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stuck it out this far together
anakin has two moms. no not like that. unless... [thinking emoji]
Permalink Mark Unread

Destroying Darth Plagueis isn't immediate. It isn't something they can do overnight, even with their two new (quasi-willing) recruits, even with - whatever the fuck Rodanthe is - giving them a way to hit Plagueis from a direction he never predicted. He's old, and while the transmission of power from Master to Apprentice has never been thorough, he's the heir of the Line of Bane and has at least some benefit from that millennium the Sith have spent in the shadows, building their power.

Darth Sidious has something he doesn't, though. A strength within her, and when they set their wills against each other at the final moment -

(She has actual allies.)

(She isn't, actually, strong in a direct contest. Elesse, for all that she's a baby Jedi, could probably challenge her on an even playing field.)

(By the time Plagueis realizes she's betrayed him, he's already lost.)

Darth Sidious holds herself still in the aftermath of his death, as the dark side of the Force jolts and seizes around her - as that immense wellspring recognizes her as the primary outlet for its fury -

She tries to avoid falling over. That'd probably be bad. At the very least anti-climatic. (She left Maul to watch Anakin. She deputized her handmaidens to manage her persona as the Senator and her work in the shadows as Sidious, put Shmi in charge of demolishing Plagueis's support base with them. Gave to Rodanthe the job of dismantling Plagueis's primary base and protecting what she can of his archives.)

She has Salacis with her, her apprentice. She has Elesse here, part of the trap she set for Plagueis.

(Perhaps it wouldn't be so dangerous, to let herself be weak.)

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Elesse does a less-good job of avoiding falling over. The fight was- intense, and she wasn't prepared for that last blast of dark side energy.

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Salacis reaches out to support her master.

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She slumps into her apprentice.

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"You did it, master."

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She turns her face into Salacis.

"It's - been a long time."

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"And now it's over. You won."

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"We won."

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Elesse pulls herself back to her feet.

"What next?"

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"We clean up here. We regroup. We handle the inevitable fires, and we get ahold of the rest of Plagueis's little network. Then - "



"I don't know."

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"We'll figure something out."

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Then, to Elesse: "What do you think we should do next?"

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"I don't know."

"But I want to go back to Anakin."

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"...I do, too."

The rush of power thrumming in her veins tells her to seize what she wants. To set aside all other considerations, to take and take and take -

Her daughter isn't something to just - take and claim - 

But she wants to go back to Anakin.

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"Sounds like a good first step to me."

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Smile. "I don't want to miss her childhood."

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"I think you just earned yourself some time off."

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"And Starkiller can continue avoiding the baby by running my network. She makes an oddly convincing Sith."

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"It's gotta be the frown. She has a killer frown."

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"Can't be just that. She wears a mask when working."

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"The psychic energy of the frown carries through."

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"She projects extreme disappointment in everyone around her very well. I have no idea why she thinks she isn't motherly."

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"...That's not a typical motherly trait."

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" - So how many mothers have you actually known."

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"I've been reading the literature."

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"I have no idea what the 'literature' claims, but - mothers are pretty often worse than fathers, and people don't care."

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"I care. And Anakin's not going to have that for her."

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- Tiny smile.

"You won't allow it?"

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"It might interfere with her training."

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"Training isn't kind or - pleasant. It makes you strong."

"I don't know if - raising and training are the same thing."

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"Anakin's training won't be like yours."

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Mrrrr. She feels rubbed raw. Unstable. Like all her masks and shields and thorns have been utterly destroyed. Like the personas she's constructed to inhabit don't fit anymore. 


"You're - you're good with her." It's been months, nearly a year, and - she's seen that. Plenty. "You're not - just her teacher."

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"She's not even old enough for a teacher yet."

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She drags a hand down her face. "It isn't weird for a governness to be involved with kids from birth. So don't - play dumb."

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"I know."

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"You can't trick me into thinking you're unobservant, now."

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"No, I guess not."

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"Let's get back to Anakin."

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Back home.

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Back to her family.

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Maul is relieved to see them again, and will eagerly hand the baby off.

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The baby is delighted to see them! They were having fussy emotions and she's pretty tired about screaming about how no one is fixing those.

She's going to laugh and reach for both her adults and babble very energetically about this! 'Mamamamama' is about where she is for Lylí, and by now they're pretty sure Elesse is probably 'Wewewewewe.' (Maul is Mawaawa, Danni is pretty easy at Damada, the handmaidens seem to be collectively Nanamama while Rodanthe is 'fascinated staring'.)

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She's growing so fast.

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She'll be a little menace when she's walking. (Or when her tendency to reach out in the Force to things she wants turns into actual successful telekinesis.)

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She won't need to just rely on her native charm to get what she wants.

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A good state to be in. 

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For Anakin, anyway. It remains to be seen how the rest of them will handle it.

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Anakin's the important one here. 

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A fair point.

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Then: "In the long term - I do want to figure out a way for her to be around other kids safely..."

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"Safe in what respect?"

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Very, very long pause.

Then: "In the sense of - unassociated with the Senator, Naboo's royal houses, or the Sith."

"There's a lot of fucked up places in the galaxy. Some - are more fucked up than others."

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"There's lots of other kinds of places."

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"I'm not - currently willing - to give up my position as a Senator, or my networks as a Sith and I don't want... People looking for where I went."

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"We can try to find some quiet planet somewhere off the trade routes."

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"Doesn't solve - keeping my influence."

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"You have enough handmaidens to swap out, don't you?"

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"...I suppose. I'd need to make actual appearances ever, but - my more experienced girls already run things without me a lot..."

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"You probably have a year or two before it's really relevant."

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"I want to spend more time with her even now, too - and that can get... Awkward, on Coruscant. I'm watched more."

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Shrug. "I dunno what the best solution is, here."

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"I might be able to - mostly work remotely. Only go in as needed, get a fast ship and coordinate well, use my handmaidens to stall if needed. People know I use them, and in Naboo's laws they're interchangeable with me as Senator so they have the exact same rights to cast votes and negotiate. And... Starkiller already handles nearly all of my in person appearances with our underground networks."

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"Wouldn't want to go too far off the beaten track, then."

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"We can find somewhere far enough, I bet."

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"Somewhere in the wide galaxy."

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"Are you able to do the initial sorting?"

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"Yeah, I can take a look."

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Tiny smile. "I'll handle coordinating the cleanup, then."

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"Sounds like a fair division of labor."

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"Play to our strengths."

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To work, then?

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To work.

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Elesse spends the next few weeks sorting through potential places to live, sorting by distance from Coruscant and local political history and amount of trade and cost of living and density and general feel of the population so as to have enough options to present.

It's a good activity to do with Anakin, even if her active contributions are not precisely helpful. Introduce her to different species of people and plants and animals, different ways biomes can look and different ways seasonal patterns can play out and different ways houses and communities can be constructed. (And Elesse feels Anakin should have some input on where she lives, since they're choosing anyway. They can revisit the topic once she's older.)

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Her opinions mostly seem to be 'is frustrated she cannot grab objects in pictures or holos, keeps trying anyways.' Also a common opinion of 'is Elesse's hair edible? Experts disagree.' She's maybe possibly noticing some words that aren't names of people she knows? Hard to tell. Though she'll gamely attempt to repeat sounds, especially ones Elesse produces, or calls of assorted animals if Elesse plays any audio. She really likes bird noises and cat noises. Those are extremely excellent noises. Especially from that one planet with '''domesticated''' great cats and apparently some kind of on-lists-of-most-this diversity of songbirds. She can RAWR. And SING. (This mostly sounds like screaming.)

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Well. It's a start.

Elesse will take her list of final candidates to Lyli to make her selection.

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"These are all fairly good..." she says. "Though we might stand out too much here," shuffle, "And the Black Sun has some contacts here - it's a minor smuggler's haven," shuffle. This gets them down to three. Then, more quietly, about one with large ice caps and a temperate equator: "This one - I don't like winters." Shuffle.

Down to two - one of them the birds-and-cats world Anakin liked the animals from, a world covered in dense forests and numerous fragmentary inland seas but little ocean. The other is an archipelago world with the land masses concentrated in the rain bands, and would be a vacation magnet if it there were more than a few islands where it didn't lightly rain nearly every day, and if it wasn't well off the popular and safe hyperspace lanes. "Opinion between these?"

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"Rain is going to get tiresome to deal with constantly. I'd prefer not that one. Which just leaves this. I'd recommend paying for extra soundproofing in the house, though. The animals are loud, and Anakin wants to grow up to be one."

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She laughs. "And some well-protected gardens she can scream at them from?" Anakin already likes to join the morning chorus of Naboo's birds. Their sound proofing hasn't been entirely up to the task.

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"I think she'd appreciate it."

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"Then consider it done."

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"Cool. I'll let Anakin know the good news."

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"And then you can liaise with Kaishrí and Zodí about moving."

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"I'll let them know."

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And off to do that.

Elesse will offer thoughts about what houses/qualities of houses are suitable, but is otherwise planning to leave the actual logistics of the move to the professionals.

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They end up pulling in Salí - the manager of the Naboo estate and the handmaiden primarily responsible for their networks on planet - for that, as the one with the most experience establishing an estate. Kaishrí does transport and mobile security logistics, Zodí knows the most about Anakin's probable needs as she grows - but running a household is complicated, they both agree. 

Salí is of the opinion that selecting a suitable site on the planet can and should take time, that they should have begun planning this earlier, and that they'll be better served constructing their own complex which will also take time to arrange non-suspiciously, and she can't run both the new estate and the Naboo estate, and it isn't a central skillset for anyone else, so they'll need to train up someone new.

"You could take that job," she says to Elesse. "I'm uncomfortable giving it to anyone who isn't one of Us, of course - but We trust you with Our child, so We must too trust you with Our house. Though I believe Sidious's newest apprentice would serve better there, if she would release him to Us."

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"I don't think it should be me. Anakin keeps me busy enough that I'd wind up neglecting the house in favor of her."

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"That is part of why I would prefer someone else, yes," Salí says, voice remarkably dry behind the mask.

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"I'll ask her about Maul then, shall I?"

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She inclines her head. "If you wish. Or I may speak to her, as she and I are both part of Us, and then We may speak to Maul together."

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Shrug. "Easier for you to just do it, then."

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"Then one of Us will inform you of his and Our decision when it is made."

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"Sounds good to me."

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"Very well." And she's off.

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It isn't hard for her to talk Sidious around. 

And so, shortly after, they both approach Maul.

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"My lord?"

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"Apprentice," she says with a smile. "My handmaiden has proposed a mission we believe will fit your skills well."

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The young boy straightens. "I'm ready, my lord."

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She inclines her head to Salí.

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Extremely matter of factly, with the oddly military bearing that sets her apart from the other handmaidens even though her signature in the Force is constantly muffled: "We are establishing a second permanent base of 'home operations,' to serve primarily as a safehouse for Our child, for future endeavors which will benefit from secrecy and remoteness, and for Lylí to centralize her commanding role in operations while remaining with Our child. It cannot be fully remote, because Our child must have other children around for optimal development, and it cannot be operated openly as a Royal Household nor in a way that will draw suspicion from Our enemies."

"Currently, I am the only one of Us or Our allies adequately trained in the management and security of a royal estate, let alone when secrecy must be maintained. I cannot run both estates, but your talents are uniquely well suited to managing and protecting Our new estate. I will train you, if you accept the position."

A pause, then: 

"Furthermore - Sidious has wished time for your true self to unfold before We approach you with an offer to be one of Us. One cannot be commanded to be a handmaiden, by long tradition," her tone implies someone who thinks contravening this tradition is probably a capital crime, "And one must choose to forgo their selfhood with full knowledge of what it entails. But you have those rare traits We seek in those who might join Us. You need not decide now, but We would be honored if you took up Our mask during the course of your training."

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-A handmaiden? Him?

Yes. He wants that. To be- close to her. As for the estate...

"I will learn. If you teach me. Please."

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Firm nod. "I will. It is the duty of all handmaidens to contribute to Our whole."

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"I will be in your care, handmaiden."

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There's almost a smile in her voice. "I will take good care of you, handmaiden."

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When do they start?

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As soon as he's ready. 

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He's ready now.

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The first matter of business is getting him oriented to the estate on Naboo from her perspective, and to the traditional duties and expectations of a handmaiden...

Of note: he may be addressed as handmaiden as a candidate, but he is not formally a handmaiden until he takes the mask and identity of one, which requires a good bit of training and ceremony. (The training mostly ensures that the candidate understands the true meaning of what she will become, what she will give up.)

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He's a diligent student.

(This is probably the first time he's actively wanted and pursued something since joining Sidious's service.)

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(She very much approves, and lets him know as such - as Sidious, sure, but as a fellow handmaiden more than that. All of the handmaidens are honored to have him joining, Lylí included.)

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Oh, that's so good.

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"Do you enjoy your training, handmaiden?"

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"I do."

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They're in the inner chambers of the estate, now, so she slips her mask off and sets it by her desk.


"You know, I don't think it'll take much longer for you to be ready to take up our mask."

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"You've blossomed here."

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"I've- had good teachers."

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"That matters a lot."

"Salí's going to be the main one evaluating when you're ready, but - she's impressed, and I've never seen that before." (Salí has been quite the taskmaster in teaching Maul how to run an estate. No one's saying that her previous self was military, but her previous self was definitely military.)

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"How many of the handmaidens were inducted after her?"

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"All of them - except me, of course."

