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Permalink Mark Unread
On Monday, Bella arrives at school completely and stably human shaped, with everything she has learned about critters (except for her own species, which she isn't liable to forget) written down as margin notes on a page reminding her to ask Darren about D&D and filler decoy notes about that. She's probably going to have invent an actual cipher alphabet or something eventually but for the time being she thinks this will probably do for casual inspection.

She sits next to Darren in English.
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He smiles at her, when she does. "Hey," he says, with a wave. "That problem you had on Friday taken care of?"

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"Yeah, basically cleared up overnight," she shrugs.

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"Glad to hear it!"

Their teacher hasn't shown up, yet. It's unlike him, normally he's here early.

"So, Savannah's not mad at me anymore. Making dinner worked."
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"I continue to resent her having been mad on my behalf. I suppose she needn't care."

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"Sorry about her. She um - means well? And I mean I was kind of mad at myself, too, so, I don't hold it against her?"

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"You did fine," says Isabella, patting his arm.

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"Thanks," he replies, smiling a bit. "I'm glad it all worked out."

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"I'm kinda glad I'm not dreaming. Or continuing to have fainting spells."

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"Agreed. Those were kind of freaky."

Their teacher continues to not show. Eventually another teacher walks into the room, plops herself at the desk, and then waits. She starts watching the class with a silent, judgmental look as they talk. Several students don't get the hint and keep talking. So the teacher keeps waiting, and watches.

She turns out to have a very terrifying stare. The more talkative students eventually are on the other end of it and quiet down. Until, at last, there is silence.

"Hello. Mr. Peters is ill today. I'll be your substitute," says she of the terrifying looks. On the board, she writes, 'Mrs. Adams.' "My name is Mrs. Adams, I teach the upperclass English. So please avoid acting like this is a free day, I'm quite qualified to teach you and we will be doing something other than coloring or crosswords today."

Mrs. Adams has horror stories. Bella probably doesn't know them. They are summarized as, 'She is a hardass, teaches like her students are already in college, and is kind of scary.'

And now she shall be their substitute. Great.
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Bella pulls out a notebook and pays attention.

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Darren does the same.

This proves to be the smart option.

Mrs. Adams doesn't just expect people to have read the book. She expects them to have opinions on it. She expects them to have their opinions backed up through the text. She turns out to be fond of rhetoric, and a few times she will call on someone and just - ask questions. Usually she never says that someone is wrong, she asks why they think that and what evidence they have to prove it. If they don't have any, she will go over the part of the book applicable to their opinion and start explaining it to them, and pointing out parts of the book that support their opinion. Several students have not read the book. If they say as much, she will tell them that next time they should be more prepared, and then she will move on. That will be that, nothing more. (It isn't her class, so she will not actually enforce reading the book.)

In cases where they try and bullshit her - she plays with them. She asks them questions, leads them to assumptions, and ultimately proves every time that they have no idea what they're talking about. Mrs. Adams tells them that next time, if they don't know something, they should say they don't know and save everyone the trouble. That if they want to act smart in front of her they'd better actually be smart. Acting smart gets Mrs. Adams to ask you to back it up. If they can't do that, then they shouldn't try, they should pay attention and actually learn something.

Nearing the end of class, she turns it into a debate room. She drags out differing opinions from students and starts asking each of them to question 'Why' to defend themselves to someone who disagrees with them. The purpose is not to be proven wrong, the purpose is to think. It doesn't work across everyone (several people just stay utterly silent) but for the people willing to learn, it's kind of fun.

It's during this debate and two students are getting into a heated discussion about what something means that she walks to Bella's desk. In a perfectly normal tone of voice, she says, "I know."
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When called on, Bella handles herself adroitly in terms of presented content, if not in terms of beautiful rhetoric, in this class format. It helps that she's read the book twice and remembered to actually bring her copy to flip through for support; but she's not short of opinions, mostly intradiegetic. This character should have known this fact because it was accessible through evidence they had by page thirty, this other character behaves inconsistently here versus here and that implies something offscreen insert speculation.

"I beg your pardon?" Bella says when Mrs. Adams addresses her.
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Mrs. Adams is wearing a necklace. It was under her shirt, hard to see, but - now it's out and she's playing with it absently. She's spinning it, it's got - some kind of circular metal pendant. Innocuous, under normal circumstances, except for what Bella knows about medallions.

"That you've already read this book before," she says, innocently. "You're rather good at this, I hope to see you in my class next year. Try to stick around until then, I need more intelligent students."

Then she is back to teaching the class. Like nothing happened.

(She knows.)
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Bella glances in Darren's direction.

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Darren glances between Mrs. Adams and Bella, then makes a 'later' gesture. He kind of doesn't want to attract attention to this.

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Bella returns her attention to the debate.

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It goes on without incident.

Mrs. Adams makes no other strange non sequiturs. Class goes on as normal, and then it ends. If Bella would like to question the teacher, she probably has a few minutes before needing to get to the next class.

Darren glances at Bella. He'll wait, if she's going to.
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Bella doesn't approach Mrs. Adams immediately, not while students are still straggling out the door. She does murmur to Darren, "Is she the one you mentioned?"

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He knows what she means. "Yup," he replies. "That's her."

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"Do you know her personally?"

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"Dad does. It's why we're in Forks in particular. I haven't met her 'til just now, but I know her name."

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"Okay. Maybe he can introduce us later since she went out of her way to say... 'hi'... but not right now, I think." Bella does wave a little at Mrs. Adams on the way out.

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"Maybe," agrees Darren. "But now wouldn't be smart, I think."

Mrs. Adams waves back, looking faintly amused.

Off they go, to their next classes.
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The next good chance to talk is lunch. Bella's not sure to look forward to Savannah Trying To Be Subtle About Major Critter News, given that she has not in fact spoken to Savannah since turning.

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Lunch arrives.

Savannah... Acts like nothing happened. Like, at all. No weird looks, no smug smiles, no jokes about sphinxes. It is a normal day, in Savannah-land. She just happens to know that Bella is a critter. No big deal.

"So! Still coming over today for geeking out with my brother?" she asks.
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"That's the plan."

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"Cool. Have fun. I don't want in, though, you two go nuts. I'm still reeling that Darren made a friend on his own."

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Darren rolls his eyes.

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"I have no evidence that this is as weird as you seem to indicate."

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"Mhm. But he's my brother, so I've got tons. I'll summarize - he is a nerd."

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"My understanding is that this means he should make friends with other nerds, not that it's a curse that renders him permanently friendless such that my presence is a miracle."

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"He's also shy! Have I mentioned he's shy? It's not that he's cursed with nerdiness and he's permanently friendless because of it, it's that he is nerdy but does not seek out nerdy friends because he is shy and so normally he doesn't meet them."

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"I'm not actually seeing that? I mean, I believe there is something in his personality you're labeling that way, but he talks to people, I have seen him do it."

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"Behold, talking to people is a thing I can do," says Darren dryly.

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"... I think I'm mussing up the wording. Whatever, doesn't matter anyway. Keep up the good work, Darren."

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"Sure," he shrugs.

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"Perhaps in the future you can aspire to have multiple friends."

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"Let's not go speaking crazy talk, now."

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"Okay. I will feel extra super special about it, then."

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Savannah looks between the two, as she eats her pudding.

Huh. That's interesting.
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"Feel free," replies Darren brightly.

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"I am unique in all the world," singsongs Bella.

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Darren laughs. "Congrats. Unless you count the hordes of people that borrow my notes as friends, in which case... You are part of a long line."

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"I haven't borrowed your notes since the first couple days. I take great notes. If you're ever home sick you will be borrowing my notes. I am much specialer than all those people."

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Darren snorts with laughter. "I don't think that's a word."

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Savannah is just kind of watching all of this go on. It continues to be interesting.

She will have to tease Darren about it later.

Because someone has a crush.
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"Shakespeare invented hundreds of words. I am in good company."

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"Lots of people try to invent words. It only counts when people start accepting them as actual words."

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"Are you claiming not to have successfully understood what I meant when I said 'specialer'?"

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"Nope, I've got no clue what you meant. It was completely opaque to me. Absolutely incomprehensible."

He has not gotten any better at lying in the past five minutes.
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Bella snickers. "I suppose I am not the Bard."

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"If you were I would be very surprised. You don't look like a four-hundred-plus year old dead man."

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"Well, obviously I'd have to be the undead Bard. Or the reincarnated Bard."

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"Mhm. Bella the undead Bard. You should write that down, if I ever persuade you to play Dungeons and Dragons. That can be your first character. You can kill people with music."

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"Is the Monster Manual racist against undead?"

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"Bella. Bella, why would you even ask such a question. The answer is 'Of course.' Of course it's racist against undead, it is super racist."

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"So can I get some homebrew deadly-music undead?"

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"Yup. If I am to DM, I will be a nice DM. Strange creatures for all."

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"Cool. Can we call my kinda undead a 'revenant'? I like the word."

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"Sure. Want any cool lore bits about revenants or should I make it up?"

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"That's all I have right now, you know better what will fit neatly, I don't even know how to play."

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"Right. I'll figure it out, then. It'll be fun!"

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"Just don't turn it into a massive time-sink. I would like to learn some things during my high school years with applications beyond the cunning evisceration of goblins."

Like magic.
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"Yeah, ditto here. It won't take up all my time ever, I've got stuff to do, but it's fun."

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"How much am I supposed to be inventing a revenant who has no properties in common with me versus inventing one who serves as a good - avatar for myself?"

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"That's really a personal preference. Go with whichever seems the most fun."

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"Well, I don't know what's most fun, I don't know what my revenant is going to be doing."

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"If we had a proper group going I'd ask what everyone wanted to do and then build a campaign around that, soo... I couldn't tell you? Do you want to try and pull off a two-person D&D group?"

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"I dunno, maybe if I take a closer look at the game I will wind up disappointing you and not wanting to play at all."

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"Fair enough. I mean, no loss, I didn't have anyone to play with before, either."

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"He tried to get me to play. It's boring," declares Savannah.

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"What's boring about it?"

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"Lots of numbers, lots of rolling dice, lots of - lists of things. To choose from, to write down, to look through, and so on. It got on my nerves."

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"Numbers? Greaaaat."

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"... It's more fun than it sounds, I swear."

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"No it's not."

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"I'll give you a fair chance to sell me on it."

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"But I promise no more than a fair chance. Perhaps it will be too much like math class."

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"Fair enough. It's really not like math class at all, but some math is done so I guess that could get annoying."

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"I don't actually hate math. It's just that it comes to me least easily of academic subjects so it has some accumulated resentment for that reason."

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"Ahhh, I see. History's mine. I lose track of the dates."

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"Dates are the least fun part of history."

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"They really are. I mean, I know it's important to learn history, but - just throwing dates at me doesn't make me care."

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"The good history books are not the kind that make it into the public school system, unfortunately."

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"Nope. It's kind of annoying, actually."

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"They should just drop Guns, Germs, and Steel on everybody in ninth grade. It's imperfect but it's extremely readable, it'd make a good springboard."

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"Yeah, I mean - I think it would be better to explain why things happened rather than - 'This person did this at this time.'"

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"Right. Context, narrative."

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"Exactly. People like stories, not - lots of names and dates. So if it's a story, and not just dry information dump, I think people would care more. At least a bit."

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"I think so too."

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Savannah is resisting the urge to tell them to kiss. Somehow. She's not entirely sure how, but she's managing it.

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Darren doesn't notice Savannah! He's smiling at Bella.

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Bella is smiling back at him! She isn't paying any attention to Savannah.

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.... They really, really need to kiss. Like, seriously, that is a thing that needs to happen.

Savannah rolls her eyes.

Then the bell for the end of lunch rings.
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Off to art!

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Whee, art!

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When they get there, Savannah nudges Darren. Then she raises an eyebrow at him.

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... And Darren is confused!

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So is Bella, but she at least doesn't seem to be directly targeted! They're doing coil pots this week. She pays attention to the teacher's explanation of the importance of slipping and scoring "almost like you have a problem".

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Art class goes!

The entire time, Savannah keeps poking her brother. Or grinning at him, amused, or - all sorts of various suspicious things. Darren is confused through most of them, but he starts to catch on to what she's teasing about by the end of class.

His reaction is to turn an interesting shade of red and focus very much on his coil pot. He will be religiously dedicated to slipping and scoring, and also the structural integrity of the pot. He doesn't explain to Bella what's going on.

Savannah finds all of this very amusing.
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Bella makes a tall pot that branches into three sections partway up. She is methodical about slipping and scoring. At the end of the class they put their unfinished work in plastic bags with wet sponges so it will still be there tomorrow, and then they move on. Bella doesn't have her last class with either of them, so they will have to wait for her to find them after the last bell rings.

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Darren has a near-complete but rather boring coil pot by the end of class. It's very structurally sound.

(He isn't looking at Savannah or Bella.)

He mumbles a goodbye to both, and then flees to his next class where his sister is mercifully not.
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Of course, he can't run forever. The last class eventually ends, and Savannah goes and finds her brother. She checks for Bella, finds her nowhere nearby, and then plops an arm around Darren's shoulder.

"Soooo," she says, enjoying every minute of this. "Bella's pretty cute, huh?"
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"Um," he replies, turning a shade of pink. "I don't think she's into other women but you can give it a shot, I guess?"

He is being dense on purpose.
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"Pffff. Pffff," says Savannah. "No, no, Darren - we made a deal when we were like - thirteen, I remember. I will not poach."

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"I have no idea what you're talking about."

But he is very interested in his shoes and is now red, instead of pink.

(He knows exactly what she's talking about.)
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"Uh huh. So you don't have a crush on Bella Swan?" teases his sister. "She's totally fair game, and I can flirt with her?"

(Savannah has no intention of flirting with her.)
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"I - um."

That's about all he can manage. He looks like he's going to sink into the floor in shame.
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Savannah bursts into helpless laughter. Helpless, helpless laughter.

Oh, her brother has a crush and it is adorable.
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"What's so funny-to-extremely-specific-senses-of-humor over here?" inquires Bella when she shows up.

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Savannah opens her mouth to answer -

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- but Darren clamps a hand over her mouth and says in the most suspicious tone ever, "Nothing! Nothing was funny. Nothing at all."

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"You are obviously lying to me," Bella points out. "It's, like, really really obvious."

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"Why would I lie to you I don't lie I'm terrible at it nothing was funny nothing at all," he says at high-speed.

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Savannah bursts into helpless giggles. Helpless, muffled giggles.

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"I'm going to hope that you have a good reason and are not just messing with me for your amusement."

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Savannah removes the hand, and through giggles, says, "He is really" (giggle) "embarrassed about it. It's not for his amusement, but I think it's funny."

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"I - um. Sorry, Bella," mumbles Darren.

He is an interesting shade of red.
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Bella snorts. "How long does your dad usually take to get here?"

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"Not very long!" answers Savannah. "A few minutes, I'd say."

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"Okay. So soon enough I'll be distracted from wondering what was so hilariously embarrassing, I suppose."

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Darren makes a sound and is very interested in his shoes.

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Savannah pats his back. "Yup! Hopefully he'll recover by the time he gets to tutoring."

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"As much as his embarrassment may entertain you, yeah, I don't think it would improve his didactic skills."

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"Maybe he can do it in mime? While looking at his shoes the entire time?"

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"No. I don't think so."

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"Aw. But that would be so funny."

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"You'll manage without somehow," says a recovering Darren.

