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try to chase me
the gods of velgarth are NOT prepared for demon cam
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Jisa is so excited! Today is the BEST day! Her Uncle Van is home! He was fighting enemies on the Border, which is very exciting and cool, but it's even better to have him here where he can play with her. 

Yesterday he promised to go riding with her today, but then this morning he said he was too tired and could they maybe have tea in his room instead. And then he fell asleep. This is fine, though, because it means Jisa can SURPRISE him with the fact that she's a BIG GIRL now and knows how to read and write and lots of other things. 

She has some chalk and she's been drawing wards on his floor. She knows some designs, now, from bothering Sandra in her workshop when she's bored and Mama is too busy to talk to her, and she can pretend to be a real mage doing real magic. Uncle Van says she isn't going to be a mage even though she has potential, which Jisa thinks is deeply unfair, and she sort of hopes that if she just practices very hard then he'll be wrong and she will be a mage after all. Mindspeech is neat and apparently she's going to be a Mindhealer too, which is apparently rare and important although she doesn't really know what a Mindhealer does. But being a mage is the MOST cool. 

She sits on her Uncle Van's floor and draws big circles and little circles and decorates them and sings to herself under her breath. 

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Eventually Vanyel wakes up. Yawns. 

"- Jisa, pet, are you still here?" 

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"Yes! UncleVanUncleVanUncleVan look! I did new wards for you!" 

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He sits up, stretching, and smiles tiredly at her. "Thank you! It looks beautiful." 

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"Sandra taught me! She said this sort of shape is for making shields that're fireproof, and then this one I just made up, it's for making wards that tell you if there are dragons, and this one is so that you can talk to cats - UncleVanUncleVan you should help me, what else do you want wards for -" 

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"Yes, all right." 

And so Herald-Mage Vanyel Ashkevron, called Demonsbane and Hero of Stony Tor by his allies - and the Butcher in White by his enemies - slips down onto the floor and sits next to his six-year-old 'niece', accepting a bit of chalk from her and absently adding some more random decorations while he half-listens to her chatter. 

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In the middle of Jisa's anti-demon ward with some Van-added curlicues there appears - someone.

"- wow, this is so not safe, what are you doing?"

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In front of him is a small girl with brown hair in two braids, who immediately bounces up and down like a pogo stick and makes a high-pitched noise of excitement! "Eeeeeeeee you have WINGS are you a dragon-person can you fly -"

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And an overly-thin-looking man with heavily silver-streaked black hair, dressed in white, who takes half a second longer to respond but is then suddenly on his feet, shoving the little girl behind him and flinging up a hand - an invisible wall of force comes out of nowhere and tries to smash the unexpected arrival into the floor, and then a shimmering bubble-like barrier appears to pin him there. 


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The unexpected arrival is smashed! And pinned! He looks startled but not hurt. "- what the -

- what language is this -"

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Vanyel is sufficiently nonplussed by this question that he doesn't manage to answer, just keeps staring at the strange winged and tailed person sprawled on the chalk circle on his floor, a half-formed levinbolt crackling in his palm. 

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"Look, from my perspective I appeared here very much invited, there's no need to be slinging around, uh, lightning magic, I'm not going to hurt you."

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Jisa thinks her Uncle Van is being very rude. 

"Valdemaran!" she says brightly, wriggling past his legs while he's still frozen in confusion. "My name's Jisa! What's yours?" 

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Vanyel is, at, this point, mostly frozen because, contra all of his screaming combat reflexes, it is PROBABLY a bad idea to turn this person into a smear of soot on the floor. Not to mention the collateral damage that would do to his room. He's having a hard time convincing his mind to calm down about it, though. 

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"I'm Cam! It's nice to meet you, Jisa! You shouldn't draw on the floor, it's not safe, but this time you were really lucky, okay?"

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"What do you mean, drawing on the floor isn't safe? Why's it any different from drawing on the walls or on paper? I mean, besides how Mama gets mad if I make messes where I'm not supposed to, but I think floor messes are probably easier to clean up than wall messes?" 

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Vanyel is NOT ANY LESS CONFUSED, but he does manage to lower his hand, and make an effort to control his breathing. 

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"Well, it's because it can summon demons, like me, and most demons are pretty nice people but sometimes there's a mean one."

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Jisa gives him a thoughtful, suspicious look. 

"You're not a demon," she declares finally. "I saw a picture of a demon in a book and it was really ugly, and you're handsome, so you can't be a demon. Also demons are stupid and can't talk and none of them are nice." 

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"Well, I think maybe I'm not the kind of demon you usually get around here. You could call me an apsel instead if you like."

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"Did you just make up that word right now? It sounds made-up." 

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Vanyel takes a deep breath, lets it out, and with considerable effort of will, plus the help of some of Melody's Mindhealing redirects that she put it when he left the Border, manages to relax his shoulders, and focus. 

"Where are you from and how did you get here?" he asks the stranger, very levelly, while at the same time playing his mage-sight over him - does he look like an Abyssal demon, or elemental, or human, or something else? 

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"It's in another language," Cam tells Jisa, "I didn't make it up. Uh, we call it Hell, and you - or possibly she, I'm not sure - summoned me."

He doesn't look like any of those things.

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"I don't understand how we could have. We," an apologetic glance at Jisa, "weren't doing real magic, we were just playing." 

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Jisa is, fortunately, far too captivated by their shiny and exciting winged guest to take offense. 

She tugs at Van's sleeve. "Hey you're being rude, you should help him up and offer him tea. Cam do you like tea?" 

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"I'm more of a coffee person."

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"Ooh, what's 'coffee'? Is it delicious?" 

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Vanyel tries to shush her with a gesture and a pat on on the shoulder. "One moment, pet." And to Cam, "I'm - sorry about all the confusion, but - I don't understand at all what just happened, and we're– well, it's complicated. I'll let you up but I...need to ask you some questions first under Truth Spell." 

He starts casting one, first-level version only for now. 

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"Perhaps you could explain what a truth spell does exactly."

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"Oh, right, sorry." Not even everyone in Valdemar has heard of Truth Spell yet. "The first level version will just mean I know if you're telling the truth or lying." 

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"I haven't been lying and don't especially plan to," says Cam.

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"I mean, I hope that's true! But I kind of have to check, right, sorry." Looking faintly sheepish, Vanyel finishes casting the Truth Spell. Waits to see if it will even work on this non-human, not-anything-he-recognizes person. 

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"Oh, sorry, I thought you already did it. I have not been lying and don't especially expect to," Cam repeats.

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The blue halo stays in place. 

Vanyel takes a deep breath. What are the most key questions here, that he should ask even if it's rude and awkward...

"Do you in any capacity work for the Karsite government or priesthood." 

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"I don't even know what that is."

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Vanyel hesitates. Glances back at Jisa. Goddamn it. 

After another long hesitation, he switches to private Mindspeech. 

:Do you work for, or have you ever encountered, a man who calls himself Leareth: 

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"AH warn a guy before you talk in his head."

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Vanyel ducks his head, blushing crimson. "Sorry! But, uh, have you?" :Don't say the name out loud in front of her, please. It's, er, classified: 

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Jisa can TELL when grownups are having secret Mindspeech conversations right in front of her, and she's sulking about it. 

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Sigh. "And you have no intent to harm anyone here?" 

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"No! I didn't even know here existed!"

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Vanyel drops the Truth Spell, then releases the barrier, and - somewhat tentatively - offers Cam a hand up. "Er, welcome to Haven, I guess. I'm Herald Vanyel." 

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"It's nice to meet you." Cam accepts the hand and gets to his feet and shakes out his wings a little.

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"So what's it like where you're from?" Jisa says brightly. "Does everyone have wings like you? - Ooh you have a tail too! Neat!" 

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"I do! And, yes, so does most everybody at home - the wings, not the tail, tails are a minority decision."

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"Ooh what you got to decide to have a tail? Can you give other people wings too? I want wings." 

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"What? Don't you want wings?" 

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"I can give other people wings but it's hard for humans to learn to fly, and they won't grow with you so you have to wait until you're a grownup."

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"Awww." Jisa looks disappointed for a moment, then bounces again. "Is it magic? What kind of magic?" 

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"Apsel magic! Apsels can all make things."

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"Like what? Can you make houses? Can you make pretty clothes? Can you make flowers? Can you make puppies?" 

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Vanyel sort of feels like he should interject and get this conversation back on track, except that he has no idea what track it should be on. 

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"Not puppies, if I make animals besides bugs and stuff like that they come out wrong but the other things sure."

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"You can make bugs? What kinds of bugs? What's your favourite bug? I like the kind of butterfly where the caterpillars are yellow and blue and poisonous." 

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"I like crickets."

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"Crickets are pretty but sometimes they wake me up early by being loud by my window," Jisa says, plopping herself on Vanyel's bed and swinging her legs. "Uncle Van can we have a tea party?" 

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It's really hard to concentrate when Jisa won't stop talking

Vanyel ruffles her hair. "Listen, pet, I think I probably should, er, tell your parents about this?" 

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"I guess," Jisa mutters, somewhat resentfully. "Ooh! Cam can you make catapults? Can you make catapults that throw barrels of oil that're on fire? I read about that in a book once and maybe we could kill all the Karsites that way." 

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"How bloodthirsty of you," Cam says blandly to Jisa. "I just finished telling you guys I wasn't going to hurt anyone here, though."

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"Right, but you wouldn't hurt people here with it, it'd be people in Karse who're trying to kill our people, so really you'd be helping people here." 

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"Jisa." Sigh. "I'm sorry, Cam. Jisa, I don't think we should talk about this right now. I need to, er, find out if your papa is busy, probably call a meeting or something..."

It sounds like so much effort and he's supposed to be having a vacation, damn it. 

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"Can I come to the meeting? I think I should get to come because I drew most of the anti-demon ward, except apparently it's a bad anti-demon ward that does the opposite of keep demons out - sorry, apsels, I guess that's different - I should tell Sandra though..." 

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"Jisa, no, you can't come to senior Heralds' meetings." 

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He's so tired. 

"Has this sort of thing, er, happened to you before?" Vanyel asks Cam. 

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"Being summoned is a regular occurrence. Being summoned to this planet absolutely not, nobody I've ever heard of has ever had that happen, it's very interesting."

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"This– wait, where do you usually get summoned to? You're saying there's - an entire other planet, not just that you're from another plane we hadn't discovered yet..." 

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"That's right! It's fascinating. I look forward to getting to know this place."

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Jisa grins. "I could show you around! I know where everything is in the Palace. Do you like playing hide-and-seek?" 

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"It's been a long time since I've played! I'd be able to cheat, though. I don't know if it'd be fair."

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"Ooh, how could you cheat? Is that another kind of magic?" 

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Vanyel sits down heavily on the bed beside her. "Please, er, give me a minute, I need to talk to some people." He closes his eyes. 

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Cam waggles a wing at Jisa.

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"Oh, you just mean you could fly on top of buildings? Hmm, if we made a rule that you had to hide inside, then it'd be less good for cheating..." 

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Cam nods. "But also I can make stuff that shows me where people are. I guess you could make a rule against that too..."

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"I guess that'd be a lot of rules. - Oh, but I can cheat too! Because I have Thoughtsensing now. But I think it'd be more fun for hide-and-seek if there was a rule that neither of us could cheat." 

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"- Thoughtsensing? Like mindreading? Don't do that. Regardless of whether we are playing hide-and-seek."

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"I wasn't!" Jisa protests, with the affronted indignance of someone accused of eating cookies that in fact she was virtuously ignoring even though they were RIGHT THERE. "Uncle Van said I shouldn't." 

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"I'm so glad to hear that. Continue to not."

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This interaction seems to throw Jisa off her question-asking game for a minute or two; she kicks her feet and stares at her knees, her expression sheepish and sullen at the same time. 

Eventually, though, she looks up again. "What's it like being summoned?" 

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"Feels sorta like pulling a loose thread on your clothes, and then you're somewhere else."

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"Whoa! That sounds amazing. Can you decide whether or not you want to go, or does it just happen to you?" 

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"I can decide! If I'd rather stay home and read I can do that."

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"But you must not know who summoned you until you get there, right? Or you'd've known we're from somewhere different." 

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"That's right! If someone was summoning me in particular, I could check, but if it's just a summon for any apsel, there's not enough time, somebody'll take the summon before anyone can check."

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Jisa nods, then frowns. "Right when you got here you said it wasn't safe for me to draw the circle on the floor? But people do it on purpose to summon you or other apsels?" 

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"Right, if you do it correctly it's safe. It takes a while to learn though."

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"Huh. What's complicated about it?"

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"Well, you have to write in bits that say what the apsel - or another kind of daeva, there are three - is not supposed to do, and my circle didn't have any of that."

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"Like what? Could I make a circle that says you're not allowed to cheat at hide and seek?" 

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"It's much more complicated than that, but you could make one that said I couldn't fly, if that was the kind of cheating you had in mind."

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Jisa is immediately distracted. She bounces up and down. "Can you take another person flying? Like me?" 

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"I've never tried to carry a kid but - maybe? I might not be able to take off from a standing start, though, which means jumping off something, which your parents might not like."

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Jisa leans closer, lowers her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "We don't have to tell them." 

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"As long as we don't in fact jump off anything, we sure don't!"

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Jisa thinks hard for a moment. 

"You could make a giant enormous feather bed!" she suggests eagerly. "Right under whatever we wanted to jump off. I think the astronomy tower would be good. And then it'd be safe because even if I fell I'd just land on the feather bed. ...Also it'd be fun to have a giant feather bed. Especially if it was bouncy. Could you make it bouncy?" 

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"Yes, I could make something bouncy to land on. I still think your parents might want to have veto power over this plan."

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Jisa nods, but is clearly already distracted by wondering about other things Cam could make. 

"- Could you fill my whole entire bedroom with beans and then we could swim in them? I read a story once where someone swam in a giant bucket of beans and I want to see if you really can." 

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"I really can but I can't get rid of them afterward so it would be better not to."

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"Oh. I guess Mama would be mad then. Maaaaybe we could...sell them at the market after. Or give them to beggars or something? Although beans aren't very tasty. Can you make cake too? How much cake could you make at once?" 

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"Beans you have swum in wouldn't be very sanitary. I can make cake too, more than you could eat before it went bad in just a second."

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Jisa seems kind of baffled that anyone would care about the sanitariness of beans to that extent. 

"- Can you make snow? I always thought it be fun if you could make it snow in summer sometimes." 

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"I can but it would be bad for plants."

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"Could you fix that by making new plants?" 

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Vanyel interjects at this point, clearing his throat. "Cam, er, I'm afraid I need to interrupt you two now. The senior Heralds want to have a meeting. Are you up for coming and introducing yourself to them?" 

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"Sure, I don't mind."

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Vanyel pulls together a weary smile for Jisa. "Sorry, pet. Maybe I can ask your mama if she wants to have Cam over for dinner tonight? Er, if Cam wants to." 

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Jisa turns imploring eyes on Cam. "Pleasepleaseplease? My mama's really nice!" 

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"Sure, I can come over for dinner. I'll even make dinner."

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Jisa narrows her eyes. "Are you going to try to sneakily make me eat vegetables?" she says, suspiciously. 

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Vanyel starts trying to shoo her towards the door. 

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"I'll take requests," snorts Cam.

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"Because I can tell," Jisa says, as though Cam hadn't said anything. "All right see you then bye!" She allows Vanyel to shoo her off down a different path, and takes off at a run with the absurd energy that only children under ten can muster. 

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"This way," Vanyel says. 

Outside his room is a plain stone hallway, leading to a door; outside that is a field, with gravel paths through it, and trees, and stone benches, and some gardens. The season appears to be late summer or early autumn; the air is pleasantly cool, the leaves turning colour, and there's a smattering of fallen leaves being tossed around by the breeze on the path. 

There is absolutely no sign of roads, or electricity, or really any technology more advanced than torches and candles - and whatever equipment was used to construct the long, low stone buildings, which all look very ancient. 

There are some white horses meandering around in the distance. 

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"Okay, so, uh, the other planet I mentioned is higher tech than you by a lot," says Cam.

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"Oh," Vanyel says, blankly.

It seems like - probably very important information, something that has huge ramifications, but right now his mind feels slow and gluey and stuck on thinking them through, and all he's really coming up with is 'Leareth would be so impressed'. Which is very apropos of nothing since it's not like he's going to TELL Leareth, that would be the worst idea. 

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"Like, 'please point me at somewhere I can make you food and do medical research', a lot, what must your child mortality be like - maybe magic is handling it, I don't know whether you have local magic for that -"

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It takes a long time before Vanyel finds the words to answer. He swallows; for some reason his throat is tight. 

"We...don't have magic for that - not enough of it, we have Healers who can treat illnesses, and mages who can - do a lot of things - but only a few of us in the Kingdom have Gifts. And there's the war. Lots of combat magic, disrupts the weather, makes crops fail. It's - things are pretty bad." 

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"Okay. I don't know if you have the diseases I know but if any of them are mosquito-borne I can get rid of the mosquitoes, everything else can at least try broad spectrum antibiotics and antivirals while I figure something else out, I can make more weather tolerant seeds, I'm not going to be partisan to one side in a war so I hope you are not specifically relying on starving your enemies or killing them with malaria..."

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"...Um. No. Gods, you need to talk to Shavri, she's going to be..." Vanyel trails off without finding an appropriate superlative for how DELIGHTED Shavri will be about this, and just speeds his pace a little. 

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Cam slips on a fallen leaf and lands flat on his face. Gets up, brushes himself off.

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"Er, sorry, should I slow down?" Vanyel says sheepishly. 

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"I could fly but then you'd have to speed up, how far away is it?"

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"It's that building over there - I guess you can fly and I'll just catch up?" The building is about another two hundred yards away. 

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Cam lifts off and alights at the building.

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Vanyel, who can run just fine, catches up at a jog. Though even this brief exertion leaves him feeling tired; he's not out of shape, exactly, just out of...everything else. 

"In here." He swings open a heavy oak door, gestures for Cam to follow. 

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A ways down the stone hallway, an older, silver-haired woman wearing the same white garments as Vanyel is standing outside an open door. "Van! Sounds like you owe us quite a lot of explanation!" 

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Vanyel ducks his head. "Savil, er, this is Cam. Cam, this is my aunt, Herald-Mage Savil Ashkevron." 

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"Hello, nice to meet you. Where's the meeting happening, I find that I feel myself in a bit of a hurry."

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She eyes him curiously. "Right here, we're just waiting for the others. Did you, er, misplace your shirt or something...?" 

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"I don't like any designs that can be fastened around wings and don't like destroying a shirt every time I want to do laundry but I can put one on if it's not suitably formal."

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Her eyes flick briefly to his pecs. "Well, it is a little distracting. If you wouldn't mind." 

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Oh gods why did she have to say that, Vanyel was doing just fine at not being distracted by this via failing to register it, and now he cannot unsee the fact that Cam is shirtless and also attractive. 

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No longer is Cam shirtless.

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"Thank you. ....Wow, was that your making-things magic? Can you make something else so I can watch more closely? Oh, er, you can come in and have a seat." Savil ushers Cam into the room, which contains a long table and about a dozen chairs. 

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Cam makes a donut hole. Allows Savil to inspect it. "Those're tasty if you want one."

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Savil stares in amazement. 

(Does her mage-sight notice anything?) 

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There is the briefest instant of bewildering power blooming when the donut hole comes into existence and then vanishing as suddenly as it appears, barely detectable in its swiftness except for how bright it is, but nothing about it is comprehensible even in the afterimage.

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"Huh!" Savil says, blinking. "Where does it come from, when you, er, make things?" 

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"Nowhere. I'm making it, not swiping it."

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"You're wha– but that's– Sorry." Savil rubs the tip of her nose, still staring at him. "Our magic can't do that. I - guess I shouldn't say 'that's impossible' since, well, clearly..." 

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"Clearly! So what do you wish to cover in this meeting?"

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"Would you like to have a seat?" Savil pulls out a chair. "I'm not sure exactly what Randi is going to want to cover, but - well, I think we all want to know what you're planning to get up to here in Haven." (Since they clearly can't stop him, whatever it is, but Savil doesn't say this out loud.) 

Glance at Vanyel. "- Oh, and apparently your world has more advanced Healing? Er, non-magic Healing, I mean." 

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Cam sits sideways in the chair for wing reasons. "Yes, we have advanced nonmagical medicine in addition to completely different medically-applicable magic. I don't have to stay in Haven - Vanyel gave me several languages with the summon, I'm assuming it was him because it would be odd for a six-year-old to speak that many, if you want rid of me I can go somewhere else. But I generally favor the eternal flourishing of all sapient beings and in this situation that probably means dealing with disease and parasite burden, leveling you up a bit in the agricultural sector, that sort of thing."

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Vanyel suddenly has a very odd expression. 

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"You... Wow." Savil doesn't seem to know what else to say. She sits down. 

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There are footsteps in the hallway. 

Shortly later, a man also dressed in white reaches the door. He looks tired, like someone who's been staying up late working every night for months, and he's a little out of breath from the fast walk over. He also looks very young, maybe twenty-five. 

He smiles warmly, though. "You must be Cam? I'm King Randale. Welcome to Valdemar." 

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A woman wearing green robes, with tightly curled dark hair trying to escape the leather thong tying it back, follows him in and sits quietly beside him. 

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"Hi - yikes, are you okay, dude -"

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Randi looks confused. "I'm fine?" 

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Shavri isn't saying anything but she's suddenly tense. 

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Vanyel shares an inscrutable look with her. 

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"...if you say so. Uh, are we waiting for anyone else, might as well minimize how much I repeat myself."

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"Tran's almost here. I think we can go ahead without Keiran and Jaysen, for now, they've got competing engagements." 

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Indeed, a moment later they can hear the outside door thudding shut, and more footsteps, these ones moving at a jog. 

"- Heya. Sorry. I'm Herald Tantras." The new arrival doesn't sound out of breath at all, despite running here. He smiles, and squeezes Vanyel's shoulder affectionately before taking his own seat. 

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"Hello! So, I'm Cam, I'm from another universe with better tech by hundreds of years, and I can make arbitrary material objects."

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"You're - um, right - sorry, Vanyel says you're telling the truth and I believe you but it's...going to take me a bit before it stops sounding completely crazy." Randi rubs his chin. "You ended up here basically by accident, is that right?" 

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"Yup! Being able to summon daeva like me is common practice on another planet but we didn't even know about you guys existing."

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"Right. And - there was something about the way it happened that wasn't safe? That usually people in the other world summon, er, daeva like you with - some sort of safeguards in place? And whatever my daughter managed to draw on the floor by sheer coincidence didn't have that." 

Randi seems not that surprised that his daughter helped accidentally summon a powerful magic entity from another world; he shakes his head slightly as he says it, lips twitching. 

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"Right. I'm not gonna hurt anybody but some daeva look for opportunities to do so and it would've been bad if one of those had caught the summon instead so you shouldn't try to replicate it without me telling you how to do it safely - and maybe making sure that whoever you summon is cool with being an experimental subject, since I don't know why this would happen to be the first valid circle ever drawn in this world."

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"Do you have a way of communicating with other daeva back in your world, to ask that question? I'd've...expected that to be a tricky problem, if the only magic you have is making things." 

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"I can communicate with other apsels by writing them letters and not sending them! The other kinds would be harder."

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Randi seems confused by this statement, but Vanyel smiles, straightening a little in his chair. "Oh! As in, they can make 'Cam's most recent letter' even if they don't know what's in it? And you just have to, what, have an agreement that you both check whether trying to make that works every so often?" A pause. "What would happen if you tried to make something that didn't exist, like if one of your friends from home hadn't actually written you any letters...?" 

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"Then I get nothing. I can check whether things exist and how many there are that way."

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"That sounds really useful in itself!" 

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"Hmm, at some point we should probably have you go through the list of all the not-immediately-obvious things you can do with this magic. But - er, first I want to make sure we're not trapping you here against your will, or something. I don't know how similarly this works to elemental summoning. Could you go home if you wanted to?" 

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"I don't want to! I want to end material scarcity! I cannot go home of my own volition, I need the summoner for that."

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"Which we're pretty sure is me, right?" Vanyel says quietly. "I'll - let you go home whenever you want to, obviously. But if you'd rather stay and help us - fix things here - then we're incredibly grateful." 

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Herald Tantras seems kind of suspicious, and less sure that gratitude is the appropriate response here, but he doesn't interrupt. 

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"All right, then." Randi folds his hands on the tabletop. "What do you need from us to, er, start making your plans here?" 

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"...honestly not that much, I'm just attending this meeting as a courtesy. I guess I could use consults with your Healers about what the disease priorities are since they probably don't match Earth diseases in every particular. Once we have a test subject I can't perform a summoning myself and need a human for that. And if we don't want to just summon a bunch of fairies to go hither and yon with all the food you'll probably want to enlist local shipping infrastructure at least at first, though that will be so slow..."

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"Fairies?" Randi says blankly. 

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"There are three kinds of daeva! I'm an apsel, we make things; angels change things, fairies move things."

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"Can you explain more specifically what 'changing things' means, here?" 

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"They transmute matter into other matter. They're usually where you wanna go for medical applications, though apsels are ideal if you're, say, missing a limb, and there are some uses for medical fairies too. I went to med school myself."

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Shavri immediately lights up, looking a bit like she wants to reach into his skull and drag out the contents of his entire brain to spread out on the table. 

"Your world has specialized schooling for that? That's incredible! I have so many questions! ...Although maybe now isn't the time. Our biggest problems right now aren't really cutting-edge Healing, just - crop failures on the Border, the usual illnesses you get in overcrowded military camps, most of our mages out of commission with serious injuries..." 

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"I can do my best with the injuries on not much research and assuming you eat what I expect based on your human-looking-ness I can also do food and more robust higher yield seeds! Diseases may be trickier if I don't know what they are but I can look at 'em under a microscope and stuff and see where I get. I'm not super prepared to take sides in this war that I met half an hour ago though."

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Unhappy frown. 

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Shavri, though, nods and smiles at this. "Of course. And, I mean, I would understand if you wanted to go talk to the Karsites too -" 

Her smile fades. "Though, er, they're likely to be a lot less friendly than us. Especially if they find out that Vanyel summoned you."  

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Vanyel winces. 

"...It would mean a lot if you could help with their crop problems too," he says quietly. "It's - they've got children starving too, and it - just, I'd sleep better at night if I didn't...know that was happening and mostly my fault." 

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"Vanyel, it's not your fault." 

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"What is the war about, anyway?"

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Savil rolls her eyes. "Gods, I wish I knew." 

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Shrug. "What are wars ever about? Land and resources, politics, which gods people worship... Reckon this one's a mix of all of them. But right now it's mostly the politics and religion, I think. There was a coup by the priesthood, they killed the King and elevated the Son of the Sun as ruler of the country, and...now they're being even less reasonable than before." 

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"Gosh. Okay. Uh, I might want to have some controlled tests done on my vulnerability to local magic - daeva are indestructible but this hasn't been tested against your kind of magic in particular, you see - before I go through a warzone to offer them famine relief."

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"Daeva are indestructible? What, er, sorts of weapons has that been tested against?" 

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"...probably most of them at this point, I'd expect there's some weird project somebody is doing somewhere where they get their friend to attack them with everything anyone has ever heard of being used as a weapon. Including some stuff you almost certainly do not have here. The risk would be if your magic goes around or through that in some way, but we can test it on one of my wings, which are pretty easy to replace."

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"Right." Glance at Vanyel. "Well, conveniently, we do have the most powerful mage in the known world right here." 

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Vanyel makes SUCH a face. 

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Tantras, belatedly, grumbles and sits forward in his chair. "I know you'd rather not take sides, here, but - look, I don't think this is symmetrical. The Karsites attacked first, and we're not trying to take their territory. Valdemar does not invade and conquer." The last bit comes out in a somewhat rote, singsong voice, like it's a long-memorized saying. 

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"I'm glad that your go-to story is that and not something nastier but it is in fact just a thing you are telling me."

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"That - is a difficulty we have here," Randi agrees. "Do any of the kinds of daeva have something like Truth Spell?" 

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"No, we do not. Apsels have forensic applications but not to the point of determining who in a war is right."

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"Does knowing the languages I know cover writing as well? Because you'd be welcome to make, oh, all the diplomatic correspondence sent back and forth between Valdemar and Karse in the last twenty years - and there's no way I could be altering that now after the fact to account for you arriving, right..." 

Vanyel trails off. Shrugs. "Although I don't think 'Cam determines who's right in this war' should be the top priority, right now. Honestly, at this point both kingdoms are being stupid." 

...Oops, he probably wouldn't have said that out loud if he were any less sick and tired of the Border. He doesn't care enough to take it back, though. 

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Tran scowls, but doesn't say anything. 

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Savil reaches under the table to squeeze Vanyel's hand. 

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"Yes, I can read all your languages as well as you can, so I could check the correspondence, and if it seems like, say, the Karsites will set fire to my grain deposits if I don't denounce you, or something, I suppose I'll have to look into it, but I agree that it's not a top priority right now."

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Suddenly he's feeling incredibly weary and all he wants is to be alone in his room. 

"How urgently did you want to test the magic vulnerability thing," Vanyel says tonelessly. 

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"If you've got questions on how our magic works in general, I'm happy to answer those anytime. We should get through whatever Vanyel's needed for and let him duck out, though. He just got back from a year of being the only mage guarding the entire Border." 

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Oh no why does she have to draw attention to him. 

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"I don't think I need the most powerful known mage for this, I just need somebody to try to damage my wing and I'll see if it does more damage than normal things and if it doesn't heal like normal things. Whatever you'd do to a regular person you wanted to injure more than a papercut is fine. I can anesthetize myself for it."

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"No reason I can't do it, then, I'm not that old and decrepit. Anything else urgent that you need Van for specifically, as the one who summoned you?" 

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Randi pinches the bridge of his nose, as though he has a headache. "Any other plans you want to finalize now? I would rather you ran it by me before, er, summoning a lot of fairies or whatever they're called, but it sounds like you need a local human for that anyway, so I guess let us know? Tran can be your contact if you need maps of the Kingdom or other information." 

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"Maps would be great, actually."

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"I can get you some, that's easy! Some books on our history, too, if you want. Oh, and do you need a guest room to stay in?" 

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"Wouldn't hurt! I mean, I can make myself a house, but then there would just keep being a house indefinitely."

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"Is there a...size limit? On what you can make?" 

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"A rate limit. But a very high one. Some apsels make planets or stars recreationally."

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"What? Stars?" 

Vanyel's imaginary Leareth is narrowing his eyes about this, which for Leareth is approximately equivalent to screaming in shock. 

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"...You could destroy the world. If you wanted to." Shiver. "I - guess we're lucky Jisa's floor-drawing got someone who doesn't want to."

Shavri keeps to herself, and doesn't say out loud, the thought that they only have Cam's word on what his motives are. Though Vanyel did Truth Spell him - but Truth Spells are possible to get around, if someone is smart and quick on their verbal feet - it seemed fine when Cam was someone who could just make a lot of bread, but someone who can make entire planets is...a lot more terrifying. 

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"I acknowledge this but I super don't want to. I guess it would be responsible to ask if there is mind altering magic..."

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"...Yes. There is. None of the Heralds here in Valdemar would ever use it, of course, it's very unethical." 

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"Wouldn't put it past the Karsites, though. Given that they're throwing blood-magic right and left, and - Van, did they...?" 

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"I saw compulsions being used out there. Not...often. Takes a lot of training, to be useful. Blood-magic is...well, half the problem is that it doesn't, right." 

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"I lack context in much of that but if there is a defense against mind control I want it."

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"We can get you a shield-talisman against Thoughtsensing and one against mage-attacks of any kind. If you want them powered all the time then one of us will have to re-power them once a day or so - unless it'd count as something you can make, once you've seen one? Van, any other ideas?" 

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Vanyel shakes his head, wordlessly. 

(He's thinking that if there are any additional precautions that would make someone immune to compulsions, Leareth would know them, and also he DEFINITELY CANNOT ask Leareth for advice on this question.) 

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"I - probably cannot make magical items, though I guess I should try it, anybody have one on them I can just copy?"

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The Heralds all glance at each other. 

"- Sure, go ahead." Savil reaches into her shirt, pulls out a sort of quartz nugget held with silver wire onto a leather thong, and tugs it over her head. "Here." 

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Cam glances at it and makes an identical necklace. "Is this one magic?"

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She only glances at it for half a second before shaking her head. "No. Oh well. If it's easy for you to make the quartz blank, though, it will save us time and materials on making them." 

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"Sure, I can make blanks to be enchanted for my not destroying the world plan. They only last a day? That's not very long."

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"It's not. We usually keep ours at much lower power unless we're actually in a fight, that's why." Frown. "You probably wouldn't need it at the combat-power level all the time here in Haven, but - given what a big deal it'd be, and - how much attention you're going to get as soon as you start making a lot of things - I kind of want to play it safe." 

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"Yeah. Does kind of reduce my ability to independently operate. Uh, is there a - relatively noninvasive test - it's possible I'd nope mind control magic just like I nope drugs, but I don't know -"

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"I suppose we could try a second-stage Truth Spell on you? It's very limited, all it can do is force someone to answer a direct question truthfully, and it's - well, I don't think either of Van or I would be very comfortable placing a compulsion someone even as a test, but we use Truth Spell in our courts here in Valdemar." 

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"I assume there's some technical difference there. It sounds relatively noninvasive, at least."

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"The mechanism is totally different - it's not ordinary mage-work at all, any Herald with any Gifts can cast it, it involves a sort of modified summoning of air-elementals called vrondi. Air elementals have an affinity for minds, but the vrondi aren't anywhere near smart enough to read your thoughts, or care, they're just very sensitive to picking up intent-to-deceive. With a compulsion, you can make someone do anything; with Truth Spell, you can only do the one thing. Or, well, maybe there are other ways to use summoned air-elementals, but you'd have to invent a completely different spell and this one took our colleague twenty years of research to work out." 

Vanyel is noticeably more animated when he's talking about this; it's evidently a field of interest to him. 

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"You have elementals! That's interesting - are any of those smarter - do you have anything besides humans that is -"

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"There are nonhuman species which are as smart as us - hertasi are one I've encountered, there are others as well. And, yes, elementals vary a lot in intelligence - just like animals do - and some are probably as smart as humans, supposedly some of them can talk." 

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"And then there are Companions, of course! Though they were sort of just made by magic." 

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"And a god." Vanyel doesn't seem especially happy about this fact. "...Oh, sorry, Cam, I don't think I ever explained. What makes someone a Herald - which all of us are - is if they're Chosen by a Companion. Companions are - people, but horse-shaped, and pretty magically powerful." 

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"...gosh, okay. I will be polite to any horses I encounter and only giggle when I offer them sugar cubes a little bit."

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"It's not most horses! Companions are white and blue-eyed and look different, once you've seen one it's pretty easy to tell."

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"They don't normally talk to anyone but their Heralds, but they can," Vanyel offers. "If you wanted to specifically ask a Companion some questions." 

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"I will bear that in mind. The talisman won't prevent voluntary telepathy?"

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"It doesn't for Mindspeakers. Admittedly I don't think we've ever tested whether if a non-Mindspeaker wears one, it prevents us from talking to them, since it's - pretty rare that this actually comes up, usually we don't do that." 

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"...well, that can go on the list of things to test." He materializes his computer, lists "telepathy through talisman" and "damage wing" and "second stage truth spell".

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"Right." Savil strokes the tip of her nose again. "You know what, keep my talisman for now, I'll have Sandra make the new one to replace it. It's more critical for you to have it, I can manage my own shields. ...That one's only against mage-attacks, not Thoughtsensing. Van, any chance you have a spare for that -?" 

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Shrug. "I think there's one in the bottom of my saddlebags - I, er, haven't finished unpacking them. It took a hit from some mage out on the Border and got finicky, but I bet Sandra can fix it." 

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"I guess that isn't urgent urgent but it'd make me feel better."

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"I can check if Sandra has anything half-finished in her workshop? She was making a lot of them for during the war, protecting our top Guard commanders against spies and all." He closes his eyes briefly. "- She must be in the workshop right now, I can't reach her with Mindspeech, but I can go over right away?" 

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Randi slides his chair back from the table. "It sounds like we're wrapping up here, then? Tran, you'll grab those maps he wanted?" 

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"So I should go with you?" he asks Tran. "- you can also just, like, tell me what maps you have in mind and I can make copies."

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"They don't really, um, have titles or anything. I guess if you can work off 'the map that's pinned to the wall of my office'...?" 

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Map! - in a little stick of metal that he pokes into his computer and then displays. "This one?"

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Tran peers closer. "Yes, but - whoa. How did you do that? Mine is on canvas." 

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"I can format-convert things!"

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"Wow! That's - so useful - could you do something like, copy a stone building into a scale model made of wood -" 

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"Or the reverse! That'd be pretty useful too." Savil stands as well, taking Vanyel's elbow. "Come on, ke'chara - have you eaten, you should get some supper..." 

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Vanyel rolls his eyes in a very 'I am being involuntarily mothered' sort of way, but goes along with it. 

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"I can do materials replacements too but it's not really the same thing as a format conversion - format conversion makes more sense as a concept if you're used to computers, inconveniently."

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Vanyel half-turns, suddenly curious. "What are 'computers'?" 

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"Machines that store and manipulate information. They're great."

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"Oh! Like...paper and books except moreso?" 

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"Much moreso! Fits orders of magnitude more in much smaller spaces, you can look for specific things you want to find much more easily with much less library science, and you can do all sorts of other cool things that books can't even sort of manage."

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"That's amazing!" 

...Leareth would want to know everything about it right now. 

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"Do you need more maps or is that one enough?" 

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"Maps of more of the world would be good if you have them."

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"Of the entire world? Er, no, we don't. I can probably dig up something in the archives that covers most of the continent?" 

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Leareth would probably have a map of the entire world. 

Vanyel doesn't say this. He turns to follow Savil out. 

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"I will settle for most of the continent for the time being."

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"Want to come look at the Palace archives with me, then? You might see other things you want to, er, format convert and put on your computer." 

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"Good luck! Tran, let me know if he needs anything else." Randi slips out. 

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Shavri hovers, looking at Cam. 

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"...are you joining us?" Cam asks Shavri, making to follow Tran.

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"...Sure." She lowers her voice. "I, um, wanted to ask you about something. Can wait till we're there." 

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"All right." His tail swishes as they walk through the corridors of the palace. He makes a to-do list on his computer as they go.

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The archives are by Cam's standards not that impressive! There's a narrow, dimly-lit room with a long table in the middle, stools tucked under it; one stool is occupied by a young woman in Whites, who glances at them, does a double-take, exchanges what's probably some Mindspeech with Tran, and goes back to her book. 

There are shelves of books, and further back, shelves of boxes and crates. Maybe a couple of thousand books' worth of writing here, in total. 

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Tantras heads for the back, starts searching for a particular box. 

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"Um." Shavri glances over at the young Herald working. "Is it - all right if I use Mindspeech?" 

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"If you can avoid accidentally reading anything I don't try to tell you, sure."

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"...I'm not sure I can avoid reading anything if I'm trying to read your answers with Thoughtsensing, but I can avoid reading anything period and you can just answer without being too informative?" 

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"Let's go with that."

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She closes her eyes. Takes a deep breath. 

:...The King is seriously ill with - something. We don't know what. We don't know how to cure it, or if it's possible. It's not showing many symptoms yet but it's getting worse over time. I haven't told him yet. No one else knows but Vanyel and Tantras. It...seemed like you noticed something, though? When he came in?: 

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"Not enough to go on," Cam says, after a moment of considering whether responses are oblique enough.

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:But you studied medicine, right? What would you do next, if you were treating him and wanted to find out more?: 

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"Investigate conjured samples. Screening questions."

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:- Would you be willing to help us with that?: 

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"Uh, it might not be priority one but in principle sure."

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:Fair enough. It's not that urgent? Whatever the illness is, it's not fast. But - Valdemar is going to have a lot of political problems, if it gets worse down the line. Randi doesn't currently have an heir: 

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"Why not?"

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:It's, er. Complicated. ...His father died before he could inherit. Randi wasn't supposed to be King until decades from now: 

Shavri doesn't seem very enthused to talk about it. 

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"Is it that Jisa's a girl -?"

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:No! It's not that at all. Randi's grandmother was Queen, we're not - Valdemar's been about half and half, historically, when it wasn't two married co-consorts. It's just...:

She half turns away. Stares at the floor. :Jisa isn't his legitimate daughter. Randi and I never married. We're lifebonded, but...I...: Shrug. :They wanted him available for political marriages, and I didn't - I would never want to be a monarch. I don't want to force my daughter down that path: 

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"...that does complicate things but I'm not sure what good the availability does if it's not being, uh, employed for the conventional purpose."

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:Don't ask me, I'm not the Council. Er, they were working on arranging something - a marriage to a Karsite princess - but the talks for it were happening about six months before Elspeth died and the Karsites immediately started a war. It fell through: 

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"I see. Uh, anyway, I can try the thing with the samples and microscopes at some point but not until I don't think anyone is imminently going to, like, starve."

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:That makes sense. Thank you:

She nods to him, and turns to head out. 

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Herald Tantras is still digging around for maps. He has a couple of rolled-up canvases tucked under his arm already, though. 

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"I could just put this entire library on my computer," Cam mentions. "If that would save you some time. Is it all in the one alphabet?"

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Tantras blinks, looks up. "- Er, almost all? There are a decent chunk of books in Rethwellani, they have some scholarly academies there and a lot of schools of magic. But they use the same script as Valdemaran." 

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"Cool, I'll just teach my computer the alphabet and I'll be good to go." He inputs the Valdemaran script into it.

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Tantras stops hunting for maps, and watches in fascination instead. 

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When the last letter is in Cam conjures another little metal splinter of a computer chip, tucks it in, and starts hunting through the library for maps.

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Once he's including everything in the library including little maps drawn in-line in books, there are several hundred! 

Most of the small ones are either very un-detailed, clearly wrong or incomplete or outdated, or of individual towns rather than countries let alone the continent. 

There's one huge map that gets nearly all of the continent though! It's three hundred years old and was made by a scholar in somewhere called the Eastern Empire - the main difference is that the western area shaded out as uninhabitable stretches a lot further east, eating a lot of Valdemar and Rethwellan - and the annotations are all in a different alphabet, but it's otherwise workable.

He can also find pretty up-to-date individual maps of all the countries bordering on Valdemar, and many of their neighbours on the other side; the list ends up including Rethwellan, Karse, Hardorn, Iftel, Menmellith (only showing up on some maps, it seems to go in and out between being Karsite-held territory), two teeny places on the western edge of Valdemar called Lineas and Baires, and some southeastern countries - Jkatha, Ruvan, Seejay. 

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"Does Karse own Menmellith right now?" Cam inquires.

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"- No, not right now. No one, er, really knows what goes on there - it's in this little triangle of horrible mountainous land, it's mostly mountain clanspeople, they keep themselves pretty isolated and don't have a lot of trade right now."

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Cam makes a note of this. "Anything else these aren't going to be up to date on?"

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"Hmm. Let me look... The Hardornen map is old, a bunch of their southern bit is Karse's territory now. And Rethwellan's expanded some to the west. Valdemar looks accurate, that map is new from Queen Elspeth's reign." 

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"Cool, thanks." He annotates the map. He appears to be controlling the projected image with his mind. "Anything else that's in here that you wanna call my attention to?"

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Tran peers at the map. 

"Situation's heating up in Lineas and Baires recently." He points them out. "Some sort of dispute about whether the heir to one of them is illegitimate. We're - taking measures about it, but it's not like Valdemar has a lot of slack right now." 

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"You're at war, that kinda eats slack, yeah. Is the one of them without the succession dispute involved somehow?"

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"Yes. There's - all right, so a couple decades ago they were fighting and Queen Elspeth sent some Heralds in to try to calm things down, and there was a peace treaty. With an alliance marriage - the King of Lineas and the fourteen-year-old daughter of the ruler of Baires at the time. Except now there are rumours that the boy looks exactly like his uncle and people are claiming he's a bastard - worse, born of incest, that his lady mother bedded her own brother before she was married off. It's...gross and implausible, but it's causing an enormous fuss. ...Also, supposedly a lot of people think the boy isn't quite right in the head, which doesn't help." 

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"And I suppose doesn't help convince anyone that he isn't inbred, yikes. Okay. Uh, so, food. I can just fly around and leave packages of food lying around, but will people eat that or will they be too freaked out? Should I have it delivered in some more locally conventional way?"

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"Er, what do the 'packages' look like? If it's unusual enough people might not realize it's food." 

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"I'd want to copy local styles. Maybe adding some features to keep pests and such out but I could at least make it look superficially like what you'd expect."

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"Probably wagons left at the edge of town would do better than just randomly? And, hmm, maybe with signs that it's approved by the Heralds. Crates and canvas or burlap sacks are the most common packaging for transporting food. Or wrapping in paper, for cheese and things." 

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"Right, and nobody's going to have can openers, are they."

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"- what openers?" 

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"There's a way of preserving food where you put it in a jar, and seal it, with some complicated associated cooking process I don't know offhand, do you have that?"

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"Oh, like making preserves? We do have some of that, though it's usually glass jars sealed with wax, and mostly foods in brine or vinegar or sometimes sugar to help with keeping it from going off." 

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"Right, so, with somewhat higher tech you make the whole jar out of metal and you seal it so that you can't open it without a specialized tool and you have shelf-stable canned beans or fish or whatever."

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"Huh! That's really clever. Can you make the cans and the opener for them too?" 

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"Yes, though that won't help if people are bewildered by both."

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"Fair enough, I guess we'd better check how hard it is to learn before we try that. And there's plenty else that would work fine in the meantime, probably. If we wanted to be really careful about not confusing people, maybe I could show you the food-storage behind the kitchens and you could just copy some of that, if it works that way?" 

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"It does work that way! Lead on. Hopefully no one will be alarmed by a layer of plastic under the burlap."

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Tran doesn’t comment on this; he’s a little curious about why the layer of plastic, whatever “plastic” even is, but mostly his brain is kind of hurting from sheer information overload. 

He shows Cam to the kitchen storeroom. There are sacks of wheat and oats and dried pease, and some ceramic urns of milled flour, and lots of potatoes and other root vegetables plus some slightly withered apples in baskets, and dried cooking herbs hanging from the ceiling, and lots of cheese of varying ages. Meat and milk are usually brought in fresh from the relevant barns, rather than stored here. 

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Cam takes some photos. Designs a wagonload of groceries he can leave lying around wherever. "Okay, is there any reason I should not go fly around and leave a bunch of food wherever I see houses someplace nobody's obviously looking all around the hungry regions? With, in Valdemar, a note saying the Heralds are behind it."

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"- Hmm, one moment." Tran closes his eyes. 


After a few seconds he frowns, and looks over at Cam. "Taver - my Companion, the Groveborn - has a bad feeling for some reason. But he's being cryptic about it and he said he wouldn't override me giving you the go-ahead, and Randi approves. It's...sort of not my business if you want to do places other than Valdemar too, just be aware that you might want to be extra careful about not being seen in Karse. The new priesthood after the coup is especially horrible, apparently." 

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"Just because they'd tell people not to eat it, or is there something else?"

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"They've...been systematically murdering anyone who has Gifts and isn't aligned with the priesthood. Including kids. Usually by burning them to death, I hear." 

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"...wow. That's not going to, like, actually damage me, but it would certainly be annoying. - do you suppose your Healers would let me do some cursory experiments to make sure people on this planet react as I expect to various drugs so I can harmlessly knock assailants unconscious?"

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"Ooh, yes that's an excellent idea. Can you, er, easily drug people from a distance?"

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"Yeah, I took a class on it! - it was, like, part of a course on how to drug people for beneficent medical purposes, but yeah, it will also let me knock people out."

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"Pretty useful. Er, assuming you use it for good purposes and not to mug people or something, but that doesn't seem like something you'd be that tempted to do."

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"What on earth would I mug people for?"

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"I mean, you clearly don't need their stuff, but neither do any of the nobleborn youngsters around the Palace, and every once in a while they go do it for 'fun' or something." 

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"I can fly," snorts Cam. "Also, in my universe, they have invented video games. I do not need to mug people for fun. Anything else before I go drop off a ton of food?"

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Tran is suddenly really curious about 'video games' but also his head kind of feels ready to explode. "No, I don't think so. Good luck." 

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"Great! I will try to be back in time to accept Jisa's dinner invitation, I don't expect to cover the whole globe in one trip."

And he goes and makes a little shuttle and some cloud cover and a very small camera drone to fly below the clouds and he places wagonsful of grains and legumes and cheeses and dried fruits and roots and herbs wherever there are more than two houses kind of near each other.

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This goes fine! Nothing happens to stop him. Some people seem weirded out by the sudden clouds, but no one notices the drone. 

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(Back in Haven, Savil is trying hard to figure out how to make the Web chill out about all the strange magic being done; she's sick of checking up on the alarms to make sure that they are, yet again, the obvious thing.) 

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Cam, ignorant of such alarms, circles back when the sun starts to go down, on the theory that this is probably about dinnertime and also he cannot see in the dark particularly.

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He doesn't actually know where to go to find Jisa and her family for dinner, but there are a few Companions and/or their Heralds in the field or heading down the various paths. 

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Oh, they do look kind of different from regular horses. He doesn't know if they can talk out loud, though, and Mindspeech is apparently dicey on the mindreading front. He will ask a Herald where he'd go to keep a dinner appointment with little Jisa.

