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Startup Sorcery
Sparkles and Terel in Tileworld
Permalink Mark Unread

Sadde arrives in the middle of the night as expected and whiles away the time until Terel is awake. In the morning they catch up, and "catch up," and then Sadde calls Nils and her mer friend (whose name she never caught), and then she spends pretty much the whole weekend with Terel, between working on a shiny report for the appointment on Monday and, ah, "catching up." She visits the fair folk forest at night while Terel is asleep, and has an overall very relaxing weekend.

At some point between Sunday evening and Monday morning she decides she's not feeling like a 'she' anymore and switches.

And then it's Monday.

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He's up at his usual time and walks to class, as usual.




"Huh. I didn't recognize you at first."

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"What gave me away? Was it the wings?"

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"Well, yes that, also the way you were looking at me. It had to be fairly obvious to get through my pre-coffee state."

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He grins. "It's not my fault you somehow manage to be absolutely delectable even in your pre-coffee state."

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"Heh. Well, I still want to transition to the intra-coffee state and the post-coffee state promptly."

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"Lead the way, love."

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He talks about ideas for improving magic other than the fairly revolutionary dynamic golem memory along the way.

Here's a coffeeshop. 

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Millionaire Sadde offers to pay, naturally.

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And Terel quietly mentions that homophobia is an (ignorable) thing, that he's gotten over a while ago, FYI.

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"—oh, right. It's a thing where I'm from, too, but I kinda barely paid any attention to it ever? And amongst vankires it just makes no sense given the way mate bonds work."

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"It's a little complicated, how it works here? But basically being bi is worse than being either gay or straight, stereotype is that bi equals sleeping around and some other things, a few people will make unflattering assumptions but most won't care."

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"Yeah, pretty much same. Didn't help that when I was human I did in fact sleep around. A lot." He shrugs. "I was the stereotype."

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"-Well, I guess that's how you're good at it."

Blush. Coffee, yes, that.

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He smirks. "Yes, I did pick up a thing or two."

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"At any rate, what do you think we should work on next? Doing the memory was tremendously interesting."

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"Hmm, as far as computers go, do golems have a distinction between random access memory and static memory—do you do caching...?"

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"I'm not sure caching and random access even make sense as concepts for golems? We could probably expand a calculator unit and get something like an ALU that computers use, but if we lean that way might as well jump straight to computers. What about radio, or better engines, or even just pure math?"

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"I'm not sure how useful engines and radio are when you already have magic sound, except for the part where they're significantly more replicable and mass producible. And your medicine is probably more advanced, also because magic. Maths should be the same, unless two plus two equals five here in which case I am dragging you back to my world."

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"I meant theoretical math stuff. We barely know any calculus, comparatively, I gathered. And call crystals are generally expensive and don't broadcast, so radio for that. Engines are common for things that go faster than a horse. Didn't you see hundreds of them in Windvale?"

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"Oh I know a lot of calculus, yeah. And I did see lots of engines but I sort of assumed they were all magical? Or are they the sort of magic that's already public knowledge?"

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"Nope, every single one of those engines is of the coal-burning variety."

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"—is petroleum not a thing here?"

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"Coil's easier to mine, and traditional, petroleum engines are super fussy compared to the boilers and turbines classic, I hear."

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"I'm not entirely sure why but at least for things other than producing electricity petroleum derivatives are typically the choice where I'm from."

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"Maybe liquid is easier to move around?"

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"It definitely is, and also I'd guess once you have the infrastructure to refine and transport oil it might be cheaper?"

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Terel can launch right into fascinated questions about Earth's industrial network, then.

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And Sadde can answer to the best of his ability (most of which being memorised Wikipedia pages).

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...Which isn't really satisfying but sufficient for overviews.

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"When I finally go back to my portal to visit home I can get more info, some books—we could do that when we're ready to turn you so you can be under Alec, actually, I didn't think of this before, still not used to his existence."

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"Still need to experiment on you with various magical anesthesias."

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"Yeah, if any of those work exporting them to the Golden Coven might be the best thing we can do in the next year or so, objectively speaking."

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"One can be bought at a convenience store, one needs a doctor's note, one is an expensive amulet, two are kinds of fair folk. Off the top of my head."

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"Fair Folk ones are most likely to work, I'd wager."

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"Sensible to try the others though."

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"Yeah, we'll try all of them—I can do that while you're in class."

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So he names every off-the-top-of-his head method and some books that might reveal more.

"And I probably should be getting to class, now that you mention it."

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"Yeah; I won't keep you, love."

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Off he goes, giving a sarcastic sorta-salute gesture at Sadde.

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Really, no kiss?

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Well, it might not be impossible if Sadde catches up...

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Sadde: will absolutely not do that. He will pine but he will not of his own initiative pursue Terel because that'd be imposing.

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Well. Then Terel will go to class.


It's not like Sadde got zero kisses today, maybe he's disinclined to do goodbye kisses? Maybe he just forgot?

In any event it's probably time to track down some of those anesthesia methods.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes yes Sadde will do that and try not to read anything into the lack of goodbye kisses because after all it is his brain that is affected by mate magic not Terel's and Terel is in absolutely no way obliged to feel the same way about him and gods will his brain just shut up already let's go after some anesthesia methods.

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The local, magical equivalent of Tylenol is easily acquired. The local magical equivalent of Ketamine is not. The amulet-of-painlessness will require some digging too.

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But now Sadde has approximately five million Kavased, he can probably dig.

(He could've gone after Terel and asked for a goodbye kiss, couldn't he? But then what if Terel didn't want to be with him in public, maybe that was it? Or what if Terel's having second thoughts? Aaaaaargh.)

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Enough digging reveals an amulet of painlessness. Its owner is using it for a chronic condition but is potentially amenable to Sadde renting it for an hour or so some time, for a mildly exorbitant amount.

There were fair folk kinds to look for too, and books.

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He actually wants it only for a second, see if it works on his thirst.

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Well, let him sit down first, and the mildly exorbitant amount goes down to a merely expensive amount.

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Sure, merely expensive he can do.

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Hand it over, and then Sadde can borrow the thing.


The thing doesn't remove the thirst, it's still there, but it makes it seem significantly less unpleasant. More informative reminder of needing blood than urgent need for it.

Not all the way, of course. Maybe half of the way.

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Well half of the way is still much better than the regular turning process, probably. Sadde returns it. Where did this person get it?

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He takes it eagerly, already kind of shaking.

Don't tell anyone else about his condition, please. He got it from a friend who knew a guy who knew a guy, and it was very expensive. He treats the whole thing as mildly taboo.

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...sure? He won't tell anything about your chronic illness to anyone, don't worry, he'd just really like to get his hands on an amulet like that.

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Well, here's the friend's name.

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Thank you kindly.

Before he pursues that, what about the other anaesthetic methods?

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There are about a half dozen varieties of Tylenol potion that work in slightly different ways, turns out, and three Ketamine-equivalent potions. There's a dreamless sleep potion too. There's a variation on painlessness amulet meant to protect from overstimulation, also expensive. And there are three relevant fair folk kinds: One can supposedly suspend people in a blank void a lot like Alec but one target only, and they've only been reported in a corner of the world far from here, one can cause insistent synaesthesia (smelling lemons really really intensely instead of pain is probably an improvement), one has a magically numbing touch and scent. That last kind is a human and mer predator.

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Hmmm okay he'd like to use his vast resources to get his hand on the Tylenol potions, Ketamine-equivalent potions, dreamless sleep, the variation on the painlessness amulet, and see where he can find that second kind of fair folk.

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He won't have managed more than the Tylenol potions and one Ketamine one, and learning that the World Tree has at least one of those, before it's time for Terel's meeting with the grad school people.

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He's at the meeting place promptly!

(How do the potions fare?)

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The Tylenol equivalents have zero effect on vampires.

The Ketamine-equivalent makes him alarmingly sluggish for a vampire until he purges it, and dulls some pain in the extremities but does nothing for the thirst.

"Let's go show off the shiny report."

They go into the office and announce their appointment and wait to be called.

The appointment is with a very large and regal looking lion. "Welcome. Tell me why you're special enough to skip some, or all, of the undergraduate program."

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"Because we have knowledge and techniques that will revolutionise the field of golemcraft as well as create an entirely new field of study. For starters."

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He hands over the report, and digs out the prototype, and starts confidently technobabbling.

The lion listens passively, asking occasional interesting questions. ("It does seem rather elaborate, do you plan on commercial applications?" "Not without further work.") If they knew his reputation for tearing apart bad projects this would be impressive.

"For the graduate program we could either continue to pursue improvements to golemcraft, or start developing the entire new field of study Sadde mentioned. I think he's better at explaining it."

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"Well the, er, equivalent to golemcraft where I'm from is computer science, which involves zero magic and only physical principles, and which you can use to automate basically any task." And he launches an explanation about how computers work, tailoring it for the lion's questions and interests, depending on whether low-level or high-level or medium-level or all of those is preferred.

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Low level.

And only for a few minutes. "I believe this will be quite enough to impress the remainder of the committee." He signs a paper... Somehow... And paws it over to them. "I am satisfied that these ideas are worthy; Go appease the bureaucracy as well."

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"Thank you, we will."

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Heyoo, paperwork! A lot of it is 'read the rules and sign the paper that says you did'. There's one that allows the university to distribute any official reports they make as they please, and about a dozen forms total. The front desk secretary talks about the program's particulars as they churn through the paperwork.

Terel asks if they can be moved into the grad program this semester. The answer is still no.

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Sadde can read papers really fast, as has been demonstrated and indicated before. Shame about the semester thing, though, when does it end?

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Julep 36th.

...Terel explains the calendar. Nine months of forty days, of which Julep is the third, with twelve extra days on the year turnover that is a massive holiday time pretty much everywhere. It's currently Julep 2nd.

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Oh so just another month? Cool.

"By the way," he asks as they leave the meeting, "what exactly are your years and months and weeks and seasons based on?"

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"Something involving the suns? I think they shine for the shortest time on one particular day, and that's midwinter."

...And he's thought about it long enough, he is bisexual and ignoring that would be annoying and pointless, Sadde gets a kiss.

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Oh gods yes okay Sadde has completely forgotten what he was talking about.

(Well not really but it's no longer in his mind.)

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Well, the kiss is polite PDA level only, seeing as they are on a sidewalk. But yep.

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Yes yes sure it's still great and Terel-kissing and mind-melting and he will not be the one pulling away here.

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Right, Terel will, and then comment, "It's strange we have the same week and same hours in the day and stuff though. Does the key sort by similarity or something? ...No data."

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Nnngh okay no more kissing. "No data," he agrees. "It's strange that you even have years and months and whatever. Like, there's a mechanistic reason why we have those where I'm from, here it's just sorta arbitrary."

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"Think someone designed the world, and not as elegantly as you say yours is? That's one of the theories."

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"It certainly looks designed. But then again, all magic does, yours is just more obvious about it."

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"Well if we find the designer, I'm going to get them to fix rifts, and tile-crumbling, and interrogate them on why humans and mer get sixty to a hundred years while dragons get forever."

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"—I just got this urge to twirl you in the air and kiss you."

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"Heh. Go for it. How many twirls do I get if I swear to spread computing to the four corners of the expanding plane by the time I'm sixty?"

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"If you do that I might have to take you somewhere private," he says, grabbing Terel by the waist, twirling him twice, and kissing him.

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"Then maybe I'd better not just yet. Still have things to do today. Like lunch, and the ever-popular homework and classes. They sure do take up a lot of time once you stop and think about it."

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"Sleep does, too," he whines. "I love you."

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"Mm. I know I said no more cafeteria food but I actually have a lunch meeting with that golem team. But I think they get the idea that you don't eat now so you could probably follow as long as you don't sit at our table during the actual meeting bit."

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"Sure. I, er, will be able to listen in unless I'm several tiles away."

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"They don't know that, but we're not going to be discussing anything important and it's polite to pretend not to."

He starts walking towards the cafeteria, hefting that backpack again and offering a hand to hold. Because it is kinda nice to be Openly In A Relationship Of Some Kind With This Cute Guy.

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Eeeee handholding. Sadde will have this look on this face like he is the luckiest man alive to have scored Terel. It's all the more effective because of just how sincere it looks.

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They're both charmed by the handholding then.

The cafeteria cashier doesn't try to charge Sadde. Terel fetches food.

Leah, that girl who didn't like him the first time he met Terel, is whispering to a friend about Sadde, "No, that's definitely the same person. We're going to say it anyway."

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Sadde's only half-paying attention, and mostly wants Terel's attention, so.

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He eats quickly, is amused by the some of the things Sadde describes the internet as containing, heads over to his group's table with last week's work on the communal golem project.


The actual meeting part of their meeting goes smoothly. Everyone's satisfied at the step they've taken to the completion of a thoroughly mediocre and minimally creative final product. They agree to assign the next batch of work at the Wednesday meeting. Terel moves to get up.

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Leah interrupts, "Wait, Terel. We need to tell you something. Guys, back me up please? I'm concerned for you, Terel. I'm worried about this 'Sadde' character."

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"...What do you mean? Sadde's great."

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"But how do you know that? They just swoop in, some kind of unfamiliar Fair Folk, claim to have all this knowledge from another world, some bunk story about hopping dimensions and fantastic foreign secrets, and we barely see you for the rest of the week. I honestly thought she - he - whatever - might haul you off into the mountains never to return, like a Ramusal or something. Just one day-"

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"Hey wait a sec. First of all, you should have asked me if I believe Sadde. Which I do. I saw the evidence with my own eyes, I could have stepped into another world. And his insights are real so he either really does know all that or is unbelievably smart."

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"Okay, but look at it from our perspective. Friends you've had for a year and a half and you just basically ignore all of us, and your classes, for most of a week? I think something's been done to you. You're being led on, or bewitched, we don't want you to get hurt. You need to stay away from Sadde and think critically about whether all this is for the best. We'll help you, Buck said you can stay with him, for your own good." A few people make noises of agreement. Two of them look pretty uncomfortable about it.

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He gives a little sigh. "If you're going to be like that, fine. Point the first, you are operating in ignorance of some relevant facts. Chief among which is the evidence of other worlds I mentioned. I have been watching him, I have been thinking about it, and everything I've seen taken as a whole means it's quite unlikely that Sadde is anything other than what he presented himself as to me. "

"It could still be a trick. An elaborate con, he could be playing with you..."

"He would have done several things differently if that were the case, he's explained everything I asked about even when it disadvantaged your hypothetical ruse, he's bought a fair amount of stuff and never mind this isn't your business, and if that were the case there would be very little I could do about it, so I choose to operate on the assumption that it is not."

"But think about your future, he turned you bisexual-"

"Point the second, you are not my mother! Not only are any preferences not really your concern, I'm nineteen, you are not my girlfriend or anything, I have no history of substance abuse or other unwise decisions, I really think I ought to be allowed to decide what's best for me." Leah's starting to look fairly crushed, resorting to pleading looks instead of words. "Point the third, because it bears repeating, I have been thinking about it. Thoroughly. Point the fourth, you don't know what I want! I know what I want! Point the fifth... You know what, nevermind. I'm not going to list all the ways you're wrong here. I will see you all on Wednesday. Maybe."

He stomps over toward Sadde, fuming.

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"Are you sure I can't whisk you off somewhere, because that was incredibly hot."

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"You actually can, but somewhere I can punch something that won't break and isn't you first because crash it that was frustrating."

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"—it would be kinda hot if you punched me but anyway, does a pillow at your place count?"

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"I was thinking a target range or something but yeah that's probably overkill. That'd be hot? -Well, let's go."

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Scoop up. Zoom.

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Sorta-hug. Palm into the building.

"I probably should get better at not caring about what irritating people think."

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"I have found that to be a useful skill in life, yes," and oh look Sadde's kissing Terel now and undoing his shirt.

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This is sufficiently distracting from irritating thoughts about Leah.

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Oh good so he can continue stripping Terel until he's naked.

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Terel does manage to get Sadde's shirt, at least, off during this process.

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And now there is shirtless-on-naked kissing on Terel's bed and the rest of Sadde's clothes can soon follow.

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Aww, no striptease?

