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grownups need a lot of rescuing
tiny maitimo and tiny ves try to solve some problems that are objectively above their pay grade
Permalink Mark Unread

On one particular Wednesday Karen Tiu has a coworker out (sick? dead?) and is responsible for scheduling ten meetings and printing and delivering a stack of legal briefs and rebooking an afternoon of meetings in two conference rooms because they've been claimed by the science team (ideally located for summonings, apparently) and then clearing out the closets of those conference rooms because the science team complains they are unusable - full of junk that's interfering with the calibration on their summonings.


It is quite apparent that the summonings have been badly calibrated, because now this conference room has half of a demon (the left half) and the horns of a demon from an entirely different species and a swiss-cheese corpse that might have been human.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well that seems really pretty bad. She'll just, uh, call someone else to clean up the bodies and then make sure the closets get cleaned out herself?

Permalink Mark Unread

There is singing coming from one of the closets. It's in a foreign language. It's very pretty.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh dear.

She - should probably call someone else to deal with this, actually, it could be dangerous, but she doesn't really want anyone to think that she can't be trusted to meet basic productivity goals on her own, so -

She hesitates outside the closet and then knocks. "Anyone in there?"

Permalink Mark Unread

The singing stops. 


The door opens.

Permalink Mark Unread

The child pushing it open is very small. He looks at the room behind her, then scowls and shuts his eyes.


Hello, something says in her head. I'm Maitimo. I don't think I know you. Can we go somewhere else perhaps? I am not sure I am supposed to be here.

Permalink Mark Unread


Oh man.

He has to have come through with the others, which means the science team wants him for something. Probably something not awesome, given the level of caution being exercised here. She is so totally the bad guys here. Of course, the kid could be evil too, not everything that looks like a small child actually is one. And even if she wanted to do something about it, the building has state-of-the-art security systems and is crawling with mindreaders and empaths; there's no way she'd be able to keep him hidden for very long.


He can't be much older than Zana. Assuming he really is a kid. 


She kneels. "Hey. Do you, um, understand English?"

Permalink Mark Unread

He blinks.

"Hey, do you um, understand English?" he repeats carefully. 

Is that your name?

"Mai - ti - mo." 

That is my name.

Permalink Mark Unread

- OK, she can do this, thoughtspeak, it's just like Animorphs.

My name's Karen. "Karen."  Hi Maitimo. This is - really not a good place for kids.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm sure it'll look nice when it's finished.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's - not really the issue. 

OK. Think. She can't get out of the building until the end of the day anyway without attracting suspicion. She can't leave him here in this closet for the rest of it, the scientists could open it at some point and discover him, even if he isn't being loud. She can't convincingly pass him off as a relative. She can maybe pass him off as - she doesn't know, someone else's kid, a friend's kid she had to bring to work because they were hospitalized, the child of some client who wandered off, whatever. The scientists are going to come back at some point, though, so if she wants to stand a chance of making it down the hallway and down the elevator and back to her office, she needs to start moving now. 

As long as she doesn't get confronted by an actual mindreader she can always at least in theory play dumb and pretend she didn't realize he was from the summoning? She can probably do that.

Listen, we need to get out of here. We need to walk down a hallway and go down an elevator and then stay in a different room for a few hours. It is very, very, very important that you hold my hand and look calm and do not sing or do the - thoughtspeak thing, to anyone else, as long as we are in this building. Can you do that?

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't know what an elevator is but I can do the other things.

Permalink Mark Unread

OK. Good. Just - hold my hand.

Tryyy not to think about how absolutely entirely completely beyond dead she will be if she is caught making off with probably-company-property.

She takes his hand and walks very calmly down the hall and presses the button for the elevator.

(Someone else stops to wait for the elevator and waves at Maitimo. She ignores them.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Karen is the saddest person he has ever met and it is very concerning. He tries to squeeze her hand reassuringly. The other person is not sad and he kind of wants to get a hug from them but that will make Karen really sad and he is not even sure what happens if you get more sad than this. Karen seems to think it involves her head exploding. This seems pretty unlikely but he is not an expert.


Thankfully aside from the room that is clearly in the middle of a project this place actually looks all right. It's not exactly pretty but they're clearly trying for something to do with precision and uniformity and he has thought of some nice things to say of it by the time the door goes "ding!" and opens.

Permalink Mark Unread

She squeezes the tiny probably-demon-child's hand back and walks them into the elevator. The other guy follows, and the doors shut behind them.

Permalink Mark Unread

He wants to say something but he's not very good at directed osanwe yet so probably if it's very very important he not say it to anyone but her he shouldn't say it at all. He hides all his thoughts in his house instead of sending them out to play.


Elevators are just rooms that make your tummy feel funny, apparently.

Permalink Mark Unread

The doors open a few seconds later. She leads him out through another hallway and past more people and through another door and up to the reception desk for a couple of offices, trying very hard to look like she's supposed to be here and nothing remotely weird is happening.

She sits down at her desk and emails some people for favors that she'll probably regret having to pay back.

You can sit, if you want. You still can't talk, but - I can get you some paper to draw on or something?

Permalink Mark Unread

How to look excited about this without letting any of his thoughts out of the little house in his head? That is an interesting question actually. Maybe he should think more about how to communicate excitedness without his thoughts.


He attempts that.

Permalink Mark Unread

She'll just... get him some pens and paper. What do you even do for tiny trafficked demon children. Probably you immediately get them away from their summoners and figure out how to send them home, but she can't do either of these things, and if they leave the building now they will so definitely both be caught and killed-or-worse-than-killed. 

Permalink Mark Unread

He squeezes her hand again and then draws an astoundingly detailed picture. It's of a fountain and surrounding plaza. 

Permalink Mark Unread


She can... say his parents are really into art and they've been basing his education around bringing out his inner capacity for artistic genius. This is honestly exactly the kind of rich person nonsense that ends up being true of half of the humans who walk through these doors. Hopefully it doesn't come up because this is the sort of cover story that would really conflict with not telling any lies other than pretending to be dumber than she is. (People are not going to have much trouble believing that she's really super dumb.)

Hopefully he doesn't have to pee any time soon. Hopefully he is capable of communicating 'I need to pee' without alerting everyone in a mile radius.

She gets him a packaged cinnamon roll and some chips from the vending machine and makes sure he has lots of paper.

If you need anything else, need to go to the bathroom or anything, just - tug on my sleeve or something and I can try to guess. We're gonna have to stay here for a few more hours, but I have lots of paper.

Permalink Mark Unread

She is so sad. He is annoyed that no one told him there were people who were this sad, what was the plan, for them to just stay this sad until he was big enough people thought he ought to know?


He draws more pictures.

Permalink Mark Unread


She does her work like a good little soldier. One of the lawyers comments on the kid and she makes an offhand comment about watching him before getting back to taking a call. Someone else makes a comment on his clothes and she tells them that he's about to be in a play. Nobody calls her on her unforgivable blatant rebellion.

If they make it to six thirty without anything interesting happening (poor kid! that's so many hours to sit still without talking!), she'll be able to take his hand again and do her best to get them out of this God-forsaken building.

Permalink Mark Unread

It is a very long time. He sits still for longer in his grandpa's court sometimes but when he does, everyone talks about how impressed with him they are, and it turns out that it is easier to sit still when people are impressed about it.

He tries reading everyone's minds but all of them are sad and it is very upsetting.

He is pretty excited when they can leave.

Permalink Mark Unread

That was so much sitting still! You're being so brave. Just a little further and then you can talk again.

Unless they both die. She hopes she's not thinking 'unless they both die' at him, she's not very clear on how this whole thoughtspeak thing works.

She tells security that Maitimo didn't get scanned in in the morning because Bob was on duty, you know Bob, he's like in his seventies and has cute little grandkids and forgets things sometimes? She'd have reminded him, but she forgets things, too.

They let her pass. She leads Maitimo outside and rounds a corner and decides she is probably maybe not going to die today.

OK! Good. That's good. You can talk now. Sorry about all that sitting.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think maybe other people can still hear me. I'm not good at sending my thoughts out to play just with one person where no one else can see them.

Permalink Mark Unread

Most people here aren't telepaths, I don't really know how the thoughtspeak thing works? Nobody around them seems to be reacting like they just got a bunch of words in their head. I think just do your best. If someone else hears you out here it could scare them, but it won't, like - that building is just really bad.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, some of the craftsmanship was impressive, and there are lots of advantages to having a undistracting background space if you want to display art or something.

Permalink Mark Unread

- I mean I don't think the architecture is evil. I guess it might be. 

How do you explain inter-dimensional evil law firms or tiny demon child trafficking to a four-year-old. She is really out of her depth here.

I just mean there are people there who might want to hurt you. Out here - well, I guess some people might want to hurt you out here, too, but not as many of them and nobody's specifically looking for you. Probably.

Permalink Mark Unread


Did I do something that made them mad?

Permalink Mark Unread

No, no, no, nothing you did. They're mean because of reasons that have nothing to do with you. 

(Probably. It seems likely.)

It's kind of a long ways home for somebody so small, you want me to carry you?

Permalink Mark Unread

I think I would like that a lot.

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Sorry about all of this. I'd take you back to your parents but I'm not very sure how I'd find them.

Permalink Mark Unread

We should go to Tirion probably and then my grandfather will find them.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm not sure where Tirion is.

Permalink Mark Unread

- okay, we could go to Taniquetil and ask them where Tirion is. Taniquetil is at the top of the tallest mountain.

Permalink Mark Unread

Mount Everest is on the other side of the planet and I think it's not what you want anyway. The people back at work - I think maybe they pulled you in from another universe, or something, so if we want to get you back we'd have to do a lot more than just walk.

Permalink Mark Unread


I think probably they should not have done that. My family will be sad. And maybe mad.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, I think that's likely.

Poor kid.

I can look into how to send you home, but it's - not really something I know a lot about, so you might have to stay with me for a bit. Are you gonna need anything else if you're away from your family for a while?

Permalink Mark Unread

I am supposed to practice recitation and composition and music and drawing and sculpture and if I am done with all of it before anyone else is done with their things I am allowed to go into the city and play with people but I am not allowed to go down to the river because I might fall in and meet Mandos and I am not allowed to go off on my own but I do not like to do that anyway.

Permalink Mark Unread

I - am not entirely sure what all of those things refer to so I am going to give you lots of paper and see if I can teach you English so you can talk to more people without scaring them. I might have to send you to daycare or something, I dunno, I'll figure something out. You shouldn't go off on your own here, either, and should especially not go into the street - that's the street there, we're on the sidewalk right now - because that's where cars go and cars are dangerous. 

I don't really know what else to do with you, so I'm gonna take you home to where I live. There're other kids there for you to play with, so - I guess that's something.

Permalink Mark Unread

He looks at the street. There's quite a lot of street. Small children should not play in the river but at least there is not an enormous river right in the middle of everything with no way across it. 

It sounds very nice, he tells Karen reassuringly. I think I'll like it a lot. In addition to paper I would need poems and speeches to practice reciting and I need clay to do sculpture because I am not allowed to do stone yet unless you have a very soft stone on hand.

Permalink Mark Unread

Why are this kid's parents so intense about the arts. Maybe this is normal where he comes from but it's really pretty intense for somebody so tiny.

We have play-doh, which is... like clay, I guess. We have... books? Some of the books have poems in them? You can practice reading when you know English. It might be kind of rough because I have to go to work during the day, but hopefully I'll have some time to teach you stuff in the evenings.

Permalink Mark Unread

You can read? That's really neat!

Permalink Mark Unread

Awwwwww cute.

Yeah. We can teach you how, I think you're probably old enough. Once you know the language.

Permalink Mark Unread

My mother and my father can read.

Permalink Mark Unread

Most grownups can. Connor and Zana can, too. The kids I live with. Maybe they can help you.

Permalink Mark Unread


Where I am from no one can read except my mother and father. They are trying to convince other people to learn.

Permalink Mark Unread

Huh! Well, I hope they succeed. Reading's pretty great.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think the problem is that most things are pretty great so it is hard to get people to do reading in particular. 

Permalink Mark Unread

That has not been my experience, honestly, but I'm glad it's been yours. I guess reading's pretty great because it means you can learn things and listen to stories even when everybody else is too busy to help you.

Permalink Mark Unread

Are people too busy to help you a lot?

Permalink Mark Unread

I mean, not all the time, but everybody's got things they need to be doing. Especially when they get big.

Permalink Mark Unread

You are the saddest person I have ever met and I think probably even if they are busy they should stop that for a bit.

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We can't all stop what we're doing every time someone's sad. I'm not even a particularly sad person, I don't think, I'm just - not really in the habit of helping kidnapped children and I'm not really entirely sure if I'm doing it right. So don't worry about me, OK? Little kids shouldn't have to worry about grownups.

Permalink Mark Unread


Oh, I'm the prince of the Noldor, my grandfather is King. 

Permalink Mark Unread

You are very small and very lost.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's why I am supposed to look out for grownups even though they are bigger than me, because they will need to be able to trust me when I am bigger.

Permalink Mark Unread

That makes sense for when you're at home, I guess. But this place is very big and very confusing, and it has a lot of problems that I think would probably be pretty hard to explain to you, on account of you are very small and from another universe, and if I were your parents or your grandparents I would just hope that whoever you landed on was keeping you safe and taking good care of you. So I mostly want you to focus on helping me do that. OK?

Permalink Mark Unread

My grandfather would probably want that but that's because he worries all the time about all of his people. I think my parents would want me to learn things.

Permalink Mark Unread

Honestly at this point she kind of expects that his parents are some kind of bizarre eccentric royal intellectuals with approximately no idea how to raise children, but even if this is a completely accurate impression, she expects that they would still be pretty unimpressed with her if she got their tiny child killed or sold into slavery or trapped in some kind of magic cage that runs on the innocence of children, or whatever.

You can learn lots of things here. Only if you stay safe and focus on taking care of yourself, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

I will learn English and not go into the streets and take care of myself except I cannot do my own hair for formal occasions yet. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Cute cute cute.

I don't think there will be any formal occasions any time soon, don't worry.

Permalink Mark Unread

Do you wanna know a secret?

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

It makes people really happy if you treat their parties and their dances and their celebration days and the days they present their research as formal occasions and come in all your formal occasion clothes. I can try to line up a lot of those in a row so you only have to do my hair once, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

Are you planning to host parties while you're here?

Permalink Mark Unread

Do people here not like parties?

Permalink Mark Unread

I mean, we do, they just seem like they might be... hard to set up. When you're small.

Permalink Mark Unread

They are not very complicated parties. My father says that if people could read then I could write them invitations and even though they cannot read he likes it when I write invitations. When I bring the invitations I say what they mean so people know even though they cannot read. Then everybody comes and we sing songs and run around the gardens.

Permalink Mark Unread

I guess if you meet some friends you can invite some of them over and... go to the park and sing songs. Maybe. 

Assuming they don't have to immediately flee the country or anything, but she supposes if they do then wherever they go will probably also have people and parks, so.

Permalink Mark Unread

So far I like all of the people I have met here quite a lot.

Permalink Mark Unread

...who else have you met?

Permalink Mark Unread

I have met you.

Permalink Mark Unread

I... guess that one person can still be all, fair.

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Also someone smiled at me while we were waiting for the elevator to let us in.

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We'll be home soon, it's not that much farther.

Permalink Mark Unread

I can walk for a long time before I get tired, I just asked you to pick me up because I really wanted someone to hold me because I was feeling sad. If you'd like I can walk the rest of it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Are you still feeling sad?

Permalink Mark Unread

I think I am mostly feeling confused.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's very understandable. 

She would like to keep holding him but this was actually a really long way to walk holding a child and she's not really sure she can keep holding him, so she sets him down as they come up to the apartment building. 

She lives on the fourth floor and the elevator is broken today, so they take the stairs.

Permalink Mark Unread

The building is really ugly. 

Who designed this building? he asked, because maybe once he at least knows what they were going for he can find something to appreciate. 

Also can I sing here?

Permalink Mark Unread

You can sing here. Quietly. I don't know who designed the building.

Permalink Mark Unread

He starts singing in the same language as earlier. 

Do you know what they were trying to achieve?

Permalink Mark Unread

- making a place where lots of people could live, I guess?

Permalink Mark Unread

Is it not finished yet?

Permalink Mark Unread

Just has a broken elevator. They're fixing it.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

It's an old building, so things break a lot.

Permalink Mark Unread

He climbs the stairs with his eyes tightly shut.

Permalink Mark Unread

And they make it to Karen's apartment. The paint is peeling and the stove has some kind of burnt matter encrusted in various locations. A woman with a buzz cut is making spaghetti. Books and McDonald's happy meal toys have been strewn around every room apparently at random. It's meant to house two people, has been illegally housing five for several months, and is apparently going to try its best to house six now.

It's kind of a mess. It's safe, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

He opens his eyes. Closes them again.

Is it okay if I sit here and sing for a bit?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah. Long as you need.

She sticks a couple of his pictures to the fridge, next to a bunch of much less competent but very bright and enthusiastically colored dragons and spaceships.

Permalink Mark Unread

If he is not interrupted he'll just sit there curled up in a ball singing for like five hours.

Permalink Mark Unread

He gets, like, five seconds before someone else bounds up to him. She has little blue horns on her head.

"Whatcha singing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

He opens his eyes. He closes them again.

Hi. I'm Maitimo.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Woooah, are you a demon too?"

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't speak your language.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well how'm I supposed to talk to you, then?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You have to think at him," says Karen, who has begun handwashing dishes.

Permalink Mark Unread

Zana concentrates.


Permalink Mark Unread

Yes!! Probably you are also thinking at everyone else around but Karen says that most people can't hear you anyway. What is your name?

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm Zana!

Permalink Mark Unread

It's so nice to meet you!

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh good! Are you a demon too?

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't know what that is. 

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm a demon! Well, half a demon. I think you're a demon too. Aunt Kate says we're evil and Auntie Karen says it depends and mommy says we can be anything we want.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm not evil. You don't seem very evil either really.

Permalink Mark Unread

I dunno. If you're evil you get to try to take over the world.

Permalink Mark Unread

If you're evil you fail to take over the world and go to jail. If you're good you get to make the world nice once the evil people are in jail.

Permalink Mark Unread

I guess so. Really I think I wanna go to space.

Permalink Mark Unread

That doesn't sound evil at all. Unless you want to go to space so you can do bad things to the people there.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't think there are any people in space yet.

Permalink Mark Unread

Then that's not evil I guess.

Permalink Mark Unread

What do you wanna do?

Permalink Mark Unread

I was going to sit here and sing I think.

Permalink Mark Unread


How come?

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't know who built this building and I really need to ask them what their artistic vision for it was and maybe then I can help them finish it or something.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't think people have artistic visions about buildings. Unless maybe they're making the Sistine Chapel. Or a city hall. Or a library.

Permalink Mark Unread


That's really strange and awful!

Permalink Mark Unread

How come?

Permalink Mark Unread

It just seems like everyone would be hurting very badly all the time if they were living in buildings that no one had any artistic vision for.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't think so??

Permalink Mark Unread


Maybe you get used to it eventually? That doesn't sound likely but I guess I don't know anyone who has tried.

Permalink Mark Unread

It doesn't bother me. I don't think I'd even want to live in the Sistine Chapel, it'd be weird. I guess partly 'cause of the naked people on the ceiling. Libraries don't have that and living in a place that looked like a library would still be weird, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm glad it doesn't bother you.

Permalink Mark Unread

Haven't you ever been to someone else's house before?

Permalink Mark Unread

I've been to lots of houses. I can show you what they looked like if you want.

Permalink Mark Unread


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This is the house next to ours! They're a married couple with no children yet - Notellë carves musical instruments and Aroronto collects flowers. 

Permalink Mark Unread

That looks like a rich person house. I guess sometimes rich people have houses that are kind of like art.

Permalink Mark Unread

What's a rich person?

Permalink Mark Unread

People who have more money than everybody else.

Permalink Mark Unread

What's money?

Permalink Mark Unread

Money's what you use to buy things! Like food and toys and books and houses and clothes and candy and probably spaceships except I'm not sure what a spaceship costs. Didn't you wonder why grownups go to work all day?

Permalink Mark Unread

No? I think they would get frustrated and unhappy if they weren't allowed to work on things at all until their kids grew up, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

But they wouldn't go to work every day. Except they have to so they can make money.

Permalink Mark Unread

No, I think they just like working. A lot. Actually I don't know if my grandfather likes working but he has a lot of work so most days he does at least a little of it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Maybe rich people just work because they feel like it. Aunt Kate and Auntie Karen work almost every day because they have to, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

Karen did not seem to like her work at all.

Permalink Mark Unread

Most grownups don't, far as I can tell.

Permalink Mark Unread

That seems like a bad system. Possibly you should do something else.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, they have to work anyway because they need money. And they didn't do well in school, so they don't get to be something cool like a scientist or an engineer or a doctor or a pilot or a zookeeper.

Permalink Mark Unread

And they need money because...

Permalink Mark Unread

Cause if you don't have money you can't buy anything and you starve and die. Unless you are a kid in which case I think you go to foster care.

Permalink Mark Unread

Why would you not be able to eat things if you don't have money?

Permalink Mark Unread

Because food costs money? People who don't have ANY money have to try to get food out of the trash.

Permalink Mark Unread

What happened to all of the food in the trees and bushes and growing in the ground?... did you cover all of the ground with streets?

Permalink Mark Unread

Trees and bushes belong to people too, if you grab fruit off of them without paying for it that's stealing.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think that maybe those people should share.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sometimes people share! But if they gave everything away they couldn't make any money, and then they would have food but no house or clothes or whatever.

Permalink Mark Unread

They could make those.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't think most people know how to make those things.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think I could teach them but I should probably practice first. When I help build houses I don't do any of the hard parts.

Permalink Mark Unread

You can't teach everyone. There's billions and billions of people.

Permalink Mark Unread

How many is that?

Permalink Mark Unread


Do you know how many a hundred is?

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

A hundred is like if you counted on your fingers, one-two-three-four-five-six-seven-eight-nine-ten, and then you did that on nine more people's fingers, then you would have a hundred fingers. Does that make sense?

Permalink Mark Unread

- yeah, okay. 

Permalink Mark Unread


So a billion is if you make a pile of a hundred things, and you make a hundred piles, and then you put the piles on trays, and you have a hundred trays, and you fit those trays into shelves, and then you have a room of a hundred shelves, and then you have ten rooms of shelves of trays of piles of things. I think. Unless I got confused in there.

And that's about how many people there are. Except more than ten rooms, but I think less than a hundred.

Permalink Mark Unread


- so is the problem that they have more babies every year than I can teach in a year?

Permalink Mark Unread

I guess?

Permalink Mark Unread


I think if I worked really hard I could teach them faster than they have babies, but maybe it would make more sense to teach people how to teach it and then other people could teach it and we could keep up with all the babies, easy-peasy, and get everyone else eventually.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't think you could teach all the babies in the world how to do stuff. Also lots of people can't learn how to make clothes because they have to work and if they didn't they'd run out of money.