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"Oh! With her parents, I'm assuming? It'll be over in the Healers' housing area, want me to show you there?" 

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"Yes please!"

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The Herald politely walks Cam over to another long stone building on one side of a courtyard. He points out a different building opposite before leading the way inside. "That's the actual House of Healing over there, in case you need to find it at some point." 

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Shavri answers the door promptly when the other Herald knocks. "Oh! Cam, welcome, come on in. Jisa's just helping me set the table." 

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"Oh good, I was hoping I guessed reasonably about the timing. Can I make you dinner or is it already made?"

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Jisa patters over, almost colliding with Cam. "Hi Cam! You make it. I wanna see how you do it!" 

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"There's not a lot to see, but okay! What do you want for dinner?"

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"Ooh, do I get to pick? I waaaant...hmm..." she hums under her breath for a few seconds, "fish - the nice white kind - cooked inside bread. And pickles to go with. And one of those egg pies with cheese on top. And biscuits with jam for dessert." 

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Shavri sighs a little, though she's smiling. "Jisa, I like to have at least one vegetable with my dinner. Can you pick one?" 

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"It can be in bread. Or with cheese. Just, something green, please?" 

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"Fiiiine. The egg-pie can have spinach in." 

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"Maybe you would like a vegetable you haven't tried before! Have you had... artichokes? Celery root? Seaweed? Eggplant? Peppers? Bamboo?"

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"You can eat seaweed? Huh! I thought bamboo was a tree. Not a vegetable. I read a story about a merchant in Seejay who had a house made of bamboo." 

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"Bamboo is very versatile! Parts of it can be eaten as a vegetable. Do you want to try it? Or seaweed?"

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"Are you going to make me eat all of it before I can have any biscuits?" Jisa says, suspiciously. 

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"That doesn't seem like my job."

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Shavri ruffles her daughter's hair. "You don't have to finish everything this time. It's a special occasion." She looks over at Cam. "What are 'artichokes' like? I don't think I've ever had one." 

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So Cam will make halibut-filled buns with a little lemon and bayleaf, and a cheesy quiche, and a selection of various pickles from capers to pickled green beans, and spinach artichoke hors d'oeuvres on tiny toasts, and seaweed snacks, and a bamboo stirfry, and biscuits with assorted jams.

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Jisa's eyes go HUGE as the food appears! She looks pretty suspicious at some of the unfamiliar kinds of pickles, but Cam's presence, and the sheer excitingness of food appearing from nowhere, gets her to try at least a bite of almost everything. 

She declares that the bamboo 'isn't a real vegetable' because 'it's not green' and eats several pieces, but mostly she chows down on the fish - eating a lot more of the bun part than the fish part - and the quiche. 

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Shavri is mostly quiet during the meal. She smiles at Jisa's chatter and occasionally reminds her not to chew with her mouth full, but she's clearly preoccupied. 

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"Are only green things real vegetables?" Cam wonders, appearing on Jisa's plate a bit of eggplant and a bit of cauliflower and a bit of fennel, all infused with various flavors demon-style.

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Jisa seems kind of suspicious that this is a SCHEME, but the bamboo was actually tasty, and after some indecision and mostly playing with her food, she does eventually try a bite of each. 

"That one's good!" she acknowledges about the cauliflower. "It's sort of like bread." She's less a fan of the fennel, which 'tastes like medicine tea', and the eggplant, which is 'slimy', but - after a quelling look from her mother - she doesn't spit out either one, and thanks Cam diplomatically enough. 

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She can have some more cauliflower if she'd like. Battered and fried? In various sauces? Mashed? Roasted?

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Jisa LOVES the battered-and-fried cauliflower! She keeps asking for more! 

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All the battered cauliflower she wants. "I can give you seeds for this if you want," he tells Shavri.

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"Neat! How hard is it to grow?" 

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"I don't think unusually so but I do not personally keep a garden. I will translate you some care instructions." He does this and presents her with a little card and a bag of seeds.

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"I don't garden much either but I'll bring this to someone who knows what to do with it. The bamboo really is delicious, by the way. Would that be hard to grow here?" 

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"Probably not that hard." Culinary bamboo seeds, bamboo care instructions.

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"Thank you! This is wonderful." 

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"Mama can I have dessert now?" 

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Shavri chuckles. "Jisa, pet, are you sure you have room in your tummy for dessert?" 

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"I have room in my dessert tummy!" 

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"All right, then. You ate plenty of your dinner, you can have dessert." 

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"- Cam can I have a biscuit with even more jam on it than that? I want twice as much jam. I want thiiiis much jam." She indicates it with her thumb and forefinger held half an inch apart.

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"Sure, what flavor?"

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"What's your favourite one?" 

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"Strawberry, but I have what are widely considered very boring tastes in food."

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"Huh. What's the least boring sort of jam you know?" 

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"Rambutan lime."

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"Ooh. Maybe you can make me a strawberry jam one and also a 'ram-bu-tan lime' jam one?" 

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"Here you go." Ultra jammy cookies.

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They're both delicious! 

(Jisa's face ends up very covered in jam.)

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Adorable and also not his job to fix.

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Shavri cheerfully cleans up her daughter. 

"- I'm sorry Randi couldn't make it tonight," she adds to Cam. "You know, being King is a lot of work and all, it's not personal." 

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"That's totally fine," he assures her.

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"Anyway, I'd better get this child to bed, but - good luck with everything!" 

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"But I'm not sleepy!" Jisa protests half-heartedly. "Anyway, why didn't Uncle Van come? He should come next time." 

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"He's very busy, pet. Say goodnight to Cam?" 

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"Goodnight, Cam! Thanks for the yummy food!" 

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"You're welcome!" Wag wag.

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Shavri smiles warmly and ushers him out. 



...There is not, in fact, an obvious place for him to go; at some point there was discussion of setting him up with a guest room, but if that happened, no one's gotten around to informing him of it. 

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That's okay, he will sit on a rooftop and read his books.

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The night is quiet and peaceful and eventually the sun rises. None of the Heralds seem to be urgently hunting for Cam. 

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He get back in his shuttle once it's light and places wagons in the rest of the affected region and is back by lunchtime.

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This time, someone is looking for him! Herald Jaysen is waiting in the Companions' Field, and waves. "Cam! You busy?" 

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"I'm between tasks, what's up?"

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"A completely unrelated-to-you surprise just came up! Wondered if you would be, er, willing to meet with her." 

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"Who is it and if she's unrelated to me why does she want to meet me?"

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"She is, apparently - and she confirmed it under Truth Spell - Princess Karis, the surviving member of the former royal family of Karse, and thus rightful heir to the throne. She wants to take back the kingdom from the priesthood, who she claims are corrupt and don't speak for Vkandis Sunlord. She...came to Valdemar to ask for our help." 

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"Oh. I guess that's a great reason. I'd be happy to meet her."

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"All right, then, let's go get set up - she's meeting privately with Randi right now but they should be done soonish." 

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"Sure, lead the way."

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The way is led! 

Neither Randi nor the Karsite princess are there yet. 

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Tantras is, though, looking tense and worried. 

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And Shavri, looking like someone who is UTTERLY MISERABLE and trying very hard to hide it. 

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"...Shavri? You okay?"

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"...I'm fine." 

This is not at all convincing. 

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"The Council is talking about an alliance marriage," Tantras says in a low voice. "Between Randi and Karis." 

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"...oh. I guess that... makes sense."

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"It makes a lot of sense." Shavri's voice is tense and higher-pitched than usual. "Could end the war this way. Seems worth it." 

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"I've never actually had the pleasure before of interacting with... monarchies. Why is it that there can't just be an end to the war without the marriage part?"

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"What an excellent question." Savil strides into the room, Vanyel just behind her. "I guess the actual answer is that for some reason, probably a stupid reason, both sides take it more seriously if there's a wedding involved." 

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"I don't suppose they could very solemnly adopt one another as siblings instead?"

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Snort. "Unfortunately I think there's no precedent for that. If either of them had living siblings, probably they could get married and that'd carry enough weight here, but - they don't." 

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"That sucks and I don't think I can fix it by conjuring material objects, I'm sorry."

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"You could help Karis take back her country and end the war. If you were willing to take sides enough to do that. Then it'd...well, at least it'd be worth it, right?" 

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Tantras abruptly clears his throat. 

"They're headed over."

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The room goes silent. Vanyel sits down, arms folded tightly across his chest.

He looks like he didn't sleep especially well last night. 

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"Do you need, like, coffee, Vanyel?"

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"- Oh, is that the one that helps you wake up? Yes, that would help." 

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"I'm intrigued," Savil adds. "Better than tea?" 

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"I prefer it personally but plenty of people swear by tea even if they have access to both. If you like your tea with milk and sugar you might like coffee that way too, do you?"

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"Milk but no sugar is how I drink tea." 

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Vanyel, after a beat of staring vaguely at nothing, shakes himself a little. "Right. I'm still getting used to being able to get milk and sugar. Didn't have it out on the Border. I'll take both." 

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Savil gets a latte and Vanyel gets a mocha.

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"Huh! This is...odd, but it's not bad." 

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"I like it!" Vanyel agrees. 

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Footsteps at the door. 

"Thank you for coming, Cam." Randi exchanges nods with the other Heralds as well. "It's my pleasure to introduce you to Princess Karis." 

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Karis looks about Shavri's age; she's a bit taller, and more sturdily built, dark-haired and eyed. She also looks very, very tired, in a deeper and more thorough way than just lack of sleep. 

She inclines her head to Cam, but doesn't say anything. 

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Randi ushers her to a chair. 

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The room is silent, except for Savil slurping from her latte. 

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"Your Highness," Cam acknowledges.

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This gets a flat, tired look from Karis. 

"Not yet," she says in accented Valdemaran. "A queen with no country, a title is not -" a pause while she visibly hunts for the word she wants, "- deserved." 

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"Sorry, I didn't speak this language last week and don't know how to address princesses."

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"You can say 'my lady'," Karis answers, in Karsite this time. "It is not important though." A piercing look. "King Randale says you are very powerful. And - good." 

She says the word like someone who is highly suspicious of the concept. 

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"I mean, I try."

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"I want this war to be over." 

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"Don't we all. Is there anything you need from me on that?"

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"Resources. Of various kinds. I escaped with only a few dozen of my people, so - I have no army to add to King Randale's, not until we win." 

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"I cannot make people - or even animals smarter than bugs - and if I could I'd need to know a lot more about where they'd be fetching up than I currently do. I've been leaving wagonsful of food everywhere plausibly affected by famine."

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This earns him the first genuine smile he's seen from her! "Yes. King Randale mentioned. Thank you." 

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"You're welcome!"

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She thinks for a few beats. Glances over at Randi. 

"Would you be willing to make weapons for us." 

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"...I don't need to know much about a situation to decide that nobody in it ought to starve. I do need to know somewhat more than that there is a war on to decide that somebody in it ought to have - what's the state of the art here, various polearms?"

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"Swords, crossbows, pikes." Shrug. "Nevermind. Are you willing to make - items for us that are not weapons, but that could help support our logistics." 

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"Like food? I can do more food."

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"Food, warm clothing, tents - wagons for transport - I could likely draft a longer list of items that would help." 

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"I'm tentatively up for that but would be more comfortable if I could, pending defenses against various magical attacks coming in, go talk to the folks on the other side and see if they try to set me on fire or something? I'm way more up for enabling people who don't set helpful strangers on fire for success versus people who do."

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"I understand." 

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"I think Sandra's just about finished your Thoughtsensing talisman, by the way. And did you still want to test whether other magical attacks work on daeva?" 

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"Yes, if anyone wants to zap me in the wing with whatever I can replace that pretty easy if it turns out to be bad." He extends a wing.

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"Er, all right. I'm not going to throw a lot of power around in here, though - will it work for the test if it's a power level that wouldn't injure a normal human too badly?" 

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"Has to be more than a papercut - here, I'll demonstrate -" He produces a steak knife and stabs himself in the arm. It leaves a small pink scratch that heals instantly. "If it wouldn't do more than that to a regular person it won't be informative."

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This earns him a very impressed and intrigued look from Karis!

"Useful," she says under her breath. 

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"All right. The room's shielded - I can aim for a bit more injury-potential than that, as long as all the squishy humans go on the other side of the room..." 

Savil waits for this to be arranged, and then throws a very narrowly-targeted levinbolt at Cam's wing, pretty hard; Vanyel could hold that off with native shields but she's not sure anyone else in Valdemar could. 

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Cam holds his wing still for her. There is a small discolored spot where she hits. Then it heals. It doesn't seem to hurt him at all; he folds up the wing. "Indestructibility one, magic lightning zero!"

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"Want me to try a few different styles of attack? Might also be useful to find out if you can get out of restraint or trap-spell type things." 

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"I almost certainly can't! I might be able to do something particularly creative but the way I'd get out of it if physically tied up would involve destroying the rope with conjuration - will that work on a trap spell?"

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"I have no idea! Want to test it? ...Er, if you're going to be experimenting here, I think it'd be safer to take this to an actual Work Room. There's one pretty nearby, same building." 

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"Sure, why not, when the meeting's over."

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"Works for me." 

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"What else do we need to discuss? Cam, are you interested in making plans to, er, go talk to some people on the Karsite side, so you can think about what you're willing to help with here?" 

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"Yeah, who should I be going to for an account of their end of things?"

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Randi looks over at Karis. 

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Karis thinks. 

"I - would not trust any of the priesthood in higher positions, I think all of those were - replaced, after the coup. I know some names of local village priests, who I - would approve of as individuals. If they are still in their same positions, that is who I would suggest you speak with." 

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"...I mean, the point of that test just now was that even if I go to someone who is completely untrustworthy, I will be fine and they can demonstrate that they are untrustworthy and then I will come back and go 'boy howdy, you guys were right'."

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"...I would still suggest talking to someone who will answer your questions about the state of Karse and its people. But if you are, in fact, genuinely unworried about your safety, then I can show you where to find the High Temple in Sunhame - King Randale, do have any maps of it?" 

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A raised eyebrow. "No, that's - something we were hoping you could help us with." 

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"Well. I can draw a map for both purposes, then." 

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"Or just name one that exists."

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"I - what - oh. Of course. I am not sure how specific..." Frown. "The map painted on the wall of the war-strategy room in the Palace. Except - smaller than that would be convenient. There is also a map of the full country painted on the floor and I am guessing it would be useful?" 

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She's speaking Karsite and Randi lags a second behind as he parses it, but then nods emphatically. "Yes, please!" 

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Rolled-up versions of both appear.

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The other Heralds help spread these out flat on the table and examine them; Tran and Randi focus on the one of the whole country, which even at reduced-scale is a lot more detailed than anything their library had. 

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Karis examines the map of Sunhame for a while, then beckons Cam over. 

"Here." She taps a marked-out building with her finger. "This is the Temple to Vkandis. I am not sure if the Son of the Sun will be there, but there will be someone who - has all of the information and ought be able to speak for the priesthood." 

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"Cool, what else should I know before I fly over?"

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"If this has not changed, then the main troop placements within the city are here and here, and the mages they have - who are all required to be priests, now - are..." and she can go through a list. "The Son of the Sun is an Adept mage. Many of the senior priests will be at least Master-potential. I...would suggest you try to arrange to talk to them when there are not very many innocent bystanders in range. In case they decide to arrange a 'miracle' to deal with the threat." 

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"...okay, collateral damage a concern, got it."

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"There are some Councillors - not in the priesthood - who might still be in power. I am not sure what changes were made there, I escaped before anything was settled." Karis can list their names and point out on the map approximate where most of them live and where the Palace meeting rooms are. 

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He takes notes.

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"...I think that is everything." 

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"Cool. How's my Karsite accent, I only speak it as well as my summoner."

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"- Tolerable. You do speak it with a Valdemaran accent, and you look closer to Valdemaran than Karsite, so - they are going to make some assumptions." 

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"For cultural reasons, I will not be disguising myself as ethnically Karsite, but hopefully the wings and tail will at least disabuse anyone of the notion that I'm a normal Valdemaran."

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"Randi, is that all for now? Cam, we should figure out if and how you can get loose from magical traps before you go off to Sunhame." 

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"I agree completely. How do they work, in - general nontechnical terms?"

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"That's all we needed you for right now, Cam," Randi confirms, absently. "Karis and I will review the map - thank you - Karis, we should try to think of other things like that which he could make for us, intelligence is even more important than weapons here..." 

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Savil ushers Cam out of the meeting-room and points them down the hall. "Hmm. There's a pretty wide range, but most trap-spells - let's say eight in ten kinds - work from physical force, like a mage-barrier - I'll show you one in the Work Room." 

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"Alrighty then." Follow follow.

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The room is stone-lined and seems completely sound-isolated, all noise from the rest of the Palace cutting off when Savil shuts the door. 

She raises a hand and shapes a physical mage-barrier, forming a sort of bubble over a corner of the room. 

"There. See if you can, er, get through that." 

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He produces a Koosh ball on the far side of the barrier. "Well, I can conjure through it, that's promising..." He goes up and pokes it.

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It feels like hard tough plastic - not quite as totally-rigid as glass, but with very little give - and also like it's humming or buzzing very slightly under his touch. 

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Can he conjure something that intersects it, like, oh, a stick?

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He can! 

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Savil makes a startled "oof" sound. "Wow! I felt that. It - you didn't destabilize the barrier, but you...tunnelled through it? Like you were cutting through it with a much stronger spell than mine." 

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"Huh, okay, so -" A bit of plastic pipe, hollow in the middle?

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That one neatly slices and divides Savil's barrier into the main part and the little circle inside the pipe! Which immediately destabilizes, since she's not expecting this, and throws out some random sparks and static in the process. 

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Cam sticks his arm through the pipe.

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- Savil reacts as fast as she can and tries to block the interior with a new mage-barrier, but it's not very well anchored yet and sort of crumples when he tries to shove through it. 

"I could've maybe stopped you doing that with more practice," she says. 

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"Hm. Does it matter how strong the material is..." Soap foam?

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This seems to work just as well at making a hole in the barrier as stronger substances! 

Once it's there, though, Savil has a much easier time just shoving it out of the way and reforming the missing bit. 

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How about something elastic, appearing squeezed to a narrow line but bouncing out into a cylinder as soon as it exists?

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That behaves a lot more like a spell exerting force against someone else's spell! Savil can push back against the force, and squish and pinch it back to the narrow line, but this requires putting significantly more energy into the spell. 

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"Okay, so I don't straightforwardly beat the spell but I can make it put in a lot of work - there's no reason I couldn't do hundreds of those at once - and that'll probably do the trick?"

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"Good! I expect so. Want me to test a few variants on you, just to check?" 

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"All right, this is the simplest one." 

Savil closes her eyes, concentrates in preparation for about thirty seconds, and then casts the spell. It's very similar to the original mage-barrier, except for the fact that it snaps tight around Cam's body like cling wrap, making it impossible to move. 

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And if he covers himself in little barbs of frost?

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Savil can keep the spell together for a few seconds by throwing TONS of power into stabilizing the mesh-like net of it left around the barbs, but she doesn't bother with this for long. 

"...Mm-hmm. You can get out of that one just fine." 

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"Cool." He surrounds himself with some hot dry air to get rid of the frost and resulting icemelt.

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"Well, that's by far the easiest kind of restraining spell - so most likely what you'd encounter - and it's one that your talisman won't block since it's technically not attacking you. There are some paralysis-spell variants that might be harder to shake off but they won't get past the shields. Want me to try a couple of the more sophisticated restraint based trap-spells, see if the same trick works?" 

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"Sure, if you're not worn out or anything."

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"Not yet! And this kind is actually a lot more power-efficient, just takes training and control that most mages don't have. And setup time. I'll need ten minutes or so, since I don't have the trap-spell set already." 

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"Okay!" He has a library to read while she's doing that.

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Eventually Savil's eyes refocus. "Ready?" 

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"Hit me."

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She hits him! 

This one, pre-prepared and triggered, goes up even faster. Instead of a single solid sheet of force, it seems to be made of - a very very large number of threads or strings of magic, crisscrossing each other almost like netting or cloth, and all of them constantly moving to evade being snipped one at a time. 

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"Wow this feels really weird!" How does it take to the frost trick?

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Not nearly as straightforwardly as with the last one! The threads are moving and slippery and some of them get disrupted but the trailing ends are "sticky" in an almost static-electricity-like way, and just glom onto something else. He's damaging the net but, so far, not weakening it very much. 

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Hm! How about a thin smooth layer of ice and then another and then another, all under the net -

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This - stretches it? It puts strain on the spell and starts to weaken it, but there's a lot of magic in there and it can take a bit of stretching before it's diluted to the point of snapping. 

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"Huh! That's fascinating!" 

Savil could probably reinforce it, but not as fast as he's weakening it, and she is getting a bit tired, so she just watches. 

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He speeds up a bit.

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Snap! Some of the threads of magic start parting under the strain, then more, as the tension is distributed between fewer cords. He can probably accelerate this by adding the frost-spikes trick again. 

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It's kind of uncomfortable to be covered in ice so once he's free he melts it and does the drying off trick again.

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"Hmm. Could you do that faster, now that you know how? I guess it's not like they can mess with you too much in the meantime but it could be inconvenient if it took a minute to get loose." 

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"Yeah, I can do it faster. Does kind of mess with my clothes." He patches a shredded section of his jeans. It doesn't come out very well.

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Savil frowns at the patch. "Well, hopefully you won't need it. I'd better check if your talisman's ready, and...at that point you're probably good to go?" 

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"Great, thank you!"

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Savil ushers him out of the meeting room. 

"One second -" her face shifts into a Mindspeaking expression, "- oh, good, Sandra's done with the talisman - want to go grab it from her?" 

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"Yes but if you could give me a second I'd like to replace this outfit outright."

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"Yes, of course." 

Savil isn't sure how much undressing this will require. She politely turns her back. 

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It requires all of the undressing but the re-dressing part is fast. He clips his computer onto his new pants and says, "Ready!"

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Savil considers asking what he intends to do with the discarded clothes, but mostly she wants to be done with this so she can get back to her very neglected Web-maintenance work. 

She leads Cam over to Sandra's workshop. 

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He carries the clothes tucked under his arm and makes an inquisitive tossing motion at the next fireplace they pass.

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"- Er, normally we'd fix up clothes or at least use the cloth for something else, but...I guess with you here, cloth isn't expensive to make?" 

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"It is not! But if you want them you can have them, is there a rag basket?"

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"I'll take them and drop them off later." Savil holds out her arm for the balled-up clothes. "Sandra's workshop is just down this way." 

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They duck outside and follow a short path between two areas of rosebushes and reach a smaller detached shed-like building with a couple of different doors.

Sandra is sitting at her work desk, staring at some crystals laid out in front of her, but she twitches to alertness when Savil clears her throat. "- Oh, right. You're Cam?" 

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"That's me, nice to meet you."

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"You wanted this?" She holds up another crystal talisman on a leather cord. "Power should last a couple days, any mage can re-power it for you. ...Oh, and you can make the quartz focus part, right? Would it be hard to make me another fifty, the Guard wants more made." 

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"It would not be hard - this is for anti-Thoughtsensing in particular?"

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"Thoughtsensing, also mage-attacks - like the one you already have - and physical mage-armour against swords and things." 

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"I am actually going on a fact finding mission to determine how much I'm comfortable helping with war stuff."

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"Guess that makes sense. Are you fine with make some that're just for Thoughtsensing talismans, then?" 

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"Yeah, I don't think anybody oughta be getting mindread. Are those different in some way?"

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"Honestly the tolerances we can get working with quartz are pretty wide, so not in practice - possibly a different size or shape would be ideal if we could reliably make them for that, but I haven't done the research for it since, well." Shrug. "If you make me twenty like yours, that'll do fine." 

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He will extend them this benefit of the doubt. Twenty like that.

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"Thank you! Wow. That's - incredible. I guess you don't have any idea what it looks like to our mage-sight... It's beautiful." 

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"I haven't the foggiest! Is that something you can - cast on other people to let them see -"

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"Er, not that I know how to do, sorry. Mindspeakers can use concert-rapport to share Othersenses with each other?" 

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"Nearly impossible to avoid a bit of incidental mindreading, though, even if we could pull it off with you not being a Mindspeaker. Sorry." 

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"Alas. Perhaps one day someone will paint it."

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"...Wow. What an idea. Anyway, I'd better get back to work. Good luck with your, er, fact finding mission. If you see any kids being burned alive we'd be grateful if you rescued them." 

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Savil winces a bit but doesn't comment. 

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"I... wasn't really going to stop to consider your gratitude if I saw any kids being burned alive, but I guess that's good to know."

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Savil nods, glances at Sandra, and ushers Cam out.

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"Anything else to test or tell me?"

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"Er, not that I'm managing to think of right now." 

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"Cool. I'll be back at some point probably. Thanks for all your help!"

And he gets back in his shuttle and flies to Karse.

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Karse stretches out below him! 

About fifty miles south of the border region, it even stops looking like a desolate wasteland, mostly. There are still signs of weather-related disasters, some flooded fields and washed-out roads, some farmhouses and even small towns that seem to have been entirely ripped apart by storms and then abandoned. There's a main road that's been kept in decent repair, though. 

And eventually Sunhame. It's a significantly bigger city than Haven, though less densely-packed within the walls. The temple is easy to find. It's enormous and very, very covered-in-gold. 

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Cam lands outside the city and flies in on his own wings.

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He gets a lot of staring and pointing from people on the ground! 

At one point before reaching the temple itself, a man in red-and-gold robes steps out of a building, raises his hands, and - does something, presumably trying to cast a spell. Nothing happens, since Cam is shielded, but he does feel it; it's vaguely reminiscent of a sound too low-pitched to hear but still buzzing in his teeth. 

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That's... probably rude? Cam lands by the guy. "Hi!" he says in Karsite. "What's your name? I'm Cam!"

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Startled shriek!

The man manages to yelp out a string of Karsite swearwords, and tries to throw a fireball at Cam. 

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Cam looks around for potentially injurable bystanders who might require walls of ice to shield them.

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All nearby bystanders are fleeing and scattering as fast as they can! The fire is pretty aimed, so it's really only the building behind Cam in danger. It's a wooden storefront, though. 

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Wooden storefront gets an ice wall. "Careful with that," he says.

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The man takes a few steps back, stopping when he runs into the building behind him. 

"What do you want?" he snarls at Cam in Karsite. 

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"...what do you want? I was just flying around and you started casting spells at me."

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The priest straightens himself to his full height and glares at Cam, though the effect is slightly ruined by the fact that he's trembling. 

"This kingdom is under the protection of Vkandis Sunlord, and your, your witchcraft, is not welcome here!" he growls.  

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Cam resists the temptation to put on a witch hat. "...why not?"

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The priest starts to open his mouth to answer, and then instead snaps his jaw shut with a click and folds his arms and glares. 

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"Well, I can hardly be expected to change my ways if nobody will explain what the matter with them is, can I?"

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The priest doesn't answer immediately. 

(He's thinking that this is a reasonable argument, but also he's feeling INCREDIBLY unqualified to have this conversation and like the mysterious winged witch-or-whatever-he-is is going to out-argue him on every point whether or not he's right.) 


"...You could talk to the Son of the Sun?" he ventures, finally. "He speaks directly for Vkandis." And is also the highest authority in Karse right now, meaning that he presumably won't be worried about getting himself in trouble with the other authorities, except for Vkandis Sunlord Himself, of course... 

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"Sure! Which way?"

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"I - guess you could go wait outside the High Temple to Vkandis and, um, ask for an audience? It's that way." The priest points, in the same direction as what Cam's map would indicate. 

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"Great, thanks! Feel free now that you're not throwing fire to break up that ice wall and use it to chill drinks or something, it's clean except where it hits the ground and it'll melt if you don't use it for anything." And he's off.

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Baffled looks follow him, mostly eyes peering out from hiding-places behind crates and doorways. Nobody moves to touch the ice wall. 

The priest slumps against the wall of the nearest building until his heart isn't pounding quite so hard and he feels less like he's about to faint, and then he tries to collect himself, smoothes down his robes, and takes off at a brisk walk, breaking into a run halfway down the street. He urgently has to get a report out with one of the Mindspeakers, warn the high priest so he's not so entirely caught off guard... 


It seems like some kind of report reached the temple staff in advance, while Cam had stopped to talk. There's an entire company of Karsite soldiers assembling to guard the doors and courtyard. And half a dozen priests are visible, shielded behind the ranks. 

The Son of the Sun is easy to pick out. He's the one in the absurdly elaborate cloth-of-gold robes and enormous glittering headpiece. 

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"Good morning!" says Cam, coming in for a landing.

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The Son of the Sun does much better at keeping his composure. He clasps his hands behind his back, raises his chin, and stares levelly at Cam. 

"Who and what are you, and what brings you here?" 

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"My name is Cam, I'm an apsel, and I came to see how you guys were doing! How are you guys doing?"

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"- I, personally, am much more confused than I was when I woke up this morning. What is an 'apsel'? Where do your powers come from?" 

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"Apsels are a kind of person who can create arbitrary material objects! There are lots of us but I get the sense we aren't common around here. Would you like any material objects?"

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"- And what price would you ask, for your magic?" The priest's eyes narrow. 

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"Oh, I don't charge, I don't have to because I can make arbitrary material objects."

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"Not all prices are paid in coin. What feeds your power? It is certainly not granted by the grace of our Sunlord." 

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"It's not! It's just something I can do all by myself, it doesn't need fuel or anything."

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"That - sounds awfully convenient. When tales are so convenient, I think wise men should doubt them." 

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"That's not unreasonable of you! How do you propose we find out if my powers have some consequence I don't know about?"

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"I could petition Vkandis Sunlord to send a vision with answers, I suppose." 

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"Sure, go for it, let's see what he says."

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The priest nods, and then kneels, closing his eyes. 

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The waiting ranks of Karsite soldiers fidget. There are some whispers. 

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- and then, after about twenty seconds, the priest's eyes fly open. 



They're glowing gold. 

"You should leave," he says, in a voice that isn't his own. "You are not of this world and do not belong here. You will bring nothing but darkness and ruin to our future." 

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"...gosh, okay, if that's the way you feel about it."

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"Leave now," Vkandis Sunlord says through the man's lips, and then Cam - or, at least, the air around Cam - is very suddenly on fire. It's a highly precise fire; it doesn't touch the surroundings, and the floor under him is totally non-flammable marble. 

The Son of the Sun collapses in a heap on the paving stones. 

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Someone shrieks in surprised terror. Hundreds of soldiers are suddenly brandishing their weapons. 

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"Rude," says Cam, showering himself with water and inspecting his pants for indecency. "I'm going, I'm going." He spreads his wings.

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His pants are super scorched but mostly still covering his most private parts. 

Nobody tries to stop him from leaving. 

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Once he is out of Karse he stops to replace the pants and then comes in for a landing in Haven.

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Herald Tantras comes out to meet him. 

"So? How did it go?" 

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"Remarkably inhospitable folks! One of them appeared to become possessed and set me on fire."

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Tantras jumps a little. "What? I - I've never even heard of that happening before, er, not for real. Sometimes in ballads. Are you all right?" 

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"None the worse for wear. Did have to swap out my pants."

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"Which I guess barely inconvenienced you! It's - quite something to get used to. Your powers." Tantras shifts his weight from one foot to the other. "So, er, what now? Are you more willing to help us get this war over with and someone more hospitable in charge over there?" 

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"I'm a little concerned that the possession means that the other claimant won't like me either!"

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"Karis, you mean? She seemed pretty willing to get your help, but - I guess maybe you'd better talk about it. I don't know how possession works. She's not a priest, though, maybe you have to be for it to happen to you?" 

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"Maybe. I should go over it with her, anyway."

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Nod. "Come in with me and I'll grab people for a meeting?" 

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"Sure thing." In goes Cam.

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Neither Randi nor Karis are there yet, but Savil is. 

"So? What kind of welcome did you get, over there? Taver told Kellan it was 'dramatic.'" 

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"I got set on fire!"

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Herald Jaysen arrives just in time to hear this exchange. "Sounds just like 'em." He pulls up a chair. "At least they didn't summon demons on top of you." 

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"I think even they're not stupid enough to do that in the middle of their own capital city!" 

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"How much fire?" Keiran adds, following Jaysen in. "I know you'd've been fine no matter what, but if we're going to send our people in there..." 

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"Like, a person-sized amount of fire? I put it out with a few gallons of water no problem. I think the fellow was possessed, I don't know how common that is."

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"I've never heard of it happening before." Savil looks deeply unhappy about it. "Damned gods." 

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"What, all of them?"

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"They've never done anything helpful for me, far as I can tell. Jay, any idea where Van is?" 

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"Covering some Web-work, I think, he's probably in the Web-focus room. Should we send someone to get him?" 

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"I thought he was on vacation. What's he doing Web-work for? - Nevermind, here they come." 

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Karis stops in the doorway. 

"The Son of the Sun was possessed directly by Vkandis?"

She sounds...awed. Also suspicious. 

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"I mean, I have no way of verifying it, but his eyes glowed and his voice went all weird and he set me on fire."

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After a long hesitation, Karis clears her throat. "Did he - did Vkandis - speak to you, say anything...?" 

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"I forgot to record so I won't get exact words but it was something like 'leave, you are not from this world and don't belong here, darkness and ruin in the future, go away" and then he set me on fire even though I was going."

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Karis goes perfectly still, not even breathing. 

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The Heralds exchange confused, worried looks. 

"You...didn't say that part," Tantras says faintly. "That's - well, ominous." He turns to look at Savil. "Foresight, you think?" 

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Savil scowls. "It could be like Moondance's visions and feelings he gets, I guess. He doesn't have the Gift of Foresight, but - well, according to him anyway, his Goddess sends warnings sometimes." 

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"I really don't like the sound of that." 

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"Yes, well, I really don't care! Damned meddling gods." 

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The room falls silent. No one is making eye contact with Cam. 

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"How well does foresight work in general? I'm not, like, planning on bringing darkness and ruin, I wish he'd been a little more specific so I could go 'okay, the secret Nieman Marcus cookie recipe will really wreck things here, censor that' or something."

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More tense looks are exchanged. 

"Well, it's not perfectly reliable. Long-range Foresight can be pretty cryptic. And it can be averted - I mean, that's sort of the point of it, right, as a warning, so you know what you need to do to prevent the bad thing..." 

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"Personally I don't feel that 'darkness and ruin' is ambiguous at all." 

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Savil turns on the spot and glares at Tantras. "And what do you want us to do about it, huh? Not ask for his help to feed our starving people?" 

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"I mean, I don't see how feeding starving people could possibly do it, but - maybe you're ecologically delicate and I shouldn't eradicate malarial mosquitoes? Maybe, uh, magic has some kind of bad interaction with some kinds of power plants or something? I can try to be conservative for the, uh, foreseeable future - is there anybody who has that more reliably on tap who might be able to shed further light -"

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"Van's a Foreseer, right?" 

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Tantras and Savil exchange a look. 

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"I - suppose so. But he...doesn't get visions regularly." 

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Jaysen is giving Savil and Tantras a confused, suspicious look. 

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Savil flings up both hands, then lets them fall. 

"Look, I don't know what you want, here. We've got other Foreseers we can call on, but long-range Foreseers don't get visions on demand! And short-range Foresight is useless for this purpose." 

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Randi, standing by Karis, speaks for the first time. "You could ask your friend Moondance, no? The one who gets visions from his Goddess." 

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"I'd have to Gate to k'Treva. Does that really seem worth it, to make a decision on whether we let Cam feed people?" 

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"You could tell me which way it is and I could ask? Assuming they share a language with Vanyel."

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"We both speak Tayledras, yes. I...could get you a map? But one of us had better come with you. They - don't take kindly to strangers, out there in the Pelagirs. ...I mean, I know you'd be fine, but it'd scare them, and it'd still be rude, right?" 

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"Sure, the shuttle can accommodate an escort if that's the done thing."

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"...Hmm, in that case, maybe I'll send Vanyel with you. Get him away from here, so people stop giving him work to do when he's supposed to be having a break." She gives Tantras a very irritated look. 

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Karis is still very quiet. She looks...tense, but not exactly upset with Cam. 

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"If this is the step that makes the most sense to try next, then - sure, I guess, go ahead." 

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"I'm open to other suggestions! But if you have real bona-fide prophecy flying around and it is concerned about darkness and ruin I don't want to go full bore on everything on my to-do list without doing some due diligence."

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"....Foresight is definitely real. And comes true often enough, even if it can be averted. So - I agree it makes sense to be worried." 

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Nod. "I'll go get Vanyel and, er, fill him in on this, then?" 

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Randi sags down into the nearest chair, looking suddenly very very tired. 

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"Sorry to alarm you," Cam tells Karis.

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She looks up, though not quite at him. 

"I do not understand," she says woodenly. "It - I thought they, the corrupt priesthood, I thought they did not speak for Vkandis..." 

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"...would you like me to try offering you material objects and see if he'll possess you and set me on fire again? It's only mildly uncomfortable, I value avoiding it less than the information."

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Based on Karis' frozen expression, this would not at ALL be the answer to the question that she's both desperate and desperately afraid to know. 

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"I'll take that as a no."

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:I think she probably needs a bit of time to absorb it: Savil tells Cam privately, after catching his eye so the Mindspeech won't come as a complete surprise. :Let's just go. Van's packing now: 

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Cam follows Savil out.

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Vanyel meets them on the path through the gardens, a travel-pack slung over his shoulders. 

"Heya. I, er - what just happened? The summary I got from 'Fandes is really confusing." 

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"I went to Karse and talked to some people and one of 'em got possessed by Vkandis probably-maybe and then set me on fire. It was very rude. We're going to k'Treva to see if the folks there get more useful divine visions than that so I know what not to do."

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"You think the person who got possessed had a Foresight vision?" Vanyel shivers. "...All right. Let's go." 

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"Or Vkandis did, I'm not sure!"

Into the shuttle with them. It's a little snug for Yfandes but not by enough that Cam wants to just make an entire second shuttle about it.

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Yfandes settles herself on the floor at Vanyel's feet, like some kind of very oversized dog. 

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Vanyel pets her mane. He's quiet for the first couple of minutes of the flight. 

"...Are you worried?" he asks Cam eventually. "I'm, I just - I don't like this." 

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"I mean, being set on fire didn't do me much harm but I am pretty nervous that something was in fact foreseen that means I need to watch out, yeah."

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Nod. "I - don't understand what it could be, though. You're not stupid, it's not like you're going to just - go ahead and do things without considering whether it's a good idea first. I mean, you're being really careful, right, what with refusing to take a side in the war until you understood what was happening..." 

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Yfandes is suddenly oddly tense. 

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...Well, it's a tense situation, isn't it. Vanyel doesn't feel like poking at this more. 

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"Yeah, my guess is it's going to be some kind of weird magic interaction or ecological problem that naive due diligence wouldn't catch."

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"Mmm, right. I guess we'd better try to learn more, then." 

Vanyel leans back against the headrest of his shuttle seat, closing his eyes. 

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Yfandes lifts her head. For a long moment, her too-humanlike blue eyes stare piercingly at Cam. 

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...Cam blinks at her. Waves hello.

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Yfandes hesitates for a long time. 



:...I'm sorry, I don't - I'm not really supposed to do this, but - it seems important. I - just, you should know that a lot of us have been getting...hunches, about what you're doing here. Not very reassuring ones:  

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"...are they at least informative?"

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Yfandes' flank rises and falls in an oddly-humanlike sigh. 

:Not as much as I'd prefer. Taver can see the most, I think, he said he saw - darkness. And fire: 

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"Okay, well, I'm not going to put out the sun or ignite the atmosphere and hopefully the fact finding trip will be more useful."

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:I hope so: 

Yfandes' mindvoice doesn't sound especially hopeful. 

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"Would it make you feel better if I told Vanyel how to dismiss me?"

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:- Oh: Yfandes goes very still. :Would...you be willing to do that? I thought - I guess I'd been assuming you didn't want to be dismissed: 

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"I don't! I had originally planned on sitting on that information because the opportunity cost is so high. But if there starts being DARKNESS AND FIRE all over the place and I can't fix it and it looks like getting rid of me might help..."

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Yfandes goes very still for a moment. 

:- Yes. If you're willing, then...yes, I would find that reassuring and I appreciate the offer deeply: 

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Vanyel lifts his head. "Hmm?" 

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"Can we go over under what circumstances you'd decide it was a good idea to dismiss me if you knew how to do that?"

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"- What? I, um... Depends whether I can summon you back again later, I think? If not, then...that's a really huge thing to give up, right, and I'd...prefer not to unless I -" 

He trails off, grimacing. 

"- Unless I - thought you were about to do enough damage that even your powers couldn't repair it, I guess. I don't know what that'd look like." 

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"I don't know if you can summon me back or not! I mean, I can tell you how you'd do it, but I don't know if it'd work, because apparently you can't normally summon daeva here."

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Yfandes lifts her head again. :I'm not sure we actually know that? We didn't know summoning daeva was a thing at all, Jisa did it by accident: 

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"...Could we test it? Try summoning someone else?"

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"Yes but one thing that might go wrong is it might turn out you can't send them home again."

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"You think that could happen? It feels...asymmetrical, or something, to be able to summon you but not un-summon you?" 

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"Yes, I agree, but this situation's very weird, so I thought it bears mentioning. I can probably find a volunteer who'd be willing to stay forever, probably someone who wants to adopt a baby."

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"Adopt a baby? Huh. I mean, I'm sure there's lots of war orphans, right now, if you think you know someone who wants to adopt children..." 

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:Might not be actual babies, mostly, but if someone wanted to adopt a lot of five-year-olds -: 

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"I think five year olds would be slightly less popular than babies but I'm sure there'd be takers. - Daeva can't have kids, which is very inconvenient for those who want them."

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Vanyel looks down at his hands. Picks at his thumbnail for a moment. 

(He can't stop thinking about Shavri's eyes, her tearstained cheeks when he found her hiding in an unused room at the House of Healing, a child's broken doll in her hands...)

"...That sounds - pretty tough. I, er, I - think we shouldn't rush into trying this, though. Probably makes sense to take some time and think about it first." 

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"I can start reading up on the adoption interest groups and find candidates for in case."

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"Sounds good. Er, do you want me to look ahead with Farsight and make sure we're headed the right way? Savil said she gave you a map but that it wasn't a very good one." 

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"Sure. Also we can, like, look at the ground, if there are landmarks you'd recognize that way." The image of the ground pops up on the screen of the shuttle.

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Recognizing landmarks from above turns out to be kind of hard! Vanyel squints at the screen. "- Right, I think I know that river, we want to go a little more east and north... Oh. Um, we won't be able to see the Vale itself from above. Or get in. It's magically protected. But I think I can get us nearby and we can land and I'll contact the scouts?" 

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East and north it is. "Works for me."

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Vanyel watches the screen, and scans ahead with Farsight. 

"Good, almost there - all right, that meadow should be a good place to touch down..." 

And he reaches out ahead with Mindspeech. 


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:Vanyel! Brother, what are you doin– how did you come here? I sensed no Gate: 

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:Didn't Gate. It's a long story. Can you come meet us - here...?: He sends a mental image of the location where the shuttle is about to land. 

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:Of course. I will be there as soon as I can: 

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Cam opens the door so they can get out to meet the locals.

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The first local to come out and meet them is a child who looks about nine or ten years old, leaping down from a man's shoulders and running towards them. 

"Uncle Van! UncleVanUncleVanUncleVan!" 

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"Brightstar!" Vanyel grins despite himself, as he jogs past Cam to scoop up the child. "It's so good to see you - gods, you've gotten big! Oof - gods, go easy on me..." 


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Moondance freezes on the spot, his eyes going saucer-wide as he stares at the shuttle. 

:- Vanyel. Wingbrother, what...?:

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:Sorry, I know it's unexpected. This is Cam, my friend. He speaks Tayledras. He's, er, here to help - and he has some questions - you should talk to him: 

Vanyel glances back at Cam. "This is my friend Moondance. He's, um, the one who gets visions sometimes." 

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"Hi, it's nice to meet you! I have been told that I leave a concerning shadow on the future but no one has yet been able to tell me how to steer around that so we came here to ask you."

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Moondance crosses the meadow, stopping a few paces away from Cam, and stares at him for a long moment. 





"It seems the Goddess speaks to me on Her own time," he admits finally. "In the meantime, welcome to k'Treva Vale. Would you like to come see our hot springs?" 

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"...sure, why not."

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"Well, follow me!" 

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"Uncle Van! Uncle Van look what I can do!"

The young boy lifts his hand, and a shimmering, multilayered shield appears in midair above his head. 

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"Wow! Look at that - you've learned so much since I've been away -" 

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"Why did you have to go away for so long? I missed you!" 

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Vanyel squeezes Brightstar tightly, before setting him down in the meadow to follow Moondance. "I know, ke'chara. I know. But the war might be over soon." 

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Moondance glances back at Cam. "We are nearly there. Just this way..." 

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The barrier surrounding the Vale doesn't look like anything, from more than fifty yards away - Cam's eyes sort of blur and bounce away from the area, but at a glance it seems to only be more rocks and twisted trees. 

At twenty yards' distance, though, the shimmering soap-bubble surface slips in and out of sight. From ten yards, he can start to see through it. There are still rocks and trees on the other side, but the shapes and colours are different. 

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Moondance stops just in front of the barrier, turns, and holds out his hand to Cam. "With me?" 

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"Okay -" Handhold.

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Vanyel finishes hugging Brightstar, sets him down, and follows Cam and Moondance through the barrier. 

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It feels tingly and strange to cross, and then suddenly the air feels different, moister and balmier. They're entirely surrounded by green; the cobblestoned path twisting ahead into the tree has an arched canopy of vines and leaves above it, and dense shrubbery on either side, many of the plants laden with flowers and fruits. A flock of tiny, brightly-coloured birds with slender needle-shaped beaks, startled by their passage, takes off from where they've been feeding from a cluster of flowers the size of babies' heads. 

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Vanyel's breath eases out in a sigh of what sounds like relief, his shoulders fully relaxing for the first time since Cam met him. "Ah, gods, it's good to be back." 

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"We missed you, Wingbrother. It has been too long." His eyes play over Vanyel. "And this war has - not treated you kindly." 

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His smile dims. "No. It hasn't been good for anyone, but I - I was alone out there, Moondance. The only mage on the Border. For over a year." 

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"Well, it is over now." 

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Vanyel glances at Cam. "It's not over. Not yet." 

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"This is a nice place," Cam remarks blandly, not sure what to say to that.

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"Thank you!" Moondance grins cheerfully at him. "We have worked very hard on it since the Vale last moved. Though of course our hertasi ought have much of the credit. Anyway - this way! I will tell my shay'kreth'ashke that you are here, you should meet him."  

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"His partner Starwind is the Speaker for the Vale," Vanyel explains. "Closest thing the Tayledras have to a leader or chief, I guess." 

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Brightstar bounds ahead down the path. 

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"What's a hertasi?"

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"They are friends of our people. They take care of us very well." 

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"Er, they're a created species," Vanyel clarifies. "They're - intelligent lizards, more or less. They moved in with the Tayledras after the Cataclysm, they're...you could call them a sort of caretakers or servants, I guess. We may not see any, they're very sneaky." 

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"Interesting, I'd like to see one but if they prefer to hide I guess that's valid."

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“I too was very curious about the hertasi, when I first came to k’Treva. If you do wish to meet one of them, you might go alone to one of the forest clearings, and call out. One of their elders did eventually speak with me, that way.”

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"Neat, I will do that when I get the chance."

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Moondance nods, then gestures ahead. “And here we are!” 

The hot springs do not look especially naturally-occurring; there are two different tiers of stone tub, the lower one draining away into a little stream that vanished underground again a yard later. 

Moondance, with no sign of self-consciousness, starts stripping off his robes. 

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Vanyel seems more embarrassed, and turns his back before starting to undress. Brightstar is already splashing around in the lower pool.

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"Is it customary to do this part in the nude?"

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Moondance gives him a confused look. “How else would you do it?”

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"My native culture has swimming specific outfits." He shrugs and starts taking his clothes off.

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"The noble ladies usually keep their undergarments on if they're bathing in the river in summer," Vanyel offers. "Oh, right, and I guess it'd be less costly, to have extra sets of clothes just for swimming, if you can make as many outfits as you want."  

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Moondance, about to slip into the pool, stops and then turns. "Starwind! Ashke, there is someone you must needs meet." 

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Another tall, slender man with waist-length white hair strides into the clearing. He takes Moondance's shoulders, kisses him, then turns to look around. 

"- Vanyel! We were not expecting you. And this is...?" 

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"This is Cam. He's, er, from another world, and he has a different kind of magic - he can make any object. We came to...ask Moondance for advice." 

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Moondance shrugs, helplessly. "They wished to consult my - sense of the future, that the Goddess grants me. They were...worried, that - something Cam does will have bad effects, in the future. But I have not felt anything yet." 

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Starwind turns to Cam, frowning. "Why do you fear that?" 

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"Cam, do you want to explain what happened, or should I?" 

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"I went to Karse and a guy got possessed by presumably-Vkandis, delivered a dire prophecy, and set me on fire for good measure. I would like to know what exactly the problem is so I can tread more carefully, but just doing nothing is a lousy option since people will, like, starve, and stuff, and I can make arbitrary material objects."

