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blood and darkness
The son of Hades attracts the attention of many beings from all paths of life and beyond
Permalink Mark Unread

If they were mortal, Chaos might be amused by the irony in saying that they predate time. It was not until their daughter Gaia and grandson Uranus sired Kronos that it came to be, and to this day their relationship with their (great-)grandchild is cordial at best. Chaos lies at the outer edges of the world, and has little concern for the limitations their (great-)grandchild has placed upon it.

Still, they notice an interdimensional interloper drifting by the metaphorical window, and Chaos likes patterns as much as they like breaking them. So when Lord Hades's son will begin to attempt his little stunts at breaking the walls that confine him, that seems like the appropriate time for this visitor to arrive. All that the primordial Titan has to do is open the metaphorical window a little bit further, and here she is, touching the surface of their world, slipping through the membrane that keeps it from spilling outside.

When the young godling sees the portal and sacrifices a little bit of his vitality to go through, heedless of his own sanity and wellbeing, it is not Chaos who awaits him in these shadowy chambers.

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Someone is curled up asleep in the temple in the floating starscape that normally holds Chaos. She's nestled in a blanket made of a different set of stars, looking as still and peaceful as death is supposed to be, for people that actually find that debilitating or something. Her hair is long and loose and a brilliant (and somewhat unnatural) shade of red, and she's almost unnaturally beautiful. Not quite up to Aphrodite levels of impossible, overwhelming beauty, but the sort of thing that would put paintings to shame. If a little inhuman, and not in the ways the denizens of the Underworld usually are.

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And with little warning, a peculiar young man arrives. The sclera of his right eye are as pitch-black as his hair, and his right iris glows red. He wears laurels of red and orange, flickering leaves floating away like embers from a bonfire. His feet are bare, and one could be excused if they believed they were made of molten magma, although the effect fades to normal (if somewhat more faded than usual) skin up his ankles, which are mostly hidden by iron shinguards topped by an iron skull at the knee level. A long piece of cloth, blood-red and dark grey, is carefully wrapped around his torso in a chiton, attached to his body by a belt of skulls and a similarly macabre shoulderpad. He has a red, faintly glowing sword attached to his hip, and his gait as he regains his composure after whatever event transported him there belies intimate familiarity with the weapon.

He takes a couple of steps towards the sleeping figure before he notices her and stops in his tracks as soon as he does. "Well, you're new," he says, furrowing his eyebrows. "Uh, in the name of Hades, who... are you?"

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A single white-gold eye opens on the blanket, to look at him. Then the blanket flits away into nothingness beneath the woman like a shadow confronted with light, and she opens her eyes and sits up. Her eyes are a much more ordinary hazel, though still subtly more inhuman than the recently dead, or someone from Elysium.

"Hello. I'm Yvette." She tilts her head and looks at him. "You're not of this place, you're... from further up."

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"I... suppose you could put it that way. My name is Zagreus."

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"Well, it's nice to meet you. How did you get here? I highly doubt it was the way I got here." She looks around, and spots the portal. "Oh, I see. That hadn't been there earlier. .... Why is it so sharp."

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He looks up at where she's staring then back at her, blinking. "It looks pretty round from where I'm standing."

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"No, I mean, it bites. It doesn't even need to! Someone just made it that way because they could! That's very rude."

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"Oh, yeah. That would be Chaos. I believe the little trinket they gave me would let me bypass that inconvenience."

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“Biting should be opt-in, not opt-out,” she sniffs. “That’s how consent works, Chaos!”

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He laughs. "I opted in when I decided to step through the portal."

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Her eyes flash the same white-gold of the earlier eye on the blanket. “Yes, but you’ve done this before. Did Chaos explain the mechanism of the portal biting before the very first time you hopped into it?”

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"Well... no, but somehow I knew anyway," says Zagreus, furrowing his eyebrows again.

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She considers this, looking a bit petulant. Then she crosses her arms and huffs a sigh.

“... Fine. I guess that counts as informed consent. I apologize for my incorrect assumption, and I’m sorry for raising my voice.”

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She gets the understanding that she is forgiven, with a slight undertone (that would be amusement if amusement were the kind of thing Chaos was wont to express) that it's harder to offend them than calling their portals "nonconsensually sharp".

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And from Zagreus's snicker he received the same memo.

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“Well even if I didn’t offend you I was due to give an apology anyway. Out of principle.”

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No response seems forthcoming this time.

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"It is probably a good idea to err on the side of being too polite when dealing with gods," Zagreus says, nodding. "Even when one is themself a god...?" he adds, tilting his head in Yvette's direction.

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She furrows her brows.

“Do I seem like a god? Well. I suppose I might be. I don’t know. I’m not the same kind as you, though.”

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"More like Chaos? Or the Titans?"

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“... Closer, but I’m still not like them. I’m not from your world at all. And most of me isn’t even here. Not that I’d come, the place above seems so sticky.”

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“It’s not nice to poke fun at people who need more practice at talking,” she sniffs. “Yes. Sticky. It doesn’t want to let anything go.”

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"That it doesn't. He... doesn't... Anyway."

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“You sound aggravated. Are you trying to get out?” She squints at him, her eyes flashing gold again. “Oh, no wonder, that’s offensive. You were just born here!”

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"—I apologise? Erm, offensive how, exactly?"

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"Not you. The thing keeping you. It's offensive, I'm offended. Can I just....? Oh, no. The only way out is through. Damn."

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"My Father? I suppose he is pretty offensive as a person."

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"You're not wrong, but you're also not right, either."

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"I seem to be that pretty often in this conversation," he comments, smiling.

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"I'm really out of practice at talking, sorry."

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"You're doing fine! All your words even have meanings, which is more than I can say for some people."

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“I don’t have the context to understand the implication there. Why wouldn’t my words have meanings? That is what words are for.”

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"I should introduce you to Charon sometime."

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“I assume that will make more sense if I do meet him.”

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"He usually communicates by grunts that I have yet to find out how to decipher."

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“Oh, I see. Well, now I’m curious, so I suppose I’ll have to meet him.”

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"Father must be able to talk to him, I think."

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"Or they have worked out an elaborate sign language. Which seems the obvious thing to do if one can only grunt."

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"That... is a possibility I hadn't considered, yes!"

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"Or a chalkboard. Actually, have you mentioned that you can't understand him and tried to work around it?"

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"Well, I've mentioned it, but I haven't really... had much time to chat, whenever I ran into him."

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"Oh. Okay. Well, I can make you a chalkboard if you want one. Or at least, something that functions like one, anyway."

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"I might take you up on that, if I run into you again. But I neglected to include chalkboard-sized pockets in this garb," he says, motioning down at his chiton.

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"I could tie it to a string, or maybe on the end of a necklace. Though that would be very unwieldy. Hmm. Expandable, maybe...? Oh, you probably have access to the thing that makes chalkboards without me, I'm likely devoting too much thought to this."

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"The thing that makes chalkboards being?"

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"..... S...late...? I'm guessing, I don't know."

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"I think I shall just ask Father. Once he's gotten used to the idea that I'm not staying down here forever."

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"Or you could play an elaborate game of charades with.... Charon, was it? Hm. Ferryman of the Underworld?"

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"The one and only, yes. Are you acquainted?"

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"Not... in so many words, no. Who's your father?"

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"Hades, Lord of the Underworld and god of the dead."

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".... Huh. And there's a Zeus and an Aphrodite and other assorted Greek gods? ... Who's your mom, the flower goddess whose kidnapping explains the seasons?"

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"Yes wait the what?"

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“... Which part of that was questionable, because we’re at the limit of my accrued history channel binge knowledge.”

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"My... mother is Persephone, who has not as far as I know been kidnapped although that would explain where she has been over the past years that is not here. I do not know what seasons are."

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“Oh, no, uh. Kidnapped in the other direction. To be Hades’s wife. But if she’s not splitting the year in half on a timeshare between Hades and, uh, her... mom....? I don’t know what to tell you.”

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"My father does not allow anyone to speak her name. Until recently I thought Nyx was my mother, and only found out otherwise by accident. And that is why I'm trying to leave."

Well, that is some of the reason, at least.

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"Okay. Well. This is very like some mythology from my home, back when I was human, but. I never knew it very well, it's been a while, and demonstrably it's not necessarily very accurate. Does Zeus uh, have sex with anything vaguely female shaped without any care for the word 'no,' can that be inaccurate?"

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"I think his preference for females is not strict."

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"That is not the direction I wanted confirmation in. Ugh." She makes a face, then her entire body turns to a starscape and promptly liquidates into a dark puddle on the floor.

"This is probably ultimately a good thing, because I'm probably close to home if the myths are at all similar," grumbles the puddle of stars on the ground, "but ugh, I am going to spend a lot of my free time here being an unappealing puddle."

The puddle bubbles. Grumpily.

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"I think I am missing quite a lot of context, here."

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"I do not want to pick a fight with a whole pantheon of gods just because one of them gets a boner for me because I'm female shaped. So. I am a puddle. I think it's a very tidy solution, personally."

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"I admire your creativity," he says, eventually. "I do not think he reaches this far down, anyway."

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"It's not even just him!! This is just a thing that happens!! So I'm a puddle and I'm not coming out and you can't make me."

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"I would not dream of it."

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"That was more of a strongly worded emotional expression than an actual expectation that you'd try." The puddle blurbles with the word 'expression,' as if to add some sort of body language to. Being a puddle. "I don't even see how trying would work."

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"I could try to be very persuasive about the benefits of having a body."

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“I can have a body elsewhere. Being a puddle here doesn’t mean I have to be a puddle everywhere, and most of me isn’t even here.”

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"Where is most of you, then?"

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“You ask that like I’ve given names to all of the places I’ve been. Mostly they’ve been empty and sad and not worth the trouble. Most of me’s not in this world, anyway.”

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"Well, it's news to me that there are more worlds," he says, shrugging a bit and stretching his neck. "Anyway, I should probably move on ahead before Father notices where I ran off to."

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“Yes, don’t let me keep you. Actually, can I help you escape?”

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"Well, only you can answer that, I think. I would not refuse an offer."

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“Well the obvious thing to do would be to just follow you around as an eldritch puddle on the floor and directly help with problems as you encounter them. Maybe add some sarcastic commentary along the way. Oh, but that’s not how everyone else is helping you, is it. Hm. I think I can probably give you a blessing like the others you have.”

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"Or both, I would not object to both."

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"You may have both," says the Yvette-puddle, bubbling a little with amusement. "Hm. Let me give you options, that seems to be the way things are done here."

There's a pause, then: he is offered some options! He may have one of three choices. His teleport/dash can leave a ghostly after-image that will briefly trick enemies into thinking he'd never left, his sword can draw enemies towards him when he does this specific special action, or his blood magic cast can take on a slow moving, gravity warping effect that draws enemies towards the center.

"I think I can only do one for now, unless you have any spare stars available for me to eat."

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"I think I'll what do you mean any spare stars?"

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".... It's not as bad as it sounds. When I'm actually eating them, I only pick the ones with dead systems. Usually the unstable ones that were going to explode anyway, since I don't even know what I'd do with a whole star's mass. And most of the time I just siphon off what the star's already giving off. Basically soaking up sunlight? Except also heat and radiation."

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"I think my mostly theoretical knowledge of stars is not up to par so instead I will just pick the gravity effect."

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"Here you go." Gravity effect! "And the stars that I ate were giant balls of super-hot plasma, not, uh, whatever thing may be going on in this world with them. It's fine, really!"

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"My thanks, Lady Yvette."

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And three round holes open up on the floor of the temple floating in the middle of the starry void, smoky darkness leaking from each of them.

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"You're welcome. And thank you for the doors that don't bite, Chaos!"

Well, she has no idea which door is the one Zagreus wants, so she'll just bundle up her puddle into a starry blob, and hop onto his shoulder. The one with the skulls. Actually, she can just go into the skulls to hang out, and be nice and unobtrusive. Maybe this is a bit gross, but her sense of what is and isn't gross is incredibly skewed, since she spent a lot of her early time as whatever-she-is throwing up and bleeding starscapes out from underneath her fingernails. And she can clean them of any leftover organic bits if they're not clean. But they're fine, right, he wouldn't be wearing really gross skulls on his shoulder everywhere he goes, right? ... Right?

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No organic bits on or in the skulls, no, sir.

Zagreus looks at the three portals and decides on one of them seemingly at random, then in he goes.

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They travel through a quick void, and Zagreus lands on one knee in a dark chamber of stone sectioned off from what appears to be moving darkness, with pinpricks of light from small crude buildings visible in the distance. Pillars of stone and various vases adorn the place, but it's eerily empty.

Until bells like death knolls start sounding.

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Which causes Zagreus to immediately perk up and get to his feet.

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She has no idea what that means! That's a bit intimidating, she's glad she decided to tuck herself away in the skulls on his shoulder. She reminds herself that she is a scary eldritch abomination from beyond the veil of the world, and there is no reason at all for her to be intimidated by some bells. Mhm. No reason at all. Also she's not hiding, she's neatly tucked away. Yes. That is what's happening here.

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After a couple of seconds, another young man appears. His hair is silver and his eyes are gold, but the most notable thing about him is the enormous scythe he has attached to his back. His chiton is dark purple, held in place by various skull—and wings-themed pieces of jewellery, and has a hood which he has pulled up above his head. Despite this, his right pec, shoulder, and arm are left uncovered. He has leg guards similar to Zagreus's, and is also barefoot, although his feet do not look like they are made of lava.

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"Hello, Zagreus," says the young man. Then he fixes his gaze onto Zagreus's shoulder. "And who's that with you?"

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"Yvette, hi," says the blob of night tucked away on his shoulder, poking a little bit of starscape out from the skulls. "Nice to meet you," she adds, a little shyly. Look, she's intimidated, okay, he has a large scythe and his arrival is announced by a doom bell, he is intimidating.

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"I am Thanatos," he says, simply. "A pleasure to meet you," although it sure doesn't sound it, with the monotone he uses to talk.

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She doesn't particularly mind the monotone, actually. Thanatos, Thanatos, she has no idea what he's the Greek deity of, but the name sounds ominous? Actually maybe she should just look at him instead of being a blob of starscape.

A white-gold iris forms and glows from within one of the skulls' eye sockets on Zagreus's shoulder, and looks at Thanatos.

"Oh. The god of death," she says, thoughtfully. "Though more of a merciful relocation to the Underworld than just making them stop. You must be very busy."

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"Yes, particularly with the war the mortals seem to be having at the moment. Not that any of this ever occurred to a certain cousin of mine."

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"Hey, come on, Than..."

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“Is it just you? For all mortals, everywhere in the world? Oh it is, that’s terrible. What happens when an industrial revolution hits. What if you want a vacation! Do you just leave everybody awkwardly in agonizing mid death limbo whenever you go on a water break?!”

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"Time tends to be on my side," he replies, cryptically enough.

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"Wait, I don't suppose I could get in on that? That would make these escape attempts way easier."

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“It is probably rude to ask someone with a very busy job that requires the bending of time and probably also space to accomplish to give you freebies,” says Yvette, in a stage-whisper. “Especially when you’re asking him to bend time and probably also space to help you break a fundamental rule of part of the foundation of the world. That he is extremely connected to. I’m not saying it’s not a dumb rule that doesn’t need it, just. I don’t think death-as-it-exists-in-this-world is the thing to hit it with. I think if he can’t do his job very bad things happen for everybody.”

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"Well, how about we stop wasting time and get going, then, shall we?"

And as he says that a number of glowing circles of light of various sizes start appearing on the floor around the chamber.

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Naturally, she peers at the glowing circles of light with her eye!

“Oh. They’re not going to calmly negotiate about the way the Underworld should be arranged and who should be forcibly kept inside it, are they.”

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"Nope," says Zagreus, popping the 'p'. He grabs the sword from his hip and stretches a bit. "Come at me."

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Various creatures emerge from the circles. Specifically, a couple of floating torsos and floating skulls, as well as two piles of non-floating but still yellow-with-glowing-red-eyes skulls.

The god of death grabs his own weapon of choice and gestures at one of the skulls.

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The smoky, glowing purple scythe that appears above said skull is probably indicative of something, but Zagreus dashes at approximately the speed of sound towards it and a single slice from his sword is enough to break it to pieces.

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"Showoff," says Thanatos in a volume probably too soft for Zag himself to hear.

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“For the record,” says Yvette in a loud voice from Zagreus’s shoulder, “This is a dumb and inefficient way of working out domestic disputes!”

... but it is admittedly pretty nice to watch two pretty boys kill things with great efficiency. Fortunately for her, she’s a starry blob, so no one can tell what she’s thinking.

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If they have anything to say to that, they are both too busy slaying things to do so.

Thanatos's way of dealing with the wretches is slow but extremely efficient; anything that's still up by the time his mark goes off will no longer be.

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But Zagreus definitely takes a more hands-on approach. He takes a couple of tries to get the hang of the gravity gift Yvette bestowed upon him but once he has he uses it to great effect. The great effect is often dragging wretches out of Thanatos's reach so that Zag can get the kill rather than Than, which obviously makes the whole thing take way longer than it needs to, but it works anyway.

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The first time this happens:

"Are you kill stealing. Are you using my blessing to kill steal. That's so rude!"

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No words, only death.

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Death has words, though: "I have never known Zag to play fair, and would be surprised to see him start now," he drawls.

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"Next time I'm helping Thanatos," sniffs the blob of stars from Zagreus's shoulder, loftily. "Because I know what sportsmanship is."

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"As if Thanatos played fair, either!"

Oh now he can talk.

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"You're just mad because you like my gravity warping effect and you're going to pout when I give it to someone else!"

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"He's the god of death he doesn't need more advantages!"

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"You're the god of life, do you?"

At that point wretches stop appearing.

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"I think he's admitting that he does," she conspires, amused.

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"'Course I do," he says, shrugging and relaxing his posture. "And I'm not god of anything. Twenty-five," he adds.

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"Eleven," sighs the god of death.

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"It was not a fair contest so I, as the unaffiliated and unbiased third party, do not declare a winner."

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"He can kill these things with a look! I have to actually break a sweat."

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"It doesn't matter," says Thanatos, floating over to where Zagreus is, his feet not touching the ground. "Here. Have this," he says, offering a heart-shaped jewel the size of a football also floating above his hands.

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"Oh. Thank you, Than," he says, meaning it. When he extends his hands to accept the heart, it floats towards him and disappears into his chest.

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This is all very interesting to look at! Huh. What a charming and efficient way to transfer power. Also, cute. Does it need to be heart shaped? Aw, are the gods of death and life boyfriends, because that would be adorable!

"What would have happened if Thanatos won?" she wonders, curiously.

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"I wouldn't have given him the Centaur Heart."

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"Is your love that conditional, Than?"

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Probably most people who received a look this withering from the god of death would be significantly more scared than Zagreus seems to be.

"Are we done here?"

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Okay, so they’re totally boyfriends. Cute!

“Do you want company while you’re at work? It seems like it might get kind of lonely, especially if there’s time warping going on. I can tag along with two people at once.”

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"Do what you will."

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"Hey, how come she gets to tag along and I don't?"

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Withering look.

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“Oh, that’s true. Technically you’d be getting me out of the Underworld if I went with you. I wouldn’t want to get you in trouble. I could send a very small piece of me and hand you a binding to it, and you can kill it and send it back to the Underworld if I try to run? I realize you have ultimate job security but your entire pantheon is really touchy.”

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"I feel like it would not be a problem either way, but thank you."

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“Well, you have my permission to kill the part of me tagging along with you if it looks like I’m doing anything sketchy. I won’t, but I understand incentives.”

A tiny mote of starscape separates itself from the greater whole to go float out in front of him where he can grab it! It is very small, and neatly self contained, and ridiculously easy for him to extinguish.

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Sure he can grab that.

"You might want to learn a thing or two from this new friend of yours, Zagreus," he says, before disappearing in a flash of darkness.

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“I’m sorry,” murmurs Yvette, from his shoulder. “To be fair, I also don’t think he can just drag you out. The part of me with him is very small, and you can’t separate like I do, and I don’t think it’d be the thing you want if you’re stuck following him instead of going where you want under your own power. But I think he’d pull you out if he could, and that he’s doing everything he can to help.”

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"Would that he'd say that."

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“... Yeah. But I think he is. Do you want a hug, I’ll even go human shaped for it.”

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"Uh, why?"

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“... be...cause you’re sad and physical comfort helps with that? It is also fine if you’d rather not?”

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"I—don't think anyone's ever offered, before, is all. I think it would be nice?"

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“Yeah. I probably need one too, anyway.”

The blob of stars drips out of his set of skulls to form another puddle on the floor in front of him. Out of the puddle rises Yvette, who offers a tentative little smile and two open arms.

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O...kay. He's not sure how this goes exactly with the armour but he can probably step forward and hug?

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She is quite snuggly, and not apparently made out of goop at all.

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Okay! This is... nice. It's nice. He rests his chin on the top of her head and shuts his eyes for a second.

"Tell me if my armour is uncomfortable."

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“It’s fine,” hums a very happy Yvette, nestling against him. Snuggles! Snuuuuuuggles! She’s so happy.

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Yeah. Yeah, okay, this is. Nice.

"—I should probably move on ahead though," he says after a while.

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“Okay,” she agrees, just a trace sadly. She gives him a little squeeze. “But you can ask later if you’d like a hug, okay?”

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"Yeah, okay."

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She pulls away from the hug to look at him, “And, hey. I’m going to do my best to get you out too, okay? Within reason. I don’t want to break the Underworld completely open and let all of the dead and imprisoned dangers cause mayhem in the mortal realm, but. I thought about it. I will definitely yell at your dad and maybe literally fight him about it. Okay?”

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He laughs.

"Alright. Onwards."

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She melts back into a puddle of darkness and stars, and then hops back onto his shoulder. In the skulls.

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Thanatos's first destination is a war camp on a plain, hidden by rocks. There are tents strewn about, with soldiers standing at attention at the edges of the encampment. He appears right in the middle of the encampment, and starts floating towards a specific tent. Despite his towering, ominous appearance, no one seems to notice him, even when he floats right by their faces.

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Medical tent, probably. That'd be the obvious first destination for the personification of death. What she'd like to do is figure out a way to heal everybody in it and put Thanatos out of a job, but actually she doesn't... have the knowledge or the power to do that. Yet. And besides;

"They just go right back to killing each other if they recover from their injuries, don't they," she sighs.

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"Such is the condition of mortals."

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"What a damned waste. Thank you, for this. I know it probably sucks. Though, to be fair, the minute I figure out how, I'd like to put you out of a job."

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"Death is inescapable."

He floats over to what does, indeed, seem to be the medical tent, larger than most others, and ducks his head to get in. Inside, various beds with patients in conditions of varied severity await, with medics flitting this way and that to take care of them, or writing documents, or just resting.

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"Fine, then I'd like to make your job cushy and boring and meant only for extremely old people after long, fulfilling lives who want to move on to hanging out in the Underworld with all of the cool people," she sniffs.

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Thanatos doesn't reply. Instead, he floats to one of the beds, where a particularly pale young man lies asleep. Although he is covered by a blanket, the volume of his body under it betrays the loss of one leg. His sickly visage seems like it would be sleeping fitfully if it had the energy for fits, but as it is he merely waits.

Thanatos lowers to the ground, dropping to one knee, and puts a hand on the boy's forehead. "It is time," he says, and the death knoll rings, disturbing none but the dead himself, whose eyes open suddenly.

    "Lord Thanatos?" asks the shade.

"You have fought well, and now you shall take your leave."

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Yvette has the good grace and sense to not interrupt. Her tiny little mote of night just stays nestled on the top of his head, hidden by his hood and hair. Warm and small and hopefully some measure of comforting, for the one guy that has to watch every single mortal in the world die.

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He offers the shade his hand, then stands up, pulling the man to his feet as well. "Hermes will be here soon."

The shade nods, trembling a bit, and Thanatos turns to leave.

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Thanatos's head is very snuggled by this tiny warm mote of darkness.

"He doesn't tend to slack on the job, does he...?" murmurs Yvette, a little concerned for lost souls wandering around in the world.

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Thanatos looks over his shoulder and nods in the direction of the shade to show that he is already gone.

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"Oh, good." Head snug!

"Would you like conversation, music, or companionable silence?"

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"I don't have much to talk about."

There's a frame skip and they are elsewhere. A small village, in front of a stone house.

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"And I'm atrociously out of practice! But I can probably still chatter at you, if it wouldn't get on your nerves."

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"I do not have nerves."

He floats up to the door and opens it, and the noises become sharper and resolve into a woman moaning loudly in pain.

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Yvette thinks that statement is bullshit, but it's probably not productive to say so, so she doesn't.

"Hmm. I suppose you must have a high tolerance for things," she agrees.

For some reason, listening to someone moaning in pain sort of distracts from her ability to chatter.

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    They move to a back room where a woman is in a bathtub, being helped by two other women. "Push harder," one of the women says, "I can almost see his head!"

"This might get uncomfortable," says Thanatos in his usual monotonic drawl. "She is not going to deliver the baby. I am meant to take both."

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“Oh, fuck pre-industrial standards of medical care and child mortality rates,” she swears fiercely. She opens an eye to peer more closely at the scene before them. Is whatever’s going to go wrong obvious, and possible to maybe fix on a shoestring budget?

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It's not obvious at first, but given that Thanatos probably did not take them to an hour before the actual deaths—and there it is, the first thing the woman manages to push out is not the baby's head. Or feet. Or anything else; it seems to be the umbilical cord.

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That is not fixable on a shoestring budget. Not at all.

“Does the Underworld have good systems for childcare?” she wonders, softly.

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"We try to keep babies with their mothers when we can."

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“Thank you.”

Sad hair nestle. Okay, so break out of the Underworld with Zag and then go shove some industrialization down the throats of humanity, that sounds like a plan.

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It does not take long for the baby to die after the compressions cut off its oxygen. Thanatos lays a hand on top of the pregnant woman's belly, and then he's cradling the baby in his arms. "I'm sorry, little girl," he tells the baby. It's a very small baby, and clearly a newborn despite the lack of the telltale blood that a recent birth would have.

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Yvette slides out of Thanatos’s hair, hops down his arm, and scoots over on his hand to croon a little lullaby to the recently deceased baby.

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The woman still doesn't know her baby won't come out, but her pushes are growing fainter. The compressions ruptured the umbilical cord, and now she is bleeding rather a lot. "Just another moment and you will meet your mum," he murmurs to the conspicuously silent baby. "They don't cry when they die here," he explains, probably to Yvette. "They don't feel any pain."

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She gives a little affirmative hum against his hand, nuzzling it a little, but yep. She’s still going to keep gently singing to the little baby. It helps drown out the sounds of a woman dying in childbirth, anyway.

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It only takes a minute before the death knell, and Thanatos looks at the woman again to offer her his hand. He takes hers and pulls her to her feet, then offers her the baby. "It's a beautiful baby girl," he says, softly.

