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far far away
Permalink Mark Unread

When he realizes he's lost he doesn't panic, exactly. He very meticulously attempts two hundred adjacency jumps and he writes a note home telling them that he's lost and then he very calmly methodically throws a tantrum.

 He's a demon in vacuum very far from any inhabited worlds so it can be a very very elaborate tantrum. He builds entire cities but on fire; he builds other entire cities and then sets them on fire; he feeds all the flaming cities to a sun which he makes on the brink of going supernova; he sits there waiting for it to do that, but gets impatient before it's done and starts messing with its core to destabilize it faster. The sun goes supernova. It hurts. He doesn't heal himself instantly. He teleports clear and curls up and cries.



And then he hunts for alts. He has one. ...his hasn't produced any written work in the last eight centuries and a conjure for a scale model doesn't turn anything up, so he has a dead alt. No one else has one at all, not that he can find. His alt has - lots of writing, most of it on - he reads for a long time to get even a vague idea - the local magic system - some of it encrypted, but not well encrypted.


He makes himself a planetoid and he makes himself a very heavy blanket and he curls up under it and reads his alts' notes. Lots of magic. Lots of famous magic that was expected to endure long after his death. Conjuring for scale models of the various mentioned artifacts gets him nothing. Conjuring for scale models of their surroundings gets him -


Permalink Mark Unread

They're all grouped together in the same room. It seems to be some sort of museum? There are museum-like displays, at least, on which the artifacts presumably rest. It seems that his alt's writings are also stored in the same room, which is somewhat cramped and unpretty.

Permalink Mark Unread



It's cool that they survived the ages, but he wants them. He experiments with making things that look exactly like the magic artifacts but aren't magic. 

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Most of them he can get a nonmagical copy of. They aren't that interesting without any magic in them. Some of them would make nice paperweights.

Except for that one small pyramidal object. He can't get that one to go at all.

Permalink Mark Unread



...he is going to sneak into the maybe-museum and steal his alt's stuff and try to piece together from the notes and the actual artifacts how the magic system works. He makes a scale model again to check that the place is empty. It is.

He gathers up his decoy artifacts and teleports there, invisible and inaudible.

Permalink Mark Unread

The Archivist systems notes the unexpected displacement of an Epic-sized volume of air in the Fienus vault. No disturbances register on visual or infrared scanners, nothing in audio. Further scanning systems take an additional half-second to cycle on, but they reveal the intruder's presence. Humanoid, small, wing-like protrusions on the back. This is more than sufficient justification to engage lockdown protocols.

Heavy blast doors crash into place all down the corridor. Over each artifact, a glowing blue forcefield shimmers into existence. Warning lights begin strobing at frequencies determined to be maximally detrimental to species with human-like visual processing.

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And in her office, Darth Occlus receives a priority message on her datapad. One glance, and she leaves at a dead run, waving open the turbolift doors and jumping down, not bothering to wait for the car.

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He teleports all the magic artifacts out from their newly-locked display cases and home to his planetoid, teleports the decoys into place, makes a note on the floor that says 'sorry for stealing the stuff. It's sort of mine and I won't damage it and I'll return it when I'm done. if you need to contact me you can write 'letter to Epic' and then write whatever you want to say. Any format.'


And goes home.

Permalink Mark Unread

The Archivist records this activity, and updates Occlus when she arrives at the entrance ten seconds later. She goes to inspect the Fienus vault in person.

These replicas are all uncannily accurate. If they weren't all completely inert, she'd be unable to distinguish them from the real ones. The note is puzzling. What sort of thief competent enough to thwart her security and create near-perfect decoys leaves an apology? And what does 'sort of mine' mean? Darth Fienus lived almost nine hundred years ago, he has no living descendants, she is the only person in the galaxy to have anything like a claim on his relics.

She leaves the Archivist on heightened alert and returns to her office to review the security logs of the incident. All the artifacts blinked out while the ray shields were active, all at the same time, with no indication that the shields were even mildly stressed. She has the Archivist run a test on the shielding systems. They're all functioning normally. She's missing something, here.

Occlus opens a new file on her datapad. Title: "letter to Epic".

I do not know who you are. I do not know why you believe yourself to have a claim on the artifacts you stole. I do know that if they are not treated with care, some are exceedingly dangerous. If you get yourself killed before you effect my artifacts' return and I must retrieve them myself, I will not be pleased. If you are truly so insistent that you must study them immediately, we can discuss terms whereby you can do so locally, under observation.

Permalink Mark Unread

He conjures his mail every few minutes, nervously.


There are alternate universes, he writes. I'm an alternate universe version of him. I'll accept help studying them if you're offering it.


 Scale model of the person who wrote the note. Scale model of the surroundings of the person who wrote the note. Invisibility and inaudibility obviously didn't do it last time -


Well, he'll just have to be quick. Pop, note on her desk, pop.

Permalink Mark Unread

Occlus, unnervingly, manages to look directly at him in the brief instant he is present.

Your explanation is highly implausible. What evidence do you have?

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Does this universe have FTL communications? This method is annoying. And I am powerful enough to fake any evidence that you might find convincing if I wasn't around being powerful enough to fake it. Are you a historian? I can bribe you really well if so.


Pop, note, pop. 

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I would not trust a conversation of this sensitivity to the Holonet without paired encryption. It will take a brief while for me to acquire such devices. 'Historian' would not be a complete descriptor, but it is a part of what I do.

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I can make arbitrary matter. "a data drive containing the complete written works of the alternate universe version of me in this universe" counts, and when I made myself one I got Fienus's notes. Name something and I'll make it for you to prove it.

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A CN-12 targeting chip.

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He goes out into vacuum in case it's dangerous and then tries making one.

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It's a fiendishly complicated piece of nano-circuitry with embedded programming. It doesn't, by itself, do anything.

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He drops it off in her office with another quick in-and-out.

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Well then. It certainly looks correct. She hooks it up to her datapad and runs some diagnostics. It appears to be fully functional.

I accept your premise. Your half of the holocomm is on my desk, you may retrieve it at your convenience.

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He does that.

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When Occlus sees it disappear off her desk, she initiates the call. It doesn't go through.

For it to function, it will need to be within range of a Holonet transceiver. That is, within the galaxy.

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A minute later another pop note pop.


Okay, I built myself a planetoid in your galaxy. Don't know how to call you.

Permalink Mark Unread

Occlus will take care of that.

The button at the base of his comm begins flashing softly.

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He presses it.

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And up before him pops a miniature holographic image of Darth Occlus, who likewise is presented with one of him.

"Hello. I am Darth Occlus, member of the Dark Council and head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge. Who are you?"

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He looks like a seven-year-old. He has very long neatly-braided hair and pointy ears.

"Like I said, I'm an alternate universe version of Fienus. I go by Epic but my name is Fëanáro, all alternate universe versions of me have similar names - there's a Fannar and a Firayar and a Ferardrin - I just landed here and I have a lot of magic and haven't decided what my ambitions are yet but knowing what my alt was up to will help. Is the supervillain aesthetic on purpose?"

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"Darth Fienus was mostly concerned with artificially manipulating and augmenting the flow of the Force. As far as I could discern during your brief visits, you have no potential and his work is likely to be useless to you. What prompts the supervillain association?"

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"The windowless bunker, the Dark Council, 'Darth Fienus'. No potential?"

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"The bunker is for security purposes. And the view out the window on this planet is less than scenic. The Dark Council are the leaders of the Sith. It was originally defined in opposition to the Jedi Council, which has a light-focused aesthetic. I do not recall offhand whether Darth Fienus chose his name or was given it. No Force potential.

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"I just landed in this dimension, I don't know what any of those things mean. I could spend the next three centuries reading through the complete written works of your society but that sounds like a waste of time."

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"Yes, much of it would be irrelevant. Where would you like me to begin an explanation?"

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"The Force is the local magic system? What can it do?"

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"The Force is... not a magic system, precisely, but it is the source of abilities that go above and beyond mundane physics. Its true nature is difficult to describe to anyone unable to sense it, but you may think of it as sort of an energy field, generated by living things and permeating the galaxy. Those with the capability to wield it can bend it towards a variety of purposes: physical and sensory enhancement, telekinesis, mental manipulation, divination. These are the most common applications. Those who make a deep and concerted study of the workings of the Force can achieve virtually any effect."

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"Anyone who can resurrect my alt?"

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"Resurrection has never been documented as being achieved by anyone, though many have sought after it."

And if his alt did leave a ghost behind, it was not a restless one. Occlus makes a mental note to recheck the tomb and see if one can be called forth.

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"I can make atom-for-atom copies of peoples' bodies, the problem is that they're magically not the person. So you wouldn't need to have resurrection innately, just someone who could get over that magic barrier." Shrug. "It's not urgent. If I can't use the local magic I suppose I should be doing humanitarian stuff? Are there any wars, are there any planets with particular poverty?"

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"...Yes. Does that mean you will be returning what you stole?"

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"I'm going to verify with someone else about what you said, and then I'll return that and make a couple dead peoples' notes for you as payment."

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"I would prefer the location of several lost tombs, if such a thing is possible."

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"Can do, if you know who's buried in them or anything else uniquely identifying."

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"I will have a list of occupants by the time you are ready to return the artifacts."

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He does some conjuring to find the nearest inhabited planet, goes invisible, and lands there.

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It's a planet like many others. There are a couple different species present, though humans dominate.

The grass is purple and the buildings are made of smooth yellow stone.

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...when no one's looking he'll go visible except for the wings and keep walking along.

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A small human-ish child is not exceptionally remarkable.

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Do the people look healthy? Happy? Are they hurrying along as if panicked, are there beggars -

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Everyone seems reasonably content and well-looked-after.

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He makes the wings visible and keeps walking.

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That draws a couple stares.

One group of adolescents shout at him from across the street: "Yoooo! Where'd those come from, man?"

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"Magic! I'm from a planet with a different kind than the kind around here. We don't have the Force, but we can fly with wings."

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"Dude that is fuckin awesome!"

One of the others in the group whacks the speaker on the head. "Language!"

"Aw shi-. Snap, my bad."

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"I'd never even heard of the Force until I got here. What's it like? How many people have it?"

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"Heck if I know! Ask a Jedi or something, man."

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"Where do I find one of those?"

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"Maybe Coruscant or someplace like that? They don't come to backwaters like this, like, at all."

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"Okay. Are there places on this planet that need help?"

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"Naw, this place is boring as - heck. As soon as I'm old enough I'm signing up for the army and ditching this dustball."

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He grabs the artifacts and returns them to the room they were taken from, triggering the security system again, and then waits for Occlus.

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She calls him less than a minute later.

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"Hey," he says. "I can get you the tombs but I have another deal in mind if you want."

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"I'm listening."

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"It's going to take me forever to figure out what needs doing here. I am sort of thinking that I should make it known to everyone that I can make arbitrary matter and that means ships, terraforming, their political enemies' classified writings, whatever, and then working for whoever will offer me the most money, and then spending the money on humanitarian projects, but this won't work if my money won't be respected or if I'll start a war or if I'll make it too hard in some other way I'm not thinking of because I'm a kid and from a different dimension. You seem - competent. Can you help me figure out how to do this? It would probably be really easy for you to leverage 'coordinating the activities of the only demon in the dimension' into arbitrary power but I don't really care unless you'd be dead set on torturing lots of people once you're powerful."

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"I have all the power I desire already. And more than enough responsibility. I would, however, be remiss in my duty to the Empire were I to pass up this offer." She does not sound as though she thinks very well of her duty to the Empire.

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"I didn't offer anything to any Empire. What tombs are you looking for?"

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"They would pay exceedingly well, to be sure. You are far more versatile than the Star Forge ever was and do not require the life of suns as fuel." Occlus pauses. "You do change the game. I will help you."

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"...if you've got something that requires the life of suns as fuel I could probably fuel it. I want everyone in this universe to live forever if they want to and want for nothing, is that goal compatible with your empire?"

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"It is not. But I am a prisoner of this system as much as I am one of its leaders, and with your help, I might finally escape."

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"That works too."

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Occlus smiles tightly.

"Good. I can set up a line of credit for you with an advance payment of three hundred thousand credits in exchange for terraforming the fourth planet of the Dromund system. That will be enough of a proof of concept to get the rest of the Council onboard and authorize additional funding. From there, we can pivot out and establish a more neutral organization of your own to be the face. Begin relations with the Republic and unaligned parties. Start requiring cooperation with your long-term goals in exchange for your services."

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He relaxes and smiles. "Yeah, that's exactly - yeah. Thank you. What do you want the planet terraformed like? My native planet all the flora's edible for humans, it's really convenient, we usually install it everywhere we go -"

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"Any improvement over the current standard of cold and airless will suffice. If you have a standard pattern, that will do."

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"Okay!" That's enough of a description to conjure a model and then he can teleport. He takes the pad with him. "It'll probably take me a couple weeks to get it habitable. Do you want me to build cities and stuff too?"

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"How much time will that add to the project?"

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"Maybe a day."

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Occlus nods. "Do it."

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The planet's big enough to hold an atmosphere. He does air, first, flying around in it as he makes it, swirls and loops and dips and singing and eventually it's routine enough he can read while he does it. He reads Darth Occlus' stuff, to make sure there are no signs she is secretly super evil. (She apparently works for an evil Empire, but that's okay, it seems like most competent people positioned to change stuff probably do that.)

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Darth Occlus is only as evil as is necessary to survive in an evil Empire. Compared to some other Sith, she's practically a humanitarian. Not in any absolute sense, but, you know. Relatively.

Occlus, meanwhile, begins the political maneuverings necessary to ensure the Dark Council's cooperation. Vowrawn of Logistics is an easy sell, as is Karrid of Technology. Marr, Arho, and Decimus, are not much harder. The military application is easy to see. Ravage will follow the tide, and with that she will have the votes. It requires a bit of finesse to get enough of a front organization up and running in time, but the fact of Dromund Fels newly-inhabitable status goes a long way towards dispelling doubts.

Several survey ships swing past Epic as he works.

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He waves at the survey ships and flies and sings and terraforms. It's so much fun.

There's enough air that he can roll out oceans, which are easy - he adds algae, because why not, and the eggs of various species of fish that can start just fine from eggs and live off algae. And spectacular coral reefs, the kind that would take thousands of years to arise naturally. Then rivers and topsoil; he does those. He hasn't actually done that before so lots of his topsoil ends up eroded away but that happens in naturally-formed planets too so he doesn't worry too much about it. 


And then he puts in a proper Valian ecosystem, edible from the stunning forests of if-they-weren't-demonic-they'd-be-millennia-old redwood trees down to the weeds. 


And then he puts in cities. Those he copies, it'd be slow otherwise; Space Tirion and Space Valimar and Space Alqualondë and Space Ambaróna and Vanda Nossëo, all of them with spaceports and public transit ready to go and power plants set to turn on. 


He has learned how to use his pad; he calls her. "Done!"

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"Excellent. The Council wishes to inspect the finished product before they render their final decision, but I have been keeping track of your progress and do not anticipate any last-minute difficulties. I've also registered a corporation in your name out of Nar Shaddaa. Currently you have five employees I've screened for discretion and loyalty. They will begin the pathfinding work in the rest of the galaxy. Details are in a file titled 'corporation for Epic'."

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"Thank you. I really appreciate it. When's the council coming, are there things I have to be careful of -"

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"When we are done here I will have one of your people call the Council with the news. I expect we'll arrive within the day. You need not be present and I advise that you not be."

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He doesn't go home. He does go invisible.

Permalink Mark Unread

Remember how Occlus kept looking at him when he popping in to drop off those notes? Yeah. Everyone's looking in his direction when they get off the shuttle.

"What's this?" exclaims a fat, red-skinned man in a genial tone. "It seems we have company! I was under the impression there was no sentient life here yet."

"Indeed," growls a large, imposing figure in heavy armor and a full-face mask. "What is the meaning of this?"

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Sigh. Carefully concealed, entirely internal sigh.

"I am fairly sure that would be the terraformer," says Occlus. "It seems he is somewhat shy."

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Should I stop being invisible? How do you all do that?

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The Force. You are not ready to face the Council, I strongly suggest you leave.

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"He should come out and say hello!" says the red man. "I'm sure we would all love to meet him."

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He leaves.

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Some time later, he gets a call from Occlus.

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He answers.

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"Thank you for leaving. Your curiosity is understandable, but Dark Councilors do not reach that station by being nice people. And they lack the motivation I have."

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"I understand. I'm indestructible, maybe we should check if that stands up against the Force -"

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"Yes, we should. Your physical well-being is only a part of the equation, though. I am more concerned that they would have divined our true goals."

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"They can read minds?"

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"They can detect emotions, and a certain intimation of intent. Combined with a lifetime of practice at reading people in general, it amounts to much the same thing."

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"Okay. I'll be more careful. Sorry. Did you have to explain me teleporting away?"

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"I have very little to do with you, what explanation could I possibly offer? I was simply the Council member most readily contactable by your corporation. But the significance of the combination of teleportation and arbitrary matter creation is not lost on anyone. We will have to move more carefully to avoid provoking any enemies before we are fully ready to deal with them."

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Nod. "What enemies are we likely to provoke? ...also I don't want to kill anyone, not when I don't even have resurrection worked out. I can put them in a galaxy far far away?"

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"Any Sith whose power will be threatened by diminishing the strength of the Empire. Which is to say, almost all of them. Exiling to that distance will have functionally the same effect as killing them, if that suits you better I have no objections."

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"Functionally the same effect except they'll be alive and can be happy and have good lives."

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"Quite. I will leave the details of that contingency to you, then. In the meantime, the Dark Council has compiled a list of requests, along with the price they are willing to pay for each. Once you have completed several, we'll be able to move forward."

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"Okay. What're the requests?"

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"Largely military, capital and support ships amounting to a sector fleet, automated factories and raw materials for same. Terraformed bases in strategic locations. Some cargo ships, to augment civilian shipping capabilities. Full details are in a file titled 'Imperial Requests for Epic'."

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"What're the military forces going to be used to do?"

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"Prosecute the war with the Republic in some fashion, one assumes. While the conflict is not quite at the fever pitch it was several years ago, neither has it subsided."

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"Is there a way to not do weapons without losing the leverage we'll need later."

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"Not easily or swiftly. My influence outside the Empire is unfortunately limited. Before now, I had not considered it a priority to cultivate such. I am moving to change this, but it takes time, and is aided by money. Until then, military contracts with the Empire will be most lucrative, though you may refuse any request at your own discretion."

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"I think I need to know more about the war - how many people are getting killed, if I make the Empire powerful enough to totally win then what happens to the losing side -"

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"I believe the current daily casualty average is on the order of several thousands combined. I would not wish the Empire absolutely victorious at this point, and neither would you. Fortunately, it is lagging somewhat, much as my colleagues may wish it were otherwise. Materiel will help some, but without more bodies in the field, the total impact will be necessarily limited and insufficient to totally upset the balance."

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"I'll do the non-weapons stuff first and think about it. ...I have really excellent touch-range healing but that probably won't do much for a war happening primarily in space, people die too fast -"

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"With our medical technology, any wound that is not immediately fatal can be healed in time. Healing at touch range is not the highest leverage use of your time. The military is not facing any kolto shortages, though it is worth investigating on the civilian side. I will make inquiries."

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"Someday I'll get resurrection figured out and then everyone'll be okay. Kolto?"

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"Extract of a certain species of seaweed, native to one planet and subjected to a classified purification process. It serves as a panacea. All third-party efforts to reproduce it have failed."

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...he tries it.

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It doesn't go.

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"Counts as magic, yeah. Okay." 


And he does the not-military things on the list and then checks back in. "How efficiently are you guessing the money can be spent to do good stuff?"

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"What units are you used to measuring that in?"

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"I'm looking at the credits for the building the empire a fleet and trying to think if I can do more good with that money than I do bad by helping one side in a war."

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"One sector fleet will not enable a new offensive push. From what I know of Mart, he will use it to strengthen defenses and buy time to get more out of you. Counting Imperial lives saved thereby and using median estimates from sector-scale humanitarian organizations, you'll come out ahead by a ratio of about 3:1 on this task."

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He makes the sector fleet.

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The Empire is suitably enthusiastic. They express their enthusiasm in the form of several million credits.

Does he want to make another?

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He calls her up. "Too soon to say that my home society has rules of war and I'll make all the fleets they want if they'll sign on to those?"

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"Yes. We are not quite independent yet. I advise putting that request on hold and setting up a few of the agricultural worlds that were added to the list first. They are more unambiguously beneficial, and by the time you finish we will have more options."

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He does that. 

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His holocomm pings while he's in the midst of that.

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He answers. 

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It's not Occlus.

"Hello, Epic. Am I interrupting anything important?"

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"No, I can terraform while I talk. Who are you?"

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"An interested party. Your mentor would know me as Cipher Nine, but I doubt you will have come across reference to me."

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"Probably not. Interested in what?"

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"The future of my galaxy. I try to make a habit of keeping tabs on anyone with the capability and willingness to significantly affect it. Your arrival was most unexpected. I'll need to adapt my plans."

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"...okay. What do you want the galaxy to look like? I might just end up putting people who disagree on that in really distant ones."

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"What I want is an end to the Sith and the Jedi, an end to the petty religious bickering that has been the cause of every major war for the last five thousand years. A galaxy where common beings can live in peace and safety, without having their lives and choices overshadowed by the whims of those who think their modicum of luck grants them an unassailable right to rule."

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"Okay, that sounds pretty nice."

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"I'm glad you think so. Now, I ask the same of you. What is your goal?"

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"I want everybody to live forever and want for nothing and have total freedom of movement so they can arrange themselves into the kinds of societies they'd like best, and I want to save at least thirty-five billion lives because that's the record and she didn't even have magic."

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"Ambitious. Who's she and what did she do?"

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"Her name was T'Mir and her dimension had this tremendously powerful organization that was post-scarcity and had really great technology and a rule against sharing it with anyone who hadn't developed faster-than-light travel yet, so she went around to planets that didn't have it and nudged them along into ones that could be embraced by the galaxy."

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"I like her style. And yours. It seems our aims are not dissimilar. Will you accept my help?"

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"Maybe. I'm not good at telling if people are lying to me. Do you have a reason I can trust you?"

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"My access to arbitrary information is nearly as good as yours. If I wanted to hurt you, I would have sent a memo to the Dark Council pointing out the corporation supposedly representing you was formed only three hours before Occlus presented its proposal in session, by Occlus herself, and that she is planning to use you to destabilize the Empire enough that when she leaves, no one will chase her."

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"She's helping me get what I want. Don't bother her."

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"I have no intention of doing so. I'm actually rather impressed that she is doing so much. She has been still for so long, after such an... exciting climb to her current position. I had almost begun to think her satisfied."

"As a show of good faith, let me inform you of the existence of a substance called bacta. It's slightly less effective than kolto, but has been created in a lab setting. The relevant papers were written by Iknoito Fithis, of the University of Alderaan."

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He tries making it.

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It goes. It's sort of a blue goopy substance. Smells kinda weird.

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...he tries cutting open his arm and smearing the goop on it.

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The goop numbs the pain and seems to be accelerating the clotting process.

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Okay. "I don't suppose you would be okay with me reading your mind?" he says to the person on the other end of the tablet.

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"It's something I'd prefer to avoid. But if you really must."

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"I can let you read mine in return if you want."

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"How invasive is it?"

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"...you could read mine first and then decide?"

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Scale model of her surroundings, pop. "Hi." And he tosses her a line to his private thoughts. 

It is really stressful being around all of these ambiguous dangerous people with agendas, Boots' be being much more conservative than him and she has proper subtle arts and could probably block out the Force thing. He thinks he's right that Darth Occlus is helping him and this person seems to agree but it sounds like Darth Occlus could just get murdered and he can't make her invincible and it's stressful. He'll feel really sad if someone gets murdered over him. He wonders if this person really wants him to trust her badly enough to let him check.

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Huh. It seems like just stream of consciousness.

If she just- puts the parts of herself that want to destroy the galaxy away she might be okay. Like she does with the killing intent while fighting. She takes a fraction of a second to do that.

"All right. I'll let you read my mind."

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He listens.

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She's really very uncomfortable with this, the privacy of her thoughts was the one thing she has always been able to count on, even while under the effects of the keyword. But this boy is too much of a shortcut to pass up. She wants him to trust her. If he does she won't have to kill so many people to destroy the Sith and Jedi. She would have been sad about doing that. He doesn't have to worry about Occlus, she thinks. She has proven very hard to kill in the past, and seems to be doing an admirable job of navigating the treacherous currents of Council politics. She thinks she might even have made an exception for her before he showed up, she thinks Occlus is remarkably unobjectionable, for a Sith.

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"Okay, stopping. Keyword? Also, why do you want to kill them all, do you object if instead I just put them millions of lightyears away?"

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"One of the early highlights of my career was fighting to a standstill a rogue member of the Dark Council, disabling him long enough to blow up his ship and him with it. After that, through a combination of drugs and hypnotic programming, I was implanted with a series of coded responses to certain commands. So that I would not pose a threat to the remaining Councilors. At the time, I was still loyal to the Empire."

