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Permalink Mark Unread
Adana gets to work. She starts off with less in the way of money than she'd prefer, due to laws about summoning and counterfeiting, but she has a demon bodyguard who can make just about anything. When given something so obvious to work from, she will exploit it as much as possible.

She offers her services to every lunar colony that will give her the time of day. Most of them accept. Cam is instrumental in most of what she does, but Adana summons a few angels to help integrate shiny new things with the older structures in place. The two angels that Cam meets are nice to Adana, but less so to him - he gets the cold shoulder and some pointed glares and insinuations, but nothing else comes of it besides that. Adana keeps the peace as well as she can, distracts all parties involved with things to do, and they carry on without any real incident.

While fixing things is something that she's happy to do, she wants things to be organized in such a way that they don't need her to keep functioning. She has Cam make several factories, specialized in maintenance materials. Then she sells the rights to use them to companies that she background checks as 'not idiots.' She undercuts what it would cost to have them built normally, accepts several commissions to make other factories for things like shuttles and polymer repair gel, and has Cam build those, too. Along with those, miniature black holes are created and sold, to give gravity to space stations and the like. Soon enough, she is rich.

Once she has money to play with it, she starts using it. She bribes several companies into making deals with one another, hires more staff to do her bidding, and then slowly expands. Disaster relief structures are made, funded by her business in services such as extranet ports and factories. She negotiates the disaster relief's neutrality to international laws, and then they get to helping lunar colonies that are having problems.

Meanwhile, she negotiates with Mars and its colonies to set up terraforming. It's slow going, there are a lot of separately governed colonies to get to play nice together, but she makes steady progress. They should be good for terraforming the planet within a year. She realizes that she could just grab Cam and go do it whenever she likes, with or without permission, but she isn't anonymous anymore.

She becomes known as a demon summoner. A very effective demon summoner. Soon it's common for people to look at her nervously when she walks into a room. She doesn't care, except to behave extremely nicely, and play nice with all laws that she can. No need to make people afraid of her or Cam, she's got time to be patient.

True to her word, the binding on Cam is loose and pretty flexible. She doesn't stop being nice to him or treating him like a person just because he is working for her. Actually, if anything, she's nicer - cheerier, happier, thanking him every time he makes her something useful. And there's usually something useful to make, too, because she's always doing something or working on various projects that are all leading towards one goal - make the solar community as nice a place to live as possible.
Permalink Mark Unread
Cam likes to be busy.

He thinks he is - maybe not literally as lucky to have met Adana as she is to have met him, considering that if he'd met the wrong summoner it would have been a mild disappointment and if she'd met the wrong demon in the relevant conditions she'd be in lousy shape - but certainly very lucky for him too.

He makes things and naps and snuggles his summoner and flips angels the bird when they're rude to him without much real heat.

When he has been around full time for a few weeks and there's some downtime -

"Hey, Adana?"
Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes?" she asks, looking up from her latest attempt to persuade all of Mars to play nice with terraforming. It's by text, because audio communication at such a distance is a bit weird and not worth the trouble, at least not yet.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can you keep a secret?" Beat. "I'm not saying, 'I wish to tell you deeply personal information which I want you to keep in confidence' - I'm asking, 'can you judge whether something ought to be secret and keep it that way if so'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think so, though it would depend on the secret. If I'm not sure I will probably stick to sitting on it rather than risking it. Why?"
Permalink Mark Unread

"Considering telling you some secrets of the universe. I'm not sure what order to do it in."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Then I will probably not post what I learn to the extranet, whatever they are. Uh - whatever order seems best, I suppose?"

Permalink Mark Unread

He thinks for a bit, then says:

"If 'souls' meaningfully exist in any way, shape, or form, then no demon I've ever met has ever admitted to me that they can perceive or interact with them at all and I have no inkling of being able to do it myself either."
Permalink Mark Unread

She snorts with laughter. "I had an inkling of that one, by the way you talked about them. Also not really spiritual. Demons just - kept bringing them up anyway? Or are people just idiots?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Some demons think it's funny. I mostly haven't shared the information because nobody but you tended to let me talk, but the reason I hesitated to mention it to you when there was a moment is because - consider the situation when it ever actually comes up. Some mortal is desperate enough to offer their soul, or leave the price wide open. Some demon is enough of a dick to be amused by the prospect of 'taking' it. Now assume it's common knowledge that there's no such commodity. This doesn't undo desperation or dickishness one bit, but..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"But suddenly someone loses something far more important than the 'loss' of a 'soul' and the world's a little more worse off. Yeah, that one should not be told to the world at large. It's good to know, anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Second secret of the universe: there is an afterlife."

Permalink Mark Unread
That causes her to raise her eyebrows.

"... Okay, do you know what's in it?"
Permalink Mark Unread

"Dead people," he laughs. "This one I don't know why some fairy or angel hasn't fessed up, but my guess is that you're getting angels and fairies who are deeply uncurious people and don't know - it would be easily possible to miss the information - or who don't think this tidbit would be interesting. It goes by assorted names, at least in Hell; my favorite is 'Limbo'. It's not terrible but it's not great either."

Permalink Mark Unread

She snorts. "You know what I meant," she teases. "So - not terrible but also not great how?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Limbo-ites don't get any magic powers, and you can't summon them - well, if you can I don't know about how to do it, anyway. And Limbo is natively dramatically less interesting than Fairyland. It's basically flat earth extending infinitely, about a gee of gravity, and besides dead people - who are about as indestructible as daeva, but otherwise human - there's not much stuff. Specifically, the going theory is that when someone appears in Limbo they get one thing, which is whatever tops their personal list of 'things an afterlife would be incomplete without' and is not itself a person. Opinions vary on whether you can get a copy of a still-living animal. So you get your childhood dog or an ice skating rink complete with rental skates or a pond or a burger joint that stocks itself obligingly with burger fixings. But there's only one such thing per person, and they can't move or edit them either, so they have extremely haphazard sorts of settlements built out of incidentals."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That sounds incredibly annoying. I think I like Hell's haphazard - stuff all over everywhere thing more. I mean, that sounds nice in some senses but also - what about houses? There can't be enough for everyone, if people only get one thing. Not everyone's house is at the top of their list."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right. So people move into the ice skating rinks or just outside - there's no weather, so it's not intolerable, just unprivate."

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"Ugh. I mean I suppose some people would bring hotels, but - still. It doesn't sound like enough. I should look into trying to summon them."

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"I'm pretty sure you can't do it."

He smiles.

"I tried."
Permalink Mark Unread

"Damn, what methods did you use, maybe I can -" Pause. Head tilt. "... I was under the impression that demons can't summon? Was I wrong?"

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"We cannot."

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"So how did you try things, did you get a summoner to help, or - wait, no, they wouldn't let you talk, so how in the world did you test it?"

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"I'm now really curious to see if you're going to guess."

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She laughs. "Uh, okay, I can try. Um. Okay, so no summoner helped, because demon, but you specifically tried to figure it out. Demons can't summon, but you would have had to be able to. So - wait, were you not always a demon? Can you become one?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was not always a demon."

Permalink Mark Unread

"... You were a summoner? Normal human? Or - something else?"

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"I was a summoner. I was born in 1987 and I lived to be twenty-two and then somebody murdered me and next thing I knew I was in Hell."

Permalink Mark Unread

She stares. ".... Oh fuck, that was why you said you'd wished I was around a hundred and fifty years ago, no one let you say goodbye, fuck I am so sorry. Does - do summoners go to Hell, or just random people or - or what?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Here's where we depart from 'secrets of the universe' and enter 'mostly speculation'. Although I'm going to mention as an aside that my parents are both long dead by now, were the only relevant humans, and I have managed to get letters to the both of them via concordances on a few occasions - fairies are shit with mail but sometimes something gets through. I think that all summoners, on death, become some kind of daeva. I don't remember getting to pick, but the consistency of personalities - limited, but present - within types suggests to me that it's about some kind of personal sympathy with the magic. I'd peg you for an angel-to-be. But the overwhelming majority of daeva just appear out of nowhere with wings already stuck on - ninety-nine percent of them, at a guess, maybe less overwhelming among the ones who take summons. Your one angel might really have a sister who is also an angel but I'd still bet on 'they adopted each other' to explain them. And a lot of the dead summoners are a hell of a lot older than me and keep less thorough diary entries. They might not remember."

Permalink Mark Unread
Adana takes a few seconds to absorb this.

"... Okay. Okay, as far as final fates go, becoming a daeva is one of the better ones. I can - I can handle that one."