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"You're a rare sort, handmaiden."

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"I do my best."

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"I know."

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"You make me the best."

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"You make it easy."

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"So what have you learned lately?"

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Maul is happy to talk!

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And she's happy to listen.

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Salí takes him with her to select the site for the new estate, and has him acquire it with her supervision - involves him heavily in the physical and systems design of the estate - and she leaves the Naboo estate under the care of another handmaiden for a time so she can assist him in establishing the estate, but once they're actually ready to move the family - 

"You're ready to take up the mask," she informs him. "I will continue to mentor you and lend my aid, but this estate is yours."

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"Thank you, handmaiden. I will strive to be worthy of it."

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"See that you do."

"It will be Palpatine who names you."

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Let's go see her now, then.

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"Salí has told me you're ready, handmaiden."

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"Yes, Mistress."

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"Then come, and kneel, and recite your oaths."

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He does so, speaking in a low, fervent voice.

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She watches with a heavy gaze.

At the end: "Your oaths are accepted. Rise, and take up your mask, Handmaiden Bastí."

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She does so. donning it carefully.

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"How does it feel?"

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"It feels correct, Mistress."

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"You wear it well, handmaiden."

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"Thank you."

There's a smile underneath the mask.

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"We're ready to move my family to the estate," she says. 

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"It stands ready for us."

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Then: logistics?

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Moving a kid firmly in the back half of Being A Toddler is probably the most logistically interesting part of that. (Anakin had NOT wanted to PACK or get on a SHIP or leave her ROOM.)

Fortunately for Basti, handling that had been firmly Elesse's job, and Anakin's now calmed down and switched into 'asking five million questions about space.' Also she's been reminded that the Cool Animals that Elesse shows her pictures of sometimes are what they're going to see, and she sometimes gets into tangents about that. Also space cats. Elesse are there cats in space??? Can Anakin have a kitty? They're going to cat planet and she's being very good (now), she thinks she should get a kitty, that seems only fair -

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There are occasionally cats in space, but only in spaceships. There are not, to her knowledge, vacuum-adapted cats. Anakin is being very good (right now), but there are no cats on this spaceship, and given the aforementioned lack of naturally-occuring cats outside in space, any acquisition of a kitty will have to wait until at least their arrival at their new home. And given that a kitty is a long-term investment, Anakin shouldn't get a kitty if she's going to get bored of it quickly and stop paying attention to it and taking care of it. So if Anakin's still interested in kitty-acquisition by the end of the trip, they can revisit the question. They could investigate what sorts of things a cat needs to be happy in the meantime, if she wants.

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She needs that broken down and re-explained a few times (the future is weird and possibly fake, still; she kind of has an understanding of 'after' or 'later' now but she's still struggling a lot with the difference between 'five minutes later' and 'a day later' (a week later is basically never, she's pretty sure)).

"I want kitty forever," she assures Elesse. (She also hasn't figured out tenses yet. Has Basic considered being less complicated?) "Happy kitty." 

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"Well, like the old saying goes, 'trust, but verify'. We'll see, Anakin." For now, cat pictures, and talking about things Anakin would have to do for a cat.

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She can get Anakin's attention pretty thoroughly with that, at least until they're approaching where they'll be leaving hyperspace, which Anakin wants to watch.

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To the observation blister, then.

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Stars!!!!!!!!!!! Planet!!!!!!!!! (And, once they land on the outskirts of the compound: PLANTS. NOISES. Are there CATS. Can Anakin RAWR at them?)

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The cats are probably all hiding from the noise of the move-in, but Anakin and Elesse can go for a walk while everyone's busy to try to find some.

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Elesse will let Palpatine know they're going, then.

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"Have fun, you two."

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"Mama come too?"

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"Mama has work, sweatheart." Hair ruffle?

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Okay. Hair ruffle. She guesses.


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"Find some cool things with Elesse and bring them back to mama, okay?"

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Hm. "Okay!"

Off to explore then!

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Off to explore.

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Anakin has so much energy pent up! And there's birds here! And they'll make noises when she does! And she hears a cat roaring in the distance! She tries roaring back, but tragically this doesn't summon any cats (yet) though might've gotten some return calls?

(Anakin still wants a cat. So much.)

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They'll talk with Basti once she's got everything settled in.

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In the meantime:

She'll need Elesse's help carrying some of the Cool Stuff back to mama.

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Maybe they can pare back slightly on some of the cool stuff. For instance, holos of the entire fallen half-tree with the claw marks instead of the whole thing.

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But Elesse can float stuff!

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Consider: if she's floating the tree, then she can't float Anakin.

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!!! She should definitely float Anakin!!!

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Hup! Midairakin.

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Anakin wants to ZOOM.

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Elesse can't do ZOOM, but up and down and round and round is doable.

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Hm... Good enough. (As communicated by her excited shrieking. (Especially if Elesse pretends to drop her. (Mama pretends to drop her a lot and it's always the funnest.)))

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(Operation: don't take a whole damn tree home- great success.)

Hopefully Anakin can still appreciate the scenery from her new perspective.

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She can! And now Elesse can float her up to look at higher things!

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A little taste of growing up.

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Anakin's gonna grow up SO FAST.

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Elesse is gonna turn around one day and boom, Anakin'll be too big to float.

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Naw-aw. Elesse can float anything.

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She'll have to make sure to keep up with her practice as Anakin grows.

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Practice is fun!

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It will be for Anakin.

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That's what she said.

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Elesse is glad they're in agreement.

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Uh huh!

(Anakin's starting to flag some, energy-wise. Elesse's increasingly well-honed instincts say she might get over-stimmed soonish.)

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Time to head home, then. They should be done enough that Anakin has a place to stay by now.

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They are! She has her own little suite, sharing a larger suite with Elesse's rooms. The bedroom is small, with space!!! murals like Anakin's been asking for lately, and the main focus of the suite is a play room/ library, with a nice big window seat and lots of shelves and cat wallpaper, already packed with Anakin's books and toys. They've brought some of the furniture Anakin's more attached to, too, as well as her normal bedding, and she still has her own private courtyard - bigger than the one at the Naboo estate, with a large number of bird houses and feeders that have been up long enough to have already attracted a few birds. (Also set well out of a toddler's reach.)

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This is exciting! But also Anakin is probably ready to be put down for a nap. Tragic.

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The rooms will still be here when she wakes up.

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Fiiiine. (That Sounds Fake, but Elesse's pretty good at reassuring her.)

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All in all, not a bad start to their time here.

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Not at all. 

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Anakin grows quickly. Her vocabulary explodes, and she starts reading early (though she still wants her Elesse to read her bedtime stories). She gets just enough ability to calm down to start early Force training, and pretty quickly figures out floating stuff to her. She makes friends among the local children (and manages to avoid outing their family as Force-users; she seems to feel a nearly instinctive urge to hide her powers). 

(She successfully talks her mama into a big cat, and then two house cats, and then into keeping a forest cat she brings back with her one day. She also successfully cares for them, though.)

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Elesse settles into her role on the new planet, taking care of Anakin and guiding her training. Going through the very basics and explaining them to someone else proves to be illuminating, providing Elesse plenty of inspiration to continue working on her own mastery. (Steady access to Palpatine's library also helps.) She's proud of Anakin's progress, both in the Force and her growth as a person. Continuing to take care of all the cats is a big step, and a good one.

(For Elesse's sixteenth birthday, Salacis takes her out on what is, in retrospect, a date. It went fine, but after some thinking, Elesse informs her that next time they could just skip to the end. There are several next times, whenever Salacis swings by for a visit.)

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And, a bit over three years after their arrival on the planet - a bit over five years since Palpatine recruited Elesse and Maul - 

The handmaiden Kaishrí approaches Bastí. She's been one of Bastí's more common companions among the handmaidens since she took on her role as estate manager, given that she travels with Palpatine more often than not. She's quieter than the others, more watchful.

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"Is there something you need?"

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"Not quite need," she says, tone soft. "But there's something I wanted to ask you."

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"...What is it?"

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"I know you've noticed the handmaidens often have sex, including with our Mistress - you haven't asked to join, but I was wondering if that was out of a lack of interest, or some other reservation."

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"I- hadn't known that was an option."

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She feels fond and amused in the Force. 

"It is, if you do not object."

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"I... am not sure."

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"You do not have to decide right away," she says, gently. "And you can change your mind later, if you discover your decision is sitting poorly with you."

"And you would be welcome to speak to our Mistress, and I suspect to more closely watch us together."

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Basti is kind of glad for the mask right now.

"I'll do that. -Speak to her, I mean."

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Yeah she's definitely amused. 

"As you wish."

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Um. Yeah.



Next time Palpatine isn't too busy, Basti goes to find her.

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That's pretty soon - her schedule has gotten a lot lighter over the past few years, and the vast majority of her work is administration or remotely going over reports. 

"Good afternoon."

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"Good afternoon, Mistress."

Wow this is awkward.


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She raises an eyebrow and gestures for Bastí to approach. 

"Is anything wrong?"

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"Not- wrong, as such, no."

"It's just. I was recently... invited to- had it pointed out to me that I am a handmaiden and sometimes the handmaidenshavesexwitheachotherandalsowithyou." Basti says this last bit in somewhat of a rush.

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- Tiny smile. 

"That surprised you?"

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"A little bit."

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"Does it bother you?"

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"I'm... uncertain."

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"That's alright. Better to think than to jump without looking where you're going."

"Does it interest you?"

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"Mostly I'm interested with you."

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"You don't have to do anything with the other handmaidens," she murmurs. "You can be just mine."

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"I'd like that. A lot."

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She gestures for Bastí to sit next to her. "To be mine in that way, too? My lovely, loyal handmaiden..."

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Basti sits.

"Yes. Yours."

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She gently pulls aside Bastí's mask and tilts her chin up. 

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Kiss time?

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Kiss time!

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Kisses: considered good.

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Palpatine's gotten a lot of experience over the years.

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Basti hopes to learn from her in this, as well.

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She's always delighted to educate future generations. 

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Yeah, this is good.

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"My lovely handmaiden..." Kiss, and she slides her hand into Bastí's robes.

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What a wonderful reaction. 

She unwraps her handmaiden painfully slowly (or, well, painfully slowly for Bastí; she's clearly enjoying herself).

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He's having fun.

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One of her goals, here. (Another seems to be making him squirm.)

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As usual, she's achieving both.

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She's very good at getting what she wants, true.

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One of her best traits.

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And Bastí is very good at giving her what she wants.

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Anything and everything he has.

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And everything he can claim for her.

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Rather a lot, all told.

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He does his best.

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Rather more than a lot, there.

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More kisses! And touches now, too.

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Ooh, touches.

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And education on how to touch her back...

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She'll even permit him to undress her - part of a handmaiden's privileged access to her Mistress's body.

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He'll make sure to properly appreciate the privilege.

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Clever boy.

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He tries.

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He's doing well - at everything, and at undressing her. 

And you know, at her station Palpatine really should have an attendant dressing her every time...

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He could make time for that, in his duties.

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Combine it with his reports to her. 

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That would be efficient.

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A good quality in the manager of her estate.

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And a good manager deserves good rewards.

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Keep the incentives all lined up.

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Keep her loyal servants at the top of their game.

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Where they need to be, to keep up with her.

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To meet her demands. 

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An excellent way to pass the afternoon. 

Though, alas, their respective duties will eventually come calling...

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This can be an ongoing thing, though.

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Part of their routine.

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That's very agreeable.

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She thought it might be. 

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Basti will make it happen.

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Good boy.

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Then back to her duties.

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And Anakin keeps growing bigger - she makes so many friends, quickly becomes the most sociable kid in their community, manages to secure enough of a leadership role that the other kids listen to her about being nice to each other. She grows in the Force, too, and in her studies, and in her emotional control (...comparatively; she's still a seven year old). She talks the ear off of anyone who'll stand still long enough about her day, her latest special interest - spaceships have been a strong feature lately - and asks an equally endless stream of questions. 

And, one day soon after her seventh birthday - it seems the question right now is:

"Elesse, are you and mama married?"

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"Uh. No, we aren't."

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Confusion! "But you're both my moms?"

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"Well. Yes. But not like that."

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"But Ita's got two moms and they're married. And Kapt has two moms who were married but are divorced now and don't talk to each other. And Tryn has three moms and two dads and not all of his moms are married to each other but all of his parents are or were married to another of his parents so his parents are really all married. And you and mama are my only parents, and you talk to each other. Though Qlon's parents didn't get married until ze was three..." Squint. "Are you going to get married?"

(It's Logic.)

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"We don't have any plans in that direction, no. Our relationship, mine and your mama's, isn't romantic like your friends' parents. I'm afraid, Anakin, that you might have to add some more models to the way parents can work."

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"But you guys should marry." Obviously some people's parents are unmarried. But these are Anakin's moms. They're different. 

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"Oh, really?"

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"Uh-huh! You're my moms. Not just like, mom one and mom two."

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"I think you're going to have to break that down a little more for me, Anakin. I'm not quite following you."

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"So like, Vivi had a mom and her mom was married to two guys? Who're Vivi's dad one and dad two. And then Vivi's mom died, but Vivi still has her dad one and dad two. But even though they live together, they're not gonna marry each other and they shouldn't. But you and mama should be married to each other." Anakin only kind of knows Vivi, who's like basically an adult (she's thirteen), so maybe there's parts to the story Anakin's missing, but, the dad thing seems pretty straightforward. 

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"Uh huh."

