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Tourist attractions
Serg is the prince for a Sleeping Beauty
Permalink Mark Unread

There are places in the world that are not recommended for tourists.

This city is well placed at a spot several major rivers flow out into the sea, built on the coast and stretching out to the hundreds of small nearby islands with a network of spiderweb-like bridges. The weather is temperate and calm, and this part of the coast rarely sees large storms or hurricanes. On one of the larger islands, a tall castle stretches up towards the sky, striking and dramatic against the horizon. Lush green ivy climbs delicately up its shining white walls, contrasting well with the red-orange of the tiled roof that caps its spires. It would be picturesque, but for the long and glittering silver thorns poking out from the ivy, the pale and thin scars of claws that scratch down the white brick, the crumbling, abandoned ruins of the city that once surrounded it.

But really, the major sticking point for why it's not a good destination for tourists, even getting past the deadly monsters, is that an hour spent inside the borders of the cursed city might become a week, a month, or even a year or two on the outside.

Spend longer, and there's no telling how long it could be.

Permalink Mark Unread



Honestly, disappearing from the entire world for several years sounds really good right now. It's been that kind of day.

The man who walks up to the wall of tangled black brambles that guards the northern edge of the city is tall and well-dressed, with a very fancy-looking sword on his back. He looks like he is probably some sort of prince, except that there is no crown to be seen, and he definitely dresses like the sort of person who would wear a crown if he had claim to one.

He glares at the wall of thorns. The part of the wall directly in front of him bursts into white-hot flame.

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The part of the wall directly in front of him is obligingly incinerated.

The brambles near it stir, then begin twisting and regrowing to mend the broken hole in the thorny wall. Not fast enough to stop someone from walking through, but fast enough that the wall should be back to its properly ominous and bethorned state within a few minutes.

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He spreads out the fire ten feet to either side and keeps it going for several more seconds, until he can feel the edges of the magic start to spark and fray, the first warning signs of a spell about to escape the caster's control. Then he walks through the gap, letting the fire dissipate only after he's all the way through the wall.

The smell of stray magic lingers in the air, a subtle undercurrent mostly drowned out by the much stronger smell of burning brambles. There is nothing in the world quite like the smell of magic going wild, but he's heard it described as 'honeyed thunderstorms' and that sounded almost right.

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Those brambles are so on fire. That'll teach them not to exist where Siran is looking.

The ruined city awaits. Buildings have buckled and sunk into the soft ground at odd angles, the once cramped streets now strange and claustrophobic. Past the smell of wild magic and burning brambles is the faint and subtle sickly sweet smell of rot that drifts on the air, like fermented fruit. Magic that went wild long ago, and lingers long past its time. The street is more green mold than paving stones, and like the urban landscape, buckles and twists upon itself. Barbed silver thorns glint out from beneath the green-grey mold. There are probably more hidden within the mold itself. He'll have to watch his step.

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Ugh. He may have fucked up pretty badly but at least he's pretty confident the entire world is not going to smell like stewed spellfray a thousand years later. Who did this, and what the hell were they playing at?

He shouldn't use fire again so soon. Something else. The street freezes over, trapping the thorns under ice for as far as he can see them in every direction.

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The path is summarily frozen.

In the distance, the too-tall castle stands out against the horizon, the most obvious place for where the curse was born. But it's a long way away, through twisted and buckling streets. Maybe it would be best to leave it alone.

There's a faint hissing sound, to his right. A small muddy creature pokes its head out from under a collapsed balcony, snarling with a mouth full of spine-like teeth.

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He glares at it.

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It does not have a very good sense of self preservation, and leaps at him accordingly.

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He draws his sword. Doesn't even bother with magic. Not that the sword is perfectly mundane; its edge seems to ripple and waver, mirage-like, in the slanting afternoon light. Faint threads of power trail from the blade like ghostly smoke.

The effect when it goes through the creature is... messy.

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The nearby architecture kind of needed another coat of paint, anyway. He's just doing his civil service.

There's some more hissing from a right-wards direction, but nothing else jumps out at him. Maybe they have a better self preservation instinct, or something.

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Maybe so.

He keeps walking. The sword stays out.

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That turns out to be a good idea.

The small muddy creatures apparently started collaborating, because now there's a swarm of them. Ten, maybe fifteen, leaping at him with unnatural speed from all around him. All at once.

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He catches about half of them with one swing of his sword, spraying several more buildings with a fine mist of ex-creature in the process; but this still leaves a half-dozen creatures unimpeded, and he does not have time for a second swing.

Somehow he's not worried.

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Half a dozen of the creatures attempt to see if he's part of a balanced breakfast.

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They all get at least one bite in, and some manage two, before he growls and bursts into flame. The creatures are incinerated. When the flames die down, the unsettling aura around his sword is just a tiny bit brighter.

Also he's bleeding. Kind of a lot.

He starts walking again. The bite marks heal over with visible speed. They'll probably be gone in half a minute or less.

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Nothing attacks him in that half a minute. This precedent will probably not hold.

The ice is definitely helping with the ground spikes, but not quite obviating them entirely. When he steps on a particularly buckled bit of street, it crumbles under his weight, sending his foot right into one of those silver spikes.

It slices through his boot as if there were no boot present, and it burns like it's coated with acid.

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He snarls.

It hurts enough that he has trouble concentrating, which makes this a spectacularly bad time to do magic; he puts his sword away and grits his teeth and carefully disentangles himself from the thorn.

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How careful is he being, really? Is he very, very careful? The ground is so slippery from the ice, and some of the thorns are hidden...

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He is being very fucking careful, but ice and blood aren't the best combination, and he is not at his best. He falls again, landing hard on the section of street right next to the one that got him the first time.

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A thorn would like to say hello!

This one is barbed.

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Yeah well Siran would like to -

No he would not like to set it on fire, this is such a bad time to start throwing fire around, so soon after the last couple times and when he let the first one start to get a little wild and when he can barely think straight with pain and frustration -

He takes a deep breath. He stares at the thorn. It's the size of a pen, slender and glittering, sticking out of the back of the hand he put out to catch his fall. Scraps of skin and flesh cling to the barbs where they tore at him on their way through. It will no doubt be worse in the other direction. But sitting here dreading it isn't going to help any.

So he just yanks his hand off the thorn.

It's definitely worse. He hears the bones in his hand snapping before he feels it, and cradles his hand against his chest with a hiss of pain as the bones unsnap and the flesh regrows and knits back together. Silent tears drip from his face to mingle with the blood on the ground.

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He has a few minutes of undisturbed peace.

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His hand finishes healing, and the lingering pain fades almost completely, and he wipes tears from his face and then scrubs away the resulting smear of blood with a clean bit of sleeve, and then he starts to examine his surroundings in preparation for maybe standing up.

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There's a faint whizzing sound from behind him, then a soft thump.

A winged insect creature with glittering iridescent chitin peers at him with large dark eyes, chittering softly. It's about six inches long, with six curved legs and small bits of fluff poking out of its carapace where the chitin meets wing. It's - kind of cute, actually.

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"Fuck off," he says, and calls a blast of wind to blow it away.

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It is sent end over end, chattering unhappily at this state of affairs. Half a dozen feet away, it lands, righting itself. The small bits of fluff floof themselves out more, and it looks affronted.

There's a moment of hesitation, then the creature tentatively hops another foot forward. It chitters again, giving him what could be interpreted as a concerned look. Concerned chitter?

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He glares at it, then ignores it in favour of the slow process of standing up without falling over again.

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It hops closer, again. Hop. Hop. Hop.

When it's about two feet from him, it stops, and chitters again. It tilts its head.

Then it screams, and the front of its head bursts apart faster than blinking, revealing a tangle of threads the same color as the fluff. A hundred little fishline-thin tendrils flare out from where its mouth should be and slice through the air towards, and then through Siran.

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- he calls fire, instinctively, just wanting to destroy it as quickly and thoroughly as possible -

The magic spins out of his control almost immediately. He wanted fire? It gives him fire. The resulting explosion levels buildings for thirty feet in all directions in the few seconds before he manages to rein it in. The ice he called earlier is vaporized. Sand fuses to glass.

Siran himself is only slightly singed, but the air around him is so burned out that he spends an uncomfortable few seconds coughing and choking amid the rising steam, unable to draw a useful breath. And the creature is almost completely gone, not even a fleck of ash remaning to show where it once stood - but where its threads intersected him, they were spared just as he was. So now he's full of severed threads, stretching and sliding whenever he moves, cutting him if he strains them too badly. It doesn't even hurt that much, but it's horrible. And his shudders of revulsion just make it worse.

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The crater around him is silent. If there was anything horrible in the radius of the explosion, they're either dead, trapped, or very quiet. Most of the street mold has been burned away, and some of the pavement, for good measure. The thorns are easily visible from between the cracks in the cobblestone, unharmed from the blast.

He's earned himself a reprieve, but he maybe shouldn't bet money on nothing having noticed that.

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Yeah unfortunately he's a little busy right now.

If he sits very still and waits a while, his healing will figure out how to fix this, but he does not especially feel like waiting on that, so he very carefully summons some magic and uses it to pull the threads out one by one, wincing slightly every time. If he tried, he's sure he could destroy them in place somehow, but it would take more power and he might not be able to get them all before the magic started to go, which is exactly the sort of situation where he might be tempted to push it past the safety margin and end up with more magic than he asked for. Pulling too much fire usually causes explosions, which are at least straightforward; he has no idea what pulling too much pinpoint destruction would do and isn't keen to find out.

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There are a lot of floof bug threads. He might not have time to pick out every single thread before -

He hears a faint hissing sound. Is that a horde of the mud creatures with the spined teeth? Because it sure looks like a horde of the mud creatures with the spined teeth. There are about five times as many, this time, and they are heading right for him, in a huge wave of seething brown.

Destroying the nearby buildings cleared the skyline, so he can also see what looks like more floof bugs flying towards him.

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On the one hand, it's probably a bad idea to start messing with more complicated magic and its less predictable side effects right now. On the other hand, he really fucking hates those floof bugs.

Every floof bug in sight simultaneously turns into water.

Then he goes back to pulling out threads, because honestly right now he cares more about that than about being devoured by a pack of mud creatures.

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Sploosh, go the floof bugs.

He has another few seconds of undisturbed thread removal before the pack crashes into him like a tidal wave. The pack of mud creatures do their absolute best to devour him.

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He and the pack of mud creatures are all struck by lightning. It passes through him harmlessly. The mud creatures are not so lucky.

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They definitely aren't!

There are a few stragglers that are outside of the radius of the lightning. They throw themselves at Siran in a suicidal fashion. It will probably not work out for them; mud creatures don't seem to be very smart.

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He is at this point annoyed enough to crush them to death with his bare hands, despite the obvious riskiness of this method.

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They have very long, very thin, very sharp teeth, and they are faster than he might expect.

Unfortunately for them, these are about the only positive traits that can be assigned to their physical abilities. Crushing them to death with his bare hands is easy; their bones snap like a bird's would.

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He ends up with some nasty creature-bites, which he ignores, because pulling out the last few threads is so much more important.

Okay. There. Now he can get up and keep walking.

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It's much easier to see the silver thorns, now. He can just avoid stepping on them, if he's careful. There's not even any ice to slip on anymore, though there is otherwise a bit of a mess.

A few floof bugs fly towards him. Otherwise, he seems to be free to walk.

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He - carefully, and individually, and with minimal power - sets all of those floof bugs on fire.

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They make a delightful popping sound as they burst into flames! Seems they're pretty flammable.

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Good for them. Onward.

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He's exiting the outskirts of the city and entering the city proper, now. It's getting more and more claustrophobic, with narrow moldy streets and tall buildings in a terrible state of disrepair. He'll have to start watching his step again soon, but he reaches a bridge before the mold reasserts itself in force.