She laughs, a little. "An angel-to-be? What - what makes you think that? I could end up with you in Hell, we could cover up the tacky gold plane together."
Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd like it if you landed in Hell, and have no track record with which to demonstrate the accuracy of my guess, but you feel like an angely person."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not sure if I should take that as a glowing compliment or a vague insult," she teases. "That I am an 'angely person.' You haven't gotten along with any of the summoned angels."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They all despise me. I liked angels fine when I was alive."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You are alive," insists Adana. "Just - with some cosmetic adjustments, reinforcement, and a large smattering of magic."

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"All right, I liked angels fine when I was a human. The cosmetics aren't intrinsic to being a demon, by the by, the ones of us who land with human histories have to add wings on purpose. The natively demonic start out with them. I considered doing feathery wings just to screw with people but I decided against it."

Permalink Mark Unread
"Really? So the tail and wings were chosen?"

Pause. Inspection. "... You have good taste. But you could have made them black or a dark color, rocked the fallen angel look, if you went with the feathery kind."
Permalink Mark Unread

"If I ever saw these off and replace them I will consider that," he says, spreading a wing and posing for easy inspection.

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"Wait, saw them off?" asks Adana, completely distracted from inspection.

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"Angels have it much easier in that department, they can just turn theirs into their cloud-fluff if they feel like it, easy as pie. But I cleverly anticipated this problem and right near the joins there's about a quarter inch with no pain nerves. It'll be sort of gross but not intolerable. And there's a limit to how much it would hurt even if I hadn't thought ahead. The indestructibility relaxes around deliberate body modification but there's still a cap on how much discomfort I can experience."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That.... Is kind of horrifying, I'm glad you - have a solution to that problem. Have you had to - wait, no, I will not like the answer, nevermind. Are you okay?"

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"This is my first set of wings and first tail, if that's what you were going to ask. Do I not seem okay?"

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"Yeah, that was it. You seem fine, but I'm now worried for your safety and health."

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"...What? Why?"

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"Not - any specific reason, I am just - it's a different situation to have someone who has always been a demon to be a demon and for someone who was human to become a demon. Are you - happy? With it?"

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"The lack of opportunity for career advancement was a bummer, but then you came along."

Permalink Mark Unread

That catches her off guard. She smiles a little, and looks embarrassed. "I'm glad I could help," she says, laughing a little.

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He grins at her.

"I'm fine. Waking up in Hell was disorienting, but it was fundamentally good news. I always wanted power and immortality. And a little asking around told me that my parents were going to be fine too, if somewhat less comfortably accommodated. And I got a few things done before I died."
Permalink Mark Unread
She wracks her head for historical things that happened in the early 2000's.

Then she stares. "Wait. Wait. Did you have anything to do with summoners going public?!"
Permalink Mark Unread
He laughs.

"Maaaaayb- yeah that was pretty much all me."
Permalink Mark Unread

Adana cackles. "Of course it was. Well now I feel like I am talking to a historical figure, though uh - you got no credit, sorry. History books just say it fell apart then."

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"Yeah, I didn't actually want credit, at least not right then. For reasons which turned out to be very good and a level of secrecy which turned out to be completely inadequate."

Permalink Mark Unread

"... That was why you died?!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Somebody was making a killing by giving daeva tasks and selling the proceeds and figured out I was responsible for the suddenly reduced long-term economic prospects. I got a bullet in my head."

Permalink Mark Unread
"Fuck," she whispers.

And then she moves next to him and offers a hug.
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Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm extremely sorry that happened," murmurs Adana, petting his hair.

Permalink Mark Unread
Awwwww hairpets.

"It was a hundred fifty years ago. I'm not still indignant about it."
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"Yes, well, it was still terrible."

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"Yep. I haven't run into the guy, which is probably just as well, it'd be awkward."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe he became a fairy and got shit for powers."

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"I would, in fact, peg him for fairy in roughly the same way I'd peg you for angel, but since I haven't encountered him, no way to be sure."

Permalink Mark Unread

She laughs a little. "Okay, that makes me feel a bit better. He gets to spend the entire rest of eternity helping people move. Do you sort summoners into fairy/angel/demon idly? Just curious."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Usually I don't get enough information on them, but I make guesses, yeah. I see a lot more maybe-fairies than the other kinds."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hm. What sorts of characteristics do you think coincide with each daeva? I'm - still kind of curious about what part about me comes off as 'angel-to-be.'"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think it's about the magic, not about the culture that's accreted around the magic. And it's kind of hard to put into words. But you seem like you're best suited to a changing power where you take something that exists and make it into something that also exists, but differently."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fair enough. And you were suited to - making things from nothing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I could've rationalized it if I'd woken up an angel, but best suited - yeah. Building things myself from nothing. In theory angels could do the big grandiose stuff, just give them enough cloud or a giant rock or something, but demon power invites massive this-is-not-good-enough-so-let's-make-something-that-is projects."

Permalink Mark Unread

She giggles. "Which I am not complaining about, by the way. You have corrupted me, I am all for demon's ability to make cool things."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I still think you're gonna be an angel. Maybe I should corrupt you more and then you can come move in with me later."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I could see the huge and tacky golden plane. It would be exciting."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's huge, it's tacky, it's gold, it's not that exciting."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The lakes of fire, then? The mini black holes? Give me some tourist attractions to look forward to, if I get corrupted to demon-hood! Besides the company, I mean."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There are lakes of fire, and mini black holes, and truly heroic efforts to make gardens and wildernesses in the absence of natural light."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ooo. Do they use some sort of artificial light? I would think someone would think to make a sun, if you've got eternity to make it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There are a few suns but they're not that near the tacky plane of gold. The airspace right above said tacky plane is full of demons who want to be within commuting distance of the plane and would object to a sun appearing a fraction of an astronomical unit away."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ahh. So no sun. How would you even get rid of it, do you throw a black hole at it and then put warning signs up?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Get rid of - the tacky plane? An intruding sun? In either case, pretty much yes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The sun, I already know why the plane wouldn't be destroyed. Because it is the tacky grounding point."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread
They are still hugging. Adana sees no reason to change this.

"It's... Sort of comforting, to know there is an afterlife where I would actually be able to do stuff."
Permalink Mark Unread

"Sort of comforting, huh?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sort of. Zane and dad would be going to Limbo, and you're pretty insistent that I would probably end up in Heaven. So I'd be alone."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You could convince them to each summon something once, I think that would probably do it."

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"I probably will now, but it's still - probable that I wouldn't have anyone there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I haven't met your dad or your brother, so I can't produce guesses on them for you."

Permalink Mark Unread

Adana nods. She snuggles Cam. "I mean, none of us are planning to die soon, so you've got time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I was 22, recall."

Permalink Mark Unread

"... Good point. I will ask them both to hear me out and summon a fairy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yup. In, out, thank you for your fifteen seconds mister or miss fairy."

Permalink Mark Unread

She nods. "That's all it takes to count as a summoner?"

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"I think so. My parents haven't encountered anyone in Limbo who remembers doing even that much."

Permalink Mark Unread

Adana smiles a little. "Okay, that makes it a bit better. I mean - two out of three chance that they will be in either Heaven or Hell, so - one of us would have someone there, probably."

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"I do think fairy people are more common," Cam cautions.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well. Then they'd... Have each other, if they're both fairies? And not be stuck in Limbo?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam nods. "It's not an ideal setup, but Limbo's kind of - disappointing. There aren't enough concordances."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How often do they occur?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's regular but doesn't match up to mortal sidereal time, but approximately every twelve years per pair of worlds. Hell gets Fairyland and Limbo on approximately opposite schedules, so I get to try collecting and sending letters and packages to my parents every six years ish and actually succeed every ten on average."

Permalink Mark Unread

She winces. "... I'm sorry," she says. "That sounds terrible."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's not ideal. It's not terrible either though. At least I can get in touch with them and they know where I am and that I'm okay."

Permalink Mark Unread

"True, but - still. I'll look into summoning people from Limbo, and if possible... Want to have a tearful reunion?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will probably decline to personally cry, and my dad probably wouldn't either, but my mom can turn on the waterworks for all of us, I suppose."

Permalink Mark Unread

Adana giggles. "Okay. One third tearful reunion and the other two thirds manly stoicism."

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Cam snorts.

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"So what sorts of things did you try on summoning people from Limbo? I can work off of that and try different angles."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam makes a tidy booklet of experimental notes and hands it over.

Permalink Mark Unread
"Ooo!" she says, and then she is reading the booklet of experimental notes.

"Okay, there are some things I can try, and I can talk to more experienced summoners about different methods, too."
Permalink Mark Unread

"The revelation of limbo does kind of suggest the revelation about souls, so maybe be a little discreet with it. Unless you determine that you can in fact resurrect the dead, in which case I support going completely nuts with it right away and getting lots of summoner-hours on the project."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right, I wouldn't ask on a public extranet forum or something, I would pretend to be asking about summoning fairies or something and then use that in the case of Limbo. Unless I actually manage it, in which case, I will happily cause lots and lots of tearful or stoic reunions."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam smiles. And hugs her.