Hmm, are the best places to kiss Sadde about the same in this shape (ignoring the obvious differences)?

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There can maybe be a striptease later when Sadde needs to have Terel a little bit less badly. Right now he needs to be touching Terel.

(And the answer to the question is: very yes.)

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He does some experimenting and exploring with his hands and mouth, anyway, it is a little different -

"You know, I didn't realize debate skills were a fetish."

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"Mmm, one, anything you do is a fetish, I was bisexual before but now I'm pretty sure I'm just Terel-sexual, two, anything you do that shows off your brain is incredibly hot, three, you being—all—that way, I don't know—was just—and four, I was quite touched that you defended me like that."

(Speaking of touching...)

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"I will defend people who deserve to be defended, you have only yourself to blame."

Ooh, touching.

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"It was quite—" and now there's nibbling "—stunning how she said I turned you bi—" earlobe nibbling, to be specific "—with a straight face."

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"R- religion makes you do silly, ah, things sometimes I guess."

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He pauses and pulls away (his lips, his hands are still busy downstairs). "Really? That was a religion thing?"

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"...Probably? I don't know the details, and why are we even talking about this?"

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(Click here to skip the explicit content.)

"Good question!" Back to nibbling and handling and soft biting and kissing and Sadde has two hands however shall he make use of this fact.

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Terel has gotten used to being... Carried away like this, without much brain left to do much to Sadde. Plenty of pleased muttering and fingernail-clutching though.

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Oh good yes this is exactly the goal, here. Sadde has more than enough brain for the both of them, and now he's on top of Terel kissing him and there may be some interesting interaction down there due to the shift in position and anatomy.

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Terel: Is suddenly kind of nervous!

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"—you alright?"

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"Um, remember how I do not fit the bisexual stereotype?"

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"I have never so much as kissed another guy until today and I don't know how this part works unless we don't go past oral."

Today's blush has a different character than a lot of the previous blushes. Something closer to genuine shame.

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"Oh, love, it's alright—I can just show you. Do you have—preferences about anything, here? Even without any experience, I mean, anything you'd prefer to try?"

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"I - Stick to what usually works pretty well?"

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"Certainly," he says, smirking and reaching down to, ahem, position himself better.

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Terel allows himself to be repositioned, looking kind of meek.

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So Sadde leans forward to kiss Terel, and reaches behind himself to—fit Terel.

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...Huh, it is different. He starts moving when the lube appears.

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Yep, it is indeed different, and quite interestingly so. Lookit Sadde move, too.

And, of course, make noises, in a different and deeper voice than Terel's used to.

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It won't take too long. Terel's endurance hasn't really changed.

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It'll build. Sadde goes—or, well, comes—not too long after, and flops on him.

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He's indulged his bi-ness and nothing terrible has happened yet, despite the part of him trained on societal expectations thinking it will. He's not always beholden to that part of his brain. Or maybe he's training himself out of it.


This is a thoughtful but happy Terel.

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And this is a nibbly dozy Sadde who says "—you know, another advantage of being a vankire is that there's no refractory period to speak of."

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"...What's it like?" Hesitant but definitely intrigued, there.

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"Well." Sadde pushes against the bed so that Terel can see, incidentally causing Terel to slid off him. "I could go it again, as you might notice. As many times as I wanted."

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"I did not mean the lack of refractory period."

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He grins. "It's amazing. Everything's prettier—everything's prettier—everything's so pretty a human mind would be overwhelmed—everything is overwhelming, I wouldn't be able to fit a second inside my human mind, everything feels doable, I feel indestructible, all my senses are enhanced, even touch, these were the best orgasms of my life and I don't just mean because I am in eternal love with you, I can think so fast, I can hear everything, I can see ultraviolet—"

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He- nods. "The mortal peril thing still stands, and I'm leaning more towards turning without it by the day."

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"—that's not what you meant to ask, is it, what's what like?"

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"Ah. Receiving."

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"Ah. Well, it's—pretty great? And different, I'm not sure I can actually explain what it's like without just showing you, and you have a refractory period." Kiss. "It hurts a bit, too, but it's—the good kind of hurt, or can be, and you learn to enjoy it too with the everything else."

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He blushes some more, then chuckles, "Fates, I guess repression has its mark if I'm that curious."

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"Did you expect not to be? It is a regular part of sex with guys, although some do have fairly strict preferences about this."

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"I honestly don't know what I expected. It's still great either way... Though you switching is kind of making me want to be a girl for an hour or two. I wouldn't stay that way, but I'm curious. Variety, you see."

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"Ooh. Is there magic that does that?"

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"I wouldn't be that surprised. There are so many kinds of fair folk, and they don't have any of the restrictions that artifact magic tends to."

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"My magic is purely personal, unfortunately. But I have to say the thought of girl you is intriguing."

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"Something to add to the list to research." Time for more kissing.

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Eeee kissing~

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After a while of this, "Wait- Gah! I had a class!"

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"—oops? I'd kinda assumed you meant to skip it after the thing with Leah, should I zip you there?" He looks down at the stickiness between them. "Perhaps after a quick shower?"

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"It's been, what, half an hour? ...No, just skip the rest at this point. Grr. Yes on the shower though, and I want to start diagramming a processor and other computer bits using your backup of half of wikipedia. Make the progress we can before securing silicon."

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"Thirty-seven minutes," he murmurs, "and I have a basic diagram memorised, I can show you it. But later, shower first." He hops up and offers his hand.

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He takes it, shower happens.

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And in spite of the absence of a refractory period he will not do anything to lengthen the shower (unless Terel feels tempted).

(He mmmmight want to soap Terel up.)

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....You know what, sure.

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Eeeeeee Terel~

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He's not at 'eeee Sadde' but is definitely heading that way as time passes.

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And after shower (and who needs clothes? Sadde certainly doesn't) there's diagramming!

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Terel does, in fact, dress first.

Diagramming goes productively until he actually remembers to go to his 4 PM class.

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"Have fun in class, love," he tells Terel, and then it's after other methods of painkilling.

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A medium-ish bribe and a 'you didn't get this from me' get him the other two ketamine-equivalents. One does nothing, one knocks him out cold for about twenty minutes until he wakes up very thirsty.

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Hoooooly shoot thank goodness he's not near anyone and blood blood blood what the heck was that he has several questions but for now he generates blood. This one is a no.

Amulets, can they be made?

Permalink Mark Unread

...Yes? This is a world-renowned magic university town, after all. Private commissions are quite pricey for the more rare and esoteric stuff, and take a while too, it might be faster and cheaper to hop over to windvale again and trawl the markets and malls.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hmm, ballpark of the price?

Permalink Mark Unread

Hundred thousands or thereabouts.


  • Painlessness: 200000, 2 weeks on rush order.
  • Oversensitivity cure: 250000, 2 weeks on rush order.
  • High-powered defensive thing for squishy squishy Terel: 100000, 1 week on rush order.
  • High-powered healing thing for squishy squishy Terel: 150000, 1 week on rush order.
  • Lifeline amulet pair, if he still wants one: 125000, 4 days on rush order.


  • Painlessness: 150000, hard to find.
  • Oversensitivity cure: 175000, hard to find.
  • High-powered defensive thing for squishy squishy Terel: 45000.
  • High-powered healing thing for squishy squishy Terel: 65000.
  • Lifeline amulet pair, if he still wants one: 75000.
Permalink Mark Unread

Are the used ones as good as the not used ones, as far as effect goes? How hard to find are we talking, here?

Permalink Mark Unread

You'd definitely have to go to Windvale, or track down that guy's friend of a friend of a friend, is how hard to find.

The used ones are older and so in worse condition, and have no customization on look, trigger conditions, or any fiddly technical details to make tradeoffs on how they'll work.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah it'll probably be Windvale. But not today. Today he's waiting on a call about sourcing more magic materials and his graduate course will only start in several weeks... So he goes to the library to read/memorise more books.

Permalink Mark Unread

Books are available! 

What passes for science here, Millennia of magic research, and histories from more different civilizations than Earth has ever heard of. Though the histories seem to glance right over the most violent parts.

Permalink Mark Unread

...more than Earth history textbooks do?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yep. He can name just half a dozen generals after 30 books.

Permalink Mark Unread

Aaand are there books about the wars themselves?

Permalink Mark Unread

It seems like encyclopedias and long blatantly political rants about how this or that ideology causes peace are the best source of information on wars.

Permalink Mark Unread

But are they good sources of information?

Permalink Mark Unread

Not particularly, no.

The encyclopedias are dryly informative on when wars happened and how devastating the fallout was. Numbers like 'estimated 650 tiles, 2 million people lost.' The political rants are by and large sufficiently transparent to be obvious attempts to vilify one's political opponents.

Open wars are really uncommon here, compared to pre-industrial Earth.

Permalink Mark Unread

Uh... huh. Interesting. He'll ask Terel about it later. He can just keep soaking stuff up.

Permalink Mark Unread

(That's not to say there aren't plenty of wars mentioned - more people, more time, more wars even at a lower rate of war-per-capita).

A librarian notices him running through hundreds of books and reminds him to treat them carefully.

Permalink Mark Unread

He promises he is not going to ruin any of them and is very very careful.

Permalink Mark Unread

He can keep reading then. Any books or particular information he'd like to find? Inter-library loan: is a thing.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well he's most interested in science and magic stuff, but also economics—anything that might be different here, relevant laws, anything nontrivial about the political structures around, and so on.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's quite a varied plate.

Science is not an ideal to be striven at like back on Earth. It's something for frizzy-haired introverts with piles of books in their office. The economics of the place varies a lot by continent, but overall they're not really progressing toward globalization. The area known as the Reaches is interesting in that it mostly doesn't have politics of any kind yet, it's an 'emerging country' being steadily settled and built up by immigrants, and it looks like it'll turn into a democracy.

There are a few multi-continent empires. Kava is one of them, propped up by its extremely powerful and steady imperial currency. Apparently naval combat is not as universally reviled as land combat - naval wars almost always over the voids between continents are more common and have more detail in the relevant history books than any of the land battles once he starts finding mentions of them.

Permalink Mark Unread

Huh, that's interesting. Why is science not an ideal to be striven at? And why are naval wars more common and more detailed, what's different?

Permalink Mark Unread

Why science is not an ideal is not immediately obvious.

Naval wars don't fuck with the tiles, is the most plausible candidate for the difference.

Permalink Mark Unread

Aha. That makes sense.

He keeps reading.

Permalink Mark Unread

Terel comes and finds him at the library eventually.

Though he probably finds Terel as soon as he's walking towards the entrance.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yup, Sadde can recognise Terel's steps.

"Hello, gorgeous."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hello, Sadde. Figured since you're spending so much time at the library learning about things maybe I ought to, too."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Learning about things is fun, and I have nothing better to do while you're not around."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well isn't that flattering. Figured I would try to chase down a potion or crystal production line manager later. Contacts like that could be helpful when it comes time to manufacture. Sound like a good idea?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Very. I looked up some painkillers and had some interesting results." Which he proceeds to list.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yikes. Well if anything was going to give you a very bad reaction that would have been Elucidum potion. That stuff is crazy strong."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Out of these the amulet seems to be the most effective, I think."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We haven't tried any of the fair folk yet. I really don't think we should discount the predator out of hand, after all you're a human predator too. If they act hostile... Definitely. But automatically no."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And from what I've seen of your fair folk I'm not entirely sure there are a very many who would win against me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do not try to fight a dragon. Or a kraken. Or a Fate. Please."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I won't, love—not before I become a Fate myself, anyway, and not without good reason."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fates can be more destructive than armies, we really don't want to tick one of those off if we can possibly help it. Unless as you said, we have a chance and a good reason."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, if the good reason were your safety I'm pretty sure I'd go at it even if I had no chance."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Let's try not to test that, yeah?"


Sadde's crystal rings. The networked one, not the individual ones he has for Nils and that mermaid.

Permalink Mark Unread

He picks it up. "Hello."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sadde, this is Graz Lakin with Empire Imports, we had a chat on Friday, I just wanted to let you know the status of our quality testing. We have tentatively positive results on all counts. Now, the board wants us to wait and see some more, but I think I can bring them around to the idea that if there's a golden opportunity sitting right in front of you, you'd be a fool not to grab it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why I happen to fully agree with this assessment."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right, which is why you and Clara get along so well, I think. Bit reckless, that one. At any rate, the arrangement we're interested in is supplying the tier-2 materials you've already provided at scale for distribution, the market there's big enough that you can't actually saturate it and just make some money. Tier-3 materials are mostly the same but we'll want samples to test on first, again, and it'll take some time to contract with the Tridents for more convoy escorts out of Windvale. Tier-3 is valuable enough to be a big target for professional pirates, you see. There are legal issues with tier-4 materials, the extremely rare stuff, still investigating if that can happen."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What are the legal issues?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Various. Including tax, liability, agricultural, and royal. I can have a packet prepared for your lawyer if you like."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That sounds lovely."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right. Busy day for us, Monday, I have to go soon. Want me to have Clara call you later with more info, or just wait until it's time to work out a bigger order from you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If there's more information worth having, I'd like her to call me with it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Great, will do. Have fun with the four mil you already have."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Will do!" Click.

Permalink Mark Unread

"So that sounded like good-ish news."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, it did. We're gonna be rich and become reigning monarchs of this branch of the Golden Empire and eradicate involuntary death," he singsongs.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sounds appealing - does your Empress even know you're here, though?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Unless the Imperial Factotum—the vankire who turned me, back during the old administration—happens to think of me while the mindreading Emperor is around, it's unlikely she'll know I exist."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And you think she'll just let us be the local extension of this empire."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. She founded the Empire like last year and doesn't exactly have a lot of staff."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...So much for the images of history and grandeur I came up with when thinking about an immortal empress."

Permalink Mark Unread

He giggles. "It's a bit odd to think about it like that, yeah, but before that we had evil despots whose only law was 'eat humans discreetly' and who liked collecting witches in pieces in their basement. The new regime is much better."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And she's a just revolutionary too. Now I'm picturing someone brandishing a torch and broadsword."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think there are any broadswords as sharp as a vankire's teeth, and I understand there were matches rather than torches involved."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll just as soon not meet that mind-reading husband though. Precognition being able to see me is already a bit much."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Our precog has more detailed but less deterministic precognition, back there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good. It's a matter of feeling like I have agency. At most, once or twice by my choice."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't really feel like I don't have agency even with deterministic precognition? I mean, physics is as far as anyone can tell deterministic."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That sentiment is more to do with things that could be used to control me ahead of time and isn't exactly a reasoned fear."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Control you how?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Read my mind, predict how I'll react to things, use the information to argue in such a way that I will probably accept whatever the thing is."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That—doesn't sound generally possible unless they're factually correct or just plain lying?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's the verbal spin I put on it to try and justify it anyway, I'm well aware that brains say whatever makes any sense when trying to put a reason on a fear."

Permalink Mark Unread

Well he thinks he wants to hug Terel.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure, hug, even if this isn't a particularly huggable thing? He hugs but is vaguely confused.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I love you," he explains, "and the thought of potential distress to you is mildly distressing to me and also it's annoying when brains do things we don't want them to do."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I see. Hugs are an acceptable solution then. And then more learning interesting things."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right." Unhug. "Also I was wondering about, er, wars."

Permalink Mark Unread

He makes a face. "...What about them?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, that's kinda my question. What about them? All I can find about them are impassioned political speeches and dry citations of numbers."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Possibly because open, large scale land war is pretty close to the most absolutely evil thing there can possibly be. It ruins everything it touches."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I—mostly agree, but I mean, seventy years ago my world had a war where people were systematically rounded up into closed chambers and made to breathe toxic gas so they'd die and then be burnt down to ashes and we still have a lot more detail about that than I found in several dozen books about any of your wars, here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can we not- You don't talk about war, maybe that's the thing you're seeing, or not seeing, in those books."

Permalink Mark Unread

"But—how do you prevent it from happening again, if you don't talk about it? 'Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it,' that not a saying here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No it's not, and what prevents it is probably how pervasive the 'war is evil' thing is? Like, it's even in the national anthem, 'Be not the aggressor nor defend thyself with violence; Peace is the path to prosperity."