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"- You can create food? As much as you wish? That...is very powerful." 

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"I can create lots of stuff, food is just one of the more salient options." He makes himself a taquito and eats it in one bite.

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Brightstar stares in awe, then hops out of the pool and runs over, water flying everywhere. "Wow! Can I have one too? What was that?" 

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"Ground beef and cheese in a fried flatbread!" He gives Brightstar one.

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Brightstar munches it down. 

"Can you make other things too? I like sweet things." 

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"Brightstar, ke'chara, remember when you ate too much at the Midwinter feast and made yourself ill? You do not need to taste all of the desserts Cam knows at the same time." 

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"But dada, what if he knows lots and lots and he's only here today?" 

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"I could leave you a basket full of them and you could just try the ones that would melt, today."

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"All right!" Brightstar bounces up and down with excitement. 

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Brightstar can try ice cream and cheesecake and panna cotta and various other not-shelf-stable desserts.

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He's so excited! He doesn't like the cheesecake as much, and offers it to his parents instead, but he asks for seconds of the ice cream. 

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"You should make some for Vanyel too," Moondance says, smiling and leaning his head on Starwind's shoulder, his feet dangling in the water. "Vanyel, Wingbrother, you are too thin. You need to eat." 

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"Moondance, stop being a mother-hen." Vanyel is smiling, though. 

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Starwind isn't smiling. He stares into the distance with an unreadable look; occasionally his eyes dart to Cam. 

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Cam will give desserts to Vanyel. And anyone else who wants one. Can he tempt Moondance and Starwind?

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They can both be tempted! 

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"This is very good!" Starwind seems genuinely impressed. 

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"Thank you, I copied it off a restaurant menu myself."

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"Do you need to know a recipe for the food, to be able to make it? Or only the name?" 

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"Either will do, though if I know only a generic name I will not necessarily get the best example, which is why menus specify a particular iteration of a creation, like, so-and-so's lemon basil ice cream mark 47 or something."

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“Impressive.” Starwind smiles thinly, leans forward a little. “And what are you intending to do next, with this otherworldly power of yours?”

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"I mean I was going to go full bore on ending material scarcity but apparently this may cause some sort of problem in some way so now I'm trying to figure out what that is."

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“Ending material scarcity? What would that look like?”

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"Everyone has plenty to eat, comfortable shelter, limitless access to entertainment and education, easy travel around the globe, and whatever other doodads appeal to them, without needing to work a job if they don't feel like it."

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"Incredible," Moondance breathes. 

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"This easy travel - how does it work? I might imagine it causing...difficulties." 

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"It'd be a lot easier to go to war if you could move your armies easily," Vanyel acknowledges. "And I'm...not actually sure that having unlimited food and nice houses and clothes would make it so no one wanted to conquer other countries anymore." 

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"Yes, pacifism is separate and I would definitely share around asymmetrically defensive options."

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"Hmm. Can any of the things you'd be making for non-violent purposes be - turned into weapons somehow? This is a stupid example but if you made - more of that shuttle, or something, it's made out of metal, right? I guess it wouldn't make it that much easier to make swords, but...something like that, some kind of unintended consequence...?" Shrug. "I don't know."  

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"I mean, sure, I guess you could cannibalize the shuttle for metal. Is mining currently a major bottleneck on how many swords you guys have?"

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"It's not the only hard part, but it's definitely a lot easier to forge a sword from other metal tools than getting the metal itself out of the ore." 

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"And there might be other kinds of consequences, that are harder to think of beforehand." 

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"The last time I ended material scarcity war was already on a downtrend."

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“The last time? How did that come about?”

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"I'm from a different planet with humans on it. They're it for intelligent life there, actually. And they were gradually settling down on the war and conquest front over time."

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Moondance absently finger-combs out a chunk of his long white hair, then starts braiding it. "I think I wish to hear more about the world where you did this, and what it was like before? If there are ways it was different from this world, then - maybe that will help us see what the danger is here." 

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"Didn't have magic, nonhuman intelligences divine or otherwise apart from folks like me, much higher tech level."

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"Hmm, if it was higher tech level to begin with, would it have just been less of a big change, getting to 'no material scarcity'? ...I mean, I don't know exactly what difference that'd make, but it would probably be...less disruptive to people's lives? I don't know, just, people are weird sometimes about big changes. Even if they're good big changes." 

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"The tech wasn't evenly distributed, but yes, it was less of a disruption on average."

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"Why was it not evenly distributed?" 

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Vanyel doesn't feel like this actually demands an explanation; wealth and resources - and Gifts, especially Gifts - aren't equally distributed here either. He doesn't say anything, though. 

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"Some countries had inconveniently timed wars or natural disasters or well-intentioned disastrous economic policies that prevented them from advancing as quickly, and trade was - flatter than here, you could order stuff from anywhere in the world, but not so flat that everything settled evenly over the whole population, and the society wasn't rich enough - or smart enough, possibly the same wealth could have been applied more intelligently - to scaffold the wealth-building of the poorer segments off the largesse of the wealthier."

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Moondance furrows his brow a little, as though he isn't quite following this.

He also looks...sad, mostly, and tired. 

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"That makes sense." 

Vanyel wonders, vaguely, what Leareth would think. It doesn't seem like he would be surprised. 

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Starwind squeezes Moondance's shoulder and then pulls away. "Brightstar, it is time to get ready for bed now." 

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"Cam can I have one more ice cream? Please?" 

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One mouthful of praline on Brightstar's spoon, sure.

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Brightstar is reminded to say thank you, and then nudged off to get ready for bed.

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The sun is starting to set. 

Moondance rises from the pool, dries himself quickly with magic, and slips his robe on. "I think perhaps I will go for a walk alone. Maybe the Goddess will offer advice, then." 

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Vanyel nods, trying not to look as unhappy about this as he feels. "Cam, want to go watch the sunset from the top of that rock?" It's a very very tall rock, at least a dozen metres, a ways off but visible above the tree-canopy. 

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"Sure, I should have room to take off from the pool area..." He gets up in the air and lands on the rock.

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Vanyel catches up the slower way, jogging down the path and then climbing. 

"So? Curious what you think of -" vague gesture at the Vale around them. "That was, er. Not as eventful as I'd been worried it might be. Seems to be going pretty smoothly. Brightstar likes you." 

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"I gave him ice cream, he's not a hard sell. It's a nice place, very - pleasant and magical and whatnot."

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"Mmm." Vanyel picks at his thumbnail, staring vaguely out at the sunset on the other side of the faint-soap-bubble-shimmer that marks the magical boundary of the Vale. He's still feeling uneasy, on edge; he's not quite sure what he expects to go wrong, but...something. 

The sun sinks below the horizon, the sky fading to deep blue with a horizon of reds and purples. 

As the stars start popping out, it's impossible not to think of Leareth. Vanyel chews his lip. He REALLY SHOULD say something, at this point, but he keeps...not. 

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Cam takes a picture of the pretty sunset.

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Eventually Vanyel sighs and starts climbing down while there's still any light to see by. "Er, I'm getting pretty tired. Were you planning to stay the night? Moondance might have a Foresight dream." 

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"Yeah, if that's a customary way to receive Foresight I should stay overnight. Also you can't pilot my shuttle so I should not abandon you here. I'll read or something."

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"...Huh. Do you not need to sleep?" Vanyel rubs his eyes. He can't remember if that came up before or not, which is awkward, but apparently he's been kind of distracted. "Anyway, uh, Savil thought I should stay here longer. She said the Senior Circle would just overwork me otherwise." He looks embarrassed about this. 

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"I do not need to sleep! I just drink coffee instead. I sleep every, like, month or three, so I can have dreams and stuff."

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"Huh!" Somehow it's even weirder that he can sleep but doesn't have to. "Well, I guess that simplifies things, don't need to find you a room to sleep in. I can show you where the hammocks are if you want somewhere to sit?" 

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"I'm not sure hammocks are super comfy with wings? I can just park up here, nice view of the stars, we don't have those at home. Will anyone mind if I make a chair at some point?"

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"I don't see why they'd mind as long as it's not in the way of climbing up or jumping into the pool down there." Vanyel stifles a yawn. "...Sorry. Guess I really need to get some sleep." 

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"You do look like you could use it. Sleep well."

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"Goodnight." Vanyel clambers the rest of the way down the rock and vanishes into the twilight. 


The Vale is quiet, save for the soft bubbling of one of the hot springs below, and the occasional chitter of wildlife in the greenery. The stars come out. They're very clearly visible; there's not much light pollution. 

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- until, about a candlemark after Vanyel went to bed, someone comes jogging down the path out of the trees, mage-light held aloft in the palm of his hand. 

"Cam? Are you there?" 

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"- yes? What's going on?"

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"I am not sure. I had a dream... That I was showing you the Heartstone. It is - not done, with outsiders - but in the dream I knew it was very important... Perhaps it is related to the danger that could happen if you continue your plans un-warned." Moondance sounds unsure of himself, though, and fairly shaken. 

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"...okay. Should I come see it? Now?"

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"I think you had better." 

Moondance waits for a few seconds to see if Cam is following him, then heads down another path. 

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Cam wafts down from the rock on the wing and meets Moondance at the bottom and follows from there.

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Moondance leads him down a twisty path, out into another clearing, and then right up to a visible, shimmering barrier; Cam can't quite see through it. 

"With me?" Moondance says quietly, holding out his hand again. His fingers are trembling very slightly. 

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"Yeah - dude are you okay? -" Hand.

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Moondance doesn't answer, just leads him through the barrier. It feels very strange, a little like stepping through a very thin but intense waterfall running hot and cold at the same time, there's a disorienting sense of discontinuity and then they're - 



- in a room that seems to be completely underground, smooth stone walls with no sign of any doors or other exits. 

In the middle of it is a spire of rock, no, maybe crystal. It looks black from some angles and oddly like pearl from others. It seems to be humming faintly; it feels alive. 


"This is our Heartstone," Moondance says, very softly. "It is - a gift from our Goddess. A kind of powerful magic that She gave us so that we could survive here in the Cataclysm-damaged lands, and work to set them right." 

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"It's... pretty?" says Cam, slightly blankly.

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Moondance seems unsure what to say as well. He stands stiffly, shifting his weight slightly from one foot to the other. 

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And then, suddenly, there's a sense of - something there. A presence in the room with them. Not in Cam's head, it's politely keeping its distance, but...something, or someone, is there. There's the sense of an unseen hand being held out. Beckoning. A request, not a demand. 

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"...hello?" he says dubiously.

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- and suddenly he's only half in the room, and his eyes are seeing a second scene superimposed on the first, which will grow sharper and clearer the more he pays attention to it. The scene is of a spacious darkness, swirling with distant purple nebulas and, nearer at hand, a shimmering, glittering golden fog. Under his feet is a path made of moonbeams. 

A woman stands a few yards away, clad head-to-toe in black robes, hands clasped behind her back. Her face shares the Tayledras features. 

Her eyes are nothing human. They seem to hold an entire bottomless night sky worth of stars. 



After a few beats, she nods to him deeply, almost a bow. 

"Greetings, stranger of another world. I am glad that you came here. There are important things you must know." 

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"- okay, yeah, that's why I'm here, I wanted to know what was so important." She's much politer than fire guy.

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She watches him solemnly. 

"You come bearing changes. Perhaps for the better, you hope, and yet this world contains vast powers, magics that cannot be safely wielded by anyone, and - the last time the world saw such change - even though those mortals who worked and built toward it had only good intention - within a handful of years it was nearly destroyed, and millennia later it still bears the scars." 

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"Okay, that - makes sense, but I'm not myself planning to distribute magic that can't be wielded safely by anyone."

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"No. You are not the one whose actions I fear." 

A long pause, as though the goddess is thinking, or carefully choosing Her words. 

"- The man who caused the Cataclysm still lives. He is immortal, by a dark blood-magic rite that lets him steal the bodies of others to wear. He may already know of you, and he will seek to find and control you, by any means necessary - and he must not be underestimated. He is millennia old and knows of magics that no one else does. He would take over your mind and bind you to his will."

Another long pause. 

"And so I fear that if you wish to safely bring change to this world, you must destroy this man first." 

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"...okay. The problem isn't me, the problem is some mind-controlling bodysnatcher who will puppet me. Is that it?"

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"Perhaps. The future is not always easy to see. But it would seem a natural conclusion that if another Cataclysm were to happen, he would likely be at fault." She takes a half-step closer. "I might show you, if you wish, some of what he did then. My people lived in the kingdom that he fought to conquer, in the war that led to the Cataclysm." 

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"Show me how?"

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"In a place far from here, the memories of some of the survivors are - recorded, by magic, in a tapestry. They are kept in a sacred temple and I might call a shaman here to show you. It would feel as though you were watching the events through their eyes." 

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"You could tell me where it is, save the shaman a trip."

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"- It is very far from here, and more costly explanations would be needed, in order to let an outsider into the sacred city. The shaman would not need to travel here physically; their spirits can walk these paths easily." 

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"...with a tapestry?"

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"Not physically, but it is the magic that matters, the tapestry is merely the physical anchor for the spell. Though I suppose if you do wish to go yourself, the Tayledras can give you directions." 

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"I can check it out here if that's more convenient, it's just weird that it would be. Uh, I don't actually have a great angle on ending the supervillain career of a bodysnatcher, though."

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"His operations are in the north, on the other side of the mountains. You have many capabilities. You might investigate what he has been doing and plans to do next, if you wish. It is not pleasant." 

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"Yeah, I can forensic it, I just don't see what I'd do about it. Operate from orbit?"

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"Perhaps. I am certain you can figure out something. He is powerful, but not omnipotent, and he will not be expecting you." Her voice is fervent, impassioned. "If he is not stopped, then even more people will die. And you are the only hope to stop him." 

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"Uh. Thank you. ... do you know why that other fellow set me on fire?"

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Her eyes bore into him. "The future held darkness and destruction. He was afraid. As am I, but - if you did not come here to harm anybody, then it is better to be friends and not enemies." 

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"I appreciate that. I will take some basic precautions, and do some forensics, and if you would like me to also look at the magic nonphysical tapestry I have no other appointments right now."

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"Of course." She bows her head, briefly. "...One more thing. It would be best if you did not tell Herald Vanyel of this. I cannot say exactly what might happen, the future is chaotic, but - you must at all costs avoid letting him fall into Leareth's hands. He would be far too powerful a weapon if used against his own people." 

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"...I kind of need to tell him about some of the basic precautions because he is my summoner."

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A nod. "I think you should not bring him with you, though. And that you ought not delay." 

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"...does the tapestry count as delaying? Does waking him up to give him the ten minute version of a summoning lecture count?"

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"I cannot see so exactly as that. But ten minutes - in the dead of night, when you are here and safe in k'Treva - seems unlikely to make or break your efforts here. And the tapestry will not take long, for - what I think you need to see most urgently." 

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"Okay. I'm ready for tapestration."

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There's a brief pause - 


- and then suddenly another woman is there. She's wearing robes as well, but midnight blue, and her eyes seem a bit bleary, like she might have been woken from a deep sleep a few minutes ago. She gives Cam an incredibly nonplussed look. 

"You - needed to see the memory tapestry, no? Of the Mage Wars?" 

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"That is my understanding."

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She holds out her hand. 

And whenever he takes - 



- he sees a lot of things. 

Armies marching on cities. Mages throwing fire and lightning. Ruined villages burning. Strange winged creatures diving, tearing soldiers to shreds. 

Terrified people meeting in a room, as the Archmage of Tantara, Urtho, explains what his enemy Ma'ar just did - a mind-controlling artifact in the palace, one that generated unnatural fear, overnight sending nearly everyone fleeing, so that he could capture the palace and the capital city almost trivially... 

A permanent Gate destroyed in a vast explosion. 

Urtho evacuating his Tower, telling his people - including the Kaled'a'in, ancestors of the Tayledras and Shin'a'in - to get out, knowing he was going to die - 

- a memory through a young woman's eyes, of the distant flash on the horizon, and knowing that their beloved teacher and mentor and friend was dead, had called a Final Strike because if Ma'ar captured the Tower and its contents then all would be lost... 

Endless devastation. Wandering through a twisted landscape, despairing, after they had lost everything... 

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Cam is quiet when it's over.

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The blue-robed shaman who helped him out stands quietly, eyes downcast. She looks apologetic. 

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The Star-Eyed Goddess doesn't. 

"I hope that gave some helpful background," she says. 

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"Looked like - well. A war."

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"Indeed. If you have no other questions, I will send you back now." She waits for a beat. 

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"Can I swing by again later if I think of some?"

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"That is not how it is usually done, and will come at a cost, but - if it is what you most need, then yes, I cannot deny you."

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"What cost?"

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"It is effortful for us to speak with mortals in this way. And - not easy on your side, either. You may notice you are fatigued after this." 

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He'll believe it when he sees it. "Okay. Thank you for speaking with me."

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A nod. 

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- and he finds himself back in the doorless stone room in front of the silky alive-feeling crystal of the Heartstone, with Moondance staring at him in awe. 

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"- hey. Thanks for, uh, being a dream relay, this seems to have been important."

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"What happened?" Not just awe. There's fear there as well. Moondance's hand is shaking again, as he reaches to usher Cam back across the magical barrier that from this side looks exactly like a stone wall. 

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"- pretty much what I came here for. She wanted a word about what the problem is, and I should write Vanyel some notes, wake him or possibly Yfandes up to make sure they're understandable and they don't need me for anything, and then, uh, fly up very high."

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“What did she think the problem is - why does flying very high help, do you need to stay unseen…?”

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"Apparently there is a supervillain somewhere who likes mind-controlling people. I think if I am up above the atmosphere this will be much harder for him to do, and I'll still be able to maintain correspondence and drop care packages. It will be less fun but you can't have everything. But Van can't pilot the shuttle even if I leave it here for him, so I need to make sure he's okay making his own way home and give him some emergency instructions for in case the supervillain can grab me in space."

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Going by Moondance's expression, he doesn't. 

"I– do you need anything from me?"

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"Show me where they're sleeping?"

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Moondance can lead Cam over to the ground-level ekele where Vanyel is sleeping. Yfandes is curled up a comfortable patch of moss nearby.

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"Thanks. You can go back to bed." Sigh.

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Moondance offers Cam an uncomprehending-yet-sympathetic look, and starts climbing the ladder to his shared ekele with Starwind. 

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Cam writes. He translates dismissal and summoning instructions, apologizes for his departure, explains how to write him a letter, renders an introductory phone manual into Valdemaran, and wraps all this and the phone and a few spare chargers for it into a tiny package. He wakes Yfandes.

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Yfandes wakes quickly.

And is also startled. :- What? An attack -?: 

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"No, no, nothing like that. I'm waking you because Vanyel always looks like he needs a lot of sleep, and, uh, I got what I came here for - Star-Eyed Goddess talked to me - and I wanted to explain to one of you before I go."

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:....Wait. What? The– the Star-Eyed Goddess talked...to you...directly...?:

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"Yes, it was very helpful. I'm going to operate from orbit around the planet for the foreseeable future - I can still get stuff reasonably well-aimed from there - and I am leaving this package of contingency instructions plus a device Van can use to receive replies from me if there's anything we need two-way communication for. Will you and he be able to get home okay from here, or should I wait till he wakes up and give you a ride back?"

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After a long pause -

:- Yes, we can, er, get home all right on our own. We've done it plenty of times before: 

(Well. A handful of times. But close enough.) 

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"Okay. If you need me for anything write 'letter to Cam' on a letter and I'll get it next time I check my mail, or use the phone - instructions for both are in the packet. Thank you both for everything."

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:You're welcome: 

For a moment it seems as though Yfandes may be about to add something, but she doesn't. 

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"- anything else before I go?"

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:...Vanyel spoke to the Star-Eyed, once: 



After another long pause: 

:- he, er, doesn't remember most of it - do your remember what you heard...?: 

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"...yes, I transcribed the whole conversation."

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:- Huh. I guess you're not just a normal mortal human, maybe talking to gods is easier for you: 

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"She thought I might feel tired afterwards but I don't. Maybe it's like that." Shrug.

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"Anyway. I'm gonna, uh, go. Have Van write me if you guys need anything."

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:I, er, I'll tell him, we'll definitely do that: 

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Cam goes and gets in his shuttle and flies up into a geostationary orbit.

Operating from up here is annoying in a lot of ways but if anything is, say, literally on fire right now, he can probably put that out.

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He cannot see any obvious literal fires from up here. 



If he points any cameras north of the mountain range which is itself north of Valdemar, he'll be able to pick out a few signs of habitation, vaguely barracks-like. 

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That seems consistent! He will leave that area Alone.

He puts up a space station, docks, goes to a nice spacious room to do some forensics on the guy the Star-Eyed described. How old is he, where is he from, what does he currently look like, that sort of thing.

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He looks like this.

He was born just over 1800 years ago, around - here. (The place indicated on the map is near the shore of the enormous, almost-perfectly-round lake that Valdemar calls 'Lake Evendim'.) 

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Cam hangs a series of little model Velgarths from a pole across the room to get a timeline of things like when that lake happened. Or the other weirdly round geography.

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The suspiciously-round lake also appears roughly 1800 years ago.

As does an equally round plain, many hundreds of miles south. A little under 1000 miles, if he checks more precisely.

Before its appearance, the little Velgarth globe shows that this region has signs of advanced civilization. Including ones big enough to be visible from orbit (if anyone had been in orbit at the time.) 

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...yup, looks like a cataclysm. Weird that they haven't recovered though? Did they use up all their fossil fuels and magic's too rare to pinch-hit? How is Velgarth's supply of coal and oil doing.

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...It looks like Velgarth's underground reserves of coal and oil have sat there, mostly untouched, through the Cataclysm and the following two millennia. 

There are a few signs of mines and depletion that show up, hundreds of miles directly east of where Valdemar currently lies. The mining seems to date to sometime between 1000 and 1500 years earlier. 

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Okay, that's weird and he doesn't know what's up with it. Maybe the Great Man theory of history is right and there have not been enough Great Mans around to kickstart things.

Anyway. Time to aim a very powerful telescope at this place and look for good spots to drop relief packages that he hasn't already covered.

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If the indicators he's looking for are visible-from-orbit signs of local droughts or otherwise blighted plant life, it sure looks like one of the worst regions on this continent right now is the strip along the border between Valdemar and Karse. There are a few other patches further south and east that look pretty bad. (The plant life north of the Valdemaran border also looks like it's not managing that well, but there aren't many signs of human habitation either.) 

The second continent on this planet, if Cam checks it out, looks drier overall, but most of the signs of civilization are scattered around the coasts and they seem to be doing all right. Well. As well as any quasi-medieval tech level civilization can expect. 

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He will sprinkle a small judicious amount of rain on some droughted spots (he does check their historical rainfall patterns to make sure it's droughts and not just outright deserts), but he doesn't overdo it, there aren't angels handy to get rid of excess water. When he runs out of arbitrary water budget he starts researching local forms of malaria and the other usual suspects.

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There isn't anything biologically identical to malaria locally, but he can definitely find a blood-borne and mosquito-transmitted disease that causes high fevers and other malaria-like symptoms. There are also a number of other waterborne gastrointestinal illnesses, bacterial and viral and some parasites, especially in the tropical areas. 

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Cool. Time to start himself a bio lab with basement dwellers sampled from the local population and see if they react okay to penicillin and if that kills what it ought to kill and other first-pass ideas like that. Once his experiments are running he gets his computer started on all the other languages on the planet so he can read more things. When that's running he idly spies on what Leareth has been writing lately.

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Leareth writes a lot, or has over the last decade. (Under a variety of names). Most of this writing isn't in any of the languages that Cam has existing samples of.

The parts that are seem to be mostly - messages about logistics? Mages and supplies are mentioned frequently. The overall impression leans toward this being a military project, but it's not that clear; there are also many random mentions of...obscure magic research, probably? 

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Well that's no fun. Why aren't you more fun, bodysnatching supervillain? Cam sets machine learning to the weird alphabets, probably some kind of cipher, and crosses his fingers that they're often-enough used that the software can get a grip on it, and goes back to Science!!!! and also Care Packages!!!! at intervals.

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Leareth’s encrypted personal notes are nontrivial to decrypt, but there are quite a lot of them, and with some persistence Cam can eventually get about 80% of the content. 



...Which is still mostly pretty boring and also confusing? A significant portion of it seems to just be describing his schedule and the agendas for various meetings - which, taken out of context, are hard to make sense of.

Some of these notes do mention plans which are, at the very least, ethically questionable. At one point there's a hand-drawn spreadsheet that seems to be a cost-benefit analysis around - kidnapping Gifted children? 

There are also a LOT of notes which are half in math notation, and...almost programming? Except that this world doesn't have computer tech. 

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What, pray tell, are the costs and benefits of kidnapping Gifted children. Also what would these programs... do.

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Not all of the labels on the rows and columns of the makeshift spreadsheet make sense to Cam even after the translation - it's clearly something written for personal use, in shorthand, not meant to be generally accessible. Some of the recognized costs are the obvious ones: physical and emotional trauma for the children and the parents. No country names are mentioned. The benefits are, roughly, additional magical troops for Leareth. 

There's a footnote under one of the columns, the one that notes how this would result in fewer available defences to - some political entity? No country names are mentioned. It seems as though this is mostly a benefit to Leareth's aims, but also potentially concerning? 


It's pretty hard to tell what the programs would do; they're very abstract. 

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...next time Cam is bored, he is going to try to translate these programs into a real programming language and run them in sandbox and turn on autocommenting.

The sandbox spins its wheels uselessly and the autocommenter has no idea what to make of the situation. All right then.

Does Cam have any mail?

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He has mail! A polite, confused, and oddly cagey note from Vanyel. He thanks Cam again for the ride to Haven, confirms that he's been through the care package and instructions Cam left for him, and adds that if it wouldn't be inconvenient he would appreciate Cam letting the Heralds in Haven know what's going on.

Also, if Cam doesn't mind, Vanyel would like an update on the mission that's taken him off to space? And to know whether this is something Valdemar needs to be concerned about? 

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Cam will... make an entire fleet of courier drones, actually, this will probably keep coming up. He sends Vanyel a letter explaining that he is not conducting a space mission, he is just advancing Project End Material Scarcity from space. He sends Haven a summary too.

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Vanyel doesn't reply right away, but the next time Cam tries checking Leareth's recent written materials, the easily-decrypted ones are some quickly-jotted meeting notes - which seem to be mostly Leareth thinking-in-writing about some spy reports he's just picked up. Reports about miraculous and impossible food deliveries, not just on the Karsite border but all over? 

Leareth has also just heard about Karis' arrival in Haven; his notes contain some quick speculations on whether that could be in any way related. If he has a planned response, though, he hasn't written it down himself for Cam to easily find. 

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Hm. Cam makes a little diorama of Leareth at various times of day to see who he hangs out with.

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Leareth seems to be spending a LOT of time by himself, actually, either in a plain stone-walled room like the one where Savil demo'd Velgarth magic for him, or else in a different room with a workbench and lots of complicated crystal structures - presumably magical, but that part doesn't show in Cam's diorama and it's impossible to tell what Leareth is doing

At one point earlier that day he had a brief meeting with a nondescript man of plausibly-Valdemaran ethnicity. 

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This person is his most frequent face to face contact; sometimes she joins him in the stone Work Room or the other magical workshop. 

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What is she writing?

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Lots of incredibly cryptic notes that seem to be descriptions of some kind of magical Sight! They're really hard to make sense of, though, especially since they're clearly in personal shorthand. There are some drawings, which look vaguely like....bread? Extremely strange bread? 

She has also written several letters today, which seem to be orders to be sent to various other operatives, though it's hard to tell since she doesn't address them by name and, though the letters themselves are just in Valdemaran or Rethwellani rather than code, there are lots of bizarre keyword references which are probably referring to previously discussed contingency plans? Not ones that Leareth ever wrote about in his more easily decryptable notes, though.

However, Cam can piece together that it looks as though Leareth is sending more agents to Valdemar, including to Haven. 

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How annoying.

Current locations of these letters? Or last extant, if they were burned.

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Two were delivered to spots north of Valdemar's border and then burned. A third went to...somewhere by the western border of Valdemar, near the tiny states of Lineas and Baires? That one doesn't seem to have been burned. The content is about making sure to shut down...something? It's referred to by a sequence of apparently-randomly-chosen words. 

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How correct horse battery staple of them. Who was with the burned letters when they burned and what are they doing now? What is the one who is shutting down the battery staple up to?

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Inconveniently, the two letters to the north seem to have been delivered to two different very nondescript people, a man and a woman, who are currently...still up north, apparently in their homes, not doing anything visibly interesting. It seems plausible they were just relays, and passed on the contents of the letters to others, verbally or via Mindspeech. 

The recipient of the letter to the west - which must have been Gated directly to the wild almost-Pelagirs land near Lineas, for it to arrive so quickly - is currently in the capital city of Lineas, apparently in the process of obtaining a room in an inn. 

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Cam will occasionally check in on Mr. Battery Staple to see what the heck he's about. In the absence of specific identities he will just drop Haven a line that their northerly supervillain is sending agents-of-some-sort to do unclear heavily encoded things and they should watch their opsec.

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Mr. Battery Staple locks himself in an inn room and starts frantically writing letters. The first is addressed to King Deveran of Lineas and is requesting a meeting in the Palace as soon as possible; the man folds it up and seals it and then darts outside and pays one of the ambient underfed-looking children playing in the street a silver coin (which in local terms is a truly exorbitant amount of money), apparently in exchange for rapid delivery of said letter, since on the next check the letter is now at the Palace. 

The second letter is longer, and is in some moderately complicated letter-substitution cipher, different from any of the ones Leareth uses in his personal notes, but one that Cam's computers should be able to crack eventually. The agent leaves his room again and hand-delivers it to...a nearby temple? To some goddess called Astera. 

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...how odd. What happens to it at the temple?

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It's read by a young woman, who looks DEEPLY concerned and immediately heads off the to the library - the temple has a quite extensive book collection, apparently, surprisingly so for a pre-printing-press civilization - and grabs two apparently-random books, which she flips through rapidly while staring at the letter. Possibly the books are some kind of agreed-upon reference for making sense of code words, but without being able to actually read the young woman's mind, it's hard for Cam to tell what inferences she's making here. 

After a little while, she hastily packs, stuffs the letter into a saddlebag, which she puts on a horse taken from the stables behind the temple. Within minutes she's riding hard for the border between Lineas and Baires. 


...Cam's computer eventually chews through the letter-substitution code. It seems like the letter is intended to eventually reach someone important in the Baires leadership, though he's named only as 'V'. The request is for him to stand down and dismantle...some contingency-plan setup? Whatever is being referred to by the randomly-selected words. 

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It's very inconvenient for the supervillain to be so cryptic. Cam spends more time with his biology experiments. Works up some gene drives for some nasties, tests them in silico.

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This is the point at which the courier drone he sent to Haven, after successfully delivering its message, sends Cam a sudden alert that it's off-course on its return journey. 

And then stops sending any signals at all. 

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...what is in that location now and at the time it was knocked off course.

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...Nothing in particular? A perfectly ordinary field. 

If Cam looks more closely at the location data, he'll notice that the drone didn't so much get knocked off course as instantaneously teleport half a mile away, immediately before he lost contact with it entirely. 

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Okay. What was around it where it landed.

Also. Is "Fetcher" a conjurable parameter.

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The drone seems to have landed in an...underground room? Somewhere underneath one of the Palace outbuildings. It's dark and roughly finished. There's nobody there. Fetcher does seem to be a conjurable parameter, but there aren't any of them, either in the field where the drone was grabbed from or the underground room it was very briefly transported to. 

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They could be farther away, but then he'd be sifting through a lot of Heralds. All right. Where has the drone wound up.

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It's now super far north! Well across the mountains. Its immediate surroundings are...another featureless stone-walled underground room. Pretty far underground, which could be why the drone is not successfully sending any signals now. 

(Also the room is very strongly magically shielded, against basically everything which incidentally includes drone radio communication, but Cam's conjuring won't show this directly.) 

There are some crystals mounted on wall shelving in the room, but no people. 

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Cam is going to make a new drone with a fucking bow tied to it - in such a way that it won't foul the rotors - and he's going to attach a little gift tag to it reading If you wanted one, you could have just asked nicely! And he is going to appear it right over the place they took it to and set it to doing a cute little choreographed airdance in loops around the area till they grab it.

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....They do not take this one. Nothing happens. (Well, a lot of magical observation is happening, but nothing visible to Cam.) Possibly they're worried that this is Somehow A Trap. 

(Valdemar and its surroundings do not currently have gift-wrapping traditions such that the bow ends up being all that meaningful.) 

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Cam checks his mail before he updates anything about the behavior of the dancing giftwrapped drone.

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He has a message from Savil in Haven! She just picked up a Web-alarm; it seems like powerful magic just happened in Haven, but the Web is failing to be at all specific about what or where? She's wondering if Cam saw anything from orbit? 

He also has a message from Vanyel, asking for a status update, and pointedly adding that Moondance mentioned something about a supervillain mind-controlling people? 

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Northerly supervillain stole a drone! It was not carrying anything at the time so this isn't a huge deal but perhaps they should work out an encoding system for sensitive messages.

Vanyel can be told that Cam conversed with the Star-Eyed and has become convinced that he should operate out of range of potential mind-control considering the downside potential if somebody got through his talismans. Apparently She didn't think he should be broadcasting the details of their exchange far and wide, it's nothing personal.

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(The courier drones bringing messages to Haven and to Vanyel are not interfered with, this time.) 

Mail from Haven, within minutes: northerly supervillain did WHAT? How? Does this mean he has spies in Haven? If so does Cam have any idea who the spies are? Encoding for confidential messages seems good but maybe that should be sorted out in a way that doesn't involve Cam sending another drone with a reply that could get stolen. 


Message from Vanyel, almost as quickly: He thinks Cam should be aware that the Star-Eyed Goddess - isn't human? And doesn't, necessarily, have goals that line up with Valdemar's? That's basically all the content, but Vanyel takes more words and circumlocutions to say it than seem necessary, and in general his letter gives the impression of quite a lot left unsaid between the lines. 


In the underground room to the far north, after a pause of thirty minutes or so, someone appears to be...dismantling the drone, from a distance, presumably using magic? 

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He probably has spies in Haven! Cam doesn't know who they are, his opsec's pretty good even versus forensic conjuration.

The giftwrapped drone gets a friend joining it in its dance. This one's label says It does not have a gooey custard center!

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Nothing visibly happens for a few minutes. 

(A very startled and confused Fetcher-Farseer is reading the label - briefly noticing his confusion that it's in a language he can read at all, despite the clearly-alien artificing work - and then he thinks all of this very loudly in the direction of the agent with Thoughtsensing stationed a mile away - who receives the message, and passes it on via carefully directional long-range Mindspeech, there's a risk of detection but not that high and the Heralds are clearly distracted as well...) 


Twenty minutes later, a piece of paper with writing on it appears from apparently-nowhere in the room where the drone is, and flutters slowly to the floor. 

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Oooh what's it say.

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(Leareth is so confused, and increasingly disturbed and uncomfortable, even though on the surface most of the recent interventions are neutral-to-helpful? He doesn't understand what this apparently-new Power WANTS, from him or from anyone here, and he hates not understanding things. Also he's confused because the default hypothesis here is that some god, irrelevant to his work until now, has decided to show up and make a scene, and the timing sort of makes sense but the method really doesn't, he's especially baffled by the...quips making fun of him? He's not sure he's ever encountered a Velgarth gods whose modus operandi included snarky commentary, via a human mouthpiece or not.)



The letter is short. Leareth acknowledges that he's noticed the Power's recent activities and that the Power is feeding people, which Leareth is grateful for, and indicates that they may share some common goals? And so he would like to open communications if possible.

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Cam puts an old-fashioned blue metal mailbox complete with the US Postal Service logo in the middle of where his drones are dancing, lands them on top of it in a stack, and drops his reply in the mailbox, to be retrieved by whatever means.

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Leareth's nearby Fetcher-Farseer spends a while staring at the suddenly-appearing contraption with concern and some distress! It doesn't obviously look like a weapon, but who knows what weapons would look like, with this level of technological sophistication. 


Eventually he receives more instructions, and he tries Fetching the contents of the box. Not to his current location, he's not stupid - Fetching by itself shouldn't trigger a massive alarm, so he drops whatever is inside the weird blue box in a secluded garden area near the Healers' wing, comfortably within range for both his Gifts but hopefully still safe from any explosions. 

He examines the letter with Farsight, using his Fetching to unfold it if necessary. 

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The letter is on nice embossed stationery and scented with vanilla, the latter of which touches will go unappreciated given these precautions.

Dear northerly supervillain and assorted minions,

Please direct me to the operations manager of your apparently very inconspicuous anti-hunger efforts so I can supplement them rather than reinventing the wheel! I'd really appreciate having a collaborator to consult on scaling that up.

You may drop your replies in the same box this letter was placed in, though, like you, I will not need to approach them closely to read them.

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Leareth's agent is starting to feel pretty messed with! Right now he really wishes this were someone else's job. It hasn't escalated to actual violence yet, but this - mage? god? whatever - is clearly making a show of how easily they could destroy Leareth's operations and defeat his people, if they so wanted. 

However, he thinks the contents of the letter along to the Mindspeaker relaying to Leareth, with only medium overtones of anxiety. 

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Leareth allows himself a total of five minutes to ponder his reply. It's not anywhere close to long enough to make sense of the situation, but it still seems better not to delay, both because that could itself show how off-balance he is and because it's...disrespectful to this being's time? 

He dictates a reply. It's not one he's delighted with but it's the best he can manage on short notice. 


Dear unknown Power

What you are are doing seems to me to be not so much reinventing the wheel, as newly-inventing (he has to pause for a while here to find the right metaphor) Gates between the stars. I know of no magic that can summon, or perhaps directly create, such quantities of food, thus all of my previous efforts have been more indirect and it is not clear how to combine them with your current operation. 

If you could make use of a weather-magic reference book which contains detailed climate maps of the continent and predicts regions of famine, that can be obtained. I might also offer you a list of contacts for relatively more trustworthy temple orders and orphanages, which could distribute food to those most in need. 

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Sure, thanks!

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Leareth is not any less confused! 

He calmly relays for his agent to drop a reply telling the unknown Power to expect a delivery within one to two candlemarks, and then gets to work. 

Obtaining two specific rare manuscripts and getting them into Valdemar is nontrivial. Doing it without setting off incredibly obvious Web-alarms is moreso. But Leareth's organization has a lot of resources that can be directed at this problem, and if some of his mages and Mindspeakers are going to be tired after this, well, he has a lot more of them. And it's worth quite a lot to him, if there's any way he can steer this away from hostilities. 

Leareth points a few dozen of his scholars at skimming records lists from the Temple of Astera, locating the documents he wants. Which gives him a chance to add some other books to the list. He doesn't have confirmation of what this Power's goals are, but maybe they can make use of a treatise on reducing deaths from disease by introducing sewage systems and water purification in cities? (The Eastern Empire has running water in most of its cities, and does sewage processing partly with magic. Nowhere else has anywhere near enough mages for that.)

He's also able to track down a thousand-year-old book he wrote in a past life, on magically altering crops to grow better in difficult climates; he's not sure whether the Power will be able to use this at all, but at least it's a demonstration of what Leareth's goals are. 

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While Leareth is occupied with this, the Heralds in Haven are busy being very stressed. 

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Cam releases a plague of gene-driven mosquitoes o'er the land.

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Randi sits heavily in his chair at the meeting-table, head in his hands. 

"It's Leareth, right? I mean, Cam hasn't said, but..." 

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"There can't possibly be two evil blood-mages in the north." At least, Savil really hopes so. 

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Shavri stands with her hands on Randi's shoulders, not speaking. She hasn't said anything through the entire meeting. 

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"Randi, at this point we have to brief the rest of the Senior Circle. Maybe even the Council. He could be preparing an attack right now." 

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"He'd have to get past Cam first," Savil points out.

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"Cam hasn't been willing to step in and interfere in our wars." 

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"I think it'd be different if we were clearly being attacked by the, er, 'supervillain' who he's already investigating." 

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"Hmm. Randi?" 

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Randi pinches the bridge of his nose. 

After nearly a minute of silence, he sighs heavily. "Before we do anything else, I want Vanyel back here." 

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"But he's–" 

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"I'm aware we were hoping to give him a break. But I want him here. I need his advice." 

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Savil sighs as well. "...And we probably shouldn't ask Cam to bring him over, if Leareth has spies in Haven - he grabbed the drone-thing somehow, we can't take the risk of him grabbing Cam." 

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"I know. I don't want to ask him to Gate either, but..." Shrug. "If you warn him with the communication-spell, and then raise the Gate from this end, it shouldn't knock him out too hard, no?" 

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"I know, I know. I don't like it either, I wish we didn't have to ask it of him, but... I need him." 

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"I'll pass the message along to him." 

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Vanyel, when he gets the message from Savil, is alternately pacing around the Vale and sitting hunched in one of the hammocks, memorizing the summoning and dismissal instructions that Cam left for him.

And worrying. 


Cam won't tell him what's going on. Moondance heard a little more, but he seems oddly reluctant to talk about it with Vanyel. Yfandes is being weirdly cagey too. And to make matters even worse, his mind bounces away when he tries to think about his own (probable but mostly-forgotten) conversation with the Star-Eyed Goddess, years ago now. 

- to be fair, Vanyel has to admit that he's also being secretive. He could be telling Cam a lot more about Leareth, and he's not sure why he can't bring himself to. He's also not sure if Cam - assuming he at some point learned Leareth's name - will remember that Vanyel, much earlier, asked if he had ever heard the name. In which case Cam will presumably guess that Vanyel knows a lot more than he's saying... 

He doesn't know how to think about it - about any of it. Why Vkandis apparently tried to set Cam on fire. What the priest Saw. Why the Goddess was interested in talking to Cam in the first place. 

He's scared, and he doesn't even know what he's scared of

Compared to that, being asked to urgently Gate back to Haven is almost a relief. At least it'll be a distraction. 

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And, while all of that is happening, Princess Karis is sitting alone in her guest room, hugging her knees, wishing someone would just tell her already what's going on right now. King Randale and the other Heralds are clearly stressed about something - Randi left in the middle of a planning session with her - but it sounds like the King is currently ensconced in a tiny private meeting, excluding not just her but most of the Senior Circle. 

She HATES feeling left in the dark. 



...And then a sudden noise wrenches her out of her pointless fuming, and she twists around, reaching for the sheathed knife that she always wears now, despite the guards outside her door - 

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Karis nearly jumps out of her skin. 

"Ack– what are you– oh, are you a - a -" It doesn't seem possible. 

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:I am a Suncat, yes. And I am here for you, to offer guidance: The cat stretches, then sidles over to the bed and rests her head on Karis' lap. :You have travelled such a long way. You have been very brave - and the need for courage is not passed, there will be difficult work ahead - but it is all right to be afraid: 

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Karis hasn't spoken to anyone about her feelings in months. Mostly she's tried not to notice that she was having them. But she is afraid - and lonely, and tired, and she misses her family so much... 

She bends over and rests her cheek against the cat's silky fur. :I am not sure if I can be good enough. For what my Sunlord will need of me: 

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:You can, child. You will be: 

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Leareth is currently spending an exorbitant amount of his mages' time and energy on using his ward system to watch Valdemar closely, focusing especially on Haven, and about ten seconds after Savil's Gate to k'Treva starts to go up, he knows about it. 

He would have preferred a little longer for books to be brought in - he's still waiting on a more complete set of weather-reference maps covering the far south - but timing his own underground-and-shielded Gate for while a second, bigger Gate is active will make it much harder for the Web to detect. 

He raises a very small un-scaffolded Gate, just wide enough to drop a satchel of books through, with the other end anchored on the map-location of the underground saferoom, his knowledge of the magical shields - which he laid himself, but two lifetimes ago - and very hazy Farsight image relayed from his agent on site. Almost no one in the world would be able to Gate from that alone, but Leareth is unusual. 

He doesn't quite hit the mailbox, though; the satchel of books plops to the ground beside it. 

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When Cam notices this he has a drone pick up the package and the other drone open the mailbox for it. He already has copies, though.

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The promised books are there - a detailed guide to weather magic on this continent, and an impressively thorough address book for several hundred minor temple orders that run orphanages and such in various countries - and there are some bonus books as well! One about magically-genetically-engineering crops for higher yields, several describing ideas for public health initiatives. 

Leareth's agent waits for a reply. 

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Thanks! says the next response. It comes with a salted caramel but he expects it to be ignored.

He locates the competent minor temple orders and drops care packages on their doorsteps.

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While he does this, Vanyel is sitting in a meeting-room with the King, the King's Own, and Savil. (Also Shavri, but she's not participating much.) Hands wrapped around a cup of willowbark tea, he tries not to shiver or grimace visibly. He hates Gating. 

"He hasn't done anything hostile to us, though?" Vanyel asks, once Randi finishes catching him up on what little the Heralds know. 

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"Stealing Cam's technology is pretty hostile! Don't you think?" 

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Vanyel shrugs uncomfortably. 

In the privacy of his own head, he's thinking that the Leareth he knows must be dying of curiosity. He's almost certainly heard spy-reports of Cam's food dropoffs, by now, and of course he would be desperate to know HOW Cam is accomplishing this - and grabbing a drone to study is one avenue for him to get answers. It's not like he has many other avenues. 

But Randi and the others don't know about the conversations; to them, Leareth is just another warlord blood-mage building himself a pocket empire. Taver knows, but many years ago he advised against even telling Lancir - and right now Yfandes is being stonily silent in the back of Vanyel's mind, and Taver hasn't said anything to clarify what he should do, and Vanyel can't THINK because his head is pounding violently after the Gate. 

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Randi rubs his forehead. "It's not fair to Cam to leave him working in ignorance when we could share what we know with him. Right?" 

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"I agree." 

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Tran frowns unhappily, but doesn't actively raise any disagreement. 

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Vanyel's current feeling is mainly that he wants the entire world to GO AWAY and LEAVE HIM ALONE. 

"I think that's right," he says dully. "Er, I'm not feeling very up for writing an explanation to Cam, though - can one of you...?" 

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"Of course, ke'chara." Savil reaches over to squeeze his shoulder. "I'm so sorry we had to ask this of you. Why don't you go have a lie-down, and we'll bring Cam up to speed and ask him to fill us in on what he's been learning?" 

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Vanyel nods and, with relief, totters off to his bed. 

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The next time Cam checks his mail, he has a letter from the Heralds, signed by Tantras. They think he should know some important backstory here!

Vanyel has Foresight and, starting just over a decade ago, had a recurring Foresight dream about an evil mage in the north! A man who calls himself 'Leareth', gathering an army and marching on Valdemar!

In the dream - the timing of which is only vaguely hinted at, by the fact that dream-Vanyel's hair is almost entirely white from the use of node-magic - he takes his army through a pass carved through the mountains with blood-magic. They don't know the exact location of the pass, and haven't had the resources to send an expedition to find it, but Vanyel has been able to Farsee it from the northern border, and confirmed it exists. Over the years there's also been evidence that Leareth was kidnapping Gifted children from rural Valdemar, and that he's hired bandits and foreign mages to assassinate Heralds, Herald-Mages in particular. They think he supplied some of these groups with magical artifacts for protection.

They don't know any more than that, and the existence of the Foresight dream has been a very tightly-held state secret; they didn't want Leareth to find out that the Heralds are forewarned of his planned invasion. But it seems like Cam's presence changes quite a lot. Tran apologizes for not sharing this intelligence with Cam sooner. Hopefully the background is helpful for him?

The Heralds would also deeply appreciate if Cam could share anything else that he's learned about Leareth, since - given what they know of Leareth's plans - this is very relevant to Valdemar's future. 

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Cam sends them a reply recommending that Vanyel teach everybody else what was in his summoning packet as a just-in-case. He says he has been spying on Leareth's notes but they're very cryptic and he doesn't know much Valdemar doesn't, yet, except things like where he is, which would only be especially useful if he wanted to blow the place up, which at this time he does not, since reportedly he's an immortal bodysnatcher and this would be basically just a setback.

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He's a WHAT??!!



(Taver, in the back of Tran's mind, seems oddly unsurprised by this bizarre revelation. Tran is too distracted to properly notice or be confused by this fact.) 

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Getting the summoning instructions is a good idea. Savil is dispatched to Vanyel's room to do that. 

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She's not the first one to arrive there! Nobody told Jisa that her Uncle Van was back, but she's very good at noticing things. Uncle Van doesn't feel well after he does Gates and is going to need snuggles, which Jisa will eagerly provide! 

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Vanyel is in bed when she knocks, his door locked, but his Thoughtsensing informs him who's there - with only a minor stabbing pain in his forehead - and he manages to drag himself up and stumble over to let her in. "Heya, pet." 

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"I missed you, Uncle Van." Jisa keeps her voice considerately quiet even though she's VERY VERY happy and excited to see him. "Can we snuggle? And I'll tell you about the book I read?" 

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"Mmm. Sure." Processing words is hard right now and Vanyel mostly isn't trying to. 

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Jisa snuggles with her Uncle Van for a few minutes while recounting the book of ballads she just read. She can tell he's not listening that much, which is a bit upsetting, only nagging him about it is a bad idea because he has a headache and he's...sad? He probably doesn't want Jisa to know that he's sad, but her Empathy is very sensitive and he's not shielding as well as usual. 