Permalink Mark Unread

She hugs him back, smiling. "It has been added to my long, long list of projects. I'm starting to think that list will just be endless and I'll be working on it for the rest of eternity."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You will most likely lose a certain amount of practical input if you take that long. Medical immortality is not yet a go, as far as I've heard."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am not planning to take that long. I am planning to make quite a lot of progress and live to be two hundred, and shortly after I die for my kids to immediately summon me back so I can keep up the good work. But obviously that might not work, so I will just go as fast as humanly possible."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You want kids, huh."
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"Um. Eventually, I guess? But honestly it could be replaced with like - summoning apprentice or something, it's just someone who is younger than I would be and therefore be able to resurrect me when I die of old age."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mmm, right."

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She peers at him, confused. Then, it clicks in her head. Daeva can't have kids.

Quietly, she adds, "... I wouldn't need to actually bear them, if I want them, anyway. I'm adopted, it's not like I'm going to be insistent that they came from my womb."
Permalink Mark Unread

"Humanity still hasn't solved all the various problems that necessitate adoption, huh?"

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"No. But I'm not complaining about needing adoption, I love my dad to bits."

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"I'm glad."

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"Me, too."

Pause. "... But I guess that's not something daeva can do? If you wanted any before demon-hood? If so, I'm really sorry, that sucks."
Permalink Mark Unread

"It wasn't a huge priority for me, really," he assures her. "Always a 'maybe someday but maybe not'."

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She nods. "Okay. That reminds me, if I get resurrection down I will also want to start campaigning for daeva rights, along with the resurrected dead."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's nice of you."

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"Thank you! It has always sort of bothered me how mortals do not treat daeva properly. I mean, angels and fairies they treat okay, but I never realized just how badly demons are treated until..." She motions to Cam.

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"Until you met one worth treating nicely?" he teases.

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She giggles. "Yes. That. Though I would want to treat even the nasty ones nicely. Because morality."

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"Because morality," nods Cam sagely.

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"I actually have a long argument for why we should treat all daeva with respect, but I kept throwing it at my brother and he started summarizing it as 'Because morality' so - unless you want to actually hear the long argument, I will stick with that."

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"I think I can probably guess its contents. Am I ever going to meet your brother or your dad or would I be awkward to explain?"

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"You will actually get to meet them, I have just been exceedingly busy. For obvious reasons."

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"Yes. I noticed."

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Adana giggles and says, "I hope I haven't been overworking you? I will let you have vacation days, because morality."

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"I'm fine. I like being busy. The last hundred and fifty years of my life have been mostly vacation. I have learned six demonic languages the long way and studied a lot of subjects and learned to fly and learned to swim with wings on - second thing is harder - and read many books and now I get to be busy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fair enough! I am probably a good summoner for you, then, because I also like to be busy. With fifty thousand projects going on concurrently that I can bounce between at will. Let me know if you want to go back to being on vacation, I will still get things done without you, just a bit more slowly."

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"You'll be the first to hear about it."

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"Good! It would upset me if you told someone else first and I found out through the grapevine. I would feel bad for doing that to you by accident."

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"You are very responsible."

He's kind of gazing at her and is indecisive enough not to suppress it.
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"Thank you, I try."

She notices the way he's looking at her. Adana isn't used to attention from the opposite sex and doesn't know what's going on. "... Why are you looking at me like that, do I have something on my face? Or in my teeth? Am I secretly hideous and you just figured it out now?"
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"No. You're beautiful."
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She giggles and blushes. "You're the first person to say that to me, thank you."
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"You're kidding. What, not even your dad tells you you're beautiful? Makeup salespeople? Small children? Have you never met a person with taste?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Dads don't count, they always tell their daughters that they are beautiful. Makeup salespeople also don't count, because they are trying to sell something. Met a person with taste?" Adana giggles more, looking down. "I mean - good looks are in the eye of the beholder? So they can have taste and not think I'm beautiful."

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"Not good taste."

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"So for someone to have good taste they have to think I'm beautiful? Says who?"

Her face is an interesting shade of pink. She still looks incredibly flattered and embarrassed.
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"Me, I say so. I'm in charge of these things."

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"Are you? Well, I am very happy to have your favor, oh judger of good taste."

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And now he has progressed from gazing to openly gazing.
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She giggles some more and squirms a bit under his gaze. "I feel really self-conscious now, are you judging my looks...?"

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"Yes. Positively. Do you want me to stop staring at you?"

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"You can if you want to, I'm just - not used to it."
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"Can I also kiss you if I want to?
Permalink Mark Unread
That catches her off guard. She blinks a few times, surprised.

"... Um. Well, I am a little concerned about the power dynamics if you did, considering I am your summoner."
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"What, the fact that it'd be really easy for you to kick me out of your place?"

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"The binding, too," says Adana. "I mean, I would continue to keep it as loose as humanly possible, but there's - I would still worry about it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I assure you, if you resummon me in the future and you're all business and you tell me that the deal is that I can have one kiss if I make you a sandwich every day for the next decade or anything weird like that I will 'no summoner' you without hesitation. I mean, then I might be unhappy and eat a pint of ice cream, but you can't actually make me do arbitrary things."

Permalink Mark Unread
"Oh. Okay, good."

She squirms, a bit. "Then... If you want to kiss me and you're not - with anyone else right now who might be hurt by you doing so..." Adana trails off. She looks at him, shyly, then looks down again.
Permalink Mark Unread

"I am not elsewhere committed. And I want to kiss you. What's the rest of your sentence?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You may," she mumbles, to her feet.
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Cam tucks his hand under her chin and lifts her face up and kisses her.

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Unsurprisingly, she kisses him back.

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Presently she is being wing-wrapped in addition to being kissed.

Permalink Mark Unread

How delightful! She will drape her arms around his shoulders so he doesn't feel left out. It's not like she has wings of her own.

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Of course he also has arms. It's a little lopsided, that way.

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She can't keep up makeouts for very long before she breaks the kiss and starts giggling, embarrassed.

"I'm pretty sure I'm hilariously terrible at this, am I hilariously terrible at this?"
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"Of the two of us, only one is laughing, so if somebody's hilariously terrible I surmise it's me. You are not any adverb of terrible at this."

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"That makes me feel a little better about myself! Not any adverb of terrible at kissing."

She snuggles him. "You're not hilariously terrible at it, either."
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"Oh, I'm some other adverb of terrible, then?" He kisses her neck.

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Adana gasps a little at the neck kiss. "N-Not... Not any adverb of terrible," she murmurs, shivering.

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"Oh good."

Mmmmm neck.
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Cam gets a shivery near-boneless Adana snuggling him as a result of neck-kisses.

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Well, that is just tremendous fun.

"At what point in these proceedings," he wonders against the nape of her neck, "do I need to start practicing self-restraint?"

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"I-I um..." (shiver) "haven't - had any sort of... experience with anything involving, um - sex or... or anything..."

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"Well, that may be useful information but it's not -" (nibble nibble kiss) "technically an answer to my question."

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She make a little sound in her throat. "Probably - should wait until after - after I -" (shiver whimper) "- get... more accustomed to this."

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"Ooh, okay. You say when."

And he goes back to what he was doing.
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Nuzzling along with the shivering and bonelessness. She's not up for much else. "M-Might not... be today, fair warning..."

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"No rush."

Not that he wouldn't be reasonably pleased about it if prolonged makeouts led to a quick reevaluation of her priorities, but there isn't, in fact, a rush.

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"Thanks," she says affectionately, snuggling. Snuggling and being nibbled.

Eventually she wants to kiss him again. She moves her neck away from his attentions, giggling, then leans in to kiss him.
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Kisses! She's a bit more enthusiastic about them! She wasn't unwilling before, but now she's a bit less shy about it.

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Yay! Best thing. Shy was cute, but this is more fun.

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She thinks so, too. Mind you, there's still some shyness present. Occasionally she breaks the kiss to giggle and be generally shy, but it's an improvement.

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Well, when she's busy giggling he can work on her neck a bit more, so that's all to the good. Yummy pretty summoner.

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Adana is so pleased that he considers her such! She nuzzles him, and murmurs, "I'm glad it was you that I summoned in a blind panic..."

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"I am too. Some demons would have been very awful to you and others certainly wouldn't have been as nice."

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"Yeah," she says. "Though I was thinking more along the lines of 'I never would have met you' but, those too."

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"Yes, that would also have been a pity."

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Kiss! More affectionate than hungry, this time.

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Cam has plenty of both those things.

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Aww! That's cute. Kisses, they can have kisses.

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"I have been thinking about kissing you for rather a while, I feel I should mention," he murmurs, during a lull a ways in to Prolonged Makeouts.

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"Have you really?" she laughs. "I've had a vague sort of crush but haven't known what to do about it."

