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You've Got Mail
Permalink Mark Unread
There is a lot of time spent making portals to various places. Pantheon starts as the unofficial hub, and then essentially becomes the official one. Prime makes a portal to Iobel's and Edarial's world, and then he gets to checking out the various new planes he has access to. One, in particular. It's really rather minor, in comparison to the others, but he considers it important.

Few people have the chance to - go back, do something again. But the other version of Kystle is a very specific exception. He knows what's in store for it if he doesn't do anything. Genocide for the invaders (Lynn would call it justified, he just thinks murder is murder), a second invasion of New Kystle, immortal psychopaths with sharp weaponry running around - not the kinds of things he wants. So Prime is thinking of ways to circumvent the problem.

It's unfortunately humbling when he finds no moral solution knocking at his door. There are plenty of immoral ones, but he doesn't touch those. Certainly, he could throw the out of work demon hunters at the plane, tell them to kill things, but that hardly solves the underlying problem. Even he, with all his power, can't save an entire planet. His sister couldn't, either. Not even both of them together.

Obviously, he needs more resources. He didn't deal much in other planes, not when the risks were so great. But now - now he knows that there are other versions of him, other versions of Bells. With various types of magic. Prime isn't a greedy man, but he knows new possible resources when he sees hints of them, and he wants them. He can fix - not his mistake in particular, but his mother's, the second bloodline's.

He spends some time scrying, and then he sighs and snaps his eyes shut. Yeah, that's definitely something. He did not need to see a younger version of himself having sex. Ever. Annoying how his alts seem to come in pairs with 'Bells,' it leads to awkward situations like this. Mirrors are retrieved, and then Prime informs everyone of what he's found - another Adarin, another Bell, together and obviously with some kind of magic.

Since Pantheon seems to be their impromptu central base, he retrieves a recent creation of his, and off he goes to meet with Spring. They're going to write a letter.
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Spring is excited! She confers with her alts about the content of the letter, finds out from Prime what language it ought to be in, and then writes.

To the local Bell and Adarin,

There are alternate universe versions of both of you and we have interuniverse transit abilities! This is exactly as exciting as it sounds. We have a variety of kinds of resources and we want to share. Because of past issues with visit recipients being startled by their visitors, we're not just dropping in. Please write on the reverse when it would be convenient for some of us to come by and if there's anything in particular we should bring if we can.

Sincerely, "Spring" (Ayabel)
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Prime picks up the letter, seals it, and then on a whim gives it an illusion that'll activate when opened, and sends it. A nice, hard-to-miss location that they'll find nice and quickly.

Then he looks at Spring, and says, "I finished the flying trinket. What's your opinion of jewelry?"
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"As long as it doesn't require piercings and it's within my dress code I like it fine."

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"It's a necklace." Then - behold. Necklace.

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Flat wooden almost-rectangles, distorted just enough to form a crescent all neatly together, polished. "Oh, I like that, very understated. Thank you! How do I work it?" she asks, holding out her hands.

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"You're welcome. There are multiple ways to make it work, but one of those requires me poking it and making it only work for you by thought. Some people find that one disconcerting because they are worried the necklace can read minds. It can't, if you're curious, it's a necklace. Not even close to being sentient. The other methods are reasonably intuitive, but not as fast."

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"I don't mind if a non-sentient necklace can tell what I want it to do," says Spring, "but, yes, I probably would have asked. You can't read minds, can you?"

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"No. Useful as it would be to have, alas, morality." He pokes the necklace. "There you are, think flighty thoughts at it and it will work."

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Aya concentrates.

And floats.

"What's my top speed?"
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"I could tell you, in a measurement system that you don't use, or you could test it and I could time you and we use yours."

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"You've seen Idania fly, am I as fast as her?"

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"Cool. Thank you!"

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"You're welcome," he replies, almost brightly. For him.

Prime has his staff. He twirls it, a bit, because it's fun and it lets him fly. He's grown fond of it. His mind absently goes back to the Kystle problem, and if these new alts can help solve it, and it leads him to wonder how other people deal with similar problems.

"What was your original plane like?" he asks Aya, curiously.
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"No controllable magic, no gods, no non-human sapients. Low tech - lower than here, as of the time I moved, though I suppose they could have caught up since. And - I suppose this isn't really about the world, but about Eseo in particular, the country I lived in - bit of a problem with slavery."

She scratches her heel. Unmarked since she was resurrected. There's a line in the poem about "comfortable skin".
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"Do you know how the slavery system works? I am making it one of my multiple projects to make it shoo, it's always helpful to know more about it." Pause. "So I can make it stop."

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"It may have changed since I was there. People can be sentenced to it for crimes; children of slaves," she raises a hand, "inherit the status, and if it's one slave parent and one free parent, the free parent gets to decide if their child's going to be free or belong to them. It was ambiguously legal to actually kill us, but pretty much everything else was fair game."

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Carefully, Prime asks, "You were born into slavery?"
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"Yes. That didn't already filter its way to you?"

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"No." He pauses. "What a tremendously horrific waste of talent."

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"I was not completely wasted between the ages of six and seventeen. But thank you."

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Prime nods.

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"I don't have any hangups about discussing it, at this stage of my life," she mentions. "If you're curious."

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"Not really, it has little to no bearing on who you are now, I think. Unless there's leftover trauma that I can help with?"

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"Nope. All taken care of well before I turned twenty."

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"Good. I would have helped if you needed it, but I'm glad that you don't require it. Less trauma all around, I say."

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"What would you have done?" she wonders.

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"I don't know. Some kind of combination of a listening ear, a sympathetic figure, a shoulder to cry on, or champion that travels to another plane to put someone in prison."

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"I imagine everyone who ever personally had anything to do with it is long dead."

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"Yes, I wouldn't be very good at that last one. Maybe disinter a corpse and put it in prison. For solidarity's sake."

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Aya snickers.

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"Why is there a letter on my Spanish homework?"
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"... I have no idea? I didn't put it there."

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"...Are there letter-depositing monsters?" she wonders.

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"I really, really hope not. How would it even get in here?"

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"Slipping under the door. Phasing through the wall. Down the chimney like Santa, how should I know?"

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"Should we even open the letter?"
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"I don't know. Pick it up with a stick, see if it explodes...? Pick it up with a stick while under shield...?"

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"Yeah, let me go get some scrolls, get shields around both of us."

He goes and does this thing, also retrieving a stick, and then they're both shielded. "Okay, should I be the one to pick it up with a stick?"
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"Be my guest."

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Darren pokes the letter with a stick.

Nothing happens.

"Okay, uh... Tentatively going to open it, I guess?"
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"With the stick."

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"Yeah," he agrees.

It's a bit difficult to do, but after some fumbling - he opens the letter's seal with the stick, safely behind the shields.

Little celebratory looking illusionary fireworks brighten up the room, in multitudes of colors. They don't even hit the shields, they're just - harmless and bright. They go away after about three seconds.

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"What in the fuck," Bella agrees.

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"How would you - but - magic doesn't - what, did we just get accepted to critter Hogwarts or something?"

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"That would be a hell of a thing, since we haven't started it yet - safe to read it, do you think?"

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"Maybe? Want me to do it? I'm not the sphinx, pretty sure they don't know or care about me."

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"...Yeah, if it's like - magic entrapment words, they might either trigger only for a sphinx or yield to fairy princess powers to get you out."

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"Yeah. Okay, uh - reading it."

He scoots forward, carefully, gets the letter out of the envelope with as little physical contact as possible, and then -

"What the fuck?"
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"What? What is it?"

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Darren reads the letter out-loud, but not verbatim. In case the specific words spoken aloud would do something bad.

"So. Um. I repeat, what."
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"They couldn't throw in a group photo?" Bella asks weakly.
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"Apparently not. I think we could ask for one, but - this is weird, I kind of still feel like this is a trap somehow?"

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"Anyway, it's a good thing they didn't come in person, if they're legit, we'd have dropped spells on them for sure paranoid as we've gotten."

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"Yeah. Um. What do we do? Should we - write a reply on the back?"

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"...I guess? While the shield's still up. Tell them to come with a group photo and, um, if they're from other worlds how do they know English, they probably don't have dollars anyway and we don't need any portable non-liquid things, I don't think..."

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"Mhm. When we both don't have class."

Carefully, Darren writes this out. Then he puts the letter down (away from the Spanish homework) and sort of - backs away from it.
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"I wonder how they're going to read it. I wonder how they knew to do it in English. I wonder how they knew where to put it. I wonder if they've been, like - spying on us? Even if it was the bare minimum to be able to find more of - themselves - that's creepy."

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"Little bit, yeah. I guess we just - wait for a response, then."

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Meanwhile - "That didn't take long. They responded. And they would like a group photo, that'll be annoying to coordinate."

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"I think it sounds fun. I can make the calls if you don't want to do them."

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"Feel free," shrugs Prime, faintly amused.

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"Except for your sister - you should probably talk to her if she's going to want to be in on it, I haven't met her." Aya starts calling up alts. There's not that many. Ice and Cypress, Iobel-who-still-needs-a-nickname and Edarial.

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"Mmm. Best to save that can of worms for another day, I believe. We'll need to update the group photo, anyway, she can be part of it, then."

He is not looking forward to that conversation. At all.
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"They probably don't want it as a memento but as evidence, and including the various twins-of-Adarins would help."

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"It's likely that it will take several hours for me to convince my sister to show up and not try to strangle me, I don't believe we have the time for that?"
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"Would it be faster if one of her alts talked to her? If not we can just skip it, I suppose."
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"Probably not, she's still upset with me. Skip it."

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Calling calling calling.
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Cypress is the first to show up, with his wife and soul-birds in tow. They considered leaving behind their daemons, but decided against it after - last time. Cypress would like to keep his soul very close right now.

His sister isn't here yet, but she's on her way.
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And his wife and her bird remain disinclined to let him and his bird out of their sight.

"English speaking new Bell and new Adarin, I'm excited."
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"The Adarin doesn't have the white hair," informs Prime. "It was surprising."

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"What color is it?"

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"He's a brunette. I thank my lucky stars that he is not blonde."

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"Huh. So what are the logistics here once I've got a picture of us?"

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"The smart move would be one of us," Prime motions between himself and Cypress, "to send the other, and the one that's sent making a portal once there."

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"You get to go," says Cypress.

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"Have fun being the welcome wagon."

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"I'll accompany you, if it wouldn't be too much of a waste of mana."

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"No, it would be fine, I've got enough."

He really hasn't been doing much casting, lately. Mostly snuggling, really.
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"I welcome the company."

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"And I'm the one who wrote the letter."

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The queen and king of Marlatia arrive, familiars in tow.