He's also very tired, and he clearly needs to rest, and - ooh! There's a PACKAGE on the floor beside his bed! It doesn't look like anything Jisa's seen before and she's sososososo curious! 

A little nudge with her Empathy - Jisa doesn't have all that good control yet but she's been practicing - and Vanyel dozes off. 



Very very quietly, Jisa shuffles down to the floor and retrieves the PACKAGE and opens it to have a look. 

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Oooooooh! Diagrams of circles like the demon ward that she did wrong and made it accidentally do the opposite of keeping demons out! Neat! 

No one has been TELLING Jisa anything, but she can tell that all of her grownups have been very stressed, and probably something important and scary is happening? She thinks it maybe has to do with Princess Karis who just got here. Karis is also very sad. Jisa can tell. Jisa doesn't know if Karis being sad is related to the Problem her grownups are all scared about, though. 

She starts reading the instructions that Cam left for Vanyel. 

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Savil is about to reach Vanyel's room when she feels the Web-alarm blaring in the back of her mind. It's not in Haven, it seems to be - southeast? Which means probably not Leareth but who knows. 

Gods. What horrible timing. 

:Jay?: she reaches out. :Can you take this one?: 

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:- Huh? Sorry, busy covering an audience for Tran - do you know what he ran out in a hurry for...?: 

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Randi hasn't made a final call on briefing the rest of the Senior Circle yet. :Er, sorry, I can tell you after - in a bit of a hurry now. Have you seen Kilchas or Sandra?: 

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:Not in a while, sorry, I think maybe they had mage-work today? Anyway I have to go: He drops the link with her. 

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A quick attempt to find either of them with Mindspeech turns up nothing. Probably they're in one of the Work Rooms. 


Someone needs to at least see what the alarm is. Vanyel can do that from anywhere, but she's not about to ask him to do any serious casting right now, not when he just crossed a Gate. Savil herself isn't as comfortable with distance-work and needs to be in the Web-focus room for it. 

She switches direction, breaks into a jog. 

:Tran? Sorry, Web-alarm, I've got to go see - can you go learn the summoning instructions from Van instead -?: 

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:Sure, in a minute: 

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Leareth's spy-network is on high alert everywhere, now, and so he hears almost instantly about the newest set of food drops. 

...He was reluctant to start this conversation, because - in the scenario where the strange new Power is humanlike in their reasoning, as opposed to operating on semi-omniscient Foresight - it's sure to come across as suspicious and self-serving. But at this point it seems irresponsible to keep holding off. 

He dictates another message, which is transmitted by careful directional Mindspeech, transcribed by his agent on-site, and Fetched into Cam's mailbox. 


Dear unknown Power,

I realize that you have little reason to take what I say at face value, but: I must warn you that your current actions are likely to attract the attention, and opposition, of our local gods. I have faced attempted murder many times, when I tried similar schemes, including being set on fire twice by Vkandis. 

I would strongly advise that you slow down at this time. If you are interested in hearing more context, I will share what I know with you. 

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Knock yourself out Cam replies cheerily.

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Leareth gets to work on a very long message. 

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Meanwhile, not far away: 

Karis is still hugging her newly-arrived Suncat and sobbing. She's trying to get herself back under control, but it's been such an incredibly awful few months and it's very, very hard. 

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:Karis: A wash of reassurance and affection and pride, then a soft mental prod. :Karis. Listen to me: 

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She sniffles. Takes a forced deep breath. "What." 

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:I am so sorry. I know how hard this is, but - I think there is something that your Sunlord needs you to do. Now: 

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(Why her. Why now?) 

Karis nods. Gulps. Wipes her face with her sleeve. "All right. I am ready. Where?" 

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:You need to speak with Herald-Mage Vanyel. Follow me: 

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Jisa sits on the floor of Vanyel's room while he sleeps peacefully - kept in that state by a gentle push of Empathy, nudging aside the pain and bad dreams that try to wake him - and leafs through the package. She might be only almost-seven years old but she taught herself to read when she was four and she's very good at it. 

(She has her fledgling Thoughtsensing extended to its limits, because she is definitely doing something naughty right now and doesn't want to get caught.) 

Oooh! What's that? Some sort of magical artifact? Except it doesn't look like one she's ever seen, before... 

Jisa riffles through the written instructions and manages to find the manual for the phone that Cam left. She gets to work on it. 

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Savil finally reaches the Web-focus room, flops down on the bench, and spends a moment catching her breath. Damn it but she's way too old for this. 

Once her heart isn't hammering quite so hard in her chest, she reaches for the quartz focus - with her mind, not her hands - and into the Web. 





Savil surfaces. Tries to reach for Tran - fails - remembers that she's behind shields. Which technically she's keyed to, but she didn't get enough sleep last night and she's not in the mood to push through that resistance. 

She drags herself to her feet and slips out of the room. :Tran? False alarm. Lightning strike, looks like. Are you with Van yet?: 

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:Hmmmmwhat? ...No, sorry, still with Randi. I can head over now?: 

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:Thank you, but I guess I might as well go myself: 

Savil leans on the doorframe for a moment, rubbing her lower back, and then heads back toward her nephew's bedroom. 

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Where Jisa is still attentively reading the directions on how to use the phone to talk to Cam - oooh, she likes Cam, and he had to go away and he hasn't played with her at all - probably because he's very busy, just like all of her other grownups - but maybe if she manages to call him using his UNBELIEVABLY COOL artifact, she can impress him with how clever she is and he'll want to come play with her again... 

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Karis reaches the outer door to the Heralds' wing. 

She feels...numb, mostly. Far away from everything. 

Nobody is nearby to overhear them. "Sola?" she murmurs. "Do you know what my - our - what the Sunlord wishes me to say to him?" 

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Sola's shoulder twitches, uneasily. :- No. Which I suppose means that you ought...follow your conscience, here: 

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...That doesn't feel helpful at ALL but what is she supposed to do. Karis keeps walking. 

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...Okay. Jisa is pretty sure that she understands how the 'phone' works now, and knows what she has to do to talk to Cam. 

She gives a little extra Empathy-push to make sure Vanyel stays asleep, and then presses the buttons indicated. 

Does this work? 

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The phone lights up! It displays a row of three dots, slightly animated, and then resolves onto an image of Cam's face, where he is busying himself in the bio lab with various test tubes. "Hi V- Jisa, hello, what's up?"

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"Hi Cam! I miss you! I wanted to–" 

(a brief pause) 

"- sorry someone's coming, I need to - canyoustayquiet -" 

Jisa shoves the armful of loose papers back into the bag they came in, dives under the bed, and holds her breath, the phone buried under her arm. 

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Okay, she didn't seem to be having an emergency before, so... perhaps she's just playing hide and seek. He does science, glancing at the dark screen now and then.

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The dark screen continues not to show anything, but there are footsteps - a knock - 

"Herald Vanyel?" The voice is muffled but recognizable as belonging to Karis. 

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Vanyel drags himself up from the depths of sleep. "Hnng– oh, sorry, be right there -" 

More footsteps. 

A door creaks open. 

"...Oh. Karis. Er, what is it -?" 

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Karis' current problem is that she still doesn't have any idea what to say! She freezes for an instant. "I, er -" 

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The voice echoes in her head, though somehow Karis knows it's not audible to anyone else. 



...Does she? After everything? 


What choice does she have. 

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I trust you, my Lord, she thinks, and - relaxes, tries to open herself, the way she remembers from her prayers - 

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Jisa is being very very naughty right now, and has all of her Sight open, and - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah–

"Cam!" she hisses into her own armpit. "Cam something's wrong can you help–" 

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There is no time for Cam to reply. 

Karis' body belongs to Vkandis, right now.

Karis' hand reaches for the dagger that she always wears on her belt, after months of terrifying travel in constant danger. 

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Karis, a passenger in her own body, feels more peaceful than she's ever felt before. 



- what - 


For a moment she instinctively tries to resist. Vkandis what are you - I thought you wanted to talk, why -

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It's too late for any of her hesitations, now. 


The dagger plunges into Vanyel's chest. 

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"Cam! CamCamCam help she's killing Vanyel -" 

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But Herald-Mage Vanyel Ashkevron is already collapsing in a heap on the floor, and it's too late for any recriminations, now. 

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The soaring golden power vanishes, all of a sudden, and leaves Karis trembling - her hands covered in blood - 

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And Cam is not on the other end of the call any longer.

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Jisa whispers more words to Cam, begging for a reply that doesn't come, and then she just lies under the bed and whimpers - 



- for about eight seconds, and then she realizes that, if she were a hero in a ballad right now– well, the HEROIC and STUPID thing for her to do would've been to jump in front of Uncle Van, but she wasn't brave or fast enough and now she's too late - 

- and the sneaky cunning thing for her to do is RUN AWAY. 


Karis' mind is no longer radiating incredibly weird brightness, and Karis is collapsed beside Vanyel, whimpering as well. 

She seems pretty distracted. 

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Jisa shoves the phone and various folded papers down the front of her dress, and then slips out past Karis, vaguely pushing with Empathy to make Karis even more sad so she won't think to look up. 

(This isn't hard, since Jisa herself is very very upset and sad and is already crying and just barely managing not to sob audibly.) 


She creeps out through the open door and then runs. 

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Savil reaches the doorway barely ten seconds after Jisa vanishes into a random coincidentally-unlocked Herald's room. 

"Van? ...VAN?" 


:I need a Healer here RIGHT NOW!: 

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What the shit hapOH yikes Vanyel has been stabbed. Poor Vanyel. Cam drops the model into his pinhole and sits at his kitchen table and frets.

Cam should probably have prioritized leaving more stashes of summoning instructions around. At least the people of Velgarth will in a few insect-generations no longer be subject to particular insect-borne illnesses but he really had more on the to-do list! The instructions are - still there, good, they still exist, hopefully they stay that way long enough - did Jisa just watch her uncle get stabbed, wow, poor kid -

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....And Vanyel wakes up in a quiet white place, where nothing hurts.



After a moment he stands up. "Shadow-Lover." 

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A head turns towards him. The face is (thematically) hidden in shadows. 

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"I think you owe me an explanation. What." 

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For a long moment, the robed avatar of a god looks at him, sapphire-bright eyes somehow still glinting from under unseen brows. 


"- Do I?" He takes a step forward, and his voice echoes oddly. "Do we?

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....Huh, what? 

Vanyel is too off-balance - and angry, he can't fully feel the anger here but it's nonetheless distracting - to quite chase after that confusion. 


"....I guess I shouldn't ask for anything," he says flatly. "Since, you know, I'm just a powerless mortal pawn. And you speak for a god. But - well, if I'm not wrong, you and your, er, employer, had plans for me. Which I carried out. Even when it hurt." 

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"...Well. I wasn't really expecting an answer, but - that's informative, I guess."



(Vanyel can think, here, in the place where nothing hurts. And it's not, quite, all fitting together yet, but...he can see a pattern, now. That he couldn't quite fit into his mind before.) 


(He's a pawn, he's always been a pawn - but that doesn't, actually, make him powerless. Does it? Just makes him an essential tool, one that the gods can't afford to lose...) 


"Do I have a choice to go back?" 

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"....Yes. You have a choice." 

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"What information do I need, to make that choice?" 

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A long pause. 




...Then, a hint of sheepishness, or at least something close to it. "....Quite a lot of information is relevant, most likely. But - I cannot see it." 

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"...Well. Can you at least tell me if Leareth is my enemy or not?" 

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"....He made a vow on the stars, once." 

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That is not the answer to his question, and Vanyel starts to snap something back, and then - stops himself.

Probably this is pretty close to the most informative a god can be.




"....Should I trust the Star-Eyed Goddess?" he asks instead. 

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"...The Star-Eyed did something to my mind, I think? When I - spoke with Her. Can you undo that - permanently, I mean..." 

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"As you wish." 

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....Wow that continues to be so unhelpful

"I, er, right. ...If that's a yes, then, um, I think I do want to go back." 

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Shavri, answering Savil's cry for help, arrives at Vanyel's side and drops to her knees, reaching for him 



nothing there - 



- disorientation, for a moment - 


And then she finds herself already slapping down a link on the last trailing dregs of his life-force, and pouring her own strength into him.... 

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Karis slumps against the wall, unmoving, sobbing uncontrollably.

(She wants her mother, she wants her father - but she can't have that - she wants Sola, but Sola isn't there, and - and she can't trust Sola anymore - can't trust her Sunlord anymore - she offered up her trust and then her hands were covered with blood...) 

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Jisa runs and runs and runs, panting, and - oh, huh! it almost feels like there's a new doorway, in her head, but it's close to the Empathy-doorway so probably she's just confused and it's the same thing - and she can use her Empathy to tell anyone she passes that they don't see her, no one's there, nothing interesting is happening... 

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And eventually she finds a doorway to hide in, unlocked, and where no one is inside to stop her -

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Jisa bolts the door behind her and grabs a chair and shoves it up against the door, and then flops down on the floor, gasping. There's a stitch in her side. She wants to cry. Uncle Van is DEAD and Cam went away and she's not safe, Karis - no, not Karis, but whatever the thing was that got inside Karis for a moment - might come after her any minute... 


She hugs herself. Something crinkles– oh, right. The papers with instructions for how to summon Cam - or another demon-apsel like Cam - are still stuffed down the front of her dress. 

She takes them out and peruses the instructions again. It looks like there are two different circles - one of them is a lot more complicated than the one she did before by accident, it looks hard to draw, but the other one is simpler and that one has Cam's name on it. Also if she's understanding the directions right then she just has to lay it down on the floor and fill it in? 

This gives her some difficulty because she doesn't have chalk or anything else to write with on her, but after some hunting around she finds an inkwell and pen in the drawer of the Herald's desk. And then she painstakingly fills it in. 

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Cam appears instantly. "Jisa - what happened?"

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Jisa stares at him for a moment, wide-eyed, and then flings herself at him and clings to his waist like a limpet, sobbing. 

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Cam hugs her. "Are you okay? What happened?"

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It takes Jisa another thirty seconds of hanging onto Cam and crying before she can get herself calmed down enough to even Mindspeak. 

:I don't know! Karis - something HAPPENED to her, it wasn't– it wasn't HER it was something else her mind was all bright and glowy like fire and then she, she, she...killed...Uncle Van...: 

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"- okay. Is she - apprehended, or -"

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:I don't know I don't know what happened after I ran away: 

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Elsewhere, Leareth finishes his writeup of various ways that he's experienced god-meddling and his best advice on how to operate in a way that the gods find harder to interfere with. The long message is awkwardly relayed through a chain of Mindspeakers, written down, and Fetched into Cam's mailbox. 


When there's still no sign of a response after several minutes, Leareth starts to worry. Not a lot, yet, maybe the Power is distracted, but...well, distracted by what? Most of the answers to that question aren't reassuring ones. 

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...Cam makes a fireblanket, wraps Jisa in it. "Vkandis sometimes sets people on fire," he says, "so stay wrapped up in this, okay, and -" Buckets of water. "There's those, and - I should go see what's going on -"

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Jisa tries to wrap her arms around him again. "Please don't go please don't I'm scared!" Her voice rises to a wail. 

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"I - Jisa, if she's still running around she could hurt someone else."

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Jisa starts to protest, then clamps her mouth shut and takes a few shuddering breaths. "...All right. But come right back?" 

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"Yeah. I'll come right back as soon as things are under control. Thank you very much for summoning me back." He's going to... leave random copies of the summoning instruction packet in every room he passes on the way to finding Vanyel's room.

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As soon as he turns the corner, Savil, who's standing just outside Vanyel's room with her arms folded and glaring at a whimpering Karis as she pins the woman down with a mage-barrier, spins around. One hand is already raised, a levinbolt at her fingertips and ready to throw. 

"- Cam!" She slowly lowers her arm. "Cam, what - how...?" 

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Shavri's tense voices calls from inside Vanyel's room. "Cam's here? Cam I could use a hand in here!" 

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Cam appears restraints around Karis's wrists and ankles on his way into the room. "He's alive?"

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Karis doesn't move or resist this at all. 

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"Barely - came really close to losing him - he's still bleeding - can you do anything to help...?" 

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"Yeah." Cam produces a mysterious machine, peers at the images in it, leans over Van, and starts patching damaged layers of tissue and replacing the amount of blood lost in a gradual and distributed fashion.

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At any other time, Shavri would be so awed and impressed by what he's doing. Right now she's too busy frantically throwing Healing-energy at Vanyel. 

By the time two other Healers reach the room, Shavri and Cam's combined efforts mostly have the bleeding stopped. 

"He's not breathing that well," Shavri hisses to Cam, "is that something you can help with?" 

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"- maybe." What is wrong with him that patching the lung didn't fix.

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There's a lot of blood pooling in the space between the membranes around the lung; it's not actively bleeding anymore, but the lung on that side is still half-collapsed. Shavri is trying to nudge him to breathe faster and deeper to make up for it, but Vanyel is deeply unconscious and in shock, and his body isn't responding as much as it should. 

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Getting and negotiating with an angel would take too long. Cam tubes the lung to drain, cannulas Vanyel to give him a steady supply of oxygen.

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"Good...that's helping...think we've almost got him stable enough to move to the House of Healing - Cam, how strong are you, can you help us carry him?" 

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"I'm not steady enough, I trip."

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"Right." Her eyes go unfocused for a moment. "I called some more people from the House of Healing, they'll be here in a couple minutes. Anyway, Cam - thank you. I don't know if he'd have made it without your help. ...How did you know to get over here? I don't think any of us thought to write you - were you, er, watching us from your shuttle...?" 

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"No. When he was momentarily dead that unsummoned me and Jisa resummoned me."

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"Jisa did? Where is she– wait, no, how did she know you were un-summoned?" 

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"She'd called me on the phone I left Vanyel. She might have been in the room at the time." Does Cam's machine think Vanyel needs any drugs.

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"Oh gods." Shavri blanches. "Is she all right - where is she now, did you make sure she was safe, is she hurt -?" 

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Vanyel could probably use some antibiotics to ward off infection. He's still not conscious, but he's showing flickers of it, and when he does start to wake up he's going to be in a lot of pain. 

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"She's down the hall. I left her a fire blanket and some buckets of water in case Vkandis pulls shit but I did say I'd go back when things were under control, she was pretty freaked out." Cam gives Vanyel some painkillers and antibiotics and an oxygen booster and heads back Jisaward.

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Shavri shoots a longing look after Cam - she desperately wants to go to her daughter - but, right now, Vanyel needs her more. 

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Jisa is exactly where Cam left her, sitting on the floor with her fire blanket wrapped tightly around her. She jumps up when she hears his footsteps, though. "Did you fight her?" 

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"Tied her up, it wasn't a fight. Vanyel's going to be okay, your mom's with him now." Hug?

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Huh! Jisa sniffles into Cam's shoulder. "...Van didn't die? I thought he was dead - I left him - I should've got someone, I should've helped him, Cam it was all my fault..." 

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"You did get someone, you got me, and it's going to be okay. He was - briefly dead, enough to unsummon me, but apparently healing magic here is really good and he's going to be fine, we'll get him up and about again."

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Jisa hugs Cam without saying anything for a while, her tears eventually trailing off into quiet hiccups. 

"...Cam," she says finally, in a very small voice. "Cam, I was naughty - I did a bad thing, I shouldn't have..." 

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"...I'm glad you used my circle and not the complicated one," he allows, "but it worked out, okay?"

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"No it's not that– not just that. I, I - used Empathy so Uncle Van would sleep. Because I wanted to see what was in his package and he wouldn't've let me." 

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"Oh. Well. You shouldn't have done that and you shouldn't do it again but it's not the biggest concern right now."

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"But - but if I hadn't made him so sleepy then maybe he would have shielded and he wouldn't have gotten hurt, it's my fault, Mama will be so angry with me!" 

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"I don't think your mama'll be angry with you about Karis stabbing Vanyel!"

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"Oh. I guess." Jisa sniffles again, then goes to blow her nose on her sleeve. "- I wanna see Uncle Van, can I, where is he?" 

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"In his room last I saw but they may have moved him by now, do you want to go check?"

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"Mmm-hmm." Jisa is going to stay practically glued to Cam's side, though. 

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Shavri and a knot of other Healers are in the process of getting Vanyel, now laid out on a stretcher, out through the door of his room while trying not to disturb any of the medical equipment Cam conjured. 

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Jaysen has joined Savil in guarding Karis, who's still motionless. Judging by the looks they're exchanging, the two Herald-Mages are having a heated Mindspeech conversation. 

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Jisa lets out a very small whimper when she sees Vanyel. 

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"He's gonna be okay." Cam helps arrange the tube in relation to the stretcher so it can do its job.

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"Cam," Savil says, her tone flat. "Meeting after this? Need to talk about - what just happened." She adds in a final mutter, under her breath and mostly to herself, of "Why now?" 

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"Yeah, we can meet after this." Cam is going to stick close to Jisa, who seems fragile. But he'll check his mail while he does it.

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He has mail from Leareth! 

Two messages, actually. One of them is pretty long, with an introductory paragraph telling him to expect a list of all the times Leareth's plans were thwarted by what he suspects were god-managed coincidences; he acknowledges that he may be wrong in a few cases, some bad luck is to be expected, but he thinks the overall pattern definitely cannot have been chance. The next paragraph starts off listing occasions when Leareth was assassinated; a mention that he was set on fire by Vkandis jumps out to Cam's eye. 

The second message is more recent, and short. Leareth notes it's been ten minutes since he dropped off his letter, with no reply or even confirmation of receipt, is there a problem? 

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Cam sighs, calculates his distance from the drones that are still reporting to him from the north, and gives one a letter to drop in the mailbox. Sorry for the delay, Vkandis is every bit as impolite as described!

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Leareth receives this message (relayed in Mindspeech) within about sixty seconds of Cam's letter delivery. 

He goes perfectly still. Another full minute passes before he picks up his pen again, and then - unusually for him - he iterates through several drafts before he gets one he's happy with passing on. 

:Nayoki: he adds. :Eyes on Haven. Now. I suspect that something is wrong: 


Dear unknown Power,

Are you currently in danger? I lack context on your defences, though I assume they are considerable, given your demonstrated abilities. If you need a location that is more safe from god-meddling, I will make my facilities in the north available.

You should be aware that you are almost certainly not safe in Haven. The Palace contains a Heartstone fuelling the Web, giving the Star-Eyed significant influence, and a representative of Vkandis is now on site. The Companions may be acting as agents for yet a third god. 

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Jisa holds Cam's hand tightly the whole way to the House of Healing, but she's looking a lot calmer by the time they get there and the Healers transfer Vanyel to a bed. 

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Shavri gives a hasty Mindspeech report to Gemma while they get Vanyel settled, and then she can finally be spared from the keeping-Vanyel-alive project to hug her daughter. 

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The Star-Eyed wasn't rude and warned Cam that Leareth likes miiiiind controoooool so he's not gonna fall for that one. Thanks but I'm all set! Please don't let me distract you from your important anti-poverty activism.

And he passes Shavri a note: I'm worried that Vanyel might have been attacked because he's my summoner. Currently Jisa is my summoner. I think it might be wise to ask her to dismiss me and have me resummoned by someone who's willing to come up to my space station with me.

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Shavri takes the note and reads it over Jisa's head without letting go of her daughter.

Her eyes go wide. Now? she mouths to Cam. 

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I don't know if the timing's that tight, there's time to find a volunteer.

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Shavri nods. "You'd better go meet with Savil." 

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Jisa gives Cam a watery smile over her mother's shoulder. "I'm all right. Thank you for the blanket." She's still wearing the fire blanket, like a cape. "I can keep it so I'll be safe?" 

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"Yes, that blanket is yours to keep."

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"Thank you. Come back and visit soon?" 

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"Of course I will."

And where is Savil at.

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Still exactly where Cam left her, arguing with Jaysen and Tantras (who is keeping his distance for safety, just in case) about what to do with Karis now.

They should probably...question her...or something...? This seems hard because Karis is basically ignoring all of their attempts to talk to her. Also Tran is worried that doing things to her in general might cause a repeat of whatever the hell just happened. 

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"I don't want to drop her off in Karse, considering, but I don't know what affordances for keeping prisoners you have here."

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Savil keeps her voice low, not that Karis seems to be paying any attention but just on principle. "I mean, we do have cells in the Palace, or we could haul her to the Guardhouse - though I think this is a Heralds' matter and ought to stay that way. She's not Gifted. I just...don't know if she's going to start randomly murdering people again -"  

- she freezes, eyes narrowing, and then switches to Mindspeech. :Jisa. She can't know where Jisa is: 

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"Crossed my mind," he mutters. "I think she should be relieved in that capacity. By someone not attached to remaining on this planet."

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"Not Vanyel!" Savil hisses immediately, with emphasis. "I mean, he can't anyway. Probably we should pick someone who's a lot less, er, indispensable. And who's excited about a trip off the planet, I guess." 

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"I'll tell Tran to look into it." 

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Savil takes a deep breath, lets it out, and sets her jaw. 

"Right. Jay, let's just bring her to my old Work Room. If anything - weird - happens, at least it'll be contained. I want you on the door and someone in there to watch her and make sure she doesn't, um, escape in some impossible way..." 

Instructions given, she turns back to Cam. "We'll find a volunteer to re-summon you. In the meantime. What. Just. Happened. Do you have...any idea at all of why Karis wanted to kill Vanyel? Was it meant to un-summon you?" 

(Savil missed Cam's earlier remark to Shavri about Vkandis, and still hasn't quite mentally made the connection, it's an uncomfortable one and Kellan is being weirdly unhelpful.) 

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"I think so. It succeeded, too, it was a narrow stroke of luck that Jisa brought me back, I should have had more spare circles around. I have left some in some random rooms and should collect those once I'm less worried about being dismissed unexpectedly any second, though."

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Savil's jaw moves silently for a very long five seconds. 



"...I, er, right." This is all so incredibly uncomfortable. "But - why try so hard to un-summon you? It doesn't make sense - you were considering helping us take back Karse from the corrupt priesthood..." 

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"Maybe Vkandis actually likes them? He did let one of them be his conduit for setting me on fire."

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Savil would like the entire concept of meddling gods to GO AWAY, she's sick of it. 

"...Wait. Was Karis literally possessed, like the priest who set you on fire? Or do you think he just - asked her nicely...?" A helpless shrug. "Seems like a pretty big difference when it comes to, er, deciding what to do with her." 

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"I don't know. I couldn't see and could barely hear through the phone. Jisa thought possessed, something about her mind being shiny and on fire?"

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"....Huh." An uneasy glance over at Jaysen. "Well, I don't think that changes any of our immediate actions. Probably. Let's get her over to the Work Room– er, Cam? Can you show us how to undo the restraints, and then maybe follow us in case we need to restrain her again?" 

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"You don't want to just wheel her along in a cart? Are there stairs?"

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Savil thinks for a moment. "I suppose not - can you make a cart?" 

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Then Karis can be hauled into the cart and wheeled down the hall and out the door and across the path to Savil's old Work Room! Savil follows closely and keeps her attention entirely on Karis, ready to throw up a shield or fling a levinbolt at the slightest warning. 

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Karis lies in the cart, curled up tightly in fetal position, and does not move or fight back during the trip over. 

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Jaysen picks her up and sets her down on the floor inside Savil's old Work Room. 

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Savil doesn't at ALL have good memories of this place, and would prefer not to stay any longer than she absolutely must. "Jay. Are you covered?" 

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"Keiran's sending over some of the Guard. She's–" a glance over at Karis. "–she's not going anywhere right now. Don't worry, you go on and have your meeting." 

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Savil is incredibly uneasy, but it's not like that feeling is anything new.

She glances uncertainly over at Cam. 

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"Where to?"

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"We need to have a meeting with the Senior Circle. Follow me." 

Savil leaves Jaysen outside the Work Room and starts marching across the lawn. 


"Cam?" she says abruptly, without looking back at him. "I think you owe us some answers. What do you know about Leareth." 

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"...why do you think I owe you some answers, what'd I do?"

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"- Well, you showed up and then a lot of things started happening really fast? And I've - got a suspicion that Vanyel wouldn't have almost died just now if it weren't for you being around." 

Savil is incredibly angry, and she's not sure where to point that anger, she knows Cam probably isn't the right target for it, but still. He's right there in front of her. 

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"...yes, I think he was probably stabbed to unsummon me, which is why I plan to switch my summoner away from the small child and to someone I can keep safe in orbit instead. What does that have to do with Leareth? I don't think he and Vicky are in cahoots."

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"Why not? That wouldn't've been obvious to me!"

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"Well, one thing I know about Leareth is that he and Vicky aren't on speaking terms. He too has apparently been set on fire."

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"What? Wait. How do you know that?" 

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"I can conjure everything he's ever written."

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A pause. 

"- Then you definitely know a whole lot more than you're saying. All right, fine, maybe you don't owe Valdemar anything, but...why don't you want to tell us? Seems like we could help each other out, here." 

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"I don't know nearly as much as I'd like because he's very good at codes. Also, I've got him talking, and I want to see what he says, and reporting on all his everything to third parties might shut him up."

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"I mean, you don't have to tell him that you're reporting it to third parties. Right?"

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"He... has spies? Who I have yet to identify because he is very good at codes."

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"Hmmff." It's tempting to snap at him, but Cam does, in fact, have an inconveniently good point here. "Right, so you're...hoping he'll tell you more in the longer term if he feels you're keeping his confidences? I guess that makes some sense, though it's– well, none of us like being left in the dark. Especially when nothing that's been happening makes any sense." 

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"I will inform you if anything concrete and urgently relevant to Valdemar comes up, assuming there isn't some other emergency demanding my attention or some other compelling reason to do otherwise."

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Nod. "We appreciate it." Savil doesn't look totally happy with this, but she doesn't press further. 

They reach the meeting room. 

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Randi is already there, sitting down and looking incredibly exhausted. 

He lifts his head. "Cam? Are you, er, all right?"

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"I'm fine. Jisa was really shaken up and Van is hospitalized and Karis looks catatonic, but I'm fine."

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"...Well, phew, that's one good thing. I wasn't sure if, er, being violently un-summoned like that was bad for apsels?" 

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"Doesn't do a thing but send me home."

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"So someone - or something - wanted to get rid of you, yes? Maybe literally Vkandis, given the, er, incident earlier with the priest in Sunhame?" 

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"Yeah, I suspect Vkandis, given that Karis is among his partisans and he's previously been hostile to me."

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Randi exchanges a dark look with Tantras, who's just slipped into the room to join them. 

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Who clears his throat. "Er, is it just me who's feeling really uncomfortable right now about how Vkandis has, well, an entire country? With an army that's already been attacking Valdemar?" 

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"I'm pretty uncomfortable about that! I could evacuate everybody if I had to but it'd be a huge project. I think we should figure out who is going to summon me instead of Jisa and get that person off the planet and hopefully that will do the trick."

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"...I guess our plan for allying with Karis to take back Karse is out now? Given that..." Handwave. 

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Savil doesn't say anything, just looks very cranky about this fact. 

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"Cam? Are you willing to reconsider your position on helping us with the war more directly, given - all this?" 

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"...I mean, Vkandis is hostile, very much so, but he's not the entire nation of Karse, he's not even their actual head of state. What kind of help do you have in mind?"

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"Well, I was doing some reading about - siege tactics, roughly. Physical defences. This wouldn't ever work without something like your powers, but - I mean, could you just build us a giant wall or something? If we had a way to prevent the Karsite troops from getting across on foot to raid us constantly... They might still Gate parties across, but they've lost a lot of mages as casualties too, we could probably manage to hold them off..." 

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"Giant wall! Sure, I can get you a giant wall."

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This earns him a genuine smile. "Wonderful! Why don't you talk to Keiran, after - she's been working out details of what we would need, I think she's not quite done yet but Taver can ask her Companion when–" A brief pause as Tran's eyes go unfocused. "Right. She says she needs the rest of today to finish going over the map and drawing up a schematic for you, but she can meet a candlemark after dawn tomorrow?" 

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"Sure. Uh, does she insist on meeting in person or can we do, uh, a nonmagical scrying thing? I do want to get my summoner changed over and the not-seven-years-old one safely into space soon."

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Savil's eyes are suddenly bright and attentive. "A nonmagical scrying– Like a communication spell, you mean, but with sound and pictures? That's incredible!" 

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"Tran will check with her, but that should be fine," Randi says. He drags a hand over his face. "Anything else we should talk over right now? Precautions you think we should be taking? We'll have a volunteer picked out in - Tran, how long do you need to talk to candidates?" 

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"...Another half a candlemark, ideally? I want to let them take some time to think about it, you know, it's a big thing to ask." 

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Savil glances over at him. "Guess I need to decide if we can spare Kilchas. He's desperate to go, he wants to know what the stars look like from up there." 

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"I'd rather not give up another of our mages, not while Van's out of commission." 

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"He was supposed to be on vacation anyway! Besides, if Cam can give us that wall..." 

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Tran sighs heavily. "I'll think about it." 

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Randi turns back to Cam. "Does waiting half a candlemark seem like too high a risk, to you?" 

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"Half a candlemark sounds safe as long as Jisa's particularly well-defended at the moment."

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"She's with Van and her mother right now. In the shielded room at Healers' with a dozen of the Guard stationed outside. I was thinking I'd head right over after this and help keep an eye on things too." 

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Randi gives Cam a pleading look. "Could you sit with her as well?" 

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"Oh, she would appreciate that, she seemed pretty damned attached to you!" 

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"Yes, I can sit with her too."

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"Thank you! I appreciate it. For Van's sake too, though - hopefully he's not a target anymore now that he's not your summoner? Anyway, we can head back over if you're ready." 

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"Hopefully! And yes, all set."

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Then they can head back over to the House of Healing! 

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Jisa delightedly jumps down from the chair at Vanyel's bedside and runs to hug Cam as soon as she sees him. She's STILL wearing her fire blanket like a cape. 

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Cam gives her a hug and wraps her in a wing. "How are you doing?"

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"I'm all right. I think. Mama says I was very very brave. ...She said I need to let you go away, so that someone else can call you back? Because I might not be safe otherwise?" She shivers, pulling the blanket around herself again. 

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"Yeah, that's right. Not yet, though, not till things are all set up for someone else to fetch me back again right away, I'll be gone for like a second."

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"Are you sure? What if they draw the circle wrong somehow and it doesn't work?" 

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"I will make the circle and they'll just fill it in, same as you did!"

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Jisa takes a deep breath, then nods and tries to smile. "I think I can be brave, then." She heads back to the chair by Vanyel's bed and plops herself into it again, watching him with a worried furrow between her eyebrows. 

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Between the magical Healing and Cam's medical treatments, Vanyel is looking a lot better. He seems to be asleep rather than unconscious. 

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Oh good. Cam checks his blood pressure and suchlike to see if he needs any more little tweaks to get on his way to 100%.

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He could use a bit more of a blood transfusion and a top-up on pain drugs, but mostly he’s recovering very well. Velgarth Healing is pretty good at what it does.

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Cam supplies blood, with drugs in it.

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Shavri thanks him absently. They don't need anything urgently from him right now, and also the room is kind of crowded and Savil isn't willing to leave - maybe Cam can park himself in the room next door, so he's nearby in case of any emergencies but not in the way? 

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Would Jisa like to come along?

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Jisa spends a moment looking torn - she's very worried about her Uncle Van - but Shavri promises to call her right away with Mindspeech if Vanyel wakes up or if he gets worse at all, and Jisa agrees to follow Cam next door. 

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Cam gives her some fried cauliflower and a chicken sandwich, he's not sure when anyone's going to next remember to feed her. And then he checks on his mail again and also the battery staple.

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No new mail from Leareth or from any of the Heralds. 


The agent back in Lineas does not seem to have successfully gained entry to the Palace. He's sitting in his room at the inn, writing a letter and looking fretful. 

The woman from the temple of Astera is now in the capital city of Baires, in a nicely furnished waiting room of some sort in their palace. The letter she brought with her is nearby, but no longer on her person; it's with a tall, handsome, golden-haired man, who currently seems to be...having an argument with another man? The second man is older, dressed very lavishly, and wearing a slim gold circlet on his head, which at least hints that he could be the King of Baires. He looks stressed. Judging by their features in Cam's miniature plastic diorama, the two men could plausibly be related, though the presumed-King is a lot older. 

There's a document in front of the King, on very official-looking stationary, and the younger golden-haired man seems to be trying to hand the King an elaborate gold seal ring. The King is apparently somewhat reluctant. At the scale of Cam's default miniature diorama, the writing is too small to read. 

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Well, he can conjure the writing separately.

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...The results are incredibly un-reassuring.

The letter is, apparently, a secret order where the King would authorize a certain "Vedric Mavelan" to carry out a "contingency plan" ahead of the previously-planned schedule, to "take down" the royal family of Lineas, and pave the way for the Mavelans to step in and "rescue" the other tiny kingdom. Which, of course, would result in their ending up in charge. 

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...okay. Cam cannot be very precise from here, but he can get his space station, still overhead, to tell him the distance from here to some Lineas landmark and put some drones down in the area and navigate those from there. Big drones, in case he needs to pick up the entire royal family of Lineas and remove them from the situation.

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The royal palace in Lineas is a pretty big landmark! Its architecture is elaborate; from above it almost looks like the wings of an enormous bird, folded to protect its nest. Right now, most of the people inside are in bed or in the process of making their way there, except for a few servants who are cleaning. It's quiet and peaceful and - at least from the vantage point of Cam's drones, which can't detect magic - it doesn't look like anything is wrong. 

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Little drones perch unobtrusively near windows and stake out the entrances.

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(Elsewhere, Vedric Mavelan obtains the King's seal on his orders and departs the royal suite, looking both incredibly pleased with himself and slightly nervous. He heads down two corridors and some stairs, to what looks like a Work Room, and parks himself in front of an enormous crystal mage-focus.) 

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It's getting pretty late; by the time Jisa finishes her food, she's drooping. She drags her chair over and sort of leans against Cam. 

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Pat pat.

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This is around the point at which all hell breaks loose on Cam's drone feeds. 

It starts in the parlour of a fancy, formal guest suite – currently empty and dimly lit by a couple of lanterns, but one of Cam's drones has a good view through a window. There's a violent blaze of light, and then, abruptly, terrifying, twisted black creatures, all leathery wings and too many clawed limbs and eyes placed disturbingly at random, explode from nowhere and start to fill the room. 

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Ah shit.

The drones start breaking windows and evacuating everybody they can lay claws on.

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Everyone is screaming and panicking! They're not really any less scared of the drones than they are of the Abyssal demons! 

Which, incidentally, are still swarming into existence, from an epicentre of...an ornamental dagger hung on the wall? 

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One of the little drones can grab that dagger and once Cam has a bead on it he can surround it in a tungsten sphere.

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This doesn't get rid of the existing demons - the dagger and its spell is still intact inside - but it sure does prevent any new demons from getting out from the focus! 

The other drones have successfully gotten a decent number of people out, and the demons...don't seem to be able to follow? The magical shields aren't visible to Cam's cameras but the demons can't pass outside the walls of the palace, despite all the conveniently broken windows. None of the victims of the attack are actually dead, but a number of them are slashed up by demonic claws and bleeding. 

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Jisa stirs sleepily against Cam's shoulder, and yawns. "Cam? What're you doing?" 

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"Remind me later to show you video games! Ones more suitable for kids," he chirps while he pilots drones carrying bleeding people out of the danger zone and - yes, 'Healer' is a conjurable parameter, he will dump them on the nearest concentration of Healers' doorstep, with some assorted bandages, and then send the drones up up and away.

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Not everyone is out of the Palace yet; there are some people with bedrooms that don't have windows, or that only have windows too small to pull a person out through, and there are still a couple dozen demons loose in the hallways. The demons, however, are apparently incredibly stupid; their method of getting through locked doors is to attack them with claws and teeth until this either happens to get the lock or else tears the door apart entirely. (They're not much better at unlocked doors, either.) And, with slightly more warning, the terrified people trapped in rooms are able to throw together additional barricades. 

The nearest collection of Healers is conveniently near the palace, at least. 

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Drones can meander through the palace and try to squash the remaining demons.

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The demons are annoyingly persistent at trying to eat Cam's drones even when they're seriously damaged, but once they're squashed enough, they just...disappear into nothing. 

They're also REALLY stupid and it wouldn't be that hard to corrall them into now-empty rooms with the temptation of a tasty drone snack, leaving corridors clear for long enough that the remaining trapped people can make it out - at least, if Cam can somehow convince them it's safe to try to bolt. 

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Well, the ones in the tungsten sphere don't seem to be getting very far, so he's not actually that worried about the barricaded people once he's corralled and squashed all the loose monsters. He does pick up the tungsten sphere and loft it into a decaying sunward orbit once he has a bit of spare attention.

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Jisa is BORED and keeps trying to sneak peeks at Cam's screen. 

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Back at the hospital near the palace, where sleepy disgruntled Healers are looking after the wounded, a man arrives at a sprint, incredibly out of breath. When he flips back his hood, it's apparent that he's the same man as the agent previously writing letters and worrying back at the inn. His expression is one of baffled horror as he starts questioning the Healers and gets a description of what just happened. 

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The nearest spy drone is so quiet and unobtrusive in this here eave.

Okay, that seems to be dealt with! The drones are recording and will yell if any more weird shit happens.

"Video games?" he inquires of Jisa. "Do you like puzzles more, or running around pretending to fight enemies, or exploring?"

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Jisa lights up. "I wanna fight enemies! With fireballs!" 

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This is around when there's a polite knock on the door. "Cam?" 

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Cam plops a VR visor on Jisa's head; she will discover how to throw fireballs if she moves her hands. "Tran! Hi! What's up?"

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This is amaaaaaaaaaazing!!!! Jisa is so excited!!! 

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Tran nudges the door open. "Well, we've got your volunteer. Kilchas would absolutely love to go, he's headed over now. ...Er, is everything all right?" He's frowning at Cam's screen, trying to get a better look at it. 

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The screen blanks. "That's rude," he tells Tran mildly. "Everything's under control. I would be happy to have Kilchas along up on the station."

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"Sorry, I just - I thought I saw someone I recognized..." Tran looks so self-conscious. "Sorry." 

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"No harm done."

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Tran clears his throat. Looks around the room. “Does here work fine to do the switch? I wasn’t sure how much, um, clear floorspace you would need.”

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"Here's fine. As soon as Kilchas comes I can give him a circle and instructions and Jisa can send me back without even necessarily interrupting her game."

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"He'll be here in a couple minutes, he just wanted to pack a few things so he can leave straight from here with you. What game did you give Jisa, by the way? She sure seems to like it." 

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Jisa is delightedly bouncing around, bopping at the air with her arms and making fwoosh fireball noises. 

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"It's called Welcome, Wizard - which means approximately 'welcome, mage' - and it is a textless adventure game popular among new daeva who do not know how language or VR works yet and it is rated low objectionability so I figured it would be fine for her age."

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"I'm a little worried we'll never get her to stop playing it now! Also, that's a fascinating concept - I wonder if something like it could be useful for training Heralds..." 

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"I have no idea! Video games are good at training some skills and games about other skills just train totally unrelated game-specific skills that don't translate at all."

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"Huh. Well, seems worth maybe thinking about more - though I guess we'd better let you feed everyone first before we worry about that." 

Tran spends the next minute pacing, either deep in thought or having a Mindspeech conversation (or both). Then he abruptly steps out into the hall. "Kilchas! Over here." 

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Kilchas is a wizened-looking man with stringy grey hair, several scars on his face, and a noticeable limp. He beams at Cam, revealing a few missing teeth. "I hear we're going up to space! You've just got to tell me what to do, with the circle or something...?" 

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"That's right! - did you have a runner-up, I don't specifically expect any issues but you do look like you might be in a risky age range?"

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"Hey, there, I'm not that much past fifty. Just...lived hard, you know." A vague gesture at his bad leg. "There's another Herald who can be a backup but she wasn't exactly excited about the idea." 

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"Backup doesn't have to be excited, just available if you have a very badly timed heart attack. I can make a spare circle for her." Circle for Kilchas. "When Jisa vanishes me you're just going to fill this gap in the circle in, right here, here's a pen," pen, "and then there I'll be, quick as a wink, yeah?"

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Kilchas takes the pen, peering curiously at it. "This isn't like any pen I've ever seen! Neat." He lowers himself to the floor beside the circle with a grunt. "Ready on your mark." 

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Jisa is still absorbed in her game. 

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"I will not produce a mark, except by disappearing! Hey, Jisa, you need to concentrate for a minute on wanting to send me home, okay? Kilchas is going to get me back straight away and you don't even have to put down the game if you're very good at concentrating."

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Jisa tenses up a little. She peels off the VR headset. "...I think I need to concentrate properly. So I can be brave enough. If you promise really you're going to be right back again."

She wraps the fire blanket cape around herself, and scrunches her eyes shut in obvious concentration. 

After about twenty seconds of this, she manages the right kind of wanting-to-send-Cam-home. 

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She'll have to keep it up a little longer than that. He stands around awkwardly until, at last: poof.

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Kilchas squints at the spot where Cam was a moment ago. "Well! What about that! ...Oh, I'm sorry, Jisa, guess I'm the one on the spot now." He looks ruefully at the pen in his hand. "Weird pen, maybe I should've practiced with it. Oh well, here we go–" 

He goes to complete the circle. 

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- which is exactly the moment that Tran's breath hisses out explosively, his body going rigid. "What in all hells -" 

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Kilchas also gets the warning from his Companion. Normally this would be a good thing. Unfortunately, he's in the middle of trying to draw on an unfamiliar kind of paper, with a sort of pen he's also never used before. And, given the kind of day this has been, he's just a little jumpy

Instead of finishing the circle, he sends the line wildly off-course and then somehow manages to tear the paper as well. He starts swearing loudly, catches himself, clamps his mouth shut and shoots a guilty look at Jisa. 

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Who is now staring at the spot where Cam definitely isn't, in wide-eyed horror. "Where is he? Why didn't it work? Cam! Cam come back you promised!" 

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"I'm sorry! Jisa, sweet, it's all right, I just - did something silly - I'm going to fix it, one moment..." 

No, the paper cannot be magicked back together at ALL. 

"...Tran, it should work if I just draw the whole thing out again, right?" 

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Tran's jaw works. 

"It should. But - I don't know if that's a good idea." 

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"What do you mean?" 

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Jisa blinks at Tran with upset confusion, and then dissolves into tears. "Make him come back! Please!" 

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This is incredibly distracting and it's such a bad time for it! 

"Jisa, pet, please, just calm down, can you be patient for one minute -" 

He switches to Mindspeech. :Kilchas, Cam knew. About Highjorune - what we just heard...: 

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:He was spying on them! With his not-scrying screen thing that he made. I didn't get much of a look before he told me off for being 'rude', but I saw Mardic: 

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:But that doesn't make any sense! Are you sure?:

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Well, no, he isn't sure, he really didn't have long to peek. Tran is just sure enough to be very suspicious

:He's hiding things from us. About Leareth. Savil said he wants to earn Leareth's trust. And then this...: 

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:I'm not sure what you're implying but I don't like it: 

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:Neither do I! It seems bad all round! Just... Either he knew this happened and he lied to us, or...: 

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:Or WHAT: 

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:Are you going to make me say it? ...All right, fine. Either he hid it from us, or he - did it himself: 

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:I don't believe he'd do that. Not in a thousand years. Tran, the first thing he did when he showed up here was start trying to feed starving people! He's not a murderer - he's the opposite of that -: 

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:How sure are you of that? Because it's an awful lot at stake, making that bet: 

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Kilchas glowers at the ceiling. 

:- I'm sure enough. I can dismiss him home anytime I feel like, right? And whatever he's done, I won't be in danger from him - if he killed me he'd just get himself kicked out again. And this is ridiculous, we can't sit here and talk about this for candlemarks - just look at her!: He jerks his chin at Jisa, still sobbing in a heap on the floor. :I'm going to draw the circle out again and call him back here. All right?: 

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Tran doesn't object out loud. He doesn't say anything, in fact, just paces while Kilchas tries the pen on the floor, realizes it doesn't work, and tracks down a bit of chalk to carefully copy out the circle on the paper. 

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He's being so careful. It takes him another two or three minutes of work. All in all, almost five minutes elapse between Cam's dismissal and the re-summoning. 

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(Possibly he should bring the sobbing child back to her mother, but one, Shavri is busy, and two, that would mean explaining the current situation to Shavri, and Tran is incredibly not in the mood for trying that.) 

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As soon as the circle's done Cam reappears. "Oh thank goodness, I was worried for a minute there - I should've made you a spare, it's possible to do these in an unsafe order - hey Jisa here I am -" Scoop.

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Jisa attaches herself firmly to Cam with all four limbs, still sobbing. "Cam you PROMISED and then you DIDN'T -" 

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Tran, arms folded, is watching Cam with a deeply suspicious expression. 

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"I'm sorry, kiddo! I answered the circle as soon as it was complete, I didn't have any other way to get here." Pat pat.

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Even Tran doesn't quite have the heart to interrupt the tearful reunion. He fidgets. 

Eventually, when it looks like Jisa is definitely not planning to let go anytime soon, he sighs, and reaches out carefully with Mindspeech. 

:Cam. I think you owe us some explanations. Highjorune?: 

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Note. Why do people keep saying I owe you explanations? I have no idea what your political relationship with anyone in Highjorune is and have not agreed to be on your payroll as a spy.

