didn't until I tried to make a cure for the man Scout 15 copied? I'm not sure if that means I will recognize them while in it, though. Again, we might have to experiment." She frowns, "Now that I think of it, it might be I could just... intend to make a medicine for a specific problem and that would send me straight into it. It might also be that I need to have a patient right in front of me, however."

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"...I think going to a hospital might be too much of a detour. But we could try something like that, maybe just knowing for a fact what a person is facing health-wise might be enough to make you give instructions? Actually, we should definitely test if someone else can use the machines."

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"We should! You can still read Allurian, right? Here," she offers him the scanner, stepping closer so they can both see the screen. 

"The scanner tells me what the problem is, if I scan a person," she adds as well, in response to the other question. "So long as someone is injured or sick in some way I can't treat with one of the two formulas I already know how to make, I expect I can trigger the state just by intending to treat them. I more meant, it could be that I don't need to have a patient in front of me, maybe I can just intend to treat something specific and trigger the state. That's an easy experiment, I can try it as soon as we're done testing this."

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"t is, let me cast the spell again," he does and checks the medical device.

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The screen is currently set on 'scan subtance'. Erin points out the controls - it's all pretty intuitive to her, she realizes, perhaps more than is perfectly natural, but it's not hard to explain. Would he like to try scanning one of the formulas on the shelf, first of all? Just to see if the scanner works for him at all, before he tries making any formulas himself. 

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He would, hopefully the thing doesn't decide to spark in his hands?

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Nope! It seems to like him just fine. It will scan the substance for him, declaring it to be 'topical burn reliever'. 

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"Oooh, great." He announces this. "I love made-up medicine."

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"Oh, that's useful! It is growing on me," she admits, "Even if it is ridiculous and uncomfortable. Do you want to try making the... 'neuro-overload stabilizer', now? That's the one I made for Caine at the dojo, to treat the nerve shock from the shapeshifter that touched him." 

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Felix follows those instructions as well.

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Following those directions produces the formula in question. 

"That's- really good. I know Fenris was able to heal you after the shifter touched you at the dojo," she nods at him, "But having more options for healing from that especially sounds like a good idea given what we're about to do. I'm a little worried nerve damage like that might have lingering effects if left unhealed... and I've never heard Caine scream like that before," she adds, quietly.

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"We have very thorough healing back home, but yeah, it's never something that you can too much of."

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Nod. She moves to take back the scanner, so she can test the other idea. 

"Where is the rest of your party?" she asks before she gets to that. "Will they show up at some point, or are they busy elsewhere?" 

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"They stay at home. We have a dungeon and sometimes it spits monsters in the streets. Usually just small stuff, but is prudent to leave a contingent guarding it."

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"Yeesh," she sighs. "Hopefully we don't get anything like that. The shifters are more than enough."


"I'm going to try triggering the fugue without a patient," she says after a moment, picking up the synthesizer. "You two could try holding me back from making the formula if it works," she suggests.

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"Is there some way you'd rather not be restrained."

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"Ah..." She looks between them uncertainly, "Don't... break anything? If you can avoid it? I'm really not sure there's a way it would be reasonable to try that would bother me too much, if it was necessary... I can probably heal myself after, if you have to hurt me." 

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"I understand where you are going, but there isn't much reason to get that far. I don't think. We can figure out your powers without that."

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She nods, "I'd definitely rather not have to heal myself. Okay. I'll give this a try, then." 

She focuses on the scanner, considering how to do this. Hm... might as well try to start big.


(She has patients. They're not in front of her, but they definitely exist - people who need healing, healing they can't get from anyone else. They're so very, very sick, dying bit by bit every moment as their bodies turn against them, as the treatment used to kill what's harming them destroys their bodies as well. It's as good as they can do, but not Erin. Erin can do more, so it's her job to fix this problem.)


Her eyes go simultaneously distant and intent, and her hands begin to move, inputting a few words on the scanner and then switching to the synthesizer to begin making a new formula.

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They watch this with intent. Only interfering if it looks she will try move out of the room or do something obviously dangerous.

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She doesn't try to leave, and nothing she does is obviously dangerous. It takes a while - much longer than any of the formulas she's made so far. The synthesizer produces a dozen different liquids, some of which she mixes, some of which she takes to some of the surrounding machines to do various things to them. A few things change colour. One of them solidifies. These are all mixed together in various amounts while inside yet another machine, which makes a similar sound to the sonic screwdriver-like device once it's turned on. 

This done, she pulls the beaker out, and comes blinking out of the fugue state. She sways a bit, reaching towards the machine to support her weight. 

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Fenris, showing unusual gentleness, holds her steady.

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"Are you back with us?"

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She leans on Fenris, all her focus on making sure she holds the beaker steady. It's fine if she falls over so long as it doesn't break. This is- this is-

"I think this will cure DIPG," she says, voice faint and a little hysterical, "Brain stem cancer. I didn't expect that to work."

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Blink. Smile. "That's amazing."