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"You may have had your recommended daily allowance of humor already," Bella points out to Savannah encouragingly.

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"Fair enough. I can always tease him tomorrow."

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Darren makes a face. "Thanks. I feel the love."

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"People who Savannah doesn't love probably don't get teased at all, poor things."

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"They don't! They live barren and empty lives. It's very sad."

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Darren does not look convinced.

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Bella pats him on the shoulder. "Enjoy your fantastic luck. You do not live an empty life."

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"... Yay," he drawls.

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"I'm not hearing the enthusiasm I expect from people living full lives. Maybe Savannah should tease you more."

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"Do you want me to tutor you? I don't have to," he replies. "If I am not enthusiastic enough."

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"I will take even uninspired tutoring, but I have every confidence that you can do better than that."

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Darren smiles at her.

"Thank you for your confidence. I'll try to live up to it, I have the strength of Savannah's incessant teasing behind me."
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"I have," says Savannah, looking between the two of them with a grin, "so much material for it, too."

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"Okay, but really, if I don't get to know what it is you could lay off the hinting when I'm here," Bella sighs at Savannah.

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"Sorry. I'll back off," she agrees.

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"Do you have a lesson plan?" Bella asks Darren.

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"I do!" confirms Darren. "I'll let you pick and choose a bit what you'd like to focus on, though."

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"Excellent, that sounds best."

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"I do hope you'll like it."

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And there is Vernon! He waves.

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Bella also waves. "We had Mrs. Adams as a sub in English today. Darren says you know her," she remarks when he's near enough.

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"... Lynn Adams?" says Vernon. "Huh. I know her, yeah. Can't say I'm surprised she just so happened to show up in your English class today. She does that, creepy as all get out. You want a demon expert you talk to her, she knows more than I do."

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"Good to know."

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"Yeah. Can't imagine her teaching, though. You all seem to have made it out, all right. So I guess it's fine."

He ushers them to the car!
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Savannah steals the passenger seat. Its hers now.

(She wants Darren and Bella to sit next to each other!)
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Bella takes a back seat, quite oblivious to complex reasons Savannah might wish to ride shotgun.

"I actually liked her teaching style, but I wouldn't have wanted to be there that day if I didn't know the book."
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Quite predictably, Darren will now be sitting next to her.

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Vernon snorts. "Well I'll be. Guess she can teach. Wicked temper, that one."

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"How is it you know her?"

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"Remember that hellmouth I told you about? Poor woman lived by it. Met her there."

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"Well, that sounds unpleasant. Where do these things pop up?"

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"The way the angel explained it - they can be anywhere, except where there used to be one. I don't know all of those places, though. Sunnyvale in California's a sure bet for no hellmouths, that one I know for sure."

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"Okay then."

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"... If you're wondering, I'm pretty paranoid because of it. It's why I moved us to where the bugbear I'm friends with is. 'Cause she'd notice."

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"She seems... noticing."

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"She figured out Bella's not human," explains Darren.

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Vernon laughs. "Ooooof course she did."

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"I mean, there's the necklace, but it's tucked away and I've been leaning on the higher-collared portions of my wardrobe because winter, ugh, so yeah, she found out some other way."

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"Couldn't tell you how. Might have to ask her, though."

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"Is she relatively likely to be amenable to talking if I lurk after school some other day or should I be asking you to introduce me?"

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"Should be fine to just lurk and talk to her. Be prepared for her to not be surprised at all that you're there, though. Bugbears, I swear."

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"What is the content of 'bugbears, I swear' beyond being - noticing? Or should I just ask her? Is it weird to ask people what the traits of their kind of critter are?"

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"Not weird at all. They usually get all explainy, if you ask 'em. Bugbears get some kinda - tracky... Thing? I guess? I dunno the technical terms. Lynn would always be able to tell where people were, though."

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"Interesting. I haven't noticed anything that conspicuous for me."

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"Peryton's ability ain't obvious, either. So don't feel too bad."

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"Not bad really, just impatient."

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Vernon snorts. "Of course you are."

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"It's like you met me."

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"Strange, I know."

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Darren snickers.

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"Where do you guys live?"

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Vernon rattles off the address. It's reasonably close to Charlie's house, but not within walking distance. Maybe biking distance.

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"Oh, I know where that is."

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"We moved in to the grey brick house, if you know it."

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"I don't know it that well, no."

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"Ah, well. Least you'll recognize it, now."

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Bella nods.

"So what-all's on the lesson plan for me to pick from, Darren?"
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"From what I know? Transfiguration, some elemental manipulation, some things with illusions; you can be invisible with them."

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"Oooh, I want to be invisible. Unless it's horrifically impractical and I won't be able to use it to cover flying lessons."

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"We'll focus on that one, then. It's not horrifically impractical, but if you want it to work on cameras too it's a bit trickier."

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"Working on cameras is just the icing; the main point is that no one will know to point one at me if I am invisible and not sphinxing it up in locations with CCTVs."

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"Yeah, I figured. But it's the kind of thing I'm going to warn you about beforehand so you don't end up on the news."

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"I appreciate it."

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He smiles back! "That's my job."

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Savannah giggles. For apparently no reason.

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"I am very happy my brother can geek out about magic with someone," she says.

(She's also glad that he and his crush get along.)
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"Why wouldn't you want to become invisible, anyway? I don't get not wanting to learn it."

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"Ehh, too much work. Like, yeah, it's useful, but honestly most of the time I can just do my own thing and get whatever it is I need done through that. Plus, not willing to play at stakes that high."

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"At some point someone is going to have to be more specific with me about exactly what happens if one wrecks a spell besides 'considered harmful; avoid'."

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Darren will be the one to do this!

"It depends on the spell! Off of the top of my head - transfiguration spells, for example, can permanently disfigure whatever you're changing. Invisibility spells can mess up and turn part of your eyes invisible and then you are blind because light isn't directed through them. Elemental spells, you can lose control of 'em or they start taking on properties you didn't expect, like - water that suddenly is stuck at boiling temperature, and so on. So for a lot of things, we're not sure what the effects will be."
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"Okay. Thanks."

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"You're welcome."

They have arrived at a grey-brick house that is probably their home! It helps that Vernon's pulling into the driveway.
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"So, wait, if invisibility is working on a principle according to which having your eyes invisible means you can't see - does that mean that while invisible you can't see - or is this side effect the result of forgetting a safety that under normal not-messing-up conditions will allow you to see?"

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"Actually, that's exactly what makes being invisible to cameras tricky. If it's just people, you make yourself look invisible but light will still interact with you, they just won't see you or your shadow or anything. With cameras, you've got to actually make yourself properly invisible and that comes with the caveats of needing light to interact with our eyes to see. So it's a bit more delicate, because you've still got to make sure the specific part of your eyes that needs light to pass through it is visible. If you want it to be nearly perfect then you make it so that people don't see those, either, but I don't know of a way to trick cameras perfectly."

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"...So the illusion that does not fool cameras isn't a thing out in the world so much as a - mental trick. I might regret asking, but how much mental trickery is there?"

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"Hmm. Some? Problem is, I don't know all magic, so I can't give you all of the specifics, but the general rule is... If you understand what's at play you can figure out you're being tricked. I don't think there's any magic to directly hijack or steal thoughts or anything, but there's probably something that could confuse you into telling them yourself."

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Bella nibbles her lip, concerned.

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"... Sorry. Wish I had a better answer."

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"You have anything in the way of paranoid defensive magic? Do I have, like, an energy supply I need to be conservative with or is it a matter of whether I'm willing to spend the time on any given thing?"

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"Luck charms you already know about. There are other objects that do different things - I know there's one that will hide you from bugbears. There might be a few others that protect you from anyone messing with your head. I don't know how to make them, though. There's no energy supply, it's a matter of time investment. I suppose I can get started on magic tutoring now, we're not in school. I'll just be honest with you and say we're probably not going to get to any actual magic for a while, I'm afraid. You've got a lot of runes to learn before we do anything."

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"How many is a lot?"

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"Well. Remember the chemistry analogy? It's kind of like a mix of the periodic table and the alphabet. You can get by with just some, but honestly it's better for your magical education if you eventually learn them all. I'll teach the ones you can use for invisibility first, so it's not all just - here's a rune, here's another rune, okay now prove you can draw them fifty times. Once you've got enough runes for a spell I will help you cast it. It's getting there that's the problem."

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"Okay. What's the ballpark number of runes per spell?"

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"Depends on the spell. The simple ones you start off with will have just four to eight or so, but around twenty tends to be typical. There's no cap for how many runes you can use, so if it's a super complicated spell you could theoretically use them all. I don't know what on earth that spell would even do, but it's certainly possible."

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"This," predicts Bella, "is going to be fascinating."

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Darren grins. "It really is!"

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"Do you need to do runes every time for every spell?"

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"Yeah. New ones, too, the spell itself will ruin the runes you draw when it's cast. You can get something that has a continuous effect that you can pull up again later, but you need runes to get that, too. Those are complicated spells, too, you can put them on people but it's safer to put it on an item, instead. That way if it fails, well a hunk of metal is disfigured, not a person."

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"So if I want, like, a Ring of Gyges, that is theoretically doable?"

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"Yup! Theoretically, anyway. That one would also be really complicated."

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"And this would be a much better idea than casting a spell on myself that allows invisibility-whenever-I-feel-like-it, except for the part where the Ring of Gyges could be stolen and then we'd get to learn things about the effects of observation on human morality or whatever."

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"Pretty much. But you can always retrieve a stolen magic ring, if something goes wrong with the casting of the spell on yourself, it's kind of... Really difficult to fix. So between the two, go with the ring of invisibility, for safety."

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"How do magic items deal with persisting between forms? Same ring will not readily fit on a finger and stay put on a lion toe."

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"Now you see why we don't have rings of shifting," points out Darren. "It's possible to have a ring that changes sizes when you shift - but it's easier to find other methods. A pendant that can clip to fur as well as clothes, a hair ornament, earrings - and the obvious choice of amulets. There are probably other options, too, but those are the ones I can think of off of the top of my head."

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"I keep my shirt when I shift, so I guess I could work with a brooch, too. Maybe one of those expansible bracelets; I'd have to see how good sphinx wrists are at keeping stuff on. But if I have a magic object on my tail or clipped to my feathers it's just unavailable and not functioning while I'm a human, likewise if I have something on my thumb and then turn sphinx, or are you saying it falls off, or what?"

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"It goes to... Wherever your clothes go when you shift. Unavailable and not functioning, but no one could steal them, at least."

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"I wonder at what point a Tail Ornament of Gyges would kick in. It might make sense, for something I'd be most likely to want to use while in sphinx form, if it didn't have, like, a prolonged boot time."

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"It would show up for use when you had a tail, I'd say. Medallion magic is weird like that. I wouldn't know how long a Tail Ornament of Gyges would take to work, but assumingly... Instantly? If made right?"

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"When I was practicing over the weekend it turns out if I'm wearing sufficiently loose pants the tail doesn't even have to stick out, so that's going on the list of projects to consider for the long term." She opens up her notebook and starts this list.

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Darren nods. "Good idea. But if I knew how to make an item of invisibility I would have one, so... That is nearing epic wizard levels and I am not there yet. I'm not able to say, 'Oh, yeah, sure, this is how you make a Tail Ornament of Gyges.'"

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"How long have you been practicing?"

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"About a year and a half? Or so? I started before dad got custody, but I had to do lots of it in secret because - well, magic. Kinda not the type of thing you do in public."

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"Okay. Roughly how many hours a week, and how much do you think I'll be sped up because I'll have a teacher?"

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"Hmm. It varies a bit, but usually... Twenty-ish hours a week? Sometimes more, sometimes less. Depends on how much homework I have and if I'm trying to accomplish anything specific in magic. Having a teacher will speed you up to where I am, but I couldn't tell you by how much, I've never been a magic teacher before. Once you're at where I am I would only be good in a peer-review sense, or splitting up what we study so we can tell each other about them later with less time sunk into it."

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"Right, I meant sped up in a playing-catchup sense, not necessarily beyond, though division of labor and peer review will probably be a big deal too. Darren, I am not sure I'm going to have any time to actually learn Dungeons and Dragons, although I might let you explain it to me in enough detail that I can pretend that's why I'm at your house all the time."

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He snickers. "Kinda understandable. Magic basically replaced Dungeons and Dragons for me, anyway. I just miss it sometimes."

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"Maybe when you are an epic wizard in real life that will be sufficiently satisfying."

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"That's my hope! It'll be lots of fun to just - be super magic."

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"Yes. We will be the most wizardy winged quadrupeds ever." Bella holds up her hand for a high-five.

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High-five! "Yeah! It'll be great. I'm so glad I have a magic-buddy, now!"

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"I'm glad I don't have to dive into volatile Chemistrylike Magic without a teacher!"

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Darren snorts with laughter. "It's fun but also not really. I am very careful."

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"And here I am to reap the rewards of your exquisite care."

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"Go for it. I'm very pro-sharing of knowledge."

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"I know. I found that out before I knew anything else about you."

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He snickers. "I would be disappointed in you if you hadn't figured it out by now."

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"You do not have a slow student, promise."

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"Good! Want to get started properly, then?"

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"Yes please. Overview - what is there to it besides runes? I think you mentioned chanting?"

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"Chanting is also necessary. To continue the chemistry explanation because that's working out beautifully, the runes are the components. The chanting is the circumstances you put to get the components to react with each other. So there's a bit of art to it, as well - you can probably shave off an entire rune if you're good enough at chanting - but it's not quite as completely vital to get right as the runes.

"There's a caveat, though. For whatever reason, trying it in your native language has... Weird effects. Unstable weird effects, usually it's more powerful but it's not good for neat chemistry."
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"Any other language works fine? No matter how well you learn it?"

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"Yeah, even if you become fluent it's not your first, apparently that's got some importance weighed towards it. I don't know how people who grow up bilingual do, maybe both languages are just barred for chanting."

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"Okay. So I guess I'll fall back on Spanish unless - if I recall right you're in French? Will it be really inconvenient for us to be working in different languages?"

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"I'm in French. It's what I use for chanting, I thought about Latin but it wasn't offered in school, so I went with French. It might give us some problems cheating off of each other's chants, and it'll keep us from catching mistakes with chants as easily as we would if we spoke the same language, but other than that and it should be fine. Not really that inconvenient, just a little bit."

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"So probably slightly less inconvenient than me trying to catch up with you in French, too. Okay. I do all right in Spanish, I'm not fluent but - how ridiculously weird-looking is it going to be if I go to Señora Goff and ask her to check my grammar?"

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"Depends on what you want to say. If you use the right excuses for it you can probably get away with it not looking too weird. Dungeons and Dragons might be a good scapegoat. 'Okay, so my character is going to say this at some point in time and I want to get the grammar right' or something."

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"Why would my D&D character be speaking Spanish?"

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"Because they are from a country that is equivalent to Spain and you like being authentic?"

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"Hmmm. I don't actually know Señora Goff well enough to guess if she'll buy it. I can try it with something relatively innocuous, I guess, unless literally all of the chanting is 'magic thing, magic thing, happen now, in real life, also the person casting this is a literal sphinx' or whatever."

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Darren snorts with laughter. "No, they usually don't go like that, but many would be weird in casual conversation. I doubt you tell dirt to wake up, or for the air to sit still so it can listen that regularly. Some are innocuous, though."