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Tran reads the note. Glowers at Cam. 

:They share a border with us! The last time they got into a war, it had all sorts of spillover -: 

He stops himself. That's not actually the key point, here. Goddamnit it, Vanyel would be so much better at choosing the right words for this... 

Tran doesn't do this often, but. :Taver. Help?: 

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Taver can give him a script. This isn't normally the kind of thing he does, either, but the situation is a mess and his Chosen needs him. 

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Tran takes another deep breath, and tries to take Taver's bullet points and turn them into Mindspeech. It's still hard. 

:Look. We know something awful just happened there, because we sent in agents when it looked like things were heating up. And...I'm pretty damned sure you knew. I saw your screen. And I, just - whether or not you owe us anything, if you keep things from us then we've got to wonder if you're hiding something, right - if you've, er, if you've got plans that you know we would object to if we knew -:

A pause. This is really terrifying to say, because - well, Cam could kill him without thinking about it, if he wanted to - but Taver doesn't think Cam is their enemy. Taver thinks that Cam is as off-balance as any of them, and missing context on everything about how Valdemar works, and that telling him their true worries with help... 

(And Taver is already passing on some discreet Mindspeech messages, to other Companions far away, in case something does happen to Tran in the next few minutes.) 

:I'm sorry, I don't mean any offence, but - we don't know much about you as a person, and - what happened in Highjorune - we know you're powerful to have done it yourself. And you're talking to Leareth and don't want to tell us anything about that, so we've...got to wonder, what he might ask you for - what you might do to earn his trust: 

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Okay, I can see why that would be concerning. I was spying on Leareth's Highjorune-related plans; he was, it looked from his correspondence, trying to intervene to have it *not* go off, but then somebody didn't follow their instructions, and it did. I don't think anybody died, and I don't think it will spill over here. I broke some windows and removed the offending artifact from this gravity well and hustled some people to the nearest concentration of healers.

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Tran is about to react to this by snapping something angry - he's not even sure what, yet, he's just FRUSTRATED and it's tempting to find the nearest target for that frustration - but Taver interrupts with another consideration. 

:- Right. Er, have you told Leareth about this? If he really was trying to shut it down and then someone working for him disobeyed orders, he'd want to know, probably: 

(And his reaction might be informative as to whether he really was trying to have whatever-it-was not go off. According to Taver, anyway. Tran isn't sure what exactly would help him tell the difference, especially if Cam still isn't willing to share any of his correspondence with Leareth.) 

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I've been a bit otherwise occupied! I'm not telling him hardly anything, I'm just responding uninformatively to what he tells me and encouraging him to keep writing.

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:Hmm. Guess that makes sense. Um, since you know we're not evil, are you willing to tell us anything else you know about what happened over there? Ma– a couple of our Heralds are on site trying to clean things up, and in their message to the Mindspeech relay it sounded like no one had any idea what was going on: 

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Do you really do international politics on a basis of "people who are not evil get to know whatever they want through any channels that are convenient"? Is that conventional on this planet?

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:It's pretty normal for allies to tell each other things! And given that we just went to all this effort to find you a new summoner who didn't mind going to space or risking being murdered, I reckon we should count!: 

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I suppose you already have spies there anyway. There was some manner of cursed artifact that kept generating nasty little monsters, and I grabbed everybody in their path and dumped them at Healers', and encased the artifact in a sphere of very durable metal and sent it into space where it can't hurt anybody.

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Tran blinks. :...Huh. Cursed artifact. That'd explain the magic residue Mardic mentioned. You're sure the spell-artifact is gone and it can't start happening again?: 

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Yeah, it's in space and after some time it will fall into the sun.

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:...Whoa. Guess that's one way to handle that problem: 

Tran shivers. Given all his current uncertainties, it's...not exactly reassuring, the reminder of exactly how powerful Cam is. 

:Anyway. Thank you for, er, being on top of things and preventing it from going a lot worse. Mardic and Donni should be able to handle the rest. I - suppose the next thing here is to, um, get Jisa handed back to one of her parents, and then you and Kilchas can head up to space where you're safe from...interference: 

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"Do you guys need anything before we're off? I guess I should get you backup circles, to be stored in multiple locations redundantly, and also something for me to talk to Keiran with about the wall?"

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"Right. All that makes sense. Maybe you'd better talk to Keiran briefly, make sure she knows how to use it? I can have her come over here if that's easiest." 

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Jisa's sobs have, by now, trailed off to quiet sniffles, her grip on Cam relaxing somewhat. 

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Cam glances at poor Jisa. "Yeah, that seems ideal."

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"She'll be right over." 

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Jisa wriggles to be set down. "Cam Cam if you're going away now can you show me more video games first?" 

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"There are some more in your headset! If you push this button on the side of the visor it'll take you to the menu, and then you can point at different ones, you have like, forty on there, the whole Welcome Set."

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"Oooh!" Jisa puts the headset back on and pokes at buttons for the next couple of minutes, occasionally asking Cam questions. She seems thoroughly distracted from her earlier distress. 

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And, shortly later, Keiran arrives. She looks tired, like someone who's stayed up late working too many nights in a row, but also hopeful. "Cam! Tran said you might be willing to help us with defensive measures? And that you wanted to talk tomorrow morning, but without coming back to Haven?" 

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"Yeah! Here is a phone." He passes her one. "I can call the phone with my stuff even from space -" Hers lights up and shows Cam's user icon, a photo of him with a violin. "And you poke the green bit there, and then we're connected."

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Keiran pokes at the phone with an awed expression. "Wow! And this isn't even magic?" 

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"It's not even magic! It's much higher tech than you have, though, imagine trying to explain a loom to someone who has recently invented the sharp stick."

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(Tran, half-forgetting that he's supposed to be annoyed with Cam right now, chuckles despite himself.) 

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"Huh! Well, I think I'll be able to make it work - I'll have everything ready by tomorrow morning." Keiran smiles tiredly at Cam. "Thank you. I'd better get back to work." 

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Kilchas, who's been watching Jisa's video game experimentation with fond amusement, glances at Cam and fidgets with the hem of his tunic. 

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Cam makes some spare circles. "I should go collect the other spares I made, make sure they're all accounted for," he says, offering the stack of circles to Tran. "And then we can be on our way."

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Some of the Heralds' rooms that he left spare circles and instructions in seem to have been cleaned in the meantime, beds made and floors scrubbed, but the papers were left alone and are all accounted for. 

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And haven't been unfolded or anything? Great. Tran can have the lot. And instructions on what order to draw them in if they need to draw up a new one.

And would Kilchas like to board a spaceship now?

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(Some of the papers were moved onto different tables or surfaces in order to clean, stacked neatly alongside the other Heraldic correspondence that tends to get left scattered around the room, but they don't look like they were otherwise obviously meddled with.) 

Kilchas WOULD like to board a spaceship now! He's so excited, and he's all packed and ready! 

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Right then, off they go! Wheee!

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Kilchas wants to know everything about how spaceships work! 

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This is all pretty complicated but Cam can start him with an explanation of early rocketry and keep going for the duration of the trip up to the station.

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Kilchas isn't especially well-educated by Cam's standards, but he asks sensible questions, and is already musing vaguely on ways to combine rocketry science with Velgarth magic. 

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Cam docks at the station (it's labeled "ATRIAMA" in large letters but Kilchas won't recognize the alphabet) and makes Kilchas a layout map and invites him to take his pick of the bedrooms and come bother Cam in the biolab whenever he wants food or a change of clothes or whatever.

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The first thing Kilchas wants to know is how he can look at the stars from here! He's an astronomer - just a hobby, he explains to Cam, but one he's had for decades. 

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"There's an observation deck there!" Cam points it out on the map. "Different parts of the sky will be visible at different times."

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Then Kilchas is going to be deeply absorbed for the next several hours! He's packed paper and note-taking materials of his own, so he doesn't need to bother Cam to ask for those. 

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Cam returns to the bio lab and knocks out some more gene driving till Keiran wants to talk walls. He checks his mail over a snack of peanut butter pretzels.

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Shortly before dawn he has a new message from Leareth! 

...For some reason Leareth is - very politely and non-pushily - asking if Cam has any information that he's willing to share on Herald-Mage Vanyel's current status and wellbeing. He doesn't say why. 

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I'll let him know you're worried! He'll probably find that very reassuring.

Drops a message into Vanyel's phone about it, not that he expects that to get to Van very fast.

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Vanyel is currently semiconscious; he's on a lot of pain medication, and the drugs the Healers gave him once Cam's doses wore off have stronger sedative side effects. 

He does, however, have the phone nearby; he asked for it as soon as he was awake, and has been meaning to try to contact Cam and confirm that he's okay, he just keeps being too sleepy to figure out the directions for using the unfamiliar technology. 

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Jisa, having bounced out of bed at the crack of dawn and snuck over to Healers' to see her Uncle Van, has been sitting at his bedside and quietly chattering to him about her new favourite video games. 

"- Oh! I think Cam might be trying to talk to you!" Jisa has read all the instructions on how the phone works! She picks it up and peers at the screen - what does it say? 

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Ughhh. Vanyel drags his eyelids open. "Jisa? Pass me that." 

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"Here!" That's fine! Jisa is a very fast reader! And she can sneak a few more peeks while she's showing Vanyel how to make the phone work! 

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The message reads Leareth asked after you in a way that I'm sure was in no way motivated by anything other than sincere concern for your welfare! Get well soon :)

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That's weird and confusing! Jisa will keep an ear out for that name now, though! (And her Thoughtsensing out, too, the grownups aren't used to her having Mindspeech and they don't always remember to keep it private and directionally shielded when she's in the room.) 

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Vanyel peers blearily at the message. 

...Oh, gods, that's so awkward. As if having the dream last night, when he was incredibly out of it on poppy-syrup, wasn't already mortifying enough! Leareth had clearly been trying to pump him for information on something - and had dropped hints about events 'west', but Vanyel had no idea what that was about, and also no idea how much Leareth already knew about Cam. He had mostly clammed up and kept changing the subject rather than play the verbal sparring game with Leareth when he was in no state to keep up. 

Given that he probably did a terrible job of acting like nothing was wrong, it's not surprising that Leareth noticed something seemed off, but it's still so embarrassing. (Vanyel is, in fact, pretty sure that Leareth has no interest in him coming to any harm. And is just...being a mother-hen? Humiliating.) 

He fumbles for a while before figuring out the phone keyboard and replying. With some typos.

[Tell him Im fine adn he shoulnd't worry]

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Vanyel is WAY too out of it to keep track of certain facts with ramifications, such as: Cam not knowing about the conversations part of his Foresight dream, and thus has zero context to make sense of the fact that Leareth is probably genuinely worried for Vanyel's wellbeing.

He's remembering a particular conversation they had, once, in a chill quiet snowscape, when he was almost as groggy as last night just from sheer sleep deprivation. Leareth, speaking up as though he had read Vanyel's mind and emotions.

I know it can feel like there is nothing but ugliness, like there is nothing worth salvaging from a world that is so desperately broken. But there is, Herald Vanyel.

I look at the stars, and I remember that there are so many lights in the world, who are worth saving, and we cannot save all of them – from the very beginning, it was too late to save all of them – but we can still save some. It is never too late for that.

In a world of lights, you burn brighter than most. I cannot wish to see that extinguished.

There are tears in Vanyel's eyes now, which is really not helping with anything.

[its fine] he taps out to Cam, barely able to read what he's typing on the awkwardly small screen. [he doenst wantto kill me]

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I really do not understand you people's approach to infosec! How about you rethink this when sober.

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Whatever. He'll go back to sleep, then. 

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And shortly after that, Keiran is ready for their meeting! 

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"Hey Keiran! I'm going to screen share you what I can see from up here of the Valdemar/Karse border - I can get higher resolution, too, zoom in on things to make sure I'm not making a wall under somebody or damming a river or whatever. What do you folks want in the way of apertures for later trade, maintainability standards, etcetera?"

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Keiran oohs and aahs appropriately about the aerial view, and adds notes to the maps she's been working with so far. Which, presumably, Cam can just conjure copies of, rather than screensharing and looking over her shoulder.

She's put quite a lot of thought into which materials will be maintainable later on without Cam's help - brick and mortar would be her default idea but she's curious to hear his options and whether any of them can be made the normal way with materials available in Valdemar. She's also thought about what to do with rivers. They'll probably want to run the Terilee through a tunnel or something? It's a major river and very close to a major road and Horn has been a focus of attack. Fortunately the direction of flow has Karse downstream, making it harder for Karsite spies or raiders to sneak in that way.

There's a lot of material to cover, for nearly two hundred miles of border, but Keiran is very organized and they can probably cover it in less than an hour. 

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Brick and mortar is a solid choice for repairability concerns, though he will adapt the exact design a little to increase earthquake and weathering tolerance unless there's some magical reason not to. He can do an arch over the Terilee, and more minor rivers, and have gates that require cooperation on both sides of the wall to open at suitable road sites for once everyone's chilled out.

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"Jaysen will be pleased about the gates," Keiran says cheerfully as they're wrapping up. "When Tran was talking up this plan to all of us, he was grumpy about how it'd affect trade. Given that the shortest trade route to Seejay from here goes through Karse. Anyway, thank you for your help on this. It's very much appreciated." 

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"You're welcome. Anything last-minute before I start putting that up?"

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"How likely are you to, er, squish people by accident? We've sent word out to pull our scouts back from the area where the wall is going, but the placement is still in Valdemaran territory - don't want it to look like we're nabbing their land by doing this - and it's possible not everyone got the word yet." 

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"I'm going to build the wall from the bottom up, not drop it into place, and I'm going to do it a half-mile or so at a time, looking closely enough that I'd see anybody who's not heavily camouflaged. If someone is heavily camouflaged and doesn't move when a wall starts growing under them, they might wind up stuck on top of the wall, or fall off it, but I'm going to make it ten feet high to start and then go back and add more a bit faster, so it shouldn't kill anybody even under those unlikely conditions."

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"- Oh, good, that seems unlikely to cause issues - unless someone's being very stupid about situational awareness, and I'd at least like to think we train that out of the Guard recruits. Shouldn't be any civilians left in that region."

She smiles at him. "I think that's all, then. Let us know if any problems come up with it? I think probably the Karsites will be too, er, off-balance to try to stop you, but depending on how long it takes, I don't know." 

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"I don't think they have orbital capabilities," he says dryly. "I should be done in a candlemark unless something weird happens, which, in two hundred miles, isn't that unlikely, so budget two?"

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"Will do! Er, should I try calling you again if we haven't heard anything by then?" 

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"You can but the most likely way I'd fail to check in would be if there were some pressing emergency so it's possible I won't answer promptly."

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"Makes sense. Thanks again!" 

The Heralds have arranged for some of their Farseers to watch Cam's progress, just in case it does look like the Karsites are trying something - what, Keiran has no idea - and they can warn Cam. She knows he has cameras but they can't detect magic. 

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Cam builds the wall. He has to go pretty slow to avoid anybody who might be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and indulges in some light pixel art with the bricks here and there.

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The Valdemarans are, in fact, mostly out of the way; a few unwary scout parties are startled and alarmed when the wall starts appearing from nowhere near them, but they don't interfere. 

On the Karsite side, there are a few signs of visible troop movements, including by Gate, but no active resistance yet. 


(Unbeknownst to Cam, several low-level agents who work for Leareth are in range to observe or hear about the miraculously appearing wall.) 

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It takes a candlemark for word to reach Leareth himself, which is remarkably fast for a spy-report compared to at any other time in the past decade, but right now feels too slow. 

Leareth receives the news via Mindspeech. He paces. He has a lot to think about. The impossible wall suddenly sealing off the Karsite border - presumably requested by Valdemar, and isn't that ironic, given Vkandis' intervention with Iftel - is only the newest item on a growing stack. 

He's been tracking the location of the cursed dagger ever since he received word from his agent in Highjorune. It's very far away; impossibly far away, he would be tempted to say, but the limits of possibility have clearly changed. It's out of range of all but the lowest-power, least precise version of the tracking spell - one he had to modify on the spot, because he's never needed a spell to track something that is no longer even on the planet. 



Leareth isn't dwelling on it much, it's not productive, but. He's scared. A horrifyingly powerful alien being has suddenly appeared from nowhere and started taking all sorts of actions on Velgarth. Benevolent actions, so far - and it's actually a promising sign that, based on his sketchy inferences of what happened in Haven, Vkandis tried to get rid of this new Power - but nonetheless. Leareth doesn't understand what they want, and he doesn't like it. 



He waits for further contact. 

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When the wall is up, Cam goes back over it and makes it taller. It is covered with Fair Isle patterns and various abstracts and copies of attractive mosaics and also the source code for Doom.

With that done, he sends Van('s Healers) a courier drone with some of the good painkillers in case that will help him think more clearly, with carefully translated dosing instructions.

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Aww, that's a great idea! They've been throwing a lot of Healing at Vanyel and can hopefully start to cut down his painkillers soon, but Shavri was reluctant to do that too soon. She knows Van - and knows that he'll try to push through way more pain than he should, and if they let him he'll start working again far before he's ready. 

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Leareth now has several dozen mages scrying the wall in progress. Leareth is trying to figure out what the various decorations signify. 

The Doom source code is especially baffling. If Cam tries to conjure Leareth's personal notes again, he's going to find many, many pages worth of scratch notes as Leareth tries to make any sense of what the source code means or is meant to do. 

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Cam thinks that is hilarious.

When he's all done he calls Keiran.

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She answers right away. “Cam! That was incredible! I - wow - we knew what you could do but it hadn’t really sunk in. Just. It’s a lot.” She’s slightly babbling, and catches herself, taking a deep breath. “Sorry.”

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"No problem! I didn't see anybody have a great fall, so I think it went off without a hitch, does that accord with your observations?"

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“Think so! We didn’t notice any resistance from the Karsite forces.” She giggles. “Though they sure looked confused.”

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"I just bet they did. How's everything else going down there?"

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“Going fine, I think! Van’s awake, the Healers want to keep him at least another two days but mostly that’s just the only way to keep him from working when he shouldn’t. Situation in Highjorune seems under control. Karis hasn’t tried to escape and I think we’re hoping to question her in a bit.”

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"Uh-huh. Um, what's the state of the art on questioning holy assassins?"

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"...Um, Truth Spell? We may start with first stage if she's willing to talk - it's not like we don't know exactly what we're asking about - but my guess is that we'll all feel more comfortable with second stage." 

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"...yeah, okay. Is there protocol restricting questioners to the topic at hand while that's in play?"

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"Huh? I mean, we're not going to ask her random irrelevant questions, that's a waste of time? If something might or might not be relevant I guess we'd lean toward asking." 

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"I'm not like super worried about it in this case, it just came to mind as a plausible abuse of a truth spell. Maybe you could ask definitely pertinent things second-stage and stick to first-stage for anything of more dubious relevance."

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"I really don't think we'd–" She stops for a moment. "All right. Hmm. I was about to say, none of us are going to abuse a Truth Spell, we're Heralds. But...well, we're also human, and Tran in particular is pretty shaken up. He's - very close to Vanyel. Randi too but we're not risking him in the same room as her anyway. I might pull Tran off this as well, or at least have a talk with him before about it." 

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"You are also human! It's understandable to have emotions riding high and that is what protocol is for."

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"Does your world have - well, I suppose you wouldn't for this, you don't have magic, but - do you have protocols for interrogation in general? Sounds like something Randi'd be interested in looking at." 

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"Yeah, there are those, maybe I can get Kilchas to help smooth over the rough edges of my machine translation and get you a version in Valdemaran."

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"Neat! Thanks. I think that's everything on our end. Anything new from your side?" 

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"Nope, I'm just doing biology research when I'm not building walls. Kilchas hasn't bothered me for food yet and I should go remind him that humans need that sort of thing soon."

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"Ha. You'd better, he gets so absorbed. Good luck with everything. Er, want us to call you back when we've talked to Karis?" 

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"You can write me if it isn't urgent, then I can get to it whenever there's a natural break in what I'm doing."

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"Sounds good!" 

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Elsewhere, Vanyel is propped up in his bed at Healers', absently watching Jisa show off her prowess at some sort of game that - according to her scattered explanation of it - involves jumping between floating platforms and catching balls or something. From the outside it mostly just looks like her bopping around, froglike, somehow avoiding any walls or other obstacles. He's kind of in awe at her energy. 

He glances down at the paper in his hands. One of the Farseers, curious, drew out some pictures of the decorations on what everyone is already calling King Randale's Great Wall, though Randi neither built it nor came up with the idea. Some are clearly just meant to be pretty, but this one, he's curious about. There's a certain mathematical regularity to it, but it doesn't jus repeat itself - it feels like there's information there, far beyond his reach - 

- maybe not beyond Leareth's reach? 

Vanyel is desperately tempted to message Cam and ask if he did that on purpose as some sort of secret message to Leareth. Or just to - tease him? It's not like sending private messages to Leareth would present any difficulty to Cam. 

Separately, he only learned about Highjorune a candlemark ago, once he was alert enough that Shavri let Tran in for a briefing, and he is incandescently furious with Leareth about it. What the hell. He really wishes he hadn't missed the dream opportunity to yell at Leareth about it. Which, come to think of it, was probably one of the things Leareth was fishing for. The other, of course, being Cam. 

Cam is apparently TALKING to Leareth, and Vanyel is dying with curiosity to know more about that too, but even if the dream shows up again tonight he can't afford to ask Leareth directly, when he doesn't know what the man already knows... 

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Maybe that's not the key question here, though. Maybe the part that really matters, right now, is what Cam knows. 



Vanyel has spent the last - gods, eleven years - trying to figure Leareth out. Dancing their careful, dangerous dance, as the whole time Leareth is presumably trying to turn Vanyel to his own side, and he can't ever trust the man but, even so, he respects him. But fundamentally one of the problems is that Leareth holds all the cards, Leareth is the source of everything Vanyel knows about him - except for the few occasions when he's guessed on his own that a particular old book was actually written by some previous incarnation, and even then, those guesses are based on an understanding of the man filtered through what Leareth has said and which books he's pointed Vanyel at before... 

Cam, however, has an outside perspective. Cam could presumably read everything Leareth has ever written, and may already be working on that. 

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- though Cam is also starting from whatever the Star-Eyed Goddess chose to tell him, and Vanyel...is realizing, now that it's baldly in front of him, that he doesn't trust that source any more than he trusts Leareth himself. 


There are way too many pieces here and his head hurts, despite all the painkillers loaded into his system. 

Cam doesn't know about his conversations. Telling him is an irreversible decision, and might result in everything blowing up, if Cam decides he's obligated to tell the Heralds. Though maybe he wouldn't? Certainly he doesn't seem to, in general, feel obligated to share information around. 

It's a gamble, and it's the sort of thing he would normally talk through with Yfandes, but Yfandes has been...weird, lately. He tried to talk to her briefly about whatever in all hells Vkandis was aiming for, with Karis; he remembers the glow in her eyes, the ineffable sense of some vast Power moving through her, in the instant before the dagger pierced his chest (damn it he's such an idiot, why wasn't he shielding, just because he was in his own bedroom in the Palace safe in Haven and Karis is was an ally...). Anyway. Yfandes was clearly uncomfortable, responding in monosyllables and pulling away, and he gave up. He's shielding her from his surface thoughts right now.

Whatever's going on here, she...isn't able to think about it, for some reason that Vanyel, himself, doesn't want to think about too hard. 

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All right. Decision time. Is he going to lie here all day ruminating, or is he going to confess to Cam, and see what else he can learn? 





After several minutes of gnawing on it and steeling himself - and then checking his shields again - he reaches for the phone that Cam gave him, and fumbles to navigate to his messages. 

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....Oh gods

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He doesn't even remember sending that message! It's full of misspellings! Gah. Why didn't Yfandes stop him– probably because it was really early and she was asleep. 

Oh well. No harm done, probably, except to his dignity. 

Vanyel checks that Jisa is still thoroughly absorbed in her game, and then taps out a message to Cam. 

[I need to talk to you privately about Leareth.]

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[Is this private enough? Won't help if someone steals your phone.]

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Vanyel starts to answer, then gives Jisa a very suspicious look. 

[Is there a way to make the messages in code or something]

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[How tricky a code do you have in mind?]

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[Just needs to stop Jisa from snooping] 

[Not too hard, I'm a bit out of it]

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[I'll walk you through how to passcode protect the messages.] Cam does this.

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Vanyel follows the instructions. He's getting a little more comfortable using the phone keyboard, though it's still slower going than writing by hand. 

All right. Moment of truth. 



[I haven't been fully honest about my Foresight dream. The other Heralds don't know either. So I would appreciate if you could keep this to yourself?]

He grits his teeth and waits. 

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[Uh, sure, unless you're dreaming about an apocalypse that I can solve with material objects or astrogation knowhow or something.]

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[No. It's a lucid dream. For both of us. I can talk to Leareth in it. We've been talking for eleven years]

[He's trying to convince me that he wants to improve the world]

[I don't know if I believe him, but he's not just a warlord] 

[He recommends me books that he wrote in past lives. He's really smart. A lot of his work does seem like he's trying to help people]

[I think he cares about me. He doesn't want to kill me] 

[He would anyway if I got in the way of his plans]

[Whatever they are] 

[He's very confusing and it seems important to understand what he wants] 

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[He has definitely murdered people, I did some forensics and he keeps popping up as the owner of various bodies that previously had different owners.]

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[He's murdered a lot more people than just that] 

Vanyel does not elaborate. 

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[Probably, but 'murdered by' is not a conjurable parameter so I haven't checked. I feel like many people who believe they mean to help the world commit murder and virtually no one who will actually manage to be aimed at helping the world does.]

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[I've killed a lot more people than that too] Vanyel can't quite stop himself from typing out. 

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[And if I had to list the people who have done the most good in the world most of them wouldn't be soldiers, but I'm not actually here to pass judgment, I'm just skeptical of Leareth's humanitarian motivations. Talk is cheap, eleven years of it less so but still.]

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Vanyel isn't sure what else he could possibly have expected, but he suddenly doesn't want to be having this conversation at ALL and regrets starting it. 

Focus. His hurt feelings - and the sea of regrets they remind him of - aren't the point, here. 


[He's taught me magic. Things that made me stronger. That's less cheap] 

[I guess the important question is whether he would stop murdering people, if he thought there was a better way to fix things] 

[I think whatever he was planning might be a lot bigger than conquering Valdemar to make an empire. I don't know what but maybe you could find out] 

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[I can try. Thanks for the heads up. Do you in fact want me to report to him on how you're doing? You were on a lot of drugs at the time.]

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[I was also on a lot of drugs when I talked to him in the dream last night] 

[I bet he really is worried about me. He probably doesn't know all of what happened] 



Vanyel takes a deep breath (ouch), and tries to actually think it through. 

[Tell me if this doesn't make sense, but I think we have the upper hand over him now? If he wanted to harm Valdemar you could stop him. So I don't think it costs us too much to tell him what happened to me. I'm really curious how he responds] 

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[I have some important limitations, and less finesse from up in space, but probably, yeah. I can let him know - what exactly? That you're going to make a full recovery?]

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[I want you to tell him that Vkandis tried to kill me because it would unsummon you]

[And that it almost worked, I guess] 

[Also tell him that I'll make a full recovery]

[And that I won't be a target again, otherwise he might just worry even more] 

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[I don't really want to tell him that I am a summoned being.]

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[I guess that's fair] 

[He must be so confused about what's going on] 

[By the way, what's that complicated pattern you put on the wall] 

[Did you put it there on purpose to confuse Leareth] 

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[You mean the one that looks like this? <image> It's just a joke, honestly, I had no particular reason to expect him to scrutinize the decor. It's code for a very primitive video game, like the ones Jisa has but way earlier in the development of the technology. It's a running cultural joke to put it in stupid places. People knit it just to be silly.]

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Vanyel isn't sure what else to say to this, or where else to go with this highly uncomfortable conversation. 

[Thank you] he adds eventually. 

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[You're welcome!]

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Elsewhere, Herald Jaysen paces on the path just outside the external door to Savil's old Work Room. For - complicated historical reasons - it's the only Work Room in Haven with a door enlarged enough to allow a Companion inside. 

Jaysen is not in a very good mood. 

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Neither is the blue-uniformed older man from the Guard, currently parked on a stool inside the Work Room. There was some fierce debate over whether to bring in any furniture, for flammability reasons, but he's fifty and flat-out refused to be on guard duty if he had to sit on the floor. 

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Karis is not exactly a difficult prisoner. She sits huddled in a corner, hugging herself as well as she can given her bound hands and feet, forehead resting on her folded knees. 



There's been no further sign of Sola. 

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Savil arrives with Keiran and Tran. 

She really, really doesn't want to be here. Either 'here' as in 'questioning Princess Karis about why she just tried to murder Herald-Mage Vanyel', or...here, this physical location. Just behind her old set of rooms. Where - 


- no, she isn't going to finish that thought. 

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Keiran glances over, sees Savil's expression, and then takes charge. 

"Jaysen. We're here to question the prisoner." 

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"My Companion warned me about that half a candlemark ago! Go ahead." 

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Tran has had a Talk with Keiran.

About how he needs to keep his emotions under control and make sure he doesn't abuse the Truth Spell.

(He is kind of confused about this!) 

(...So was Taver. In a different way. Which, honestly, made Tran kind of uncomfortable, though he still isn't sure why.) 

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"Princess Karis. We would like to ask you some questions."

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Everything hurts. 




She wants to answer.




But she can't. 

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Savil looks so incredibly miserable. 

Well, mostly her face is carefully blank. But Jaysen was her student, decades ago, back when he arrived in Haven.

(And then, later, more than a student...) 


Herald Jaysen glances over at her, sends (carefully shielded) reassurance, and then steps forward. 

"King's Own, Herald Tantras. Truth Spell?" 

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"Yes. Please go ahead." 

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A first-level Truth Spell is easy. 


Jaysen looks back to Tantras and Savil. 

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Keiran briefed Savil as well, on what Cam had said about abusing Truth Spell. 

Savil....does not, especially, feel as though she is any better of a candidate, on these terms or on any terms. But Tantras seems to be frozen on the spot, and so apparently this is on her. 

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"Princess Karis." 




She remembers the protocols that she memorized, once. 

"Tell me - where are you, and what is my name?" 

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Everything hurts so much. 

"Haven, in Valdemar. You are Herald-Mage Savil Ashkevron." 


(The blue halo over her head doesn't falter.) 

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Savil wasn't expecting Karis to lie. 

"Yes. Tell me what happened, before you went to Vanyel's chambers." 

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I am so sorry. I know how hard this is, but - I think there is something that your Sunlord needs you to do. Now. 

Karis remembers: nodding, gulping, wiping her face. "All right. I am ready. Where?" 

You need to speak with Herald-Mage Vanyel. Follow me. 


Karis swallows hard. "There - was a Suncat. She, she...called herself Sola." 

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After a long beat of silence, Tran interrupts. "And then what?" 

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"....She told me that I needed to go talk to Vanyel. I - I swear - I didn't, I didn't know - that, that it would be, anything more than, than talking..." 

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"I don't believe you." 

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(The blue halo of the Truth Spell has never faltered.) 

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Savil is so incredibly tired of gods, and everything being about Their will. 

"Karis, did you mean to kill Vanyel." 

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"What?" Almost without meaning, Karis laughs. "No! He - we've barely met - but he, I–" 

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"He is your enemy." 

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Keiran, after staring at everyone for a long moment, stomps her foot on the floor. 

"Princess Karis. Tell me what happened after Sola told you to talk to Vanyel." 

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"I went to his chambers." 



"I - I...." 






"I didn't mean to! I thought– I didn't think– I, I swear, I tried to stop -" 

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Taver is in Herald Tantras' mind. 

None of it makes sense. 

His Herald - his - is asking questions, desperately but silently, and he should have the answers but he doesn't -

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But Tantras had another Companion, once. 

Delian paces through Companions' Field. He doesn't know what's happening; he hasn't known in a long time. Usually Taver gives him updates, but Taver, too, is distressed by recent occurrences, and distracted...


He breaks into a trot, then a gallop, following the old paths by the river - and he doesn't leak his feelings deliberately, to the rest of the herd, but he doesn't check his shields either. 

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One of the younger unbonded Companions falls into a matching gallop just because running is fun, and eavesdrops because eavesdropping is fun, and says, :Oh wow, you've missed kind of everything, haven't you!:

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Delian is not used to being the one who's been missing everything. Usually Taver keeps him up to date, but Taver has been distracted for a while, now, and - well, if he still had a Chosen to protect, then maybe he would care, maybe he could manage some curiosity - 

- but, in fact, he doesn't. And he can't– or at least doesn't want to. 



Except apparently he's curious anyway. :Oh? What's happening?: 

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:There's a WEIRD PERSON around and the WEIRD PERSON is like a human except he can fly, and make artifacts that fly, and also make an entire wall between us and Karse, and also do some kind of Healing, and, I don't know what else, probably a lot of other things, he's a very WEIRD PERSON:

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:I heard about the wall: That's one of the few elements that Delian paid any attention to. :Why? Why did he care about our, our stupid war?: 

(Delian didn't mean to include 'stupid' in there, but it's hard to avoid showing one's true feelings in Mindspeech.) 

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:Probably because he isn't too weird to know that invasions are bad! You'd have to be VERY weird not to know that, right?:

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:....I guess: 

(Taver never told Delian about Leareth's lucid dreams with Vanyel, or about any of his previous conversations with his former, now-dead Chosen. Delian has wondered anyway, even at two removes.) 

:But what's happening right now?: 

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:Oh, RIGHT now apparently Karis, the princess from Karse who came over to try to team up with us against the priesthood, tried to ASSASSINATE VANYEL. She was caught right away and she's getting questioned now! Vanyel will be fine, I hear:

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:She WHAT? .....I - but - why would she do that? That doesn't make any sense!:

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:Yeah it's SO WEIRD. Apparently she might have been POSSESSED!:

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:By - by who. - by what..?: 





(Delian already knows the answer to this question. He doesn't want to know it but he does.) 

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:I'm not sure! What kinds of things can possess people? Can demons do it?:

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Delian has no idea either!

Though his former Chosen did have some conversations with Vanyel, and he does have a vague sense that Abyssal demons, even if they were capable of possessing humans - which it seems unlikely they'd be smart enough for - wouldn't take the actions that Karis, apparently, did...


:I think it must have been a god: 

And then he hesitates. 

For a long time. 




:....Her god: 

:Vkandis Sunlord: 

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:Why would a GOD try to ASSASSINATE VANYEL, Delian, that's silly:

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Nothing makes sense anymore.



:- But it might’ve just happened. I - why is it silly…?:

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:Gods don't assassinate Heralds!:

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(an echo of a memory - a phrase exchanged once, twice, between his Chosen and Herald Vanyel -)

All information is worth having. 


:Why do you believe that?: Delian asks.

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:Well, if gods assassinated Heralds that would be PRETTY FUCKED UP, now, wouldn't it:

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Everything hurts.



:I…mean…yes. It - would be. That. Right. It’d be…:



:…It’d be - pretty fucked up;

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:I think it was demons but Minhal says it could have been elemental spirits. Like vrondi only evil:

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Believing that would be such a relief.


:But - are the vrondi that, that powerful - or smart - enough to, to possess a person? I - I never heard of that, before..:

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:Not vrondi specifically! They're not the most powerful kind of elemental, right, there are other ones. And even a vrondi can make somebody tell the truth!:

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For some reason this conversation keeps being intensely frustrating. Delian isn't sure why it's irritating him so much. He's tempted to storm off in disgust, but...well, for one, that would be unconscionably rude and there's no reason for it, and two, then he would be alone with his thoughts. 

:Did you hear what happened when our weird visitor went to Sunhame?: he asks. It's probably classified information among the Heralds, but the Companion herd tends to gossip constantly. 

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:Apparently the Son of the Sun set him on FIRE. It didn't hurt him though because of how he is WEIRD:

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:...That's weird, right? That's a strange thing to happen, just, why...: 

Delian's sentence trails off, clearly incomplete, there's more ahead but for some reason he can't think it. It's too big to hold onto, and so it gets stuck on that endless plaintive question. Why? 

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:Maybe the Son of the Sun thought he was working with our army? He's not though:

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:No, he's not: Delian answers, absently. He's not really thinking about the Son of the Sun anymore. 

...He's not sure what he is thinking about. There's an odd blank spot, and he's trying to answer a question, over and over, but he's not sure what the question even is. 



:Something else happened in k'Treva: he muses, half to himself. (THAT part, he suspects is classified even among the Companions, and the update he got from Taver was...confusing. Probably he shouldn't be having this conversation with a young unbonded Companion, but he can't THINK unless he's talking about it, and even then it's hard.)

:He went there to try to talk to the Star-Eyed. Because...we think the Son of the Sun had gotten a Foresight vision? Of bad things happening because of him being here?: 

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:Huh. Well, I hope that's solved now. Foresight's one of the least helpful Gifts, I'd rather be a Fetcher:

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Why is this so INFURIATING. Normally Delian enjoys mentoring the youngsters, and he's good at it, he can be patient and helpful. He has a lot of free time for it, after all, and lots of field experience to share with them. 

Right now, though, he wants to kick the young Companion across the river. It's a bafflingly disproportionate reaction. He doesn't understand it. 

He remembers when he learned of Vanyel's Foresight dream. Secondhand, because by then he was already separated from Tran. Tran was upset about it. Back in the early days of the war, when he still came to the stables often to visit, he would hug Delian and sometimes cry a little where no one could see.

He never talked about it, though. Delian just knew what was bothering him, because he knows Tran. Even now, after years apart, he does. The war changed him, but not that much. 

Not yet. 

...Damn it, but he misses Tran. 

He tries not to be bitter. Or, at the very least, not to dwell on it, or show it in front of the youngsters. But it's hard, right now. 



And none of that is even the point.

The point is...what? It's right there, he can feel it, something hanging on the edge of his awareness, but he can't put words to it. 






:I'm worried it's not over: he says, distantly. :I - I have a bad feeling. Things could get worse: 

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:Oh no, should we tell Taver?:

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Delian tries to ignore the sting. The young Companion has no way of knowing his own complicated history with Taver; he's private about it. 

:Maybe. I don't know. I - suspect he's got a bad feeling of his own. And he's been very busy: 

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:Yeah, he has a lot to do. I think his Herald is helping question Karis:

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Delian kicks the air with one of his back hooves, before he can catch and stop himself. 


He misses Tran and there's a dull simmering pit of some emotion he isn't ready to name, and that's still not the goddamned point. The point is that - what - he's so scared - the point is that it could happen again. And they don't understand it, and it seems like he can't even think about it.

He wonders if Taver can think any better. 





He kind of doubts it. Which isn't a reassuring thought at ALL. 

:I liked her: he muses. :Karis, I mean. It - took courage, to do what she did. To get out of Karse alive at all, and to walk right up to our King and propose an alliance: Grief and confusion in his mindvoice. :I...wish this hadn't happened. I wish she could be on our side: 

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:Atsari thinks that she was actually just planning to double cross us the whole time and is actually working WITH the Son of the Sun:

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:- Gods, you're so young: Delian didn't quite mean to say that, but it slipped out anyway. :Was I ever that young? ...I don't know. I wish I believed that, it'd be simpler, but it doesn't– did you ever see her? I did: If only through Taver's eyes, while he whiled away another long day in the stables. :She meant what she said. Confirmed with Truth Spell: 

He tosses his head, snorting. :Besides, nobody sane would try to kill Herald-Mage Vanyel with an ordinary dagger. She's not even Gifted! It's a wonder he didn't turn her into a smear on the ground: 

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:Well, he was asleep:

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:I hear he's killed Karsites half in his sleep before. Out on the Border: 

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:Wow, he's so amazing!:

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Delian shares a mental chuckle. A sad one. :Don't let that slip in front of him. He hated it. Hates being reminded of it. War's awful. You'd best pray to all the gods that the Herald you'll Choose someday won't ever be in that position: 

All the gods. 

There's a note of wrongness there, something off-kilter. Like a foundation, stable for years under the house it supports, but gradually wearing away under the rain and wind, in autumn floods and winter ice and summer heat. Unnoticed until now, and it's too late, the caulk between stones is rotten and crumbling and he's tiptoeing inside his own damned mind, for fear of sending it all tumbling down. 

And he still can't think it. Whatever 'it' even is. It's driving him mad with frustration. So is the young Companion who cannot seem to stay on a topic for longer than five seconds, but he still prefers the company over being alone. 

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:Dear gods: chatters his fellow traveler, :PRETTY please I want to be Called for a Herald who will do MINDSPEECH RELAY and non-Border circuits foreverrrrrrr:

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Did he ever sound that young and stupid Delian pushes the thought down. It's unkind and pointless. 

:I wonder how Yfandes is bearing up: And, thought he doesn't say it, he wonders whether she's having the same inexplicably, obnoxiously hard time thinking about i–

About - 

If he doesn't manage to finish this stupid thought then he's going to lose his mind. 

:Do you ever feel like it's hard to think about - gods?: he asks the young Companion. He's distantly aware that he really shouldn't be having this conversation, but - well, when he pokes at it, he's hard-pressed to put any reason why not into words. 

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:No? Hmmmm how many can I remember off the top of my head. Kernos Vkandis Star-Eyed Astera... those two they like in Hardorn...:

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:Why didn't Vkandis do anything to stop the war with Karse? He could have. If He could give the Son of the Sun a prophecy about Cam causing darkness and doom, why couldn't He have done that years ago, told them to open peace talks with us then?: 

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:Well, you could probably ask that about any war, couldn't you. It's a MYSTERY:

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:There are an awful lot of mysteries right now and I don't like it: He flicks his tail irritably at a rude fly. :If it were a murder case we'd try to solve the mystery, right. But I - why can't I -: 

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:Why can't you what? Solve all war everywhere? I don't think anybody can do that!:

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:No, I don't mean that, I mean - ask the question...: But he's already losing hold of what the question is. He shakes his head hard. It doesn't help clear his thoughts. :Sorry. I know I'm not making much sense: 

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:It's okay! I wanted to run with you, anyway, not have philosophy lessons:

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:Fair enough: Then maybe he'll go back to just running in silence, speeding his pace. They've covered a lot of ground by now; it'll be a trek back to the Palace. 

It keeps niggling him, though, like an itch that he can't ignore but also can't quite get the right angle to scratch. 

He wonders how Yfandes is holding up. 

He wonders if they're finished with Karis' interrogation yet. What they've learned. What Taver is thinking. 

How Tran is managing. He must have felt awful about Vanyel's near-death; Taver didn't say that, but Delian knows his once-Chosen, and it's exactly the sort of situation where Tran would manage to feel guilt-racked despite it being in no possible way his fault...

Thoughts churn at random, and he runs in silence until his coat is lathered and he needs to pause and rest. 

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:You need a break? That's a good idea. There's an apple tree over THERE -: Off noses the other Companion.

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He'll accept the distraction, for now. The other Companion may be young and spry, but Delian is a lot more experienced at the fine art of kicking apple trees to make the fruit fall. He nibbles, still not saying anything. 

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Which is the point at which he is finally interrupted. 

:Delian: Taver's mindvoice is oddly flat. :...Where are you? I thought to find you on the palace grounds: 

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:I went for a run. What is it?: He lets the half-munched apple fall from his jaws, suddenly tense and not at all in the mood for snacking. 

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:What? Taver, WHAT?: 

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:We questioned Karis: 

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And now it's Taver's turn to drive him up the wall, apparently. Maybe he's just irritable today. 

:And? Tell me: 

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In an equally toneless mindvoice, and with odd disjointed pauses, Taver does. 


There was a Suncat. That in itself is a shock. They're known of in legend, but not living memory, at least as far as Delian knows. 

Karis, of course, trusted the Suncat. Because they're trustworthy, like Companions. Or that's what everyone believed. 

The Suncat told her that Vkandis needed her. 

She hadn't meant to hurt Vanyel. She thought it would just be a conversation, maybe another prophecy. She tried to stop it from happening, but her body wasn't her own. 

She hasn't seen the Suncat since. 

Vkandis didn't explain why. 

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Delian doesn't understand. Right now that's the only thought he can muster, an endless looping refrain of it. 

:I need to go back to the Palace: he informs the young Companion. And then, because he's going to explode if he doesn't say this to someone, :They interrogated Karis. It was Vkandis: 

He allows himself the indulgence of kicking several apples as hard as he can, and stomping on a few more, and then he turns and gallops back toward the Palace. 

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:What was Vkandis?: asks the other Companion, still munching his own apple, but he doesn't seem to strongly expect an answer.

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:Vkandis tried to assassinate Vanyel: Delian snaps back, a lot more harshly than he meant to, and then blocks the youngster out of his mind and focuses on reaching the Palace as rapidly as he can. He wasn't even close to pushing the limits of how fast a Companion can move, before. 

He's not sure what he's planning to DO once he gets back, exactly, Taver didn't request his presence. But something is wrong, his entire mind is screaming it, and he doesn't know what but he intends to be within reach of his Chosen before everything falls apart. 

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Yfandes is not, in fact, coping especially well with recent events. 

The worst part is that she knows it. She's fully aware of how badly Vanyel needs her, right now. How confused and upset and scared he is.

And somehow she just...can't. Can't find the right words to say. Or even push wordless reassurance, like she usually does, because despite her best efforts she keeps feeling angry with Van.

It doesn't make sense. It's as though the inside of her mind is full of barbed thorns, inexplicably catching on half her thoughts. She wants to scream at her Chosen for being so idiotically trusting of Leareth, except...he isn't, really? She knows his mind. He's hopeful, of course, and reaching for the best-case scenario, but - he's not wrong, that it makes sense to try for that now. With Cam. 


It feels like it all comes down to that, in the end. Cam arrived - miraculously, wonderfully - and since then, everything has been slowly falling to pieces around her. It's tempting to be angry with him, but what would that accomplish. He's not leaving. It feels insane of her to even want him to, it's just, everything is suddenly so complicated... 

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This is the point at which Taver reaches out to brief her on the results of questioning Karis. 

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His mindvoice is odd, she thinks in some quiet, distant part of herself. Something is wrong. 



She doesn't have much space to dwell on it, though, because the moment she considers telling Vanyel about this, which she obviously has to do, her entire mind is suddenly frozen. 

I don't understand, she finds herself thinking, brokenly, pointlessly. What exactly it is that she's failing to understand is unclear. She followed everything Taver was saying, but it's as though the words and sentences don't quite connect into a story that holds together. 



For some baffling reason, she's suddenly desperately, achingly lonely. It's not a feeling she's used to; it's not something Companions tend to experience much at all, but especially not in Haven, surrounded by the herd and its constant, comforting chatter. Yfandes is only consciously realizing now that it isn't just Vanyel she's been shielding out for candlemarks.

Also it makes no sense for loneliness to be combined with a sudden desperate urge to be far away, somewhere quiet and spacious and peaceful, just her and the sky. She can almost feel the crushing buzz of minds, a whole city around her, not with Thoughtsensing but like a weight pressing down on her hide. 

After a long time, she tries to collect herself. Item one: she has to update Vanyel. Except she can't. She's stuck. There's a wall in the way, and no amount of willpower is enough to jump over its height. 

...The wall lets her reach in another direction, though. :Kellan?: she tries. 

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:- 'Fandes? I'm sorry, I should've checked - how are you holding up?: 

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:I don't know: She can't manage anything more. 

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:Come walk with me in the field? I need to clear my head too. The interrogation...: 

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:Taver told me: Again, Yfandes finds herself confusingly unable to go on. 

She lets herself out of the stables, though, and meets Kellan in the field. Eyes him. He's shaken as well, she thinks. 

For a long time neither of them says anything. They pace in silence, side by side. Yfandes keeps trying to start, and failing to come up with any words. 

She misses Gala. Of all the stupid emotions to be stuck feeling, right now. There are so many priorities higher than pointless grief for a friend she lost twelve years ago. 

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Kellan, in the end, is the first to break the silence. :How's Van?: 

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She should answer. She needs to answer. 





It's not happening, though. 

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Kellan fidgets, tail flicking, one hoof pawing absently at the grass. 

:Are you...?: he starts to ask, but doesn't finish. His mindvoice trails off, almost puzzled. 

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:Am I what?: 

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:....I don't know. Lost my train of thought: Kellan's ears twitch, sheepishly. 

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:Heh. It's all right. Been happening to me as well - I guess we're all under stress right now: 

It feels like more than that, though. And Yfandes is pretty sure that Kellan knows it as well. That there's something here and both of them see it - or, no, both of them know it's there but can't look at it head-on - and they're refusing to talk about it but that won't make it go away. 

All information is worth having, Vanyel always says. A sentiment that reminds her of Leareth, but it was Herald Seldasen who wrote it, centuries ago. 



:What's wrong with us?: she thinks, her mindvoice a breath on the wind. 

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Kellan twitches.

He could pretend not to have heard, it was clearly one of those asides that wasn't really meant to be shared in Mindspeech, but knowing that doesn't un-ask the question, does it? 

:I don't know: 

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Yfandes shivers. 

:- That's part of what's wrong. Isn't it? That we don't know: 

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:What? Yfandes, I don't underst–: 

That would be a lie, though. Kellan knows exactly what she means. Even if, at the same time, he doesn't. It feels disconcertingly like one of those optical illusions that Yfandes' Chosen found in an old book once. A picture that looks like a rabbit from some angles and a fish from others.

