"Is it time for me to leave you guys alone now?" inquires Pattern archly.
"In all seriousness," says Giles, although he is not entirely successful at looking the part, "I really think we have more to discuss than, than idle recreation."
"Want me to grab Merryweather for you? Little template convention? You can agree on a replacement collective noun."
"Wait five minutes, I'm sure he'll turn up," says Giles. "Given recent trends."
"Don't ask me," says Keth, plopping himself onto a section of bench near Giles but not within arm's reach. "I couldn't even pick my own nickname, Rayne had to do it for me."
"I have not ditched mine," says Keth, "although I understand why some of you might want to."
"...Mine and I," says Giles, sounding as though the 'mine' part doesn't quite fit, "...drifted apart. Much as tectonic plates might, with considerable disturbance to the environs and an occasional volcano."
"I'm gonna register the prediction that Merryweather doesn't talk to his, either, being of the one sort and not the other. Presuming he has one, but I'm also going to register the prediction that he has. Maybe Glass should go look at some of them to figure out what it is with you guys."
"I'd rather mine went undisturbed by any reminder of my existence whatsoever," says Giles.
"If I have the right read on them, reminding him won't make a lot of difference."
"He hasn't troubled me anytime in the last decade and I would prefer to have that state of affairs continue."
"But yes, returning to the subject of template names. I observe that neither of you is wearing your name tag," says Giles.
"I'm curious, Giles, how old were you when you resumed the name?"
"So that can't just be a chronology thing," Pattern says, glancing at her Ripper, who is older than he looks.