    "—oh. She's... I'm..."


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There’s no real comfort Yvette can offer here, as a tiny mote of stars. She’ll just quietly slide back up to return to her nesting spot in Thanatos’s hair. With proper medical attention they both could have been fine, it’s so incredibly unfair and she hates it so much. She was already working on how to transfer power to herself through the fabric of this very structured world with its powerful barriers, but now she’s working on it with great prejudice.

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"Hermes will be with you, for your next abode. I'm sorry it had to be this way."

And he turns to leave. Hermes takes the shade before they can notice.

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“It doesn’t, actually,” she says. “Have to be this way. Forever, I mean, there’s not much to be done about it now. If we come across someone I think I can save, may I try?”

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"...you may, but the Fates might not agree with your choice. Then again, it might be Fated that you would intervene."

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Oh, fuck the Fates, she doesn’t say, but thinks, very loudly.

“Thank you. Is there a way I could know their ruling beforehand?”

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"My sisters are not known to take kindly to visitors. There have been situations when they chose to disclose their designs, but they have all been at their own discretion."

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“Well, then I suppose I’ll just have to act as I think is best, and apologize to them if I have upset any of their plans.”

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"As do we all." Teleport now they're in a big city. "I believe they gave Zagreus access to a few prophecies in which he personally takes part."

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"Huh! How does he feel about that?"

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"You would have to ask him."

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"I will, whenever we're done hanging out in the time weirdness and I can talk to myself again. This is a little weird to experience, it's not at all like the time relativity I'm used to working with. Kinda neat, though."

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"It's the only one I know."

Here's the house of a rich guy who's in bed surrounded by loved ones in his last moments.

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Oh, that's a nice way to go. Good for the rich guy, probably.

"Well, from my perspective it's kind of like most of my mind is opaque to the part of me that's thinking for this little mote, and vice versa. Usually it's more like, uh, some of me has more time to think in than others, but I can see it all at the same time, and the differences in speed aren't very large anyway unless part of me's going much faster than others. And here I'm just neatly cut off from myself. I might be able to fight the thing doing this and have my mind be perfectly interconnected again, but that seems like the sort of dumb thing that will not do anything useful at all, get me into at least one big fight, and maybe drive me insane while I'm at it. So. I haven't done that and don't plan to."

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The old guy doesn't have many objections to being taken, and clearly had made his peace with death a while ago.

After he's gone, Thanatos stops for a while, closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath.

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Yvette gives a little comforting hum from her nest in his hair. Probably what's going to happen next is going to suck, isn't it. He seems like he thinks it's going to suck, he doesn't seem like the type to just take a break between easy jobs.

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They teleport to a battlefield, so the probable answer is "yes".

If the time shenanigans from before were more of the time travel flavour, now the world is decidedly in slow motion. The battle is happening before their eyes, but they can catch the trajectory of each arrow as it flies, see each blow just as it's about to land.

Thanatos has his work cut out for him.

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That he does. Wow. Intellectually, she always knew war was Hell, but, well. Yep. This is definitely more Hell-flavored than the literal Underworld part of her's trapped in, isn't it.

She cannot interfere in a way that makes this all stop. Saving someone's life in one moment does not actually get them out of the danger and horrors of war, or even guarantee they'll last the day. Maybe she'll have an opening or two to stabilize someone that's on the edge of bleeding out, but, well. Probably most of what she could potentially do here is actually going to be a major waste of power and attention that could be used elsewhere more efficiently. And looking around with her extra vision - there are other powers at play here. Gods, and powerful ones. She doesn't particularly want to get their attention, or get in the middle of a divine spat. Probably best to just be Thanatos's little mote companion and little else.

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Definitely other powers, yes, with Ares and Athena being the most prominent ones. They're both present in small quantities everywhere, but if one pays sufficient attention they will notice they seem to be favouring opposing sides.

This might explain why the battle is less one-sided than these things often are.

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The Greek pantheon is such bullshit in so many ways. Who makes two gods of war, of course they're going to fight each other, that's just obvious!

"So," she says, sounding a bit more clinical than usual, "music? I've got some options."

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"Do as you will." He has a job to perform, and he will begin with this poor sod who turned around at the wrong moment and caught an arrow to his carotid.

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"Give a hum if you approve and a grunt if you don't, then."

And then she slides down to perch beside his ear and starts playing him music. Unfortunately for him, she's only got remembered piano music and some more esoteric instrumental pieces written by Yvette herself. Without any real education or theory in musical composition, she thinks they're passable and interesting, but not actually as good. But hey, those piano lessons in middle school sure keep paying off in unexpected ways, don't they.

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He neither hums nor grunts, just moves from one soul to the next: a missed parry here, an arrow to the back there, a sword to the gut elsewhere, two men trampled by their own horses...

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War is such Hell!! Such Hell!! Such pointless, stupid Hell!!! Why are there two gods of it and why are they fighting each other with mortals as their playing pieces!! It's not right, it's not fair, and it's completely horrifying on all levels, what the fuck, Olympians! What the fuck!!

She continues playing music, though. Partly for Thanatos, and partly as something to focus on besides unfathomable rage at the injustice of the universe and the petty, cruel gods that toy with it.

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Thanatos goes at this with practised ease, as befits someone who has been doing this for centuries, maybe even millennia. His face is stone cold, an impassive mask reaping the souls of all the departed, for as long as the battle lasts. Even his kind words are fewer and farther between, here, and with the number of shades being taken Yvette might even catch a glimpse or two of Hermes escorting them to the boatman.

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She's mostly not looking. Zoning out and focusing on musical arrangement seems like the choice that will end with less horrible pointless trauma. She'll notice the lulls in soul reaping, but she's just going to let all of the details slide right by. Thanatos isn't the only one here that can go into a flow state.

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Downswing from his sword and he's damaged the hydra's skull enough that it finally cracks, and its last head crumbles to pieces. "Asphodel done," he says, mostly to himself, as he watches the bone pieces dissolve into red mist.

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"Oh, good, I suppose that means we leave the tiring and cliche lava level. Why is there so much lava here, anyway? This can't be good for Underworld efficiency. Your feet are constantly on fire and you're uncomfortable standing in it!"

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"I think it is technically not actually lava, it's just how the Phlegethon river is."

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"Well it wouldn't be lava anyway since we're underground, it'd be magma, but regardless you see my point, yes?"

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"Yeah." He shrugs. "I hear it didn't use to be like this, but the river overflowed before I was born, so I don't know."

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"Bah. The Underworld's infrastructure must be in shambles, no wonder you're leaving." Her puddle of night flickers over to the boat, and she goes through the trouble of putting her body back together just for the joy of getting to make actual emotes. Being a puddle of starry darkness is fun and all, but it's terrible for facial expressions. Or body language! Like this; she crosses her arms.

"So what's the next place like? Is it the ice level, please tell me it's not the ice level."

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"The fields of Elysium. It's beautiful, and all the great souls go there."

He hops onto the little fireproof raft and on it sails.

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"Hm. That'll be nice, I guess, but then it just makes me more annoyed that all of the Underworld isn't beautiful. I'm going to eat some not-lava as we go, since it's unwanted flooding anyway. Maybe I can use it to power another proper blessing for you."

And with that, she sits down on the boat and dangles her feet in the not-actually-lava to start siphoning some of it up.

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"You're eating it with your feet," Zagreus observes after a couple of heartbeats.

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“My entire body is a decorative construct with added sensations to mimic when I was human, and is therefore arbitrarily shaped at all times. Technically speaking, I don’t have feet right now, because the fire river would melt my construct and I don’t want to bother to figure out how to make it heat resistant. So, yes, but also no.”

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"The type of god you are sounds very handy."

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“Yes. Though to be fair, I have mostly worked around a lot of the unpleasant parts! I used to have a book that hid behind my eyelids, I hated it.”

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"A book?"

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"Mhm. Fancy blue and gold book that looked like it was made of the night sky and sunlight. None of the words were written in a language I would have understood as a human, and there wasn't really.... words at all in there. But I understood what was on the pages anyway. And then once I figured out how to get rid of it, I copied all of the information held within and destroyed that fucking thing."

Her voice is calm and matter-of-fact, right up until the end, which she says with some amount of emotion and relish.

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"Was it... a very terrible book?" he asks, trying not to sound too obtuse.

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"Yes. It appeared behind my eyelids when I closed my eyes for too long and hung there. Touching it at the library was the thing that transported me away from my home and dumped me alone in the middle of nowhere with nothing but a basic instruction manual for how to remake myself and a lot of questions. I do not know where my home is, or how to get to it, and have been searching for literal years now, and I have a family who loves me and I get to spend every single minute I'm away aware that they think I'm dead and don't know where I am. So. Yes. It was a very terrible book." Pause. "... The content was fine, I suppose."

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...okay. He is going to use the new thing he's just learnt about, here. "Do you want a hug?"

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She turns her head to look at him, surprised.

“Yes,” she says immediately, anyway.

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Okay he can—well, she's sitting down, so he sits, too, and hugs her.

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Yvette leans into him, snuggling up and then clinging. Then she gives a little sniffle, and promptly starts crying onto the nearest available shoulder. ... The tears are black and fit her theme of starscapes.

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He can't see them, as they're on his shoulder, but he would find this appropriately aesthetic. He has the instinct to pat her on the back, and the second instinct that this sounds kind of idiotic and he should just hug her.

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Huuuuuugs! Hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs!

“The irony of a god trying to escape his home meeting a person trying to get home wasn’t obvious to me until now,” she sniffles. “I’d say trade you, but.”

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"I don't think you would like my home very much," he says, ruefully.

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“I also don’t think you’d actually like to cut yourself off from everyone you know without any ability to communicate or visit!” Sniff, sniff. “Thanatos would be heartbroken.”

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"He has made his opinion about my leaving without telling him first very clear, yes."

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“Oh, is that why he was so mad at you!” She snickers a little, then nuzzles into his shoulder. “I’m sorry. You must want out of here so badly.”

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"It's been a couple of centuries. I suppose I'm stir crazy. I wonder how Father's direct employees aren't."

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“Do they not get vacations, or is he just that bad of a boss?”

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“I suppose that answers my question, doesn’t it. Uh, designated time for not working and just being able to. Go and do what you like. Travel, spend time with family, lock yourself in your house to not talk to anyone for a week. The use of it varies.”

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"Er, no, no I do not think Father's employees have that."

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Sigh. “Never mind, I want to swap so I can shove employee benefits and the benefits of not overworking your employees down your dad’s throat,” she deadpans.

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"I'm sure the shades would appreciate it."

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“And I bet Hades would have more employees to handle infrastructure problems if they got nice perks for working for him! Funny how that works.”

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Snuuuuuggle. Even though she’s apparently cheered up a bit, she’s still very snuggly.

“Thanks,” she says, softly. Still leaning into him.

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"No problem." He looks up ahead as the raft moves of its own accord. "There we go, Lethe."

And indeed, up ahead there is the view of a more distant river that seems to be made of clouds. Closer than that there is another shore which turns from Asphodel's parched land into green grass, with a large gold and iron gate serving as the only visible entrance to a spiked fence that seems to extend to both sides for miles.

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"A river made of clouds. Huh. All right. .... Is it terrible that I want to eat that too, just out of curiosity?"

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"When the dead drink from it, they forget. That's what it's for. I... don't know what happens to gods. Or to you."

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“Oh. Well in that case, nevermind, I’m not touching it.”

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"You can touch it, just don't drink from it. And here we are," he says just as the raft slows to stop at the shore.

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“I meant more that I wouldn’t absorb it in any form,” she points out, wryly. Then she gives him a squeeze and disintegrates back to a starscape, returning to the skulls on his shoulder. “Shall we be off, then? Let’s go break the pretty place into pretty pieces.”

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"Sadly the pieces all reform after a few seconds," he says, mock disappointed. He hops off the raft and walks over to the gate to push it open, then climbs up the stairs behind it all the way to a temple up a hill. He opens those doors, too, and the inside of the new temple is quite unlike the previous rooms.

The walls and floors are all metal, and there are large bronze cogs jutting out of holes on the ground, slowly rotating. The room they're in is not large, but it's largely empty, except for a few peculiar items by the right wall: a decorative fountain about as tall as Zagreus is, with blood-red water pouring down from one cup to another; a wide, shallow stone basin on top of a stone pedestal filled with a faintly glowing purple liquid; a large glass case with what looks to be a collection of curious trinkets on display; and another fountain made up of a single basin on the ground filled with clear water.

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".... Huh!" she says, golden eyes looking at the array of items before them. "How adorably tidy. I'm rather charmed. Oh, look, the glass case changes for whoever opens it! That's so clever."

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"Oh, does it? I ordered it from the contractor a while ago, it comes in handy."

Zagreus walks over to the clear water fountain, kneels by it, and cups his hands to collect and drink some water from it. Its effects are immediately felt, many of the bruises and cuts he's suffered from the shades his father sent to stop him in Asphodel healing up and even some of the dirt on his skin and clothes disappearing.

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"Did you not know the details of what it did? Huh. Well I think it's brilliant, it must be marvelously convenient for anyone transporting tools for construction work or something." Her eyes turn towards the fountain he drank from. "And, aw. You tired it out. I think it's supposed to refresh shades, not gods, Zagreus," she teases.

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"I'm sure it will restore itself in no time," he says, shrugging and walking over to the purple basin. He looks into the water and his eyes unfocus, as if he's looking at something beyond its bottom.

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“It will, the structure is completely fine. It’s just empty of healing energy and needs time to refill. And the one you’re looking at is a... shop? A very small one.”

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"Yep," he says, reaching into a small pouch attached to his belt for a few coins. He drops them into the purple liquid and they dissolve into nothing, and then a vial tinted blue and red floats up to the surface from nowhere. He grabs it. "Centaur's soul, painfully useful."

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“Like the little heart Thanatos gave you! Aw, but his was better.”

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"His was better," Zagreus agrees, looking away from the pool and blinking to refocus. He thumbs the vial open and drinks its misty contents, and then the vial itself fades away. And now over to the glass case.

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She of course can’t see any of the contents of his glass case, but she does gaze with fascination at it anyway. It’s so neat! She wants to try to figure out how to make something like it.

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After some humming he unclips a little rose-shaped pin from one of the folds of his chiton and grabs a small vial filled with what looks like blood. It's attached to a string, which Zagreus wears like a necklace. "Alright, we're good."

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"Okay! That's to get Ares's attention, right? And the flower was for Aphrodite."

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"Yup. They feel flattered if I wear their trinkets, although uh not if I wear more than one at once." He winces a bit when he says that.

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"... Ah. Yeah. Jealous gods, aren't they. Well if I give you a trinket that will help me more easily find you, I will not be offended if it's not the only one. ... I guess they might be though. If they see it. Which they might."

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"Probably better not to risk it," he agrees.

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She gives a heavy sigh, but does not mention that she may or may not eat like half of the Olympic pantheon if she gets the chance.

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The minor god walks along to the other entrance to the temple, and when he pushes the doors open the sight that welcomes them is a lush and verdant garden with a snaking path amidst the greenery. The river of forgetfulness follows lazily beneath the trees, and there are stone benches here and there for one to sit at and enjoy the breeze.

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"Oh, it is very pretty. ... Why isn't the entire Underworld this pretty."

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"Only the greatest souls come to the Gardens of Elysium," Zagreus recites.

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"... So??? It doesn't diminish the coolness of their VIP lounge for other places to also be pretty. They can be pretty in different ways, even, this is not the only way something can be pretty."

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Shrug. "I think the Asphodel Meadows used to be rather pleasant before the flood."

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"R̗̞̣̟͈̘͘ͅṛ̠̩͔͕̖̀r̞̮͈r̮̹͉̦̕rr̜̙̪r͏̦̻͓̖̦̻͔r̴̦̰̞̙̣̼̺g͙̺h҉͙͇͖͇," she growls, annoyed. It is... not a sort of growl that gods, shades, or mortals can make, though it certainly resembles it enough to be intelligible.

"I'm helping you get out first, but then I might come back and personally fix it."

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...she's a puddle in his shoulder skulls, how in Hades's name did that manage to sound hot.

Whatever. "I'm sure the shades of Asphodel will be very grateful."

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"They will be once I'm done with it, because I will in fact take their opinions into account and take requests!"

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"Careful, you might end up making Asphodel more pleasant than Elysium."

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"Oh no, the horror? Can they not decide to leave Elysium and live in Asphodel, the fancy VIP lounge should not be a prison, that seems very dumb?"

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"I am pretty sure they cannot," he replies, folding his arms behind his back and taking in the scenery. A blue butterfly that reflects the light a little bit weirdly, as if it's made of gemstones, lands on one of the broken stone statues up ahead, making the god smile. "That the barriers that surround the realms of the dead are impassable is the whole premise I am challenging, here, isn't it."

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“True! Just. Ugh. What a shitty VIP lounge, a home shouldn’t be a prison. That’s not how homes work.”

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"I think the idea is more that Elysium is a home... realm... I mean, while they're alive it's not like they can leave Greece, right? There's nothing else, there's nowhere else to go. Well, Olympus, and here, but you know."

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“Mrrrrh,” she grumbles. “I think I want to better understand the constraints here so I can implement better fixes.”

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"Father would... well, no, Father would not, Nyx would say that Elysium needs to be better than Asphodel and Asphodel better than Tartarus so that mortals have something to aspire to to not make their lives miserable to each other."

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“But better is such a relative term! It varies for different people. Yes, broadly speaking Elysium can be better and more impressive and have more cool people to talk to and be more as an incentive for people to be better in life, I guess. It’s kind of comparatively easy for it to be better anyway, since it sounds like there’s much less people. But what about the ‘great’ people that want a quiet retirement with their family and loved ones?”

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"I think the term is usually only applied to heroes and the like. Kings."

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“Do their loved ones come with them to Elysium?”

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"I... think arrangements can be made, but not by default, no."

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“What excellent motivation to be great, never see anyone you love ever again if they were not also great, surely this is an excellent reward that mortals should aspire to in order to be better.”

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"Theseus did not seem to mind," he grumbles.

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"Old king of Athens, great warrior, killed the Bull of Minos to get something or other from the king of Minos, and now they're boyfriends."

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“Oh. ... Wait, did the princess of said kingdom give him some yarn to find the Minotaur, and then did he ditch her on an island the minute everything was solved? I suppose being gay is a decent enough explanation for not being interested, but the most I remember from that myth is how much of an ungrateful asshole the hero was.” Pause. “And also that the queen had sex with a bull in a bull costume. That was also pretty memorable.”

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"I... suppose you will have to ask him about the details. The yarn seems plausible, though I am not sure what that... word... 'gay', that sounds like Greek but I don't think I know that word."

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“Preferring the same sex in a carnal fashion. Instead of preferring the opposite sex, being unconcerned with the whole premise, or somewhere in between all three.”

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"Oh. Is that... a thing mortals do?"

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“Yep! Lots of variance of preference, lack of preference, and libidos.”

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"Huh. Wait, is that also why they do the thing where they only have one partner forever?"

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“... no not quite, monogamy versus polygamy are related, but different. But we’re reaching the limits of my ability to educate you on these topics. I was in my mid-teens when I was eaten by my book, so, like. I was just starting to pay attention to things of this nature.”

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Blink. "Mid teens, isn't that when mortals are about to get married or something?"

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“Oh, ew, no. I mean, yes, probably, in your Greece. But in my world, that’s waaaaaay too young to be permanently tied to someone. And. Trying to have kids. Ick. No, it was like, experimental awkward dating phase where nobody knows how it works but they’re all pretending at each other.”

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"You're an interesting mortal-turned-god, you know."

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“Thanks. Though it’d be kind of impressive if I could somehow manage to be boring, being a mortal-turned-whatever-I-am from another world that’s similar but much more technologically advanced and with an entirely different culture. Because, uh, how.”

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"Fair point!" And there's the other end of the little passage they've been following, a great marble wall with two passages sealed by what look to be giant circular bronze shields half buried in the ground. "Let's see, right or left?"

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“I don’t know. How do you usually choose?”

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"Randomly!" he says brightly.

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“And that works for you and doesn’t get you running in circles? Uh, okay. Left, then.”

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"Sometimes there's a circle or two but no, the local geography always gets you where you want to go even if Father tries to make it a little bit harder for that to happen for me than other people."

He raises a hand in the direction of the left shield, palm forward, and the shield glows then sinks down into the earth. In he goes.

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“That’s... not how geography works in. Any of the other places I’ve been. But. Okay. Sure.”

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"Achilles mentioned that it made him pretty confused at first but he got used to it."

On the other side of the short tunnel they find themselves in a beautiful walled garden, decorated with bronze statues and vases, the walls covered in decorative carvings and peppered with vines. There are a couple of blueish human-looking people standing at attention, holding spears, here and there, and they immediately notice Zagreus and start sprinting towards him. The entrance he came from is immediately closed shut by another huge bronze shield. "Time to play," he says, drawing his sword and dashing forward faster than he has any rights to.

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“Yaaaaaay,” drawls Yvette. Okay, so mostly this is a Zagreus show, because it’s surprisingly difficult to just blast dead things with star plasma until they die, but she can manage to shove them around a bit. She mostly uses this to foil attacks against Zagreus.

But she can take advantage of all of this sprinting to trip one of the spear guys with a little mote of sticky night! Hi spear guy, enjoy crashing face first into this nice lush green ground, isn’t it such a lovely ground to faceplant into.

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These were the great people of Greece, so after only falling on their faces a couple of times they learn to watch for it.

When Zagreus kills his first spear-wielding shade, it turns into a floating black-and-purple flame with an eye, and drops a spectral spear where it was killed. The flame stands there, motionless, doing nothing, but Zagreus nevertheless makes for it and starts hacking at it with a vengeance.

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Well, he's the expert here. If he needs to kill the flame thing as soon as possible, she'll try to give him time to do it. One moment to build up some mass and power and then - boop! Wave of night at the spear guys trying to stab Zagreus in the back while he's busy, knocking them back and buying him time.

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It dissipates into nothing after relatively few hacks, and he's back at the shades with actual limbs.

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Well, then they can just continue this system of theirs until all of the shades that are trying to kill Zagreus are themselves killed. She still can't manage to directly make much of a dent in these jerks, but she's going to get very good at giving Zagreus openings and covering his back while he's busy.

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"This is substantially easier when I don't have to spend half my awareness worried about being stabbed in the back, you know," he says as he deals the killing blow on the last shade.

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"What, is the lack of challenge boring, should I stop?" she teases.

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"No, there will be challenge enough later," he says. He looks around for further enemies and, finding none, cracks his neck and starts looking for useful loot.

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"Ominous. There's going to be another boss fight at the exit, isn't there."

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"...boss fight? Uh, I don't know that Theseus and Asterius are anyone's bosses..."

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"It's a, a reference to a sort of game, don't worry about it. Enemies that are greater in power than ordinary foes, and that are often hard to defeat. So is it just one after the other or is it both of them at the same time...?"

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"Both at the same time. They share the title of Champions of Elysium, and I think Father is making sure I'll run into their coliseum whenever I get as far as here."

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"The boyfriends who slay together stay together," she mutters. "Ugh, two on one though, that's so unfair. I'm kind of glad I'm here to even things up a bit more now, just out of principle."

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"You know, that's exactly what I told them, but Theseus still managed to be a self-righteous prick about it."

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"Lovely. Self-righteous pricks, my favorite. I'm going to hate him, aren't I."

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"I don't know, Asterius seems fine but somehow likes him anyway."

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"Is he some combination of extremely cliché, prone to saying lots of words that don't amount to anything, not particularly thoughtful or empathetic towards others, or infuriatingly dimwitted?"

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"Who, Theseus? He likes to declaim everything loudly to the audience and declare with very precise consonants that I am a fiend from hell he shall exterminate with the gods' blessings."

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"Is he particularly charming about it?"

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"No. He is particularly self-righteous about it. Aha!" he exclaims suddenly, reaching into a bush and grabbing a round red fruit like a pomegranate.

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"I will probably hate him. Oo, what's that?" She peers at it in lieu of waiting for an answer. "Oooooo, nice. A pomegranate that strengthens abilities, it matches the aesthetic very well."

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"You mean there are pomegranates that don't do that?"

He straightens up and resumes his search around the garden while he squeezes the fruit open to start eating it.

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"Yes. Yours are magic Underworld pomegranates. Normal pomegranates are just delicious. I hear. I haven't eaten one."

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"Huh. Well these are pretty nice if you want to try some." He doesn't quite raise the fruit up to his shoulder but the aborted motion was definitely that.

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"In mythology eating food from the Underworld is the sort of thing that would tie me to it forever! ... I have no idea if that's accurate or not. But probably best to let you have it, since you're the one with the god-slaying weapon and I'm unarmed."

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"That sounds like a very strange thing to tie you to the Underworld forever but if it's true I'm in for a rude awakening when I get out, aren't I."

Not finding anything else of note, he walks over to the bronze-shield-door-thing that will take him to the next place. This time there's only one, and rather than a tunnel behind it there's a hedge "maze" that only goes as high as his knees and that is decorated with hedge statues and fountains here and there, as well as the occasional shade admiring it all.

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"Well, I hope you're not. And if your mother disappeared that implies that this isn't a thing, because if she had all the time to go and have a kid before she left, she probably ate something. Not to mention these are myths from another world that have already proven to be inaccurate in major ways, so. Eh."

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"Oh yeah that is a good point, my mother did stay here a while."

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“Yep. Still going to avoid eating any pomegranates, though, because I will be so annoyed with myself if I fail to follow a very basic premise like that.”

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Zagreus strolls through the hedge maze towards the next potential destination, and there they have it, another walled garden that traps them as soon as he walks in. In this one, the bronze statues of archers start shooting ethereal arrows at him. All in a day's work.

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Huh. Well, if the arrows are predictable she expects Zagreus can avoid them on his own, but if it looks like he's about to get skewered by one she can try to deflect one for him.

"Are traps common here?" she wonders, thinking of possible ways to use this.

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"Fairly." Another summoning circle of light shows up and a pink sphere surrounded by pink butterflies emerges. "Oh, one of those," Zagreus groans.

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“I’m going to try shoving it in the trap,” declares Yvette, who emerges from her perch on his shoulder to night-tackle the butterfly ball into some traps.

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"Deeply appreciated!" says the godling, parrying a sword-wielding shade.

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“You’re welcome! I’ll try to hinder the butterflies even if I can’t kill it!”

But she can kill it, right? Just kick the big pink butterfly ball into the nearest trap, it’s easy enough. It’s not like it has any decent footing, it’s hovering in the air.

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Oh yes it is pretty easy to kill if you don't have to deal with the cloud of explosive butterflies it generates to do it.