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"Do you want a hug."

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"That would be nice."

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His wings wrap around her very thoroughly. "My mom's a therapist, she could undo all that once she finds us."

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"I- handled it. It's not an ongoing problem. But thanks."

The hug is surprisingly nice.

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"It's kind of important I make sure they can't do that to me. They can't drug me, but I don't know what all the Force can do."

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"It's- it's scary. But there's ways you can protect yourself. If you can think straight enough. A lot of it is keeping good mental discipline. Being very aware of your thoughts and noticing distortions."

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"...okay. LIke with magic songs in my world. I could practice at that."

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"I have some of the old Intelligence training manuals, if you want."

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"I just need titles. But yeah."

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She names a couple titles.

"Uh, stick to the defense section with the psy-ops stuff. The offense can get... unpleasant, even to read about."

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"Okay. But - I mean, I know I look like I'm seven and I want to put my enemies far away instead of killing them and I probably seem like I haven't heard of very many upsetting things but I have, I can cope."

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"You shouldn't have to. Some nights I wish I hadn't."

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Tighter wing-hug. "Boots can help with that. Really. Luster's Maitimo was tortured for fifty years-subjective centuries - and he thought everything was a malicious hallucination and he hated being touched and he wanted to die and Boots helped him and now he's happy and doesn't have any nightmares."

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"That sounds almost miraculous. Maybe I'll talk to her, if I ever get the chance."

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"It's called subtle arts. It's really scary if a bad person has it but Boots is a good person and she can bounce you everything she's doing so you can see it and it's not scary."

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'But Boots isn't here right now' is what she does not say.

She smiles gently instead.

"I bet."

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"I write her letters every day but then I get all dizzy thinking what she'd say if she was here. I could make myself a Rúmil but not a Boots."

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"...I can make arbitrary matter. People are matter. Some kinds of people have souls and some kinds of people just come out wrong when demons make them but there're people from back home I could make just fine."

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"Ah. That sounds potentially complicated."

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"It's really unethical making people so I'm not going to unless there's an emergency."

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"That's good. I hope there isn't one."

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Nod nod. "I wish I had asked permission in advance, though, because I could make some people who are better at assessing who I can trust."

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She nods.

"It's a useful skill to have."

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"I'm terrible at people. Even when I'm grown up. When I'm grown up I'm usually married and I have a son who's good at it and I can trust him and he can tell me who to trust."

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"You know that many of yourselves?"

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"I know like ten of me. Darth Fienus is the first one who didn't have kids who wasn't himself a kid."

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"You don't count because you haven't reached the appropriate stage?"

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"I'm still like four hundred years from being of age."

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"Four hundred years is a long time."

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"I know. Elves grow up super slow and it's terrible but now I escaped Valinor so I'll grow up faster."

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"Why does not being on Valinor help?"

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"Everything's ten times slower on Valinor. Here it'll only be forty years."

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"Oh yes, that's much better."

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"Yeah. I ran away from home as soon as I possibly could because I didn't want to spend forever growing up."

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"I suppose that's working out okay for you, on balance. You've got all this cool magic."

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"I miss Boots and Rúmil but I don't miss my parents much at all. And I do have all the cool magic. If I'd stayed home I'd never have gotten to be a demon."

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"Being a demon seems very convenient. I don't think I would strand myself for it, but I would give a great deal."

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"They don't let just anyone become a demon, you have to be really trustworthy."

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"I would hope so!"

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"Because I could feed planets into black holes and stuff. I wouldn't do it without a really good reason but I could."

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"I'd picked up on that, yeah."

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"You didn't answer about whether you minded if instead of killing the people you don't like we just put them far away where they can't hurt people."

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She sighs.

"If it was really far, too far to reach in my lifetime. That would be okay."

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"Easy. I could put them a billion light years away."

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"I think that would be far enough."

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"Then no one has to die."

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"That would make a nice change."

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"I'm gonna have resurrection eventually."

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"I really hope you do."

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"I will. My friends'll find me. Might take decades but they will."

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And the galaxy is very large and someone who has done as many horrible things as Hunter has will be at the bottom of their priority list if they can even know they existed once she's dead-

She hugs the tiny winged child tighter.

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"...what's wrong?"

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She recomposes herself.

"I've lost people I would dearly like to see again. This conversation prompted- memories."

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"I don't know how we'll do it - it'll be complicated in a world this big - but you can get your friends back first if you want and if you help me save people."

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"You'll accept my help, then?"

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"Yeah of course. I need all the help I can get."

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"You shoud call Darth Occlus and tell her to expect me, then. I think she'll take it better from you than if I just showed up."

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He calls her. 

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"Is something wrong?"

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"Uh there's someone who called me who figured out you started the secret organization but she wants to work with us."

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"She called you on the paired device? That should have been impossible. Who is it?"

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"She said you'd know her as Cipher Nine."

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"Finally resurfaced, has she. And she wants to help?"

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"Yeah. Well, she wanted to kill all the Sith and Jedi but then she said you could be an exception and then she said everyone didn't have to die if I could put them really far away instead and I am happy to put people really far away if they're jerks and won't stop otherwise."

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"How sure are you that you can trust what she says?"

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"She let me read her mind to check."

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"Did she. Well. If you wish to include her then so be it. She knows how to contact me, I am sure."

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"Yeah, I think so."


He turns it off. He gives Cipher Nine another wing-hug. "Boots doesn't like people being called numbers," he mumbles into the hug.

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"If I had a name once, I've long forgotten it. Too many identities."

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"If it were important I could make you a retroactive eidetic memory necklace."

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"I think you probably have bigger priorities. But thank you."

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"Probably. It'd take five weeks; I could do immortality in the same time."

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"I don't feel the lack as a void that must be filled. Maybe when everything is more settled."

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"Yeah. When things are really safe and I know more about what the Force can do and I know what it's safe to share."

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"I'm not the person to ask about that."

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"Would Darth Occlus have a pretty good idea?"

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"Then I'll ask her. She's been really good at - all the stuff. I should go back to terraforming, want to come along?"

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"Can you take this ship with us?"

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"Yeah, easy."

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"Then sure, I'll come along."

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Pop. "The cargo limit on my teleport is 'I don't think anyone's ever tried teleporting a star'. Planets go fine."

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"Cool! I'm going to get started on integrating what Occlus has set up into my network."

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And he terraforms!

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And when he's done, Cipher Nine has a question for him!

"How do you feel about becoming a bacta magnate?"

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"Makes a lot of money, is less dubious than making ships for an evil empire. Sounds good."

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"Great. It's not as good as kolto, but we'll be able to undercut the Selkath considerably on the price. I'm anticipating significant penetration in the civilian market, I've lined up some warehouse space for you to fill and I've got schematics for automated delivery ships so we can cut overhead there too."

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"Cool. Where?"

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"On a planet called Carida. It's well-situated on a major hyperspace route, but it's not yet overdeveloped like some others." She names the precise local address. "And the governor will be giving us a very favorable arrangement with taxes."

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Now they're in orbit around that planet! "Point me at the warehouses."

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She pulls up a holo-map and highlights them.

"On the outskirts of the capital, these four with the slanted roofs. And here are the plans for the storage canisters."

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He is a demon. He makes all the things.

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Wonderful. She switches the display.

"These are the drone ships. Start with fifteen, full cargo holds?"

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"Full of what, or is that in the diagrams?"

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"Bacta for delivery."

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"Packaged how?"

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"Same as for the warehouse."

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She turns to a different console and taps in some commands. Each ship flickers and disappears into hyperspace in turn.

"That should be enough to get us a foothold in the market."

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"Awesome. I'm going to go back and finish terraforming."

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"I'll call you when the warehouses need a refill."

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"Thank you!" Pop.

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And Cipher Nine makes a call.

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"How much attention have you been paying to events unfolding on Ilum?"

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"Little. I find I have many demands on my time these days. I take it I should have been watching more closely?"

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"You might say that. Once he solidifies his control over the stealthing technology, Malgus is planning a coup."

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"Is he."

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"My information on this front is very reliable. I suspect we have a while yet before this party begins. Several of his guests have yet to respond to their invitations."

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"Thank you for the notice."

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"Incidentally, the cargo capacity on our young friend's teleport is, 'no one's tried to bring a star along'."

And with that, she signs off.

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Occlus accelerates preparations for her departure.

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He does everything on his to-do list! He doesn't sleep, and he doesn't take breaks, he's doing two lists now so he doesn't want to spare the time. He writes his letters to Boots while he's doing the boring parts of terraforming.

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After not too long, the only item on the Imperial list when he conjures it says simply: call me.

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"The Empire is shortly about to become very unstable. I may not get a better moment to leave. Will you help me, when the time arrives?"

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"Of course! Where do you want to go."

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"Somewhere not on any maps. Still within this galaxy, preferably."

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"I made myself a planetoid in this galaxy when you said I had to be here to talk to you with the pads, it's got room for two."

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"Does it have space for my archive?"

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"How big is it?'

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"It's approximately four percent of the total interior volume of the Citadel."

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"Should fit. How much of that is magic, everything that's not I can just remake you."

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"I would prefer to leave as little behind for the others to squabble over as possible."

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"Okay. When do we grab it all? I'll need to see it to target it specifically, unless you want me to steal the whole citadel."

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"Taking the entire Citadel would be undesirable. The archive is, by design, not directly visible from the outside, nor is there an interior vantage point. I do know the precise dimensions and relative location if that helps."

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"Not for that level of precision. I can come in and replace them all with copies like I did when we met, if you turn your security off."

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"It doesn't have an off switch, but I can add you to the authorized visitor list."

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"That works. Do you have a map of all the things you want grabbed -"

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"All of it, ideally, but I will create a priority list if this is infeasible. And I'll need to add your biometrics to the system."

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"I don't know if I have them anymore, I know proper demons don't. But I can appear you a sample or something?"

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"Fingerprints and a retinal scan are the minimum I can persuade the system to accept."

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"Oh, that I can do. How do we set it up?"

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"Teleport to my location in five minutes."

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He waits five minutes and then makes a model of where she is and shows up there.

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She's standing in a small room in front of a currently empty desk. She passes him a small scanner.

"Place your palm on top, then look into the lens after it beeps."

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He does that.

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Occlus makes some entries into the computer.

"The system will still be perturbed if you teleport directly inside, but if you come to this room and enter through that door, by placing your palm on the scanner and looking into the light, you'll be granted full access."

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"Okay. Do you want me to go through and replace everything with decoys now?"

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"You should make a safe place to put the real items first. But yes, the sooner this is done, the better."

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He pops back to his planetoid and makes an exact copy of her vaults. Lots of the stuff doesn't go through - magic, or connected to systems that aren't running here - but most of it's in place.



Then he teleports back. "Okay. Made a place for them. I'm going to go room-to-room putting things in the corresponding place in the new vaults I made."

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"The doors will be open for you. If you require a guide, simply say so. The Archivist will be listening, and will send a unit to assist you."

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And he heads off into the vaults. Teleport, copy, teleport, copy. He doesn't really have a reason to feel nervous, but he does.

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Being nervous around such a concentration of dark side artifacts and lore is a reasonable, and some might even say wise, reaction. And it's not out of the question that some of the artifacts have an aura that is actually contributing to that effect, even through Occlus's precautions.

There are quite a lot of rooms, and the passageways seem almost deliberately disorienting.

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He's pretty sure as a rule if you always stick to your left you will eventually traverse any Euclidean-geometry-obeying two-dimensional maze but when he thinks he's done he'll ask the Archivist to check.

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This maze include vertical components as well as horizontal. But according to the Archivist, he's missed only three rooms.

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He goes and gets those.

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And then he's done.

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Can the Archivist point him to Occlus?

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Occlus is in the memory core. He's led back to near the entrance, and a wall panel slides up, revealing a set of stairs.

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"I know humans don't care as much as Elves about things being pretty, but don't you get lonely here? Anyway, I stole everything and we can go when you're ready."

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Occlus is in the midst of a complicated-looking rewiring project, cables snaking all across the room between racks of servers pulled out from the wall. All is centered on a small triangular pyramid, from which a small holographic figure is projected.

"No, why would I? And I am not quite finished here." She pulls on a thin green wire.

"That to cresh-three," directs the figure, in a slightly mechanical copy of Occlus's voice. Occlus turns and attaches it to the proper port.

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He folds his wings and makes himself a chocolate bar and waits.

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Occlus continues fiddling with wires. The holo turns to regard Epic.

"I am the final piece of her collection, if that was not obvious," it says. "Once I am gone, it will be safe for her to activate the self-destruct. What does the arrangement I will be departing for look like?"

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"I built a copy of these depressing vaults on a planetoid I made somewhere in this galaxy far away from any inhabited planets. Aside from the vault it's pretty. It's like ten miles in circumference but it's got gravity that's normal for humans."

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"The gravity will be convenient for people who have physical form but lack wings. Aesthetic considerations were not foremost in our mind when we designed this place. Once security is no longer of such paramount importance, she may be willing to consider alternative layouts."

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"I bet I could design something much prettier, yeah."

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"I look forward to seeing it. Insofar as I am capable of doing so."

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"You can't see? ...what are you?"

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"I am a holocron. That is to say, a personality imprint matrix serving as a storehouse of data and a guide thereto. Though we made some adjustments that allow me to monitor and control the archive systems and droids. Those are the functions she is now making preparations to transfer to server-side subroutines."

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"Does the me have one of those?"

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"That would be Darth Fienus? Yes, his holocron was part of our collection. Like many of his creations, his holocron was genetically locked so that only members of his bloodline could access it. He had no children, and the last of his family line was extinguished not long after he himself died, so it has not been activated in centuries."

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"I could make a basement dweller of him, that might do it."

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"Basement dweller?"

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"I can't make people. Well, most kinds of people, can't make humans, at least. If I try, I get something dumb but with the same DNA and stuff."

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"If it is alive in other relevant characteristics, that ought to work. If a password was needed in addition, it is not mentioned in any of his collected works."

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"Well, we can try. It'd be - cool to get to talk to him."

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Occlus makes a final bridge. The holo figure holds up its hand.

"Transfer enabled. Transferring... Complete. Safe to disengage." It winks out.

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Occlus walks over and unplugs all the cables from the holocron.

"You can send this with the rest of them. A replacement will not be necessary."

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He teleports it.

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"Thank you. I heard what you were talking about. If you can defeat the genetic lock, I too would be interested in what Darth Fienus secreted away inside his holocron."

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"I can try. Ready to go?"

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"Not yet. I want to time my disappearance for the period of maximum confusion just after Malgus makes his move."

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"Who is this guy anyway."

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"He's in the Ministry of War, under Darth Arho. A veteran of both Galactic Wars, currently directing the operation on Ilum to seize control of the Adegan crystal mines. Adegan crystals have been used in lightsaber construction for thousands of years, but a new sensor stealth technology uses them as a primary component."

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"So he wants to rule the galaxy?"

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"Nothing so concrete. He thinks that the Empire as it stands has grown weak and complacent, that as Sith, we have failed. In his interpretation of Sith philosophy, greater power can only come from continual conflict. What compromises there have been with the Republic are damning, in his eyes."

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"So he wants more war?"

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"That would be the short of it, yes."

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"Are we going to stop him or just run away."

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"I doubt he will be successful in the long run. The majority of the Empire will remain loyal and crush him, or if for some reason they cannot, the Jedi have killed one Emperor already. They will not balk at doing it again, and the other was far more powerful than Malgus can hope to be."

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"I would like to know more about the Jedi and the Republic and why there's a war."

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"A broad topic. Several topics, in fact."

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"Very well. The history of the Jedi begins several thousand years before that of the Republic, so we will start there. This is perhaps fifteen thousand years before the present day. In that era, hyperspace travel was new, and the galaxy was only beginning to be explored. As the various Core worlds made contact with each other, the phenomenon of Force sensitivity began to be widely recognized. What adepts that existed gathered on a planet called Tython, to better study and understand how to use their abilities. It became apparent that there were two basic methods for tapping the power of the Force, based on one's mindset. The true differences are more subtle, but you might approximate the separation as selfishness and selflessness."

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"Selfishness as in 'pursuing what you want' or as in 'pursuing wants that are only about your own wellbeing."

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"The former, though elements of the latter creep up quite easily."

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"Each approach has its benefits and drawbacks, and is suited towards some applications but not others. Naturally, this polarized the the nascent group of Force users into two factions, each fanatically devoted to their chosen method. There was fighting. It was resolved when the selfishness faction left or was forced into exile, heading far out to the Rim of the galaxy. They later became the Sith, while the faction that stayed evolved into the Jedi."

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"That original split was, in essence, the basis for all conflicts going forward. How much do you care about the detailed philosophical underpinnings?"

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"Will people be talkable out of fighting by appealing to their philosophies? Or are they not that kind of philosophy, just the kind you talk about when talking about how the other people are bad."

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"You will not be able to talk a Sith out of a fight. A Jedi should theoretically be more tractable, but in my experience, they are just as undeterrable when they think themselves justified."

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"Can I talk a Sith out of a fight by being like 'look, I am way more powerful than you, I will get exactly what I want, given that is there any way for you to get anything you want.' Loki did that with orcs."

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"The more intelligent ones, perhaps. You will almost certainly need to provide a demonstration."

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"I can make stuff inside people. Like drugs that make them fall asleep."

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"That would probably work at least once, but there are techniques that can diminish or inhibit the effect of such substances."

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"I mean, if people make themselves sufficiently hard to knock out then I just have to teleport them, and if they make themselves hard to knock out or teleport then I have to kill them. That would not be smart of them."

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"People often value their pride more highly than is entirely rational. And you, appearing as you are but also claiming such power, are a great challenge."

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"...yeah. I wanted to wish myself grownup but Boots was worried that then I'd just look grownup and still be a little kid in my head, there's no way to rush maturing -"

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"I do not believe you would approve of the method I used to create my initial reputation when I was slightly older than you, so I will not offer it as an example."

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"...there's an alt of Boots who fed a planet into a black hole, there's an alt of me who handled dissent in his army by blowing up all the ships, I'm good but I'm not naive - well, I'm not that naive -"

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"The overseers did not think me worthy of the Korriban Academy because of my background. When combat training began, they attempted to use the opportunity to remove me. For a week straight I killed or crippled every acolyte the overseers set against me, in as gruesome a fashion as I could manage armed with a wooden saber. Afterwards they were much restrained in their disdain."

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"I would really prefer not to do that, yeah. I could make it look like I did that by teleporting people and making dead bodies, if I timed it carefully..."

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"Killing is a more straightforward and easier to comprehend demonstration. If you can convincingly fake the appearance, you will gain more respect more swiftly."

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"I can practice the timing. Should be possible in principle, unless you'd be able to notice with the Force -"

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"A dead body has no Force signature. It may work."

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...he makes a statue of a person. He tries teleporting the person out of the way and making a dead body in the same place. 


"...can you tell?"

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"There was a brief discontinuity."

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...teleports the dead body out of the way, tries again.

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"Better. Not quite perfect."

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Well, he will keep trying.

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As long as he is cleaning up the debris responsibly, Occlus is willing to continue spotting him.

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He's not being responsible at all he's just teleporting it into the nearest Sun Boots'd be mad at him but she's not here.

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That's good enough for Occlus.

And soon enough- "That time worked."

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"Okay. I should make sure I'm that good when I need to be precise with where I'm landing what I'm teleporting out -" He tries sending the statues to the first planetoid he made in the other galaxy -

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"Not quite."

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Well. After a while practicing this one he'll have to go over to the planetoid and clear the statues out.

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Fortunately it doesn't take him as long to get it down again.

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"Okay. So I can pretend to murder people. Does that change any plans?"

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"My plans had not previously involved interfering with this coup at all. If you wish it, I may construct some taking this ability of yours into account. You may also want to ask the Cipher if she has any plots ongoing, I half suspect she had a hand in orchestrating it to begin with."

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"Okay, I'll ask."

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"Did you have any other questions for me?"

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"Could we even get rid of the Sith and Jedi like she wants? Or will Force people keep being born?"

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"As organizations, possibly. It would be difficult. Force sensitives would not cease being born, though one could inculcate other ideologies within the population without the established competition."

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"Would it be a good thing to do if we could do it?"

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And he calls Cypher.

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"Hi. We're evacuating and I think blowing up some stuff up behind us and then I came up with a way to pretend to murder people while actually sending them to a faraway planet where they can't make trouble and Darth Occlus thought you might have a plan other than riding out the coup - I want the war to stop. Wars are bad."

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"Before you arrived, the coup actually was a step in ending the larger war."

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"Okay. We can also let it happen if we should do that."

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"The idea was to set it up such that the fight will be locally contained and mostly between Sith of either faction and Jedi. At the end, there would have been that many fewer of them in the galaxy, and the Empire would be significantly weakened, allowing the Republic to press their advantage still further."

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"That seems like a good thing to do if you can't just save everybody. Is it still the best thing to do now that you have a demon?"

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"No. But events have come too far and are moving too quickly to be halted now. But defusing the situation shortly after it begins would be a good way to gain a great deal of influence with both Empire and Republic."

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"Okay. How'd we do that?'

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"It depends on how precisely they decide to respond. I'm mapping a few high-probability projections. Some sort of temporary alliance is likely, we'd want to try to encourage that behavior."

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"...temporary alliance against me?"

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"Against Malgus."

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"Oh, okay. How do we pull that off?"

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"Probably a conspicuous display of magic. Teleportation, indestructibility- have you tested that against the Force yet?"

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"Nope - I can ask Darth Occlus now -" he sets the pad down - "do you want to check if the Force gets through my indestructibility?"

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"We can. Would you like to begin with mental or physical effects?"

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"I'm pretty sure the physical effects won't work but I guess we can start there?"

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"Very well. Telekinesis first." Occlus raises a hand and pinches, concentrating on his throat.

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It feels - uncomfortably pinchy? He doesn't need to breathe, but he's pretty sure he could if he needed to. He twitches slightly but is pretty sure he could also avoid doing that if he wanted.

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"More subtle is the whole-body stasis," she says, releasing her grip on his throat and instead exerting even pressure across his body to stay in place.

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Yep, that works, unless he teleports out of it.

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"Telekinetically thrown objects behave identically to ones thrown mundanely, so I think we can forgo that test. There is also lightning." Her fist crackles, and she sends a jolt at Epic.

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Mildly unpleasant, burn heals more-or-less instantly. "Okay, so - works on the same level that stabbing me works, you can make it unpleasant but can't hurt me."

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"There are also more esoteric arts that deal directly with affecting and manipulating life. This lifebinding can be extremely dangerous, and you are unlikely to run across a practitioner. But if you have a true vulnerability, it will be with this."

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"Do you know enough we could check?"

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"Then we should, unless I might die of you checking or something."

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"The risk should be minimal if I I am very careful."

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Occlus assumes a meditative posture and closes her eyes. She wraps the Force around herself, centering the swirling current, bending it to her will. Reaches out. Feels for the bright shining spark that is the boy's presence and squeezes but- gently-

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"Yeah, that hurts. I - I'm guessing it'd still follow the same rule, you can only hurt so much, but I'm not sure -"

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If she rips it in half that kills him outright can't test that- If she bends it he will decay- workable.

Grip and twist. It resists. She increases the power she is applying. His spark begins to shape itself to her will.

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That hurts more than he thinks indestructibility has let him hurt before - his fingers go greyish, pale, wrinkly -

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He is more resistant than anyone she has tested this on or read of. Anyone else would be a desiccated husk permanently at this point but if she lets up it tries to snap back into place. Enough, then. She's not trying to actually kill him. She releases her hold and breaks the trance.

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He doesn't use the healing spell because how-long-it-takes-to-heal is important to know. 


It starts, but it's slow - "Okay, so we can't count on me being immune to that - would I definitely have time to teleport out, or possibly not-"

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"Once you have been targeted by the lifebinder and they know the shape of your essence, they can affect you from across the galaxy. Workings at range are slower, and I may be able to counteract what they do. I think any more direct effects than what I did would be proportionately more difficult, and I needed to apply a considerable fraction of my power, almost as much as anyone else would have unaided."

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"Across the galaxy? What about farther than that?"

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"No one has ever left the galaxy and returned to tell of it."

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"We should test that, then, because I can teleport farther than that, easy."

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Occlus gestures for him to proceed.

"When you are ready."

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...he goes back to where he first entered this dimension.

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Occlus enters the lifebinder trance again. She knows his shape, she must merely find it... She stretches. Further than ever before. Seek. She knows what she is looking for, the Force will bend to her desire that she might find it...

There. The familiar spark, hanging alone in a terribly empty void. She tugs, her grip much attenuated by distance.

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He pops back. "Okay, that worked. Was it harder with the distance?"

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"Extremely. Someone more practiced may find it easier, but they would also have less power to bring to bear on the problem."

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"And I could go even farther, probably, that's just a random place -" he conjures a scale model of the universe with their current galaxy highlighted -

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It's full of stars. There's lots of places he could jump to that are pretty dang far away.