Permalink Mark Unread


All of this sounds really stupid and horrible and whoever your king is I think they are very bad at their job.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh we don't have a king anymore. We had a war about it. Everybody had farms before but I think things were worse back then because they didn't have vaccines or libraries or freedom.

Permalink Mark Unread


I think it would have been better, actually, if you had farms.

Permalink Mark Unread

I bet farms don't keep you from dying of smallpox.

Permalink Mark Unread


Well we have farms and I've never heard of anyone dying from smallpox. Just from having a baby or swimming in the river when they're too little or hunting accidents.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't mean that farms give you smallpox. I just mean we used to all have farms, but then everyone had to spend twelve hours a day doing farm stuff and nobody had time to cure smallpox or build libraries or build planes, so I think I like not having a king better. Also he was terrible and kept taxing everybody.

Permalink Mark Unread

Working on farms is nice, though, you can sing and tell stories while you do it and your children don't have to sit still under a desk and you won't be hungry no matter what and also I think people still have time to build things though I have not heard of libraries or planes in particular. It is too bad that your King did some things wrong but everyone living on farms still sounds much nicer than -


He gestures around at the apartment without opening his eyes.

Permalink Mark Unread

I bet the houses were worse back then, too.

Permalink Mark Unread

But they aren't, they're way nicer. You have a lot more flexibility when you aren't trying to make the whole street of houses designed by different people fit the same look.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think you're really confused about how kings work. Back when people had kings, they all lived in, like, tiny houses with dirt floors, and had to work in the fields all day from sun up to sundown, and sometimes they weren't allowed to leave or get married without permission from their lord, and they couldn't say anything the king didn't like or worship in ways the king didn't like, and they had to give a bunch of their money and crops to the king because he was in charge and he said so, and also their babies kept dying of smallpox and cholera, and nobody could read, and they kept having wars over who should be king every time the king died without any sons. So we decided we were done with that.

Permalink Mark Unread


- but we have a king and none of those things happen. Except that most people can't read. 

Permalink Mark Unread

I mean, I think nowadays some people have kings and it's not terrible, but only because they made their kings not be in charge anymore because they realized that listening to kings was terrible. So now kings and queens mostly wear fancy clothes and wave at people.

Permalink Mark Unread

Our King is in charge and it's not terrible. I think maybe the people who took all your food are unreliable about what it's like when there's kings.

Permalink Mark Unread

SOME kings are OK SOMETIMES. I GUESS. We have a song about one. But I think people couldn't all lie about what it's like when there's kings, because now we have freedom of the press, and when we had kings we didn't, so if anybody's going to be confused I bet it's the people with kings.

Permalink Mark Unread

How do you know that? 

Permalink Mark Unread

I guess because I read about it.

Permalink Mark Unread



Well Karen thinks the place I'm from is very far away and definitely a lot of things are really different here and I think you can't just make someone a king without gods anyway so we'll have to find some other way to fix it.

Permalink Mark Unread

OK! I think teaching everybody to make clothes and be farmers again won't work, though.

Permalink Mark Unread


Okay. I think we will ourselves need to go find a farm, though, because working makes Karen sad and also you live in this place.

Permalink Mark Unread

You can't just go find a farm, you have to buy one.

Permalink Mark Unread



I don't like this system at all.

Okay. How do you get money?

Permalink Mark Unread

I guess you have to work? Kids aren't allowed to work, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

So how do kids get money?

Permalink Mark Unread

Kids don't have any money unless they have allowances for doing chores. Or get birthday money. Or have parents who buy them whatever they want.

Permalink Mark Unread


Okay, how do you get allowances and what are chores.

Permalink Mark Unread

Chores are if you do work around the house, like if you pick up your toys or sweep the floor or do dishes. Parents are allowed to give you money if you do chores. But I think if Auntie Karen doesn't have enough money for a farm then we can't get enough money for a farm from her. Because of math.

Permalink Mark Unread


And she's the only person who is allowed to give us money if we do chores?

Permalink Mark Unread

I think so? Because there are child labor laws.

Permalink Mark Unread


That's horrible. All of that is horrible.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think the child labor laws are because people used to send children to work in factories all day and they would get their fingers chopped off. But it does make things hard if you want to buy a farm.

Maybe you could make things and sell them?

Permalink Mark Unread

That's allowed?

Permalink Mark Unread

I dunno. If you make lemonade you can sell it. So probably you can sell other things you make, it's just that kids don't know how to make very many things.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm not very good at making things yet but I haven't been focusing very hard and probably if I tried I could get good at things. My parents are.

Permalink Mark Unread

Your parents have probably had a lot more practice.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes, they have. It takes a lot of practice to be good at things.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, I think if you learned how to make a valuable thing and then sold a lot of it, then probably eventually you could buy a farm. I bet it would take a long time, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think it is okay if everything will be awful for a long time and then get better. It's just scary if everything will be awful and it won't get better.

Permalink Mark Unread

Lots of things have gotten better! We have vaccines and libraries and spaceships and ice cream and radios now!

Permalink Mark Unread

None of those things sound like they could possibly be as good as living in this place is bad.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, it used to be worse, and now it's better.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's good.

Permalink Mark Unread

I can't believe your parents didn't tell you about libraries or planes. I think lots of kids don't know about smallpox, but libraries and planes are important.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think we don't have those. 

Permalink Mark Unread


That sounds pretty bad.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, somehow everything is way better for everyone than here. I don't know that the libraries are the problem though.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think it's that everybody you know is a rich person even if they don't technically have any money. But if they don't have libraries then they can't all read books and learn anything whenever they want. And that sounds sad.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, they can't read books because they can't read. I think the lack of libraries is because people can't read instead of the other way around, you need some people who can read to write books or you can't have enough books to really count as a library.


I think most people are not sad about not knowing how to read yet because they are learning other interesting things.

Permalink Mark Unread

They could learn a LOT more if they could read, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

They could learn a lot faster but not everyone is in a hurry to learn everything as fast as possible.

Permalink Mark Unread

But you can't do anything interesting until you know lots of stuff!

Permalink Mark Unread

You can get really really good at woodworking before you learn anything that isn't woodworking, or memorize an epic poem that takes a week to sing before you learn writing and get worse at memorizing epic poems, or you can adventure and explore the whole world, or try to figure out what conditions flowers grow best in and do all the flowers in the city that way, or produce a play, or a dance, or tame horses or dogs or dinosaurs or dolphins, or you can go pray a lot, or you can have children and raise them, or you can get married and spend all your time doing married people things, or you can design beautiful clothing, or pottery, or glasswork...

Permalink Mark Unread

I bet you'd be way better at most of those things if you could read about them. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, only if someone else had already learned how to do them and wrote about it, but most of those things no one's learned how to do yet. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Well in AMERICA people have already done all of that stuff. Except the dinosaurs because there aren't any dinosaurs anymore.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes, so it makes sense for you to have libraries.

Permalink Mark Unread

People wherever you're from sound like they don't know how to do very many things.

Permalink Mark Unread

Not yet! We just got started at doing things. 

Permalink Mark Unread

I think I like it better here, where we know how to do lots of things and someday I can probably go to space. Although dinosaurs would be pretty awesome.

Permalink Mark Unread

I am pretty sure we will also go to space someday, but it might be a farther-away day.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, I hope you figure it out, I guess.

When do you have to go home?

Permalink Mark Unread

I would like to go home right now but Karen thought it would be complicated.

Permalink Mark Unread

How come?

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't know. She seems very sad all the time, which makes more sense now that I know - everything about everything. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Most people aren't as sad as Auntie Karen, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well that's good.

Permalink Mark Unread

I guess. Auntie Karen's sad because she doesn't like her job and because mommy is dead and she doesn't like living with Aunt Kate and she can't spend a lot of time with us and probably other reasons.

Permalink Mark Unread

Probably the house.

Permalink Mark Unread

You're really focused on houses.

Permalink Mark Unread

This is the most horrible place I have ever been and I would be sadder than Karen if I thought I had to be here.

Permalink Mark Unread



Permalink Mark Unread

So I really think it explains most of how sad she is.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think you mostly just care a weird amount about houses. What's even that bad about it? It doesn't have insects or smell weird or anything.

Permalink Mark Unread

He opens his eyes to refresh his memory. He closes them again.

Everything hurts to look at individually and the way it's all placed next to each other hurts to look at and there's dirt everywhere and big piles of grime in some places and there are a couple of insects, there's one in the corner and one on the windowsill, and the light wavers weirdly and I think it would give me a headache if I tried to draw by it and there are a lot of things on the floor that don't seem to be on the floor for any reason and everything's crooked and nothing's symmetric and there's nothing that doesn't hurt to look at anywhere.

Permalink Mark Unread

Would it help if you looked out the window?

Permalink Mark Unread

He opens his eyes and closes them again.

It might help a little bit but I don't think it'd be better than just keeping my eyes shut. Keeping my eyes shut is really fine. Some people don't even have eyes.

Permalink Mark Unread

Why don't they have eyes? Did someone cut their eyes out?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, Melkor.

Permalink Mark Unread

Huh. I've heard of people having their eyes put out but I don't think it happens very much anymore.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, the Valar made Melkor stop and put him in jail and now noone does that but some of the people without eyes didn't want them fixed until the Valar get better at fixing people.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread


It's dinnertime now, if you're hungry.

Permalink Mark Unread

Dinner sounds lovely, thank you, says the kid who is shaking and curled up in a ball in the corner with his eyes closed.

Permalink Mark Unread

She will just put a bowl of spaghetti down here, then.

Do you, uh, need anything?

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't. Thank you!

He is not very good at blind spaghetti eating but he's very patient and willing to go very slowly.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is there anything that'd make you feel better...?

Permalink Mark Unread

Will I be going back to the place where you work with you tomorrow?

Permalink Mark Unread

I think that wouldn't be very safe, so no.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is there a nice pretty place you know of where I can go?

Permalink Mark Unread


Yeah. It's late now, so we'd have to come back soon, but we can go somewhere for a few hours?

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm not sure how long an hour is but I would like that a lot.

Permalink Mark Unread

OK. We can go when you're done with dinner.

Permalink Mark Unread

He eats his dinner considerably more quickly and even occasionally peeks at it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Poor kid.

When he's done, she scoops him up and tells Connor and Zana and her great grandmother that she'll be back in a bit. (Kate's already out. Kate works nights.)

She carries him until they get to St. Vincent De Paul church. Not her church, at all, but maybe the catholics are at least good for something.




st vincent de paul church


Better? Best I have on short notice.

Permalink Mark Unread

It looks really nice! he says delightedly. I really like it. This is good. Thank you so much.

Permalink Mark Unread

Mhmm. Anything we can do to make the house less horrible for you?

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm sure you worked very hard on it and it's very tall. No one I know knows how to build that tall without a Vala.

Permalink Mark Unread

I did not actually build the apartment building.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay. Well, I want to remember that whoever did build it was impressive in some ways and knew some things that I do not know.

Permalink Mark Unread

OK, that's very thoughtful and kind of you, but I don't super want to keep you somewhere that's going to give you panic attacks.

- you remember what we talked about, about it being easier to look after you if you would worry less about me and more about you? I don't know if I can make it better if you tell me what's wrong with it, but I definitely can't if you don't, and it would make me a lot happier if I could do something about it.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't understand the intended aesthetic at all and I think it may just not resonate with me.

Permalink Mark Unread

...I'm not sure the apartment has an intended aesthetic.

Permalink Mark Unread

Everything in it hurts to look at and when I'm looking at it I can't think about anything because there's too much and no principles organizing any of it.

Permalink Mark Unread

I can try cleaning up the books and toys and things...?

Permalink Mark Unread

That is very kind of you. I think it would probably mostly still hurt to look at. I don't know if it would be better. I have never had this problem before, except in that room at your work which was in the middle of a project.

Permalink Mark Unread



I - guess it was sort of in the middle of a project, yeah.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's normal for stuff to look messy while someone is in the middle of a project - though not that messy but it seemed like maybe some things had not worked quite right and mistakes happen - but it's not normal to try to live places that feel the way the project feels. 

Well, it is not normal for me. If it's normal for other people that is okay.

Permalink Mark Unread

My apartment and the project room feel really different to me. If my apartment makes you feel the way the project room makes me feel, though, that's... really bad. 

I can try some stuff but I'm not sure any of it will work. I'm sorry.

Permalink Mark Unread

I was thinking I could just keep my eyes shut all the time. Some people don't have eyes and they are fine.

Permalink Mark Unread


Ok, well, that's a good plan if we can't fix the place up any. We'll see if we can improve on it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Zana thought that if I worked hard and got good at something then I could have money and then I could spend the money on a farm and then I could grow things and harvest things on the farm and you would not have to work all day.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, that could happen when you get a lot bigger. But it'll take some time.

Like, technically she cannot quit Wolfram & Hart because they may or may not own her soul at this point, but this seems not worth going into, and in theory some people do earn money and buy farms.

Permalink Mark Unread

Unless getting bigger is actually in some respect necessary I think it would be better not to wait that long.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think getting good at things usually takes some time. Hopefully we figure out how to send you home before that.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think that maybe instead of sending me home we should get my parents.

Permalink Mark Unread

I mean, then they might be stuck here too? And you don't really seem to like it here.

Permalink Mark Unread

I am unhappy in some ways but I think it would be cowardly to go back away to where there is enough food for everyone because I do not like it here where there is not.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think it would be better. That way you could grow up strong and healthy and not scared and be able to help more people when you're done growing.

Permalink Mark Unread

That will take a very long time.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think most important things do.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm not really sure that's okay. In Valinor it's fine but here - 

- my parents would be able to fix it, see, I'm pretty sure.

Permalink Mark Unread


Fix what, exactly?

Permalink Mark Unread

Well I don't quite understand all of the problems but it sounds like one of them is that you need money to do any things and some people bought all the land and so no one can just take the food they need and they all have to work horrible jobs instead. So if someone bought all of the land back and replanted all the best plants on it, the ones that don't take any work to grow and produce lots of tasty filling seeds and nuts and fruits and things, then probably that would solve it. So if I were my parents I'd try that but they might think of something better.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think there aren't any plants like that that feed people at the modern world's population density. 

- anyway, the world's problems are really complicated, I think maybe no one person can solve all of them.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well if they couldn't, they'd get the Valar.

Permalink Mark Unread

I dunno what that is.

Permalink Mark Unread

God sent the Valar into the world to realize his vision in it, and they made it and shaped it, and they're very powerful, and they could definitely fix all this. Lots of people don't really like being a place they have directly fixed because nothing you do there matters very much, and so people like to go a bit farther away where we command our own destinies and things. But they can fix anything. 

Permalink Mark Unread


Oh. Yeah, I guess that could probably do it.

(She's actually unclear on whether a bunch of - easily accessible angels? - could fix all of the world's problems, given the stuff Wolfram & Hart has on its side, but it does seem like the correct sort of power to appeal to.)

I just - I don't even know how to send you back, and calling up the Valar or whoever sounds even less likely to be feasible.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes, that's why I was thinking what to do if I just have to stay here myself. But if we can get them we should.

Permalink Mark Unread


I'll work on it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, you know what I could do? If you have thin fabric that lets light through, I could embroider a lot of my favorite flowers on it and then I could make a little tent with sticks and thin fabric and then I could hide in my tent and then I think I would be fine. 

Or if you have a loom and wool I could make the fabric but that will take longer. 

If you don't have wool it comes from sheep.

Permalink Mark Unread

This poor adorable incredibly earnest child.

I think I can get fabric.

Permalink Mark Unread

That would be great! I can unravel my sleeve to get the thread for the flowers, I don't know how to spin thread that's fine enough for really good embroidery.

Permalink Mark Unread

If I can get fabric I can get embroidery thread.

Permalink Mark Unread

I could also just stay here.

Permalink Mark Unread

The church unfortunately doesn't let people camp out here. If it did it would stop looking this pretty kind of fast.

Permalink Mark Unread

That makes sense.

It could let people stay if they scrub all the floors and walls every day?

Permalink Mark Unread

I think if we asked they would just suggest a place that was much less pretty. People here mostly don't care as much as you do about everything being pretty.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's really good.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah. It seems like it would be pretty hard if we did.

Permalink Mark Unread

I mean probably then you would make things that you could live with. Or maybe you wouldn't have stopped having farms. Farms're plenty pretty if you're thoughtful about what you're planting. That's why I thought I'd earn a lot of money and then buy us one, I know how they work and they look nice.

Permalink Mark Unread

We have farms, just, like, big ones with machines that feed lots more people than the little ones. We also have the little ones, but people mostly don't live purely off the food they grow on them.

Also, I admit that subsistence farming beats what I'm currently doing, but I don't think it's really, like, a super great way to live?

Permalink Mark Unread

The people I have talked to who farm seem happy. It is probably not as fun as being a prince of the Noldor but one assumes that there is correspondingly less responsibility. And I am sad about it compared to being a prince of the Noldor but I think that might be because I miss my parents instead of because farming is a thing to be sad about in its own right.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think - farming is really important for the kind of society where nobody can read, but this society doesn't really need independent subsistence farmers, and it's hard to feel good about spending all of your time doing something that other people don't really need you to do.

Permalink Mark Unread

Lots of people do things other people don't need them to do. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure! Just - not all the time.

Permalink Mark Unread

I do want to help people but it's easier to imagine figuring out how on a farm than figuring out how here.

Permalink Mark Unread

It seems very possible that we are imagining different things. But we'll see.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

I'm gonna read for a bit and then we're gonna have to go home. OK?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah. Can I sing here?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah. That's fine.

Permalink Mark Unread

He walks cautiously forward and sings, louder than he was singing earlier. 


He looks very happy.

Permalink Mark Unread

Adorable kidnapped probably-being-traumatized tiny child.


She reads for another hour and then lets him know that they have to go home.

Permalink Mark Unread



What is this place?

Permalink Mark Unread

It's a church. It's not my church. My church is... not this pretty.

Permalink Mark Unread

What's a church?

Permalink Mark Unread

It's a place where people come to pray and worship God.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh! I didn't know that. Can we ask God to help us out before we go?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, that seems like a good idea. 

Permalink Mark Unread

He runs up to the front.


He stops when he gets halfway there because that's a weird piece of art at the front.

What's that?

Permalink Mark Unread

It's a crucifix. A long time ago God became a human and died to save humanity from its sins. This is, uh, pretty important to people so sometimes they make art of it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Huh. Okay.


He goes up to it and kneels.

"Eru, Ilúvatar," he says in Quenya. "You look different here but probably that's because everything is different here. I'm scared and sad and confused because - because I guess Melkor is singing very loudly, right here, and I don't see how exactly it's all for the good anyway, and I want to fix it, and it'd be good if I knew how it's supposed to be all for the good anyway so I don't mess that up fixing it. But probably I will figure that out. I am worried about Karen. She is very sad and she's sad about me and I hate it and I don't know how to fix it and it's easier to imagine that the whole thing is part of a song I don't understand than to imagine that is, the way sometimes you can see how a stitch isn't right even if you can't see what the whole pattern is, and Karen has asked me not to try to help so I am asking you, and I think you should help, probably, somehow, even if you can't explain the whole plan here. And if I'm not supposed to notice you doing things you can make me forget that I asked this and make me remember that I asked for something really dumb, like chocolates. 

I'm trying really really hard to be good and if this doesn't work I'll try harder even though I don't know how exactly.

I love you."


He stands up and walks back.

Permalink Mark Unread

When they get home she puts a sleeping bag down in the kids' room, fishes a constellation lamp out of a box somewhere, turns the lamp on, and turns out all the lights. The room now has an aesthetic. It's pretending to be outer space.


This is about all I can think to do for you for tonight. I dunno if it helps, uh, at all.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's neat! It's like stars. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, it's meant to be. See if you can get some rest.

She says goodnight to Connor and Zana and tells them to please sleep and not spend half the night talking to the mysterious alien kid.

Permalink Mark Unread


Are you gonna be OK?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah. It's weird that it gets dark here. Doesn't get dark at home. Are you just supposed to do quiet things the whole time it's dark?

Permalink Mark Unread

When it gets this late you sleep. Are you not tired?

Permalink Mark Unread

Not really. And I want to start working on improving skills we can use to make money but it's hard to do that in the dark. 


I guess I could start learning English. Do you want to teach me?

Permalink Mark Unread

could, but it'd be loud and I think Connor wants to actually sleep. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Awww. Okay. ... we could go somewhere else?

Permalink Mark Unread

I think I miiiiight have to also sleep at some point. Maybe we could hide in the bathroom for a bit or something though.

Permalink Mark Unread

If you won't be too tired tomorrow. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Ehhh I skip my bedtime lots.

The bathroom is, of course, small and ugly.

Permalink Mark Unread

He closes his eyes and squeezes her hands. How do you say, my name is Maitimo -

Permalink Mark Unread

"My name is Maitimo."

Permalink Mark Unread

"My name is Maitimo." How about...other things. I dunno. I am a dinosaur. I eat cats. I like thunderstorms.

Permalink Mark Unread

Zana knows how to say all of those things!

In theory she is supposed to sleep, but she is six and does not entirely believe in consequences.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh good then they can do this all night.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Normally Karen would stop them, but she's set an alarm for five in the morning and collapsed in some misery on the couch. Eventually she stops thinking about how completely horrible this situation and her qualifications as a caregiver for random kidnapped alien children are, and about six hours after that she wakes up and drags herself into the bathroom.

Permalink Mark Unread


" - have you guys been up all night?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"We weren't very tired and I wanted to learn English!"

Permalink Mark Unread


"Well it seems you've made some progress.

"Zana - I'm too tired to come up with a scolding, go to bed before you pass out."

Permalink Mark Unread


She heads back to her room, faceplants on her bed, and is out like a light.

Permalink Mark Unread

"It wasn't her fault, it was my fault. She said we were supposed to sleep but I really wanted to learn English. I apologize."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Really did not expect that to happen that fast, but like, OK."

Permalink Mark Unread

He looks confused. 

Permalink Mark Unread


Are you also about to pass out? Should I be telling you to go to sleep immediately?

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm not tired.


But I should've known Zana was.


Punishments where I'm not allowed to go anywhere or have to write lots of pages or have to do all of the washing alone work at making me sad about misbehaving. Getting lectures or having to do a proper formal apology or having to listen to grandfather don't make me sad about misbehaving because I like those things. 

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't wanna make you sad, Maitimo, I just don't want you to think you're fine and then lose all of your cope at once because you haven't had a good night's rest in four days.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't think that has ever happened to me but I don't recall very much from when I was a baby and I don't recall anything from before I was born.

Permalink Mark Unread

It happens to all of the babies and little kids I've met, who are basically uniformly terrible at determining whether they should go to sleep. But since you're an alien or whatever I guess I don't actually know what kind of schedule your home planet is on.


Permalink Mark Unread

It doesn't get dark. There're golden hours from Laurelin and silver hours from Telperion and white when they're both together but it doesn't get dark. People who really like stargazing go to live in faraway places where it's dark enough for stars. 

Permalink Mark Unread


I have no idea what any of that means so I'm gonna forget about it for now and make you a pop tart.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can you say that out loud so I can learn more words?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have no idea what any of that means, so I'm gonna forget about it and make you a pop tart."