The canal the bridge offers passage over has probably seen better days. The water is dark and murky, polluted with refuse and debris from the nearby buildings. Glittering swirls of a pale blue and white substance coat the otherwise swamp-like surface, like droplets of oil floating in water. Some plants have taken root near the edges of the canal, including more of the silver thorns, but nothing else looks recognizable. To his left is a path that leads down to the water itself, meant to be some kind of dock. There are boats, or what probably used to be boats, before they were overgrown and rotted over.

If he watches his step, he can probably make it over the bridge safely. The thorns seem to have had trouble taking root in it, and while the bridge is half-buried in rubble, it looks sturdy enough.

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Fine. Bridge.

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The bridge does not collapse under his weight immediately.

Did that bit of rubble just move?

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He has his sword out before he has time to wonder if he's being silly. And, knowing this place, he's not being silly.

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He is not being silly!

Something like a frog's tongue darts out of the rubble and towards Siran.

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It encounters his sword on the way.

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The appendage vaporizes accordingly, and something in the rubble screeches in agony.

A bit of the rubble detaches itself and attempts to scurry away, the mottled colors of its skin shifting to match a different part of the bridge.

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He snickers.

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The mottled beast successfully scampers to hide on the underside of the bridge, making sad sounds of pain. It seems to have no trouble attaching its feet to the underside of the bridge.

He is free to proceed.

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He proceeds in a somewhat better mood!

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The bridge harbors no new terrors for him.

The street past it is covered in moss and mold, and is noticeably more overgrown than the previous city block. Silver thorns poke out from ugly grey-green gunk of the street, and now also from the walls of every building. Among the thorns are glowing flowers the color of flame.

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Pretty flowers. They're probably horrible in some way. He sets one on fire just to see what happens.

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It consumes the fire, brightening significantly and looking no worse for the wear.

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Well that's not promising.

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The flower stays at its new brightness level, but nothing else happens.

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Well, what's the worst that could happen? It's fire. Fire is fine. He keeps walking.

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The fiery flowers pulse dangerously with every step he takes, faintly at first, and brighter as he walks closer and closer.

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Yeah he still cares more about avoiding the thorns.

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He can avoid the thorns!

But he cannot avoid the thorns and avoid the flowers. When he steps too close to one, it explodes. Then the next nearest one explodes. The rest give in to peer pressure. It is all very fiery, but the fire is not the problem. The problem is the concussive blast from two dozen exploding flowers, one of them he supercharged himself.

He might have trouble avoiding the thorns under these conditions.

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- but see, there's fire.

And just like he has an enchanted sword to absorb excess spellfray, he enchanted himself to absorb excess fire when he got tired of narrowly escaping death by spontaneous combustion whenever he lost his temper. Death by spontaneous combustion is no longer a concern, but fire still fuels him like spellfray fuels his sword.

He never figured out how to make it not hurt, or he'd go around on fire all the time.

The explosions tug at his clothes and ruffle his hair, but he keeps walking, unaffected. As far as he's concerned they might as well be a light breeze.

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Then he will not have trouble avoiding the thorns under these conditions, and the flowers probably feel very impotent.

The fire also does a number on the moss disguising the thorns, so this street is now kind of toothless if he pays attention to where the thorns themselves are. He is free to walk unimpeded.

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What lovely flowers.

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And so impotent! So very, very impotent!

It's a lovely walk, until after he passes under an overhanging balcony, where he feels something sharp sting his shoulder, then numbness everywhere else.

He might also notice a total inability to move any of his limbs.

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- what the fuck -

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He doesn't have time to limply collapse to the ground, because he's being rudely pulled back, until he collides painlessly with a wall, then up. Through a stray set of silver thorns (which hurt just the same) that break off into him, and into the waiting jaws of something that blended in with the wall. From context, this is probably of the same species as the earlier beast that failed to accost him on the bridge.

It sinks sharp claws into his shoulders and begins attempting to eat him. Head first. It has rows and rows and rows of tiny, serrated teeth, and a mouth that opens far, far too wide.

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And now he can move again.

Maybe he should just go around constantly on fire.

The creature gets in one bite before he magically tears it in half.

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Yep, that's half of a creature like the one that he upset on the bridge.

Of course, now that it's dead, it is no longer keeping him here on the bottom of a balcony, and he and both halves of the ex-creature are unceremoniously dropped.

Without regard for thorns.

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So of course he lands on thorns. Several of them. And there just - isn't anything but pain. He'd be setting things on fire if he could think straight to even the minimal degree required for that, but he can't.

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After a while, there's a familiar buzzing sound from nearby.

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He doesn't even hear it.

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Does he hear the floof bug's familiar scream?

Or maybe feel the thousands of tendrils that are slicing into him?

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He can tell that it hurts more but details are beyond him.

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Well then. That sounds like it's kind of a terrible time to be him, doesn't it?

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He manages, eventually, to form a thought that isn't ow. His healing has finally gotten him off the thorns and is now busy reconstructing half his lower back, among other things. There are some really unfortunate holes in his pants.

- of course one of those fucking horrible little bugs got him while he wasn't paying attention. He snarls weakly at it. It's probably not safe to set it on fire but damn is he tempted.

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The fucking horrible little bug is having such a great feast! So many fluids to drink! Slurp slurp slurp slurp! Soon enough, it retracts its tendrils, quite full. It had been feasting for a while. It attempts to fly, and -

- It pathetically drops drunkenly out of the sky, wriggling its little legs uselessly. It drank a bit too much, it hadn't before been confronted with something that could dispense infinite life fluids. It didn't know anything about self control. Now it's too fat to fly. It isn't going anywhere until after it's done digesting.

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He stands up, with difficulty.

He stomps on the bug.

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It goes splat, and oozes red blood that's probably his.

At least it died happy.

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Fuck this place so much.

His clothes are a total mess. He resists the urge to set them on fire, and instead repairs them with magic, badly. And then he starts walking again. He is going to get to that palace.

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He is left undisturbed for a little while.

There are some more glowing flowers up ahead. These are blue.

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He stands well back from all of them and shreds one with magic.

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Now this part of the street is iced over, and slightly safer.

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He can do the rest of them, too, then.

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Lots of icesplosions!

These flowers: continue to be impotent.

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What lovely flowers! Onward he goes.

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The city is getting denser and its layout is becoming a bit more confusing and twisted. The buildings are tilted at more alarming angles, and bending, now. Like someone's taken clay and twisted it. So far he's been able to follow the main street, but it's starting to become harder and harder to tell what the main street is. He might run into a dead end or two.

Something moves, just at the edge of his vision.

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- he instinctively sets it on fire, and only barely manages to dissipate the spell before it explodes. His sword glows brightly.

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Something makes a dying sound! Probably one of the sneaky bastards. Nothing else comes out of the stonework to cause him trouble. For now.

The street up ahead dips down, and is flooded.

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He freezes it over because fuck meeting whatever lives in that.

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A bit of the ice cracks and swells, like there is something under there, and ice wasn't enough to kill it.

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Oh. Great.

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The ice sinks, then swells again, and a large creature bursts from the ice and towards Siran. It does not make it all the way to him, instead flopping pathetically in front of him, its large flat body not really built for land. The shape of it is reminiscent of a manta ray, if manta rays were made out of rotting, misshapen flesh, haphazardly stitched together with algae and vines and what looks to be some kind of sickly yellow mucous.

Stubbornly, it flops a little further up onto the land.

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That's really fucking gross.

"You're really fucking gross," he tells it.

What happens if he rips it in half by magic -

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Thousands of tiny flying insect creatures burst forth from its hollow carcass and swarm him, that's what happens.

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Fuck it now he's on fire and so are they.

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They're covered in water and the same mucous substance that was holding their carrier creature together, which seems to be at least a little fire resistant. Not fire resistant enough of course. They start burning soon enough. They get a few thousand bites in, first. They're venomous, but the venom isn't paralytic, just painful, burning in his veins a little while longer even after they're all incinerated.

A few strays buzz around in the carrier creature, laboriously pulling the two halves back together, apparently uninterested in throwing themselves mindlessly at Siran.

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He definitely shouldn't set the carrier creature on fire too.

He does anyway.

It doesn't explode, this time. It just - gets loose. Curving lines of fire whip through the air like angry snakes tethered to his hands and arms and shoulders, striking at everything in reach, and their reach is growing - ten feet, twenty, thirty -

- it's tempting to just keep feeding them. They express his mood very accurately. But the longer he keeps them, the harder they'll be to get rid of, and surely he will eventually meet something he doesn't want to light on fire, although perhaps not in this city.

The fire-tendrils melt brick and boil water while he thinks about it.

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Lots of things burn. None of them seem like a particular loss.

There are a few pained screeches of murderous creatures dying, but really, that doesn't seem like a particular loss, either.

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- no. Being too willing to destroy things is what got him into this mess in the first place.

He dissipates the spell.

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Lots of things are very on fire! Or very melted after being on fire. A few buildings collapse even after the spell dissipates, their support system still irrevocably damaged.

For a little while there's silence, but for the crackling of a burning city.

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It's very satisfying.

He makes a very solid ice bridge across what remains of the flooded section. He walks.

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There's a roar that shakes the city to its foundation. For another second, there is silence, then a voice rings out, echoing to every corner of the city.

"Hssssssss loathsome pest, leave! Get out of my city! This does not concern you, you are not welcome here!"

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- what, is the person who fucked up this badly still here? Or has somebody come along and claimed it? Or did the curse make a guardian monster along with all the other things?

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Owner of the voice is not forthcoming on answers to any of these questions.

"There is nothing for you here, nothing of value, nothing to gain - turn around, now, and nothing will try to stop you. Leave!"

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"Don't pay much attention to current events, do you," he says aloud, just in case it can hear him.

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"I care nothing for the world outside, only for my city."

Apparently it can hear him.

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"I contest your claim," he says, cheerfully.

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There's a loud growl that shakes the city again, then -


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"Because I'm the Emperor and I can do that. And because I'm in a bad mood and want to fight something. And because this place really pisses me off."

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The word echoes across the city, sending another burned-out building tumbling to the ground nearby.

"I know why you're here, I know why you've come, you're here to steal away my bride - why else would you come, what else is there - you can't have her, she's MINE."

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- at the first word, he snarls and draws his sword.

When the voice finishes speaking, he snaps, "Come here and say that to my face so I can make you regret it. Or are you a coward as well as a slanderer?"

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"I don't want anything to do with your bride!" he adds. "I bet she's one of those awful little bugs with the hundreds of bloodsucking stingers! You sound like the type to go for that!"

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Silence -

- broken by a deafening roar and a large silver head bursting through a building. Lightning crackles around the serpent-like dragon that emerges and launches itself at Siran, jaws wide enough to swallow him whole.

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He waits, holding his sword, and when it's almost on him he slashes at its face.

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A significant portion of the dragon's jaw is now painting the nearby rubble.

The dragon hisses in agony, but otherwise doesn't give a damn. It has three quarters of its teeth with which to bite Siran, and does so, avoiding biting down on the sword itself. Its teeth feel like the thorns do, and then an impressive amount of electricity is channeled directly through Siran.

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- he blanks out for a moment, overwhelmed by pain -

- and then stabs the dragon in the eye.

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That eye gets obliterated. The dragon screeches in agony, then flings him at a mess of thorns to attempt to get the sword out of the gaping hole that used to be an eye.

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This is perhaps a not wholly advisable course of action. Sure, it puts Siran out of commission at least for the moment, but that sword is awfully recalcitrant. It seems to find a way to do more damage whenever the dragon moves or touches it.

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It takes a while, but the dragon is highly motivated to get this sword out of this eye, damage or no. Eventually the sword is out of eye socket, but so is just about everything else.