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"Want to try again, with something that's as far as I can get -"

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"If you like."

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Here is as far in this universe as he can possibly go.

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It's almost twenty minutes before he feels something that very faintly resembles the sensation of earlier.

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Okay, that's good to know. He comes back. 

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"A temporary defense, at least."

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"Yeah. And it wasn't very strong, and if someone were really being difficult I could put them at the opposite end of the galaxy."

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"Yes. But the art has few practitioners, and those that do exist tend to be reclusive."

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Nod. "I could make a person to pretend they're the one with all my abilities, and then just resurrect them whenever they died, but it'd probably take longer to impress people that way."

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"I think that is more effort than the threat warrants."

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"Okay." And he informs Cypher Nine that the Force works on him a little bit but not to debilitating levels, just like if he jumps into a sun or something, and there's more advanced stuff that works scary-well on him but he can teleport far enough away to make it hard for it to work.

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"There's also mental effects."

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"Right. We should test those too."

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"The basic category is the mind trick." She makes a small handwave gesture and exerts her will upon his mind. "Raise your right hand to the level of your eye."

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He does that.

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"It seems you have no innate defenses."

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"Makes sense. How worried about that should I be?"

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Wave. "More than you should be."

Wave. "Or not at all."

She waits a moment, then clears the effect.

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"Is there a defense -"

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"It is essentially an external imposition on your consciousness. You must practice a constant self-awareness. Know what you are thinking and why. If you cannot trace the origin of a thought, reject it."

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"Boots' be really good at that, even if she didn't have subtle arts shielding - hmm - 'I swear that for the next ten minutes I will only act on the goals and ideas and desires I have right now, and not any ones I acquire in the meantime.'


Try it again?"

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Wave. "Raise both your hands."

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He wants to, he can't, he puzzles out that the wanting-to is externally imposed and then he doesn't even want to, hah, she can't make him - 

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Wave. "You feel an overwhelming sadness."

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That works - he can tell after a bit that she's doing it, but he still feels it -

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Wave. "When your oath expires, raise your arms."

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Ten minutes - that's plenty of time to think - she said 'when the oath expires' because he can't do it until then, because the oath is shielding him from mind-control, though it wasn't phrased carefully enough to catch all of it - that means he wants to raise his arms because she said so, that means she's making him and she can't make him what if it was someone else making him make a black hole -


- his arms quiver. He scowls at her.

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Wave. "You don't want to think of a way out of it."

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But ten minutes ago he did and he can't form new wants - which is incidentally really dangerous, if something bad were happening he couldn't form a want to teleport away -

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Occlus seems content to wait out the rest of his oath period.

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He knows he doesn't actually want to raise his hands and that's just mind control and he still raises his hands - partially, slowly, but -

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Occlus raises a brow.

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No it's mind control he doesn't have to -


- hands down. Shakily.

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"Your oath was not totally effective," she notes. "What would you have done if I attacked you with lifebinding while it was in effect?"

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"I don't know, oaths freezing your wants like that are dangerous and hard to predict - might count as 'before I swore it I didn't want to be lifebinded', might not count -  there's probably a safer phrasing."

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"It would be a neat shortcut, but you would be better served by practicing good mental discipline. That has been demonstrated to work, and lacks the potential for disastrous side effects."

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"Okay. I'll practice. How do I practice, just - doing that a lot?"

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"If you were able to use the Force I would recommend several meditative exercises. I do not know that they would be effective for you."

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"Okay. Well. I need to figure it out somehow. Cipher recommended some books, I might read those -"

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"She would be a better resource than I for this."

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He makes the books and starts reading.

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The books are very informative, though the prose is a touch dry.

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He is really determined to learn how to not get mindcontrolled.

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The books offer several strategies.

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So he reads, and practices, and starts up the perception songs so he can practice faster, and eventually makes himself lunch and asks Darth Occlus if she wants some.

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If he's offering, yes.

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It's not like it's hard to make things.

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Then lunch may be had.

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He makes a very generous spread. He reads while he eats.

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Occlus finalizes arrangements for her most trusted subordinates to disappear, until she calls for them again.

She also eats a considerable amount of the food on offer.

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He is not going to let anyone mess with his head. He keeps reading.

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Then eventually he will have a complete picture of the methods Imperial Intelligence operatives used to use to fight that sort of thing off.

All he's missing is the three months of practice.

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One month of practice with the perception songs to make him think three and a half times as fast. And he doesn't need to sleep. 



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How time does fly when one is busy. Yes, to dinner.

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An even bigger spread. He eats while working, again.

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Shortly after dinner, Occlus's datapad chimes, and a holo of a bald, scarred man wearing a respirator across the lower half of his face appears.

"Fellow Sith. Citizens of the Empire. Too long the strength of the Empire has been beholden to the in-fighting of the Dark Council and the disappearance of an apathetic Emperor. Sith, children of Sith, and warriors everywhere, I declare a new Empire, open to all who long for conquest, freedom from inhibition, and the right to follow their passions. The Dark Council is dissolved. Those who would join Darth Serevin in supporting me, cast aside your titles and let me lead you to victory. Those who will not, prepare to face our stealth armada. The Emperor is gone. His station and power are mine. We will conquer the galaxy while he sleeps."

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He stops practicing. "Okay. What now?"

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"Make a duplicate of me here. I start the self-destruct, we leave."

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He makes a basement-dweller of her.

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Occlus enters a command on her datapad.

"Time to go."

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Pop! Now they're on his planetoid. It's stunningly pretty.

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Occlus spares a single moderately impressed glance around as she looks for the new location of her archives.

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"That way."

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"Thank you."

She heads over to make sure everything is intact and in place.

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It is!

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Excellent. A place for everything and everything in its place.

Though now that she thinks of it, this layout is hardly what she would design with complete freedom. It was optimized to fit within her space in the Citadel, which is not a constraint she need consider any longer... She goes back to Epic to solicit drafting materials.

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He's practicing again but he can provide.

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Then she can obtain what she needs, and begin sketching. If she's to make a break with the rest of the Sith, let it be a clean one. This structure will draw more inspiration from the Rakatan ruins she's excavated, a flowing combination of angled faces merging with a curve around the corner, wide hallways lined with bas-relief carvings depicting the lives of those she has cataloged.

In the air beneath her pen, the concept grows into life.

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He ignores her, still practicing.

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Sensible priorities. Let the Cipher worry about the galaxy, she seems to enjoy it. They have more important concerns, for the moment.

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Yup. Once she's done with a sketch he'll make it for her, of course.

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It's important that she gets it exactly right. Small-scale models of the intermediate stages will greatly help the process along.

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Okay, fair. 

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Sixteen hours later, he gets a call from Cipher Nine.

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"I assume you saw the broadcast? Has Occlus moved yet?"

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"Yep, with all the archives."

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"Good. The Republic and Imperial forces on Ilum have come to a temporary ceasefire agreement, until Malgus's threat is neutralized. They're gearing up for an assault on his factory now."

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"Is that good?"

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"It means there's only two sides to this fight instead of three. And it gives a bit of precedent to build off of."

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"Okay. So what are we doing?"

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"Take Malgus down before they can get there, give the good news to the high commands, mention how much you like it when people don't fight wars, glance meaningfully around."

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"Okay. I can do that. ...now?"

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"We should talk through a more complete plan before you actually teleport into his throne room but yes. Now."

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"Okay." Wings folded. "What's the plan?"

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"First rule: know the territory. Make a model of the station and the throne room for reference."

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...he makes one.

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"See all the high nooks? Put a few holocams up there, for proof of the confrontation."

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"I can't make stuff without an uninterrupted visual."

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"And if I had access to his security feeds already to give you one it would be a moot point. Okay. Pop them in first thing when you get there, then."

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"Okay. Force users can see me even if I'm invisible, so should I just - not be?"

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"I know a way to blur your signature temporarily. It will buy you some time."

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"In that case I could go in, place the cameras, and come back -"

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"Blur, not erase. He would still sense your presence."

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"Not entirely a bad thing. My read on him is that that would cause him to stick around to try to catch you next time. As opposed to, say, going down to defend the factory."

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"I just need you to tell me what to do I'm not good at intrigue and stuff."

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Occlus looks at Cipher.

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Occlus rolls her eyes and looks away.

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"Yeah, go now and do that."

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Occlus draws a sigil in the air with her fingers, tracing a briefly glowing pattern she flicks in Epic's direction.

"Thus be hidden, not seen til called upon, by my power so it be," she mutters.

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"What do you want it transmitting to?"

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She provides technical specifications.

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Pop, camera, pop.

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"And... there's the feed. Okay, good. Did you test your immunity to the Force?"

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"Don't have it, though some stuff works much slower on me than it should and I can heal much faster. I can swear oaths that sort of block mind tricks but they're not perfect and I'm studying from your books."

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"For maximum effect, you should be the only one visibly confronting Malgus. Are you comfortable with that?"

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"Yeah. And since he won't know how to work around oaths they should work fine for that, if I phrase it carefully."

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"Good. We want this to be impressive, theatrical. Show off a bit. Get him talking."

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"Okay. What do I do -"

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"Go there and ask him to stop. He will refuse. Explain to him that you do not like war and killing. He will laugh at you, and perhaps counter with his own philosophy. Say that if he does not stop on his own, you will be forced to do it. At that point, he will attack you."

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"Take a few hits before you pretend to kill him, if you can sell it being no big deal."

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"I can do that. If he's going to try mind tricks, though, I need an oath that's really careful, I'm not sure of the practice yet -"

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"It's not really his style."

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"Can you make people other than yourself invisible?"

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"I could go with you, invisible, and counteract any tricks he may try."

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"Oh, good. That would make me feel much safer."

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"Great. You two've got," she glances at something out of the range of the display, "two hours, give or take, before the ground assault. Whenever you're ready. Call me when you're done."

She ends the call.

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Bounce bounce - 


Calm, calm, and intensely aware of his own mind and which of the thoughts there are his - 


He watches the video feed.

"Okay. Let's go."

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"Where are you planning to put him? Your other planetoid?"

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"Yeah. I could find a habitable planet, if that's better for some reason."

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"That will work, but you might need a more scalable solution eventually. Something to consider afterwards."

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Nod. He waits for a good moment on the video, and then -


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Here is the throne room, cavernous and echoey, almost as chill as the vacuum outside. At the top of the stairs, the hulkingly massive chair sits with its back towards the center of the room, its occupant presumably staring out through the enormous transparisteel plates that provide a breathtaking view of the stars, bright hard points of light against the ebon backdrop, and the ice-white planet below.

Slowly, slowly, the chair turns to face the intruders.

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"I am here to offer you the chance to surrender," he says. He tries not to sound like he's six or seven but that's pretty much a lost cause.

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The man in the chair is the same one from the holo broadcast. His red eyes are sunken deep into his face, and this close, there is a palpable sense of strength, like he could snap everyone in half like a twig, if he so chose.

"Are you?" he asks, quietly. His breath rasps loudly through his respirator. "Have my enemies already become so desparate, that they would send a child against an Emperor?"

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"You haven't even met my people, and we are the enemies of war but we do not have to be enemies of yours. They sent me because sending anyone older would honestly be unfair. I don't really want to kill you but there will be no more wars in this galaxy and no more senseless deaths of innocent people."

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"Naive. And foolish. War is eternal. The crucible by which our strength is measured and refined. Twenty years I sat idle. No longer."

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"I don't want you to sit idle. I want you to grow differently. We spread peace across worlds, we spread invention across worlds, we spread opportunity across worlds, fast and graceful and clean, a thousand coups accomplished without violence. You have choices other than 'sit at home' and 'order people to kill each other'."

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"Peace is a lie, boy. The Sith were born to war. To deny that is to deny the truth of what I am."

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"Then I deny the truth of what you are but I still don't want to kill you."

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Malgus stands abruptly, and sweeps a crushing wall of force at Epic.

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He teleports forward a bit at a time so it looks like he's entirely still. "You could preside over a galaxy at peace."

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"I do not want to rule, only to conquer."

On the word conquer, he leaps to where Epic is standing, lightsaber raised above his head and coming down in a mighty overhand slash.

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He lets him do that. The lightsaber only leaves a very shallow cut, but it slices through his hair. He glares at him and teleports the cut hair away and puts his braid back properly.

"Are you done?"

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Probably not, going by the way he launches a barrage of blows.

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Teleport-to-planetoid-and-make-a-body-simultaneously, just like he practiced, his heart is racing so much that time seems to have slowed down anyway.


He heals himself. He puts his hair back again. He considers singing for the dead person and decides that might be a bit much.


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Well done. Let us leave this place.

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Pop. Home.


And he makes himself a big fuzzy blanket and wraps his wings around himself and curls up on the ground.

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His emotional turmoil is very distinctly not a thing she wants to get involved with. Not until she has a pressing need for something and he's still catatonic.

Back to work on the new archives.

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He goes outside. He sings. It is not the song for if someone died; it is just a song for 'everyone is stupid'. He practices his exercises from the books.



...and he heads over to the planetoid in the other galaxy.

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Malgus is doing some redecorating, working off a general theme of 'smoldering ruins'.

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If that's how he likes the place. He will make a point of putting anyone else he teleports somewhere else. He sits down on a smouldering ruin and makes himself a telescope and starts making another planetoid a couple hundred million miles away.

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Malgus notes his arrival, and bends his course of destruction back around.

"Why," he growls, "am I here."

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"I didn't want to kill you? I will if you really want me to but I told you, I don't like killing people. So I made it look to everyone in the room like I'd killed you and instead I teleported you to another galaxy."

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"A weakling and a coward. Send me back, or kill me now. I will not be caged."

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"It ...looks like you have the means to kill yourself? Am I wrong, is that not a thing the Force can do."

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"No stomach to do the deed yourself, boy? You sicken me. To hold such power and be unwilling to wield it fully."

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"No, I mean, if you want to be dead, you can be dead, and if you don't want to be dead, you can be alive, and you being able to decide that just seems like it has less errors than me deciding that. And I'm wielding my power fully to do the stuff I want."

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"Your lack of vision is pathetic. And I tire of your puerile moralizing screed. Leave me or kill me." He puts the weight of the Force behind the last statement.

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He notices. He doesn't have to do what this guy wants. 

But there's no reason not to, either. "Okay. Bye. I'll drop off food every once in a while."



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Occlus has another design iteration she'd like to see a model for.

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Can do.

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And didn't the Cipher say something about calling her once it was done?

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Oh. Right.



He gives her a call.

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"Impressive! Good job, it was very believable."

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"Thank you."

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"I mean, I'm assuming you didn't actually kill him?"

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"No, he's on a planetoid far away blowing stuff up. He asked me to kill him but I don't think he preferred to be dead, exactly."

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"Death by an enemy's hand is preferable to captivity or suicide, though given enough of the former and left with the means to do so, he will turn to the latter eventually."

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"That's a strange set of preferences. I - I don't really want to kill him even if he wants me to do that, but if it's really actually what he wants -"

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Occlus shrugs.

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"If I gave him a bigger planet would that help any?"

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"I think it is more the lack of opportunity to exert his will upon lesser beings than it is the size of his prison."

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"We could make a theme park for kinky Space Elves once the peal finds us, I guess. Are they all going to be like that?"

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"Only the most obstinately indoctrinated. Which is not an insignificant fraction of the total."

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"I wish I were better at talking them out of it."

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"Well, regardless. The rest of Malgus's forces have surrendered. The Republic wants to pin about fifteen medals on you, and the Empire also expresses their gratitude."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And are they negotiating an end to the war?"

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"They need a little bit of a nudge, I think. But so far the ceasefire hasn't fallen apart."

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"Cool. ...a nudge? Should we do something?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We've given enough of a carrot, now it's time for a bit of the stick. You need to record something saying your experience with Malgus has opened your eyes to the reality of the war between Empire and Republic. Effective immediately, you will no longer be providing material aid to governments engaged in conflict, though your independent humanitarian works will continue as normal. That should help sway public opinion against the war far enough that the leaders will have to make a serious effort at peace."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...okay. You know how to broadcast that once it's recorded?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"As long as it's in a recognizable format."

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"I can do format conversions." He makes himself a his-world camera. He looks at it. "I can create arbitrary material goods. I would hope that the nations of this galaxy would choose peace and prosperity over war. But they are going to have to choose. I will work no longer with any government involved in wars. I will continue my work with any peaceful organization. But the wars have to end, or the states that conduct them will find themselves left behind."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That will do nicely."

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"Name a format."

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She does so!

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Then he will make a model of where she is and come drop it off!

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She's on a space station, in a room with a lot of complicated-looking electronic equipment.


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"Hi." Recording.

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"Thanks." She pops it into a convenient port, then starts setting up an override broadcast.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's kind of cool. He looks around.

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Lots of shiny blinking lights and humming servers.

"Um, just try not to disturb anything. Some of this is delicate."

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She flashes him a smile, then returns to what she was doing.

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It's a cool space station. He folds his wings and goes walking around.

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If he leaves the room with all the computers, he can find some neat displays that commemorate historical events stretching back almost ten thousand years.

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Many of them mention the role something called 'the Star Cabal' played in shaping the desired outcome.

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He should ask for a proper history lesson later.

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That would probably help contextualize this stuff, yeah.

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He reads on.

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Here's one about the time a Hutt got elected Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. Here's one about when the Tion Cluster joined the Republic.

Here's one about how the Revan incidents prompted the re-introduction of Sith and Jedi, after thousands of years of separation.

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This place is going to need continual supervision.

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Very probably!

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After a while he wanders back to where Cypher Nine is.

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"Did you enjoy the tour?"

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"Yeah. You have a cool space station. I should probably be studying not being affected by the Force, though."

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"It is something you have to practice."

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So he makes himself headphones and goes back to practicing.

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The habit of secrets is a hard one to break. She really should just tell him everything, he's already here, she was never going to be able to hide it. But it's just easier, somehow, to wait until he asks.

After a while, everything is set up, and she sends out the broadcast. Special transmissions to the Dark Council, the Jedi Council, the office of the Supreme Chancellor, and major news outlets across the galaxy. That should stir things up.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can we watch reactions -"

Permalink Mark Unread

Tap tap tap here are security feeds from several newsrooms. His recording is looping on big screens as beings bustle around writing summaries to distribute and for their anchors to read. Some editors are getting confirmation on the origin of the tape. Others are asking the local government for permission to run the report.

Here's the Chancellor's office. She's in a huddle with her top advisors. Aides run in and out, bearing documents.

"The Sith and Jedi don't keep cameras in their inner sanctums. I'll know more after they start transmitting orders."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod. "How do you have all this stuff?"

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"It's called the Black Codex. It's a hardwired backdoor into every Holonet-capable device, as well as a record of all data ever uploaded."

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"That's pretty amazing."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Your world's old. Most of the ones I can think of there's not ten thousand years of written history. Millennia, I guess, but that hardly counts."

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She shrugs.

"The galaxy's been around for a while, I guess. I don't usually think about it so much. There's a lot going on in the present."

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Nod. "Do you want me to go back?"

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"I don't mind if you want to stay. I- It's been a long time since there was anyone but me here."

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"It's a big space station for one person."

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"It wasn't mine originally. I, um, inherited it from its previous owners, a larger group of people."

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"You took over a space station without wrecking all the stuff? All by yourself?"

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"I was trained to be the best. And by the time I got here, I'd already neutralized most of their defenses."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Eventually everything will be okay."

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"But then we'll have forever once it is."

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"That's what they call a bright side, isn't it."

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"I think things being bad now and guaranteed to eventually be good is very emotionally healthy for me. Most mes grow up in places that are nice and then stop and I don't cope well."

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"I can see how that would lead to a deficiency in one's skillset."

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"I usually kill a lot of people. I have a reason, but still."

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"It's kind of weird that you talk about things your alts did in the first person."

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"Boots thinks so too."

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"I haven't met any of my alts. Don't even know if I have any. But I have been lots of people, and I know that it's... not good, to let your self get lost in the shuffle."

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"If I think about my alts as other people then I feel kind of competitive with them and that's scary."

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"How so?"

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"I need to be the smartest person in the universe to deserve to exist and if there are others of me then I can't be."

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"Oh." Sounds like she's not the only one who needs to see a therapist.

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"I know it's a kind of silly thing to think, but it doesn't really go away. Being here helps because there's something I can do no one else can do."

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"It's a lot harder to get rid of silly thoughts than it is to recognize their silliness."

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"Boots' a therapist, but she wouldn't therapize me and I don't want to get some other subtle artist to get the thoughts to go away because then I'd still be just as undeserving of existing but I wouldn't know it."

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"I don't think of it in terms of what is deserved. If you're alive through no fault of your own, make what you can of it."

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"Elves don't die, so it's not - that I could stop. It's just that it hurts feeling like I shouldn't exist and won't possibly be good enough to make up for it and will just - know that, forever -"

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"That does sound painful, though I can't say I've ever felt- unwanted, that way. All the mes I've ever been were built for a purpose of one sort or another."

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"It's worse for the grownup mes. I'm the happiest Fëanáro by a lot."

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"I guess that's something."

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"Yeah. Thank you for helping me figure out how to help this world."

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"If you're going to do it, better that you do it right."

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"Yeah." He wraps his wings around himself and then goes back to practicing.

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Some time later, Occlus calls.

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"I've completed my design for the archives. If you are not terribly busy, could you come back and instantiate it?"

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"Okay." Pop. He finds some empty space and builds off her blueprints.

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It is, undeniably, a much prettier structure than the old archives. Still, it obviously was not designed by an Elf.

"Thank you."

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"Sure. We released the broadcast. People are - well, they're talking about it. Dunno if it'll help any."

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"Worries like that are part of why I elected to leave the whole system behind."

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"I want the war to stop."

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"And for such desires, you are cursed with the need of action. I will not say I envy you them."

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"Not caring about stuff sounds like it'd get really boring eventually."

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"My interests are historical in nature. Perhaps in a century I will chronicle your recent exploits. Once the issue has been settled."

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"Doing things your way sounds exhausting, quite frankly."

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"Doing anything at all, you mean?"

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"Attempting to affect the fate of the galaxy."

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"Well, I kind of have a lot of magic to do it with. You know what I'd have done if I'd been born here, because it's what my alt did."

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"Speaking of Fienus, have you tried activating his holocron yet?"

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"No! We should try that."

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"It's still in the vault, if you'd like to retrieve it."

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He bounds over to get it.

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There it is, all triangular and reddishly glowing.

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He takes it back with him. He makes a basement-dweller of Darth Fienus shortly before he died.

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"Needs bare skin on the palm-shaped impression near the base," directs Occlus.

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He is kind of too little to move his alt around except by teleporting; he tries it anyway.

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Occlus didn't want to have to touch him, but she makes many sacrifices in the name of knowledge. She positions the Fienus body appropriately.

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Basement dwellers are a little creepy. And?

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And the holocron flickers into life. A cowled holo-figure appears, it is difficult to make out any details of his appearance.

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"It worked."

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"Cool! How do we -"

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He sees two people, one of them winged, something that is very much not a person but is breathing at their feet. He is confused. "What are you doing here?"

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"We found a shortcut to defeating the genetic lock your creator placed on you. He is long dead, it has been some eight hundred years."

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"He had no heirs?"

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"No. And of course his half-siblings would not have sufficed. After his tomb was sealed, it remained undisturbed until I excavated it."

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"Who are you?"

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"Darth Occlus. Formerly head of the Pyramid of Ancient Knowledge."

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There's some kind of reaction to that, but it's mostly hidden by the cowl. "And what do you want?"

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"I wanted to meet you. We're going to resurrect you soon but I wanted to meet you first."

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"I thought you might shed some light on some of Fienus's more... esoteric relics."

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"Resurrect me."

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"I have a lot of magic and I'm fixing the galaxy with it. They're helping."

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The figure inclines its cowl slightly at Darth Occlus.

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"He is an accidental visitor from a parallel universe and has the ability to conjure arbitrary matter. The resurrection is as yet undemonstrated, I believe his friends must find us before that can begin to happen."

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"Yeah. But it will."

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"I am inclined to believe his claims. His track record has been exceptional thus far."

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"I see. What questions did you have?"

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She has a list. Darth Fienus's notes have a habit of being unhelpful and/or encrypted.

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Well, he wasn't sure he'd want to help random people who might be rifling through his notes. He's happy to answer questions in rather exhaustive technical detail, though.

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"...and lastly. The gems. The flow of the Force is warped in their presence, but I cannot determine how or why."

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The cowled figure bounces on his heels in a manner that is very very reminiscent of Fëanáro. "No one ever figured that out? Such a shame."

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"Enlighten me."

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"It sounds like you already have half of it. They're lenses for the Force. They can magnify it, distort it - you need them in the right configuration to accomplish anything - there was no one intelligent in the galaxy for ten thousand years? That's so disappointing -"

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"That is completely unprecedented."

But it makes sense, explains so much-

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That is a smug bouncing cowled Sith. "Of course it is."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Explain the principles."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What do you know about optics?"

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Then start there and come back here when you know something about optics, I'm not going to give an introductory science lecture."

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"This is why your peers never bothered to desecrate your tomb."