"Should Cricket and Berathyme be in the picture?"
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"Sure. The daemons are, and Prime and I can just explain all the animals in question when we get there."

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"That works," agrees Edarial. "Zevros is coming, he should be here -"

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And Zevros comes dashing through the portal.

"Okay, okay. Got it!"
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"Got what?"

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Zevros holds up what looks to be a sword - he's got one on his hip, this seems to be an extra.

"Junior sword! So I can teach the other me tricks!"
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"There'll be a bit of a wait, I understand," Iobel says. "While they pick out a place for the portal."

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"It's cool. I got time. Definitely going to do it, I'm not letting another me beat the shit out of me, this time I win!"

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"How do you know?"

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"Because I got another sword and we're going to use that and I bet I'll beat the shit out of them in sword combat!" Pause. "We'll wrap them in something, make them non-sharp and stuff."

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"No, I mean, how do you know you'll win, maybe this one will beat you up too."

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"Because I'm going to win," he declares, illogically. "Duh."

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Edarial is smiling, faintly, obviously amused.

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"So we're waiting for Cypress's Zeviana and then we take the picture and then Prime and I go introduce the new ones to the world of interdimensional alts. Fun."

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"Exciting," agrees Prime, in a deadpan.

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"I know," says Zeviana, arriving through the portal. "I am pretty exciting!"

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"Hello there. How do we want to pose?"

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Iobel apparently wants to pose holding her cat. And she adds:

"Clustered by worlds, I think. Bells are shortest, we can stand in front."
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They arrange themselves accordingly, politely ask Rae to hold the camera (which he does) and then - they have a group picture.

"First thing I'm telling them," says Prime in a deadpan, "is that the picture was taken by a literal god."
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"And if they don't believe you they can come back through and say hi. Do I need to do anything to be transported?"

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"Nope," says Cypress. "But it would be helpful if you stood next to Prime."

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Aya goes and stands next to Prime.

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Cypress studies some notes, does a bit of math, asks some clarifying questions from Prime about the specifics of aim, and then -

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- There they are, in a secluded alleyway next to the shop containing their alts.

"Oh, charming, anyone that tries to mug us will be confused by our clothing," says Prime. "And that will be when I hit them."
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Aya snorts and goes around to the front. The door into the shop is unlocked; the door up to the residence isn't. She knocks.

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".... Seconded!" says Darren. "Um. Shields? Then we answer the door?"

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"Yeah." She grabs a scroll, chants it.

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Darren does the same. And then they're protected.

Carefully, carefully, Darren opens the door. "... Hello?"
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"Hi. I'm Ayabel, but you can call me Spring, and this is Adarin, but you can call him Prime."

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"I'm Darren," says, well, Darren.
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"Pleasure to meet you."

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"...Bella. Um, please don't take this the wrong way, but we keep getting attacked by monsters, you aren't monsters, are you?"

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"Not monsters." Spring produces the group photo. "Alts. See, you have the more common face for us. And Darren has an uncommon hair color for them."

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"... Okay. Okay, hair," says Darren, peering at the photo. "I - get the planar shift thing, but - but hair!"

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"Be glad all of them are over seventeen. It used to be longer," drawls Prime.

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"Weird. Do they dye it, or...? You guys can come in, I guess."

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"That's our natural hair color. He's the odd one out."

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"Am I special because I'm not a snowflake?" muses Darren.

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"Apparently." Bella takes the photo. "What's with the - owl and this white bird and the cat and the snake?" She starts heading up the stairs to the apartment. "Close the door behind you, guys."

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Spring steps in. "The birds are their souls, they live in a world where that's a thing. The cat and snake are familiars, they live in a world where you need those to cast spells."

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"Are - souls just birds there? The familiars I get, the bird soul thing's a bit strange."

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Prime follows Spring, closing the door behind himself. "That will not be the strangest thing you hear today. A literal god took the picture."

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"Bella. Bella I think we just hit epic level this is the best day."
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"Not all souls in general are birds. His is a coincidence, and her species is limited to birds; she's a witch."

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"No hablo D&D, Darren."

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".... Means we are awesome. Basically."

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Prime raises an eyebrow. "I have no idea what you're referencing."

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"Don't worry about it."

And that's when Darren starts cackling.
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"My boyfriend here is a huge nerd," explains Bella, "both in the useful inventing real life spells researching real useful runes casting helpful magic sense, and also in the sitting around with fellow nerds pretending to do all the above in the persona of a fictional character according to rules involving a lot of arithmetic."

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"What kind of magic have you got? Ice is a witch, her Adarin and this one are both mages, Iobel and Edarial are both spellbinders, and I'm an acolyte of Perinixu, who's a healing goddess."

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"Uh, the both of us do the kind with runes - draw diagram, chant in non-native language, boom, it's more complicated than I just made it sound. And there's also species-specific stuff, different for each of us because we aren't the same thing."

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Meanwhile, Darren continues cackling.

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Prime doesn't seem surprised by this outcome at all.

"You... Aren't the same thing," he says, looking between the two. "Is this a plane with multiple species that look exactly the same?"

He pats the still-cackling Darren's shoulder. Pat, pat. There, there. Let the megalomania out.
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"We're shapeshifted," Bella says. "We have medallions for it - that's presumably more of the runes-chanting-bam magic, that made them, but the art's been lost."

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"So what are you?"

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"Uh, he's a peryton, but - don't tell anybody what I am, somebody has already sent two monsters and a lot of goons with instruments of torture after me about it," winces Bella.

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"... Extremely racist goon squad. With torture. Of course. Do you need help with them?"

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"The goons and both monsters are dead. We still don't know who procured them."

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Spring elbows Prime. "You're scrying guy."

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"I thought my job description this time was taxi," he drawls. "Am I both taxi and scrying guy? Alas, I'm so overworked in my retirement."

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"If they were suffering from pox and whooping cough I'd take care of them. This one's your department."

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Prime rolls his eyes, clearly amused.

"I will try scrying. But first - I believe our others are impatient for a portal. Thus the job description of 'taxi.' I should do that first, I think, before I resign myself to being the mage equivalent of a blood hound."
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"Okay, but if a monster crashes into our apartment and spirits me away you need to save me."

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"On a possibly related note, Ice has cracked resurrection."

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It's around this time that Darren finally recovers from his bout of uncontrollable laughter.

"... Sorry, what?"
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"Spring, here, died of old age. Obviously, it's been fixed. But yes, if a monster crashes into your apartment, I will indeed go and be heroic. Hurrah."

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"It's possible she'll have trouble with you non-humans. She had trouble with mages, until she revised the spell, and her objective-truth-dispensing artifact is only omniscient about her world, and if you go there so it can have a look at you you'll get the animal souls."

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"...I'm a sphinx, I don't think I said. And I think my mom was too, but she never got a medallion, she looked human her whole life, maybe Ice can try her? She - do most of us have our moms die?"

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"I haven't seen my parents since I was six and assume they've been dead for decades, but Iobel and Ice both have theirs."
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"We should go grab - Ice? - then. So Bella can have her mom back."

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"Certainly. Where would you like the portal? I can disguise it as a painting or part of a wall or something, but it does need to be large enough to step through."

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"How permanent is it, and do you supply the painting as well as the magic attached to it?"

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"They won't un-make themselves randomly, and they are usually meant to be permanent, but they can be broken easily enough. Either I do it with magic, or the wall where it's located breaks and the portal goes with it. I'd make the painting, I can do rudimentary stoneshaping to create a frame and then make the painting itself with complicated illusions."

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"Okay - Darren? Inside the door to the water heater closet sound good to you? We can move the painting if we ever need the water heater fixed."

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"Works for me."

Darren looks like he is just barely holding back on asking Prime fifty thousand questions about magic.
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Prime eyes him.

"After the portal is made, yes, you may ask me all of the questions that are burning in your mind. Patience is a virtue, thank you for having it. Do you have a place where I can retrieve some rock for the frame, or shall I go hunting on my own and possibly cause the unfortunate death of your favorite pet rock?"
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"We don't have a pet rock - uh, how much do you need and does it have to be all one piece? I can get you a scoop of gravel from the little park without attracting too much attention, anything more than that and I think we'd have to leave the Avalon. Avalons being where critters can critter it up," she clarifies. "Little hidden towns."

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"It doesn't need to be in one piece, but I do need a significant amount of it if I want to make it very sturdy. Which I will be doing, because broken portals are terrible wastes."

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"So possibly enough gravel that someone will want to know why I am taking so much. This would be easier if we were in Forks still instead of the middle of Seattle, I don't immediately know where to get lots of rocks."

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"Neither do I."

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"... Ah, yes. I'll just add 'fetch' to my bloodhound duties. I'll be back soon enough. Hold this for me, please." He holds his staff out to Spring.

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Spring takes it.

"Anything he ought to know to avoid getting harassed in this world?" she asks the natives.
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"You seem to speak English - how, by the way? - so, common sense, and don't blink if you see critters around, within the Avalon, and don't do any of your kind of magic where anybody can see you in or out of it. Critters might be in some kind of midform," she accessorizes herself with hindpaws, tail, and wings, "or fullform." She demonstrates. "With the exact details varying between critter species, obviously, Darren is a winged deer."

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Obligingly, Darren displays his winged deer status.

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Slow blink. "Would you believe that I have seen stranger things?"

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"Yes," says Bella, flumphing onto the bed as long as she's already cozy-catlike. "But I'd love to hear them enumerated."

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"My mother's ghost resurrected the dead, granted immortality, killed every member of a certain species on an entire planet within a day, and caused an unwanted reunion with my centuries-dead father. I have seen a hilariously tiny woman easily defeat six people - each at least twice her size - in unarmed physical combat. I met a younger, married version of myself and accidentally caused them great personal distress that wasn't helped with a botched resurrection attempt. Then, I played board games with a god. All of the above happened in the past three weeks. I am five centuries old. My life was not boring before this month, either."

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"Ice and Cypress are married and deliriously happily adorable about it. Iobel and Edarial are also married but they have a more complicated story."

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Darren... Raises his eyebrows, but doesn't comment. He does go snuggle with his girlfriend, though. Flop, onto the bed, deer and kitty snuggles.

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"The entire rambling of absurd fantastic things," snorts Prime, "and you focus on the 'alternate who is married' part. Of course."

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"Would you rather I be curious about how you caused them great personal distress?"

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"No," he sighs. "Thank you for the offer, please go back to being curious about the married part."

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"Besides, this conversation has already introduced alts and the existence of foreign magic and resurrection," Bella points out. "Anyway. Complicated how?"