The sword doesn't much cooperate with being flung away to where Siran can't get it, but the dragon can hiss and begin raking up groups of thorns with its claws to cover it. That's almost good enough. The thorns don't seem to cause any sort of trouble to the dragon.

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And meanwhile, Siran is slowly healing his way off that pile of thorns.


He stands up.

He catches fire.

He leaps lightly onto the dragon's back, still on fire, and shoves his hand into its remaining eye, still very much on fire, and grabs the edge of its eye socket and pulls with inhuman strength.

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The dragon is officially done with Siran's shit. Siran is going to get to be the emperor of all lightning rods, and the dragon attempts to shake him off before another eye is obliterated.

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He can be shaken off, but only after he succeeds in snapping off part of the dragon's eye socket in his hand.

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Just to prove a point, the dragon proceeds to blast Siran with some more lightning, before hissing and fleeing the scene.

"You're ruining everything, you're delaying me, I have more important things to do than kill a pathetic worm like you," growls the dragon.

Which sounds like someone that's just trying to save face after getting their ass kicked, really.

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"You're a fucking coward," he says, after a minute, when he has his breath back.

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"I have more important things to do than your petty grudge match, you've delayed her awakening for years."

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"Whose awakening?"

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"None of your concern, ant."

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Snarl. "I'm going to find you and tear you to pieces."

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There's no reply.

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He shreds the thorns around his sword with magic and picks it up.

Then he resumes heading for the palace.

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The city awaits!

... It's mysteriously quiet and peaceful.

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Good for it. No doubt something really horrible is about to happen. Siran is well past giving a fuck. He sheaths his sword and lets his clothes fall to pieces and weaves a new set with magic and walks.

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He is unmolested until he reaches another bridge, this one over a larger, deeper canal. High buildings tower over the vulnerable looking bridge, suspiciously devoid of any thorns - this might be a good spot for an ambush, especially against him. What with the fire specialization.

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He doesn't break stride. He doesn't even bother drawing his sword. He just walks onto the bridge.

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He feels another sting, followed by paralysis.

Then the bridge explodes. Not a large, dramatic, fiery explosion, but precise, surgical. Each end of the bridge loses its structural support to hidden flowers that finally have stopped being impotent. He's dropped into the canal, where he is immediately engulfed by one of the stitched carrier monsters, to be dragged to the bottom and impaled on waiting thorns, stolen from the bridge.

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But now that he knows to account for it, the paralysis doesn't actually stop him from doing magic.

He very deliberately does not use any fire. Ice, lightning, raw force - he does a lot of damage on the way down. The carrier monster might need backup.

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It definitely does need backup, evaporating into thousands of insects that die very quickly to Siran's wrath, despite the tenacity of their bites.

But it has it.

Mud creatures swarm in around him to help drag him down, gnawing at his limbs with their needle teeth. They die in droves, but drag him further down all the same.

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Eventually they get him on the thorns, and he is less responsive after that.

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Once he's safely on the thorns, the mud creatures switch tactics, to stabbing him with as many thorns as possible.

Another carrier monster glides in, and he's further swarmed.

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It hurts. A lot. He loses focus, overwhelmed by pain.

But as they hurt him more and more, he starts healing faster and faster. His body rejects teeth and thorns, first subtly, then with significant force.

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They keep at it.

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The perpetual drowning is like an unpleasant icing on the torturous cake.

It takes two hours. But he gets loose, eventually, his healing accelerated to the point where they can't even get a thorn into him properly.

His clothes are long gone. He can't see down here; he's going to have to find his sword by magic.

But it's been long enough. He's safe to use fire again if he's not stupid about it.

And pain-wise, after the last two hours, a little fire is nothing.

His skin ignites. Things touching him are vaporized. This includes enough water to produce a really memorable steam explosion.

He holds out his hand, and his sword leaps into it.

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The things that were tearing him to pieces die in an expeditious fashion.

More attempt to swarm him, but this goes precisely as expected for them, in that they die. In an expeditious fashion.

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Debris and boiling water rain down all around him as he walks out from under the ruined bridge. Mud cracks and bakes under his feet.

Standing on the far bank, he lets the flames subside.

"Are you fucking done," he growls.

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He is swarmed by a horde of floof bugs, with paralytic monster backup. They attempt to paralyze him and then slice him to ribbons.

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The monsters' venom barely slows him. The bugs' threads don't even get deep enough to draw blood.

He walks toward the castle.

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More mud monsters attempt to swarm him, to little use.

As he passes another bridge, more stitch-monsters beach and empty themselves of their swarm. These do about as much as the mud monsters, in that they do not.

They start attempting other tactics - floof bugs and climbing stalkers grabbing and entangling thorns and explosive flowers to throw them at Siran. Mud creatures attempt to physically hold him down. Stitch monster swarms attempt to invade his mouth and ears to eat him from the inside out.

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He lights himself on fire again when the little ones try to swarm him. Otherwise he mostly ignores it all.

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They switch to suicide tactics. Collapsing buildings on him, destroying bridges between him and the castle, flinging everything at him, all at once.

The city runs out of things to throw at him before he gets to the castle.

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He smiles.

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When he arrives, the dragon is trying to claw its way into the castle, to little effect. There are claw marks on the castle, especially at the front door, but evidently, the dragon was unable to enter.

"It's not supposed to be this way," he hisses, desperation coloring his voice. "Damn it, let me in, I can still fix this, I can wake her up, I just need to -"

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"Just need to what?" he calls.

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The dragon freezes. He turns his head to look at Siran with his only working eye.

"... What does it matter," he growls, "kissing her might as well be as impossible as killing you, you fucker, you've ruined everything. I could have fixed this!"

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"What the fuck d'you think you're fixing?"

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"Everything! The curse, this stupid body, her slumber - we were going to have forever, and now, it was all for nothing."

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"This bride of yours," he says. "Has she, like. Met you."

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"She would have forever to learn to love me," he hisses, which is an answer, isn't it. "She's mine."

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"I contest your claim."

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"Over my dead body!"

The dragon wreathes himself in lightning and launches himself at Siran.

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"Happy to oblige," he says, igniting again and meeting the dragon's charge with a swing of his sword.

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'Over his dead body' is relatively easy, really. He has an impressive healing factor, but it doesn't compare to Siran's.

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What a pathetic dragon.

He yanks his sword out of the corpse and walks toward the castle.

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The large set of double doors loom above him, scratched with years worth of clawmarks and sturdy in spite of them.

Then, with a rumble, they open.

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Siran walks in.

He almost expects a trap, but - it wouldn't feel right.

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Nothing jumps out at him from the shadows, though once he's through, the doors do shut behind him.

One set of corridors is lit. All of the others are shrouded in darkness.

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Sure, he'll take the path he's shown. This castle hasn't done anything to piss him off yet, unlike the rest of the city.

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The castle does nothing to piss him off, except maybe send him up a number of stairs.

An excessive number of stairs.

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...the stairs are a bit much, but maybe it's feeling generous enough to put a bed at the end of them.

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At the top of the tallest tower, lit unnaturally in a soft rosy pink glow and with a bright blue spotlight of light, is a large, comfortable looking bed.

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It's got a girl in it.

She's very pretty, sleeping soundly on the far side of the bed, hands clasped over her chest. She doesn't stir at all at his entry, still as death itself.

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...he blinks at her.

"If I'm supposed to kiss you," he says, "you're going to have to wait a few more hours."

And then he tosses his sword onto the floor and flops on the bed and is asleep almost immediately, nestled upon soft puffy blankets.

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If she has any complaints, she's certainly not voicing them.

Peacefully, she sleeps on.

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He sleeps. For a while.

But eventually he does wake up. His head missed the pillow and there are smears of blood and ash on the blanket wherever he touched it. He sighs regretfully at them.

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There's a tray with what looks like breakfast, sitting on the bedside table. Scrambled eggs, toast, sausage, strawberries...

It smells delicious.

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"Nice castle."

He sits up and sighs again at the general state of himself and takes a minute to make himself substantially more clean and slightly more dressed, and then he starts in on breakfast.

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Tastes delicious, too.

No traps appear from underneath the toast.

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How nice.

Okay. He gets up. He tries to clean the blanket; it doesn't quite work, but it's at least an improvement. He walks around to the other side of the bed and stares down at the girl.


"Am I actually supposed to kiss you."

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No answer is forthcoming from the comatose girl.

The castle is also silent.

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He leans down and gives her a peck on the cheek.

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Nothing happens.

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Okay, okay. He kisses her on the mouth. But he'd better not have to make a production of it.

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Silence -

Then she inhales, eyelids fluttering. Clumsily, weak as a kitten, she raises a hand to rub at her face.

"Mmnh, what...?" she murmurs, drowsily.

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Mildly disgruntled stranger standing over her in unfamiliar sleepwear, that's what!

He turns away as she wakes, looking for where he put his sword. It's kind of important not to leave that thing lying around. Someone might touch it.

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She blinks at him, confusedly.

Then she eyes the bedroom. "... Can we not, with the cliche overdone romantic lighting," she mumbles, groggily.

The lighting promptly becomes much more sensible.

"Yay." She closes her eyes again and makes a wordless sound of protest at waking up.

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Snort. Oh, there's his sword. He picks it up - it has graciously refrained from doing anything nasty to the floor - and sits down to remake its sheath, which is probably at the bottom of a canal right now.

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The girl indulges in another few heartbeats of rest, then begrudgingly sits up, peering sleepily at Siran.

"You know," she says, "while 'stranger with a sword standing over me ominously' isn't the best wake up in the world, you're being very non-threatening about it. So, um. Thanks for that."

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"You're welcome," he says absently, most of his attention on the sword.

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She watches curiously, not interrupting a second time.

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Nothing much happens for a minute, and then a sheath shimmers into existence, hiding the sword's unsettlingly wavery blade. He relaxes and looks up at her.

"Good morning."

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"Good morning. Um. Might I ask - what the fuck."

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"There was some sort of enormous serpent yelling about how I was going to steal his bride, is that informative at all?"

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Slow blink.

"... Overly posh accent, creepily possessive of me, bit of a prick, not great at cause and effect?"

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"Can't comment on the accent, I'm in translation and you lose some nuance that way, but the rest is right on the mark."

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"That prick," she hisses. "Where is he, can I borrow your sword, if he's not dead I will make him wish he was."

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"Yeah I already took care of that. And my sword's a bit temperamental, I wouldn't recommend touching it."

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"Oh. All right. Thank you." She looks pensively at her lap. "How long was I - asleep, do you know?"

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"...Centuries at least. Probably a lot more than that."

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"Oh," she says, in a small voice.

"... Do you know if it was just me, or if he -" she closes her eyes and shakes her head, looking like she might start crying. "Why am I even asking, I know the answer, he was ranting about us ruling the city forever. Of course he dragged it down, too."

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"Fucker," she hisses. "Do you know if anyone else...?"

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"Survived out there? Doubt it. It was pretty nasty."

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She tries to form a word, but it comes out as a pained, furious whimper. Instead she closes her mouth and inhales in a stifled half sob. After a pause, she tries again.

"Okay," she says, sounding anything but. "Okay. Is there - is this castle safe from the, the spellfray effects, is there anything you need, anything I need to do...?"

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"The castle seems like the sanest part of the city. It sent me breakfast." He waves vaguely at the tray, over on the other side of the bed. "I'm fine."

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She nods. "Good."

Then brings a hand up to her mouth to stifle the sobs that soon follow.

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He leans his sword against a wall and gets up and goes to stand by the window and stare out it. His clothes shimmer and reshape themselves neatly into something in the vicinity of respectable.

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The once-sleeping princess is just going to quietly cry, that sounds like the thing to do.