But she reach for her datapad and pull up an entry on optics.

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"I know about optics."

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"Yes, but I don't want to explain myself twice."

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In forty minutes, Occlus declares herself to have a grasp of optics.

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"Fine. Most people talk about the Force in terms of flow and currents, like water. That's a mistake. It's an obvious mistake, really, or would be if people tried acting on their pretty metaphors and studying fluid dynamics and checking if that matched the behavior of the Force. You want to think of it much more like light. And light can be refracted, can be bounced, can be amplified -"

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"-as in Kostn Gal's Third Proscriptive, yes, yes, it fits, I always thought that inconsistent but I have achieved acceptable results... And with the focii as external independently persistent objects you could extend the duration- Tell me more about what configurations you've discovered."

Permalink Mark Unread

He warms to her considerably. "Did you get far enough to see how a microscope works? Two lenses, at the right distance from each other relative to their own focal points -"

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"And the effect compounds, yes. Is there an analogue to the inversion? Working at that level of power I would expect it to be difficult to handle."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There is. Start with a distance that gets you a mild amplification - one and a half - and figure it out, it's in my notes but it's hard to characterize compared to actually trying to work with it. Get really, really precise before you work with anything stronger."

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"I have some experience with augmented power already." She stands. "I am going to go fetch the notes and the gems."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You didn't bring them with you? I'm astonished the incompetence of the Sith hasn't eaten them alive yet."

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"They are in my archives, together with the rest of your effects and precisely catalogued. I had not anticipated they would be so valuable I would wish to begin experiments at once."

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"When resurrected I will want them back."

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"I am certain you will."

She departs before the holocron can say any more.

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He follows. "And you should give them back, they're his."

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"Historically, once a person's artifacts have entered the keeping of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, they do not leave it." A pause. "You will need to give me time to become accustomed to the idea."

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"You didn't used to have resurrection. You will someday."

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"I will develop a protocol for co-ownership. Some sort of timeshare, perhaps."

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"The Silmarils - the alternate universe versions of his gems, I don't know if these ones have that name - people keep trying to lay a claim to them and it is a disaster every universe it happens in."

Permalink Mark Unread

"A seventy-thirty split, then, that seems more than fair. Keeping them safe against his return for as long as I have is surely worth a third as much as creating them in the first place." There is more than a hint of a smile on her face.

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"If there's a disaster there will be ten of me singing 'told you so'."

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"I do not think I will actually withhold them. Were it me, I would certainly create a disaster if I was denied them. And you have been helpful."

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"Yeah, usually the me creates the disaster. Elves can bindingly swear to do things, so we swear to kill anyone who withholds a Silmaril and then people are stupid and withhold Silmarils anyway and then lots of people die. I'm not going to do that because I know better."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is good to be able to learn from your mistakes."

Here's the vault. Occlus collects the relevant notes and the gems in their protective case, and then they can return to the holocron.

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"You return equipped to actually learn something."

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"You may also wish to learn from this one's irritating inability to erect a facade of civility when faced with the fact that all minds do not spring from exactly the same circumstances as its own," Occlus comments to Epic.

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"Mes usually have a son who does the being-tolerably-polite at people."

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"Should I be courteous but unhelpful? Oh, Dark Councilor, I am so flattered and delighted that you have preserved for all these centuries the works of my lifetime, it is such a shame that my creator neglected to leave in my memory how they can be put to use."

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"It is a testament to both your creator's skill and luck that he survived long enough to make a holocron." Occlus sets the case down and uses the basement dweller's hand to unlock it. "What subtleties of positioning did not make it into his notes?"

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"I couldn't say. What notes do you have?"

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She has a fairly complete collection.

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Then he can expand on them and clarify the mathematics that went into this one and the series of experiments developed off of that one and so on.

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For all his interpersonal ineptness, he did have a strong grasp on the theory behind the power of ritual magic. As long as the conversation stays technically focused, Occlus finds herself actually enjoying it.

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Technical conversations are unimaginably more fun, he's never been clear on why people have any other ones.

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Occlus sets up an augmentation configuration and channels some of her power. The area is stirred around as if by a violent wind. She starts to laugh.

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Bounce bounce.

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"If I'd had this ten years ago... But I do see the flux, it seems to me almost like the beginnings of a resonance cascade, which suggests several approaches. Have you tried-" The discussion becomes technical again.

Occlus does not work from principle so well as Fienus, she is more comfortable synthesizing from known techniques. But with the breadth of her knowledge that is hardly a practical handicap.

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And the principles can be applied to explain known phenomena and suggest adjustments and variations just as easily as to develop new rituals.

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Then together they can make some progress. Well. She can make some progress. The holocron can't learn anything and will be back at the beginning next time it's activated.

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It's really annoying how that works. If he were fully a person he'd be throwing something of a tantrum.

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If he were fully a person, he would not have the problem.

...Would Epic be interested to know that there is an arrangement such that a stable resonance effect can be maintained over an area, disrupting any attempts at mind control within?

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"Really? How do you do it - I wish I had the Force -"

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"You set the gems up thus, stand in the center there, then I give it a push." She twists her hand and directs a tendril of power into the nearest gem just so.

Wave. "Raise both your hands."

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"Good. It's not exactly subtle and it is confined to the area, but it does work."

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"Could have them under the floor, if I got to pick the location for a meeting."

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"That would work. Be very wary of revealing the gems' existence. Almost all Sith and many Jedi would not be able to withstand the temptation, if their true power were known."

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"Yeah, Silmarils. That's like a rule with them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Your alts create desirable things. This speaks well of your capabilities."

Permalink Mark Unread

"In worlds without writing I'm the inventor of writing. In worlds without electricity I create that, and eventually faster-than-light travel. There's a world where my alt got his people from electricity to nuclear weaponry in sixteen years and a world where my alt invented a way to kill a god. I don't know what I'll do yet but I'm going to be careful of Silmarils because of the bit where they're always a disaster."

Permalink Mark Unread

"These seem to have so far avoided that fate."

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"Always is a bit of an exaggeration, Shine's're fine and Space's were only briefly a problem. But in the default timeline there are four wars fought over them and the only one of my children not to die in the wars commits suicide once they're over."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Just how many of you are there?"

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"Do forks count?"

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"Let us say no."

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"Ten, counting the one in this world."

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"I wonder if there are any of me in other universes."

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"Might be. There're lots of people with duplicates though I haven't heard of any of you doing anything especially. Maitimo'd know."

Permalink Mark Unread

"'Maitimo' being who?"

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"When I get married and have kids I have seven and the oldest one's - good at people. Really good at people, might as well be able to read minds, they follow him into anything including in the worlds where it's relevant a lot of mass murder. Anyway, they all remember everyone they've ever met and share notes on it between each other and can tell pretty quickly if people are alts. If any of them met any of you they'd know."

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"That sounds useful."

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"Yeah. If it weren't unethical to make people I'd definitely make one of him so he could help us."

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"Are any of the others' skillsets relevant?"

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"Not obviously so...music, magic, economics, engineering, diplomacy - a Maitimo'd know who else we might want for their skills, if we had him."

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"Hm. It seems to me you are making acceptable progress on your own. Perhaps by the time one of him shows up, you will no longer need his help."

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"That's what I want, yeah. They'll let you rule the galaxy if you're doing a good job, being good at people means you're better off having met them."

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"What if I was someone currently doing a poor job of running the galaxy?"

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"Uh, if I could model a Maitimo I wouldn't need one, but it'd probably depend why?"

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"Would I be removed if I were doing so out of malice? Because then it seems I would be worse off for having met them."

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"I mean, we kill Melkors and Thaurons. Because they're awful, and should die. Most people don't just want to cause as much suffering as they can? If someone did then they'd be stuck."

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"Well. I have no interest in running the galaxy, poorly or otherwise. If I can pursue my archaeology and maintain my archive in peace I will be more than content."

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"I am sure you can do that. Do you know who could be good at running the galaxy?"

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"No candidadates spring to mind. It is a large job for one person to manage."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Could also split it up, I guess."

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"You'd have an easier time finding people competent enough to manage small chunks of the galaxy than finding one who can do the whole thing. And if the division was done sensibly, many of the problems that arise from having too many species and cultures under one government could be mitigated or eliminated."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not good at that stuff but it sounds important. Maybe Cipher Nine'll know?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"She may. One underestimates a Cipher's capabilities at their peril."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Her ship was cool."

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"I'm sure. Intelligence had a generous budget while she was there."

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"How is she related to the Empire, exactly?"

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"The Ciphers were the elite of the elite, Imperial Intelligence's answer to a galaxy populated by Sith and Jedi. Non-Force sensitives trained to an exacting standard and given all the tools tgey needed to compete. The program had mixed success, over its forty-year run perhaps a dozen operatives made it into the field. Cipher Nine was the last, and perhaps best, to graduate. Despite the impressive contributions those few individuals made, the Council deemed the project unfit for further investment when Intelligence was restructured a few years ago. Cipher Nine vanished around that time, I imagine she felt betrayed."

Permalink Mark Unread

"She doesn't seem to like them much, no. She doesn't seem to like anyone much. ...I think maybe some dead people? But still."

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"It is not a line of work that lends itself to forming strong interpersonal connections."

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Nod. "But she's not doing it anymore. Right?"

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"Not for the Empire, at least. You would have to ask her."

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"Maybe when I'm done practicing my mental protectedness."

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"I'll leave you to it."

Occlus goes back to interrogating the holocron.

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There are a lot of nuances to the use of the gems and he's happy to expand on them.

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Later, Cipher Nine calls Epic.

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He answers.

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"I've got updates on the response to your announcement. It's... not favorable."

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"The Empire and Sith are unwilling to back down. The Republic doesn't want to move first and leave themselves exposed to an offensive push by the Empire. The Jedi aren't going to stop fighting as long as the Sith don't, in the name of protecting innocents."

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"Why are people so terrible."

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"Fear. Hatred. Pride. Anger. Take your pick."

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"Okay. So, what's next?"

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"There's beginning to be whispers of secession floating around, I'm going to do what I can to encourage those. I also have some ideas for making the economic benefits of your aid more concretely obvious. How much do you know about the Hutt Cartel?"

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"Uh, nothing."

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"It's the largest criminal organization in the galaxy and controls a significant fraction of the Outer Rim. Heavily involved in the slave trade and drug smuggling, though it's big enough to have more legal businesses as well. What I propose is making them a demonstration of the 'do what I want you to and you get really nice stuff' principle.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...sounds good. How?"

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"The Hutts are criminals, but more essentially than that, they are businessmen. They'll respond to material incentives much more readily than Sith or Jedi, and more quickly than a bureaucracy can. If we find one Hutt who is willing to reform in exchange for wealth beyond his wildest dreams, and then give him that, the others will tie themselves in knots to follow suit."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Sounds good. So how do we find the first one?"

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"We need to strike a balance between moderately successful such that others will take note but not so entrenched that it will take too long to shift his enterprises. I've got my network on it, they're narrowing down the list."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Can we also just free all the slaves, or would that work against the peaceful path somehow?"

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"Freeing slaves would be part of the reformation."

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"So I'll let you know when I find a candidate, and in the meantime the bacta warehouses could use a top-off."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can do that."


He does that. 


He practices his mind-control exercises.

Permalink Mark Unread

He makes progress.

Occlus finishes extracting a working knowledge of Fienus's gems from his holocron, and, not having any pressing need to destroy a planet at the moment, sets them aside. She moves her collection from the old archive to the new, and reinstalls her own holocron as the overseeing presence therein.

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And Cipher Nine finds a Hutt. His name is Nagoota and he runs a gas mining operation on a small moon. It is incredibly polluted. He wants enough droids to replace his slave laborers and a laundry list of material goods, including three pleasure yachts made of solid gold.

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They won't float. Not that he cares, especially.

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That's what the repulsors underneath are for. Including little details like that is how the majordomo lets his master know he cares.

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...he can't make droids. He tries and gets basement-dweller droids.


"Space had that problem. Some computers can be intelligent enough to count so it's trouble making them."

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"Hmm. Let me see... All right, I think this is solvable. Can you make just a droid shell with a networking chip, no verbobrain?" She provides relevant schematics.

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He can do that!

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"Great! So just give him those, I'll get a controller intelligence and slice something together so it can expand to run everything and then we can just copy that when it comes up with the other Hutts."

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"Okay!" Polluted moon, here is a ridiculous amount of stuff including three solid gold yachts. Fëanáro is not judging you at all.

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Nagoota the Hutt would not care if Fëanáro judged him. The Hutt wants what the Hutt wants.


In two days, there are three more Hutts who want in on this deal. Their list of demands are similarly extravagant.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hutts would probably like Hell. He makes them their ridiculously tacky stuff.

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More and more of the Cartel start jumping on the demonic bandwagon. There's a waiting list, Cipher Nine arranges it by priority. The galactic underworld is in complete chaos. Groups like Black Sun and the Exchange start trying to grow to fill the gaps the Hutt Cartel is leaving behind them. Cipher quietly arranges for the Cartel to discourage such activities, and when that proves insufficient, she contracts a dozen or so precisely targeted assassinations and drops a couple ominously anonymous messages into the gangs' private computer systems.

Some of the Republic's poorer systems want to ask Epic a question: If they seceded and formed an independent confederacy that is not involved in the war, would they then be eligible to receive his aid? And if so, would he also help to protect them from Imperial and/or Republic reprisals?

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He should probably ask Cipher Nine about that but he feels like they should say yes, can they say yes.

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It would be really great if they could say yes!

But if they do, then they need to be prepared to follow through, whether by providing the confederacy with arms and armaments or having a private fleet of their own or just Epic personally intervening if necessary.

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"I'd rather personally intervene but I don't know - will I have enough warning -"

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"I can probably get advance notice to you. And I could dig up some sentry beacons for you to copy."

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"And I can conjure for it, if I remember to do that regularly enough - how long would there be between a fleet entering the start system and attacking -"

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"Depends on the commander's strategy, usually not more than an hour."

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"Conjuring every half hour would get tedious. You're very sure we'd have a way of checking in advance?"

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"I'll have my system set up a flag on likely military communications. If they don't use the Holonet to relay orders I'll miss it, but that is vanishingly unlikely."

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"Okay. Then let's tell them yes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right."

The message is relayed. The systems secede. There is much political wailing and gnashing of teeth. The confederacy would like the following things, please and thank you. Conversion of the Hutt Cartel is nearly completed.

The Jedi want to talk to Epic.

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"I can talk with them. After the confederacy has all its stuff, I like them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm sure they'll wait patiently for you."

Permalink Mark Unread

He listens to perception-acceleration music and makes stuff by the warehouseful or the empty field or the traincar, fast as he can, for all of the planets in his new confederacy. They will have all of the nice things they ask for and some from Warp as well.


And then he can go meet the Jedi.

Permalink Mark Unread

Does he want to meet them in person or by holocall? (They would prefer in person.)

Permalink Mark Unread

In person sounds good!

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Is he okay with coming to the Temple? It's a lovely Temple, plenty of room and guaranteed free of eavesdroppers. Or he could suggest a place.

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Temple works! (He conjures for an image to jump to.) When do they want him?

Permalink Mark Unread

Is now convenient? The South Garden is unoccupied.

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Permalink Mark Unread

There is an older woman sitting on the bench. She wears a serene expression, and seems very calm and peaceful.

"Hello there."

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"I am Satele Shan, Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. You must be Epic. You've been quite busy in recent times."

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"Yeah. I want all wars to end and everyone to live forever and get to learn things."

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"A noble aspiration. I hope your goals can be realized. In simpler times, I would offer the aid of the Jedi, but I do not believe we can withdraw from the conflict while the Sith remain aggressive. I hope you understand."

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"I can protect you and whoever you think you're protecting. I can make sure they can't even get near you. I'm doing it for the new confederation."

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"The Jedi are responsible for all the beings of the galaxy."

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"Okay, so now you can be responsible for all of them without fighting a war. What does being responsible for them even mean if it doesn't mean you'll do what's best for them?"

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"It means that we will not stand by and let them be slaughtered when we could have done something to prevent it. I would like nothing more than for all the Jedi to hang up their armor today and remain home where they will be safe, but as matters currently stand, we would be condemning many thousands to death at the hands of the Sith if we did. You have great power, this is true, but you are still just one person. You cannot be everywhere at once."

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"Do you know the cargo limit on my teleport?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I do not."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Neither do I, because there's never been cause to try putting a whole galaxy somewhere else. Planets go fine. I can put all of the Sith somewhere a hundred million lightyears away. Some of the people advising me think I should."

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Satele raises her eyebrows slightly in surprise.

"That would certainly be a solution. One much preferable to the options we currently face."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. My - advisors - kind of think they'll all kill each other or themselves, and I'd like them to not do that, but I want the war stopped and if that'll stop the war -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Without an external enemy, the Sith are likely to self-destruct, I agree. But I do not see any better solutions that scale as well."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If I do that, then your people won't start any more wars?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We will not. A Jedi uses the Force for defense only, never to attack."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sounds great."


And what happens if he pops over to Cipher's?

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She's doing something inscrutable involving large blocks of code.

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He'll wait.

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It's not long before she notices him.

"Hey. How'd it go?"

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"Jedi say they'll stop fighting if I get rid of the Sith."

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"Sounds like something they would say."

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"Do you not believe them?"

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"They'll stop fighting the Sith if they all disappeared. Whether they'd extend that to the rest of the Empire, I wouldn't bet on. And they'd find or create another enemy for themselves sooner or later."

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"Do you mind if I go ask them about that?"

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"You can, but I don't expect they will see their future as being so inevitably similar to their past as I do."

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"We could discuss what to do if hypothetically it is."

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"You could put the Jedi on the other end of the universe from where the Sith are."

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"I'm definitely going to do that, but if they're inclined to invent enemies no matter what that might not be enough."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I suppose they are at least less obvious about it than the Sith. Someone like you publicly watching might keep them in line."

Permalink Mark Unread



And pop back to the garden place -

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Where Satele is still sitting serenely.

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"My advisors are worried that even if the Sith were all gone you'd want to keep up the war with the Empire."

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"If the Sith were removed I do think a peace could be brokered between Empire and Republic. We would only continue to fight if the Empire gives us no other choice."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you good at noticing when you have other choices?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not sure what you mean."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Like - hmmm. Someone says to me 'I wish we had a choice besides eternal war, but there's no other choice.' If the person is really creative and really motivated to avoid war then I might believe them about not having other choices. But if the person is not very creative, or if they don't mind that much, then I probably won't believe them. I know someone who fed a planet into a black hole. He didn't have a better choice. But most people, if they told me they did that and didn't have a better choice, I'd wonder how long they tried for one, how bad they actually thought it was..."

Permalink Mark Unread

Satele was not expecting the black hole anecdote.

"If the Sith disappear, the Republic will reopen peace negotiations with the Empire. They will be conducted in good faith on our end, as we always have done. The Jedi object to the war the Empire is currently waging, not its existence."

Permalink Mark Unread

"But trying to 'conduct a negotiation in good faith' isn't the same thing as trying to end a war."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Explain the difference to me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If the other side's being really stupid and unreasonable and you're trying to have conducted a negotiation in good faith, then you go 'well, here we are being reasonable and them being unreasonable, I guess we've done all we can'. If you're trying to end the war you - offer to apologize for things you don't think you did wrong, when the other side is stupid and unreasonable you try harder, you don't worry about whether you conducted yourselves with honor, you just worry about whether the war ends."

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"I see your point. I agree, war is terrible and if we sacrifice our dignity to end it, that would be a small price to pay. But the Jedi would not be the only party at the table, the Republic's negotiators may not take to it so readily. And if compromise is not fully accepted by both sides we only sow the seeds of the next war."

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"The Republic is losing all its planets because they'd rather have infinite stuff than endless war. Maybe they want peace too."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I hope that proves true."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Me too."


And pop. And he waits for Cipher Nine to be done with whatever she's doing.

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"Back again?"

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"Yeah. I'm not good at this stuff, I don't know how to end the war. I tried explaining to them how to not be awful but it's hard to explain to people."

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"Yeah. I don't think it's the best use of your time."

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"All the planets have all their stuff, I did that first."

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"I think the Jedi mostly just wanted to meet you, if you don't want to keep talking to them that would be okay."

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"I guess I don't want to talk to them, if it's not going to get anywhere."

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"Maybe try again once the galactic situation has changed."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay." Sigh. "Is it changing? Do I need to teleport all the Sith away?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Let me see..." Type type type. "The Empire's been emboldened by the secession, looks like they're stepping up the offensive.. no, that's a smokescreen. They're actually going to attack the confederacy. Here are the orders. Three strike forces, simultaneous. Starting in sixty-seven hours."

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"...I'm mad at them. The confederation stopped being part of the war with them. That's mean.



Not everyone on the ships'll be a Sith, right?"

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"The vast majority will be ordinary military personnel. For groups of this size... perhaps five to ten Sith in each, depending on how heavily they are going to push on the ground assault."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't have enough time to make decoy planets and teleport them there, that seems like it'd be the best way to handle it if I had time -"

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"You need to make a definite action, something to impress upon them your seriousness."

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"Oh, I'm going to teleport them ten billion lightyears from here, the question is what to do with them once they're there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You could just leave them there for a week or so, spend the time prepping decoy planets for if they try again after you bring them back."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The Sith won't kill lots of people for no reason in a tantrum?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's a risk you'd be taking with any action that thwarts their desires without outright killing them."

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"I mean, I could try kidnapping them in particular off of the ships and putting them somewhere else? Or would that cause even more chaos?"

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"That shouldn't cause any particular difficulties, apart from those posed by finding the Sith."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I wonder if I can conjure for 'people in this room with Force potential' or not - sometimes things like that work, sometimes they don't, it depends on whether the magic thinks 'Force potential' is a real category -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That'd be a useful shortcut, if it works."

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He tries conjuring for scale models of people on his planetoid with Force potential.

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Look it's a smol Occlus!

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"Looks like it works!"

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"I guess that makes separating the Sith a lot easier, then."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So - teleport the fleet away, kidnap the Sith and put them in - some kind of situation where they won't immediately kill themselves - if those exist -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. If I give them an interesting environment to try to break out of, will that help?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Couldn't hurt. It'd keep me entertained if you did it to me."

Permalink Mark Unread




And he goes ten billion lightyears away and finds a planet and builds a super awesome half-underground labyrinth prison thingy - it'd be safe to keep even Elves here, everyone has at least a square mile of space and plenty to eat and that's assuming they don't break out, and there's Valian ecology and dinosaur eggs incubating and stuff strewn around on the surface to let them build spaceships but not hyperdrives, and in sixty two hours he is back. "Fleets on their way?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Made the jump about six hours ago. Should be coming out right on schedule."

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"Exactly simultaneous, or is there someone I should grab first?"

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"There's always a little variation in these things, which hyperdrive has had an overhaul most recently, that sort of thing. No way to tell who'll be first until they drop out, though."

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He refills warehouses that need refilling, and he conjures for fleets dropped out of jump, every few seconds, anxiously -

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Four hours fifty-eight minutes and forty-six seconds later, there's the first one. Six seconds after that, the second one reemerges into realspace, and four and a half seconds after that, the third.

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He hops up to within sight of them and moves them ten. Billion. Lightyears.


Hop. Hop. Hop. 



Okay, now, by ship, conjure for Sith and their surroundings, go and find them -

Permalink Mark Unread

Some are on the bridge of their ship, some are in starfighters, some are in drop shuttles with combat teams.

Permalink Mark Unread

Now all of them are in separate designed-to-entertain-you-enough-you-don't-kill-yourself-immediately cells. 

All of them. 


It takes a while.


Then he teleports back to the place where he confronted the would-be Emperor.

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No sign of him.

Oh no, wait. There he is. Or, well, there's his body, collapsed in a heap on the ground.

Permalink Mark Unread





Back to Cipher.

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"Nicely done. They didn't even have time to call for help before it was over."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I want to go yell at the Empire for being idiots, will that be counterproductive?"

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"It'd be more effective if you recorded something for broadcast."

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"Okay. Do you know what to say or should I just imagine what a grownup would say like I did last time?"

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"Better if it's in your own words."

Permalink Mark Unread



"This afternoon, three fleets of ships leapt into a star system under my protection. Their goal was to draw into this war planets that had chosen not to be a part of it. It was stupid and evil and indefensible. They were there for six seconds. Now they're ten billion lightyears away. The people involved should count themselves lucky that no one stands a chance against me, because if they had succeeded in harming a single innocent all of the Sith and everyone in a position of authority in the entire empire would be ten billion lightyears away.

I hope everyone learned a valuable lesson today. Any planets newly interested in joining the consortium for peace and getting arbitrary material objects and absolute protection can submit their requests to Epic. Anyone who has a loved one who is ten billion lightyears away can write me a letter explaining why they ought to get to come back."

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"That will do nicely."

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He hands her the recording. "Why are people so horrible?"

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She slots it into the computer.

"Because they think they can get away with it."

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"Well, now they can't."

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"They'll catch on, eventually."