It's really deeply, cosmically unfair that this is the time in her life when she gets dropped into a Ray Bradbury novel. She's pretty sure most previous versions of her would have been way better at dealing with living in a Ray Bradbury novel.

She leaves the bathroom, puts a strawberry pop tart in the toaster, and eats some yogurt from the fridge, because yogurt is about the only thing she has the energy to deal with right now.

Permalink Mark Unread

He goes back into the room with the stars and looks at the stars some more.

Permalink Mark Unread

(Stupid atrocities couldn't find someone with more free time to land on. She's so tired.)

She puts Zana's toys in a bin and returns the books to the shelves without organizing them at all and spends three minutes vacuuming the living room carpet. She brings Maitimo his pop tart. Pop tarts are supposed to be good for when everything in your life is on fire.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you," he says, and eats the pop tart without having a panic attack or anything.

Permalink Mark Unread

Honestly the best she was hoping for.

"OK. I have to go to work again today. It's summer right now, which means normally Connor and Zana either hang out here all day or walk to the library. I think you're gonna have to work your day plans out with them. I don't think I can get you fabric until this evening. Is there anything you need before I go to work?"

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"Is it okay if I go back to that church, as long as I stay out of the streets?"

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"Only if you can get Connor to go with you. It's dangerous for you to walk that far alone. The library isn't as - ostentatiously pretty, but if you thought Wolfram & Hart was fine then I expect that the library probably won't hurt either."

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"OK. I'm really sorry about all of this and I wanna let you know that you're being really brave about everything. OK?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you think God only speaks English here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think God speaks all the languages."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's good."

How would you say "I hope your day is beautiful and fascinating" -

Permalink Mark Unread

"I hope your day is beautiful and fascinating."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I hope your day is beautiful and fascinating!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you. I hope you have a good day too."

Her day is almost definitely not going to be beautiful and fascinating. She will count herself lucky if she isn't discovered and killed. Really the bad outcome here is being discovered and killed before she can interfere with a team coming to recover Maitimo and kill everyone else in the apartment to prevent witnesses, or something else similarly cartoonishly evil. This is maybe not a safe thing to be thinking about with psychic tiny children around.

She's so tired.

She takes a shower and makes herself presentable and puts little lunches together in little brown paper bags, with names on them. Before she leaves, she wakes up Connor and tells him that Maitimo is from another dimension and she doesn't have time to discuss whether this belief makes her crazy right now and he needs to be kept out of the sort of trouble that you might expect tiny children from other dimensions to get themselves into.

"Maitimo, while I'm gone I need you to listen to Connor, OK? Not Kate and not great-grandma and not Zana. You listen to Connor. You understand?"

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"Yes." If people are coming to kill us maybe we should go some other place? 

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People are probably not coming to kill you. I think - probably nobody even knows you're alive, and if we leave town we will definitely be in trouble if we weren't already. It's just - a bad situation.

Permalink Mark Unread

Why would we be in trouble if we left town?

Permalink Mark Unread

Wolfram & Hart doesn't like it when people leave.

Permalink Mark Unread

That seems like a problem for the plan where we get a farm.

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Yeah, it's kind of complicated. You need to learn a bunch of stuff either way, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'll listen to Connor.

Permalink Mark Unread

Thank you. 

"I gotta go to work now, guys. Everybody be good."

Permalink Mark Unread


"So," says Connor, climbing down from the top bunk bed. "Do you... know why you're at our house."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Karen is scared that the place she works will -" what's the word for making someone's body stop working on purpose because you want them to go to Mandos -

Permalink Mark Unread

"- uh."

- OK, you're not an alien, but I see why somebody might conclude this. I don't know what Mandos is?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mandos makes new bodies for people if theirs got broken."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you talking about a hospital...?"

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"I don't know what that is."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The place you go if you get really sick or hurt. With doctors and stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you get hurt you go to Lórien. You go to Mandos if - I know you have the concept, Karen thinks about it all the time, but I didn't get the word from Zana and it's hard to get actual words from listening to people think if they're not talking."

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"Well, I dunno."

Permalink Mark Unread

He can just send some of what Karen was thinking about then.

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Aaah he doesn't want Karen thoughts in his head! It's bad enough when they're in her head!

"Don't do that! That's... weird."

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"I guess it sounds like she's scared of dying, or something."

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He nods seriously. "I think that Karen was scared I would dying if I stayed at where she worked, so she brought me home, but now she is still scared and also sad that I don't like it here, so I don't know if it made anything better, but I'm going to buy a farm and then things will be better, but she's not allowed to leave her job and come live on my farm so we have to fix that too."

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"You can't buy a farm. You're, like, four."

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"Zana thought that I could learn to be good at making things and then sell the things I make on the computer and then get money. I am not good at anything but I am going to work very hard on it."

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"Yeah, but even if you had money you couldn't buy a farm because you're a kid. You can only buy farms when you're an adult and you can sign contracts and stuff."

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"Well I can give Karen the money and she can buy us the farm."

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"I guess that's not technically illegal or anything. I think farms are probably more expensive than you can buy, though. Like, most people can't buy farms."

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"It seems like that just means it will take longer."

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"I mean, I guess if you're OK with it taking until you grow up."

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"Do you have a plan that will be faster?"

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"Not really? You're pretty much not going to be able to buy a farm for a long time. I don't want to crush your dreams or anything but it seems like the kind of thing that just takes a long time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Can we go to church?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...no? It's Tuesday?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...you can't go to church on Tuesdays?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Church happens on Sundays and Wednesday nights. You don't just go whenever."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We went last night. I don't know your days though so maybe it was one of those."

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"I really really like it there. Also it seems like God did not fix Karen's life yet so I need to figure out why not and ask again."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You can pray wherever, you don't need to go to church for it."

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"If I were God I would not be paying much attention to this place because of how it hurts to look at."

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"No, God pays attention to everywhere all the time."

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"Well then I'd still like to go because it's prettier and nicer but I guess I will try to figure out what was wrong last night either way."

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"I think usually it takes a bit for prayers to get answered. But I don't really want to go to church today."

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"How about the library."

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"Sure. We have to wait for Zana to wake up, though."

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He sits down on the floor and sings.

Permalink Mark Unread

Connor decides to ignore the weird psychic preschooler he has been drafted into babysitting and eat cereal and read a book.

Permalink Mark Unread

Zana continues sleeping. For hours. It's almost like she got absolutely no sleep last night.

Permalink Mark Unread

He can sit and sing for a while without getting bored but is anyone in his range looking at pretty things, because that'd be really good right now.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, there are lots of other people in this apartment building, but all of them have apartments that look kind of like Karen's. In one apartment there's an old woman tending a windowsill garden. There are lots of businesses around, which are not very pretty, and some restaurants, which are sometimes more pretty than most places, and several streets away there's a little park with trees and flowers.

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The park is okay. He will spy through the eyes of people at the park. With practice he gets better at deciphering their conversations. 

Permalink Mark Unread

When it's lunchtime, Connor hands Maitimo the bag that says "Maitimo" on the grounds that this is the only name he doesn't recognize. It has a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, string cheese, and an apple.

Connor then starts repeatedly poking his sister in an effort to wake her up.

Permalink Mark Unread

He will temporarily stop singing to eat the food with his eyes still shut.

Permalink Mark Unread

Such a weird kid.

"Zanaaaaa, it's time for lunch."

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There is some conflict over whether lunchtime is actually a reason to wake up, but eventually Zana is dragged out of bed and decides that if she has to be up ANYWAY then she might as well eat lunch.

"SO. What do you want to do today?"

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"I want to go to church but Connor does not but he said we can go to the library."

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"Libraries are better. I can teach you how to read."

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"I guess that sounds good but Karen said the library would not be as pretty as the church."

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"Church isn't even that pretty."

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"If it were at home people would have lots of suggestions but they would - go in and look around and come up with their suggestions - which is better than any other place here."

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"I guess it's hard to tell because I don't care about buildings. But I think the library is good."

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"Okay. We can go to the library. I would like to learn to read your language."

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Permalink Mark Unread

When everyone's done eating, Connor holds Zana's hand in one hand and Maitimo's in the other and leads them both to the library. 

The library is full of very tall wooden shelves and desks with computers on them. There's a wall mural and a big globe in the entryway. Connor takes them to the children's area, which has brightly colored mats, a wall mural of a tree with books instead of fruit, and a lot of books with various kinds of illustrations.

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It is not pretty but it does not hurt to look at. 

"Okay, what are your letters?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Zana can find an alphabet book and show him all the letters! And explain all the sounds that all the letters usually make, because English letters are all trying to do way too many things at once.

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"That's really weird. In our alphabet every letter makes one sound. This seems like it'd make it really hard to guess how words are written!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Japanese is like that! English isn't because it has way more sounds than most of the other languages, and England stole its letters from Rome and Rome didn't have enough letters for all of our sounds."

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"I think probably you should sit down and start over and have one letter for every sound."

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"Then everybody'd have to learn the new way, and everybody already knows this way."

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"Yes but the new way would be so much easier to learn!"

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"It does seem kind of weird that nobody's tried it yet, I guess."

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"I don't understand how you learn how all the words are written. Do you just memorize every one individually?"

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"Soooort of. There are rules, they're just complicated and have to do with which language a word comes from. English's mostly made of words from other languages."

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"Okay. Where is a list of all the words to memorize?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Zana takes him to the reference table and shows him the big big big red dictionary.

"This one is the list of all the words."

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Sigh. "Okay. - thank you."

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"It's not all just the list." She opens it to a random page and points out 'destitute'. "See, it has the word here, and how you say it here, and the language it's from here, and then all of the meanings and the forms."

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"I think I will have needed to have memorized most of the book before that will be useful but I guess I can go back through it."

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"I think most people don't read the whole thing. They just look up a word when they see one they don't know."

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"Well, I don't know any of the words."

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"I guess that's true. You wanna start with A?"

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"Is there a particular reason to start with that?"

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"A is at the beginning. The letters have an order so you can find them. There's a song."

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"We order our letters too."

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"I think that's smart," says Zana.

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"Once you know our letters you can read anything written in our language."

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"I mean, I'd have to know the language first. But that seems like a good way to do it."

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He flips the book to the 'a's and starts trying to guess how the letter combinations are pronounced.

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Zana teaches him how the pronunciation guides work so he can make better guesses.

"...I guess we do have a system for writing words like they sound. I wonder why people don't use it all the time."

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"Probably it's the same people who stole all your food and only give it back to you if you work all day doing boring things that you hate."

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"You know that's not, like, a specific group of people, right, all the food just belongs to people who own farms."

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"That's a specific group of people."

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"I guess, but I don't think there was like a group of farmers that made everybody else stop being farmers."

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"It just seems really suspicious how you all think that farming is awful when it is not and grownups all do horrible jobs because you won't have any food if you don't."

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"Auntie Karen says that lots of the people who work on farms do it because they're not allowed to work other jobs."

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"Farms are nice. Everything is pretty and interesting and tastes really good and if you don't like picking it, you can call in other people to do that."

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"I don't think that's how all of the farms are here."

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"Okay, but they can be like that."

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"I think the ones that are like that make a lot less food than the big ones with machines, though."

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"Maybe, but they make enough food for you and your neighbors.


It's not that I want to be a farmer it's just that it's obviously lots better than - this - and I don't see how you got this when you could've had that."

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"I dunno. I've never tried being a farmer but I don't know anybody who wants to be one."

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"Well I wonder if any of them know what it's like."

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"I guess it's probably hard to know what it's like if you've never been one before."

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"And if everyone says 'oh farming is horrible just work a job and then you can buy food with your money' then probably lots of people just do that. But it doesn't seem to be very good for them."

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"I think farming is also a job and you make money. You just use it to buy stuff that isn't food. And I know you think they could make their own clothes and houses and stuff but I don't think anybody makes everything themselves except for, like, the kid in My Side Of The Mountain."

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"I know sometimes you don't but I think it's important that you can."

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"I'm not sure if there's anybody here who can."

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"Really? But I mostly can, except things that are too dangerous like glassblowing, and I am ten."

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" - I don't think you can make everything you need to live."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Where I'm from everyone can do that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You know how to build fires and cook things and build houses and make clothes and make safe toilets and make safe water and make a place to take baths and make toothpaste and soap and grow vegetables and hunt animals and fix yourself if you get sick or hurt?"

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"I have only done the parts of building houses that do not involve lifting heavy things, but I could make myself a small house for now because I am small. I know how to make clothes, and soap. You can take baths in a river. What do you mean safe water?"

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"I mean water that doesn't make you sick if you drink it. The water from sinks is safe but you can't just drink water from rivers because it could make you sick."

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"That doesn't sound right to me."

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"Well that's how it is."

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"Well I drink from rivers sometimes and I've never gotten sick."

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"I think rivers are safe sometimes. It's still water that's really bad. But you can't just go drinking from rivers because if an animal poops in it it'll make you sick."

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"I've never heard of anyone getting sick from drinking from rivers."

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"Well, it doesn't happen much anymore because we made all the water safe. But you have to pay for it. So if you weren't going to pay for anything you'd have to make your own safe water."

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"I think I will just drink from rivers and I bet you it'll be fine."

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"Well I think you'll get sick and won't have any money to go see a doctor."

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"If you know where a river is we could go check right now."

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"I don't think there are any rivers in cities. I guess we could see if the computer knows where any rivers are."

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"How would it know that?"

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"I mean computers don't know-know things, they're just, like, kind of books, but if you type in the thing you want then the computer can tell you without you having to find the right book yourself. Sometimes."

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"Huh. Okay."

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So Zana logs into a library computer and searches for rivers. Apparently there is a river called the Los Angeles River that runs through downtown Los Angeles. She is sort of annoyed at herself for not already knowing this.

She also types "is drinking from rivers OK" and gets the CDC website telling her that "While the water flowing in the streams and rivers of the backcountry may look pure, it can still be contaminated with bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other contaminants."

Permalink Mark Unread

I think they're lying.

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Why would the CDC lie about rivers??

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So that no one realizes they can live on their own and be fine.

Permalink Mark Unread

That doesn't sound like something the CDC would do but I guess I don't technically know that they didn't do it.

Why would all the survival books talk about safe water, though? Like, if they're about how to live on your own without dying.

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I don't know. Maybe here the water really isn't safe because someone did something to it. But where I'm from it is safe and everyone can just drink it and you don't need to know things to live on your own and it seems a lot better.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well I think here you need to know a lot of things, and even if you know them you still can't have things like, I dunno, pencils.

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I know how to make ink and which feathers to use to write. 

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Pens are less good than pencils, though. And I dunno how to make paper.

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I know how to make parchment but I would have to be bigger to do it myself I guess.

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Do you really think somebody poisoned all the water?

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I really think that the way things normally are, the water is drinkable and plants you can eat grow everywhere and there'd be no way to convince everyone to do work that makes them sad all day. And - we're not evil, but if we were evil that'd be a very clever evil thing to do, wouldn't it?

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Yeah, I guess so.

Maybe if somebody poisoned all the water then there's a way to unpoison it all. Like, there has to be, right, if we know how to make it safe again for cities?

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Yeah. There has to be. Or at least if they stop poisoning it it wouldn't be poisoned anymore once it had all gotten washed out to the sea. 

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Yeah. 'Cause rain isn't poison, so once it rained again and didn't get poisoned then the rivers would all have to stop being poison.

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Yeah, like that! So if we make them stop then it'll be easier for people to live on their own if they want to.

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Hmm. I don't know how to make them stop if we don't know who's doing it, though.

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Probably we will need to figure that out. Carefully, they might be dangerous.

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How do we figure out who's doing it?

Permalink Mark Unread

Uh, is there an evil angel who rebelled against creation and wants to cause as much suffering as possible?

Permalink Mark Unread

You mean Satan?

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I bet you that's the person poisoning the water.

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I'm not sure Satan does things like poison water? I think mostly he convinces other people to be bad.

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Hmm. Maybe it is people he convinced. In our world he was pretty much doing lots of bad stuff himself though.

Permalink Mark Unread

I guess sometimes he has demons possess people.

Permalink Mark Unread

No I mean he just dug a big scary castle and did bad things in it. I don't know exactly what bad things because people try not to think about it around me but it's how orcs got invented. Also I think sometimes he was a volcano and made everything catch fire.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't know what an orc is but I don't think Satan has a castle. Unless maybe it's in hell.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't really know what an orc is either, I think it was inappropriate for children. But when my grandfather gets scared for no reason it's because where he grew up, sometimes orcs snatched people and then you never saw them again, and even though that doesn't happen anymore he doesn't totally believe we're all safe.

Permalink Mark Unread

I guess Auntie Karen is kind of like that too. With the worrying about things that aren't good for kids.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is she wrong to be worrying, though?

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I dunno. There's definitely bad stuff out there.

Permalink Mark Unread

Everything makes a lot more sense now that I know that your Melkor is not in jail yet.

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I'm not sure we can send Satan to jail.

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I think we kind of need to.

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She chews on the end of a pencil she found.

Well, I guess if we HAVE to, then we pretty much need to convince God to do something or convince someone else to do something  or do something ourselves with magic.

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I asked God to help with Karen being sad last night but I notice he hasn't done anything yet so probably we should keep asking but not count on that. Who else could we convince to do something?

Permalink Mark Unread

There's demons? But I don't know a lot about demons because libraries don't have books about us. And I guess there might be gods other than God, 'cause he bothered to tell us not to worship them?

Permalink Mark Unread

He did?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah. It says so in the Bible.

Permalink Mark Unread

What's that?

Permalink Mark Unread

It's the book of all the stuff that God told us?

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh. We don't have one of those, probably because no one can read. The Valar just tell us.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh. Well Auntie Karen says one reason it's important that everybody can read is that it means everybody can read the Bible themselves.

Permalink Mark Unread

I guess if all the things God said were written down it'd be a good idea for everyone to read yeah. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Anyway, I think if he said not to worship other gods then maybe there are other gods? Although I dunno if he wants us talking to them.

Permalink Mark Unread

You can talk to people without worshipping them.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah. I guess it does just say not to worship them.

Permalink Mark Unread

If it says that specifically I think that means you can talk to them because if you couldn't talk to them then it'd just say that.

Permalink Mark Unread

Then maybe it's fine!



I have no idea how to talk to other gods.

Permalink Mark Unread

Me neither! Probably you need to know their names.

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Zana types "names of gods" and is given an alphabetical list of Greek gods. All of the Greek gods. There are a lot of minor Greek gods.

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He starts trying to guess how those letter combinations are pronounced.

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Zana is really unsure about the first several of these, but she is pretty sure she knows how to say "Apollo".

"It says god of the sun, music, healing, and herding. He sounds maybe OK."

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"We haven't got a sun back at home but music and healing and herding are all good and the sun doesn't seem horrible or anything."

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"The sun is good! It's what keeps the earth warm and makes all the plants grow."

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"Okay! He sounds pretty good but the Greek god of water might be a better one to ask about the water being poisoned in particular."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That makes sense.

"....it says the god of the sea is Poseidon and every river has its own god, so they can't list all of the names here. It just says they're called Potamoi. However you say that."

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"Huh. - well I guess we could do the Los Angeles river first and then the other ones if that works."

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"Yeah. But I'm not sure how we learn his name."

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"Yeah." Frown. "We could go look for him I guess?"

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"Where would we go look? Just in the river?"

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"I guess? River Maiar usually pay attention to their whole rivers I think."

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"I guess we have to get someone to take us to the river, then."

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"Will Connor agree to that?"

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"I dunno! Connor doesn't like going lots of places all the time."

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"Then maybe we should ask tomorrow so it'll only be one place."

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"Yeah. That could work."

Permalink Mark Unread

The other option you mentioned was doing it ourselves with magic. Do you know some really good magic?

Permalink Mark Unread

Nah. I just know that the other way to do really big stuff is magic. Well, and money and government stuff, but I don't think you can beat Satan with money or government stuff.

Permalink Mark Unread

And we haven't got those. Uh, I know some songs but not ones for fighting Satan.

Permalink Mark Unread

I dunno any magic yet. I think lots of demons have magic but I don't know if I do.

Permalink Mark Unread

I can teach you the songs but they're in my language.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah. I could learn it but I don't think it'll help us put Satan in jail by itself.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, they, like, help you fall asleep, and help make your clothes not dusty, and make flowers bloom.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah. That doesn't seem like it'll help very much. 

You wanna do anything else here, if we can't go to the river until tomorrow?

Permalink Mark Unread

I didn't get through all the words.

Permalink Mark Unread

OK! There's a lot of words I guess.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah. Maybe I'll get faster as I go. 

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Zana is maybe gonna keep reading about Greek gods then.

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Eventually Connor comes over to them and lets them know that it's time to go home for dinner.

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He has not gotten very far on memorizing how everything in English is spelled but he needs Zana's help deciphering the definitions less often than when he started.

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Some time after they make it home, Karen arrives home from work.

"You guys have fun today?"

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"I did!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I did not have fun but I know how to spell the words up through 'alacrity'."

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"That's... good, I guess? Do you need anything?"

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"Are you sure."

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"I guess some water would be nice."

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Maitimo is given water. 

She gets started making dinner.

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He closes his eyes and sits down on the floor and sings and reads her mind.

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She is mostly wondering whether she's just going to go into work literally every day forever with sinking dread in her stomach around the idea that her twice-kidnapped child will be found and all of them will be killed. Also the water was definitely just him trying to make her feel better or trying to give the correct answer to the question, but water is important and maybe if he gets things he wants when he asks for them he will feel OK talking about any other stuff he needs.

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Awww man deceiving people is difficult. He will have to get better at it so Karen is not sad. 

He sings the dust out of his clothes because they're really getting pretty grubby.

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Karen is of the opinion that tiny children should stop trying to deceive her so that she stands any chance at all of properly taking care of them. 

She serves them all food and asks if anybody wants to play a game or watch a movie or something after dinner.

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"That sounds fun!"

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"Movie or game?" She's kind of unclear on how he's going to participate with his eyes shut tight but whatever.

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Oops maybe he should've asked what they were before expressing that they sounded fun. "What movies are there?"

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"Uh, a lot of stories you've never heard of, I guess. We have a bunch of animated movies and some ones with spaceships and some documentaries about dinosaurs and space and history and some that are funny and some that are mostly, like, adventure stuff?"

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"I like dinosaurs and I don't know very much about spaceships."

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"Preference for either?"

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"Depends how cool spaceships are. Zana how cool are spaceships."

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"Spaceships are BASICALLY THE COOLEST but dinosaurs are also really cool so it depends on the movie. Star Trek and Star Wars are good but 2001 is mostly boring even though it has a spaceship."

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"Are there any movies with spaceships and dinosaurs?"

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"I don't think so. There should be."

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"Well maybe we can watch spaceships tonight but one of the good spaceships ones and then we can watch dinosaurs tomorrow since I have seen them before."

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The first Star Wars movie is proooobably not going to traumatize any smols? Star Trek IV is probably better on that front but it does have decidedly fewer spaceships.

She'll just put in A New Hope and let everybody know that they can always stop the movie and play Uno if anybody thinks it's too scary.