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"What you do about crushes is you kiss the people you have them on, silly."

Like so.
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Giggle, kiss.

"I am realizing that now, yes! But I was worried about screwing up various projects by scaring you away or making it awkward, so..."
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"I don't know where you got the idea that I'm that delicate."

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"Not so much thinking you're delicate, I just... Treat everyone like they are because I don't want to hurt people."

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Nuzzle. "You are very responsible." Nibble. "And tasty."

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She giggles some more. "Thank you! I like being both, it's nice."

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"Very," Cam agrees. Om nom Adana nom.

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Giggle, giggle, flopping onto Cam.

"Are we a... 'kisses and tons of projects together' kind of couple, or an 'actually dating' kind of couple?" she muses idly, nuzzling.
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"Pick one," he invites, squeezing her and pressing his face into her hair.

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"At random, or by preference?" laughs Adana.

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"By preference, I'd imagine, I can't see what the advantage of flipping a coin would be."

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"Neither can I. Actually dating it is, then! If you have no issues with that, I mean."

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"If I had issues with that I would not have told you to pick," he points out.

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"You might have secretly not voiced them but still had them! I don't know, I am worried about technically being your boss and also dating you, I am being careful!"

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"Aww." Nuzzle.

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Nuzzle. "Better to err on the side of caution, and all."

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"You're very careful with me. It's well-motivated but you can relax."

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Adana giggles. "But then what if I am accidentally terrible and you end up saying 'No, summoner' and go eat a pint of icecream?"

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"Then probably you summon me all afluster while I'm still mid-pint and you let me talk and ask me what's wrong."

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"But you might not want to be summoned."

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"I'd let you explain unless you trapped me in a circle gagged and without an agreeable task for a while, I think. So, don't do that."

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"That isn't the kind of thing I'd want to do," snorts Adana. "So I guess I can relax a bit."

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"Like I said."

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Cam is being pretty conservative with the placement of his hands.

His wings are kind of plastered to her, though.
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She's fine with wing plastering, and happy that he is being conservative with hand placement. It's a nice balance!

"Your wings are very snuggly," she informs him.
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"I'm glad you find them so. I'm pretty fond of them."

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"I like the color choice, it's pretty," Adana compliments. "I can see why you're fond of them!"

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"I dithered for a long time about the color but I have stuck with it so far."

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She giggles at the nibbling. "If it bothers you I can try to find a non-racist angel so you don't have to saw them off."

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"I think I could probably change the color without removing them. I'd just bleach out the pigments and then add new pigment."

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"Oooo, clever. You're a smart demon, I like you."

To show that... Kiss! She likes cleverness.
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This could go on a while.
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It really could. Adana won't mind one bit if it does.

But eventually, she does remember she has work to do. Kiss. "I should get back to trying to persuade Mars to let you terraform it," she sighs, sadly.
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"Okay," he says, sneaking a last kiss pressed to the center of her forehead and unplastering his wings. "A worthy task. I think I'll catch a nap and then I can work on that all night if Mars is suddenly cooperative."

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"Mhm," she says, affectionately. "They probably won't spontaneously stop kicking and screaming as I try to drag them to accept, but it could happen. Have a nice nap, Cam."

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He kisses her again and then goes off to where he's been catching his sleep. "Will do."

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Adana smiles at him, then heads back to her computer to pick up the very neglected conversation with colonies of Mars.

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Cam naps, and gets up a few hours later to see what's up with Adana.

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"Hey," she says, brightly. "Mars is still being uncooperative. It's almost like they don't even want you to terraform it. Idiots."

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"What do they think I'm going to do, sabotage it somehow? Don't you have a license proving you can control me?"

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"Some colonies are worried about that part, others are arguing about what conditions would be best for Mars to have and won't agree to it until they have decided. Understandable, but still a bit annoying."

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"I could put atmo without much consensus, surely? Just blanket the place in air."

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"They're basically not letting us near Mars until everything is all nice and neat and decided beforehand. Because they think I need to give you a specific task." She sounds smug when she adds, "When you are just awesome and don't need it."

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"Also, I told my dad and Zane that they should summon a fairy. I'll explain why in person, I don't like telling sensitive information over the comm, other people could hear it and I am keeping this a secret until it seems appropriate to stop."
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"You are smart."

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She giggles. "I try! You are, too, I like that about you."

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"Good. I should be valued for my intellect and not just my prettiness and my ability to make arbitrary material objects."

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Adana laughs a little, then touches his cheek. "You weren't worried about me wanting to date you for your ability to make arbitrary material objects, were you?"

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"No. That does not mean I will not cheerfully listen to a complete list of why you do want to date me, though."

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"Mhmm. You want to hear them for purely intellectual reasons, I'm sure."

She is teasing.
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"I'll... do science to it?"

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Adana giggles. "Well if it's in the name of science..."

She scoots and moves to embrace him. "You're smart, funny, and you seem to want the same things I want with lovely new ideas to get there. You were put in the situation where you could do - basically anything you wanted, and you decide to hug and comfort me, and I'm not immune to that sort of thing. It was incredibly kind of you."
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"You're very huggable. Do not underestimate your allure."

See? He is hugging her.
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"So you're saying it's my fault," snorts Adana. "Because I am huggable."

He is indeed hugging her. She is hugging him back! She considers him very huggable, too.
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"All your fault. Probably I was terrible before I met you. Collecting souls and whatnot."

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"Mhm." She sounds very unconvinced. "Well, in that case, how do you know that I wasn't terrible before meeting you, too? You are also quite huggable."

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"Ooh, maybe you originally wanted me to suck the entire moon into a black hole for revenge purposes, but then I won you over and you decided to have me save people instead."

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Adana giggles some more. She keeps being embarrassingly giggly around him. "The space station was originally designed to be the modern equivalent of the Death Star. I was going to be empress of the solar system, it would have been grand!"

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"I could make you a crown if you like!"

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"No, no, it's okay. I have changed my ways, that's all behind me, now. Your hugs have changed me!"

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"Aww, it doesn't have to be an evil crown. I can make you the prettiest tiara."

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She laughs. "What would I even do with it, I'm not going after empresshood anymore. Honestly I'm not even going for 'major historical figure,' if human society runs better overall once I am done with it I will be pleased."

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"If I had not been murdered I probably would have angled for eventual rulership of some manner of political unit. I could have got in very early on space colonization."

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"Awwww," murmurs Adana, nuzzling her demon boyfriend. "I am having more reasons to hate that you were murdered, I'm extremely sorry."

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Kiss. "It's okay. It worked out surprisingly well compared to what results I would have expected from murder."

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Kiss. "Well, yes, but still. I'm sorry you got thrown into retirement so soon, knowing you... You would have gotten a lot of good in the world done. Also, horrific early death, also bad."

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"I would have done so much stuff. I used to let demons talk, I would've found a decent-enough one eventually and gotten so much stuff made."

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"Like your own space station?" offers Adana. "I suppose this must be a strange switch, considering. Going from summoner to daeva."

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"It is a little odd. I don't think I'd have kept any demon around long enough to make a space station without going 'but why stop there?' and terraforming - well, Mars. Not that I fault you for your caution, you had more background noise about what demons are like in your history than I did."

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"I might have terraformed Mars rather than gone with the space station if there was no one actually on Mars, but I was also under a time constraint." She shrugs. "There are less problems making a space station that benignly orbits Earth than with trying to terraform Venus instead. It's an option, I suppose, but I think Venus would require an angel, instead of a demon."

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"Yeah, I agree."

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Adana affectionately boops his nose. "Good, because I value your opinion and if you didn't I would want to know why and be sad if you didn't tell me."

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Well, if she's going to say things like that he's going to have to kiss her.

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Kiss! Lovely kisses!

"I might try to terraform Venus if I run out of things to do, but my focus is fixing the things that are already there rather than making new ones." Pause. "... Wow, I really do come off as an angel, don't I?"
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"Yes. Yes you do. Stay alive, angel, or I will have to miss you."

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Nuzzle. "I will do my very best, promise." She kisses his neck, affectionately.

"Actually, now that I think of it - it is a good idea to find some other summoners to promise to summon the both of us back once I do eventually die. That way, we're both not forced into retirement and can actually see each other."
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The neck is a very good place to kiss Cam.

When he has recovered conversational ability: "Do you trust any summoners to do that who you know off the top of your head?"
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Hee. She'll have to remember that, for future reference.

"I trust some people that could become summoners, I mean there's no reason that both my dad and my brother shouldn't learn how to summon both of us in case something terrible happens. Dad would be more reliable about it, of the two of them. But summoners that I happen to know right now, no."
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"So I guess summoner meet and greets go on the to-do list."

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"Pretty much. Or I find someone to be an apprentice and tell them to summon us both if I die."