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"In timelines where I don't get fantastic cosmic powers I kill a lot of people. I can kind of see why."

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"In the absence of fantastic cosmic power, it is a tempting solution."

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"And they were all Elves so it only sorta counted. It still works out badly. This is nicer."

Permalink Mark Unread


Type type type.

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...he goes back to his protected planets and makes them more nice things. When all of the warehouses are topped off he flies around in lazy circles and then lands in the middle of one of the cities.

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Of course they recognize him. Very soon, an excited crowd gathers, each babbling for this or that little frippery.

Permalink Mark Unread

Eeeeeeeee being a demon is so great he will make all of the stuff they want! In their hands! Just like that!

Permalink Mark Unread

Wow!! Epic is so great, all these people clearly adore him!

Permalink Mark Unread

Bounce bounce bounce bounce making stuff! Making so much stuff!!!! He flies up over their heads a bit so he can see more people and so the near ones don't squish him and now there is so much stuff for everyone!!!!

Permalink Mark Unread

Stuff is so great!! And life on this planet is so much better since they seceded from the Republic, it used to be really terrible!

Permalink Mark Unread



Helping people feels really really great.

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Good thing there's a lot of people right here, then.

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He knows how to do math, he knows flying around giving people computers and chocolates and a new copy of their lost wedding earrings and their favorite books and inflationary amounts of various metals isn't how to make everything good.


But gosh it really does feel wonderful.

Permalink Mark Unread

The crowd does not look to be getting smaller any time soon. He could probably stay here a good day or two doing this.

Permalink Mark Unread

...eventually he will make letters flutter down on everyone saying that if they write 'letter to Epic' and a list of things they need he'll drop packages in some more orderly way. And he'll pop back to check on the fleets he left 10 billion lightyears away.

Permalink Mark Unread

They're still there.

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They didn't get access to his communication, probably. He can presumably broadcast it from here? He spends a while figuring out how.

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He'll have to conjure a Holonet relay, they are well outside the normal coverage area.

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And he doesn't want them to be able to talk with the rest of the galaxy - he should probably just check with Cipher.


He pops back there.

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"Hi. I wanted to talk to the fleets far away but I wasn't sure how."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmm. You could just make a bouy, but we don't want to let them talk with the people here, though... A freq-swap would do the trick, just have to force their transponders on to it. Let me slice together a dataspike."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can you teach me all this stuff?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. Now or later?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Bounce bounce - "I guess probably not when we're right in the middle of stopping a war."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fair. This will take a couple minutes."

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He wraps himself in his wings and watches.

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If he's familiar with the concept of computer programming, the process will not be entirely opaque, though the language is unfamiliar.

When she's done, a slim datacard emerges from one of the computer ports. She hands it to him.

"Just slot this into the relay after you make it. It'll automatically update holocomms in local range with new protocols."

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And now he can go and make a relay and give it the card and get in touch with his relocated fleets.

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Once he makes it, the relay lights up with furious intership communication.

They won't know he's there to talk to until he calls them.

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He calls them.

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Here is a very frazzled-looking fleet officer.

"What- who- how did you get this frequency?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does your empire have the concept of illegal orders?"

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That look of deep confusion probably means 'no'.

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Sigh. "Uh, okay. It's in the Vanda Nossëo standard curriculum, but I'd have to translate it - the idea is, there are some things it's not even okay to do in war, and it's not even okay to do if your commanders order you to do it, and it kind of sucks to be in that position but it doesn't make you not accountable for doing things that are never ever okay - this usually comes up when my sons try to sack a civilian city, see -"

Permalink Mark Unread

The officer decides this strange person is only going to continue wasting his time and ends the transmission.

Permalink Mark Unread

Maybe in a few weeks they will feel more inclined to talk. Back to Cipher's.

Permalink Mark Unread

"That was quick."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They hung up on me." Wing-shrug.

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"They're probably pretty stressed out right now."

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"Yeah, I figured I'll talk to them again in a couple weeks. They have food and air for that long, right?"

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"Yeah, life support on a decent-sized ship'll go pretty much forever."

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"Then they can have a couple weeks to panic."

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"Any plans for the meantime?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Learn all the cool stuff you know?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Where do you want to start?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know!!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Computer science, biology, history, politics, martial disciplines...?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mostly the computers."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Pull up a seat. Have you done any coding before?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Boots explained to me how she did the crystal ball-computer interface, but that's all."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We'll start with the basics, then." She runs through a tutorial on the language most commonly used when dealing with Holonet-related activities. She'll elide over the hidden libraries the galaxy-at-large has no idea exist for now.

Permalink Mark Unread

He is so so happy to be learning things instead of trying to manage the galaxy.

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It is much harder to make things run actually well than to set them up for inevitable destruction. Not that she'd ever give voice to that sentiment.

Once he's mastered the basic functions, they can move on to applications, like ways to backtrace the location of a call.

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Permalink Mark Unread

And this is how you mess with your own location, and this is how to modulate your voice and image transmission, if you were very irresponsible and the other person was careless, this is how you can exploit certain hardware interactions to cause a holocomm to catch on fire...

Permalink Mark Unread

He is not irresponsible at all that is why he has phenomenal cosmic power when he is still kind of tiny. All of this is fascinating.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cipher Nine knows lots of tricks of that flavor of vaguely non-manufacturer-approved-usage.

Permalink Mark Unread

This is so cool!!!

Permalink Mark Unread

They'll make an operative of him yet. Probably not a Cipher. Maybe a Minder or a Fixer.

Permalink Mark Unread

What's the difference?

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Ciphers are field agents. Minders and Fixers are... much less so.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm invulnerable, that's useful for being a field agent."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's more a question of, mm, psychology. A field agent is the person who actually goes and pulls the trigger. It gets... taxing, even if you have abilities that mean you don't have to kill people all the time. I think you would be happier if there was someone else who could handle teleporting the fleets and confronting Emperors."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...okay, yeah, definitely. Usually mes invent stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, definitely Fixer."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. More?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Here are the basics of some other galactic programming languages! And how to exploit their vulnerabilities!

Permalink Mark Unread

This is so much fun he hopes she's occasionally checking for important stuff because he's totally absorbed in this.

Permalink Mark Unread

There is waaay too much Holonet traffic for any one person to possibly sort through it. She's got a collection of really good watchdog programs that filter the dross and ping her when something interesting comes up.

It's actually really impressive how fast he's picking this up.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mes are usually smart, I'm just - so far behind it doesn't help much, I'm pretty much never the best at anything technical."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, that's a downside to being young. Haven't had time to get good at anything."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. All the other mes have at least some stuff they were working on that different mes didn't get to -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You've done a lot here. Cheap, abundant bacta's probably good for a couple hundred thousand lives so far, and reforming the Hutt Cartel has curtailed about seventy-five percent of the galactic slave trade."

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"Yeah but it's not like it's enough."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's a start."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, I guess."

Permalink Mark Unread

More coding practice?

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Eventually she's going to need to eat and sleep.

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He'll go make more stuff for the people who adore him!!!

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So much adoration!!!

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He is such a happy demon.

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These are such happy people!

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He'll do this until Cipher calls him, probably.

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Which she does nine hours later.

"My mortal needs have been satisfied for now."

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Pop! "More lessons?"

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He has enough background now to learn the ins and outs of dataspikes. Here's the basic idea as an autorunning program, these are the basic defenses against them, here are the ways you get around those defenses, this is how you counter those and so forth.

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Eeeeeeeeee she has such a happy small demon.

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It's good that's she's creating positive associations with herself in his mind. Also, he is adorable when he's excited like this.

So here's the dataspike she made for him the other day, there wasn't anyone actively trying to block it so that aspect of it isn't complicated, but it does delve into some interesting subtleties of Holonet code.

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He is fascinated!!!

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It's so great!

Does he want to try making a spike himself?

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Of course he does!!

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If he makes one that's relatively harmless, he can try it on one of her spare datapads.

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And when it doesn't work they can go deeper into countermeasures and counter-countermeasures.

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Fëanáro is such a happy fascinated demon.

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Then they can keep going!

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Eventually he will wonder how the Empire is taking the disappearance of their fleet and the announcement of where it went.

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"They're trying to spin it like you killed them. I don't think people are buying it, but in the current climate it'd be dangerous to express the sentiment openly."

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"...that's silly, what are they going to do when I bring them back? Or are they doing it in the hopes that I'll bring them back to prove them wrong -"

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"They're trying to turn opinion against you. A large part of their power is built on being the strongest and scariest around, and here you are proving both stronger and that strength need not behave the way they do. Even the Sith Empire won't outlast the pressure a uniformly discontented populace imposes."

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"...but even if I had killed their attack fleet I wouldn't be the evil one - they sent a fleet to invade civilian planets who were neutral in the war - or are they lying about that part too -"

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"That's not really exceptional behavior."

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"But neither is killing attack fleets. Is it?"

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"Neutralizing them as utterly and effortlessly as you did is."

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"Is more unacceptable than killing tons of civilians for no reason? This galaxy has stupid values - sorry - can you explain what sorts of things are considered unacceptable, and why -"

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"By most civilization's standards, the Empire's actions were far worse than your own. But they in particular have a culture of obedience and ingrained fear that disobeying orders leads to pain and death. Illegal orders are not a concept they find entirely coherent."

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"I get why they don't think what they did is evil, I don't get why they think what I did - or what I supposedly did - is evil."

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"Because it harmed them."

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"Should I put the ships back?"

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"Not yet. Let them dig themselves a little deeper."

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"Okay." More programming lessons!

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Much cleaner and more fun than politics, that's for sure.

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So much nicer than politics.

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He won't have to think about politics for several more days if he doesn't want to.

And then it's time to put the ships back.

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"Where do you think I should put them? And should I bring the Sith back too?"

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"Probably the Dromund system. Capital of the Empire and so forth. The Sith... maybe bring to Korriban." Korriban looks something like this.

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So he goes out and he gets the fleet and puts it back in the Dromund system, and then he pops over to his labyrinth, how did the Sith do with apparently being imprisoned with no people around except the occasional 'sleeping' basement-dweller guard at a computer console?

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They're all still alive. Some have made considerable progress from where they where dropped.

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Yay! It's good to know how to nonlethally contain Sith. He finds them one by one and sends them to Korriban.


And then he pops back to watch the news, how is the Empire taking it?

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There's no mention of it on the public news, they must be trying to hush it up.

If he does some conjuration he can find out that the fleet is in temporary quarantine a microhop out of the system.

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"They wouldn't kill their own people so they can keep blaming me, would they?"

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"I don't think that's likely."

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"Good." He keeps conjuring to check if the fleet remains quarantined.

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It does for another week. Then they're allowed to officially return. There's a press release about the commanding admiral's tireless efforts to repair his fleet after their hyperdrives all simultaneously malfunctioned. Apparently he's getting a couple medals.

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"They do know that I said I put them ten billion lightyears away, right?"

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"There's only your word and the data in those ships' navicomputers to support that. And no one is going to be allowed see the navicomps. They're just trying to save face."

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"Well. I guess as long as they don't try to do that again."

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"At the very least, if they do, it won't be with another fleet."

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"So they might do something harder to trace?"

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"If they try anything, I will catch it."

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I want to go walk around offering to teleport people to ten billion lightyears away so they can see for themselves. I should probably not do that."

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"I don't think that would really help anything."

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"I could just go walk around in their capital and see what they did about it. It'd be kind of fun."

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"...They would almost certainly escalate to the kind of weaponry that causes significant collateral damage."

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"Oh." Sigh. "They're kind of starting to annoy me."

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"I know how that gets."

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"Can you teach me more programming?"

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Good. That's way more fun than dealing with the stupid empire.

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A few weeks later when he comes by for a programming lesson, Cipher Nine is looking pensively at a holo of a Hutt.

"You remember the Cartel?"

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"They seem to be dreaming of a Hutt Empire once more. This one, Szajin, has sent a message seeking your approval of this endeavor."

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"...what would that involve?"

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"The Empire or granting approval?"

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"Their empire."

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"I'll play the message for you."

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The holo Hutt speaks. His voice is deep and sonorous, and he speaks Basic with a cultured accent.

"Greetings, young one. I am the Archon Szajin. I would first thank you for all you have done for myself and my brethren in the Cartel in recent months. Thanks to you, we are more prosperous than ever before in our illustrious history. It brings to mind the glorious era when my people were more than simple money-grubbing businessmen, when we showered the galaxy in our magnificence. The era of the Hutt Empire. We ruled with a strong, just hand, and led the galaxy in splendor. Given your actions on behalf of the Independence Confederacy, I understand you to be unopposed to the existence of political entities unrelated to those who currently dominate galactic affairs. The time is ripe for the Hutt Empire to rise again. I seek your aid and your blessing in order to bring this enterprise to fruition."

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"...I guess I could just tell him that the only rules are 'anyone who wants to leave can leave' and 'no wars'?"

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"Yeah, that would be reasonable. But something doesn't add up about this for me. Why now, after so long? It's... out of character."

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"For this Hutt in particular or for Hutts in general?"

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"Hutts in general."

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"Maybe he's a very ambitious Hutt. ...what do you think is going on?"

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"I don't know. I need to do some digging."

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He goes out flying and present-distributing. He's only doing stuff with sentimental value or alternately tech that's not available on these planets yet, because Boots'd ask him if he was being careful not to disrupt local economies and he writes her daily updates and wants to tell her in today's letter that he totally thought about that.

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Some twenty hours later, Cipher Nine calls him again. She's smiling.

"I got it!"

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Pop. "What?"

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"The Hutts have discovered a new energy source. It's about a thousand percent more efficient than traditional hypermatter reactors and vastly more miniaturizable. It's called isotope-5 and was just discovered on the mining/resort world Makeb."

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"Looks like... some kind of gravitic warping effect? The physics is a bit beyond me, but their scientists seem convinced enough."

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"So they want to do it because now they can?"

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"Yeah. With this... Once they get full production going, they could definitely stand up to any military in the galaxy."

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"Or, like, cheap electricity and therefore cheap consumer products everywhere."

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"That too."

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"Why don't they just go for selling it instead of starting a war?"

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"It looks pretty hard to mine, and there's some sort of refining necessary? They may not be able to get much of it."

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"Thus, me. Okay. ...so how do I respond to him -"

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"I'm curious if he'll admit to the existence of isotope-5 on his own. Ask him why the structure of the Cartel no longer suffices, what makes empire a more appealing option than the status quo."

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And he sends a response asking that.

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"The galaxy is in... considerable flux, at the moment. For those of will and vision, this exposes opportunity. Long have I looked for a chance to return my people to glory. At last the time has come."

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"So how do we respond to that?"

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"He's not going to tell us. I think... let it rest, for now. Give him your terms, freedom of movement, no wars, no being evil, and so forth. I'll keep an eye on isotope-5's development and if it becomes a problem, we can do something about it then."

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So he gives his terms. Anyone can rule an empire, as long as all of its inhabitants can leave if they wish; this won't be a problem for the Hutt empire, of course, since they will surely be too great to take offense if some people would rather live elsewhere, and so great they can make their empire a very appealing place for people to live. No wars. And so on.

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He has picked the correct tack to present his conditions. The Hutts accept his terms.

There is some wringing of hands in the galactic media when the Hutt Empire's rebirth is announced, but functionally, not much changes.

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That sort of thing takes time.

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Cipher Nine keeps tabs on the Hutts' activities. They draw up plans for wardroids that use isotope-5 power sources, but apart from a few prototypes, these don't get developed. It mostly gets used as power generation for manufacturing plants. The Hutts become a major supplier of cheap, low-quality consumer goods. They make quite a bit of money.

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Epic likes Hutts. He thinks they're great.

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Now that they've been induced to stop the pervasive slavery and drugrunning and other such activities, sure.

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Well, yeah, most people suck until given incentive not to.

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The Hutts have been provided with ample incentive.

The galaxy is mostly quiet. The war has died down to a low simmer again. A few more planets defect and join the confederacy.

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Good. He makes them goodies. He goes ten billion lightyears away and makes elaborate prison labyrinths for nonlethal Sith containment. He makes a nice habitable planet for housing them all if removing all the Sith becomes necessary. Terraforming is slow and relaxing. He reads about computers while he does it.

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A couple months into that, Cipher Nine writes him a note.

Good news: the Hutts have decided to fess up about isotope-5. Bad news: a planet is collapsing.

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-what? Which one, where -

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"Makeb. Where all the isotope-5 is coming from. Turns out removing the gravity-warping substance from where it was formed is having adverse effects on the structures that grew up around it."

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"They could've just asked me to make it. I can probably go over and put it back."

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"The space where it used to be in the crust is kind of- not there any more. Hence the descriptor 'collapsing'."

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"Do people live there?"

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"Yeah. Not many. Maybe thirty thousand?"

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"So maybe I should move them off?"

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"Yeah. They've already moved to one city all together, so you should be able to just pick the whole thing up and get everyone."

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"Okay." He goes over there and checks for stragglers outside the one city.

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Do they have an opinion about where they wish to be relocated?

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Somewhere the ground beneath their feet isn't going to cave in without warning would be nice.

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Yes, but most planets meet that criterion.

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The Hutt in charge locally actually already has lined up a deal with one of his siblings to give them a place on his planet. The name and location is provided.

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Cool. And after a minute conjuring to make sure it'll work, pop, everyone is there, he hopes they have learned a lesson about sustainable mining practices and asking demons for stuff if you want it.

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Yes, yes, lesson learned.


...Speaking of which. Can he make them more isotope-5?

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Yes, yes, he can, because he is a demon and they're not starting any wars and they're even pretty much good on the whole freedom-of-movement thing.

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Here are the schematics for the storage containers, here are some warehouses.

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Here is the nice stuff, planets that play by his rules get so rich, don't the Empire and the Republic want in on this?

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...Yes. Yes they do.

But the Sith do not want it more than they want to continue fighting, and thus the Empire will not make peace. And the Republic still won't unilaterally disengage.

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Whenever Cipher Nine is awake he practices programming and learns computer security; whenever she is asleep he goes to his planets and fills their warehouses and builds homeless people housing and someone who was pregnant and miscarried wants to know if there's anything he can do and he can, in fact, put back the embryo exactly as it was if it's before a certain stage of development, does she want that? And then word gets out he can do that and lots of people want that. And someone wants to know if he can save their dying sister and he can, actually, healing spell, and then lots of people want that and he has to tell them to mostly stick to the medical system and just call him in for desperate cases only this often means he doesn't get there in time and it's kind of discouraging.


And people keep asking about resurrection, he doesn't know why, he's said he doesn't have resurrection. 


He makes himself a really really pretty place on his planetoid to flop when he feels like he is going to explode. 


After a few weeks more of this he goes to talk with his alt's holocron. It is - not productive. Darth Fienus cannot see why Epic is bothering. Epic is bothering because Boots'll be so proud of him. He tries to explain that. Darth Fienus says that he only cares what Boots thinks because he hasn't accomplished anything interesting with his life. Epic is pretty sure he'll care what Boots thinks even once he is super duper accomplished, and says so. Darth Fienus thinks this obsession with making Boots happy means he won't accomplish anything interesting.

Epic goes and practices teleporting uninhabited planets around in case he ever needs to move one. He doesn't come back until Cipher calls him.

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The galaxy is quiet. Oddly so.

Suspiciously, even. The Empire pulls troops back on several fronts that should have been winnable, effectively abandoning them. Cipher Nine digs deeper. She finds a worrying story. Imperial systems have been dropping out of contact for no discernible reason, just... vanishing. All Holonet traffic ceasing, with no record of why. Flybys show planets completely deserted, all inhabitants gone. Minimal signs of battle, but the terrain in formerly-populated areas is twisted, warped.

On one of the first such discovered, the recon team made a landing. Their transmissions were cut off shortly after they started their descent, victim to whatever phenomenon blocked them in the first place. Sixteen hours after they were scheduled to make their report, another ship was dispatched to see what had gone wrong. They found a smoking crater where the first ship was to have landed. Detailed scans of the area revealed the recon team's bodies, all bearing grievous wounds as if from some animal. No further landings were attempted.

The rate of occurance is slow, one system every two weeks or so. It's been some months since it became an obtrusive enough pattern that it rose to Cipher Nine's attention. There must be a new player on the board, one she has somehow missed. She makes a thorough investigation of all her records, sources, and collected information, but can find no hints.

She calls Epic and lays out the situation.

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"Well. That's horrible - 


- that's really really horrible - 


- who's doing it, what if they go after my planets, how do I stop them -"

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"I don't know. I have no information, no history of anything like this. All the attacks have been Imperial targets, all in the same three sectors, all relatively lightly populated but there's no pattern beyond that, no warning signs, no suspicious transmissions immediately prior, nothing."

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...he starts conjuring. Ships in that system during the relevant time period?

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He only gets ones that are normally expected to be there.

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...scale models of any of the people on any of the missing planets? Scale models of the weapons that inflicted those mysterious injuries?

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Conjuring for the weapons gets him nothing.

Many of the people are dead, bearing the same furious animalistic gouges as the Imperial recon team. The ones that yet live look wrong, corrupted and twisted, like a more extreme version of what happened to him when Occlus tested the lifebinding technique. Their faces bear expressions that are frightfully to look upon, misshapen rictuses caught somewhere between abject terror and frothing rage.

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- surroundings of the people who are still alive -

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Doesn't go.

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They don't have surroundings? He casts a broader net - scale model of the thousand miles around them -

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Still nothing.

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Those people are suffering - 


- nearest star to them?

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An undistinguished red dwarf.

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Nearest five stars to them -

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Here they are.

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"Can you triangulate off these..."

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"Yeah, just a sec-"

Spectrographic data, astromap, computer stuff. Here's the location.

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...invisible, inaudible, and  - pop.

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These ships are not like any ships he has seen before. They look biological, almost. Tentacle-like extrusions grasp and seem to writhe, pulsing red and black in an unsettling pattern. They sit dormant for now, drifting silently in the vast abyssal gulf between the stars.

These ships are terrifying.

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...like, mind-affecting terrifying, he can notice it's doing that to him even while it totally works and he's totally terrified and he pops a lot farther away. 



Aaaaaaaaah - mind-affecting magic, mind-affecting magic, he shouldn't be scared - he makes himself headphones and plays a calming song on it, maybe they'll cancel - 

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The ships are still scary. His pulse races, breath quickens-

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Aaaaaaah - wait, he can control his heartrate -




Huh. So the magics must be mind-controlling him on different levels. He works at it until he's stable.

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Just when he's almost got himself back to normal, the effect reintensifies. The calm induced by the song playing in his ears begins to dissolve. A ghostly chorus whispers in the back of his mind:

You cannot resist us, little demon. Sanity is a prison. Let madness release you.

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He can try teleporting the people out of the horrible ships from here.

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It's really getting kind of hard to think around all this fear. Has he considered running away because running away sounds like a really really good idea or alternatively just killing everything around him that seems also likely to make him safe safety would be a good thing this place is not safe this place is terrifying-

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He will run a couple million miles away and leave a camera where he was so he has a good view.

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The ships: continue to drift. Silently.

The fear: fades. Slowly.

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Ugh ugh ugh - 




 - he wants to feed the ships into a black hole but it's not responsible to do that while he knows he's under mind-affecting magic -

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Is he sure about that?

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aaaaaaaahhhhh -



- black hole -

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The two closest ships stretch inwards, falling into the black hole. The rest flicker with the pseudomotion that accompanies a hyperspace jump and disappear from view.

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He curls up in a ball with his wings wrapped around him and cries.

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Eventually he will feel better. Or not artificially awful, at least.

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...where are the five stars nearest the people now...

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Not that far off.

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He doesn't get any closer. He tries making more and more precise models off what he remembers of the ships, until he has some idea of where in the ships the people are. 


Then - teleport in, grab the people from the ships, teleport out?

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He teleports out, did he get people with him?

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Ugh. What if he swears to go in, get people, and go out - he swears to do that - 


- and then does it?

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this is a bad place a very bad place what was that moving over there it is crawling and slimy and toothsome turn your head to catch it in the corner of your eye but it is already gone and creeping up behind you now you can feel it breathing down your neck don't look just run


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He teleports into a sun. It hurts a lot but the things can't get him here, right, can't, can't-

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can't see it coming it's coming you can feel it even if you can't see it it's coming and you can't get away no matter how far how fast you run it's right behind you it's always right behind you

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He will hang out right here in this sun burning slightly. And crying.

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it's coming it's coming it's coming

Wait. No. That doesn't make any sense. He's in a sun. Nothing is coming for him.

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He curls up and cries more. 

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The sun remains a sun. Very bright, very hot.

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Eventually he'll go to Cipher's.

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"Are you okay?"

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"No. They've got magic ships, so I couldn't conjure them - they're torturing people and I couldn't save them-"

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"Do you want a hug?"

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"I have to go back and save them but I need protection against the mind control thing. It's horrible."

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"What mind control thing?"

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"It just makes you scared - really scared -"

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Oh no

"Did you hear- voices?"

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"Oh this is very very not good."

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"Yeah, I noticed."