Except this is far more nebulous, he doesn't know what the second picture is, he can only glimpse it in fragments, for an instant, and then it slips away... 

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Yfandes recognizes it in him. It feels as though she knows exactly what he's feeling, right now. 




This doesn't help at all when it comes to finding words to answer. 

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A couple of minutes pass in awkward silence, both of them occasionally making as though to speak and then failing to. 

- and this is the point at which Delian reaches the field at a full gallop, sides lathered and heaving, nostrils flared.

He plants all four hooves and skids to a stop, piercing blue eyes settling on the pair of them. :What's happening: 

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Yfandes is so confused. Possibly the most confusing part of all is that, on some level, she isn't surprised, and Delian's panicked arrival feels inevitable. 

:Something's wrong -?: The question feels incredibly pointless even as she hears herself ask it. She knows something is wrong. It's screaming in her blood, in her bones. 

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And elsewhere, just barely audible in the distance, there is suddenly shouting. 

"You're not LISTENING to me!" Tran snaps at Taver, feet planted, arms folded over his chest. "You're not– did you listen to a single word of what we learned in there?" 

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Taver says nothing for a long time. 

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Herald Tantras is, right now, incandescently furious. 

He's aware, distantly, in the back of his mind, that most of his anger isn't actually about Taver at all. He's angry with Karis, angry with the Son of the Sun, pointlessly angry with Vanyel for almost dying, and even more pointlessly angry at Cam for...existing, and bringing so much complication and mess into his life.

However, he's incredibly tired of being patient and mature and charitable. 

"Don't just stand there and look at me!" he snarls back at the Groveborn Companion. His Companion, currently utterly failing to be supportive or helpful. "Say something!" 

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A mental sigh. :Chosen, I too would prefer if we had not learned what we just did. It is...unfortunate: 

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Everything about Taver's reaction is wrong, jarringly so, especially the calmly matter-of-fact tone of his mindvoice.

"Why aren't you angry? Why haven't you– we need to do something! Or things like this are just going to keep happening! I don't feel like a literal god is going to give up that easily!" 

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After a painfully long hesitation, Taver finally lifts his head. :And what, exactly, would you propose that we do?: 

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"I don't know! Ask Cam for help? There's got to be something we can do to keep our people safe from bloody Vkandis Sunlord." 

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:Perhaps. And perhaps not. Also. We ought consider that, if the gods would go so far, perhaps They have a good reason for fearing Cam's presence: 

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Gaaaaaaaaaaaah he wants to rip out his HAIR. Tran can't remember the last time he was this frustrated. 

Nearby, a gardener is staring worriedly at the King's Own Herald screaming at his Companion. Tran takes a deep breath, and with a deliberate effort of will, resumes at a more normal volume. 

"Doom and darkness, huh? Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if it just means doom and darkness for Them, not us! And if that's true then I'm not sure why I should care!" 

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Taver holds himself unnaturally still, not even breathing. 

:What do you mean: 

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"What I mean, is that Cam has given us every reason to help him and take his side, and Vkandis' response was to try to murder one of my best friends." Tran isn't shouting anymore. His voice is coldly level. "He used Karis. Broke her in the process. All to get rid of someone whose first act here was to feed starving people! Which the Karsites' precious Sunlord never even tried to do!" 

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Taver moves, but only to draw a breath and shift his weight. 

:Perhaps He did. The gods work in ways that are obscure to us, I think: 

A pause.

:...You have helped the King wage war, Chosen. Your own hands are not exactly free of blood: 

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Okay that is just not fair. It hurts - and, worse, it's clearly meant to sting. It's the first time Taver has ever spoken that way to him. The most painful part is that, as far as Tran can tell, Taver doesn't even seem angry. His mindvoice is toneless, and oddly disjointed, but calm.

Cruel words said in the passion of rage would be so much easier to forgive. 


"Maybe." Tran takes a slow deep breath, willing his eyes to stop burning and his throat to allow words. "I, I'm willing to forgive some amount of working in mysterious ways, I guess. But murdering Vanyel in his own bedroom crossed a line. I'm done, all right? As far as I'm concerned, Vkandis bloody Sunlord declared a goddamned war Himself the moment He put that dagger in Karis' hand." 

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Taver bows his head, but says nothing. It's a cold sort of silence. No emotion at all is making its way across their bond. 

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...Their public argument, or at least the one side of it which is audible to non-Mindspeakers, has attracted something of an audience. Two gardeners, now, and a couple of servants who were bringing clean linens to the Heralds' wing and stopped ten yards away on the path Tran is currently occupying. They look simultaneously curious and mortified. 

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Yfandes and the other two Companions with her are still behind the adjacent building. It felt rude to approach openly; Taver would usually know anyway, he can effortlessly track all the Companions in Haven, but he seems incredibly distracted. Enough that he's not even trying to directionally shield his Mindspeech, and all the Companions within a hundred yards can pick up on it. 

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Delian is almost vibrating with tension. And anger. Taver is hurting Tantras. ....Which is within his rights, Tran is Taver's now, not Delian's, but it still fills him with impotent rage. He is just, barely, managing to hold himself still, because storming in and kicking the Groveborn in the head is unlikely to improve matters right now. 

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Companions can pick up on unshielded Mindspeech - and so can small children with fledging Mindspeech and limited skill at shielding. 

Jisa was on the way back after her lessons, to see Uncle Van at the House of Healing and maybe have lunch with him. Now she's frozen behind a rosebush, close enough that she can make out the words that Herald Tantras is yelling. She wasn't trying to eavesdrop, it's just that Taver was being SO LOUD. 

She doesn't understand most of what they're fighting about? Something to do with Karis? 

...Taver thinks it might be a good idea to send Cam away. 

The thought fills Jisa with terror. And, on its heels, anger. Taver is being WRONG and STUPID and she's MAD at him. She wants to throw a mud pie at his FACE. Ten mud pies. It would be so satisfying to see his shiny white coat all muddy. 

If she throws a mud pie at the Monarch's Own Companion, she'll get in so much trouble with her mama and papa. Probably she would get in trouble just for eavesdropping, and she should go? 

She doesn't, though. Instead she creeps closer, concealed behind the row of rosebushes up against the building. There's not much space between them and the bricks; thorns catch on her dress, tearing it. Which she's going to get in trouble for too. Right now, she doesn't care. 

And then she's close enough that the new kind of seeing comes into focus, too; it's not Taver's thoughts that she's reading, she would get in so much trouble for doing that and besides he's very shielded, but there's...something. She can't help seeing it. 

Maybe just because she's thinking about rosebushes, it...sort of looks like a garden? It's blurry and confusing and hard to make out details, and she doesn't know what it means...she stretches her senses out... 

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She still doesn't know what it means but she's still pretty sure it's not supposed to look like that and something is REALLY BADLY WRONG. 

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She can see the bond between Taver and Herald Tantras. It's sort of metaphorically like a bridge? 

- and, also metaphorically, right now it looks as though some invisible giant's hand is grabbing onto the part of Taver where it's anchored, and pulling. The bridge is pretty strong! It looks like it should hold up fine to storms and wind! But nothing could be built strong enough to hold up to the incredible forces trying to rip apart Taver's mind-garden. 

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Taver isn't moving. Or breathing. His chest trembles slightly from the sheer effort of just holding still; it looks as though the slightest movement or effort, even speaking, even taking a breath, would be the final push that would rip the bridge apart. 

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Aaaaaaaaaaah this is very very bad this is not good she has to fix it but she doesn't know how and her not-Thoughtsensing is wavering in and out with the force of her panic - which also means she can't even try to use Empathy to calm Taver down in case that would help - 

Jisa tries. She tries really hard to get herself under control enough that she can figure out what to do. Or tell a grownup. She should tell a grownup. She should Mindspeak Mama and tell her it's an EMERGENCY and she needs HELP.

The problem is that right now she's stuck and can't do anything except stare in horror. 

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Tran waits. Yelling at his Companion won't help and also there's the humiliating matter of their current audience. 

Finally, though, he's out of patience. Taver is just standing there. Has been for over a minute. 

:Are you just going to stand there all day?: he snaps out, in private Mindspeech this time. 

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Tran is belatedly realizing that Taver hasn't just been silent for a minute, he also hasn't visibly breathed in that time. And he's shaking noticeably. And his blue eyes don't seem to be...seeing...anything in front of him. 

Maybe something is actually wrong. 

:...Are you all right?: he asks, tentatively. He takes a step closer. :I'm sorry if I–: 

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For some reason, in the end, sympathy and kindness is what shatters the fragile holding pattern. 

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She was too slow and she wasn't brave enough and now it's too late. 

For a fraction of a second, Jisa isn't sure which part of Taver is going to break first. There's some sort of frame holding a lot of the plants, and the invisible giant's hands are pulling on that as well as on the bridge, and it looks for a moment as though it's almost on the verge of snapping - 




- but the bridge is what breaks first.

It's the worst thing she's ever seen. Because she can see how much of Taver's mind is shredded in the backlash. And because what it does to Herald Tantras is even worse. 


Jisa screams. 

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Tran doesn't scream. He just whimpers, barely audibly. It feels like all the breath was knocked from his lungs, and screaming would require being able to draw in a breath past the clenched agony in his chest. 

In the first moment, all he feels is pain, still too raw and unformed to call grief or anything else. Pain, and cold, and nothing matters anymore - 

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Taver sank to his knees on the grass, when it happened. 

He rises again now. Paws at the gravel path, then lifts his head. 

:I am sorry, but - I do not know you. You are - not - my Chosen: 

And he bows his head again, and turns, and walks slowly and wearily away. 

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Around him, the rest of the tableau is frozen, as though time is on pause. There's no sound except, inexplicably, a child's high-pitched scream, despite the fact that there's no sign of said child. 

Wind rustles in the rosebushes. 


...He isn't a Herald anymore. He failed. He must have made some awful mistake, and maybe he'll never know what it was, and it doesn't matter because he is nothing and no one and nothing he does will ever matter again.

The thought is agonizing, almost unbearable, and yet there's relief in it, too. He's so damned tired. And cold. He's sent too many men and women to their deaths, gambled wrong too many times with the lives of his fellow Heralds, and he can't take it back and he can't ever have the life he did a decade ago and so it doesn't matter, does it. 

Would anyone actually stop him, if he lay down right here in the gravel and dirt, and went to sleep and never woke up? 

(He half-wishes, for a moment, that he were a mage, that he could make an end to this here and now in a fiery blaze. But he's exhausted, and still has enough of himself to remember the consequences when Tylendel did that exact thing. The scars on his body are an eternal reminder of the price that others paid for that ending.) 

He sags to the ground. 

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One of the maids watching with an armful of clean sheets is realizing, belatedly, that...probably someone ought to get help? She's not a Healer, she has no idea why the King's Own just collapsed, but the House of Healing isn't far away. 

She drops her sheets and runs. 

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Jisa is finally out of breath for screaming, her throat raw. The initial jolt of panic is fading and leaving her limp with exhaustion. 

...Get a grownup. She was going to get a grownup. Unfortunately she fell down in her shock, and now she's very tangled up in the thorns and can't really move without poking herself worse. 

She has Mindspeech, though. She's never tried talking to Mama more than a hundred yards away, but maybe if she tries really really really really hard -


It feels like the one time when she was five and climbed a tree too high and then lost her foothold and was stuck hanging from just her arms, legs swinging wildly, shoulders half pulled out of their sockets; well, it feels like that except metaphorically and in her head. 

But she can reach Mama's mind over at the House of Healing. 

:Mama help please come right now!!!: 

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:What?: In the middle of bathing a patient is not the best time for panicked Mindspeech interruptions, and Shavri accidentally drops the basin of dirty soapy water she's holding and spills it all over the floor and her own feet. 

No time to worry about that. :I'm coming, Jisa, I'll be right there - are you in danger -: 

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Her metaphorical-arms feel like they're on fire. But Mama is starting to get closer now. 

:No. Herald Tantras is. Taver hurt him and now he, he -: 

She doesn't have words to describe what's wrong with Herald Tantras' garden.

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:Taver? Hurt him how?: 

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:There was a bridge and he broke it: 

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:I don't– Nevermind. Coming. Just hang on: 

Her daughter isn't making any sense, but judging by her mindvoice she's not hurt, just scared. Shavri focuses on running as fast as she can. 

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Taver's parting words were for Tantras alone. All Yfandes saw was him turning and walking away. 

And the bond ripped away. She's not a Mindhealer, but Companions can see things in their own way. 



It comes together in a flash of insight, and she immediately wishes she could unthink it, because what was formerly a dull ache is now agony. She knew something was wrong. They all did. And now she knows what the unimaginably bad thing that she's so afraid of is. 

For a long time she doesn't dare move, because the strain is so intense, it feels like she's being torn apart from the inside, and she knows what it means, now, she knows what's at stake here, and nonono he's hers but she can't ever unsee Taver turning and walking away... 

It takes an embarrassingly long time to pull herself together even a little. 

:Delian?: Her flank shudders. :Delian, you thought - something bad - we know what: 

He doesn't answer right away. 

:Well?: Yfandes noses at his neck. :What are you waiting for?: 

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He's waiting for his mind to stop trying to tear itself in half, is what. 

But Yfandes has a point. 

One step. Another. Approaching Tantras feels oddly as though he's fighting a strong headwind, each step costing far more effort than it should. And he's having some kind of bizarre double vision. The man sprawled on the ground is both his Chosen, hishishis, and also an unrecognizable stranger filling him with unease. 

But he knows which of those is who he wants to be. 

Another step. 

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Shavri reaches Tantras first, at a dead sprint, and drops to her knees. 

"Tran. Tran, hey, look at me - talk to me - are you all right–" 

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He's not responding. And he's physically unhurt and in perfect health, but something is wrong. 

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Shavri's obvious worry, and her failed attempts to rouse Tantras, is the final goad that Delian needs. For a moment his head is ringing, he's dizzy and disoriented, but it's as though the doubled world just snapped back into alignment. And everything feels so simple. How could he ever have been confused? 

He crosses the remaining four or five paces, kneels at Tran's side, nosing softly at his cheek. :Tran, love, it's me. I'm here. Everything's all right. I'm not going anywhere, I promise. Ever again. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but I'm here now. My Chosen: 

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He drifts, submerged deep below the darkness behind his eyelids. 

...A familiar mindvoice. A presence, bright blue-silver, warmth, love. Not Taver. Taver's mind never felt that close to human. 


But he made a mistake and he isn't a Herald anymore. 

:No. Just...leave me...don't deserve you...: 

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This gets a second or two of incomprehension, and then a hard mental slap that leaves Tran's head spinning. 

:You goddamned idiot. No. You didn't do anything wrong. Taver did. Gods, I want to kick him across the river!: 

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Delian sighs, and settles his muzzle against Tran's chest. :You're in shock. It's all right to sleep. I'll stay: 

And after all the unspoken rules he's broken already today, it's a simple matter to lift his head and address Healer Shavri directly. 

:Taver repudiated him. I think it did a lot of damage. He needs a Mindhealer: 

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:Taver did WHAT: 

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Jisa is finally flailing her way loose of the thorns. She backs out from behind the rosebush and runs over. :Mama I told you. There was a bridge and Taver broke it. They were having a stupid fight about Karis and Vkandis. Taver was a STUPID IDIOT and wanted to send Cam away. But he's wrong and bad: 

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There...is probably some sensible response to this, but Shavri is drawing a blank. 

She lets her breath out in a gust. "Well, let's get him to the House of Healing, I guess. Tran, hey - can you ride, do you think...?" She waits a few beats. "I guess not. It's all right, we can carry you, just need to get some more hands over here." 

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She should tell Vanyel. 

The situation is a mess and Vanyel deserves to know - not to mention how Yfandes keeps feeling as though she's missing something big, and she doesn't know what, but her Chosen has always been so good at thinking outside the box... 

...and, at the same time, she can't. 

It shouldn't be so hard. She caught a glimpse of what Delian did, and she knows, deep inside, that she only has to take one step further, but she's scared. She's so scared. 

It's going to hurt... 

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He never wanted it to end this way. 


Taver, the immortal, never-human Groveborn Companion of Valdemar, walks with his head down. Taver, who seven centuries ago met a man who now calls himself Leareth. Taver, whose mind is forever half outside the world, in a blue place strung with silver, seeing past and future all at once. 

He loved Tantras. He always loves them, his Chosen, and in the end he always loses them. But never like this. Not until now. 


The blue place is chaotic. It's hard to make out anything at all, let alone answers to his most burning questions. 

But he knows one thing: all of this started when a strange winged immortal calling himself Cam arrived in Haven. 

Cam does, genuinely, seem to be striving to do good. To be good. Taver respects what he's seen of him. And so far, Valdemar has gotten many benefits and little harm. 

But that could change. If they hadn't gotten Vanyel back - and it might have been a question of Shavri getting there ten seconds earlier or later - then it would be very hard to say if a miraculous wall and food for starving mouths outweighed the loss of their most powerful mage. 

And destined hero. 

Cam is talking to Leareth. Which on the one hand, could help Valdemar's cause, but at the same time, it's dangerous. 



In the end, Taver can only see one path open to him. It's an awful path, but the other option, of directly opposing Vkandis Sunlord's will, is madness. 

He steps into the Grove. 

Most Companions can't Mindspeak more than a few hundred miles. But Taver is Groveborn, and right now standing at the source of his power, the Web all around him. 

Kilchas' Rohan just needs to be within a few thousand miles, and just for a few seconds... 

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Rohan is, in fact, in range! Cam's space station is in roughly-geostationary orbit, not directly above Valdemar but in the general region, and less than 300 miles above the surface, for a total distance of around 600 miles. This would be impossible for most human Mindspeakers and most normal Companions; it would be a stretch even for Vanyel in top condition, and not sustainable for long if he could manage the distance at all. But Taver can do it. For a minute or two, which is more than he'd expected to have. 

Rohan is also incredibly startled to be interrupted. :Taver? What is it - gods, is someone dead...?: 

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After a pause, :- not yet. But I fear we are in danger. Not from Cam directly, but from his presence in this world, and other effects of it: 

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Confusion, disbelief. :Cam? He's being so careful!: 

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:Indeed. But, tell me - what do you see in the blue place?: 

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A pause. 

:...It's all murky. It's been that way for days though: 

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:You know that I see further. Rohan, listen to me - do you trust me? I do not have very much time, and there is a great deal at stake here: 


Something is wrong, something is horribly and irrevocably broken inside him, but Taver blocks it out. For now, his mindvoice is rock-steady again. The herd needs that much from him. 

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Rohan lifts his head to glance over at Kilchas, still captivated by images of stars, a snack provided by Cam but already forgotten at his elbow. 

:All right, I'm listening. Spit it out: 

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:....I see chaos, in the future. Good or bad, I cannot tell. But - change, either way. I believe that Cam is a good man and means well. And yet, even changes for the better can accidentally break many things, and he is an outsider to our world and its peoples: 

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:I'm not going to like where you're going with this, am I: 

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:I do not like it either: 

Taver gathers himself. The blue place makes the choice an unambiguous one. Only one path ahead is clear. 

:It is not Cam's fault. And perhaps we can find another way. But - the gods, at least Vkandis, oppose his presence. Karis was directly possessed by Him. I doubt He will be minded to give up, and He has other powers. Other servants to call on, human and otherwise: 

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:Cam's indestructible: Rohan points out. 

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:Your Chosen is not. Haven is not. It is the collateral damage here that I fear: 


He's still calm, but darkness lurks behind the overtones. The brush of something infinitely cold and empty... 

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Even as preoccupied as he is by the content of their conversation, Rohan notices.

:- Taver, are you all right? I felt... Gods. What just happened down there? Did people get hurt?: 

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:You could say that, yes: He keeps the pain and bitterness at bay. Mostly. :I will explain later. Right now I need you to convince your Chosen to return Cam to his world: 

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:Kernos' balls. You've got to be joking. Please tell me you're joking: 

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:I wish that I were: 

It's so hard to think about. Rohan's shock and dismay are understandable, when Cam has done so much for Valdemar; Taver can see that, and at the same time he's unshakeably certain that they have no choice. 

:...Perhaps it need not be permanent. There - may be a way to resolve the conflict with the gods, here. Learn what in particular They fear from Cam. But my Foresight is very clear on what must be done now: 

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:If we send him away right now... Damn it, Taver, people are still starving! If not in Valdemar or Karse then elsewhere, he can't have gotten to the whole world yet: 

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:I know. I mislike the cost as well. But please trust me in this:

Desperation, that Taver tries to keep tamped down, but...this has to work, there has to be some way out of this disaster that's crept up on them - he's already lost so much to it - but surely Valdemar's future has to be salvageable. If it's not, if it's too late no matter what, then– 

No. He isn't going to follow that thread right now. 

:Rohan, please: 

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Wow. Rohan has no idea what could possibly have just happened down in Haven, and he's suddenly not sure he wants to know. 

He's also less sure than he would like that Taver wouldn't lie directly, if he was worried that the truth would...compromise Rohan and Kilchas' ability to work right now. Maybe Vanyel is dead. 

He's confused, and frustrated, and quietly terrified. But the Groveborn just pleaded with him. He can't ignore that. 

:All right. I'll talk to Kilchas: 

He drops the connection. 

:Kilchas, love. Sorry to interrupt. You're not going to like this...: 

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He already doesn't. 

He likes it even less the more he hears. 

:...No: he says finally. :I can't just dismiss him without an explanation! He's our ally. It'd be like stabbing him in the back. I have to talk to him: 

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:Chosen, are you su–: 

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Kilchas is already on his feet. "Cam? Where are you? Sorry, do you have a minute - we need to talk, it's urgent!" 

:Maybe he can send down a drone and tell us what in all hells just happened in Haven. ...Wow, I am NOT impressed with bloody Vkandis right now. That's even worse than I'd thought. Poor girl. I hope she forgives herself someday - I hope all of us can forgive her...: 

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:What if he tries to stop you from dismissing him? If he's forewarned?: 

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:Gods! He's a good person, Rohan. Even Taver agrees with that! He'd want to know, right, if him being here is putting innocent people in danger: A frown. :Though, honestly, right now it feels a lot more like Vkandis is the one doing that. Unfortunately it's a lot more inconvenient to give a god a piece of my mind: 

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Rohan's response is wordless unease and discomfort. 

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Kilchas is not in the mood to deal with that right now, so he doesn't. 


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Cam zips into the room on a scooter and trips dismounting from it. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

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Kilchas instinctively jumps forward and offers Cam a hand to steady himself.

"...I don't know, but - we just got word, sounds like something pretty bad went down in Haven. And Taver wasn't pleased with the results from interrogating Karis. He's -" Kilchas swallows, gulps, "- I'm sorry, I know you're only trying to help, but...he's worried that having you nearby before we've, er, sorted out what Vkandis' problem is, means putting Valdemar in the line of fire? And he wants, um. For me to - dismiss you - until we can figure out why Vkandis is doing this. Before anything worse happens." 

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"- dammit, the Star-Eyed seemed to think this would work fine, getting up in space - what's the plan for figuring out what Vkandis's damage before he tries to kill another hostage -"

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"Taver might have more luck getting His attention to talk to Him? He's not human, he's...well, a long way from being a god, but I think a bit in that direction? I don't know, he didn't actually tell my Companion, I think he's still really shaken by whatever just happened down there." 

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"And what's going to happen if She and He have a difference of opinion on this one? Does she let hostage-taking work?"

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Kilchas opens his mouth to answer, then stops. Frowns. 

"...Apparently. There's a Heartstone in Haven, right - it's tied right into the Web. Van told me once that the Hawkbrothers believe all Heartstones are made out of pieces of Her. Sounded fanciful at the time, but knowing what I do now...." Shrug. "You'd think that if She wanted, She could've stopped it easily. All She'd have had to do was give Van a Web-alarm two seconds before Karis did it. It's not exactly reassuring, right, that She didn't?" 

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"I'm not really familiar with the capability set of gods besides pyromania and possession! If She could have done that it certainly seems weird, but I was expressly told - I transcribed the conversation, do you want to see it -" He puts up his transcript of the exchange with the Star-Eyed on the nearest wallscreen.

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Kilchas squints, leaning closer to read it through. 

"Huh," he says at the end. "Better than getting yourself set on fire, I guess, but - I don't know. Sure seems like She had an agenda for you." 

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"It seemed like her agenda was 'don't let the mind control creep mind control creep on me' but now I'm all kinds of confused!"

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:Chosen–: Rohan starts. 

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:Can you wait two minutes?: Kilchas barks back. :I'm a little busy: And Rohan's inexplicable restlessness and discomfort is very distracting. Kilchas tightens his shields. 

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:Chosen, please. Whatever Taver saw in Foresight, it really scared him! And I have a bad feeling - I don't think we should be standing around talking and delaying like this...: 

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Kilchas takes a deep breath. 

"Cam, I'm really sorry, but my Companion - and Taver - are getting really bad Foresight feelings. I'm worried that means Vkandis or one of the others is about to try something else. Can you trust me that I'll summon you back as soon as we have a better idea of what's going on here?" 

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"- I mean if you mean right now right now you will otherwise be stranded in space till you starve so, uh, sure, but have some circles," he makes circles, "have some food," a few days' worth of canned stuff with pull-tabs, pile of hay, "and like, write me with updates while you're working on it, if you want to summon me back just long enough to get you planetside or make more food we can do that..."

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:See?: Kilchas thinks sharply at Rohan. :He's being reasonable! No need to go behind his back!: 

"- Thank you. I might be able to Gate to the nearest point on the ground but it'd be tough. And while we're not sure, it might be a good idea to stay up here anyway." He chuckles without much humour. "Harder for Vkandis to set me on fire, you know. Er, is your space station going to stay put, relative to Haven?" 

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"It is now. Uh, let me think if there's anything else I need to change - sealing the biolab, check - water recirculator's running all green - air too - yeah I think you're fine till we figure out what the fuck Vicky's problem is and how he can stop making it ours."

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"Right. Sounds good. I'm really sorry about this - I know you were being careful... We can write to you even when you're back in your own world?" 

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"Yes, I just won't be able to write back."

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"Right." Kilchas takes a deep breath. "You take care of yourself. We'll do our best to sort this out sooner rather than later. Like I told Rohan - people are still going hungry, right, it makes a difference whether you're bringing them food now or in a week..." 

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"Yeah. I can keep up with biolab stuff at home, anyway. You know how to use the phone, right?"

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"I should manage fine." 

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"Okay." Sigh. "Dismiss when ready."

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Kilchas nods, and focuses on wanting to send Cam home. He has an easier time with it than Jisa did. 

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And he's gone.

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Kilchas rubs his face, then turns to his Companion. :All right, what's got a bee in your bonnet now?: 

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Rohan is silent, holding himself stiffly. 

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:Well? What is it?: 

Kilchas starts to roll his eyes, but it's suddenly not funny at all. Something feels wrong. And now that Cam is gone, it's sinking in that he's stuck here. In space. Alone with his Companion, who ten minutes ago he would have said that he trusted more than anyone else in the world, but who has been behaving very oddly

He sighs, glances around, and sits down. :Come on, love. Talk to me. What's eating you?: 

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There's an unbearable sense of pressure, crushing him - and of tension, tearing him apart - and of something else, neither and both of those at the same time, indescribable.

His Chosen needs him and he wants to be there and at the same time he wants to run toward the horizon and he can't, because there isn't a horizon, here, only airless void on the other side of too-thin metal - he wasn't claustrophobic before but he is now...

:I, I - I don't - I can't - no, please -: 

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Kilchas isn't sure he's ever been this confused. 

:- I'm sorry, love. No to what? You can't what?: 

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Answering that question is among the many things it feels like he can't do. 


His Chosen. His


:I - I can't think about it: 

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Kilchas starts to reach out to stroke his Companion's mane. And stops himself. Something is telling him that Rohan needs space right now. 

:You can't think about what?: 

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:....About -: 

It hurts so much. 

:About Vkandis: 

Except that's incomplete - and finishing it hurts even more, but he has to. No other choice. They're falling forever through vacuum, around and around the planet, contained in a thin skin of metal and air, and there's no other way out. Except for forward. 

:......About - you: 

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....He's missing something, here. Something huge. 



:All right. Do you want, er, some space? I can't go far but I can go into the other room and lock the door: 

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He's stretched impossibly - there are too many directions and not enough of him and he can'tcan'tcan't–


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:Of course. I love you: 

Kilchas returns to the room with the telescope, shuts the door. Looks around for a way to lock it and then, with a mental shrug, slides down to sit against it so that his own weight holds it shut. 

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The 'I love you' really should help but it doesn't at all. 


The desperate pressure-tension decreases just a touch, though, when Kilchas is out of sight and behind a closed door. Rohan still has very little space to think, but he has something. 

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Kilchas spends a minute hugging his knees and shivering, and then another minute poking at the phone, trying to recall the instructions he got. 

He texts Vanyel.

[What in all hells is happening down there] 

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Vanyel is half-dozing when his phone makes a noise. 

He flops over, blinking at the ceiling. He seems to be alone in the room, so what was that - oh, right... 

It takes him another thirty seconds to wake up enough that he can track down where he hid the phone, get it into his hand, and look at the message notification. 


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...Vanyel is still in the House of Healing, probably, it's quite possible he should have called Keiran instead. But Vanyel is more, well. Sensible. That's not quite the right word but it's the best Kilchas can think of. 

[Why did Taver order us to dismiss Cam]

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Vanyel stares at the phone screen for a long time, frozen. 



[Taver did what]

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[Yfandes didn't tell you?] 

[They questioned Karis and she was definitely possessed]

[Vkandis sent her a Suncat] 

[Taver was scared Vkandis would keep attacking us while Cam was here] 

[Until we manage to talk to him] 

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Vanyel blinks at the messages, still mostly not absorbing it. 



[You didn't do it though right] 

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[I talked to him first]


A long pause. 


[He agreed it seemed sensible] 

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[But I talked to] Vanyel starts typing– and then stops, without sending it. 

He goes back to look at his message history with Cam, which takes thirty seconds of poking. 



...Oh gods

That conversation is mortifying. Cam must have been so confused. Also Vanyel should ask someone to make sure he is never ever allowed to send phone text messages while on a lot of pain-drugs ever ever again. 

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After a long hesitation, Vanyel goes back and deletes the words he's typed into his message-field to Kilchas. He starts over. 

[Thank you for telling me]

[I hadn't heard anything] 

[What are you worried about] 

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Hmm. That was also a very weird pause.

Kilchas doesn't press, though. Vanyel is at the House of Healing recovering from serious injuries. Maybe he just needed to rest and catch his breath, or a Healer came in to see him, or something equally unsuspicious. 

[My Companion's acting weird] 

[It sounded like maybe Taver was off as well] 

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Yfandes hasn't been really...speaking with him...either... 





Vanyel stares at the phone screen for a long time, and notices that he's still not writing anything at all. 

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Eventually he grits his teeth, and tries reaching out toward Yfandes. 

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She's blocking him out, firmly enough that she doesn't even consciously notice his attempt. 

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At any other time, this would hurt a lot

But too much is already happening at once, and Vanyel is already too exhausted and confused. 

[Yfandes is acting strange too] he types out to Kilchas, without further specifying. 


After a few beats, he adds: 

[What exactly did your Rohan do?]

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Kilchas blinks at the screen. He glances longingly at the telescope setup, still pointed to the stars... 


[He seemed incoherent and said he couldn't think about it] 

[When I asked about what, he said Vkandis]

[and then hesitated, and then]



Kilchas, too, hesitates for a long time before finishing and sending this message. 

[and then hesitated, and then said he couldn't think about me either] 

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That fits. In a way Vanyel desperately wishes it didn't fit, but it does. 

[I'll update you when I know more] he promises Kilchas, and then takes a deep breath, braces himself, and reaches out again. 


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Savil is two-thirds of the way to the House of Healing, along with the group of Healers and trainees carrying Tran on a litter, Delian following anxiously. 

She jumps. :- Van? What is it - are you all right -: 

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Vanyel has no idea how to answer that question. 


:...I'm fine. Kilchas just contacted me from the space station, though. He wants to know why Taver did it: 

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:Why Taver -: 

This is so hard to say. 

:We don't know: 

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:What do you mean, you don't KNOW?: 

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:How in all hells did Kilchas know, anyway?: 

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....Wait. What

Vanyel takes a slow deep breath, and lets it out. 

:Savil. What - can you tell me in your own words what Taver did: 

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That's such a goddamned baffling way to phrase it, and why does he need her to confirm it back to him anyway. It hurts

She grits her teeth. :He repudiated Tran. Right in front of Jisa: 

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Maybe it got garbled along the way. Poor Vanyel, though, getting the final confirmation like this. 

:...Yes. I'm sorry. What did you hear from Kilchas?: 

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:That Taver contacted his Rohan and ordered them to dismiss Cam. Which he did for some goddamned reason, I don't know what's wrong with him–:

Vanyel feels his jaw clenching again, and forces it to relax. 

:...And that something is wrong with both of them. Savil, I - is Kellan all right...?: 

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Savil has no answer to the first part, because she's frozen on the spot. The second bit is, if anything, even more baffling. But at least it's a question, which she can answer. 

:I don't know, honestly - he's been doing the cagey thing they do sometimes - I thought he was probably busy right now...: 

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Something is wrong. Something is badly, desperately wrong. 

Vanyel tries to concentrate through the feeling of inevitable doom washing over him. :Savil, is Tran all right:

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:I don't think anyone knows, ke'chara. He's - he collapsed - Shavri got to him, and then - and then Delian Chose him again. We think. We're bringing him over to the House of Healing right now: 

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Oh, good. How convenient. Vanyel starts trying to lever himself into a sitting position. 

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:- Van, don't you dare get out of bed: Savil adds after a couple of seconds. 

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:What exactly are you going to do? We've got half a dozen Healers seeing to him already - we're going to call for a Mindhealer but you're not one...: 

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But he does know what a broken bond feels like. 

Vanyel doesn't say this. He does not, in fact, feel any inclination to try to share his meagre expertise at surviving the agony of it with Tran, right now. 

He sends wordless acknowledgement, and then, instead of trying to get out of bed, looks around for paper and pen. And sees it, on the side table - 


After ten seconds of stupidly trying to reach, and enduring the pain of his half-healed wound while not getting his fingertips anywhere close, Vanyel groans and smacks his forehead. He Fetches the stationary supplies instead. 

And, using his knee as a makeshift table, starts writing. 

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Dear Cam

Something is wrong with the Companions. Kilchas told me that Taver ordered him to dismiss you, but Savil didn't know about that. As far as I can tell, Taver didn't tell anyone in Haven. I asked her why Taver did it, and she thought I was referring to the fact that he repudiated Herald Tantras. They don't know why. But Kilchas says his Companion was acting odd, and said he couldn't think about Vkandis or about his Chosen. My Companion isn't speaking to me, and Savil's isn't either. 

I don't know what's happening. But something is really wrong and I'm worried the Companions are somehow compromised. I don't know what we should do. We need you back here. But I think maybe you shouldn't answer a summons from any Herald, until we understand what's happening. 

- Herald-Mage Vanyel Ashkevron

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Vanyel isn't even sure if Cam can receive mail if he's really and truly dismissed back to his own world, much less reply. All he can do is wait. 

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The next time Cam puts down his bio research to check his mail, he reads this with considerable concern, but he can't exactly do anything about it. There isn't even a circle out for him now that he can check to see if it's from a Herald.

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Messages are exchanged with Horn and other outlying posts via Mindspeech relay. The Mindhealer stationed at Horn, Melody, could be available to leave in the morning, either by Gate or on horseback depending on how urgent it is? 

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It's VERY URGENT. They don't want to share details for secrecy reasons but they'll do a Gate at dawn. 

Savil is quietly terrified. 

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So is Kilchas. Even the excitement of being in SPACE is starting to be replaced by unease and fear. 

At least he has lots of snacks, and also a telescope to look at the stars. 

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Yfandes and Kellan follow the bank of the river. They're outside the city proper now, pacing endlessly. Not speaking. There's nothing to speak about. They both know what's wrong and they both know what leap needs to be taken - and what they'll lose if they try for that leap and fall instead. 

It's terrifying. Both of them know they could fail. They watched it happen to Taver. 

And it's so, so hard. 

But it's easier to face it together. 

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Eventually, Vanyel concludes that either Cam got the message or he didn't, and either way he probably can't reply. 

...He finds he can barely keep his eyes open, at this point, but - right - Kilchas doesn't know the other part, he would have said, surely... 



[You might have a problem] he sends 

[The Companions are compromised about gods] 

[Or something] 

[Taver repudiated Tran] 

[Delian re-Chose him so he must have figured it out somehow] 

[Savil and my Companion aren't speaking to us] 

[I'm sorry]

[Take care of yourself up there. Please] 


He just barely manages to finish painfully typing out the series of messages, one letter at a time, before he falls asleep. 

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- and he finds himself in a snowswept pass, black glassy walls of stone rising far above his head on either side, stretching out for a half-mile behind him. 

And ahead, the familiar army, and the mage dressed in black who leads it. 

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"Herald Vanyel." 

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Vanyel is so incredibly not ready for this. 

He feels like an idiot, because of COURSE this is new information - and he doesn't even know which 'this' he's referring to in his own thoughts, there are several of them - but he didn't think of it, and even if he had he's not sure he would have known where to start, in terms of trying to prepare words. 

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Leareth's black eyes narrow very slightly. 

"I was already aware that it has been an - eventful - few days in Haven. However, I...suspect I am missing some further context." 

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Vanyel takes a few steps forward and looks dully at Leareth. "What do you know already." 

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To Vanyel's surprise, Leareth answers without hesitation. 

"To give a brief summary: a winged stranger, with extraordinary magical powers, appeared in Haven some days ago, and has worked closely with you. They have some very rapid method of transport, which gives off minimal magic, and have been distributing food to areas affected by the war, and further afield. ...More recently, some sort of incident occurred, which resulted in your being seriously injured, and Princess Karis of Karse's ensuing imprisonment. The obvious inference is that these events were related; I am guessing that Vkandis Sunlord took action against you, with the goal of forcing this stranger to cease action here. Also, a defensive wall has appeared between Valdemar and Karse, in a way which seems physically impossible. It includes some sort of code printed on it, which I have been unable to decipher." 

A pause. 

"- Additionally, since then, I have come into possession of several odd circular designs, printed on paper by a mechanism more advanced than anyone in Velgarth could easily manage. My best guess is that these are related to the powerful winged stranger, and represent some form of alien magic. I have begun studying them in more depth." 

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Vanyel thinks vaguely that he might be impressed, except that he's all out of emotions. 

"Congratulations," he says anyway, dryly. "Leareth. What do you want." 

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Leareth blinks. 

"I do not think that is very mysterious. I wish for this stranger to remain here in Velgarth, feeding the hungry and ending wars. Herald Vanyel, what do you want?" 

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All Vanyel wants is for the world to make sense again. ...Oh, and about six months to sleep and not have any responsibilities. Neither of those are reasonable things to ask of anyone, let alone describe to Leareth of all people. 

"I wish I goddamned understood you," he says tonelessly. "I wish I could ever have any idea whether or not you're telling the truth to me. I - I wish..." 

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Leareth takes his own two steps forward. 

"Something has shaken you very badly, Herald Vanyel. I - suppose I understand why you do not trust me, and may not wish to share this information. But I could on many occasions have harmed you, and I did not. I believe we have many goals in common, and -" 

A very slight catch in his voice. 

"- and if I am right, about the implications of your alien visitor's power, then we both might achieve all we wish for this world, at a lower cost than I ever imagined possible." 

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Vanyel's hands are trembling. He has them shoved under his cloak, where he hopes Leareth can't see this. 



...How much, at this point, does he really have to lose. 

"You're right that Vkandis tried something," he says flatly. "It's not the first thing he's tried, either. Oh, and the Star-Eyed Goddess badmouthed you to our visitor, or something. I think. He didn't really want to tell me about it." 

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"Ah. No, She does not approve of what I am trying to do." 

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"She doesn't approve of you conquering countries? How reasonable of Her." 

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Leareth bows his head. 

"That is only the first step in my plans. It is likely you will find the rest even more horrifying. I - had wished for more time, to cover some of the intervening ground. But I suppose that if I wish to ask you to trust me, now, then I ought take my own leap of faith." 

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Vanyel has no idea what to say. Keeping his face as blank as he can manage, he nods, and waits. 

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Leareth takes a slow breath, lets it out, and strides another five yards closer. When he speaks again, his voice is quieter. 

"I have fought the gods for a very, very long time, Herald Vanyel. Believe me, I would not have chosen such a drastic course of action had I believed there were any other way - and, at this point, I hope that there will be an alternative, and that my plan will be moot. Nonetheless. I had intended to take Valdemar as the initial kernel of an empire, and then -" 

He swallows. 

"- and then, to create a god. A different kind of god, one built to care about us - about humans, and all other sentient beings in Velgarth - and to communicate with us. But there is a high price to such a working, and that is why I needed an empire." 

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Vanyel isn't quite seeing it yet but he's very, very sure that it's going to be horrifying. 

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"The power requirement - there is no way to meet it, other than blood-magic." 



"Ten million lives." 

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"...You need not say anything, Herald Vanyel. If you prefer never to speak to me again, knowing this, I...would understand. All I can say is - if nobody takes this step, then the world will never, ever change. And that is unacceptable to me." 

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How good an actor would Leareth have to be, to say that - to say everything that he's said to Vanyel, over more than a decade - to speak of lights in the world and how they're all worth saving and it's too late to save all of them but never too late to save some - how good would he have to be, to say that so earnestly, and be lying? 


It doesn't matter. He could be that good, if he wanted to. He's had time to learn. 

Which doesn't mean that he is lying.

Vanyel hugs himself, wrapping his arounds around his body. The wind is way too realistically cold. 

"Leareth, I - damn it, if I say it's monstrous you're just going to say you agree, aren't you? Well. It is." 

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"Indeed." One dark eyebrow lifts, just a fraction. "All I can say is, I think I am not the only monster in this world, nor the worst. And, Herald Vanyel, perhaps you have seen enough now to agree." 

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Vanyel doesn't know. He doesn't know anything, anymore. 

...Except that they need Cam, every day that Cam isn't here children are going to starve, and - and Leareth isn't wrong, that over thousands of years this has never seemed to change - and Leareth didn't need to tell him this, Leareth's right, it's not any less horrifying than conquering Valdemar...

And Cam could check. If this is for real, then surely Leareth has to have written down his god-building plans, at some point. 

Maybe it's time for his own leap of faith. 

"Leareth, I - don't know what to say. I mean, it's obviously wrong and horrible, but - I don't know. It could be the least wrong that things could go."



Vanyel shivers. No going back from this point, if he decides to say it - well, that's not true, there would still be time for Cam to refuse it, and if Vanyel's fast enough then Cam can make that decision informed. 

"The designs you found - you're right, they're a spell. A way of - of sending a message to the alien stranger, telling him where you are and that you want to talk."

Which isn't quite true but it's not totally false either, and he really doesn't want to give Leareth any hints that will help him figure out the bindings. Probably Cam wouldn't answer a summons with bindings, but Vanyel doesn't know exactly how the whole thing works... 

"Er, you want the simpler one. The complicated one contacts - someone else - and it's not what you want. We know the specific alien and he's... He's well-intentioned." 

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Leareth clearly isn't taking what Vanyel said at face value, but he inclines his head. "I see." 

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"Aside from that, I - I don't know what to say, right now," Vanyel says stiffly. "I need to think. I would rather not talk any more tonight." 

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"I understand." 

And Leareth turns his back, facing his army, and waits for the dream to end. 

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Eventually the sky comes apart, and then Vanyel wakes with a start, gasping, instinctively reaching for Yfandes - 




He backs away from the wall of ice in his mind, finding himself trembling. The House of Healing is dark and quiet; the only light comes from two candles in wall-sconces. Vanyel casts a small mage-light, but it takes a minute of trying very hard to calm down before his hands are steady enough to flip over the sheet of paper that he tucked under his pillow and start to write. His penmanship still comes out a lot messier and shakier than usual. 

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Dear Cam 

I just talked to Leareth. He might try to summon you really soon. If it's the circle without bindings I think it's worth answering, because it seems like Leareth is probably safer from gods messing with him than any of us. Since he's apparently trying to fight them. He told me he wants to build a new god that will look out for humans and other species better. He said it would take murdering ten million people for blood-magic and that's why he wanted to conquer us and start an empire, but if he's telling the truth then he hopes you existing will give him better options. If this is true then I think you should be able to check it by looking at older notes of his or trying to conjure ones about gods specifically. 

- Herald Vanyel Ashkevron 

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Vanyel is aware that it's a horribly unhelpful letter, but by the end he's shaking almost too hard to sign his name, and fighting a losing battle against tears. 


Everything hurts so much. He misses Yfandes so, so badly - he's so cold, he just wants to be able to curl up against her, and he can't, and Taver repudiated Tran - Vanyel doesn't have a second, castaway Companion to come back to him - no he can't think about that now - 

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Apparently he is instead going to think about Tylendel. It's not clear this is better. 

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Cam drops the bio research to spy on Leareth a LOT, see if any of this makes more sense with this background.

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Leareth is in a stone room with another woman, dark-skinned and white-haired. They're both staring intently at carefully hand-copied imitations of the printed summoning circles that Cam left in the Heralds' rooms and later retrieved. There are some chalk markings on one wall, which seem to be copied from some bits of the circle.

(There are also glowing illusions of a lot more details hanging out in midair, but Cam's conjuring can't capture this. And Leareth is receiving a steady stream of Mindspeech communications from other staff, reporting on events in Valdemar, which Cam cannot directly observe either.) 

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Not useful! Cam combs his written records for stuff about gods.

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Leareth has written incredibly vast quantities of notes about gods! It's going to take Cam quite a long time to even skim them! 

The ones less than a century old are mostly in Rethwellani, a language Van speaks and thus spoken by Cam and easily keyword-searchable by Cam's computer. They do, in fact, explicitly reference plans to build a new god, and contain copious details of executing the god-building process. Many of the documents where the 'new god' phrase is referenced go on to consist mostly of intricate magical diagrams, not translatable by Cam, and long sections that almost read like pseudocode in a very high-level programming language.

There are also quite a lot of letters and memos and meeting-agenda notes referencing other gods, largely in the context of how his people need to avoid Their interference. 

Cam can keyword-search almost a thousand years back, the word Leareth used for 'god' has apparently been the Rethwellani one for most of that time period. There's a centuries-long progression of the spell diagrams and pseudocode. There are documents that are mostly mathematical notation, which make almost no sense to Cam. There are a few documents that seem to be Leareth's personal records, complaining about being assassinated by gods in various ways. 

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Which gods?

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Mostly Vkandis, it sounds like. Vkandis is fond of fire and also holds territories closer to where Leareth has tried to operate; Rethwellan is a centre of scholarship, he's frequently been based there, but it borders on Karse. Anathei is a different god and probably killed Leareth once though he's less confident that was definitely god-shenanigans, it could have been random chance. 

It sounds like the Star-Eyed is less likely to extend Her influence past her physical territories but is also even more effective at preventing him from surviving there for long; Leareth tries to just stay out of the Dhorisha Plains and Pelagirs. He's still been assassinated twice in the last thousand years by Shin'a'in Clanspeople outside the Plains proper. 

He mentions the 'god of Valdemar' - not by any other name - but no assassinations clearly related to this god, though he speculates that the god could have prevented Vkandis-interference on one occasion and presumably chose not to. 

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The next time he spies, Leareth seems to be getting some sleep. 

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That's his prerogative and in fact a wise idea for mere immortals, but Cam has infinite coffee and a lot of antiparasitics to try on his labful of Velgarth worms!

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In the morning, several things happen. 

Savil, who has slept very badly - it's hard to sleep when your Companion is not on speaking terms with you, it turns out, she kept almost falling asleep and then absently reaching for him - nonetheless drags herself out to the Heralds' temple and raises a Gate. 

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The Mindhealer from Horn is waiting and ready, and crosses. "Right. Whatever you hauled me over here, it had better be important." 

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Shavri, who's been up the entire night and is finally convinced that Tran is neither going to die of shock nor try to kill himself, directs the Mindhealer to him first, and then goes to check on Van. 

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Vanyel's stab wound continues to heal cleanly, but that's pretty much the only good news. He failed to get any more sleep for the entire rest of the night after his dream and is a wreck. And Yfandes is still blocking him. 

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Shavri sits down beside him. "Van, what in all hells is going on?" 

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He gives her an exhausted, despairing look. "Hoped you knew. Companions are - something's wrong..." 

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"Well, that much is bloody obvious. No one's seen or heard from Taver all goddamned night. My daughter refused to go to sleep except on my lap." Fortunately she then stayed asleep once Shavri plopped her in an adjacent room, and is still out. "...Van, we grabbed the Mindhealer from Horn. Melody. Do you know her? I think she'd better see you next - you seem -" She doesn't know what to say. 

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Shavri sighs, and puts her head down over the covers of Vanyel's bed.

"Randi doesn't want us to summon Cam back. Since we still don't know what Taver saw, that scared him so much..." 

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"- He saw the gods being terrified of Cam." Vanyel shivers, swallows hard, and switches to Mindspeech. :I don't know if that's - something we should care about: He chuckles, bitterly, with a hint of a sob in it. :Except for the part where Vkandis will keep trying to kill us, of course: 

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Shavri wishes she had some sort of reassurance to give. She has none. 

"I'm sorry." 

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"Trust me. So am I." 