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"What's the state of the art for matching summoners to students now?"

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"There are schools for that kind of thing, but there's also still some informal stuff where if a person who wants to grow up to be a summoner they can go find someone who is one and learn that way. I think there are forums on the extranet for that kind of thing. It's possible that now that I'm famous, some precocious kid will run up to me and ask me to teach them. I'm not entirely sure, I wasn't an apprentice, most of what I know is from books."

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"Do you want the kind of kid who'll run up to you because you're famous?"

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"I would have to meet them. Some of them might just not have any idea of who to turn to and pick me because I am recognizable, or because they like the space station in particular. So, maybe?"

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"I learned everything out of books too."

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She giggles. "Did you really? Where on Earth did you find them?"

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"Abandoned house in my dad's town."

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"Ooo, congrats. I had to go and buy mine."

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"I thought they were bullshit, but cool bullshit. Drew my first circle when bored in my dad's garage and was very surprised. Very glad I didn't get creative, got a very unpleasant fairy."

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Adana giggles. "That could have ended badly. My first was also a fairy, literally about ten minutes after I got my summoner license. I had her move some furniture, but it was mostly because I could do it and I was excited."

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"I didn't have mine do anything, I got rid of her to make sure I could and then read the whole stash before drawing anything else."

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"That is very smart of you! I am not surprised by this in the slightest."

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"And thus began my five year career in summoning and the efficient use of parlor tricks."

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"I focused less on efficient use of parlor tricks and more on how I could use angels and fairies the most effectively per summon. I can do a bit with the little tricks, though."

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"Well, for most of it I was in the magical closet and did not have the option of dragging daeva around in public."

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She pets his hair. "Thank you very much for removing the magical closet entirely, I like being able to have daeva in public."

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"I like you being able to have daeva in public too. It'd be inconvenient if you had to keep me in a shoebox."

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Adana giggles. "I would carry the shoebox everywhere and occasionally take you out to pet you. Right after I finished buying a factory to mass produce the shrink ray necessary to make that even possible."

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"I thought you said I wasn't a pet. And here you are talking about petting me. I'm shocked. Shocked and hurt, Adana."

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"Noooooooo, I'm sorry, don't be shocked, hurt, and leave to eat a pint of icecream!" Hair pet, hair pet, big blue eyes that beg for him to stay. "It won't happen again, I'm sorry."

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"But now you are actually literally petting me. How can I trust you when your actions belie your words?"

He's leaning into her hand.
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"B-But...." Sadface, but she keeps petting him. "But you're so you and your hair is fun to pet! Do you want me to stop?"

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"I am but a wretched demon. Wholly obedient to the whims of my summoner. Pet me if it be thy will."

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"Awwww," says Adana. "Darling, I'll stop the minute you ask me to." She gives him a gentle neck kiss, and hair pets continue.

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"I know, angel."

This continues to be a good place to kiss Cam.
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Then she'll just have to keep kissing it, won't she?

"Is that your pet name for me, now?"
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"Unless you don't like it. Back in my day it was a fairly popular pet name, I suppose it sounds sort of weird now."

He gets kinda mumbly as neck-kisses continue.
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She giggles. "It's cute, call me whatever you like. Angel makes a lot of sense, considering."

Hearing him get all mumbly is extremely cute. Adana approves, and more importantly, Cam approves, so she will continue what she's doing.
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Cam approves so much. She has a very happy demon wrapped around her.

"My angel."
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Adana is snuggling him back, all the while. She's quite happy to have him wrapped around her. Wings are comfy, and he's comfy in general.

"Yup," she agrees, punctuating with another neck-kiss. "No one else's, even, I am pretty thoroughly a one-person-only kind of girl."
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"Ooh, monogamy. Okay," he mumbles into her shoulder.

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She smiles affectionately.

"... If you want to not be monogamous, let me know, I know my brother's got a - multi-person relationship going on. Or something. I'm not sure, really, but it involves multiple people. Not the kind of thing I personally go for, but uh... I'm not judgmental. If that's what you like."
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"I am okay with monogamy, possibly unless and until our contact is scaled down to iffy letters and care packages every few years which have to go through nosy fairies half the time."

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Adana nods. "Makes sense. And if all goes as planned, that won't be an issue, we get to bounce around being summoned by helpful apprentices or family members. But if it is - I'm okay with it. Just um - as long as I'm not..." Pause, squirm. "A notch on a belt? Essentially?"

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"My immediate reaction is 'of course you're not', but my not-immediate reaction is to wonder what that actually means to you and make quite sure."

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"Just there to - distract you or be a toy to play with for a little while, or for the most obvious purpose of sex. Using me, essentially. Please don't do that."

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"Are you one of those people who objects to serving purposes like that secondarily provided I am also personally fond of you and consider your interests important? I'm good at a lot of things but none of them is - fooling myself into believing the list of reasons I might want to do a thing is shorter than it really is."

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"Nope, not one of those people. It's just being nothing else but those to you would - hurt. A lot."

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"You are not nothing else but your secondary purposes."

He resettles his wings around her nice and snug.
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She smiles, and snuggles him. "And you mean more to me than your secondary purposes, too."

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Snuggle, snuggle.

"I think I might like having wings, after I'm angelified. I could snuggle you back with them."
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"I could make you a set right now, you know, although if you ever wanted rid of them you'd want an angel to do the patch job on the ex-joints. And it would get you odd looks."

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She giggles. "Tempting, but it would be a bad idea to be mistaken for a daeva. If I were with you, someone could think we were both rogue and then react like I was invincible. Which would end badly. I'll just be patient."

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Nuzzle. "I will do my best to get in the way of anyone who attacks you, but I have no supernatural senses and no supernatural reaction time."

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"I know. My method is less 'be impregnable' and more 'be the type of person people do not want to attack' but, as you saw with killswitch lady, that's not always perfect."

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"Yeah, I did see that."

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Snuggle. "Hey, I've got you, you can make up the difference pretty well."

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"What wound up happening to her, anyway?"

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"She's in jail, the trial went exceedingly fast because I gave them part of my comm log. Kind of conclusive proof, considering."

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"I bet her first step would have been to get you to make an angel doctor the logs."

He is now wrapped around her in a distinctly protective manner.
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"Most likely, yes," she agrees. "There was a bit of an argument about if I'd gotten an angel to doctor it myself, actually. That was about the only thing that kept them from immediately saying, 'Yup, guilty.' I think she also tried to argue that you'd made the killswitch, but everybody knows that you don't unbind demons." She winks. "So how could you have possibly managed that?"

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Cam laughs into her hair.
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She giggles. "I'm very glad she's in jail."

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"It's a good place for her. Why didn't she just learn to summon her own damn demons?"

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"... Honestly? So she wouldn't have had to pay the price for them, I think. She'd make someone else do it. Which means that if she'd succeeded..." Wince.

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Yep, this is a protective demon Adana is wrapped in.
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Snuggle, snuggle. "I'm all right," she murmurs to him. "Thank you so much for saving me."

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"You're welcome." Pause. "What would you have done if I had killed her? Killing people started seeming a lot less off-limits when I learned about Limbo."

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"I would have been upset with you and extremely worried that you were about to go on a killing spree. Now that I know about Limbo it's less... Off limits, but I still don't like it."

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"Yeah, I don't like it either, but - what I didn't like about death before was that I thought people ended. Permanently unsalvageable streams of consciousness. And now I know they don't. Killing people now mostly seems highly impolite and reputationally unwise."

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"Right. That's essentially my logic on the matter. I am having trouble imagining a situation where I would willingly destroy people that utterly, honestly. Send them to Limbo, maybe, if I had no other option, but actually ending people I don't think I'm capable of. It's more likely that I'd just - lock them up, make sure they have basic necessities, throw away the key and then ignore them."

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"I think people who are purposefully living at the expense of other people living are excellent targets if you can't talk them down and don't have the wherewithal to lock them up, personally. But I haven't killed anybody myself, let alone destroyed them."

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Adana shrugs. "Maybe. It's such a situation that I don't see myself being in that it's kind of alien to me. I can always figure out a way to lock someone up if given time and access to daevas. If those weren't options I honestly don't know what I would do."

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"If you're going to have a large inhibition, 'no killing people' seems reasonable."

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"I think so! Maybe it's easier to kill people, but I like playing life on hard mode. Where I have annoyingly crushing morals about everything."

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"Do your morals in fact annoy you?"

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She giggles. "No. I mean, sometimes I get annoyed that there is such an obviously easy solution at hand and I'm not taking it, but the morals themselves do not annoy me."

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"Good. Sounds, I don't know, itchy."

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"Itchy? How so?"

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"Having a constraint on your behavior that actively annoys you is unpleasant. It's not intolerable, but it's unpleasant. I would know."

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Well, now she just has to snuggle him more and pet his hair. "I'm sorry, Cam."