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"Fear plus voices plus magic ships plus all the rest of it means that these are the Dread Masters and I was really kind of hoping they were dead. Last time they were loose it took the Republic five years to bring them down and cost at least three battalions and fifty Jedi. And I suspect they only stopped because the Emperor told them to but he's dead now so there is no check on them."

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"...I could probably place black holes from far enough away?"

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"They have survived orbital bombardment, nuclear fire, everything the Republic could think of. I would place no bets on that working."

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"So what do we do -"

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"I don't know. They are a problem I can't solve." She laughs briefly and without humor. "Ask Occlus if she has any ideas."

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"Cipher wants to know if you can think of a way to defeat the Dread Masters because they're horrible and I hate them and they're stealing planets."

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"Finally crawled out of their hole, have they? Hm. Tell me what they've done, and everything you know about how."

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"Uh, Cipher had a report thing -" He makes it. He gives it to her. He sits down and wraps himself in his wings.

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She reads it. She also senses the tenor of his mood and has a guess as to the cause.

"This is all typical of their historical actions, that much has not changed. But if their power has not increased I will be very much surprised. What was it like, when you got close to them?"

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"Horrible. Super horrible. Everything was horrible. I tried swearing to do stuff in advance and that sort of worked but I'm not sure it was enough -" and he sends her what happened.

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"Ahhhh," breathes Occlus. "Yes. That is not as much as I had feared. The stasis vault the Republic had them locked in must have been very good. But spending as long as you did there was foolish in the extreme."

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"They're torturing people. I wanted to get the people out - or kill them -"

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"There is no one left on board those ships. There are person-shaped shells, no more. Even if you did remove them from the direct presence of the Dread Seeds, they would never recover to anything at all resembling the people they were before."

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"Boots could probably do it - Maitimos recover and they get horribly tortured for decades -"

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"Council Record 35A77F21 is a compilation of data from the trials of the original Dread Seeds. Exposure for periods between twenty and thirty minutes resulted in irreversible clinical paranoia, pyschosis, and schizophrenia. Times longer than thirty minutes also induce significant cognitive degradation, up to the point of catatonia. Brain scans of subjects so affected show the species-specific brain structure responsible for fear emotions becoming abnormally enlarged, proprotional to length of exposure. Other areas suffer corresponding shrinkage."

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"I wonder if my healing spell would work on that. If it's physical brain damage it should."

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"Even in cases where brain damage was minimal, psychological symptoms were resistant to all forms of treatment, chemical or otherwise. I was not around to analyze the data in person, but it is my suspicion that victims' Force signatures were rewritten in some manner, such that the fear they experienced would forever remain with them."

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"I mean, subtle arts doesn't work like therapy on places without arts. ....but yeah, probably better to kill them."

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"Yes. The Dread Masters as well, though they will be more difficult. The ritual that bound their minds also granted them considerable fortitude. I know little about it, not enough to determine a weakness."

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"Can I teleport them?"

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"If you can get close enough to find them and still be able to think well enough to do so."

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"I shouldn't need to be that close - and the songs helped a bit - but I'm not sure I can - is the time thing cumulative -"

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"It is possible I will be able to reconstruct most of the ritual they undertook. That may shed some light on a solution."

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"That'd be good. What did they do - and why -"

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"They joined their consciousnesses. For greater strength in the Force."

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"Did they mean to turn into - the things they are -"

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"I do not know. They always were interested on fear, even before."

Permalink Mark Unread

"This galaxy is the worst. ...is my Force signature warped, can you tell -"

Permalink Mark Unread

Occlus closes her eyes and focuses for a moment.

"I do not believe so."

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"Okay, good."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It will take me some time to conduct my research. I recommend you stay away from the Masters."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They're torturing people. What if they go after one of my planets?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"What if they succeed in driving you insane?"

Permalink Mark Unread



"That'd be really bad."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes. It would."

Permalink Mark Unread

"But I can't let them hurt my planets."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Then find a way to protect them that does not put you at risk."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Can you think of anything -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you get there in time, you could teleport the planet elsewhere, minus the part that is infected."

Permalink Mark Unread


"I guess." 

Permalink Mark Unread

"Or you could preemptively move them all to a different galaxy. Though the occupants may object."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...maybe I should, though. I promised they'd be safe. Are you sure they would be, in another galaxy -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Extragalactic hyperspace travel is not possible. It would at least be a very long time before you would need to worry."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can I teleport the dread masters somewhere -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Again, conditional on you being able to approach safely."

Permalink Mark Unread




"Can I have a hug?"

Permalink Mark Unread

That is a deeply skeptical and maybe slightly uncomfortable look Occlus is giving him.


"Apply elsewhere for that sort of... thing."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Occlus goes to the archive and begins her research.

Permalink Mark Unread

He goes to his planets.

Permalink Mark Unread

They are happy to see him!!

News about Imperial planets vanishing has not filtered to the wider galaxy.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's good. He makes them stuff.

Permalink Mark Unread

Stuff is definitely The Best.

Permalink Mark Unread

He doesn't feel very enthusiastic about it. But yeah.

Permalink Mark Unread

Epic is so great, all these people think so.



Does the burden of the world weigh you down, little demon? Come, join us and be freed.

Permalink Mark Unread

...well that's not good that's not good at all - his planets are his planets all okay -

Permalink Mark Unread

His planets are all fine. Those ten thousand kilometer tentacles flailing around each one he looks at have always been there.


Permalink Mark Unread

No no no no no no no not okay he needs to teleport them all away now - 


- he doesn't even know how to do that and keep the orbits stable and panic won't help - 


- his planets -



- now this star system is ten billion lightyears away and all he can do is hope it landed in orbit - and also that that got rid of the tentacles, did that get rid of the tentacles -

Permalink Mark Unread

The tentacles are still there. Mocking laughter echoes in the back of his mind.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay he needs to figure out if they're real tentacles if they are he can't save these people and maybe he should kill them but if they're fake tentacles then the planet's okay it's just him -


- Cipher's -

Permalink Mark Unread

Her face is a writhing mass of maggots and spiders. When she speaks, it is a hideous nails-on-chalkboard screech.

She stands, threateningly. She steps towards him, claws erupting from her outstretched hands-

Permalink Mark Unread

- he teleports away again - ten billion lightyears away - Occlus said they couldn't get to him ten billion miles away, Occlus promised -


Permalink Mark Unread

The maggots cover his own arms now.

Permalink Mark Unread

That has to be an illusion. An illusion makes way more sense than teleporting evil things who can cover him in maggots but not anything else.



He teleports into the nearest sun because if the maggots are real that should burn them off.

Permalink Mark Unread

They crisp and crackle with a scent that is very reminiscent of burning human flesh. More crawl out of his pores to replace the ones that die.

Permalink Mark Unread

He stays in the sun. He curls up and burns and cries.

Permalink Mark Unread


He can feel the bugs slipping out of his tear ducts with the water.

Permalink Mark Unread

He wants to check if his planets are okay but he doesn't know how, anything he made in here would burn instantly -

Permalink Mark Unread

You cannot hide from us, little demon. Do not resist. Give yourself over now, or be destroyed.

Permalink Mark Unread

Indestructible. Please stop doing this, it's really horrible.

Permalink Mark Unread

Your planets, your people, they are ours now. Nothing you can do will save them.

We will take them, and remold them our image.

By their screams, the galaxy will know of our return.

And all shall quail before the might of the Dread Masters.

He is assaulted by visions. The mother whose baby he restored, screaming as it chews its way forth from her womb. The boy whose favorite lost toy he recreated, hiding under the bed weeping in terror as an animate version of it stalks around his room, cooing softly for him to come back out and play as blood drips beneath its feet. Riotous mobs tear each other apart in the streets, meaty gobbets festooning storefronts.

Permalink Mark Unread

Probably not true probably not true and if he goes back there he'll end up killing everybody, he knows it, he can't do that aaaaaahh - 


- he leaves the sun, he can't do anything while he's in there and it's not helping -


- he conjures his mail, if anything were happening to his planets for real someone would tell him -

Permalink Mark Unread

The words on the pages are in no language he can speak, alive and twisting and projecting a palpable hatred.

In his head, laughter mixes with screams of the dying.

Permalink Mark Unread

Aaaaaaaaaaaah they promised to destroy him why aren't they doing that - 



- worldleaper, he can hop to another dimension - he should do that -



- he does that -

Permalink Mark Unread

Flee where you will, you cannot outrun us-

But the words are fainter and the ghastly mirages that obscured the controls grow transparent.

Permalink Mark Unread

- well, that's something - 



- he should've thought of it a lot faster - 


- he jumps again, in case Force stuff has an adjacency limit -

Permalink Mark Unread

The miniature maze of severed and spiked heads on poles overlaying the controls of the worldleaper is hardly visible now.

Permalink Mark Unread

He makes himself a planetoid. He makes himself a house. He goes inside and fills it up with Space Silmarils, thousands of them, and he collapses on the floor and cries himself to sleep.

Permalink Mark Unread

His dreams are tinged with a faint background of horror. but nothing so strong as to cause him to wake.

Permalink Mark Unread

He wakes. 


He curls up in a ball and shivers and - can't check his mail, adjacency limit, but he can check what his mail was at the point when he worldlept -

Permalink Mark Unread

The standard item and healing requests.

A note from Cipher Nine asking what's wrong.

A note from Cipher Nine telling him to go to Occlus.

A note from Occlus telling him to come see her.

Permalink Mark Unread

...okay. Okay. He can do that. He can come back if it gets bad again -


- he curls up and shivers -

 - hop hop to Occlus -

Permalink Mark Unread

Screaming, screaming

a black cloud of fear and pain and death this person is no person at all a monster in human guise shedding it to reveal the truth of the teeth it opens its mouth to scream-

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fëanáro. Look at me," Occlus's voice cuts through the madness, clear and calm and heavy with the weight of the Force. "Look at me."

Permalink Mark Unread

He looks at her.

Permalink Mark Unread

He sees her as she is. The only voice inside his head is his own.

"Is your head clearer now?"

Permalink Mark Unread



"- yeah -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good. The Masters are stronger than I guessed, but not so strong as I had begun to fear. Come, this way. I have set up Fienus's Silmarils to duplicate this shielding effect without needing my constant attention."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- oh good -"

Permalink Mark Unread

Here are the three gems, shimmering with a calm, soothing light. Occlus directs him to the middle.

Permalink Mark Unread

He sits down and curls up and wraps his wings around himself.

Permalink Mark Unread

"You are safe here, they cannot touch you. And your planets are all unharmed, save the one I assume you vanished."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Moved. It should be okay too. I hope."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We should go return it, when you feel up to it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If it went through safely I'm not sure we shouldn't move them all there - the Masters might go after my planets for real -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They are far more densely populated than any targets yet attacked. Whatever their bluster, they do have limits."

Permalink Mark Unread





I hate them. Everything is horrible."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Most things are. Not quite everything. I must return to my research. Be sure not to disrupt the orientation of the Silmarils."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What're you researching that's so urgent or is it just an emotional avoidance thing because the adult mes do that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am close to finding a way to kill them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh. Good. Go away."

Permalink Mark Unread

She goes.

Permalink Mark Unread

He curls up and shivers and writes a note home.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cipher Nine calls.

"Are- are you okay?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...no? Uh, the master things could do really overwhelming hallucinations that followed me everywhere and they could talk in my head and they're horrible and I need to know if the planet I moved is okay - it looked like they were eating it - but I'm not supposed to leave the Silmarils and I hate this stupid galaxy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm sorry. When you showed up you looked so overwhelmed, I didn't know what to do, and then I saw that the planet got moved and I had to start running control on that. I called Occlus and she said the Masters must have gotten to you somehow but she might be able to fix it."

"I'm glad she could."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, me too."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't... I wish I knew how to fix this."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Occlus thinks she's got something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good. I should have looked for them, I should have paid attention, I knew they were dangerous-"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's okay. Can you come here - I guess not really -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I need to keep watch, make sure nothing happens."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Next time I see Occlus I'll ask if I can move the Silmarils and come to you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That'd be nice."

Permalink Mark Unread

Weak smile. 

Permalink Mark Unread

"We could pick up with your last programming lesson?" she offers.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd like that."

Permalink Mark Unread

Then they can do programming things!

Permalink Mark Unread

That's good. ...written works today on the planet he teleported -

Permalink Mark Unread

Lots of confusion about where are they and why isn't the Holonet working? Many requests for him to come rescue them.

Permalink Mark Unread

So they're all okay. He takes a deep breath. "I really should go get them but I don't know if it's safe to be gone even briefly."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Let's not risk it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"But they're scared."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They're alive and not in imminent danger. You need to stay safe, you're important."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Everyone's important." But he doesn't go.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Can you send Occlus a message on whatever sort of platform doesn't interrupt her asking if I can teleport if I take the Silmarils with me -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, yeah hang on a sec..."


"She says she'd have to reinitialize it. So no, I think?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Distraction time again!

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah that sounds good.

Permalink Mark Unread


Some hours later, Occlus comes back.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Making progress?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Enough to know that the source of their power and resilience is in their unity. If one can be separated from the rest, it ought to be possible to kill him."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's good. How do we do that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I use the Silmarils to empower the shield I will maintain on you. We go together to their current location, you teleport one far away from the rest, we go and kill that one, and then repeat the process until they are dead."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sounds great."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There will be a discontinuity in your protection while I reorient the Silmarils. Perhaps ten minutes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can leave the dimension again. Might be a good idea."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That would be wise."

Permalink Mark Unread

Pop pop. Curl up. Cry.

Permalink Mark Unread

Ten minutes later, Occlus writes him a note saying he should return.

Permalink Mark Unread

And he does.

Permalink Mark Unread

The Silmarils are swirling rapidly in a complex dance of interlocking and shifting orbits around Occlus. She wraps her shield around him before the fear has time to take hold.

"Are you ready?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I want them so so so dead."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Then let us be about it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Where are we going? - also these are cool, I like my alt -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Give me the nearest five stars to them. I'll find them."

Permalink Mark Unread

He conjures for them.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cipher Nine provides the location.

"Good luck."

Permalink Mark Unread





Permalink Mark Unread

An anonymous patch of space, the ships of the Dread Masters hang silently, no longer supernaturally ominous to him.

"They are in that one, second from the leading edge." Occlus identifies it. Their presence is unmistakable, a dark stain in the Force welling ceaselessly from the bleeding wounds they have made themselves.

Permalink Mark Unread

He can't see that. He's making air for them. "Okay. How do I get just one -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Divide the ships in halves, repeatedly. Separate them by about a kilometer, when you get a piece that contains only one I will tell you."

Permalink Mark Unread

He can do that. He bounces around moving half the ship and half the half and -

Permalink Mark Unread

"-That one."

Permalink Mark Unread

He takes it back with them.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you have an opinion on method of execution?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...just tell me what to do -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"A small sun seems appropriate."

Permalink Mark Unread

He can make a small sun. He can keep making it, bigger and bigger and bigger, until she says to stop -

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's enough. This one is dead."

Permalink Mark Unread

Shudder. "Okay, so, back -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes. We will need to return with each so I can confirm their deaths."

Permalink Mark Unread

Pop. Ship-splitting -

Permalink Mark Unread

And another Master, and another, and another, and another, and another and then they are all dead.

They were all screaming at Occlus the entire time but she knows better than to pay a bodiless voices any heed, she has lived with ghosts in her head for too long. With the Silmarils augmenting her considerable strength, Epic need not be aware of their psychic death-screams at all. Kinder this way, for him.


"That was the last. It is finished."

Permalink Mark Unread

Pop back home. Cling.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Please do not touch me."

Permalink Mark Unread

...pop to Cipher's.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is it...?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Cling. "Occlus says they're all gone. I don't think I like killing people, not at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

Hug. Very hug.

"You will never have to again."

Permalink Mark Unread

"This galaxy really sucks, are you totally sure -"

Permalink Mark Unread


"I promise."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

There are no pressing crises, they can keep hugging for as long as he needs.

Permalink Mark Unread

That is a while.


Then he will go and put the planet back.


Permalink Mark Unread

They are relieved to be back where they're supposed to be.

Permalink Mark Unread

Then more hugs.


Permalink Mark Unread

And in the middle of these hugs someone else will suddenly appear. 

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh." Okay, apparently people teleporting into her secret space station is just going to be a Thing now. "Is she one of yours? Hi."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah sorry my teleport just targets for him. Joy. Nice to meet you - Epic, kiddo, your last couple letters were really worrying -"

Permalink Mark Unread

Cling - "I want to go home can I go home can we get some people to do some resurrections here and maybe a Maitimo for the politics -"

Permalink Mark Unread

Hug. "Is anything on fire here, is it okay if we come back in an hour or so and is here a good place to come by when we do -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think the galaxy can stumble along for the next little while just fine. Take your time. Here's as good a place as any to come back to."

Permalink Mark Unread

And so very shortly later a small demon is flinging himself at Boots.

Permalink Mark Unread

And Boots is hugging the small demon very tightly.

Permalink Mark Unread

I missed you so much and I hate mind control I hate it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Squeeze. I missed you too - I should've pushed to get magic rocks wished up that could track you sooner -

Permalink Mark Unread

It's okay I thought everything was going really well until suddenly it was horrible.

Permalink Mark Unread

Squeeze. Is there anything lingering from it, do you want me to check -?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes please -

Permalink Mark Unread

She snuggles him and looks him over for anything - icky.

Permalink Mark Unread

There's no trace of any lingering malevolence.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think you're okay, if it's the sort of thing I'd be able to see - let me know if any of it bothers you again though -."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It'd be pretty obvious if it were. And Occlus said they're dead. I killed them. I - think it was the right thing to do but I was sort of planning on not killing people even if it was the right thing to do-"

Permalink Mark Unread

Squish. "Plans do not always hold up when - stuff happens."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm just sort of worried that mes who kill people aren't - as good - as mes who didn't have to -"

Permalink Mark Unread

Squeeze. "It's okay, you're okay."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cling. "I have planets to take care of.  I should go back a lot."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Do you need help looking after your planets?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...yeah, probably. See, I said I wouldn't give stuff to the people who were having a stupid war so some planets seceded and they think I'm great and I want to give them nice stuff and then more planets will get jealous and stop having the stupid war. There might be a better way to stop the stupid war now that we have more expertise."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Cam's been producing some reading material from the world you were in but it's not been particularly well-directed so it'll take us a bit to get up to speed. Maybe it'll help if we resurrect your alt there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, he's good. He made Silmarils - he didn't call them that, but we've been calling them that - that do really powerful stuff with the local magic which I don't have."

Permalink Mark Unread

"However based on some of the reading material the 'Darth' thing is like a little bit concerning so as long as there happens to be a magic object with his personality in it we might want to have a Maitimo talk to that in case there's a predictable need for caution of some kind."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think that world could definitely use a Maitimo."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maitimos are useful!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Also a way to keep the Sith alive without letting them murder people."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was pretty impressed by your maze idea, but it might not work forever."

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh good. Snuggle.

Permalink Mark Unread

Snuggle. "I'm so glad you're all right."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Me too. I missed you a lot."

Permalink Mark Unread

Squeeze. "Love you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I love you. ...want to go with me to see my planets -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I would love to see your planets."

Permalink Mark Unread

Bounce bounce - hop hop - here is a planet of his -

Permalink Mark Unread

What a nice planet.

Permalink Mark Unread

Here is another one! And another one! And another one! He will cling to Boots the whole way!

Permalink Mark Unread

She's very clingable so this is understandable.

Permalink Mark Unread

She is! And eventually he will take her to Cipher's space station! "Cipher Nine! This is Boots! Everything is okay now because my peal found me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, that's good news. Hello, Boots. I've heard rather a lot about you. All entirely positive."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I've read rather a lot about you, likewise, sounds like you have very useful galaxy-wrangling skills."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Most of that is just making use of the tools my predecessors set up. Though I like to think I'm turning them in a more positive direction."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We're probably going to send a Maitimo here to help with the ending the war and dismantling the Sith and maybe Jedi if they're difficult thing, does that work? And resurrections, you wanted some people resurrected, right?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Um, yeah. It was really just the one person."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. We can get that person. ...do you think any of the Sith just need therapy? Because Boots is a therapist."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I couldn't say. And I think even if there are any, we'd want a more formalized process?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"And there is only one of me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Who's the person, should they get woken up here with you or some other place -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Their name is Sylvie and here would not be a good place but I should be wherever they get woken up."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod nod. He continues clinging to Boots! "I should write up a more complete report so the people who are going over to deal with it know what to do."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sounds good. Let me know if you need any help with it."

Permalink Mark Unread

Hunter is coming back Hunter is coming back please let this not all have been a dream-

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can help with any details you might need filled in."

Permalink Mark Unread

He has so much help everything is so good. He does not let go of Boots for a while. He writes it all up and goes back to Warp and puts it on the crystal ball network and stays very close to home and is very happy. 

Permalink Mark Unread

And a couple days later someone else drops in on the very secret space station. He is holding a crystal ball.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Three new people in less than a week. I ought to install a welcome mat."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I brought one with me, that's what this is! It will take someone with considerable programming expertise, which Epic tells me you have, to get it working with whatever the local computing system is, but once you have it up and running we can schedule visits in advance instead of rudely dropping in on you. Which I apologize for. Nice to meet you, I'm Maitimo."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cipher Nine. A pleasure. How does one, ah, interface with the orb?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Here is a crystal-ball-to-Space-hardware interface, here is a standard crystal ball user interface, here are notes on how crystal balls have been persuaded to talk with various other dimensions'' computer systems. 

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmm. I can probably hack something together with this."

"Epic says you're good at people, is that why you came?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, it sounds like he left an absurd amount of work on your shoulders and I am sure he will be as responsible at caretaking his planets as a child version of my father can but I thought I'd better at least check if you happened to want any help and if so what form you would like it to take."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Honestly? I'm only doing this because there is no one else here who could or would. Running the galaxy was never high on my list of ambitions, it's a lot of work and I don't think I'm actually very good at it in an absolute sense. Help would be enormously appreciated."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you for stepping up. What do we need here most - people to keep an eye on all these computer systems? How long would it take you to train them? People to manage supply of demon-made goods to Epic's little planetary consortium?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"People to manage and distribute demon-goods, yes. I do not think you want me to train anyone on these particular computers, given that they represent unrestricted backdoor access to just about every electronic device and data server in the galaxy. Which capability I have been leaning on heavily. So people equipped to do politics and related matters without that crutch would also be useful."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Demons kind of let you do that anyway, I have people I trust with practically-arbitrary power - though we don't usually give it to seven-year-olds, if you were wondering - and, yes, we can definitely set up a governing framework that represents Epic's planets without spying and handles demon-goods distribution, I'll start setting that up right now."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you already have notes on what their current government looks like?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We've been conjuring for it but I expect a curated summary would be tremendously useful. Do you at least have anyone who can look at the machines long enough you can take a vacation -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The last group of people to run this station kind of mined my support network out from under me before I managed to oust them. I've automated the basic monitoring setup and the filtering is pretty good, but the only person I've had to trust the high-level decisions to is me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, if you'd like to train someone up enough you could take a break I can recommend some trustworthy people. ...and if you have no reason at all to trust my people we really aren't insisting, I would like very much to be a resource and not an additional complication to navigate. You can also use the crystal ball to let Epic and Matirin know when you want them to resurrect your friend."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If I cannot trust you, given your powers, I am in any case doomed. I may as well attempt to offload this responsibility. If you want to have your people learn to use the Black Codex, I will teach them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I prefer having more than one person knowing how to do most dangerously essential things. When would be a good time to send them over?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Probably after I get the crystal ball interfaced. I suppose I can get send you a message after I've done that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you! Anything else while I'm here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you know how Epic is doing? He was pretty shook up by the Dread Masters."

Permalink Mark Unread

"As far as I know he is staying close to home - for a version of my father with a teleport - and getting lots of cuddles and being reassured that he did good and everyone is proud of him. ...if you want I can drop by Wish and have someone wish you a interdimensional teleport power?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I would appreciate that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool! You'll have to come with, the most fantastic of our fantastic cosmic powers all have adjacency limits - let me check with Gem when she's free -" - crystal ball message in a language she won't recognize - 


Gem, I'd like our contact in Force to have a dimensional teleport but possibly not the Loki one until we have better catalogued all the scary local magic, I've got some people in Space who've been vetted and are interested in just wishing something prosocial when needed, can we drop by you and wish her a teleport that's resilient to scary local magic?

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure, if your prosocials register high enough.

Permalink Mark Unread

I will find people who were very invested in Epic's adventures. When's a good time?

Permalink Mark Unread

If that's all you need done I can squeeze you in anytime in the next hour.

Permalink Mark Unread

Thank you! 


And - "yep, she can have us right now, want to head over?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Nothing on her screens is flashing at her so: "Yeah."