Permalink Mark Unread

"—'nor defend thyself'? Should people just surrender if someone else attacks?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The idea is that you should run away, or keep violence from ever starting in the first place. It seems to work pretty well on average, at least in civilized places?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Running away is not terribly feasible when you're a country or a kingdom," he points out.

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's what the Navy is for. And international oversight and mediation groups like ICTFA."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, I guess. And, ah, why exactly does this cultural taboo exist? Something about destroying tiles?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Destruction, death, rifts, and a few other things make tiles - unstable. Causes nasty weather, earthquakes and sinkholes, and yes, the entire tile to fall into the abyss eventually. Horrible, nasty stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I suppose that would do it. But it still sounds—extreme, to not have records, to be unable to think up precautionary measures and things like that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm sure someone who knows what they're doing is playing war-games in the King's army. Can we be done talking about this?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"—yes, I'm sorry."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's one of those topics that's hard to talk about without someone getting offended. I'm sure your world has them even if they don't get treated the same."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, yes, but there's the thing where in academic contexts everything is fair game." Pause. "Well, no, some things aren't. Eugenics, for instance. Huh."

Permalink Mark Unread

"See? Land war is eugenics, here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well I feel like eugenics should also not be taboo? At least in textbooks and academia and stuff. This hits way too close to censorship."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You do have a point there. As long as whichever book is sufficiently academic and not-actually-advocating-illegal-for-good-reasons-things."

Permalink Mark Unread

"—which is also a problem with eugenics, back home, it's so taboo that most papers and authors willing to discuss it at all are advocates for the less savoury versions of it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And let me guess, anyone who does address it is generally seen as a deluded crackpot unfit for society and the whole subject retreats further into taboos?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's more of an echo chamber effect, but sorta, yes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmm... I don't have a good solution for that off the top of my head. Might be inevitable given human nature."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, if the topic weren't taboo in the first place, even outside academic contexts, it wouldn't happen, but I'm not sure that's feasible either."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So here we are, discussing taboo-ness, which we can't really do much with or about. Let's talk about magic instead?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, do let's."

Permalink Mark Unread

So this is what Terel learned in class today, with lots of supporting context from other magic lessons...

Permalink Mark Unread

Ooh cool and Sadde asks questions and understands everything very quickly.

Permalink Mark Unread

Productive learning!

Eventually he circles around to engines again. Cars seem to have much better ones than ships here do, if they can't progress on computers until they have silicon and other things might as well try this.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is it that people don't focus as much on developing good engines here or are they just behind on their equivalent tech tree?

Permalink Mark Unread

It seems like the relevant kind of engine is low demand enough to be a curiosity, so probably the first thing?

Permalink Mark Unread

So are there very few airships, or do they all fly by magic, or?

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, coal engines are a relatively common thing, I'm talking about oil engines, didn't we talk about this the other day?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We did, yeah, but I meant that if there are lots of airships why would that kind of engine have low demand?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not actually sure what you mean by that? Steam engines are common-ish, the oil engines you talked about I've bravely heard of."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean that given that airships are common, I'd expect there to be market incentives for better engines, and for it to not be niche."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The world, the laws of economics, and the history of innovation will surely realize it is not making sense to you and retroactively change thanks to your well-reasoned arguments."

Permalink Mark Unread

He raises an eyebrow. "I don't expect it to, but that's why I'm questioning it, if my well-reasoned arguments don't work there must be a reason why they're failing!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know the intricacies of the engine industry, unfortunately."

Permalink Mark Unread

He shrugs. "Well, we can make money off market inefficiencies there, too."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hm, needs more research to tell if there really is a market inefficiency to take advantage of there..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. An alternative possibility I've thought of is that oil is somehow harder to get here than on Earth—which is possible given that I have no idea how oil would even arise here in the first place."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So much stuff to learn, so much time to do it in given eventually turning."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Best of both worlds."

Permalink Mark Unread

"This conversation has inspired me and I am going to go read up on thermodynamics and engine making."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Care if I join you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Please do, well, if you like."

Permalink Mark Unread

He grins. And fetches books. Several books. And glances at Terel's pages whenever he turns them, then returns to speed-reading his own books.

Permalink Mark Unread

This is actually vaguely annoying. How he's so much faster.

He ignores this and studies up on the proud tradition of engine manufacture.

Permalink Mark Unread

Eventually Terel will learn much faster, too—

"Er, it. Occurred to me that, ah, you will forget a lot of stuff when you turn possibly but not necessarily including everything you study here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How... Irritating. Fair warning, Sadde, I think I'm entering a rather bad mood. Probably the tension between wanting to turn and wanting to wait to turn, thanks brain."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you want me to not talk about it or" his voice doesn't even crack even a little bit "go away for a while?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I once again futilely wish I could become a half-vankire. At any rate, you don't need to go away but not talking about it and trying not to overtly display vankiric abilities for the rest of the day would help."

Permalink Mark Unread

"O... kay," he says, sounding uncertain.

Permalink Mark Unread

He goes back to studying engines, discussing various insights with Sadde - part of why coal engines are popular is because most ship engines are really huge - 

The bad mood does not improve but it doesn't devolve into an outright funk at least.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sadde tries to be as unvampiric as he possibly can without outright reverting his DNA back to his baseline human.

Permalink Mark Unread

Which helps, and so does having interesting research, and eventually he's still sort of pensive but not stressed-looking and wants to go get dinner and then chew on some homework alone.

Permalink Mark Unread

So Sadde guesses he'll slip off and perhaps return to the library to continue consuming all the books on everything.

Permalink Mark Unread

This is a university library. They're open 24/7.

They do eventually get suspicious about whether or not he is, in fact, a student...

Permalink Mark Unread

He will perfectly truthfully explain his enrolment situation if asked.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes, well, unfortunately only students, staff, alumni who are paid up on a library fee, or guests escorted by one of the previous are permitted in the library, they're going to have to ask him to leave.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, okay. He thanks them anyway, and goes...

Somewhere. High above, probably, to mope for a bit.

Permalink Mark Unread

The birds must recognize him by now. They don't squawk and careen out of his way when he's on the way up anymore.

Terel wakes up still in a bad mood, and hugs Sadde briefly but nothing more than that before marching off to class.

Permalink Mark Unread


Didn't he have more things to do to become a full citizen, involving Terel somehow?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes... Terel and he need to both be at the ward office and sign some more papers and make oaths in front of a judge. And he won't be a full citizen, per se, but a sponsored fair folk immigrant citizen.

He gets a call from his mermaid friend during the middle of the day, who proceeds to ramble about music at him for a while.

Terel's mood slowly improves through the day, and Sadde gets an I-have-vague-sorry-ish-feelings kiss when he's done with the last class.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hey, guess who continues to feel like absolute crap regardless? It's Sadde!

"So, at some point we should go to Windvale so I can become a not-quite-citizen, probably," he mentions, somewhat meekly, but otherwise trying not to let on that he feels completely irrationally crushed, because the only thing worse than Terel feeling bad is Terel feeling bad because of him.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm mostly over it. It was a lot of being irrationally jealous and then feeling irrationally pressured by the apparent awesomeness of being a vankire and panicking slightly. I want to turn after this semester is over, if we can secure a promise to let us into the grad program whenever I feel ready."

Permalink Mark Unread

"—you're mostly over me becoming a citizen?" he asks, one corner of his mouth twitching up a little.

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, that all was referring to how you are so clearly still upset by my mood, which is kind of a circular problem since you being sad because of me was also making me frustrated and resentful and hopefully saying this shuts off that little negative feedback loop."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah," he sighs. "I'm sorry. It's—I'm definitely still not used to how intense feelings about you are, even when compared to everything else. Have a harder time getting them under control."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I think we can do the citizenship at the local ward, if so we can take care of that now...?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure thing, love," he says, and does not take Terel's hand for not wholly rational reasons.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, here they are at the government office, and yes they can finalize the sponsored citizenship here so long as Sadde fetches various pieces of paperwork they have accumulated during this process.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure, paperwork is fetch'd.

Permalink Mark Unread

And things are signed and wait here and appear before the Important Official and Terel officially promises to account for illegal things that Sadde does and here is an official ID card.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wheee official ID card!

"Is this it, then?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Sadde will need to report any and all money they are making through the appropriate channels, of course, here is some confusing and poorly organized documentation from the tax office.

Permalink Mark Unread

Will he need to report money he's already made?

Permalink Mark Unread

Maaaaybe. Depending on how you interpret this, or this, or this, or that.

Probably safest to hire a certified accountant and err on the side of paying when you might get away with not.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah he thinks he'll want to do that, what does Terel think?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, definitely don't risk crossing the king when it comes to taxes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Although there is a prophecy about a king getting mad at me, could be this king. Of course, that just means I'm going to make it hard for him to get mad, let him find a very good and convoluted reason instead of something silly like taxes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ugh, prophecy..."

Permalink Mark Unread

He shrugs. "Yeah, let's not worry. Think there's a good accountant hereabouts?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's a public registry of accredited ones."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We should go find one, then."

Permalink Mark Unread

So they do. 

Terel picks out one. Not the best-known, but apparently his lawyer brother insists that they're steady and reliable and don't blink at odd work.

Permalink Mark Unread

And they're in Suvak?

Permalink Mark Unread

A branch office is. Suvak's not quite as big as Windvale or, say, Chicago, but it's at least a mid-sized city.

Permalink Mark Unread

Open now?

Permalink Mark Unread

Indeed so! Terel follows him there but is largely absorbed in some required reading about wandmaking.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sadde will just enjoy his presence, then, though largely absorbed in trying to wrestle his brain into a less mopey state.

Permalink Mark Unread

The tax office is up front that it will take a while, even if the eidetic memory for irrelevant minor details on the two contracts he signed and his deal with Nick helps a fair bit.

Permalink Mark Unread

'A while' as in a few hours, a few days, a few weeks...?

Permalink Mark Unread

Hours. Four to six. And it doesn't all need to be today, taxes are actually due at the end of the month. They run once every three months.

Permalink Mark Unread

So he can do this overnight while Terel's asleep, yes?

Permalink Mark Unread

...Sure. This isn't the first time they've scheduled night appointments for Fair Folk.

Permalink Mark Unread

Good, he doesn't need to sleep so this works out fine.

Permalink Mark Unread

Back to the library?

Permalink Mark Unread


...he will still be very unvampiric.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yay, learning. He does seem to be cheering back up.

...Scratch the library, Terel wants to play a match of Kings, that chess-like game, against Sadde to see how badly he'll lose to that vankire cognition.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"I know, it's almost masochism, but what I'm trying to do is force myself right over being bothered by the gap. Progress, already."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"I understand on a purely cognitive level that you're expressing a perfectly valid preference over what you should experience but I also understand on a more basic level that it will upset you and the only thing worse than anything bad happening to you is me causing something bad to happen to you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well you intend to turn me, expecting me to not really like the drawbacks or the pain, for the later benefit, this is similar on a much smaller scale isn't it? Or am I thinking about it wrong?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well no we're getting Alec to cover you so you won't have to go through that. And even if Alec weren't a thing... I'd be in—not as much agony as you, but nearly enough, for the entire duration. I'd be physically unable to leave your side, I think."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Um. You want me to hop worlds for this? ...Intolerable pain doesn't sound very fun, I get it. But. Better go make sure we can if major decisions like that are being based on the assumption."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yyyeah, I guess. Uh, why wouldn't I—well I guess the portal could have closed or... be one-way only..." Oookay now look at the rising panic here.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Where did you come in - east of Windvale somewhere, if Nils was coming from off continent? That's a full-day trip minimum. Um. Checking tomorrow doesn't make much practical difference than checking right now, so please calm down."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It... doesn't..." he says, trying to convince himself.

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's no massive rush here. I's suggest, go to that tax appointment, then head to check it out after. You'll already be close to Windvale if they call you tomorrow that way."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah... I guess this is probably worth spending over a day away from you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Your choice there, but we did have all weekend and most of today."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Boy are you in for a surprise when you do turn and get your half of the mate bond."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmm. Probably good to get a little way in that direction as a human, which is in fact happening."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm trying to be as—authentic as I possibly can, even though my first instinct here is being exactly whatever you want me to be."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Authentic is good. It would be- A bad punch to the gut if it turned out you've been pretending for a few months or a year."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes. I mean, the kind of pretending here is sort of self-effacing? Sort of, like, act exactly the way that would make you happiest and I can't even get rid of it completely. I don't think I'd be actually doing anything differently, if I hadn't met you, I'd still be looking into getting rich and enrolling and taking over the world, but the things that involve you are more about making you the absolute happiest person you could be and my priorities got somewhat reshuffled, at least on an emotional level."

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"We'll both be fine and happy once I turn, even if the brain-change still sort of skeeves me out, the fact that we're more or less guaranteed to have liked each other anyway- Yeah."

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"Yeah. Anyhow, suppose I'm going to the portal tomorrow to figure out whether it's still open and I promise I won't whine too much about it and for now we can play Kings."

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"It'll really stink if it turns out it's not still open and you can't get it back - so much to gain from cooperation, there, even if I'm leery about your empress. Anyway, yes, Kings."

He goes and borrows one of the library's Kings boards and sets up and lists off the rules.

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Which Sadde memorises—" This game should be the least affected by vankire brain improvements, I can think faster and more and have an eidetic memory but those things don't really make me a strategic genius upon learning the game."

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"Well, let's see..."

His early moves are designed to set up for control of the center later.

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Sadde—can predict quite a few more moves ahead than a human can. He doesn't grasp this game yet, needs to explore the full tree of possibilities at least a couple of steps ahead and has zero pruning discernment, but with his full attention on this and a few seconds thinking makes his first move. He doesn't want to spend too long thinking yet, so it may not be the optimal move.

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Terel is actually taking advantage of his unfamiliarity, by trying to use moves that have wide potential outcomes and uses.

Twenty turns in Terel has the advantage but Sadde is familiar with all the basic tactics.

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Okay so he'll try to recover by dedicating some thirty seconds per move.

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He's playing near-perfect tactics. Terel just has to beat him on stratagems, plans that take ten or more turns to do anything.

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Pretty much, yeah. Sadde has started to learn how to prune the decision tree, though, so he can sometimes go a bit deeper.

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Terel pressures him hard, but he doesn't think that deeply about his own decisions - it'd take forever - so ultimately perfect tactical-level gameplay wins. "Not even once, curses."

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"I wasn't actually expecting to win," he remarks.

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"Either I'm not as good as I thought, or long run strategies don't count for as much as I thought."

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"Well by the end there I was thinking a few steps ahead, the hardest part is deciding which branches of the decision tree not to look at so I don't waste time on them."

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"Well, we'll just have to see if you can still beat me when I turn."

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"Yeah. Maybe I should just not play until then so I don't get any better at the game until then."

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He shrugs. "Your choice on that. Now I'm wondering what games I could beat you at, first few rounds..."

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"I don't know any games here."

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"Not a massive priority, anyway."

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"No, but we definitely could waste some time there while you're not studying nor up for doing the dance with no pants."

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He giggles. "Never heard it called that before."

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"It rhymes in my original language."

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"Hm, I might want to 'dance' more later but right now I want to explain this complicated naval war board game and see if better long term strategy wins against thinking capacity there... That'll take at least a couple hours even if you set up and clean up everything in two minutes flat."

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"Sure thing, love."

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"Well, it's in my apartment, but basically-" He starts explaining a fairly deep asymmetric tactical game that makes no use of random effects whatsoever. It all comes from seven kinds of ships and a bunch of different rules about how they fight each other. A few different scenarios are available - from an even, open battle to convoy escort to blockade running to trying to capture a VIP.

...He's pretty excited about board games, apparently. They're a suitably nerdy break from more useful nerdy things like golems.

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Sadde finds this incredibly adorable. And, in addition to that, actually finds the game pretty interesting, from the description, and is almost as excited as he is by the end of the explanation.

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Ships: Freighter, Carrier, Fighter/Bomber, Destroyer, Fast Cruiser, Heavy Cruiser, Battleship.

It's round based, you write down all your ships' orders on erasable slates before showing them to each other and resolving a round of simultaneous combat. Is that going to be a problem, can Sadde successfully fail to detect what Terel's ordering his ships to do?