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"Maybe my character is writing weird scrolls? Is that a thing D&D characters do, write weird things on scrolls?"

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"If you take the skills necessary for it, yeah - that's a thing you can do. You have to be a spellcaster, though. It's basically storing a spell for later, so more of the chants would make sense."

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"Is there any good reason not to be a spellcaster?"

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"In Dungeons and Dragons? Well, you are really squishy and don't have much magic at early levels. So you hide behind the warriors and barbarians after casting like - flare or something and pray nobody sees you and how defenseless you are."

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"Sounds like a ripoff. Isn't there magical defense?"

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"Well, of course, but those show up later levels and for balance reasons they don't let you wear armor and reliably cast spells. In practice, once you get past the first few levels you can start pulling your weight, and after that you start carrying the party. Epic levels you are scary."

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"How does armor get in the way of casting spells? It has to be sufficiently maneuverable that you can fight in it if you're going to wear it at all."

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"Because if wizards got to wear full plate armor the warriors would cry themselves to sleep at night."

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"So basically the advantage of being a warrior is that you can clank."

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"And hit things. Don't forget hitting things."

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"Speaking of my real-life total inability to acquire combat skills, among other things, where do you think you'd start on fixing my clumsiness problem with some sort of spiffy accessory?"

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"Hmm," he says, tilting his head and thinking. "I think it's possible, certainly, and I have some ideas but I don't know how to explain them when you don't know any of the runes. I can make that a long-term project? I need to get more item creation practice, anyway, what with how I want to make more medallions."

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"Right." Bella writes this idea under 'ornament of Gyges' on her list.

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"Do you want me to actually get started on teaching you about the runes?" teases Darren. "We can talk about Dungeons and Dragons some more, if you like."

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"Gimme a rune."

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He snickers, and then retrieves a paper and pencil and draws out a rune.

Then, he gets to explaining it. There seem to be several different meanings to the rune - and it's wonderfully flexible at doing multiple things. The problem is, Darren explains, that when you put down a rune you get all of the effects it gives, not just the single part of it you want. So you need other runes to cancel out the unwanted effects of a rune, which causes other unwanted effects that need to be cancelled out, and so forth.

"So," says Darren once he's finished explaining what this particular rune does, "it becomes sort of like a puzzle, where you cancel out the effects you don't want but keep the ones you do. You see the danger of what happens if you miss an effect."
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"Yeah, no kidding." She was expecting to wind up with a chart, but this rune has taken up the entire page by itself, the drawing in the middle and notes orbiting it.

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Darren is aware that Bella does not like people looking at her notebook, so he is not looking at her notes.

"It gets even worse when we start getting into the strength of runes and how strongly they exert their effects on the world. Not all runes have the same strength when at the same size. Or, for some of them, not even all of their own effects have the same strength. I picked one that did because I know what mercy is."

He pauses, and adds, "Did I mention that magic is fun? Because it's fun."
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"This sounds like the sort of thing that really ought to be handled by computer programs, actually, but I anticipate enjoying it."

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"If you can program something to figure this out for you, I will throw myself at your feet in awe. Since placement and size of runes also matter. Because why not, right?"

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"I can't program. Maybe I'll learn. In my copious spare time."

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"I'm sure you'll have so much now that you've started learning magic," Darren drawls.

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"Maybe that'll be the division of labor. I'll catch up to you and then start learning to program while you collect information for me to eventually incorporate into the program."

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"Hmm. Maybe. That would be useful. I like this plan, if it's viable."

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Bella goes back to her long-term projects list and writes automate some runing subtasks? under the existing items. "How were these runes originally discovered-or-invented, or don't you know?"

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"Discovered. There's a way to find new ones and that's how I learned most of the ones I know. Thing is, you have to reference something that the potential rune has through another rune, so I don't have any idea how it got started. I'm actually pretty sure there are runes I just don't know."

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"What do you mean, reference something the potential rune has?"

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"Like..." he draws another rune. "This one's got the same aspect of persistence that the one I showed you has. It's got lots of other completely different things to it, but these two have that in common. So if I made a spell that uses the first rune and looks for something with persistence, this rune can come up."

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"Huh." Bella copies the second rune onto a fresh page. "Okay, and what else does this one do?"

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"I was going to save this rune for later, but since we're here and you're probably curious..."

He starts explaining what it does! It's more complicated than the last one, and it has different levels of strength to its effects. Darren explains these in percentages. Persistence seems to be the only thing it has in common with the first rune, and in other things it's wildly different.
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"Cool. So the finding new runes - I guess you find yourself looking at an insoluble puzzle and then you're like 'if only I could get X without all this Y and Z, let's see what other runes do X' and then you find something that doesn't do Y and Z but maybe it does P and Q and with any luck they're easier to cancel?"

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"Pretty much. I spent around three months just trying to find out new runes and nothing else. It got kind of dull after a while, so I went back to making spells and looking for more runes if it seemed like I needed them. I found lots of runes over the three months, though. It helped a ton, it's just mind-numbingly boring if you do nothing else but that."

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"Yeah, that sounds like it'd get old. I'm sort of glad I'm the second one of the two of us finding out about magic, because I am selfish and terrible."

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Darren snickers. "It's fine, you're not selfish and terrible. I can't blame you, I'd want the same. I had fun figuring things out, though, so I think it's all right."

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"I'm totally selfish. I will accept your correction on 'terrible'."

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"Where are you selfish? Not wanting to spend months doing nothing but looking for runes? That's sanity, not selfishness."

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"I'm selfish in general. Everything is about what I want. It's just that I happen to want nice things for other people a lot of the time - the mental framing is still very self-centered."

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"... I'm not sure I understand? You want selfless things for selfish reasons? Is that what you mean?"

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"Something like that. I want, like, world peace, in roughly the same way that I might want a sandwich. 'Selfish' is descriptive, here, not a value judgment."

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"That's... Quite different from how I think. But it's still rather nice," points out Darren.

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"I am aware that I'm unusual in this respect."

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Darren shrugs. "That's fine? I like you as you are. I mean, I came to the same general conclusion, so it's like - different variables adding up to the same sum."

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"How charmingly mathematical."

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He snorts with laughter. "Thanks. I have to keep my nerd reputation up, somehow."

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"The Dungeons and Dragons and the notetaking could not possibly do by itself." She turns a page. "Gimme a rune."

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"I like to be thorough."

He gives her a rune! This is like the first one in that it doesn't have the percentages of strength in separate effects - though he does give the rune itself a strength percentage.

"The percentages are kind of arbitrarily measured, because there isn't a truly 'basic' rune to measure by. I use the first one I showed you as a base since it's common and easy, and worked from there," he explains.
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"Makes sense." She takes diligent notes in the format she seems to be using. "I'm making a batch of flashcards when I get home. And when I have more of them down I'm making charts."

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"I've got some flashcards, but when I tried to make a chart I needed bigger paper and couldn't manage it. Maybe if we get something like the huge rolls of colored paper at school, like the ones we use in projects. Or a really big chalkboard or something."

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"Excel spreadsheet. I told Charlie I wanted my own laptop for my birthday, I will tell him I need it early for magic reasons."

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"But then I can't draw the runes in Excel! I'd have to name them. Some of them I know the names of, but a lot of them I haven't bothered to name and just go with what they look like because I've been working solo. Also it would annoy me to meet another magic person and not have consistent names for them."

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"There's probably a way to haul pictures into an Excel sheet."

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"Probably, but then I have to have a scanner or try to draw in Paint or something. Which I can't do, because drawing with a mouse is annoying."

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"I think I could manage approximations that were close enough for casual reference."

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"Maybe you can, but I'm a perfectionist and them being too squiggly would really bother me."

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"Okay, then you don't have to use my spreadsheet."

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"I'll have to see how squiggly your runes are. Which, by the way, I will make you draw them, later, and correct handwriting. So that'll be fun."

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"Thank goodness I have excellent handwriting."

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"That's the spirit."

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"What general class of problems results if a rune is drawn wrong? It's like it's not there, or you get an unpredictable subset of effects, or it just straight-up explodes, or what?"

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"It's like it's not there, which... sounds innocuous enough, except if it's used in a spell and it's there to stop another rune's effects..." he trails off. "Bad things."

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"I assure you I am never going to be asking what happens if I do something wrong so that I can then merrily go do something wrong."

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"Good, because I would make faces at you, then."

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"And that would surely be more terrible than any failed spell."

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"Oh yes, certainly. You heard my sister, some of the ones I make are terrifying. Apparently."

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"Just like spell-botching I shall diligently avoid ever finding out the details." New page. "Gimme a rune."

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Rune is given!

This one's concepts are a bit more ephemeral. Less easy to nail down like the previous runes. Darren has to explain each concept quite a bit.
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This one's notes gets footnotes on the back of its page. Bella is enthralled the entire time.

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Darren notices! He will tailor his lesson plan because of this. The next rune is another less physical rune, and requires some more explanations - but once explained it makes sense.

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"You," pronounces Bella, footnoting this one, "are a good teacher."

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"Thank you!" says Darren, delighted. "I'm glad you're enjoying this."

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"So am I. It would be so disappointing if there were real magic and it was intolerably boring."

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"Me too. I spend hours on magic, it would suck if it were just... 'Press a button fifty thousand times, get magic.'"

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"Oh my God that would be terrible."

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"I would be okay if it were just 'Press a button five times' but fifty thousand and I would just feel like I was wasting my time."

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"Even if it was 'press button fifty thousand times, world peace' - that would be disappointing. I'd press the button but I would complain about it."

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"Yeah. I'd want to keep track of how many times I press the button so I could at least make the final button press suitably dramatic."

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"Cameras, beautiful lighting, music, weeping war widows giving heartfelt speeches about how today is the day it can finally be over. Gimme a rune."

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He giggles. "Exactly."

Then he gives her a rune! It follows the theme of the last few because that's what it seems like she likes.
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And she writes this down. They could pass the entire afternoon like this, swapping between runes and chatting.

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They could! In fact, that's the plan.

"I'm going to assume you'll study these on your own time, so I don't need to make you recite them or anything?" he asks brightly, after several more runes.
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"You have that right."

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"Good, then I can skip it."

So he does! More runes, wheee!

(He can't actually keep to the ephemeral runes, she needs to know more than just that. To make up for it he takes care to show connections between runes and starts expanding on how they interact together.)
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Bella is happy to be shown all kinds of runes. She was not actually aware that he was sticking to a specific genre for a reason.

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Runes continue to be fascinating!

Darren's enjoying himself quite a lot - he has a magic buddy and now he has someone to talk to about runes and things!

"Want to learn more runes, or practice drawing them?" he asks, eventually.
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"Can the ones I've got now make any spells?"

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"A few, yeah. But I haven't gone over how to lay out runes yet, so... Sorry, we're still on the boring stuff."

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"I'm not bored. Maybe make me a sheet of paper with clean and tidy instances of each rune so far on it and I can practice at home where I won't be taking up your time when I don't strictly have to have it?"

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"I don't mind, it's nice to have someone to talk about this with. You're good conversation."

Also he has a crush on her. So that helps.
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"Yes, but since I don't literally live here, it seems smart to save the practice that I can do alone for later, and do stuff that I need you for while I'm here."

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"True," he says. "Okay, I'll make a list of runes and check your work, later. Proper teachering, hurray."

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Bella pats his arm. "Hurray. Is now a good time to teach me how to lay them out or should I learn more of them alone first?"

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"Now works for me," he agrees.

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"All right. What're we gonna do, O Teacher?"

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"Well, I'm going to do the obvious thing, and explain it."

So he does!
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Soon Bella's notebook has a glossary with the following terms:

Circumscription - Large closed shape such as a rectangle or circle. By default means "affect this area"; cancel with a targeting or abstracting rune (see footnote 4 on third rune). Contains other runes.

Description - Section of a diagram saying what to do. Demarcate with third rune (but, see first footnote and third use case) or another suitable.

Proscription - Cancellation section. Nesting sections to cancel unwanted effects of prior cancellations; demarcate with rune tree on page 9 (see note in lower right corner) or another suitable.

Superscription - Clarification section for small positive epicyclic effects. Adds to description section and should be near it.

Subscription - Clarification section for cancellations and/or superscriptions. Supplements proscription section but does not need to be near it if the circumscription doesn't accommodate it neatly.

Then she goes back and makes little star markings near all her noted runes indicating where they may overlap without disaster - "I might want to make, like, pipecleaner models of these things so I can try ways to overlay them up without going through reams of paper".

Then she takes a supplied spell description indicating that when cast successfully it makes the circular diagram's area light up like a lamp, and the list of five runes that make up this spell, and starts puzzling out ways to munch them together in the circumscription with safe overlap and sectioning and demarcation.

She takes twenty minutes of experimentation and clarifying questions, but then she has something drawn - sketchily; she shouldn't use this exact diagram, but suitable as something to refer to when trying again with a compass and a ruler.
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Darren checks over her work, and offers occasional bits of advice for how to improve things, or gentle nudges about what she's done wrong. Overall, though, he's very supportive and encouraging, especially when she's on the right track.

"Mind you," he adds, "It shouldn't be that messy when you draw it out properly. I'm not sure if we have time or not for me to show you how to do it neatly. When's your dad coming to pick you up?"
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"He's off work at nine and I can call him whenever after that. I wouldn't try to cast with this messy thing, this is just a - composition."

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He nods. "All right. We should um - probably eat, now that I think of it. I don't even know what time it is."

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Bella looks around for a clock. "Yeah, food sounds great, I - forgot to explicitly ask if I'm invited for dinner."

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Darren snorts. "No, I'm going to make you starve, shame on you for not asking politely."

He is being sarcastic.
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"If I was not invited for dinner I would call my dad at nine and eat leftover spaghetti, it would not be a huge deal. But thank you. What're we having?"

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"I'm not sure. Dad's taking care of it, I think. We should go ask."

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"Okay." Bella stands up and streeeeetches. She's been hunched over her notebook for a long time even for her.

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Darren's kind of stiff now, too. "Ow," he says. "... I should probably have gotten up and walked before now."

Whatever. Off they go to find his father!
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And there he is, in the kitchen. He looks up, amused. "You two have been busy, I take it?"

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"Yes," beams Bella.

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Vernon laughs. "Aaand - Darren?"

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"Didn't do any magic, only showed her runes and how to lay them out."

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"Good," says Vernon. "So, opinions on dinner? Savannah wants Chinese."

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"I like Chinese. Good with most anything in the genre but I can produce specific opinions if you want me to and give me a menu to look at."

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"Yeah, there's one somewhere, let me try and -"

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Darren retrieves and hands it to him.

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"... Thanks. Only organized one in the house," says an amused Vernon. Menu goes to Bella. "There you are."

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Bella looks through it and expresses an appreciation for wonton soup and chicken fried rice, "but again, I'll eat whatever you'd normally get."

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"Sure. I'll order. Darren, same as usual?"

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"I am boring and predictable," says Darren dryly.

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"Well. I'll call it in, then." He goes and gets the phone, to order food.

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Savannah arrives from upstairs! "... Oh my god you two have noses out of books. Are you dying?"

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"Of starvation."

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"Knew it. Look at you, you're skin and bones."

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"Skin and bones and feathers, don't forget," says Bella, producing feathers. Darren's standing sufficiently adjacent to her that one wing winds up settling incidentally on his back.

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Darren.... Notices and inspects his shoes, giggling a little. He is embarrassed and vaguely pleased.