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"I'm right, aren't I?"

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"I don't think so. Your mama and I- we're like Vivi's dads, not Ita's moms. I respect and like your mama, but not like that."

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Skeptical face!

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"You don't trust me to know my own mind, Anakin?"

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"Everyone's silly sometimes."

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"Yes, granted, but not really the case here, I think."

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"How do you know for sure?"

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"I'll tell you what, if you can get all your exercises for today done by dinner, I'll spend the evening meditating on the topic, how's that?"

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"Better hop to, kiddo."

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"'Kay!" Off to tasks!!!

(...Which she does not finish by dinner. Boo.)

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Perhaps Anakin has a little more work to do in the self-improvement department before she moves on to other people.

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Doesn't mean Elesse doesn't have any work, though!

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They're all always striving for improvement.

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So she should think about marrying mama anyways. It'd be an improvement.

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Sure, Elesse will consider it.

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(Elesse does not consider the idea for very long. That's- really not the relationship she has with Palpatine, not the relationship she's looking for with Palpatine, and she's gotten no hints Palpatine has any desire to change things in that direction either. (It mightn't be so bad. Palpatine's- mellowed, a lot, since Plagueis's death.) So yeah. Just another instance of Anakin being Anakin.)

She will mention it to Palpatine the next time they talk, though, just offhand.

"Your daughter thinks we should get married, by the way."

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"Does she now?" She laughs a bit. "She hasn't brought it up with me yet."

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"She seemed pretty insistent about it today, but I'm not sure if it's a new interest or just a passing thought."

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"Did you shoot her down?"

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"Gently. Some of her friends have caretakers who aren't married, she knows the concept exists."

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"She might be re-planning her approach before bringing her concerns to me, then."

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"Good luck with that," Elesse snickers.

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"She could use the practice with making persuasive arguments."

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"Not too persuasive, I hope. I mean..."

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She raises an eyebrow.

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"-That's not really part of our arrangement, you know."

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"Try to avoid pointing that out where Anakin can hear you. She might realize things can be renegotiated."

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"My lips are sealed."

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"Otherwise, her training has been going pretty well..." Elesse will go on to give one of her usual reports.

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"She's growing up quickly."

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"Time really feels like it's just been flying by."

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"I'm increasingly glad you all bullied me into working remotely," she teases. "I'd hate to have missed this."

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"Shame not to take advantage of your handmaidens, since you have them."

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Soft smile.

"It was hard to realize - to accept - back then exactly how much of my strength rested in other people."

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"You've grown as a person."

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"A lot of that going around."

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"I guess so."

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"You've grown too, you know."

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"Mm. Probably not exactly in the way the Order would like. But maybe that's for the best."

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"As I said."

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Pff. "Fair enough."

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"Growing past what we were taught."

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"With effort."

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"It's a long, dark road out."

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"But we're not alone."

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"No. We aren't."

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And of course, there's other things to talk about than just Anakin - such as Elesse and Palpatine's own studies and investigations...

(Elesse's grown intellectually, too, Palpatine's noticed. She had a sharp wit as a preteen. She's a very serious challenge, now.)

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Elesse has been charting her own path in the field of Force studies. She's getting closer to perfecting something that might be called light side sorcery, based on her Jedi teachings and some of Palpatine's esoteric texts.

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Speaking of... Some of Palpatine's own investigations have uncovered a few avenues that might be of interest to her there.

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She's always willing to accept notes.

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There's a few texts, too, and some hints of ruins to explore - "I can point Salacis towards investigating those... Though some might be safe to take Anakin on a field trip for."

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"I think I'd rather Salacis clear them at least, before taking Anakin."

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"My general intent - she still doesn't always have the patience for the more meticulous sides of archaeology..."

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Nod. "I'm not sure Anakin will either. Might depend some on the context."

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"She's getting better at focusing for long stretches, and I think she'll do okay if she's helping you in bursts, or doing a couple different things, or if you have other things to distract her with. I'd suspect she'd get lonely before she got very bored..."

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"Mm, yeah. It would take some planning, but that's doable."

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"It'd be unfortunately complicated to take her friends along. But she might like a chance to properly meet some of the handmaidens she doesn't interact with as much..."

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"Ravri, maybe?"

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Hum. "You two are friends as well, aren't you?"

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"Maybe that'll give Anakin a new area to focus her match-making energy on."

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"I'm not sure that would be better."

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"Might at least split her efforts."

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"Try slowing her down that way?"

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"At least try giving her new challenges."

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"Fair enough."

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"As far as the actual ruins and texts - "

"Part of why this is interesting is I think it might be a lead on travel other universes."

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"That vision I had of the other Anakin?"

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"It's been - bothering me."

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Slow nod.

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" - Have you had any other insights about that?"

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"Not really."

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"I feel closer to a solution than we were, at least..."

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"We'll see what comes of your ruins."

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"And our other investigations..."

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"Anything you want to poke beyond that?"

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"Not right now. I'll spend some time thinking it over."

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Which she does, in her private time. On reflection- it does feel like there's beginning to be a convergence of events, related in someway to her vision. Nothing solid, nothing really actionable, just a nebulous feeling.

In the meantime, Elesse starts coordinating schedules with Salacis and the handmaidens, and advises Anakin they may be taking a trip some time in the near future.

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To where???

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A whole different planet. One where they think there may be some old, old ruins that have secret knowledge hidden away in them.

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Anakin has so many questions about this! 

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Archaeology is pretty interesting to learn about. Elesse isn't an expert, but she and Anakin can do some research together.

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Heee!!! Anakin is so good at research.

(She actually is, especially for a seven year old. She reads quickly and takes pretty thorough notes, and is meticulous about checking her sources.)

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Super helpful.

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Wiggle wiggle.

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They'll probably be out for a couple weeks on the expedition. And not everyone's going. One or two of the handmaidens, Salacis may be around for a little while, but that's it.

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...Anakin's friends can't come? 

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They're going to be investigating Force stuff. It's still a secret.

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Hmmmm... Yeah, that makes sense. Force stuff is a them thing.

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She's glad Anakin agrees with that.

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It's just common sense. Anakin knows the Force is their family.

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That's one way of putting it.

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A good way!

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A way characteristic of Anakin.

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'Cause Anakin is good.

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And so's Elesse!

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It's nice of her to say so.

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Nice, true, and necessary! (A teacher told her and her friends that things they say should be at least two of those, apparently. Anakin also apparently finds that very funny.)

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Appropriate guidelines for polite conversation.

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Anakin's been having thoughts about it as a guideline actually...

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Like, how do you know what's necessary to say? And if something is necessary, shouldn't it not matter if it's true or kind?

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Well, as with any generalization, it's more optimized for sounding good than precision. Conveying the spirit of the principle, rather than a specific procedure or list of rules to follow. What does Anakin think the spirit means?

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Hmmm... That you should be nice and honest? Because being nice makes people feel better, and you shouldn't say mean things even if they're true if they won't do any good? So - that you should say things that make stuff better?

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That sounds like a good reading to Elesse. So what sorts of things can you say to make stuff better? Maybe if they examine some broad categories they can figure out where the saying came from.

Compliments usually make people feel good; those are kind and compliments should be true as well, but it's not always strictly necessary to say 'your hair looks really pretty today' or something similar. Or telling someone they need to stop being a bully; that's necessary because people shouldn't be bullied and let's assume it's true in whatever imaginary circumstance. But it's not necessarily kind- someone realizing they're a bully might make them feel bad about themself. Or telling someone a joke after they've had a rough day. It's necessary because them being sad is an overall worse state for the world to be in, and it's kind because you're cheering them up.

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What if you have to lie to get the bully to stop, though?

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Then you've run into one of those edge cases that're beyond the scope of the generalization. What would the spirit of the principle that Anakin deduced say you should do?

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Hmmm... Try to get to a kind ending? 

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Mhm. But you'd have to think carefully about how to go about it. There's not a quick and easy answer, so you can see why the generalization doesn't and in fact can't apply.

What generalizations like 'necessary, true, kind' are good for is giving you an acceptable shorthand, something quick you can check if you don't want to or aren't able to think deeply about everything all the time. In most cases, it'll work fine and you'll get an acceptable result. But sometimes you will run into things that don't fit and you will have to think deeply in order to arrive at a correct answer. The trick is in recognizing those situations when they come up and having a good enough understanding of the reasons behind the generalization that you know what correct looks like.

To take a less ethically-fraught example, say you're a professional gardener and you're designing a flowerbed for someone. You know that two species of flower don't get along and so you should never put them within two meters of each other. However, the plot that you're working on is only one meter by one meter, and the customer definitely wants both species. If all you knew is that 'these two flowers don't go together', you'd be stuck. But since you've studied hard and learned your trade, you know that the reason you don't put these two flowers next to each other is that they're competing for the same nutrient in the soil. If you add this third species, it'll replenish the soil enough that both flowers can live happily next to each other. It takes you more time and you have to add more trellises for the third flower to grow over (such that for most designs with sufficient space it's easier to just not), but at the end, you've found a way to make both flowers survive even though usually you don't even try to.

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Can people be like flowers?

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It's... possible, yes.

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"You and mama are pretty different."

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"The flowers in that story were not stand-ins for your mama and I."

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"But there's an underlying principle."

(Elesse has taught Anakin a new concept and will probably eventually stop having cause to regret that.)

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Pat pat.

"You've just got romance on the brain, Anakin."

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"Getting along when you're different isn't just romance," she huffs, clearly annoyed. (And, possibly, a bit hurt. Her moods have been odd and hard to read sometimes though, at least recently.)

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"Your mama and I get along fine."

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"Do you want to know how we achieve getting along or examples of us doing so?"

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"We communicate consistently, and talk about interests we share in common, like the Force or you."

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"What about when you disagree?"

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"We lay out our reasoning so the other can follow, and asses our own principles to see where they disagree. Sometimes one of us has made a mistake and changes her mind, other times we have to make a compromise."

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Hm. "That sounds easy, but it's hard."

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"It is. We both have to work at it."

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"Can I help?"

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"You already do, Anakin. You give us both a reason to work hard and do our best."

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"So I'm the third flower," she teases.

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"If you really insist on stretching the metaphor."

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"It's fun!"

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"Well, that's the important thing."

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"Run along and feed the kitties, then. I'll clean up our research here."

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And off!


Anakin feeds all the cats - she's very prompt about this every day (they don't exactly let her forget) and then combs out the ones with long hair and then all of them to be fair, and plays with Lala (who's the youngest and keeps annoying the older cats with all her energy), and makes sure their liter boxes are clean while she's at it, and scritches Coti (who's older and cuddlier and doesn't move around too much).

And then, two cats following in her wake, she goes to find her mama for evening cuddles and stories.

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Her mama is emerging from her study and into the family room when Anakin comes in. (One of the cats, Stripey, very promptly abandons Anakin to wind around mama's ankles.)

"Hey fuzzball," she says, ruffling Anakin's hair. (She's been doing that the last two years, ever since Anakin had to get her head shaved due to Unfortunate Childhood Decisions shortly after their arrival on the planet. Anakin's first pet decided to move in around the same time, an at the time extremely fuzzy and slightly mangy baby great cat who's since floofed out nicely, which probably encouraged it. Anakin and her cat - Dagger - looked pretty similar back then.)

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(Dagger, of course, is currently taking up a solid two thirds of the couch, plopped right in the middle.)

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Anakin laughs and bats at her mama's hand. "I'm not fuzzy anymore!" she fake-complains, then hugs mama and then immediately goes to climb on top of Dagger, shoving the giant cat aside enough she can squeeze in with room for mama if mama sits half under Anakin. 

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(Grumble grumble yaaaawwwwn - showing off their massive fangs.)

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Palpatine has a fairly healthy respect for those fangs, and of the fact that Anakin's the only one Dagger will allow to manhandle them, so she stays back until a space is cleared.

At which point she scoops up her daughter with the Force so she can sit down. 

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Giggle shriek!

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And she drops Anakin into her arms. 

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She giggles some more, squirming until she's in a good cuddle position. 

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Hair ruffle.

"How was your day?"

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"Good, mama! Elesse told me we're going exploring and I did research!" Anakin waits only half a second for mama's inevitable interested noise before launching into an excited and long winded recount of everything they discovered. 

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She's got the rhythm of encouraging Anakin to keep chattering down pretty well, staring at her daughter with a soft smile and an interested expression, asking questions if Anakin seems to be getting tongue tied.

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She eventually runs out of new things to say about the research. Very eventually. 

Which leaves room for Anakin's own questions! Like what mama knows about the exploring, and like, "Are you and Elesse gonna get married mama?"

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She bops Anakin's nose. "You know not to go behind Elesse's back to ask me for things she said no to, fuzzball."

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"This is kinda different," she grouches. But, well, mama has a point. Still, she hasn't asked: "Do you wanna marry Elesse?"

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"Marriage is pretty complicated," she says, resting her chin on top of Anakin's head. "Palpatine can't get married, certainly, at least not without a lot of politics getting in the way, and that's not something our family is."

"But I think you mean to ask if I want a romantic relationship with Elesse, don't you?"

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(Mama mostly does the putting her chin on Anakin's head thing when she wants to try having very few obvious emotions, so Anakin tries not to grumble about it too much.)

She does frown, though. "I guess, yeah? But I think you guys should get non-Naboo married. You don't have to be Palpatine for it."

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"You're right that I don't."

"But that's not the type of relationship Elesse and I agreed to after I had you, and it's not the kind we've had since."