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Sure, Sadde can close his eyes and work out his orders mentally and then write them all down when Terel's done with his.

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Terel starts off with the easy, simple mode: Straight 1-vs-1 battle with only a small fleet to the last ship standing. He spends his ship points on two heavy cruisers and a cloud of escorts, no carriers.

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Sadde does... something. He's still not entirely sure how this game works in practice so he just tries something.

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...How about an example round with completely arbitrary ships in completely arbitrary positions to give him an idea of how it works?

Here this formation is about to smash this other one because the heavy cruiser has armor, so these two destroyers either need to rush in to the range where they can do armor-piercing attacks or run the heck away... Or they could ram it and destroy both ships. And so on.

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Oooh this is fun he likes!

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So here they are, playing the actual game.

Terel spreads out during the opening rounds, but not far. His entire fleet can come together into one massive ball of firepower in two turns, and does, to focus down one ship of Sadde's at a time.

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Okay this game definitely cannot be brute-forced like Kings can, but he can start strategising a bit, too. Sadde's ships are spread out, and he's aiming to do it in such a way that if Terel's converge on one of his ships the others surround Terel's and attack.

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Terel allows Sadde to pick off some of the weak little destroyers, destroying Sadde's largest ship in a fierce stab of an attack.

...He'll probably win at this point. But Sadde can still make it tricky.

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Sadde will do his best to make this tricky and have loads of fun on the way.

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It's fun! Right down to the last turn when Terel covers every single possible destination for Sadde's last ship with long range fire.

He's down about half of his forces.

"See why I like this game?"

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"Yes! It's great!"

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He checks the time and deems it early enough, "How about a convoy escort mission? I'll be the raiders, you're defender."

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"Sure, it's kinda hot when you crush me like that."

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"Hm, well let's see if I can pull it off again."

This time he uses two carriers and a mere four destroyers. The fast fighter/bombers will be a big pain to properly defend against...

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Sounds like the straightforward thing to do is just keep several large boats, yes?

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And more importantly, keep them in positions such that Terel's ships can't slip through gaps or get behind them to the running-like-hell freighters. Sadde will get continual reinforcements as time passes, too. Delaying equals winning.

Looks like Terel's going to try an overwhelming first strike against the weakest point in his defensive line...

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Hmm... he can spread his defences equally everywhere, or perhaps he could shift from one defensive formation to the other all the time. He'll try the latter.

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He times his attack to hit during one of the shifts, suddenly rolling sideways to slip between the shifting defenders.

When Sadde closes the formation next turn they carve up the fighters inside... But those that remain are through, and faster than any of Sadde's pursuing ships.

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Well duck.

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Terel wins, phyrric losses but victory none the less since his mission statement was just 'destroy the freighters'.

"This was fun. Sorry-not-sorry about clobbering you so badly."

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Terel starts putting game pieces away, incidentally glances at Sadde and licks his lips.

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"—you're teasing me."

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"What makes you say that?"

He totally is.

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He laughs. "Okay, I'll stop as soon as the game's not in danger, I'll have you know I take good care of my board games."

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"You know, even when jumping you I am very coordinated and wouldn't actually destroy your game. In fact, I could probably put away your game and get you undressed in fifteen seconds."

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"...Okay, prove it."

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Putting away the game: three seconds.

Now Terel is quickly (but carefully) deposited on his bed and his shoes are off and now his socks and now Sadde's on top of him planting a kiss on his lips. Six seconds.

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He kisses back and didn't actually mean that literally and he's forgotten to actually time it entirely.

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And honestly in nine seconds even a human could get undressed so—

He pulls away. "I think I recall a desire for a strip tease," he says before undressing Terel all the way.

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"Oh? Oh, I was mostly joking when I said that. Not that I'm going to say no thanks."

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"We could use some music," he says, slipping his hands under Terel's shirt to remove it.

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"Hm," (kiss), "Why?"

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"Well, to help with the stripping, of course. I could strip without the music but it'd help with the mood."

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"I don't know what kind of music you're talking about, would it burn sensitive virgin ears?"

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His left eyebrow raises veeeery slowly. "Sensitive virgin ears?" And just to punctuate that, he reaches a hand inside Terel's pants.

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"I didn't mean mine. More like, what kind of music are you even talking about, bawdy lyrics?"

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"No, not bawdy lyrics, no lyrics at all are necessary. Just, you know, with a beat, something I could sway to."

(His hand starts making itself busy, meanwhile.)

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He reacts appropriately.

"Well, ah, music crystals in that drawer - Kalalial's stuff is pretty mellow?"

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"Mellow's not quite what I'm going for, here, although it might work." Loooooong kiss, and then he zips to that drawer.

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The music crystals are organized by name, not genre. There are two options for Kalalial.

Terel rolls on his side and watches him.

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He'll have to listen to a couple to see whether anything is appropriate striptease-y.

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They're jazz-ish. Could do worse.

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Any of the other crystals better than jazz-ish?

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Rock-ish? Folk ballad? The same not-classical that the Knight of the Grove had? Terel doesn't have terribly many and he's starting to look bored.

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Jazz-ish it is! "Cm'ere," he says, pulling a chair for Terel.

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He sits.

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He extends a hand out, palm away from Terel, and starts growing out a smooth ivory pole up and down, as if he were holding it and it were being conjured from his hand.

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Magic, don't question it. He's wondering how he'll use that, though...

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(Click here to skip the explicit content.)

The pole touches the ceiling and the floor and extends a circular base so it can stand on its own. Sadde lets go of it, leaving no blemish nor anything suggesting it used to be a part of his body, turns the music on, then stands between Terel and the pole.

And then he starts swaying.

It's quite a sight, watching a vampire with perfect coordination dance. Even if he's not above average for a vampire, that's still far beyond a human's grace.

The first thing he does is not-quite-sit on Terel's lap, legs open and still standing on the floor, moving his hips with the beat in a somewhat extremely suggestive way, looking into Terel's eyes and licking his lips.

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He's- Supposed to be passive here. He thinks. He almost leans forward and kisses Sadde anyway.

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Sadde runs a hand through Terel's hair then slowly takes off his own shirt, twirling it above his head a bit before throwing it at the bed.

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Nnn- Yeah he attempts a kiss

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Sadde returns for a second then pushes Terel away. "Wait for it," he says, and then kisses his mate's neck a bit before standing up again and stepping back to the pole, until it's touching his back.

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Well, his eyes keep roaming anyway. He seems to like Sadde's abs and shoulders, particularly.

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Then he can of course continue. The routine is fairly fascinating, and he twirls around the pole, hugging it close to his body sometimes, holding his own weight with only one hand, all the while making sure to move as erotically as possible, showing off his body and the muscles pumping underneath his skin.

He unbuttons his trousers at one point, and then does the hip thing on Terel again, which slowly opens it, and when it's fully open out with the trousers and it's down to just briefs, strained under the, ah, pressure, which he makes sure to press against Terel when he can.

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"You know, I never had a clear picture of just what exactly 'striptease' meant but this is highly... Entertaining. In the erotic sense."

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He laughs and decides to kiss Terel. And run a hand down his torso to his pants so that he can release him, so to speak. Because, well, they're nearing the finale, aren't they?

Then back to the pole he is, and he's, well, grinding it, and the friction causes his underwear to slooowly slide off him...

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Yep. 'Finale' time.

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Finale time indeed! Sadde doesn't really bother removing Terel's clothes all the rest of the way, all he wants is Terel and it's quite unlikely they'll make it to the bed after he's completely naked and. Well. On top of his mate.

He doesn't take long to be done.

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Terel takes slightly longer to finish.

And then, "Guess I should probably shower and sleep..."

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"Yeeeah, you probably should," he sighs.

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Terel pats his shoulder and kisses him on the cheek. "I'm not going to disappear while you're gone or anything."

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"I know you're not, but..."

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"But vankire brain. Yeah. I want to turn eventually, seeing if you can go back or not just - influences the timing."

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"I mean not just vankire brain, it's mostly that I—would kinda love to spend the night with you even if I don't sleep."

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"Well, if you want to do that I have no objection? Except that it means doing overnight things later."

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"—you. Have no objection? I thought—" Pause. "Okay I'm stupid. Okay. I—wanna do that—but maybe not tonight I should go—check—"

He is visibly conflicted.

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"You've built your reputation for forthrightness with me enough that if you want things having to do with me asking is not a bad thing. But what's wrong?"

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"Beeeeing with you is almost literally a drug to me and I've been holding back on spending nights with you because I thought you preferred I—live elsewhere, or something, for now, and now I'm thinking of all the nights I could have spent with you—not that there were a lot of those anyway but like the weekend and last night and—now I genuinely have something I should do soon and aaaaugh!"

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"If it helps, two days ago I probably would have balked at you sleeping with me not-colloquially."

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"...it does help. What changed?"

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"I just got more used to you, got to know you, spent a day with you as a boy. And... That mess with Leah, if I had to point to something specific. Made me re-evaluate some assumptions."

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"Might I ask which?"

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"You might ask, yes. Mostly it was how much I care about 'proper manners and right living,' societal expectations as a full category, and it got me started on ignoring the aspects of that that don't make sense."

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"Oh. Yeah ignoring that is generally good. Unless you're a politician, in which case you should be pretty private about stuff."

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"Hence a lot of why I don't want to be a politician."

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"I was on the track to, before I turned. Went to law school and all."

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"Sounds... Fun."

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"Well, I liked it, other than the 'having to pretend to be cis and straight and a nice religious boy' but." Shrug.

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"I mean even without that other stuff it seems irritating to deal with ridiculous conflicting legal constructs that you have little if any control over. But it sounds like that got called off, so." Also shrug.

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"The idea was to eventually get some control over and funnel money to appropriate places. Politics is just giving lots of people what they want."

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"I guess if you don't have a full spread of revolutionary academic and scientific knowledge that probably seems like a much faster way to do it."

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"Yeah, people were already cutting the edge of knowledge there, it... was probably not where I was best suited. But I did consider it, for a while."

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"That's where I'd have been. It's why I'm here, at Suvak."

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"Well, and here we are. I'm pretty satisfied with the current situation."

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"And we'll be taking steps to computers and robotics soon."

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"Yeah," he says, grinning. Then—" And we should probably take that shower."

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Showerwards he goes.

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So does Sadde!

After the shower (and Sadde does very much not try to seduce Terel this time) (well there might be some kissing involved) he wishes his mate goodbye and flies away.

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Is he going to stop by the World Tree and ask after the sort of fair folk that can do synaesthesia? It's maybe half an hour out of the way.

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Sure, why not.

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It's an even more impressive tree up close. Wood should fail under that much weight. It probably takes pumps to get water to the top.

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It's really gorgeous, though. What's on/around/in the tree?

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Various magic-looking houses and other buildings, with widely varying aesthetics centered on 'nature-ish'. Something like a Chinese dragon, more long serpent than bird-like European style dragon, flits about the branches.

There's another force field that won't let him just fly in, and another telekinetic deer Knight who comes and confronts him.

"Who wishes to join us at this gathering of folk?"

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"Hello. I'm Sadde. I'm a vankire—not a species you're familiar with, I expect."

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"I welcome the chance to meet a new kind. Please be warned not to incite violence here. I would be most displeased. This is a place of peace. Come, pass through the barrier."

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He does.

"There was a kind of fair folk I wanted to meet. My kind is in constant searing pain, and I'm wondering if their magic can help." He names the species.

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"Ah, yes. We have had people seek them for a relief from pain before. They generally find it impossible to... Do things while under the effect."

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"...under the circumstances I think that's not a downside."

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The Knight tilts his(?) head and massive antlers quizzically. "You know your needs better than I, of course. I can introduce you to her."

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"That would be lovely, thank you!"

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This reltik seems happy with a leisurely trot rather than an outright gallop toward the tree.

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Oh fine. He flap flaps along.

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It's a city compared to the Suvak haven. Various fair folk pass as often as twice a minute, and there are houses within two hundred yards of each other.

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How very... cosmopolitan.

Follow follow.

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"I should warn you... Many people find the Tall Shadows frightening. But they are reasonably peaceful."

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He nods. "I'll keep that in mind."

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"This is Fade and Shift's home."

It's like a Disney interpretation of deep woods. Brambles, darkness, tangled branches, spiderwebs, and one high arching path into the thick gloom.

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Good thing he can see in the dark.

"Should I—walk in?"

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"Fade, Shift! I have encountered another who wants to use your ability to avoid pain!"

Faint inhuman sigh(?). "Very well, they may enter."

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He bows his head and enters.

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Their voice is definitely creepy. It doesn't seem to be an actual real sound actually transmitted with vibrations in the air, more like a perception of someone saying things. "Please do not mind the darkness. The light burns. What is your goal here, precisely?"

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"The kind of fair folk I am isn't born or doesn't appear; rather, we become this by being turned, as humans. The whole process lasts three days and they are pure agony, to the point where people who go through it honestly believe nothing good will ever be enough to outweigh a single extra second of that agony. That agony remains in my throat, forever burning with desire for human blood, which is rather unpleasant, so if you can soothe that you could probably soothe a turning vankire."

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He comes into view of the Tall Shadows themselves, standing on either side of a very tall table. They're aptly named. Reminiscent of the Slender Man.

"We do not have a great amount of fine control. I can try our best attempt at shifting pain and as little else as possible, if you wish."

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"For a turning vankire, even seventy-two hours of complete oblivion would be better. Trust me."

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"Brace yourself."

His vision turns quiet, and a prickly sound appears. The place suddenly smells cold. His proprioception is a bouquet of flowers. The burn in his throat is as bright as a sun - though, not precisely painful. It's really really weird. With enough effort he might - might - be able to do things such as walk around.

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"—this is very confusing," he focuses and says.

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It lets up and returns to normal.

"Whatever you tried to say emerged as nonsense, by the way."

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"I am very impressed, this insanity was a marked improvement over the pain."

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"At least during the turning, you mean?"

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"Yes. I mean, I can imagine someone wanting to come here for a reprieve from the thirst, too—you have no idea how terrible it is, if I had a human brain I'd be unable to exist. But yeah, for turning, it's... much better. So, er, it may be a lot to ask, but I'm asking anyway: do you think you could, if need be, watch over my mate when he decides to turn?"

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"Before we thought it lucky that there is little of human works which we desire. Now, it is an inconvenience to you. Three days continually maintaining the effect would be very exhausting even in turns."

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He nods. "I understand. I could try to compensate you for your time if I knew more about what you wanted, and I would be grateful for even a day—even an hour of this reprieve."

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"Perhaps..." One starts.

The other interrupts, "One moment, visitor." They glance at him and stare at each other. Private chat?

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Sure. Private chat.

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"If you build or get someone to build us a new home to some rather stringent specifications, and acquire for us certain items it would be a significant and... Attention-getting endeavor to find ourselves, we will assist with this 'turning' as much as we are able."

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"Can you give me the list of items and specifications?"

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"The relevant specifications thing will take some time. The first, Fade can have ready in an hour. And since it doesn't necessarily go without saying, with new kinds, I expect everything you do for us to be kept as secret as feasible."

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"Important information: if my mate asks directly about it I might be unable to keep it from him. He'll be likewise mated to me when he turns, though, so he's unlikely to tell, especially if this helps him turn."

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Another quick private chat, then, "That will be fine. We will need the items delivered to the new home you will construct. It will need to be more remote than here, so finding an appropriate location is required. Perhaps we should describe the requirements of the location now and have you return when you think you have found it."

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"Works for me."

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They want somewhere very remote, a boreal forest tile surrounded by a lot of earth-aspect tiles like mountains and plateaus. They request that he take pictures of likely spots for approval.

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He memorises it, of course. "I will look, and return upon success."

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"Best of luck. I'm- not precisely sorry that we ask a lot of effort from you, but... You might be the only one ever who actually needs something from us. We are making the most of it. I hope you understand."

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"Sure. And trust me, this is way more than worth it, if I do turn out to need it. And even if I don't, I like collecting goodwill so I'll likely do it anyway."

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"Goodbye for now, then."

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Off he goes.