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"Edarial was a prince, and he had to get married for prince reasons, and absented himself from the process enough that someone else with strong opinions about who the future queen ought to be slipped in and held Iobel's familiar hostage - her familiar's death would have rendered her a vegetable - to force her to marry him. They spent several months with her assuming Edarial had done this to her and him having no idea why she glared at him all the time."

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Bella puts a wing around her boyfriend. "Seconding that yikes, how are they now?"

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"Well, they're not Ice and Cypress, but they're working on it."

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"If you are curious, Ice and Cypress are incredibly flagrant about being happily married. I don't believe they can even help it, they just ooze 'being in love.'"

He looks vaguely annoyed with this. Alts. Of him. Being in love. Despicable!
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"You two are cute too," Spring adds. "They're just - I think it might be the animal souls. The animal souls are helping."

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"I think we're secure in our cuteness, thanks. You don't appear obviously paired off?"

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"We are not even non-obviously paired off," says Spring.

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Prime sighs.

"You can tell by the lack of sappy looks and recited love poetry," he drawls.
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"They can tell because I told them," says Spring.

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"Funny," mutters Bella in Darren's ear, "they bicker like old alts of a married couple."

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"Of course. Next time, we can have a sign. 'Not even non-obviously paired off.' Shall it go around your neck, or mine?"

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"They really do," giggles Darren.

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"I don't know if signage is within my dress code," says Spring lightly. At Bella's quizzical look: "Acolytes and priests of the healing goddess who gives me my cool magic powers have a dress code. It's an excellent excuse not to wear anything I don't like."

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"Taxi, bloodhound, and now sign holder. Should I endeavor to become a pack mule, too?"

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"What are you expecting to haul?"

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"Luggage. When no luggage is available, I find the largest rock and start rolling it up a nearby hill. It's a flawless plan."

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Darren starts giggling.

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"Are you going to be that sarcastic when you're old and gray?" Bella asks Darren.

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"I have no idea," he snorts. "At least I'm guaranteed to not be boring?"

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"That was never a danger."

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Nuzzle, nuzzle. Deer and kitty snuggles.
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"I get worse the more annoyed I am," informs Prime. "If you're curious. Though the sarcasm isn't a random accident, this was formed slowly over centuries."

Obviously, he is a work of art. Ha.
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"Are we annoying?"

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"No, I'm also easily annoyed. Cranky and old, and all that."

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"How old are the two of you?"

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"I have that annoying discontinuity which I spent being dead, and I also moved to a different world from my original when I was seventeen and this made birthdays a little hard to track, but on the order of ninety."

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"Five hundred and something or other. I stopped caring after a while - mostly when everyone I hated died. It's strangely gratifying, outliving everyone you hate."

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"Was that - with extra-planar magic, or...?"
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"Sort of. I am only mostly human. The non-human bits help immensely with longevity. Thus, five centuries and change."

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"Around here, mostly human means not human, albeit potentially very cunningly disguised. What else are you?"

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"Fae. Race of extremely powerful, immortal undying beings."

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"Sounds like a nice racket."

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"Sort of. Except for the part where the half-breeds are inevitably crazy. My mother was one of those, she killed herself by leveling a capital."

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"I think it might be more efficient if we told all these stories in Pantheon where the others are waiting," Spring opines. "Darren, is your twin - you have one too, right? - is he or she readily available? There's two of those around back near the portal hub at the moment."

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"Agreed. Off I go, to play fetch."

And off he goes. To play fetch. What a surprise.
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"She. Uh - I can get her, but it's a bit of a flight from Forks to Seattle, so it will be a bit."

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"Another time, then, maybe. Although I think Zevros has a sword he wants to give her."

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"Is that some kind of euphemism, or a - literal sword?"
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"A literal sword. He lost a fight with Zeviana, and apparently this resulted in him having to accept a nickname he didn't like from her, and he is determined to beat up your sister."

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"... Okay."

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"She has killed like - eight people. And can shapeshift. Into a flying hooved quadruped. I don't think he'll get his wish."

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"My sister kind of frightens me sometimes," admits Darren. "I'm betting on her."

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"I abstain," snorts Spring.

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"I don't think I'll actually make any bets, though. Because uh. I have never met Zevros in my life."

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"He's Edarial's brother. The only male of his template, so far, but sufficient to alert us that gender isn't guaranteed to be consistent any more than species or coloring is."

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"... I'm trying to imagine my sister as a man. That's - really weird."

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"Well, as soon as Prime is back and has made a portal for you, you'll get to meet him."

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Darren nods.

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"Are they both gay, or do they both like girls, or - what?"

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"I don't know about Zevros, it hasn't come up. But I've heard references to Cypress's Zeviana having a girlfriend, and Prime and his surrounding people seem to match in every respect except for events after his and his Zeviana's age twentyish, so she probably likes women too; I don't know about exclusively. Bells are all straight, so far. All I know about Adarins is that they seem to like Bells under the right circumstances."

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"Apparently being winged quadrupeds together in high school is a good circumstance."

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"I think 'the right circumstances' are basically when we can talk to each other and not married under unfortunate circumstances by miscommunication. Though maybe old wizard me's different. He's - definitely more sarcastic than I thought I'd be at - five hundred and change?"

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"Have you been expecting to be five hundred and change?"

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"No, but if I were asked what I expected to be at five hundred and change I don't think I'd point at Prime and say 'that.' I would have expected to have a beard and pointy hat, honestly."

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"When he's back we'll make him answer for his lack of beard and pointy hat," Bella says. "You, Spring, tell me about you, that's not redundant with later stories, the others will already know about you."

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"Well, I was born into slavery on a world called Tayane and when I was seventeen I fell into a magic - 'magics' are locations in which random, usually bad, effects happen to anything that wanders into them. It gave me a door, which led to a weird bar, where I met my friend Idania, who also found the door under much less explicable circumstances. The bar let me do a little arbitrage with a loan from Idania on its stuff-distribution system, which was not limited to drinks - I have a hoverbike, most notably. Then Idania brought me back into her own world, since for various reasons I didn't care to return to Tayane, and I lived there for the next seven decades and a bit, working my way up the priestly hierarchy in the service of Perinixu, who I've mentioned. I'm an acolyte, which is as high up as it gets - I have all the blessings she distributes and I can also heal arbitrary diseases with a touch. And eat free at restaurants, it's pretty cool.

"I died of old age and then about a century went by and then Ice passed through my world on her way to Prime's, where Cypress had seen evidence that there was another of him to greet, and while they were there Rae, Idania's god, thought Ice sounded like me, which intrigued her enough to resurrect me and then Idania too, so now we're back. Recently I installed an extension of her in Prime's New Kystle - there are two Kystles and two New Kystles and they don't have distinguishing names yet. You're going to need to nickname yourselves and your world, by the way, there's already an Earth where Ice is from; she named it Chamomile."
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"That's - wow, um. Sorry about - that, glad you got out," says Darren.

"I think I want to know about all of the magic ever, like - why do planets repeat? I'll save that for after Prime's back and I can grill the other me's with funky hair, though. Bella, should we name the world Medallion? Or something that's - magical quadruped related?"
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"Ooh, I like Medallion. Either that or Rune."

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"It occurs to me that I should get one of the mages to look for the bar, and see if they can find that. In addition to eventually getting around to locating Tayane."

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"Yeah. Magic dimension-shifting bar sounds really, really useful. Rune seems more appropriate for our magic, though. I kind of want to be all neat and tidy with names, is there a rune-based name we can have for our magic type that doesn't get confused with others? Rune caster, maybe?"

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"Okay. We are runecasters from the world of Medallion," agrees Bella. "And - the nicknames are just for use with people who are, like, us, right, not with racist torture goons - so - I'll go by Phix."

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Darren snickers, a bit. "I don't know what to call myself! I guess I could go with something off of 'peryton' or being secretly a deer?"

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"Bambi," drawls Bella.

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"Extra, special no."

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"What am I missing?"

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"Children's cartoon deer character by that name."

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"Anyone who got the reference would be unable to take me seriously. Ever."

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"And you're very serious. You and your future hypothetical beard and pointy hat."

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"Yes. Super serious max-level runecaster that never prances around in fullform ever."

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"I still haven't gotten to see you prancing, not even in adorable baby pictures," wheedles Bella.

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"Nooooo, how would you ever take me seriously if you saw that?"

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"Because I take you so seriously now. We have a very somber relationship." Pause. "I want to see and if you don't let me see I may go to your alts for advice on how to get you to show me the adorable baby deer pictures that I know to exist."

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"There's no stopping you on your adorable baby deer pictures rampage, is there. You have to see them, don't you."

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"Very well," says Darren, gravely. "You may see the adorable prancing fawn pictures." Pause. "On the condition that you show no one else."

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"You don't have to let me take physical possession of them, I just want to see them!"

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"Good, good. Then when we're in Forks we will bug my dad for them, and you may see them. Briefly."

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"Yaaaay at laaaaast."

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"It only took years of begging," he snorts. "And alternates of both of us showing up with fancy magic."

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"Intermittent begging. And negotiating and attempts at bamboozlement."

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"Yes, all of those things. Is it worth it, Bella? Is it worth the cost and toil for these baby deer pictures?"

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"I guess I'll finally know when I've seen them!"

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"I'm gathering letting me look over her shoulder is out of the question."

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"What if I invest years of intermittent begging and negotiating and attempts at bamboozlement?"

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"Probably still no. I'm not dating you, and I'm terribly sorry to say that I am happily taken, so - I doubt it's going to happen. Sorry."

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"Terribly sorry?" says Phix archly.

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"I figured I should let her down gently."

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"I wasn't hitting on you. I'm more than four times your age and Phix would be irritated with me."

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"It's still really rude to be like - 'Yeah I'm not ever going to date you, and I'm not sorry. I'm dating this awesome equivalent of a magic fairy princess, and she geeks out about magic with me; it's the best.'"

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"Considering what relation I stand in to the fairy princess in question, I could still be flattered," Spring points out.

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"I am, it would seem," Phix mentions, "the only living sphinx, although I guess if resurrection works on critters that could change. And sphinxes get very cool powerful magic."

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"Not why I'm dating you," says Darren in a sing-song voice. "Just a nice perk."

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"I know, dear."

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"Good. Also, ha. Deer, dear. Did you do that on purpose?"

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"Yes, dear."

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Darren cackles. "I love you."

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"I love you too."

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The door opens, and there is Prime.

"Look, I fetched. I can roll over, too," he drawls, rocks in hand. "Where do you want the portal?"
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"I'll show you," says Phix, disentangling from deer-and-kitty snuggles to turn human and lead him to the water heater closet. "You didn't have any trouble finding it discreetly?"