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Savannah notices and looks amused. "Of course not. Feathers, too."

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Vernon notices Darren's reaction. He does not comment.

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Bella figures Darren just thinks, entirely reasonably, that she is hilarious. She puts her wings away. "Is nighttime a good time to try flying practice? It's getting dark, we could go after dinner, we'd be hard to see?"

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"It's the best time. Do you want to go flying? Because... Darren can take you flying."

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"Yeah, I wanna go flying. I also want to learn a dozen more runes, but if I try to cram too much into my head all in a row it's not gonna stick that well, and I do also want to fly."

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"I'd be happy to take you," says Darren.

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He smiles at her! "Are you coming too, Vana?"

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"Nah," says Savannah, looking incredibly amused. "Thanks though. Don't feel like it."

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"It must really be something to occasionally not feel like flying without something to distract you that is as cool as magic. What do you even do with your time?"

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"Stuff? Just came back from karate lessons, so I am tired. I might go nap. It'll drive you workaholics up the wall, I bet."

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"Behold, as I am driven up the wall. Insanity. Naps."

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Bella chuckles. "I'm not philosophically opposed to naps! Karate is cool, I might have tried it at some point if I would not instantly die."

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"I don't think it would be instant! But you would still definitely die, so don't try it," teases Savannah.

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Darren gives her a look.

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"... Joking! That was a joke, Dare."

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"...What?" Bella asks Darren. "I would completely die, I can only just about walk, I expect to be better at flying only because there is not much to crash into once you clear the treeline."

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"Sorry. Didn't find it funny," he shrugs.

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"Okay," shrugs Bella. "How long does Chinese delivery usually take to get to this neighborhood?"

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"Fifteen minutes or so. Not that long of a wait. If you're starving you can grab a snack," shrugs Vernon.

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"Nah, I'm good."

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"All righty," says Vernon. "If you'll excuse me, my parenting duties are done until the food arrives or one of you starts bleeding. I'm gonna sit down."

He goes to do that. Look! A couch for doing that!
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"Nope! Not bleeding," says Savannah. "That's in two weeks. Mark your calendars and despair, ye who enter this house."

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Darren makes a face.

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Bella snorts.

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"Thank you," says Vernon dryly, "for that information."

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Savannah cracks up.

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Bella giggles a little too.

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"You need to take a joke," Savannah informs Darren.

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"Yes. I shall take it and throw it out, certainly."

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That makes Bella giggle too.

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Savannah snorts. "Har har. Is there a pile of jokes you don't like out there?"

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"No, no. I donate them. To comedians so they can learn what not to do."

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"They're stealing my period jokes. The monsters."

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"Plagiarism is wrong," says Bella piously.

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"Wrong and terrible," agrees Savannah. "Darren, I thought you were better than that!"

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He looks between both Bella and Savannah. "Apparently not. Anything to rid the world of evil."

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"Well, sometimes sacrifices in intellectual honesty must be made to accomplish greater tasks," sighs Bella.

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"Savage," accuses Savannah, to her brother.

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"Bwua-ha-ha, I'm ridding the world of terrible jokes, once and for all."

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"Bastard! Rogue! Scoundrel! ... Um - barbarian! ... Help me out, Bella, my vocabulary sucks."

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"Blackguard? Rascal? Fiend?"

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"Yes, those."

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"... You sure showed me," drawls Darren. "I have been told."

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"Oh, snap," says Bella, unconvincingly.

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"Yeah, I sure told him."

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"Also," pipes up Vernon from his couch, "I heard that. Quarter. Into the jar."

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"... Damn," sighs Savannah.

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"Two now!" says Vernon brightly.

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Savannah mutters some (non-expletive) things under her breath. She goes off, finds a jar with a lot of quarters in it, and - in go two quarters.

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"...Wait, what's the first one for? I missed it."

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"First thing I called Darren. I was hoping dad wouldn't notice."

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"Noticed," replies Vernon, in the same cheerful tone.

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"Does the household swear jar go to a good cause?"

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"Movie nights. Weirds them out when we show up with a ton of quarters and we're like, 'Yeah, three for X-Men.'"

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Bella laughs.

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And the doorbell rings! Vernon answers it, pays, accepts food, and onto the table it goes.

"No stealing all of the fortune cookies," he tells Savannah.
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"You can have mine, I don't care for them."

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"Yay!" says Savannah happily. "Thanks! I hope I get silly and contradictory fortunes!"

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"You're welcome."

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Darren's amused, and goes to get food. Food is gotten. It's all quite exciting.

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Vernon gets his, too - there's both chicken fried rice and wanton soup for Bella.

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Om nom nom!

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As they eat, Savannah gives Darren the puppy-eyes.

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He stands strong against them.

... For a little while.

Then he finally rolls his eyes, sighs, and hands her his fortune cookie.
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"Do you actually like fortune cookies?" Bella asks Darren.

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"I do, but they're not hugely important to me."

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"They taste like paper even if you don't accidentally eat the paper."

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"They do not," defends Darren.

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"They do! In every single restaurant. And the fortunes are -"

Bella cuts off abruptly.
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"... Er. Bella?"

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"Mom liked them."
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Darren winces and - out come his wings. One gets comfortingly draped over Bella's shoulder - like a fluffy, feathery cloak.

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Bella relaxes a little, she sighs. "Sorry, wow, I'd been spontaneously mood-killing so much less these past couple days..."

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"Happens. There are ups and downs to it," says Vernon, understandingly. "Don't feel bad about it."

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"None of us are going to ride your a-... Bum because you're occasionally a mood killer. Darren's full-time stick in the mud and we love him."

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Darren snorts.

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"I'm not feeling guilty for making you guys sad, I'm annoyed with myself because I was working on it and I'm not done instantaneously," says Bella.

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"Right. Makes sense."

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Vernon shrugs. "If you want to talk about it - I've got a dad license. Gotta listen. It's in the fine print."

It's said in a 'You don't have to if you don't want to' kind of way. (But he does mean it.)
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"My dad also has a license. He is a cop and would never be caught parenting without a license."

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"Good on him. Also in the fine print that I gotta offer. Just in case you need it."

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"I'm fine. I'm self-repairing."

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"Makin' sure."

And then that's that, and it's back to dinner. Nom nom.
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Delicious Chinese food, om nom.

"Authentic Chinese food is absolutely nothing like this on any axis, including edibility," says Bella conversationally. "It's all fish with a million bones and unrecognizable vegetables."
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"Are you complaining? Do you want us to order you authentic Chinese food?"

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"I said including edibility. I didn't want to try authentic Chinese food a second time after I'd had it once. My remark was complimentary."

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"I ordered it off of the menu myself," says Vernon dryly.

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"Culinary genius."

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Bella chuckles.

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"Go on, sass your old man. I'll make you cook dinner."

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"Oh no. Oh, not the cooking. Please, someone save me from following simple directions."

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"Somebody should tell Charlie that it's following simple directions. He is incapable of cooking anything other than fish without it being a complete disaster, and he only suffered through learning to do fish because otherwise the freezer would get full and he wouldn't be able to catch more."

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"Dad's method is making sure that if we're left alone for a day we can successfully not kill ourselves."

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"Thus, we know how to cook. I'm better at it than Savannah, though."

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"When I'm not around Charlie lives on fish and cold cuts and takeout. I'm not fancy, but I can do relatively ordinary food without apocalyptic results."

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"I'm not even sure how you could get apocalyptic results. I mean, at worse it's inedible and you just move on. But apocalyptic? What, does it explode?"

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"Charlie exploded something once! He decided to microwave an egg. Raw in its shell."

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"... Wha? Why - why would that seem like a good idea?"

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"Well, he likes 'em hardboiled, but microwaves are faster, right? And he was in a hurry, so it just made sense, right? Cue exploded egg."

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"... Right, okay, your dad is not allowed in the kitchen. Like, he can't even walk in for milk."

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"In any kitchen for which you make the rules you may make that one of them."

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"Dad, Bella's father can't use our kitchen."

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Vernon looks amused. "Since when do you make the rules around here?"

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"I make dinner most of the time, he is not touching the kitchen. I will go on strike."

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Bella giggles.

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"Fine," laughs Vernon. "No kitchen for Mr. Swan. But you have to feed him if he's here."

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"I don't expect him to complain. He doesn't exactly like to cook. Even when we're having fish I do it better."

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"Then it'll work out for everyone. He doesn't need to cook, and he does not touch the kitchen."

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"But it is, in fact, pretty safe to let him get milk or make sandwiches. It's when applying heat to things gets involved that it's iffy."

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"I like to be very safe. It's why I'm allowed to play with magic."

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"I let my dad in the kitchen at my house, and I too make dinner most nights. Am I not allowed?"

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Darren considers her. (His wing is still draped over her.)

"... Hmm. You're allowed. But I recommend keeping him away from the microwave, and eggs."
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"I let him microwave leftovers. Fortunately we don't have any plates with metal decorations. But he no longer interacts with unprepared eggs."

(She kind of likes the wing right where it is, so she's not drawing attention to it.)
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"This is tentatively acceptable. Maybe."

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"He has never had a disaster microwaving a leftover!"

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"Fine, fine. He can microwave leftovers. Because you definitely need my permission for that."

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"I'm so glad to have it, too. It'd be really inconvenient for poor Charlie if he couldn't have hot leftovers without my help."

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"Yes, but things wouldn't explode, at least. You'd come home to a non-burned down house."

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"I do that anyway. He has never burned down the house. He did scorch a dishtowel once, but that was a long time ago."

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"Oh, fine. You get a pass. For now."

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"So glad you approve of my judgment. Otherwise you might stop teaching me magic and that would be terrible."

Her soup is gone now; her rice nearly so.
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"Yeah, who would I talk about magic with?"

Darren's about done with his food, too.
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Om nom nom rice. "Nobody. It'd be tragic. Let's go teach me to fly."

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"Sure!" he agrees happily.

Nom nom nom, he finishes his meal, and then he's ready to go.
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Bella delays a moment in case there is some expectation about interacting with her dishes.

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Darren takes care of it. This means Bella no longer gets fluffy wing draping. Her dishes are retrieved, rinsed, and into the dishwasher they go.

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Awww, no more wingdraping. She follows him outside, delaying in producing her wings (or any other critter parts) till he indicates it's safe.

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His wings go away when they go outside, for the same reason hers aren't out! He leads her off to the woods away from the road, so no one sees them when they go fullform.

"This place seems good," he says, once they reach a nice quiet spot with a hill.

He is then a peryton!
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Isabella follows suit, turning fullform sphinx. She is noticeably better at being quadrupedal now.

"Okay. Where do I start?"
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"Gliding's the best place to start - I'm assuming you've done some kind of practice with your wings to understand how to move them?"

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"Yeah, I can move them around, I can even flap 'em if I move the coffee table to make room and put down plenty of paperweights."

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"Well, then we find a hill for you to try gliding down. Because that's the safest option."

It doesn't take very long to find a hill - finding a hill without a lot of trees on it is more of a problem. They first place they find that is probably suitable is by a stream, so while there aren't any trees - mud's probably going to be in abundance.
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"I have not experimented with - what happens if I get mud in my fur, and then cease to have fur, then resume having fur?"

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"The mud will be present when you don't have fur, but not in as much abundance."

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"And it will also still be there the next time I have fur? ...I might need instructions on how to take a bath while a winged furry quadruped."

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"Yeah, it will be. Dad usually hoses us down if it's a problem, sooo... I try not to get covered in mud. I think in Avalons they have like - big bath-tubs for going fullform in so you can have a bath. But we don't have one of those here."

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"Okay. It's so wet here, this wouldn't be a problem back in Phoenix," she sighs.

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"Yes, but dust would probably be an issue."

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"That's true. I wonder if I will hate getting wet while furry. Cats certainly don't like it. Do you know a less - waterway-influenced hill we could use or is this it and I should just try real hard not to step in a puddle or fall over?"

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"... Well. Trees," he points out, not unkindly. "I was trying to find a place without lots of trees to fly at and this was about the only thing that wasn't covered in greenery."

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"Yeah, fair enough. I suppose if nothing else I can change a little at a time and fit okay in the human-intended tub if I become appallingly filthy. So here we are on this hill, what do I do?"

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"I'll give you a demonstration, so you can see how my wings work and the general idea of what to do, but lots of this is going to be trial and error."

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He backs up a bit, then gets a bit of a running start.

Then when he's at the hill, he opens his wings and glides. It's - actually really straight forward, though it's probably harder than it looks. Bella would be wise to note the angle he keeps his wings at.

He glides for a while, then shifts his wings and circles back around, flapping to get the proper height again.

"There you are. I'm not sure how much help it would be if I did it again," he says, once he lands next to her.

(Darren loves flying.)
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"How did you do the turning part and the landing part? I don't want my stopping procedure to be 'crash into a tree'."

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"Tilting my wings in a direction to turn, with the wing that is in the direction you're turning in catching more wind. Similarly, to slow down you tilt them both so they catch more air."

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"Okay..." Bella thinks through the underlying physics of this, and then points herself down the hill, and goes at - not really a run, but sort of a lope. She catches a little air, promptly decides to quit while she's ahead, brakes as instructed, and touches down with only a little scrambling to stay upright. Then she lopes back up the hill. "I am really enjoying the benefits of extra feet. If one of them spazzes out under me I'm still a perfectly serviceable tripod," she says merrily, turning to retry.

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"Excellent!" says Darren, pleased. "I'm faster as a peryton, interestingly enough. Not just through flying, but running. Something about being a deer. I'm glad being a sphinx is agreeable to you!"

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"Where does flapping come in? I bet it has something to do with getting altitude from flat surfaces or while already midair, am I right?"

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"You are indeed. You should probably get a feel for gliding though, and how it works - then you can try flapping."

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"Understood." She retries, and this time gets into the air earlier, stays up longer, and tries the turn, consequently landing farther up the hill and having less distance to hike to get back to the starting point.

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Darren is happy with this! He says so. "Nicely done. I don't know if it would help or hurt if I was flying, too - on one hand, you can see my technique, on the other hand, it might be distracting."

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"Mmm, give me another two goes alone and then you can join me?"

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"Sure," he agrees. "Have fun!"

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She takes her two goes. She seems to have the hang of both perambulating on all fours and gliding in tidy loops down by the end of her fourth time in the air.

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It's kind of hard to sit on the sidelines and not fly while someone else is, but Darren manages. This is her first time flying, and it's important that he not get in her way when she's starting out. He can just be happy for her.

"I think you're all right for flapping, now."
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"Cool. Teach me, sensei."

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Slowly, he demonstrates the proper method to move a wing for flapping - it's a bit more in-depth than a quick explanation, but once it's explained it makes sense.

Then he shows it in action, flying several slow loops around the area and circling back around for a neat landing.
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Bella copies him as best she can. She's picking up flying pretty quickly, especially considering what a disaster she is with the form of transportation she's been practicing for sixteen years. Flap flap! This way she can stay aloft much longer! Wheeee!

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Then Darren can just let loose and enjoy flying! Wheeeee!

He slows down so he can keep up with her, and is amused with her progress. "Did you know I was worried that you would be clumsy when flying and fall out of the sky?"
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"I was worried too, but this isn't nearly as hard as walking!"

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"More room for error," he agrees. "As long as you don't make a long string of mistakes it's more forgiving than the ground."

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"Exactly. There's nothing to run into. Except you, and we're leaving room."