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The Knight has run off. This is is still a veritable fair folk city. If there's any other kinds he'd like to meet it's a good time for it.

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...he might, on his way back, but now he's pretty sure he wants to move on and figure out whether he can go back to his world.

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The occasional farm or hunting lodge between the World Tree and the distant Reaches area where he first arrived has no comment.

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He'll fly on, then, not stopping until he reaches the Reaches.

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He's in them soon enough. But it's a big, wide, new area. Sparsely settled and at least as large as Texas. Roads are uncommon, towns moreso. He sees a mountain temple of sorts far off to the left - a Fate's home, according to rumor.

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...he might visit it on his way back.

To the place where he knows he left his portal.

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Some of the tiles here are different. Or rather, there are more tiles than there were before. His entry point is still near the edge in that same forest, though.

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—huh. Okay.

He goes to the place the portal was.

There is no portal. He looks around for any other places that might be—identical to this one.

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If he gets high enough to get a nice aerial view... No, there aren't any other places that match the exact pattern of tiles he can remember seeing and passing from when he arrived. This is definitely it.

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Okay. Okay. It's cool. He flies over to the spot and looks around for ten minutes and then removes the key from his thigh and tries to open a door exactly where the last one was.


On the other side?


He curls up into a ball and doesn't cry because vampires can't cry but he shivers and tries to fight down the misery.

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Someone's flying over there. From that new mountain-with-springs-and-streams out over the void.

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Oh okay that's something to focus on rather than the horror.

He looks at them.

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No wings. All covered except for her head by a human-shaped suit of various gemstones and rocks, plainly but elegantly designed. She's flying up to what would be the midpoint of a tile if it weren't void.

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...okay. He sits up, succeeding at wrestling his thoughts into a corner.

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She holds one hand out and hovers, looking vaguely bored.

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That's probably a Fate, isn't it. Who's probably making a tile. This he has to see.

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The air twists. Like some sort of mirage. And then there is a small earthquake, and another section of hills, already covered in foliage.

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Okay that is super cool. He kinda wants to go talk to the person.

He flap flaps over to her.

Permalink Mark Unread

She ascends backwards a bit before shouting in a language he hasn't got as much practice with yet, but which was in Nils' dictionary, "Stranger, what is your business here? This is new land, and can be dangerous."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Curiosity, mostly, and a complete lack of a self-preservation instinct. I'd never seen a Fate do this before."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is not such an impressive task, I think. Anyone who ascends can do the same."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not many people do, in fact, ascend," he points out.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...True. It would still be better to be praised for achievements that don't take simple raw power."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The very fact that you're a Fate is, probably, worthy of praise, given how difficult it seems to be."

Permalink Mark Unread

She gives a little bow. "I don't suppose you're a crystallographer? But yes, tie-line referencing, very hard to make it click, very useful even without what I get for doing that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not a crystallographer, I'm actually from a different universe and arrived last week. Also I just found out I might not be able to return at all." He shakes his head. "Anyway, what's tie-line referencing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

She explains! Basically, a complicated way to make magic able to identify specific locations by declaring them with a set of coordinates relative to where the caster is right now.

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's awesome! You invented that?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Congratulations! I want to become a Fate, eventually, too."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Work hard. Immerse yourself in magic."

Permalink Mark Unread

"—you know, since you're a Fate and are deigning to speak to a mere immortal like me, could I... ask questions about it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There is not much to tell. It's inexplicable- Though, I could sort of tell when I had the correct idea and it was just a matter of hard work and refining."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How could you tell?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I knew. I just knew."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And did you notice at the time that this knowing was correct or was it only obvious in hindsight?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Your grammar is atrocious. I did not understand that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sorry, I learnt this language last week. Er, I meant, when you 'just knew,' was it... clear that this knowledge was true, at the time? Or was it a feeling you only came to recognise for what it was after you succeeded at becoming a Fate?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Actually, I don't remember. This was... Sixty two years ago. And my memory is not far improved from a human's."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmm... And do you know if it needs to be new magic? Could a sufficiently game-changing nonmagical invention do it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No. It definitely needs to be new magic."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmmm... And what's the... process of inventing new magic like, exactly?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You study magic in your chosen field very carefully, and find the worst hole, and think really hard about the best way to patch that hole."

She's flying to the next tile-spot now.

Permalink Mark Unread

"But I mean... hmm... What do you think about, specifically? Like what kind of thing would patch that hole, what kind of effect, or...?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can't explain it. This was decades ago. You're starting to get irritating."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So should I just stop asking questions?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You should stop asking about things I have repeatedly said I don't remember."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You didn't say it repeatedly, you said it exactly once before, and I don't know in advance which things you remember and which you don't."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, you hit a nerve. Many people ask the same things. I'm done talking about it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sorry." Flap flap. "What kinds of powers do you get, other than the tilemaking and the really insistent immortality?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Personally? I create and control stones, minerals, metals. It's great for construction. Perhaps I'll show you after I'm done here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you have a specific goal you're looking to achieve, with these tiles?" he asks curiously.

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, actually. Well, I am trying to create large landmasses with high ratio of mountains and elevated terrain and no rifts. These are the most stable, and in four or five centuries there will be nations here and in four or five dozen millennia there still will. I like the idea of that."

Permalink Mark Unread

He grins. "Mountains are the most stable of tiles?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Anything with elevated terrain, really. Volcanoes are, surprisingly, at least as stable as swamps! Speaking of which, I have a volcano corner on the next tile in my queue so be prepared for that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"—I might want to stay away from that one, volcanoes make the shortlist of things that could kill me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We're already high above where it will be, but that's certainly your choice to make."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...you sure it won't explode on me or anything?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Almost certain. Almost because it is very difficult to guarantee 'literally never'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I can fly very fast if need be, I guess."

Permalink Mark Unread

She wordlessly holds her hand out, focuses.

Shimmer, rumble. The triangle of volcano that is included in this batch is smoking slightly but doesn't appear to be actively lava-ing in more than a couple spots at this time.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Very wow, yes. One more and I am done for this week."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Fly, fly, fly. Focus, focus, focus.

Permalink Mark Unread

Follow, follow, follow. Watch, watch, watch.

Permalink Mark Unread

This one's a forest. Hilly forest. She clears a circular area of trees, then constructs a watchtower thing, sprouts it right out of the ground, and lands on it. 

"Bit of a novelty to have someone interested in the slightly less glamorous perks of being a fate. Go ahead and ask questions."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Slightly less glamorous? The building tiles? But this is amazing!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Tiles have sheer scale."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And might be one of the powers with the most leverage, out of your palette. Like you said, people are gonna be living here, it's more resources for everyone."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The Bright Queen tried to commission a landscape from me. And not a painting."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah that's pretty awesome. So Fates get magic mostly related to a type of tile?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes - sort of. Same themes, different forms. I have rock and a hint of water."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is it random?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"What element we are? Seems to be personality."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Interesting. You got any idea what personality corresponds to what?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Stone, stubborn. Volcanic, passionate. Wind, hm, not free exactly but close. Forest is creative. Water is adaptive."

Permalink Mark Unread

"—okay so maybe I'm flattering myself here but I could see myself as any of those."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're probably flattering yourself. I was positive I would be stone and stone alone - yet I got a hint of ocean. It's probably a guideline at best."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If I were to rank... from most to least, creative, passionate, adaptive, not-free-exactly-but-close, and stubborn."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Then perhaps you will get control over plants like that irritating centaur."

Permalink Mark Unread

"'That irritating centaur'?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"He irritates me. He rambles on about his art at all hours. Personal failings are fine but Tenno is also reckless and negligent with how he places tiles, which is unacceptable."

Permalink Mark Unread

"—that sounds potentially pretty dangerous."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Why does he?"

Permalink Mark Unread

She throws her hands up. "Go ask him. He hasn't done anything disastrous enough yet that my compatriots would care about so I can haul him to tribunal."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Where Fates hand each other justice."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, that makes sense, I didn't know you organised yourself like that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's messy and sometimes inefficient. But it's something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How's it work, exactly?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If the tribunal, a meeting of fifty at minimum and publically-among-us discussed, finds them guilty of excesses they are collectively punished by shunning. If they are found to have excessive fault at a second tribunal, they are banished to the edges of the known world for one thousand years. If there is a third, it is all other fates' responsibility to ensure they are permanently destroyed."

Permalink Mark Unread

"—yeowch. I thought permanent destruction wasn't possible?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The threshold for tribunal punishments is very high. Permanent destruction is possible. I will not tell you how."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Will you tell me how when I become a Fate, if we run into each other?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Certainly! It's traditional, even, to be told the necessary background information and customs. We can feel new Fates happen if they are close enough, by the way. The range is roughly 'the same continent'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, that's pretty awesome. Alright, thank you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Say, what is your magic?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmm, there's two, ah, sets of magics I have I guess? One every member of my kind has, the other only I do. My personal magic is generalised biokinesis, including the ability to generate endless biological matter; my kind magic is agelessness, enhanced durability, physical abilities, and senses, an eidetic memory, general prettiness, cannot sleep, but has the downside that we need to consume blood to survive. Also we aren't born or created, but rather turned from baseline humans."

Permalink Mark Unread

She nods pensively. "A powerful combination. Pray not to turn more than one or two a decade. Oh, if you encounter interesting engineering projects you can send them my way starting in a month or so." She starts flying off.

Fates are bloody fast.

Permalink Mark Unread

Off as in away from him or just off in general?

Permalink Mark Unread

Off in general. She's heading back into the continent. He has about ten more seconds to shout things if he wants to do that.

Permalink Mark Unread

If she's clearly leaving his presence and not waiting for him he can just fly on, back towards the continent and to Suvak.

Permalink Mark Unread

He gets a call on his networked crystal.

It's Clara, from Empire Imports. "Sadde we've had a leak. Our competitors may try to contact you, hire you, try to get information out of you. I need to remind you that discussing the details of your activities last Friday is punishable under the nondisclosure agreement you signed. I need to clean up this mess so can't talk much so if you can't recall what exactly is covered under it ask now. You're free to talk to them as long as you don't tell them anything about our labs or discuss what we paid you for in specific terms, more or less."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Eidetic memory, I remember all of it. Do you know how it was leaked?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not yet. We're going to find out though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What exactly leaked?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Draft of your second contract, some other things, the rest's secret to you for now. Look, I have to go. I was just letting you know."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Good luck."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, good luck."

Permalink Mark Unread

He clicks, and flies on. He takes pictures of places that might appeal to the Tall Shadow people, and then decides to call Terel.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Aha. Hello Sadde, how's the trip so far?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not great, er... Okay so first thing is apparently the portal is closed."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Ow. Welp. That's that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That is, indeed, that. But..." And he relates everything else about the trip, including the World Tree and the Tall Shadows and Mountain and the leak.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, probably shouldn't have told me the last part, actually... But Mountain sounds pretty great! And the Tall Shadows are good news."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Erm. No, I shouldn't have."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's just a general rule, gossip about big business is a no. Think Mountain will help us with computers after that month is up? She's probably the 'mountain' the centaur saw we'd need, even."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah it just—" He sighs. "I'm terrible at keeping secrets from you, I knew I'd be terrible at keeping secrets from you, I just need to work on it. Anyway, yeah, I thought the same. Not sure how she could help us with computers, though. And interestingly enough, although she looked human, even had a heartbeat, she was definitely not even remotely human. No blood to speak of, for one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Huh. They say Fates can't have kids..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, wouldn't surprise me, that biology is way different."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I should probably honestly think about it before declaring that never having kids is worth becoming a Fate if we never get your world's medical technology replicated here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I... think it's quite unlikely that we won't be able to replicate it. As far as I can tell, you're biologically just as human as I was, so that part should work the same."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What I mean is we have to decide whether or not to go through with it before I start making serious efforts on Fatehood."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mountain did mention that she knew when she was about to become a Fate before she did, so not necessarily... but we also do have lots of nonmagical ambitions to fill our time, and I am and you will be pretty darn immortal already even without Fatehood."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I see. Oh, also, I made a golem that reacts to electricity! Like a switch that closes at about two volts. And a voltaic pile to test it with. Think I should see about a golem that produces a current at a steady voltage next, or try to get a golem that can read analog voltage signals?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"How do you mean, read analog voltage signals?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Get numbers other than zero or one from the voltage. Like for the frequency filters and stuff you told me about."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, right. That's probably a better idea—and also I'm pretty sure alternating currents are better than direct currents so I'm not sure a steady voltage will be super useful, practically, but might be a good first step."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Electricity is cool. Definitely going to try to be the Mr. Tesla or Edison of this world. If interdimensional plagiarism doesn't count."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well I don't exactly know all about electricity so even if interdimensional plagiarism does count we'll soon enough reach the cutting edge of what I know and have to develop new things from scratch. Progress only happens on the shoulder of giants, after all."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Better get started then?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Definitely. I'll swing by the shadow people with pictures of some places I found, they seem to be our best bet now that—" His voice catches, and it's quite strange to hear the catch in the crystalline clarity of his speech, but he's otherwise undisturbed. "—Alec's no longer an option."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Don't tell me what stuff they ask for. A house and a place to put it are one thing, but I don't feel any particular desire to know the details of their diet or whatever it is they're using you for."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, is that what this is about?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It might be. They don't want me or anyone to know, I'll respect that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, that's fair. They—did say it was acceptable that you and you alone learnt about it, when I explained the mate thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah. Then it'll be fine of you tell me but no particular curiosity."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Really? I'm hopelessly curious about literally all fair folk species, here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Call it ten years of 'fair folk? Don't ask don't tell' being common sense."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Since I was too little to really absorb social mores. Maybe six or seven teen, thinking about it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fair enough, I guess. I'm not sure if it will ever stop annoying me that they're so secretive about everything."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's more valuable stuff to be curious about?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're absolutely correct about this, but I'm curious about pretty much everything and also when people deny me knowledge like that it just grates."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmm." He sounds like he's stopping himself from arguing further. "I'm going to try and build a better DC power source."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Were you going to say something else?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you wanted to hide the mate thing or the drinking blood at least until you met me, wouldn't it be intensely irritating to have people just keep asking?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, the alternative I'm thinking about is writing books about it not answer questions on a case-by-case basis."

Permalink Mark Unread

"To quote this one writer: This is the way the world is. Adapt or bring about change."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I love you," he says. "I'll write a book on vankires, then."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm probably headed in that direction at you, too. I'll be your first round editor for that book."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm really happy to hear it. So how's stuff been, while I was away, other than the golem?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, there are lots of rumors about you and me after that scene with Leah. I am determined to not particularly care."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's their nature? It'd be very bad PR if it got out that vankires were sirens who removed people from their previously happy lives by our mystical songs and turned them into one of us."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Love triangles and feeling sorry for or mad at me or Leah and being confused about your place in this salacious drama. More personal than species based. Though Leah is still harping on about the tempting thing, most people are dismissing it as Eristal nonsense. That's a religion. They don't have great credibility."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's the homophobic religion? And who's the third element of our triangle supposed to be, exactly?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Leah and you both want me, I want you, this other guy wants Leah, Leah admitted you're hot, Leah is apparently my ex now. She's not, by the way. But just gossip all around. I kept telling people to focus on class."

Permalink Mark Unread

He laughs. "You're probably right." Pause. Uncomfortable pause. "And, er. If you... want to, er, be with Leah. Too, or, erm, instead. It's alright."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, heck no. Especially not after she pulled this. She's kind of a harpy. Possessive as all heck and nagging and so on."

Permalink Mark Unread

He nods. "Alright. Did you—know she wanted you, before that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No... I had noticed that she acted weird around me sometimes but thought it might be, I don't know something from the religion."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And how'd you figure out, this time?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Gossip said so and once I was looking it seemed to fit."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah.—and is she the only one?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, you're... Afraid someone will steal me away? That's surprisingly endearing. As far as I know there's nobody else than her and you who likes me like that more than a little bit."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean... kinda. Not exactly. Just—I want you to be happy, and if that means not being with me then you should not be with me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well I'm happy with you. If I already had someone maybe it'd be different, but given the givens and given that I'm going to turn I probably shouldn't go looking."