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And she has the easily modifiable body plan and 360 degree vision to make dodging or hitting the butterflies achievable, and the massive cheating brain space to be able to keep track of them all. It dies pretty quickly!

“Ha! Got it!” she calls, once it’s properly destroyed. Then, back she goes to continue playing support to Zagreus at his shoulder.

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What about those two other butterfly balls that show up though?

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... okay, she doesn’t have the mass available here to properly shove them both at the same time. But she can have a little part of her play bug swatter with one of the butterfly balls, while the rest of her shoves the other one into another trap. The butterflies are small and weak enough for her to directly kill, though it’ll mean she’s too busy to watch Zagreus’s back for things that might stab him in it. The butterflies probably take priority, though.

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They sure do, he can deal with stabbing.

Eventually they have killed enough shades that whoever else his father is sending his way is probably too far to show up right there and then.

"Now for some ransacking."

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“Hooray, ransacking!” she chirps, returning to her designated night storage spot. “Don’t mind me, I’ll leave you to it while I try to figure out something that will actually have any kind of direct bite to it. Unless the coliseum has traps in it?”

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"No, just four huge regenerating statues."

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“Bah. They couldn’t make it easy for me, could they.”

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"Probably not."

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“Fine, I’ll just have to figure out how to blast past your world’s weird magical shielding all on my own. I actually think the fire liquid from the river’s my in for that. Only a bit of it, though, it would be so inefficient if I just spewed not-lava at them and covered half of the battlefield, comparatively speaking I only have a little bit of it compared to star stuff. Besides, somehow I don’t think you’d appreciate everything being on fire.”

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"I am only heat-resistant, not fireproof," he agrees.

He fusses inside a vase for Loot when the sound of war drums can suddenly be heard from all directions.

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Hello, Ares, god of war, you will probably be very helpful about getting out of the Underworld when it's all about fighting, but that doesn't mean she has to like you. She'll just be a quiet little shoulder companion.

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Indeed, Ares's voice echoes in the garden a second later: "Well, cousin, I think I sense quite the bloodthirst around you recently! You are growing into quite the death dealer, aren't you? I like to think my blessings have something to do with that."

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"Oh, don't worry, they don't," replies Zagreus, mostly to himself, rolling his eyes.

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"... Can he not hear you?" murmurs Yvette, cautiously.

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"Not if I don't direct it to him very forcefully and even then it's iffy. Offerings help." He shrugs, and his eyes lose focus as he looks through blessings to pick.

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"Huh. All right. Is that normal?"

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"They have very limited reach here in the Underworld, and Nyx is casting a veil of night on me to make it even harder to see me."

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"A veil of.... huh. Then either it's covering me too by proximity, or. ... No, I think she's shielding me, too."

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"Is she? Huh. Interesting. Maybe she does not want Father to worry."

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"You'd know her motives better than I, I think. I suppose I'll just go with it and not try to disturb her veil with anything particularly big."

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"We can ask her next time I die," he says, nodding.

Onwards to the doors.

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"If you die! Or we could get out and you could live forever, running rampant."

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"Here's to hoping!"

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She peers at Nyx's shield. Hmm. She's already pretty aligned with it, aesthetically speaking, which seems to actually mean something here. Blasting things with power from stars is actually not going to make much of a ripple at all, it's the not-lava that's the one that might disturb it more than she ought to. Which means she needs to figure out how to do exactly what she planned to, which is to say, rely mostly on stored power with the not-lava as supplement to get it to actually have some real bite to it. Well. Glad to have confirmation, she guesses?

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Onwards past a couple more chambers, until they reach one particularly different garden. This one has a small island with an enormous statue of a Greek warrior surrounded by vases. "Is that... Achilles?"

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"I really wouldn't know. Probably?"

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"I always wondered why he was back at the House rather than here, really..."

He walks on.

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And a voice can be heard up ahead, a single voice, taking to itself. "...knew of no one, nothing stronger, other than the love we shared."

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Huh. Strange. Usually shades in Elysium seem either more content, or more murderous. She stays silent, and doesn't interrupt.

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"Was I deceived, in thinking this of you, of us? Well..."

The shade looks up when he sees them approaching, then blinks slowly when he sees Zagreus slowing down. "...go on stranger. Plenty more shades looking to fight with you out here."

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"I'm just passing through. You seem unlike the rest. May I ask your name? I'm Zagreus."

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"Names are there to be forgotten, stranger. You shouldn't be here. May the Fates favour your journey. But just in case they don't..." He reaches to his left, where a few empty cups and a few less empty mugs are, and grabs a mug to offer it to Zagreus. "Here. Why don't you take this? And leave me alone."

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Well, this looks very much like a person who does not like it here in Elysium. Not everyone that qualifies necessarily likes it, here. Pretty though it is.

"... Are you being kept apart from someone? Is there, perhaps, a message we could deliver to them, maybe?"

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"...ah, you seem to have an unseen companion, there, stranger. I do not know that I am being kept in any fashion, but we are apart, yes."

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"Over here. On his shoulder." She makes a glowing golden iris in one of the eye sockets. It just seems polite, even if she doesn't want to be social and have a body. "Where either of us will end up is rather up in the air, but we're certainly not staying in Elysium. So. Can I take a message? Written if you'd like something private, spoken if you'd like for them to hear your voice? ... I can perfectly repeat sounds I hear. So it'd be your voice, just through an intermediary."

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He laughs. "If you ever run into Achilles, then, tell him Patroclus asks why."

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"...if we ever run into Achilles we will be sure to tell him that," says Zagreus before Yvette has a chance to reply.

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"We will," she agrees. "Thank you for the help, and sorry to bother you."

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Zagreus tips his head and accepts the mug the shade has offered, sipping thoughtfully from its contents as he walks through a randomly-picked one of the doors.

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"I'm not actually able to resist saying, 'See??' but rest assured it's not actually directed at you," she says to Zagreus, once they're out of earshot.

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"Whom is it directed at, then, and what are they meant to be seeing, here?"

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"Hades, probably, or whoever's responsible for the current state of things here. And they are meant to be seeing that mortals are in fact sad about being cut off from their loved ones, even if you put them in the nice VIP realm."

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"Achilles would have probably been here if he were not in my father's employ, but that in itself is strange."

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".... Would Patroclus, though?"

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"...I don't know. I had never heard of him before, Achilles never mentioned him."

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"Yeah, that's roughly what I was thinking, too. I've heard of Achilles, but I have no idea who Patroclus is. And if his question is 'why'... It is probably not any of my business but look I'm a compulsive problem solver, I can't help it."

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"You're thinking... Achilles got Patroclus to end up here in exchange for working for my father?"

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"It seems the obvious sort of thing for someone to do for their loved one, that nonetheless separates them and makes them both miserable even though it was with the best intentions in mind! It might not be that. ... If I'm right I am allowed one smug laugh, though. As payment for my brilliance."

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"They would have been separated nonetheless, if Achilles had gone to Elysium and Patroclus had stayed in Asphodel or Tartarus, though." Pause. "Which just adds to your point."

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"Mmhmmmm," she says. Smugly. "But I might be wrong."

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"You don't think you are."

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"I really don't!! Aesthetically speaking it's got 'Greek tragedy' written all over it! But I acknowledge the possibility and do not want to bias you. With how I'm totally right."

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He laughs and keeps walking.

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She gives a little happy hum, then goes back to fiddling with how to directly blast things with the combined might of stars and not-lava.

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They walk; they fight; they loot; they chat. The Fields of Elysium are pretty everywhere, and not all shades living there have agreed to try to stop the Prince. Most of them seem to have, though, or maybe Hades is steering Zagreus towards the more warlike ones. The godling isn't perfect, but he's good, and he manages to go through numerous foes while suffering relatively few blows of his own, many of which are quickly healed by the drink Patroclus gave him, for as long as its effect lasts.

Eventually they reach one final garden just before the Elysium Coliseum, which can be seen just after the foliage.

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And there, waiting for him, is a skeletal figure robed in grey and gold, holding an oar which it presumably uses to row its boat, which can be seen on the Lethe over yonder, tied to a wooden pole sunk into the ground. The figure is standing watch near wooden shelves filled with trinkets, snacks, and other strange pieces, no repeats, no two items alike. It stares at Zagreus without blinking, and waits.

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Yvette is in the habit of letting Zagreus be the first to address people, and then deciding whether or not to chime in after. She keeps up this habit, though she's terribly curious. Is that the boatman, Charon?

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"Hello, Charon, mate," says Zagreus, walking up to the figure with a broad grin and confirming Yvette's guess. "Anything good on offer today?"

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... Huh! That's very intelligible, actually.

"'You'll have to see for yourself,'" she translates, for Zagreus, turning on her eye to look at the boatman. "Hello, Charon. Pleasure to meet you."

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"You understand him?"

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Hͬ́͐̑҉͉͓͍̳̼̜̝̱r̅̿͐҉̹͇̱̰̪̰̟r̃̂̎̇̐̅ͮ̂͏͖̘̯̘n̨̯̺̫̳̲̰ͮͮ̇̆ͥg̲̖̬̦̭͎̹̑ͨḩ̨̻͚̪̲ͥͯ̾̃ͦạ̵ͩ̉̄̊͊ͮ̂͘h̙̲͊ͩ͗ͧ͛̈́̎ͪ͟ͅh̡͖ͥ̔ͩ̔̒̀.̸̗̩̰ͥ̿͗ͧ̓͞͝ͅ.̥̟͙̅ͧ̍̏̕.̸͉͙͋̍̉̏ͭ̊͒ͅ?̗̭̻ͪ͛ͪ͗̓̿̾͡ ̫͈̹̲͚̓̋͟͞K̈͂ͫͥ̇ͦͤͨ҉̹̳̹̼̼̣̣̻͢h̷̠̖͈̭̼̣͒ͧ̋̈́̎͆̚͡ͅh̵͈͚̙̜̓̏ͯ͟r̴͎̰̩̻͓̲͔̥̣ͬ̉̍ͤͫͬ̚r̡͙͎̄́̃͑ͥ̌̀ŗ͔̦̜̝̤͚̦̣̭͆ͮ̊ͭ̓̊ͯ́r̨͇̼̘̲͓ͮ̉ͧ̌̕r̷̗̯̺̯̳̰͙̻ͧ̾̿͆̀̄̑͋͝͝ͅn̻͉͚͕̜̮̪ͧ̌͆͛͘͢n̢̪̲̟͆ͩ̑̎͟ͅͅn̹͇͓̝̯̜̲̳̭̓ͥ̾̕n̢̛̤̺̗̯͆n̵̢̳̭ͦ.̶̝̯͚͓̓̇̑ͧͦ̈́ͯ͘͢ͅͅ.̈́̐́́҉̰̩̼̯̯̞.̷̫̰̮͎̲̠̟̎ͭ̂ͨͩ͠.̨͖̫̖̘̯̥̻̩ͣͣ̐.̶̰͈͈ͨ͛̒ͥ̈̓̓.̶̘̜̇̍ͯ.̸̱̗͐ͬͩ̀̕͠.̈́͏̬̫͕

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"I do. I'm Yvette. I'm, uh. Actually—I̜͈͖̥͍̤̩'͓̘̟̬̞̤͙m͚͉͕ ͍f̳̱̩r̫̣̩̬̭ͅo̰m̫̳ ͇̦̲a̘͎̰̩͍͢ ̤̤ͅm̝̣i̳͔̮̺͘r͙̭r͜ọ̧̪̣̲r̶̪̞̣e̜̩̬̲̝̞͞d͙͓̤͝ ̭̹̘͓̥w͍͎̤̦͞o͉̰̮͇̺̪̝rl̙̘͓̱d̜̝̯̪͙̙͕/E̛̘̖̗a̪̝̩̙̥ͅr͏̱̠̖͍̪̜̯t̘͙̪̫h҉̮̲/̹̖̻̦͟f̱̣͚ḁ̥̹r̡̝̬͓͚̟̗ ̛̳̦͎̭a̳̝̻̩͓̜̬͟w͖̘̹a̹̣̻͇̻̩̣y͇͖̥͉.̹̝̖̦̭"

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Ẩ̸͎͖̫͚̖̫̺ͨͅͅẖ̢̢̖͕̮̅̇͂̾͗̄h̝͊ͣ̏̑̊ͦͮ̓̕h͒̂ͨ͊҉͉̻̤͇͙͉̥r̨̈́̎̊ͬͯ̉ͬ́͏̗̗͖k̩̲̺͙̏̑̓̋̊̓ͬ̽̄͘͝ͅk̛͖̹͇͖̤̉̂̈͆ͥ̓͆͆̃͘k̴̺̼̥͉̈́͋̿̓̚̕ ̯͎̻̊̅ͦ̾̓ͩ͟ẕ̲̬̟̰̱̯̥ͯͬ̈̈͟͞h̫̬̖̤̣̖̒͞͞h̢̟͕͗͋̌̓͑ͨ͟h̊̒ͧ̑͆̎̋͏̷̗̟͈̼̼̙͍ḩ̮͌͆̎͊̇̂̓ͣ͞e̼̺̭̐̂̏́͞ă̶̗̳̲ͪ̆̇ͯͮh͖̱̤̣̞͎̫̋̀͋ͧ̍ͤ̎̕h̩̻̼̙̆̈ͥ̀͢ḥ̰͕̐͌ͯͧḧ̡̬̱͈͖̹͉͒̆͡h̶̦̲͙̠̟͒͑̎͟ͅh́͘͟҉͉̩̣͈̠̦͉ḥ̢̭̜̠͕̖̬̻ͫͮ̏̓ͅ.̲̞̠͇̤͍́ͪ̈́ͦͯ̅ͤͅ

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"Thank you for the offer. I don't think I have any money to purchase them, though, and I... don't think it would be the thing you want if I made my own?"

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"A centaur heart!" says a Zagreus who's been peering through the items on display. "And this, I'm going to bet this here has a blessing, doesn't it," he adds, pointing at a rusted coin.

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"I thought so. And it does, Zagreus. Hermes's."

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"I'll take both," he decides, counting several coins from the coin purse attached to his belt and offering them to the boatman.

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The coins disappear, and now the boatman will not attack Zagreus to the death if the godling takes those two items.

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Hooray for that! She wonders what he wants (or perhaps needs?) all of that money for. Well. It's probably not her business, is it. What is her business to ask of the boatman, though:

"Um. I don't suppose you know the way I go to get home, Charon?" she requests, in a small voice.

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K̛̻̻̲̥̩̥̭̘͔ͤ̈ͫ̊͆̓h̴͎̰̱͎ͪ͗ͣ̇̎̃̽ẖ̱̭̖̍̓͐̂h͖͎͙̲̽ͧ͐̋̈́́͗͘͡t̮̙̜̩͔̝͚͌̈́̽̑̈͜ťͯͤ̽̂͋҉͉͜t̵̥̺̤̲̬̜͚ͧ̽̊̌̀t̥̞̙̯̦̺̖̫̾ͩ́͋ͨ̅̚t͓͇̳̉ͧͨ͆̓ͪͦt̲̗̯̥̾̉̆̏͂̒ͫt̛̐̄͗̒ͦ̔̉́҉̮̣̱̫̭̣̦h̫̥̠͊͒̋̄̒ͤ̀̕͡ë̷̷̫̙̇̉͂̌͊ͥͨ͢eͫ̿͏̘͎͈̗̤ę͉̫̱͙̋ͯ͌̃̕e̸̮̤̤͎̐ͬe͈̤̘̮͒̽̔͟e̶͙̭̺̤͈̳̭͒͑͢͞h͈̹͍̟̻ͮ̄̋̊ͩͭ̋̌̒.̈̓ͧ̉͏̻͈̳̼͖̖̙̝͎.͑̏͌͋̉̉͏̴҉̪̤͚̤̪̲̤.̶͓͕̲͎̹̺̳͕̒̑͝ ̧͓̰͓͓̲͓͓̤ͬ̿̄ͬͅG̓̾̐̋̑̌̅҉̟̤̫͓̗͓͓̫͙͝r̷̬̖̥̞͈̺̜͓̄̋͊́ͯ́̀y͚̭̲͙̽͠y̞͙̫̥͕͊̽̚͟͜͡ͅy̵̟̩̤͇̘̟̓͂ͮͣ̚y̢̰̮̤̹͉͍͊̎̒h̰̥̠̰͎̺̯͂͋ͣ̅ͭͮ̅͟h̷̖͔͖̞ͯ̍h̴̗͛̈̿ͯ͒ͧ̔̀͟h͎̯̺͚̥̰̘̔̎ḩ̗̆ͬͬ͛́h͚͍͓̝͚̹͇̖̬͌̿͂͋ͪ͞.̢̭ͧ̄̽͛̍ͮ͞

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"No need to apologize, thanks anyway. Figured I might as well ask."

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"You, too."

Well, now she went and made herself all sad, that's inconvenient.

"So it'll be our boss battle next?" she says to Zagreus, in an attempt to distract herself.

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"Yeah. Let's see what Hermes has on offer, though..."

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There is a breeze, one not unlike someone just ran past them at a speed so blinding they could not even catch a glimpse of him.

"Hey, Coz! And who's your friend there? Not that you can reply, of course. Anyway, glad you found me in Charon's stuff, here, good on you. Good luck with Theseus!"

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Yvette lets out a little snort, a little amused. He speaks very quickly and sounds like he's in a hurry.

"Doesn't waste any time, does he," says Yvette, charmed.

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"He does not, although until recently I only knew this by hearsay."

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She gives a little affirmative hum, then adds, "Okay, go pick. I think I've got the sun-blast ready. And if not, well, I have practice at playing saboteur without it, now."

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So he picks something, and tries slashing at the air with his sword a bit to test it out. He's noticeably faster.

"Ready as I'll ever be. This run, anyway." Onwards to the coliseum.

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"Well if nothing else, I don't think they know to expect me."

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The gateway of the coliseum is long and dark, and opens out to a large space, a cheering crowd, and two figures standing in the middle of it all. One of them is a man with a confident smile, and the other is minotaur with a very large axe.

"Halt, fiends! You'll go not one step further, while I, Theseus, and noble Asterius, still stand! And stand we shall, for you have fallen before and shall fall again, blackguard! Witch on your shoulder or no!"

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"...Wow I hate him."

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"Told you," he murmurs right back, staring at Theseus. "And hello, Asterius, hope you're doing well."

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"Hello, short one. Get ready."

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"Come forth and fight, witch, or are you content to cower behind a coward? Hm? Well, you have good reason, for you will soon taste my spear—"

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"Okay, wow, no," interrupts Yvette. "I'll come out if you stop talking, especially with any innuendos about spears, how about that."

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"Never, fiend! We all know you fear the truth I speak!"

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"Too late deal made here I am," says Yvette, materializing her body just to get to personally blast Theseus with a brilliant bright ray of what looks like concentrated sunlight.

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The bull takes that as his cue to start sprinting towards them in a decidedly trample-like manner.

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Which Zagreus has no trouble dodging so he can lob a slow-moving fast-spinning floating disc of red blades in the bull's direction, courtesy of Ares.

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Oh, that looks like the sort of environmental hazard that someone should be dragged into! Look, Asterius, you're already close! C'mere, it's time to introduce yourself to the disc of red blades, courtesy of this burst of starscape.

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"My spear will taste fiendblood!"

And then he throws it. At Yvette.

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No he doesn't.

Well, he does, but Zagreus is in front of it in a blink to reflect it right towards the Athenian.

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Asterius is heavy, has lots of momentum, and when dragged to the spikes has a hard time leaving them.

On the other hand, he is a magical dead Champion of Elysium with extremely thick skin so all that does is scrape him a bit. He turns towards Zagreus and sprints again.

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The spear bounces off of Theseus's raised shield, but he does look very annoyed about the whole affair. He summons it back to his hand and then surges forward to Zagreus to personally poke a hole in him.

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Asterius is sprinting again? That's not very smart of him. What if she just skirts a bit of herself along the ground behind him until he's all nice and sped up, and then grabs him and shoves him off course, and at that column, right over there?

And meanwhile she can have her body sink into another puddle of night to skim along the floor, and maybe see about finding an ambush point to flank Theseus with. Zagreus is faster than she is, but she's very agile and can easily change direction if given an opening.

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Well, as the narration mentioned previously, Asterius has quite a lot of inertia, so what he'll do if Yvette does that is crash horn-first into the column over there, and snort in irritation.

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Zagreus will attempt a parry! He will mostly succeed, except for a scratch somewhere on his side.

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And then there is Yvette, who blasts Theseus with a sunbeam from the side that manages to break his irritating smile. Ha! See! That means it’s working!

“Do we want to pick one to bully or keep juggling them?” wonders Yvette, who then blasts Theseus again while talking.

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Unfortunately for her, Theseus now has his shield pointed in her direction, and blocks it entirely.

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In lieu of replying, Zagreus tries to take advantage of the opening to land a blow on Theseus's back.

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Only to be intercepted by a leaping minotaur, who almost cleaves him in half with the landing.

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He jumps out of the way at the last second but the shockwave is enough to send him tumbling to one of the statues.

"The bull, definitely the bull," he finally answers.

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“Not a fan of getting sliced in two?” quips Yvette, who backs towards the pillar Zagreus got thrown into, blasting Asterius this time.

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“We fight together, villains! You shall not tear our bonds of brotherhood apart!”

And then he throws a spear at Yvette, again.

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Who turns to starscape before it hits her. The starscape opens a hole for the spear to pass harmlessly through, before reforming into her construct. This is admittedly mostly just for show, but there’s a tactical consideration besides intimidation. It also helps to keep them focused on the construct instead of all of the bits of ambient starscape floating around.

... but yeah, mostly it’s to look pretty.

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Okay good she can handle herself so he can go fight the godsdamn bull.

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Yes he can.

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The first section of the fight is fairly straightforward. Yvette doesn’t have all that much combat experience, but she knows that, and generally stays out of Zagreus’s way as much as possible. She blasts Asterius from afar when an opening is available, and takes every available opportunity to get out of melee range if anyone tries to get close to her. Since she can shift to starscape and skirt across the ground as a super maneuverable puddle, she doesn’t usually have that difficult of a time getting away whenever anyone tries to close the distance.

But most of her attention is spent being the most obnoxious little shit to Theseus in particular. Not to injure him, just to keep him busy and buy her teammate time. She throws starscapes in his eyes, trips him when he advances, and creates another construct of herself behind him to blast his back and throw him off guard. At one point, she even verbally harasses him to get his attention, though she’s not actually angry enough for the insult to have any real teeth. (“I thought you were the champions, do you really have this much trouble when a fight’s closer to fair?”) Her entire time here is spent leading Theseus, and sometimes Asterius, on a merry little chase around the arena while Zagreus does the real harm.

Needless to say, it’s great fun.

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Whether it is also fun for the Champions is somewhat less clear. Asterius is taciturn, and Theseus is a prick, but they're both pretty relentless. Asterius's attacks start getting some more bite a while into the fight, shooting energy beams forwards and to either side whenever he leaps at Zagreus (or, occasionally, at Yvette, if she looks particularly appetising as a target).

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This does make Zagreus's life slightly harder, but on the other hand Athena's blessing allows him to deflect Asterius's energy attacks right back at the minotaur so ironically it only speeds up his demise.

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Until eventually: "You have... grown strong..." he declares, as he falls to his knees and starts dissolving into red motes of light.

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"Asterius, no!"

And... that is when Theseus proceeds to get angry.

"Fiends! I'll not allow him to go unavenged! O mighty Lord Zeus, king of the gods and master of the heavens—" The air starts to feel charged, the hint of lightning in the air, "—I ask your aid so I might smite my enemies."

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"Oh, fu—"

And then Yvette is blasted with lightning! It hurts rather a lot. More than being blasted with ordinary lightning would, actually, and more than it rightly should. She doesn't actually have all that many pain receptors in this construct! It hurts a bunch anyway! Why this! Why this thing!

"... Ow," she whines, and then snarls and blasts Theseus with a very large sunbeam, because ow, that hurt!

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And now that Zagreus can focus on Theseus it is game on. He sends one of Ares's spinny blade discs and then immediately dashes through and past it and Theseus himself to start hacking at the Athenian hero and sandwich him there.

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He blocks the sunbeam, then twists and sidesteps the young god and the spinny blade disc. His shield stays pointed at Zagreus, and he steps out of the way of the admittedly rather predictable path of the disc.

"Not today, villain!"

And then it is Zagreus's turn to get blasted with lightning.

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Yvette meanwhile is actually still a little bit distracted by pain. Ow, ow, ow ow ow, why did she go and make a target of herself again, she doesn't recall. Oh, look, that's a spinny blade disc, isn't it. Zagreus made that. How about she just, attempts to shove Theseus into it, that seems helpful to do at this present time of no seriously ow.

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This works, briefly, and Theseus's face is a grimace of pain before he changes his footing to charge at Zagreus with a jab of his spear, half a second after the bolt of lightning.

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Zagreus is not literally quicker than lightning but after getting hit by it once he has the presence of mind to jump away from that spot since an attack of opportunity is the obvious thing to do.

He looks slightly singed and annoyed but not like he's in extreme pain like Yvette is, and he immediately sends another disc then leaps towards Theseus to land in a spin, splashing Poseidon's water in all directions.

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Theseus sidesteps the direction of the disc and keeps his shield up towards the splash of water and Zagreus himself, barely being knocked back by the force.

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Yvette is recovering, though she still feels a bit like agony itself. Gosh, what is happening to his footing, there? He’s just sliding right into the disc of blades and whoops is that another sunblast, her hand must have slipped. So sorry.

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“Rrrrgh you cursed witch,” hisses Theseus, and Zagreus gets to eat another bolt of lightning while Theseus decides to go after the squishy caster that has been a thorn in his side this entire time. He spins and lunges towards her much faster than he’d been going before.

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Yvette considers whether or not she wants to keep puppeting a body for this fight or not.

... No, not really. This is dumb and silly, and she thinks it’s tactically smart to go help Zagreus predict lightning strikes instead. Since they don’t need to keep two people busy at the same time, anymore.

She pools all of the important bits of her into the dirt beneath her feet, and she sets a trap in her construct while she retreats.

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“Got you, fiend,” growls Theseus as he impales ‘Yvette.’

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Who smiles sweetly at him. “Did you?”

And then she explodes.

(Ow, why did that also hurt, most of her wasn’t even there! It was just a shell, without any nerves to feel pain with, why does being stabbed hurt! The explosion didn’t hurt! That’s not fair!)

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A suspiciously starry shadow emerges from the ground beside Zagreus, returning to his shoulder.

“I think I can predict the lightning,” she informs him, igniting her golden iris to watch the sky.

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Zagreus's M.O. is and has always been win the game of attrition through sheer stubbornness, so he has been on Theseus's tail throughout all of this, pressing the Athenian with a flurry of attacks, the blade disc, and Poseidon's wave, all the while shifting extremely quickly from one point to the other. Nevertheless, when he hears Yvette ask "Did you?", he finds himself halfway across the arena from her because he is really sure something is about to happen.