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"Yeah, for exactly that reason. Because collisions aren't fun. Especially when I have antlers and you have claws. That's just - asking for trouble."

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"My claws aren't out," Bella points out. "I'm not sharp when they're tucked away."

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"Okay, well, my antlers do not shoo on command so easily. Just when they shed. So I am potentially dangerous."

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"They shed? When does that happen?"

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"Annually, mine usually in the winter. I've been tempted to keep a set of them, but I decided they were tacky and passed."

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"It's winter now; is this a new set or will it be falling off any day now?"

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"Any day now! It varies a bit, though. Could be a week, could be a month, I have no idea. Definitely can't be a new set. They don't grow back that quickly, they start again in like - April and May."

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"I bet that itches."

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"It really does. It's kind of annoying. I like them when they're there, but growing them and losing them is kind of a pain."

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"Poor thing."

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"I manage. Somehow," drawls Darren.

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Bella flaps and spirals up. "This is great. I wonder how long it'll take my wings to get tired. They haven't exactly had any exercise."

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"Isn't it?" agrees Darren, delighted. "If you do get tired you can just glide, too. So it helps with that."

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Bella nods. "How long do you usually fly at a stretch?"

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"Usually an hour or two, I can fly for longer but I try to do it at night, so sleepiness is an inhibiting factor."

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"Yeah, that makes sense." Swoop! Wheeeeeeee!

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Darren swoops to follow! Because it is fun! Wheee!

On the way down, he spots a spark of orange light, off in the distance below. "... Huh. Bella, do you see that?"
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"...Yeah. Forest fire? Unlikely in this kind of weather though."

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"Very. Do you think we should go check?" he says, concerned. Below, the light grows brighter and there's the sound of crackling wood.

At first it's nothing but the distant sounds of a fire. The orange flame (because it must be fire, with how it flickers) encroaches closer, dangerous but still far away. Then it starts to become clear that it's spreading in a very specific direction. It's spreading very quickly in a specific direction. This is around the same time that they hear the crackling sound become closer to a roar. It's coming from bellow, quiet and harsh, distorted. But the word is still comprehensible.


"... That is - not a forest fire," hisses Darren.
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"It is definitely not. What do we do?" asks Bella, nearly forgetting to fly, then recovering her focus and altitude.

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"... Um. Run?"

It's coming closer. It doesn't look it from far away, but it is fast.

"... Run, now, it's - it's fire based, ocean - west, west, which way is west -" he says, spinning in the air as he looks.

"Sphiiiiinx." It's louder, now, insistent.

"That way," says Darren, and he points.
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"If by run you mean fly I'm right behind you -" She beats her wings and books it west.

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"Yeah that was the general idea," he says, an edge of panic in his voice.

West they go, as fast as their wings will take them.

The - whatever it is, the monster - follows. It's closer, close enough that they can hear - bubbling, gurgling, crackling, not constant but in an a slow, building rhythm. Darren glances back and sees why. It's not walking, it doesn't seem to be able to walk. The monster's like magma, gelatinous and twisted, forming arms and then subsuming to reach forward and grasp the ground to drag itself. It's dragging itself closer, faster than it should be able, burning and twisting in its rampage.

Then it starts throwing things. Trees burned to half-charcoal, rocks that are near-liquid, and pieces of itself.

None of them are very accurate, but with what it's throwing, it only needs to hit once.
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Bella is getting one heck of a crash course in flying. She tries to avoid diving to avoid thrown objects when she can, preferring to swerve left or right - getting altitude back is hard work, and the ocean's a ways off even in a car and they're only about that fast. Warmth under them would help with the altitude problem, but doubling back to get at the flaming wreckage would defeat the purpose.

"It was saying -" (gasping for breath; her wings aren't tired yet but her lungs are beginning to complain) "sphinx. If we split up you might be able to avoid it long enough to do something, if you have a spell, or you think one of our dads could help if you," (pant, pant, flap, flap) "called?"
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"Maybe, but I a-am not leaving you to that thing," he says, stubbornly and his voice only wavering a little. He's in better shape for flying, but he's still not emotionally prepared to handle a giant monstrous lava monster. "I don't know how our dads could help, what could they do?"

Flap, flap, flap - he nearly gets hit with a wayward flaming tree, but manages to dodge. He loses a bit of altitude in the process, but he doesn't die.

(Fuck, he could seriously die right now.)

"... C-could try a spell. Ocean - something elemental, shit I hope I'm remembering it all right..."
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"Charlie could get the fire department, but it rains so damn much here I don't think there's a good forest fire handling team on call - how fast can you get the runes for a spell down?"

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"Ten, fifteen minutes?" he squeaks. Another bit of flaming wreckage gets a bit too close for comfort. "... Five, I will have to do it in five..."

The ocean is getting closer, but it's still a long way away.
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"I still have to fly away from this thing whether you're with me or on the ground drawing runes," Bella points out. "If you can do something..."

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"I'll try - we get to the ocean first, it's easier if I'm closer, I don't need to specify as much what I'm aiming at."

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"Okay. Ocean."

Flap, flap, dodge. Wings aren't so thrilled about this anymore.

"Do you know what it is?"
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"Not a clue. Really scary?"

His wings aren't feeling so great either, but his mind's elsewhere. He's desperately trying to claw together a working spell. He's done something like this before, when playing with magic, but never on this scale.

Also not in a life or death situation. That kind of changes things, a bit.
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"Can I help with the spell in any way by pretending to be scratch paper or - or should I just shut up so you can think?"

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"Second thing." (Dodge) "Sorry."

He is so out of his depth.

But he's going to try, anyway, because what else is he supposed to do?
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Bella shuts up and flies. She's getting better at it fast, which will be nice if she's still alive tomorrow.

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The flight to the ocean is terrifying, with a few close calls, but both of them manage to escape injury.

Darren lands onto the beach and goes human form as quickly as possible. He needs fingers, and the protactor and ruler in his pocket. He has got a mission and that's going to be complete because if he doesn't do it they will die. Or, Bella will die, but that's not something he wants to happen.

"Okay, um - can you lead it away from here? Then circle back around when I wave because I can't do this from far away from it, don't have the time for it."

He gets started in spell creation. Sand is wonderfully pliable for runes, but he's going to have a hard time keeping things neat.
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"I'll do my best," says Bella, from the air, and she tries to lead it along the beach - into the ocean is probably too much to hope for, but she's over the water herself, traveling parallel to the shore.

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Darren nods. He goes back to work at spell creation.

Surprisingly enough, he is doing far better in this crisis than he was in the last one. He has a goal, a thing to think about and focus on. Before he was alone with an unconscious Bella and panicking because there was nothing he could do. This is different. It's a crisis, it's a far more terrifying crisis than the last one, with the prospect of imminent death hanging over his head. He's pretty sure the monster could squash him like a bug and probably would without a second thought.

But he has a mission, this time. He doesn't have to sit there and stew in what ifs, there is a thing that needs doing and he is going to do it.

The monster follows Bella, ignoring Darren. It doesn't touch the water, it doesn't dare, but the shore is just fine. Sand turns to ugly black glass in its wake, but at least it's got less things to throw. Just huge globs of molten sand.

(That's probably not any sort of comfort.)
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Bella stays high at first, hoping to avoid splashback of suddenly boiling water or getting steamed by a dumpling. She dodges glass. Her wings are sore, now, but they'll still flap - she gets a little fleck of molten glass in her forepaw, which stings but doesn't incapacitate her. She folds her wings and drops to avoid one that starts coming at her while she's craning her neck to see if Darren's waving and then remembers something about updrafts and gets above the monster, spiraling for altitude and to make gravity fight it as much as possible, before gliding out to sea again after a close call.

She looks over her shoulder. She can barely see him anymore. She spirals, unwilling to get farther from him when he might wave her back at any moment.
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Darren lays out the spell, carefully as he dares - speed's important, but accuracy is critical. He cobbles together a spell out of half-remembered pieces of others, checking his work as he goes and occasionally erasing then redoing. He finishes, checks it twice, deems it 'good enough' and then waves to Isabella.

He starts composing a chant, something to activate it, stumbling a bit over the grammar.

While he's doing that he notices a problem in the spell, something not laid out properly - and he curses and gets to fixing it. (Precious time, wasted, but it's better than leaving it and letting it go wild.)

"Sphinx," insists the monster, following Bella. It's big and it's stupid, but it's going to outlast her, at this rate.
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Bella swoops over the ocean. If she were alone she'd just fly out over the water until she found a rock to land on, but she's not alone and she's not sure she could find a rock. She turns back in Darren's direction when she sees the wave.

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The creature follows Bella - then it sees Darren. It spots what he's doing in particular. It lets out a roar that shakes the earth, and then it picks up the speed and barrels towards him. Darren shudders with terror, but goes back to his work. A little frantically, Darren fixes the mistake in the spell, checks it over a final time and prays that he didn't miss something else. He's not religious, but this is a really good time to pray.

It's getting closer - he hasn't composed a chant.

"Shit - Eau, eau, forte et - Fuck, no, wait, is it l'eau?"

He doesn't know. His mind is currently drawing a blank on French grammar. It's getting closer, and he does not have time for this.

"Fuck it," hisses Darren. He'll use English. If there is ever a time to use English now is it.

"Water," he chants. "Water, strong and eternal, ever-changing and deadly - I call you, I summon you." The waves lapping near him still and recede, and the runes on the sand start glowing. "Strong and eternal, ever-changing and deadly, I summon and I bind you -"

The monster gets closer. It's almost on him, now. But he needs to hold on, just a little bit longer. He briefly considers stopping the spell mid-way and trying to run, but there's no telling if he'll even be able to get away, with it so close. It collects a new handful of molten sand, and prepares to throw it. The ocean has pulled away from the beach, revealing seaweed and animals - it looks so far away from them, now. Instead, it's bubbling into a mass, waiting, growing in size and strength.

"- strong and eternal, ever-changing and deadly. I summon you. I bind you."

It's like the world goes still. The glowing runes flicker. The magma beast doesn't even need to throw the glob of molten sand, it's so close that it's just going to swallow Darren whole.

"I release you," growls Darren, unflinchingly looking at it head on.

Then the both of them are swept up in a tidal wave of steam, sand, and water.
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"DARREN!" screams Bella, when the ocean swallows them up. If he has just suicided to take down a monster that was after her - shit, shit, shit - she spirals tight and high over the disaster zone, unable to land, unwilling to leave to find solid ground. She can't even see him. Maybe he's been flash-cooked, maybe the wave broke his skull open on a rock, where is he -

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It doesn't take very long for the ocean to recede, leaving destruction in its wake. The monster is in several drenched, steaming pieces, scattered around. It's safe to say it is probably dead. It's hard to find one little human-shaped peryton in the flooded debris, among all of the leftovers of the monster, bubbling and cooling all around.

But she manages it. There, half-buried under some mix of black glass and sand, is Darren.

He is not in good shape. He's covered in burns - caused by the application of fire or boiling hot temperatures of water. There are cuts, where sharp, malformed shards of glass sliced him. To top it all off, he's breathing raggedly, coughing without the strength to cough.
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She risks landing; the sand is hot but not, she thinks, likely to burn her, and blistered paws wouldn't much deter her anyway. If she can figure out how to pick him up she can fly him to the hospital maybe, if he can hold on that long, she will make her wings cooperate - should she administer CPR? No, CPR is for cardiac arrest - does she dare check his pulse? -

"Darren -"

And then her eyes roll back in her head and she falls unconscious, right on top of him, fur and all.
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All over, Darren feels like he's been dropped into a soothing, chilly pool. It might be uncomfortable in some circumstances, but in this particular one, it's exactly what he wished for. His burns disappear, the cuts close, and he lets out a few coughs to get out the salt water in his lungs.

Then he is awake and lucid. He is whole, unhurt.

"... Bella?" he says, weak and bewildered.
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Yep, that's her, in a dead faint on top of him, her head on his shoulder and a forepaw on either side of his torso, blanketing him in her wings. She is breathing and as far as he can tell from being directly under her she's unhurt.

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Well this is awkward. Did she just - black out, randomly, like she had before? Then how is he not mortally injured? He distinctly remembers it, it was extremely painful. Now he is not injured at all, just - a little waterlogged and feeling generally terrible.

It doesn't take him long to connect the dots. Sphinxes are known for healing - apparently true. He is so not complaining.

Now he just needs to figure out what to do. Bella is on top of him and he can't manage to dislodge her at the angle he's at, with how weak he is. He tries shifting to midform to move her, but that has little effect, either. Fullform he assumes is out entirely, due to how the body's structured. He returns to human, retrieves his phone, finds it waterlogged and broken, and then just flops back, exhausted and out of options. Darren decides he's just going to wait until Bella wakes up. He'll try not to think too much about her being physically on top of him in the meanwhile. (It's surprisingly comfy.)

"I am going to have to fault you for your idea of a romantic setting," says a familiar voice.

Darren cranes his head up to look. There is a bugbear, looking back, smiling toothily. He turns red. "Um. Not - it's not like that," he croaks. "She fainted on top of me and now I can't get up."

"Mhm," agrees Mrs. Adams. "So. A sphinx, huh?"

"... Um. Yes? Please don't - react badly, we just dealt with a thing that wanted to kill her."

"I can see that." Mrs. Adams looks around at the carnage. "Subtlety a foreign word to you?"

"No, but I didn't have many options," replies Darren nervously.

"Mhm." Mrs. Adams shifts to a midform - strength of a bugbear, without the claws. She starts working to get Bella off of Darren. Gently.
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Bella is limp and unresisting. She's big, but Mrs. Adams won't have much trouble shifting her.

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Mrs. Adams makes much better progress than Darren did. Bella is safely moved off of him, and gently deposited onto the sand.

"Got her dad's phone number? Does he know?" she asks, business-like and producing a phone. She's already calling Vernon.

"Had it, phone is waterlogged. He knows, though," provides Darren.

"Mmm," says the teacher. She calls Vernon. "Hey. Yeah, it's me. Found them. Yes, fine, just waterlogged. He made a spell and nailed it, some kind of lava fire monster. That's why they were at the beach. I don't know what it is, I'm not a walking encyclopedia. Yeah, no, it's extremely dead. Mhm." She gives directions. She snorts, then says in a tone dripping with irony, "Don't talk on your phone and drive, that's dangerous. Fine. If something else shows up I will call you. Bye."

She hangs up. "Your dad is on his way," she tells Darren.

"How did you -"

Mrs. Adams gives him a look. "Bugbear. Tracking? You two just randomly bolted towards the ocean at full speed with a thing I didn't recognize following. Somewhat suspicious and worthy of investigation."

Darren nods. That appears to be the end of that conversation. They will wait until Bella wakes up, or Vernon gets here.
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The beach is a drive plus a hike from Forks. Bella lifts her head groggily first. "Wha."

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"Hey," says Darren. "Thank you, for healing me. The thing is dead. Are you okay?"

Mrs. Adams is back to being a bugbear, watching for anyone that could show up. So far, no one. She waves a paw that is all claw at Bella, but doesn't say anything.
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"Thank me for what? You - you're okay?" She spares Mrs. Adams a curious glance, but most of her attention is on Darren.

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"Well. Um. Wasn't, earlier, I am now, though. Turns out your magic fairy superpower is healing. Which, by the way, thank you."

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"...I don't know how I did it. I was thinking about trying to fly you to a hospital."

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"Usually it's instinctual," informs Mrs. Adams. "Using your abilities. Not surprising, that you don't have a clue how you did it."