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"Not really, one person gave me a weird look and I told him that it was so they could be painted bright colors to decorate the house with." Pause. "He assumed I was indulging grandchildren. I didn't correct him."

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"...Are you all as terrible at lying straight out as Darren is?"

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"Oh, yes, but I find it's easy to get around that if you word things just so."

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"I can't really do that. I have to tell people I'm a winged lion."

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"Mmm. I think you could get away with giving partial descriptions of what you have with only picking things that a winged lion would have. Though, yes, actually lying would be more useful."

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"And I'm not appalling at it. Not good, either, lying with the truth is still my first port of call, but, yes. Winged lion."

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"If anyone asks, I will say that I heard that you were a winged lion," says Prime with a smirk.

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"There you go."

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They reach the door to the water heater closet.

"What," he asks whimsically, "would you like the painting to look like?"
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"Oh, I get choices - um, something innocuous, I suppose, landscape?"

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"Mine is a landscape of Pantheon. Would you like me to do that, or is it too obvious?"

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"Is Pantheon made of crystal spires and populated by flying pigs, or does it just look landscapey?"

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"It looks landscapey. Top of a mountain by a desert, if you're curious."

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"Sure, go with that."

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He sits, and retrieves the fetched rocks, and then he starts shaping the stone. It isn't a very dramatic affair, he mostly just stares at rocks and then they seem to move under the terror of his gaze. Obviously that's not how it works, but that's certainly how it looks. It twists and moves and smooths out and occasionally adjusts itself to match the other side or fit with the decided style of the frame

And then there is a large slab shaped like a picture frame, made out of stone.
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Phix applauds.

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Prime snickers. "Thank you. Though that was literally the simplest part of the entire process."

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"Oh, I retract my applause."

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"Oh no, by all means, applaud away."

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"Too late, it's retracted. You'll have to do the more impressive part to get applauded again."

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"Of course," he snorts.

And then he gets to work, doing - staring. The frame doesn't visibly change at all.

After a while, he says, "There, something more impressive."
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She claps politely. "So how does it work?"

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"Oh, it's not done yet, that was me making it lighter and stronger so it doesn't break your door, fall to the ground, and shatter into fifty thousand pieces."

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"Ah, useful."

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"Very," he agrees.

He gets back to work. This time, something visibly does happen. The frame itself gets a wood-like coloring and finish, and then there is a frame around a stone background, and Prime gets to the real work.

First he pokes the spot where the portal will go (leaving a marker that matches the one in Pantheon) and then he does a lot of fancy, fancy magic. Rip open a doorway in the fabric of the universe, tell it to hide itself under a veneer of something like paint, telling it to stay looking like that and being closed unless someone says the correct thing - and contingencies for various purposes, reinforcing the portal to keep it from breaking, keeping it stable even when planes shift, that sort of thing.

"Done," he says, and the 'painting' looks it. "Now we hang it up and people may come through - or we may go there. Either."
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"I'm a little short on picture hooks, but I can probably rig something up if you are not also a picture-hook-maker."

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"I can make picture hooks," shrugs Prime.

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"Okay. Well, inside the door, here," she says. "Darren, why are you not watching your epic wizard alt do epic wizarding?"

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"Oh my gosh I'm terrible is he epic wizarding?"

Then there is a deer with wings, rushing up to watch magic.
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"Yes. I'm just about done, in fact."

He gets to setting up the picture hooks with leftover bits of rock.
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"You missed it. He turned the rocks into this painting and the painting into a portal."

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"Awwwwwww," says Darren.

And then Prime gets the Sad Deer Face.

"If you do magic again will you come get me?"
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Prime raises an eyebrow. "Possibly."

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Phix pets her boyfriend. "Sorry I didn't think to call you over, I couldn't figure out why you weren't following by yourself."

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"I was comfy," he complains. "I thought there'd be like - some prep time or something, not just - bam, portal."

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"Bam, portal. Seems to work a lot like fairy princess magic, at least from what I saw."

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"... Are you secretly a magic fairy princess, Prime?"
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"Yes, you've caught me," says Prime, dryly.

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Hee hee hee.

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Prime finishes the picture hooks, and then he hangs up the portal-painting and - "Pantheon."

The painting stops looking like a painting and looks like a doorway.

"Done. Shall we get Aya and go, or do you feel like hosting a house party?"
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"Our neighbors aren't nosy, but they're - existent. Pantheon sounds like a fine place to hang out and meet everybody, I doubt they really need to see the apartment or the store today."

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"Works for me. Spring! Portal's done!"

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Darren shifts back to human form and bounces with excitement.

"I get to meet magic me's!"
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Phix giggles and hugs her bofyriend.

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And Spring emerges from where she's been loitering, ready to go.

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Darren hugs her back!

And then, through the portal they go.
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"Hi, newbies!"

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"You've met Spring and Prime... I don't have a nickname yet but I'm Iobel, and that's Ice, and these are Edarial and Cypress, and their respective twins Zevros and Zeviana, and this is Cricket, and that's Berathyme, and I'm not sure whether it's customary to introduce daemons by name."

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"Usually we introduce ourselves to their daemons, but it's completely fine for us to be introduced," says Vernaia. "Hi, I'm Vernaia! This is Pathalan!"

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"Oh my goodness you are an adorable talking bird," says Darren, delighted. "Hi! I'm an adorable talking deer. With wings."

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"Don't touch the talking birds," warns Ice. "Ever, ever, ever. The cat and snake don't have such dire consequences, but ask first. Though you won't be able to understand Cricket till you get a translation spell."

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"Cricket is not a polite cat. I didn't think it would be a good idea for everyone to be able to understand him."

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"I was not going to pet anything without permission."

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"We know," says Vernaia, brightly. "It's just important that you don't do it by accident, either, you can't avoid what you don't know about."

Cypress pets his daemon, smiling a little.
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"No petting the birds, nonbirds fair game, huh? Can Cricket understand us?"

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"No. Do you want to pet him?"

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When Cricket has received a translation, he goes up to Phix and purrs at her and lets her pick him up and rub his tummy.

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"Awwwww," pronounces Darren. "Can I pet him, too?"

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"Uh, probably best to ask him yourself when you have the translation spell on, he's not as enthusiastic about Adarins as he is about Bells."

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"... Oh, um - that makes sense! I'll hold off, then."

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Prime pats his shoulder. "There are other cats."

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"There are," giggles Phix. "Oh, uh, I decided to call myself Phix, Darren doesn't have a nickname yet, we're calling the world Medallion and the kind of magic we both do runecasting, and we are not actually humans, we're just using the aforementioned runecasting-made medallions to shapeshift with. I'm a sphinx, he's a peryton."

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Obligingly, Darren takes fullform.

"Behold. Magic flying deer!"
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"... Hoooow does that work?" wonders Cypress. "Can you get more medallions to make humans look like - perytons, or...?"

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"We don't know how to make more. I'm working on it."

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Phix does her favorite midform, but doesn't fullform; she is mid-tummy-rub with Cricket. "Medallion-making is a lost art. And since there aren't any medallions that do anything other than let critters look like humans, or in between, it may be that there's a limitation somewhere that means we really can't, but it might be that we could let you turn into critters. If we figure it out. I'm planning to start a magic school because the current state of magic-as-it's-practiced in Medallion is terrible."

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"It really is! I had to badger people endlessly to learn magic, it was annoying."

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"... 'Badger people,'" says Edarial, musingly. "Can anyone learn it?"

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"I think mute people would have a bad time and not be able to do anything but draw the runes, but - yes?"

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"Come to think of it we haven't tried sign language incantations," muses Phix.

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"What is the fastest way to find out if people who aren't from your world can runecast?" asks Spring. "Because if we can, this is the first magic we've found that other people can just learn."

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"... Ooo! Ooo, okay, I'll go get a scroll and hand it to one of you and then you say something in either Spanish or French."

Darren - dashes off to go do that. He's back in record time, scroll in hand. Grinning manically.
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Spring takes it.

"This is, I think, going to dovetail really nicely with the translation spell," she says. "What does this do?"
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"Light spell, really simple. You can't say a chant in your first language, it - does weird things. I - guess it would dovetail really nicely with the translation spell!"

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The Adarins -

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- are all -

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- grinning. Some more subtly than others.

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Well, Aya has a translation spell on. She reads the incantation provided at the bottom of the scroll in French, aloud.

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And then there is a light.

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Darren starts cackling again.

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"I mean, the rest of you already have magic, I don't know if runecasting is going to be better than what you have for most things, but it's certainly something!"

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"It's not a huge step up for me, unless it can do really heavy-duty stuff with smaller or more convenient setup than I need, since I also do chanting and sometimes also drawing, but Spring has a versatility gap and the spellbinders and mages have usage limit problems."

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"Not to mention this is more scale-able since other people can use it," says Edarial, happily.

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"Do you think that if we wrote up a - rune spell in Chamomile, that the Alethiometer could help make new spells?"

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"I don't know - are the scrolls reusable?"

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"No, why?"

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"The alethiometer only works on things within Chamomile. I have a bag with a portal in it so that the alethiometer is technically in Chamomile; I could put a scroll in the bag, too, and then the alethiometer could talk to me about scrolls. But if that one's - empty - then it might not be that informative."

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"We have others, I can go get more?" offers Darren.

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Darren cackles again, and then off he goes to get more scrolls!

He comes back, with more scrolls.

"What's an alethiometer?" he asks, laughing, handing them over.
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"Objective truth teller."

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"... Best day." He pauses, then looks at Phix. "... Second best day! Eeeeee!"

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"I admit that I'm amazing, but my amazingness has not mostly been localized to one specific day, when are you thinking of?"

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Ice, meanwhile, takes a scroll and stuffs it into her bag and starts quizzing her objective truth teller.

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"I'm really not sure, but it seemed really rude to say that it was the best day with you right here next to me."

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Cypress is looking over his wife's shoulder. Not subtly at all, in fact, he looks excited.

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"The alethiometer says - it's not a runecaster and only runecasters can find runes. But..." (fiddle fiddle) "Given a vocabulary of runes, it could produce lists of them for spells."

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"It doesn't sound like that big an improvement over my software, then, or at least the next version of the software," says Phix.

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"Still useful."

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"I need to go back to obsessively finding runes, don't I."

It's not phrased like a question: he sounds pretty okay with obsessively finding runes, and excited and happy in general.
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"More runes is always better. But maybe we can outsource, now, to somebody who's not in college?"

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"What are you in college for?" wonders Ice.

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"Education and, uh - Spanish, though I might cut that if your translation spell is as good as it seems."

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"It's a fantastic translation spell."

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"I'm very proud of it," says Cypress, grinning.