Then it happens.




............that was really hot. Damn.

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"... You okay, there? I don't think that got him, he—yep, he just looks pissed off. Lightning, dodge!"

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Zagreus dodges, and he's back on Theseus. He will deal with how attractive that was at a later point, when he is not currently in a battle to the death.

Hey, water conducts electricity, maybe if he gets Theseus wet he can make the hero electrify himself. Or he could just deflect his spear back, one of those.

Or all of those.

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Water does not turn out to cause Theseus to electrify himself, possibly because it's divine bullshit, or possibly because there's just not enough of it present to manage it. Deflecting his spear back definitely works, though. Yvette is very dutiful about giving him a heads up for lightning blasts, and drags Theseus into blade whirlwinds, trips him up, and occasionally sunblasts him, when there's an opening available.

Unfortunately for Zagreus, Theseus is a very skilled and practiced fighter, and Zagreus got to fight his way through all of Tartarus, Asphodel, and Elysium to get here, and a minotaur besides. Theseus also has more reach, and a shield, and the ability to lunge forward with this really irritating sweeping strike that is a bit of a bitch to dodge, and, well. At one point, Zagreus is stabbed. Mortally.

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"Zag—!" hisses Yvette, a half second too late.

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"Fuck!" he says, looking at the hole in his chest. "I wanted to save that for later," he growls, and a swirl of darkness emerges from within his body, pulling him up into the air and then exploding outwards in a shockwave. When he lands back on his feet, the wound is healed, and though he still looks beat up he very much does not look dead.

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"... Wait, what?"

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"Too bad, blackguard. I will slay you again, and again, and again, until you finally fall for good and return to the pits of Tartarus where you belong!"

And then it's back to fighting! Theseus does not really seem surprised by Zagreus's ability to defy death itself.

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It would be bad tactics to let something like that create an opening and whatever his faults Theseus is one of the greatest warriors Greece has ever seen.

Nevertheless, Zagreus is a god, was taught by Achilles himself, and is really fucking pissed off. Yes, Tartarus and Asphodel and Elysium and that damn bull have taken their toll, but their toll is not enough to stop him. Not now, not here.

"You're dead," he says a split second before the blow he lands past Theseus's defense buries his sword in the hero's gut.

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"Khh, why, you..."

And then, just like that, he fades away.

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Zagreus spends a few seconds there, motionless, breathing heavily, before standing straight and letting out one deep breath.

It seems the crowd is cheering.

They seem to be chanting "ZA-GRE-US! ZA-GRE-US!"


That's unexpected.







Not entirely unwelcome, though. He grins and extends his arms up and to the sides, then bows to his audience.

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"Hey, to your left. You have a fan," murmurs Yvette, amused and relieved.

And, yep, right over there, amidst a sea of blue banners with Theseus and Asterius's faces stamped on them, is a little orange banner with Zagreus's face. The shade just above it is in orange, and looks thrilled to pieces.

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He hops on over to that shade and beams up at them.

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He bows again, this time directly to that shade, and says, "Hope you'll come cheer next time! Thanks for your support!"

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AAAAAA they are being DIRECTLY ADDRESSED this day cannot get any BETTER, this is it, this is the perfect day, aaaaaa so exciting aaaaaa!

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Yvette lets out a little giggle. This is very cute.

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And onwards to... well, whatever comes after this. He hasn't been this far before.

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Well, first, once they are out of the coliseum and in the next little waystation room, Yvette remakes her construct so she can hug him!

"Sorry, I realize I didn't get a chance to warn you about my trap for Theseus, that was probably kind of scary? I'm fine."

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Hug! "Oh, no, I have seen what you can do in the previous chambers, I knew you were fine."

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"Oh! Okay, good. Well, I'm glad you survived your stabbing, too."

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"Yeah, uh, about that. I didn't, not quite."

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"... Oh?"

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"I figured out how to—cheat, sort of. A while ago. Erm, I don't really know how to explain how it works. I was taking some of Styx, with me, and now I don't have it anymore, it's returned. Next time I die will be for real."

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"Oh. Damn. Okay. Uh. I guess I'll start working on some way to protect you? What's ahead to worry about?"

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"No clue! First time I've gotten this far."

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"... Great! Okay. Do you have an estimation for how close we are to the surface?"

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"I think we're... there. If I'm right, Cerberus should be waiting for us just up ahead."

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"Really?" she says, beaming. "Okay, well, then let's go!"

Back to her shoulder perch she goes!!

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Past another little transitional room, he drinks some from the fountain and replaces his necklace with a black spiked collar/choker, and onwards to...


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...the Temple of Styx, a walkway surrounded on both sides by the mouth of the eponymous river and whose gate is guarded by an enormous, red, three-headed dog.

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Wow, that dog is absolutely terrifying. Uh. Are they going to have to fight the dog? She'll do it, but that seems, uh. Difficult.

"Think we could maybe sneak past...?"

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The rightmost head looks straight at her—even though it's rather large it is still quite clear that it is looking at her—and starts growling.

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"So it's really come to this, boy?" asks Zagreus, walking up to the dog. "After everything we've been through. Well then, if this is how it has to be, there's nothing left to say. Except for: on your guard!"

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Now both the right and middle heads turn to look straight at Zagreus and start growling.

...but the left one fails to keep the straight face and barks once then starts panting happily and wagging its tail, and the other two can't help but join in, lowering closer to the ground so all three heads are looking at him.

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Which makes the godling laugh and walk up to the left head to scratch it behind the ear and around the jaw. "Sorry, boy, couldn't help it. Who's a good boy? It's you!"

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Wag wag wag.

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Well, of course Cerberus is the family dog. He's the son of Hades. That makes this very easy then, doesn't it.

"Awwwww, hello," she coos.

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Bark bark wag!

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"No, but seriously, boy. I know why you're here. There has to be a way to make you look the other way."

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The leftmost head lowers all the way to the floor and Cerberus covers that snout with his front paws. It whines a bit.

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"Say, I've heard the Temple of Styx up here has a pest problem, what if I help you with the satyrs, would you let me go? Please. I have to find Mother. You know what this means to me."

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The right head whines a bit but the left head opens its eyes to look at him. The middle head makes a long humming noise and then finally barks in a decidedly affirmative fashion, which seems to make the day of the left head who once again barks and licks Zagreus from toe to head.

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"Hahahahaha, yes, okay, I'll take that as a yes!"

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"Awwwww," says Yvette, and Cerberus seems like quite a smart dog, so she guesses she'll come out and see if she can give the great big doggo some pets. First she'll hold out her hand to a nose to let herself be sniffed, because she knows literally anything about manners around dogs, and then she can give the good boy scritches. Right? Yes?

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"Middle and right heads don't like being petted," Zagreus says, stepping away from the left head so she can have her turn.

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But the left head sniffs her hand then pokes its tongue out in a huge doggo grin accompanied by more tail wags.

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"Oh I see, okay. Thank you for helping me navigate the specifics of etiquette with three headed dogs." Scritch scritch scritch, only on the left head!! "Sorry I thought about sneaking past you, I didn't want to fight a big brave scary dog like yourself and didn't realize negotiation was on the table. I was very foolish. I will pay reparations in scritches, though. And Satyr killing." Scriiiiiitch?

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Wag wag wag sllllluuuuuuuuurp.

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She is now covered in hellhound drool. This was, in retrospect, predictable. She giggles anyway.

"Okay, I'm going back to being a shoulder decoration for now, but it was lovely meeting you." That's aimed at all three heads, even though the other two seem to be a bit more work-focused. "Keep on being the absolute best boy!"

And then, fwoop! Back to Zag's shoulder.

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Bork bork!

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"Well, let's see, then," says Zagreus, looking around—and who's there on the side but Charon himself!

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"Hello! I suppose it was both much easier for you to get here, since there wasn't a pair of champions in your way, and that Zagreus is enough of a big spender to be worth all of the trouble."

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Ṫ̶̥͔̲̙̰̠̼͇͕̆̈͠k̋̑̂ͨ̌̚҉̥̩̩͎k͉̱͇͎̪̞̅́́͢h̨͚͓̩̦̓̑̅̈͆̓͜h̷̴̨̤̪̲͎͕̒̈́̆h̷̸͍̖̠̪͐ͅ ̖͍̺ͮ͠ḧ̞ͧ́͠s̟̘͕͍͔̟̥̐̃͞a̛͒͆ͩ҉̞̰h̼̜̭ͭ̂͐͂͆̓̂ͣ̾͘͟͠h͇̳͒ͫ̂̍̋̇͂̎͢h̶͖͚̦͕̳͚͔̘̠̀̄̏ͥͧ̔h̡̺̮̯͒̎ͪ͑̈̐͛ͫh̼̪̻͋ͬ͂ͭ͊͑͑̃͛͘ḧ̫̣̪͔ͨͦ́̇͠h̨͎̺͉̝ͥ̅̉ͦͣ̏̃͗.̨̨̥ͥ̃͐͋́̂ͮ́

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"Oh, well, fair enough. Though uh, isn't Zagreus defying the House of Hades by... running off? There's no conflict of interest against the greater whole, there?"

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Questioning look?

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S̟̙͍͉̿̔̈͐̊ͬ̈́ͧ̅ḣ̴͖̫̱̯̘̬͇ͧ̔̐̐ͧ͢͡ͅh̬͖̞͙̗̝̟͙ͩ̽͋̇ͯ̾͌̂h̗͔̯̼͔̬͈̩̾̈͑̆̕h̸̗̤͓̯̼͊͆̐̒͘ẖͦ̈́͌ͥ̂ͅy͖͓ͧ̓̉͊̉̿̚̚ȇ̾͊ͥͯ̚͏̡̖͖͈̩̩̝k̵̡̖̥̹ͭ̂̆͑̌ͅ ̷̟̹͈̩ͤͩͮ̂̊͛̅̓ͩ́r̷̞̠̳͑̔́r̡̬̩̣͕͌ͩ̈̈͗ͪ̍h̲̣͐̌̐̾ͫ̌͛̀͜h͈̖̲̻̤̬̗̣͗͊̽ͯ̅͞a̴̸̯̟͎̦͍̣͌͟a̡̧̱̖͍͔̜̟ͫ͊͗͑̋͂ͩ̓͛a̰͓̼̦̙̪̦͆͋ͪͥ͛̈̒ͦ͝ä̧̳̱̖̤̙́̾͆̋ͩͣ͗̇͞͞h̗̪͖͙̣̰̗͉̔̓̉h̯͇̟̣̼̼̅ͤ̿͂ͧ͊̏́k̥̖̼̃̃̃͒̽̐͆ͨ̀͘͜k̢̛̤͈̣̘͋ͦͥ͢k̩̖͉̼̘͍͖̞̀͐̄̆̕k̡̥̣̹̣͚̩̩̱͆ͤͤ̎̂̾̀.̥̮̯͇̍̃̐͌ͭ̚͡

Permalink Mark Unread

“He said that he’s here out of loyalty to the House of Hades, and that you’re the prince, so here he is. I asked about conflicts of interest, and he says that Hades is not necessarily correct about what the House’s interests are. Then basically that he thinks you’re right. And, well, I agree, Charon, but I hope it won’t get you in hot water with Hades himself.”

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"Oh. Thanks for the vote of confidence, mate!"

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K̶̼̹̪͖͕̯͍͖ͮͥ͒̇͊̚ͅh͍̭̰̭̞̼̿͊͌̂ͪ̄͛̚h̴̰̱̦̘͎ͧ̏̅͞h͓̦͖̰ͩ̚͞h̵̢̼̖̘͈ͥ̔͛̂͠ŗ̢͖̺͎̩̪͉̮͍ͫ͛̂.̜͖̘͆̓̀͆̓ͯ̕.͖̬̟̟̆̊͒͒͊ͬ.̯̖͉ͮ͊̆̆ͤ̔̿̇ͭ?̓̔͟҉̹̭͓̰ ̘̓̃͛ͭͦ̕R̷̯̟̯͚̈͋a̖̻̅͆̉͡k̷ͧ̇̌͒̀͐̃ͫ̚҉͎͚͙̙̰̫̼h̑̓̎͆̏̊̎̍҉̡̮̟̲͙̹̳̰ͅt̪͉̹̝ͭ͗̾͌̉ͫ̅͒ḁ͙̙̲̳̫̘͙ͮ͗̈́̂̇̌̅̍̾s̨̯͔̻̼̪͍̥ͬ̓̽̌ͤ͂͛̚͜s̛͉̥̀̈ͥ͋̿̒ͫṡ̤͞s̛̜̍̄͛͑͢͞s̈́̃̈҉̙͉̳̬͡.̙͕͚̹̫ͣ̐ͥͫ̽ͬͮ̿̚͜

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“Oh, fine. He was implying that he thought you were right, but did not actually outright say it. Just that you might be.”

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"Well, I'm still thankful. Let's see what we have, here, then," says Zagreus, looking over at the wares on offer. "Hmm, bit pricey, here, isn't it? Sure you can't give a friend a discount?"

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“In his words, he is loyal, not stupid. So that would be a no.”

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"Shame. Maybe I'll find some more obols wherever those Satyr rats are."

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“Maybe,” says Yvette, a little dubiously.

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"We've been finding them in very unlikely places haven't we?"

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"True. I suppose you'd know better than I. It's just a little strange for pests to have money on them. Unless we're ransacking your father's things again?"

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"We are definitely ransacking some things," he agrees.

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"Oh, then that makes perfect sense. Bought everything you want, shall we go?"

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"Bought nothing as I'm short on coin, so yes indeed!"

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"Well, you could have had even more coin tucked away in that robe of yours, how am I supposed to know! If I were royalty trying to run away from home, I would have all of the money on me I could reasonably carry, and lots of jewelry to pawn besides."

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"Charon doesn't accept gems, just obols, but they are not allowed anywhere in my father's House. Or used. And I lose them all when I die. Sooooo."

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"Oh, I see. So you only get spending money by ransacking. What a terrible incentive structure. ... Well? Are you just going to stand there, Zagreus? I'm still a shoulder decoration, I can grow legs and walk but I can't really walk for you."

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He blinks slowly and looks around. "I have no idea where to go, actually."

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Yvette snorts, amused.

"Charon? Do you happen to know where we might find the source of the Satyr pest problem?"

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He points in a specific direction with the hand that's not holding the oar.

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“Thank you very much! Okay, onwards.”

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The direction he pointed in is a tunnel lightly flooded by the Styx, only about ankle deep, blocked off by metal bars. Zagreus steps into the river, his burning feet making it sizzle and bubble, and carefully uses the Stygius to cut through the grates. The blade goes through them almost like melted butter, and then the god has to bend over a little bit to fit under the low ceiling—not quite low enough that he has to actually crawl on all fours, but still not extremely comfortable. But he doesn't let out a single peep of complaint, and in fact looks pretty happy overall.

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Gosh, she sure is glad she doesn't have a body for this! She feels like she has won, here.

Now, hmm, how to make a shield for Zagreus, that's actually not as obvious to her as how to blast things. Knocking projectiles out of the air, maybe? Some sort of gravity well thing that turns things away? This will do absolutely no good for being directly stabbed, which is what happened last time. Damn. This is a hard problem.

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The tunnel eventually gets dark enough that Zagreus's burning feet are the only thing lighting the way, but that's enough to make it clear that the tunnel does not bifurcate for a while.

Eventually it does, though, splitting into three possible paths.

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"Charming. Well, I say right this time."

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Right they go!

"Of course even the sewers of the Temple of Styx would have shifting geography," sighs Zagreus.

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"That seems really inefficient when you're dealing with a pest problem. They can just go to new and interesting places in the ever shifting geography."

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"Maybe someone should suggest stable geography to him as a pest control solution. Would make my life easier for sure."

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"Somehow I don't think your father would find that particularly convincing. Making your life easier, I mean."

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"No but he might just hate satyr rats more than he hates the idea of me leaving."

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"True. How bad are they, anyway?"

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"Never seen one so I guess we'll find out together."

The tunnel opens up to a much larger cavern, badly lit by torches and undecorated except for the vases that are apparently endemic to the whole underworld.

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"Exciting. ... Why are there so many vases. Everywhere."

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"My suspicion is that the contractor just really likes them. Last I chatted to him about renovations I saw some small print options about adding more vases and he squirmed when I questioned it."

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"That's adorable."

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He laughs and then proceeds along carefully.

The cave is devoid of any visible rats.

"I would have expected to have been attacked by now." He waits a beat. "Not even the narrative bait I just dropped here is working, the Fates are slacking." Another beat, still no rats. "Wow."

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"You're going to get swarmed by them at this rate," snorts Yvette.

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"I do need to bribe Cerberus with something." Pitter patter. "Oh okay that sounds like rat noises." He draws his sword and waits.

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"When you're drowning in a sea of rats, I'll be sure to try and drag you out before they rip you to pieces for your narrative hubris."

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"What a way to go. Get past the Champions of Elysium only to get eaten by rats. Hypnos will have a lark at my expense."

There's a rat over there in that corner! ...its ribs are poking through its skin and it's leaking a sickly glowing green fluid. Rather than commenting on that, though, Zagreus dashes over to it and sticks his sword in it.

It dies without fanfare.

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"So what type of flowers do you want at your tasteful funeral, here in this place where no one will be able to attend? I can even play some touching music for you. Say a few words to the leftover rats."

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"Where will you even find flowers?"

Another rat! Half of its cranium is exposed, and the green fluid is leaking from its eye socket. It makes a disgusting screeching noise when Zagreus bisects it.

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"I will make them. I hope you don't mind a stars theme, because it's all I can do!"

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"I had never seen a star before so I think it's actually quite fitting."

As they reach the other end of the cavern, what had from a distance looked like a particularly golden torch or lamp turns out to be a small round stone basin filled with a glowing golden liquid. A fountain in the shape of a plump nymph stands behind it, lazily pouring more of the liquid into the basin.

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“Great! Then we’re agreed.”

She opens an eye to peer at the strange, glowing liquid.

“... Is that... healing? No. Universal antidote. Oh, that’s clever, I’m not sure it’ll work perfectly against diseases, but against poisons it’d be fantastic.”

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"Who... put this here? And why?"

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“Absolutely no idea, but presumably for curing poison. The rats did look, uh, extremely poisonous. And green.”

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"That they did. Convenient." He walks up to the basin to drink up some of the liquid and smacks his lips a few times. "Tastes like absolutely nothing."

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"Would you rather it had a refreshing lemony flavor, or the ability to cure poison?"

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"Why not both?" Zagreus walks over to the wall and kicks it with the side of his left foot, then looks around it some more. "Why would this be a dead end? What's the point of tunnels and a cave in the Temple of Styx?"

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"Lemon flavor might count as a poison. It's protecting you for your own good. Good taste doesn't play into it. And... I don't know, the cave might be a later addition, by the satyrs? But I'm not clear on why you'd want the Temple of Styx to be an everchanging maze anyway, especially filled with vermin."

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"Well, it was originally built by mortals a few centuries ago, I think." Tap tap walk walk. "And I think it only got maze-y when Father made it a more official part of the Underworld. Guess maybe he felt it was appropriate?"

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"Hm... Could also be that he couldn't help it. It might be all or nothing on the mazehood of the Underworld, and to turn it off up here would turn it off elsewhere, too."

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"Huh. Suppose that would make sense, yeah. Wait." He pauses, his left foot still hanging above the floor, and extends his leg a bit forward. "I feel a breeze." So he starts following it.

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"If there's a path outside that isn't past Cerberus, that is a major design flaw and also terribly convenient for our purposes!"

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"The rats must have come from somewhere." He starts following the breeze away from the wall and towards a less-illuminated part of the cave.

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"That's true. Doesn't bode well for the security of the Underworld, though."

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"Well, Father never said it should be impossible to get in." He stops walking and looks down at what is apparently some grating on the ground. "Found ya."

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"This seems like a design flaw. Though I suppose there are stories about heroes venturing into the Underworld to rescue dead loved ones."

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"Bunches of them did that. Or will do that. Herakles, Orpheus himself." Slice slice away with the grating and down into it he goes. It's darker down there than the previous tunnel was even, and Zagreus makes a red diamond appear floating above his palm for extra illumination in addition to his feet.

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“Hrm. Did any of them succeed in rescuing dead loved ones? Because that implies that the dead escaped.”

Oh, light. She can help with that. She separates a tiny more of herself out to make a tiny spark of light above his head.

“Tell me if I should make this brighter or darker. Or make another one and send it ahead.”

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"Oh, sending them ahead would help. And a tad brighter?" Pitter patter "That sounds like rats. Damn vermin. Uh, anyway, they didn't escape so much as Father let them leave. Everyone who's ever left has only done so with my father's permission."

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She brightens the light above his head, and then sends another to float ahead. She even has the light ahead work more like a flashlight than a torch, blocking the light facing him with a darkness and directing it to brighten just the way forward. He probably wants to have functioning night vision.

“Oh. I see. But he’s not letting you leave. Even though you’re his son. I’d think that’d be way more persuasive than ‘Random hero broke in to retrieve dead person!’”

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"Something something shirking my responsibilities, it's not my place, I belong here?"

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“What responsibilities are you shirking? The others seem, uh. I think it’s kind of up to the person, where they belong. I guess gods have things they’re gods of, but Thanatos said you were a god of life, so. Kinda not seeing how it’s your place to belong forever in the Underworld. The place of the dead.”

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"Thanatos just said that to tease me," he grumps. "I'm not the god of anything, I don't think. Achilles thinks I am, but I don't feel like the god of—OW BLOOD AND DARKNESS—!" he suddenly yelps, kicking his right leg forward and sending a small rodent flying and screeching ahead. He jumps on the spot a little, holding his right foot in his hands. "Stupid rats."

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Okay, screw that little rat, can she hit it with a sunblast from Zagreus’s shoulder?

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She can! It dies a disgusting death.

"Why would a rat bite a burning toe. There is no way it was going to survive with its face half melted off!!"

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“Considering how it oozes green, a melted face might have been a kinder end. Alternatively, the green ooze might make it not care about death and just care about biting people. A zombie rat.”

Any other rats to blast? She will blast them.

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None visible.

"I don't think I know that word."

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“It’s a thing from a, uh, set of stories. In my world. Corpses of the dead rise back up and start shambling around, hungering for human flesh. Running around biting things, maybe saying, ’braaaaaaaiiiinsss’ if the story is particularly shallow. Don’t worry about it.”

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"...I think Father would be really mad if that happened."


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"Annoying your father is not a sufficient reason to start a zombie apocalypse, Zagreus."

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Yvette's light up ahead illuminates a curve of the tunnel to the left, and a set of metal grates farther on and above. Soft squeals can be heard from that direction.

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"Traditionally zombies are presented in a zombie apocalypse story, where most of the world has become zombies, except for a rag tag group of survivors that have to get over their differences and try to survive against overwhelming numbers. So. Zombie apocalypse."

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"...what a curious kind of story."

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"Yep. I don't really see the appeal, personally, but I will nonetheless make references to it."

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Zagreus notices the potential entrance into another chamber, and quickly slices the metal bars and jumps up into the room.

"Now this is more like it," he says of the substantially better-illuminated room with many rats visible.

......including one rat that is approximately the size of a horse.

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"Try not to get horribly poisoned," says his shoulder buddy, who then proceeds to start sniping the tiny rats with sunblasts. The big rat seems like it's Zagreus's problem more than hers, and that she should focus on making sure the little ones don't nibble on his toes again.

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He tries!

But his definition of "tries" does not take into account the possibility that the poison (venom?) can affect him just by touch. Which it can.

"Aarrgghhhhh that feels awfuuuuul," he yelps, immediately dashing for the conveniently-located stone fountain with the antidote.

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Okay, while he’s retreating she can buy him some space to get his poison cured, any nearby rats can be flung away from him with bursts of starscape flavored kinetic force. This is less effective at killing them than just blasting them, but she can hit more than one at once and buy him time when they’re all rushing him. Which they probably are, because he’s dashing for the fountain.

“What did I just say?” she teases in a singsong, clearing the way and covering for him as best as she can.

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"How was I meant to know it goes through skin!" he calls before dunking his head into the glowing liquid for half a second. "Aaand back in action," he says afterwards, dashing straight towards and through the horse-rat.

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And back to playing firing support! Pew pew.

"It's bright green, it absolutely looks like toxic sludge that shouldn't be touched!"

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The small rats are easy pickings and by the time Zagreus has sliced the big one enough times to get it to stop moving there are no more of them either.

"Well maybe bright green sludge is more common where you're from." He pokes some rat corpses with his sword and—" Aha! Told you there'd be money here. These rats will eat anything." He destroys rat corpses a bit further and dunks the found gold obols into the antidote fountain before pocketing them.

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"I'll be sure to let you know if I see anything else obviously hazardous that you might think is okay to step in."

She peers at the money that came out of the rats. "That.... doesn't make any sense, but. Okay. Sure. Rats that eat gold coins. That has to be terrible for their digestive systems, but it's not like they're the healthiest creatures anyway, so I guess I won't grouse too much about it."

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"That one ate a rock," he says, pointing at a corpse. "That one had pieces of pottery sticking through its stomach even before you killed it," he says, pointing at another one.

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"Terrible. How can such incredibly stupid creatures successfully survive, much less breed."

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"They're probably only half alive. Being here, they are just between life and death, aren't they?"

This chamber has an actual door so he starts making for it.

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"That just brings up the question of how they reproduce even more, don't they need properly functioning circulation systems in order to, er. Get busy with each other. This makes no sense."

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To that he can only offer an eloquent shrug.

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Well, onwards, to kill more of the nonsensical toxic rats. Yvette will continue being two portable light sources, just for Zagreus.

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And they can go through chambers that are at least loosely inspired by what the original mortal-built Temple of Styx once contained, before it was swallowed up by the Underworld and made approximately just as infinite.

Zag... is not so great at not getting poisoned.

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It's very frustrating. There are lots of ways she tries to help, and none of them work. She tries grabbing a bottle of the poison cure liquid, stored in her eldritch pocket dimension bullshit space, specifically to feed to him through a straw, but it turns out to become inert when away from the fountain for too long. Unfortunately, application of a drink holder sports cap does not help. She tries shoving the poison out of the way with a kinetic blast. It's not very stuck to itself and so, while it moves, it tends to move in a 'everywhere' and 'unpredictable' sort of way, which is distinctly unhelpful. Annoyed, she eventually tries eating it and shoving it into an eldritch containment space, but this predictably gets her poisoned, too, which is so not fair because how does it even make sense for her to be something that can be poisoned. (She drinks the fountain water, grumbling.)

"Zag, can you please try to be more careful?" she pleads, after one of the many times he's been poisoned. "I don't know how to heal you, and the fountain doesn't at all!!"