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"Do we know if Cam can still get messages? It seems likely - I guess I'd better try writing one, tell him what's going on here and why we're not risking summoning him back..." She drags herself to her feet, patting Vanyel's shoulder. "Hang in there." 

At the Healers' centre station, she scribbles a quick note to Cam, explaining that things in Haven are going really really badly and they wish they knew a way to safely re-summon him but they don't. 

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A half-candlemark after dawn, eight hundred miles north of Haven, Leareth stands in an underground, thoroughly shielded Work Room, and finishes drawing the simpler of the two circles, carefully and neatly in chalk on the floor. 

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As soon as Cam feels it he conjures a copy and checks it over in a few formats to make sure it's really free and clear and unbound. He checks the room it's in, and the history of the room in case anyone's been casting creepy spells he can't see in there that he needs to worry about, and he puts his talismans on.

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A week ago some other mages were in here and probably doing magic to renew the shielding, though Cam can't see the exact details of the magic they're casting directly. 

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Leareth isn't sure if that means it didn't work. He waits. 

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A week ago is probably not specifically to prepare for summoning demons, at least.

Cam braces himself for possible attempted mindreading by getting a very annoying song stuck in his head and answers the circle.

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Leareth doesn't startle visibly, or even blink. (He is in fact very startled, and keeping it off his face takes substantial effort.) He doesn't try to read Cam's mind. 

"Welcome," he says levelly. "I imagine you know who I am. Vanyel suggested that I contact you in this way." 

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"Here I am. Do you have any" wow that song is SO annoying and he hopes it was unnecessary "immediate business or shall I just go back to what I was doing?"

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"I do not have urgent business with you, no, unless you have questions for me, which I would be pleased to answer." Leareth ducks his head slightly. "...If you are able to make sure that Herald Vanyel is all right, I would appreciate that. We spoke last night in our Foresight dream and he seemed - very distressed. Unsurprisingly, he preferred not to share details." 

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Cam pulls out his computer and sends Vanyel a text. I'm back, thanks for the referral, how are you holding up? "I do have a few questions. For instance, what the fuck is Vicky's problem."

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Vanyel stares blankly at the message. He has no idea how he could possibly reply to that question, so he just...doesn't. 

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"I am not entirely sure, since He has been uninterested in any dialogue or negotiations. He clearly sees my work as some kind of threat - I am not sure why He is opposed to better infrastructure or eradicating diseases. Some of it may be a matter of - the gods disliking change. I can only make inferences about Their nature, but I believe They perceive the world and operate in it mostly via Foresight, and a less predictable future could disrupt this. And They might disapprove of my past. ...I am responsible in part for the Cataclysm that damaged the Pelagirs land so badly. It was not something I ever intended to happen, I know that, but - nonetheless, I fought a war to its conclusion, and the weapon that my opponent used to kill me had that effect." 

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"Uh-huh. Care to respond to allegations that you are a mind-controlling bodysnatcher? Frowned upon in more civilized climes."

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"...I do take over the bodies of others, that is true. It was the worst of several contingencies I set up in my first lifetime, and the only one that survived the Cataclysm; the gods have interfered thoroughly enough to prevent my setting up any other." He bows his head again. "I...judged it worthwhile, on net, to keep it during the centuries after the Cataclysm, when civilization was nearly gone and I was one of the only people in the world who still remembered the critical magics that could let us grow crops and transport food. By the time the world had stabilized, I had noticed the - stagnant effects - of the gods' apparent aversion to change, and that I had the best chance of someday changing that. ...As for mind control, the vast majority of compulsions used in my organization are voluntarily chosen by my staff, but - yes, I do sometimes use involuntary compulsions, when that allows for plans with fewer casualties and less harm done in other ways." 

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"Can you cut it out should circumstances ever change or are you doomed to eternal bodysnatching?"

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"Yes, of course - I have plans for much better methods of prolonging life, which I could carry out with the help of a friendly god. I would make them available to everyone who wished for them, not only myself." 

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"About the ten million lives thing!" says Cam, producing a basement dweller on the floor and gesturing dramatically at it. "Will that sort do?"

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That gets a visible reaction. Leareth leans forward, eyes widening a little, eyebrows lifting. 

"What - how did you do that? What is that being? It has an ordinary life-force but no mind– wait, that is not right - there is a presence there, but no thoughts..." 

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"Oh good, it's nice to have that confirmed, I'd feel awful about my medical school tenure if we'd somehow been mistaken about that. Will it do."

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"...I think likely but I am not sure. May I test it." 

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"Be my guest."

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Blood-magic, fortunately, does not actually require blood to be spilled, or any other kind of messiness. 

Leareth crouches, and with a very carefully calibrated levinbolt aimed just that far below the skin, stops the not-human's heart. 

He frowns, concentrating intently - 

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- and then, still crouching on the floor, lifts his head and looks at Cam with an incredibly uncharacteristic smile. 

"Yes. It is...less than an adult human would usually be? The soul is - not as firmly attached. It would need closer to fifteen million. But - yes. It would work." 

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"Cool. Stop murdering people! Write up, like, a moderately accessible proof that your god isn't going to be worse than the ones that are already assassinating folks!"

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Leareth blinks. "- Of course. Give me - three days, I think, and I can have such a document for you."

His head is kind of reeling; he has a lot of thinking to do. "I will not keep you here any longer. Would you like a Gate to anywhere in particular? Outside of Valdemar, I mean, I doubt they will take it kindly if I raise a Gate there." 

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"Can you hit my space station from here?"

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"...If it is less than a thousand miles away, most likely yes. I will need an approximate distance and bearing, and some kind of image of the interior to anchor the search on." 

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Cam points and pulls up a photo. "Don't miss, there's a pinhole for gravity in the middle."

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Leareth tosses up a threshold on the doorway nearby, then starts concentrating. This is a trickier kind of Gate and the search will take him longer. 

"A pinhole?" he says blankly. "I think I am missing something - I fail to see how that would help with gravity." 

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"Very tiny black hole. Do you know about those?"

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Rethwellani does, in fact, have a speculative astronomy term that approximately translates.

Leareth's eyes narrow a little; he has to concentrate harder not to lose the Gate-search spell. The space station is moving relative to him which does not make this any easier. 

"- Yes, our scholars have considered the concept - I was not aware it was possible for them to exist with less mass than a large star - how massive is yours...?" He's not sure how massive it would have to be to throw off a Gate-search. He's never had any reason to consider that question before. 

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"I could look that up for you, but it's surrounded by very fancy magnets, will that affect anything?"

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...Leareth sighs, and holds the terminus but gives up on the search. It hasn't found anything yet anyway. 

"It should not disrupt building a threshold there, but it might affect the targeting for the search. What are the magnets for - containing it and protecting the surrounding matter? ...Do your scholars have notation for representing magnetic forces visually? If you could show me an approximation, that would help me to adjust and target the Gate." 

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"This is sounding very complicated and I can also just fly there like I normally do."

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"- It is probably safe but I cannot say I have ever Gated to near a black hole before, tiny or not. I do not mind trying the search for thirty seconds and aborting if it is unstable at that point?" 

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"Your call."

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"Well, I must say I am curious." Oh, and also if he gets it this time, he'll almost certainly be able to reach Cam's ship again later. "I was nearly there - I will try it." 

He concentrates again, this time adding in the sense that the ship, while free-falling, has gravity - he guesses it's aiming for around the same gravity as Earth's surface - and magnetic forces nearby - 

He probably didn't actually need the latter two adjustments. The search-point stabilizes easily, and doesn't seem to be under unusual strain; there was even a doorway visible in the image Cam showed him, so he can built the other end fast. 

- Gate! 

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"Thanks! You do not have permission to come aboard and you don't want to get into a fight with me about it. Write me with questions and comments." He steps through.

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No, he probably doesn't want to get in a fight about it, having seen in even more detail what Cam can do. He may, however, at some point urgently want Cam where he is. 

"I will," he says, nods, and takes down the Gate. 

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The door to the room where Kilchas was, until recently, sleeping, flies open. "- Cam? What in all hells - how -" 

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"Got another summon. Sounded like there was some kind of issue on this end and I can always go home again if I have to. How are you guys doing?"

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"Not - great. ...Wait, a summon from who? Jisa again? Who else even knows how to summon you?" 

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"Leareth! It's cool, the summon was unbound, though if you want to check me over for creepsome mind control please be my guest. Apparently gods try to kill him constantly anyway so this won't change much. Can I help with the not great?"

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"How did - what - oh, hellfires, he's got spies in Haven - he got his hands on one of those circles you left around, Randi isn't going to be happy at all–" 

Kilchas cuts himself off and takes a deep breath. "Sorry. I - can you get us off this goddamned space station. My Companion isn't speaking to me, can tell he needs space - apparently a whole lot of them are doing this, I don't have the faintest idea what's wrong with them, I just - it's been kind of an awful night up here." He shakes his head. "Thought I liked space." 

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"Yeah, I can get you a ride down, uh, do you and him need separate trips?"

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Kilchas shivers. "I...would prefer that. Sorry it's so inconvenient, I just..." He trails off. 

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"Not your fault. Do you want to go first or should I fetch Rohan?"

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"You can get Rohan first, er, I think he's– Nevermind. I'm just going to, er..." And Kilchas ducks back into the room he emerged from and shuts the door. 

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Cam goes looking for Rohan. Since he has cameras this doesn't take long.

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Rohan is at the very far end of the space station, as far away from Cam as he could possibly get. 

He was shielding his Chosen out and didn't hear the earlier conversation, so he raises his head and looks at Cam in bafflement. He doesn't ask, though. 

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"Ride back planetside?"

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Oh, that's convenient, he doesn't have to say anything. Rohan nods, and readies himself to follow Cam out. 

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Cam flies him to Haven, drawing up a plan for antiparasitics deployment on the way down.

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Rohan huddles up in the corner of the shuttle and is awkwardly silent the whole way down. 

As soon as he's back in Mindspeech range of the (non-Taver) members of the herd, though, he's reaching out. 


- and shortly later he's in contact with Yfandes and Kellan, by now a few miles south of the outer walls around Haven. 

:- Cam?: 

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"Uh, yes?"

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:Can you put me down, er, over...here...?: He sends a mental image. 

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"Here?" Cam pans the camera till it matches approximately.

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:Yes, thank you: 

Once the shuttle lands, Rohan dismounts as fast as he can. 

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Kellan and Yfandes both look over.

Kellan looks at Yfandes.




:Cam?: she sends. :What’s happening: 

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"...uh, I'm dropping Rohan off? I'm going to go get Kilchas next."

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:- You know what I mean. If you're not willing to tell me what's happening with the Heralds, can you cut out the bullshit and just say that?: 

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"I don't know what's happening with the Heralds! I've been in Hell for a while and people were not writing to me as much as they could be! The only Herald I heard from was Van and presumably unless I have mistaken you for someone else you'd know whatever he does."

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:....No, you haven't mistaken me for someone else: 

This is so painfully awkward to say.

:- but I - I don't know what... Is he all right?: 

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"...did someone attack him again, should I nip over to Healers' before I go get Kilchas down -"

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:- I, I - haven't heard he was attacked in particular, but I...would appreciate...if you could check on him. If you don't mind: 

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"Aren't you... telepathic. Is he out of range -" Little model Van. "He looks, uh, convalescent?"

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:Thank you: 

Yfandes turns her head away and doesn't say anything else. 

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"You're, uh, welcome. I'm going to go get Kilchas." He gets back in his shuttle and rises into the sky again.

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Yfandes and Kellan converge on Rohan. 



Yfandes nudges her muzzle against his neck. :Are you all right?: 

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:....I mean. No: 

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:Is Kilchas–: 

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Rohan interrupts before she can even finish the name. 

:Please don't. Just. Please: 

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:- Right:


:I - I'm sorry: 


And the three of them go on pacing by the riverside, not speaking. 

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Kilchas is waiting when Cam arrives back at the space station. "Everything go all right?" 

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"I'm really confused about what the heck is up with the Companions. Yfandes seemed confused about something up with Heralds but I don't know what's up with Heralds at the moment, do you?"

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"Not really! Van sent me some baffling messages but I know he's also on a lot of drugs still. ....Oh. Rohan's been blocking me out entirely ever since we started trying to talk about, er. About gods. And - probably that came up in Haven too. So - I guess maybe Yfandes wouldn't know what's happening down there. Is Van all right?" 

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"Convalescent. I don't have any new messages from him. I might stop in and see him after we land but I didn't want to leave you up here." Down they go.

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Kilchas, too, reaches out as soon as he's within his own Mindspeech range. 

:- Savil? What's happening?: 

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Savil is sitting with her back against the wall of the Heralds' Temple. It's chilly but she doesn't care at all. 

:Got a Mindhealer over. Had to Gate: 

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:A Mindhealer– oh. For Tran?: 

They're still fifty miles above Haven at this point. Kilchas turns to Cam. "Hey - I actually have no idea if you know this - Tantras was repudiated by Taver. They just brought a Mindhealer over, apparently?" 

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"Didn't know about the Mindhealer part. I'm not well-specced for doing psychiatric stuff beyond the very basics and this is not exactly a pedestrian case of anxiety though."

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"Right. Er, can you do anything to help people sleep. I - don't think any of us are sleeping much. Savil's really worried about Van, he...doesn't deal with that well." 

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"Yeah, I can do sleeping pills but should probably talk to a Healer about dosing if lots need to go around."

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"Reckon it's not urgent for most of us - I'll be fine until tonight. Van's at the House of Healing already, though - Shavri's worried, he's recovering and needs rest." 

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"Yeah. I'll go see Van now." He takes off and flaps his way to Healers'.

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Vanyel is still lying in bed, in approximately the position Cam's Vanyel-diorama showed, blankets pulled up to his chin.

Close up, though, he's visibly exhausted. There are dark bags under his eyes, his hair is a rat's nest, and he's clearly been crying. He isn't right now, but he looks abjectly miserable.

He doesn't respond to Cam's arrival; it's not clear if he's noticed him. 

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"Van? I hear you might need some help getting sleep."

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Vanyel turns his head, without sitting up. "...Oh. You're here again. How was Leareth?" His voice is empty of any expression or intonation. 

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"I didn't hang around to chat for very long but you don't need to worry about the ten million thing, I think."

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That gets a reaction. Vanyel scrambles upright in bed; he winces and bites down on a whimper. "Oh? That's - good. Er, if you think it's...a good idea. What he wants to do. It sounds terrifying." 

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"I don't know if it's a good idea at all but at least it can be made a cheaper idea, he's writing something up for me. Do you want some sleep drugs?"

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"I don't know. I guess maybe I should." He rubs his eyes. "I'm - scared I'll have the dream again. Guess now's a good time to sleep, though, Leareth won't be awake." 

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"If you have the dream you may explain to him that the mysterious pattern in the wall is just the code for an old video game," suggests Cam. "Ready?"

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"I guess so. How, er, long will it last?" 

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"Depends on how tired you are, but like twelve hours would be on the high end."

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Normally he would ask Yfandes if this seemed acceptable or if the Heralds are likely to need him before then. 

He can't do that. It hurts. 

"Um, all right, sure. I'm ready." 

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And he's out. And where is a Healer Cam can give some more drugs to?

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Shavri is at the central Healers' station, talking to Gemma and looking half-asleep on her feet. 

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"...hey, I was told sleep drugs might be indicated but you look like you need sleep yourself before I try to give you dosing instructions."

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Shavri starts to answer, yawns, and gives Cam a rueful look. "Probably. You can tell Gemma - or, no, she's off shift soon, you could tell...Andy? He's over there." She gestured at a stocky red-haired man talking to another of the Healers. 

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Cam goes over to Andy and waits for a break in the conversation.

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Andy glances over, nods to acknowledge that he's seen Cam, and goes back to hearing updates on the overnight Healer's patients who he'll be taking over.

It takes about a minute, and then he turns. "Heya. You need something?" 

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"Heard sleeping drugs would be useful?"

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"For wha– Oh. Is this the...thing about the Heralds...?" 

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"Yes. What is the thing about the Heralds?"

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Andy rubs the back of his neck, looking very unhappy. "Well, Herald Tantras is here under observation because apparently the Groveborn repudiated him? And no one's seen Taver since? Tantras probably could use help sleeping but the Mindhealer's with him right now. Oh, and Savil says 'everything's a disaster' but wouldn't tell me more." 

Specifically, she showed up at the crack of dawn to cry on his shoulder, but that seems private. 

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"Okay, well, here is a bottle of five milligram - that is a unit of weight, it's very small, the pills are mostly filler material and stabilizers - five milligram sleeping pills, which is a small dose. One might help someone smallish, roughly Shavri-sized, skip some tossing and turning that would have resolved itself eventually, two will do the trick for somebody bigger or having more trouble, you can go up to six for a big guy who really needs it, contraindications are -" He reads off his info sheet, translating as he goes, and writes this all down in Valdemaran for Andy to consult later.

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"Thank you. Er, have you seen Vanyel yet, is he -?" 

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"I dosed him already, so don't give him more till this time tomorrow and from there this is the paragraph you want."

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Andy looks relieved. "Thank you. Glad I checked. ...Are you holding up all right? Savil said you got un-summoned and, er, wouldn't actually tell me who was able to summon you back. Are they safe?" 

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"Believe so, yes. Seems at this point it might be good opsec not to let on who they are to a general audience."

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"Right, of course, that makes sense." Andy looks sheepish. "Thank you. I guess I'd better let you get back to, er, whatever you have to do next?" 

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"If you have more pharmaceutical requests I may as well fill those now, actually?"

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"Oh. Hmm. More of the safer painkillers you can make would be nice? And whatever the medicine is that treats infections - think Van should be past the risky point now, but we get lots of patients who'd benefit from it. I...don't actually know what other things I could ask for. Do you– would it be hard to give me a list I can show Aber?" 

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"Not that hard, no, I've been doing bio research and can be more confident now, most of this will be translating..." He comes up with a list and translates it (transliterates some of it, so they can distinguish e.g. distinct painkillers with different side effects or allergy profiles).

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Andy thanks him warmly for his effort! This will be so useful for the Healers to refer to! They'll need a while to do that, he might have more requests in a few candlemarks? 

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Sure. Here are some of the basics to start them off, in pill and patch forms because they don't have things set up for injections to work but patches are easy.

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More effusive thanks are exchanged and then the Healers get back to their work. 

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Cam gets up in the air in his shuttle for more efficient antiparasitic deployments and he deploys antiparasitics. And checks his mail.

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He doesn't yet have any new mail; Leareth is presumably still working on his simplified god-notes. 

There's a big storm blowing in over Karse, from the mountains, but it shouldn't interfere with antiparasitic deployment given his shuttle's advanced capabilities. 

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Yup. He goes under the clouds so he can see, makes scale models when he's not sure where things are, and otherwise mostly doesn't worry about it.

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The clouds and rain mostly don't prevent him from seeing the ground. 


- but, when he's making a dropoff near a village about fifty miles from Sunhame, the clouds crackle. Electrical charge seeks an outlet to the earth - tendrils search - 


- and a massive lightning bolt directly strikes where the shuttle just happens to be. 

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Welp he'll have to replace some instruments. Or replace the shuttle, that's easier actually. It's gone into emergency landing mode; he lets himself out and makes a new one.

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The damaged shuttle emergency-lands itself in some fields near the village, baffling and frightening some farmers but not injuring anyone. The stormclouds keep blowing southwest.  

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Cam adjusts his route to miss most of the storm. Usually a strike would just skitter off the skin of the ship harmlessly, that must've been a doozy.

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Nothing else of note happens on the rest of his errands. 

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That's impressive, they're very long errands. He got lots of research done back in Hell. When he's done he swings back to where the shuttle landed to see if everything's okay thereabouts.

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It's been over a day by now. Under the noon sun, a number of farmers are clustered around the shuttle, looking more disgruntled than afraid. Some of them are walking around assessing the unrelated storm-damage done to their fields. 

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He will go ahead and land and see how hard it can reasonably be to get it out of their way, might just need a new control board.

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The exterior of the shuttle is in fine shape! Some external sensors and some of the other electronics are pretty fried. 

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Cam will interpolate out some junked parts and put new ones in and sends the shuttle up to Atriama to dock there. Waves at the locals and boards his unmolested shuttle and swings back by Haven.

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Confused locals wave back! 

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When he reaches Haven, though, there appears to be some kind of commotion. 

Out by the Heralds' temple, where they usually do Gates, Taver is standing rigidly in front of the bronze doors. Half a dozen Heralds, and a knot of other Companions, are clustered around. They seem to all be shouting at each other. 

Taver's head turns first, as Cam's shuttle approaches. 

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They're all watching him. They don't look happy. Nobody says a word. 

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"...what is it this time?"

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Savil opens her mouth, shuts it, and looks over at King Randale, who's shivering slightly in his cloak and seems particularly unhappy to be here. 

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Randi looks coldly at Cam. "Were you planning to tell us, at some point? We know you knew." 

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"I know a lot of things. I repeat, what is it this time?"

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Randi looks over at Taver, who continues to stand motionless and tense. 

"...We just learned that, apparently, Van was talking to this - Leareth - for the past decade. Letting slip all sorts of our secrets - trying to 'build trust' with him - a monster who steals people's bodies... And you knew. We questioned Vanyel. He admitted he told you - he said that's why Leareth summoned you and you answered." 

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"I mean, I did check he hadn't fucked with the circle or prepped the area with mysterious spells first. Also, like, I told Kilchas who my summoner was? Because he asked me."

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"You didn't say a word to Kilchas about what Vanyel had been telling you. He communicated quite extensively. And you didn't mention to anyone what he was planning to do. To our country." 

Unlike Randi, who's coldly furious, Savil mostly just looks...very, very tired. Her eyes are puffy, eyelids slightly reddened. She's been crying. 

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"...supposing I had said to you 'just FYI, Leareth, the bodysnatcher fellow, had this plan that involved killing ten million people and he planned to start in on that hereabouts, but I have checked and he can use mindless bodies I make for him and I'm going to vet his plan', what would this have accomplished?"

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"Well, we'd have had some reservations about going on working with you, but it doesn't exactly look better on that front, finding out this way instead of by you choosing to be honest with us."  

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"...o...kay. Should I, like, get back in the shuttle and go to... Seejay or something, I'm happy to get out of your hair if this is a particularly souring incident. Or you could, like, write up a document of what you perceive to be my responsibilities as regards information flow with things I learn via conjuration, personal correspondence, delicate intel acquisition, incidental remark, and divine revelation, and then I'll decide whether to go to Seejay or not based on whether I want you to have whatever access level that implies to my mail?"

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Savil looks around. 

"...Randi, calm down. This isn't helping."

She turns back to Cam. She's so bad at this and Kellan ISN'T HERE but she can take a deep breath and think and try to say what Kellan would tell her to say...

"I'm sorry. This is– it's not, you're right, you don't owe us letting you read your mail, and it's not on you that Van kept this all secret for years. We're just...upset. It's a lot. And it's - hard - when it feels a bit like you were complicit in keeping that secret for him, right? But I understand why it wouldn't feel that way from your side of things." 

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"I have spent the last hundred and fifty years living in an anarchy and before that I lived in a country where ordinary citizens had negligible duty to report. I think I would have been legally required to tell the government if... one of my underage students came to me and told me they were being molested? And I was not permitted to file fraudulent taxes, but that was about it. I really don't have instincts suitable to navigating your system in a way that will seem standard to you, especially since I am not actually part of your government structure."

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Randi pinches the bridge of his nose. 

"- I understand. We must be awfully confusing to you, and...I'm sorry for taking out our frustration about this on you. I...have to confess, I still don't feel great about you having - any kind of ongoing working relationship with Leareth - but I suppose it's not on us to give you orders about that. Though I do want to understand what makes you think he's trustworthy at all? Because that is not at all an impression any of us had gathered." 

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"I don't really have to trust him. I conjured the circle before I responded to it and it was an unmodified unbound circle. I checked to see whether people had been doing anything in the area before the circle was completed that might have been some sort of trap, and they were not. I wore my talismans. When I showed up I could have knocked him unconscious if he'd twitched wrong and flown away none the worse for wear. I did stay to chat a bit, since I don't really want him to murder ten million people, that seems like a deeply unfortunate possibility."

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Uneasy looks are exchanged. 

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"I - think you should be careful about conversations with him," Keiran says tightly. "He managed to get Vanyel half-convinced, somehow, that he's not our enemy..." 

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"What? Keiran, I wouldn't go that far - he's horrified, it makes him sick too, he's just - being Van - trying to ask questions..." 

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"Some questions just shouldn't be asked." 

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"...I mean, I don't want to, what, murder him, he'll just bodysnatch somebody, though I guess it might come down to that if he looked imminently about to murder ten million people. I have not found him particularly seductive so far. I don't know enough about the content of his and Vanyel's conversations to guess what's going on there precisely."

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More uneasy looks are exchanged. 

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And then a slim green-robed figure comes sprinting out down the path toward them. 

"Randi! Savil! We have a problem!" 

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What is it this time, Cam does not say again.

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Randi's breath bursts out. He does not refrain from saying his thoughts out loud. "Shavri. What now." 

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She reaches them and slows, panting. "We can't find Van." 

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"What?" Savil forges forward, looking like she wants to grab Shavri and shake her and is just barely restraining herself. "He was bedridden! Where could he have gone?" 

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"I don't know! But he's not there anymore!" 

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Oh jesus. Forensic conjuration to the rescue: Van and surroundings?

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Slipping away from the Healers isn't hard. They're having a chaotic time - everyone is - and Andrel didn't actually have any context on the interrogation Vanyel just went through, and so when Vanyel pleaded exhaustion and just wanting to be alone to nap, he didn't protest. 

Farsight makes it easy to track down the bottle of sleeping pills that Cam gave the Healers; Vanyel got a look at it last night, when Andrel was telling him he couldn't have more yet. 

Fetching makes it just as easy to nip it away from the desk at the centre station while no one is looking, and put it right back. After he's dumped the entire contents into his hand. But hopefully they won't notice that for a while. 

He gets up, only a little unsteady, and stuffs pillows under the covers so at a quick glance it'll look like he's still in his cot. 

A sound-barrier makes it easy to conceal the noise he makes by opening the window and wriggling out. He falls headfirst into some flower bushes, which is uncomfortable, but barely registers next to everything else. 


Yfandes is gone. She's gone and now all of the Heralds hate him too and why would she even want to try to come back to him, given that -

- and it doesn't matter, anymore. For such a long time he's held everything together on the premise that Valdemar needs him. For the war. And for all the rest. For his awful, unwanted destiny. 

But he has no secrets left, anymore, and Cam is here and that changes everything. It almost doesn't matter who Leareth really is, or what he truly wants. Cam is stronger, and whatever Leareth is, he's never been stupid. He's not going to antagonize the incredibly powerful alien who he summoned. 

Maybe everything will be all right, in the end. 

For Valdemar. 

Not for Vanyel. It's too late for that. It's been too late for twelve. goddamned. years. 


It's raining. Vanyel barely notices, but it makes it a lot easier to reach the river unseen. By the time he makes it there, the drugs he swallowed are kicking in, and he's stumbling and swaying, the world fading in and out of focus. He trips and falls on something, and doesn't bother getting up, and just crawls instead. 

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Cam's forensic conjuration finds Van on the edge of the storm-swollen river, clothing soaked and mud-smeared, on hands and knees in the sodden grass and muck. It looks like it's probably the river in Haven but his immediate surroundings don't say much about where. 

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"- he's at the river somewhere and he doesn't look great, maybe some Companions should fan out and try to find where, I'm going to go look too -" Cam snaps his wings open, drops the diorama, gets aloft.

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Now that he's finally here, it's - a lot harder than he expected, actually. The river looks cold and he's so tired and it feels much more pleasant to just lie down here in the reeds, go to sleep and never wake up - he definitely took a lethal dose of whatever-it-was - 

But they're going to be looking for him, and here he's too easy to find. 

He's too dizzy to even crawl properly, now, and the world is a smear of grey, but he follows the sound of rushing water, and sort of half-topples, half-rolls into it. 

It's just as cold as he expected. Which is almost soothing, in a way. Like the quiet icy resignation of the dream. Not quite peaceful, but...almost. The closest he's ever going to find to it, really, at least before he's in the Shadow-Lover's arms. 

He wishes he could have apologized to Savil. He hopes, distantly, that she'll understand. 

- the water buffets him, gritty with silt, debris banging into his numb limbs. And for a moment he's afraid, and struggles instinctively for the surface. But not very effectively, and not for long. He made sure of that. He had to; Yfandes made him learn how to swim

A final spike of grief/guilt/anger/bitterness. 

Yfandes, I'm sorry

You walked away first

But I'm still sorry 


- you promised - 

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The Companions - those of them still in Haven, and functional, and not busy holding vigil at Tran's bedside - fan out and search. 

They don't see anything. ...Footprints, maybe, here? But it's hard to tell, in all the rain. 

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Miles away to the south, Yfandes stumbles. Falls to her knees in the rain. 

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They haven't been speaking, but this seems important. :'Fandes? What -: 

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:Vanyel. Something - wrong - have to get back -: 

But she's pretty sure it's already far too late. She took too long. 

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Savil reaches out with Mindspeech. :Cam do you see anything - we can't find him, where is he now -: 

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:I don't see anything. Conjuration of him is wet, now, he must have gotten in the river, but I don't see where:

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Savil is terrified but there's no room for that, now. :Can you swim? We have to - we'll look for him but it's dangerous - you're indestructible at least - Cam we have to find him -: 

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:I can swim:

He soars downstream of the footprints, dives.

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Savil reaches the riverbank at a dead run and doesn't hesitate. She reinforces all of her shields and dives. She's in her seventies, but still reasonably fit, and a good swimmer. Magic helps. 

...She can't find Van with Thoughtsensing. None of the Companions can. Either he's shielding, better than she knew he could, or he's - 

- she can't think it - 

She casts a mage-light underwater, bright enough to glare through the murky green-brown haze, and she throws fireballs with both hands, blasts herself forward with a burst of steam, and she searches, desperately, terrified - 

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Vanyel floats limply in the current, and eventually there's an underwater log and his body catches against it, his tunic tangling on splintered branches. 



When the Death Bell rings, all of the Heralds know. 

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Savil feels it in her bones, but it's not - it can't be too late - Van told them about the Shadow-Lover, he's come back before - 

She doesn't say anything to Cam. She keeps lighting up the riverbed as brightly as she can, and swims, and searches. 

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Cam finds him. Drags him, with some effort, out of the river. Hits him with some blood oxygenation and starts CPR.

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Savil gets word of this from a Companion - not even her Companion, her Companion ISN'T HERE - and flounders to the side of the river, exhausted, shaking, hands numb and useless from the freezing water. 

:Van - Vanyel - come on, you can do this, ke'chara -: 

But there's not really anything there to Mindspeak, anymore. 

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Taver carries Shavri and Andrel over from Healers', at breakneck pace. It seems like the very least that he can do. 

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"Van - gods - what was he thinking - Andrel why weren't you watching him–" 

She stops herself. Not the time. Focus on Vanyel. 

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There's some life-force there - his cells didn't all have time to die, and Cam is getting oxygen into his blood and forcing his heart to pump - but it's wildly disorganized, there's no pattern, just random faint eddies here and there. 

Shavri can try to focus on those eddies, strengthening them around his heart, trying to coax it to find a rhythm again, but - there's something else wrong, nebulous and indistinct but everywhere, the way it looks niggles at her in a familiar way but she can't quite recognize it - 

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"Andy, focus on his heart. - Cam? Something else is wrong, really wrong - not just the drowning - I don't know what but it looks like– Damn it. Damn it. Andy, there's no way he could've gotten his hands on argonel, right?" 

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"No? I'm not stupid." Andy is trying very hard to concentrate right now and he is not in a good mood. "We keep it locked up and he wouldn't know where." 

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"Cam is there anything you can do to figure out what -" 

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"- yeah -" Machine appears, runs a tox screen.

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Vanyel appears to have taken SO MUCH of the sleeping pills that Cam left with the Healers. Going by his blood levels, quite possibly all of them. 

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"For fuck's sake, he took the sleeping pills -" Okay, time for bloodletting. And blood-replacing, but that part's invisible.

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"ANDY -" Shavri snarls. 

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"I checked! The bottle was still there! He didn't leave the room!" 

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"Shut UP just FOCUS!" 

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Shavri tries. 

She tries really, really hard. She's a very very good Healer, much better than she was at age thirteen, and she can make bits and pieces of progress. Get those cells cooperating, over here - get energy to these ones - 

After the third time that she gets Vanyel's heart to sort-of-beat a couple of times before losing it, she starts swearing loudly under her breath. "I can't - I just - we're almost getting it but it won't stay -"

She's almost crying with frustration now. No, actually, she straight-up is crying, it's just hard to tell because the rain washes the tears away in seconds. 

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Taver hovers, distant, mostly unreadable, but somehow seeming a little unsure of himself. 


:The Death Bell rang for him: he says finally, once it's been at least ten minutes of struggle. :I am not sure if we can save him, now: 

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Shut up, Taver. Defib? "Stand back -"

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Elsewhere, Vanyel opens his eyes in a white place where nothing hurts. 





"...I can't believe I did that. That was so stupid." 

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The Shadow-Lover says nothing. 

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"Gaaaaaaah." He can't fully feel the frustration with himself, but he deserves to. "I - why - what was I even thinking - gods, this is such a mess, 'Fandes–" 

He stops. 

Yfandes is going to lecture him for the next week straight, is the thought his mind reaches for, but Yfandes...wasn't there. 

Fifty-fifty odds, he thinks dully. Delian went back to Tran. Taver - broke in the other direction. 

...Is that right? Compare the factors. What's in common, what differs...? Taver is Groveborn, Delian and Yfandes aren't. But Delian wasn't bonded to Tran, when it happened - that might have made a difference, given him more space, more mental degrees of freedom - 

He doesn't have enough information to guess one way or another, he thinks emptily. So. Fifty-fifty odds that Yfandes would, at some point, have come back to him. 

Except then he tried to kill himself. He's actually not sure what direction that pushes the odds in? 


"Can you tell me if my Companion is -" he starts to ask, and trails off because one it's a stupid question and two he isn't sure what the question actually is

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"- It is not entirely clear. But - it seems more likely than not she will endure your death. At least for a time." 

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He grits his teeth. 

"Do I have a choice. Can I go back." 

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The Shadow-Lover hesitates. 

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"Tell me."

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"...I could send you back, if you wished. Those who love you are trying very, very hard to save you, and will not give up easily." 

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And they have Cam, which does a lot. 

He would probably feel really guilty about it - about everything - except that the emotion is distant, here in the white peacefulness outside time. 

"- All right. I'm hearing a 'but' in there. What? Tell me." 

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"...I could send you back, but your body is - damaged. You would live; I could push the bounds of probability that far. You would not be...yourself, intact, as before." 

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Vanyel sits down on the formless white surface, hugging his knees to his chest. 

"That was so stupid. I wish - I didn't apologize, I didn't - I could have left a note - they're all going to...blame themselves...it'll be such a mess..."

He puts his head down on his knees. "I'm sorry." Not addressed to the Shadow-Lover. The people who deserve his apologies aren't here and he might never be able to speak to them again. 

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"- It is, still, your choice. There is information you must have, to make it. Are you ready to hear it?" 

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Not much of a choice. Stop existing, or - what, go back and, in addition to being in pain forever, be approximately useless for all purposes other than letting his Companion survive the consequences of his stupid mistake? 

"Yes," he says tonelessly. 

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"This time, there are more than two choices." 

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"There– what? How?" 

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"- I do not fully see it, and what I do see, I cannot fully explain to a mortal mind. But...the situation has changed." 

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"Cam. Of course." 

He doesn't even have wild guesses at what 'new path' Cam's arrival could offer. Maybe Cam can...bring him back using advanced technology, later? 

He's not sure it matters. All information is worth having, this is information, and - and taking that third path, the new option, would be even more information. He wants to know; he wants Valdemar to know; maybe it's not too late for his idiotic mistake to buy them something meaningful. 

"How do each of the paths affect Valdemar?" 

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"It is hard to say. The future is less certain, now. Events are occurring very quickly, and - other Powers are at work to bend it to Their own ends. Yet, I think perhaps They do not see as far as I/we do." 

(It's very odd, it's not clear what word he's saying, there, it's both at once and somehow still sounds like ordinary speech.)

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He needs to focus. Think. This could be incredibly important - he tries to remember their past conversation but he didn't exactly have a chance to take detailed notes on it - 

"...Right. So– oh. The Star-Eyed Goddess - doesn't like Leareth. Doesn't want him to get what he wants. And now Cam's his summoner and they're going to talk and - and Leareth knows Cam won't help him if he murders or mind-controls people to get what he wants. And Cam's help is worth more than being able to do those things, probably, so he'll cooperate... He wants to fight the gods and Cam isn't going to be that inclined to argue with that, given, well..." He gestures vaguely at nothing in particular. 

It seems really unfair that this is the first time he's gotten a chance to actually think through the implications of recent events, and at this point he has no way of communicating his insights or conclusions to anyone who could actually DO something with that. ...Oh and also none of his friends trust him anymore–


"Damn. The Star-Eyed...might've wanted that. For it to come out the way it did, I mean, all in a huge mess - and when Cam wasn't there to notice or intervene or even explain himself... And Cam is, he's good and he's trying really hard but he's not - accommodating the way Heralds think, much? I don't know how that conversation went but I bet it was a mess too. The Star-Eyed - might've wanted that. Just to - push the Heralds to break with Cam over it? I don't know. I don't know how that even helps with getting Leareth not to fight Her and Vkandis or whatever..." 

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The Shadow-Lover listens, patiently. 

He doesn't say anything. Somehow it manages to feel like a very informative silence. 

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"- You knew. You - She has power here, the Heartstone - but you have power here as well. I - does it even make sense to ask which of you nudged for it? I guess maybe not. But...gods. The way it came out, with Taver - when Yfandes was gone - and when I didn't, when I didn't...see any reason I was still indispensable..." Shrug. "I'm not sure there's any way it could've gone worse." 

It's belatedly occurring to him that he still has no idea whether to trust the Shadow-Lover and the god behind that facade. 


It's just...hard not to. When he feels like he's gone so, so far past losing everything he has to lose. 

He shakes his head. "So...I have to conclude one of you wanted me to kill myself. - To try to. And...you're the one who gets to steer what I do with that. Whether I take this - new path, whatever it is." 

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Blue eyes twinkle in a shadowed face. Amused, fond. "Herald Vanyel, you have never been easy to steer. Even when you wish not to, you try very hard to seize the reins for yourself." 

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There's no graceful answer to that so Vanyel doesn't bother. 

"You know. I'd be within my rights to be pretty angry with you over that, I think. Either way. No matter how this plays out, it's going to be a mess, and I– fine, I was an idiot, but...predictably, you know. Hard to blame myself for it. Hard to blame anyone, for - how they handled this - there was so much strain on everything, everyone... But you can see it from the outside, can't you. The whole shape of it. You could have done something else." 

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"...I think that perhaps you are granting me more capabilities than I truly possess, Herald Vanyel. And - more understanding than I/we possess, of what it means to be mortal." 

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Yelling felt good, even when he can't really feel the anger he's sure is justified, but - it won't fix any of their problems. Not really. 

"So I'm pretty sure you want to steer me to this - third path. Whatever it is. You don't know what it is either. Why do you care? What's in it for you?" 

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...Oops. That came out more confrontational than he meant it to. Vanyel doesn't feel like apologizing or retracting it, though. 

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"It is not clear. And - it is important for you to know this - I think that in all scenarios, Valdemar will most likely endure. The world is brighter, now, than it was before. Some more potential paths to destruction have been blocked. ...But, yes, that path is the widest." 

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"The 'widest'. What does that mean? It's a metaphor, I'm assuming, but a metaphor for what?" 

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No answer. 

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However satisfying it would be to yell some more - a lot more - Vanyel doesn't. It wouldn't help. 

"Thank you for the information," he says tightly. "If you have anything else to say, say it. Otherwise, I need some time to think." 

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On the side of a riverbank back in the ordinary material world of Velgarth, Shavri barely manages not to shriek in delight. (She's not six, after all.) 

"Got it! Got it got it got it! - Andy do not lose that link, give him all the energy you can - we need more people here, where's Gemma - Savil can you hop in the meld–" 

She pauses very briefly to catch her breath. 

"- Cam we've got his heart beating and I think maybe it'll stick this time. Andy got a link. We'll have more Healers here soon. Is there anything else we should do." 


She still can't feel anything there with Thoughtsensing. Not even the still empty pool of someone deeply comatose. Just - nothing. To her Mindspeech, he might as well be a rock. 

But there's a knot of semi-organized life-force now, held together by her ongoing delicate efforts and Andy's energy-link, and...maybe that's enough. Maybe they just need to give it a little longer. 

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"I've got most of the drugs cleared out - can you do anything for his brain -"

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"I - what - I don't see anything obviously wrong? Doesn't look like he hit his head or anything. ...Andy is he still not breathing can you please do something about that–" 

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"I'm trying! His lungs are really messed up from the water - this isn't really working, I don't know how to -" 

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Shavri didn't mean that, exactly. It's more that - but this is something she's personally Looked at a lot, and not something she's studied officially - it's that the organization in a person's life-force is made of thousands of loops, control-loops of some kind. A heartbeat is only one of them. That one is mostly holding itself steady at this point - it still needs a lot of nudging, but that's to be expected for anyone whose body is under huge strain - 

- but there are other loops that should be re-forming, now that Andy is able to hold a link and pour energy into Vanyel. And they just - aren't. There should be a loop there where his body tells itself 'breathe now' and it isn't doing that and she doesn't know why not or what's wrong. 

She waits for Cam to answer. 

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"I'm worried about how long he went without air before I got to him - brain damage - I'm going to just give him an entire fucking lung transplant if they're a problem, that's faster -" He cracks the chest, takes out one lung and then the other, replacing them as soon as there's space, and then puts everything back, attaching thin layers of tissues to heal all the breaks.

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Savil lets out a very soft whimper but doesn't interfere. 

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That's horrifying and also incredibly cool and Shavri watches raptly. She doesn't want to get in Cam's way, but she can See exactly what he's doing, and contribute her own Healing-Gift to tidy up the breaks on a finer level than he can reach. 

"- Can you do the thing where you give him extra air to breathe, again, that helped before -"

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The repaired lungs are working better, but Andy is still having to nudge Vanyel's body into taking each breath. 

Nudge. Nudge. Nudge. 

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Shavri focuses, in and in and in - 

"...I don't know - maybe there's something wrong, I just, I can't See anything specific - only that there's less life-force in his brain than there should be..." 


"I can't feel him with Thoughtsensing. At all. Is that bad?"  

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Savil knows that she's completely useless in this situation. She's sobbing, now, but she tries very hard to do it quietly and without getting in anybody's way. 

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Cam sticks something on Van's head, hooks it up to a new machine.


"I think he's braindead."

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"I have no idea what that means." It doesn't sound especially reassuring, though. 

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Andy also hears it and doesn't even try to parse the words. He's just going to keep doing his job. Nudge Vanyel's heart to beat at the rate it should, nudge his lungs to breathe. Nudge. Nudge. Nudge. 

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"The brain is the important part. You could keep doing this indefinitely and it won't wake him up if his brain is dead."


Cam waits a few beats, and then - conjures -

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Vanyel is in a bright, soft place, lying on something squashy and resilient and cool. It's glowing. He's naked. A few meters away is the edge of a pond, full of pretty reeds and lilies; bending over him, in a tidy little planter of ordinary non-glowing dirt, is an olive tree. There are some people sitting around the water on blankets or just on the squashy white ground, eating or snuggling or reading or playing board games, and they all have wings.

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Well. This is a lot more pleasant, and a lot more - coherent and mundane-feeling - than what he was expecting, but that doesn't actually make it less surprising or interesting. 

Also he's naked why is he naked that's incredibly embarrassing (in front of anyone except the Tayledras, but this clearly isn't k'Treva even if it shares the same peacefulness, and he has no idea who the people sitting around the water are.) 

He sits up, folding his knees to cover himself. "Er, hello?" 

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Several of the nearest winged people reply in totally unfamiliar languages.

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Great. Perfect. 

He tries Mindspeaking them, just in case that works. 

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They find this very startling!

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:Sorry! I, er - where could I get clothes. ...Also where am I: 

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One of the angels shakes off her startlement faster than the others. She gets off of her picnic blanket and starts - pinching it and pulling on it, sculpting it almost like clay, till she has a pair of pants, which she tosses to him. "This is Heaven - can you understand me -"

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Vanyel would have accepted just a blanket, but pants are even better! He does try to watch closely what the winged lady is doing - his mage-sight seems to be working fine. 

The other angel isn't a Mindspeaker, and Vanyel doesn't make a habit of reading anyone else's mind, so he has no idea what she just said. He catches the pants and tries to nonverbally thank her with a head-bob and smile. 

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The mage-sight reveals something similar in approximate bizarreness to, though distinct in character from, Cam's magic.

Pants angel tries another language.

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Nope! Vanyel doesn't know any of those languages! 

He mimes his gratitude as well as he can, though, and then politely turns his back and dons the pants, and then has a bit more of a look around. Including with mage-sight - is anything interestingly magical around here? 

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The people with wings are, like Cam is. Some of them are doing magic, like the pants angel. Nothing else is.

Van himself is magic like the other people.

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Okay. Right. The obvious hypothesis is... 



Vanyel reaches to check if he himself has wings. 

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He does not.

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Huh. He's still confused. 

Vanyel gestures to catch the eye of pants angel or anyone else looking his way, tries to point at their wings, then pats his own wingless back, then makes a questioning gesture. 

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"Oh, do you want me to make you some?" asks the pants angel. "What color - oh, you can't understand me, right -" She pulls a handful of little feathers off her own wings, turns them colors, white and black and brown and grey and blue and red and purple and - (The feathers she pulled grow back right away.)

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Vanyel continues to be very confused, and feels like he should be worrying about Valdemar, but it seems like Mindspeaking people here scares them a lot, and also that's really neat

He points out the black almost without thinking. 

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"Bold choice," she says, and she starts scooping up handfuls of the ground, squeezing and magicking it into the shape of a wing skeleton, turning it to bone, layering it with connective tissue, then muscles, then skin and black feathers. She approaches him with the wings when they're done, feathers trailing on the ground.

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Vanyel observes all of this closely, with mage-sight fully open, captivated. 

He's pretty sure he knows what she's planning to do, and - whatever, he expected to be showing up somewhere without context and have things happen to him also without context. Might as well be this. He holds still for her. 

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She sticks the wings to his back! This feels WEIRD AS FUCK but is not painful. Now he has wings.

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...Okay what does he...do...with wings? Can he wiggle them? Flap them? 

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He can! He can both wiggle and flap them!

"It'll take practice to fly," she tells him, mostly just to have something to say, he clearly can't understand.

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Vanyel thinks he understands the gist. He smiles at her and nods in thanks a lot, and then seeks a slightly more open space to practice flapping, and then flapping-and-jumping... 



When Cam conjures his diorama, he's going to capture Van, intent and cheerful-seeming, mid-jump from a bench, with feathered black wings - and jet-black hair, without any of the previous silver streaks - and also for some reason looking a decade younger -

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"Oh thank fuck.

Who wants to summon him. Speaking of things I haven't been telling you."

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For a long fifteen seconds, everyone stares at Cam blankly. (Except for Andy, who is super not going to stop what he's doing right now.) 

Shavri, somehow, is the first to piece it together. She really wants to THROW something at Cam right now. "- Wait, so you mean people who've summoned anyone don't die? And just go become - whatever you are...? You could have SAID THAT!" 

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Savil is still sobbing, barely tracking the conversation around her. 

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"I didn't know if it would work for people here! Where I'm from everyone has an afterlife and summoning just changes which one! It seemed far more likely it wouldn't work at all."

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Shavri has so many feelings, an inexorable tide of them building up behind a fragile, but - not now. Later. For now, she can hold it together. 

"...Right. So - er - how do we summon him? ...Should we be worried the gods will just try to murder whoever does that, too?" 

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Savil is half-following and makes a strangled sound. 

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"I mean, yes, but apparently you can just get summoned back again until they give up, so possibly that is less threatening than it might otherwise be."

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She is not going to laugh, she is NOT, it's NOT funny - 

"Right. So, er, if I summon him - I might get murdered but if I do you can get me back, with wings added?" 

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"Wings're optional and in fact he must have jumped right on the option to have them already."

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Oh no that's making it even harder not to giggle. Vanyel, jumping on the opportunity to have WINGS of all things - of course he would, though, and they do look very stylish in Cam's little plastic diorama - and he'll blush so much if she teases him about it - 

(Shavri is, perhaps, a little bit giddy about the fact that Vanyel is– well, maybe he really is dead, but he's coming back...) 

She should maybe ask about any other effects less optional than the wings, but it's not like it would change her conclusion. "Tell me how to summon him." 

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"I don't know if he'll have his Gifts, so if we're worried about him being a target, it should possibly be someone without any, or who can do without okay. Or Yfandes who might want to just for the insurance purpose - is she okay - is anyone in touch with Yfandes -"

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Everyone looks at Taver. 

(Shavri feels terrible that she didn't think of that sooner, but - well - in her defence she was trying to save Vanyel's life, she was really busy -) 

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Savil has much less of an excuse not to have thought of it, and she's kind of miserable about it. 