Permalink Mark Unread

Teleport to a nondescript planetoid with a teleport landing platform and emergency supplies in warehouses on the edge - "this is the world between you and the peal, we're calling it #211 at the moment -" Pop - "this is Warp - you'll want to remember these so you can make the trip on your own -"

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"I've got a pretty good memory. Not eidetic. How much detail do I need?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Having been there and having a vague recollection of what you're aiming for should be good enough - if our volunteer feels super strongly you might get a teleport with nicer features, it's a bit hard to predict - this is Revelation -" another platform - "and this is Hell -" another one - "and this is Space, where we will acquire our volunteer -" this time not a platform but an absurdly stunning shiny Elven city.

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"I feel like I've seen this place before. I think Epic might have copied it onto some of his remade planets."

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"I will tell him we're flattered!" And someone comes walking over. "Háyencë, this is Cipher Nine, I would very much like her to have a teleport, Cipher, the way the relevant magic works is that anyone can wish for it, but you only get one wish ever, and it seems very unfair to ask you to spend your one wish on a teleport when you are unforgiveably underinformed about things wishes can do, but we have a couple million citizens some of whom decided they wanted to spend their wishes on useful things that might crop up, so she can wish you a teleport -"

"Thank you for keeping an eye on Epic and helping him so much," the other Elf says cheerfully. 

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"I'm glad I could! We were able to do a lot of good while waiting for his friends to catch up."

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Hex - Stork - Dreamward - Luster - Wish, is Gem free?

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Yup, here she is in her throne room.

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"Hi! Gem, Cipher Nine and Háyencë, Cipher, Gem's the empress of Mîr and has the wishing device -"

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Alt of Boots, presumably. Nice throne. Very tasteful.


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"Hi, nice to meet you. I assume you've been thanked for looking out for Epic but thanks again."

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"Someone gets dumped practically in your lap under circumstances like those, it'd be pretty bad if you didn't look out for them."

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"Epic's telling suggested you went a little bit out of your way."

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"Not that far, we mostly wanted the same things. And- he's easy to like."

Permalink Mark Unread

"He's a good kid. Gem, do you have suggestions on wish wording -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Any features on the teleport you particularly need besides 'is a teleport', anything that might affect wisher oomph -? Oh, and Cipher, wished-on stuff runs on emotional energy, if that affects anything about how you want to try to construct it."

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"What do you mean by 'emotional energy'? Would I only be able to teleport when I'm happy?"

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"It mostly comes up if people try to repeatedly do things that require lots of oomph that they have no strong feelings about at all - like resurrecting a million people one-at-a-time, say - if you were expecting to use it for high-volume boring repetitive work we might want to consider alternative solutions."

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"I've managed this long without it. I'll probably only use it for things like visiting Epic and stick with conventional transport for most purposes."

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"Then I would be surprised if you noticed the emotional energy limitation at all."

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"So as long as the targeting is reasonably intuitive and flexible, I don't think I'll need anything beyond the basics."

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"Okay, then the standard wording for would-be teleporters should be fine." And the wisher is supplied with same.

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And wishes!

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"Thanks you very much!"

She tries to teleport half a meter backwards.

Permalink Mark Unread

It works!

Permalink Mark Unread

"I should go back and get the crystal ball interface up and running. I'm moderately interruptible while working, but do any of you have questions I can answer now?"

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"Is it safe to send people over to your universe without protection against the Force, or do we need that to be reasonably confident we won't do more harm than good -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Force sensitives are rare. There are around twenty thousand Sith and Jedi plus maybe half that untrained or affiliated with smaller groups across the entire galaxy. I don't think there's anyone left as strong as the Dread Masters were, to affect people at such range. Maybe Darth Occlus. And she's not evil like them. Visits should be safe enough unless you're specifically planning on talking to Sith or Jedi."

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"That's reassuring."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. Anything else?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Don't think so! Send us a message when you've got your crystal ball up and interfacing!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Will do!"

Hop hop hop all the way back home. They have her a teleport and that's good, and she's getting Hunter back and that's good. Even if she has no idea what they'll be without the Cabal hanging over their head. She'll dump the galaxy on Maitimo and run away and figure it out with them.

She takes stimulants and slices a connection with the crystal ball in four days. She sends a message to Maitimo: If you get this, I've done at least one thing correctly!

Permalink Mark Unread

Got it! Time to send some people over?

Permalink Mark Unread

If they're ready, I'm ready.

Permalink Mark Unread

And here are some cheerful space Elves! They are all tall and pretty and have very long hair very elaborately braided and they have a plan for handling demon good demand and while they're establishing themselves the computer with a backdoor to literally everything will probably be very useful.

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Hello space Elves! This is how to use the computer with a backdoor to literally everything. Right now it's very much optimized to be used by just one person but there was a time when more people were running it. This is what she remembers about what it was like then.

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They are quick learners. They are very excited by this, even if, well, ethics probably preclude using it once they have a better solution.

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Yeah, it is kind of shady. But it's been around for as long as there has been a Holonet. Exactly as long, actually, the two systems were developed by the same group.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's kind of brilliant! If you're going to be shady, definitely the way to do it. 

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Once the space Elves seem to be able to handle things, she sends a message to Epic asking if she can visit.

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Yeah for sure!!!! 

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Hop hop hop to Warp "Hi!"

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He flings himself into her arms. "Hi!!!! Have you met a Maitimo did you like him are my planets doing okay?"

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"Yes I have! One of the space ones, I think. He seems like a lovely person. Your planets are all fine, some people are wondering if you're going to come back."

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"I'll come back. Do they need stuff -"

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"The Elves have stuff-related matters covered. They just want to see you. You're kind of a celebrity."

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Hug. "I want to come back. And the Empire might think they can attack if they know I'm missing -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They're in no shape to attack anyone right now. And we'd catch it in plenty of time."

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Hug. "We can put their planets back, with the people. ...the people rolled back to before they met the Dread Masters, probably. Stupid evil dread masters."

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Hug. "That would be best for them."

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"Will the Empire be freaked out if we put their planets back?"

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"They're not actually gone, just... lethal to set foot on."

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"Demons aren't the best solution to that."

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"If you got rid of the ones that are there, you could put new ones in their place. Teleport them into the Maw or something."

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"Yeah, that demons could do. Making planets takes ages, though."

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"Well. We'd have to get the Empire to behave too."

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"You have a Maitimo, he'll figure it out."

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"He hasn't actually come back since that first visit that I'm aware of. I think they're being wary about possibly being affected by the Force."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Might be. They gave you a wished-on teleport instead of the one you can use to move the stars, right? That's probably because of being careful."

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"Yeah, probably." Either careful of the Force or careful of her herself. Perhaps both. "No magic that does mental protection?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"A Bell might be able to wish it, Bells feel really strongly about it, but they'd want to be sure of the wording and everyone'd have to go over to Wish for it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Complicated. And probably not worth it. We should ask Occlus about the risks, she knows more than I do. Assuming they'd trust her answers."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They do want to wait to resurrect my alt until they know if he's evil."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Seems reasonable."



Permalink Mark Unread

Fëanáro is bouncing obliviously. "I will go back over to my planets this afternoon."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay!" Stop stalling by pretending to be diplomatic you want them back you know you do just ask- "Um. do you remember I asked about maybe getting my friend back?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah definitely! Now? We can go find Matirin - he's probably in Cube - let me ping him -"


Hey Matirin I want to start resurrecting people in Force Cipher Nine has a friend she misses where are you?

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Are you at home? I can be there in a few minutes.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah I am. "- he's coming -"

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Course. Is here a good place or should it be somewhere more familiar -"

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"Familiar places, um, wouldn't be good, here works."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. What's their name - or what do they look like -"

Permalink Mark Unread

She bounces the image of a young woman, shortish and nondescript, with close-cropped brown hair to Epic.

Permalink Mark Unread

And a blue centaur-thing with stalk eyes and a very sharp blade on the end of a very long tail appears out of nowhere. Epic launches himself at him and is hugged. 

<Hi!> he says to Cipher. <I'm Matirin, another Maitimo, there's an Andalite version of Epic as well. I have the resurrection power - Epic ->

Permalink Mark Unread

Epic makes a person -

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And his tail curls around to lie flat on their body and then they wake up -

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Her eyes flutter open, she sees the tail, freezes-

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Permalink Mark Unread

A smile. "Agent. You know, if you really wanted to get me on my back, you didn't have to bring Tall Blue And Sharp into it-"

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<I apologize. Our resurrection power is touch-range.> Tail gone. 

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"Resurrection power? I feel like I've missed some things." She catches sight of her hand as she sits up, and frowns. Her body flickers, and where she was now sits a young man. "How long has it been?" he asks, in a voice suited to the body.

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"A few years."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There are different dimensions and some of them have magic and I got lost and ended up in yours and I met Cipher Nine and she helped me fix as much stuff as we could and then my dimensions found me and now they're fixing everything, how did you do that, that's cool, I want one -"

Permalink Mark Unread

Wink. "Trade secret."

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"Complicated and actually quite dangerous surgical implantation of micro-holoprojectors."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And years of training. If you want to be as good as me."

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"It wouldn't be dangerous for me I'm indestructible. And I don't mind practicing a lot."

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"I suppose I can dig out the schematics."

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Bounce bounce.

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<After you give yourself a vacation, I hope.>

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"A vacation? Not going soft on me, are you, Agent?"

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"It's been a long few years. And you're coming with me."

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"Am I, now?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right, all right, I'm in."

Permalink Mark Unread

He sets Epic down. <You know how to reach me if your friend dies on you again, I take it.>

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"Yes. But I don't think it will prove necessary."

Hunter nods sincerely.

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<I have the utmost confidence in you.>


Permalink Mark Unread

"I should get someone to wish me resurrection then I'd have resurrection that'd be great maybe my birth mom would do it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does it come up that much?"

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"Not really. I'm never gonna get lost again and I'm not planning to kill anyone ever again either. I can probably just wait on Loki's spell for it, but. Nice to meet you, also."

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"Yes. I would love to stay and chat, but I think Cipher and I have some things to catch up on."

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"Okay. I'll go visit my planets." Pop.

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"So what's really going on."

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"They are actually not from our universe. They're from several different ones, actually. Magic is real in most of them, of various sorts."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I remember-"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. You died. I took over. Used the Codex to steer, for a while. Was setting things up to make the Sith self-destruct, figured they'd take at least some Jedi with them, then I could mop up. The kid showed up right as the first stage was gearing up. He can make arbitrary matter. And teleport."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Unexpected. So, what, you decided to humor him?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Arbitrary matter. He made that body, and the implants. And he is indestructible. He has morals, so the direct way wasn't going to happen. But his morals also set him against the Sith. I worked with that."

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He is smiling some kind of smile, for sure.

"Your adaptability has always been one of your best qualites, Agent."

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Cipher Nine sits down next to Hunter, quite close.

"So you've mentioned before. Tell me about the others."

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"How about I show you, instead?"

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A few hours later, Cipher and Hunter go looking for Epic.

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He is visiting his planets filling requests and flying around and being adored by his people!!

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They go to one of the places he visits and wait to see if he notices them.

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He totally does!! He flaps over! Hi! What's the plan now, do you want me to make you a house somewhere or are you going to live on the space station?

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Not the space station. Hunter shudders a bit. We were thinking of a ship, actually.

Permalink Mark Unread

I can do a ship! Do you have a blueprint?

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Yeah. She provides the relevant file.

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Then he will pop them all somewhere with space for it and here is a ship! "What're you going to be doing?'

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"I've seen a lot of the galaxy, but always on business, as it were."

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"We're going to enjoy the scenery for a while."

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"Okay. You should probably tell our Maitimo how you want the galaxy sorted out before you leave."

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"I trust his judgement. But there's a linkup to the crystal ball on board, if he needs to ask something."

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"Okay. Have fun."

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"We'll write you letters. Check occasionally."


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Thank you. Really.

Permalink Mark Unread

Of course. 

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"We'll see you around the galaxy sometime, then."

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"Yeah." Hug. Pop.

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"Well. Shall we be off?"

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"A fine ship, a beautiful girl, and an open galaxy. What more could I want?"

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Permalink Mark Unread

And once immunity to mind control has been wished-on en masse he stops by Occlus's to ask if he can talk to the holocron.

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"You hardly need my permission. It's in the room with the rest of Fienus's relics. Use the basement dweller's hand to activate it. Don't bother getting too bogged down in explaining your existence, it will not remember next time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, we got Epic's summary. We are probably going to resurrect the actual Fienus, we're just trying to gently feel out how likely he is to hole up in his library and huff impatiently at galactic politics and how likely he is to kill a lot of people in a fit of pique - he's got alts with both tendencies."

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"In his first life, he was very much of the former sort."

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"Good to know, thanks. We're going to be bringing back a lot of mass murderers, obviously, as soon as we figure out how to make them happy, but evil alts always introduce some special complications."

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"He was a product of his environment. And some of his peers were much worse."

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"There's a Space colony planet voting on whether they mind having unrehabilitated Sith dropped on them, that's probably the most promising avenue to keeping them away from people who haven't consented to the risk without making them miserable."

Permalink Mark Unread

"All the Sith on one planet? That will end poorly."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If we have to do one per it'll take a while to have enough volunteer planets, is there a manageable group size?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The natural state of a Sith is solitary. Others are competition, threats. Groups can exist only so long as there is a clear and readily demonstrable power hierarchy, and even then, they are not stable. How large is the population that would be absorbing them?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Couple hundred thousand."

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"Perhaps thirty, then. Fewer if you wish to minimize casualties."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Then I'll need a couple hundred colony planets. Maybe the orcs'll want to help. ...if we put them somewhere where they don't have the Force, are they likely to be worse or better?"

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"They will be easier to manage, but worse off psychologically. I would be quite interested to know how you intend to arrange that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Most powers have adjacency limits. I do not know if yours does but if it does, then anywhere outside your dimensional neighborhood will qualify. I quite understand if you don't want to test, but if you do we can hop out and check - if not I expect I can convince Fienus -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will go."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks!" Hop hop - "This is Warp, we're out of your neighborhood, still have it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Occlus gestures at a nearby crate. It rises off the floor and spins before gently settling back down.


Permalink Mark Unread

And back home. "Thank you very much! In that case all the methods of taking it away from them would be a hassle and since it will stress them out anyway, probably not worth it."

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"It would be much easier to kill them all."

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"Oh, trust me, I'm tempted."

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"Do you require anything else from me?"

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"Nope. Thanks for your time." And holocronwards.

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Occlus returns to her work cataloging second-period Heseora.

A trail of lighted corridors leads Maitimo's way to Fienus's room.

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He activates the holocron. "Hello?"

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Cowled distant Sith - 

"Spectating or do you have anything interesting to talk about?"

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"Do you happen to know how close to your creator's death you were created?"

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"How would I? How did you access this?"

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"I'm your son."

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"How colossally disappointing."

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After an hour he bounces back to tell the peal that Fienus is not going to be a problem.

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Then he will come and wake him up!

Permalink Mark Unread

Darth Fienus finds the tail objectionable and throws his resurrector across the room; he would like an explanation, please, and is given one, and would like to go to Space and learn about the work his alts are doing and take all his notes and work with him, is that acceptable?


That is acceptable. 


He can join his Space alts for the time being. Occlus is notified that Fienus is off with all his magic items but is pleased they were kept in good conditions and is happy to let someone intelligent look at them and work with them occasionally.

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Occlus had already steeled herself to the loss of his artifacts, she offers no complaint.

She suggests to Fienus that they ought to look at improving his Silmarils together at some point. Based on what she has extrapolated of their making, she has some ideas as to how her greater raw strength in the Force could aid the process.

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He responds with technical nitpicks for a while and then says he'd be happy to bring them back to give some particularly promising angles a try.

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Her schedule is quite flexible. At his convenience.

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He drops by. "Have you visited the dimension called 'Space' in spite of the total failure of that nickname to disambiguate at all between the vast majority of known dimensions?  Interesting group of people, if rather meddlesome. What should we start with?"

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"I was visited by one of the Maitimos from there. He took me to Warp briefly, but as they did not see fit to grace me with any teleportation magic, I have not otherwise left this dimension." They can start with the first method they've discussed, she's set up the equipment just here.

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"They'd probably give it to you if you asked, but then they'd be even nosier." Experiment!!!

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They can make several minor improvements to the existing gems, but it becomes clear that the most intriguing changes would be best applied during the actual creation.

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"We can make more of them. Apparently the people who consider themselves alternate universe versions of me can't, but there's no reason I can't."

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"How unfortunate for them. What do we need?"

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A lot of things, turns out, and it's a very long procedure.

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She is very meticulous. And Cipher Nine thoughtfully gave her a way to talk to the Elves in charge of importing demon goods to this dimension.

Permalink Mark Unread

And they only blink a little at the 'more Silmarils!' thing. "You are aware," the supply deliverer says, "that these things are often involved in disastrous wars?"

"I thought you were competent, running the galaxy, and disinterested in wars?" says Fienus.

"- yes -"

"So there won't be problems, good."

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"As I understand it, most of the typical circumstances behind the diastrous wars do not apply here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We don't bindingly swear to things and I haven't the faintest idea what I'd do with a child let alone seven and it would not be unprecedented for someone to assert rights to their powerful magic objects and therefore everyone else is unlikely to react by going 'oh, they don't mean it'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Just so."

And then on to the creation of the items in question.

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Fienus is having a lovely time! He has even mostly stopped being rude to her.

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Occlus was prepared to put up with a great deal in order to get her hands on these Silmarils, but it is pleasant not to have to.

And eventually, they are done. The improved version has more leeway with positioning, can achieve a greater magnitude of effect, and several changes that makes controlling them easier when they are subject to large flows of Force.

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Fienus bounces gleefully.

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"That went well. I would like to keep at least one of these."

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"They work better all together."

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"Yes, and ideally I would like to keep all of them, but as this was a joint effort, it seems fair to split the proceeds"

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"We could trade them off when we have projects requiring them, unless you just want one around all the time for decor?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am planning to renew my efforts to explore and recover the forgotten tombs scattered across the galaxy. Lacking the infrastructure I abandoned when I left the Empire, having at least one to augment my own power would greatly aid my efforts. The nature of these excavations is often such that I will not be able to maintain any strict schedule or be able to give it up on short notice."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That sounds interesting. Are you committed to doing it alone?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No. Are you volunteering your assistance?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You haven't been a waste of time to work with at all. I'd be delighted to help with tomb excavation."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The work will not always be so intellectually stimulanting. For every Sith Lord who left behind some interesting theoretical or practical working, there is one who did nothing more than kill many people. I will be cataloging and archiving them all. If you are unwilling to fully commit to this..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I didn't actually achieve these things by being a dilettante who dropped work at the first sign of a dead end or a lot of effort."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Archaeology is a different sort of field than alchemy. I wanted to be sure of you. I dislike making changes to the work roster in the midst of a dig."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will commit to your digging even if it's horrifically tedious, for at least a few years while the galaxy is in a presumably-obnoxious state of turmoil."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Then I will welcome your help for that period of time. I have the handbooks I created during my tenure in the Pyramid, which you can use to familiarize yourself with the basics of the discipline."

Occlus puts a message on the crystal ball saying that she would like a teleport with a cargo capacity.

Permalink Mark Unread

Do we want to wish it on again, or are we going to be handing out the healing spell anywhere on Force, in which case we may as well hand out the standard one?

Permalink Mark Unread

I think we'd be best served to have a more detailed understanding of the new magic system and its interactions with stuff before handing out Loki's spells, but if she's not in a huge hurry we could just prioritize developing that understanding.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't really like spending wishes on teleports but don't have a sense yet of how long that understanding will take to arrive at.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't like it either, but they've got mental effects, might be able to jailbreak distribution...

Permalink Mark Unread

Occlus is both trustworthy and hard to tamper with, but they do have mental effects. Are the teleport wishes at least batchable at all?

Permalink Mark Unread

Given a good read, yeah, find me a four and a half or better and they can do at least ten.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cool, I'll ask. 



And a short time later Occlus is informed that they can come pick her up to wish on a teleport.

Permalink Mark Unread

The wished one is the sort that runs on emotional energy, yes? What precisely does that entail? My magic might also be said to run on emotional energy, if they funge against each other, that would be undesirable.

Permalink Mark Unread

It'd surprise me if that happened, but loosely it's easier to do magic you feel strongly about. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Does the particular flavor of the feeling matter?

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Permalink Mark Unread

Then I suppose it will do.

Permalink Mark Unread

Thank you. We're working on checking Force interactions with the other kind of teleport we have and we can speed up work on that but it'd still be a while, your galaxy has an awful lot going on.

Permalink Mark Unread

Let me know if I can be of assistance with that project. I am ready to go whenever is convenient for you.

Permalink Mark Unread

You're our go-to for questions about how Force things work, I expect you can be of assistance and I'll let you know once we know what we need.


And shortly thereafter he shows up to take her to Wish.

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Here she is, as closed off as ever.

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"Hey! Ready? Should only be about ten minutes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes. Let us be off."

Permalink Mark Unread

#211-Warp-Revelation-Hell-Space-Hex-Stork-Dreamward-Luster-Wish, where ten people are batched for it.

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"Thank you, Gem!  - and you're all set, do you want an escort back or do you think you remember the way?"

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"No, I remember. Thank you."

And poof, she's gone, headed home.

Permalink Mark Unread

And they occasionally send her questions about the Force and about various historical events and eventually - are you interested in weighing in on what'll go over well politically, or should we handle that without you?

Permalink Mark Unread

She's is between digs at the moment, so-

I can answer some.

Permalink Mark Unread

We're planning on announcing that the war's over and borders are as such (there's an attachment) and ships that enter the neutral zone will be put back where they started. What likeliest goes wrong, in your estimation?

Permalink Mark Unread

There are some hyperspace routes through that area that don't involve dropping into realspace in your designated zone. And cutting off all interaction will irritate the independent traders. She highlights the routes on the map and sends it back.

Permalink Mark Unread

Revised map. Vet traders one at a time, or make the rule only apply to Empire and Republic ships, you think?

Permalink Mark Unread

The former will be more sure, but will require a greater investment of manpower. If not handled tactfully, it may also turn the traders against you. The latter requires less individualized attention, but invites either side to hire third parties to transport their troops and munitions across the line.

Permalink Mark Unread

We can check for that and blacklist traders who do it. Thank you.

Permalink Mark Unread

My pleasure.

Permalink Mark Unread

They make the announcement the next day.

Permalink Mark Unread

And, predictably, both the Empire and Republic test it. The Empire sends an assault group, the Republic a single light cruiser.

Permalink Mark Unread

This was predictable! They have Cam and Epic checking for things. Both sets of ships get put back where they started with sticky notes attached saying 'sorry, war has been prohibited. please consider diverting resources into more productive activities.'

Permalink Mark Unread

The Republic pulls forces back and adopts a defensive posture.

The Empire tries to route around.

Permalink Mark Unread

Slow learners, huh. 


Those ships go home too.

Permalink Mark Unread

They stop trying for a while.

Then a certain trade convoy seems to be acting slightly suspiciously.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, the conjuring for Imperial troops and weapons in the neutral zone would have caught that even if the Black Codex hadn't, which it did. Who's the traders, part of some larger organization or independents?

Permalink Mark Unread

Independents. Smugglers, really. If pressed, they disclaim all knowledge of the cargo and say they were paid a very large sum of money just to get the ships across the line.

Permalink Mark Unread

They should not take such offers, because now they're also banned from travel through the neutral zone, which side of it do they prefer to be stuck on?

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh come on, that's not fair! They're just businessmen trying to make a living, here.

Permalink Mark Unread

He understands completely! Maybe they didn't know that the new confederation against violence will match the empire's bids to do war stuff. They can go back in Empire space with a warning.

Permalink Mark Unread

Heck, same money for no risk? Sign them up.

Permalink Mark Unread

Great! Smuggled troops and weapons go back, smugglers get a hold stocked with demon-made goods of the appropriate value, Empire gets a message on where to find their troops signed Maitimo, sincerely interested in meeting with you to discuss a better solution.

Permalink Mark Unread

Great, when and where?

Permalink Mark Unread

He's the one with the teleport, their convenience.

Permalink Mark Unread

Thirty-six hours, this building, this planet.


The Codex reveals that they're planning to slag it from orbit as soon as he's confirmed to be inside.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's more convenient than if they were going to try Force tricks. He's not indestructible - seems a waste, with being so easy to resurrect - but the flat Maitimos are. 

Permalink Mark Unread

So thirty-six hours later he teleports to the relevant building.

Permalink Mark Unread

And the person across the conference table presses a button-

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

They wanted this part to take less than thirty seconds. Resurrection fork of everyone in the area, deposit in a nearby unaffected area, go bounce over to Swift and make him some clothes, pop out. 

Permalink Mark Unread

He writes the empire. Tragically someone interfered with our parley. I am impossible to kill, so I assume you were the targets. All of the people affected have been resurrected, and I extend my sincere regrets. Pick another time and place. 

Permalink Mark Unread

There's a lot of very vehement cursing on high-level Imperial channels after that.

...They're sent another time and place. Appearances are that this one is legitimate.

Permalink Mark Unread

Still probably a good idea to send an immortal one. Who has read through Cipher Nine's workbooks, even if they've yet to settle on an excellent wished-on mental protection solution. 