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"I'm fine, I'll get something off Charon if I need to," he says, rubbing some blood off the corner of his mouth with the back of his wrist. "And I am trying, trust me I do not enjoy this poison thing."

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“I-right, I’m sorry, I don’t mean to snap. I’m just worried. Maybe stand back and we slowly blast everything to death from range....?”

She doesn’t expect him to go for this at all.

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He sighs. "No, it's fine, sorry for snapping back. And... I suppose we can try that but I reserve the right to scrap that strat if it doesn't work or I get too frustrated."

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"Yes, of course. Thanks for trying. Uh," her mote of shadow exits the shoulder skulls and forms back into her more human shape. She offers a shy smile, and opened arms. "... hug?"

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Sure, hug, why not.

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"I suppose taking breaks so you can have a nap and recover a bit while I figure out a way to heal you is probably not going to happen. Or you hanging back while I go scout ahead as a little mote, either," she mumbles, into his shoulder.

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"My father is sure to find me if I stay still anywhere for too long and send a horde of his minions homing in on me."

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"Your father sucks," she grumbles.

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"This is the whole entire problem I am having here, yes."

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"Yeah, just. It's worth saying again. Because he sucks. We'll get you out." Squeeze. "Okay, let's go?"

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"Yeah, let's."

They still have a ways to explore, anyway, and they soon start finding more nasties: the satyrs these tunnels are known for, disgusting little creatures that worship the rats and make poison-coated weapons; snakestones, clusters of souls the satyrs shape into floating crystals that shoot deadly lasers; and bothers, spirits of the restless dead who band together into unassuming ash urns in an attempt to sneak past the entrance of the Underworld and maybe coalesce into life for another chance.

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"It is incredibly creepy to have groups of souls shoved together into objects that shoot deadly lasers. Or launch bombs," says Yvette, from her shoulder spot, once everything is dead. "Why would they want their soul to become a little bomb-launching urn."

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"I have no idea. Maybe they just want to be unobtrusive enough to manage to sneak past Cerberus."

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“And the explosives are, what, in case they’re spotted? To make themselves a new exit in the earth by blowing things up? Bah. I suppose that makes some sense, but I’m still not going to be happy about it.”

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"I do wonder what the surface must be like, that so many want to go back to it... I have my grievances with the Underworld but I would have thought them more personal."

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"Having been to a surface, I can probably guess. Sunlight! Friends and family. Lots of open sky. Plants. Uh, everything not being on fire, that seems like a really good reason, considering."

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"The fire part is pretty recent, it's some blockage downriver, I understand Father is trying to figure out a way to deal with it."

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“Okay, but the river was and always was a fire river, correct? Compared to a nice river of water that you can swim in. Like what you’d find on the surface.”

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"...I suppose so."

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“Oh, oh, you know what would go well with your fire river? Hot springs! You’d get way less shades trying to run if they could soak in hot springs heated by your fire river!” Pause. “I guess getting the water might be a problem.”

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"Surely not, the Styx is water before it... becomes fire."

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"It... becomes fire. Okay. That's. Well I have no idea what to do with arbitrary god physics, so."

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"Are you not basically arbitrary god physics yourself?"

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".... Touché. I have no idea what to do with foreign arbitrary god physics, how about."

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"I am sure you can figure it out!"

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She snorts!

"Thank you for your faith in me. I still need time to figure it out. I definitely did for my arbitrary god physics."

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"Chaos may be able to help. They seem to have more knowledge than they should about pretty much everything."

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“I guess I could go ask! … but I didn’t leave any part of me in Chaos’s domain, so I’d have to find it again. Oops.”

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"They like showing themself to me reasonably often. I think they find the change of pace I provide, what shall we call it, 'entertaining'."

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"So continue being your loyal snarky shoulder buddy, that was the plan anyway but it's nice to have that reaffirmed!"

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"Happy to be of service as your ride."

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Onwards. Nyx has managed to sneak the gods' presence even into here, somehow, and Zagreus gets a little something from Ares to upgrade his magical spinny blade disc (and as an interesting side effect when he's upgrading it Yvette can sneak into it to add her gravity warp effect) and an amazing blessing from Athena that shields him whenever he's running fast enough. He also finds another Centaur Heart that Thanatos must have hidden somewhere here (Zag grumbles about how literally everyone but him seems to just have free access to everywhere in the Underworld), and collects loot.

He gets better, too, at avoiding poison, at avoiding the rats. It's a matter of learning how they move, of understanding the terrain better, and Achilles has always said he was a quick study. At least when it comes to combat, he is. But learning requires practice, and practice requires getting stabbed and poisoned and laser-blasted and exploded at. It takes its toll.

And it's not fast enough.

Zagreus is not fast enough, not a fast enough learner, not fast enough on his feet, not after battling through all of Tartarus and Asphodel and Elysium, not after beating a Fury and the Bone Hydra and the Champions. He is not a fast enough learner to survive this. He tries, he's always trying his best, but despite everything...

...his death comes without fanfare. He's beaten and bloody, he's dripping and sooty, but the thing that kills him is the poison. He's on his way to the antidote fountain, he's on his way to a cure, but what's a cure when the next stiff breeze was about to kill him anyway? His death comes without fanfare, he falls to his knees before the antidote fountain, then to his hands, then to his stomach. His breathing is ragged, and he coughs some blood onto the floor. Tries to get up again—fails—and waits.

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“Zagreus,” murmurs Yvette, reforming her body beside him to hold his hand. She has half a mind to drag him the rest of the distance to the fountain, maybe dump his face into it, but. But. It’s too late, he’s already dying. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t help more, I. You’ll get out, okay?”

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He laughs then winces and coughs some more blood. "I know I will. Just... not this time."

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“I’m so sorry,” she repeats, squeezing his hand.

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"Don't be. Just a failed run, that's all."

One more time coughing up blood... and the river Styx takes him.

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She could try to get out of here on her own. But there was a reason he did most of the fighting even as he was slowly being cut (and burned and poisoned and whatever else) to pieces. She’s actually just much worse at this than he is. Good at buying him extra space to breathe, good at distracting enemies for him or blasting them when they’re distracted by him, but. Not actually very good at being the sole object of attention. But she could try anyway, either see if Cerberus lets her fulfill Zagreus’s deal or sneak past him by herself. Except, no. No, she’d rather not.

The river Styx takes him, and she follows. It’s not the same for her, but it’s easy enough to just keep hold of him and let herself be tugged after him. No dying involved.

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It takes a few minutes for him to reform, for his godly essence to regain its shape and for him to recover consciousness. When he does, he's back at the House, emerging from the same pool the regular shades do whenever they seek an audience with his lord father.

He walks up the steps out of said pool, the blood-red water of the river of the dead sliding off his body and clothes unnaturally quickly, and spots the god of sleep immediately.

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Said god of sleep should have been keeping track of all the new arrivals and all the shades that want to speak with Hades. What he is doing instead is napping. Or was, until he was woken up by the sounds of Zagreus's steps.

Hypnos lifts his sleep mask off his eyes and opens them to blink up blearily at the godling, floating lazily in the air and bundled up in a thick red blanket. He stares for a second, then looks down at a list he carries inside his blankets and whistles when he finds Zag's cause of death. "Satyr rat poison, in the Temple of Styx? Hey, that's a new record! Maybe next time try not getting poisoned, though?"

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"I didn't think of that!" Zag says lightly. "I'll keep it in mind."

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She's mildly tempted to hide in the pool forever, because she feels very dumb for doing this. Bright side; no one has noticed her yet. They could just keep doing that, possibly forever! That'd be nice. Except then Zagreus might be gone by the time she gets bored enough to get out on her own, and that sounds even worse. It's probably fine? She's about to experience some major social anxiety, going from just interacting with three talking people at most to a whole.... hall of people. But. It's fine.

Yvette rises from the pool, steps carefully and quietly up the stairs and out of it, and pretends to be very busy getting all of the Styx water out of her hair. Mhm. Yes. That's what she's doing, there is no social anxiety to speak of.

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Zagreus hears her and, since most shades don't bother with forms that make noises, looks around to see the source. He blinks in surprise. "Oh, hey, you came too."

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That surprises Hypnos, though, and he looks through the deceptively numerous pages of his list before looking up at Yvette. "You're not on my list," he says, sounding more curious than anything else.

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"Um, yeah. I didn't have to, but." She shrugs, looking away. "... Hi. I'm Yvette."

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"Ebuette," Hypnos tries. "Nice to meet you, Ebuette! I'm Hypnos."

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"... Uh. No, that's not how you pronounce... okay, hi. Nice to meet you, too."

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"So if you didn't die, how are you here?"

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"I, er. Followed Zagreus back." Fidget fidget can she go back to being a shoulder buddy she misses that very much. "I guess I could have tried to leave on my own, but that seemed unlikely to work and kind of rude and, um." Fidget fidget.

She'd have felt bad.

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Zagreus himself does not seem like he'd have blamed her.

"Well, welcome ot the House of Hades, presided over by my delightful father. He will have questions now that you are definitely here and definitely not shieldable by Nyx."

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"Yaaaaaaaay," she says, completely without any enthusiasm.

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And perhaps he has heard them, because the towering man with a long beard and laurels similar to Zagreus's on his head yells "BOY!" from behind his desk all the way across the hall. Despite the distance, his voice is loud and reverberating enough to literally shake the walls.

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"And that's our cue," sighs Zagreus, starting towards his father with resignation in his step.

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Oh nooooooo social anxietyyyyy her one true weaknesssss aaaaaaa. Can she melt into a puddle on the floor and pretend she doesn't exist? No? Probably not? Probably that would just be embarrassing to do to this person that she doesn't need or want the respect of, but nonetheless has a very loud shouty voice that makes him scarier than he should be? Whine.

She nonetheless follows after Zagreus. ... While floating. Because that seems to be the done thing here, and walking while dealing with social anxiety sounds hard.

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"Good luck!" calls Hypnos after them with a small wave.

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Before Hades has time to say anything Zagreus preempts him by saying, "Hello, Father, fancy seeing you here. And not, it seems, Cerberus. Is he still guarding the gate? I feel guilty about that."

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"What," Hades replies, "have you brought into my halls?"

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"Why, Father, only myself. I cannot carry any belongings other than my clothes when I die, as you should be aware of by now."

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"Do not play these games with me, boy."

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"It's fine," she murmurs to Zagreus. "Hello, Lord Hades." Would you rather I have stayed up there and tried to escape entirely? she doesn't ask, but definitely thinks. "It's a pleasure to meet you," she adds, even though it isn't.

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"Oh, it talks."

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"She," corrects Zagreus, "was personally invited here by Lord Chaos."

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... Wow, what the fuck. She knew his dad was an asshole, but wow.

She is actually too upset to come up with any kind of snappy reply. Yvette's never been called an it before, she has no idea what to do with it.

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"Your dalliances with titans do you no favours, boy." It's kind of incredible how he always manages to make that word sound more insulting than any actual insults. He turns his attention to Yvette. "Well, then. Who are you and what are you doing in my domain?"

(By now the shades that typically mill about, plus the ones that have come to petition, have all stopped whatever they're doing to watch in fascination.)

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Surely this isn't the first time Zagreus has brought a girl home. No, don't say that out loud, that would make this worse. Probably.

"Yvette Lane, and..." being yelled at and insulted for no reason is also not a good answer. "... Zagreus is my friend, I wanted to make sure he was okay."

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"My domain is all of the Underworld. What are you doing here?" he repeats.

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"Were you not paying attention, father? I just said. She is Lord Chaos's guest, from another world. A visitor, if you will. We should show her hospitality."

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"Chaos chose to leave the world eons ago. What they wish to do wherever it is they dwell is their problem; they have no rights here. I certainly did not invite her."

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"Would that the designs of Chaos waited for invitation, but you know as well as I, Hades, that they are beyond such things," says a beautiful woman in deep purple who looks like the night itself.

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Hades turns his enormous head to look at the woman and frowns. "The rules of this realm are not to be flaunted, not by them, not by anyone," he says, but his voice sounds... tenser. He is definitely speaking to an equal... or more... now.

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"And none have been broken. Look upon this young goddess before you, brought into this existence by Chaos and drinking of the waters of Phlegethon, giving aid to the Prince of the Underworld and following him to the House of Hades over stepping outside of its borders. Do you think she is like to an Olympian, intruding upon a kingdom that is not her own?"

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(... Wait, did she eat the pomegranate by drinking the fire river. Shit, she kind of did, didn't she. Uh. ... At least it's helping the night goddess argue for her Underworld citizenship??? At least that's what she thinks is happening??)

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"Goddess? This creature is not a goddess. She is as different from you or I as Chaos themself is."

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"So said the Titans of their children, and yet deities they were regardless."

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"Well, what is she a goddess of, then?"

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"What am I?"

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"Silence, boy! You have confused matters enough."

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"I'm just saying, if I can be a god of nothing at all, so can she."

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Hades... doesn't have an immediate response to that.

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"Not all gods and goddesses know their domains immediately. The lack of an immediate answer is not its absence. Have patience, and see what this new inhabitant of the Underworld brings."

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"Fine. I have wasted enough time with these trivialities and I do not want to delay my work any longer. Dismissed."

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"Be welcome, child. Seek me out if you are in need of assistance here. May it be as much of a home as you'd like."

And then she vanishes.

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... eep?

"Thank you," she says to the open air, feeling very meek and small.

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And now Zagreus leads the way away because Hades got the victory he wanted, thank you very much, they do not want to stick around.

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(And at the same time, Yvette will suddenly find her separate piece of mind synchronised again.)

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This is deeply confusing and she's glad all she has to do is float after Zagreus.

Part of her just came back from a horrendous battlefield fed by gods, too small to do anything about any of it and screaming from the inside, and part of her feels... like she might have a home now?? She kind of wants to cry, for two completely different reasons.

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Zagreus doesn't walk directly towards the other part of her, not yet, although he does move in that general direction.

He takes a right, though, and (after making sure Yvette is still following) finds the both of them a nook between some vases (there sure are MANY vases here) and statues, a corner with no shades or gods close enough to hear them. "Are you okay?"

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Yvette is still... stuck. She's an Underworld citizen now??? That's scary and nice but she feels disloyal to her own family that she's looking for? Except it's also great because she has a home if she wants it and she hasn't had one of those in ages. But the Olympians are terrible and she probably needs to leave to go overthrow them all? But... but the mortals all end up here eventually and life here kind of sucks for them, and she wants to make it better? Probably it's just more efficient for her to fix it here and then maybe work on tearing down Olympus? And, and, how can she even think about something like that when she just floated there quivering while Hades was being a massive asshole, surely she should be better than cowering meekly at someone just raising their voice!

She gives a little squeak? That's probably a 'no.'

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He can use his newly-acquired skill here: "Do you want a hug?"

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"Mmhmm," she hums, and then she flings herself into his arms to cry. Because feelings are hard and furthermore death is terrible.

("I'm going to go join the rest of me that's getting hugged if that's okay?" says the little mote of her that's nestled in Thanatos's hood.)

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(Thanatos is standing at a balcony, watching the Styx flow and dwelling in his own thoughts, and although the god of death certainly doesn't startle he was very much not expecting conversation right then. "Do as you will," he says in that neutral tone of his.)

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Okay he's not... sure... well, probably it had something to do with his father being his usual lovely self, but he thinks there's more to this crying than just that, so he'll hug Yvette for as long as she needs him to.

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("Okay thanks for having me, be back when everything is less overwhelming," says the mote to Than, and then it skirts back to the rest of her.)

And here she is! Crying on Zagreus! Still not being very explanatory about this!

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That's fine. He doesn't have a time limit to hugs, he's an immortal god.

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“Sorry I just, um. Reconnected with the bit of me that went with Than and. I feel lots of things right now,” she mumbles into his shoulder, still clinging.

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That is... not enough for him to really understand why she's upset but okay.

"Do you want to... talk about what you're feeling? Or just hug?"

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“… the gods up there are awful! They have two gods of war! And they oppose each other!! With people!!! In war!!!!”

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"...ah. Yes. Than mentioned the war... I suppose it only makes sense that something that would give him as much of a headache as this would have the Olympians involved."

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“And so I kind of want to overthrow them except I also just spent the last ten minutes cringing from your father and fighting them is probably super dumb when the Underworld itself is as messed up as it is and it catches everyone anyway, and. And I maybe have a home now except does that make me a bad person for not holding out for my family????”

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"I... I really do not know. You said not all of you is here...?"

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“It’s not but the night lady was being very welcoming and had some very good arguments to make and Zagreus I totally ate the pomegranate even after I said I wouldn’t!!!”

Yeah she sounds overwhelmed.

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"Ate the... I think maybe you need further hugs."

He will provide.

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"Proverbial pomegranate. In actuality, I drank the fire river because it made no sense and I wanted to understand it. But. But still!! I totally did the trope!!!"

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"...and that... oh you mean what Nyx said? I don't... think it means you cannot leave. Like I can't."

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"Probably not, I tagged along with Thanatos just fine, mostly I'm just frustrated with myself. Narratively speaking."

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Zag smiles despite himself. "Okay."

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"I don't feel particularly trapped, just! Ugh! I'm dumb!!!!! I'm dumb even when I say I'm not!!!!!" Lean. "... Than's nice. I like him."

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He starts petting her hair, stops himself, then resumes it. It's probably fine, right?

"Yeah. I like him, too. We've been friends for... for centuries."

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"...... wait are you not dating?? I thought you were dating! Or, or, I don't know, the Greek equivalent where everyone says you're dear friends when actually they mean boyfriends and you're fucking!"

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Zagreus splutters. "What? No, no, we're not—what gave you—did it look like we—"

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"Yes! He dips out of his very busy job to help you and gives you hearts, Zagreus!!"

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"Are... the hearts significant somehow? I give him gifts sometimes, too!" Pause. "This is not helping my case is it. I give lots of people gifts!"

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"In my culture, yes, but I suppose it's different here. Do the people you give gifts to regularly get into killing contests with you in a way that is totally flirting, Zagreus. Do you joke about their love being conditional with them. Because I thought I had great evidence that you two were together!!!!!"

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"Well, we're not, we've never—I mean, not that I'd say no—would I?—no, I don't think I would—do you think he would say no? Wait, do you think he wants it, was he—"

Okay it is now time for Zagreus to be the overwhelmed one, here.

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Yvette snorts.

"I think this is probably all stuff to figure out with him instead of me," she points out, amused.

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"...you've never tried talking to him about anything that might be even slightly uncomfortable, have you," he says, pursing his lips in amusement. "He just vanishes into thin air."

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"Aw. That's adorable and also incredibly inconvenient. Have you tried writing him a letter with all of your feelings in it and handing it to him so he can figure out how he wants to respond in privacy with time to think?"

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"...one, no, and two, I don't know what my feelings are, I'd never—considered—we've been friends since always! He's been around since I was born, it never—occurred to me—"

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Pat, pat.

“Well. I recommend figuring those out first, and then deciding if you want to be patient while he poofs away if you sneeze too hard at him, and going from there.”

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"Augh! Well! Thank you for pointing out how obviously my relationship with the god of death is more complicated than a regular platonic friendship and I had never noticed it before!"

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"You're welcome! And good luck." Then she giggles.

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"Very amused, aren'tcha."

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"Yes. That is why the giggling."

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"...you know what?" he says, releasing her from the hug and starting to march back whence they came. "I'm going to go talk to him right now."

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"Okay. Do you want me to give you some space? ... I suspect he'll want me to give you two some space if you're going to make romantic overtures at him."

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"But his reaction will be hilarious. ...I think he'll disappear either way but you may be right that he might say more words before that if you're gone."

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"Mhm. I'll... go find Nyx, I guess. Good luck."

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"Thank you."

So he makes his way towards the little balcony that watches over the Styx but then notices the shade of Achilles standing at the hallway and stops to say, "Achilles, sir, please do not let me forget to talk to you in a bit, I had something I think would be of interest to you to say."

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"Hm? All right, lad. Congratulations on how far you got, while I'm thinking about it. I'm proud of you."

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...well now he's all warm and fuzzy. "Thank you, sir. It means a lot."

Then he turns around and resumes his trek to his potential future lover.

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His potential future lover is standing at his usual spot, arms folded, feet on the floor rather than floating. He gives no indication that he notices Zagreus's arrival, but Zag knows he did.

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"Hey, Than."

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"Hello, Zag."

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"How was it with Yvette today?"

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"Few words today, huh?"

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"Are you going to say what you came to say, Zag?"

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"You mean I can't have just come to enjoy one of our nice if unreasonably short little chats?"

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"You can, but you didn't."

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Zag grins and takes a couple more steps towards the balcony to look down at the river, too, folding his arms behind his back.

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"Well, out with it, then, I don't have all day."

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"And yet here you are, waiting."

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"I can go away if that will make you happy."

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"It won't. Hey Than, what do you feel about me?"

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"I feel like you are a selfish, insufferable prick who has far too much fun with your words."

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"Mmhm. Selfish. Was that because..."

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"You know why."

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"Hey, Than?"

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Thanatos huffs and turns around to glare at Zagreus, arms still folded. "Yes, Zag?"

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Zagreus returns the gesture, turning on his heel to also face Thanatos. "I like you."

...yeah. Yeah he does. He's right. He wasn't sure before he said it but... yeah.

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"Well, that's obvious, isn't it? Why would you be pestering me so much, I'm pretty sure you're more used to stabbing people you don't like than just annoying them to death."

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"I mean I really like you. In a... more than friends way."

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"I... okay i didn't plan this far ahead, I thought you were gonna have disappeared by now."

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"Zagreus, what's gotten into you?"

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He runs his hand through his hair and tries again: "Yvette pointed out... a couple of things. To me. About how you... behave around me. And how I behave around you. And how we don't... act like... just normal friends."

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"There's nothing normal about us. Is that all?"

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"Than, I'm serious. I—look, okay, I have had five minutes to think about this, and I think it would have taken me much longer otherwise to really notice it but I've noticed it now and I don't want to hurt you. So: I think I like you in a romantic way, I think I probably liked you like this since way before—"

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"Great way to treat someone you like, leaving them without notice like that—"

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"—and that's a big part of how I noticed, okay, you—you came for me anyway, didn't you? I think some part of me knew that you'd come, or just expected that you would, because I... I can't imagine a world in which you're not there. You know? I think that was sort of my mistake. I just... assumed you would be there. But I didn't ask and I should have. I know I apologised, but I think I didn't do it right. I'm sorry for not taking your feelings into account, and for not realising that they are important to me and meaningful in what decisions I make."

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"Why are you telling me this right now."

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"Because I know how this story goes otherwise and I don't want it to go that way. So... I don't know, maybe you don't feel the same way about me. But if maybe you do... if you think you could... maybe we could skip the little game of cat and mouse we've been playing and just give it a shot. What do you say?"

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"I—I have work to do."

And he vanishes.

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...well, that was, in fact, more words than he'd expected. He'll count it as a win.

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Yvette meanwhile goes to find Nyx. Because... she doesn't really know anyone else here, and Nyx seems like she's nice? Probably?

She turns into a little puddle of night and goes looking, because being person shaped might give people the impression she wants to talk, which: no. No she does not.

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"Hello, child," says Nyx, when the puddle reaches her.

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She reforms her body and looks up at the (much, much taller) goddess.

"Um. Hi. Thank you for, er. Petitioning for my Underworld citizenship. I appreciate it."

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"I said nothing that was not true. You are closer to Chthonic than Olympian, and the Underworld will always have a home for you."

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".... may I hug you," mumbles Yvette, who is back to having a lot of feelings again.

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"Of course, child," says Nyx, and she opens her arms and embraces her.

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"I'm really really glad to have a, a home, though I'm. I have another one, and a family that misses me besides, so I can't, er. Just." Sniffle. "Stop looking."

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"... Child. There is something about your nature that you might not be aware of. What do you believe to be the circumstances of your condition?"

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Why does she not like where this is going.

"Uh. I was human, poked a book, got eaten by it, and wound up somewhere else?"

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"Exactly as you were?"

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"... Well, no. I was, um. Different."

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"Have you considered the possibility that you were the book, remade in the image of the human who touched it, and not a human turned goddess and taken far away to be abandoned?"

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"No, I can't say I thought of that!! What does that even matter if I am, I'm—I'm still a person, I'm still..."

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"You are. It does not put into doubt your value or position, and if you do not believe it matters, then it does not. My point is not to injure. But I do not think your once-family lost the girl they knew as their daughter."

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"You think they just. ... Got an extra one."

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"I do."

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"I... okay. I guess that would change how much it matters that I get home. I. How do you know?"

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"Hades was mistaken when he said you were more like Chaos than myself. You are a strange being, made further from this world than even Chaos has ventured, and out of stranger substances besides. But I am the goddess of the night. And you, child of the infinite void and boundless stars, are more clear to me than most of even my own kind."

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"... Right. Uh. I'll... keep that in mind."

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"Do with it what you will. But I believe it would be a disservice to keep it from you."

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"Right," repeats Yvette, inanely. "Uh. Thanks. I'm. Going to go find Zagreus now."

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"Be well, child."

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Yvette melts back into starscape and flees. Again. To find Zagreus, so she can hide in his shoulder skulls again. She should probably process this or do some soul searching or self-investigative journalism or something, but. That sounds so hard, and she mostly just wants to hide.

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Zagreus is walking back at a leisurely pace when she finds him, a smile on his face and a spring in his step. He spots the puddle and waves at it.

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Shloop! Into the shoulder skulls goes the puddle.

"Hey," she says. She does not want to deal with her shit right now. "Soooooo. How'd it go?"

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"He didn't say no. After getting on my case rather a lot he vanished but I managed to get a lot of words in before that. I think it went well."

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"Aw. I'm glad."

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"How about you? Did you manage to find Nyx?"

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".... I did, yeah."

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"...do you want to not talk about it?"

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"Not... really, no. It wasn't bad, just, um. She. Gave me some things to think about."

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"Well. I hope they turn out to be good things. Do you want me to introduce you to Achilles?"

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“Maybe later. Can I just be your quiet shoulder buddy for a while?”

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"Sure.—I do want to tell him about what Patroclus said, though, if that's okay. You don't need to come out."

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“Yeah, absolutely, go ahead. He should know sooner rather than later, just I uh. … want to hide again.”

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He pets his shoulder skull.

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And back to his mentor, the greatest of the Greeks.

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He'd probably argue against that characterization.

"Hello again, lad."

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"Hello, sir. ...I'm not sure how to segue gracefully into this so please excuse me for the lack of grace. I met a shade in Elysium called Patroclus, and he told me to, should I ever run into you, ask you why."

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"I, you've met him? How is he...? No, nevermind, it's not any of my business. Not anymore. 'Why'...? I... am afraid I cannot say. Not because I don't want to, but. There's a confidentiality agreement I'm under that I don't dare break. Just... I was a fool. But my foolishness should not damn him, too, understand? I suppose that's... the closest I can get to why."