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"Sweet. I can drop French, then."

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"Maybe we can finish in two years instead of three."

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Darren grins. "Not-Hogwarts, here we come."

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"What year is it on your Earth? Mine's currently in the middle of 2015."

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"Wow, you have a decade on us. I'm only eighteen."

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"That math doesn't work unless I was born later than you. Ninety-four?"

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"Eighty-seven. Huh. But it's still totally an Earth! With, like, Las Vegas and Siberia and hurricanes named after people and stuff."

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"... Cool future tech. Do you have cool future tech? I know it's only a decade but cool future tech would be great!"

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"Maybe! I'll have to actually look up what's been invented in the last ten years - and for that matter make sure it matches up before that. Since we have witches and daemons and bears, oh my, although I guess you might not find the bears that remarkable."

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"People bears?"

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"People bears. Who wear armor and live way up north. And don't turn into humans."

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"Inconceivable," says Darren in a deadpan.

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"Yes, the only sane bears turn into humans."

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"Our old eleventh grade English teacher is a bugbear," mentions Phix. "She got us home after we fought a lava monster and also once chased a demon out of Savannah."

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"'Lava monster'?"

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"'Chased a demon out of Savannah'?"

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"... Tiny, brunette, fair skin, likes debates, disturbingly utilitarian about how far she will go to stop demons?"
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"... Yyyes?"

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"Fantastic. Is her name some form of 'Lynnari'?"

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"I don't actually remember her first name off the top of my head, we just called her Mrs. Adams - why, are there more of her too?"

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"Quite possibly."

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"Who is this person?"

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"She helped me when Cypress was temporarily dead."

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"Do any of us not have harrowing adventures?"
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"I don't feel particularly harrowed, but perhaps you're drawing the line differently."

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"I don't know exactly, just - wow."

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"Agreed. 'Wow' is a good description."

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"I got better?" offers Cypress.

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"Yes, good, congratulations, speaking of which I want my mom back if it works on sphinxes."

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"Your mom?"

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"She died a couple years ago, car crash, I've been living with Charlie since then."

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"Wow, yeah, I can give it a try, but - can't promise about the sphinx thing, unless you want to go stand in Chamomile, acquire a daemon in so doing, and let the alethiometer look at you."

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"Hmm. We try it first without that, and if it doesn't work we - hear the pros and cons of getting a daemon and decide from there?"

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"I found having a daemon to be extremely beneficial," shrugs Cypress. "And I recommend them despite the risks."

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"... Okay but the fact that you added 'despite the risks' to that statement, that makes me nervous."

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"Yeah, me too, and I notice that nobody else has collected one besides Cypress."

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"In a world where everybody has them, they're great unless you get a really inconvenient species. Everyone knows what they are and what they're for and how to treat them. In worlds where not everyone has them - well, you'd probably look really strange if you had to be followed around by a lemur or something, not that you come off as a lemur person, just as an example - and no one would know not to touch him."

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"What exactly happens if people touch the magic soul animals?"

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"It hurts."
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Darren looks at Cypress.
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"Holy shit," breathes Darren.

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"If it's most people. It doesn't have to. I can hold Vern and Cypress can hold Path and it doesn't hurt at all. But - yeah, it's not something I would casually recommend if you're not going to move to Chamomile."

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"Understood. Uh, is 'twelve' the same thing as the system on which I have a flattering number of points?"

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"It's uh - scale of how bad a thing is. Twelve is bad. Really, really bad."

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"Is the scale on which I have the flattering number of points also shared across the board?"

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"Oh, don't let's have a contest," murmurs Iobel.

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"It seems to be shared, but - yes, let's not have a contest."

He does not look at Edarial and Iobel. This is by design.
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Cricket escapes from Phix's arms and goes back to his spellbinder, who picks him up.

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"No harm done."

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Edarial - pats Iobel's shoulder. Gently.

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Darren wonders if he should switch his degree to get something in therapy, but decides against it. He's not sure even a trained therapist could - help with this.

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"Anyway. Phix. Story of your life, go."

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"Uh, born in 1987, September 13. Forks, Washington. My parents Renée and Charlie got divorced when I was a baby and she moved with me to Phoenix and taught kindergarten there. I spent most summers with Charlie. When I was fifteen Renée got hit by a car, and she died, and I moved in with Charlie full time. And then somebody who looked sort of like Renée from behind dropped my medallion," she displays it, "in the grocery store, and I picked it up to try to give it back but couldn't catch her, and decided to keep it. Which was good because I need it to look human now. Uh, went for a walk in the woods, passed out, woke up like this," she changes to fullform, "and then Darren found me and explained about critters and got really, really excited that I was a sphinx."

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"Sphinxes are supposed to be extinct and are also super magic. I'm a magic geek, thus - really, really excited."

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"Anyway, turns out I'm also a monster magnet, we got attacked by a gigantic lava thing during my first flying lesson, we got to the ocean and Darren hit it with a wave but got really hurt and it turned out that sometimes when I pass out it's because I'm doing thoroughly comprehensive healing magic. Mrs. Adams who I mentioned came out and drove us home. Me and Darren started a business selling magic scrolls and I've been iterating software to automate part of the spell development process. Savannah got possessed by a demon one time, which wasn't fun either, and then most recently I got swallowed up by a sort of ink monster, right out of Darren's lap, in his house, and taken away to a warehouse where I was tortured for information about other sphinxes until he and Savannah rescued me. Aaaand then I started college a year early and we live in an apartment over our store because college is in Seattle and so is a critter-hideaway-town-place - they're called Avalons."

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".... Perhaps you're right, we all just seem to go through some sort of harrowing experience," observes Prime.

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"Joy," sighs Edarial.

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"I still don't feel very harrowed. I have been very frightened on several occasions, but not by anything that actually went on to happen."

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"I wish there was some kind of observable pattern to - harrowing experiences. Half of them seem to be because of people taking offense to pedigree..."

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"Or parents."

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"Or one's romantic conduct."

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"Is mine counted under 'parents'?"

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"Yours is counted under parents, because Nataliem." Pause. "If you weren't aware, Darren, our birth-father is a terrible person."

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"Annoyingly arrogant, too, it's not even deserved," snorts Prime.

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Phix pats her boyfriend's arm.

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"How does critterhood inheritance work?"

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"If you have any critter parent, you are a critter. If you have one critter parent, or they match, you are that critter; if you have two non-matching critter parents you could be either. If they're using medallions then you get born looking human and stay that way till you get your own of the correct critter type."

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"That is a bizarre system."

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"Is ours any better?" snorts Prime.

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"... Point."

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"There's a lot of critters who don't know it. I could easily not be the last sphinx, but it sure looks like I'm the only one who's - actively sphinxing."

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"The mages might be able to find you some fellow sphinxes."

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"I'm not sure I want to meet any fellow sphinxes apart from Renée. Sphinxes as a group made somebody really mad and I don't have that handled yet, it might not be a kindness to them."

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"Yeah, it's probably a better idea to get the mages to find the somebody that is upset with sphinxes." Pause. "I would like that to stop, that person or group of people is terrible."

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Cypress peers at Darren, seems to come to a conclusion, and then - doesn't say a word.

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Edarial - looks at Cypress, and then he looks at Darren.

And then he sighs.

"Am I the only one of us that hasn't killed someone?"
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More silence.

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Prime's the one to reply.

"Yes," he says, bluntly.
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Edarial makes a face and looks generally annoyed with his murderous alts.

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"He had a good reason," snaps Phix defensively.

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Ice nods.

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"Okay," sighs Edarial.

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"Anyway. Darren, story of your life, go."
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"Savannah and I grew up with Mom until we were eleven, terrible birth father nowhere in sight. Dad came investigating because he knew our dead terrible birth father was a peryton, and he thought it was right that we should know. He had his amulet, Savannah touched it, shenanigans ensued, Dad realized that our mom is terrible at raising kids, called social services, and bam, to the adoption agency. Then he realized that sucked, too, so he started trying to figure out how to adopt us properly, but that takes a while. So meanwhile I was flinging myself at magic, got myself an amulet, and begged myself the basics of runecasting. Dad was - unofficially dading at that point. Then we got adopted and moved to Forks, where nothing much happened until," he motions to his girlfriend. "And it's about the same from there."

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"My parents live in Forks too," mentions Ice. "The clan lands are near there. But mine aren't divorced. Iobel's are... I wonder why the difference."

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"Mine were technically never married, but they were still together as of my first sale," volunteers Spring.

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"I seem to be missing a father," sighs Edarial. "That's annoying, the one I have is broken."

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"I like you," says Prime. "You're snarky."
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"Narcissist," Spring accuses Prime.

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"Yup!" he says, brightly. "It's like looking at my own little version of myself, just learning how to be sarcastic. Oh, wait."

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Edarial snorts.

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"Is this going to be weird? Are you going to be a replacement Vernon for him?"

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"Let's not, say we did."

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"He could get you the bowl of condoms. It'd be just like home."

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"Is that a what of 'why did he do that' or a what of 'what is a condom'?"

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Cypress, meanwhile, is giggling uncontrollably. Leaning on his wife for support.

"Translation spell covers the definition," he says, between laughs. "Did he actually-?"
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Edarial's palm, meet his face.

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"Found a bowl of them under the bed tied up in a bow. It was pretty... uh... yeah."

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Cypress continues to giggle. Not as uncontrollably, but it's still present.

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"I mean, I'm assuming you're human-like in the relevant ways?"

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"As long as we're in our human drag we are pretty damn human," confirms Phix.

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Darren is an interesting shade of red and is inspecting his shoes. Oh look, shoes.

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Prime is not touching any of this. None of it. Not with a ten foot pole.

Are those clouds? Those are clouds. Look, clouds.
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"... Look, love! I've made progress in comparison to my alts!"

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"Congratulations!" giggles Ice.

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"Oh, the gossip there could be," murmurs Phix.

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"And that is my cue to exit, stage left. Bye," waves Prime, and then he turns and walks off to his home portal. Obviously he does not want to have anything to do with gossip.

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"I said could be!" exclaims Phix.

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"Don't let me stop you, feel free to gossip, I just genuinely want no part of it."

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"Sticking Cypress with the scrying-for-the-anti-sphinx-mystery-person job?" inquires Spring.

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Prime sighs. He stops. "I can scry for the anti-sphinx-mystery-person."
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"I would really like to know who it is. What do you need to do the scry?"

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"Things that are specific to only that person that aren't things they assign to themselves. For example, names are useless to me, clothing styles are useless to me, and a basic description is less useless but difficult to aim and will take a while. Places they've been, things they've interacted with, what they've used to own, those work just fine. If you can get a relative, I can use them to aim, too, but I'm thinking that might be rather difficult in this case."