He is there at the discussed time. 

Permalink Mark Unread

This time, sitting across the table is someone he may recognize as Darth Marr, widely regarded to be the de facto leader of the Empire in these troubled times.

Darth Marr seems to be slightly dead.

A dozen black-cloaked and masked figures enter the room.

Permalink Mark Unread

These people are by far the slowest learners he has ever met. He sits down at the table.

Permalink Mark Unread

"No compromise, no peace."

They each ignite their lightsabers, and move in to attack.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Did he disagree with you? ...did you miss the bit where we can do resurrections? People who get killed for being willing to sit down with us aren't going to stay dead."

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, they're not real interested in talking.

Permalink Mark Unread

No but talking while being attacked by a dozen lightsabers is more fun than just sitting there looking bored. 

Permalink Mark Unread

They only get angrier as time passes.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Lovely meeting you gentlemen - ladies? Lovely meeting you crazed assassins, but I'm not sure further discussions will be productive at this point."


- and home, where someone can please fix his hair and then get them a resurrection fork of Darth Marr -

Permalink Mark Unread

Those are both things demons can do, because demons are great. They've got a couple of Gem's magic rocks on hand for the resurrection. 



Here is Darth Marr. Now he's alive again.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Where am I?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Arrtin. No hostility intended from the sudden change of location; I arrived at the parley to find you dead and a dozen assassins attacking. So I rescheduled for here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I see. In that case, I do not think we can negotiate productively. If I was killed, then my fellow Sith do not approve of my ideas and anything I do will carry no weight with them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's inconvenient. Do you want to be dropped off back in the Empire, or elsewhere?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The fools are too blinded by hatred and arrogance to see that the galaxy has changed since your arrival, and not in our favor. I wash my hands of them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We're happy to extend citizenship, or I can just give you a spaceship and you can go off exploring."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Citizenship would be agreeable."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll drop you off in Ondolindë. It's a couple galaxies over from here -" - hop hop hop hop -


If the Empire's been doing lots of study of Epic's buildings Ondolindë will look vaguely familiar, though it does more with stone and less with metal. "Welcome to Ondolindë! It's a colony planet, population is a couple hundred thousand." He waves an Elf over. "Lamaen, this is Darth Marr of the new galaxy; Darth Marr, Lamaen is the local affairs administrator and can get you situated."

"Hi," Lamaen says.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

(He pops out.)

Permalink Mark Unread

"Welcome to Ondolindë. I am not sure how much word of our people has reached yours."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Very little. Most of it involves your general power level and dislike of the way the Empire conducts galactic affairs."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The prince Nelyafinwë, who dropped you off here, is part of a governing collective with powers that - among other things, I think include 'total control of all space', so they can find anything instantly and rearrange it in whatever configuration they please? And time, but they don't do that often for ethical reasons - they don't share a list with the general public, obviously, 'if they want something to happen then it does' is a reasonable approximation. They're also all indestructible even though it's needless because we're trivial to resurrect. They - pretty much leave everyone alone, if you're not yourself failing to leave alone people under their protection. The rules the Empire would need to abide by in order to get along with them would be 'everyone can leave if they want to' and 'no mind controlling people', pretty much."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hm. That is agreeable to me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good! Do you have a sense of where you'd like to live? What you'd like it to look like, whether you want it in town or a little ways away from everything..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It has been... some time, since I was anything resembling a civilian. I will take your recommendation."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll get you a townhouse, then, and we've got a demon - demons are people who can create arbitrary matter, you probably heard of Epic, who is one of them who's been operating in your galaxy? - anyway, we've got a demon so once you've settled in you can come up with a house design you like and take it to her and she'll make it for you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Very well."

Permalink Mark Unread

Townhouse! It's pretty. "Here's a computer, you won't be able to reach your galaxy from here but you can send things care of Epic. Here's a credit card, most people get an implant - demon can do that too - just so you don't have to carry the card around, you can use it to pay for whatever you need. Everyone gets enough money for basic expenses every month, you can work if you have expensive hobbies. Questions?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not at this time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You can message me on the computer or knock on my door, it's across the street. Welcome. I hope you're happy here."

Permalink Mark Unread


"Thank you."

Permalink Mark Unread

He leaves. The house is furnished and the kitchen stocked (with an interface letting him order things). There are people singing in the streets.

Permalink Mark Unread

He will adapt to this, even if the rest cannot. Even the singing, in time.

Permalink Mark Unread

The rest: continue to not adapt?

Permalink Mark Unread

Wow, it's like he's good at modeling people or something.

Permalink Mark Unread

The annoying thing is that they need Cam or Epic's periodic attention to maintain the blockade, and both of them have more valuable things to be doing. He asks Occlus what she thinks will happen if they just kidnap all the Sith in the Empire and announce they're now running it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Token initial resistance. If it is clear that the Sith are not returning and they are doing a better job of managing it, they will be accepted.

Permalink Mark Unread


He has Epic design some more labyrinths for temporary Sith containment. ...based on how Darth Marr's doing, it seems like integration is possible but Sith might actually like orc colony planets, any of those willing to help them out?


Some of them are willing to take Sith who are at least pretending to be reformed, but not kidnapped-and-grouchy-about-it ones. 


And they set to figuring out how to kidnap all the Sith as efficiently as possible.

Permalink Mark Unread

There's about ten thousand of them. Many concentrated on Dromund Kaas, some at Korriban, the rest sort of scattered about in clumps across the rest of the Empire.

Permalink Mark Unread

As long as they don't move around too much they can have Cam and Epic find them all and then amass a lot of teleporters to remove them. 

Permalink Mark Unread

This strategy works.

Permalink Mark Unread

And then an announcement to the galaxy that the Sith have been removed, permanently, all of them, due to repeated violations of parley and warmongering and general incompetence. They have video of the assassins swinging lightsabers at a bored delegate; they release it on the holonets. He is Emperor for the time being, and congratulations the population of the Empire in advance for their calm handling of this transition.

Permalink Mark Unread

There is minor unrest on Ziost, Dromund Kaas, and some of the other major population centers.

Permalink Mark Unread

People who die get resurrected; property damage Epic bounces around correcting; otherwise protestors can protest.


Next announcement: slavery is abolished, slaveholders who release all their slaves today without complaints or complications will get compensation, slaveholders who dawdle will not, slaves who are not promptly manumitted can just write the word 'Epic', anywhere, including on their own skin with their nails or similar, and help will come. This they have to do planet by planet, since there is only one Epic and a lot of slaves.

Permalink Mark Unread

But soon there are going to be a lot less of them. He has the accelerated-perception song at its maximum. He conjures for writings of his name, he conjures for a scale model of the author, he pops in, he takes the writer and drops them somewhere for sorting out, he goes to the next one.

Permalink Mark Unread

There are lots of slaves. Fortunately, about three-quarters of them get voluntarily manumitted.

Permalink Mark Unread

These people really are slow learners. Any of them who don't get voluntarily manumitted and have access to a way to call him (or the information that they ought to do this) get fetched, one per second, conjure conjure pop pop next. 

Permalink Mark Unread

He'll be doing that for a bit. No one can effectively stop him, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

They can try to fake the message but then they'll just get dropped at the manumission center for processing. He's an Elf. It'll take him a while to get bored.

Permalink Mark Unread


Eventually, he conjures and doesn't get anything.

Permalink Mark Unread

Good! And they have people handing the former slave stuff, so he's not needed there, so he will go back to his planets which do not have slavery and are less stressful.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yay he's back again!

Permalink Mark Unread

Eeeeeeeee he loves them so much.

Permalink Mark Unread

He reimburses voluntary manumitters and waits to see how disruptive that was.

Permalink Mark Unread

A fair bit. If they repurpose Cipher Nine's droid solution from when she similarly incentivized the Hutts, that would help alleviate the impact.

Permalink Mark Unread

...do droids have internal experiences?

Permalink Mark Unread

Common galactic wisdom is no.

On the other hand, demon-conjured droids don't work. Sort of like basement dwellers.

On a third hand (he's a fork he can borrow someone's), droids that are smart enough to talk say they like doing the work they were programmed to do.

Permalink Mark Unread

Demon-conjured goldfish don't work either, demon-conjuring is bad at minds well below the threshold where he'd worry. If droids that can talk are okay with it, sure, droids to replace all the work done by slaves sounds perfect.

Permalink Mark Unread

Then business can continue as (mostly) usual.

Permalink Mark Unread

Good. They will roll that out everywhere.

Permalink Mark Unread

The program is positively received.

Permalink Mark Unread

How many more atrocities is he now presiding over?

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, with the war off and the Sith gone, that really cuts out most of the opportunity for the common man to participate in atrocities.

There's still lots of anti-alien sentiment as a cultural baseline, plus compulsory military service, and lingering hatred for/resentment of the Republic that's kind of slowing any sort of real integration between the two powers.

Permalink Mark Unread

Being an Elf, he is content to see if these things improve over a couple decades. Most pressing problem is now the 10,000 Sith in their labyrinths.

Permalink Mark Unread

The Sith remain contained and not-dead.

Permalink Mark Unread

Then someone indestructible will go by to conduct interviews and see if anyone is willing to integrate. Hello, random Sith, you get my personal attention because I was impressed by your achievements and think you pose a unique threat to my empire. Will you instead ally with me?

Permalink Mark Unread

Ha! As if. The mighty Darth Karaz needs no allies. Begone, wretch!

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Ally with you, pretty boy? Well. She could be convinced. Wink wink.

Permalink Mark Unread

Ten fucking thousand -



Permalink Mark Unread

Oh please yes, anything to get out of this infernal never-ending maze.

Permalink Mark Unread

Great. He would like them to infiltrate this colony planet of his and figure out who on it is an undercover agent of the Republic. Sound good?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes. Yes. Whatever, just get me out of here-

Permalink Mark Unread

Colony planet. Different one than Marr's. Here is his agent, who will help them get their cover identity and everything.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh thank the Force.

Now to just wait until his "rescuer" leaves, kill his agent, and then find a way home.

Permalink Mark Unread

Rescuer leaves (nine thousand, nine hundred, ninety seven, what dysfunctional nightmares of people but 'let them all kill themselves' is only superficially appealing and anyway Epic is adorably convinced they can do better than that...)


Agent says welcome to this colony, where do you want to live?

Permalink Mark Unread

Somewhere in the town of Lightsaber To The Gut.

Permalink Mark Unread

(They decide not to intervene. What will the Sith do next, and what will the Sith do when reincarnation is casually demonstrated, those are the important questions -)

Permalink Mark Unread

Ahh, that was satisfying.

Step the second: find the nearest spaceport.

Permalink Mark Unread

Thataways, but it's a tiny colony planet, no incoming or outgoing flights scheduled for the next five months.

Permalink Mark Unread

Five months? What sort of pathetic little backwater, he just escaped one damn maze trap-

Oh, now he's angry. Time to cause property damage/grievous bodily harm.

Permalink Mark Unread

Everyone is kind of concerned! Is he okay? Is he having a seizure? 

Permalink Mark Unread

No talking, only rage.

Permalink Mark Unread

When he is done raging they will ask, then. They are making a point of not acting even mildly afraid, just concerned.

Permalink Mark Unread

Maybe if he starts hurting them they will fear him. He is Sith, he should not be treated this way.

Permalink Mark Unread

If he starts hurting them they will not fear him, they will just be more concerned. He could write the King if he really urgently needs a ride somewhere?

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

He can definitely kill them! If he does this then someone else will waltz over, go 'oh no, what happened here?' and wave a hand and resurrect them all. 


(This takes some behind-the-scenes maneuvering but all but one of the chips are intact, making it much simpler.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Grrrrrr, stay dead, damn you!

Permalink Mark Unread

The person who did the resurrections is concerned. "Uh, you okay? I can wait an hour or so to rez them but I don't want to wait all day, what if they have appointments or something? What do you need them to be dead for?"

Permalink Mark Unread

To soothe his rage! You can die too, resurrection person!

Permalink Mark Unread

That person seems immune to attempts to kill her, for some reason. "...I'm a demon, did you not get the orientation?" 

Permalink Mark Unread

No time for orientations, there's havoc to be wreaked! But routing around the indestructible person.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's good. The indestructible person will watch wearily until it seems like he is done wreaking havoc.

Permalink Mark Unread

This will take several hours.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's okay! When he seems to have worn himself out she will (coordinate behind the scenes and) shout "you done?"

Permalink Mark Unread

He narrows his eyes like he's considering restarting, but doesn't actually do anything more.

Permalink Mark Unread

And she walks down the swathe of destruction putting everything back. (She is followed by an invisible teleporter who can enable this by clearing debris and placing chips).

Permalink Mark Unread

He just kind of sits there. Angrily.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...want a computer or something? Or, like, a nifty house - I can make arbitrary material stuff, that's what demons do, if you want like a really big castle or whatever I can make it for you-"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Go away."

Permalink Mark Unread

She leaves.

Permalink Mark Unread

He sits and meditates for a while, completely unresponsive. Then he erupts in a blast of not-quite-light, leaving behind a small crater and no body.

Permalink Mark Unread

This result is reported. They continue to try talking with Sith.

Permalink Mark Unread

About a third are willing to come quietly. Of those, about two in five are actually sincere.

Permalink Mark Unread

He can often tell - getting to near-perfect accuracy, after a bunch of them, but he dislikes killing people on the basis of even highly accurate intuition and the situation does not seem to warrant mindreading. Two in fifteen is 1300 people; that is a lot better than 'none of them' even if it the nos are varying degrees of painful and frustrating.


Can they get any of the insincere ones to do something better than suicide by saying the claimed ship departure date is in two weeks? By having the first person they meet be indestructible? ...by singing calming songs?

Permalink Mark Unread

Calming songs work a lot better than the other options. For as long as they're being sung.

Permalink Mark Unread

Indefinite nonconsensual mind control is not a better solution than letting them dramatically self-destruct but if they can be reasoned with while on the calming songs he is tentatively willing to keep up the calming songs a few hours while they are fully informed about the aspects of the situation it has been deemed safe for them to be informed of.

Permalink Mark Unread

They will sit still and listen to their interlocutors during the song. Most are still unreasonable, but that will get an extra few to calm down for good.

Permalink Mark Unread

And if they play the songs in the labyrinth and then go around to make the offer again?

Permalink Mark Unread

They can get the same proportion of responses in those remaining.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well. That seems like about all they can really do. They go home to deal with planets that aren't full of melodramatic fragile suicidal murderers. It's very refreshing.

Permalink Mark Unread

And how's the Empire handling the transition -

Permalink Mark Unread

They pretty okay with it by now.

Permalink Mark Unread

Great. Then they can start rolling out new tech where it'll be useful. ...how about the Republic, are the Jedi as inclined to invent themselves enemies as Cipher Nine was afraid of?

Permalink Mark Unread

Not so far. They do want to know what, if anything, he is intending to do about new Force sensitives born in his region of space.

Permalink Mark Unread

It seems like a good idea for them to be brought up around good influences. He's unconvinced that the Jedi are good influences, but he'd be happy to learn more about that.

Permalink Mark Unread

The Jedi will just sort of uncomfortably pretend they didn't really hear that last bit. Here is what the younglings' training looks like. Math and science and social studies and other standard child education, exercise and saber training, meditation and Force philosophy, lots of rhetoric about selflessness and sacrifice and not becoming emotionally attached to things or people.

Permalink Mark Unread

...yeah, that sounds possibly dangerous. Like, for example, if he had been raised that way he would be a psychopath. Does that problem ever come up.

Permalink Mark Unread

Certainly not!

Permalink Mark Unread

It seems like something to be aware of!

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, if Jedi training doesn't suit a person, there's always the agricultural corps.

Permalink Mark Unread

What are those like?

Permalink Mark Unread

That's where you go off and work on a farm planet for the rest of your life. Nice and relaxing, not at all stressful in ways that could cause one to fall to the dark side.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, he is thinking there should be more options than those.

Permalink Mark Unread

Falling to the dark side is very serious business. That's how one gets Sith.

Permalink Mark Unread

...this whole thing warrants a more serious discussion. Okay. What is actually known about the Force, how many methods of handling it are known - 

Permalink Mark Unread

There's basically the Sith and the Jedi, the Selkath have an order too, but they don't like sharing with outsiders.

It is very easy for a Force user to lock into an emotional spiral around something they care strongly about. The Sith embrace this tendency, and use it as a short, quick path to power. They act according to their whims, heedless of consequence. The end result of this should speak for itself. The Jedi take a more tempered approach. They know it's very easy to allow one's emotions to rule oneself and what comes of that. Therefore, much of their training is focused on mastery of one's passions, so that they can act with clarity and insight.

Permalink Mark Unread

And the 'don't care about people' bit, why is that necessary?

Permalink Mark Unread

Attachment to people is just as dangerous as attachment to objects. And it's not so much "don't care about" as "don't hold on to".

Permalink Mark Unread

There are some pretty functional Sith. Maybe he should ask them for advice on this.



Permalink Mark Unread

"Which part would you like me to critique?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I would like accurate information, ideally, more than a specific explanation of why beyond 'superstition and inertia' the information I have is wrong."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The interesting thing is that the Jedi are not in fact entirely wrong in this instance. When one draws upon the Force, it tends to magnify and reinforce one's emotional state. The effect compounds over time. In the case of the Sith, this is extremely obvious. Cultural glorification of rage and hatred and so forth. The Jedi way is an attempt to retard this sort of decay, though their lack of practice with actually working through their feelings means that when one does succumb, the results are all the more dramatic."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. ...I wonder if we can just give everyone mood control, through subtle artists or wish it on somehow -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That may work. It is possible to prevent feeling from affecting reason without sacrificing one's capacity for the same, but few possess the native discipline required or the will to acquire it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We were not able to turn most of the existing Sith into functional members of society even if their occasional murder was tolerated. It'd be nice to do better with the next batch."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Getting to them before they are inculcated with the same warped worldview will also help."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We can conjure for force sensitives, so finding them won't be the problem. I think we'll look at subtle arts, see if there's a way to help them with the emotion management."

Permalink Mark Unread

"May you find success in that endeavor."

Permalink Mark Unread



It'll be a few years before it's a problem anyway. They start expanding humanitarian projects and schools and hospitals in the empire.

Permalink Mark Unread

Bit of a change from what orders used to come down from that office, but okay. They can build those things.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, this office seems like it was poorly managed. Thus the coup. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Ahem. Well. Yes. That.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Transfer of power has historically been a somewhat delicate subject, in these parts.

Permalink Mark Unread

...it's going to take a while for people to feel comfortable assuming they can be critical of the government without getting killed, isn't it. He can't immediately think of a way to speed that up.

Permalink Mark Unread

May be one of those things that will take an Elf-while for the population to shake off.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I could plant people who say horribly mean things about me and conspicuously fail to suffer any consequences?"

Permalink Mark Unread

...He's an Emperor, he can do whatever he wants.

Permalink Mark Unread

"What I want is for people to have a good sense of what I will do, and I don't know whether it'd be helpful towards that end or not."

Permalink Mark Unread

If he wants people to say mean things about him, that might encourage the behavior.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I want people to be aware that if they do, nothing will happen to them. Back home they usually know that and still don't say mean things because they mostly approve of how the empire's being run. That'd be a nice way for things to work out but I'm not too set on it."

Permalink Mark Unread

They're kind of skeptical. But there's no harm in trying, probably.

Permalink Mark Unread

All right, this empire will have some artificial dissidents! Some of them will object to tax policy and some of them will object to the end of the war and some of them will just dislike him personally and complain about his ears being suspiciously pointy.


Nothing will happen to them.

Permalink Mark Unread

Pointy-ears gets the most traction in popular sentiment. All that residual anti-alien bias and so forth. Some people he did not plant being voicing similar opinions. The others are mostly ignored.

Permalink Mark Unread

People he didn't plant also don't have anything happen to them. That's about all he's interested in doing; he's not going to plant dissidents angry about the end of slavery. 

Permalink Mark Unread

He, uh, may want to make some sort of a public statement about whether he is actually an alien. Some of these rallies are getting restive.

Permalink Mark Unread

He's a Quendi; this is his home city (he shows Ambaróna, not Tirion) and some other places in his home galaxy. People can have very restive rallies if they like; if they damage property or assault others then there'll be a problem. 

Permalink Mark Unread

What, he's just going to admit it? This faction says he has no business being Emperor if he's not human. (It is a small faction, but very loud.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Do they say that. He thinks he'll ignore them.

Permalink Mark Unread

They think they'll try to blow up some his hospitals and schools to get his attention.

Permalink Mark Unread

Black Codex catches that. He has them arrested. Is there, like, a standard justice system, how objectionable is it -

Permalink Mark Unread

The previous administration would have just disappeared dissenters like these. But there is a judicial system he can hand them to. They'll probably get a life sentence in the mines somewhere.

Permalink Mark Unread

...how common is that?

Permalink Mark Unread

Being sentenced to go off and work somewhere unpleasant? That's pretty much the standard for serious crimes. The exact term of indenture can vary, of course.

Permalink Mark Unread

...bombing schools and hospitals is sufficiently horrible that maybe with humans who'd do that sort of thing there isn't a better way to do sentencing. It's probably better than locking them in cages. Sure, public trial.

Permalink Mark Unread

The trial goes as predicted. The ringleader gets a death sentence.

Permalink Mark Unread

The Emperor'd like to talk to him, is that possible?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes, but he doesn't have much to say to the Emperor. Mostly slurs and spitting.

Permalink Mark Unread

In that case the Emperor is not going to extend offers of help that clearly is not wanted. The justice system seems functional. Good job, justice system.

Permalink Mark Unread

The justice system is pleased to have his approval.

The execution is by hanging, and is broadcast.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hopefully other people try less destructive methods of getting his attention, like writing letters or something.

Permalink Mark Unread

Only time will tell! The anti-alien bit seems to have died down.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, good.

Permalink Mark Unread


An anonymous group of economists have written him a letter criticizing his tax policy.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yay!!!! He is genuinely super enthusiastic about this! He will write and publish a long response and draft an amendment to some taxes that don't actually seem to be functioning as intended!

Permalink Mark Unread

Other letters slowly start to filter in. Some contain reasonable critiques of policy (school curricula, zoning ordinances), others are just people pushing for what would be maximally convenient for them personally (make a law saying my neighbor needs to shoot his dog to make it stop barking).

Permalink Mark Unread

Yep, that's how functional non-totalitarian country-running looks. He takes it all as an encouraging sign. ...why does the Emperor handle zoning ordinances, isn't that a local thing?

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, yes. But the whole system is kind of fucked and needs to be overhauled significantly. Most efficient to do it all at once.

Permalink Mark Unread

Probably, but he is going to need to do a lot of reading. He is very excited about this. 

Permalink Mark Unread

People continue being encouraged by the reactions to correspondence to send more correspondence.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's far too much to read but maybe he has enough trust by now to start hiring advisors who won't be terrified of him? 

Permalink Mark Unread

There's still a little bit of terror, the last Emperor was pretty terrifying, but he can find some people who will speak normally to his face despite that.

Permalink Mark Unread

Great. He thinks zoning is pretty much a bad idea, where might it be justified enough to overcome this presumption? He is kind of tempted to just clear away this entire planet's terrible tax policy, any reason why he shouldn't? Healthcare. Who even came up with this system? How does a society with FTL galaxy-wide communication still have communicable diseases with accessible vaccinations?

Permalink Mark Unread

His advisors have advice and explanations. They are mostly good ones.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh good! He will fix so much stuff, then. He will not murder them for disagreeing with him; he will not even glare at them. If they are right he will listen to them. This empire is going to have reasonable governance before the year is out.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's certainly well on its way there.

Permalink Mark Unread

He has Epic do his infrastructure projects! He does the public health stuff himself as a treat!  It is such a treat! He copies Matirin's strategy of having Charps in little nestled auditoriums in hillsides teaching engineering and physics and biology to anyone who wants to learn. He makes a prettier palace, since the old palace was insufficiently pretty.

Permalink Mark Unread

After a year of this, you could almost mistake it for one of their other protectorates.

Permalink Mark Unread

Bigger than most of them, and higher-maintenance, but it has more sustained demonic attention (Epic has not yet gotten bored of demoning, if they were worried that'd happen, and a demon from a Space colony decided she felt sorry for the poor people who had to live with the Sith offered to come help with infrastructure. That took some wrangling, given the hiding-the-existence-of-multiple-dimensions, but they put her on a lightleaper and leaped it with the teleport and she had a good time helping, so the risk seemed to be paying off.)

Permalink Mark Unread

The state of the Empire is largely irrelevant to Occlus. She idly notes the changes the extradimensionals are making as she hops in and out to collect things left behind by her former peers. (She will make them available for reclamation upon request.) She and Fienus continue excavating tombs. Silmaril-enhanced Force strength is an acceptable substitute for a team of diggers. She gets several expansions added to her archives. She catalogues and collates and cross-references. The history of the Sith is better documented and better understood (only by her, but no one else really counts) than ever before.

Is this what happiness is? Perhaps. Contentment, at the very least.