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It is not obvious that the tiny child is getting anything out of it but he does not seem scared.

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OK, well, good enough. She snuggles Zana and watches the movie.

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Movies are apparently a thing where pictures of people pretending to be other people flash very fast on a screen and tell a story. It's sort of like plays except since it's just lots of still pictures it's not quite as good. It is very violent but his parents would be okay with him watching it because they'd want to know how spaceships work.


He tries to giggle when Zana does but not every time as that'd probably be obvious.

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Zana honestly cheers more than she laughs. Also she comments on everything everyone does. She is a very engaged movie viewer.

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Cheering is okay too. He is not sure he has good commentary. The people are acting like they're scared and angry but he gets the sense you're not supposed to say that.

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At the end of the movie they blow up the giant space station that destroys planets and probably lots more people die.

She sends them off to bed and tells them to sleep a normal amount this time.

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He is in fact kinda tired.

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Zana isn't that tired but she can PROBABLY sleep.

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Good good good.

She's going to do errands and chores and stuff for several more hours before she curls up on the couch and has dreams that are the opposite of restful.

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"Eru Ilúvatar," he says, kind of loudly in case last time God did not hear him and in Quenya because Karen should not, "We are going to try to fix everything and I guess we will succeed eventually since everything turns out to the greater glory of God eventually and I do not think poison rivers are to the greater glory of God so I guess we would be grateful for your help but I am not afraid. But I still do not know how to make Karen stop being sad and she doesn't want me to fix it so I still think that probably you have to fix it though I will try really hard to be worthy of you doing that in all ways including trying my best to fix it myself. 

I think that humans are like Elves in that they care when things happen and it would be good if this happened soon.

Also probably tell Aulë to tell my parents that I am learning English and spaceships and I did not practice my recitation or composition today but that is because it takes a long time to learn to spell in English and I may need to know it quickly so I can live somewhere nicer, and I think this is the decision they would have made also if they were here, and if they want to come here it would be good to have help and to see them."

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In the morning she ponders the question of what she is going to do.

She could theoretically just keep Maitimo hidden in her house indefinitely, it's not like there are child police who come around if you have random unregistered children who have red hair even though everyone in your household is Asian (...probably), but it doesn't seem like this would be very good for him, and it means that she's going to spend the rest of her probably short life waiting for someone at Wolfram & Hart  to call her on it. 

She could move everybody out of the country. Somewhere far away. This probably means abandoning Kate and great-grandma and trying to raise three kids alone, and she's not actually very sure that Wolfram & Hart doesn't just sort of exist everywhere in creation anyway.

She could investigate methods of sending Maitimo home. She doesn't even know where to start with that. - or, well, she does, the obvious place to start is Wolfram & Hart's science department, but she doesn't know how to make very much headway without running an even higher chance of getting herself killed, and it's not like Maitimo is the only kid she has to think about providing for. 

She could seek help outside of Wolfram & Hart. She really really has no idea where to start with that, and it totally seems like the sort of thing that could also get her killed. Everyone she actually knows is either evil or dead or incompetent or -


- or.


She heads into the kids' room and closes the door behind her.

"Hey. Rise and shine. I am calling an emergency Tiu council meeting. Also Maitimo, you can be an honorary Tiu for this purpose."

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Zana sleepily rolls out of bed, sits cross-legged on the floor, and looks attentively up at Karen.

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Connor climbs down from the top bunk and sits beside her a moment later.

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He does not open his eyes but he tries to otherwise look attentive.

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She sits down with everybody else.

"OK! For those of you not aware, a day and a half ago, Maitimo was stolen from his home dimension by Wolfram & Hart's science team. At the moment, I think nobody noticed that he came through and they're not looking for him, but that could change at any time. Wolfram & Hart doesn't like people taking stuff from them, which means having him here is really dangerous for all of you. 

I've been operating under the assumption that there's nowhere we can move any of you to, but this isn't actually true. We have options. Our most obvious option is moving Connor and Zana to live with grandma and grandpa. It's not, like, super safe, if they decide they want to hurt you in particular, but I don't think there's a reason for them to do that, if there's no chance of you getting caught in the crossfire? And this still leaves me and Maitimo out in the cold, but I can't leave and Maitimo is the person Wolfram & Hart might want back in the first place. I think we should consider getting out the people we can get out."

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"Grandma and Grandpa who we don't like?"

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" - you only have one grandma and grandpa, Zana."

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"Well it could have been the demon ones. And you can't just leave Maitimo 'cause bad guys wanna find him, that's not fair!"

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"We could go to my grandpa. I am pretty sure no one can get us there."

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"It's a good thought. Unfortunately, your grandpa is in another dimension that we can't access."

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"I know. But you said maybe Wolfram and Hart is everywhere and I am really pretty sure they are not in Valinor."

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" - I don't think I said that. I am hesitant to bring people they haven't contacted to their attention."

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"They already have their attention! You can't steal people from places you don't know about!"

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"...okay, but then the fact that Maitimo was stolen in the first place raises some questions about whether Valinor is actually capable of protecting anybody."

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"I'm pretty sure it is and it's just that they did not know they needed to."

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"Knowing you should to do something is a prerequisite for doing it. It's the only reason anybody without a fortune or an army in their pocket ever manages to stay ahead of Wolfram & Hart even momentarily."

She sighs.

"Theoretically, and I raise this option purely because we're already in danger and our best alternatives don't protect Maitimo at all, it might be possible to learn what Wolfram & Hart was doing and see if we can - replicate or adjust it somehow to send him back. It's more likely that we'll only be able to pull off pulling more people through, and even more likely that we won't be able to manage anything at all, but given that Maitimo is a mindreader, it's not impossible. It's only been a day and a half, and I'd bet that someone is still thinking about their experiment and why it went wrong."

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"I can't hear people at Wolfram and Hart from here."

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"We would have to get you closer to the building, then. I don't know how much closer. It'd be very dangerous. If we had any options that weren't dangerous, it wouldn't be on the table at all, but... this is the only dangerous option that might make things better instead of just keeping us alive longer."

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"I think that probably things will get better actually but trying to get home sounds good."

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"Do you have, like, a specific way you expect things to get better?"

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Zana and I are going to make bad people stop poisoning the waters, so that people don't have to work a job if they don't want to. But it's a secret so you shouldn't say things about it out loud.

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I don't think people poisoning the water has anything to do with people having to work jobs?

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It is harder for people to live on their own without buying everything they need with money if the water is poisoned and plants don't grow well.

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They mostly couldn't do those things anyway? Living out in the middle of nowhere is really hard, because it's hard to forage or grow or trap enough food, and it's hard to survive the seasons, and all land is owned by somebody anyway so I'm not sure it's even legal outside of, like, Alaska, where it's really hard to live because the ground is frozen.

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At home people do not have a problem with it so I want to figure out all of the reasons why people here do.

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I dunno, I'd have to know more about your home. It does not seem like a problem we are going to be able to solve from where we are now.

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"If Connor and Zana go to live with their Grandma and Grandpa does that mean I can go to church by myself every day?"

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"Nnno. You're too small to wander the city by yourself, I'm sorry. This is a downside of Connor and Zana leaving."

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"Why am I too small to wander the city by myself."

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"You could get lost? Or get hit by a car while crossing the street? Or get kidnapped, or reported to the police for being alone without a grownup or a bigger kid? Or, I don't even know, fall in a storm drain? I wouldn't let a normal kid your age wander alone, and you just got here and don't know how anything works."

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"Can I go to the library on my own."

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"You can't go anywhere on your own. I'm sorry. It's not safe."

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"OK. So. Obviously all of our immediately available options are terrible."

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"Can we get grandma and grandpa to take Maitimo too?"

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"That makes you all targets again. Even if it didn't, I don't think so, what would we even say? We stole a baby alien from my employers?"

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"We could lie! Maybe he's our brother!"

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"You can't just spontaneously generate never-before-seen baby brothers who look nothing like you after your parents are already dead. That's... not how anything works."

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"He could be our adopted brother. That we never told them about because we don't like them."

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"I think it's not gonna work, Zana. We could, I dunno, send Maitimo to daycare or something, but I dunno if that would be any better for him?"

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"Is it in a pretty place?"

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"It depends? The pretty ones probably have waiting lists, but I guess we could check?"

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"Thank you."

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"All in favor of Connor and Zana going to live with grandma and grandpa?"

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Connor raises his hand.

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Zana does NOT.

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Since his eyes are closed it's ambiguous whether he's pointedly not raising his hand or just doesn't know that's how people express opinions on this.

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It's kind of a fake vote in that she will do it unless she gets unanimous opposition, which she has not, but it seems kind of like bad process anyway. 

"....all in favor say 'aye'."

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"Opinion of the chair the ayes have a better case. All in favor of trying to send Maitimo home despite the fact that trying to do so might be putting all of us in danger, say aye."

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"Aye but I wanna be in another state when it happens."

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"Vote is unanimous. May fortune favor the foolish. If there are no closing comments I declare this council session ended."

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"I have a comment! Grandma doesn't like me and she lives in a stupid place that doesn't have any good books and only has stupid squirrels that throw nuts at people."

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"Comment is noted and appreciated. I'm gonna go call my parents anyway."

She goes into the other room and does that. She is immediately very miserable and keeps making lots of sentences that sound like apologies even when they're technically not.

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Zana flops back in exaggerated defeat. "This SUCKS."

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He is trying to make sure he remembers in his head how to get to the church.

"I'm sorry. Hopefully it won't be for very long."

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"If you and Auntie Karen get killed it'll be FOREVER. And now you won't have anybody else to teach you how to do things."

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"It won't be that long. I miss having you to teach me to do things though."

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"Maybe if Auntie Karen dies we can run away to live in the forest in an abandoned boxcar."

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"I don't think forests really have abandoned boxcars. Also they don't protect you from vampires."

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"We could just live in a house."

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"I don't think you can just find a house somewhere and live in it. Maybe if it was abandoned. Or maybe we can come get you and you can make a house for us if you don't get sent home and you don't die."

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"Yeah that's what I meant is I could build one. If I don't die or if I get back sooner than Karen."

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"If you get back sooner?"

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"I think usually kids get back faster if they die although right now I might need a lot of healing I guess."

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"Get back to where?"

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"Their families?"

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"You get to see your family again once your family dies. And I'm not gonna die just 'cause you did."

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"I mean after Mandos makes me not dead again, Zana."

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"What's Mandos?? If you die you just stay dead mostly. Unless you're Jesus."

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"Mandos is the Vala who gives the dead new bodies."

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"I don't think we have that? Maybe at like the end of the world or something."

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"Wait, then do your dead just hang around without bodies? That sounds really boring."

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"They go to heaven? Or hell, I guess."

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"What're those?"

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"Heaven's where God lives and good people go and hell is where demons come from and bad people go."

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"I don't think God lives in a particular place. - also it is very bad if people are going to the place where Melkor is because he will torture them horribly."

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"I think everybody gets tortured in hell? That's why they want to go to heaven."

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"I don't think that is true because someone would have stopped it."

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"People have tortured lots of people without getting stopped. And people are way easier to stop than hell is, I bet."

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"That's not true. Melkor is the person who tortured people and then the Valar stopped him and sent him to jail. And if someone else was doing it they would stop them too and send them to jail too."

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"I don't know what a Valar is but lots of people have been tortured. Like in Rome they tortured people all the time."

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"But then someone made them stop?"

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"Well EVENTUALLY Rome got destroyed and then people did different kinds of torture."

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"I guess at some point you have to be before the point where anyone has made the torture stop but that's really bad."

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"Yeah. We made a law against it after we stopped having kings. But I bet people break it sometimes, all the laws get broken sometimes."

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"Melkor did the bad stuff because the Valar didn't know we existed yet so they didn't know to stop him but I am confused about why no one has done anything here. The Valar don't know about this place but Eru should have sent you your own really."

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"Huh. Well I think he didn't."

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"Well, that explains a lot."

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"How do you get Valar?"

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"God sent them. It'd be weird if he forgot to send them here though. Maybe he sent them and they got distracted and didn't notice how long it'd been? They do that sometimes."

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"Oh. Well I think it's been a really long time if they did."

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"They don't experience time the same way as we do so that part's not weird. Okay, maybe the real plan here should be that we find the Valar."

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"How do we find the Valar?"

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"I'm not really sure. If we found the river Maia they might know but now we're not even gonna get to do that." I'm gonna do it anyway though.

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Oooh! I bet grandma and grandpa can't take us away today anyway, though, we should do it today!

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That sounds good.

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"Connor, we should go to the river today instead of to the library."

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"Maitimo wants to see the river!"

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"I like rivers!"

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"Fine. I guess. I don't know where the river is so I need to find a map of it first."

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"Thank you!"


He's going to need a lot more information once they're gone about how humans interact so he should listen to conversations on the street while he waits.

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Connor finds their map of Los Angeles and puts their lunches in his backpack and tells himself that it is probably a good thing that Karen trusts him enough to expect him to handle the weird psychic kid's problems. 

The river is a pretty long way from where they live. It's gonna take them like an hour to get there by bus. Are they, like, really sure this is how they want to spend their entire day?

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He takes his backpack and holds onto one small person with each hand and leads them onto the bus, where they will have to sit for like an hour. Buses are full of lots of people too poor to own cars, and they smell a little funny and they stop a lot, but they have big windows and they get you where you're going faster than walking does.

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He shuts his eyes tightly and is very unhappy and listens and listens because he needs to know things about people or he will never ever leave the horrible apartment again until he dies.

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Eventually they get off and can walk to the river. There are fences and some big concrete riversides to keep them from actually getting into it.

"I dunno whether there are better places to look at it. I guess we could keep walking along it and see if we find one. It might just all be like this, though."

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"Can we climb over the fences and jump in?"

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"I think you're usually not supposed to jump fences?"

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"Is it ILLEGAL?"

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"I don't know whether it's illegal."

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"I think we should do it!"

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"We can try from here and if the river spirit can't hear us then we can climb in."

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Nothing happens.


"I'm gonna climb the fence," she says, and then starts working on that.

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Connor thinks this is kind of a terrible idea but cannot actually come up with a specific reason why it's a terrible idea other than that it is not the sort of thing you are supposed to do. He will.... probably follow them so they don't drown or anything. Under protest.

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He's faster at fence-climbing despite being tiny and not dressed for it and still keeping his eyes closed most of the time.


He tries asking for the river spirit in Quenya in case that helps though it shouldn't.

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It does not help. The river continues doing nothing besides flowing and being kind of dirty.

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Poor river Maia. 

He will try singing the song that makes his clothes less grubby. It's not a good enough song to do much for the river but maybe the Maia will notice they're trying.

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The river doesn't really react to this.

"Do river spirits sleep?"

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"I don't know. I have never tried to get one's attention before."

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"Maybe it's watching a different part of the river today?"

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"I guess if I was a river spirit I'd be pretty depressed by this part of my river."

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"Maybe it's closer to the source. If I were a river spirit that's where I'd wanna stay. The source has gotta be nicer than the part that runs through the city."

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"We can't just hike to the source of the river, that's gotta be miles and miles away."

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"How long does it take to walk a mile?"

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"I dunno. Maybe half an hour."

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"Then we can walk....ten miles today."

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"Not really? You guys would get tired before that."

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"Perhaps but this is important."

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"I think it's more than ten miles away, and even if we did walk ten miles, we have to be home before dark."

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Sigh. "Okay. In that case I think I want to just sit near here and listen to peoples' conversations. Is that okay?"

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"OK. You want your lunch?"

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"That would be great, thank you."

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They can all just sit on this weird concrete riverbank and eat lunch, then. Zana will be bored but he was smart and brought Zana's Gameboy so she can play Pokémon.

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How do people talk to each other? Specifically are there any kids around, how do people talk to them? The sensory input is kind of overwhelming but if he crushes rocks in his hands which hurts in a stabilizing sort of way he can manage it.

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People have short business transactions or long talks with their friends or don't talk to anyone and just sit in their cars heading off to lunch. There are a few kids in some nearby restaurants. The older ones people have some conversations with, and the younger ones they smile at or tell to stop moving so much or argue with them about how much of their food they should be eating and when exactly they have to go home. If little children try to wander more than a few steps away their parents yell for them to come back.

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After enough of this his hands are bleeding but he is pretty sure if he concentrates on the bus he can make them stop by the time they get home.

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Are you OK?

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You're bleeding and stuff.

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Oh am I? That's funny.

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We can wash it up when we get home. I guess if it doesn't hurt it's probably not a big deal.

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Doesn't hurt at all.

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OK! Wanna do anything else today?

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Go to church but I bet Connor will say no.

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"Hey Connor, can we go to church after this?"

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"It's in the other direction from home. I guess we could walk around and see if we can find a different one?"

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"That would be just as good."

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"Fine. I guess we have time."

They climb back over the fence and walk down the street until Connor sees a building with a sign that says 'City Bible Church'.

It is less impressive than the other church. It's not dirty or especially beat-up, but the sanctuary consists of a large room with a projector and some speakers and a wooden floor that has bee filled with rows of plastic folding chairs.

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"Oh," he says. "I thought all churches were pretty."

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"Some of them are prettier. ...you wanna look for some more?"

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"...yeah. If that's okay."

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"Sure. I guess it's better than sitting."

There's a more expensive but honestly uglier Presbyterian church a few blocks down, and very plain white Catholic chapel that proclaims itself the center for Japanese Catholics in Los Angeles, and a nondenominational Protestant church that doesn't seem to have a proper ceiling and instead just has a bunch of pipes running under a lot of unfinished wood. 

Eventually they hit a Catholic Church with a sign that says "Our Lady Queen Of Angels", which at least looks like whoever built it had some concept of what they were going for at the time:

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"Yes this is good," he says contentedly. "Thank you."


And he goes in.

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Zana turns the volume on her Gameboy all the way down because playing a Gameboy in church feels kind of wrong. She keeps playing it anyway, though.

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Normally Connor would pray but it actually is kind of uncomfortable trying to pray in a Catholic church. Maybe he'll pray that the Catholics are delivered from the error of their ways and come to true saving faith in Jesus Christ.

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He walks around looking at the ceiling and mending his clasped hands and singing a praise song because he doesn't actually want to talk to God right now because he is pretty sure that the reason God is not being helpful is that he is being badly behaved and is planning to be even more badly behaved and isn't sorry at all. That seems like exactly the sort of thing that makes you not worthy of aid and so on. 


His hands heal up a lot slower than they would've at home.

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Eventually Connor announces that it is time to go home. It's very important that they're home before dark, and it stands to reason that they're going to have to spend an hour on the bus again.

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He is unable to heal his hands at all on the bus because he cannot concentrate. 


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Then Karen will notice them when she gets home. She will not comment but she will be sad.

"Bought you some fabric and thread today. I'm sorry I forgot yesterday." She would kind of like to comment that she would have gotten it last night if he'd reminded her, but she's not going to because maybe he forgot or was scared and she is not going to say things that she thinks sound like guilting people for forgetting or being scared.

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"Oooh, thank you. Do you have a needle? If you do not I can make one but it is a little tricky."

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"I think we do somewhere. You're sure you can use it without pricking yourself?" Is that an insensitive thing to say to a small child who has obviously damaged their hands today somehow. Probably intentionally. She has no idea how to deal with self-harming babies.

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"We climbed a fence to look at the river," he says. "I have lots of practice at embroidery but I did not have any practice at climbing fences."

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This is - not obviously false but at this point she mostly does not trust this child to report on his situation remotely accurately. Also that's actually kind of concerning. If Connor was with them they were probably not in grave danger but it's still actually kind of concerning.

"You guys went to look at the river?"

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"I was hoping we could talk to the river Maia but they did not seem to be listening."

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"What's a river Maia? Can I see your hands for a second?"

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Hands! They are partway healed he just didn't get to the part where the new skin grows in under the scab.

"River Maiar are Maiar whose Maia thing is a river. Most rivers have one."

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"I don't know what a Maia is. - I think you don't need a bandaid, but if you get hurt again you should tell me so we can put a bandaid on and help it heal faster, OK?"

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"It'll be better soon I just couldn't concentrate on the bus. I can fix it before I start the embroidery if you'd like."

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" - just focus on whatever you want, OK?"

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"My mother makes me fix scrapes before I go play again because she says it's a good way to learn carefulness."

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"Carefulness is good, but I think the embroidery might be even better for you right now. If you can do embroidery with hurt hands without making them worse."

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"I can probably do both at the same time. My favorite flowers are not very tricky."

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"OK! Have fun."

Eventually she serves dinner and lets everyone know that Connor and Zana's grandparents have been persuaded to pick them up the day after tomorrow. (It involved a lot of persuading. Her dignity is pretty upset about everything but she is not going to tell anyone this.) All of the nice daycares she's looked at have waiting lists, and the nice summer daycamps wanted people to register at the beginning of the summer, but there's a church-run summer day camp a ways away that's willing to accept new kids on no notice.

"I haven't actually seen the church, but at least it might be better than being cooped up in the apartment by yourself? And if you hate it you don't have to go back."

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"That sounds definitely better than being cooped up in the apartment by myself," says Maitimo. He does not say that he had no intention of cooperating with that anyway. 

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"OK then. We can drop you off the day after tomorrow. Ideally if we're going to spy on Wolfram & Hart we do that soon, but if we don't want retaliation then we probably want to at least wait until Connor and Zana are out of LA? So... two days from now. At the earliest."

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Then Karen has nothing else in particular to ask of any of these kids. They have one more day together. She's going to keep worrying about Maitimo but she's not going to do it out loud.

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He stays up all night embroidering flowers on his sheet. By morning his hands are healed.

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Zana sleeps like a minimally responsible person again because embroidering flowers is not really the most exciting thing she has ever witnessed. The results are pretty, though.

"How'd you learn to do that?"

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"My father taught me."

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"Huh. I've never met my dad."

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"That's very sad."

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Flop. "I dunno. Means I don't miss him."

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"Don't you?"

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"Nah. I feel like it'd be hard to miss somebody you don't know at all. I miss my mom, though."

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"Where's she?"

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"I dunno! She's dead, so I guess that leaves two options."

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"Once we find your Valar they'll get her back."

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"That'd be cool."

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"Wanna go to the library again and help me learn more words?"

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They can just do that all day, then.

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There are a lot of words.

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There are! Zana tries to help and also reads more about gods, because this is a topic of interest for her now. She can't check any books out because she's leaving tomorrow, though.

That night she packs up all her things. ALL of them. All of the important things, anyway, because she is pretty sure there is at least some chance that she will never get to come back and will have to have her pokemon cards and her books of of insects and plants and stars and dinosaurs with her so that she will have them if she has to run away to live in a boxcar in the woods.

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"I'm glad you can do that if you want to."

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"Oh I dunno if I can. But it's good to have plans in case things are terrible."

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"Well I bet you can."

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"I could run out of food and starve and die. But I guess if I feel like I'm about to starve and die I can go back to town and tell somebody who grandma and grandpa are. ...I guess I could also be eaten by bears."

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"Bears won't usually eat you. Some dinosaurs will so I would not live near dinosaurs I guess."

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"All of our dinosaurs are dead! Usually I think that's sad but I guess it's good for if you want to live in the woods."