"I'm very glad you didn't need to take me to a hospital, that would have been hard to explain," says Darren. "Also, pain."
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"Yeah, I'm not optimistic that I could've gotten you there before you - you were in really bad shape. I'm really glad you're okay," murmurs Bella. "Wow, my wings are tired." She stops having them, then goes fully human, hugging her knees on the sand.

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"That, too," winces Darren. "I was not planning for it to go like that. At all."

He sits next to her. Mrs. Adams does not comment.
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"Why did the wave hit you?"

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"I couldn't figure out how to chant in French fast enough, so... English. It just - let it go, rather than aiming it at just the creature, I think. I was a little desperate."

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"Yeah, not - optimal casting conditions. I wonder if we should actually make scrolls. Trace a useful spell ten times, carry it around rolled up with chants written down. But I doubt we would've expected needing to hit a lava thing with a tsunami."

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"We can give it a shot, certainly. It could be really useful. I agree, though - I was not expecting to be attacked by a lava thing and need to kill it with magic."

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"It's possible that I should just expect to be attacked by - things. I can't think of a reason it would have to be a lava thing in particular, so maybe not the same spell ten times, but you know."

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"... Yeah. I'll start working on that, I suppose, along with magic tutoring."

Mrs. Adams raises an eyebrow. "You've been busy."

"Er. Yeah, and it really paid off here," says Darren, motioning to debris-of-lava-monster.

"It has," agrees the bugbear.
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"I have only one lesson under my belt and I think this thing scared half the runes out of me so I'm going to have to study more before I could do anything like that but I'm working on it too," says Bella. "Although if I can do enormous magic without knowing what I'm doing in exchange for fainting for - how long was I out this time? Also I wonder if this means that I had, like, two forms of really quiet cancer or something that my magic just politely fixed for me, since I was fainting the day I turned too... anyway I'm wondering if it's generalizable to non-healing, non-fainting, or both."

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"Ten, fifteen minutes? Ish? Maybe longer, I was somewhat out of it for a little while after you healed me. If it is, I don't know how to test it. It seems semi-autonomous, just - doing things without you telling it to. So I'm not sure how much control you could get over it if it's like that."

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"...At least it's not doing anything terrible. As far as I know."

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"It kind of saved my life, so - yeah, not complaining. At all."

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"I'm glad you're okay."

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"Me too. I'm glad we're both okay."

"Your fathers are probably glad you're both fine, as well," adds Mrs. Adams, dryly.
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"Does mine know what happened?"

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"No. Neither I nor Vernon had his phone number, and Darren's phone seems to be ruined. Since you're awake, I will leave him up to you," says Mrs. Adams.

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Bella fishes out in her pocket. Her phone was not present for much of the splashing and steaming - indeed, her pants were not present - so it's still on. She dials.

"Hi Dad. It was great actually and, um, the good news is I can fly now. Yeah. We're okay, we're both fine, Dad I said we're fine I am not explaining what the bad news is until you believe me that we're fine."
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Darren watches and doesn't say anything, because politeness.

Mrs. Adams, however, says softly, "Would it help if I corroborated that you are fine?"
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"Look, Dad, Mrs. Adams from school is out here, do you want to talk to her - okay." She hands Mrs. Adams the phone.

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"What happened," Charlie says, "to my girl?"

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"She is fine," says Mrs. Adams. "There was a creature that took offense with her pedigree. She and Darren did the smart thing and fled to the ocean, and Darren created a spell and it is no longer a problem. I was made aware of what was going on due to my pedigree, and came to help, but it was already handled when I arrived. I would have called you, but I didn't have your phone number."

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"A creature took offense to her pedigree? This one of those supposedly also extinct dragons she mentioned?"

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"It was not a dragon. We're not sure what it was, but it is definitely not going to be troublesome anymore," says Mrs. Adams. She pokes at a piece of hardened lava with a foot. Yeah, that's pretty dead.

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"Then why did it want to hurt her?"

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"I am not certain. We can't exactly ask it, now," she says, giving Darren a look. "But, my best guess is - someone sent it. Why, I don't know, but it certainly has something to do with being a sphinx."

Darren doesn't look at all ashamed about the lava-monster's new status of 'not able to answer questions.' It was really scary.
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"Right then. Give the phone back to Bella, please?"

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To Bella goes the phone.

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"Yes, Dad. I know, Dad. No, I agree, that would both be a terrible idea and not especially helpful in the known use case. We're maybe going to do pre-made spell scrolls. Are you sure? Okay - no, not me, I'm barely, I got a fleck of glass in my paw but it's not even worth a band-aid, I'm fine, but Darren's spell hit him too, he didn't have time to get out of the way. But it turns out I have magic healing powers so Darren is now completely one hundred percent okay and all I had to do was panic and then faint for a quarter-hour, which I assure you I'll be working on skipping those steps in case. Yeah, I'd just have rolled up paper with symbols and bits of Spanish on it. Yeah, Spanish, it's a thing, I'll explain it if you want when I get home. I did a lot of flying and my wings kind of hurt so I'm sort of hoping Mrs. Adams drove here and will be able to drive us back."

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Mrs. Adams nods. "I drove most of the way here. I do hope Mr. Swan will not give me a speeding ticket, because I was not following the speed limit. At all."

Darren snorts.
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"She says she drove here and please don't give her a speeding ticket." Pause. "He says he didn't see anything, Mrs. Adams."

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Mrs. Adams grins. "Good man. Darren, your father is almost here."

Darren smiles brightly.
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"Darren's dad is going to be here soon," Bella tells Charlie. "Mrs. Adams says so. Yeah, found out this morning when she was a substitute. Bugbear, they do - finding and stuff. More like a bear, as far as I can tell. I'll call you again when I'm back at Darren's, okay, Dad? And then you can come get me."

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And there is Vernon, coming through the trees, walking very quickly. He waves at Mrs. Adams, gives Bella a nod, but they are not his priority. He scoops Darren up into a hug.

"Are you okay?"
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"Fine, dad," says Darren. "I'm fine, I was a bit banged up but Bella has healing. My wings are a bit sore, and I'm exhausted but I'm fine."

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"Good. Bella - thank you."

He is still hugging Darren.
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"I don't know how much credit I can take for - being a fairy princess critter - I don't know how I did it," mumbles Bella. Belatedly, an attempt at politeness: "But you're welcome." Pause. "Even though the monster was after me in the first place..."

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"Not your fault if people are after you. Thanks for being in a position to heal him."

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"You're welcome," says Bella, a little steadier.

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"Would you like a hug, too?"

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"No thanks."

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"Making sure."

He's just going to be over here, hugging Darren.
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Mrs. Adams eventually says gently, "Vernon, his sister is probably worried, too."

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"Right," coughs Vernon, releasing Darren from the required Dad Hugs. "Bella, your dad's coming to pick you up at our house?"

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"Yeah, I'm going to call him when we get there."

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"Then let's not keep him waiting much longer." Expedition to the car! "Lynn? You've got cleanup?"

"Oh, sure, leave me with the fun job," replies Mrs. Adams archly. "My, do try to hold yourself back from making too many self-sacrifices, it's bad for your health."

"Thanks, Lynn!" Vernon says brightly.

Mrs. Adams snorts.
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"Thank you, Mrs. Adams," says Bella soberly. She hauls herself to her feet to follow Vernon and Darren.

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"You're welcome," she says. "Don't worry about it, you have enough on your mind."

She shifts to fullform bugbear - now that Bella's conscious, she can appropriately judge what she looks like. She's not mistakable as a normal bear, but the resemblance is certainly there, especially in the face and body structure. Her arms are too long to be a bear's, though that's subtle in comparison to what's attached to them. Her claws are nearly a foot long, each one, sharp and bone-white. Mrs. Adams gets to picking up cooling chunks of lava monster, and unceremoniously flinging them into the ocean.

"I'll start getting started on scroll ideas when I'm home," promises Darren.
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"All-purpose-emergency things," recommends Bella. "And supply me an English translation so I can Spanishify them and not horribly botch the pronunciation trying to use your French." She stumbles en route to the car.

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"Yeah," he agrees, moving to assist her. "It will take a bit to set up, I need to think of spells that will work whenever and not just in certain conditions, like the tidal wave one."

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"How ludicrously un-doable is teleportation?"

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"Extremely, ludicrously un-doable. Maybe it's possible, but I have absolutely no clue how. Sorry, it sucks."

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"Alas. Shields? Scenery-independent elemental stuff? Maybe invisibility, although I don't know if that's easier to do as a scroll than as the tail ornament."

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"Shields, maybe. Some scenery independent elemental stuff, air's basically everywhere. Invisibility - eeeeh... Possibly? I'm not sure."

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"...I wonder how it found me."

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"I wish I knew. It might have sensed the magic thing when you turned, but... Finding you specifically? I don't know."

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"I mean, we were in the air, if it could see really well if might have just - but someone would probably have noticed a giant lava monster hanging around all weekend waiting for me to come out and be sphinx-shaped where it could chase me, wouldn't they?"

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"Yeah. But there are plenty of ways to hide things, so it might have done... Just that. Gah, that's creepy."

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"That makes it sound like it was sent. By someone who has the resources to acquire one lava monster, so why not a whole menagerie of scary things. Eugh."

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"... I am going to work on magic a lot. I think you should also go to the Avalon and get some - luck charms or protection charms or something. Because wow that is scary."

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"Yeah, I'm currently debating whether to ask Charlie to take tomorrow off work and excuse me from school for a trip out there to see what there is to see versus waiting till Saturday. Which he'd also have to take off to drive me; I don't see him letting me fly all the way to Seattle alone given what just happened. At some point I'm going to need to acquire a car."

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"Yeah. Getting a car seems like a good idea - I recommend that if you go to the Avalon you go with other critters, because at least like - Mrs. Adams or me or Savannah could help you out if it attacked you here."

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"Which suggests waiting till Saturday. Or at least after school, though it's a long drive and there's presumably lots to see. So I need a computer, I need a car, I need books - I need to dip into my life insurance payout, I was - going to not, but."

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Darren winces. "That sucks. I'm sorry."

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"Purest sentiment. She had life insurance for a reason, she had it because you don't run any noticeable risk of partially orphaning a minor without at least making sure there's a slush fund to cushion the income loss, but I was thinking I'd sit on it till college, Charlie makes okay money, but suddenly I need big-ticket items. I'll get a cheap car, anyway. In case a lava monster eats it."

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"Fair enough. I mean, if we manage to get to the point where we can make magic items, selling those would be an option. If it starts to become a problem that lava monsters eat cars."

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"Ooh, yes. We can have a small business. To fund our research."

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"Mhm. Scrolls, too, I suppose we could sell scrolls. Harmless ones."

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"Yes. Can anybody use a spell or do you have to be a critter?"

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"Anybody. My tutor was human. We just - don't tell the general populace because huge upheaval due to scary mythological critters. It's the sort of thing that doesn't happen accidentally, so they're not likely to stumble upon it without help."

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Bella nods. "It seems like you could probably do a slow reveal on the strength of 'nobody would ever believe you' - right? Tell one friend at a time, if they freak out everybody who's in on it says they're clearly having trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality."

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Darren smiles. "... It's actually one of my main goals to get critters out in the open and accepted. So, yeah. I was actually uh - trying to set you up for an eventual 'I am a peryton' reveal without you freaking out, but you beat me to it."

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Bella laughs. "You were? You'd known me for a week and - awww. Have you told anybody else?"

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"Well I wasn't going to tell you then. Just setup for eventually. And no, not yet, I've thought about telling Angela a few times but I am worried about how she would handle it with her father being a pastor, and therefore religious."

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"I meant you'd known me for a week and you were already even thinking about it. Does Angela's father tend to be freak-out-about-things-y?"

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"I haven't met him, so I wouldn't know. I also sort of tend to think about showing people a lot. Kinda... Bothers me a bit that I am basically lying to everyone that doesn't know."

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"I'm disinclined to think of it as lying, but I get that, yeah."

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"Well. Neglecting to tell the truth, then. It wears, after a while."

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Bella nods.

"Do you have any critter or informed-human friends who don't live here? In the Avalon or wherever?"
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"Haven't visited this one. I had some friends in Detroit but we drifted apart a bit after I left. Other than them.... Not really."

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"I wasn't really close to anybody back in Phoenix, myself."

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"You see why my sister was so excited that I made a friend."

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"A bit, yes. I'm glad we're friends."

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"Me, too. And not just because you are a magic fairy princess equivalent and I am a huge magic nerd, even."

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"Any idea how I should go about figuring out how I do my fairy princess magic, by the way?"

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"Experiments? Safe ones? That's all I can think of, I've got no clue, really. This has never been a thing that has come up before in my life."

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"Okay, well, if you skin your knee, let me know and I'll... stare at it and see if I wake up having spent the last while unconscious nearby. But I'm probably going to skin my knee first, considering."

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"Yeah. Then we'll find out if you can self-heal. Hopefully the answer is yes."

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"I assume I had to be doing something the first couple times I passed out. I mean, I didn't feel sick, but there were no other discernible effects either time."

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"... I don't really know what you could be healing. I mean, maybe like - I had some kind of latent inherited mental disease from my mom and you fixed it? Or something?"

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"I passed out the first time before you showed up, and I've never passed out around Savannah - the latter doesn't guarantee anything but it's suggestive."

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Darren shrugs. "I dunno, it was an idea. I have no idea what it could be. I'm curious, though."

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"Maybe I had two very quiet forms of cancer. Or I do things besides healing and there was - something up with - would I have previously possessed fairy princess magic or was it dormant till I turned?"

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"... It's never come up to test it, so I'm not sure. Probably dormant, because medallions are really powerful and I've never heard of anyone manifesting their magic until after they turn."

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"Okay, so I - okay."

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Darren pauses and looks at her. He connects the dots. "... Bella? I know you turned dad down, but... Do you want a hug?"

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"My other idea besides Stealth Diseases - since I'm pretty sure I didn't manage to cure my case of the clumsy - is that there was a thing or two things wrong with my medallion, which are now patched."
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"Hmm. I'm not sure that counts as healing, though. We should try to find a way to test if you can do more than just - be a really good box of band-aids. I mean, magic fairy princess, you could be even more super magic. I have no idea."

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"Maybe we both had Stealth Diseases, maybe I have infinite cosmic power and can learn to channel it in eight simple steps with a home video series that can be mine for nineteen ninety-nine. I don't know. Is it going to look suspicious for a 'winged lion' to go looking for books on sphinxes in the Avalon, should you do that instead?"

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"I should probably be the one to do that. Just because people might connect the dots. A winged lion that never shows up in fullform researching sphinxes and who turned at the same time as a magic - thing happened. Kind of indicative."

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"Okay. Do you think it was my turning or whatever magic I was doing when I passed out that made the magic thing happen?"

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Darren looks amused. "You keep asking questions that I couldn't even begin to answer with any proof. I'm going to guess it was the magic that made you pass out? But I could be wrong, you're the only sphinx I know. You could be different."

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"Well, I suppose we'll go to the Avalon at some time and you will be suddenly very geeky about sphinxes and I will publicly consider you hopelessly and foolishly obsessed and prefer to read about runes."

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He snickers. "Yup. And, what a pity, I'll suddenly and miraculously gain an interest in lots of extinct critters, like dragons, too. It'll probably get on your nerves, while you read about runes."