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"I... see? If, sir, may I ask, who... is he?"

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"A good man. A wise man. Wiser than I, certainly. ... I loved him. Love, I should say, because I still do. And always will."

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Oh. Oh. So he's the one... Achilles said, a while ago...

"I see. I will... let him know of your words, if I run into him again."

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"I... appreciate the thought, lad, but things are a bit more complicated than that. It's for the best if he just forgot about me."

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"...sir, he... He was sitting right by the Lethe. He could have if he wanted. And..." Gods, how do you bring this up. "He had a statue. Of you. It was... very, very tall."

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".... Ah. That... does have certain implications, doesn't it." Sigh.

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"I think he still cares very much about you, sir."

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“You’re set on this, aren’t you lad.” Sigh. “I must warn you not to bring any of this up with your father. You know how set he is on sticking to every letter of a deal, and at least this way Patroclus is in Elysium."

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"I am very good at not telling my father things," says Zagreus, tapping the side of his nose.

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"Heh. Yes, I suppose he's earned no loyalty from you, and you have had quite a lot of practice. Well. Then if you must send him a message, then. Tell him I'm sorry, but this was the best that I could get. For both of us. And send my regards, and... all my love."

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"I will, sir." Zagreus ducks his head in farewell and walks off; he feels like probably he should not let Achilles think about that for longer and change his mind again. Count his victories, and all.

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"So what I took from that is that I need to get a job from your father and talk him into the value of employee time off and letting them visit loved ones," says Yvette, wryly.

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"Is it?"

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"I don't see another obvious way to do it," unless she fights his dad and becomes queen of the Underworld but she's not saying that out loud, "And I do actually want to try and make the Underworld better. Especially Asphodel, with the flooding and my ability to eat the not-lava."

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"I just don't see how you could do it. What's in it for father?"

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"A more efficient workforce? More people willing to actually work for him? People are actually worse at their jobs when they don't have the ability to take time off. Statistically. They're people, not machines, they like being treated like them and they're more willing to commit to something if they feel like they can trust the system they're committing to."

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"Maybe but if they are physically forced to keep working regardless they don't need to want it."

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"You can spend all of the effort required to force your workers to do the exact parameters of their job, but that's a lot of wasted effort, and furthermore, people are useful when they're not being forced to do things? As they are, I mean. If they feel like they can figure out better ways to solve problems with less work, if they can talk to each other and compare what they're doing in each of their jobs and gain different perspectives on, I don't know, paperwork organization schemes and the like, if they can go, 'actually this job you're asking me to do is dumb, this isn't even necessary for anything you want,' everything becomes a lot more efficient! I don't have the statistics here to prove any of this, but I can and will get them and show your father that it is actually more efficient. Thus why I kind of think I should get a job from him."

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"...well, good luck. When I say 'physically forced' though I mean the contracts themselves are self-enforced, to be clear. They can't... break the contracts. Even if they try to."

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"That's horrific and I hate it!" she says, extremely brightly. "But you can't physically force them to go above and beyond in their job, can you? Just fulfill the bare minimum of it. Otherwise the Underworld wouldn't be as much of a mess as it is."

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"Right. Pretty much. Do people... do that?"

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"..... Yes?? Yes, of course they do that. You like escaping, don't you? Imagine if that were your job. Finding security flaws in the system and exploiting them. Would you put your all into doing that?"

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"...I don't know. Maybe? But if I managed to get out I would just want to... stay out."

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"That's fair. I guess some other situation that uses your skills properly and were fun, and furthermore also your job, but topside. Adventuring around, slaying beasts and saving people, or something."

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"That... would be fun," he admits. "Do people do that up on the surface? As a job?"

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"I mean, I don't have a very good perspective of the surface at the moment? I was hanging out with Than and he sees the decidedly unpleasant parts of it. But according to the Greek mythology I know, there was a lot of... heroing around, slaying great beasts that were threatening cities, pulling off impossible feats, maybe saving a maiden or two because mortals currently don't really see women as people. And if nothing else, there definitely are wars, and there are all kinds of innocent noncombatants trapped in the middle of those. Being menaced by monsters that call themselves mortal."

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"Oh, I suppose Achilles himself was a hero. And Herakles. And," sigh, "Theseus."

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"Right. So presumably you'd fit in okay up there, too."

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"Does anyone feel that way about paperwork?"

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"Mmm. Maybe not the same way, but some people find it less irritating than others. I'm fine with paperwork, personally, though I get very annoyed if it's dumb paperwork. Which is in itself a useful thing, if someone tolerates paperwork that isn't dumb, but doesn't if it gets too... bureaucratic and stupid."

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"Well, good luck." Zag walks by the lounge, sticks his head in to check whether there's anyone there, and moves on when he sees no one. "Meanwhile I am about to give it another shot." Into his room he goes, and he makes a beeline towards the enormous wall-covering mirror. It seems to simultaneously reflect too much and too little, eternally clouded in darkness that seemed like it shouldn't allow anyone to see anything yet showing every detail with almost more clarity than real life.

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She’s distracted from whether or not she’d like to be a shoulder buddy during his escape by the work of art in mirror form before her. In function, though its form is lovely as well. “… Nyx made that, didn’t she. It’s beautiful.”

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He nods. "She did. It's—it helps me grow stronger, though Nyx tells me that it can give me nothing that I would not otherwise have been able to get myself. It just... speeds things along."

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“It gives enhanced self reflection. She’s right, it’s not doing anything you couldn’t do yourself, just. Making it easier.” Also, to her, making it super obvious how right Nyx was about her origins. But mostly: “It’s so pretty.

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"It is," he agrees before letting his gaze drift into the endless void of the mirror.

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She is his quiet shoulder buddy and wrestles with her complicated feelings for a while. She can wait until he’s done before thinking out loud.

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He's back fairly quickly. "Not quite enough Darkness to get anything fancy.—uh, basically energy lying around in the Underworld that I can smuggle back here which helps power the Mirror up."

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“It doesn’t do that, the mirror isn’t the one that is being powered up, but. Close enough I guess.”

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"Is it? I didn't ask too Nyx deeply about it but now I'm curious."

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“You are becoming more powerful by trying to escape the Underworld, but it’s. Its you? You’re getting stronger because you’re… being yourself. Playing to your strengths and your divinity.”

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"...okay I'll just pretend I understood that."

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"You're the one gaining power. You just figure out what to do with it faster with the mirror's help."

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"What's the 'Darkness' thing then?"

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"I'm... not entirely sure! Stray power of the Underworld, going spare? I wasn't looking at it very closely when you picked any up last time, do you tend to get it incidentally as you do other things?"

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"Yeah. It—when I look at the mirror there is a... cost... to things? And some things cost more than what I have but whenever I come back here I have more of it. So I assumed it was just coming with me. But I don't... grab it with my hands or anything like that."

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"Well. You could be picking it up, or you could be making it, or it's a tidy measurement that will let you easily quantify everything going on with you."

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"So long as it works.—and it does, I can do a lot more than I could before."

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"Then there you go! Hmm. I think I'll come along with you on your latest escape attempt while I, um. Think about things."

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"Okay. ...think about what?"

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"Um." Pause. "So it turns out I... might never have been human at all. Probably. I probably have never been human at all. I just sort of. Copied a human very, very well. Which doesn't make me wrong about myself, exactly, just. Um..."

She trails off, then adds in a small voice: "... This is likely the first home I've ever had."

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"...oh. Well. I've never been human either. And, uh... welcome home, then? I can't imagine you wouldn't fit in here."

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She gives a little sniffly giggle, then materializes next to him. Hug?

"Thanks. I um. Yeah I. Kind of do, don't I."

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"Got the darkness theme and all," he agrees, hugging her. "Also the glowy points which you called stars, right, there's those. I like them, didn't expect glowy points would go well with the darkness theme but they do."

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"Thank you! I am very light and darkness themed. Naturally, I mean. I think I might mess with my form to look slightly more chthothic and culturally appropriate! I am weirdly tan and pink in comparison to everyone else. And in pants. No one else seems to be in pants."

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"Pants... Is that Greek? I don't think I've heard this word before."

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"Of course you haven't. Well. They're the things on my legs I'm wearing. The word itself may or may not be Greek, I can't quite tell, or it might be, uh. Greek from my—er, the world I copied instead of this one."

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"It sounds like Greek, anyway," he says, pulling back to peer at her pants. "Huh. That's... not your skin."

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"It's not! Did you think it was?"

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"Yes! It's shaped like your legs!"

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"I guess the confusion is my fault for wearing something close to skintight. Did you think I just. Had pockets attached to my hips??" She motions to the aforementioned pockets.

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"I will confess I did not give much thought to the intricacies of how any given form you are choosing to take is shaped other than 'pretty', you seem to have a lot of control over it!

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"You realize this just justifies wanting to figure out a more culturally intelligible form even more. If you thought I was running around with freaky pocket legs in. What, a too short tunic and a jacket?"

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"Something like that? I'm still not really clear on which parts of you are you and which are clothing, actually, the 'pants' threw me for a loop there!"

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She gives a little short.

"Okay, well. If it's not the pinkish-tan color of my face? It's clothes. Or my hair. I am consistent."

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"Oh! Okay so you are in a lot of clothes that I've never seen."

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"Yes. I am extremely clothed. Amused and a little embarrassed that I could be mistaken for being not extremely clothed, actually."

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"Maybe the mortals would be more used to pants. I do know they care a lot more about clothes in general, they are usually wearing a lot of stuff when they're not bathing or sleeping or doing difficult physical things? I guess it makes sense, they probably need protection from, er, cold and dust and things?"

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"My copied human's culture had a nudity taboo, so. Yes, protection from those, but also prying eyes," she snorts.

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"...eyes? People do not like it when you look at them? I... don't know if our local mortals have that."

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"Looking at my face would be fine. Arms, legs, feet, hands, all fine. But other parts! Sometimes not fine. Genitals are for alone time with special people. I don't know if your local mortals have that either. But mine did!"

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"But... why?"

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"Uh. I... don't know. Cultural indoctrination? It being the norm?" She gives a little helpless shrug. "Not being divinely hot?"

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Zag lets out an undignified snort. "I don't know how much divinity has to do with that! Have you seen Achilles?"

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"I have seen Achilles! He is hotter than average for mortals." Pause. "... By a significant margin. Possibly being dead helps, I don't see why people's shades wouldn't get to be as hot as they want instead of having little mortal imperfections and wrinkles from aging."

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"I suppose he was also half god. ...his old mortal lover did not look half bad either, though."

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"Well, maybe he set the bar with his prettiness before taking a partner. Maybe Patroclus is hotter as a shade than he was when alive. I don't know. I'm just saying that as I understand it, the average mortal is not as aggressively hot as just about everyone I've seen here is."

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"I suppose Orpheus is not, ah, divinely attractive."

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"There you go. A lot of the mortals Than's seen haven't been divinely attractive either, but. Also most of them were kind of dying at the time, so. ... Reasonable for them to not be at their hottest."

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Zag grimaces. "Yeah. Uh. Yeah."

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"Sorry. Too dark?"

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"No, I mean, they all come here. I just... got reminded of how they all have to come here. And then can't leave."

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"Yeah. Kind of why I want to get a job from your dad so I can improve the place."

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"Mmhm. That would be nice."

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"Yeah. But I think I'll stick with you while I'm thinking. At least partially, anyway. I'll leave part of me here in case I want help with designing my shiny new Chthonic form from someone besides you."

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"Sounds good. Well. Ready to go, then?"

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"Hmmm." She sections off a bit of herself to go do something else. ... Hide under Zagreus's bed, actually. She still doesn't feel like being social with anyone but him. Then the rest of her disappears into starscape and returns to his shoulder skulls.

"Ready!" she announces.

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The other door in his bedroom leads to a spacious terrace with a view to Tartarus. A few choices of weapons are floating near an edge, and the glass case with the godly trinkets has an instance of itself there.

    In the middle of a terrace there is: a skeleton. Animated. It perks up at the sight of the god. "Hey, boyo!"

"Skelly! Good to see you."

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She should probably announce herself. Okay, yes, she can do that. This is clearly a friend of Zagreus that is supportive of the whole escape thing. She lights up a little eye from one of the shoulder skulls.

"Hello! I'm Yvette, nice to meet you."

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    "Oh! Hello there! Got a new friend to help ya?"

"Sure did!"

   "More is always better. Say, new friend, what do you think of beatin' me up?"

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"... n...o?" she says, confused.

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    "Aww, not even a little bit? Gets a bit stale, I mean, you know boyo here can spice things up but it's not the same as a whole new person!"

Zagreus is just grinning here, don't mind him.

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".... is this a kink thing...?"

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    If a skull can look confused this one does. "A what?"

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"I... Nevermind. Not at this time, thank you."

This talking thing? Yeah, no. Eye goes dark and she can resume hiding.

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"We're just passing," says Zagreus now that the amusing part is over. "I'll crack your skull once or twice later, though."

    "I'll hold ya to it, boyo!"

With the amused grin still on his face, Zagreus makes his way to his glass cabinet to look for a godly trinket.

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She is so confused. So, so confused. So quiet and confused.

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Eventually the godling decides to go with something that looks like a rose, if roses could ever look so completely perfectly unblemished and indestructible. He raises it to his chiton and it shifts into the form of a pin—the same one he'd been wearing when Yvette met him.

Then he jumps over the surrounding railing.

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... The presence of the rose makes her a bit nervous, for some reason. Which is strange, because she's seen it before, but. ... Now it's different. For some reason. But that's silly and doesn't make sense.


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He lands, an imposing (and closed) gate to the House of Hades behind him, the river Styx to either side, and the way to Tartarus ahead.

And right there, waiting for him, is... a small dead plant, grown in a crack in the austere stone of Tararus, having lived only long enough to die. It's... out of place.

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Mmmmmm that plant makes her nervous too! Why nervous in this particular way, too, it's like she's being confronted with a crush and doesn't know any of the right words to say—


"... The small plant is also Aphrodite's, isn't it," she guesses. "And the rose you carry attracted her attention."

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"Yes. Wearing her trinket, I attract her attention, and this is her. I felt like... after talking to Thanatos earlier, and with you around, she would be... thematically appropriate."

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"Oh! I guess so, yeah. With me around... you mean because I pointed out that you two were clearly more than just friends?"

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"Yes, and also because you are really attractive and I want to flirt with you a bit by proxy."

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Zagreus laughs and walks up to the dead plant—

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—which suddenly blooms, growing from dead leaves into a glowing flower as tall as he is. The air buzzes, not with static but with... with... It's like the smell of roses if smells also had a tactile component to them, if aphrodisiacs could talk to your soul.

Aphrodite's voice echoes. "Oh, hello, little godling~ I see you have had a little major breakthrough in your love life, haven't you? I'll let you in on a secret: you have not been rejected. Well, not yet. You'll have to work for it, though; little death is a flighty one, and always in such conflict with his heart, the poor thing. I think you'd be good for each other.

"Ah, but of course I shan't forget about your new friend, there, hello to you, too, dear! You are much more aligned with your heart than darling Thanatos, that's for sure. I know you'll figure it out in time, and I can't wait to see how that goes."

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(How can a flower be hot??? The flower is hot and she's so confused!!!)

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"She still can't hear us even here with her keepsake," Zagreus says conversationally as his eyes once again get that glazy lack of focus they do when he's looking at something that is not there. "Even while making it easier for them to see us I would still need to expend power to get back to them."

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"Nhh, but, that, um!" she squeaks. "NevermindI'mcommittingtohidingunderyourbedfornow, good luck escaping!!"

And then she flees.

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He is perhaps taken a bit too much by surprise by this to really reply but he smiles and waves as she goes.

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And thus did the eldritch goddess from outside of the world go and cower under Zagreus's bed. AAA. Does she want to hide here after being flirted with?? No, probably not, that seems like it has weird implications! Can she think of a better hiding spot? No, not really! Will someone try to talk to her if she tries to find a new hiding spot? MAYBE, so moving is CLEARLY IMPOSSIBLE.

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Funnily enough, after a fairly long while of silence someone does show up in Zagreus's bedroom! "Death approaches," drawls Thanatos as he appears in the bedroom with his telltale bells. "—oh. You're not Zagreus," he says, looking straight at Zagreus's bed.

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"Hi, I am not," she agrees, from her puddle under the bed. "He scared me under here and I couldn't think of a better place to go hide instead because I don't know this place very well yet."

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The god of death lands onto his feet and folds his arms. "Zagreus scared you? He is probably the least scary person in the Underworld including all of the shades."

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"Well you see," she says, a little defensively, "he flirted with me! So. So. ... I'm hiding under a bed."

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"...I see. He does have a habit of doing that to everyone he meets, except for me. Until recently."

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"Wow, really? That's so rude."

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"I... would not have described it that way. We thought we were brothers, until recently. Not... that that would stop many."

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"I guess that... does make it awkward, yeah." Cough. "Congratulations that you're not brothers?? I guess???"

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"We are not mortals. Such matters are not that... important. Not when we live forever. And we were not really raised together. I was born centuries before him."

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"Okay, but if it's not important then why did you bring it up as an explanation? Then you're only using it when it suits you."

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"I didn't—it—it matters to whether it's rude. Not to whether it's—common, or allowed, or expected."

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"Oh. Fair enough, I guess. Just. ... Okay so I legitimately thought you two were together when I first met you!"

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"So it was you who pushed him to, to... to say those things."

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"... Sort of??? I think 'pushing' is the wrong way to phrase it?? I didn't make him or pressure him and I don't know what he said, mind, I wasn't there, I just. Expressed my incredulity."

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"... You seemed very together!!!!!! You two regularly get into cute killing contests that seemed very much like flirting!! I really did just think you were boyfriends!"

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"...ah. I see. And he... liked the aesthetic. Or the idea. And wanted to make it true." Sigh.

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"... No I think he actually just likes you!"

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"I... mean, yes, he, he might. But with Zagreus, those things are... often the same thing."

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"I, don't, I'm. Not the person to be talking to about any of this. And I'm hiding under the bed, do I seem super up for debating someone else's relationship status?"

She sounds a little despairing.

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"Sorry. I sensed someone here and I thought it would be him. I will leave you alone."

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"It's fine I don't actually want to be alone alone I just." Whine. "I am so tired of having hard conversations. There have been so many."

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"...I could take you with me to work again, if you want."

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"Mmmm work sounds hard too, then I'd have to figure out if I can steal anyone from you? ... Can I come with you and you go dramatically look out onto the river Styx in perfect silence or something? While I hide inside your hood? ... Would that be keeping you from work??? It's fine if the answer is no, but. ... I would like a better hiding spot than under Zagreus's bed."

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"I can... take a short break. 'Dramatically looking out onto the river Styx in perfect silence'."

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"Awesome. My plan had been to be a quiet shoulder buddy to Zagreus while he ransacked things but then he flirted with me and brought out a rose from Aphrodite to get her attention because apparently it was topical, and. ... Yeah."

Flicker flicker, here is a very dense little bundle of starscape! Hiding in his hood.

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Guh-dong and he is now at his usual spot, watching the river.

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Yaaaay! Company! Without the difficult talking bits! It's a little boring but she can amuse herself with working on her new Chthonic form.

"... Do you mind if I play music?" she requests, after a little while.

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"Do what you will."

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"Okay. Let me know if it's terrible and you hate it, and I'll stop or change it to something you like better," she snorts.

And then! Music. Composing it is soothing. And she gained such practice at it when she was distracting herself from the horrific battlefield of death with him earlier!

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He does not react in any way to the music and continues staring at the river flowing beneath the balcony.

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That's fine. He's here, and she has reassurance that she's definitely not alone anymore. She just wants company. Quiet, uncomplicated company.

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Thanatos can be two of those things but probably Aphrodite is right that uncomplicated he is not.

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Okay, yes, but he's not being complicated right now. He's keeping her company. Which counts as 'uncomplicated' for her needs.


"... Hey Thanatos?" she says, after some length of time and a satisfying musical conclusion to the latest piece she was working on. "Thanks. I realize I hadn't said it, but. I appreciate this."

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"...mm. You're welcome."

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Companionable silence! Then, a little shyly:

"... Do you um, want to weigh in on what my shiny new Chthonic form should look like? I mostly just want fashion advice, I'm pretty attached to the shape of the body."

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"Your... what?"

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"Oh. Uh. So I've been entirely a glob of starscape around you, but I can actually have a proper body with a face and everything. And... Nyx made a very good argument that I am. Super Chthonic and have a home here. So. I sort of want to look the part? While still looking like myself."

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"I... see. Show me?"

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She exits his hood and forms into a puddle beside him, then out of it rises her in progress form. Here she is, looking a little self-conscious. She gives him a little smile anyway. Dressed in a peplos of pale gold that matches her eyes, with some deep purple trim and trappings to offer some visual variety. The style is a little evocative of Nyx's fashion choices, but with significantly less accessories.

Pale gold is not a traditionally Chthonic color, but. ... It works for her.

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And traditional or not, it is a colour Thanatos himself favours.

"You look... good."

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"Thank you," she says, shyly. "But yeah I probably need some fashion assistance if I have any hope of not just. Directly copying Nyx. How do I accessorize in this culture! Everyone seems to wear lots of jewelry!"

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Death incarnate raises his right hand to the level of his eyes, clicking the tips of the fingers of his sharp gauntlet together. "And you don't like that?"

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"I mean it's not bad it's just I don't... quite know what to do with it. Sort of like my hair. I don't know what to do with my hair, either."

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"—wait, you are not leaving your hair like that on purpose. You. Ah."

Aaaaand now he's looking away and blushing. Blushing gold, it seems.

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“… what? Is there a cultural meaning in my hair that I don’t know about, here?”

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"Ah. Maybe? It's... you don't put your hair down unless you are in private, in order to... to..."

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"To...? Wh—but Achilles has his hair down! I saw! Plenty of people don't have their long hair up!"

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"Men. ...and Lady Aphrodite."

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"And Lady...? ... Have I been running around with sex hair. Is that what I've been doing."

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Blush blush blush "Yes."

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"Augh!" she cries, and then buries her face in her hands.

Her hair pulls itself up into a tidy bun at the base of her neck, completely of its own volition.

"I helped Zagreus fight Theseus and Asterius like this!! In front of a crowd of onlookers! I have been following him around with sex hair this entire time why did no one tell me!"

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"It can be... a stylistic choice?" he tries.

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She gives a little pathetic whine.

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"Zagreus walks around these halls naked all the time," Thanatos adds. "It would not be... unheard of."

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"Oh, so there is some kind of nudity taboo here! ... Zagreus is just apparently a terrible barometer for these things!"

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"Ta... it's not exactly a taboo, I would say. It just... has... meaning." Pause. "Unless it's Zagreus or Lady Aphrodite, I think they just don't care. Maybe Lord Zeus and Lord Poseidon don't, either."

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"I'm going back to being a puddle now," she grumbles, and then she turns into starscape and collapses into a puddle on the floor.

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"Puddles do indeed not have any meaning attached to them," Thanatos days, nodding sagely, perfectly serious except for the slight twitch of the corner of his mouth.

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"Excuse me," she says, mock seriously. "I can bubble with obvious meaning, thank you."

And so she does! Bubble bubble. See, she can emote as a puddle.

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Thanatos looks away, covering his lips with a hand. "My apologies, you are very expressive."

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"And don't you forget it!" Pause.

"Augh. I was also running around in pants, too, apparently Zagreus just thought they were my legs!! May I hide in your hood again, all of the social embarrassment is coming back to me all at once."

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"You may. ...what are pants?"

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Into the hood she goes!

"Cloth that wraps around the legs individually instead of both at the same time."

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"Oh. Those. Greeks don't wear those but some other people do."

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"Huh. All right. Well, I can come up with culturally appropriate clothing for if I ever leave the environs of Greece."

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"Greek mortals are very opinionated about these things."

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He shrugs. "Pants are only for barbarians. Women must not fight in wars, even when one of the gods of war is Lady Athena. I don't remember whether the hair thing was us or them but it is now... very entrenched."

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Snort. "Oh. I see. ... Now I'm a little tempted to be aggressively nontraditional just to make a statement, but. I think that's just my inner spite talking."

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"I think if mortals were the type to be persuaded by gods then Lady Athena and Lady Aphrodite would have done the job centuries ago."

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"Quite. And I don't particularly want to be running around with coded sex hair and then asking Lord Hades for a job."

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"...you want to ask Lord Hades for a job? Being associated with Zagreus would not help with that. The only reason I still have mine is because no one else will take it."

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"So the Underworld seems to be a bit of a mess? And I would like to help it be... less of a mess. The flooding in Asphodel in particular I could help with, it turns out that I can, er, absorb the waters of Phlegethon. So."

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"Hmm. That has been a headache of his for a while."

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“Right. And I have a very mortal perspective, and, well… there are honestly just some obvious ways that things could be run more effectively?”

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"Lord Hades would not take kindly to being called ineffective."

The upturn of the corner of his lip suggests he is not in disagreement, though.

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“I can make it a positive thing about improving efficiency instead of making it about his pride,” she snorts. “Would that be more palatable?”

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"No," Thanatos says with the kind of finality only death incarnate can muster. "...but you could frame it as taking on the jobs no one else wants to. He will tolerate proactivity if it actually helps with the hard things."

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“… Sure,” she grumbles, irritated by this framing. “I also expect to be amazing at paperwork, if that matters at all.”

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"Might buy you some leeway," he says, shrugging a bit. "...I could put in a good word for you, too. He and I have an... understanding. Of sorts."

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“That would be nice! … but only if you really mean it, I’m not interested in my personal pride. I just actually want things to be better for the people that live here.”

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"Which makes you better-suited for this than just about everyone else here."

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“… Well. Fair enough,” she says, a little shyly.

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"I think the only people who have ever expressed an interest in making things better rather than making them work, here, have been Lady Persephone and Zag. And you, now."

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"... Wow. Really? That's kind of sad. I bet a lot of shades want to help make things better, they just... can't interface with this system."

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"That's part of the issue, yes."

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"Mm. Well. I suppose I start with offering to help with the flooding of Asphodel, and go from there. Is there paperwork I need to do in order to do that? Because I bet Lord Hades will not appreciate it if I just go and do it without explicit permission and everything in perfect order."

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"Yes. Although Nyx would be your best bet at figuring it out, I believe she is the only one who will remember about any specific pieces of paperwork other than Lord Hades himself."

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"Okay. I'll ask her for help. I like her, she's been very nice."

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He nods, and folds his arms to stare at the Styx again.

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He's a very cute god of death. She doesn't tell him this, because he seems easily embarrassed, but it's true.

Companionable leaning! As a small little starscape blob. She absolutely does not see what he sees in the Styx at all. She can pick out some shades floating in it, but. It's not nearly as interesting as people watching or something. Mostly she works on figuring out a hairstyle. Some of the mortals she saw when she was tagging along with Thanatos had various non-Nyx hairstyles, maybe she can borrow from one of those. Though she didn't pay much attention to the construction of them, so, hmm.