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"That is a bit sad but I am happy for you anyway."

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"Maybe if you find the Valar you can tell them to bring back dinosaurs and give them a place to live that isn't full of people."

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"When I find the Valar I will tell them to do that but I think they might do some other things first."

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"That makes sense. They've been dead for a long time so it's not like anybody can miss them too bad."

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"Yeah. But like your mom, they have to get her back right away if she wants to come back because people do miss her."

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"That makes sense. 

"Do you know how to use phones? You should have grandma and grandpa's phone number so you can call us if anything weird happens. Or if you find the Valar or something."

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"I do not. Can you show me?"

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So Zana takes him to the phone and explains how you call people and looks up and provides him with her grandparents' number.

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What a good concept.

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Phones are pretty great!

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In the morning Karen is grateful that transit times exist, and that when the other kids leave Maitimo can be safely at church day camp and neither in contact with her terrible lawyer coworkers or her I'm-sure-they're-trying-their-best-but-talking-to-them-makes-me-want-to-disappear parents.

It's not a very pretty building. It's old and brick and one of the windows appears to be held together with duct tape. It does, however, have a sanctuary attached, and there's a little playground out back with a slide and some swings.

I'll pick you up at six. Don't, like, mention the whole being an alien thing, OK? Or that you can read minds. Or do the telepathy thing. I don't really want them to think they need to take any kind of drastic action about you, OK?

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He will just sit here with his eyes closed singing?

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She tells them his name is Maitimo and that he's never spent a day away from home before. She considered giving a fake name but honestly she thinks everything about him is much less surprising if you imagine that his parents were the sort of people who would name a kid "Maitimo". There are papers to sign about emergency contact information and about letting them take pictures (which she signs) and a paper to sign about letting them use corporal punishment (which she doesn't). 

She hands him his lunch. And she heads to work, because there's nothing else she can do for him here, really.

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They give him a name tag necklace shaped like a cartoon frog face that says "Maitimo". Nobody tells him to stop singing as other kids file into the combination cafeteria/gymnasium setup they have here. Some other kids are playing with board games or balls or jump ropes, but nobody comes to talk to him.

At nine o'clock, a middle-aged woman in one of the daycamp's blue uniform T-shirts tells everyone to start cleaning up so they can go to morning worship. 

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That seems fine.

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When all the toys and games are stacked on the tables she tells everyone to line up. The other kids line up but mostly do not stop talking.

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Talking to people and playing with people sounds really nice but he can't think well enough. He can line up though.

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The woman holds a finger up to her lips until everybody else stops talking. When it's quiet they walk to the sanctuary.

It's neither a pretty nor a horribly ugly sanctuary. The walls have been newly painted and the carpet is royal blue and there's a stage at the front with some speakers and musical instruments. There are projectors that make the lyrics to songs come up on big screens, usually with pictures of sunsets or praying hands behind them.

They sing some songs and then they sit down and a different woman gives a speech about how God can do anything and loves all of them very much, and when they see the frogs around the church they should remember to Fully Rely On God.

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It is still really confusing why God let all of this happen but things can be bad for a long time, right, that is the point of the story of how the universe was sung into existence, the only thing that is guaranteed is that everything is wonderful for everyone eventually. 

It makes more sense now why his grandfather is still scared about things that don't happen in Valinor.

He sings the songs and does not fidget and opens his eyes sometimes.

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After morning worship it is time for crafts. They go back to the cafeteria and the older kids are given wooden pieces and instructions on how to connect them to make a birdhouse that looks like a church. Kids in Maitimo's age group are just given assembled birdhouses and told to color them so they look nice. He is given some markers and stickers.

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That's weird but maybe the birdhouses are needed very quickly so they don't want the kids wasting time making them from scratch.


He can't figure out how to make most of the stickers work in elegantly but he can make the birdhouse sufficiently pretty assuming they give him long enough.

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They give him thirty minutes.

Most of the other kids his age just kind of scribble different colors on different sides of their birdhouses or cover them in the stickers they like best. The adults and their teenage helpers compliment all of the birdhouses, but they sound more sincere when they are complimenting his. If he leaves his birdhouse on this table he can take it home at the end of the day.

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It's awful to lie to children and pretend that their art is good; they know better. 


"There are no birds where I live but if you'd like me to take it home and finish it and bring it back I can do that."

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"Maybe you can give it as a gift to someone who has birds?"

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"I do not think they would like it."

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"Why not?"

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"This wood is very strange and doesn't have a grain to it, and it's an oddly uniform color and texture. The pieces are fitted together carelessly and the overall effect is of incompetence, rather than deliberate violation of expectations. My additions, aside from being incomplete, are inconsistently spaced and sized when you'd really want them to be especially precise and delicate if you were trying to mitigate the aesthetic problems with the materials. The design itself is very simple and it's not clear what it's going for - I initially thought there were a lot of birds displaced by a fire or something and we needed temporary housing for them in a field where no one would need to look very closely at it. If it's for hanging in someone's garden I would do it in a wood with a very visible grain, and carve it and stain it and polish it and use inks in just one color to do patterns of birds and flowers, or something else suited to the garden, and also I wouldn't do it myself because I'm not good enough at woodcarving to make things people'd want to hang in their garden yet."

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The teenager he is talking to squats down and makes a face at him that would reveal that she is torn between being charmed and annoyed even if he couldn't read her mind. She kind of thinks all of these objections are true but that he is missing the point of making birdhouses, which is mostly keeping kids occupied and practicing moving their hands and learning to move markers right.

"Maybe your grandparents would like it? Lots of grandparents love having stuff that their grandkids made."

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"If my grandfather displayed my art which wasn't very good in the palace he would pain all his visitors and be doing wrong by all the more gifted artists whose work was not displayed like that."

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Oh are they pretending now. That's fine. Whatever.

"Maybe you can just give it to your parents when they pick you up and ask them what to do with it."

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"Karen is picking me up not my parents and probably she will say that it's pretty and then stuff it on a shelf that already has too many things on it and is not improved by a birdhouse. If it was a skills-building exercise that's fine but you don't have to treat the products of skills-building exercises like artwork. Most things that people make are not pretty until they have lots of practice, Creation is the only thing that was beautiful on the first try."

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"Maybe so. I'm still going to put it on a table with the others so Karen can see it. I think it's pretty."

She doesn't think it's holistically pretty, partly because she built five of these ugly birdhouses last night and didn't really process how ugly they were as art until she was called out for incompetence by a preschooler, but she does think his additions are pretty impressive and that whoever is picking him up would probably like to see them, although maybe they'll be less impressed than she is if he's just like this all the time.

After crafts it's time for lunch.

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He has gotten so good at neatly eating with his eyes closed.

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The other kids think this is kind of weird but nobody tells him to stop.

After lunch it's time to play outside.

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Or sing outside?

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Nobody will specifically tell him not to sing outside. The other kids play on the swings and the slide and pick dandelions and pretend to swordfight with sticks. Some kids who misbehaved earlier have to stand with their noses to the wall for ten minutes.

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In the long run he will need to stop hurting so he can play with other kids because this will make him happier but that seems like a tall order for today. He sings the song that'll clean his clothes and tries to come up with a realistic but not saddening list of complaints about the school for when Karen arrives.

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The adults let them play for several hours and then give them carrot sticks for an afternoon snack and read all of the little kids a picture book.

In the afternoon they play duck duck goose. Duck duck goose is a game where you sit in a circle and someone pats people's heads and says 'duck', then eventually says 'goose' and runs around the circle and is either caught or takes a seat in the other kid's place.

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He finds an instructor. "I do not like it when people pat my head. Can I watch the game instead?"

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Maitimo can sit quietly by the teacher if he wants.

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He wants. He does not actually watch the game because it feels weird to watch.

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After they've played this for a while the group dissolves into board games and jump roping and playing catch. Every now and then an adult comes in to pick up a kid. 

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He doesn't know when Karen will arrive but obviously he will need to be playing when she does. He tries to join a board game.

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There are kids playing uno and candy land and chess and checkers. He can probably join any except candy land because candy land has a kind of absurd waiting list.

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The rules of uno are easiest to pick up at a glance so he'll do that.

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Then he can play uno!

Karen comes when about half of the other kids are gone. She is handed a birdhouse and told to sign Maitimo out.

"Well. You're still in one piece."

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"So are you!"

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"I guess I am.

"How was it? Good, bad, bad and you need ice cream about it...?"

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"It was mostly okay but when we colored bird houses another kid took the only green marker that actually worked, and when we were swordfighting with sticks someone hit me in the face even though that was not allowed. She did not get in trouble because it was an accident. Also I did not win any games of Uno."

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"Aww, I'm sorry. You wanna go home or go to church to talk about tomorrow?"

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"Also I'm suspicious that birds don't even need the houses. - church! I want to go to church."

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"They probably don't, grown-ups just like having kids make things so they can practice using glue and stuff. I like the colors, though. We can go to church."

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So she walks him to the big fancy Catholic church. 


"OK. So. I - don't actually know whether it's possible to get you home. If we want to try, I think our best option is taking you closer to the Wolfram & Hart building and seeing if you can get any info off the science team. I don't know what your mind reading range is or how much information you get off of people."

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"I can listen to people in the park from your house. I can listen to people I know from farther away than people I don't know. I can hear what people are putting in their thoughts to share but not things they are keeping secret."

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"I don't have a great idea of what that means. You only hear things that people are specifically thinking about, and only if they don't want to keep them secret?"

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"Only if they're not keeping them secret. Grownups usually keep most of their thoughts secret where I am from but here they do not."

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"Maybe people don't know how to counter mind reading in this dimension. If they happen to be thinking about different things all day, you can't get any information about whatever they did to pull you here?"

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"Not if they aren't thinking about it. Mandos can read all the thoughts a person's ever had but only him because it's his job."

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"So we gotta make sure they're specifically thinking about it. And even then it seems possible that they might not have the specific thoughts we would need to reconstruct what they did."

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"It seems like it probably will not work. But that is okay."

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"...It's not, really, it means you'll be stuck here indefinitely. And you hate it here."

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"I think I will get used to them with time."

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"It also means we're never going to be sure that Wolfram & Hart doesn't still want you, which... causes additional problems."

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"I think that probably you should quit your job and we should run away and live in the woods."

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"We can't live in the woods. I have pretty much none of the skills needed for living in the woods. We would have to move to a different country, which would only sort of help because Wolfram & Hart operates in lots of countries and probably all of the ones where people speak my language." Also they may or may not own her soul at this point, she's really unclear on that.

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"Then probably if they ask about me you should just tell them where I am so you don't get in trouble, and I will explain to them that they should probably send me back without killing me if they know how because killing people is wrong."

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"Wolfram & Hart likes doing wrong things, Maitimo." 

It would honestly probably be good if she could just turn off her emotions like Data when she's around this kid, honestly, but she can't, and now she is thinking about all of the things she's afraid of Wolfram & Hart doing to them, and that's just really great, brain, that won't traumatize any children at all.

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Sure fine there can be hugs.


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"I know you want me to stop and I should but nothing makes any sense and all the explanations leave a lot of things out and I'd rather know what's going on."

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"I don't really want you to stop? I just - am not sure it's good for you to be taking giant risks you might not understand, and I'm mad that there aren't any actually good options on the table here. I guess."

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"I don't think it makes sense to be mad about that."

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"Well I'm gonna be mad about it anyway. Not at anyone. Just at - things. Although I guess maybe it would make more sense to be mad at Wolfram & Hart's science department."

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"I think probably they could not have gotten me if it was not the divine plan."

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"Well, yeah, but that's true of all of the bad stuff that people do. I'm still gonna be upset with them if they decide to kidnap tiny children from their parents for nefarious purposes."

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"Yes, they still should not do that. But there was probably a reason it happened and I do not think it was so we could both die for no reason."

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"Lots of people die for no immediately apparent reason, Maitimo."

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"I don't think that's true."

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She is going to pointedly not think about the holocaust for more than a second because she already did think about it for one second. She's gonna think about pink elephants. 

"Well, I think it is."

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"Well where I'm from it doesn't."

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"Unfortunately, our central problem is that we're not where you're from."

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"I can die if I want to."

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"I - don't really think that helps much but I guess it puts a floor on how bad things can get." 

This poor poor kid.

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"And then Mandos will call me and heal me and send me home and it will probably be scary but I will be fine."

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"Can Mandos find you here?"

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"I don't know."

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"I.... think we should both try not to die. Unless we would still want to if we weren't going to come back."

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"Why would anyone want to die if they weren't going to come back."

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"I mean - " Wobbly hand gesture. "There're things that're worth the trade. Like - I dunno, if someone's gonna turn you into a vampire. Better to kill yourself then than be made to kill other people. - this isn't something I would normally talk to a little kid about but this is an extreme circumstance and you are a mindreader so it's kind of unavoidable."

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"What's a vampire?"

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"People who've been killed and turned into monsters who eat people and do mean things."

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Why do you work at Wolfram and Hart if they work for Satan?"

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"It's - complicated."

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"I really don't think you should."

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"I kinda don't think I should either. There just... aren't a lot of better options. We could run now, but it wouldn't get you home. Wouldn't stop them."

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"But if we figured out how to get me back you could come with me. And take Connor and Zana and my father could build her a spaceship. And not work at Wolfram and Hart anymore."

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"Yeah. Yeah, we maybe could. But only if we can get the info we need from the science team."

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"Well. I can listen. And if they don't think about it at work, we can follow them home. And ask them."

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"I think maybe we spin up an excuse for me to talk to them about it at work. It'll be suspicious, but it'll be a lot less suspicious than following them home and asking. And not everyone who works there is... nice."

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"Orcs aren't nice mostly although I have never met one."

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"I don't know what an orc is."

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"In our world Melkor made people to serve his evil purposes and those're orcs."

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"OK. Well. Wolfram & Hart doesn't make people, mostly, it just - waves money in front of them. But they're still, you know, the sort of people who do evil stuff if you wave money in front of them."

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" - like you?"

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"Yeah. Technically. I am not a very good person but I am going to try to get you home to people who are. OK?"

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"- I think I'm really confused but maybe not in a way you can explain."

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"That's kind of how growing up is. You are having to do a blatantly unfair amount of growing up this week. But yeah, the world's just really confusing. At least this one."

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"I like growing up but I don't like not knowing how to make people happy or get what I want."

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"This is unfortunately part of the growing up process. Eventually you learn more things and it gets... differently hard."

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"Someday I will be King of the Noldor and it'll be very hard but I'll be very good at it."

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"Well. We'd better get you back to the Noldor, then.

"I think the main part of the plan that I'm not sure about is - it naively seems safer to keep you out of the building and have me talk to the science team and you just listen, but it's likely that sending you back will involve using specialized science team equipment, in which case we have to get you into the building at some point anyway, and we might want it to be a one-day plan. But at least if we make it a two-day plan then if anything goes obviously wrong on the very first step you can bolt and possibly get away - you won't end up somewhere good but almost anywhere would be better than being stuck in the Wolfram & Hart building - and we'll have more time to plan any dramatic break-ins between days."

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"I don't really have an opinion about this."

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"Super reasonable, I think I might be mostly thinking out loud. ...I think two day operation is better. If they figure out something's up on day one you gotta run, though."

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"Okay. ...where?"

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"I dunno. - I think I actually can't tell you, they have mindreaders and can probably get it out of me. Pick a direction and mindread people until you find someone good and throw yourself on their mercy?"

She winces saying it. 

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"You won't have good options if I accidentally tip them off. You will have options that are better than death or capture."

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"I will figure out how to get home and then I will make them come back and get you."

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- probably pointless to tell him to focus on himself.

"OK. Just... try to stay safe."

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"We can sit a little more. Then we gotta go home and sleep."

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Snuggle. "I'm sorry you had to send away everyone you love."

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She kind of wants to dispute that claim but it's kind of fair. Sort of.

"Yeah. I'm sorry you're stuck in another dimension where nothing makes sense."

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"I wish you'd gotten my dad, it would've gone a lot better."

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"Yeah, probably. Not your fault. We'll see if we can start fixing it all tomorrow, OK?"

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They can stay in the church for another hour, and then they have to go home and sleep.

Early in the morning, they head out. Karen walks around the Wolfram & Hart building in search of a safeish place where Maitimo can listen to Wolfram & Hart people's thoughts. Eventually she finds a church. 

"Can you hear the people in that skyscraper over there from here?"

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He cannot. Which is odd, he can hear people in this other skyscraper that's farther.

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"...I bet it's shielded. We might need you inside the building after all. Which we can do, it just means you're a lot less likely to get away if anything goes wrong."

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"You wanna forget about it and go back to camp today? Once we're inside we can't leave until the end of the day. Or until something goes really wrong."

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"Is some other day better?"

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"No, I just - I know you really want to go home. But if you think that maybe dying isn't worth it then it's - you don't have to do it if it's too scary. OK?"

It's completely and totally unfair to ask someone this size to make this decision but she doesn't really feel very qualified to make it for him, so.

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"You think a lot that they will catch us anyway. Will they probably catch us anyway or probably not."

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"I don't know. I don't know enough about their capabilities or organization or - anything - to know which way this is likely to go. Maybe fifty-fifty."

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"I think probably we should try to get to Valinor."

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"All right. Can we use the telepathy thing to talk inside the building without you accidentally saying things to anyone else?"

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"No one else reacts like I was talking to them when I do it but I'm still leaving stuff in public where they could read it if they knew how."

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"...we'll try not to use any more than we have to, then. Still use it in favor of speech, I think they have more cameras than mindreaders and if they're mindreading us we're kind of out of luck anyway."

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Then she'd better get to work.

The people at the front desk ask them both to use the fingerprint scanner and then wave them through with a smile. 

She takes him to the same office where he drew pictures right after he came in.

She uses the scheduling app to figure out who had meeting room 754B reserved when Maitimo showed up. She gets a name. She looks up the name in the directory and gets a face. Doubtless this is traceable, but if they're still here in two days then something has gone very wrong anyway, so whatever. 

She prints out some fake paperwork. You can actually just make fake paperwork that looks like real paperwork. It's kind of insane.

OK, she says, because she forgot to say this when they were outside, because she is kind of a dumbass, the plan here is that I invent a pretext to talk to some people, you read the people I'm talking to, I try to prompt them to think useful things, and if you can tell me what direction you need those thoughts to go in while I'm up there, you can tell me and I can steer. She's not great at steering conversations but she's kind of all they have.

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Okay. I stay here at your desk?

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Yes. If anyone says anything to you I stepped out for a moment and you're waiting for me to get back.

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She heads upstairs to the science department and tries being someone kind of like herself but with the friendly turned up like three notches. 

"Hi! Sorry to interrupt you, are you Kimberly Knett?"

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This person looks annoyed and maybe a little scared to be interrupted and then smiles right back. "Yes, what can I do for you?"

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"Great! Um, there was a problem in accounts earlier today, and it turns out there are some records we're supposed to be keeping that we don't actually have? I'm sure it's a problem on our end, but unfortunately we need you to fill out some stuff about equipment use and experimental methods."

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"Seriously? What records?"

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She hands over her paperwork. It is not very perfunctory paperwork because it is intended to actually, like, gain information about whatever was done on Monday in room 754B. "This stuff. They're supposed to have this magical transcription service, but I think someone got uncursed or something, and now there are holes? - It's kind of a lot, though, if you have some of this stuff already written down somewhere I could probably copy over the obvious bits and save us both some time?"

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" - yeah, why don't you do that." She shoves a different stack of paperwork across the table.

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"Cool, thanks." She will just... take this somewhere else that is not her office. There are lunchrooms and stuff that shouldn't be very occupied at this hour.

Anything understandable in here about whatever they were doing on Monday?

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Nothing on Monday except that due to logistical difficulties the trials were delayed until Tuesday. 

For Tuesday, there's detailed notes and a three-dimensional chart. This is the elaborate equipment setup. The ideal location for summonses class DFA will be at any of the points where these forty lines intersect, which they mostly do not on Earth but these two briefly intersected in that supply closet on Monday and Tuesday and in the adjacent one Wednesday and in a room on the floor below on Thursday and Friday. The run of tests will be over in ten days when the point of intersection is too far underground to be usable. So far twelve useful specimens have been captured and another thirty killed -- the summons invariably fatal if there's metal in the vicinity, or if the summoned entity is wearing some, or if they got any calculations wrong, which of course they did not. 

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Is there enough information to determine where the summoning point will be tonight, what the steps are to do a summons, and whether the summons is just pulling from random dimensions or one specific dimension or if it's something they could aim at Valinor or wherever specifically?

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You bring the equipment to the point, set it up, coat a needle at the precise right spot with the blood of a virgin and chant some things. At the moment the point of interest is somewhere in between the floor of the eleventh floor and the ceiling of the tenth, which is why summons today were called off at 10am. They'll resume tomorrow at 9am once it's come down through the ceiling to the right spot. 

There's a section on how they select a particular dimension but it's almost all equations and abbreviations and then the things to chant, which are not English.

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Can she find the chants for the dimension they were trying to reach on Monday? (Is it Latin? It's probably not Latin but she can do Latin phonetically if it is. Lots of things are Latin.)

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She can find the planned Monday schedule and the chants associated with each of the Monday trials. It's not Latin. 

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Does it at least use English letters? Can she even take an ill-concieved stab at pronunciation?

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The letters are familiar but it'd be a fairly ill-conceived stab at pronunciation.

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I think this particular summons is one-way. I can try pulling some more of your people through, but there's, like, a two-thirds chance it'll kill them. Probably higher than that because we don't know what we're doing. If you could - figure out what language these chants are in that would be great but I'm not optimistic about it.

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Can't you say you need that on the form? 


The other problems sound like problems.

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I guess I could type up a revised form, I doubt she looked at the whole thing. 

I'm not gonna say it's impossible to get you home, but it's looking pretty unlikely that this is the way, and I don't have other leads.


We could - ugh, I'd lay better than even odds now that we could make it as far as trying without getting caught, but odds are that it kills whoever we bring through. And even if it doesn't, my defection will then be obvious, and I'm not sure how useful it is to have any of your people inside Wolfram & Hart.

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We could get a Vala.

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I have literally zero idea how to lock onto a Vala. I don't actually know how to lock onto anybody in particular.

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Oh. Well if you figure that out I think we should get a Vala because we can't hurt them and they can fix things and I have tried pretty hard to use my own resources as far as I am able and I think this is an occasion where help will make me stronger and that's when you're allowed to ask a Vala.

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I feel pretty confident in saying that we are already doing our best here, yeah. Problem is we don't know enough about the summoning process to use it intelligently. And even if we knew as much as Wolfram & Hart, they've still killed more people than they've successfully brought through.

- do you, like, remember anything about what happened before I found you in the closet?

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I was sleeping and then there was a lot of smoke and it was bothering my lungs so I tried to run away but I got stuck in the room I'd run into and people were yelling and I was so scared I couldn't move which has never happened to me before and it took me a while to figure out what my body was doing and make it stop and for some reason when I made it stop I started crying.

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OK. Thanks.