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"Well, now I kind of regret torching the warehouse. Savannah can shapeshift into the guy they hired to have me kidnapped...? She might be able to come up with information about places or something too. But she's not here right now."

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"Then... I don't think I can easily find this person or group of persons without her present."

He only barely stops himself from saying, 'Can I go now?' Look at him, and his self control.
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"It doesn't take parameters like 'whoever hired people to hurt Phix'?"

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"It's quite difficult to specify something like 'hiring' to the universe," says Prime, dryly. "That's a human concept, hiring people. I can do people that have interacted with the people that tried to hurt you, see any people that lines up with all of them, but hiring doesn't work."

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"Maybe narrow it down to critters? The guy who was bossing around the others was a human, but - I think humans are less likely to care about sphinxes all by themselves."
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"I might be able to do that. Where are the - I'm going to assume the people that hurt you are all dead, but do you happen to know where their corpses are?"

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"Burned with the warehouse. But Savannah can turn into several of them."

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"Then we're at the same place we were before, I'm afraid."

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"...Okay. Thank you anyway. We'll - bug you when we have Savannah around, I guess."

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"Certainly. I'm sure - someone will give you one half of a mirror pair? Or should I scrounge for one of those?"

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"We have some mirrors to spare," says Ice. "Go ahead."

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He gives another little wave, and then goes back to walking off. He's not currently interested in their - socializing thing. Especially the gossip.

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"I'm going to take the wild guess that the mirrors do more than just letting us look at ourselves?"

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"Extra-planar telephones," translates Cypress. "But they only work in pairs."

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"Very nice," Phix agrees. "Uh, is this a good time to try to get my mom back? There's still someone evil who hates sphinxes and is unpleasantly good at finding me out there, I'm wondering if we shouldn't wait, but on the other hand - if we don't try it I don't see how we're going to find out if it works on critters. Darren, can you think of any dead critters we want back besides Renée?"

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"If your Mrs. Adams is a Lynn, she might have a dead kid, and if your Mrs. Adams is a bugbear, her kid would be a critter. I promised Lynn I'd get hers back but haven't done it yet - was planning to do it before going home today, actually, as long as I'm leaving Chamomile at all. You could phone Mrs. Adams and ask her some weird questions."
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"That - yeah, we can do that. Pretty sure she'd prefer we ask about it, since - resurrection. Dad's got her phone number, should we go ask her weird questions right now?"

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"Sounds like a good idea, especially if she'd take a while to get to the portal."

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"I have her number in my phone already since the demon," says Phix, and she goes through the portal and calls Mrs. Adams.

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"Hello, Bella," answers Mrs. Adams.

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"Hi. I have something pretty staggeringly unbelievable to say, and if you decide I'm just messing with you it's the kind of thing that would seem like a really mean prank, can I get suspension of disbelief or do I have to wait for you to come visit me in the Avalon so I can actually show you the underlying hocus-pocus?"

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"... Suspension of disbelief is present, how important is it?"

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"Uh, very important but not actually urgent per se."

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"Okay, then - however mean it may seem to be, I won't hold it against you. What is the staggeringly unbelievable thing?"

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"First of all, is your first name Lynn or something like it and do you have a dead child?"

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"Yes." Pause. "To both."

She sounds vaguely pained, but true to her word, not truly upset or angry.
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"Today me and Darren met alternate universe versions of ourselves and they know somebody who sounds like she's an alternate universe version of you. And one of my alts can resurrect the dead. We don't know yet if it works on critters but I don't want to try my mom first because someone is already after me for being a sphinx."

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"... You may test it on my daughter, provided you can - be sure that it won't - I want her back, but I don't want to cause her pain."

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"You should probably talk to the alt of me who has the spell if you're worried. You should probably talk to her anyway. But she resurrected her husband once and he seemed fine."

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"Then - yes. I would like my daughter back. Please."

It's hard to tell over the phone, but she sounds close to tears.
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"Can you come to the Avalon? The portal is in my and Darren's apartment and you could talk to her, I don't know what she needs or if there's a list of risks or side effects or what."

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"In Seattle? Yes. I will be by - this weekend. What's your address?"

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Bella rattles it off.

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"Thank you," she says, sincerely. "Truly. Thank you."

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"You're welcome, but - we don't know if it works on critters," Bella cautions.

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"I understand. It's still - a chance."

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"Yeah. Okay. I'll tell them - I can't guarantee that the one who does the resurrections will be available right when you show up, she has her own world full of things to do, but I'll get a list of things you should know and things she needs to know to work, anyway."

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"That's fine. I've - she's been dead this long. I can wait."

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"Okay. See you this weekend."

And that would seem to be that.

Back Phix goes to the rest of the peal.

"Mrs. Adams sure sounds like she's an alt of that Lynnari person, and she'll come by the Avalon this weekend to talk to you, Ice, about resurrecting her daughter."
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"... Wow, that's - poor woman."

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"Isabella - Ice, sorry, love, still getting used to that - will fix it," says Cypress, serenely.

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"Unless Mrs. Adams wants to volunteer to get a daemon so I can check ahead of time, it could potentially take a while to get a critter-compatible spell version, maybe turn up glitchy somehow the way your first resurrection did - and even if she does want to let the alethiometer have a look at her, it might be that critters just aren't resurrectable at all," says Ice. "But I'll certainly try." At the look on Phix's face: "The first version of the spell doesn't work properly on mages. They come back, just not - magey. I have actually had to resurrect Cypress twice, and the second one was - planned."

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"I got better," assures Cypress.

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Path fluffs up, still disgruntled.

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"It would also be very nice to know if it worked on spellbinders. I don't have any immediate experimental candidates."

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"Why wouldn't it?"

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"It's possible that it would work, but bring us back without our familiars attached, in which case we wouldn't be spellbinders anymore - or that it would work, but bring us back attached to familiars that aren't there, and therefore leave us unmade - or that something more complicated would happen. I think what I'd want to do first is resurrect a non-spellbinder likely to be amenable to the experiment and of an age where they can reliably see their spirit animal and gather information from that, at least outside of an emergency like what we'd have had on our hands if Edarial had died in the building collapse or something."

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"Becoming a vegetable. If your familiar dies, that's what happens."

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"I am very glad I didn't die in the building collapse."

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"If the spellbinder dies, the familiar does too - so resurrecting the familiar first would have similar problems, and even if two witches synchronously worked on a binder/familiar pair I'd be worried they wouldn't appear connected correctly in some way."

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"That's - um. I'm glad you didn't die in the building collapse, too. Why was there a building collapse?"

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"We were putting magic fountains in a couple of cities, and were therefore both out of spells for the day when someone who objected to monarchy decided to express this by bringing a building down on our heads. I broke a leg, Edarial broke - more things. The magic fountains heal familiars, but not humans. Our guards all died and I had to keep Edarial awake until midnight came and we got spells again to heal ourselves and walk out of the wreck. And yell at the anti-monarchists."

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"We didn't even do anything to deserve assassination," mutters Edarial. "I agreed to writing a constitution, and we're working on that - not right now, but as a project."

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"... Okay then. Um. Wow."

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"I'm sort of concerned that I should be expecting harrowing adventures to hunt me down any minute now."

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"Unless the criterion is literally along the lines of 'long term emotional damage sustained' you probably count on the sole basis of the slavery."

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"I do have to wonder why the - constant harrowing experiences occur. I wish there were a way to easily study it, figure out if there's a way of making it - stop it."

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"I am," says Edarial, "completely on board with making it stop it."

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"We have complete causal explanations for why all the things that have happened, happened," says Iobel. "But we don't have explanations for why we so resemble each other at all, so it's possible that hiding with the rest of that explanation is one saying why we're all so thoroughly adventured. Whatever the hell kind of explanation that might be."

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"I wish we could find and ask the Fae, but there's no way that could end well."
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"Do tell. In fact, all of you, stories of your lives, go."

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The Adarins with untold stories of their lives look at each other, and then upon Edarial's prompting, Cypress goes first.

"My magic dilutes through generations and has only had three major sources. One of those was my mother. So for a large portion of my childhood I was ferried around to be used as a puppet, and then when I got older expected to... Er." He breaks out the air-quotes. "'Sire a generation.'"
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Darren makes a face.

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"I told them all 'no,' and avoided getting my mind changed without my permission. Then some idiots summoned something that they shouldn't have to my home world, and the world was invaded, and the survivors - myself and my sister included - ran for our lives to another plane. It was lacking in various supplies and wasn't properly built to house humans, but it was too much trouble to try to get everyone to leave it to search for a better spot, so I went looking for another plane for helpful materials and found -" He grins. "- Isabella."

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Snuggle. Isabella picks up from here. "I'm a witch, we're a minority but not a tiny one, grew up the same place you were born, Phix, near my clan's lands - my dad is also Charlie but my mother's named Ranata Ekamma and she never hared off with me to Phoenix. I went to mortal school through tenth grade, then quit to study magic full-time, then met," grin, "Adarin. There proceeded to be quite a lot of magical collaboration and now I have a portal network and an army of alien robots and we run a colony on the planet where we found the alien robots and I have a better way to read my alethiometer than anybody else who has one does and I'm heavily subsidizing the mass resurrection and immortalization of people in my world in between going on welcome wagon trips for new folks."

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".... Ooooooo," says Darren, looking at Cypress like he's his hero. "An army of alien robots?"

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"We went planet shopping for a colony. We found a planet that was filled with alien robots, and then Isabella made them hers. Through a huge hole in their security systems."

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"That's really, really cool!"

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"I mean, to be fair, the hole in the security systems only proved relevant when the aliens in question were all extinct. They're well past caring and their planetary infrastructure wasn't in good enough shape for me to strongly consider resurrecting the aliens sooner than later so they could have it back; they'll have nearly as much luck colonizing a different rock. Phix, maybe we should check for aliens in your world, since you're from a world that matches mine some ways."

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"I'm not sure how much to expect matching. I mean, our Earthly species don't even match. Did the aliens have daemons?"

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"They did. They were just aliens, not zombie aliens."

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"Wait, are we considered zombies?"

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"Yes," says Vern.

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"Welcome to the zombie club," says Edarial, dryly. "Enjoy your stay, drinks and refreshments are to your left."

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Darren sporfles.

"Right, okay then."
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"I mean, to be fair you aren't properly zombies. If this were a horror movie you wouldn't act just like normal people only with mysteriously invisible inaudible daemons that are never in anybody's way, there would be other effects from the soullessness. And since you aren't actually human I can sort of categorize you like you're bears, I guess. Though the bears say their armor is their souls."