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"You can renegotiate though, can't you?"

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"Probably. But - I don't want to pursue that right now."

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Frown and then sigh.

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Hug. "Want me to read you a story now, fuzzball?"

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She perks back up. "Yeah! Can you - tell me something from Naboo?"

(They don't talk about mama's home planet, much, even though Anakin knows she herself was born and lived nearly two years there.)

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"Let me pick out a good one, then."

And so - cuddling and reading folktales until Anakin's ready for bed. 

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In a couple weeks, Salacis sends word that the site is cleared. She and Rodanthe will stick around until the people who are going to do the actual grunt work of examining everything show up.

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"It shouldn't be too long until we get there. Try not to die of boredom."

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"If it means a chance to see you again, I can make myself last."

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"Building up your energy for me?"

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"You know it, sweetcheeks." Wink.

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Mock frown. "I'll have Anakin with me. So, y'know, try to conduct yourself appropriately around her."

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"I'm always appropriate."

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Slightly realer frown.

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"Fine, fine. I won't embarrass you in front of your little girl. You'd better plan to make it up to me, though."

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"If it's discipline you want..."

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"That's the spirit!"

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"Uh-huh. See you in a couple days, then."

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"Kay. Kisses!"

She signs off.

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And Elesse goes to tell Anakin it's time to pack.

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About time!

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Everything in its due course.

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And the due course for exploring is now!

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It is.

So let's make sure they've got everything they'll need, then say goodbye to her friends and the handmaidens that aren't joining them.

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"Okay! Who's coming other than us and mama?"

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"Kaishri, of course, and Zodi as well. Ravri's going to be taking a vacation from Coruscant and meeting us there. She might be bringing someone else? I haven't heard confirmation about that yet."

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Ooo. "I haven't seen Ravri in forever!" Bounce!

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"Yeah, it should be fun."

"And Salacis will be there for a couple days as well; she's waiting for us now."

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Bounce bounce!!! "I wanna see my sister!!!"

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"Hop to, then."

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She does so! With quite a bit of energy. (The handmaidens they aren't taking receive nearly bruising hugs.)

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Then off on a space trip! It's longer than the one that brought them here from Naboo, but Anakin probably doesn't remember that too well.

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Mmmm - kinda maybe? 

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She spent about half of it trying to bully Elesse into getting her a cat.

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Which clearly worked!

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Entirely coincidentally. The appearance of cats had very little to do with that campaign.

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If Elesse says so...

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She does.

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Then it's possibly true.

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Good to know Anakin has so much faith in her.

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Elesse deserves it. 

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She does appreciate it.

And soon enough, they arrive at their destination.

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Salacis waves in greeting as the ship touches down and the boarding ramp extends.

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She launches herself off as soon as she's allowed, somewhat clumsily enhancing herself with the Force so she can extra barrel into her sister's waist for hug.

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She turns the impact into a backwards somersault, curling around Anakin and rolling them back until Salacis winds up flat on her back with Anakin on top.

"Hey kiddo! You got so big when I wasn't looking."

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"'Cause you need to visit more!" Flop hug.

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"Once I finish getting the galaxy all sorted out."

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"That'll take forever though."

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"Maybe you can grow up and start helping me, then."

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"Could I travel too?"

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"That'd be part of the package."

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"Good! But if I gotta grow up first, you're gonna miss me growing up, and mama always says that missing me growing up would be the worst."

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"Well, that's her opinion. Just between you and me, I'm perfectly happy to have skipped over the diaper phase."

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"But now I'm much cooler and still growing!"

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"So you are. I miiiight be persuaded to rethink my policy..."

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"Persuading you will be good practice."

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"Practice for what?"

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She leans over and whispers, "Convincing mama and Elesse to get married."

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Muffled giggle. "It's a big task."

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"But so, so worth it."

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"It will be."

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"I will do absolutely everything in my power to help you bring this about, Anakin."

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"Best sister!"

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"What are you two whispering about over there?"

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"Just catching up!" she calls.

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"Sis needs to visit more often!"

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"I see. I'll make sure that happens, then."

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"Sounds good."

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Hug! "Yay!"

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Then they should get up and Salacis can start showing them around the site.

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Anakin wants to see all the things! (She bounces up.)

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Then to seeing things!

From aboveground, it's a grassy knoll, with a few weatherworn stelae sticking up at odd angles. There's an entrance on the eastern side, weeds poking up through the cracked concrete. There's living quarters and a library and a couple workshop spaces.

"Nothing super dangerous," Salacis says. "Some old guardian droids and a pit trap- whoever used this wanted intruders alive."

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"Do you know who lived here?"

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"Figuring that out is why Elesse and your mama are here. I just make sure nothing's about to kill them first."

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"I'll help figure it out then!"

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"I bet you will."

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Has Salacis found anything else yet? And can Anakin see the pit trap?

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She sure can. Salacis can even demonstrate how it works.

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Heeeeee!!! (She has a lot of fun poking it.)

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Thinking about how to make bigger and better ones?

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Well, now she is. 

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Good, good.

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She has a few ideas already - has her sister thought of any?

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One or two... Some that will have to wait until Anakin's older.

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She's pretty curious! (So Salacis probably better have age-appropriate thoughts ready.)

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She can string something together.

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And Anakin can wildly elaborate on them!

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Unbeatable sisters!

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Entirely unstoppable.

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"It's good you agree mama and Elesse need to get married," she comments, idly. "It'd be a lot harder without your help."

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"I bet. Those two can be pretty stubborn when they don't want to see something."

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"I knooooow." Flop. "We need to make them see... I already tried just telling them."

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"What you need," Salacis says sagely, "is a plot."

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"What do you mean?"

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"A clever scheme, to show those to the error of their ways and enlighten them to possibility. Something devious and complex."

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"A trap."

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"A parent trap."

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Even louder giggles!

"It won't be a normal trap," she says. "And it'll take a lot of steps..."

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They'll have to plan carefully...

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Not a challenge for the unbeatable sisters.

(Sadly, Anakin getting hungry for dinner is a bit of a challenge to their plotting...)

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Salacis started making notes on her datapad part way through, so they can pick back up after.

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Pretty smart. 

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It's the wisdom that comes with age.

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Mama must have a lot, then. 

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Mhm. When she chooses to use it.

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"We're here for the other times."

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"Dunno what mama would do without us."

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"It'd involve a lot more flailing, probably."

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"And a lot less common sense."

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"That'd be a scary world to live in."

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"So we need to make sure she has our guidance."

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And then: head back to where Elesse and mama are for dinner?

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Dinner! It's important to stay well fed for plotting, the brain runs on food.

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Is that why the handmaidens are always hassling mama into eating on time? (Though mama said Anakin could set a time to Eat As A Family if she wanted after Anakin asked why they weren't doing that - Anakin picked brunch - and mama's never late for that. Which is more proof that mama needs her, really.)

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Yeah, she needs a minder about those sorts of things.

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A mama-sitter!

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It'd be a full-time job for one person.

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Luckily they've got a lot of people helping!

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Strength in numbers.

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Share the workload.

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"Did you two have fun today?" Elesse asks over dinner.

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"Yeah!" Bounce bounce! And excited chatter about trap mechanics! (Not mentioning their ideas for trapping Anakin's parents, though.)

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Fortunately, that's something mama knows a lot about. The Sith - and other groups - have gotten very creative over the years, though Anakin will need to spend a few years training before she'll be ready for the advanced stuff...

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Ooooo!!! How do those work???

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She gives a skimmed overview of the sorcerous elements - "That's risky to experiment with on your own, fuzzball, so don't." - but goes way more in depth into mechanical aspects. Droid systems, electronics, how to tie different mechanical elements together...

(She isn't quite as much a trap nerd as she is a speeders-and-lightsabers nerd, but mechanics are mechanics and she's studied all this in thorough depth.)

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!!! Anakin wants to build something!!!

(She'll be good about experimenting. Make sure mama and Elesse can share the fun!)

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"How about we split tomorrow between investigations with Elesse and building with me."

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Bounce! "Okay, mama! You two can work together on the lessons!" Bounce bounce!

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"I'm not sure how much I'll have to contribute..."

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"A lot, I'm sure - you're exceptionally intelligent."

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"Still. Not my area of expertise."

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"We can learn from each other as well, then."

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"That'll be fun."

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"Continue being eternal students of the universe."

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"If we can squeeze that in between deciphering these inscriptions."

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"Just another kind of learning."

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Soft smile.

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(It's working!)

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Elesse then dives in to some of the technical discussion they'd been having before dinner.

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(...Anakin has a bit more trouble following that, but she can entertain herself without needing to follow Elesse and mama's conversation. Elesse and mama should talk.)

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They've definitely got lots to discuss.

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...Though some of it they can save for after Anakin goes to bed.

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...If they want to get her to bed on time, that would be wise, yes.

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She's had a pretty exciting day. Sleeping's good for recovering energy.

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Tiny (exaggerated) pout. "Only if you promise to tell me everything tomorrow," she says. "Like a surprise!" (Anakin is perhaps weirdly consistent about Not Peeking at plans for surprises. Presents absolutely do not get investigated before being opened.)

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"If you really want."

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"I do!"

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"Better get lots of rest then, so you can keep up."

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Definitely exaggerated sigh. "Okay..."

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Her mama laughs and scoops her up. "Your bedtime story should be about traps, then?"

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Giggle! "Yeah!!"

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"Then let's get you tucked in, fuzzball."

And to Elesse, before she leaves: "Do you want to join us?"

(Bedtime is usually Lylí and Anakin's Personal Family Time, but - neither seems defensive of that, right now.)

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"No, I'll- catch up after." (Subtle glance at Salacis.)

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- Knowing smirk.

"I'll see you in a little, then." She resettles Anakin and heads off towards the girl's temporary bedroom.

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"Alone at last..."

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"Yeah, keep laughing. We'll see how long you still feel like doing that."

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"Promises, promises."

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Elesse finds Lyli a couple hours later.

"Anything else tonight?"

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She's long since gotten Anakin to bed.

"I almost though you'd forgotten me," she teases. "But yes, I had some more thoughts..."

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Then they can get some more work done before retiring.

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Elesse (or someone else) might need to remind Lylí when it's time to retire. She's enjoying herself.

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Elesse gets a little swept away herself.

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Hmm.... Nah, they can use the Force. They'll be fine on no sleep. Besides, this is all according to plan.

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Then they won't be interrupted until Anakin wakes up the next morning.

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"Are you guys still talking?" she asks, gleefully.

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"We've been, uh, planning."

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"But you missed bedtime."

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"Yes. It seems we did."

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"Do I need to start tucking you in?"

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"That seems like it would just create more problems."

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"Are you sure?"

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"Who would tuck you in after?"

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"Hmmm... Well, I could tuck in just you. And then sis can tuck in mama."

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"Are you sure she'd be up to the task?"

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"I think she'd get mama to bed eventually."

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"Before breakfast?"

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"I am actually pretty confident she'd get me in a bed right away."

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"I suppose she would, yes." How much rest they'd be getting, on the other hand...

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Suspicious squint.

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"What's for breakfast today then, Anakin?"

Elesse is so good at changing the subject. Smooth. Undetectable.

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...She'll permit it. This time.

And: breakfast! She's cooking of course, and they should use some of the fresh stuff they brought while it's still good...

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Elesse provides assistance as directed.

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Best Elesse.

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Teamwork gets the best results.

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"Mm, that smells good."

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"Elesse and I cooked!"

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"I'm sure it'll be extra tasty, then."

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"You'll have to taste it and let us know."

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"I will do so!"

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Food, then!

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And the verdict... Very good.

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"Gonna be a chef when you grow up?"

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"Nah. I'm just gonna cook for people I like."

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"As long as I'm one of those people."

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"Of course you are, sis." Shoulder bump!

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"So more ruins study today?"

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"Trap study!"

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"Ahhh, trap study. Right."

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"What did you and mama think up?" she asks Elesse.

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Lots of things, over the course of their discussions. Enough to keep Anakin entertained for a day, certainly.

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More, even, since she wants to explore the ruins and generally run around in between. 

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Good, that'll give some slack for further study.

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And exploring! 

Much of which Anakin wants to do unsupervised, as their time at the site stretches out and they learn more about it. She's very taken with all the little nooks and crannies, especially in the lower levels, and feels she's old enough to not be 'babied.'

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Things seem to be safe enough. Anakin should come get Elesse or mama if she runs across anything that feels weird, but otherwise she can go it alone.

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Okay!!! She'll be good! Promise!

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All right. Have fun, then.

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And: exploring! 

Her fascination with the lower levels continues, especially the oddly short lowest levels. The floors here are dirt, which feels weird, and digging in them turns up a lot of little things all the time. Tiny metal circles with designs on them, glass beads, a cup once... So, digging occupies a lot of Anakin's explorations. Careful digging, that won't damage things, using the Force more often than not.

(Anakin's not entirely sure why Elesse doesn't just float the dirt away when digging and then float out everything that isn't dirt from the cloud. Probably there's some wise adult reason. Anakin prefers using the Force, though.)

And on one of those expeditions...

She lifts up a little column of dirt, and before she can separate it, spots an open space under.

She wastes no time in clearing a hole just big enough for her before dropping down into more tunnels.

This is the COOLEST DISCOVERY and Anakin is an INTREPID EXPLORER and also the carvings on the walls (once she gets to the level under the one she dropped into, removing a little hatch to get through) are in so much better condition, the writing even mostly intact. And some of it seems to be labels!