I'm not immediately sure how to improve on a seventy-five percent chance of death, assuming we can figure out this language's phonetic rules by the end of today. I am a little less hesitant about that than I would usually be because of the whole Mandos thing, but not a lot less hesitant because I have no particular reason to believe that Mandos knows about this dimension. I'm not sure whether giving it a shot is better or worse than trying to run away to outer Mongolia or wherever.

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I think we should run away to outer Mongolia and live on a farm.

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I guess there are probably worse fates.

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Are they summoning more people from my world?

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Not clear. They're definitely summoning more people but I'm not sure if they're from your world. They're going to keep summoning stuff for ten more days, looks like.

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Can you check that please?

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I'll see if it's in here.

Anything in this pile of paperwork about that? Anything in this pile of paperwork about anything else plausibly useful?

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There's some documentation on the dimensions they're pulling from. This one has demons whose bodies are useful for lots of rituals and another species that can't survive in this atmosphere, might be worth trying to avoid the second one, here are some notes on that. This one has demons that are great at magical tracking. This one has demons that breed very rapidly and are useful for feed for obligate carnivore livestock species in Wolfram and Hart's possession. This one has demons whose venom glands produce a powerful, untraceable poison and demons who explode on contact with oxygen, notes on avoiding. This one has mindreaders that die quickly in captivity, another species with an immunity to mindreading that makes them annoying to learn anything further about, and Powers that should not be summoned, here are some notes on avoiding them. This one...

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Anything in the notes on avoiding Powers that she can maybe specifically do the opposite of?

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What do you know, these warnings are written clearly in plain English. There's a known association between the amount of blood used and the life force summoned; using too little usually gets you comatose members of the target species. In universes with Powers, using too much might fetch one. This has happened due to operator error three times; twice it was lethal to everyone in the vicinity.

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That doesn't make any sense.

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How so?

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There are fifteen Valar. There always have been. They can't have gotten any. Also - we'd have heard, if they had.

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Anything else powerful that lives in your dimension?

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There's Maiar. They're Valar but much much much smaller.

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Maybe they got one of them? Something powerful enough to do damage but not so powerful that they couldn't stop it?

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There are lots of those. The Valar would have noticed but I might not have heard about it.

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Maybe if we use a lot more blood than operator error gets you, we get a Vala. And even if we don't, we might get something powerful enough to break us out of here.

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Did you get an answer to the thing I asked you -

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Yeah. I think they got some of your people but they died. Not sure how many.

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I still kind of want to run away to Mongolia but I can't let them keep doing that.

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Do you think if we got a Vala it'd live even if we messed something up - 

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I am pretty sure nothing can kill a Vala.

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I say we try it and we use a lot of blood, I think.

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I think you're really good.

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Some days I still try.


She copies the chants she needs, writes up and prints new fake paperwork, fills out her new fake paperwork, and goes back to find Kimberly Knett.

"Hey! I filled out most of it, if you could just give me the last few fields?"

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"Yeah, okay."

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"You're a lifesaver! Possibly literally."

She'll just wait a minute for her paperwork.

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Good good good. She'll just take this back down to her office and look at the field that asks about the language of any mystical chants used.

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She spends most of the rest of the day skulking around the internet trying to figure out anything in the neighborhood of how one goes about reading Aramaic. At the end of the day she is still not very sure but she feels like her stab at it might be slightly less in the dark.

Around seven she orders pizza, because if you're going to your death you should have pizza, or something. Ideally she would have chocolate, she thinks she read somewhere once that it's good to have sugar if you've lost a bunch of blood, but she doesn't think chocolate really gets delivered, so she'll have to make do with water and the overly cheery patterned first-aid kit she decided to keep at her desk the first time she saw someone die here.

Eventually the lawyers whose offices feed into hers leave for the day. Eventually most of the rest of the building clears out. 

All right. Time to see if the relevant room has ceiling tiles or if we have to dismantle it more dramatically, I guess.

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I feel scared.

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Me too. Hug?

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I hope it's someone I know. Aulë's nice.

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I'll settle for not being immediately smited. Smote. Whatever.

She leads him up to the tenth floor room. Plausibly he shouldn't be there, but she feels like maybe seeing a plausibly familiar kid instead of just her will prevent the worst possible outcomes.

Ceiling tiles?

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Yep. Generic office ceiling tiles.

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Score. She removes the offending ceiling tiles so she can get to the space between floors. She checks that the equipment for tomorrow is set up right. She holds her breath and cuts herself over a drinking glass and curses, quietly, about the fact that cutting yourself deep enough to get a decent amount of blood apparently really hurts.

She fills her glass, trembling. She wraps a bandage around her arm and breathes deeply and tries to will herself not to feel dizzy. She drops her needle into her glass. 

She stands on the meeting room's table and lifts her glass and chants in what she hopes is something resembling proper Aramaic.

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At first there's a creeping sensation like a thousand spiders running eagerly up one's arms, all for the same place; it intensifies into the feeling of static on a television; it hurts, and then it resolves itself into a woman, sitting on the floor, shorter than Karen even were she standing. She looks old, partially but not entirely because she has long grey-white hair.

She looks up at them. Her eyes are brimming with tears. 

"Oh," she says, quietly. 

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He flings himself into her arms. 

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She drops the glass of blood and it shatters and now she's got a bunch of blood on her pants.


" - hi. I apologize for bringing you here without asking. I think that probably someone is about to come here and try to kill all of us so if you are capable of preventing that that would be awesome."

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She lifts a - shawl? layer of robes? off her shoulder and drapes it over Maitimo, tucks the edges in carefully so all you can see is the edge of his robes. She is crying. The room is getting colder. 


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She steps cautiously forward because what else is she supposed to do exactly.

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The woman takes her hand. Hers feels fragile. The skin is translucent. 

She tugs Karen into her arms.

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She will just....... hug this apparently kindly old woman and hope that the apparently kindly old woman has any ability to keep her from being eviscerated whenever security gets here.

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The apparently kindly old woman leans her head against Karen's arm and weeps. The cut starts healing.

HE IS VERY YOUNG, she says. It is impossible to discern whether it's meant as a reprimand. 


She pulls another thick fabric off her shoulder. It's more obvious this time that it wasn't there before. She wraps it around Karen.


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"He's been really brave," she says, because this seems like a better thing to observe than anything she might use to excuse herself or the fact that he's like five or whatever and should never have had to deal with any of this in the first place.

(She really really hopes she's not about to die. Mostly because she would feel kind of stupid if she died hugging a superpowered something from another dimension without impressing on her the fact that they really are about to be attacked with overwhelming force the moment someone notices they're here.)

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And she pulls the shawl over Karen's head and it's suddenly very quiet, and not nearly as cold. Both of her arms are folded comfortingly around Karen.

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"I - don't know anybody on the security team personally - ?"

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" - yes?" Sort of? Not well? Is that the right answer? Is she going to kill everyone in the building or something, Karen is not very sure she wants everyone in the building dead even if it's plausibly the right call - she hasn't seen Bob since she sort of threw him under the bus on Monday but if he's still alive she doesn't want him to not be - or does she just lose points for knowing them, if she's going to lose points for knowing them then it's probably pretty fair that she lose however many points -

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She stands up and starts singing. This is barely detectable while wrapped in her arms.

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- what? What?

" - with us?"

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Well she's not wrong.


"OK." Her voice sounds very small.

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She walks to the door. The carpet is changing colors beneath her feet; it looks like it's growing bloodstains, everywhere, none of them faded.

Everyone in the building can hear the singing. 

Anything that comes within thirty meters feels cold, for a second, and then notices they are moving very slowly.



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There're - some Elves - who died - and maybe some Maiar -

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- OK yeah she's ready to accept now that she's not the adult in the room anymore.

She will just. Stay under this cloak or whatever and hope that nothing terrible happens.

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She walks through Wolfram and Hart; sometimes she makes the floor crumble so she can descend to the next floor. Everywhere she goes, blood that has been scrubbed out of the walls returns. Otherwise she does not disturb anything. Anything that tries to come within thirty meters of her which is not taking her up on the offer to leave finds the air growing intolerably cold. 


There's a basement block full of prisoners. Eventually she reaches it.

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There are a lot of prisoners here, all of them unable to move or speak or starve or die, being held in cells the size of coffins. They are very powerful; anything easier to contain has been shipped out. Most of them are evil. They would like to leave.

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She gathers them up one by one, singing.

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They'll stay with her until they are clear of Wolfram & Hart, then.

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When they are done at Wolfram and Hart she stops. Stands still. 


And takes them all somewhere else. It's not Valinor.

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Karen doesn't actually know what Valinor looks like or how she would recognize Valinor if she were there. She's going to peek out and see where they are.

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Maitimo would probably have mentioned if Valinor was mostly full of choking acidic smoke and the screams of the damned, and also plausibly he would have had a different personality.


Nienna doesn't seem to be wandering, here, she seems to be looking for certain people in particular. She still cries and sings and calls out for everyone to come to her.

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Lots of people come to her, here. They run or walk or crawl or sit in place and reach, although many of them also cover their faces in their hands and cower. The demons that rule over them try to attack the deserters with whips or clubs, for a moment, before they find themselves frozen in place.


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She will pick them up one at a time and wrap them in her shawl and wrap her arms around them and keep walking.


As far as Maitimo and Karen can tell it does not take very long at all.


When she has found all of the Elves who died in Wolfram and Hart they leave, again.


They land somewhere soft, this time, and quiet. Nienna sits on the ground weeping.

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Is this it? she asks Maitimo.

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He peeks his head out. 


They're in a tropical forest, though it's not quite warm or humid enough for a tropical forest. Nienna is sitting on some lush, green leaves. She's holding one of them in each arm, now. There's a bubbling brook off to one side. 

The light that's shining in through the treetops is silver.

He tumbles out of Nienna's arms and onto the ground and breaks off a shiny green leaf and takes a bite of it. 


We're in Lórien!

He looks uncertainly back at Nienna.

We still need to get Zana and Connor but maybe we should ask Aulë about that later. 

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She walks away from Nienna and looks around.

Plausibly she should be thinking more about Zana and Connor, but honestly at the moment she is mostly processing the fact that this is probably better than being shot full of holes by Wolfram & Hart security.

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He picks a much larger leaf and starts eating it. 


He looks blissfully happy. He is kind of shaking a bit but still.

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Oh good. Maybe she managed to actually do something right for once in her entire life. She really doesn't want to interrupt him or interrupt whatever Nienna is doing right now, so she'll just kind of... stand here.

She turns back to see if any of the hell people are around or if they've all been pushed into pocket cloak dimensions or what.

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No one else is apparent.



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"That's fine," she says, weakly. "I'm good."

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"I want to go home."

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"...Is it OK if we go to Maitimo's home?"

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"Do you know where it is, Maitimo? I guess we could hike out and look for the tallest mountain, or wherever - "

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"Lórien can be lots of places but I bet it's not very far from Tirion right now." He stuffs what remains of the leaf into his pocket, looks around, picks a direction apparently at random. 


"You are still sad."

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"Well. I'm - not really very sure what's happening." And kind of not looking forward to meeting his parents because she's been a pretty shoddy babysitter, but maybe she'll get points for not literally getting their child killed. If she's lucky.

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"We got Nienna and then she brought us home." 

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"Well. Yeah. I - think I'm going to be approximately as confused as you have been for the next little bit, but that's - sort of normal when you're in a place that's very different from any place you've ever been before."

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He gets to the brook and wades right through it and comes out dry on the other side. "Nienna cries a lot. She's the Vala of grief and mercy. I haven't met her before. She doesn't go places where people are happy and I haven't ever really been sad."

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"Oh." Karen cannot actually remember the last time in her life when she wasn't pretty habitually sad. Maybe for a bit right after she and Azalea started the stupid business that caused half of her current problems.

She keeps following him. "Well, it's good to have someone focused on that, probably. And good that you haven't needed it."

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"People say that the windows of Nienna's house look outwards from the walls of the world and I did not really think about it much but it makes sense if there are lots of worlds to see."


The forest ends abruptly and instead there's a field of vegetables, fat and plump and colorful, and behind it a strikingly pretty little farmhouse, and beyond that a shining white city on a hill. The whole thing is bathed in silver light from a pillar behind the city; there's no sun or moon in the sky.

Maitimo takes a plump thing that might be sort of like a tomato off a vine and eats it.

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Luckily, she has recently had pizza and doesn't have to figure out right this second whether you're allowed to do that if you're not a prince of the Noldor.

She keeps following him. She idly checks whether her pants still have a bunch of blood on them.

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They do not. He charges ahead to the farmhouse.


There's a woman in the field just near the house; she has long braided black hair and is wearing a long white dress covered in little crimson flowers and smiles at the sight of him, but not like he's been missing for a week.

She kneels. He hugs her. 

They chatter in Quenya. 

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She'll just hang out back here and not get in the way.

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It's the next morning.

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So you haven't been gone for a week? That's good.

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Yeah! My parents would have been worried. 

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Yeah, I'll bet.

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Are you tired? We don't have to walk there, I could tell them to send a carriage for us.

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No no no I'm good. Unless you're tired. Which would make sense.

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I'm not tired. How would you like me to introduce you to people, I have just been saying you are Karen from Wolfram and Hart.

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That's... fine I guess. You could say Karen Tiu but that might be less explanatory. Or tell them I'm from Earth.

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If you don't want to meet my family you can stay in Lórien, that's allowed. Or go somewhere else.

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Nah, I gotta drop you off. And I - kind of don't know anyone else here. I'm sure they're lovely.

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He skips off to the next farm. This one has orchards and he steals four nectarines and eats them all and then gets a hug from a large, tall man with a baby in his other arm and kisses the baby and introduces Karen (the man waves) and then heads off to the next farm.

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She waves at people when they wave at her. She otherwise keeps her hands in her pockets. She doesn't take any food and doesn't try to talk to anyone.

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They zigzag towards the city. Maitimo eats something on every farm. And eventually they come to a bigger house which is the first one to have glass windows. It's surrounded by lots of different kinds of tree instead of rows of the same kind. All the stonework has gold detailing. There's a man standing in the front yard, holding a little kid, pointing out something on the far horizon while the child tries to eat his father's hand --

-- no, there's a sculpture of that, an impossibly detailed and realistic full-color one.

That's me, says Maitimo happily about the sculpture.

And then two people walk out of the house and he races into their arms.

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They talk for longer than Maitimo talked with his neighbors. Maitimo gestures at Karen, and says some things aloud in English in the midst of all the fast chattering in Quenya. He gets passed back and forth for a lot of hugs. 

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"Karen?" she says aloud after about twenty minutes of this.

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" - hi. That's me." Wave.

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Are you all right? 

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- sure. I'm fine. She isn't actually fine even by her own standards, but she doesn't really want anyone else to feel like they have to do anything about that, and wowthis is probably exactly how Maitimo has felt about her for the past week. 

Maitimo's home now and that's the important thing.

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Maitimo thinks that the Valar should get your children and a library and we should build you a house and a, uh spaceship. Would that actually be a good idea?

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Well I don't think the spaceship should be a very high priority. But I don't super have anywhere else to go, having burnt pretty much all of my bridges in the process of getting him back here. Not to whine about it, but.

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Thank you.

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No problem. I mean, kind of a problem, but - you're welcome.

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Maitimo bounces back over to hug Karen's legs. My father thinks that you should teach him English but my mother says that he should say that you don't need to teach him English right now if you don't want to but he says that that is silly and insulting because probably someone in your life has explained to you at some point that you shouldn't do things for people if you don't want to and - 

- anyway do you want to teach him English.

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(She's not sure, actually, that anyone in her life has ever specifically told her not to do things for people if she doesn't want to. She can remember getting the opposite message several times.)

Trying to teach anyone anything right now sounds kind of exhausting, given that she is already kind of more emotionally exhausted than she can remember being in a long time. And she spends a lot of her time kind of emotionally exhausted.

Sure. But - maybe, like, in a little bit.

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Are you tired? We don't have a guest bedroom but you could have one of ours.

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- I dunno. I guess it was pretty late already when we summoned Nienna. 

She's not actually sure she can sleep right now, but she's gotta sleep at some point regardless of how she feels about it.

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There's a song for sleeping if you want to but can't. 

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I'm good. But I guess I could use a room for a bit.

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He bounds off inside. The interior of the house has more sculptures -- a tree, a deer in mid-leap (not touching the ground at all), a series of translucent balls floating above their heads somehow. There's a table crowded with jewelry. There's a bedroom with a ridiculously large bed and a pile of ridiculously soft blankets and a meticulously hand-carved wooden headboard. Maitimo has to pull over a stepstool to climb onto it.

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Everyone's OK with me using this?

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Well, yeah. They're not using it.

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She would point out that she is kind of territorial about her bedroom, except she can't, because actually she hasn't had a bedroom for months and the thing she's wishing for right now is her couch that she doesn't even like.

But it's a bed and she's a human and she needs to sleep somewhere.

OK. Thanks, Maitimo.

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You can run away and not depend on anybody if you want. That's - that's the thing I was trying to explain to Zana about what makes places good. If you want to run away tomorrow and do your own thing and not talk to us again it'll work, nothing bad will happen, no one's poisoned the water - am I making any sense -

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I'm fine. I'm - homesick, but I'm fine. And tomorrow I'll have more energy for dealing with things. But - thanks.

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He slips off the bed.


There's singing outside.

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If he leaves the bedroom and shuts the door she - still won't feel very alone actually because everyone here is a mindreader and she doesn't know how to make them stop being in her head, at least when Maitimo was in her house she wasn't staring at him all the time, although she's not sure whether anyone actually is or whether Maitimo knew that she wasn't -

- but whatever. If she takes her shoes off and hides under the covers then maybe she can pretend she's alone.

She cries for a bit. It gives her a headache but it makes her stop feeling quite like everything is way way way too much. Like maybe it's only kind of way too much. She still really misses her couch and her shitty apartment and feeling like she has a space that's hers, or meant for the sort of person she is, or not mocking her for sucking with its mere existence, but it was nice of them to give her a bed and if she doesn't use it she'll feel even worse. And nobody is going to kill her here. Probably.

Eventually she sleeps. She has nightmares again, but it still counts as sleep.

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No one is obviously about when she wakes up.

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That's a good thing even if her immediate response to everything when she wakes up is 'OH RIGHT EVERYTHING SUCKS'.

Everything does not suck. She's in some kind of alien dimension where nobody definitely wants to murder her. That's fine.

She puts her shoes back on and drags herself out of bed and goes out to figure out where everyone is right now.

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They are sitting in their garden eating a pie and practicing English.

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Well if she's going to be using their house and they have previously shown interest in talking to her then probably it's better to talk to them than to not talk to them.

"Hi! Thanks for letting me use the bed."

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"Hi!" After a second of thought, "you're welcome."

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"Um - did you have any questions, or anything?"

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"Yes!" Hundreds of them, actually. Vocabulary questions and conjugation questions and etymology questions and occasionally tangential cultural or technology questions. 

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Well, it's better than independently trying to figure out what to do with herself. She can answer questions that she knows the answers to, which is not all of them but is at least much more than none of them.

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He's so happy. He bounces in his seat like a little kid. His English gets steadily better.

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Awww cute alien possibly terrifying royalty person.

She asks for food after a bit. She's not sure she can actually beat Maitimo in terms of self-advocacy but it feels like she should maybe be aiming to.

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"Of course, what do you like? We have - Nerdanel what do we have."

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"I haven't been learning the words. We have that, there -" gesturing at the pie.

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"Pie. I'm not sure what kind. I can try it and see if I can tell you?"

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"Pie! We have pie, and the fruits of these trees and the roots of those plants and bread and things you make with bread and soup and some plates of cold meat from dinner when my father visited, and a device that makes juice out of fruit, or we could go into the city and get food from the carts in the city."

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She hands Karen a plate of pie.

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"Just - fruit and bread and meat is fine, probably. Thank you."

She eats her pie.

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"We should probably go to the city anyway and get food to bring to Lórien. Nienna had a lot of people I think and probably they are even sadder than Karen because they don't know anyone."

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"We can do that once we have learned English."

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"In Karen's world you cannot eat the plants because Melkor poisoned all the water so that no one can live except in the city. So probably they will not know they can eat the plants here."

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" - I guess we could practice English and bring a cart of food to Lórien."

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"I think we could."

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Oh thank God something useful to do.

"It's not really hard to walk and talk at the same time. Also I think relevantly most of the people we picked up were in hell, or some kind of alien prison, or something, and they would probably appreciate it. - Also also I should probably at some point ask Nienna what I should be expecting in terms of getting Connor and Zana back."

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"What I should be expecting in terms of," he repeats, frowning to himself slightly.


Maitimo races off around the side of their house.

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"Um, what the plan is. For - I'm not sure what Maitimo told you, I have a niece and nephew back in the dimension I came from and it seems irresponsible to just - leave them." Also she's kind of a wreck without them but that seems like a less good reason to bring them here. Also it occurs to her that maybe that didn't actually need any clarification, but if she thinks too hard about that then she'll probably run through all of her cope pretty fast.

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"Maitimo said we're fetching them but the idiom was unfamiliar. Do you want to build a house first or get them first and then build a house?"

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"I... think they would prefer to be here. And that in an ideal situation I would probably also talk it out with their grandparents, who they're staying with right now, but I'm not sure that's possible or if it would actually be helpful." It will be the worst thing, honestly. "Also I - can't build houses. Actually. If me building them was implied there."

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Maitimo comes back riding a cart that apparently moves under its own power. 

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He stands up to follow it. "Do you want to live in a house?"

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She opens her mouth and fails to produce sounds for a few seconds.

"I - guess?"

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"Is that an offensive question?" There's a road here, paved in white stone. The cart rolls smoothly along it.

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"No, no, it's just - I don't really know how to live without a house. And am incapable of giving anybody anything to build one for me. Unless language lessons are valuable around here."

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"Oh! You just pick a style of house you like and a place you'd like to have it and then let people know that they should build a house there. And get a Vala if you don't want it to obey the laws of physics."

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"...I find the laws of physics kind of comforting, honestly. Do people not have other things to do?"

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"Most things are not as important as people who want houses having houses? That's pretty urgent."

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"I guess. If you don't have anything more pressing to work on."

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"Some people will probably have projects that are time-sensitive but not very many of them."

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"Well. If they want to, I guess."

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"Building houses is fun! And it's a useful skill to practice because once you can do it then if you ever want a house way out far away from everyone or anything you can do it."

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"Yeah. That sounds like a useful thing to be able to do. In theory."

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"In theory. Would one say, 'I'll get married some day, in theory.""

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"Um, you could but it sounds kind of weird? I'd probably say 'I'll probably get married someday.' I guess."

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"What's the difference exactly?"

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"Ummm, probably is - I'm going to say this wrong - it seems more neutral and less marked as an expression of the fact that you expect the thing is true but you're not certain? And 'in theory' is, like, that makes sense on paper, or in a simple model of the thing, but kind of encodes the idea that for practical reasons you think it might not actually work out that way for you in real life?"

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"So you would say, "someday I'll get married, in theory", if you do not think this will work out because nobody loves you?"