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"If they leave it out in the rain do they get a rusty soul?"
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"I don't know if sky-iron rusts, and doubt they tend to leave it out like that, but I suppose? If I leave Path out in the rain I get a waterlogged soul. This sort of thing happens when you don't keep your soul creepily insubstantial."

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"That just seems - so strange."

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"It's something to get used to, certainly. But I have 'gone native' and now you're the strange one in my eyes."

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"And a good thing you have gone properly native. If Chamomile didn't confer daemons on visitors you would not have one and then where would we be?"

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"Not married, and that would be terrible." He kisses her forehead, smiling.

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Edarial does not say a word.

He wonders if Cypress is even aware that he's doing it, now. Probably not. He can't even blame it on the soul birds this time. It's just - so blatantly in love. Again.
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Well, Phix thinks it's adorable.

"I'm missing some life stories. Already heard the gist of Spring's, so, you two are up."
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"I was born in a place called South Fork -"

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"Okay, that's weird," opines Ice. "...Sorry for - but it's weird. Forks, South Fork - Spring?"

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"I can't for the life of me remember the name of the town. I didn't dare write any of my personal notes in plaintext until I got to Pantheon - or even a cipher, someone could have beaten the translation out of me. I used to do everything in drawings that I didn't expect to keep. Sorry."

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"Are you sure you aren't harrowed?"

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"I was very good at avoiding provoking the woman who owned me for most of my time in Tayane. As people who purchase six-year-olds go, she was positively saintly. And I would like to stop dwelling on my childhood while I am so very, very old and have unrelated accomplishments under my belt, thanks."

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"Anyway, after my having been born in the charmingly named South Fork, my parents Raney and Kalars got divorced and Raney moved with me to Emavan. She taught school, so I got a few years of it as an employee benefit to her. I bound Cricket young and turned out to be pretty good at spellbinding and soon I was able to rent and stock a hex and spellchart shop myself. And then the, ah, fiasco, happened."

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"We've heard a - basic rundown of the fiasco."

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"... Anything in particular you need me to expand on, then?"

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"We probably can't, like, help, can we."
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"It's unlikely," sighs Edarial. "Unless you happen to own a time machine, we are in the market for one of those."

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Iobel smiles slightly. "Barring that - well, we're doing what's doable, and that which isn't won't get more so if you go hmmmm at it. Though you do seem less outrageously showoffy about how cutely coupled you are than Ice and Cypress, so thanks for that."

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"You're... welcome?"

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"We're trying," defends Cypress. He is, but - wife. Wife.

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'I'd hate to see when you're not trying,' Edarial almost says, but he stops himself. No, no, civility with himself.

"Thank you for that," he says instead, cordially.
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"I wonder why we are less cutely coupley. Any guesses?"

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"It might have helped that I figured I wouldn't be able to find love, ever. Or that if I did it would come with various problems from my home to solve and prevent me from - fixing all of the various problems my former home has. Except it turned out to be the exact opposite of that and Isa- Ice, Ice annihilated those expectations and is everything I'd never dared to hope for and more."
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Ice can't not kiss him after a speech like that. Kiss! Snuggle. And then she adds:

"Also the soul birds. I think the soul birds help."
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"Another thing I want to know is why you don't truncate 'Isabella' like I do."

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"Bella doesn't sound as witchy. I like the way my name scans first and second parts with all its syllables. Isabella Amariah. What's your middle name? You have one, right, mortal style?"

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"Not applicable," says Spring.

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"That's - weird. Cool, but weird. Do we have a similar name thing? My full name's Darren Elliot Sanders."

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"Adarin Evaniel Sorelas."

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"Edarial Elire Cartalian."

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".... Kiiinda similar? I guess? Sort of?"

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"If you squint."

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"And possibly have been drinking heavily."

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"Well, it's better than random, anyway. 'Darren' is the obvious Anglophone gloss on 'Adarin'."

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"Why even this much similarity though - I assume everyone present was named by people with no information about multidimensional confluences."

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"Yes. Even mine - I didn't know it was possible to have alternates until," he motions to Edarial and Iobel, "I met them."

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"This is so weird," says Darren. "I'm not complaining, it's awesome, I love magic, but - so weird!"

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"About how easy is it to just - reach out and find more of us?" wonders Phix.

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"Scrying is the cheapest thing for a mage to do, mana wise, but it's not easy per say - it's often very time consuming."

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"Okay, but like, could there be fifty - sets of us - instead of four this time next week if that were a good idea, or are there severe limiting factors of some kind?"

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"I'm not sure of the specifics for finding you, but it took several hours for me to find Prime, and the same with Edarial and Iobel."

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"So this is - set aside an afternoon and probably turn up somebody, and of course efficient use of the added value of the new somebody takes time, you aren't going to be great runecasters in the next thirty minutes - though if somebody gives me a flash drive, I'll put my program and rune notes on it, it's probably the most efficient intro easily available. And some of the somebodies are going to have problems like 'somebody is mysteriously racist against sphinxes' which limit our ability to be positive-sum right away. Okay. Was there a particular reason we were sought out today?"

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"Isabella and I were busy with - things, Prime was the one who found you. He's trying to find a way to fix my instance of Kystle, and we don't have the resources yet to manage that in any sort of - non murderous fashion. We'd all like to work on that."

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"... What's the situation there, exactly? I'm guessing that was the place that got invaded, but - specifics?"

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"Place that got invaded. I checked, and - most of the original population is dead, and the ones that aren't are incredibly dangerous to be around so rescue is near-impossible. I was taking care of the mage situation first and getting proper living conditions up, because there genuinely wasn't very much I could do. Prime informed me that if Kystle's left alone for several hundred years my dead mother will start a second invasion in a mad quest to resurrect my terrible birth-father. So."

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"Hoo boy. Well. You can have my runecasting notes and program with my blessing, they should be nicely organized at least for another me to look at, and - I don't think I have a big enough hammer to hit an entire planetary invasion force with. I get ambushed by monsters we can barely handle just at home."

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He nods. "Yeah, it's - something of a difficult problem. The runecasting notes and program would be lovely, though, every little bit helps."

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"Also, magic. Magic is cool!"

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"I don't have a spare flash drive, but I can pick some up. Although we're not exactly bursting at the seams with spare cash. I mean, we have a small business, but it's small and there's a fair amount of labor costs getting people to scribe for us and the rent in the Avalon for the shop and apartment is kind of astronomical. So if anybody has solved economics that would be nice to know."

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"I'm rich - in American dollars, even, and I could probably get some that were printed long enough ago. I'm heavily subsidizing resurrection and immortalization but the main bottleneck is witch labor, not cash, so I have it to spare. Lemme stick my head back in Chamomile and tell my assistant to call my bank about old cash." Off goes Ice.

She's back after a brief phone call. "I'll get back to you about how much minimally suspicious cash I can divert your way. Unless the Secret Service already suspects you of counterfeiting or it turns out the design of the money is different, you should be fine."
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"What if the design of the - then you have some spare petty cash lying around which happens to be kind of old, okay. Thanks."

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"No problem, what else would a portal network slowly edging out airlines the world over be for?"

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Darren grins and looks at Cypress.
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Cypress waves, obviously pleased with himself. "The economy cowers before us. Bwuahahaha."

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"At some point we're planning to come clean about who's making the portals, but I keep putting it off for this or that reason."

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"We want the result that it gets us in the end, but the upheaval necessary for it annoys the both of us," clarifies Cypress. "I don't particularly mind her taking all of the credit."

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"Katydid," says Iobel suddenly. "I mean - that'll do for a nickname. By analogy to Cricket. Call me Katydid until I think of something better."

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"Two water features, an insect, and - what's Phix supposed to mean? The translation spell isn't getting it."

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"Mythology reference. The Sphinx."

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"That's all of us handled, then, the Adarins are behind," says Ice, gesturing at Darren and Edarial.

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"Is this a contest? I didn't know I needed to have a nickname when I woke up this morning!"

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"Nothing comes to mind for me. I suppose I could try to match Berathyme, but her name is rather hard to translate."

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"... Okay, I don't have any translation spell, so! What's it mean?"

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"It's a term in her language for the quiet, peaceful period after a gentle rain has subsided."

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"That's pretty," says Phix. "You could be, I don't know, Rain."

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".... Sure, why not."

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"That just leaves you," says Phix, elbowing Darren gently. "Come on, I didn't know I needed a nickname when I woke up this morning either."

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"There aren't many good plays off of peryton, though. Or possibly any. What do I get from that? Antlers?"

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"You already rejected Bambi -"

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Ice sporfles.

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"- so yeah, options are a little thin on the ground there."

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"If Bambi's the best my pedigree has to offer for nicknames, I'm not missing out on much."

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Cypress doesn't get the joke. He looks at his wife, obviously confused about the sporfle.

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"Bambi is a Disney cartoon deer who spends most of his movie being an adorable fawn with huge eyes," says Ice.

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He smirks at Darren.
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"Don't you say a word. Don't you do it."

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"Is he doomed to eternal silence, now?"

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"Yes. You are, too, actually, unless you don't actually know what Disney cartoons are, in which case - carry on."

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"But you could burst into song at every opportunity!"

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"That one's not a musical, if I recall right."

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"So, wait - I'm betting Chamomile movies include daemons, but do they include them for talking cartoon animals?"

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"Well, yeah. That's how you know that in the relevant fictional universe, the animals are people. The daemons are generally very small, and hide whenever a human character is around unless it's a setting in which humans know that their cartoon animal neighbors are intelligent."

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"... How do you tell the difference between the intelligent, talking animals and the daemons, in that case?"

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"...Are you having trouble telling which between me and Path is the daemon? I mean, considering where you're from I have to assume you're open to the possibility of an owl that is a person in their own right...?"

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"No, no, I mean - I'm - I thought daemons were intelligent talking soul animals? And that is different from intelligent talking animals."

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(Vern snickers.)

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"The daemons act like daemons, is how we can tell. And are introduced like daemons and avoid contact with non-daemons and are, like I said, typically small. In real life daemons very occasionally settle as humans, and people can tell."

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"Huh. Okay, I can kind of see how that works? Maybe?"

He sounds dubious.
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"It's much more intuitive when you're used to being around daemons."

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"I'll take your word for it. I feel like I need the campaign guide for Chamomile."

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"Nerd," says Phix affectionately.

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"Hey, it's what's making me make sense of all of everything here," he teases back. "We're the same basic character put into different campaigns and changed for the setting."

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"I should probably let you actually rope me into a game at some point so I'll get all your references and know more about what to say to them than 'nerd'."

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"Yes, you should. It would be a lot of fun and then we could be nerdy together."