She squints at those, notes where she is while she walks, and goes exploring more.

She watches for traps of course, but doesn't actually find any before she reaches a large circular room with a few decayed chairs and a central raised platform with a table-altar-console-thingy along the side opposite her, and a big glassy screen-window-mural-thingy on the wall on the other side of it, and more table-altar-console-thingies along the outside (Anakin is avoiding making assumptions about the ancient use of raised surfaces, she's pretty sure that's proper archaeological technique).

The raised platform in the middle is, of course, the absolute coolest part, and Anakin skips up to it to examine the table-altar-console-thingy closer. There's a lot of very geometric patterns on it, and some raised bits and then sunken bits that look like you could put something in them...

A quick look around reveals some objects-of-indeterminate-purpose in the (carefully handled) remnants of the chair, one of which is a cool purple crystal whose shape suggests maybe, just maybe, it would fit in one of those slots...

Anakin floats it out from her cloud of chair bits, gently resettles the chair bits exactly where she found them, and grabs it with her hands before her impulse control can reassert itself to tell her not to touch the artifacts. (She has gloves on, though, and Elesse picks up artifacts with her hands. What's the worst that could happen?)


- And then the world goes distinctly weird.

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There's an Elesse, but not her Elesse. This one is older, more worn by the passage of years.


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She looks down in puzzlement at the crystal in her hands, then at the weird hazy blending of the room she'd been in and - wherever old Elesse is - and then back to old Elesse.

...Who's also dressed weirdly. Like pictures of the Jedi Order Elesse showed her that one time, during a lesson on different groups of Force users.

Elesse isn't part of the Order. Anakin knows that. And the Order doesn't have normal families, and Elesse left the Order so she could raise Anakin and work with mama, so - 

" - You're not Elesse," she says nearly immediately, posture and tone moving from surprised to suspicious. 

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"I am not your Elesse, I think. Are you having a vision, young one?"

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"Elesse wouldn't call me that," she says, stubbornly. But - "Maybe? This is only kinda where I was. And Elesse's younger and looks different and is still upstairs with sis." Anakin is very stubbornly assuming they're talking. Definitely. Nothing else. "And mama and Elesse are still in my head. So I don't think I teleported."

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"My Anakin had a vision once, several years ago. Of a baby version of her and a younger Elesse."

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Hmmm. "Elesse raised me with mama."

" - But why are you in the Jedi Order if you have a me? - Are you pretending?" Mama and the handmaidens and Elesse and sis and Anakin pretend lots of stuff is true that isn't, after all. 

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"No, we are not. My Anakin- I didn't raise her."

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"Oh. That's - sad." It is. Anakin loves all her family. And mama and sis love Elesse, too, which makes Elesse not being with them extra sad. "But you have me and mama and sis now?"

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"I don't know if there's a version of your sis here."

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- Squint.

"But there's gotta be." Hmmm. "I think she's had a couple names? Some are secret though. She's got black hair and looks like me but she's actually adopted but that doesn't matter 'cause mama loves her and families come in all shapes and that's also how Elesse's my parent and sis would always be my sis anyways. But she's not also Elesse's kid, just mama's - it'd be weird if she was Elesse's kid too, 'cause she's older than Elesse and they're dating - I heard mama call her Danni once, and Rodanthe calls her," serious frown and then a very complicated string of consonants and vowels not meant to be pronounced by humans, "But sis usually tells people to call her Darth Salacis?"

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"-Darth Salacis?"


Then the world goes wonky again.

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And Anakin stumbles as it returns to normal. 

- Sans weird Elesse.

She stares for a bit at where weird Elesse was, then at the crystal in her hands, then at the table-altar-console-thingy - 

Anakin knows she should go get Elesse or mama. That she promised. She tells herself that, firmly. 

But also she was JUST having a CONVERSATION and she wants to FINISH IT - 

She plugs the crystal into the depression maybe meant for it before she can finish deciding to not do that, thinking very firmly about how she wants to go find the other Elesse.

And then the world goes SUPER wonky. But at least Anakin's expecting it, this time. 

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The entire structure leaps to obey her command, jolting and sliding out of this reality - including the very extensive stretches buried far underground, including everything in it, including everyone in it. Anakin can feel far more than any of the others, a pleased obedient hum in her mind, but - 

Well. They're currently falling through something rather unlike normal reality. It feels like the swirl of power that birthed Anakin. (It feels like potential.)

And then they structure hums and jolts again, landing a short distance outside the villa the Elesse its navigator sought is currently located in. 


From the perspective of everyone on the ship but Anakin: the Force twists dizzily, and then the outside of the temple is very decidedly not what it had been. 

From the perspective of those in the villa: a small step pyramid manifests in a whirlwind of energy several hundred yards away. It's less than a hundred feet tall all told, with tall pillars emerging from its upper layers, and some dirt and roots and grass still clinging to the outside.

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She begins moving even before they reenter real-space, never mind the chaotic screaming blast this causes to her senses - a convenient thing about the dark side is she can use the Force without looking - she disintegrates or cuts through any parts of the temple between her and her daughter, scooping Anakin up and holding her close in the ruddy light of her lit 'saber.

(She's shaking.)

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Elesse is not too far behind her.

"Anakin, what did you do?"

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...Guilty squirm. (As much as she can with mama clinging to her.) "I just - I found some cool stuff and then I saw a weird Elesse in a vision and she said she was from another world and her Anakin had talked to an Elesse from a different world once and we were talking and then she vanished before the conversation finished so I wanted to go find her!"

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"...Well, you're definitely my daughter."

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"We're glad you're okay, Anakin. But we did mean this sort of thing when we said to talk to us first."

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...Squirm. "I knew I was supposed to and I thought about it. I just - acted though."

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"We'll have to work more on that, in the future."

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"For now, though... We should go see where we ended up."

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"I bet near the weird Elesse!"

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...Tiny sigh.

"Why don't you tell us about her on the way, fuzzball?"

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(Yay mama isn't too mad at her.)

"Okay!" And she recounts the entire conversation, short as it was, also pushing her thoughts and memories at Elesse and mama. (Mama's very reserved about sharing parts of her brain that aren't 'love Anakin,' but ever since Elesse started explaining how to keep people from reading her mind, Anakin's been cheerfully trying to do the exact opposite, and mama said she doesn't mind it when Anakin shares thoughts though mama refuses to look at things Anakin doesn't intentionally push unless it's very an emergency.)

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Meanwhile, a different Elesse talks to a different Anakin about what just happened.

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It takes Anakin a few long moments to even begin to formulate a response -

And, before she can finish thinking, the Force nearby twists. She spins towards the window, staring at the sudden pyramid.

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"That seems likely to be them."

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"...Well at least we aren't naked this time?"

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"Every day, we make improvement."

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Tiny smile.

"Let's - intercept them before Vader decides to."

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"Likely wise."

Outside, then.

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She doesn't leave the pyramid right away - instead meeting up with her apprentice and two handmaidens, tersely relaying the situation over their bond - a moment to regroup themselves -

" - Anakin, Elesse's going to take over carrying you now, okay?"

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"I can walk! And jump!"

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Nope. This is Serious Mama Face.

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She lets herself be handed over.

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Hup. Serious encounter time.

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And out through the top of the pyramid - the only entrance they actually currently know about - to see where they've landed.

(She's extinguished her lightsaber and tucked it away. She's still carrying herself like a fighter.)

She spots the two approaching them fairly quickly and jumps down to the lowest step of the pyramid - she leaves it up to the others' judgment on if they stay or follow.

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(Zodí and Kaishrí choose to stay at the pyramid's top, for now - they've been trained in the Force by Shaní, and can follow on their own if needed.)

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Anakin and Elesse are going to hang back for now.

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"Hello. Welcome to our world."

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(...She's pretty sure that woman's an alt of the Chancellor.) (Anakin's hanging back a bit, too, warily, though her gaze keeps tracking up to her younger alt.)

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"Hello." (Her emotions are muted, indiscernible in the Force, her gaze firmly on Elesse.)

"Are you the one my daughter spoke to?"

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"I am the one Anakin visited, yes."

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"...My Elesse had a vision of someone from another world once, years ago."

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"When my Anakin harvested her lightsaber crystal, she had a succession of visions of alternate realities. One such was a younger version of myself, with a baby version of her."

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"That matches my Elesse's experience, then."

A pause. (She's not used to hiding her emotions from Elesse. That makes this... Difficult.)

And her gaze flicks to the local Anakin. 

"It - sounded like I wasn't around to raise my daughter, in your world."

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"She is not your daughter in this world. Nor your counterpart's."

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"There are- many differences between worlds, some surprising."

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"Do you know if there is, or has been, someone named Danni Kim of Naboo in this world? She'd be - in her mid-thirties, I believe."

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"The name is not familiar to me."

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(....Nnng that does not have good implications.)

"Thank you."

"...Is there a local alt of me?"

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"There... is, yes."

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"Who is she?"

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"The Supreme Chancellor of the Republic."

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"There's a good chance she's a Sith, and still aligned with their goals."

"Not guaranteed, but."

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"In contrast to you?"

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"I'm aligned with my daughters."

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"That is good to hear."

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Tiny lip twitch. 

"There's - things I want to investigate, around that."

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"In the spirit of investigation then, might we make proper introduction to the rest of your party?"

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She nods, reaching out mentally to poke her companions about coming down. 

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Elesse would like to. She brings Anakin and herself down.

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She squirms to be set down once they're at ground level. 

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And she joins them on the ground, after helping her handmaidens down. 

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It's just a big ol' alternate universe party, now.

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Less tiny smile. 

And she gestures at her apprentice. "This is Salacis - or, Danni Kim." And to the two handmaidens - "And my handmaidens, Kaishrí and Zodí."

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"Well met."

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" - We do know an alt of you," she says suddenly. " - Of Salacis."

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"Is she cute?"

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Giggle! "Very cute."

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" - Who is she then?"

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Before anyone can answer: 

There's a cascade of fear pain rage protectiveness panic that wells up in the Force from the direction of the villa - 

And a dark figure, her signature a distorted mirror of Anakin's, moving rapidly towards them - focus fully on Darth Sidious. 

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- Who flinches because that's Anakin - who certainly won't figure out to defend herself from the mirror of her daughter in time - 

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But that's why she has help.

It's- not a choice, for Elesse, she doesn't really need to think about it, she just interposes herself between Sidious and dark Anakin, soft yellow lightsaber out and humming.

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And Vader pulls up short, making a wounded noise through the harsh tones of her life support, the whirlwind of negative emotion around her collapsing into just pain.

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The older Elesse moves to intercede, holding up her hands to ward off both parties.

"Let's not do anything irreversible just yet."

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(The handmaidens have fallen back with their Anakin, cortosis blades drawn and blasters loosened in holsters.)

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(Which Anakin is NOT HAPPY ABOUT but she's had emergency retreat drilled into her too much to make any noises about this.)

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Sidious takes a step back.

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"Elesse - "

She sounds almost broken.

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"She is not the one you knew, dear. Nor the one from here."

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Another pained noise.

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The local Anakin steps up next to Vader, puts a hand on her arm - mentally offers her shields and her memories of what's happened so far. 

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She accepts - 

It doesn't help much. 

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- Anakin reaches out to Dalia and Leia.

'We've got more interdimensional visitors. One of them's a younger Palpatine, she says she isn't a Sith anymore - but your mom's having a panic attack. Help???'

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- What.

Still somewhat clumsily: 'Us being there might just stress her out. Can you - tell her to come here? Sit with us, she'll be away and feel like she's protecting us.'

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'There's an alt of Dalia too - not a her though, their Anakin's a small kid - do you think it'd be useful to ask her to go along? I think she'll wanna meet Dalia anyways.'

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'...I don't know.'

"Dalia?" she asks out loud.

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"Dunno. Probably not best to meet her like this..."

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"Yeah. Vader's gonna need - hugs and a locked door."

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'Just mama,' she sends to Anakin.

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And she reaches out to Vader - softly - 'Your daughters want to see you, okay?'

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They're a bit blurry mentally, right now. It's close enough to agreement. 

She starts steering Vader away, sending to her Elesse, 'I'll be right back. I'm getting her settled with Dalia and Leia.'

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'Thank you, dear.'

"I'm sorry," she says to Sidious and the other Elesse. "I should have anticipated that earlier."

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Elesse is slowly coming down from Maximum Alert, slightly surprised to find herself there.

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Deep breaths as she calms down herself, reorients to her body - 

(She's not at all surprised to find she froze, not against Anakin.)

She watches the dark Anakin leave - then signals her handmaidens to stand down.

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They do. (Somewhat.)

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And Anakin darts out from behind them, running to her mama and her Elesse with an upset little hiccup, on the verge of crying. 

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Her mama catches her first, kneeling down to her level and opening her arms towards her daughter. 

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Hug!!! And tiny little upset noises.

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Elesse would like in on this hug action, actually.

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Well, not much trouble for her to sit - and Anakin's the perfect size so Elesse and her mama can both hug her while her mama also hugs Elesse.

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Yeah. That's good.

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(She... Can't be a Sith right now. Can't be tough or strong. She can't.)

She wraps Anakin in her shields, a soft lullaby of I've got you, letting Anakin in a little - and she reaches out to her Elesse.

'Thank you. I'm sorry.'

(Grief, stress, worry. For them, for Elesse, for that dark Anakin, for their Anakin.)