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"Hmm. I think maybe you could say that if everyone was assuming you would get married and and you kind of doubted this but didn't want to discuss your reasoning too much. Or maybe if you did kind of think you'd get married but you weren't really thinking about this as having any practical implications for your life right now. It's - some phrases are kind of fuzzy like that. Especially the ones that are meant to be kind of fuzzy so you can leave some plausible deniability about what you're implying."

She feels like maybe she should be using a lot less of those but at this point it is pretty hopelessly habitual.

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"I think you'll probably learn how to build houses. Some people can't pick up math because they're not very smart and I don't really know if you're smart but housebuilding isn't like math."

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"I think Karen's smart. She came up with a very smart plan to learn the ritual to summon Nienna to take us home."

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(People used to tell her she was smart, but that was a long, long time ago.)

"I did not super expect the plan to work. But... thanks."

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"It involved pretend paperwork and more pretend paperwork and learning Aramaic chanting."

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"What's Aramaic?"

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"Deadish but I think not entirely dead language from the Middle East. I don't actually know it at all, though, I just looked up some stuff about pronunciation rules and took my best guess."

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"How does a language get dead - or deadish -"

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"Um, if everybody who spoke it dies off without successfully teaching it to their children? Which I guess mostly happens either because people were prevented from speaking it by some other group of people for a while, or because it got outcompeted by other more popular languages that more people wanted to learn. There're hundreds of languages, maybe a couple thousand, and they've kind of been dying like flies since modernization because now some languages are vastly more useful than other languages."

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"You have that many people dying?"

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"I mean. Everyone dies. Uh, Maitimo explained about - we don't come back, when we die, like you do. We just sort of stay dead."

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"Maitimo explained that. But everyone dies? Of...what?"

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"Of lots of stuff? Accidents, disease, violence, ultimately old age...?"

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"Surely they can't all - what's old age?"

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"When you've been alive for a long time and your body gives out - do you people not age -"

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“We ... start out very small and we grow up? I’m older than Maitimo.”

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"OK, but - we start small and then we grow up and then our bodies sort of slowly wear out, and we end up looking - like great-grandma, I don't know if Maitimo talked to her any. And eventually our bodies get too old and worn out to keep themselves alive anymore."

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"That's awful."

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"How, uh, old are you, exactly?"

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"Maitimo was gone for about a third of a day. A year has twelve by twelve by ten days. I was born seventy years ago."

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A hundred and forty four times ten is - about fourteen hundred divided by about three hundred and fifty, so about four years to one earth year, assuming the same day length which she really shouldn't assume. 

"I think that's older than we live to be. That... explains some things, honestly."

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"What does it explain?"

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"Well, you all know how to build houses and - stuff. And it seems like that might be a little easier to learn some of the stuff you know if you had a little more time to do it in."

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"How long is it before people die of old age?"

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"Somewhere between eighty and a hundred years, usually. Uh, ten by eight or ten by ten years. But our years are, like, three by ten by twelve days and I'm not sure what your day length is because I think Maitimo probably spent more time on Earth than he spent away from Valinor. I'm not certain."

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"You slept for about a tenth of a day."

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"Oh. OK. Your days are probably at least three times longer than ours."

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"That is very little time to be alive."

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"Well. We mostly don't bother learning to build our own houses."

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"The Valar'll fix it, right?"

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"I'm sure they will."

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"How old is Maitimo?"

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"Almost ten."

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Twelve times WOW OK.


"You are... about five times older than I am. Apparently."

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"I feel less bad about some stuff now, at least."

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"I feel silly because I thought you were a grownup."

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"I am! I just... grew up faster."

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"I don't think that makes sense. You can only do so much growing up in so much time."

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"I guess I got, like, a compressed version of the growing up process. So I can read and write and work a job and take care of kids and navigate around cities with cars, and I skipped the part where you learn to draw and build your own houses."

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"I think you skipped some other parts too."

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"Don't be mean, dear."

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"I'm not being mean! I think having parts gone because you skipped them makes lots more sense than having parts missing because, I don't know, you didn't want them."

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"Vaguely concerned but also kind of curious to hear what other parts I'm missing."

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"When someone tells you you can learn how to do something you usually think you can't. You are sad all the time. You expect people to hurt you but you don't normally plan how you will make them like you instead."

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"Ah. I think that stuff is - growing up wrong. Except the sad, that's, uh, a lot of things. I don't feel like children usually start sad and then learn to be happy?"

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"Babies cry a lot."

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"I guess. I think they mostly stop because they learn other ways to say that they want something, though."

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"I guess maybe. I think when I'm sad it is mostly because I'm small."

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"I guess I am... arguably also sad because I'm small. Comparatively speaking. Except I'm not going to get any bigger."

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"You will get more - powerful, though. More able to make things happen the way you want."

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"Nooot really, unless my life changes significantly from here on out, which is admittedly looking pretty plausible? But it did not look like this was going to be true a week ago."

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"But then you found me."

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"Yep. That admittedly changed some stuff."

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Their cart rolls up to the great walled city. The pillars on the horizon are turning from silver to white.


Tirion is - shiny. There's really not a better word for it. All white stone with gold embellishments and gemstones everywhere and glass sculptures that reflect the white light. It's like walking through a shower of sparkles. Maitimo hops out of the cart to race ahead to a corner where a vendor is offering little kabobs. 

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At this point she thinks she's in the process of passing 'aaaaaa no no no too nice make it stop' and just accepting that she's landed in some kind of fairy tale realm. 

She waits for a second to see whether anyone else is gonna get out.

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They do, though not as hurriedly. The people on the streets step out of their way. 


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Maitimo is chattering happily with the vendor when they catch up. "Karen, this is Ailinel," he says cheerfully, and then a sentence that's presumably the corresponding introduction. 



Everyone starts loading kabobs into a basket to put on the cart.

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She waves at Ailinel and then sort of reverts back to standing around awkwardly following people and assuming that if anyone needs her to do something they'll say so.

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She can help load kabobs! 

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Sure. She can do that.

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And then they can go to the next vendor and take a hundred of these meat roll things and then to the next vendor and take a hundred of these cream puff things and then to the next vendor and take two hundred of these flatbreads and he's so happy.

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(She's so glad she is not as far as she can tell expected to pay for anything right now.)

It's good that Maitimo is really happy now. He's had a rough week, but it's good knowing that it wasn't too rough to bounce right back from.

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"I think we should head out when the cart's full and go straight to Lórien," he says at the eighth vendor's.

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"But Grandfather will want to see us and he always has the best food and he might have a message for the people Nienna rescued."

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"You could do that later."

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"Does Karen want to meet your grandfather, Maitimo?"

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"No." Sigh. "Okay."

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She would protest against, like, excessively weighing what she wants, but actually if she had just been rescued from hell by a terrifying crying woman she would kind of want food and reassurance from someone other than the terrifying crying woman as soon as possible. It honestly seems very likely that the people who were in hell are in much much worse shape than she is.

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So their cartful of food sets off for Lórien, with all of them walking alongside it now because it is full.

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She feels kind of like she should still be talking to people? But she's not sure what she'd say, so she'll just, like, follow along silently until either somebody says something to her or they make it back to Lorien.

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Nah he can't shut up for more than ten seconds when he's not in an unfamiliar place, apparently. "Do you think you will want your house to be in the city?"

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"I'm not sure. I'll have to ask Connor and Zana what they want before I decide, I think."

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"I bet Zana will want to live in the city because she did not agree with me about farms."

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"I think your farms are different than ours. And your cities."

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"Do you think the people Nienna rescued will like it?"

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"I think the people Nienna rescued are - probably kind of fragile right now? I'm not super sure what they need. The food is probably good."

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"I tried to see what Nienna was doing but she wouldn't show me."

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"Some chance it's kind of disturbing, honestly."

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"I know about lots of bad things now."

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"Yeah. It's - still kinda nice to space the bad things out, sometimes."

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"Some of those people are my people. That's why Nienna went - wherever she went - for them."

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"Is that the place all the humans go when they die?"

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"I dunno. I don't think they all do, but a lot of them might."

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"I want the bad things to stop happening."

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"Yeah. That's just - often a little easier said than done, I think."

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"Is that a common expression?"

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"Yeah. Usually without the 'a little', I added that for, I don't know, dramatic understatement or something."

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"Did Maitimo explain how Lórien works?"

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"Nnno, not really. I know it can be different places."

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"Lórien is the Vala of visions and dreams, and his wife Estë is the Vala of healing. The gardens of Lórien are suggestible, and if you want them to be a particular way they usually will be, but by default they'll be whatever they think you need."

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"I tested if it was Lórien by telling a leaf to taste like chocolate."

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"Oh. Huh."

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"It's generally a good place for injured people but I'm less confident with aliens."

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"That makes sense. I'm not sure the rescued people are just injured. But it sounds like maybe a good place to be keeping them anyway."

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"There're survivors of Utumno here. The ones who wanted to be alive, which wasn't most of them."

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"I dunno what that is."

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"It's the place Melkor set up in our world to torture his captives, until he was stopped."

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"Oh. Yeah, that sounds plausibly kind of similar. I didn't see a lot, though."

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"How many dead humans are there?"

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"Order of billions. Uh, ten by ten by - " she counts zeros on her fingers. "I think a billion is if you multiply ten by ten... nine times?  I don't expect that anywhere near that many are in Lorien right now but I'm not really sure how many there are."

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"Well. All right then."

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"I would apologize for dropping us all on you, but I think I regret... approximately nothing. Apart from everything I have ever done before this week."

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"If you could have asked Maitimo, he would've come.


Of course if you could've asked him we could probably have done better than that and you should not ask him, not for a long time."

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"Yeah. Not planning to. Not actually making a lot of plans in full generality right now. Apart from - I guess I have to figure out how much it is possible to talk over custody stuff with Connor and Zana's grandparents. - do you guys figure you can bring dead humans back?"

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"I mean, it sounds like dead humans are somewhere. And interdimensional travel is straightforward for the Valar. So - eventually?"

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"Eventually's better than never." It probably won't solve any immediate logistical childrearing challenges, though. Which means she either needs to kidnap her children or talk to her parents. Both of these options are terrible but what can you do.

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"What's wrong with them?"

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" - with who?"

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"Your parents - sorry. People here mostly don't float thoughts like that if they don't mean to - I'll stop listening."

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"Oh, I don't know how to - Maitimo said it could be done but I don't know how to turn it off. Uh, my parents are fine, they just - correctly believe that I make terrible decisions across several different domains."

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"It takes a lot of practice but you just need a way of consistently mentally differentiating thoughts you want to share and thoughts you don't. - you can't separate people from their children because they make terrible decisions? Or are you worried they'll want to come too?"

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Hmmm how does she separate her thoughts. "They're not technically my children. They're my sister's children. She's dead. She'd want me to have them more than my parents, honest, she's just - not really here to personally assert this. And I don't really expect them to respond very well to the whole quitting my job via extradimensional ritual summoning spell and then running off to an alien dimension thing."

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"Their father's dead, too?"

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" - well, Connor's is. We dunno who Zana's dad is. Wasn't human."

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"It's not great. We're trying our best."

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"It seems like a horrible situation for everyone. But if you invite the kids, they'll come?"

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"Yeah. They'll come."

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"Then I wouldn't ask anyone else, personally."

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My father and his father don't get along.

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"I'm not gonna let them keep the kids under the kids' protest. Ideally I would at least - let them know anything about what's going on, I imagine they'd be incredibly worried if the kids just disappeared. I mean, they'll be incredibly worried either way, but - less."

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"Would it be easier if someone else explained?"

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"I dunno. Maybe me and someone else. It's gonna sound insane no matter what. They don't know about aliens or other dimensions or anything like that. And at least if I talk to them they'll know the kids weren't just kidnapped by - I don't even know what they'll decide you people are."

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"We should come up with a name for ourselves. Right now we use Quendi, which means 'speakers', which doesn't differentiate us from most of the aliens, apparently."

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"Yeah, I think a lot of kinds of things speak. But they probably mostly don't use the word 'Quendi' to refer to themselves, so it probably wouldn't be confusing on other people's ends? Although it might be confusing on your end."

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"I think it's too imprecise even if no one else minds, but we'll have a proper debate over it in Tirion and see how it shakes out."

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Nod. If that's how they do things. 

"Anyway, I think you don't look alien enough that my parents will believe you about being aliens. Maybe if you were giant floating jellyfish or something. - I guess you don't know what a jellyfish is."

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"We don't know how to do interdimensional transit without a Vala yet."

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"We - also mostly don't except apparently lots of people secretly do. My parents are not going to believe that it's a thing. At least not unless someone picks them up and drops them somewhere."

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"I don't know how amenable to recreational trips the Valar will be, but plausibly not very."

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"Super reasonable. Honestly letting them think I've gone insane isn't much of a difference from where we are now, so... as long as Connor and Zana aren't stuck somewhere else, I guess."

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"We'll get them."

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Their cart rolls up to Lórien. The trees grow up tall and lush and shady. Lórien didn't have a road earlier but it has one now. 


The Elves start singing.

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Karen has no particular opinions on singing. She's just gonna kind of wait to see what everyone else does again.

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In the middle of the forest, once they are ready, she has silently pulled person by person out of her shawl and set them on the ground. Some of them are shivering and without clothes, so she sets them down wrapped in a length of the shawl that tears off with them. It's silvery-blue and doesn''t seem to be made out of any threads or anything.


If Lórien does not think it'll be particularly healing for Nienna to be there when they get their bearings, she'll be out of sight by the time they look around.

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There are about five hundred humans huddled in the forest. They are uninjured but mostly incapable of taking actions. Most of them are standing or squatting where they were let out, holding themselves, or else have fallen asleep in exhaustion. Several are bathing in a nearby stream. A few dozen of them are together enough to make plans, and have taken to gathering food and attempting to feed the humans who look like they might come around to taking actions after being fed and led to water. They have built a fire. A few of those who share a language are sitting around it talking about plans for exploration and continued survival.

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The road ends and the cart bumps along through conveniently clear forest instead. And then there are people. 


Hi? We got you food.

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Some of the previously nonfunctional people either understand this or smell the food and come rushing forward. A few go for the cart immediately in an attempt to secure enough food for themselves, then run away to escape retaliation. Most of them keep huddling. Even most of the ones who react don't go all the way to the cart. They line up and assume a posture somewhere between a bow and a defeated slump, waiting to be given food. Many of them seem to be under the impression that they are still enslaved, but are being taken to work somewhere else. A few of them dare to hold out their hands. None of them talk, except the group by the campfire, where people whisper to each other and do not approach the cart.

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They have trauma. He doesn't know very much about trauma but he knows it makes people act weird and you should not be surprising. He hands out food with his very best attempt at slow even movements. 

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Do you know any of these people?

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I don't think so. She scans the group for Azalea but doesn't see her. Nobody else she knows, either, except -

- oh wait, I think that one's a paralegal? I don't actually know her at all but - maybe a bunch of these are Wolfram & Hart people. Uh. Former Wolfram & Hart people.

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Probably we should get something from Lórien for the people who aren't moving and not try to give them pastries.

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That sounds right to me. Something nutritious and hydrating that they can't choke on and that tastes nice. 

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They can start picking leaves!

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Do leaves - uh, most leaves are inedible on Earth. So I'm not very sure they'll recognize them as food.

She's not even actually sure they are food. She picks a leaf without telling it to be anything in particular and takes a bite of it to see if it tastes more or less edible than lettuce.

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It tastes like it's probably some kind of vegetable. 

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Well that's better than just a leaf. Eating regular leaves sounds really unappealing.

(She finishes her leaf because the idea of wasting aliens' food sounds really uncomfortable.) 

Is it possible for her to suggest to the forest that some kind of obviously edible fruit might be a little better for these people. Does thinking that have any apparent affects at all.

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The plants directly in front of her don't suddenly grow fruits but if she moves them out of the way or walks a little further, look at that, fruits.

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Good job, forest. 

She picks some and taste tests them. She then finds a random person who's trembling but looking around sometimes, bites the fruit again to demonstrate its edibility, and gives the other person the rest. They cautiously bite it and now the person is eating. She says encouraging things in a soft encouraging voice, hopes that this isn't making anything worse, and then goes back for more fruit.


She can just keep coaxing people to eat for a while here. She doesn't have anything particularly better to do, besides maybe talking to Nienna about getting Connor and Zana back. Which she should admittedly maybe do soon, since Connor and Zana are probably experiencing a little more time than she is. But right this second she can do this.

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That looks like it is working well so they can imitate it despite being inherently a bit less reassuring than Karen.

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And slowly people get fed. Eventually some of the people by the fire determine them nonhostile and approach the cart. A few of them speak English and have a lot of questions about where they are and what happened to them and where the food came from and who these people are and why they are giving them food.

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You're in Valinor. Some of our people were summoned to Wolfram and Hart for experiments, and some of them were subsequently killed. Nienna -- the crying woman -- went to get them back. I think she also took everyone else who'd consent to come. I am Curufinwë Fëanáro, crown prince of the Noldor; this is my wife and our son and Karen, who assisted him when he was summoned to Wolfram and Hart.

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Awkward wave.

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The humans think that's all pretty suspicious, but it's a clear step up from the demon work camps, so they're willing to extend a little bit of benefit of the doubt here. None of them feel the need to introduce themselves because all of them have forgotten their names.

They want to know why he's helping them and what's going to happen to them after this.

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I want to learn all your languages! I like languages and there are only a few spoken here.


Nothing's....particularly going to happen to you? You can stay here until you want to leave, and then you can go to our kingdom or to Valmar or to Alqualondë or down south where if any places have names they don't tell outsiders about them or to the mountains or to the edge of the world or something if you really want to.

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The campfire humans talk about this and sort of collectively decide that that means it's just this one prince person helping them and that there is not actually a plan in place for what to do with them, which means that they're going to figure out how to fend for themselves. This is better than being enslaved by demons, but it's not great.

They have about a dozen languages between them. They will teach him some French right now, if he wants, and help him learn more languages if they can have carts and more clothing and nonperishable food and some metal tools and cookware and pens and paper and maps. If there are dangerous animals anywhere around here they want spears. (There was some internal discussion about guns, but it was decided that asking for guns immediately probably come off as more concerning; if they exist here they can presumably buy them later.) They want a few of their people to go back to his kingdom now so they can report back on it, and if possible they want directions to the other places. Eventually they want to learn his language so that they can talk to other people, but they expect this to take a really long time.

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"We can get you those things - what does 'nonperishable' mean -"

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Anything that won't go bad if they leave it around for a while. Canned fruit or vegetables, sealed dry crackers, salted jerky, honey...

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...nothing will go bad if they leave it around for a while. Why would it do that.

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That sounds really fake. Where they are from most kinds of fresh food rot and make you sick after a few days.

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That's probably because they are from a world that is practically ruled by the forces of evil.

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They're pretty sure even the normal world was like that, although admittedly they can't remember it that well?

Maybe he can get them some obviously nonperishable food and also some fresh berries that aren't from this weird magic forest and they can see for themselves whether fresh food rots here.

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Well he would like to learn French but Nerdanel and Maitimo and Karen can go get those things.

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Then one human will teach him some French and a couple other humans will follow the cart back, if that's OK.

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Sure that's fine and how would you ask it in French?

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They'll just leave them to that and go get some stuff, then.

"So wait, food doesn't rot here?"

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"Your food gets old and wears out just like people do?" He has hopped back onto the cart now that there's space and mentally nicknamed the humans who are coming along.

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"Yeah, that's why we keep so much of it in the fridge, if it's cold it stays good longer. Do you people not - do you never get sick, are there just not any bacteria here - if humans have bacteria in them are we going to introduce a bunch of plagues and accidentally kill you all - ?"

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"People get sick sometimes. The Valar could fix it but they don't, I don't know why."

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"It's important for your body to get practice at noticing when there's things in it that shouldn't be there, and that means sometimes you get sick."

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"So there can be things in you that shouldn't be there, but they're not the sort of things that cause rot. Do you know why you get sick, more specifically?"

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"Yes, but not in English -"

There are little tiny things in the air that try to live inside of people instead if they can. We were created with the ability to defend ourselves against them, but it needs practice. The Valar could make them all go away, but all kinds of creatures are supposed to live in Valinor and also then we wouldn't get the practice. So instead they exist, except when they really shouldn't, like around little children or animals who don't have any defenses.

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OK. Well. On Earth there are little things like that in the air and the water and the ground and in people, and sometimes if they live inside of people they make us very sick, and we can defend ourselves against them, too, so usually we recover, but sometimes we don't, and we die. And if we've encountered the kind of thing before, we can defend against it. really well, but when new tiny things have been introduced lots and lots of people have died, and this isn't much of a thing in my country anymore but mostly because we have medicine that the people in Lorien don't have right now. And these are the same kinds of little things that get on our food and eat it and cause it to rot, the rotting is actually the process of the food slowly being eaten by bacteria or mold or whatever and turned into waste that'll make us very sick if we eat it. I am confused about how you have some parts of that but not other parts of that, and also confused about whether food will just continue being safe for the humans or not.

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I think the Valar decide - species by species and maybe even person by person - how things should work.

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OK. So we don't know what's going to happen to them.

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We should probably ask Aulë but I really don't think they'd make food start decaying, that'd just be really bad for people and when they decide that's what they're thinking about.

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OK. Hopefully. ...Thank you.

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The people who founded Valinor were not coming from easy lives. They did all right. I think your species will do all right too.

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Here's hoping.

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Elsewhere in Lorien, there is a VERY DISTRAUGHT leather bag that contains a somewhat ambiguous number of people. Everyone in the bag is VERY UPSET ABOUT IT. 

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Lórien is not actually very equipped for the purpose to which it's being put but....birds could...tug at the fastenings on the bag until it opens?

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The bag is very old and hasn't been opened in a long time, so it takes a bit, but eventually it opens. 

A person wrapped in cloth emerges from it. He falls on the ground and notes that he has skin again. He hasn't had skin in a very long time.

Everything is strange and different here. It's better than being trapped, but he still doesn't like it. He opens his mouth and reaches down his own throat until he finds his vajra, sharp and humming with the power of the human souls inside it. He is still powerful. But he is not safe.

He channels energy through the Vajra and out of his mouth. He blasts the leather bag until it is a charred and crumbling husk. It cannot be used to contain him again. But still, he is not safe. 

He looks around and finds some fruit. He licks it. It tastes like fruit, but it may be poison. It would take a very powerful poison to affect him, but but he doesn't understand this world and doesn't know what to expect from it. He tucks it into his cloth wrappings for later.

He flies up high above the trees and takes in his surroundings. Are there people? Structures made by people?

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There's a city surrounded by farms and some villages that are more distant.

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People are terrible. He hates them.

He flies off in whatever direction looks like it has the least people.

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Those mountains haven't got any.

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Then he can fly to the mountains. Eventually he'll have to get rid of the people, but he did just receive new skin after centuries of captivity. He might be due for a rest first.

If he can be very sure that there are no people for miles and miles around, he'll go to sleep.

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Miles and miles away, people are learning French and very pleased about it. 

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Oh good! This person actually knows a bunch of languages, but doesn't really want to teach him all of them until they've gotten more things. She's very impressed with how quickly he's picking it up, it takes most people much much longer.