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"Yeah. 'Bella, Bella, did you know that dragons have this characteristic?'" she exclaims in a terrible Darren impression. "'I didn't know, Darren. Did I say something that sounded like 'tell me about dragons, again?'" she replies to herself in the most bored of tones.

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The snickers become full-fledged giggles. "'No, but no one will talk to be about dragons and you happen to be present! Can I tell you about unicorns, too? Some people think they existed once, centuries ago, did you know?'"

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"'I suppose I will not literally claw you for subjecting me to this appallingly nerdy interest you have picked up,'" replies Bella in the guise of Hypothetical Bella.

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"'Bwuahahahaha!'" laughs Hypothetical Darren. "'Excellent, now let me tell you some more about dragons!'"

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"Are we convincing?" Bella inquires of Vernon, who is presumably hearing this entire thing since he's driving.

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That is indeed what he has been doing, staying politely out of the conversation. He snorts, when addressed. "Yes."

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"It's because we're nerds, isn't it, dad."

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"Huge, huge nerds," agrees Vernon.

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"But what will happen to my promising career in soccer if I am branded with that reputation-destroying label? Oh no!"

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"You will have to take up knitting, or maybe underwater basket weaving. Not as a hobby, but as a career."

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"Alas. Those fields are just so competitive."

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"Yup. Completely unlike soccer."

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Bella giggles.

She's still sort of leaned on Darren from the hugging. Well, if Darren's not going to point it out then neither is she.
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Darren's not going to point it out, no. But he's certainly going to enjoy it.

"I'm sorry that you can't be a soccer superstar, Bella. Your dreams are no doubt crushed."
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"I wanted to... heroically... kick things..." says Bella. "In uniform? What exactly do people who want to be soccer stars dream about?"

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"That, I guess. Maybe heroically kicking things in uniform on national television?"

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"Man, that sounds incredibly boring. Maybe they run on adrenaline from sports injuries."

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Darren snorts with laughter. "Maybe. Don't tell Savannah you said that, though, she's been thinking about playing tennis."

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"And doesn't want to complicate her forthcoming tennis elbow?"

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"No, she'd start trying to educate you as to why sports are fun."

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"...She's seen me try to walk."

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"And so she would use me as her demonstration, to play with. Bella, don't do that to me."

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"Oh, okay. We can't have that." Kneepats.

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"Thank you. It would be annoying. Rejoice that you can get out of the horror of playing sports with my sister."

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"I am immune by virtue of incompetence, yay."

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"It's a victory. Take them where you can get them."

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"I do, I assure you. I sometimes wonder if I'd like some form of moving around if I weren't so terrible at it - and I guess now I know, at least insofar as liking flying is suggestive."

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"That's because flying is amazing."

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"It's so great. Even if the circumstances I wound up practicing under were scary as hell."

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"Yeah, let's never have a repeat of those. Just the flying."

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"I will do my best to stop attracting lava monsters, cross my heart."

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"Good, you need to turn off your lava monster magnet, it works at the worst times."

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"I was hoping to summon a lava monster to somewhere a lava monster would be useful," says Bella plaintively. "But I couldn't think of any uses for a lava monster, and it would have been such a waste to let the opportunity expire."

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"Bella! Come on now, geothermal energy. That one's so easy, I'm so disappointed in you."

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"Oh, how foolish of me, yes, I should have sold it to the electric company."

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"Yes, you should have, we would be millionaires by now."

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"Who said I'd share my lava-monster proceeds?"

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"I would make a sad face at you if you didn't."

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"Hmmm, I don't yet know how good I am at resisting your sad faces."

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He demonstrates.

It is quite a sad face. Complete with puppy eyes.
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"Probably terrible," she concludes. "Okay, I would share my lava monster billions. If you would do good things with them."

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Darren giggles. "I would!"

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"Like what?"

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"Like - okay, first of all the social services system and adoption in general is kind of terrible and I would throw money at that to make it - less so. Also, starving children in Africa, but only if I were sure that I was fixing the problem causing it and not just alleviating some of its effects."

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"I don't know much about how social services work. What's wrong with them exactly that money would fix?"

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"Throwing money at it wouldn't actually fix it, but using money kind of like a - scalpel would certainly help. Basically? It lets kids float around in their system for years and buries the people trying to adopt them in paperwork and various - checks on everything about them. Not a bad thing, in itself, except meanwhile while they are dealing with the bureaucracy kids are getting shuffled from place to place with no real permanent home. Then, people who don't get the system are putting funky misshapen band-aids on it and it just makes the problem a little bit worse."

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"I assume the defenders of this system would say it's to prevent kids from being placed in unacceptable homes without hair-trigger escape ropes."

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"Yeah, and I'm not saying they should hand kids off to random people on the streets, but... If you're in the system for a long time, usually longer than a year, and you will be in multiple homes, and get shuffled around. It's - kind of counterproductive, to make potential parents jump through so many hoops while the bureaucracy itself is botching it."

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"So how does money help?"

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"Um. To put it nicely? Bribe people to reorganize the system and get the correct people hired to do certain jobs. It would be a lot of work."

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"Ah, you want to hire lobbyists."

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"Heh. Pretty much."

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"Did you spend a lot of time in the system?"

Since it's topical and all.
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"Three years. Or so, anyway. Not fun. Not the worst thing ever, better than when we were with our mom, but still not good."

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Bella nods. She's not sure how to verbally invite elaboration.

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"... Um. What would you like me to expand on? My mom, or what it was like in the adoption system?"

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"Whatever you're comfy with, I'm sort of generically curious but don't want to pry."

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"Er, all right. Well. Our mom's... You know that she's in an asylum, right?"

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"Savannah mentioned that in the executive summary on day one, yes."

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"Making sure you remembered. Well, we lived with her, until we were eleven. When we were younger it was okay because she wasn't as - decayed, I should say, but as we got older... It wasn't as okay. Our birth-father was nonexistent, and it was just us and her. Which uh - was... Bad. I'm not sure how much you'd like me to expand on the bad?"

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"Generic curiosity and not wanting to pry stands."

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"Okay. Well, dad called social services and they got us out from that, but wouldn't give dad custody. So he had to wade through bureaucratic stuff while we were shuffled around. Um - the first home we were in there were lots of other kids and it was really, really crowded. It was hard for me to find a moment of peace, Savannah eventually got fed up with someone in the house, got into a fight, and we got moved."

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"Oh dear."

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"They actually also tried to split us up. I threatened to start getting into fights and run away or something if they did, they reconsidered, I got moved with her. I mean like - we only had about four different homes during that time, but it was still... Not the best. We kept getting moved, for one reason or another."

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"Is there some reason you weren't just - living with your dad informally in the first place by the time social services heard about your mom?"

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"Well, dad didn't know he was going to adopt us, then. He found us 'cause of our dad and was trying to tell us about how we were perytons, but - noticed our mom. For him, he just found a couple of kids that were in a bad situation and went to try to fix it. It was after we were in the system that he realized how it wasn't helping either and decided to try and adopt us."

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"Oh - got it. So you were in a series of unstable foster homes that had already handed in all their homework when it would've been better if he'd gotten you more or less as soon as he inquired, basically?"

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"Basically, yeah."

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"Makes sense."

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"If it didn't, my life would be really confusing."

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"I don't suppose the system is noticeably more functional for kids who are not perytons?"

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"Noooot really. It never got out that we were perytons, I don't think that had much effect on things. I think some kids were luckier than we were, but other kids were definitely unluckier."

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Bella nods.

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"Plus," says Darren conversationally, "if there are other - critter kids in the system, I might be in a better position to spot them. Obvious medallions, sneaking off to places without telling anyone where they're going, so on. That is a thing that I would like to add in my mission to fix the adoption system."

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"You could just wear your medallion out and see who stares at it," Bella points out, "since you aren't a fairy princess."

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"True. But then people might also want to - do something stupid, like steal it."

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"And then you would be abruptly quadrupedal. Right. ...People don't prank each other like that in the Avalon, do they? Ha ha now Bob is in fullform at a slightly inconvenient moment?"

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"Nope. It's actually really, really rude to try and do that. Thankfully."

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"Okay, good."

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"Yeah. Not just because like - awkward moment, but because if a medallion breaks, the person that had it is basically screwed. So, not really the kind of thing you use to casually prank."

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"So as long as I don't make any dire enemies I'm probably good."

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"I think even then you might be good. With there being a cap on how many medallions there are - also not willing to break them just to get back at someone. It's petty and not worth it."

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"Right. Far better to just resort to outright murder, and then someone of the same species who you like better can have that medallion."

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"Yeah. Or if you don't have any friends that could use it, you can sell it and make money. Not very honorable, or ethical, but it happens."

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"Eugh. Well, I'd want to avoid dire enemies anyway, but someone is already sending lava monsters after me... I wonder what the odds they identified me personally are."

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"I have no idea. Hopefully slim? But probably not none, you... Do sort of obviously look like your human form, as a sphinx."

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"Yeah. Which on the one hand, yay I don't have facial hair, and on the other kind of a terrible disguise. Kind of the opposite of a disguise, really."

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Darren snorts. "A bit, yeah."

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"...heh, I literally have a secret identity."

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Darren snickers. "I do, too. By day, I'm a normal highschool student. But by night?" He poses dramatically. "I am a magic flying deer."

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"Do you fight crime?"

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"Unfortunately, no. I am a scrawny sixteen year old and I would get shot."

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"It is such a pity being winged quadrupeds doesn't help our shootability."

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"It really is. Maybe I'll figure out a way around it with magic."

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"That would be a good emergency scroll. Immunity to projectiles."

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"Got it, one Protection from Arrows spell, coming up."

(He is such a nerd.)
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"Am I missing something?"

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"That was a terrible D&D joke. It's a spell. I'm a nerd."

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"Such a nerd." She grins.

She is still kinda leaning on him.
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He giggles. "It's a surprise, right? I seem so non-nerdy, at first glance."

He has absolutely no idea what to do about being leaned on.
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Well, as long as he doesn't seem to object she's not gonna sit up straight.

"I'd definitely have pegged you for football and a future frat pledge."
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"It's my intimidating physique, isn't it. I bet that's it."

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"I tremble with anxiety to behold it." Pause. "You are in fact rather tall."

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He snickers. "Yeah, but built like a bean-pole."

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"A very intimidating beanpole."

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"Yes. Fear me, and my scrawny but tall might."

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Snuggly fear.
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Darren snickers. He will so not be complaining about the snuggliness of the fear.

"The fear is truly convincing."
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"I'm sublimating my gut-wrenching terror by cracking weak jokes."

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"As is proper," agrees Darren. "Otherwise you might start screaming and dad might freak out and crash the car."

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"And then I'd just have to pass out again."

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"Fair warning, last time you passed out on top of me and I couldn't get out from um - under you under my own power."

Is that a blush? Oh goodness that is.
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"...Oh wow. Did Mrs. Adams have to haul me off of - oh wow. Okay, I should not stand directly over people while doing fairy princess healing magic, noted, I'm sorry."

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"She did," confirms Darren. "It's okay, it wasn't your fault, you didn't hurt me or anything. It was just - um." Lovely? Snuggly? Adorable? Making him feel strange things that he has no idea how to handle?

"Odd," he provides, instead.
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"Yeah. Um. Sorry."

Now she's going to sit up, it's just kind of awkward now.
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Well. That just - went absolutely terribly. Good job, Darren.

"... Sorry, I um..." He has absolutely no idea what to say, so he just sort of trails off.
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"It's okay, I mean, now I know that I should be in, like, crash position if I am around someone severely injured, right? Good to know."

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"I suppose so, yeah. Though I honestly hope there isn't a situation where there are more severely injured people."

Meanwhile, in Darren's head: He is an idiot. He is such an idiot, he could have picked any word choice and he went with odd and now things are awkward.
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"Well, yes, but I may keep attracting exotic hostile wildlife."

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"Hoping against that one, too. Crossing my fingers, for all the good that is going to do. I really hope I can figure out how to make luck charms, they would be so useful."

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"When should we go to the Avalon? We should have concrete plans on that."

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"I thought it was going to be this weekend? Soon as possible without skipping school entirely and being away from various other helpful critters, and all."

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"Time? Transit method? Composition of the expedition?"

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"... Okay, that one I have no idea about! Um... Morning, so we can have a longer period of time at the Avalon. Driving? Composition - you and I should both go, probably also our dads. Savannah too, maybe."

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"I guess we ask her, and I see if Charlie will have the day off - do humans who go into Avalons get crap about it?"

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"Not really. I mean I think they have some trouble getting in, but... Other than that, no?"

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"So I, what, go to the door and hug his arm and pat him on the shoulder with a paw and say 'this is my dad he knows things'?"

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"Essentially, yeah."

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"Okay then, I can do that."

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"Yeah, then it'll work, no problem. It's just if he tries to go by himself it might be an issue."

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"Right. Well, hopefully he can take Saturday off."

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"Hopefully. If not - we will still have my dad."

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"Right. We should probably take this car. Charlie's only got the cruiser, which, I don't know if you've ever ridden around in a cop car, but it gets you weird looks if you are not obviously a cop. And I cannot rock the 'stache."

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Darren giggles. "I've never ridden around in a cop car. I kind of want to try it, now. Do you think I could rock the mustache? I think I could pull it off."

He could not pull it off.
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"I do not think you should try growing a mustache, but if you want to see if Charlie will drive us to Seattle in the cruiser we can ask."

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"No, it's okay. If I can't have the cop mustache then it's just not worth it."

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"You could eat donuts," she says encouragingly.

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"Hmmmm. Tempting. I don't think just having donuts would make me an honorary cop, though. I don't think it works like that."

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"You could see if Charlie would let you borrow his hat."

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"That might help. I would feel fancy."

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"You would be very fancy. I would obtain pictures."

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"... Will they be used as blackmail? Like my prancing pictures?"

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From the driver's seat, Vernon laughs maniacally.

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"I might attempt to trade them for your prancing pictures!"

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"Deal, if you can get 'em."

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"Nooooooooo! Not more embarrassing pictures being circulated in the embarrassing pictures black market!"

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"Drat, shouldn't've told you my evil plan."

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"Yes, now I will never let you take any pictures of me in a police hat. Ever. Prancing pictures of me are no joke."

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"You're crushed, I know. How will you ever get over the trauma?"

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"I'll probably need my fairy princess healing powers."

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"Then it's a really good thing you have them. Otherwise, that'd be it for you. Just - so broken up by not having pictures of me in a police hat, or prancing around."

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"I would spend months in catatonia. Charlie would be furious with you for the damage to my fragile psyche."

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"And then the entire possibility of me wearing a police hat would be out the window, and that would make it so much worse."

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"Probably he'd just ticket you a lot for minor traffic infractions."

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"It's a really good thing I don't have a car, then. Not even a license, actually, just a permit."

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"Really? Aren't you sixteen?"

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"Yeah. But I kind of procrastinated."

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"I had a permit when I was fifteen and a half and the very day after my birthday I passed my test. Renée was - kind of terrible about errands, it was better when I could do them myself."

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"Ah, that makes sense. It wasn't as necessary, for me. Just a nice thing to have, so I didn't jump on it immediately."

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"It'll be nice when I have my own car. I'm not supposed to drive Charlie's."

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"Since you don't have the mustache required."

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"And I don't even eat that many donuts to make up for it."

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"Exactly. You're definitely not police-car certified."