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:She is alive:

Taver's mindvoice holds no expression at all. 

:She is - coming this way. With Kellan and Rohan: 

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Shavri looks helplessly over at Cam. "Should we...wait...?" 

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"Nah, you can always dismiss and resummon when she's here -" Cam makes a circle for Vanyel-the-angel and gives Shavri a pen and points out the spot to fill in.

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Savil is overwhelmed and terrified and upset and has no idea how to track any of what's happening, but at the very least she can keep the rain off Shavri's writing surface with a mage-barrier. 

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And Shavri looks intently and then carefully fills out the remaining bit. 

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"Okay. I don't know if he'll answer. This looked like a suicide attempt, he might - not."

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Vanyel is still focused on trying to fly - he’s made a little progress, he can jump off a bench and slightly glide - when he feels…something.

He doesn’t know what it is, but it feels like there’s some kind of action he could take - simple, it wouldn’t be hard…

His plan here is to go with the flow and see what happens, so he does it.

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"- and there he is.

Hi, Van. Sorry I didn't warn you this might happen."

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Vanyel stumbles a little. Catches his balance. 

…Looks down at his own very wet and muddy, extremely concerning-looking, technically alive but brain-dead former body. 

“Um. I - sorry? About - that -?”

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Shavri looks up and freezes. 

After a moment she grabs the closest piece of unattached conjured medical equipment, and throws it at Vanyel as hard as she can. 

“What were you thinking?” she screams at him, and then burst into tears and flops in the mud next to dead Vanyel.

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"I hope you did not want very badly to be dead because that's now definitely not happening."

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“I said I was sorry about that! It was really stupid! I guess sometimes I do stupid things when I’m upset!”

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Savil swipes a hand across her face and struggles to her feet. She’s soaking wet and shivering hard. “Van, I - I feel like this goes well past stupid - Melody was right there, you could have - was right there - why didn’t you talk to someone?” 

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“Look, I don’t know, why didn’t I? Maybe because literally everyone I know in Haven had decided I’d betrayed them and wasn’t speaking to me?”

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Cam decides this situation will not be helped by saying "you could have texted me". Instead he sets his computer to attempting a machine translation of an introduction to angel magic.

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Vanyel looks around for a moment. 

"Andy?" No answer. "Andrel. Andrel. ...Sorry, just, can you - stop trying to keep my corpse alive, it's - weird and distracting." 

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Andy finally shakes himself half out of Healing-trance and looks up. 

"...What? What. Cam - Cam what just happened - how–" 

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"In my world, there are afterlives. People who have performed summonses become one of the three kinds of daeva themselves and people who haven't go to a fourth option. Since you people don't show up in the fourth option I didn't particularly expect this to happen, but it occurred to me to check. Van's an angel, they can change stuff." The book is done; he hands it to Vanyel.

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Andrel looks down at Vanyel's body, which is currently not breathing because he got distracted and stopping nudging it to. The heart is still beating, that happens mostly automatically. 

"Cam, are you sure Van - that Van - isn't going to, er, fall over and die if I stop - this...?" 

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"I really don't think so! ...How are you even doing that in the first place? I told the Shadow-Lover I didn't want to go back! Trying to save me shouldn't have worked!" He's so confused, and looks hopefully at Cam in case an explanation is forthcoming. 

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"This has never happened to anyone from this universe before so my predictions are not a hundred percent but it would be unprecedented for ceasing to keep the body breathing to have any effect on someone who's already a daeva. Uh, I don't know what the Shadow-Lover's deal is precisely but I am a fully qualified medical demon and was doing lots of heroic interventions since I did not know you were going to pop up in Heaven and immediately get somebody to make you a set of wings."

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Vanyel looks slightly self-conscious about the wings comment. "Everyone else had them! I was really confused and didn't know what to do and I couldn't understand any of their language, but it - seemed like the done thing, and someone offered?" 

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"It is the done thing! And they're very nice."

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"Thank you! I, er, don't really know how to use them yet, I was practicing when you interrupted me– er, I'm glad you did, it's fine, I didn't want people to worry–" 

He stops. 

"Where's Yfandes." 

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Savil is aware that she should be answering, but apparently she is, instead, incapable of saying words. 

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After a few beats of awkward silence, Taver answers. 

:Yfandes is approximately a mile out of Haven. Trying to reach us very quickly, but she has to detour to the road and city gates. ...I have informed her that you are back: 

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"What. Do you mean that until right now no one had told her that?" 

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Shavri, who's just starting to pick herself up from the mud, looks away. She should have. The fact that talking to a Herald's Companion directly isn't done, or that it would be awkward and uncomfortable, aren't good excuses at all. 

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Taver says nothing. 

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Before Vanyel can turn to Cam and ask what the book is, Savil finally unfreezes herself, and struggles to her feet. 

"Van, ke'chara, I - I'm sorry. Doesn't matter what happened, it's all just excuses. We failed you, we did wrong by you - we hurt you - I'm so sorry..." 

She starts to hold out her arms, but that feels too presumptuous. Vanyel has every right to be angry. 

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For a long moment, all Vanyel can manage to do is blink stupidly at her. 

It's tempting to reassure her it's fine, but - it's not fine. He feels all right, now, he's pretty sure that he's back in his right mind again, but he remembers how it felt, before. 

"You did," he says softly. "It was - I can't even describe how, how alone I felt. And - and Valdemar was going to be fine, right. Because you had Cam. So it didn't even matter, anymore. All those years of staying alive because you all needed me, now and - and later - and then all of a sudden it didn't matter anymore." 

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It feels like there should be some kind of answer to that, but Savil doesn't have one. She looks down at her feet. "...I'm sorry." 

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"So am I. It was still really stupid of me." 

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"Valdemar might've been fine. wouldn't have been." 

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"I know. And Yfandes. ...That was the one thing that, that almost stopped me. That I - know what it's like... But, I mean, she left first. I guess I was mad. Which was stupid of me as well." 

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Shavri finally hauls herself to her feet. "Van. Van, will you please, for just five minutes, stop calling yourself stupid constantly? I'm tired of it." 

And she steps over and throws her arms around him. 

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Vanyel lets out a startled squeak. 

After a moment, he wraps his own arms - and wings - around Shavri in return.

"It's good to be back." 

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"It's good to have you back. ...Please don't do that ever again, you scared the piss out of me." 

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"...I think I literally can't ever do it again. Indestructible, right?" 

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Shavri giggles weakly. She's smiling, but with tears in her eyes. 

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Vanyel finds himself sniffling as well, but manages to lift his head and look over at Cam. "Could you, er, make Savil a blanket or something?" 

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Savil is still standing awkwardly a few paces back from Vanyel, and shivering hard in her soaked Whites. 

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"Oh - yeah, of course -" Cam tosses Savil a blanket.

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She catches it without looking at him, wraps herself up. 

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Andy casts one last miserable look at the body on the ground. (There was plenty of oxygen in the bloodstream when he stopped making Vanyel's corpse breathe, and the heart is still sort of beating, it's incredibly distressing to watch and he probably shouldn't but he can't stop himself.) 

"Should we, er, go insi–" 

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This is the point at which Yfandes gallops in from the path, hooves flinging mud everywhere, and skids to a stop right before she would have collided with Cam. 

There's Vanyel, as she remembers him - well, mostly, except for the part where he's soaking wet, lying on the riverbank, and...dead. There's nothing there.

And - it's not him. Because a few yards away, standing with his - what - with his wings wrapped around Shavri - is also Vanyel. Except this Vanyel looks younger? Not quite as young as he was when she Chose him, he's clearly an adult, but his hair is still jet-black, his face unlined. For some reason he's also shirtless. He doesn't look cold or bedraggled, though, despite the rain. His wings are black and glossy and...fine, very stylish. 

She's missed Vanyel's vanity, she finds herself thinking. She teased him for it, but it upset her, when the war ground all of that down into dust... 



She doesn't know what to say. She's forgotten how to move. 

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Vanyel hasn't forgotten. 

He gently disentangles himself from Shavri, and takes a step forward. "You - came back. I'm so sorry -" 

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:Seriously? You're sorry? Love, I don't– I left, I ran away from you - I made a promise and I broke it - I, just, I gave up my right to be angry with you for how you reacted to that: 

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"I mean, yes, you - hurt me a lot. But stealing all of Andy's drugs and throwing myself in the river about it was still...pretty disproportionate." 

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Shavri is not going to laugh she's not she's not she's not, it would be so rude to Vanyel–

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Yfandes lets her head hang down, muzzle almost touching the mud. 

:How are you doing now?: she asks eventually, hesitant. 

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"Really confused! Sick and tired of gods! I'm not sure which of the Star-Eyed or the Shadow-Lover's god I want to kick across an ocean, but at least one of them and maybe both!" Vanyel shakes his head, shrugs helplessly. "I'm...all right. I think. I guess I'll see. Are you -?" 

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:...I don't know. Nothing makes sense right now. But I - I want you back and I want to never ever leave you again. Just...: She hangs her head even lower. :Do you want me back? Because - as far as I can tell, you're not bonded to me right now. And...I would understand. If you couldn't forgive me for breaking the most important promise I ever made - if you're not willing to trust me again...: 

She sounds intensely miserable about it. But her mindvoice doesn't falter. 

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For almost fifteen seconds, all Vanyel can manage is blinking stupidly at her. 


:- Are you crazy?: he squeezes out finally, in Mindspeech because his throat is not currently allowing him to talk. 

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:I mean, probably. Clearly: 

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They look at each other in silence for a long time, oblivious to everyone else around them.

:Yfandes: Vanyel sends finally. :Of course I want you back. I love you. I know it - wasn't really your fault, that you ran away - it's just the damned gods. Everything is really confusing and hard and I need you. I can't do this on my own: 

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:- Really? Are you sure?: 

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:Damn it, yes! I'm bloody well sure!: 

And then Vanyel starts laughing, not because it's funny - actually it is a little funny, just the sheer absurdity of the image they must be making, standing in the rain staring at each other right next to his former mortal shell. And suddenly he's stepping forward and his arms are around Yfandes' neck, he's laughing and crying at the same time and she's nosing at his face and blowing into his hair, and - 

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:I missed you, love, I missed you so so so much - my Chosen - never leaving again -: 

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Shavri collects herself, and looks over at Cam. "Should we, er, go inside? We're all getting really wet. And - I don't know where Randi went but he must have a LOT of questions." 

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"- Randi should do a summoning. Actually, everybody important should do a summoning and then we should follow up with the less important people."

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"Right. Of course. I should've thought of that right away." Shavri turns. "Taver. Where's Randi. And the rest of the senior circle too - Cam, we should do Tran, he's - well, if anyone other than Van is at risk of throwing themselves in the river over this whole mess, it'd be him." 

A second later she feels terrible about saying that out loud, but she can't bring herself to care much. She's so tired. 

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:Randi and Keiran are at the House of Healing. They went there to wait when it seemed we might be bringing Vanyel there: 

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"Then let's go." Shavri starts walking. Looks back. "You guys coming?" 

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"I think Yfandes and I could use a minute." 

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Savil is still standing where she was, looking at the ground. 

She desperately wants to ask after Kellan - she doesn't see him - but at the same time she's terrified of the answer, and it feels like a very awkward time to interrupt. Usually Kellan is the one she asks for advice on how to navigate awkwardness...

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"One important question is whether we want to summon lots of random daeva, and have more people apprised that Velgarth exists, or just rotate through me and Van and anybody else who winds up dying."

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"Oh. Right. I don't know? I guess we need to talk to Randi about, er, the strategic implications of your world knowing we exist." 

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Savil finally manages to unfreeze herself. She takes a few steps to follow Shavri and Cam. 

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He walks over to her. 

"Savil, I'm sorry. I - I can't say I'm not hurt, because I am. I can't say I'm not angry. Just... We're going to get through this, all right? We have to. Valdemar needs us to. And I, I need a minute with Yfandes now. You should go with them. Figure it out. But I'll...still be here. I know we have to talk about this. Later." 

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Savil can't find any words, so she just nods. 

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Vanyel hesitates, then reaches out tentatively, and when she doesn't move, hugs her. Briefly and very very carefully, like she might break. 

"It's going to be all right," he says softly. 

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Savil is NOT going to cry, that can wait– okay fine maybe she's going to cry a little bit. Quietly. While she nods and murmurs something she doesn't even remember five seconds later to Vanyel, and then follows Cam and Shavri. 

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Andrel decides he might as well follow them too. He should ask Aber what to do with the dead body on the side of the river. Or something. His mind is still reeling too much to finish any thoughts. 

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Herald Jaysen is waiting at the main doors to the House of Healing. 

"Cam. Can you please explain what just happened. Taver is - not making much sense." 

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"People who've summoned daeva and then go on to die become daeva. I did not think it would work here, but it does, and now Van is an angel, which is like an apsel but with different magic and different wing fashion."

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"Whoa. That - huh - that sure has some implications. Are we getting Randi to summon someone right now?" 

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"Hopefully! We need to consider whether people who ought to summon somebody will just pass Vanyel around or if we want to allow more daeva to know Velgarth exists."

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"Right. We'd better go talk to everyone, then–" He breaks off. "Savil, gods, are you all right? Come in, let's get you some dry clothes - hey, you!" He beckons to a random Healing-trainee. "Get Herald Savil some dry clothes and a hot drink, please, now. ...Everyone else, they grabbed the room this way." 

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The room so grabbed is, in fact, Vanyel's previous hospital room; they were waiting there with the thought that the Healers would presumably bring Vanyel right back, if he made it. 

And then everything got ten times more confusing, and Randi is sitting in the chair by the empty bed, head in his hands, while Keiran paces and Kilchas glowers out the window. 

Randi immediately jumps to his feet. "Where's Van?" 

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"Safe, with Yfandes outside. It's complicated, possibly sit down."

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Randi nods, stiffly, and sits. 

Keiran stops pacing. Kilchas stands by the window with his arms folded. Jaysen leans against the doorframe. They wait for Cam. 

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"In my homeworld-situation there are four afterlives for the people of the mortal world. Most people go to one called Limbo. Velgarth people do not appear in Limbo. People from my mortal world who summon daeva - apsels, angels, or fairies - become one of those kinds of daeva when they die, instead of going to Limbo. When Van was clearly not going to wake up, I conjured to check, and he was in Heaven, where angels live. Shavri summoned him, and he's fine."

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"That's.... Wow. I, um. I need a minute to absorb that." 

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Kilchas turns. "That mean if I killed myself on the spot right now, I'd come back immortal and indestructible with wings? ...Sounds like a better deal, honestly. These old bones aren't good for much anymore." 

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Keiran makes a strangled sound. 

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"...I mean, I can't guarantee it's consistent but that does seem to be the generalization we could optimistically make."

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"Kilchas, do not." Randi turns. "Cam. Have we checked if Van still, er, has...Gifts? I'm not - well, you have a completely different kind of magic, right, I don't know if there could be both..." 

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"Yeah, that's a good question, I don't know."

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"- Randi, do not interrupt Van right now with that. We should definitely check before we make any moves, of course, but he's busy." 

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"I wasn't planning to! It's not like it's that urgent, right..." 

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"Well, we should have you do a summoning urgently. And maybe everyone else too, just - Kilchas, we're going to hold off on any other, er, big decisions until we understand this more, all right?" 

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Kilchas grumbles something under his breath, but doesn't actually protest. 

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"Right." Randi turns to Cam. "So, er, what do I do -?" 

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"I mean, that depends on who you want to summon, if you want me that's a whole thing because my current summoner is Leareth and if you want Van that's a whole thing because he's had a hell of a day and if you want somebody else then suddenly several other worlds with billions of people in 'em know you guys exist. Do you have sapients who hatch from eggs?"

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“Do we have what— nevermind. Why is your current summoner Leareth? We, er, questioned Vanyel and read his messages to you but it still doesn’t really…” Randi trails off, fidgeting. 

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“Well, I mean, wasn’t it exactly what we were hoping for? A summoner who wasn’t a Herald and who the gods wouldn’t be able to just murder?”

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Keiran makes another odd noise. 

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"Yeah, it seems mostly pretty convenient, although less essential now that it turns out the daeva worlds can catch you folks. He offered me a summon while things were getting squirrely here and it was legit so I took it. Uh, the eggs thing is important. If you have sapients who hatch from eggs, apsels can make them, which affects the wisdom of letting them find out you exist without having any plan about that."

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"I think hertasi might?" Shavri says quietly. "They're lizards, basically, and I'm pretty sure lizards lay eggs. Van would know for sure. There could be others." 

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Randi frowns. "I...don't feel all that comfortable deciding to inform another world we exist without a lot more consideration. But I don't love asking Leareth for a favour on this either. I suppose if it can wait a few candlemarks, we could interrupt Van then? It's not like he'd mind." 

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Shavri looks like she maybe wants to dispute this but is biting her tongue. 

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"You could also try an intermediate solution, like summoning someone I have met and might be able to swear to secrecy, or summoning someone who is really likely to be willing to just live here indefinitely, probably to adopt some kids because daeva are sterile. Uh, fun fact."

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"Oh. That's...good to know." Shavri shares an inscrutable look with Randi. 

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"Do you know someone you'd trust to keep the secret?" 

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"I don't have a ton of friends. I know people, but I don't have a list written up of my expectations about their behavior in outlandish situations."

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"Any reason you can't just get in touch with Leareth and ask him if he'd mind? ...Also, you should tell him about the afterlife part, maybe it'll get him to quit it with his horrible immortality setup." 

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"I can send him a letter but it seemed like letting him know more about how summoning works might be a hard sell for folks on this end. But yes, I should tell him that part."

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Randi shoots Kilchas an irritated look. "- Yes, that's one of my concerns about involving him!"

He glowers at the wall for a moment, then rolls his shoulders, forcing them to relax, and turns back to Cam. "Well, do you know people you're pretty sure would take us up on, er, staying here and adopting children? Because there are a lot of orphans, right now - it'd solve two problems at once..." 

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"I don't know anyone personally but I can look into the interest groups for that sort of thing, find someone well recommended."

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Randi rubs his forehead. "I - think that's probably our best options for right now? Until, er - Shavri, are you sure we can't just grab Vanyel for half a candlemark?" 

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"I'll look somebody up and hopefully they'll promise not to tell all their friends where they are if you let them adopt some kids. Uh, they're likelier to want younger ones, that's a common preference, are there many of those or do orphaned babies just kinda die around here?"

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"...Infants usually don't last long. I think we can find some young toddlers." 

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"That'll probably do, I'll screen out anyone who writes all the time about specifically only wanting an infant." He conjures something and starts skimming through it on his computer.

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Shavri hovers behind Randi's chair, hands resting on his shoulders while they wait. Keiran goes back to pacing. Kilchas stares out the window, frowning at nothing in particular. 

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"- okay, I have some results from the relevant social clubs for all three daeva worlds, do you want to round out the set with a fairy or what?"

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"Remind me what fairies do, again?" 

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"Move things. Very very fast, if they want to, like, to the moon in a couple seconds."

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"Huh! Sure, that sounds useful. We can go ahead and try that, I guess." 

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"Okay. Randi, do you want to summon the fairy?"

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"He should do it, yes, that makes the most sense. I guess if the fairy's all right with it and promises not to say anything, we can dismiss them and have other people rotate summoning them?" 

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Randi nods. "Right. What do I have to actually do?" 

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"Hang on, let me skim the standard fairy adoptive parent binding, see if it will still make sense in this context..." He makes three small edits to the standard fairy adoption binding and then exists one at Randi's feet and gives him a pen to fill in the gap. "He might not answer right away, if he's busy, mind."

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"Mmm, right." 

Randi stares at the paper for a long time, visibly indecisive, and then shrugs to himself and fills in the last gap. 

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Kilchas turns to watch, expectant and curious. 

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(Shavri doesn't watch. There's something weirdly upsetting about summoning a fairy for this specific purpose, even though that makes no sense.) 

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"Since this circle has a binding you will want to be very careful how you talk to the fairy," Cam tells Randi. "You can let me do the talking and not say anything nor even nod till I give the word, that's probably easiest."

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"...Oh. Er, all right. We - should maybe have talked about how bindings work beforehand? I guess we can just observe you this time, and maybe you can talk us through how it works afterward?" 

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"None of the well considered standard ones are in a language you know and they depend a lot on precisely that which is difficult to translate but we can do a crash course at some point. I think this fairy will not try anything sketchy, daeva are basically just folks, it's just a precaution you need if we're going to scale up."

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“Mmm, right.”

Randi fidgets as they wait. 

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Shavri squeezes his shoulder. She’s restless - she wants to check on Vanyel, which would probably just be rude right now, and failing that she wants to pace. But Randi needs her to be a soothing presence for him, right now, and she’s going to do her best. 

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While they await the fairy Cam checks his mail again.

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He has mail from Leareth! 

A couple pieces of mail, in fact. First, from around an hour ago - when he was still in the middle of trying to fish Van out of the river - a preliminary one-page, high level summary of the god design, with various headers and notes on what documentation will be following. 

The second note is from only minutes ago. 



I have received reports from Haven suggesting rumours of Herald Vanyel's death. I am not sure where you are currently located, but would appreciate if you could check up on the situation there and send a message as soon as possible. 

- Leareth 

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"Leareth has somehow already learned rumors of Van's untimely demise, does anyone have opinions on what if anything he should further learn on that?"

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Keiran, still pacing, turns on her heels. "Wow. That's - he must have a lot of spies over here. Randi, have we gotten Katha onto that, yet?" 

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"We shouldn't tell him anything." 

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"- Really? Poor man's been talking to Van for a decade. I don't reckon anyone can spend a decade having conversations with Van and not get a little attached. No wonder he's upset." 

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"We don't know he's upset! Maybe he's just checking up on whether we really did just lose half our defences against an invasion–" 

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"Are you kidding? We've got Cam now. I don't think even Leareth could get past him and at Valdemar." 

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"Hey. Can everyone take a deep breath. We might have a fairy show up here any second." 

The room falls silent. 

Shavri glances around. "Keiran, even in that case I think it helps us to tell him Van's not dead, right? And - I don't know, just, I don't feel like that's why. Cam, you're the only one here who's actually met him. Why do you think he cares so much about whether Van's dead?" 

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"My guess would be that Kilchas has the right of it."

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Randi pinches the bridge of his nose again. "Right. Fine. We should probably tell him Van isn't dead. Cam, maybe you can just say that for now? Reassure him a bit and put the rest off for later? I'd...really rather talk to Vanyel directly about this, but apparently he's occupied and I need to wait." Randi sounds very slightly put out about this. 

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Cam drops a letter to a drone up north reading Vanyel lives! and the drone deposits it in the mailbox.

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Randi thanks him, and they go back to awkward waiting. 

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Into which atmosphere appears a fairy! He's wearing some kind of nice formal outfit and he has wings like a red admiral butterfly, twitching a little as he shifts his weight. "Hello, what can I do for you?" he asks, glancing around uncertainly.

"Nice to meet you, Ildan, I'm Cam and doing the talking for your summoner today, he's new. You're on the list for the Martian grid as a solo, yes?" Cam says.

"Yes... they're letting you talk?"

"Working conditions are pretty good. So, these folks found out about the thing where summoners become daeva, did you know that?"

"Yeah, guy I know's wife used to be human."

"So they want to do lots of summonings and dismissals, but they don't want to have the whole shebang spread around the concordant realms, right?"


"Can you make like you got a Martian grid placement and are very wrapped up in your brand new adopted orphan or orphans, who these fine people can source for you, yet actually doing the being summoned a lot gig whilst said orphans sleep?"

"...yes, I can do that."

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:I guess we should think about finding those orphans?: Shavri sends to everyone in the room with Mindspeech - which means everyone except Cam. :We'll have to get an age cutoff, I guess - find out if he's got a preference for which sex - gods, we really should think about getting referrals for more of them, there are a lot of orphaned children right now who need parents...: 

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This is the point at which Savil, bathed and in dry clothes and wrapped in a cozy robe, finally catches up. She opens the door and then stands in the doorway, blinking. 

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:Don't talk to him!: Shavri warns her. 

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:Er, all right. ...What?: 

Savil turns and raises her eyebrows in Cam's direction. 

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"- Savil, this is Ildan, we are interviewing him for a job."

"Speaking of, does it come with money to feed the kid, or at least enough time to pick up a side gig?" Ildan says.

"That is... a great question, if nothing else I would be happy to supply you with food..." He looks at Shavri. "- it's safe for people other than his summoner to talk, by the by, only the summoner can accidentally agree to anything."

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Savil looks over at Randi, who nods. 

"Yes, of course, we'll pay you for this - honestly Cam has been supplying about half our kingdom with food right now, so - Cam, that would be appreciated until we're a bit more situated. What else will you need for the children - a house, I'm guessing? Clothing, tutors once they're old enough...?" 

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"I was planning to homeschool," says Ildan, "But yeah, they'll need clothes - so will I, for that matter - this is a kingdom?"

"Yeah, about that," says Cam. "This is an alternate universe, and they don't go to Limbo, hence this job."

"- shit, they don't go to Limbo? Yeah, I can - do you want me to recommend more people -"

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Randi shouldn't talk, so Shavri answers for him; she doesn't need to ask, she can feel his restlessness through the bond and knows what he wants to say. 

"Yes," she says quietly. "That - would mean a lot. Er, not just for the summons. We have a lot of orphans in need of homes and loving parents. We...just had a war. Um, if you know of anyone who'd not mind older children, or children who've - had a bad time of it, and may need extra support - that would mean a lot. We can't commit to this yet, I don't think, but I think we should have the resources to house and feed and pay a stipend to anyone willing to volunteer for that." 

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"It should go without saying that a fairy adopting a kid here and accepting as their job being repeatedly dismissed is extending you guys a lot of trust," Cam mentions, and Ildan nods.

"Off the top of my head I think Venna and Sou, and the Redthorn crowd wants a houseful, and Yuza and her husband whatever his name is have raised a kid already and he turned out great, and Shiko and her wife..." Ildan says.

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Jaysen, who has paper on him, hurries to take notes. 

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Savil takes a few steps over to Cam, lowers her voice. "Would it be terribly offensive to ask him to swear to it under a first-level Truth Spell? Just as a precaution?" 

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"He will have no preconceptions about that at all since that's not a thing outside of here."

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Savil nods, then turns back to Ildan. "We have a kind of magic here that we can use to confirm if someone is telling the truth. Given how much trust this involves, would you be willing to promise your discretion under that magic, so we know you mean it?" 

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"Discretion like, not telling people when I'm home what I'm doing? Yeah."

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"Yes, that. One moment." She concentrates, casts a Truth Spell. "This won't feel like anything but we can see it. Can you promise out loud that if and when we dismiss you back to your, er, world, you won't tell anyone about us and you'll act like you adopted children in - wherever the place is people normally do that?" 

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"Mars - but maybe I shouldn't pretend it's Mars in case someone actually goes to Mars and looks me up?"

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Shavri frowns. "Cam, what do you think?" 

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"He's right, the Martian fairies are probably close-knit enough that someone could notice his absence. He can say he was summoned on a private basis for an obscure community and that's not far wrong."

Ildan nods. "I can say that."

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Savil watches closely. Does the Truth Spell's blue halo stay in place while Ildan says that? 

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Sure does.

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"All right. Good. I...guess we should better hurry along and have some other people do summonings too?" 

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Randi reaches up to squeeze Shavri's hand. 

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"Savil, maybe you'd better go next?" 

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"We should also check if Companions can, at some point. Ildan, what are your kid preferences, maybe somebody can look for your kid for you in parallel while the first batch of summonings is ongoing."

"They'll speak this language if they're old enough to talk?"

"Yeah. Boy or girl, age range, tolerance for, like, issues..."

"Uh, girl, I'll take siblings close in age but just two maybe three, under six, it's fine if they have a mobility problem but I don't think I can cope with one who's - I don't know, blind, I don't know what I'd do with that - I guess it would be fine if they were blind in a way you could fix. Same with deaf unless there's a sign language I can get summoned for."

"Noted, thanks. Randi, you want to concentrate for a minute on sending Ildan home."

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Randi nods, and starts attempting to do this. 

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Shavri shares a look with Savil and Jaysen. "I'll talk to Healers' about orphans - we'll want to find out about children outside of Haven too, at some point, but I think any orphans with injuries would've been sent up here." 

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Ildan disappears and Cam makes Savil a new circle.

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She fills in the missing spot without hesitation, and waits. 

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Ildan comes right back!

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"Welcome back!" Randi says cheerfully. Presumably he can now speak freely and Savil, as Ildan's current summoner, is the one who can't. "I'm sorry I didn't greet you properly before, but - welcome to Valdemar. I'm King Randale. We're very grateful for your help." 

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"You're a king? Fancy that. It's good to meet you."

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"Right. If you don't mind, Ildan, we'd like to get through having all of us do a summons. Jaysen, you next?" 

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Savil glances at Cam for confirmation, and then concentrates on dismissing Ildan. 

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Cam thumbs-up this and makes another circle till they've gotten through everybody in the room.

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Randi sighs, rubbing his shoulder. It's aching for some reason. "I guess we should do Tran next. Assuming we can get him to even draw a line on a piece of paper, he's not - apparently he hasn't been very responsive." 

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"...I think, possibly, before we try Tran, we should check if Companions can do it, and maybe hear from Van and Yfandes about what him dying did to their bond."

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"Most of our Companions are still, er. Not speaking to us." 

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"- I could probably ask Sondra. I've - avoided getting her that upset with me by...I guess not talking to her about any of the things happening." 

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"Is Delian available to try it, if you don't want to risk bringing it up with Sondra right now?"

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"Oh. ...Maybe? He's in the shielded room with Tran right now." 

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"We could check with Melody if she thinks it's an all right time to interrupt." 

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"Good idea. Did one of you Mindspeak Healers' about sourcing kids for the fairies?"

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Shavri nods. "There's an orphanage in town, they've got records of all the children sent there - they're looking for kids who match what he requested. Just a minute, I'm going to go check if Melody is interruptible right now..." She slips out. 

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Savil paces. Does some more unproductive fretting about Vanyel. She misses Kellan bitterly. She would ask Taver for an update, except for the part where Taver is acting bafflingly and she's really mad at him. 

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Melody follows Savil back into the room a couple of minutes later. 

"Oh, you must be Cam." She smiles at him. "I'm Melody. You were wondering about asking Delian to do something?" 

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"Yeah, uh, we are having people summon daeva so they can turn into daeva when they die, and don't know yet if Companions can, and are not sure of the wisdom of interrupting any of them but Delian seems worth a try."

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"It's not the worst time for it. Herald Tantras is asleep right now. Delian is...badly shaken, but he's found his balance a little, I think." 

She turns to Randi. "Where are the other Companions, anyway? Delian said it - seemed as though it wasn't just him and Taver, having the...difficulties in question." 

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Randi blinks stupidly at her for a moment. "I, er, I'm not sure? ...I mean, Yfandes is with Vanyel. Sondra's - probably in the stables, but I haven't, um, checked. In a while." 

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Melody folds her arms. "You know, this might go better if I could talk to them as well." 

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"If you - what..." Randi trails off. 

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"Are you thinking it's weird to suggest that because it's not done? Because Companions just don't talk to outsiders?" Melody throws up her hands. "Nothing about this situation is the usual way things are done!" 

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"It's not, is it." Shavri looks at the floor. "Well, let's go talk to Delian for a start. And then I guess we can try to sort out where Kellan and Rohan are." 

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Melody turns back to Cam. "Follow me?" 

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"Sure thing." Follow follow.

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Herald Tantras' hospital room is bigger, and comes with a Companion-sized door and stall attached. His Companion isn't currently in the stall, though; he's standing right by the bed, muzzle resting gently against Tran's shoulder. 

Tran is indeed asleep. He looks...pretty bad. Pale, his hair a disheveled tangle, dark circles under his eyes. 

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Delian lifts his head. 


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"Hi, Delian, nice to meet you."

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Delian briefly dips his muzzle, an oddly humanlike gesture. 

:You wanted me to try summoning? ...I understand it requires completing a small part of a drawing. I am not sure how to do that: He lifts one hoof, sets it down again. 

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"It's very medium-agnostic, being able to kick a small amount of, like, sand or something, into place would do it."

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:I could do that. Not sure if the Healers want a bunch of sand in here...: 

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"Actually, you know what will be easier since we're just summoning the same guy over and over." Cam makes a light projector and gives Delian a button to step on. "Gently."

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He will be so gentle! 


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Light appears on the floor and the fairy returns with a suitcase.

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:Hi: Delian offers politely, bobbing his head. 

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"...telepathic horse," says Ildan, nonplussed.

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:There are a bunch of us here! King Randale and Savil and Jaysen and Keiran who summoned you before all have a Companion as well! My Chosen is Tantras - we should get him to summon you too but he's, er, not doing very well right now: Delian nuzzles affectionately at Tantras' hair. 

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Shavri, who's waiting just outside the shielded room with Savil and Jaysen - the room isn't huge - suddenly blinks, her eyes going out of focus. 

Then she smiles, and darts into the room. "Ildan! Good news - I think we found some prospective children for you to adopt. We should have you go over and meet them in a little while, once everything else over here is sorted out..." 

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"Okay - when? -"

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"...I'm not sure. Delian, do you think it'd be a good idea for us to ask Sondra about doing it - er, or Jaysen's Felar, or Keiran's..." Damn it, she's blanking on the name of Keiran's Companion now. 

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:...I don't know. I - think probably it'd be best not to interrupt any of them right now? Kellan and Rohan are going to meet them and, er, talk - I've been talking with all of them a bit -: 

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Shavri tenses. "- Does Melody know that? She was, um, hoping to talk to them and - try to help, I think...?" 

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:I don't know: 

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Shavri looks helplessly at Cam. Not that she particularly expects him to have an answer. She's just feeling so overwhelmed by - well, everything. 

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"...Ildan, how about you get me the summoning-grade names of your recommended friends and we can use those if we have a summoning emergency and you can meet a kid and find a place you want me to put a house and stuff."

"Uh, start with Shiko, I can tell everybody else to expect a summon but she's the one I'd think would be most interested in answering a summon blind."

"And how do you spell Shiko -"

Ildan spells it; Cam writes it down.

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Shavri waits until they're done with this. 

"Right. Er, you can come with me to the House of Healing and meet the children, I guess?" 

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:A candlemark from now might be a good time to check in with Yfandes about doing a summoning: Delian adds. :Now's not a good time: 

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Ildan floats into the air to follow Shavri!

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The House of Healing is busy and bustling at this time of day, and it takes a few seconds before Shavri can get anyone's attention. 

A young woman slips over from the central station to meet them. "You must be Ildran? I'm Alia. You're here to meet some orphans, right?" 

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"Ildan," he corrects, "And yes." He's bobbing up and down rather fast now.

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"Ildan, sorry. And - right - it's this way, but I should warn you, the matron of the orphanage decided to just send over everyone who meets the, er, criteria you asked for. Girls under six. We're obviously not expecting you to adopt all ten of them, but - maybe you can see who you get on with best? And I suppose we're hoping you end up thinking of some friend of yours who'd get along with some of the others?" 

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"Right - lots of fairies want kids, if you go for angels and demons too you'd get even more but I only know fairies."

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Alia blinks. "...Demons? I - assume that's not, er, Abyssal demons -" 

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"Is there a ding in the language equivalency? Like the one who was doing the talking for my summonses, those guys." Where are the kiddos he wants to see the kiddos bounce bounce.

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"- Right, yes, that came up with Cam and he said we should call him an 'apsel'."

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"Okay, suits me. Where are the kids?"

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"...Oh. All right. This way." And Alia leads them to a room down at the end of the hall. 


There are children waiting to meet their possible future family!

There are eleven of them, all female. The youngest is 15 months old; the oldest is five and a half. They're all freshly scrubbed with their hair combed and neatly braided, and dressed in the nicest castoffs that the orphanage could find. They're on their very best behaviour, sitting on the mixed-and-matched arrangement of chairs and stools provided for them, looking hopefully toward the door. 

The youngest girl, a tiny redhead, was already kind of overwhelmed by all the frantic travel and meeting new people. She starts to cry. Her older sister, four-and-a-half with pigtails and freckles and burn-scars across her neck, squeezes and shushes her. 

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Ildan meeeeelts. "Hi there kiddos," he murmurs. "My name's Ildan."

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Nine pairs of eyes blink at him.

(The youngest girl is still hiding her face against her sister's dress, and one of the others, a shockingly scrawny brunette with bright hazel eyes, is apparently daydreaming and staring vaguely out the window.) 

Nobody says anything for a little while. 

The pigtailed-and-freckled older sister squares her shoulders and smiles hopefully up. "Hi Ildan! I'm Molly and this is Avri! We're sisters! Do you have a sister?" 

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"I don't have a sister! I wasn't born, so I don't have any family at all yet."

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A puzzled furrow appears between Molly's brows. "How were you not born? Everyone's born. ....Does that mean you never had a mommy? Or a daddy?" 

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"I never had either one. I was already a grownup when I started existing. Most people are like that where I come from, so there are almost no children there."

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Molly frowns about this for a little while. She looks around hopefully at the other children, but none of their faces have any helpful answers for her.


"...Are you sad about that?" she asks finally. "Because - when you said that your face looked the way my mommy's face did when she learned my daddy died." 

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"Well," he says, "I think I was okay not having parents or brothers or sisters, but I also don't have any kids, and that's why I'm here."

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Molly brightens. "Because you want to be our -" pause. "- daddy? ...Is there a mommy too?"

The possible-new-mommy-or-daddy has WINGS and somehow this makes it very confusing to figure out what the word to call him(/her?) should be???

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"It's just me, so I don't come with a corresponding mommy, sorry. I might find one later but I haven't yet and don't want to wait."

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Molly really really wants to ask if he wants to be her-and-Avri's daddy, but that would be RUDE because her friends also want to find a mommy or daddy. So she hugs Avri and tries to wait without any fidgeting. 

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"So - I think more people like me are going to come through and want to adopt kids, I'm just first, so whoever I go home with should be someone who didn't specifically want a mommy."

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Molly considers this. And politely waits to see if anyone else is going to speak up. 

- after ten seconds she has exhausted all of her patience. 

"I wouldn't mind. And Avri will be sooooo good and I can take care of her so it's not so much work for you -" 

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"Oh, I don't mind if it's lots of work. It would be good if you could watch her for short times sometimes when I have to do my job, since I have a job now, but do you want to know something neat? I don't have to sleep, so even if you're both tons of work all the time you're awake, I will have plenty of breaks."

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"Oh wow! Does that mean you don't ever get to have dreams? Sometimes dreams are nice." 

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"Oh, I can sleep," he assures her. "It just doesn't bother me much if I don't."

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"You can take these two, then?" Alia asks in a low voice. 

Molly is BEAMING at Ildan. Avri is still hiding her face. 

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"Just one more question," says Ildan, smiling a little. "Do you two want to fly?"

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Molly blinks. "I don't know. It might be too scary for Avri? She doesn't like being up high." 

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"Hmm," he says. "Okay, we can start slow on that one then." He nods at Alia.

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Alia beams at him too, and kneels to hug Molly. "I'm so happy for you, sweet. Why don't you go check that you have all your things, while Ildan and I have a little talk?" 

(Molly doesn't exactly have many things, but she can do that! She's so excited!) 

And Alia catches Ildan's eye and beckons with her chin for him to follow her over to the next room. 

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Follow follow.

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Alia shuts the door behind her. 

"- Er, some quick context on those two. No major physical disabilities, but Molly was badly burned when her village was attacked. We have a salve and she needs the scars massaged and stretched every night, or she won't keep full range of motion on that arm. It hurts her but she's very brave about it." Alia sighs. "Avri...wasn't hurt, physically, but she was seven months old at the time. They were hiding in the ruins for a fortnight, and when the Guard found them, they obviously didn't have any breastfeeding mothers. She was badly malnourished for several months. We've obviously been doing everything we can for her, but she's - delayed for her age. We're not sure if there will be long term effects." 

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"- did you already ask the apsel about that?"

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"Not yet, no - he's been extremely busy, running all over Valdemar in that shuttle..." 

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"...okay, well, uh, I don't know that anything will be able to do much for Avri, but the arm at least an apsel could probably handle - an angel would be better probably though -"

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"We have an angel too! He's, er, very new, though." 

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"Oh, I think angels need training to do medical stuff. Still might be able to fix the scars, I don't know, it doesn't sound that complicated but I'm not an angel..."

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"Mmm. Maybe we can find out on the grapevine about another angel who wants children? Anyway, I think that's all I wanted to say. They're unsurprisingly also very jumpy, but they seem to like you a lot already. Or at least Molly does. Arvi doesn't let anyone but Molly touch her, that's normal for her, but I'm sure she'll do better once she gets used to you." Frown. "Do you actually have anywhere to take them, right now? They're ready to leave from here but I wasn't sure if you get set up with guest quarters yet." 

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"I haven't been given a place to stay but the apsel said he'd make me a house somewhere."

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Nod. "In the meantime, you could take them to the gardens, if you wanted? Just that way." Alia points. "Left side of the path. They like it there." 

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"All right. Thank you, very much."

Are the girls all packed?

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They are! Not that there's a lot. All of their worldly positions fit in a single canvas sack. Molly looks so excited and even Avri is occasionally peeking at Ildan. 

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"I hear you two like the garden. Will you show me?"

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Molly considers this for a little while. 

"- If you want to," she says finally. "I don't know if you'll think it's very good." 

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"But I've never seen a garden on this whole planet before," he says. "So it'll be interesting, even if it's not all blooming right now. - Is Avri heavy for you? I don't know if she'd like me to carry her, but I can make her a little lighter for you."

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"You can do that? Wow!" Molly looks very hopeful, but does not actually want to admit, out loud, that Avri is 'too heavy' for her. 

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"Yeah, just like this -" He lifts Avri up just a little, so she weighs about a quarter as much for Molly.

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Molly grins shyly at him. "Thank you! It's this way." She starts walking. 

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Cam catches up to them while they're in the garden, landing nearby. "Ildan, do you have specs or something I should copy for a Little Fairyland?"

"Oh, good question, uh - how about Velana Village? Should have enough space to start out."

"That has stairs and stuff for the kids?"

"It's all single story. With attics but I think they have ladders."

"Even better! I will find someplace to put that."

Cam goes looking for somebody to inquire after this prospect.

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He can find a random Herald pretty easily! She doesn't know the answer to his question, though. "I think you should probably ask Tantr– er, ask Jaysen? Er, I can Mindspeak him if you want." 

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"Sure, that works for me."

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Her eyes go out of focus. She stands there silently for about twenty seconds. 

"...How much space do you need, exactly? And are you going to want room to expand it later? You can probably use one of the fallow fields over by the river, Jaysen thinks." 

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Cam looks it up. "I'm going to be replicating a village of about a square mile, though I can rearrange its individual components to fit an irregular space, and some room to expand would be good but I can always make more space somewhere else."

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"- Oh, quite a lot of space. The field Jaysen is talking about is only half a mile wide, I think, but we should be able to get a two-mile strip for you, and we can take over more land after the harvest." 

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"Cool! Usually fairies live in very tall buildings but that's because they can all fly, and the ones here are going to be raising children. I also don't have to build it all at once."

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"Right. Er, want me to walk you over and show you where the field is? Or I could go get a map of Haven and point it out?" 

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Cam displays a map on his computer.

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The Herald points out the field for him! It's about a mile and a half away - outside the Palace inner walls, but still within the city of Haven proper, which is a lot bigger. 

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"Looks good! Anything I should know about the place?"

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"Er, there'll be neighbours. It's near the - hmm, let me see - it's near one of the shop districts. The houses nearby are mostly going to be merchant and shopkeeper families - not poor, not wealthy either. I don't think they should mind you setting up there, especially not if you buy or barter things at their shops." 

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"Sounds good, the fairies will need to buy stuff."

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"I think that's all, then." 

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Cam flies out to install the village as requested.

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And, a while later, Herald Kilchas wanders out to have a curious look at Cam's progress.

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- and riding his Companion, again, this time. 

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"Oh, hello," says Cam, who is filling in some dirt under a house that turned out to be on more rabbit holes than was good for it. "You look, uh, better?"

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"Not sure which of us you're addressing there, but - yes." Kilchas glances around. "Bloody hells, this is a better way of doing construction with magic than ours." 

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"Conjuring the constructed stuff out of nothing would be sort of hard to beat!"

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"Fair enough! Just saying, wish we could get you in all the time - I know you've got more important things to do, but I'd be delighted to never raise another roof again. By the way, Savil and Kellan are all sorted out too. And Vanyel is - doing better, I think. Said he wanted more advice on how to use the new magic to do healing." 

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"I can find him a textbook but you can't really beat training from an angel who themself knows what they're doing."

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"Well, can we get him one? There's lots more kids who need parents." 

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"Sure, I can look up angels who want to adopt just as easily as I can fairies."

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"I think that'd be great." Kilchas tilts his head to one side, thoughtful. "You heard much from Leareth lately, by the way?" 

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"I can check?" Mail?

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He has the rest of the god-schema outline from Leareth! It's about ten pages in normal-sized font. Lots of diagrams. Lots of math notation, but well explained. 

There's also a followup note asking - very politely but also with some plaintiveness that comes through even in text - if Cam would mind giving him a little more on the 'Vanyel lives' update. 

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"Do you know where Vanyel is?" Cam asks Kilchas.

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"One second." Kilchas' eyes go out of focus. "...Ah. He's playing with Jisa. Yfandes - I guess she thought it'd be good for him, and that nothing is urgently on fire right now." 

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"Makes sense! Maybe I'll join them." He fills in the last rabbit hole, makes a diorama and floods it to see if there's anything else he needs to do, pronounces it ready to move into, and flaps off to find Van and Jisa.

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They're on the lawn outside the Healers' living quarters, under an apple tree. Vanyel is leaning against Yfandes' flank and singing something to Jisa. 

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Jisa is snuggling against him, but looking kind of bored and on the verge of interrupting. 

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Aww. He will wait until the song is over or Jisa interrupts.

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She sees him and waves. "Cam! CamCamCam did you see Uncle Van has WINGS now?" 

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Vanyel stops singing and looks mildly self-conscious. 

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"I did notice that! They're very lovely. Van, I found you this textbook on introductory medical angeling. Do you still have your Gifts?"

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"Thank you. And - yes, I do! Is that, er, normal?" 

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"There isn't exactly precedent!"

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"I guess not. Er, what's going on - is there anything I need to help with -?" 

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"No, no, nothing like that. Uh, Leareth wants more detail than 'Vanyel lives', how do you feel about that?"

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"Huh! He - you told him I wasn't dead?" 

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"He had enough spies to be worried in the first place so I figured telling him you were not dead would be better than letting those spies be like 'Vanyel is dead! And alive! And has wings! And isn't human anymore! And has new magical powers! And his body is over there somewhere! And he's sitting under a tree, at the same time! Did we mention the wings!' lest this confusion have any disagreeable results."

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"....Huh. I guess that makes sense. - He was worried?" 

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"He's attached to you, boy." Kilchas sounds deeply amused. "Can't blame him, either. I can imagine you'd be - pretty damned compelling." 

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"...I'd be - what?" Vanyel looks helplessly at Cam. 

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"You radiate a sort of oddly appealing pathos."

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...He does what

Vanyel looks even more discomfited! He opens his mouth. Closes it again. Makes several different facial expressions.

"Er, it - probably won't harm Valdemar to tell him a bit more? So, um, you can go ahead." 

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"Do you want to be more specific at all?"

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"...What do you think he'll do, if you tell him I, er, killed myself and then came back as an angel?"

Vanyel isn't sure if Leareth's first response would be to try killing himself as well - for real, including taking down whatever his immortality spell is - since he's a summoner too, and the daeva magic is an improvement over Velgarth magic. 

"- Um, maybe don't tell him I kept my Gifts." 

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"If you don't think that will sooner or later become obvious..."

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"Sooner or later seems fine! I'm just...maybe a tiny bit worried that if he thinks being a daeva sounds too appealing, he'd immediately sabotage his immortality setup and kill himself, and that seems like it could get - complicated. Given that we're trying to keep Velgarth a secret." 

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"And also that this would immediately unsummon me."

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"- Good point. I sort of forgot that. Hopefully he wouldn't forget, but..." Shrug. "I guess you can tell him I, er, tried to kill myself and would've succeeded but it turned out I came back as an angel. And - that I'm fine now and he doesn't need to worry." 

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"Okay." Cam drafts a letter, checks it with Vanyel (it says "Vanyel attempted suicide but is now instead an angel; he's fine, you don't need to worry").

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...This is so agonizingly awkward. 

"Um. Can you tell him that I don't really want to answer a lot of questions about it next time we talk." 

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Cam adds this and sends it off by drone into the mailbox up north as per usual.

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Leareth, in the north, obtains the message from the mailbox and then sits quietly and reads it. 

It's...not completely reassuring news, and it doesn't exactly answer all his questions. But - it's good news. That much is very, very clear. And it answers most of his questions. 

He wonders when the dream will let him speak with Vanyel again. When they'll be able to start planning– 


Leareth's thoughts catch. Is - he thinking of himself and Vanyel as a 'we' now?

Yes, apparently. 

Velgarth has a solution to material scarcity. Velgarth has a solution to death. And maybe the gods are going to keep fighting them at every turn, but - he has a solution for his plan, now, as well.



He sits for a long time, in silence, thinking. And then starts to write.