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"It's okay. It's itchy, not agonizing."

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Pet, pet, pet. Snuggle, snuggle. "It's still bad, though. I'm sorry you have to go through it."

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"Well, I don't, anymore, I seem to have picked up a full-time job with a very accommodating summoner."

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Adana laughs. "Fair point. I'm happy to help, my dear."

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Very much so!

She nuzzles him, after kissing has gone on a while. "So, while I am thinking of things that you might want - any places from human-hood that you would like to revisit? I can tolerate Earth-gravity if it means you get to see your childhood home again or something."
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"I'm sure the houses are both long gone - although my dad has a copy of his, in Limbo, he lucked out. I'm curious now what's there, though, can you put in early-2000s addresses in somewhere and get results?"

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"Hmmm. There's probably some way to look it up. I'll check. Houses, plural? Did you move around a lot?"

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"My parents divorced when I was a baby. I spent most of my time with my mom, but I visited Charlie summers and moved in with him when I was seventeen because Renée moved to Jacksonville to be with her second husband. So there's a house in Forks, Washington and a house in Phoenix, Arizona."

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"Aha! Thanks. I realize now that I know near nothing about your life except the generalizations. Do you want to talk about it, or hear about my life or something?"

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"I can tell you stuff if you want. My full name's Campbell Mark Swan, which will help you narrow it down if you want to mail me something in Hell. I was an only child, I did not know there was such a thing as magic till I was seventeen - what else do you want to know?"

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"... You know I never thought to ask if 'Cam' was a nickname or your first name? I thought it was a weird twenty-first century naming thing," she snorts. "Uhh... Hobbies? School life? Taste in literature?"

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"Does my name sound that weird, really? Do kids not get named Campbell or Cameron or anything anymore? I liked - still like - reading and introspection and making excessively ambitious plans. I spent a lot of time being precociously responsible because my Renée's a scatterbrain, I cooked when I was at Charlie's because he's almost unrealistically bad at it. I did well in school, math was my worst but mostly because I didn't care about it and I'm fine at enough to get along in keeping up with advances in science nowadays. I wasn't really popular, though, didn't put enough effort into it, I had people I'd talk to and I'd have reasonably well-attended birthday parties until I was too old to have them at pizza places but nobody I was upset to move away from. And I always liked really old literary fiction - stuff that was old even then. Shakespeare, Austen, Dickens, occasional foreign novel, stuff like that."

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She giggles. "As a full name, a little. Campbell feels a bit old fashioned, but I like it. Cam's a lovely nickname. You sound like you were the sort of person I would have been friends with in school, but maybe that's me being optimistic about my boyfriend."

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"I always went by the 'Cam' part, yeah, I don't remember getting called Campbell except when Renée was really mad or it was the first day of school and I don't use the whole thing at all since dying. I think I would've liked you if we'd met in school, although who knows, maybe it wouldn't have shown off our potential to much effect if all we ever did around each other was recite oral reports on Stonehenge and give everybody in class Valentine's day cards because you can't leave anyone out."

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"It's possible! Or Zane might have scared you off, he did that occasionally with people. I never did the give everybody in class Valentine's day cards thing, I basically just stayed out of it and accepted candy offerings. Because it's candy. I lent out notes a lot, though, so we might have met that way, though I doubt that would do anything to show my actual personality. So back to square one, we've got no idea."

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"What did your brother do to scare off well-meaning future demons in your class?"

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"Partially his personality, he's a bit abrasive if you're not directly friends with him, but he would also start making insinuating remarks about what he would do to people that hurt me if people were bothering me. Very violent things, it was a bit annoying."

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"I mean, I get why, but yeah. Annoying."

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"Maybe I should be glad I'm an only demon."

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She giggles. "I do love him, he's my twin and all, we can translate each other and I know he's got my back. So it's not all bad, it's just annoying when in a social setting."

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"Is he going to threaten me?"

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"Not if I explain things first! He has been known to actually listen to me when I explain things. I don't even know how he would threaten you, though. You're indestructible. I guess he could mildly inconvenience you for a little while, but um - you're a demon. You'd pretty handily win."

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"I'm indestructible, not invulnerable. Assuming you don't want me to fight back since he's your brother and stuff he could give me an unpleasant time. It's sort of like attacking a watermelon with a plastic fork - it will be challenging to get anywhere but the watermelon is still scratchable."

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Wince. "Fair enough. I'll make sure he doesn't attack you. I do not want you to get hurt."

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"Thank you."

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"You're very welcome." Snuggle!

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"I don't suppose I can be of any direct use convincing the Martians to let me end their reliance on glass domes."
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"I kind of wish I could say 'Yes, here is the thing' but uh. They're racist, quite frankly. I think most of them would freak out just at you being able to talk." She pets his hair. "Sorry, my dear."

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"It's okay, angel. I suppose you'd just get in heaps of trouble if I took off my extra appendages and you were caught with a stealth demon?"

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"... Only if you were caught," says Adana, slyly.

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"I don't have a good sense of how big the risk is," Cam points out. "Also, I cannot snuggle you with wings I do not have."

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"It would probably get me thrown in jail. For the rest of my life. It's an option, and a good one, but uh - probably a better idea to stick to official channels as long as they're still being somewhat cooperative."

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"Okay. Let me know if it ever becomes a good plan." Nuzzle.

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"Mhmmm," she says, nuzzling back. "I mean, make no mistake, it is an attractive option, you could actually get treated like a person. Huge bonus."

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"I think you have more hangups about that than I do. I mean, when people do not treat me like a person I am quietly judgmental, but I'm much more concerned with how much this inhibits my ability to accomplish things, or I wouldn't ever answer summons and then where would you be?"

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"Without my boyfriend and possibly traumatized," agrees Adana. "I know, but it's still... You are obviously a person. So you should be treated like one."

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"It's only that obvious," Cam sighs, "if you let me talk."

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"Which people should do." Snuggle, snuggle.

".... Sorry, you are the wrong person to rant at about this, other summoners have not treated you well enough for my taste and it bugs me."
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"I mean, they weren't all bad. Just - nervous and less intensely responsible than you. I've had recurring summons from the same person before and I didn't exactly show up to those because I thought maybe they'd make a mistake and I'd get to flip them the bird."

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"Fair enough. Though it would have been funny if you'd done that."

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"I never got the chance, anyway. String of ten shifts cooperating with an angel to make a subway system, string of four spaced a few years apart helping some real estate developer make apartment buildings, and if you want to hear about the other multiple-summons case I need to know how much you wanna hear about my sexual history."

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Adana gives him a confused look. "... You can talk about your sexual history? Why, what happened?"

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"I built this nice girl's house, and when I was all done and she handed over my compilation of obscure indie music, she told me that if she summoned me again it would probably be because she wanted to do me. She did. I went. Like once a week for a few months. I'm pretty sure she had obtained 'how to safely have sex with a demon' instructions from the internet or something."

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.... Adana snorts with laughter. "Oh my god, really?"

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"Yes, really."

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"Wow. Just... Wow, okay. I'm glad you had fun?"

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"I'm glad she got me, there were - loopholes, in her safe demon sex internet instructions, I hope she got a human boyfriend instead of getting cocky. I'd look her up and ask but I'm pretty sure she'd be dead by now, this was like seventy years ago."

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Adana nods. "Agreed. I hope she was all right."

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"She's probably a fairy now either way."

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"I'm not sure I can aim for 'girl you had sex with' in a summoning circle, but I can give it a shot if you're curious?"

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Cam laughs. "She never told me her name, I don't think you could grab her. Open question if she even takes summons."

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She snickers. "Okay, I would have tried if you'd wanted me to."

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"It seems like it would be sort of rude, anyway. 'Hey, former booty-caller, my girlfriend has summoned you, I wanted to make sure you weren't suicidally stupid seventy years ago'."

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Adana snorts with laughter. "I wouldn't have made it awkward, I swear! I would have been very polite about it and not have mentioned the booty-calling at all!"

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"It would have been obvious subtext. I would not be checking up on her to make sure the house continued to house appropriately for her."

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"She might have thought you were returning the favor on booty-calling, but that might be a great deal worse."

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"Yeah, I'd have to be all 'I'm doing the monogamy thing with this human, sorry'."

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Adana giggles, and kisses his cheek. "And then she would be incredibly jealous and upset because you are a catch."

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"She literally risked her soul as-far-as-she-knew to get in my pants, I'm sure she'll be disappointed."

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"Definitely. Probably best that we don't check on her, then, spare her feelings."

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"She can do whatever she's doing in Fairyland-probably without interference."

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"Yup! And you'll just have to live with not knowing what happened to her."

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"I've done it this long."

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Head pat. "It'll be all right, if you feel like your strength is weakening I can hold you and whisper sweet nothings."