Permalink Mark Unread

It's very unfortunate that Terel cannot see his face because he is glowing. That might go through when he says "I love you," though.

Permalink Mark Unread

"That is really obvious by now."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, well, I think it bears repeating," he says. "Are there any people who aren't getting all worked up over this gossip?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure, people more than two or three connections away from Leah don't care, the faculty has practice ignoring student drama unless it's likely to affect our learning."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You should be friends with those instead, sounds like less of a hassle."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am, some. I wasn't really friends with those guys either. We just have a class together... You should meet Sandy. She's a grad student studying economics."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh? Why her in specific?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If I had to pick a best friend, it'd be her, and she was out of town until tomorrow."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay then I think I should meet her. Have you not been keeping in touch?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Vacation time is her time. She's very insistent about it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Makes sense. I'd love to meet her." Then he snorts. "Wow it's gonna be weird. 'Hi Sandy, how'd vacation go? Oh, I've been fine, this person who's almost-but-not-quite a fair folk from another universe arrived here and I found out we're soulmates. Also we're going to revolutionise golemcraft.'"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well when you put it like that..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can you find a way to describe the past while without sounding absurd?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"'Sadde has some fair folk nonsense going on the end result of which is thus' will go down easier than explaining other universes and I can tell her that part later. It's really too bad the door doesn't stay open, lots of trade opportunity that way."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...right. Trade opportunity."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And your friends and loved ones and the magical oomph of that Empire."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not... a whole lot of friends and loved ones, after I turned. And I'd kinda forgotten about the trade opportunities, my brain had been too full of... Alec's absence."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Didn't you say the - Tall Shadows are almost as good?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, but that's—they might still not work, and they might not like the places I find them, I might not be able to get them their resources..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think that if you miss some of the goals they set they might do it anyway... As they said, this is the first time they've ever actually gotten anything for trade. They will probably want to get something out of it rather than nothing at all. I could be wrong, but I feel hopeful."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Yeah. You're probably right."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hm, well, at any rate I want to get back to having fun with electrical experimentation. Don't worry, I'm taking safety precautions."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Guess we'll talk later. I love you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"See you tomorrow."

Permalink Mark Unread

"See you, love."

And he flies on, above Windvale and towards the World Tree.

Permalink Mark Unread

Nils calls him about halfway there.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Hello! Progress report since you seemed interested - I've finished the core structure of my new ship and started on redoing all the security enchantments. I'm looking into engines next, then control mechanisms, paint and furniture is last."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, cool! Do I get to see it sometime?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Certainly. Once I'm done with the most important security bits, that is. An example of paranoia at its finest, I am."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh? No, nobody's out to get me, I'm just being very careful."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I didn't mean that literally, it's just a saying in my world."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, that's interesting. Let's try this. A fish in the boat is worth two in the sea?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Same meaning. Don't let a dog guard your food."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Don't think I recognise that one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Because he'll probably eat it instead of guarding it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, fox and henhouse for us."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Don't poke the sleeping dragon."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Let sleeping dogs lay, maybe."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nils is perfectly willing to exchange idioms for a while.

Permalink Mark Unread

So is Sadde! This is fun.

Permalink Mark Unread

Eventually he breaks off to say, "I should get back to work. I'll call to schedule some time when you can see the new ship in a week or two."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay! I'll see you then."


Permalink Mark Unread

Nobody else calls him between then and arriving back at the World Tree.

Permalink Mark Unread

He seeks an audience with the Tall Shadows again.

Permalink Mark Unread

They are more than happy to welcome him back. Progress already!

They are going to visit this one spot he took pictures of and mark where the new 'house' should go. He can find them back here in a month or so and they will have plans for the rest of it, probably.

Their list of desired stuff is started but not finished, if he wants to get started on it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure, let's get started.

Permalink Mark Unread

What they have so far is fairly mundane, even expected, to start with. Furniture. Sundry house things and tools and consumer magic items.

Then it gets a little expensive... They are very particular about the mix of metals this set of tools with no obvious purpose must be made of, with a significant fraction being precious, and they require two dozen flawless rubies of identical size.

Then it gets weird. A bolt of spider silk that has bathed in the light of exactly thirteen different suns. Sticks of chalk mined from the border between two tiles. A large quantity of O-negative human blood, enough to feed a vampire for years, less than a week before it goes into stasis, healthy donors not required, and a magical stasis device to store it.

...The caginess and secrecy when they talk about this list changes from general caginess that they had before to the sort of straight-faced closed-mouthness that Fair Folk seem to have when talking about reproduction.

Permalink Mark Unread

...right. Okay this is. Absolutely bizarre. At least he can generate the blood himself.

Do they want his crystal number to contact him with further requirements?

Permalink Mark Unread

Further requirements will be on the order of housewares. Not urgent. The difficult and specific things are all covered. Come see them again in a month.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay. Bye bye!

Permalink Mark Unread

Heading back to Suvak now, presumably?

(He gets a call from a newspaper. One of the features of the expensive comms package he bought is filtering for this - just tap face two of the crystal twice if you would like to indicate to them 'no comment'.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Back to Suvak, yes, and what the heck does the paper want, he is curious.

Permalink Mark Unread

The paper wants his opinion on import taxes for rare magical ingredients. They dance around him almost certainly not being able to admit to having anything to do with a certain trade company wink wink nudge nudge.

Permalink Mark Unread

...uh what? Trade company...? Why would—he arrived, like, last week...?

(He is a vampire and he was already a pretty good liar before he turned, they will not be getting anything other than perfectly genuine-looking confusion.)

Permalink Mark Unread

They keep pushing despite his great acting. He'll probably have to hang up on them.

Permalink Mark Unread

He will hang up, then, after growing increasingly exasperated about the whole affair in a very convincing way, exactly like he were some rando who got contacted by weird people who were convinced he had given birth to the Christ.

Permalink Mark Unread


He gets another call from the same newspaper - which is cut off and replaced with a call from 'Charlescomm Service Department'.

Permalink Mark Unread

Uh huh...?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hello, sir. We're terribly sorry to bother you. However, it appears you have potentially become a minor celebrity or otherwise attracted media attention. We know this can be very stressful for our clients, so I'd just like to know if you want me to block and filter incoming calls for those likely to be harassing or repetitive."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm curious about how people are even getting this number."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I couldn't comment on that aside from the fact that our routing system is very secure. Presumably someone you gave it to told others, or else it was overheard or seen in their notes or something of that nature."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I see. How do you decide which calls to block?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Statistics. Known media outlets. We also provide a white and black list to always or never receive, and keep a log of all blocked calls, with this service. We can also simply provide you a new number if you wish."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I see. And this costs how much...?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Basic badcall filtering is twenty Kavased per month, however I don't expect it to meet your needs as it only excludes main media outlets and has only individual listings on the whitelist and blacklist. Plus badcall filtering is fifty per month. It includes enhanced filtering features and a log of blocked calls. Premium badcall filtering is recommended for VIPs and comes with a personal account manager, for two hundred and fifty per month, as well as customized notifications of potential problems and the ability to return up to six different prerecorded messages to different sorts of media calls. The first new crystal number, if you wish to take that route, is free as a courtesy. Further ones will be approximately sixty to one hundred depending on circumstances and other account details."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And is this a limited-time offer?"

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"I can't guarantee the rates will be the same, but the services themselves will certainly remain available."

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"I see. I'll keep my number like this for now, and contact you again later if I change my mind."

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"As you wish, sir. Does this mean we should not contact you to offer badcall filtering again?"

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"Under what conditions would you normally do it again?"

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"It varies, but generally the system will flag your account for another offer if there is a consistently large number of incoming calls from known or suspected badcall numbers for several days, especially if the system flags the calls as being rejected or short."

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"That sounds reasonable, you can contact me again then."

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"Thank you. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss while you have me on the line, or should I just wish you a nice day?"

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"I think that will be all for now, thank you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I hope you are enjoying your service with Charlescomm Communications Corporation, and have a nice day sir."


Permalink Mark Unread

...okay it's time to be a girl, yes, good, she's feeling better now.

She calls Terel, again.

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It goes to voicemail.

Permalink Mark Unread

Ugh. Is it time for his classes or something?

Permalink Mark Unread

Nope. According to his schedule he should be free now. 


He did bury his call crystal under a pile of other stuff when he thought it was time to focus on homework...

Permalink Mark Unread

Right. That's adorable but somewhat frustrating.

She flies on.

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Terel calls her back some time after the suns have begun to dim. "Hullo. I was getting homework out of the way."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, I figured. Hi, love. So, er—" And she tells the story of the people calling her and the crystal company and "I'm thinking of getting several numbers and distributing them to different people so I can find the leak except the leak could be someone who works at the company itself."

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"Honestly, my instinct is 'hire a private investigator,' but those don't tend to find much outside of stories."

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"And whatever I could get I'm sure the company could one-up."

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"You said this Clara person seemed pretty good? Maybe ask her what happened?"

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"That's assuming she isn't the mole."

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"I don't know enough about these people to figure it out, but a honeypot of slightly different info for a bunch of different people is the obvious idea, I'm just... Not entirely sure it's worth the effort? I think that the company is probably more upset about this leak than you are."

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"I mean the part I'm upset about is them starting to call me and, potentially, ducking the deal up."

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"You'll probably want to just change your number."

Her crystal indicates that she has another incoming call.

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"Yeah, probably, but then I'll have to give it to other people anyway and have the same problem."

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"Sign up for their filtering thing, then. Charlescomm is expensive but very good at what they do you know."

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"Think I'll do that, yeah, and let Clara deal with the leak."

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The second call on waiting her crystal hangs up.

"Right. Hey, I've been poking electricity all day and I think I can make an AC generator with a golem meant to turn wheels. Electricity is almost as cool as the idea of computing is. Want to help when you get back?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Definitely! This is gonna be loads of fun."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Suddenly I want to make a lightning machine and then laugh villainously while it goes off..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...well that's kinda hot."

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He giggles, then attempts to turn it into an evil laugh. Pretty ineffectively.

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"And that is just adorable."

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"You keep saying these things. It makes me wonder just how much brighter my brain will light up when I see you after turning."

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"Incomparably. I can't even give you a proper metaphor because you don't have space to speak of so no culturally-backed conception of how big stars get but I'd be comparing a star to a torch."

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"Um, eep? You're right, I don't properly get that kind of scale, but eep."

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"Yeah. I'm not kidding when I say that a human being who felt like this might literally expire of it, it would be an overdose."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Iiii am going to take a break from homework and geeking out about cool things and hopefully also being anxious about this, and read a fantasy novel until you get back here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay," she says, keeping all whine from her voice. She is proud of this fact. "I'll see you soon."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yep. See you - probably around seven? Yeah, bye."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Bye, love." Hang up. Who called her earlier?

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A TV-equivalent station, apparently.

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Yeah no she doesn't care, she'll call Charlescomm again.

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"This is the Charlescomm Service Department. Please wait to be connected to a representative. Due to your account's premium support plan, you are placed in the priority queue. Wait time is approximately - one - minutes."

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She waits.

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"Hello, this is Zane with the Charlescomm Customer Service routing division. Could you please tell me what you are calling for today, sir?"

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"Hello! It's ma'am, now, and I'd like a new number, please."

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"...As in, you want your receiving number to be changed, ma'am? I can transfer you to account management for more information."

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"That is indeed what I mean, thank you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Please hold for-"

"Hello, this is Steve with account management. Xavier from routing says you want your crystal number changed. I'd like you to confirm some information for me for security reasons before continuing..." What name she registered with, what her number is now, what store she bought the account with, and the PIN she made up.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure have all of those.

Permalink Mark Unread

In that case she can have a new number, promptly and without fuss. Keep in mind that the next one will cost at minimum 20 Kava.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's fine.

Permalink Mark Unread

Nobody else calls her on the way to Suvak. Since none of them have her new number.

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She flies on.

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Well, eventually she arrives at Suvak.

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Yes and then she needs to see her mate where is he.

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It's a decently big city so it takes about a minute to pin him down even with vampire senses, but he's in some kind of cafe Sadde hasn't seen before on the south side, reading a novel.

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And now Sadde's there, too.

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"Hey, welcome back!" He gets up to give her a big kiss. "Did you end up actually changing your number?" 

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Kiiiisss! "Yeah, I did," she says, and gives him her new number, and then hugs him and holds him up by the waist and spins him. "Can we go to your place?"

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"My, so forward. But, yes. Sandy's back in town but she can wait." He grabs what's left of a drink and leaves a tip and walks toward the exit.

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"Can I carry you?"

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"Once we're outside, yeah."

They're outside now.

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"But before we get way too distracted I want to show you everything I have on electricity so far and see if I made any obvious errors... Probably nothing innovative but step one to 'standing on the shoulders of giants' is to climb up to the shoulders by learning carefully."

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"Okay! Can we snuggle while you do that, though?"

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"Mm, I guess that'll work." He grabs some paper notes then sits on the bed. "So as far as I understand voltage is..."

Permalink Mark Unread

Snuggle! Electricity! She is so glad she is good at multitasking.

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Terel is very much still in the 'learning' phase, but he's learning pretty well, all told.

Eventually he's done talking/asking about electricity and snuggles more fully. "Hm, snuggling is nicer than I was led to expect."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Whoever told you lies about snuggling?"

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"Hm, nobody said it was bad, it's just that it didn't get mentioned as a good thing in the same way as dating-in-general and kissing and sex."

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"Snuggling is one of the best things. Top ten, easy,"

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"I can definitely see what makes you believe that. Not enough evidence for me to make such a strong opinion on the matter yet."

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"You are unfairly delicious."

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He gives a little snort of a laugh. "Oh? Show me where it says so in the rules of romance."

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"Sadly I left my copy in my world."

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Kiss! "Mm, well I think you're pretty delicious even without any magic making it more obvious."

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"The nature of the thing is such that I'm sure I'd find you delicious anyway," she says, and starts trailing kisses along his skin.

Permalink Mark Unread


Just-snuggling time seems to be over, then. Terel is fine with this. Enthusastic, even, given how well he responds and eventually reciprocates.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah. And if it's up to her they'll be doing this for... a while. A good while.

She'd missed him.

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Terel continues to have non-superhuman stamina. But snuggling can serve as rest of sorts, he has no objection to snuggling.

Permalink Mark Unread

Good because lots of snuggling will happen.

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And during the less-distracted bits of snuggling idle chat about Earth will happen? Terel still wants to learn lots of stuff about this fascinating place, you see.

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Absolutely! She can tell him all about Earth.

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Earth is kind of fascinating, and it's interesting to pick at the ways 'Tileworld' is different...

After quite a while of snuggling and related activities, "...Probably time for me to clean up and sleep."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is. ...I can still spend the night here with you, right?"

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"Sure, why not. Something in me grumbles slightly, saying 'too fast', but I am trying to squish that annoying voice anyway and that will help."

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"...if you'd rather I could just spend the night elsewhere..."

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"What I am saying is I want you to stay, I'm being clear that it will make me slightly uncomfortable in a different way than it will make me more comfortable from a snuggling point of view, and all told I deem the tradeoff good."

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"If you say so..."

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"I do say so. Should I have not mentioned it?"

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"I'd rather know things, but I don't like causing you... distress. Even if you decide that it is minimal enough that you should ignore it. Not a wholly rational part of my brain."

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"Well I would rather be as honest as possible both ways between us, it's pretty important to me. And I really should shower now."

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"Right. I probably should, too."

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Cleanliness: Is pleasant.

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Quite! And then they can snuggle and she can watch him sleep.

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Which would be really boring if he weren't her mate - it's not like he talks in his sleep or anything.

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She is perfectly aware of this, and yet will be content watching him sleep in complete fascination.

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He wakes up to an alarm and spins around in confusion and some small amount of surprise when he's not alone.

"Oh. Hi Sadde."

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"Good morning, love. Sleep well?"

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"...Huh, yes, quite surprisingly well in fact. Good morning to you too."

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"Why would it be surprising?"

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"Apparently sleeping with someone, not euphemistically, is really quite relaxing... I do need to get ready for class though, don't give myself much spare time with that alarm."

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Zip. She is now holding his clothes.