"Take me with you next time you head off to work, please? I want to get hairstyle and fashion ideas. ... And also steal people from you, but. I mean. I can multitask."

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"...sure. And speaking of, I should be getting back to work."

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"Works for me," she says, brightly.

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The little bundle of starscape nestles comfortably on his shoulder.


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Back to the war, back to feeling Athena's and Ares's influences making this all much messier and bloodier than it needed to be.

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She hates it! It's terrible. She wants to overthrow the gods a little.

Mostly she's not going to interfere and focus on playing music again, because yet another god adding in power to draw this out sounds like it'll make things worse, not better. Still, she has more power to work with for this stint as death's shoulder buddy, so she can in fact save people. Mostly the ones that are likely to actually survive the day and uninvolved in the thick of the fighting, instead of the ones that are in the middle of it. The medical tent can have many of her blessings! The men there are unlikely to immediately jump back into battle. Also civilians that get caught in the crossfire, she will save the hell out of any civilians.

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Thanatos fusses a bit the first time she does this, watching her target's lifeline get extended before his eyes with his breath held. After nothing bad seems to happen for a second or two he relaxes and goes on with the rest of his... unit of time.

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Excellent! Then she's free to gleefully steal some people from him. When it won't make this war immediately worse.

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There's one... who looks quite beat up.

    "L-Lord Thanatos," he says, looking up from his death bed. "I'm gone, then?"

"Not quite. It's not as bad as it looks." He inclines his head to let Yvette at the boy. Covered in blood almost head to toe, and already lost a lot... He would die, without help. But his wounds are bandaged and not as deep as they look, and his lost blood can always be... replenished.

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Oh, uh. Yeah she probably owes this guy some kind of explanation, considering he's literally seen death himself. A lot of the others weren't conscious for this and couldn't ask questions.

"Hey," she says, and she properly materializes her Chthonic form (with hair up) beside him as she gets to work. "This is just a brief meeting with him. Take it as a reason to live life to the fullest, yeah?"

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    "M-my Lady? Who...?"

"Think of this as a second chance. And maybe get away from the Olympians' playground."

    "My Lord?"

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"The war. Done, you'll live. Do your best to see that it's a long while before you see Lord Thanatos again, hm?"

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    "I-I—...yes. Thank you."

Thanatos nods and turns around. Guh-dong.

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She gives the almost-dead man a little smile, then fades into starscape and follows after Thanatos. Onwards!

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A timeless period passes, as it does. It's never clear how long it goes for. But the god of death himself must have some sense of it, for eventually he stops and says, "...I am going to go check on Zagreus."

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She's getting more used to this. It's still absolutely terrible and heartwrenching, but it helps a lot to save people.

But yes, she will not turn down a break. It's kind of astonishing that he can handle this so well, since he has to watch each and every mortal die.

"Sounds good. Take me with you? I did say I'd help you next time you got into a contest with him."

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"Sure. ...I do throw the fights, half the time."

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"Really? Why?"

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"If I wanted I could just kill every shade at once. It would be... unsporting."

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"That's fair. It is more fun if there's a bit more of a balance. Then do you not want me to use my gravity powers to drag shades into your death circles?" The last part is a little teasing.

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"...no, I do, let's make it a challenge for him."

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"I am happy to oblige!"

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"Death is inescapable," he says with some finality as he arrives in Elysium.

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"Than!" says a beat-up looking Zagreus, lighting up like Christmas came early.

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“And me! Hi, Zagreus.”

Is she suddenly nervous now? Yes. Is that going to show? Hopefully not!

She does feel a little bad about not helping him with this escape attempt, but. … but he flirted with her!

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"Ready, Zag?"

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"—what, seriously, after what I said?"

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"Beat us and maybe we can talk later."

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"Both of you?"

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“I did say that I’d help him next time around!” she says, brightly.

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His hand tightens around the hilt of his sword. "Bring it on," he says, and by the time the first shade shows up it has already been split in two.

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She feels complicated things, but it is still nice to watch two pretty boys kill things. And she’ll try not to think too hard about any of this right now, because feelings are scary and she doesn’t want to.

To no one’s surprise, her gravity effect dovetails nicely with Than’s circle of death.

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It does.

But now that she's fighting on his side, she might notice that when he said he "threw" the fight, maybe what he meant instead was that he got too distracted watching Zagreus melt through the ranks of his foes with more ferocity and grace than even Lord Ares himself would manage.

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And regardless of whether Than could actually kill every shade in sight instantly if he wanted, he does not, and actually Zag just straightforwardly wins, "Forty-three" to Thanatos's

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"Twenty-one. You're getting better at this."

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"Or maybe I'm just very, very motivated."

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It’s kind of hilarious that Thanatos is too distracted watching Zagreus to really get properly into the contest.

But also: wow she feels awkward and superfluous here, she kind of wants to go hide under the bed again! It probably doesn’t mean anything that Zagreus flirted with her, he’s clearly in love. Which kind of hurts a bit, actually. Maybe that’s why her feelings are so complicated right now.

She’s tempted to tease Thanatos about what he keeps getting distracted by, but. Actually she’ll just. … stay quiet. And keep her complicated feelings to herself.

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He looks at Yvette's shoulder spot, then, though. "Hey, uh, how about you, though, are you okay? I realise I didn't ask earlier and I figured you just wanted time to think but if you're not comfortable with what I said I can back off, it doesn't need to mean anything if you don't want it to."

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Oh. Great. She’s being directly addressed.

… unhappy squeaking sound? Yes. Unhappy squeaking sound.

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"...or we don't need to talk about it? I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I, ah, have been learning I have a tendency to act before I think in ways that hurt others."

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"Have you, Zag, really? What gave you this impression?" Than asks, landing onto his feet and folding his arms.

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"Meg, you, Yvette, Hypnos, Achilles..."

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Words. She should probably words. She should probably words, but all she wants to do is hide under the bed and maybe cry.

Weirdly enough, when she starts the words they don’t seem to stop.

“Zagreus, I went from complete isolation to drowning in people,” she says, a little hoarsely, “I was overwhelmed and thinking and just wanted something simple to do, and you, just. Piled more on? You haven’t sorted things out with Thanatos and you go and act like I’m a shiny new toy to flirt with and. That’s just. Were you at all thinking about me, or were you just distracted by how apparently I’m hot?”

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"—of course I was thinking about you, who else would—" He stops himself and runs a hand through his hair. "No, that's not productive. I don't... think... I understand... what most of that means? I did not mean to hurt you and I don't understand how what I said was hurtful so I can't promise not to do it in the future. It was just... an expression of interest, you do not need to do anything about it this century or, or ever, really."

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Thanatos shifts uncomfortably in place but doesn't say anything.

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“… In this century?“ she repeats, because. Because how does she engage with any of the rest of that.

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"...well, yeah. I don't have any particular plans this century other than keep trying to leave."

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“… I think our timescales are different. I was, er, based on, a mortal. With a mortal’s sense of timing. So I do not feel like everything on my plate can be tabled for a century. That is what I mean by overwhelmed. I have so much to get done and not enough time to do it and barely any idea how to get started and I do not want more things to figure out right now,” the last part comes out in a rush that sounds sort of half-sob.

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"Oh. Oh. No, I—I definitely didn't—blood and darkness, I'm sorry. No you can just... ignore me."

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And now she is just going to attempt to make her little mote of starscape even smaller.

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Thanatos feels the urge to pet the mote of starscape and decides there is no harm in doing it. "I'll talk to you later, Zag," he says, offering a Centaur Heart as his prize. "Now is not the time."

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"Of course, Than. Take however long you want."

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Being petted is nice. It helps. She leans into Thanatos's hand and gives a little appreciative hum.

Also? She kind of wants to not exist. Everything is complicated and she wants to cry about it.

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The place Than takes them to is... a private chambers of sorts, but not Zagreus's bedroom. For one, it does not have a bed. It has a large desk, instead, with neatly organised sheafs of paper and various notes. A bookshelf, too, and a mirror, and even a small closet.

He hovers over to an armchair but then decides against sitting. "Do you need... some time?" he asks.

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Sniffle. Even though this form doesn’t technically speaking have tear ducts.

“Probably? Mostly I’m just. Very confused and complicated right now. Um. I could use a hug?”

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"That's something I can help with."

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She reforms to person shaped, and promptly flings herself into his arms. Where she starts crying.

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He will... not try to guess at what to do next and just hug.

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This is very helpful and she appreciates it immensely.


“What a mess,” she mumbles miserably.

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"...I'll... have to take your word for it."

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“Probably not objectively,” she snorts. “The bar for messes is high, I hear. But. It feels like it.”

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"This is part of why I prefer to not have feelings most of the time. Easier that way."

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“Good plan. How do I implement it.”

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"I don't... know. Zag says other people can't do it like I can."

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She gives a little despairing giggle-snort.

“I wasn’t expecting an actionable answer to that, don’t feel bad. Ugh. And now I get to avoid him forever.”

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Thanatos blinks a couple of times. "Uh."

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“… I acknowledge I’m being over dramatic. Just. Ugh it’ll be so awkward now!!”

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An undignified laugh/snort escapes his lips and he coughs a bit into his hand. "It doesn't have to be," he tries.

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“He might be fine, but I try to be at least a little self aware! And I will absolutely be the awkward one. I will not be able to keep eye contact, will flee when he enters rooms, maybe literally turn into a puddle on the floor. I just get to have the knowledge that he finds me attractive in my head to trip over, forevermore.”

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His lip twitches but he is perhaps too hugged for that to be seen.

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It is.

"Mrgh. That's overdramatic too. It's just the, the. Situation. I will always know that this happened and that I freaked out over someone trying to flirt with me in such a, an overblown way and. I don't know, I was happy, why'd he have to go and fuck with it! Why couldn't I have handled it reasonably instead of squeaking and then fleeing to hide under the bed and then showing up later failing to have my feelings in order and yelling at him!"

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"Well... there is enough work to be done that you don't really ever need to run into him again. If you don't want to."

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"I guess!" Huff, lean. "I hate being complicated."

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"...welcome to the club?"

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"Thank you," she says, wryly.

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He pulls away a bit. "I should really return to work, now, though. You can stay here if you want but, uh... I don't have doors, I'm not sure if that's okay by you? I wouldn't want you to depend on me to be able to leave."

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She gives a little snort. "Fair. I'll send part of me with you to save people and the rest of me can... I don't know. Attempt to acquire a room of my own, maybe? Get a job from Hades draining Asphodel instead of just talking about it?"

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"You could get the house contractor to build you a room, yeah. Want me to take you to them? They usually hang around the House so you could find Lord Hades or Nyx, too."

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"Yeah, sure. Thank you."

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...something is different. There's... singing. What might be one of the most beautiful singing voices she has ever heard, and she can find its source sitting there on a stool next to a wall, playing a harp. His voice is a tenor, maybe even a countertenor, and it's gorgeous.

"...can rest his weary bones.
The weight of the world
all falls away
in time.

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Oh, that's pretty.

A bit depressingly sung, though? But pretty.

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It keeps going and doesn't get any less depressing:

to all the plans that we made.
No contracts,
I'm free to do as I may.
No hunger,
no sleep except to dream,
mild and warm,
safe from all harm,

Good riddance
to all the thieves,
to all the fools that stifled me.
They've come and gone
and passed me by.
Good riddance
to all.

to all the earthly remains.
No burdens,
no further debts to be paid.
can rest his weary bones.
The weight of the world
all falls away
in time."

The shade singing it lets the last notes of the song fade before bridging them into something strictly instrumental.

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"That's Orpheus," says Thanatos. "He's the official musician here at the House. ...but that song is new. He hadn't sung any new songs in at least three centuries."

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See, that song could sound less depressing with those lyrics, but the way it's being sung makes it heartbreaking!

“I wonder what changed, that he decided to expand his repertoire.”

It’s still nice to hear, though.

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Thanatos shrugs. "My bet is on Zagreus, somehow. Anyway, I should go; you'll be fine?"

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"Yeah, I will. Thanks, Than."

And then she can go see about getting a room! So she has a place to hide under the bed in peace.

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The house contractor is available for consultation! She can get a room if she wants, where would she like it placed?

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... She has no idea! What options are available?

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She could get it connected to the House itself, like Zagreus and Hades do, or floating in the void, like Thanatos does. And as for the place where it physically stays, the default would be somewhere in Tartarus but if she wants he can get her somewhere with a view to the Asphodel Meadows or the Fields of Elysium? She can't get a door that opens to those places, though, it would disrupt the dead's, uh, lives, to have a god just walking around places like that.

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Ooo. Hm. Can she have something conditionally connected to the house itself? A door that's only there when she wants it to be, maybe? And can she look out onto Chaos's starscape?

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She ca—Chaos? What?

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... Chaos has a domain, sort of metaphysically below Tartarus? It's where she first showed up here. She can probably demonstrate, though it'll likely need Chaos's permission and therefore she'll need to check with them first.

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Uh... m...aybe. Uh. Uh. The house contractor does not have access to that domain and is kind of scared to get it!

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Oh. Then nevermind. She wouldn't want to make them uncomfortable. Can she look out onto the void, then?

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Sure! He can arrange that. Does she want windows? What should her door do when not connected to here? Does she want any other amenities? Mortals have sometimes asked for individual washing rooms, although that's not common and gods don't really need it, but some gods like having those anyway. Does she want a bed? A vase? A mirror? Posters? More vases? Pillars? Maybe a vase here? Plants? Bookcases? Books? Vases? Closets? Perhaps vases?

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She is delighted by the contractor's enthusiasm! It's very cute. Actually if space isn't really an issue, she'll take a sort of... set of rooms? Washing room included, please, she doesn't need it but she'd like it. Yes bed! Yes mirror, yes plants, actually she can make a little set-of-rooms model and they can collaborate on it? With plenty of vases. Because it makes him so happy.

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He'd love that so much!!! Gosh this is so exciting, he almost never gets to work on gods' quarters anymore, it's almost all just for the newly deceased. Which isn't bad, mind you, but gods just have such creativity, the mortals are often so very shy and want small places no matter how much the house contractor tries to convince them to go bigger. And there's Zagreus, of course, who over the past however much time has been renovating the place a lot, but this is different anyway.

Once they settle on a design, the house contractor has a price: it'll be sixty thousand gems, please.

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Oh, currency. That makes sense. Where does she... earn currency. She wanted to get a job draining the fire water in Asphodel, would that pay her currency?

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That would probably get her a shitton of currency in the house contractor's opinion! But it's a pretty outlandish idea so she would probably need to get it directly from Lord Hades rather than be paid by anyone else.

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Okay. Nervewracking, but okay. Thank you very much contractor, she'll be back to pay you for your services once she has acquired the local currency with which to do so! She'll keep a copy of the rooms so all of their details will be saved without worry. The contractor should also feel free to let her know if they'd like models for other things, too, Yvette can make them pretty easily, and this was fun.

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Honestly, if she's ever looking for less world-changing jobs than, uh, fixing all of Asphodel, the house contractor would love to have her around to show the recently deceased the possibilities of their eternal abodes and help with visualisation and whatnot.

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That sounds like a fun side hobby! Probably not as a main job, but she likes to keep busy. Would the contractor like to have a little goddess mote follow them around to help with visualization? She's not literally the goddess of multitasking but she's very, very good at it.

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...gosh? Yes, yes he they would like that very much! He needs to draft a contract, though, even if it's just a contract saying she's doing this for free. House rules.

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Probably for free would overwork her, actually, because there are quite a lot of dead people. She can take, uh... five percent of the gem cost of the final cost of to-be-built-thing to display and edit a model of the place? Can that part of the contract allow edits later, she doesn't have a feel for how pricing works in this economy yet.

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Yeah, sure, they can have a provisional contract to be revised at a later point, here it goes: it appears out of thin air, in parchment, and a quill writes out the details floating in front of the contractor as they arrange the terms. When they're done, it floats over to Yvette so she can sign it.

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She reads it over carefully, because she's a responsible person, and makes sure all wording is properly unambiguous, and then yep! She signs it.

Here is a little mote of night, happy to pal around with the house contractor and make models.

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The house contractor is VERY EXCITED about this.

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Okay, so how does she see about getting a job to drain Asphodel? From Lord Hades himself? Presumably she doesn't literally walk up to him and demand a job, does he do scheduled meetings or something?

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Well, he has a schedule for special appointments but something like this the house contractor thinks would just take her going to the back of the queue and... waiting. Probably? He's honestly not sure, the meadows have been like that for decades maybe even centuries.

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All right. Thank you, contractor, you've been massively helpful and also a delight to interact with.

She will keep her internal grumbling about the structure of this place to herself. Going to the back of the queue and waiting sounds so inefficient, though. The queue seems to be for complaints of all kinds, which is fine, but she’s offering a solution, not a problem to be solved. Isn’t there some kind of nepotism equivalent for divinity? Maybe she should ask Nyx. She sections off another mote of herself to hold a place in the queue, in case this is literally the best way to reach Lord Hades (which would be very dumb), and then goes off to find and ask Nyx.

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"Lord Hades does demand that within his halls all are treated equally until and unless they are part of the staff. There is, however, a request form that can be submitted to request an accelerated audience, should Lord Hades deem it worth the trouble."

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... Okay.

She fills out the appropriate request form, resists the urge to fill it out obnoxiously in favor of being obnoxiously perfect, and it poofs off to presumably request that Lord Hades not make her wait in the queue for ages so she can literally fix his problems for him. Admittedly for money, but still. Then the rest of her joins the mote that was holding her place in line.

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Hades doesn't look at the appearing form immediately; it would be very unprofessional to stop his current task just because something shiny showed up. Instead, he finishes dealing with whatever the first shade in queue needs dealing with, and only once they're dismissed does he look at the form.

...then he spends a good minute reading and rereading it with a deepening frown. Once he's made sure this is reality and not a prank, he looks up at... her. Kind of. Not exactly with his eyes, but with the presence of the Lord of the House, the one that can perceive and affect all within its domain. She can pretty much feel his gaze despite being too far down the line and behind too many people for actual eye contact.

And then she feels a tug.

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She could in fact decline the summons, if she wanted to, but she doesn't. This is exactly what she requested. Off she goes, to where she was tugged. (This part of her, anyway. The mote hanging out with the house contractor is still in fact hanging out with the house contractor.)

"Thank you for seeing me so quickly," she says politely, because she is about to ask this guy to be her boss, so. Manners.

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He stares at her as soon as she teleports to him with—well it's always a glare, she'll probably need to learn to identify minute differences in his glares to really know what he's thinking. In this case it might be some extra annoyance at him having noticed the split second she took to teleport to him, which is longer than other people would have taken and implies she could have resisted his summons.

Lord Hades does not appreciate it when people can resist being in the right place.

After a couple of seconds of this he says, "Care to explain yourself?"

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This was literally in the paperwork she just filled out but okay fine. She'll say it out loud, too.

"I think I can transport a lot of the flooded waters of the Phlegethon into a self contained subspace of un-reality, thus removing Asphodel's flooding problem. I'd like to do that in exchange for a market rate appropriate salary of gems and getting to personally devour 1% of the collected flood waters. The rest I will keep in storage for you as property of you and your realm until and unless you ask me to put it somewhere else."

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"Yes, that was on the form," he says with a grudging tone. "How will you prevent the flooding from happening again?"

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"I don't know enough about the underlying issues to provide a solution at this time, but I would be happy to clear out the flood waters and make interim floodgates to prevent reflooding while I work at figuring out a more permanent solution to the underlying problem."

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That doesn't seem like he's prompting her to reply, so she waits. Politely. So politely. That it is fueled mostly by spite is irrelevant to the results.

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After a few more seconds of silence he gestures with a hand and her form starts floating in the air. Its text starts getting rewritten to become a work contract, similar enough to the one the house contractor wrote up that it's probably off a template.

Once it's done, it floats over to her for review. For all his flaws, Hades is at least straightforward: the contract doesn't employ confusing ambiguous legalese, and merely states what her expected work will be and what she'll get for it and how the final arbiter of success will be him. In more specific terms, she will get one hundred and seventy thousand gems for clearing the Asphodel Meadows of river water everywhere it should not be, plus a further five hundred gems for every twenty four hours she manages to keep the waters from flooding again. Should she come up with a solution that prevents any further flooding for at least five hundred days and looks (to him) to be permanent, she will get a bonus four hundred thousand gems.

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"Hmm," she says, reading this. "If we're not going with my proposed percentage model, could we then work out a pricing model so I can buy water of Phlegethon for personal use?"

Because no seriously she wants to eat the parts of the river people don't want, it looks like it'd be a fantastic source of local power.

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He waves a hand. "You can use whatever you like out of it. It's not getting any use now, and it serves me no purpose."

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"You're sure? Okay. Excess only, and let's get that in writing, please." She scans the contract again, thinks about the pattern of people getting trapped in contracts here, then adds, "And while I don't expect to need it, I think it's good form to have an exit clause here. I give notice however long before quitting, deposit all excess of waters of Phlegethon in a place of your choosing, and write up an explanation of my findings in regards to the underlying problem for the flooding?"

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He waves another hand to get a contract about her right to the waters of the Phlegethon written up, but he frowns even more deeply when she suggests an exit clause. "The exit clause is built-in: if you fail to deliver your end of the contract you will not be paid. What else do you want?"

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Aaaaa this is scary she wants to sink into a puddle of starscape and hide under the bed but no this is important precedent to fight for.

"An amiable way to end the business relationship. I want a... a shade of grey between doing a fantastic job forever more and ditching without notice and cutting ties. If I do a fantastic job, but in a couple centuries want to focus on something else, I don't want to leave you and the Underworld in the lurch, and I'm willing to put that in contract form. I feel like letting me have all of the excess water without further bargaining is friendly enough to warrant a repayment."

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"Hm. Very well. What exactly do you propose as terms?"

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Contract details are hashed out! She's perfectly happy to give notice before she quits, but doesn't have a very good feel for what timeframe is reasonable between deities. She's also happy to help train or outfit a replacement if one is necessary, but thinks actually finding a replacement is a bit beyond the scope of her job. Keeping and updating records is easy for her, and she actively volunteers to keep track of the stored and used waters, by mass. Not written in the contract but still nonetheless hashed out is a tidy format to send him written reports on her overall progress, because while she can directly talk to him and will come when summoned, they kind of both have better things to do.

All of this sorted, she happily signs the contract and says, "Excellent, thank you. I look forward to working with you. Will I now be able to teleport to Asphodel, or is there a procedure for traveling between levels?"

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"You've never needed my permission, have you?" he says in a huffy tone, but then he shakes his head and sighs. "If you want to do things by the book, you can register with the portal in the archive. You! Shade! Come show her where to go," he says, his attention falling onto Achilles.

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She's being a perfect angel employee, so she only smiles innocently at that bait. The smile becomes a bit stale when Achilles is referred to as 'shade,' though. Really, Hades? He's your employee maybe try to not make a hostile work environment!

"Hi," she says, to Achilles. "Achilles, right? I'm Yvette, it's nice to meet you."

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Achilles, for his part, is rather used to this. He'll peacefully lead Yvette off without so much as a long suffering sigh. "Nice to meet you too, lass. Quite a name you have, I... hope you'll forgive me if I don't think I can pronounce it."

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"You're not the first," she sighs. "I might need to pick something more common."

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"It'd be very thoughtful if you did, but don't feel obliged." What he doesn't say, because he has been doing this for a long time, is that a weird name that's hard to pronounce is hardly the worst demand a god or goddess might make of a lowly shade.

He leads her to the portal, and gets to explaining how it works and how she can register to it. She officially gets access to Asphodel.

"Good luck fixing the flooding, by the way. It's been a problem for... a while."

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"Thanks. Good luck with, um." She should probably not bring up Patroclus because she was being a shoulder buddy when Zagreus brought all of that up and it feels really quite private and a bit like she was eavesdropping, actually. "Everything?"

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"I appreciate such a blanket blessing," he replies, a little wryly.

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And then she's off to go eat the waters of Phlegethon! Nom nom nom nom. Delicious not-lava, only some of which is stored for later. And meanwhile, she'll get to figuring out the underlying flooding problem and work through Asphodel in tidy little sections of no-longer-flooded. It's not like it's hard to make floodgates, especially with all of the mass she's got to work with from the not-lava.

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(Zagreus runs across one of her floodgates at one point while running through Asphodel. He pauses for a good minute there, staring at it, but eventually shakes himself and moves on.)

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As far as she can tell, this seems to be an issue of urban planning. In that there wasn't any. Everyone was just kind of free to build their houses wherever they felt like it. Generally speaking, the residents of Asphodel didn't want to devote space and gems to public works and giving the water a place to go. At best, they wanted to put their houses by the riverside. Then the line of houses grew too high and infringed on the river too much, without offering inlets or canals or deepening the river to account for the crowding. Worse, she suspects the amount of water is proportional to the number of residents. There had been a rather bloody war, an influx of residents, and then a decade later the water broke through the line of picturesque riverside houses and the place hasn't really recovered since. Eating the spare floodwaters is delicious (and she's never going to need to eat another star again), but ultimately not a long term solution unless she sits here, forever eating the spare water. Neither is the floodgates; holding the water there will just cause it to build up again. There's an outlet going into Tartarus, but there are too many houses blocking it for it to possibly keep up, thus; flooding.

Her proposed solution is a sewage and drain system, and cisterns to hold the excess if/when any surprise flooding occurs. A lot of the residents of Asphodel didn't build 'down,' so down is in fact available. The reason why this obvious solution hasn't been done before is because, well, it's kind of hard to make a sewage and drain system underground (or more underground than everything else here) when everything above is a bunch of houses, and the space between the houses, containing an overstuffed fire river that will flood into any openings the minute one's available. But she can solve that problem with her ability to eat things. And when they have something set up, she can assist with testing the strength of the system, what with her ability to gather and put water back.

There's a lot of Asphodel Meadows to get through, of course, but she's moving along at a steady clip and gives tidy updates on her progress as she goes.

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But as promised, before she has actually fixed everything, he gives her the first bit of bonus payment once she has cleared all of the excess Phlegethon water of the Meadows.

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Hooray! This means she can get a room. Set of rooms. Suite? Whatever.

Being the queen of multitasking, she gets her suite while still working at fixing the underlying infrastructure of Asphodel. She now has a place to hide under the bed in peace, not that she really feels like it right now. But still, it's nice. The house contractor does good work.

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And next time she visits it... she has a little gift waiting for her on a desk. A squareish glass bottle with a metal base, decorated with a purple ribbon. Its contents look akin to liquid gold except they're slightly translucent, and they seem to be swirling lazily inside despite no source of motion being present.

Under the bottle is a little piece of parchment with something handwritten on it.

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... Huh! Roomwarming gift? That's sweet.