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They arrive at the Sanders' home. There's Savannah, sitting on the porch and waiting impatiently.

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"Are you two okay?" she demands of them, immediately, barely even giving them time to get out of the car.

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"We're fine, magic happened, we're both fine."

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"Magic? What kind of magic? Darren what did you do?!"

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Darren winces. "A lava monster thing attacked us, we fled to the ocean, I used magic to hit it with a miniaturized tidal wave. Bella healed me, and now I am fine."

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"You needed healing?" demands Savannah. She looks like she wants to interrogate Darren, but then pulls him into a hug.

"How bad was it?"
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"... Wouldn't do it again. But I'm all right, now."

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Bella considers answering and then decides against it.

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Savannah releases Darren from hugs, and says in an angry but audibly wavering voice, "Don't you ever do that to me again. I was scared shitless."

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Vernon is wisely going to let this swear slide, considering the circumstances.

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"Sorry," says Darren, quietly.

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Then it's Bella's turn for hugs. "Thank you."

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Hugs. Mumble: "I don't even know how I did it."

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"Doesn't fucking matter, you did it," insists Savannah.

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"You're welcome."

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Savannah nods and then releases Bella from the hug.

"... Damn waterworks," she mumbles, wiping away what may or may not be tears. "Darren! Is the thing - whatever it is, is it dead?"
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"Very thoroughly."

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"He got it good," Bella says. "Under pressure. It was cool if you ignore the screaming terror."

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And the fact that he got himself caught in it, too. Not that he will tell his sister that.

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"Good brother. Knew you had it in you. I," she declares, "will bake you cookies."

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Bella snorts.

"I need to call my dad to come get me. Savannah, we're going to the Avalon Saturday, do you want to come?"
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She glances between all present and says definitively, "Yes. I am going to be Darren's lady-shaped shadow for the next month."

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Vernon retrieves a phone and offers it to Bella. "Mind if I get his number, too? I can get him in the loop faster that way."

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"Yeah, sure." Bella adds Charlie as a contact and then calls him. Her pickup is arranged without further ado; she hangs up and sits down to wait.

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"I will be baking. Chocolate chip, sugar, or what?"

She is dead serious about baking cookies. Her brother nearly died, she needs comfort food. Baking is a method to get aforementioned comfort food.
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Darren laughs, just a little. "I'm not picky?"

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"If you're going to bring leftovers to school tomorrow such that I might get any can I put in a vote for snickerdoodles?"

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"Bella. Don't be ridiculous. Of course you're getting cookies. Snickerdoodles it is."

She goes to make those.
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"I hope you also like snickerdoodles," she says to Darren.

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"They're fine cookies," he says. "Besides, I'm pretty sure that baking cookies is for Savannah's sake, more than ours."

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"I intend to enjoy them too!"

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"Me too. She doesn't bake cookies very often."

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"I do remember you saying you're the primary cook around here."

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"Yup! I don't often bake, either, though. Because I tend to get obsessive with making things perfect and I fight with frosting. Usually, the frosting wins."

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"Cookies don't usually have frosting."

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"Yes, but then I try to get them into interesting shapes and they turn into blob monsters instead."

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"You do this with drop cookies?" snorts Bella.

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"I have absolutely no idea what that means."

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"Drop cookies are the kinds where you spoon little blobs of dough onto a baking sheet and then they spread out into disks. Like oatmeal or chocolate chip ones."

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"Oh. Then yes. It never works right."

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"I wouldn't expect it to. I guess you could drop the dough into metal cookie cutters, and bake them therein, but I'd expect it to get too crispy around the edges."

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"Yeah. So I just get annoyed and pout rather than trying to find solutions. My brainpower needs to be channeled to magic and such."

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"Well, I'd suggest other baked goods, but I have every intention of benefitting from your expertise on magic and I know how to bake all by myself."

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"Yup! I'll just let it be a rare thing or leave it to other people. While I try to gain experience for the next level of wizard."

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"Maybe one day you will be able to magically conjure snickerdoodles. Is making stuff out of nothing a thing spells can do at all?"

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"I don't think it is, but if I turn out to be wrong I will so not be complaining."

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"But none of the runes you know have it in their repertoire?"

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"None. But I don't know all runes ever, so I will not rule out the possibility entirely."

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Bella nods.

Charlie's car pulls up out front.

Bella hugs Darren real quick and goes out to meet him.
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"We'll bring you cookies, tomorrow. Want enough for your dad, too?"
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"Yes please."

And she is gone.

She is at school the following morning, of course.
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There is Darren! He is honorary cookie-bearer. "Hello! Savannah baked and the results are delicious. Do you want cookies now, or at lunch?"

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"I think I can wait till lunch, Charlie did this thing at breakfast he sometimes does where he decides the occasion calls for nice food, decides this is the time to learn to make it, and then I have to rescue everything. There was a lot to rescue."

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"Oh wow. Was it all saved? Or were there casualties?"

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"I woke up and came to save the day when the smoke alarm went off, but there wasn't actually anything lost because he'd spilled grease on the burner - the food was fine. Bacon, scrambled eggs, blueberry pancakes that I had to triple the batter for because he'd confused teaspoons and tablespoons."

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Darren snorts with laughter. "That's funny and also kind of cute."

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"So I have a lot of pancake batter, which I will fry the rest of when I get home and put the extras in the freezer. Do you like pancakes? Do you want to come to my house instead today and help consume pancakes?"

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"Sure! Though Savannah is keeping to her shadow promise. So if you're not fine with her coming over, then I don't think I can."

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"I don't mind, I doubt Charlie will mind."

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"I'll ask her to keep the swearing to a minimum."

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"Charlie's not gonna charge her money, but if she really pushes it for reasons he considers insufficient she might find herself less welcome on future occasions."

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"Yeah. So let's avoid that and ask her nicely to try not to swear. Too much."

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"You'd know better than me how to convince her to moderate her vocabulary."

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"I mostly just make faces at her."

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"Does it work?"

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"Kind of?"

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"Does that mean 'a little' or 'not at all, but occasionally she goes so far as to acknowledge the existence of the faces'?"

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"A little. If she's upset it does nothing, but normally it alleviates it, a bit."

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"Makes sense."

English class ensues. It is taught by not-a-bugbear.
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Indeed it is! Darren turns out to not have as much fun, being taught by not-a-bugbear Mr. Phillips. For other reasons, it's kind of a pity Mrs. Adams isn't teaching. He would have given her cookies.

Oh well! More for them at lunch.
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Eventually it is lunchtime!

"Cookies," is Bella's greeting when she plops down next to Darren. Her lunch is three cold blueberry pancakes, a little container of tuna, and a salad, which she puts the tuna on top of.
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He snickers. Cookies are produced! "Hello to you, too, Bella," he teases.

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And there is his lady-shadow. Plop, on other side of Darren. "Cookies," she says.

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Darren cracks up.

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Bella giggles, makes sure her cookies and her father's cookies are separated so she won't dip into his portion, and tucks in.

Angela sits with them but has no reason to expect a portion of cookies, so she doesn't ask.
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Darren gives Angela cookies, anyway. She is his friend. Just because she is out of the loop for why they were baked doesn't mean that she should be excluded from the delicious results. That would be pointless and mean.

"I feel like you have a one-track mind," he tells Savannah, as she devours her portion of cookies before lunch.
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"Mphfl," agrees Savannah, around a face-full of cookies.

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"Thank you," Angela says to Darren.

"Savannah actually made them, Darren's just carrying them around," Bella supplies.

"Oh! Thank you, Savannah," says Angela.
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"Mflmplph," she replies, brightly. Her cookies will be gone in record time.

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"I was deemed the trustworthy twin. Savannah didn't want to eat them all before lunch," he explains. "But I will carry my holder of cookies title with pride."

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"You are a very good cookie vehicle," agrees Bella. "I am pretty sure you didn't even lick the cinnamon sugar off any of them."

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Darren snorts. "Thanks. They're for other people, too. If I did that I could get people sick."

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"You're the most responsible cookie vehicle ever."

(Angela giggles.)
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"Dreams really do come true," he drawls.

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Savannah snorts around her cookies, and ends up in a mild coughing fit.

"Pfff- ow, cinnamon in my nooose."
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"Ow!" exclaims Angela in sympathy.

"A cautionary tale," says Bella solemnly. "This is your nose on careless consumption of confectionery."
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Well, that'll just send her into more giggles.

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Darren pats her back. "Eat cookies responsibly."

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"Don't laugh and chew."

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"Or cinnamon spew."

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"That was terrible, Darren."

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He giggles. "Yeah. Come on, it's me, I make terrible puns."

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"And nerdy references, those too," agrees Savannah, recovering enough from her giggles to speak.

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"Oh well. I'll live. Probably."

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"I'm not sure if there's a way to weaponize puns."

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"If there was it would revolutionize warfare, wow. Russia and Turkey and other easily punned nations would fall overnight."

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"France would fall under a hurricane of underpants puns, Spain would know true pain, and Turkey would be served at Thanksgiving dinner. Let's not unleash that terror on the world, Bella. It's not ready. It may never be ready. They can't know."

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"My lips are sealed."

(Angela is giggling again.)
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"Good." He leans in conspiratorially, and says in a stage whisper. "You know what we have to do with witnesses that know, right?"

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"Bribe them with private islands and a corrupt senator apiece?" Bella whispers back.

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"Pff, no, I can't afford that, I'm saving for college. No, Bella - we will do something far more sinister. We'll bribe them with cookies."

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"Oooh. Bribery on the cheap. I like the way you think."

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"Thank you. I try. Cookies add a new dimension to things, but I will adapt."

Speaking of cookies... Nom. Nom nom.
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"Darren, what if you eat too much of the bribe material and have to come up with corrupt senators at the last minute?"

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".... Shhhh. Shh," he says. "I have my sister, I can make faces at her for her to make more. Or, if we're speaking truly crazy talk - I could just bake them myself."

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Savannah gasps, theatrically. "But - Darren. Darren you're our main cook, if you spend your time baking, too - you might never come out of the kitchen!"

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"That is a sacrifice I will have to make. For the good of cookie bribery, everywhere."

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"I can contribute large quantities of blueberry pancakes, will that help?"

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"Certainly. They definitely won't hurt the cause!"

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"Right then. Oh, Savannah, did Darren tell you, the plan is convening at my place after school and helping me get rid of the triple batch of pancake batter."

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"He did not tell me but I am so on board with this!"

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"Awesome." And then, because Angela's sitting right there, "I didn't think to ask Dad about you, Angela, and I don't like to call him at work if I don't have to." She stops short of actually inviting Angela to do anything else. Angela will be hard to explain to if she attracts more lava monsters.

"It's okay," says Angela. "I have to watch my brothers this afternoon while my father goes to the dentist anyway."
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"That sucks. I mean, yeah at least they're not terrible, but I'd get annoyed if I had to babysit Darren. Any more than I already do."

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"Ha. Ha ha ha ha. So funny."

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"I don't mind. They're sweet," says Angela. "If they can get their friend next door to come over I'm going to teach them euchre."

"Aw," says Bella.
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"That's cute," agrees Darren.

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Angela smiles.

"Occasionally I wish I had a sibling, but I think being an only child suits me pretty well. I think I would have had to share a room," remarks Bella. "At least at Charlie's house."
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"It would be weird to not have Darren just be there. We're not even inseparable or something, but him being non-existent is strange. Who would translate politically correct for me and bring me things when I don't want to get up?"

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Darren snorts. "I am reduced to translations and fetching things. I am so proud."

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"Love you!"

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"Ah, translations, fetching things, and love. Your twinhood is saved."

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"I feel so blessed."

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Hee hee hee.

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"Besides, someone has to back you up if someone decides that since you are a nerd and scrawny that your face would look better if it were shaped differently. So it's not just one way!"

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"Ah yes. My sister, the bouncer. Thank you, dear sister. No one has beat me up for my lunch money, yet."

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"That means that I'm good at my job."

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"Have you in fact had to bounce anyone intent on violence?"

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"At some point in time? Yup. A few times. Lately? Nope."

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"Forks is pretty quiet that way," says Angela.

"That had been my impression, yeah."
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"I like the quiet."

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"Is it because you have time and space to nerd it up?"

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"Would that be very much harder in a city?" asks Angela.

"Depends on the kind of nerding," says Bella sagely.
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"Not harder, exactly, but less space to do it in. I can pick and choose my locations a bit more easily here, without worrying about anyone bothering me or something."

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"I'm not sure I understand," says Angela.

"If this were Phoenix he would have a harder time finding places to be left alone while he nerds," says Bella. "At least within easy walking distance of his house."
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"Yeah. There are definitely out of the way places in the city, but um - some of those are dangerous. It was Detroit, after all."

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"Oh," says Angela, nodding.

"Is Detroit as dangerous as the stereotype suggests?" wonders Bella.
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"No, at least not where I lived. Mind you, it wasn't safe, either."

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"Personal experience on the not-safe, or just anecdotal evidence?"

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"Anecdotal evidence. Scary looking people, questionable neighborhoods, so on."

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"You like Forks better?" Bella asks.

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"Yeah. I might not stay here forever and always, but it's... Charming and quaint."

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"Heh. It is those things," smiles Bella.

"It's nice to go to a bigger city every now and then, though," says Angela. "But I like living here."
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"I mean, I like the options a big city offers, but if I'm perfectly honest I never took any of 'em, sooo... I lose nothing, gain some nice peace and quiet. Maybe in a few years I'll get annoyed with a small town and want to go back to the city, though."

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"Cities have better libraries and movie theaters," says Bella. "Otherwise yeah."

She has finally finished her main course. Time to eat these cookies. "Oh man, these are really good."
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"They have both, I'll give you that much," agrees Darren.

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"Yup," says Savannah, without a trace of modesty. "When I bake, I can fucking bake."

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"I want your recipe, my snickerdoodles come out kind of - I don't know, not this good. Maybe it's a cinnamon sugar ratio thing."

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"Sure. You can have it, no problem. I dunno what's different unless I see your recipe, though."

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"Neither do I till I see yours, I don't have it memorized."

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"Yeah, same here. It would be really cool if I could just memorize everything, I could keep up with Darren!"

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"Darren, if you have an eidetic memory and never told me I'm going to be irritated and fascinated in equal measure."

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"I wish," he snorts.

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"He is just better at school than I am. So I would need an eidetic memory to keep up. Or smartness points."

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"Smartness points?"

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"It's a technical term," declares Savannah loftily. "Smartness points."

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"I must not be smart enough to have acquired this concept."

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"If you are smart, you get lots of smartness points. If you are not, you don't."

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"How many smartness points do we have now?"

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"Between the four of us? Lots. It's a technical term, I am being very specific."

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"You should publish your findings in a research journal."

The bell rings. Art time for the twins and Bella!
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"Nah. Too much work."

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Art time! Hurray!

Darren waves goodbye to Angela.

Plop at their usual table.
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Art ensues.

After the end of the school day the twins come home with Bella on her bus. Savannah loiters, Darren and Bella proceed with magic lessons, they all eat pancakes (the blueberries are gone; there are apple slices and banana slices and chocolate chips available for those who don't want them plain), and eventually the twins are collected home by their dad.

The rest of the week passes much the same way - Bella and Darren being magic geeks at one house or the other, Bella memorizing rune flashcards and drawing charts in her spare time. Charlie announces that he's going to go get her a laptop while she and the others wander the Avalon, after he's looked in on it and learned how to get into it if he needs to.