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"Oooh, I think I feel it going now." He collapses limply on her.

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She giggles, holding him and petting his hair. "You have pretty eyes? And your wings are so snuggly, I think you are wonderful to cuddle..."

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Hair pet. "You also have lovely ideas, I like hearing about them, you are wonderfully smart."

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Nuzzle. "Awwwwwwwwwww. Do you need any such ideas right now? Troubling subtask of the badgering-Martians-into-being-less-racist problem?"

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"I could always use more clever ideas! I don't know what to aim for, though, what sorts of subtasks would you like to do?"

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"I don't know, how obstinate are they being? Should we just do Titan instead?"

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"Rather obstinate. The problem is that my job's basically 'out logic them all and charm them into each other's good graces' which is hard to pre-plan."

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"You could invite them to have me followed around by a couple angels who can undo anything nefarious I try."

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"I could! That's a good idea. Thank you, my dear, I've come to expect them from you." Snuggle.

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"I am so pleased to meet your expectations." Nuzzle.

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Adana giggles. "Mhmm. Best demon boyfriend."

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"Quite. Am I distracting you from important work or is there some appointment already set up to talk to Martians in the future?"

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"Second thing!"

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"Ooh, so you could be quite costlessly -" Nibble. "Distracted."

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Giggle. "Indeed I can be!"

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Nibble nibble nibble.

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Such wonderful distractions!

It takes some time to persuade the Martians to accept terraforming, but letting angels observe and correct mistakes finally decides them. Adana and Cam get the okay to head to Mars to make it live. She lets him know, as soon as it's decided.
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Cam is pleased!

Off they go to Mars.

Cam takes a while giving it a large amount of breathable atmosphere first. It will be very windy on Mars as the air spreads out. The angels have nothing to do but watch Cam suspiciously as he pours out air and reads a book.

He fills the depressions in the planet that haven't been peppered with dome cities with fresh water and some appropriate microorganisms and plants.

Then he get started on non-aquatic plants, hopping from place to place by shuttle and making swathes of topsoil and planting them with temperature-compatible flora that don't need bees or anything, all ready to go to seed. They'll be importing the animals they want.

It takes a couple of weeks to have it done to his satisfaction.

And then, with the angels off his back because he's officially done, he sneaks a moment in a spot that he didn't plant and then goes and finds Adana.
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She's not very hard to find, she has been hanging out on Mars making sure everyone is fully aware that Cam is not rogue, he is very expertly bound, and that there is no reason for anyone to react badly. It kind of annoys her that she's getting all of the credit for what is essentially Cam's work, but she is tolerating it and relaying it to Cam as it comes.

Adana is having a conversation with the summoner who summoned two of the angels. It's about little tweaks that might need to be made as the planet settles in to its terraformed status.

"It might need a few adjustments, but it shouldn't change dramatically," says Adana. "Just import the animals in a reasonable amount of time and it'll stabilize itself pretty well."

Her companion nods. "Fair. You do good work, I haven't seen a demon used so expertly."

"... Thank you," says Adana, after a pause.

"You're welcome!" says the summoner brightly. "Just wait, you'll be writing books on how to safely summon demons in a year or two, we can probably manage some other planets, too, without the annoying runaround that Mars required."

Adana nods. "Hopefully. There are lots of helpful things that demons can do." She sees Cam, and smiles a bit. "Excuse me, please, I think he needs me."

"Sure," agrees the companion. "Gotta pay the dues, and all. Not going to ask what you're paying." Wink.

"... Yes," says Adana, awkwardly, and then she heads over to Cam. "Hello! I heard that everything's done!"
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Cam looks at the person and smiles, unsure if he should talk in front of an audience.

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He probably shouldn't! Adana waves goodbye to the other summoner, and politely leads Cam away. By holding his hand.

Once they are out of earshot: "Everyone is extremely pleased with your work and I keep getting compliments, It's really awkward."
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"Accept them, I don't mind. I made you something, can you get away?"

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"I can!" agrees Adana. "Just about everyone is pretty sure that I have to pay you right now, so they will not blink twice at us disappearing somewhere together."

She blushes, a bit.
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"...I don't mind you accepting my compliments but I think I do mind the understanding of the situation as being wink-and-nod type transactional, how curious. Anyway."

He leads her to the nearest way out of the dome and into the fresh breezes of Mars and into the shuttle he was using to hop around from point to point.

He flies her to a certain spot well out of the way.

He lands by it and leads her into -

a garden.

The plants here probably aren't going to hold up in the relative chill of Mars for that long, but cold can do a reasonable job of preserving flowers, up to a point, and this point has not yet been passed. It is full of flowers. Flowers piled on and twining around each other, forming archways, shaped into a gazebo; clover almost choked with its own blossoms underfoot; if there's underlying structure of some non-living kind, it's been thoroughly buried in blossoms.

In the gazebo hangs (from flowered vines) a deep and cozy-looking swinging couch, because he didn't want to imply the presumption of a bed, and the couch is the only thing not made of flowers in the place. Before it is a (floral) table, and on this table is a lot of covered dishes that look suspiciously like they may contain lunch.

"Did I go overboard with the flowers?" Cam wonders brightly.
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Adana stares, then grins and giggles a little. "Maybe a little, but this is gorgeous," she breathes. "You made this for me?"

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"As opposed to what, using it for a photo shoot so I can pose for a wall calendar?" he says, putting a wing around her.

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She laughs. "It would make a good place for a photo shoot for a wall calendar! It's extremely pretty!"

Her arms get to be draped over his shoulders, because this is too cute to not hold him.
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Snuggle. Sidling into the couch, which swings gently. "It won't last, these aren't really Mars-happy plants and I made them live. But it'll stick around long enough to have a picnic in it."

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Adana giggles. "It's still lovely and cute! Thank you for making it, how'd - did the platoon of angels watch as you made it and be really confused, or...?"

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"They were really bored. I offered them books. They took the books and didn't watch me while I went around the corner of that -" he points. "large rock. And I had the design ahead of time."

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Snuggle, snuggle. "Awwww. Aww, that's adorable. How long were you planning this, I'm so delighted with it, it's so pretty!"

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"About a week! Had to be ready when the feathery busybodies gave me an opening. I'm glad you like it."

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She laughs. "Gave you an opening to make an adorable garden. Hee." More snuggling. Look at her, being all snuggly.

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"This is a test of the angelic supervision system. Had this been an actual emergency, Mars would have ceased to exist."

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Adana laughs so much that she nearly falls out of snugglehood. She manages not to, by holding on to him and laughing uncontrollably into his chest.

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He helps! By holding her snugly.

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Snugly! How lovely. She recovers the ability to breathe after a little while. "Pfff... All of Mars, just - poof? Gone? I guess you could have dumped a black hole on it, huh?"

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"That'd be the straightforward way, yes. Slurp it all into itself. I have no plans to do this."

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"I would be extremely sad if you did!" And then she kisses him.

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"And that would be terrible!" Kiss. "I must avoid saddening you. I should be happying you."

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She giggles. "You are doing an excellent job of it, my dear!"

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"I'm glad to hear it, angel."

He takes a lid off a dish. It smells spicy and lovely.
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"Ooo. What's that?" Snuggle, snuggle. "It smells delicious."

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"Curry. I can make whatever you want, but it seemed less weirdly hesitant to actually have things made in advance."

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"Curry sounds lovely. Thank you so much for making it!"

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"You're welcome, angel."

Snuggly lunching ensues.
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It is delicious! Also snuggly!

"This was an excellent idea," she murmurs, nuzzling between bites. "All in a day's work, for fantastic demon boyfriend."
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"Have I accidentally ramped up your expectations, do I need to start planning to make you a roller coaster next week and a cave full of phosphorescent crystals the week after?"

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She laughs. "No, nothing like that. You can have weeks where you don't make me arbitrary cool things."

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"That's a relief. I might run out of ideas and I would not want to disappoint you."

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"You're not going to disappoint me by running out of ideas, don't worry."

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"Good." Nuzzle.

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Nuzzle! "You're lovely, you know."

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"I am astonished. My shriveled and unhealthy ego shudders in unbelief."

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"Aww, poor shriveled and unhealthy ego. Should I make sure it's properly fed? I don't want it to be malnourished!"

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"Wouldn't say no."

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Snuggle, snuggle. "Let's seeee... More lovely compliments. Where should I start? Which part of your ego feels more underfed?"

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"Oh, probably all of it." He kisses her neck. "But you need not feel responsible for it. I'm sure it can proceed without help."

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"But I don't want it to be shriveled or unhealthy! I feel responsible for it, anyway!"

She shivers at the kiss.
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"You're very responsible. I like that about you."

Kiss kiss kiss.
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She giggles. "You're making it really difficult to think, you realize, darling."