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Outside the window, the city has stopped smoking, at least. But that's about all that can be said for it, really. It was probably lovely, once. Now it's half collapsed, covered in grime and moss and with its canals an ugly shade of green and filled with refuse and bits of rubble. Before Siran even got to it. The parts of the city that he destroyed are - well, they're very evident. He did a lot of damage.

... Is that building moving?

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...is it?

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It's hard to tell, because it's doing it very slowly, but it seems to be slowly righting itself, straightening up from the angle it had tilted to.

Now that he knows to look for it, other buildings are doing it, too. One is carefully reforming itself from rubble.

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"Your city appears to be gradually unfucking itself."

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Sniffle. "Great, I can be queen of an empty city, that sounds fabulous -" she hiccups a little. "- sorry, I'm sorry, you didn't deserve that."

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He huffs a wry vestige of a laugh. "That's debatable."

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"You saved me," she points out, sniffling. "I'd still be fast asleep with my stalker peeking at me through the windows calling me his bride if you hadn't of come along. I - kind of don't want to be a bitch at you. Even if you might debatably deserve it."

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"Well, fair enough. What's your name? I'm Siran."

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"I'm Ivethis." She gives him a watery smile. "Hi."

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He smiles back. "Hi. Nice to meet you."

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"Nice to meet you, too. ... Adjusting for circumstance, I mean."

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Snort. "Yeah."

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She sniffles again, and scrubs at her eyes.

"Why'd you even come into a cursed city? Not that I'm complaining."

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"I was in a bad mood and wanted to fight something."

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"... So you fought a cursed city?" she says, staring.

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"I can't really say it was fun but it was definitely satisfying."

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She giggles, a little.

"Remind me not to piss you off."

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He smiles wryly, and looks away. "Yeah."

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"Do you do this a lot, then, or was this just a special case?"

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Snort. "No. I'm - I don't know what you're imagining but I'm probably not it, whatever it is."

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"Damn, there go my visions of a sword wielding madman, throwing himself into cursed places to see them set right," she teases. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't push. We can drop the topic if you'd rather."

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"It's, uh. Let's go with complicated. But I'm probably going to have to tell you eventually, if I don't just run off and leave you here, and - I'd rather not run off."

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"Thanks. I would hesitate to go out into a cursed city, even if it's, ah. Unfucking itself. So if you run off, please drop me off outside?"

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"You might like it better in here."

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"... In the castle. Surrounded by cursed city. Alone. For the rest of my life. Okay? How bad is it out there?"

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"It was pretty bad when I came in, and this place timeslips, the day I spent getting to the castle could've been a hundred years on the outside. Which might mean everything's fine now or might mean it's even more fucked, I don't know."

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"Ah. Okay. Spellfray, or has everything devolved into horrible chaos and if I went out there I'd be chattel?"

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"...some of both?"

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"That's... great." She eyes him, looks about to ask a question, and then hesitates and keeps her peace.

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More hesitation, then:

"Did you have something to do with that?"

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"You could say that, yeah."


"—My name's Siran Tavaryse."

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"... You're an heir to that empire with the succession issues? It's still around?"

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"It was doing really well, until, uh, recently."

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"Oh. All right. Succession crisis?"

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"In a manner of speaking."

He turns away from her, looks out the window again.

"I don't know when you knew Isettavar, but it's ruled the world on and off, mostly off. There was a long string of disasters before my grandmother was born, and she grew up in a world that desperately needed somebody to tell it to sit down and shut up and stop tearing itself to pieces, so she did. Reconquered everything, got it all straightened out. And my father built on that. And then - I'm the best caster you've ever seen, I can hang onto a spell long after anybody else would've been swept away - I went after him. I thought - I don't know what I thought. I don't think I even really want an empire. Which is just as well, because there isn't one anymore."

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"Ah. All right. ... I'm sorry."

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Snort. "I don't see what right I have to anyone's sympathy."

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"I don't think sympathy works like that," she points out. "Granted, I have been stuck in here for thousands of years, so maybe it's different now. Do you have little offices that give stamps of approval to people applying for the right to feel sympathy?"

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—he giggles.

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"Taking that as a no."

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"As such, I and my unregulated sympathetic feelings will damn well feel sympathetic for anyone I please," she sniffs. "Sorry."

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"Well. Thanks."

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"You're welcome."

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"So. I have no idea what the world looks like out there, but last I saw it, it was a complete fucking mess."

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"Right. Okay. So staying in here is probably highly recommended - you mentioned a timeslip, is it still active? I suppose you wouldn't know, would you."

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"I would not."

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"Do you suppose it'd be safe to go outside and check? Toss something that'll decay quickly over the border, see if it wastes away before our eyes? Because that's important to know."

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"Not sure."

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"What dangers would we be likely to face if it's not safe?"

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"Nothing you want to meet."

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"All right," she says, tone turning more gentle. "Well, we don't need to figure it out now. But I would like to know eventually."

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Sigh. "Yeah."

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She does not offer to hug him, but she does visibly look like she's not saying something. Again.

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"Would you, um. Like a hug?"

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"Yeah maybe."

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She stands, joins him by the window, and gently embraces him.

Ivethis doesn't particularly want to look out at her ruined city, so she just rests her head against him and pretends her entire life hasn't been ripped away from her.

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He shudders slightly, wrapping his arms around her. Her hair smells nice. He really doesn't want to cry on her but he's not sure he can stop himself.

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She should probably enforce some kind of maximum hug time or something, but honestly, right now she just wants to be held and his arms feel very nice around her. So she just - stays.

It's a possibility that she might cry too, actually. Emotions are hard.

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Feelings: why.

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Ivethis concurs. Feelings: why.

How about they just cry on each other, that sounds pretty good.

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It sounds kind of terrible actually, but, at this point, admittedly better than not doing that. Crying on each other it is.

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"'Wanna move this to the bed so we don't have to keep standing?" sniffles Ivethis, after a while.

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He nods.

Bed. Curling up amid slightly smudged blankets.

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Ivethis is really not picky about the state of the blankets right now.

Cuddled crying: they have the technology!

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They do!

Now that he is no longer a spite-fueled killing machine, it is very hard to keep from remembering that first floof-bug over and over and over again.

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Ivethis cries in fits and starts, alternating between soothingly cuddling him while petting his hair, and quiet shuddering sobs while clinging to him. It helps to cry on someone, especially when you feel very, very alone.

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Siran cries more continuously than that.

He didn't expect to miss his father, but he does.

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Ivethis stops crying first, her fitful sobbing sessions lessening in length and frequency. She doesn't let go of Siran, content to be cried on.

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Siran carries on for a while, but eventually trails off and goes quiet. He doesn't pull away.

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They can just cuddle, then. She continues petting his hair, because doing that is nice.

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Yeah, it kind of is.



—he laughs softly.

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"Oh, just - he kept going on about how I was here to steal his bride and my reaction was along the lines of 'I don't give a damn about your bride, I'm not entirely convinced she's not a lump of rock with a tiara painted on', and now here we are—"

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She giggles.

"You've caught me. I'm secretly a lump of rock with a tiara painted on, what gave me away?"

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"Lumps of rock with tiaras painted on are known to be very cuddly."

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"Damn! You've learned the secrets of my people! Where did you find out?"

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Helpless giggling.

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"Clearly the tiara painting is very important to the cuddling process. Ordinary rocks aren't nearly so cuddly."

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"Keep this secret safe, Siran. It's very important that it doesn't get out. Everyone might try to cuddle me, or worse." She lowers her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Paint tiaras on their own rocks."

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...he just shakes his head and grins at her, breathless from laughing so hard.

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She giggles.

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She is kind of tempted to kiss him.

That's probably a bit fast, and as much of a bonding experience as crying on each other for two hours is, she still doesn't actually know him that well. She settles for hiding her face in his shoulder. That seems like a good compromise. So he won't see the faint blush.

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...hesitantly, he pets her hair.

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Ivethis hums approval and snuggles closer.

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—now he's thinking about kissing her. She's very pretty. Feelings. Why.

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She is unaware of his feelings, and doesn't attempt to disentangle from the snuggles. They're nice. He's nice. She's a little fragile right now, and maybe flinging herself at the first passably nice person she sees, but, well. It's not the worst coping mechanism ever. ... Probably.

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There are probably worse ones out there. For example, she might try to fight a city.

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She is not going to try to fight a city!

But she is going to snuggle this man that did fight a city. It is because he fought a city that she can snuggle him, actually. Snuggles: the spoils of war.

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Pretty good spoils. —no that's probably not a good train of thought.

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Probably not!

She snuggles him anyway, humming contently.

"... Unfortunately I am getting kind of hungry. Which makes sense, considering that I haven't eaten anything in, uh. Centuries."

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"...maybe if we ask nicely the castle will bring you breakfast?"

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"Maybe! I don't know how this magic works. Uh, castle? Can I have breakfast, please?"

There's a pause, then one of the large bricks in the nearby wall slowly shifts up, and the one below it pushes outward. It contains a tray with more breakfast. Enough that Siran can have some too, even.

"Oh. Okay then."

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...he smiles.

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Ivethis gently disentangles enough to retrieve the tray from its perch and set it down next to them on the bed. Food!

"I really don't care about crumbs right now, do you?" she wonders. "The bed's a bit of a mess anyway. ... That was you, right, I don't need to ask the castle to draw me a bath so I can scrub myself raw?"

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"Yeah, that was me. There's, uh, some scratch marks outside your window, but it looks like he never got more than a claw inside the castle."

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She shudders, a little.

"The bastard being outside of my window is still too close for comfort," she mutters.

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"Yeah. Sorry."

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"Not your fault. Actually, you were the one that killed him. Nothing to apologize for."

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He laughs. "Fair enough."

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She scoots closer to him, but the mechanics of eating sort of make snuggling tricky. Right now, she'll fall in favor of eating properly and sort of skimping on the snuggling, instead of the other way around. She nibbles at food.

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Nibbles. Companionable sitting-next-to.

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"This is nice," she murmurs, after a little while. "It's nice to not feel alone. Especially, um, right now."

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... She can probably lean on him! That seems like a thing she can do while eating!

She attempts this feat.

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Aw. He can put an arm around her and not mind nibbling slower nibbles.

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She's tempted to try to make up for this by helping to feed him, but that is probably taking things too fast. Again. Instead she'll just eat and snuggle and smile at him. (... Only a touch adoringly.)

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He grins back at her.

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She kind of wants to kiss him aaaaaa.

"I um," she says, suddenly feeling very bad at wordsing, ".... feel I should come up with a topic of conversation, but um. I'm drawing a blank. Save me?"

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"—Well now I can't think of anything."

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She giggles.

"Oh well. I guess it would be unhealthy of me to just rely on you to swoop out of nowhere and save me. Even conversationally."

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Giggle. "Yeah, no kidding."

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"Putting aside healthy relationship dynamics and self reliance and the like, swooping in general sounds exhausting. Swooping out of nowhere regularly sounds moreso. It'd be terrible to ask that of you!"

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"And, I mean, I wouldn't rely on me to swoop out of nowhere and save anybody."

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"No? Well, fair enough, it seems like a lot of responsibility."

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He struggles with words for a moment.


"...I think I've somehow managed to trick you into thinking I'm a good person and I don't know how I did it and I sort of wish I hadn't."

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"... I think I'm going to need more clarification as to what you mean? I - tend not to think people go into neat good or bad slots, even the dragon prick was probably nice to someone. Somewhere. Just - not me."

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"I'm - you - I rescued you mostly by accident," he says. "I murdered my father for an empire I didn't even want and destroyed it in the process. And - you keep seeming to think of me as - the sort of person who does this sort of thing," with a vague gesture at the room, "and I am not, I'm not a rescuer, I am more often what people need rescuing from. I - I like you. I don't want to hurt you. I haven't been anything but honest with you. But - I feel like you're seeing me as someone I'm not."