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Which other ones does she know? (Among Elves it'd be very rude to be all transactional about language-teaching and supply-fetching but these are traumatized aliens and he's not going to try to explain that).

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English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, Hungarian but she's pretty sure her accent is atrocious, some Cherokee, a little Chinese, a little Arabic, enough Latin to read poetry with a dictionary.

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He is so jealous!

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"You can learn them all eventually!" she says, in French.

(She's not entirely sure he can learn them all eventually, because most people don't live nearly as long as she does, but hey, some actual humans are polyglots too and who knows how long these demons live.)

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"Oh, we don't die. I don't think you will here in Valinor, Valinor mostly isn't horrible if there's some obvious way it could not be horrible."

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"Ohh. Is that so." She was not going to die anyway but that's fascinating. Also apparently these people are mindreaders, lovely, maybe she should be doing that thing she learned to do in Tibet a long time ago to block basic mindreading. And now all of her thoughts are private.

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"Yes. 'is that so', do you say that for skepticism, or -"

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She says it's a polite filler phrase that doesn't mean much of anything. She is pretty consistently less helpful than Karen when she talks about connotations, honestly.

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French is still enough to keep him occupied until Maitimo and Nerdanel and Karen come back. 

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They have maps, paper and parchment and ink, cooking pots and water skins, knives, jars of jam and honey, and beautiful clothing for everybody. 

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"We don't have more carts like this one, it's new magic and the only other carts that move at all don't handle terrain well. You can attach normal carts to the back of it."

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They are very happy about all of the stuff. Well, the ones who can manage happy at all are happy, although some of them are also still kind of paranoid about the elves' intentions. They note the lack of spears and take it as information, but they don't bring it up out loud. They can try making weapons out of rocks or sticks or whatever later. At least they have knives, knives are pretty important.

" - but you're offering us the magic cart anyway?"

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"We can make another."

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These people are so suspiciously helpful apart from the not giving them any way to defend themselves. It's very suspicious.

"OK. Thank you."

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Can he learn Spanish now?

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Yeah sure he can learn Spanish, that's fair.

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Has anyone remembered their names? Not having names seems very sad.

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Nope, nobody here seems to have a name. Except this one person who says he was astral projecting the last time the cart visited, his name is Kevras. 

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"Hi, Kevras. What's astral projecting?"

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"I sit very still, and I let go of my body, and my spirit wanders outside it. I saw the farms and the city beyond the forest, and then I came back to my body to make sure nothing had happened to it."

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"Huh, cool! Can anyone learn that?"

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"Many can learn, with time. Only some can travel of their own power. Give me your hand?"

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Sure that sounds legit.

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The old man takes his hand and closes his eyes. He breathes deeply and then shakes his head.

"Your spirit lacks this power. You can travel only with assistance."

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"Would you like assistance?" 

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"All right. Sit down and close your eyes."

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He does that.

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Kevras holds Maitimo's hands in his and focuses. 

Maitimo is now standing behind his body. He's gone translucent. A similarly translucent version of Kevras is nearby. There's also another newly visible entity, a tangle of light fluttering some ways above them.

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Oooooh!! Cool!

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Yes. Don't wander far, I'm not entirely sure how your body will react to being parted from you.

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Can I fly? 

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Yeah. You can fly. It takes some concentration.

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He will try very hard to concentrate so he can fly!

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This will work out for him! He floats off the ground.

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Delighted tiny child.

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Kevras will keep monitoring his body and make sure it isn't dissolving or anything.

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Well if Nerdanel is the only not obviously super occupied Quendi then Karen will direct further questions to her. 

"I should probably get Connor and Zana before I settle down out here with the rest of the humans? I think they're probably experiencing about five times as much time as we are, so I shouldn't wait a whole lot longer. Is there something I should be doing about that right now...?"

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"I think we should get Aulë. He's usually the most practical and I would be surprised if Nienna were done here. We can head out now, if you'd like."

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"Yeah. I would appreciate that."

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This time they walk in the opposite direction from Tirion, towards the mountains. Nerdanel sings to herself.

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She... mostly just tries not to think about too many things. At some point she's really gotta figure out private thoughts.

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Eventually they get to an adorable little village with little stone houses. A very large man with red hair comes out of one of them and gives Nerdanel a hug and waves vaguely in Karen's direction and then points them off thataway. 

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She'll just.... go thataway?

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Thataway is a cave system, apparently. It has big glittering crystals and stunning cave formations and absolutely no light. Nerdanel seems unbothered.

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"Um... not to be a pain but I can't, like, see in here?"

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" - huh, not at all? The path's heated."

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I can't see infra red. Shades between violet and red only, over here.

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All right. I suppose I could carry you?

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...I guess. If you can and don't mind a lot. Or I could just, uh, hold your hand or something. Unless there are rocks to trip over.

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There are a lot of rocks. 

She lifts Karen up easily and keeps walking.

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Well that's fine then, probably, wow Quendi are kind of alarmingly strong.

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She walks for another fifteen minutes. The air gets notably cooler.


Then suddenly it's adequately lit. They're in a cavern that stretches on for a long way in every direction. The ceiling has towering stalactites. The ground is mostly covered in sharp, stunning crystals taller than them. On the path ahead of them there's a very large, very wide, bearded man. 

Nerdanel kneels. My lord, we have a petition.

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She'll just also kneel, that seems like the thing to do here, she should probably have asked earlier what was going to happen at this point.

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We believe that we ought not to act too much on Earth. This is the world that we were charged with. But I can take Karen to get her sister's children.

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Nodnod she is not super sure how to speak right now.

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Would you like to go now?

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Can I come right back?

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OK. Then yes. Thank you.

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He walks over in two large steps and picks her up in one hand and now they are standing in the middle of a street in Florida.

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Oh boy OK that sure is a thing.

- don't think too hard. Just deal. It's like when someone kills somebody in front of you, or apparently when you find an alien child in a closet in a room full of corpses, you don't think too hard, you just deal.

She hops off Aulë's hand and ignores the cars that are stopping for him and rings her parents' doorbell.

Her mother comes to the door. She's in her fifties now, hair greying a little. 

"Karen?" says her mother, like she's grown a second head, even before she sees the giant standing behind her. "Karen, we tried to get ahold of you, you cannot just drop the children off when you please and then ignore us, you have to - what is that?" And oh, yeah, now she sees Aulë.

"He's a... Vala," says Karen, lamely, and briefly looks back at Aulë to see if he would like to say anything slightly more enlightening than that on account of her brain is not super working right now.

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Hello, says Aulë, tilting his head to look into the door of their house. Karen sought assistance with protecting her family.

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"Harold, call the police," says her mother, after a moment, turning to face the kitchen.

No point in dealing with that. " - look, Mom, it's - I need to get out of here before someone calls an air strike on me personally, or whatever, but - it's not safe here, for the kids, or for me. It wasn't safe in LA, and it's honestly probably not safe anywhere in this dimension, so - "

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"Auntie Karen!" shrieks Zana, charging out the door to tackle her.

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Karen scoops her up and hugs her. "Hey. Sorry I took so long. We don't have a lot of time, OK? Can you be good and get your suitcase?"

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Nodnodnod. "You're not REALLY gonna have a doctor cut my horns off, are you?"

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"No, I lied through my teeth. We're gonna go live in a forest in a dimension with psychic aliens, OK? But you have to hurry up and get your things."

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Nodnodnod! She runs off to get her things.

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     "Zana, stop," says her mother. Karen shakes her head and Zana continues bounding off. "Karen, will you tell me what is going on?"

" - it's complicated. I - worked for a Satanic law firm until last week, and then I interrupted some trafficking of - honestly picture Vulcans, they're not but they're close enough - and I opened up a portal to another dimension, and I think descended into hell and rescued some of the damned, that part's kind of fuzzy. Anyway, the Satanic law firm wants me dead, and as far as I can tell nobody in the other dimension does, so - I'm gonna take them over there so we can all not die."

     Her mother stares at her like she has gone completely insane. Which is, you know, valid.

     "Karen, are you feeling all right?"

"No," she says, after a moment. "No, I'm not, but I'm - I need to do this, OK? And - I would argue with you about who gets the kids, but y'know, they're gonna come running out the door as soon as their suitcases are packed, and I have a teleporting giant behind me, so I don't really think this is an argument that you're going to win."

       Her mother swallows. "Well - where are you taking them - "

"To Vulcan, mom. To, uh, this planet called Valinor full of forests and farms and nice long-lived alien people. It's all right, they'll like it there."

      Her mother is trembling. It's really convenient Aulë is right here. She has the sense that she'd be spending a lot more of this argument on defending her sanity if he wasn't.

      "When. When will we see you again," asks her mother.

- she doesn't know the answer to that, actually. She looks back at Aulë again.

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We will not assist in regular transit between these worlds without reason to believe we were intended to serve that role. One assumes that other methods of transit will eventually be invented.

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"Can't say."

Her mother does not seem super able to process this. Zana runs out pulling a rolling suitcase that's about as big as her. Connor walks out a moment later, eyeing Aulë warily but following his sister. Karen follows, too, away from her parents.

no, sorry, just a second.

She runs back to her mother and hugs her. She hugs her mother every Christmas, just about, but she hasn't hugged her and wanted to since she was fifteen. 

     Her mother hugs her back. "Harold, for Heaven's sake, stop calling people." And now both her parents are hugging her. 

"I love you guys," she says, and in that moment she means it. 

She lets go.

     "Well," says her mother, pointedly, to her father. "Say something to her."

     Her father regards the giant behind her evenly, like he just about expected to run into a giant standing in the middle of the street someday, though maybe he didn't expect it to be carrying of his daughter and is grandkids to another planet. 

     "You'll find your own way out there," says her father.

"Yeah," she says. "I will."

     "You kids be good!" he yells. "Make good decisions!"

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"We will!!"

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She walks back over to the kids. "We ready?"

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Wary nodding.

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Enthusiastic nodding!

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"OK. I think we're good."

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Aulë scoops them up in his hand and now they're back in the cavern. Nerdanel is patiently kneeling there, waiting.

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She helps them down and then kneels again. 

Thank you.

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Of course. You'll need something so you can find your way out. 


And he reaches down and pries an enormous glowing gem out of the floor and hits it with his hammer so it turns into forty brightly-glowing perfectly-cut gemstones which roll across the ground to all around them.

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She picks up a glowing gem and waves it around.

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Karen takes a gem, grabs Zana's suitcase for her, and heads out.

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"Bye Mr. Giant person!"

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"His name is Aulë."

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"Bye Aulë!"

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Then they can walk out through the caverns! Now that the humans can see them, they're very pretty.

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Zana thinks this is probably the coolest thing that has ever happened to anyone in the history of any world that has ever existed anywhere.

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Oh cool, pretty caverns. 

She doesn't say anything on the way out. 

I think we just want to head back to hang out with the humans in Lorien. If that works.

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Of course.

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Then they'll just follow her back to Lorien.

She explains to her kids that they're going to live out here in the woods for a bit. There's not a boxcar but the forest is friendly and nothing rots and that's honestly better than a boxcar anyway. Everyone else here is from hell so they might all be really fragile.

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They're gonna be CAMPING in a MAGICAL FOREST right next to ALIENS. 

Also hey Maitimo is here!

"Hi Maitimo!!"

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Maitimo is showing people how to make Lórien make fruits they like. "Zana!!!"

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Hugs! There should be hugs!!

"We had to stay with my grandparents for a week and a half and it was TERRIBLE but then Auntie Karen and Aulë came and got us and we came out in these biiig caverns with these glowing rocks and now we're here!"

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"And now you can live here where no one has poisoned the water."

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"What even is this stuff about the water being poisoned that you guys keep talking about?"

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"Zana said I couldn't run off and live in the woods because the water would make me sick. But the water here does not make me sick and I think the water in your world making people sick is very suspicious because it helps make everyone feel trapped."

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"That's because water has germs in it. The things that make the food rot. Nobody poisoned it, it's just that germs are everywhere and you have to specifically kill them before you eat or drink anything if you don't want them to get inside you and start eating you."

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"Well here you can just eat things."

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"Yeah. Apparently so." She's honestly kind of unclear on how true this for humans is but hopefully it will keep being true.

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"And it sounds like people don't want to live in the city, kind of like how your cities aren't good places for us, so it's good you can set up your own thing."

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"I'm not sure we don't want to live in the city. I think everyone's... very tired. And doesn't want to bother anyone else too much. We'll have to see where we're at once we can get some more of these people responding to anything besides food."

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"There's other cities too if they don't like Tirion. They just have different kings."

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"Not super big on kings, I suspect. But it's not a problem with Tirion specifically, we're just - I'm not really sure what we need right now."

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She doesn't really feel like that calls for hugs, actually, but sure, why not.

"M'sure we'll figure stuff out a little more with a little more time."

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"Course you will. You figured out the ritual and that was way harder."

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" - I'm not actually sure that that's harder than figuring out the needs of a bunch of traumatized people and possibly founding an entirely new society with them? But - thanks."

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Eventually Maitimo's parents suggest to him that if he wants to sleep at home today they should head out. He declares that he wants to sleep here. They shrug and leave. He settles down in a bed of brightly colored flowers.

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Well, if they're sure it's safe. She watches her kids go to sleep nearby and thinks about how this has been a really, really insane week, but she seems to have gotten through it in one piece, and so has Maitimo and so have Zana and Connor, so how terrible can any of this have been, really.

She looks over maps and talks to people and double-checks that all of the unresponsives have enough food, and eventually she sleeps.



When she wakes up, people are in the final stages of preparing a slightly larger group to go and explore Tirion. They point out that she's one of only three humans who has ever actually been there, and she is sort-of-voluntold to add herself to the group. This beats sitting around in the forest with nothing in particular to do, so she doesn't protest it.

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Zana thinks that going into the city is an excellent way to spend today. Also that Maitimo should come, Maitimo can show her whatever all the good things about the city are.

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"I can!!! I know all of the good things in the city and you can meet my grandpa who is the king."

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Zana kind of thinks that kings are extremely suspicious and probably evil, BUT they are maybe in a fairy tale world now and the rules are a little different in fairy tales. She decides to wait and see.

"That sounds OK."

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Bounce bounce. Who all is coming into the city? Have any of them remembered their names?

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Karen, the woman who knows about a dozen languages, and six other people are going to Tirion. None of the ones from hell claim to have remembered their names.

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Awwww well okay.


Lórien produces a smooth paved road to Tirion.

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That's kind of weird but OK.

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Zana doesn't think this is weird. This is pretty much how fairy tales work, and Tirion is OBVIOUSLY a fairy tale city.

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They pass through fields full of crops. The road winds up a hill. At the top of the hill is Tirion. It's golden and shining.

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Yep, that pretty much checks out. 

"What should we do first?"

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"We could go to the gardens? Or the forums? Or the shops? Or the palace? What does everyone want to see?"

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Three of the adult humans are together enough to have opinions. All of those vote for the shops first.

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The streets are not very crowded at this hour. There are still some vendors at the corners. They're singing. This shop has glassware; this one has pottery; this one has dresses; this one has cutlery; this one has scarves; this one has shoes.

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Some of that sounds useful. She mostly wants to look at prices, if they're posted, to get a sense of the relative costs of things. It'd be good to stop living off of other people's charity as soon as possible. She's super unclear on how she's going to make money, of course; she's not an artist or a tradesperson and she's pretty sure literally none of the jobs that she's worked so far have been invented yet. 

"Hey Maitimo? Do people, like, hire other people to do things, here, or is all of the exchange just goods?"

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No prices are posted. 

"You can ask people to do things for you? What sort of things do you have in mind?"

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"Um, like, does anybody need anything done? Or - I assume I can't actually do anything that nobody else can, but maybe there are easy things that some people are too busy to do and would pay someone for? Cleaning? Harvesting... whatever needs to be harvested? Stuff in that vein?"

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"We don't do the thing here where you have to work to get money and have money to get things."

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"So the shops are all just - people giving stuff away?"

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Well that's - annoying, actually, a human settlement in the forest is inevitably going to be a huge strain on everyone else, and this way they have no way of measuring how much of a strain they are and no way of telling when they've stopped being a strain and no particular incentive to stop, other than security and stability concerns. 

The other humans do not appear to share her feelings about this. They would like clothes and shoes and pottery and probably lunch, if they can find someone giving away food.

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All of these are available, from three or four different competing shops. It is not properly lunchtime but there are people distributing food anyway. 

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The humans have been on pretty restricted food access for a long, long, time, and the novelty of being able to eat whenever they want has not yet worn off.

Karen is still pretty concerned about the effects of the humans having no particular incentive to ever do anything, partly because there have got to be reasons to do things and they're probably just being obscured by, like, high social trust or whatever. 

"Are people going to get, like, resentful? If the humans keep taking their stuff and not providing anything of value back to the people of Tirion?"

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" - I think probably eventually? But not for a long time, you were in a terrible place and now you are all unwell and you will need some time to recover and also you rescued me. It would be absurd and jealous to expect things from you now."

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"OK. Just - can I get an amount of goods consumed, or time frame, here, of about when to start worrying about that?"

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"In Ten Years, I think maybe? I'd be more sure when it was closer - maybe in five if your village was completed and beautiful and offered no hospitality to guests."

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"Oh, man, if we have problems they're not gonna look like that. But thanks."

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"There's useful work that doesn't take much time, if you wanted to take it up once everything's more settled. You could conceive of a good sort of fruit and coax it from Lórien and bring it up here in a cart sometimes. Or make Pop Tarts. We don't have those. And you could give lectures in English for the linguistics guilds."

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"Pop Tarts are... complicated to manufacture. Humans have a whole lot of things that no one person knows how to make, and Pop Tarts are one of them. Like, you need someone to grow sugar and grain and whatever else even goes into them, and I suspect they probably make them with big machines of some kind to pour the filling in, so then you need people to maintain and run the machines, and people to package them, and whatever else they do at Pop Tart factories."

She sighs. "The fruit thing is good, if you like any of our fruits. And I am probably capable of giving lectures in English. - Lorien's not gonna get tired of hosting us for a while, right?"

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"Not ever. The Valar don't so much tire of things."

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"Well that's something."

She is not a big believer in hard work, in the sense that just because you're working hard doesn't actually mean that you're providing anything of value to other people or getting ahead in any way. It would be a lot better if things had prices and she could feel like anything she did was definitely helping and not just potentially pouring effort down a hole, but she's not in charge of how anything works here, so she'll just have to figure out how to get a feel for whatever system they're using instead. Maintaining positive relations with Maitimo's people is probably more her job than anyone else's.

She eats.

The humans guess that they should maybe see the palace.

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They should! It's at the center of the city, exquisite and physically improbable, maybe impossible; lots of people are going in and out. There are guards at the door, unarmed; Maitimo runs up to talk with them and gesture at the humans and then waves them all in.

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The humans are kind of really nervous about this place, but they are obviously not the only people here, so they are containing themselves. Except the woman who speaks twelve languages, she's either not nervous about palaces or is really good at hiding it. And except for Zana, who is not at all nervous, but is kind of suspicious of everything about the palace on account of palaces have kings in them.

Karen is... going to momentarily pretend to herself that this is a museum or something.

"What're all the people visiting for?"

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Lots of reasons. Some of them serve the King here and some of them need to see him and some come to look at the art and some are on city planning commissions that meet here and some are my relatives, the King's new family.

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His new family?

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My grandmother is dead and the King remarried. He has four more children by her, two daughters and two sons. My father does not like the King's new wife and does not speak to them but you should not bring that up, it makes the King unhappy. 

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Ah, political nonsense. More constant, apparently, than both death and taxes.

Got it.

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They wait for an audience with the King in a big sparkling room with astonishing woodcarvings and hangings like windchimes that seem to work even though they're indoors. The Elves who wander in and out are all singing the same song, a deep and complex and joyful one. Maitimo stands perfectly still, stiller even than the adults awaiting audiences, looking angelic, listening carefully. 

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It's honestly really annoying how she can talk to Maitimo without alerting the other humans, but can't talk to the other humans without alerting all of the elves. Such as, for example, to confer with the woman who speaks twelve languages about what they are going to say if it turns out that they are expected to say things to the king, because somehow she kind of expected that they would go to the palace and just sort of look around and get a feel for why people went to the palace, even though in hindsight she can see that wandering around with a local prince with the most functional existing members of the tiny baby polity that you sort of founded overnight on the border of an existing polity is absolutely the sort of situation in which you probably get told to speak to the existing polity's king, even if you were not previously sure that you had anything to say to him.

She checks on the other humans. They look like they're about to sink into the floor. So no letting people ask questions of them, if she panics she has to pass to the woman who speaks twelve languages until she composes herself. Not that she'll be able to tell, since the king probably doesn't speak English and will therefore be using osanwe, but - whatever.

OK. Think Karen. You have seen historical dramas before. What would a vaguely competent person - don't picture yourself, picture, like, Marco Polo or someone - say to the king of the power that you founded your own settlement in the shadow of. Probably he'd introduce himself, give a short summary of events if asked, thank the king for his people's hospitality, and show interest in various things about Tirion. Probably discuss her people's priorities only if asked, since she does not, actually, need any immediate help from the king, and doesn't want to imply that she does. Solid. She can do all of that. It would be less pathetic if everyone weren't going to be reading her entire mind the whole time, but she can't do anything about that, can she.

She waits.

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They are invited in to a big bright dazzling hall the length of a football field. The Elves here, too, are singing. The King and the Queen sit at one end of it. She has bright blonde hair. He looks like Fëanor but -- not older, exactly -- steadier, and a bit sadder.

Welcome to Tirion, he says. We are glad to have new neighbors and grateful forever for the role you played in returning our grandson to us safely.

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The other humans still mostly look like they're about to sink into the floor, or maybe like they're vaguely expecting to be attacked. Even polyglot lady pauses to look around in something approaching wonder. Zana bounces happily.

Karen bows. (Not deeply - her grandparents probably know how to do a proper bow, but she doesn't.) We thank you for your hospitality. The people of Tirion have been very kind to us.

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When we first arrived in this land, we were full of fear and doubt and confusion. But we are happy here, now. I hope that you will find yourselves happy here as well.

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Thank you. It'll take time, but we're hopeful. I'm sure it'll go much more easily for us thanks to your assistance.

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We are delighted to offer whatever assistance we can.

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Annnnd now she's out of words. And very aware of how many people there are in the room and the fact that none of her thoughts are private and that she is, what, two Valinor years old and playing at diplomacy.

She looks sort of helplessly at Maitimo.

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With your permission, I'd like to extend to my friends our welcome to come and go whenever they wish, and our encouragement to consider Tirion a second home.


Of course, says Finwë at once. May you want for nothing we have found or created or conceived of.


And I want to show them the rest of the city. Their city wasn't safe, before, see - and I love it the more for having seen another one - and we have just enough time to climb the belltower before the Mingling -


Finwë beams at him. May the Valar and the One bless all your steps, he says. For the belltower you'd want to go that way.

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Oh good. There are much worse fates than being saved by tiny children. She can just follow Maitimo that way, then.

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Maitimo is so pleased with himself. 


The belltower is, of course, very pretty.

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She is totally capable of admiring this belltower.