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"Oh noooo. But I like the way you think. Will you be able to," kiss, "pick up again after I have stopped interfering?"

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"Mhmmm, you'd have a lot of trouble getting me to stop," snickers Adana. "So I suppose you can interfere as long as you like."

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He... interferes.

He is still accommodating her shyness, so if somebody finds them in their little flower bower it will be only embarrassing, not mortifying. But within the set boundaries he's very nibbly.
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Adana is supportive about nibbles. So supportive.

Supportive enough that she will allow for less conservatively placed hands, if that's what he would like to have.
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Well, he'll only know that if she'll tell him. Or maybe pick up his hands and move them.

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Hmmm. Is this a thing she wants? Hmmmm.

... Yup. Gentle hand move, embarrassed giggling.
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Cam gets the hint.
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Giggling. So much giggling. Giggling and kisses.

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Giggling and kisses and interestingly placed hands, oh my.

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It is a lovely picnic, and a good idea!

They return to Adana's space station, shortly after. She's got managing of things to do. Cam is entirely welcome to help! Or just be around and cheer her up with his presence. She can do work on a tablet while snuggled up in his arms and wings, if it doesn't bother him.
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It does not bother him, although he will claim one of those limbs for doing his own reading.


Punctuated with occasional kisses that only sometimes go beyond punctuation.
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That's entirely fine by her! She likes kissing him, he is very kissable.

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And that is when someone decides to drop in to her office uninvited. He got directions.

"Hey, Dana, finally found someone not stupid to take over at -" he says, in lieu of hello. Then he sees her and Cam and trails off.
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Cam glances up at the visitor.

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And that is about all he can do before he is being pulled away from Adana. Then punched in the face.

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Cam is indestructible but hardly immobile; he goes sprawling onto the floor. "Ow, fuck!"

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"What the fuck, Zane?!" hisses Adana.

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"Oh don't give me that, like fucking hell this is consensual, he's a demon, are you - are you fucking selling yourself for resources for projects?! I will punch him again, I don't care what kind of deals you've made -"

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"Maybe," growls Adana, "you should actually ask me before you punch my boyfriend in the face!"

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"Ow," repeats Cam, getting up. "Racist much?"

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"Holy fuck you let it talk!" says Zane. "Dana, what the hell, why are you kissing a demon and letting it talk?!"

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"He! He is a he! I let him talk because he is a person and that is what you do with people!"

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"Oh, and I suppose his magical personhood means he's not an asshole for extorting sex from you? The fuck?!"

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"You probably want to handle this, like, verbally," Cam says to Adana, not really expecting a negative reply. "As opposed to via me putting him in a bubble till he calms down."

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"Bubbling is an option, but yeah, verbally," she agrees. "Hey, Zane! Guess what! He's not extorting me for sex at all! Want to know why? Because he is not an asshole!"

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"What, so just because you're enjoying it makes it less -"

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"We haven't had sex at all!" hisses Adana. "Not that it is any of your fucking business!"

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"I love it when people who have punched me in the face know things about my sexual history, personally, favorite thing," says Cam, glowering at Zane and hunching his wings around himself and rubbing the lightly bruised site of the punch.

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"... Sorry," apologizes Adana.

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"Oi! She is my sister, I will fucking defend her from crazy rapist demons!"

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"Great!" says Adana sarcastically. "So you literally have nothing to defend me from right now! So kindly get the fuck out of my business!"

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Cam sighs and continues the glowering-huddling-under-wings thing. He doesn't think his word is much good here.

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"But he was -"

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"- You're fucking impossible to argue with when you are being so dense! Go away, take a few dozen chill pills, and do not fucking jump to punching people in the face!"

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"Fine!" growls Zane, and then he storms out.

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Adana waves a hand, and the door slides shut behind him. It's a pity it can't slam. She would have made it slam.

"Are you okay?" she asks, voice softening as she goes to check on Cam.
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"I'm fine. It'll stop stinging in a minute." He drapes a wing lightly over her.

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"I am so sorry about that. I didn't - think he would jump straight to punching, I should have - anticipated he would show up unannounced..."

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"I don't blame you."

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"I'm still sorry, regardless," she frets, looking over his bruise.

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It's visibly fading.

"He packs a serious punch."
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"He is very good at punching things," says Adana with a hollow laugh. "It's kind of annoying."

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"Has it caused problems directly before? You said he threatened, but."

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"No, but I have noticed and now consider it annoying because he punched you."

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"I mean," says Cam, "to be fairer than he probably deserves, if I thought someone was raping you I would also want to hurt them."

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"Right, but he should - ask if that is what's going on rather than assuming and just jumping straight to punching."

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"He might not have believed you free to answer."

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Adana snuggles Cam. "I- ... I mean, maybe, but I just..."
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Hair pet. "I'm still sorry he punched you in the face."

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"I know, angel."

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Snuggle, snuggle. "I will make sure he doesn't do it again."

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"By giving him a stern talking to which he will sum up as 'because morality'?" Cam guesses.

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She snorts. "Probably."

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"I love you."
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This catches Adana off guard! She is momentarily stunned, and then replies, "I love you, too."

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How delightful!

He will have to kiss her.
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That is definitely a thing that Adana is up for doing! Kiss!

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"I love you," he murmurs in her ear, and then he kisses her again.

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"I love you, too," she replies, and then it's back to kissing.

Less than a week later, it's discovered that some of the weather patterns on Mars are a little weird - it's not raining as much as it should, and some of the plants are having trouble because of it. Adana is specifically addressed to fix it.

"Want to?" she asks Cam, when she learns about it.
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"Sure. I can put in some nice lakes."

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"Okay!" she agrees, and then off they go.

"Go nuts," she tells him, when they're there, with a smile.
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He gets to laking.

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Adana will just stand over here with the summoner in charge of the angels that are watching him.

"Pre-made the binding?" asks the summoner.

"Yup!" says Adana, brightly.

The summoner is a little suspicious of this fact - she tilts her head, and uses her magic to check -

- then she hisses.

"That is the loosest binding I've ever seen in my life, are you trying to get everyone killed?!"
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Cam is a ways away. He looks over his shoulder when he hears conversation.

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".... It's useful for my purposes, it's fine," assures Adana, nervously.

"Useful. For your purposes," says the summoner. "... Put him back. Unsummon him, right now. Before he gets loose and puts a black hole instead of water!"

"Wha- no, it's fine -"

The summoner looks at her. "I'm sorry about this. I really am. You seem like a good kid. Put him back, right now."

"Look, I know what I'm do-"

"You really don't," says her companion. "You really, really don't. I'm sorry about this, so very sorry, but you're a danger. He can't be here with that loose of a binding, and you won't put him back."

"What? No - shit, Cam!" shrieks Adana.

There is the sound of a gunshot -

- and then Cam is back in Hell.
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"Ad -"

He stops.

This is his house.

He's home again.

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Maybe it was a warning shot? Cam might be resummoned, later, if he waits long enough.

Except no summon comes. For weeks.
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Maybe they put her in prison and she has nothing to draw with.

And hasn't been allowed to talk to her dad, or her brother, to suggest that they fetch him up.


He starts writing letters to send next time there's a concordance anyway. And in case he was wrong about what she'd be he puts a pointer to his residence in the major cities of Hell.
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There is a summon. It's specifically for him. It's not from Adana, but - maybe it's Zane or her father?

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Cam goes.

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It is not Adana. It's the summoner that she was talking to.

But he can talk, he's not gagged. He can't do anything else, but he can talk.

"What," says the summoner, "did you do to Mars?"
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"Where's Adana, is she okay, did you kill her -"

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"What do you care?" she snorts. "Don't play games, I know what demons are like, I've summoned them before. What did you do to Mars?!"

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"I'll give you my notes on the project if you'll tell me what happened to Adana."

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"... Deal. Hand them over, first."

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"Make it a task and we can do it in that order, but I don't fucking trust you, I think you murdered my girlfriend."

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She looks at him coldly. "Fine. It's a task. Notes, hand them over."

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He conjures up a paper copy of his outline of tasks for working on Mars.

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She takes them.

"It was not, legally, murder. You were an inch away from going rogue. She was irresponsible. Thank you for the notes."

And then she starts dismissing Cam.
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"Wait - please let me talk to her brother or something -"

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"Or her dad. Fifteen seconds on a comm with either one. Mars still exists and you saw how loose my binding was I'm obviously not going to hurt anything I had the chance -"

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"No," she says, coldly.

And then Cam is back at his house.
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Fuck. Fuck, he should have held back the notes. Or just blurted out the secret - bitch or not, she might have told somebody - fuck.

Cam adds a page of letter to the stack.
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There are other summons. But none of them are specific to him.

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He ignores them for about a year.

Then he starts taking them again.

Maybe someone will let him talk. Or leave enough loophole -
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- No. To both.

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They have forever.