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"Okay. Um - fair enough. Aside from the... time you, um. Murdered your father for an empire you didn't want, what other things have you done that people need rescuing from?"

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He seems to be having some trouble answering this one.

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That doesn't seem like an 'I don't have an answer,' that seems like an 'I am having trouble saying the answer.'

"... Would writing it down help, maybe?" she offers. "Or. Does your translation do writing?"

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"—it does, yeah. I."

He rubs his face with his hands.

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She waits, concerned.

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He gets up. He paces. He goes to the window and looks out at the city.


"I used to torture girls to death because it was hot and I could."

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Her mouth opens, but no sound comes out, and even if that were working she has no idea what to say. She's really not sure there's anything that can be said to - to that, really. She closes her mouth, suppresses the growing urge to hyperventilate and flee the room, and pretends for a few minutes that she's her mother. (And doesn't that hurt, her mother's dead, but she can't think about that right now she's busy -)

"W-what were the circumstances of -" No, that's wrong, you're looking for excuses, stop it, what's your real question, what is your first priority? "... Am I in any danger? From - from you?"

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"I can see why you wouldn't take my word for it, but - no, I don't think you are. I don't want - I like you. I like this - thing we have - had - with the," he gestures vaguely, "crying on each other, eating breakfast together, that. I like it. I like the way you laugh. I want to see you happy. And, I mean, that's clearly not a guarantee, I'm demonstrably capable of destroying the things I care about for stupid reasons, but..." He trails off with an unhappy shrug, staring out the window.

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"Wanting to try is better than - than not," she points out, softly. "Thanks for not, um. Throwing a fit at me not handling this with grace and." She waves a hand. "... I think my track record with men speaks for itself."

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"Okay, next. Next set of questions - are you, were those instances a, a one off or did you get into the habit, would you continue it if given the chance?"

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"I blew up my entire life pretty thoroughly, I don't know what I'm going to do, at all, about anything. I don't think I'm that attached to torturing girls..."

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She considers.

"... It sounds like you might need a better - set of things to do? Ones that make you happy in the long term, instead of in the short term and then feeling complicated feelings later. I don't know, did you find torturing girls as fulfilling as, um. Having breakfast together?"

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...he smiles slightly.

"It's... a different kind of thing, really. I think I could've been pretty happy the other way but - having breakfast together is something I want in my life more than torturing girls."

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"Okay," she agrees. "So, um. ... Have any hobbies?"

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...snort. "Besides that one, you mean?"

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Little giggle. "Yeah. Besides that one."

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"...I'm not a bad dancer?" he comes up with after a moment. "But uh. It's mostly torturing girls and playing with magic."

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"... Did you purposefully set out to have the sketchiest hobbies, or did it just work out that way?" she wonders, a little amused.

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"It just worked out that way!"

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"Aha. Well, okay. What is it about both that you, um. Enjoy?"

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"...I like playing with magic because - it's fun, and I'm good at it, and I like pushing the edge of what's safe even though sometimes that means I light myself on fire, and I get even better with practice. I made a sword that eats spellfray, I don't think I could've done that if I hadn't been - good to start with and better because I do it so much."

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She nods.

"Does the danger of it makes it more fun? Or is the danger just incidental?"

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"...a little more fun, maybe."

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Another nod.

"And the, um. Other hobby?"

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"I like to hurt people," he says. "I like when I can do whatever I want to somebody. I like seeing them scared and in pain and knowing I did that. I like seeing how badly I can fuck someone up. I got really good at healing magic."

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Yep, nodding again.

"So, power and pain, not just - one or the other."

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"Well - either one's nice by itself, but—"

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"Combined they're more satisfying," she tentatively finishes. "Is it the - the personal power over someone that appeals, or is the knowledge that you're getting away with, ah, murder a satisfying way to prove your overall power? That no one could stop you?"

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"...mm... first thing?"

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"Okay," she says. "Is it - um. Is it the taking of power over someone, or just the power itself? Would it be the same if it were consensually given? If someone wanted you to, um. Have your way with them."

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"...I don't know."

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"Okay. No pressure there, I just - I want to understand the mechanisms at play here, so I can maybe get you alternatives that include aspects you like that are still compatible with - with having breakfast."

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"Why not? I liked this, too, I like you too, even if I'm - a bit more aware of your flaws now. What would tossing you out and running for the hills get me? What would it get either of us."

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He likes hurting people but he went and said that he didn't want to hurt her, and it's not like there's anyone else for him to hurt, here. Maybe she's playing fast and loose with her own life here, but she doesn't have any better ideas. She wants to help him.

"I'd be miserable, you'd be miserable, nothing would get fixed, let's just skip it and think of something better."

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... And she doesn't want to be alone in her own city's dangerous grave. If she's honest.

Hesitantly, she stands and touches his arm. Tentative smile?

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He hugs her, very gently.

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Also, if she told him to fuck off, she wouldn't get hugs. Hugs are very necessary right now.

She sighs happily, and hugs him back.

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Yeah. Hugs.

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"So. Dancing, huh?" she wonders, lightly.

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"Dancing! It's fun."

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"I mostly haven't dabbled in it, honestly. I was tutored in it for a bit so I wouldn't be an embarrassment to my family over it, but I didn't see much reason to keep it up."

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"I actually think magic and dancing are a little alike, come to think of it. And fighting, some. There's a - way it feels to be good at them."

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"The physicality of it?" she wonders, curiously.

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"Maybe, yeah."

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"Hm. For me, with dancing and when I do a bit of magic, I like - I like getting it right?"

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"...hmm. Yeah, that's not - exactly what I'm in it for."

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"Sounds it. That's interesting, anyway. Hm - have you done any horseback riding? Or sailing, maybe?"

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"Riding is also the thing, a little. Haven't done sailing."

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"I'd expect sailing to be more the thing than horseback riding, honestly, it's very... half the time you're fighting either the wind or the sea, and sometimes both. With the point being to get where you're going despite the uncaring elements around you. Though I've never personally done any of the things essential to sailing, so I can't say I'm an expert. I've just been on a number of ships."

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He laughs. "On a big ship it seems like it'd be - too impersonal, not doing enough of it myself. Maybe a little one."

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"Yeah, I was imagining a little one. Something where it was just you doing everything."

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"Sounds like fun."

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"Unfortunately I have, uh. No personal sailing experience, but - I could find books on it and relay the concepts therein?"

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He laughs again.

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"... That would probably go really terribly, wouldn't it," she giggles.

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"I'm pretty sure it would, yeah."

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"Oh well. It was an idea."

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"Archery seems less the thing, hm..." Thoughtful snuggle. "I am maybe not great at coming up with ideas for hobbies in this vein."

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He laughs and hugs her.

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"I'm very bookish, I am not an expert in these things!"

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"—I'm not going to stop playing with magic. I mean, I'm going to be less of an idiot about it, but..."

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... Nod.

"Please don't do any really large things where I might get blown up or put into another coma for centuries? But yeah, it sounds like it'd be kind of a pity to give it up. And not really a thing that would be fair of me to try to ask you to do."

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He hugs her some more.

"And - I'd like to try sailing someday. I don't mind ideas like that. But it... sort of feels like you're trying to figure out how to get me to replace my life with one you like better?"

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"I - didn't quite mean it in - in that way, but. I was kind of coming across like that, wasn't I. I'm sorry."

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"'S all right."

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Sigh. Hug.

"I - do want to give you alternatives, though? To, um. Torturing girls to death."

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"...I'm not sure it really works like that?"

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"How does it work, then?"

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"Like... I don't know. I don't... have anything. I wrecked it all and now it's just me and my sword. And I don't know what I'm going to do. But whatever it is, I want to do it with you. I don't - I'm not - it's not just that I don't want to replace my life with one you like better, it's that there isn't a life there to replace. I don't even know if there's going to be a world when we go look. So it's weird to talk about giving me alternatives, it's like - like you're trying to figure out a fair price to buy my horse at and I'm standing here going, 'what horse?'"

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"What a metaphor," she says, a little delighted with it despite herself. "Evocative and informative both. All right, you lost your horse and found me instead, and don't know what to do now. Well. Neither do I, honestly."

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"So let's see if we can figure something out."

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"Yeah. Easier said than done, though, I - really have no idea what to do with myself. What I want to do. I had a city, a family, a future, responsibilities to people, goals to works towards - I liked it. I liked my life. And now it's just been torn away from me, and I'm here with my orphaned sense of responsibility, trying to figure out a fair price for a horse that doesn't exist."

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"I know it's not my fault. It shouldn't be. But then I have to grapple with the fact that I have so little power in my own life, which is just absurd, right? Surely I could have made different choices, and not had everything taken away by a madman that deluded himself into thinking he loved me. Could have not tried to be as pretty, could have recognized what he was from the very beginning, could have quietly had him assassinated or played along so I could kill him in his sleep, or..." She shakes her head. "None of which are fair, but neither is life, or why would my home be cursed?"

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Wry smile. "At least everything that happened to my life is definitely my own fault."

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She snorts, a little. "But I get a corpse to blame all my problems on and perhaps kick if I'm feeling vindictive, so maybe it all evens out. Both ways seem pretty shit."

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"If I'd known, I would've left him in a more kickable condition."

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Giggle. "How many pieces is he in? Or is he just a smear on the ground?"

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"Let me put it this way: I didn't stop to count."

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More giggling. She probably shouldn't feel this satisfied about horrific violence, but he killed her parents in front of her. He should be in many pieces, and he should have suffered while having them removed. She hums, pleased, and snuggles closer to Siran.

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Mmm. Snuggly. Maybe they should go back to bed.

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The poor breakfast is only half eaten, and is so neglected!

Ivethis leans against him, a little lost in imagining things a princess probably shouldn't. Like dying dragon screams.

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Yeah. Back to bed. More snuggles, more breakfast.

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She is amenable to both of these things! She will go back to nibbling on breakfast now that it's within reach.

"You're very comfortable," she accuses, without heat.

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"Good for me!" Nuzzle.

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Breakfast eating. Snuggling.

"I wonder if I could ask the castle for books," she muses.

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"Try it and see!"

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Before she even asks, a bit of the wall moves aside and deposits several books.

"That's a yes, then," she says lightly, disentangling to retrieve them.

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... She makes a bit of a face at the books.

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"We might have just crossed from 'the castle has charming amounts of foresight' to 'the castle is a literal mindreader,' because I was thinking of these books but didn't specify them."

She glances at the window. ... The window opens. Ivethis blinks, and then the window slams shut.

"... Ooooooor I have control of the castle with my mind, that. Is also a possibility."

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Several bricks in the wall push themselves out in a staircase-like pattern, then back in. Then they spell her name, then a smiley face, then correct themselves.

"Can you do this too, or is it just me?" she wonders.

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"...nope, just you."

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"Well, now I'm tempted to go figure out the ins and outs of my castle control so I can exploit it relentlessly."

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"Exploit it to do what?"

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"I have no idea! I don't know what I can do so I can't aim my desired exploitation properly. But it looks like fun."

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"It does look like fun," he agrees.

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"Anything you think I should do first?" she wonders, lightly, scootching so she can more seriously eat breakfast. She wants to get to the fun bit now, but must eat first. So she'll eat more quickly.

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"You know, I really have no idea."

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"I might be able to re-arrange the floorplan of this building, which sounds fun even if it is just as I left it. Which, to be honest, I don't think it is, I don't recognize this bedroom."

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"Ooh, architecture."

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"Yeah. Should be really fun, as long as I don't, ah. Cause the place to collapse."

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"That'd be an ignoble end. 'Trapped in a cursed sleep for several thousand years, wake up, kill self accidentally while playing with architecture.'"