(She knows exactly what sorts of fears Elesse might have. She's been there. She's nearly lost control at someone a lot more helpless and injured than a traumatized adult darksider. She knows what reassurance she'd need.)

'If you ever draw your lightsaber on our Anakin, I'll stop you.'

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'...I don't want you to have to.'

'But thank you.'

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'I know.' Viscerally. Terribly. (Flashes of memory of her first years trying to raise Danni. How hard it was. How it made her want to change.)

(A lot is visible to her Elesse, right now.)

'We can work together. To avoid it.'

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'We will.'

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Tiny flicker of wry amusement. 'From both our ends.'

'I - my alt probably. Hurt that Anakin. From how she - acted.'

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'Badly, too.'

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'...Very badly.'

There are a very limited number of options for 'dark version of Anakin who attacked her on sight,' and most of them involve - 


There's only one person Lylí would attack on sight with that sort of terrified rage. Another two she'd hate the alts of no matter what. 

(Lylí didn't become a mirror of those who raised her. But it was - very close.)

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Tight hug.

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...Comforting as this is, they probably can't do it forever.

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...No, not really. 

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Not least because Anakin starts squirming before too long. 

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Up, then? 

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Hopefully they're feeling better now?

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Anakin is! Mostly. Kinda. 

"Why did that me attack mama?"

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"She was reminded of someone who had hurt her very much."

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"Mama gets scared sometimes. When she's reminded of bad stuff. Usually she goes and hides until she's less scared and then hugs me a lot, though. Is someone hugging the other me?"

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"Yes. Two someones, in fact."

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"Twice the hug!"

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She can go give weird Elesse a hug! 

(...She has feelings about there being more than one Elesse maybe... Weird ones.)

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Elesse is happy to have the hug, in any case.

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...Anakin's had a Big Day and she's kinda tired now. 

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Maybe they can move inside for a nap? If her mothers agree.

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...That's alright, yeah. 

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Into the house, then.

Fortunately, it's large enough that they can avoid the other occupants for now.

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Anakin wants a bedtime story now, though. About how her Elesse met this world's Anakin! 

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...She hesitates a little.

(They've never told Anakin about the circumstances around her birth - in part because that'd probably require either lying to her or admitting that Sidious had taken Elesse prisoner. Anakin is unnervingly good at asking all the right questions.)

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She could tell the story from this world's Anakin's perspective.

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Normally mama does the bedtime stories...

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"You've gotten them from other people before, fuzzball, and I'm not going to know all the fun ones from here. But I'll tell you a story for your real bedtime tonight, okay?"

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Story about Weird Anakin from Weird Elesse then! 

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It's a brave tale, about a young girl exploring a cave of ice seeking the perfect crystal to match her, and the mysterious ways the Force can twist and turn to grant visions of alternate realities.

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Anakin found a crystal too! When she had the vision! And she was bravely exploring a temple! ...Though she should've told mama and Elesse where she was going and what she was doing. That part wasn't brave. 

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Turns out some things are common across dimensions.

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Does Weird Anakin forget to call her Elesse for help too?

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She was supposed to be exploring on her own. She was older than this Anakin, though.

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"I'm getting older!"

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"One year at a time."

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"I'm older every day!"

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"Just slightly, but I suppose it does count."

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"Growing up more every time I turn around."

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"Yeah." Mama hugs! "But you're not missing any of it."

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"Not one bit, fuzzball." Hug, and then - tuck in and forehead kiss. 

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Cozy snuggle. "Night mama. Night 'lesse. Night Weird 'lesse."

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"Good night, Non-weird Anakin."

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She pets Anakin's hair a bit, kisses her forehead again - and gets up to turn off the light. "Sweet dreams."

And out with everyone not napping? (Just outside, though. Anakin gets nightmares sometimes...)

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There is a sitting room nearby enough to hear.

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Works for her.

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"She's a good girl, your daughter."

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"She is." Soft smile. "One of the best."

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"I didn't meet my Anakin until she was nine, and much wilder."

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" - She'd told my Elesse she was raised by Shmi. We'd figured - that Shmi must've taken her in after something happened to me. And Shmi would, if - she was the absolute last option available."

"But - you said this world's Anakin isn't my daughter."

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"Shmi was her biological mother. As far as I know, she and the you of this world had never met."

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" - I met Shmi when she was seventeen. She was a slave of Gardulla the Hutt. Plagueis - the Sith who trained me - had sent me to speak to Gardulla on his behalf, and she pissed me off."

...Tiny smile. "And then Shmi both pissed me off and impressed me. I freed her, and we sowed the seeds of Gardulla's destruction, and she turned her talents to helping me destroy Plagueis."

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"Perhaps that is the seed of the difference between our worlds."

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"...I hope not the only one."

"Shmi - she wasn't at all why I left the path laid out by the Sith before me. She's amoral, and working with her didn't - require I unfuck myself, even if she was good for my ego."

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"It's likely there were others, yes."

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"I only - really turned aside from Plagueis because of Danni. My oldest."

"In retrospect I don't - think he actually objected to the time I spent raising her. I kept up with my obligations to him."

"She - brought out the worst in me sometimes, though. So I - started trying to get control of myself, of my behavior, of my anger."


"And then he tried to force me to kill her."

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"I am so sorry."

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"The joke was on him, in the end."

"I destroyed him and everything he ever stood for or tried to achieve."

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"That's why I want to find out if she ever existed in this world, as - herself."

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"Well, we have a Holonet connection, at least."

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"That should be enough."

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Elesse will offer her a spare datapad, then.

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She works quickly. 

And then: 

"...She never existed here."

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"That... seems a good thing, given that little else changed."

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"...It'd - be a lot worse if she was dead, true."

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"So, small favors."

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"One way to think of it, I suppose."

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"Attitude matters. I prefer the view that enables action."

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"Trust me, I'm not one to wallow when I'm unhappy."

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"I had imagined not, somehow."

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" - It's... Odd, how much you're like my Elesse - and not like her at all in other ways."

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"Base personality versus accumulated life experience, if I had to guess."

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"Probably fairly similar up until I met her."

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"That would have been what, eleven? Twelve?"

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She laughs. "Twelve. Though she was thirteen before what I'd guess was the biggest divergence." Fond - if somewhat awkward and wry - smile over at her Elesse.

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"Life at the Temple was getting boring anyway."

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"You agree I did you nothing but favors, then?"

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"I wouldn't go that far. For one thing, your price was pretty clearly stated up front."

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"You didn't exactly argue with my terms."

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"And what were those?"

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...That is a very awkward thing to be just... Asked. 


And not something they've really - discussed, since. 

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"She... sort of kidnapped me. Faked my death."

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"Only sort of?"

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"Well... Anakin needed someone to protect her."

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"Ah." Elesse nods in understanding.

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" - This was right after she found out I was a Sith. I couldn't risk her revealing me to the Order." Why does she feel uncomfortable and defensive, even distantly. 

"My terms were - effectively that she protect Anakin first, and avoid betraying me second, and that I'd give her more freedom as she proved herself trustworthy."

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"And I suppose that over time, you both simply got used to the arrangement?"

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...Awkward shrug.

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She definitely feels defensive. Unfortunately the Jedi Order don't tend to think 'but I like her and want her to stay' is a legitimate reason for imprisonment.

"The - external factors were obviated five years ago. There's been plenty of opportunity to renegotiate."

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"Opportunity, but not necessarily action." Hum. "Food for thought."

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Dang, hot mom Elesse is kind of quietly vicious, isn't she

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- She wants to present a united front. Doesn't want to say something her Elesse objects to about their relationship. 


She reaches out to her Elesse in the Force - there's no words that summarize this perfectly, but... Fondness, possessiveness, it's none of her business, love, she likes having her Elesse around and wouldn't want to lose that, she doesn't want to harm her Elesse, Elesse is hers and she doesn't appreciate someone else clawing at that - 

'You aren't my prisoner. You - haven't been in years. Not really.' She wants to tell the other Elesse to fuck off. 'We can talk about details again if you want. Boundaries and all.' (But what they have works just fine.)

(This feels... Different from Anakin trying to talk them into getting married. Like - threatening to take something away.)

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'I know.'

'I've just been- comfortable, I guess. Not wanting to upset things, or change from good enough.'

'And probably she guessed that and wants me to acknowledge that to myself or start thinking about it again.'

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'She's really not much like you.' Her Elesse doesn't get Lylí's hackles up like this. Pushes her, sure, but - it's different. 'You're mine. Asking for more won't upset that.' (Possessive isn't always the right word either. Neither is 'mine.' But her Elesse always knows what she means.)

'I'm more than happy with what we have. And - '

She told Shmi what feels like an eternity ago that she's only nice to her enemies. It's not as true now as it was then, but... She's still sometimes bad at asking without demanding. 

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'We'll talk more later on it, how about. When you don't have to spend half your energy hiding that you're talking.'

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Fondness and amusement echo across their connection. 

'Can I tell your alt to fuck off now?'

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"We'll think about it," she says out loud. "But this isn't an immediate problem."

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Her alt inclines her head in acquiescence.

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'Always the polite one.'

(Her emotions get a bit less tightly wrapped up, enough her apprentice and maybe the other Elesse can get a proper read on her.)

She relaxes, a little, and then openly sends a fond look at her Elesse.

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- And the local Anakin catches up to them, ducking into the sitting room after a quick knock.

"Everything going okay?"

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"Not too much fire." She holds her arms to welcome Anakin into her lap.

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And snuggle kiss.

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"As I believe I mentioned, I did not meet my Anakin until much later than you."

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"And all this is - pretty recent." By a certain definition of recent. 

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"Cool, cool."

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" - I'm not judging, just... Surprised." (She'd have absolutely no room to judge given her relationship with her apprentice, especially since she's gotten increasingly comfortable claiming Salacis as her daughter. And she's never stopped believing conventional morality is utterly arbitrary and made up.)

"...Is our Anakin - likely to end up attracted to our Elesse when she's older?" (...She'd trust her Elesse to not hurt her daughter with - that. Even with - the potential for a very fucked up relationship.)

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"...I honestly have no idea."

"I've never been attracted to Shmi - but I can't imagine a world where I would be? And - of the other worlds where I got a real sense of the me and the Elesse's relationship, it was romantic."

"But my Elesse met me when I was nine. So that's really different?"

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"I can't see it happening."

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Nod. "She's - not much like I was at that age, too. Doesn't look like I did of course, but... She feels - like, I know she's my alt? But - I dunno that I'd guess that without the Force or - without already knowing it's a thing."

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"It is a surprising variation."

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"It sounded like you hadn't had a - pleasant childhood."

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"...No. I didn't."

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"I'm sorry."

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Tiny smile. "Thanks."

"Your Anakin is - really happy. It's a good way to be different."

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"Being happy is good!" She leans over to stage-whisper to Anakin. "You wouldn't believe how long it took me to convince her of that."

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"She didn't believe that at first?"

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"Some kind of philosophical objection to the concept, best I can figure."

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"An objection to spoiling you, more like," she says, lightly. (Definitely not showing any of her internal screaming about how her weak points are still being jabbed at.)

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"A little denial is good for you, squirt. Practice delaying gratification." (There now the conversation isn't about her trauma, and she didn't even have to sneakily wake up Anakin to achieve that.)

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"Delayed is my least favorite kind of gratification."

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"But it's such a good look on you."

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"Please don't embarrass me in front of the cute new girl."

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"I'd say I'm more giving her ideas than embarrassing you."

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"Could be both."

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"That's not better!" Mostly.

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"So you don't want to hear my new ideas?"

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"Let's talk later. In private."

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"We can give you that privacy now, how about."

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Kiss! "Have fun, squirt." And out with her and her Elesse? (They can go curl up in their Anakin's room. There's a couch there, and - Lyli wants to keep an eye on her daughter, right now.)

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That works.

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She doesn't quite snuggle or lean into Elesse, but - she does sit close, and her emotions get a bit easier to read, especially as her handmaidens quietly take up positions on the other side of Anakin's bed.

(She's tired. Stressed. Reminded of - previous negative experiences. Having to grapple with the idea of an alt who - might have never escaped the horrible path she used to be on. Having to grapple with Elesse and Anakin's alts, and - how some part of her wants to trust them because of who they resemble, and some part of her absolutely does not.)

'...Did you want to talk?'

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'Do you?'

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'...I don't know.'

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'The other Elesse really upset you.'

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'...Maybe. I suppose.'

She absolutely did.

' - Do you think I've treated you - unfairly?'

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'At the start... probably. You were manipulating me from the beginning, weren't you?'

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'Yes. Your investigation was - entirely manipulation, of course. I was trying to wield the Jedi against Plagueis. But - you drew my attention during it. During that first meeting you had with Ravri, actually - you reacted to me nudging her through our bond. I've pulled that in front of Jedi High Councilors - and in front of Plagueis - and not had them notice. After that, and personally - it's hard to say? I - manipulate everyone who isn't mine.'

'But I liked you genuinely, and found you interesting, and - you were useful, which meant it was safe to be interested.'


'I stopped after Anakin's birth.'

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'Mm. That's- good.'

'I don't... dislike where we've ended up? So.. I won't hate you for that. I wouldn't trade Anakin for anything.'

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There's a lot in her head, right now. Complicated things. Vicious old wounds - old memories and older fears.

' - I want you to like me.'

'I think - that's what I wanted then, too. I wouldn't have allowed you to accompany me to Naboo when I was giving birth if - if I didn't like you. It was too big a risk.'

