"I think she'd be less prone to personally advertising them if that were the case."
"You bet they will, all eight and three-quarters of them," says Juliet, "Jane, are they still on Saturn in Origin?"
"They haven't got gems, so I don't know about Saturn, but I haven't moved any of them out of the world. Not that that'd stop Sue," says Jane.
"I'm not sure why Juliet picked that exact fraction, but two of you have external souls with their own names who talk and shapeshift," says Cam with a vague gesture. "Alethia has this as a feature of everybody - except most people grow out of the shapeshifting - and Sue visited the place and got his own."
[I'll broadcast the news and Pattern will probably invite you all to Origin, which would be a convenient place to have Cam's introduction party as many of the standard guests are already there,] Jane says.
And she does.