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"Terrible," he agrees.

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"... Actually, how much should I worry about your safety, too? You, ah, fought a cursed city and won, but that doesn't necessarily mean you're immune to falling brick?"

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"Assume I can't die."

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"Okay. I'll uh, still try not to collapse a building on you, that sounds like it would be unpleasant, but - good to know."

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"When I was trying to take over the world and things got out of hand, it was only about a third of the spell that went out and fucked everything up. The other two-thirds went into my immortality."

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".... One-third of the spell spellfrayed the world?"

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"It got pretty big before I lost it."

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"That. Is. Very very immortal, okay then."

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"So if I cause the place to collapse, I should prioritize not dying. Since I am not so immortal. Okay. I can do that."

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He nods.

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"I promise to try to find you and dig you out of the rubble if I collapse a castle on you by accident."

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Giggle. "Thanks."

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"It might take a while if I can't just control the bits of the castle, though. I am not very strong."

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"I'll appreciate the thought, anyway."

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"What else would I do, leave you there? No."

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He hugs her.

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"But if it's all the same to you, let's avoid collapsing anything, hm?"

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"Good plan."

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She unhugs enough to pop the last bit of toast into her mouth, then smiles brilliantly at him.

"Okay, that's enough breakfast for me. Time to go play with architecture?"

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She smiles at him, then retrieves both trays of once-breakfast, and deposits them on a stone brick, which obligingly make both disappear.

"Downstairs seems best to experiment from? I'd rather not send myself toppling to my death, and you toppling to your unpleasant landing."

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Giggle. "Yeah."

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"... why are there this many stairs."

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"Well you could make there be less stairs but you just got done explaining why that might be a bad idea."

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"I could probably make this into a giant dangerous slide without damaging the structural integrity of the place," she says, lightly. "If you want to give that a go."

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"Ooh, that sounds like fun."

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She squints at him.

"I can't tell if you're serious. I was joking, but I can enable your sliding adventures if you like. Uh, probably. Maybe not very safely..."

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"Well I'm not the one who might get permanently hurt if you turn your castle into a giant slide," he says.

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"Oh, I was just going to let you slide ahead and turn the stairs back on after."

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"'Turn the stairs back on'," he giggles.

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"Revoke the castle's slide privileges? Return the vertical locomotion device to its boring version? Saying no to whimsy?"

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He hugs her, giggling.

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She giggles too, and hugs him back.

"... This is slightly awkward and precarious on stairs," she observes, gently un-hugging. "Sorry, hugs in less precarious places later?"

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She smiles at him.

"So. Want to go sliding, then?"

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"All right," she says, amused. She looks imperiously at the stairs, and they accordingly shift to make something more appropriate for sliding. "Have fun."

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At the bottom is a padded and squishy floor, piled with soft cushy blankets and fluffy pillows.

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He nestles amid the pillows and giggles delightedly.

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They are soft and comfortable!

Ivethis is down a few minutes later, looking amused.

"Oh, good. That part worked, too. I realized after I sent you down that I didn't have a comfortable place for you to land."

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"I would've been fine but this is adorable," he says, hugging a pillow.

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"Then my last minute panicking wasn't wasted," she says loftily.

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"It was not!"

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She flomps down next to him.

"Okay, so step one, I wonder if I can change any of these while looking at them..."

Ivethis picks up a blanket and peers at it. ... Nothing much seems to happen. She hums, thoughtfully.

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"What's the difference if you're looking at them...?"

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"I'm wondering if I have matter creation and transmutation, or if I just have the ability to move things places in the castle. Though that doesn't explain the food very well, does it, hm."

She hums again, and a bit of the wall clunks open and offers a very soft, and fluffy blanket in gorgeous tones of patterned aquamarine and violet, which she thoughtfully inspects.

"Specific pattern and color I was thinking of, which implies it's not just moving things, but then why can't I just change the blankets here...?"

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"They're adorably shy? Try hiding one under another blanket," he suggests.

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... Giggle.

"Okay, sure."

She hides a blanket under another blanket, hums a little tune, and then checks. The blanket is now the fluffier and pinker sibling to the blanket she summoned by castle.

"This is the most adorable breakthrough," she declares.

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Giggle. "No kidding."

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"So it's shy, but otherwise seems like I can just - make whatever I like?" She pulls over pillows and drapes a blanket over them, waits a minute, then removes the blanket. Nothing awaits her.


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"...What was that going to be?"

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"The words 'apparently so,' spelled out in precious metals and gemstones."

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"I wonder if this place can do gemstones, or if it's just rearranging what's there and things for living comfortably." She looks at a bit of wall, frowning.

After a pause: "Hm, maybe it is just comfortable -" The bit of wall opens and deposits a small, expertly cut emerald. She blinks. "Or maybe not? But that took longer than breakfast."

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"Breakfast is easy, emeralds are hard. So about like most places then."

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"I guess so. That... makes about as much sense as I can probably expect any spell half frayed apart to make, I suppose."

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She smiles at him, then replaces the blanket over the makeshift set of pillows. After a pause, she uncovers it to reveal a cloth with an expertly embroidered picture of the city, except all neat and pretty and not at all fucked up. Probably what it was like before the curse.

"It can do detail work pretty fast, though," she observes. "If we for some reason ever need money and the world outside isn't broken, I could sell tapestries. Not that I expect us to ever need money, considering."

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"Yeah. We have a magic castle."

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"We do! It's pretty great! ... Oooh, let's get a floor plan of this place and then see if we want to change it. Or if we can."

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There's a pause, then a bit of wall opens and deposits a dollhouse sized copy of the castle. Ivethis giggles slightly.

"We should just be able to remove each floor," she explains, pulling it over. "This way we can see how it all fits together. Plus, this is way more cute than a flat floor plan."

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...he hugs her. "You're so cute. You do cute things. It's good."

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Giggle, hug. "Thank you, I try."

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Snuggle. "Okay, let's have a look at your castle."

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Snuggle. "Okay."

She reaches over to start dismantling the castle dollhouse. Near immediately:

"Wow that tower is impractically tall. And wasn't at all in the original floor plan. That's where I was sleeping, right? No wonder there were so many stairs."

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"That is going to be the very first thing to go, if I can architect. ... Actually -" A bit of the wall opens to reveal a second castle at a dollhouse size, this one shorter and stumpier. "Original floor plan before any idiots with curses got involved."

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"I bet that one has way fewer stairs."

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"Oh, definitely. I'd probably be at least a little sad for a while, though, living in my childhood home after, well. So maybe we should try to figure something else out from it."

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"Well - how different do you want it to be? Start-from-scratch different or just move-some-stuff different?"

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"... Might be too weird for me if it's the same layout but slightly different and moved around. I would recognize things but they're be obviously wrong. Think we can competently pull off start-from-scratch different?"

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"Let's find out!"

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They set in on analyzing both of the available castle designs.


"... You know," observes Ivethis, "even if we can't architect competently, I think we can architect more competently than this." She waves at the taller castle dollhouse. "It's such a mess. The layout doesn't even flow particularly well, it's just, it's just - a bunch of things tacked on awkwardly."

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"...Yeah, I see what you mean. Like, I don't know, if - mm, I'm having an idea and I'm having trouble saying it because I don't know the words for any of it, but d'you see how the bottom of the castle is that shape, like a - path with a bend in it, and in the original version it's taller on this side of the bend and shorter on that side, which looks reasonable, and then the way it is now there's this tall tower all the way at one end and an incoherent pile of junk all along the rest of it - I think it'd look nice with a tall tower right at the bend, and then maybe the short side higher and the long side lower again like it was originally?"

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"That would look much better," she agrees. "I don't think I'd want it to be as tall as, um. The tower I woke up in. Or quite as entirely devoted to stairs. If we're going to have a tower I'd like to do something with the parts in between the top and the bottom. Instead of entirely rock except for the many stairs."

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He giggles. A lot.

"- yes. Yes. That."

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"Granted I don't know what we'd put in the not-stair-space. Uh. A sitting room? A private library separate from the other library? ... That last one seems silly if there's just the two of us here."

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"A sitting room sounds nice. With windows, and a view."

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"Yeah. ... Though, I've been having trouble looking at, um, anything city-related, so maybe a view of the ocean. It's hard to look at my home when it's been defiled. I'll probably get over it eventually, but."

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"It used to be very pretty," she mumbles into his shoulder.

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Much hug.

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Yep, much hug.

"I'm not sure if I'll even be able to look at it once it's fixed, if it's all. Empty and sad."

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Nod. Hug.

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"Anyway. Um. Back to architecting?"

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Hug. "Yeah. What else does a castle need..."

Many things, it turns out.

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So many things!


"Should we indulge in a ballroom?" wonders Ivethis, eventually. "It seems a bit silly with the two of us, but then where else would you get to dance?"

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"What are magic castles for if not extravagant indulgences?"

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"Okay. Ballroom indulgence. By that logic, I get a multi-story library."

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More giggling.


She can make little models of potential layouts! Without even thinking about all of the specifics, even. This makes layout planning much more convenient, but not entirely trivial.

"I'm not sure I have a great way to test the structural integrity of layouts," she muses. "I can make little dollhouse versions all day and night, but they don't have the same weight bearing down on them, so it's - not as obvious where the points of failures are."

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"...yeah, good point. Hmm. It's a magic castle, can you make it hold itself up by magic?"

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"Well, let's find out."

A bit of wall deposits a block of stone precariously supported by a number of removable sticks. It looks reasonably stable, on its own. She scootches towards it, and starts removing support sticks. After removing a few from both sides, she hums thoughtfully, and switches to removing sticks from only one side.

Even once she's removed all the left sticks, the stone block stays right where it is.

"Well now I'm wondering if I can just remove both sides and if we can make a flying castle."

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"Let's find out!"

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Ivethis smiles, and starts removing more sticks. "I mean, even just this happening isn't quite enough to build a castle on, I'd want to leave it overnight to check that it'll stay when I'm not staring at it, but it's still very -"

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As she gets down to a limited number of sticks, the stone block stops putting up with the lack of support, and decides abruptly that it would like to start following physics again. Right onto Ivethis's hand.

"Ow-!" she yelps, withdrawing the bruised hand. "Ow, fuck, I suppose that's what I get for testing things with my hand in the line of fire, ow."

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"—you all right?" he asks, moving closer.

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"Yes, just my pride that suffered the real injury. Nothing's broken, just a bruise."

She shows him the injured hand. It looks like the corner of the stone brick got her, there's already signs of a small but nasty looking bruise. Probably would have been better if it had just hit the entire hand, it wouldn't have concentrated the force all to one area.

"I'd say 'first blood,' but I'm not bleeding," she says, wryly.

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He smiles at her.

"I can heal it if you want," he offers.

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"... I'm honestly a bit torn between wanting to see cool magic and stop being bruised and wanting to have this as a reminder to keep my hand out of stupid situations."

She frowns at it, and tilts her head. "Are you healing it now?"

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"Mm? No...?"

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"Oh. Um. Am I seeing things, then, because it looks like it's healing."

If one looks closely, she appears to not be seeing things. Slowly, the bruise is shrinking and cycling through the various colored stages of being a bruise. The edges are fading to yellow, the middle parts of the bruise are still an ugly purple.

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"Huh. Nope, you're not seeing things."

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"Yay, self healing. I don't have to suffer for my stupid mistakes now. I wonder how complete it is, it's not like it's a good idea to experiment. I doubt I'm as immortal as you, though."

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"...my best guess is you're as immortal as," he gestures vaguely in the direction of the front door.

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"Oh. Well. How hard was it to kill him?"

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"Mm. Kind of tedious?"

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Giggle. "So it's probably kind of tedious to kill me. Good to know."