'Though sometimes it feels like I'm manipulating myself too, and - it was hard to have goals that weren't destroying Plagueis, back then.'

'But I - I like you more than just as Anakin's co-parent. I wasn't - trying to make you into her bodyguard before. That - didn't even consciously occur to me, I don't think, until I saw you defending her?'


'I think I just... Wanted to keep you.'

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'You'd make a terrible Jedi.'

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'It's a good thing I have you then, isn't it?'

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'I'm not such a great Jedi myself, at this point.'

'I think that's a lot of the difference between me and the other Elesse. She is a Jedi. It's like... she's been polished smooth on some surfaces, where I'm still sharp.'

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'You and I are both terrible Sith, too, so it balances out.'

'And I like your sharp edges.'

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'So - what she said upset me because - I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to have hurt you?'

'And - I have some uncertainty sometimes about our relationship. And it felt like she was - prying at it in a way that might - lead to her trying to take you away.' Or, technically, offer an escape route where Elesse can get what she wants without involving Lyli.

(She doesn't trust people who aren't hers. Everyone else - she has a pretty well-defined relationship with. Her handmaidens are her, for every purpose that matters. Shmi feels - like another self occupying the same body, sometimes, or like another matriarch who's interwoven her clan with Palpatine's. Like they share most of the handmaidens, and share the same interests and goals. Salacis is her apprentice, her daughter, her lover - and there's an oath between them. Maul is her sworn apprentice, her handmaiden, her knife - she misses him like a limb right now, but he'll be able to hold the world together for their return. And Anakin's her daughter, of course.)

(She - isn't always sure what she has with Elesse. She trusts Elesse. She likes her, wants to keep her - wants to be liked in return.)

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'I wouldn't leave you. You're family, as much as Anakin is.'

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'I love you.'

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A hug seems appropriate, at this point.

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Probably is. (Hug!)

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'Love you too.'

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Small giggle.

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'Is there anything you want that's - more than what we've had?'

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'Not right now, I don't think.'

'We should do this hugging thing more often, though.'

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'Agree. You're very good at hugs.'

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'Anakin makes sure I stay in practice.'

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'I think she'd appreciate more tandem hugs, though - just us is nice.'

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'It is.'

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Demonstrative snuggle!

'Snuggling during our talks sounds pleasant, too.'

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'Anakin would have a field day if she saw that.'

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'She'd take it as proof her plans to convince us to get married are working.'

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'Don't want to encourage her too much with that.'

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'On the other hand... I wouldn't want to avoid this just because it might encourage her.'

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'A careful balance to walk.'

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'Maybe we can convince her that giving us some space is more helpful.'

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'Get a babysitter for her explorations of this new world?'

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'An excellent idea.'

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'I have those sometimes.'

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'Pretty often, even.'

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'I'd even say usually.'

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'Far be it from me to dispute that.'

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'Better to not argue with wisdom.'

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Cozy squeeze.

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'Any other business to take care of while we're wrapped up?'

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'...I'm not sure.'

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'Well, I guess we have until Anakin wakes up, so... Let me know?'

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'I will.'

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And Anakin wakes up pretty soon after.

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Elesse and Lyli are definitely just sitting on the same couch. Not hugging at all. Nope.

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Stretch! "Did I miss anything?" she asks, sleepily.

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"Nope. We put everything on hold, just for you."

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"Good!" She gets up and works on straightening her clothes and the bed. "Where's sis?"

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"Talking with weird Elesse and the other Anakin, last I saw."

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"It's - really weird there's two you's."

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"Yeah, tell me about it, kiddo."

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"You're - my Elesse. And the other isn't. So it's really weird calling you both Elesse."

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"I see."

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"Can I call you mom?"

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"...If you want to."

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" - Would it bother you?" Awkward squirm.

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"I think I'd like it, actually."

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"Good." Hug! "Thanks - mom."

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"You're welcome, Anakin."

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Smug giggle!

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She steps up to join the hug.

"'Anakin's mom' fits you well."

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"It's kind of what I do."

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"You're family."

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Family hugs!!!

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The best kind.

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"Want to go see what everyone else's been up to?"

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Time to go hunt some people down, then.

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The sitting room outside their room seems to have been abandoned. 

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(Salacis was very efficient about convincing the otherworld alts to move the scene.)

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Not that the local Anakin was a hard sell.

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"Good to see Anakins don't lose the appetite for mischief as they grow up," she teases.

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"I wouldn't be me anymore if I did."

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"Being you's worth keeping."

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"Very much so."

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"So tell me about your life. I'm dying to know how things changed without my magnificent existence brightening the galaxy."

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Giggle! "It's probably been darker," she teases. 

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" - Like, I grew up a slave. And there's - a lot of evidence the alt of your Master here is really, really evil."

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"I'm sorry."

"I- could see that, maybe. She has- had, really, she's gotten a lot better- a bad habit of losing perspective, sometimes."

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Slow nod. "I don't actually know her? But - that's what hit the set from - a third world. That dark version of me - she's got a you with her actually, her own daughter, and a second daughter we haven't met any alts of..."

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"Must have had... a lot of time to lose herself."

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"Yeah. It got - bad. And the first really, really bad parts - weren't very far in the future of our time."

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"I hope we can help stop them."

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"We're working on it. And - we'd really appreciate the help, especially if your Master's past lines up with her alt's..."

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"Seems like it does, to an extent. And she can probably make some pretty good guesses about the differences anyway."

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"...She seemed to have a really good model right off the bat, yeah..."

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"She's always good at people."

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"A really useful skill right now."

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Nodnod. "Yeah."

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"It's - really good you guys are doing okay. And that you came here."

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"Definitely seems to be fortuitous, so far."

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Grin. "Brought us new opportunities."

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"New friends."

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"New people to get to know."

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"New girls to kiss."

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Very kiss - and it turns out Anakin can be pushy when she wants. 

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Salacis finds pushy very agreeable.

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Good, because Anakin wants to put on a little show for her Elesse...

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Fine by her. She loves being the center of attention.

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She's very captivating. 

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It's good that Anakin is having fun.

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So long as Elesse is...

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She is quite enjoying the show, yes.

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Elesse should reward her (with torture) if Anakin's doing well (at torture).

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Let's see how well she does at torture while her breath is being restricted.

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('Even more desperate to please,' apparently. Though she's struggling a little at the actual mechanics...)

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Salacis takes Anakin's difficulties as her cue to attempt to turn the tables.

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Hmmm... Nope. 

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It was worth a shot.

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Seems like Salacis is asking for some extra attention too.

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Perhaps Elesse can show Anakin a few tricks...

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Just because she's graduated doesn't mean there's nothing more teach.

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She's in fact graduated into an entire new set of fields. 

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Salacis can live with being a lab assistant for a grad student.

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She's very good at it. Such a pretty little experimental subject...

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Responsive to stimuli, vocal with feedback...

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Very flexible... Shows off marks exceptionally well...

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It's official. She's just the best.

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Of course, they still need to test her durability and endurance...

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Yes, they should be thorough.

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Leave nothing unexplored.

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Is she at least gonna get coauthor credit here?

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Well, of course. Jedi don't steal credit. 

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Though they'll need to repeat their tests a few times to get anything really significant...

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Though they may not have time for all of that. It seems the small one has woken up, and they are now being sought out.

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They can revisit the topic later.

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Sounds like a solid plan.

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For now, though: figuring out where their clothing went...

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Elesse has been keeping track.

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She's excellent like that.

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"Is everyone decent?" Elesse calls from outside.

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Last tug on her shirt and a quick visual check - "Yes!"

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"Oh good."

In they come.

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"Having fun without us?"

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"I'm doing outreach diplomacy."

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...Suspicious squint.

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"Making friends," she clarifies.

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...Uh huh.

"I know you do sex stuff with mom and mama," she accuses, with the greatly put upon tone of a child whose parents once briefly forgot she's telepathic, and whose older sister still keeps acting like she's a baby (and who was raised with an odd cultural mix of Naboo's polite frankness at home and a vague coddling prudishness out in the wider settlement). 

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"Well, I wasn't sure how much you wanted to continue knowing."

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...Hrm. That's a very tough question.

"No details. But I'm not a baby."

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"Then I was making friends through sex stuff."

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...Yeah she technically asked for that. 

- And then another suspicious squint. "With the other me?"

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"The other you and the weird Elesse."

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"You and the other me is okay, but other me and other Elesse is weird," she says, grumpily. 

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"Live and let live, little sis."

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Grouch. "I know."

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Salacis leans over to ruffle her hair.

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She ruffles her Anakin's hair - and then pulls her Salacis in for a quick kiss. "I'm glad you're making friends, squirt."

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"It's what I do."

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"One of your absolute best skills."

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Fond kiss.

Then, to Elesse: " Oh - I do also want to help out while I'm here, with the problems facing - the various Anakins. As much as I can."

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"We would appreciate that. Your- alt is, I think, the most pressing of those."

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" - Yeah. And the most likely to - adapt to us if we don't move quickly enough."

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"What resources or information do you require?"

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"Resources - access to the HoloNet for now, and possibly to the Jedi archives. Information - a pretty broad spread of history going back a few decades. Who's in the Senate, who's in power in certain areas, what the movement of people is... And if my alt has handmaidens, holos of them. Holos of my alt interacting with people, too. Recordings of speeches and events and the like. In the longer term - I'll need an identity here, and introductions to various people."

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"All obtainable. I will have to speak to some contacts about setting up an identity, but it will happen."

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"Thank you."

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"We can begin now, if you are ready?"

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"I am."

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(...Anakin thinks she wants to go explore - alone - instead of sit through this.)

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That's fair. But she's not going anywhere alone any time soon. Not until she earns back the trust she broke by not getting someone before touching the temple artifact. If she wants to go back to the room and stay there, that's fine, but Elesse or one of the handmaidens will be outside and will accompany her to go elsewhere.

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She's now starting to move from 'vaguely grouchy and withdrawn' to 'kinda upset.' "But I go to the city and the forest and everything alone all the time! I won't touch things again!"

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"We're not at the city or the forest right now, Anakin."

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"But - "

Frustrated noise. 

"I'm sorry I touched the thing. But that's not fair!"

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"It is a proportionate response."

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"No it isn't!" She's tearing up. "I touched one thing! I didn't attack anyone or anything!"

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Deep breath.

"I want to make sure the same situation can't happen again, until we have a chance go over everything in more depth. And to me, your mama feels like she'd feel safer if she had that assurance about where you are and what you are doing. "

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She turns a very betrayed look on her mama.

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"I would. I'm - worried about you getting hurt."

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"I just want to be alone." Her voice cracks a little. 

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...Oh no. 

"I - can't actually refuse you that, love. You - you have the right to be alone when you want, and I don't want to deny you it or hurt you." Well, she doesn't want that endorsedly.

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"I don't want you to be worried."

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"Would - check ins be alone enough? Let me know you're doing okay maybe - every thirty minutes? And I'll try not to look for where you are or what you're feeling. And if you don't reach out, I'll reach out to you, and if you don't respond I'll come find you. And I'll come find you if something seems - wrong during a check in."

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She bites her lip and thinks. Then - "That's okay, I think."

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She glances at her Elesse. "Does that work for you, too?"

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"I think it does."

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"Thanks." Hugs?

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(Crisis averted.)

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Hugs as well. 

"Stay safe, fuzzball."

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"I will, mama!" And off! (To find a small, hidden nook to curl up and have emotions in.)

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"Thanks," she says to Lyli.

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"Helping you and Anakin's what I'm here for," she says, a bit awkwardly. And then - "It... Helps, I think, that I've had a kid her age before." Tiny wry smile at Salacis. "She's practically easy mode in comparison."

Pause. "But - stuff's going to get harder now... She's stressed."

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"Understandably so," Elesse agrees.

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" - And, uh, it might be a while before it comes up if ever, but - "

"I - struggled a lot with mental illness. Still do. And I - don't know how much will carry over to her. So it's... Something you'll want to watch for."

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"Thank you for letting us know."

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Nod. "It's not really as urgent as - all this - but I can also just... Describe the problems I've had at some point? So you know what to watch for."

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"If you don't mind."

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"I don't."

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"Our Anakin might benefit from hearing it, too."

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"...Yeah. She probably would."

"So - later."

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And now -

Dealing with Lyli's own alt, or at least laying the foundations. 

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The foundations of such an enterprise deserve great care.

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More than. 

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Meanwhile - 

Anakin calms down over time (though the check ins are kind of distracting from Having Emotions), and more than that gets bored over time. 

She doesn't want to seek her group back out, though, or go back to her room, or even actually explore. She's still Having Emotions, just... They're kind of simmery. Cloudy. All hovering around her, hard to grasp or think about. 


So - she goes to seek out her dark alt, the sad one that tried to attack mama. 

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"Hey, it's little Anakin."

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...Squint. " - You're a my sis," she says.

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"That'd be the hot young dangerous one, right? I think the resemblance is pretty good."

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"You're definitely a my sis."

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"Good to have that confirmed. My name's Dalia. This is mama," pat pat, "and my sis, Leia."

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She squints a little at Leia. "I haven't met a you before." To Dalia: "Is she a good sis?"

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"One of the best, for sure."

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"Then we should find a her for me and my sis."

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"Once we figure out how to move universes easily."

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"The temple thing I used was pretty easy! Though I dunno if it'll work a second time or how easy it is to aim or if mom and mama will let me..."

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"Yeah, that's all stuff that we gotta figure out."