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"A game of...?"

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"Dungeons and Dragons."

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"Well," says Cypress, amused, "we've found out what I'd be like if I grew up on Earth - I'd be a huge nerd."
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"I'm genuinely curious - how are you equating that to - all of this?"

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"Wizards," says Darren, pointing to himself and Phix. "Sorcerer." He points at Cypress. "Clerics." He points at Ice, and then at Spring. "You're all about to multiclass into wizard, congrats." He looks at Rain and Katydid. "I haven't figured you two out. Sorry, I'd have to hear more about what you can do."

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"By what logic are me and Spring the same thing?"

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"Spellbinders get six spells per day, which each have a charge time somewhere between thirty seconds and half an hour and then go off. Charging looks like this." Katydid starts charging, then stops after the demonstration seems sufficient. "We learn spells by managing to cram the contents of an entire spellchart explaining exactly what it does into working memory all at once, and after that it's ours to keep. There are spells that make permanent magical objects or effects, called hexes - I think we should call our world Hex, actually - which cost all six of your spells for the day. New ones come in at midnight with no rollover. Is that what you wanted to know?"

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"Well, obviously you two have completely different domains. But you heal and resurrect the dead, respectively. Clerics. And - I'm... not really sure how to equate that one to a class. Tentatively a strange version of a psion?"

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"I do things besides resurrect the dead. My goddesses are only involved in some spells, not all of them. Spring's powers are much less flexible than mine and require less involved prep work."

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"I'd almost think you resented being associated with me, Ice, but I agree, my powers aren't like anybody else's except for other acolytes and to a lesser extent blessed priesthood members."

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"Okay, fine," sighs Darren. "Either of you have any sort of control over animals?"

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"I do. I mostly use it to summon them so I can stab them for sacrificial rituals."

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"Then I dub you a druid. With the ability to resurrect the dead. Even though that's a cleric spell." Pause. "It's hard to accurately slot all of you into classes, but sort of fun to try."

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"What exactly is a psion?"

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"Kind of hard to explain without getting into mechanics, uh - you have a main pool of power points to work from, can cast any spell you know at any time but it eats away from your total number of power points. Except you just get six power points and every spell you do costs either six or one."

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"Huh. Okay. Do psions have familiars?"

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"Well. Um. No."

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"That's not a very good fit, then."

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(Edarial is trying very hard not to giggle.)

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(Cypress isn't. He's snickering.)

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Darren makes a face. "... You both have one level in wizard. To get a familiar. You can cast flare like once, congrats."

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"Sweetie," says Ice, "how's your mana, for giving the critters a translation spell apiece?"

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"Low, but enough for translation spells."

Book of cheat sheets comes out, and he starts flipping through it. He's pretty sure that if this keeps up, he's just going to have it memorized.
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"By the way, this is now a competition, since I'm losing in the nickname department. I'll reach max level before all of you."

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"There's a max level? That doesn't seem like much fun, having a limit."

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"It's really difficult to get to it, but technically there is one. I think at that point you basically become a god. So. Max level or bust."

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"I technically have the ability to become a god, but it would be deeply unkind of me and wouldn't improve anything."

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"What do you have to do to become a god?"

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"Acolytes can do it by usurping their gods. So, Perinixu would die. I'm not going to, I just thought it would be a topical tidbit."

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"That's... definitely a thing, okay then. Yeah, don't do that. Unless she's a god of murder or something, I suppose."

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"I do not serve a god of murder, Darren. She's a healing goddess."

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"Oops. Uh - sorry."

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Cypress pats his shoulder.

"Max could work as a nickname," he says, amused. "Since you want to be 'max level.'"
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"And it's reasonably namey and it ends with an X like mine. Phix and Max."

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"We can match, that makes it perfect!" cackles the newly dubbed Max.

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"Ice and Cypress named themselves after what their crowns are made of."

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"I can make permanent ice," chirps Ice. "And am unharmed by cold."

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"Wait, that's ice? I thought it was glass or something. That's really cool!"

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"Yes. Yes it is," says Cypress. Smugly.

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Awwwww. Smug husband gets a kiss.

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Phix giggles.

"Oh, I just realized, I haven't explained our species-specific magic. Besides being runecasters and besides the medallions, I mean. Perytons get a gross shapeshifting power - that's what Savannah's going to use to guide the scry for the racist villain - and sphinxes get - well, we're calling it fairy princess magic for inside joke reasons, but basically I can do extremely comprehensive healing and then pass out for a while, and I can do a large number of very minor effects - repairing cut paper or thread or skin a little at a time very slowly, making lines appear on paper, I can telekinetically move around droplets of water, most of the really tiny things I've been able to come up with to try I can manage if I focus. And the tiny things don't make me pass out."
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"Usage limit?" asks Katydid.

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"For the healing, well, I can't do it while I'm already passed out, so sort of - thankfully I haven't had cause to do it twice in immediate succession, although I did something to make me pass out twice nearly in a row right after I got my medallion; we only have guesses about what - but for the little stuff, not that I've run into."

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"Can you do delicate technological repair work? Out of curiosity."

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"I think I could probably make delicate alterations to electronics, but whatever I'm doing - the kind I'm doing when I don't pass out, anyway - doesn't understand what 'repaired' means on its own, so I'd have to know what I was doing. Basically I could bypass the need for tools but not skip the electrical engineering classes."

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"Interesting. That - sounds sort of similar to mine, in some ways."

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"Enough that I can steal your notes, or just in a sort of conceptual way?"

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"You can probably steal... some of my notes? But half of them are figuring out ways to trick things within my magic system, so those probably wouldn't work for you."

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"Probably. I wish I knew more about what I'm actually doing, maybe then I could figure out how to cheat."

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He nods. "It might be possible to scry for things written by sphinxes? To see if there are magic notes."

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"You're my hero."

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Cypress bursts out laughing. "For - offering to scry for something I might not even be able to find?"

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"For being super magic!"

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"Yay magic! There can be an elective on otherworldly magic when I start Hogwarts."

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"You're not really calling it -?"

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"Nah, I just don't have a better idea yet. It'll be a magic school, though, and I can have a survey course on forms of magic from other places. For the upperclassmen who have demonstrated that they can be responsible with this information."

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"We're going to do Dumbledore's job. But better."

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Cypress snickers.

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And Edarial completely misses the joke.

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For the benefit of those who don't know the story: "On Earth there's a very popular series of books in which there's a magic school called Hogwarts and its headmaster is named oh my God, Ice, do you have the last book out in Chamomile?"

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"...The headmaster is not named Oh my god Ice do you have the last book out in Chamomile, he's named Dumbledore, but yes, it's out," giggles Ice. "It's the version with daemons in, though. I'm not sure how much they'll differ on those grounds."

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"Worth it. I'm willing to reread the book series with daemons in it, if I get to read the last book early."

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"I'll get you a box set as a welcome-to-the-gang."

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Phix giggles.

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Darren does, too.

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"We should compare notes, see exactly what's different between the Earths besides the year," muses Cypress.

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"Can you snake Internet connections through these portals? So we can get on each other's Internets to see what's what."

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"Yes. We have borrowed internet connection, in fact."

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"It's very interesting, and Cricket enjoys silly browser games if they don't require too much manual dexterity."

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"I've been studying useful topics to introduce tech to Pantheon. In between catching up on what happened while I was dead and making sure Perinixu's installation in Prime's New Kystle is going smoothly."

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"Multidimensional internet connection, have I mentioned that I love magic? I love magic."

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"And now there's much more of it to love. Speaking of which, on top of your translation spells, I should probably load you both up with wards. The best ones involve tattoos, which aren't comfy but don't hurt for very long. I can make 'em invisible after they're on if you prefer."

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"Uh, okay. Should we be in human form or critter?"

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"Uh, good question. Critter, I think."

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Darren shifts to fullform, fluffing out his wings.

"Any idea how the tattoos will interact with fur?" he wonders.
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"No problem. Usually there'd be a copy of the marks on your daemons," Ice assures him. "I could still paint them on you if you were eels. All right, I'll get my stuff."

She goes to Chamomile and comes back with stuff. She mixes the stuff. She paints Phix's tattoos along her left flank - as promised, it sits just fine on the fur - and Max's on his shoulder. She spells them in and then invisibles them all (though not before Phix has ducked into Spring's bathroom to see how they show up on her leg, the answer to which is just fine).

Then she gets more stuff, and then she summons a couple of wild goats, and makes them both immortal.
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Darren is very happy about immortality! He almost, almost prances. It's close.

"Later, can you get my sister and dad?"
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"Yeah, sure."

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And then he goes over to Phix, drapes a wing over her, and is generally pleased about immortality and protective tattoos to keep them both safe.
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There is further exchange of information and smalltalk and (a little) gossip. And then, armed with a checklist of things to tell Mrs. Adams when she shows up, magic mirrors, translation spells, tattooed wards, and an IOU for some elderly Chamomile US dollars, the critters go home.
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And Ice makes sure her portal bag has plenty of herbs -

and goes to Prime's New Kystle and looks for Lynn.
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Cypress accompanies her, and helps with finding Lynn with a quick scry -

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- and she's close by. She hung around Prime's house for exactly this reason.

"Hello," Lynn says. She glances at Cypress. "I'm glad that everything was sorted out."
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"We are too. Guess what, we think you have an alt in a world we just made contact with."

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"Don't tell my husband," she says, wryly. "He'd have a heart attack. Have you met her?"

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"No, but our newfound alts have. She was one of their high school teachers and apparently she's something called a bugbear, and she's volunteered her daughter as a first test case for whether resurrection works on that world's critters. But yours is not a bugbear and my Adarin has already served as a test case, so unless this is a bad time, I can do it now. I need her full name."

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"High school. How bizarre. Regardless, my daughter's name is Cecelia Kenatri Anis."

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"Cecelia Kenatri Anis..." Ice fiddles with the line in the verse until it scans. Then she gets started.

Draw draw draw.

Verse - mage version. Dead birds. Gestures.
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And then - child.

She looks to be four.

Lynn scoops her up into her arms and sobs.

"Thank you," she whispers, fiercely.
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"You're welcome."

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Lynnari is then busy comforting a very confused and frightened four year old whose last memory was of her daddy killing her. Hugs and a soothing, quiet lullaby are required for the sobbing, confused child. It's been five centuries, but she still remembers her daughter's favorite one. It's about a planewalker that travels the planes fixing things by snapping his fingers.

She isn't going to be up for proper conversation for a while, probably.
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Isabella's work here is done. She links arms with her husband and heads back towards the portal.

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Her husband smiles a little, at the sight. He loves his wife. To the portal, and back home.