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He giggles and hugs her.

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"Do you suppose I can live forever, as long as nothing is sustainingly tedious at me? I guess it's not obvious how dragons age, is it."

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"Not obvious, no, but with the timeslip you were both in here a while. Anyway, if you can't live forever and you want to, I bet I can fix that."

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"All right. Let's see how my own spellfrayed whatever handles it first before we start adding more magic to it? Since um, you're not going anywhere and we don't need to solve it right now."

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"What things hurt him, is there anything tedious I should avoid in particular?"

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"I sorta just had to keep tearing him to pieces until the pieces stopped trying to heal."

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She considers this visual. ... It might be a bit wrong to cherish it, but she doesn't care, she's cherishing it anyway.

"So, avoid dismemberment by an angry immortal, got it," she says, smiling.

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He giggles. "Yeah."

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"I am very glad he's dead, thank you for killing him."

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"Well. You're welcome."

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She considers something, makes a face, and snuggles closer so she can shiver in his arms.

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Cuddle. "Mm?"

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"I'm - considering what would have happened if circumstances were slightly different, and if I did not have a magic castle between me and him. I suppose being a dragon would have made it awkward at best and astonishingly painful at worst, but. Ugh."

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Yep, snuggling. Snuggling helps.

"Sorry, it's all just. Supremely creepy. I think the part where I was asleep was planned on his part, he mentioned that when I woke he'd have everything... prepared. And I was in that giant bed and yep I'm going to stop talking now, I am very glad there was a magic castle in his way. Good castle. Niiiice castle."

She pats the nearby wall. Pat pat.

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"... Anyway. Happier topics. Architecture."

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They come up with a number of designs, some of them better than others.

"You know," says Ivethis, pointing, "I think I like this one best. The others are probably less likely to collapse under their own weight, but it's very... open? It uses the space inside a bit better."

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"Mm, yeah. I like it too."

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"I guess I should set up another stone block with insufficient support and leave it overnight. See if it'll stay up without me. Since that'd be a bad thing to figure out with a castle."

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"Yeah, probably a good idea."

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"Though I don't know what would happen if I left, either, or if something were to put in the effort to kill me. Maybe it'd be smarter to go with the ones that will probably not collapse without me..."

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"Maybe, but that one's so pretty."

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"It is, but it seems less than practical - well. I suppose if it's just us, it doesn't matter if we're a bit less practical, does it?"

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"We can be impractical if we want!"

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"All right. But if the place collapses on you a hundred years down the line, you can't come and complain to me. You supported me in frivolous decision-making."

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She's tempted to kiss him again. He's just so cute.

"- Let me get the stone brick set up again. And this time not squish my hand."

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He laughs. "Sure."

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A bit of wall opens and deposits another brick with its insufficient stick support system. Ivethis carefully removes one side of the supports, then scoots far away from it.

"Right, then. Shall we see if I can add an entrance hall to this castle, as well? Possibly we should have done that before designing a whole castle, but ah. It was still fun, even if it turns out to be pointless."

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Giggle. "Yeah."

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"And we have so many charming dollhouse sized castles, now!" she says brightly, carefully standing. It's kind of hard, on the squishy floor covered in pillows and blankets, but she manages.

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She smiles at him.

"Right, uh. Any idea for possible safety measures if adding an entrance hall causes the entire castle to collapse in a horrific disaster?"

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"...um... safety measures are not my strongest suit..."

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"Fair enough. If there were a cellar in this bloated mess of a castle, I'd say go there to weather out the rain of stone and dig ourselves out later, but there isn't. Ah, not near any windows in case they shatter from the strain - outside would be the best, if outside were proven safe. Hmm... this awkwardly located bedroom here?" She points on the appropriate tiny castle.

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"Awkwardly located bedroom!"

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To the awkwardly located bedroom!

Once they're in the awkward location, she sits on the bed and says, "Ready, then?"

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Sit. Hug. "Ready!"

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Hug! "The hugging is mandatory, of course."

There's a faint, faraway sound of large stone bricks being moved into other large stone bricks. Then it stops.

"That sounded promising," chirps Ivethis.

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She nuzzles him, then gently extracts herself from snuggles.

"Time to go look to see if there's a new entrance hall!"

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"I bet there is!"

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"No bet, the odds are terrible."

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She smiles brilliantly at him, then they go to check on the entrance hall.

It exists, and furthermore, it's lovely. The walls are filled with windows with subtle colored inlays, the floor has several exquisite carpets, and there are several well maintained plants lining the windows.

Ivethis giggles with delight.

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So does Siran!!!

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"Well! I suppose now all there is to it is not thinking of the test for a while and checking on it tomorrow. Anything you'd like to do in the interim?"

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"I dunno."

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"Hmm. I'd go read in the library, but that doesn't seem quite your style. We can explore the castle in person and brainstorm interior decorating ideas? We have a floor plan but none of the little details that make places home."

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"Ooh, that sounds like fun."

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"All right. Anywhere you'd like to look at first, then?"

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"What about that weird little room next to the kitchen," he suggests.

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"Sure," she agrees, smiling. "But it might just be a weird pantry."

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"I still want to find out what it looks like at normal size, it's just so—" he gestures vaguely, imitating the bizarre angular shape of the room.

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"It is very that. ... Maybe it's for storing alcohol? It's efficient, because going in there drives you to drinking?"

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He cracks up.

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"It would explain the lack of a cellar! That settles it, we have to go right now, I want to know if I'm right or not."

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"All right."

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They make it to the room.

It has a couple of sad, mismatched chairs in it.

"... I take it back, this is not where the alcohol is kept, this is the room for drinking yourself to death."

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Helpless snickering.

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"I don't know the purpose of the room if it's not my tongue in cheek assertions, so clearly I'm right."

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"You're amazing."

He hugs her.

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"Because I snark at terrible architecture decisions?"

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"Yes. It's great."

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She giggles.

"I'm glad you think so! I try not to get too obnoxious about it, but uh. Sometimes I mis-aim a bit and make people a bit uncomfortable. Do let me know if it starts to grate?"

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"Okay! Then let's go look at more terrible architecture, I'm excited to rip it to pieces!"

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The castle continues to be exactly what a half-frayed spell would design from a megalomaniac's vague ideas of what he wants in a magic castle. There are opulent and unnecessary things stashed in bizarre places, the overall layout does not work at all, and there is little continuity of design. Where continuity of design actually occurs, it tends to precisely and creepily mirror other design elements, even when it doesn't quite make sense. Some places are pretty on their own, but as a whole, it's an absolute mess.

Ivethis has a bit too much fun ripping the design decisions of the castle to pieces. She's enjoying ripping apart the bad stuff more than finding anything good, but she makes an effort to try to find things that she likes anyway, or things that could be made into something she likes with a bit of effort. To avoid forgetting certain things, Ivethis starts collecting copies of anything they like in the entrance hall. It'll look a bit like a hoarder lives there, but they won't have to keep track of anything they like.



"I think we might be out of castle!"

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He continues to find her opinions delightful. He's less inclined to comment, himself, but when he does say something it's usually picking out a design element that could be rescued from its surroundings and repurposed to good ends.

"I think so too!"

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"Celebratory hug?" she invites, grinning.

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Celebratory hug!!!

He picks her up and spins her around, for no reason other than that it seems like a good idea at the time.

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She cackles with delight!

"I, you," she begins, then is interrupted by giggling too hard. "What was that for?"

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Giggle. "Dunno, felt like it?"

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"Ah-huh. Are you often overcome by the urge to twirl people, is this something I should expect in my life in the future?" She stand on her toes and drapes her arms over his shoulders, smiling at him. Oh no, she wants to kiss him again, and isn't motivated enough to change the subject or pull away.

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"This is the first time I can remember it happening!" he says, smiling right back at her.

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"So I'm an outlier! Well, all right. Anything else you'd like to do with me?"

Oh, she did not mean for those words to have that connotation, it just kind of happened. Is she blushing? She is probably blushing. (She is blushing.)

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"...You're blushing," he says, delightedly.

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"What, me, no, definitely not, it's all the walking around to look at the castle," she declares unconvincingly, blushing redder. "I have fair skin, it shows up easily!"

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"Liar." He wraps his arms around her and squeezes gently.

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She giggles again.

"The exertion could be making me dizzy, I might need a fainting couch, you don't know!"

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"Should I pick you up and carry you to a couch, I think I might be hearing that I should pick you up and carry you to a couch!"

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Can't speak, too much giggle.

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He grins at her.

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"You know what," she laughs, "yes, pick me up and carry me to a couch, that sounds like fun."

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He carries her to a couch and sits on the couch, still holding her; she therefore ends up in his lap.

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... This is really not helping her blushing problem. Like, at all. She's not complaining, but if this was meant to solve the blushing problem, it is a bad solution.

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But what if he doesn't think the blushing is a problem at all, what then.

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"Well," she observes, "I am now on the fainting couch, excellent work."

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"Yes you are."

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"Also on you, was this by design or happy accident?"

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"It seemed like a good place for you. Was I wrong?"

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"I don't think you were," she murmurs, and then she kisses him.

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Mmmmmm, kiss. What a good idea.

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Ivethis has nonzero experience in this area, but it's not actually a lot of experience. This lack of experience makes her feel vaguely self conscious about her kissing skills, but he seems to be enjoying himself. She certainly is. So she doesn't worry about it.

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Siran has kissed people before in his life! He has never been this deeply personally enthusiastic about them. It's a big improvement.

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Somehow during the kissing she ends up just sort of draped across him, pulling him closer and entwining her fingers in his hair. She is not sure how this happened, but she observes that it has. Also that she's kind of lightheaded. Is she forgetting to breathe? She might be forgetting to breathe. Hey, small percentage of her head that's not devoted to the glory of kissing, is she kind of short of breath? ... Yes. Yes she is.

"Breathing is so hard," she mumbles into his lips, pulling away far enough to focus a bit more on breathing. C'mon, she can breathe through her nose while kissing, it's not like it's mechanically difficult.

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He giggles and hugs her.

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She giggles too, and then she decides to give kissing him another shot. This time: breathing. Through the nose. It is possible and she will do it.

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She successfully figures out the breathing through nose trick. It is not mechanically difficult. Success!

They can be there for a while, can't they? He's immortal, she's... whatever she is... they can just make out for a little while, that sounds like an excellent use of their time.

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It sounds like the best use of their time!

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... Over the course of the kissing she graduates to making quiet understated sounds. And squirming a little. Kissing him is nice.

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Ooooh. These are positive developments.

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She thinks so, too!


After longer like this, when she's started getting a little bit shivery, she pulls away enough to mumble. "I, I'm having way more of a reaction to this than I e-ever expected to. How, how far do we want to take this, here...?"

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"...I don't know," he says. "I like kissing you. I bet I'd like other things even more. What do you want?"

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She giggles a slightly airy giggly, then she takes a deep breath and collects her scattered thoughts. "I, mm. If we take this into other things territory I want to make sure that there won't be, um. Consequences nine months later, or anything. Once that's handled I - think I want to just continue and see where we end up?"

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"—um," he says. "Yeah. - I could probably figure something out with magic, for, uh, that problem."

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"How reliably? There's a plant that's supposed to work okay if I take it regularly, but I'm not sure how reliable that is, and I accordingly hesitate to rely on it."

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"Magic would be really reliable if I managed it at all!"

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"Well, that sounds promising. It'd be reversible, and not likely to go horribly horribly wrong if you couldn't manage it?"

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"Yeah - I'd be careful, I wouldn't let it get close to fraying, if it wasn't working I just wouldn't do it."

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Snuggle. "All right, then we can try that."

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Hug. "All right, let's see..."

He closes his eyes and thinks for a minute. There's a feeling of pressure in the air, a subtle sense of power being used.