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"Are you guys from another universe too?"

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"Yeah. Mama was the one who figured out how to get us here."

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"Me's are very smart."

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"Very smart and very good."

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Then, more solemnly: "But... I wanted to know why your me was mad at mama." She glances at her alt.

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"Oh. Um."

"The version of your mama we knew was... not good."

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"What'd she do?"

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Dalia bites her lip and looks at Vader.

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"...Tell her," she says, voice tight and pained.

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"Mama's my- biological mother. She gave birth to me and Leia. Your mama's alt- uh, let's call her the Empress for clarity- The Empress wanted to keep mama for herself. Control her. So mama hid her babies away and made herself forget about us. But the Empress managed to find me anyway, and told me I was her daughter, even though I wasn't at all, really. And I didn't realize this, but just by having me there, the Empress was kind of threatening mama? Like, 'behave or your kid will get hurt'. And that was not good for a long time, and there was other stuff too."

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Frown. "Why would the Empress do that?"

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"I don't know."

"She liked controlling people, I guess. Playing games with them."

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"I don't think mama tries to control me..."

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"She seems like she's nicer than the Empress."

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" - Did you meet her?"

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"Just what we've sensed so far."

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"Mama's really nice. But - she says her alts are evil."

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Sad noise.

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"This must be hard for you."

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"...It is, yeah."

"I'm scared."

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"Scared of what?"

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"...Mom's alt is dating a me and mama's alts are evil and the Empress really hurt her me."

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"That's just a lot of stuff all at once, huh?"

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Pat pat. "Sorry."

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"Isn't something you did."

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"No, but it still sucks you gotta experience it."

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"Yeah. It does."

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Hug hug.

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And then, a bit later - Anakin forgets to check in.

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'Doing okay, fuzzball?'

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' - That did not sound reassuring.'

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'What's wrong, love?'

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She just - opens a bit of her mind. Pushes weird sis hugging her, and her being kinda upset in general at mama. Tries not to push much else, but, it's pretty clear she's been talking to Vader and this has made her sad.

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'Is it alright if I come get you?'

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She's tired, so - she just mentally pokes weird sis. 'Mama's worried and wants to come check on me.'

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'Mmmmight be better if we went to her instead.'

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'Can you carry me?'

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'Of course.'

She'll quickly explain where they're going to Mama and Leia.

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She curls up in on herself a bit.

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"...Be careful."

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"I'm always careful. Back before you know it, promise."

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Hug, and kiss.

"I'll hold you to that."

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"See you in a bit."

And off with little Anakin.

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Lyli's waiting just outside their part of the villa.

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"Hey," she calls.

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"I - "

"Thanks for looking after my daughter."

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"She's a good kid."

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She wiggles to be put down, speaking of.

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Down, then.

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And mama hugs!

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Fuzzball hugs!

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"I'm Dalia."

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"I'm Lyli, Anakin's mother."

Then, hesitantly: "I - know my alt hurt your mother."

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"Yeah. Um."

"I can- tell you're not her, though."

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"Did she hurt you, too?"

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"Mm. Didn't realize for a long time, though."

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"That can - hit harder than other kinds of hurt, sometimes."

"I'm - sorry she did that to you."

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"There's a version of you in my world - Danni Kim, my apprentice Salacis, Anakin's sis. She was - one of the two best things to ever happen to me."

"If my alt hurt you, she - "

"I'm sorry she was so blind."

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Tight hug. 

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Anakin joins the hug, too.

Then - 

"Mama says she realized she was doing wrong things when she had my sis. Just - "

"Why can't the other mamas realize that, too? We could tell them. We shouldn't - hurt them."

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"That'd be nice."

"But sometimes people- don't listen for so long, they forget how. Or why they should."

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"Then we remind them."

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Lyli kneels in front of Anakin, putting a hand on her shoulder. 

"Where they've gone... It's a dark path into a trackless wilderness. I - was able to turn back, but it took years, and I did a lot of wrong things on the way."

"They've walked farther down than I've ever gone, but, love - "

"I know you think it isn't impossible for them to return. And - maybe that's true."

"But they're unlikely to want to return, and convincing them, leading them back - that would take a very, very long time, and we wouldn't be able to stop them from hurting more people on the way. Including alts of you, your sis, and Elesse. Including themselves."

"I'm sorry,  love, but - that's not a price I'm willing to pay."

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No words, only hugs.

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Tight hugs.

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Finding out how much some things suck is the absolute worst part of growing up.

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Anakin definitely agrees.

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Hair pets for her daughter. 

"Want help setting up a blanket fort, fuzzball?"

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She perks up a lot. "Yeah!" And then, in a conspiratorial aside to Dalia: "Mama makes the best blanket forts. But don't tell mom I said that."

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"Blanket forts are serious business, huh?"

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"They are."

"Wanna help?"

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"Sure! I just gotta check in with Leia first."

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"Where should I meet you?"

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There's a pretty good den in the villa...

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Sounds like a plan.

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"Then we'll see you there."

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She goes back to her family to report.

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Of Lyli: "...Do you think she's possibly - hiding being also evil?"

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"...The Empress never built blanket forts with me."

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"If she was - showing off for us - but it sounded like her daughter expected that."

"And - I dunno. I don't think that'd be needed to just - get people to like her, especially in her home universe."

(They are very much not having this conversation in front of Vader.)

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"There's- more efficient ways to do that."

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"And ones with other benefits..."

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"So she at least cares about her Anakin."

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"No guarantee she cares about anyone else, but - "

"That's a lot better than the Empress."

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"I think we can give her a chance, at least."

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"Though - a bit of wariness won't hurt."

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"I'll try to keep that in mind."

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"I can keep up the bulk of the helpful paranoia, though."

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"Taking advantage of our respective strengths."

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"Yep." Kiss!

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"I've got a fort to raid now."

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"Good luck."

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And off she goes.

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Lyli and her daughter have gotten pretty far with their blanket fort - a complicated thing involving two tables, three ottomans, one mattress, five couch cushions, an entire plethora of pillows, and a very impressive number of blankets. It's got a tower built up from one of the tables, and Lyli is apparently currently testing a third table for sturdiness.

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"You don't think small, huh?"

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"I've always been ambitious."

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Anakin finishes erecting a pillowcase flag on a floor lamp and laughs. "Told you mama's the best blanket fort helper."

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"Looks like it. What's the plan for the rest of it?"

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Excited Architecture of Softs ramble time! Anakin has so many opinions about how to design and decorate spaces, and her mama is so very much indulging her. (The blanket fort needs a library still, is a big one, and a proper access tunnel...)

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Dalia doesn't have much experience, but she's perfectly capable of following directions!

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Good, because Anakin can get pretty bossy.

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As long as all her ideas are hanging together.

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Does she listen when that gets pointed out?

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That's better than nothing. Maybe something to work on.

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"Yeah, I know." Shrug. "But now's for blanket forts, not working."

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"Fair enough. Back to blanket forts. I do think we need to address the structural integrity of the gatehouse, it's too vulnerable to a well-aimed pillow."

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Serious nod!

They'll need to brace it somehow...

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Maybe swap the chair here and stretch this bit out further, tip the ottoman on its side...

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Complicates her interior design a little... But she's up to the challenge. 

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And soon cozy and secure! 

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"This is my first time building a fort with other people, you know."

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" - Really?"

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"Yeah. Didn't really have the chance to before."

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"Your parents didn't?"

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...Oh no now she's sad again. 

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"Then you'll need to join us for a lot more forts."

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She perks up a tiny bit. 

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"I suppose I will."

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They'll have to make this fort even better if it's Dalia's first!

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Doesn't seem like there's a whole lot of room left for improvement...

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"Forts are better when there's more people in them."

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"So we need to go recruiting."

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"Inviting, right."

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"We should start with my you!"

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"Sounds like a great idea."

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'Little sis!'

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'We made a blanket fort! Me and mama and other you.'

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'Is it a good one?'

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'Come see for yourself.'

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'Where're you at, fuzzy?'

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Location! 'And I'm not fuzzy!'

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'Guess I'm picking up bad habits from your mama. I'm on my way.'

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'Growing up to be your parent?' 

'And see you!'

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'It happens to the best of us.'

And presently, Salacis arrives at the fort.

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"What's the password?"

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"Since it's you asking, I'm gonna guess it's not 'fuzzball'."

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"Definitely not!"

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"What about... big sis?"

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Hum. "Not quite."

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"Weird sis?"

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"Hmmmmm. This is a tough one..."

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"Do you need a password hint?"

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"I think I do."

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"A true statement about me."

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"Cute sis."

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She steps aside and opens the gate. "Welcome to Blanket Fort Palpatine!"

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"Thank you, gracious host."

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"Have you met the other you yet?"

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"Nope! Is she as pretty as I am?"

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"Maybe even prettier."

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Dramatic gasp!!

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Mischievous giggle! 

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"Want to give me an introduction, then?"

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"Yeah!" She leads her sis through the blanket maze to Dalia. "Other sis! My sis is here!"

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Oh no she's hot


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"Hey yourself."

It's like looking in a younger, cuter mirror

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"Sis is very good at the Force," she tells Dalia, excitedly. "Bet she could help teach you a lot!"

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"Yeah, I bet she has a lot to teach me."

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But for now: blankets! 

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"Who should we invite next?"

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"Don't you have a sister?" she asks Dalia.

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Nodnod. "Yeah. I can ask..."

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"She's staying with your mama, right?" Thoughtful frown. "Your mama should get blankets, but she doesn't like my mama..."

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"I don't wanna leave her alone, either."

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...This is hard.

"I want my mama here."

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"We could get the Elesses and the other Anakin instead?"

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"Want to call them?"

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And: reaching out about blanket fort!

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They're amenable to joining the party.

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Good! Blanket forts are for much snuggling.


Silently, to her sis and other sis - 'We should get mom and mama to snuggle.' And since other sis doesn't know about The Plan: 'They haven't realized they should get married yet.'

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Dalia is only moderately good at concealing her reaction.

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Quizzical headtilt. 'Is it weird they haven't noticed?'

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'Super weird. They'd be perfect for each other.'

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'They would!!!'

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'I am one hundred percent on board with making them realize this.'

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Another ally. Excellent. 

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Then... let the machinations commence.

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They'll need to be sneaky...

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Fortunately, with three people working together, there's lots of ways to distract and deflect suspicion.

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Possibly not enough to deflect it all the way, though. 

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One thing the combined powers of Anakin and Salacis can't reach is subtlety, really.

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Then the question becomes what they should do about the trap now that they see it coming...

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The traditional wisdom is to spring the trap, but she's not sure turning it back on them would be a successful strategy.

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Dumping Dalia in Salacis's lap might distract them, though...

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Two out of three, anyway.

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Anakin's easier to handle on her own. 

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Sounds like the start of a plan, then.

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Now they only need a how...

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There's plenty of confusion going around as the precise cuddle order gets settled. Lots of opportunity.

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Especially for two clever women like them. 

Makes it nearly trivial, really, to trip Dalia into Salacis's lap...

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Oh well, not the worst outcome.

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(Two down, one to go.)

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Certainly too much to hope for that she'll give up here.

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Elesse doesn't think they can outsmart one seven year old? 

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Anakin's stubborn.

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A good point...

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So they'll have to get tactical.

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Unfortunately Elesse and Anakin's alts might not be much help...

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Could be distractions, at least.

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Of a sort.

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Close enough. 

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(This might not work out quite how they think, but Elesse sees no reason to distract them with this information. They seem to be having some fun with it.)

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Anakin does some suspicious squinting about being distracted by the weird her and weird Elesse.

Then, solemnly: "Are my parents getting a babysitter?"

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"That is not an inaccurate description of the situation."

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"Going to let them enjoy their delusions for now?"

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"I'll point it out later."

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"Fair enough."

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"I'll let them have their alone time now."

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Meanwhile, other parties also consider themselves to be successful.

"I think we did it."

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"We've certainly redirected everyone..."

(They're still in the blanket fort, of course, in one of the 'rooms' - just big enough for them both sitting down, with enough separation from the others they can afford to whisper and not get caught.)

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"Which was the goal, right?"

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"For today."

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"We can sort out tomorrow when it gets here."

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She leans slightly against Lyli. "We can relax for now, though."

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She leans in more - body language silently asking if Elesse would like to cuddle properly. 

"Relaxing sounds nice."

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And cuddles.

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Very nice. 

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They can probably spend a good while like this...

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Forget about being shunted to a new universe for a bit.

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Sounds just perfect to her. 

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Elesse should maybe use this time to introspect about some things about their relationship. But she's feeling warm and cozy and they're supposed to be relaxing, so she doesn't really want to. She can do it later. Maybe. She'll just exist in the moment for now, until they get interrupted.

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It's the same for her. Serious thinking is stressful, after all.

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No thoughts, only cuddles.

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Cuddles are nice - and that's a lovely look on Elesse's face -

And so, somewhere amid all the moments she's finally letting herself just live in, without thinking or worrying or plotting - 

Lyli's hand rises to cup Elesse's cheek, almost of its own accord - 

And she brushes her lips across Elesse's.

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Uh what-

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Well okay if this is going to happen, Elesse wants a proper kiss.

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She can certainly provide that!

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Good. Elesse does have standards, you know.

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She wouldn't have it any other way. 

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Everything seems right with the world. 


Briefly, at least. 

They don't even get enough warning to pull apart - to stop kissing - before the Force twists in the air around them.