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And now he is dressing for the day, feeling strangely embarrassed.

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"Something up?"

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"Hm, not really? Just - the same vague anxiety, I think."

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"...I'm sorry."

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"Ugh. Okay. This incipient feedback loop is going to end right now." He gives her a kiss, still lacking a shirt. "I am going to go to class, and you are going to poke that trading company about becoming stupidly rich, and we will both have a good day."

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She giggles. "Sir, yes, sir."

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"And I'll probably call you and introduce you to Sandy around lunchtime."

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"Cool! Can't wait to meet her."

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"Well, bye for now!" And he's out the door, shirt and backpack and all.

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And she decides to call Clara.

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"Clara Alta, Empire Imports, Aquisitions."

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"Hello! It's Sadde. This is my new number."

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"...Oh, that explains it. Okay, um. Good news and bad news. We found the leak. One of the cleaning staff had a pendant that he claimed was a gift. It was enchanted as a spying device and somehow got through security screening. He admitted when questioned that he was paid to wear it whenever cleaning upper offices. Also good news, upper management has approved moving forward with a contract to have you produce large amounts of rares. Bad news. We're practically tearing ourselves inside out to find anything else like this going around - there's an audit starting tomorrow, we'll probably be tied up for at least three, four more days before you have a contract to look at."

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"That's fair. Some people called me yesterday to try to get an interview or whatever, about—well, you guys, and import taxes—" She relays the gist of the conversations. "So I thought you all should be aware of it."

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"That's why they want you to be a probational citizen before we start. Long story short, both you and the company save a lot of money on taxes this way."

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"Oh, I got that done, too. The probational citizen part, that is."

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"Good, good."

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"How exactly does that save us a lot of money, though?"

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"Mostly because taxes on imports are about double taxes on domestic products- And income tax doesn't come into it directly, but you'll still have to pay that."

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"Oh so this world doesn't understand gains from trade either, good to know," she sighs. "Alright, then. So you guys'll call me in a few days?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"'We' in general do understand the economics of trade. The current king simply decided that high tarrifs on some categories of product are worth the other drawbacks. And yes."

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"When I said 'this world' I meant the rulers, sorry."

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"You're not going to find me liking his decisions but the King is not a blithering idiot. Protecting domestic production is a more stable course than just- knowing the overall world economy will benefit because we're getting outcompeted off-continent."

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"Fair enough."

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"At any rate, yes, we'll call you at this number in a few days. And try our best not to leak it this time."

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"Best of luck."

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"You too." Click.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well then. That was something.

What if any of Terel's research can she contribute to, while he's absent?

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A lot! She could prototype his AC generator, perhaps, or fill out his notes on electricity that have a lot of question marks. She could add to his vague musings about processor architecture. And a few other things.

Permalink Mark Unread

...prototyping, yeah, that sounds like the most fun.

Permalink Mark Unread

Will the golem lab let her back in, is the question.

Not without Terel, is the answer. She doesn't exactly need the lab's tools for this though, she could go buy some easy.

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Nah, too much work. Notes?

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Terel is trying to build an electrical engineering textbook from his dozen or so conversations about electricity with Sadde so far. Wikipedia scans will help, probably? But not as much as actual electrical engineering experience would.

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She can't really help with the experience part. The Wikipedia scans she can provide, though.

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And then it's lunchtime.

"Sadde, yeah I'm calling her, um can you meet Sandy and I up at the library?"

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"Great, see you soon."

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"See you, gorgeous." Click. Fly.

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He's at the library listening to Sandy talk about what startup businesses tend to do. Which is mostly 'fail'.

Sandy is a short, dark-skinned woman with a very serious-looking face and hair in a tight bun.

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And she is a tall-ish pale woman with an open face, short dark hair, and wings.

"Hello, love," she says, looking at Terel with utter and complete adoration, before turning to Sandy. "And you must be Sandy."

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Sandy glances critically from Sadde to Terel and back. Terel looks slightly nervous, but it's kind of a default.

"Indeed I am," Sandy replies. "You must be Sadde the otherworlder."

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"That would be me," she agrees, taking a seat by Terel.

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"I'm reserving judgment on the half a dozen dozens of suspicious things about your situation on Terel's recommendation. And I suspect he hasn't told me everything yet. Which is fine, information has value, after all."

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"It does. I'm not sure how much he told you and also not sure how much he'd rather I didn't so I'll take my cues from him."

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"I'm mostly spacing it out so you don't implode or assume I'm insane."

"Yes," Sandy replies, "You of all people deserve the benefit of the doubt. Though I do want to see proof."

"Sadde, would you be fine showing off the key again? With appropriate cautions, of course."

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"—probably not here in the library?"

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"Yeah, no, same testing rooms from before."

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"Lead the way, love."

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Sandy makes a tiny bit of a face at the casual devotion on display... Something caught between disapproving and professional courtesy and confusion.

Terel leads the way as requested.

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And when they get there, Sadde produces the key and demonstrates: an empty desert.

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"Technically this is only proof of other worlds, not two and a half ages of scientific and technological advances, but it's a very big piece of evidence for them. I believe you two."

"Thanks for listening at all."

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"The problem is that apparently the door only opens from the one side, and trying to open it from the other does not work. I'm sure there's somewhere in this world I could open that'd lead us back to mine but..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Large search space, and no qualifiers to help narrow it down." Sandy nods. "I wonder if there is Fair Folk magic that can track such a thing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"—now that would be truly something. I have no idea where this key even came from, as far as I know my world has no magical objects like that and yet there it was."

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Sandy and Terel both shrug. "Probably want to close it if we're not going through."

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She does, and locks it.

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"If you really want your otherworldly products to be popular and widespread I believe you're going to have uses for an economist... But we can talk seriously about that once you have whatever knowledge base you need, and prototypes that I can twist into product ideas."

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"Yeah! And once we have something I think I'll want to be the one to shake hands and kiss butts, I'm good at that."

Permalink Mark Unread

Sandy inhales sharply and stares at her.

"Uh, Sadde... You. Uh. Just called yourself a prostitute. In a very vulgar way. Turns of phrase are different here."

Sandy is blushing. She closes her eyes and raises a finger to her temple.

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She cracks up. "...seriously? Shaking hands is part of a turn of phrase that means that? That is hilarious."

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, it was just the second thing. Well sort of. Shaking hands implies business aaand..."

"I," Sandy reports, "Am leaving now."

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She stops giggling. "I'm sorry. In my mother tongue it means, er, making other people like you by inflating their ego."

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"I guess that makes you CEO, Sandy CFO, and me head of engineering when we get this rolling in a year or two."

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"Yeah, pretty much!"

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"Sandy will probably be willing to talk to you again tomorrow. When she gets upset at something or leaves because she feels awkward she usually just needs time to cool down."

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"I'll try to be less—that—when she's around."

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"Yeah, she's a serious sort of person."

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"Duly noted. Going to be very serious with her."

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"It's most of why I'm friends with her. You can count on her to always be on task and walk away instead of insulting you or starting some petty revenge. That, and we usually like nerding at each other."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nerding about what?"

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"Board games. We both share the hobby. She has a great bluffing face. I'm better at reading the board, she's better at reading the player."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well now I kinda wanna play board games with you two."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's a biweekly board game social group thing this Friday. Or I can talk to her later and ask if she wants to do some three-player games."

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"I'm fine with either. Might be better to give her a better second impression first, though."

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"Telling her about globalization and elecronic trading will be an appropriate peace offering, I think."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll remember it. So what-all did you tell her?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Most vampiric qualities except I left out turning and only implied mating, and about your witchcraft, and a summary of a summary of Earth. Oh and some of what the centaur said."

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"—oh so she was merely suspicious when she saw the unending love. Will the magic make it better or worse, I wonder?"

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"I get the feeling she will more or less accept it as long as I space out the revelations."

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"Alright. Will she want to be a vankire somewhere down the line? Not that I'm not planning on figuring out better generalised immortality with magic anyway but this is already on hand and has lots of nice little perks."

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"I honestly have no idea. Fairly sure the idea of mating on someone will freak her out, but the pluses might win."

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"Well—is she asexual, or aromantic? If she's those I think she is actually immune to mating."

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"Don't think so. It would be more the implied lack of choice. At least, that's the measure I have of her."

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"Hmm, I'm not sure it's meaningfully different than the lack of choice inherent to the process? The fact that you aren't everywhere is already a strong form of selection bias, and most people aren't really swimming in a pool of candidates amongst which they then choose, they just pick the first one that they happen to get to know enough to predict they might work well together."

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"That may be true, but it's irrelevant to how I predict she will think about it."

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"Even if you tell her this?"

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"I don't know. I'm not an expert in Sandy. This is just my overall impression."

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"Fair enough."

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"Anyway I should head for lunch now if you want to come with." Which the answer is almost certainly yes, but he has to ask.

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"Yes," she says, obviously.

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So he goes to a reasonably fancy yummy restaurant and tells anecdotes about his friendship with Sandy before heading back to the afternoon classes.

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And she gets back to trying to help with electrical engineering.

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They can go over the notes and discuss experiments later. And after that do some other things.

A productive day, all in all.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes! And then they can sleep snuggled up together, right? Or rather, he can sleep and she can watch.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure, he has no objection.

The next day plays out much the same, including a call from Sadde's mermaid friend who wants to know if she's practiced with her shiny instruments, and a brief message from Nils asking when he/she will want to come see the new version of his ship.

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She did! But not very much, only during her free time or when flying around sometimes.

Nils... hmm, she wants to call him back on that, she'd like to check on something first.

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That's delightful!

And, of course, check away, the offer will expire when he leaves port though.

Permalink Mark Unread

When will that be?

Permalink Mark Unread

Soon as he's done. Two, three more weeks. It's going faster than expected.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, sure, she'll probably be available by then.

When will Terel be around? And will Sandy be with him?

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About an hour, and yes.

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So she'll ask him about it in about an hour.

"Hello, love."

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"Hello again Sadde! I hope you don't mind I soooort of promised Sandy a lecture in electronic banking from you."

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"A lecture? I can probably provide an infodump, I'm not sure I have the appropriate materials for a lecture!"

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"That's fine. Lecture has a looser definition here, perhaps."

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"Sure, I can do that, then. Now?"

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"If you don't mind. I'm very curious about it, you see."

"So am I to be honest," Terel contributes.

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Then she can totally infodump them about it.

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Sandy takes notes. Terel doesn't, since this isn't precisely his area of maximum interest.

Sandy derides fractional reserve banking. Most Tileworld nations use fiat currencies that are converted into slightly more of the next version of the same fiat money by national decree every once in a while. No money supply problems, but no bank runs ruining everything.

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Well, Sadde is only explaining, she did not invent it. They can probably do better.

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Sandy's pretty insistent that responsibly managed and difficult to counterfeit fiat money in the style of Kavased is the- metaphorical- gold standard for currency.

Terel goes along with it, musing that Sandy's the economics student here.

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Well, Sadde's world does not have magic that can enchant objects, and the technology to make money work like Kavased does has only been around for a decade or so.

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"That's a good point, actually - there must be thousands of great ideas that don't work because there isn't the proper technology for them."

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"Like computers," she grins. "The converse is true of magic, naturally, for my world."

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"And we can have great fun exploring all these suddenly-feasible ideas. I'm going to love it, Sadde probably is too, I don't know about you Sandy."

"I'll hover around the edges. It's interesting, for sure."

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"I'm definitely going to have a lot of fun, even though I did not get to specialise there."

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"Well, as a rare and excellent scenario, I don't have any classes or work for the rest of today, but I know you probably do, Sandy. Want to put some solid hours toward bringing computers to the people, Sadde?"

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"Sounds like lots of fun!"

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"In that case, I'll just grab my notes and let's head to the lab! See you tomorrow, Sandy."

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"Bye, Sandy!"

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And much nerding ensued. And some kissing.

They're starting to get close to the point where they need to make their own special tools, and get materials like silicon.

Luckily, at around 7 PM Empire Imports calls Sadde again! They're ready to have her come down and start producing on a massive scale, and they've also appointed someone to pretty much be her Gofer, responsible for tracking down whatever random things she needs for her science projects. Workspace and access to experts might be on offer too. For appropriate fees, of course.

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...also she should ask Terel whether he'd like to go visit a ship with her when school's out—that'll be pretty soon, right?

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"I would be interested but not extremely so, depending on details. This is Nils' ship yes?"

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"He sounds like an interesting guy. If he doesn't mind, I think I'd like it. Close up look at the shipbuilding industry too."

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"Cool, I'll call him and see if he does mind."

So, about Empire Imports, how willing would they be to help with the computer project?

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However deep her wallet is, basically. Though they'll likely refer her to some engineering firms for the nuts and bolts. And of course they're willing to sign some very tight NDAs that go in the other direction if Sadde requests that about her work.

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Nah, no need to sign any NDAs, she's pretty certain they won't be able to replicate their work without outright stealing their notes (not that she's telling them this) and in any case free sharing of information sounds like a grand idea (in a fashion).

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Well, that's her prerogative. They'll start making inquiries with engineering and manufacturing types for her according to the requirements she told them, then.

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At some point she calls Nils and asks about the possibility that her mate go visit.

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"I know you, I don't know him. No recording devices and you stay with him the whole time. You know what, I'll stay with both of you the whole time given the love thing."

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"Sounds reasonable."

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"Right. This Saturday? Some other time? First of my new engines is arriving on Friday."

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She asks her mate for opinions.

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"Saturday's fine. And ooh, engines, looking forward to it."


Nils agrees, they set a time.

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So, other than that... Terel's term ends soon but not immediately, right?

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"Ends on Julep 36, and it's the 20th now. Rest of this week, most of one more week of classes, then one week of finals, then I'm free. I'll want to focus next week. Even if acing tests isn't all that important compared to how much I actually learned, it'd be a shame to have wasted all the effort I put into classes."

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"Makes sense. Should I—wait until then to start making stuff for Empire Imports?"

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"It'd be the best time for you to be busy in the near future, honestly. We'll both have something time consuming to do."

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"But—" She pauses, and bites her lip. "You're right of course but I still want to whine."

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"Yeah I hear you. All will be well in time. And - next Thursday is a study day, and I have no finals on Tuesday or Wednesday of finals week, so we can spend some time together then too. As long as I only get relaxingly distracted and not intellectually distracted."

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"Yeah, that makes sense," she sighs, and hugs him.

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Hug! Kiss.

"Let's pack up and go back to my apartment?"

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"Yeah, let's!"

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Thursday passes uneventfully. On Friday, the promised board game meetup is scheduled at six. Sadde is almost certainly coming with Terel, but it's proper form to ask and make sure.

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Of course he is coming with Terel, and he is continually charmed by how Terel always asks.

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"Well, I suppose you won't mind carrying some of my games." 

When they get there he introduces Sadde around, pointedly responds 'that's my business' to the question of whether he's his boyfriend, and the group starts tallying up who wants to play what.

Terel doesn't really have a preference for which game to play. Does Sadde?

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It will become really, really obvious that Sadde is in fact Terel's boyfriend. Sadde is probably not incapable of pretending his world does not revolve around him in principle but in practice...

Anyway, he doesn't have a lot of preferences for which game to play, given that he doesn't actually know any games from this world.

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They'll end up with a sort of competitive pretending-to-be-fates game revolving around placing tiles that sprawls out over a whole table, then. Points for contributing the most to the political and economic development of the new continent's inhabitants.

Terel and Sadde are accused of colluding. But that's okay because the other players are forming factions, too.

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And really, that's totally predictable, isn't it? Sadde's loving it, though, this game is loads of fun.

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He does scrupulously stay away from any sort of sabotage or blocking or so on - preventing other players from being good to the continent just feels off. He even plays in ways to help other players who aren't Sadde. "I just want to see the continent flourish, you see."

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That deserves a kiss, he thinks.

"Of course. No point being a ruler if you're just going to be screwing everyone else over."

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Hesitant kiss, because this isn't really a kissing-appropriate time and place.

"Ah but remember, in this game we're not rulers, we're Fates. That's why all the buildings are a little bit random. We can just encourage people."

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As far as Sadde's concerned there's no such thing as a not-kissing-appropriate time and place.