Then he opens his eyes. "Okay, I won't be having any kids until I take that spell off, and I can do the same for you if you want to be extra sure."

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"I think I'd like to be extra sure, if you don't mind? Since you can just take it off later."

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He sits still for another half-minute.


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"Thanks." Nuzzle. "So, with that handled, continuing and seeing where we end up?"

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He grins. He kisses her.

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She hums appreciatively, happily returning the kiss. It's nice to not have to worry about anything and just let herself get a bit lost in the moment.

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Mmmmmmmm, kiss. She is so kissable.

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So's he! See her proof: she's kissing him.

Mmm, what is time, she has stopped paying attention to it.

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Time is an illusion. The world is made of kisses.

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She likes the world being made of kisses. The world being made of kisses means that the world isn't one where, of all the people she's known in her life, only the one she met this morning is still alive.

Ivethis decides to get slightly experimental with her kiss locations. Does he like when she kisses down his jaw to his neck?

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He does, as it happens! He likes that very much!

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Oh, good. Then she'll just keep doing that.

... After a little while she tentatively starts trailing a hand up under his shirt. Also a thing that he likes?

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Definitely also that!

He decides that if his shirt is in the way of where she wants her hands to be then he should take it off. He does so.

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Well! Then her hands are free to explore. She is so appreciative.

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He's pretty appreciative himself. Mm.

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She's certainly getting that impression!

After a little while she decides that this is a non-optimal lap position. Luckily, this is a solvable problem. She corrects it so that she's instead straddling him, and then she can go right back to what she was doing.

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Siran finds this to be an improvement! Mmmmmmmm she's so lovely.

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He's pretty great himself, really.

The squirming's back! See how squirmy she is now.

"Do we want to stop being on a couch?" she mumbles into his neck.

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"Well." He runs his fingers affectionately through her hair. "All the things I want to do right now are doable from here..."

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She makes a pleased humming sound at his touch.

"Oh? Like what?" she wonders, pulling away far enough to smile at him.

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He grins. He kisses her. He settles his hands on her waist and pulls her a little closer.

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Closer's a good place for her to be! She likes being closer, and makes this known by making another pleased humming sound, this one softer. Also by kissing him. Kissing him is important.

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What with the straddling him, her dress has ended up kind of bunched up around her waist. That makes it a less-than-optimal place to keep his hands. Maybe he can put them on her legs instead, that sounds like a plan.

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They are both being so optimal today! Good for them, they should keep it up.

She squirms again, decides that the next step in their optimization plan is there being less dress, and...

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... has trouble completing that step. Her dress is the sort of complicated thing one wears when one's basically a princess. She makes a vaguely frustrated sound, disengages enough to have a better shot at getting out of it, and fails a second time.

She huffs, annoyed. "Help."

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"...would you like there to stop being this dress, because I can do that, but I'm not sure I can deal with it any less destructively."

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"... I can just have the castle make me a new dress," she points out, slyly. "A perfect copy, even, if I want one. There's no reason this dress needs to stay intact."

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He kisses her.

He slides his hands up her back and grabs the top of the dress on both sides and pulls it apart. Fabric tears like paper. He keeps going, adjusting his grip a few times, until there is a clean split all the way down the back of the dress from collar to hem.

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"Ah," she whimpers, punctuating with another squirm. "That's unfairly hot."

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Mmm then how about he kisses her again. And carefully rips apart the sleeves. There, now the dress is not attached to her in any way. It can just. Go.

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She cooperates so agreeably with all steps of this plan. Especially the kissing. She is so very cooperative with that step. Whine.

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Mm. That is a good sound she just made and now he would like to wrap his arms around her and kiss her passionately and also maybe destroy his clothes with magic yeah he just did that.

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Oh, the removal of clothes was a fantastic idea, this much skin to skin contact is a little bit intoxicating. He feels so nice.

"Impatient, are we?" she breathes against his lips, but this is all the teasing she can get out between kisses because she's not exactly a paragon of patience herself right now.

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He giggles softly. And kisses her some more.

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More kissing sounds pretty good to her! And the exploration of available Siran-based surfaces. That one's important, too.

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Siran has so many surfaces. And she is welcome to explore them all. Mmmm.

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All of them? Goodness.

She is a little hesitant to use this power indiscriminately, she is new to the Siran-surface exploration experience.

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She can take her time getting accustomed. It's not like they're going to miss any appointments because they spent too long exploring each other's surfaces. (Ivethis has some pretty lovely surfaces herself.)

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She's very glad she's not being rushed to do anything, but um. Do they have to complete cartography for every surface available right now, because she's still feeling a bit impatient. See additional documentation: whine.

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He giggles and kisses her and runs his hands down her back again and— "I can't help noticing you're still wearing underwear," kiss, "should I fix that," kiss.

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"Yes, that," kiss, "please," she adds with a whimper.

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He fixes that.

Oh look what they can do now.

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Ivethis isn't doing a ton of looking, her head's nestled in the crook of Siran's neck. Touch strikes her as the primary sense she should be focusing on right now. From the sound she makes, she's pretty pleased about it. Though she would like a brief adjustment period, because this is uncharted territory.

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"Mmm," he says, petting her hair. "You're so lovely."

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"I feel very appreciated," she giggles into his neck. Then she adjusts herself so she can kiss him. Kissing him: important.

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So important! Mmmmmmkiss.

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"Okay." She smiles at him brilliantly.

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He giggles.

"You have a nice smile," he says, and he kisses her nice smile, and then - surfaces interact. Gently. Mmmm she is so soft and warm and cozy and pretty and kissable and good.

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"So do you," she murmurs, shivering a little. He's - adjectives. Positive ones. That she can't think of right now, because that part of her brain doesn't seem to adjust well to trying to be coherent in times like these.

Another part of it's working just fine, though. "But then like, does -" she is interrupted by a little whine, but perseveres, "- does anyone look at someone and say, 'you have a terrible smile'? I mean, really?"

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Giggle. "You're, mm, you're so cute," he says, wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling her cheek.

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She nuzzles back, giggling a little and smiling.

"What, because I ask the important questions n-no one is willing to ask at very strange times?"

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"Yes. That." Kiss. "It's cute. You're cute. I like you."

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"Well thank you. If you didn't," she is briefly distracted from speaking in favor of making a facial expression. "If you didn't, we'd probably have a problem, considering. So, good!"

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He smiles fondly and kisses her again.

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Kiss! This is incompatible with snarky phrases, but that does not mean it's not worthwhile.

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So worthwhile! Mmmmm.

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Mmmmkiiiiiiss -

"Careful," she warns, lightly, "we might overstress my - my ability to remember I should breathe! This would be a really bad time to pass out!"

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He laughs. "So cute."

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"I'm really glad you think so. Otherwise I'd have to like, hold it in, and then how would I remember to breathe?"

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"Mmm." Nuzzle. "I think you will probably manage to keep breathing."

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"If I try very hard and believe in myself?"

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She leans forward to giggle into his shoulder. ... With occasional other sounds.

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Ooh, sounds. Those are some good sounds.

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He is so welcome to persuade her to make more.

"I hope I'm not giving the impression that, that I'm n-not suitably distracted," she mumbles into his skin, shivering. Her voice has gained a breathy quality it doesn't usually contain. "'m plenty distracted."

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"I can see that." He pets her and nuzzles her hair. "It's nice."

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Affirmative-sounding whimper.

Surface interaction is pretty compelling. Especially now that she's sort of gotten the hang of it.

"'s it fun to watch me slowly fall, fall to pieces?"

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He wraps his arms around her and kisses her some more. Kisses: important.

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So very, very important!

"Good," she mumbles after she turns out to need a breathing break. Breathing: hard. "You, should be - should be fun for you, too."

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"Mmmm. It is. It really is."

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"I'm s-so, I'm so glad."

And now, Siran may experience all of the available flavors of sound Ivethis has available. There are whines, whimpers, miscellaneous noises that originate from the back of her throat, and eventually, high pitched and soft:

"Siran -"

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Ivethis makes the best sounds.

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She is so proud of herself. Or - well. She's actually a little bit busy right now, but she would be proud of herself if she had a different perspective. Right now she's just going to stick to clinging to Siran and shivering. Those seem like good things to do.

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Yeah it is a clinging and shivering kind of time.


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She leans on him and shivers some more, trying to catch her breath.

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He hugs her and pets her hair and smiles.

"You're so - pretty and warm and soft an' good," he mumbles.

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Ivethis giggles affectionately.

"I'd respond in kind, but I lost my adjectives somewhere in that. Afraid I can't compliment you 'til we retrace our steps later," she murmurs in to his neck. "So sorry."

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Giggle. Nuzzle. "Oh no, what'll I do."

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"Flounder in ignorance, clearly. Would I call you handsome? Thoughtful? Tender? You may never know!"

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"Well. One day I hope to find out." Hug.

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"All of the above," she says, in a stage whisper. "And sweet. And adorably pleased whenever I'm happy."

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"Also cute," she adds, sagely. "You are also cute."

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He giggles. He kisses her.

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Clearly the only thing to be done about this is to kiss him right back. There. That'll show him what kissing her gets him.

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Kissing her is such a rewarding activity!

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It iiiis.


"So, I don't know about you," she says, lightly, "but I'm kind of parched after that. Also a smidge hungry. Want to cuddle and eat something?"

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"That sounds like a great idea."

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Eating from his lap sounds logistically difficult. ... Also kind of sticky. She gently extracts herself with an apologetic kiss. Then she has a bit of wall spit out a warm, damp rag for dealing with the sticky, and then once that's handled, a fluffy blanket and food. It would probably get a bit cold without clothes on.

And now they can snuggle under a warm, fluffy blanket and eat food.

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Fluffy blankets are good and important. Mm. Cozy.

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So cozy!

Ivethis is going to smile at him adoringly between bites of food. That seems like the thing to do.

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Yes! It is a good thing!!

Siran smiles adoringly right back. And snuggles her. He seems more interested in the snuggles and the fluffy blanket than in the food, actually.

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He's completely welcome to be more interested in snuggles and the fluffy blanket! ... Though she's mildly tempted to hand feed him. In an atrociously coupley fashion. She gives the food a contemplative look.

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Siran snuggles her. Cozily. And blanketedly. It is a good blanket.

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She's so glad he likes it. A moment can be spared from eating to kiss him, because he's adorable and sweet.

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Aww!! Cozy kisses. So good.

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Yes. Nuzzle.

"So, what would you like to do for the rest of the day?"

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"Mm, I dunno." Snuggle.

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"Me neither," she confesses. "Raid the library for something to read? Lock ourselves in a spare bedroom for a while? Procure a board game and play it?"

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He giggles and nuzzles her. "Well those all sound like fun. Although maybe the thing that sounds the most fun right now is staying here under this amazingly cozy blanket."

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"All right, blanket and snuggle based entertainment. But we can stay under this amazingly cozy blanket and still do other things! We have the castle delivery system. If we get bored of just snuggling."

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"You're cute. And huggable. It's good. I like you."

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"You're pretty huggable yourself! And very complimentary," she teases, smiling. "I like you too."

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She leans over and kisses the tip of his nose, purely because it seems like it'd be funny and cute.

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He giggles and hugs her. "You're so cute."

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"Thank you for noticing, I try my best, and it's nice to know I succeed!"

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"Soooo cute." Nuzzle. "And huggable."

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"Are those my most notable qualities?" she laughs. "What about my sharp wit? My charming company? At least tell me you think I'm pretty!"

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He kisses her. "You're very pretty. And clever and charming and adorable and warm and cozy and funny and sweet."

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"I do like variety in my flattery," she murmurs, smiling. Then: kissing, yes, that sounds pretty good.

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Mmm. Kisses. Lovely cozy kisses.