What's the parchment say?

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Sorry for being an ass. I hope you like your new place, and the stuff you're doing to Asphodel is awesome.


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... Aw!

Well now she feels a bit bad about freaking out and fleeing. And separate from that, she does kind of miss him. Probably she should.... not avoid him forever for flirting with her like once? That seems like it might be a bit of an overreaction? ... But it's so tempting though!

Oh, oh, she knows! She will respond in kind! He wrote her a letter, she'll write him a letter. Excellent. She has solved this problem, and she is very proud of herself, and help she's going back to work fixing the flooding problem now how does one social she's not a real person and doesn't know.

Her reply is in his room, politely propped up on a table.

Sorry for being jumpy and flighty and enigmatic. I hope your escape attempts are going well, and I do absolutely still mean to help you get out of here, just. Feelings are hard. Being a person is hard. It's much easier to just ruthlessly overhaul Asphodel until it's better than Elysium and its stupid fake heroes with their stupid fake smiles.

But yeah, it's pretty cool, isn't it? Your dad's even paying me for it.

And of course I like my room(s), I helped design it, silly.

- Yvette
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You got my father to pay you for it? You are a force of nature.

Well, the parts up to the Coliseum are going fine, especially with so much less magma, but I haven't managed to get past Theseus and Asterius again yet. And Theseus keeps teasing me and saying I only did it that one time because of your help so I do still want to beat him to the ground without you, but if you wanna watch I bet that would be fun.


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Sure, that sounds fun. Though I will be very tempted to blast him from the stands if I see his stupid face, so. Maybe not for the first time you beat him.

- Yvette
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That would be funny, he doesn't say. He in fact doesn't write his reply quite yet; he's not patient for a god, but he's still a god and written correspondence can well take a day or twenty to be properly formulated. In the meantime he has some more killing to do.

    "Hey boyo! Ready to rumble?" asks Skelly, waiting for him in his training yard as usual.

"I always am."

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...but he's struck by something like inspiration.

He hums as he walks over to his weapons, floating lazily next to one side of the railings, godly power flowing through them. His godly power, for Yvette was right when she speculated that the thing he'd been calling "Darkness", the "energy" he "collects" on his runs, is nothing more than a way his—mind, his soul, his godhood found to conceptualise it. The power was within him all along, or something. Would that he could just coax it all out into the open, like, you know, it's his power, why is it so reluctant to hurry up and be useful?

Some nonsense about how he has to "learn about himself" and "grow into his own potential" to get power. Bullshit if you ask him, but you didn't.

Maybe not bullshit, though, given that this is the... third time he goes for Aegis, the Shield of Chaos but the first time he really means it. It's not like him, to wield a shield. Or it wasn't. Too slow, too defensive, too patient.

Maybe slow is what he needs.

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It's a funny weapon, a shield. Funny, that most people would not really consider it a weapon. Zagreus thinks it's a lack of creativity or something. Or maybe his magic shield from literally the dawn of time is special, who knows.

And it is slow, much slower than Zag's usual. Sure, he can still dodge and dash, the short distance teleportation not really holding much of a candle to Thanatos's ability to phase all over Creation but nevertheless pretty useful in combat. That doesn't mean that's what he should be doing, not most of the time.

(He may have grown up enough to finally see potential, real potential, in the shield, but that doesn't mean he likes playing it slow.)

Like his other weapons, this shield is indestructible. This proves to be quite the boon as he learns to not dodge, to hold his ground and weather the onslaught, to bide his time while he waits for an opening. To use the opening, in ways these shades are certainly not expecting. To bull rush into a group, using his power and speed to become like an incoming comet. To use the rather sharp edges of it.

His father, whatever his other faults, reached through time into the river of souls to bring the Greatest of the Greeks to train him. Achilles was (will be?) mortal, but Zagreus suspects even Lord Ares was impressed and awed by his ferocity and skill in life. He says he grew out of it, that he'd rather not think much on his reckless youth (and how painful that must be, Zagreus now thinks with the added context of Patroclus), but skill is skill and Zag is a good study. He doesn't have a fighting style; he has all of them, and soon enough the shield is as deadly in his hands as the sword.


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When he reaches the Elysian gardens, he's... fine. He's hardly broken a sweat, really. Tartarus's wretches and the formerly flooded Asphodel Meadows no longer really hold any danger to him, and with something like Aegis in his hands, he slowly but surely ascends, not even sporting the usual cuts and bruises that typically mar his figure by then.

The garden he gets to next is quiet. A kind of quiet he's learned to anticipate, to cherish, because it means that...

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"Death approaches," says the god of death, after the death knell that always precedes him.

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"Than!" Zagreus says, running up to his cousin with a face-splitting grin. He's worked out, by now, that the reason why he always gets a little reprieve from his harassment when Thanatos decides to show up is that his cousin is bending the rules a little bit and lending him some of his time. Another piece of the puzzle that is their relationship that didn't really click until just recently.

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"Miss me, Zagreus?"

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"Of course I did! It's been weeks—months, probably—I'm really happy to see you."

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...he drops onto his feet with a furrow to his brows. "You really mean it. Blood and darkness, Zag, you're so..."

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"Let's kill stuff and chat later, I don't want to strain your time too much."

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Another little note of discordance, there, even though he sounds just as impatient as usual...

Thanatos notices the shield.

And floats back up while he releases his hold on time to permit the great shades of Elysium that Lord Hades has encouraged to stop his son to arrive.

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Zag wins, again. Thanatos wasn't even holding back that much, but a few months of extra training have definitely sharpened the god and... he still fights like a man in love.

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It's thoroughly distracting. He drops to his feet once more and extends his hand to offer Zag the Centaur Heart. "You've improved."

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"I wanted to impress you," he replies, accepting the heart.

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"Is my grandparent's shield also meant to impress me? You're less hurt than usual. I can't say I disapprove."

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"...no, it's not, but I'm glad you like it."

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"You always mean everything you say, don't you." It's not really a question. "Aletheia must be really fond of you."

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Shrug. "I think I'm a pretty straightforward person."

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Thanatos folds his arms and looks away. "I don't know what to do with you."

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"You could kiss me."

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"I—I don't—"

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Careful, now. He takes a step closer—their difference in height, not as stark as the difference between him and his father but Thanatos is still full god height, becomes much more evident, when they're this close.

"Than, I... I've been thinking."

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"Well that's a change of pace."

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"Ouch." Zagreus can't really hide the smile, though. Nor does he want to. "Yeah, that's kind of the point."

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But he shrugs slightly and looks down at his feet, burning the grass he's standing on. "I think I've said most of what I could say, about... how little I've done that, about this, about us. So, I want to not... make the same mistake twice, you know?"

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"You're saying a lot of words that don't say anything for someone so straightforward."

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"What I'm saying is that I'm not gonna keep taking you for granted and I'm not gonna trample all over your feelings anymore, if I can help it. And that—goes both in the direction of talking about what I need to talk about and not." He takes a deep breath and looks back up at Thanatos's face. "We don't need to talk about it, if you don't want to. We don't need to make any decisions in haste. We're gods, we have forever. And I'll... wait for you. I'll be here and I'll wait for you, for as long as you need me to."

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"If I take a thousand years—"

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"Then I'll wait a thousand more. I don't—I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember—"

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(Thanatos draws in a sharp breath at that.)

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"—and it's as obvious as my name when I think about it," Zagreus continues, heedless. "It's not gonna go away just because of waiting. And if you don't want me... That's fine, too. I mean, it'll hurt, obviously, but I... want you to be happy. With or without me, lovers or friends or..." Wince. "Acquaintances."

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"Do you truly think so little of me, Zagreus, that you really think I could actually leave you hanging like that for a thousand years?"

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"—Than, that's not—stop listening to the voice in your head that's narrating everything you do with dry and sarcastic commentary, okay, and listen to me for a second, please. What I'm saying is that I love you and that—that what that means is that you shouldn't think of whether it hurts me, not in those terms. What that means is that I want you—I want us—only if you also want us. It would hurt me a lot more, if I were to be the reason why you're unhappy. I'd rather you know for sure what you want, I'd rather go into this with both eyes open and as, as partners.

"And partners look out for each other and don't pressure each other to be what they're not or to make any decisions without knowing what they want. This works with us working together or not at all."

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"Damn it, Zagreus, of course I want you. I'm right here, aren't I? You've got nothing to wait for. I'm right here."

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He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, then opens them again to look into Zagreus's. "I'm right here, and I'm with you."

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"—Than, I—"

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"Just kiss me already."

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Well he couldn't be any clearer than that.

Unfortunately Zagreus is kind of tiny so he'll need Than's help, there.

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Than can make Zag float just as easily as himself and now they can be eye level.

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—well that's new but he's not complaining. As an afterthought he phases his shield to the ground because it'll just get in the way, and he wraps his arms around the god of death and kisses him like a man parched in an oasis.

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And Thanatos kind of wishes it was at all plausibly deniable that it's his fault he's pressing Zag against one of Elysium's many tall marble pillars but he's literally the only one who can walk right now.

He'll feel mortified about that later. For now he's letting himself feel—for the first time—everything he's felt for Zagreus for hundreds of years, letting his emotions flood his mind and letting Zagreus flood his senses. The sight of his pale skin and mismatched eyes, the feel of his heat against Thanatos's cold, the faint smell of burning from the flaming laurels on his hair, the touch of his hands—he phased his gauntlet away somewhere to have both of them free—against Zag's bare skin and the back of his chiton—

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Zag's chiton is rated for combat but it's not rated for a god of death grabbing it that way while they make out in the shaded gardens. He wonders if Than is giving them time, again, because they're positively indecent and if any murderous shades walk in right now they'll neither of them be in any position to fight.

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Thanatos himself is not really sure, either, whether he's giving them time. It's not altogether fully under his volitional control, not all the time, and he can convince himself it happened involuntarily and he wasn't breaking any rules. He feels, in the back of his mind, that his centuries of service have earned him this small thing.

...but he can't really hold it together that long, can't really keep the sarcastic inner voice at bay, and after far too long having nearly no thoughts he suddenly does have the thought that unless they stop really soon he's not sure he'll be able to really hold himself back and it would be absolutely horrifying to be caught by a random shade in the middle of—of doing whatever they would be doing next—

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Zag notices when Thanatos goes stiff (well, stiff in more places than just the one) and pulls away to look at him, eyebrows creasing in concern. "Than...?"

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"I—I—should go back to work. And you should go back to, to killing things, and—I'll see you later."

And he vanishes into thin air.

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...did he really just make Than so horny he was actually afraid he was losing control? He's really proud of that, he feels he should get his portrait on the wall of the lounge back at the House for this achievement.

(Take that, father, Zagreus is not the one who can't control himself.)

He takes a few seconds to breathe—he's a god, he doesn't really need to, but it helps center—then reaches for Aegis and tries to smooth his chiton down. Which is an entirely hopeless task given the last several minutes, and if he were someone else he'd feel embarrassed by the possibility that anyone might see him in such a state, but he's not, so he won't. If the shades get distracted by the sight or the implications, that'll only make it easier for him to kill them.

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It would be a lie to say he makes quick work of the rest of Elysium—the shield continues to be a relatively slow weapon—but he does manage to get to the coliseum largely unscathed. Which is a first, for him, he's always more battered than this.

That, plus the spring that still hasn't left his step since his encounter with Thanatos, gives him a good feeling about this fight.

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And just like that, he wins.

Theseus is his usual arrogant self, and Asterius is his usual taciturn self, and for a moment he feels discouraged—but then he remembers he's happy. He remembers everything is going to be fine, and Thanatos loves him, and even if he loses now he'll win eventually. So he walks to the center of the coliseum with his spine straight and his gaze high and his shield on his arm, and he smiles at Theseus and waits for him to start the fight, without dignifying his inane taunts with a response.

He's starting to appreciate this strange idea of waiting for the right moment to strike.

The bull is implacable, but Zagreus can tank him. The King is cunning, but Zagreus can outwait him. The match drags long, the combination of his blocking and dodging meaning the Champions have to fight for every scrape, every bruise. And at the same time, he can watch for the openings they inevitably leave, the moments of asynchrony, and in a flash he's through, quick as lightning into the window of opportunity.

Every blow of his is worth twenty, thirty of his opponents'. He waits with the patience of a god, a virtue he's never really practised, and he wins.

Just like that, he wins.

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Watching the King dissolve into darkness, the battle calm melts from around him, and he once again hears the crowd chanting his name. And to the one shade, the one that's been there rooting for him every single time, he bows before leaping up to the stands and offering them a little trinket.

He's not sure how he learned to do this, but in that moment he just knew, and his godly powers coalesced into a small pendant with a blood-red jewel encrusted in a golden setting. It seems like the done thing, for gods to show their favour in this fashion, and this one shade has believed in him all along, so it's the least he can do.

(He's pretty sure if the shade were alive they'd expire in the spot from excitement.)

But then he drops down to the floor and makes his way towards the Temple of Styx. He still has a ways to go.

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Through a door, past hallways and gates, Zagreus steps back up to greet his dog and see if he can keep his success streak going with the satyr rats.

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Someone notices immediately, because she keeps half an eye on him while he's off adventuring, and is so excited that she completely forgets she's still supposed to be awkward about Zagreus.

"Eeeee you did it you did it!" she says the minute he crosses the threshold of the Temple of Styx, flinging herself at him for a hug. Hey, there's an employee entrance here, and she's allowed to use that now. Sure, all of her work is in Asphodel, but she's still allowed to use the faculties all the same.

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Zagreus is—very surprised, he was not expecting her to show up, but after a second of telling his nerves to calm down and definitely not stab her he hugs her back while grinning. "I did it! You should've seen Theseus's face, he's not going to forget this—did you know this technically makes me Champion of Elysium? It did that last time too but then it was both of us being co-champions and after Theseus killed me next we lost it."

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"Ha! That's a ridiculous system, are you supposed to go back and stop anyone else from coming up, now? Was I supposed to? Because I'm not doing that."

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"Nah, Elysium has a bunch of standing Champions, I have a suspicion that Theseus was just the only one who agreed to try to stop me at my father's request. I also think the others might... be very bored of fighting."

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"Who would have guessed!" she snorts, then pulls away from the hug to grin at him. "Well, congratulations, Champion of Elysium."

He might now perhaps notice that she looks different! Properly Cthonic, hair up and everything.

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He was about to say! "You sure look different. The Underworld treating you well, I see? And I'm seeing something of Nyx, there."

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"Oh, um. Yeah, it's been treating me well, I think? I like it down here, anyway, there's lots of things to do. And um, turns out there was a whole nesting set of communication issues with my previous appearance and anyway I wanted to fit in a bit better."

She steps away to fidget self consciously, because of course she does.

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"—right, what were they called again, 'pants'? Oh and I suppose the hair, too. You look very proper."

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"Thank you, yeah I don't... really want to be communicating with sex hair. At all."

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"I don't think it's that bad, Achilles has his hair down all the time."

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"See that was what I said to Than, but apparently things are different for men and women!" She huffs, then crosses her arms. "It's fine, I've fixed it, it's all fine. I just have to live with my eternal embarrassment over cultural miscommunications. Forever."

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"Forever is a very long time."

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"Don't you start with that too, let me be as dramatic as I want to about my declarations without squinting too hard at them."

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"I see Thanatos has been giving you his thoughts."

And there's—something—to the way Zagreus says Than's name, almost like a hiccup or a skip, as if he's bouncing in place even without moving.

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"He has, yeah!" And then, before her brain can dump unhelpful complicated emotions on her: "Turns out I can steal people from him, too."

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“Save the life of. So. Stealing from death himself.”

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"—wow! And he—well I don't think he'd mind, really, would he. That's amazing."

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“I’m pretty proud of it! And no, he doesn’t mind. He was a bit worried about it at first, but I think he kind of likes it, honestly.”

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"I think he's pretty mad at Athena and Ares for this war. He hasn't said anything of course but..."

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“Yeah. I’m mad at them, too. People aren’t… playthings.”

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"They're very... Olympians don't really see people as people, not mortals, not when they last so little—even the immortals aren't so immortal that they don't eventually come here. And to Olympians anyone who's here isn't really anywhere. So."

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“Olympians suck,” she sniffs. “Fortunately for them it’s much easier and more efficient for me to renovate the Underworld instead of figuring out if I can overthrow them. But I thought about it.”

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That's really hot

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—wait no he's not meant to flirt with her, right.

"I'm sure many of them have it coming. They can't be blind to the possibilities, they overthrew the Titans after all."

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“Uh huh.” She realizes that he might perhaps like to get on with escaping again. “Anyway I’m, uh, distracting you from leaving, aren’t I, sorry. Also for not, um, helping more directly, though I think some of the Asphodel upgrades have probably helped in a roundabout kind of way?”

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"Father increased the active security by a lot which I'm sure was very expensive but not unexpected, but personally I'll take fighting twenty times as many shades if it means not accidentally falling in magma every other dash. This chiton is already sufficiently sexy without being half burnt."

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Well now she’s reminded that he thinks she’s hot and also is wearing a very short chiton and now she’s not looking at him at all, nope.

“… okay,” she says, for lack of a better idea. “I’m glad you prefer it.”

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"Lernie was definitely very mad, though."

She looks kind of upset. It's probably because she took the thing as flirting-adjacent, isn't it. Damnit.

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“Oh,” she says, feeling very dumb and inane.

Aaaaaa it’s gotten so awkward she made it so awkward this is all her fault why is she so weird aaaaa.

She wraps her arms around herself and thinks on the benefits and drawbacks of pulling a Thanatos and just poofing away. She doesn’t really want to, but. It is very tempting.

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"...are you... alright?"

He has a guess but last time he tried to guess with her he failed miserably so he doesn't want to try again.

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“… no?” she attempts after a long pause, then winces and shrinks in on herself. “Um. Never mind, it’s. Fine. Go, um, pillage things again and escape and stuff, I’m sorry for getting in the way.”

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"It's—not fine. I—if you want me to go away I will but I'd rather not—I want you to be okay?"

Wow A+ work there Zag you're so good at words.

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“I want you to be okay, too.” She’s still not looking at him, though.

Gosh it sure is tempting to turn into a puddle and sink into the depths of the Underworld, though.

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He's honestly surprised she hasn't puddled yet, she seemed very comfortable puddling last time they interacted and she wanted to not be social.

"I'm very hard to hurt?" he tries. "—uh, by which I mean, I think I'll be fine and if I'm not I'm kinda literally asking for it. And I know that I'm asking for it, I'm not going 'oh there is no way this here awkward conversation is going to go badly for me at all ever'."

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She’s actually been working on not turning into a puddle at the drop of a hat! It freaks the shades out a bit, so she’s been interacting with them a lot.

“That’s not really what I… meant. I’m not afraid of hurting you, I just. Couldn’t think of anything else to say. I don’t know what to do or say and I’m sorry I’m being so weird and confusing and. Stuff.” Shriiiiink she wants to be a puddle so bad but she will be strong, she will not pick up Thanatos’s bad social habits!

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"...I mean, okay, but... It's fine to not know what to say? But you seemed—I don't know, sadder somehow."


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“I totally want to sink into a puddle and exit this conversation but it freaks the shades out when I do that and I think it’s a bad habit I don’t actually want to indulge and more importantly I don’t think it actually solves anything I think it just puts things off and I don’t see how that helps and I’m rambling sorry.”

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"It's fine," he replies automatically. "I... think... the way it works for Than is that he doesn't always know what he's feeling and he'd rather not be wrong about that when he says things so he... goes away to... figure it out? And it helps. I don't know if it's the same for you, though."

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“Nope. I mean, maybe in other situations, but I am just as filled with social anxiety and blind emotional confusion as before and I have no idea how to fix it or what is even wrong with me. Except this is all clumsy social flailing that doesn’t seem like it’s getting anywhere productive and that bothers me a lot and it is definitely wasting your valuable escape time so, um.”

Oh, she gave him a blessing thing before, didn’t she? She can do that again, and that can be a good opening to flee, and then she can go hide under her very own bed again. Poof! Here, have a blessing thing, Zagreus! Choice between three options, as before!

“There that was productive I’m going to stop flailing like an idiot now bye.”

And at long last, she puddles and flees.

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...he's really confused.

But okay. Onwards.

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He was not looking forward to this. Or, well, he kinda was, but only in a sort of theoretical sense where it would signify he managed to step on Theseus's face. In the object-level, he's gonna have to deal with rats and satyrs and murderous crystals and murderous urns of ashes and...

...and the gods damned poison.

His shield is not really rated for that. He's not sure what would be rated for that, poison that's bad enough to actually affect a god is not really something your garden-variety strategies really work with. And sure, the suspiciously-placed antidote fountains help, but if whoever placed them there has the ability to just create a preemptive antivenin or perhaps coat him in curative oils, they're clearly not sharing.

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Still, even if mechanically he doesn't have any particular advantages, he's learning how to play this game more defensively, and he's sure those lessons are going to be useful here, too. His father does have more of a chance to send shades at him down in the depths, when Zag is crossing the Underworld this slowly, but even Hades cannot command the rats.

Sort of poetic, when you think about it.

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And his shield is sharp. Of course the Shield of Chaos wouldn't just be a shield, of course he can slice with it. And while the lessons of playing defensively are well-applied, rats are small and quick and have pointy teeth and the best way to deal with them is a combination of magic and sharpness. Steadily he crawls and explores, certain that he'll find what he's looking for even if he doesn't know what it is; that's how the Underworld works, even here, and thus he advances.

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He... finds it. He finds the thing he's looking for. The thing he's looking for is, of course, a rat. A tiny vermin. It's even somewhat smaller than most of the rats he's fought thus far, and the spacious chamber he finds it in highlights its size.

So of course it catches him by surprise when the damned rat's skin stops his shield like armour, and he's even more surprised by the rat's sudden scream and the accompanying tremour. The Underworld does not have seismic activities, and though he takes a ready stance while the tiny vermin slips between his legs he was not prepared for the actual avalanche of rats that start pouring from every hole in this chamber, even holes he hadn't noticed were there.

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Playing defensively is not enough. If he just tries to wait and bide his time he will get overrun. But just going on the offensive is sure to get him five rats down the back of his chiton before he notices them.

So, a hybrid approach it is.

He's not Hermes but he's fast, some weird combination of running and teleporting letting him step past and through his foes serving as his main movement tool here. He uses it to great effect—the rats aren't smart enough to predict his movements, and they just try to be more numerous than he can handle. And of course, as they're pretty much dead already, he knows they'll come back eventually. They might even come back earlier than normal, because of the tiny vermin.

It's unclear how, but the tiny vermin is the core of it, he's certain. It's faster, sneakier, stronger, and hardier than its brethren, and if he tries to just deal with the avalanche by itself it's sure to escape.

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So he doesn't actually try to do that. The piles of rats are a distraction, an environmental hazard that he needs to work through and past to get to his actual foe. He'll slice, of course, kill them in droves as he moves, but every movement has a goal: killing the tiny vermin. And surviving to do it, of course, his own safety is paramount here if he wants to leave, but assuming he's surviving he is aiming for the tiny vermin.

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He kills the tiny vermin. Zagreus, god of he's not going to learn it's actually life and blood and rebirth until much later, which means he is quite literally literally god of leaving the Underworld, exterminates the small, unreasonably powerful rodent. And his intuition was right, for as soon as he succeeds, the hordes of other rats stop in their tracks as if suddenly free of some form of external influence and, upon noticing the myriad bodies of their comrades littering the floor conclude they should flee if they wish to see another [day? night? unit of time].

There are still some rats that try to take lucky shots at Zagreus, but none of them get close to him, and soon enough the chamber has only him and the corpses.

And he wants only one corpse, the one corpse that will serve as his trophy to prove to Cerberus he's helped with the problem of vermin. ...and maybe a sack filled with bodies of other vermin just to make sure he has enough proof.

The way back to the entrance hall is relatively painless and short.

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"Why, thank you, Charon, it's good to have your support," Zagreus replies, (correctly) assuming Charon is wishing him good luck as he walks past the boatman towards the three-headed dog.

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The three-headed dog is delighted to see him again and expresses this delight in his usual slobbery fashion. But most importantly from its reaction to Zagreus's offering it definitely recognises the tiny vermin. Seems he's been having trouble with that rat for a while.

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"Happy to be of help, boy. Going through all of that, honestly I understand why you hate these pests. Hope this lightens the load."

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Bork bork!

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"Now... am I allowed through?" he asks, trying for nonchalant and failing miserably to conceal his eagerness.

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Cerberus barks again but then sniffs suspiciously at Zagreus.

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"What—oh. No, Yvette isn't here this time. I... don't really understand why, but she has her reasons I'm sure. You'll probably run into her on your way back to the House."

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"Yeah. Anyway, uh..." Then he stops and looks beyond Cerberus, at the enormous double doors that are the only thing that now stands between him and his destination. "Here goes nothing."

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Cerberus whines but lets Zagreus past, watching him intently as he pushes the doors open and steps into the cold, snowy outside.

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Zagreus steps forward, his flaming feet leaving melted footprints in the snow. He looks up at the sky—the sky! He's heard of it before, from Achilles and other shades, the endless expanse above. It's... darker than he'd expected, really, not the clear blue he'd heard daytime would be like, so perhaps it is night.

The doors open to a small clearing, surrounded by boulders and ruined pillars, with a clear view of the frozen surface of the river that becomes the Styx.

But between Zagreus and that view...

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"Oh. Of course."

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Hades has his back to him and to the doors, seemingly watching the horizon. "...I never grew accustomed to the air, up here. It gusts senselessly whichever way it pleases. I suppose you must prefer it to the stillness of the air below."

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"You know, you're right. The air up here seems pretty good so far. But I will reserve judgment until I've had my fill. I have to say, though, Father: the Helm of Darkness suits you." Another relic from the war with the Titans, just like his weapons. Zagreus didn't think his father would touch one, given how much Hades seems to hate the Titans, but he supposes the circumstances are unusual. "I'm touched you'd dust it off on my account."

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"It should not have had to come to this. For all your antics with me and around the House, I always kept my temper, have I not? Unlike you."

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"My temper—!" He takes a deep breath, then resumes in a more still tone of voice. "Well, let's see. You've berated me repeatedly and often. You've lied to me. Mustered a bunch of incompetent wretches to try to kill me. But, sure, I'll grant you that you've always kept most of your anger bottled up. All that's about to change, then?"

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Hades takes a second to reply, and inhales deeply before he does. "We're gods, boy. Killing one another is our lot. Although I always thought I was above it. I told you that you cannot leave this place. It seems I must enforce my rules myself. I'm sending you home, now."

He turns around, then, and shrugs off his cape, which dissolves into fire. His trident appears out of thin air, and he grabs it, assuming a ready stance.

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"...no. You're going home, not me."

His shield is ready. As ready as it's going to be.

It will not be an easy fight.