"Hmm, I think I'm gonna want to be a ruler, too, when I'm a Fate."

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This sparks a round of scoffs along the lines of 'only Penelope can do that' and one, "No politics at the game table! Lihla, your turn."

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He just smirks and continues playing.

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Sadde wins on points, Terel comes in fourth out of eight players total.

In between that and starting the next game, Terel whispers, "Fates also ruling places is about a fifth as - eugenicsy - as land warfare, by the way."

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"I'm afraid I'll have a hard time budging on that one, but I suppose I can refrain from mentioning it," he whispers back.

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"Yeah it's not evil but... Even terrible kings eventually die, right? Fates don't. That's the concern. Anyway, next game we can talk about this after."

Next game is a viciously competitive trading and bidding war type thing.

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Sadde very heavily and obviously favours trading.

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People will take rather cutthroat advantage of this. Including Terel. He doesn't have a fictional population to protect and help here, just a group of fictional shareholders.

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...oh well, duck it, he'll go for the throat, too, then. Maybe too late, but what can you do.

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Neither of them win, though Terel comes close.

It's getting a bit late. Some of the people here wander off as second round games start finishing. Sandy leaves.

"What do you think, one more game or call it a night?"

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"Up to you, love, I don't actually need to sleep."

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"I'll say one more game then."

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"Okay!" And no kissing because Terel doesn't wanna.

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"Later," he whispers.

They play a game where they pretend to be competing airship captains. It's not really eventful. And then - time to go back to the apartment.

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Back to the apartment!

...where they can kiss, right?

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Definitely! Not one of those kisses - the kind that usually leads to more things - just yet though.

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Nope. Sadde's curious about a thing.

"So about Fates and rulers..."

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"Penelope, one of the original six, is the only one who isn't regarded as a ruthless dictator. And she doesn't rule in name, only effectively. I'm not sure why the thing started - maybe fears of an eternal terrible monarch, maybe the fact that Fates can be so terribly destructive if they want to. But it's definitely a thing."

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"Well... the problem with monarchy, as far as I can tell from my world's history, is exactly that kings and queens die. So you have a good one who could lead forever, but they die and their kid isn't that good, there is no guarantee that it'll last."

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"That makes sense but - hm. I am now re-examining some assumptions."

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"About - political things. Whether steadiness or change is best. Whether it would really be so bad to have an immortal king, if he was good at his job."

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"Well a good enough king would be one who did change," and he turns blue for a second before looking normal again, "but honestly as a vankire I'm not sure I have a leg to stand on, there."

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"What, vankires didn't interact with politics on Earth either?"

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"Oh, no, we have an Empress of the whole underworld who will probably eventually become also Empress of the world, but I just mean that vankires don't—change. Psychologically. My personality will be the same, forever."

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"Huh. This should probably go on the list of things to tell people who are considering turning."

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"Yeah. I'll remember it for next time—I have an eidetic memory but that doesn't mean I remember everything relevant to a specific thing at a specific time. I don't typically consider this a drawback—I don't want to become a different person, I like being myself—but, yeah."

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"Yeah it's not necessarily a drawback but I've always assumed I'd look back on me in my twenties as strange and silly in some ways."

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"Yeah. And anyway I've yet to actually notice any impairments—and I got turned when I was twenty-three, I'm pretty sure personality-wise I'd change little from then on."

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"Anyway. Fates as rulers would go a lot better if we start a new continent and attract immigrants than trying to claim new land off an existing continent, or install a government somewhere lawless, or Fates forbid tries to overthrow an existing one."

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"Oh yeah. I was thinking of creating a new country but it hadn't occurred to me Fates could make entirely new continents."

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"It's tricky, supposedly, but certainly doable."

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"You know, relatedly, it occurred to me that the way Fair Folk come to exist is very mysterious."

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"Yes it is. What about it?"

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"Well... if we found a continent and become its rulers as a pair of vankires and then... well, turn other people... I wonder what kind of fair folk will spawn in our land."

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"I really don't know. Not every continent does it, and I don't know a lot about the trends and commonalities on the ones that do."

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"My worry is that our vankireness might give whatever magic spawns them ideas."

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"Not the person to talk about the chance of this... And if it does, and they're evil ideas, we'll have resources to handle it by then."

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"Yeah, fair enough," he sighs. "Cross that bridge when we get to it."

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"Right, I'll probably be content with electricity and computers and similar for a good long while - magic is fascinating too but I don't want either of us to become Fates in the next decade, not until I've had a good long time to consider, erm, children."

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"Right, good point. Mountain mentioned she knew when she was about to become a Fate, though, we might be able to reach that point and just not cross it."

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"Yeah, there's that. So let's not try to avoid Fately aspirations, and just remember to sit down and have a serious talk if either of us feels close to it?"

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"Yeah, absolutely. Another bridge to cross later."

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"You're kind of pretty when you get all thoughtful, you know. Not quite sexy but... I don't know if there's a word for it."

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Well now he can reward Terel with a proper kiss, yes?

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Yes! (That may even have been what he was going for. Don't tell anyone.)

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The secret will die with him.

(...metaphorically speaking.)

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Kissing is good as always, but Terel has been rather unadventurous in this area lately. He wants to try something new.

To communicate this desire his hands and mouth travel over Sadde's chest, then his abs...

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Oooh okay yes he welcomes creativity.

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Well. He'll try his best, though this is his first attempt at this particular technique. Watching for the best reactions and doing more of that is a solid plan.

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Yep, very good! He can also give a verbal pointer or two, and the appreciative noises should be quite rewarding.

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It's nice to do something nice for someone you really like. Satisfying.

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It very much is! And Sadde has zero refractory period so he's not about to hold back.

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...That really shouldn't have been that surprising. Oh well.

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Okay but now Sadde wants to kiss Terel and maybe reciprocate.

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Eventually it's time to clean up, and Terel to sleep. Sadde can stay of course.

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Sadde: loves Terel very very much.

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Terel is rapidly heading in that direction! "I can probably say so and mean it by the time we've planned to turn me, in fact."

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"You keep saying things like that, I'm gonna have to kiss you again."

He does, just to prove he can.

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"Mmm, kisses are always good, but alas I have a somewhat lower kiss saturation cap for boy you and also I really should sleep now."

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"Kiss saturation cap," he giggles. "But yes. Sleep well, love."

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He does.

They leave for Windvale to go see Nils the next morning. Terel would rather have an airship ticket than be zoomed over long distances, sorry Sadde?

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Sadde thinks this is a reasonable preference and is also filthy rich.

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They can get seats on a fast courier then and not spend too much time in transit.

It's sleekly aerodynamic, has four very loud engines, and a top speed of just over sixty tiles per hour. They'll be in Windvale in three hours and a bit, and the captain swears that forty five minutes of that is departure and approach procedures.

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Sadde does not have preconceived notions on how fast airships are here, he takes that at face value. And he snuggles his mate to the extent that's possible and desired by said mate.

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"Sixty is really really fast. If it actually can do that it's very impressive."

Snuggling is not particularly possible. They have a cabin but it's very spartan to save weight, and also inhabited by a napping businessman.

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Oh well. Shame.

"If my maths is right it's actually about as fast as a car's maximum speed where I'm from."

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"Interesting. Aren't they a lot slower than your aircraft?"

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"Yeah. I'm not sure what speeds commercial aircraft reaches but at least three times that? And military aircraft breaks the barrier of sound."

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They have an interesting chat about aerodynamics, speed, and transportation in general on the way to Windvale. Trains seem like they would be a good thing to import. Nobody here invented them, what with airships available.

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And eventually they land and can go visit Nils.

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This involves hailing a cab-equivalent rather than fussing around with public transit or spending a while walking through the city. Though Terel wants to cruise through a shopping mall later, as long as they're here.

The address Nils gave is an unlabeled warehouse and has a 'no trespassing' sign.

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But Sadde has such great hearing doesn't he?

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Also, apparently, magical security systems. The warehouse is a black hole of sound and scent. Nils' scent is around the entrance though.

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Okay is there a place to, like knock, or something? If not he'll just call.

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Calling seems to be called for.

"Oh, right, you need to actually get in. Hold on I'll come and show you around..."

He's there in a minute or two. "Hellllo again Sadde, and mysterious Mr. Perfect Match."

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"This is Terel Kaland and he is in fact perfect. Terel, this is Nils."

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"Hello, Nils. I'm actually studying golemcraft - or, I was until I figured out I could try and replicate the things Sadde's heard of - so it would be fascinating to see your control systems."

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"The ones that don't touch on my security system, sure. Got to have some elements of paranoia held in reserve you know."

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"He never told me what his defence systems would do if facing a vankire," he tells Terel.

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"Something appropriately drastic. Come along then."

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He follows after.

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His ship is a fair bit longer and much more ship-like rather than house-like, compared to before. His two car-sized engines have been replaced with four moving van-sized ones. The chimneys are cut down and moved back some, streamlined with a metal casing.

Nils explains his control systems, especially all the recent improvements the big refit allowed him to make! Most of the ones he specifically points out are fiendishly clever, now that Sadde understands enough golemcraft to see it. Terel is fascinated. He takes notes.

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Sadde needn't take notes, he has an eidetic memory, but yes, very cool, he'll remember it. Does he want to purchase more biological matter to make new fiendishly clever things with? Sadde's got his deal with Empire Imports but he can still produce stuff on the side, and he likes Nils.

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If he still gets a reasonably good deal on it, sure. Small amounts, compared to what he asked for the first time.

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Sure! He still gets a reasonably good deal on it.

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"Excellent! We can handle that in a bit. I've been told you wanted a look at some engines, Terel. Well, you can have a look at a brand-new Manticore #4 Series coal-oil hybrid developing about eight thousand horsepower at full throttle."

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He has absolutely no idea what most of that meant but he's entirely sure Terel will make a delightful face at it. He beams.

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Correct. He asks moderately technical questions and gets moderately technical, somewhat sarcastic answers.

Nils' input on the subject of internal combustion engines: Coal is vastly cheaper than oil, is the problem with them.

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He doesn't actually know whether oil is cheaper than coal on Earth but this is mildly surprising nonetheless because markets. He muses aloud if this might be due to ease of extraction (or lack thereof) or resource distribution (due to the fact that Tileworld is, well, not finite) (and also the thing where air pollution is apparently not a thing and Tiles just renew themselves).

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Neither Nils nor Terel are super close to the oil extraction business. The discussion devolves into hearsay and estimations. Lack of established infrastructure and economies of scale in oil production might be the main culprit. There's also the fact that overly aggressive mining can have a similar effect to plagues or warfare on tiles. Oil extraction on large scales might do that.

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Oh that could very well be it. He might look it up at some point.

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"I'm definitely going to look it up at some point."

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"Having forever is handy like that."

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Nils refrains from rolling his eyes, but Sadde can probably tell. "Anyway, that's about all I had specifically planned to show you."

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Sadde can't help but rub it in, being immortal is fantastic.

"Was there anything in particular you wanted to see other than all of this, love?" he asks Terel.

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"I might want to see how you load and unload cargo. I'm sure you have some clever automatic way of doing it."

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"Correct and can do. This way, gentlemen."

Aaand more nerding.

Though Nils starts to get irritable soon, his answers shorter and more brusque.

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At which point Sadde smoothly directs the conversation to its end and suggests he and Terel stop imposing.

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"It was nice meeting you. Thanks for the tour and good luck with the new ship."

And they're back out.

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And then Terel should go back to Suvak and Sadde should do things for Empire Imports.

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"Aww, I kinda wanted to be a tourist for a little while. Your appointment's not until four, right?"

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"Oh, we can do tourism for a while, for sure."

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"I do sort of want to hear mer music, since you say you liked it so much. And there's museums and shops and exotic craft goods, big trade hub does that."

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"Sounds like fun! What do you wanna do first?"

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"How about- ahem- The Museum of Fates' Works and History of the Middle South-South-Eastern Section of The World? Usually just called 'the Fate Museum'."

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"Sounds awesome, let's go!"

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There's no admission fee, but the 'suggested donation' displayed on a sign above the information desk is 10 Kava. Terel pays up willingly.

It's a pretty impressive place with appropriately grand architecture. Lots of large statues and informative dioramas. Not quite comparable to large Earth museums, and leaning more towards human Fates in a way that has Terel grumble a bit. One display estimates the proportion of people who really seriously try to become Fates who actually eventually manage it is something like 0.1%.

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...over what time period? What counts as seriously trying? How do they even have this data anyway?

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They said working on it for more than ten years for seriously trying. "It's a pop science museum display, were they known as well researched and good at context and reliable in your world?"

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"Well, I guess not that much."

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"The history is good here generally speaking. They like human history a lot more but aren't outright racist about it at least. They have this neat map of how the continent changed over the last 400 years."

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"Ooh cool."

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The starting shape is roughly like a flipped mainland Europe that's missing Italy, including a potato-shaped island where the United Kingdom might be. The slightly-isolated small 'continent' gets attached, and everything grows around the borders for a few hundred years. Some holes in the middle get filled, leaving rifts in most cases. The big gap near the 'Mediterranean' is steadily filled up. It shows new cities founded and kingdoms rising, too.

Then, from seventy years ago to today, suddenly quite a lot of rifts start disappearing, and then The Reaches rapidly form, extending out somewhat from the rest of the continent. Mountain's work.

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Sadde likes her. She's a cool bean.

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There's only so much to see in this museum. And he's not enjoying the touristing as much as he thought he was. And this isn't the time or place for kissing and cuddling.

...Back to Suvak for him, have a nice day Sadde, see you tomorrow.

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At least a goodbye peck, yes? And then Empire Imports.

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Definitely a goodbye peck.

Empire Imports' new contract doesn't actually lay out dates and times, but says that Empire can cancel and renegotiate if Sadde declines to take any of Empire's work for long enough, and also that Sadde is owed a fairly big chunk of money if Empire doesn't produce any work for him. There are no subtle traps that his dabblingly-lawyered eyes can detect. There are still some NDAs.

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And should he want a less dabblingly-lawyered pair of eyes to look at the contract?

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Feel free to invite one in. If said lawyer signs an NDA not to reveal the contents of the contract (standard practice really).

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Yeah. He had that one lawyer last week look into the first one, is she available?

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It really would have been better if he had given some notice, but as it happens someone did cancel their appointment at the last minute just now.

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Sorry, he could come back later if it's better, but otherwise, here sign this NDA and lookit this contract.

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Everything seems to be in order. There's nothing she feels needs to change. They're playing fair, relatively speaking. Would he like to discuss some finer points of the thing anyway? Any questions at all? 

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No questions but discussing the finer details would be interesting.

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The very lawyery lawyer can do plenty of that, at the rate he's paying for her time.

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Cool! And then he can sign if everything's alright.

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Everything seems quite alright, but law is very complicated, remember.

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Right right but the expensive lawyer said it's alright so.

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If he's ever uncertain he should probably ask again. Even this mildly alarming bill, sign here please, is pennies compared to what Empire Imports is about to start paying him.

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Sure whatever he can burn money.

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Getting sound legal advice is not exactly burning money. Have a nice day.

...Empire Imports says he can start working immediately, on this list of things in that secure location, he will be paid 6.5 million kava for today's batch.

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Woo, producing materials and getting rich!

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And an appointment with an engineering consultant. To begin arranging workspace and materials for Sadde's curious pet projects.

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Oh right here's a list of things he'd really love to have.

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They'll get cracking. This small subset he can have now, this larger subset he can have delivered or picked up here Monday, the rest will have to wait for him to investigate sources some.

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Yes, cool. And eventually he's done and—

—was there anything else he needed to find for those shadow people?

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A decently long list of strange items to arcane specifications, yes. It'll probably require a bit of travelling to get the 'spider silk that has bathed in the light of exactly thirteen suns', even if he can make it himself. Two dozen identical rubies. Chalk from the border between two tiles. An organics-stasis device for their blood supply. And the weird tools-made-of-precious-metals.

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Can the power of Being Really Rich get some of those for him?

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Yep. Everything but the silk, which he says he'll have to make inquiries about.

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Good, you are a very helpful person!

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Money does that. Have a nice day.

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Thank you!

Now what's next?