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"It is," she agrees, slowly smiling, "I can definitely forgive all the ridiculousness for this!" She carefully sets it on a stable surface, mind racing as she does so, "If I can make this, what else can I make? And can I make enough? I need to figure out what these machines do, maybe one of them is some kind of replicator-" she pauses, a thought striking her. "...Do things like this still work outside the seeded areas?"

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"They usually don't, but you can take someone in a seeded area, administer the cure and then they will remain cured after leaving."

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"The magic, for whatever reason, doesn't like to make leaving the town cause you to die. Or to come back for that matter. It also doesn't like to let you keep your limbs if you lost them outside the affected area, but that doesn't always work the same."

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"Damn... There are a lot of people who won't be able to travel somewhere the medicines will work." 

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Felix pats her on the back reassuringly. "We haven't even begun to explore the possibilities of this system, we might come up with something. And we think that if we make them publically available people outside the influenced area will still hear about a new cure and come over. They will just hear an edited version that the magic came up with."

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"Yes, but," she shakes her head, "Sorry. I started thinking about the bad right away instead of being happy about the good." She sighs, staring down at the beaker. "Well, that experiment worked, at least. You didn't try to stop me at some point?" She asks. "Or did you try and it didn't bring me out of it?" 

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"We didn't, mostly because it didn't look like you are going to leave or set anything on fire."

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"And messing with chemical processes done by someone with the skill sounds like a bad way to start a fire."

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"...On the one hand, someone is likely to interrupt me eventually. If not one of our group, then an enemy. I want to say that it would be safer to see what happens if we interrupt me here, where we're not in danger. On the other hand, it's true that we really don't have any idea how volatile these chemicals are." She hums. "Maybe try interrupting me before I use the synthesizer to make the chemicals?" 

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"You should have an escort. Even without the trance, you're not the tank sort of healer."

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She makes a face, but nods, "You're right. I'm not exactly a trained fighter." She frowns, "Maybe I shouldn't even come along on this," she admits unhappily, "My abilities make me more useful after the action than during it..."

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"Not impossible that they can find their way in and attack you while alone."

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"I don't think we're really safe anywhere," she acknowledges, "But the security system here probably makes it safer than most places? Though, of course, if we look at this with narrative logic, the system will fail at the worst possible time, letting the shifters in when we least expect it," she adds, wry. 

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"Or the shifters simply take the form of someone hurt and you can't tell from the real thing and goes into a trance."

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"Oh," she looks down, "Yes, that could happen," she agrees. 


"That sounds like another good reason to test whether you can hold me back safely."

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Sigh. "True. Maybe try to think of something easily treatable? That still ought to only spend simpler - and presumable safer - cures."

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"Hm," she nods, "Something simple..." She thinks on it, and then blinks, placing her left hand on the opposite shoulder, where she's still a bit bruised from the fight earlier that day. It's a little hard to say what this system considers a 'simple injury', but she figures bruises might qualify. 

She focuses on healing her own bruise, and the fugue comes over her. 

(It's good to know that her own injuries qualify.)

She reaches for the scanner to input the instructions for the synthesizer.

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Nope. Fenris grabs her wrist and then the synthesizer.

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Her head snaps up, eyes turning a pale blue and her skin seeming to ripple, revealing the green and brown scales of her apparent true form underneath. She hisses at him, her arm straining against his grip, trying to reach the synthesizer. She's stronger than she looks. 

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So are they. They might not be strenght oriented classes, but of course they spent enough points to get abs. And fairly descent muscles.

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Her hissing gets louder when she finds herself unable to break their grip. This doesn't stop her from trying to get it back, though - she jerks towards Fenris, trying to sink her teeth into his arm. 

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He manages to avoid that by hitting her chin with his forearm.

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She recoils, hand going to her chin, "-Ow!" Her form ripples again, the illusion reasserting itself as she regains her senses.

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Erin rubs the red mark on her chin and blinks a few times, hard, "That is... bizarre." She shakes her head, "How long was I out?"

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"A minute or so? Sorry, for the chin, you tried to bite me."

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The apology gets a shrug, "I did I say I wouldn't mind if you had to hurt me a little," she reminds him - and then the second bit registers, "I tried to bite you? -I didn't manage to hurt you, did I?" She gives him a quick once-over. 

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"No, I am fine. Better if you don't fugue right away."

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"Right." She touches her chin again, and then sighs, "At least it's not hard to bring me out of it."

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"I wonder if we could rig a shock collar."

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Felix pats Fenris on the head. "No suggestion of torture devices."

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"...Um, yes, that seems a bit excessive. Dangerous, too, if an enemy got their hands on the controls." She shakes her head, "Anyway - we know how to trigger it and how to break me out of it, now. Next..." She goes back over the conversation.

"...I think I should scan all of these pre-made formulas," she gestures at the cabinet on the wall, "And then we should take a look at the database in the control center and see if there's any information on them and the machines in here. That way we can pack things that look like they might be useful, and hopefully avoid using the fugue state as much as is possible. Oh, and I should go get the rest of the tech that was up in my room. The scanner, synthesizer and screwdriver wasn't all of it." 

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"Sure. We will help as best as we can."