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He thinks about it for a few seconds, and then says very abruptly and emphatically—almost as though afraid— "No."



Well, then she'll just sit here while he works through his issues or whatever it is he's doing. Or decides to kill her. She has no magic items besides her armor cloak in its perfect passivity, and can't see, and doesn't know where they are.

And her ring. Which might actually lead her out of here but only if Winter didn't stab her for trying.

Hugs, Jamie.

After a moment, her hugs are returned.


Okay, so James knows she's alive. The hugs are not very high bandwidth but they are nice. It's cold in here.


"I - I can't - I don't know if I can bear to kill you but I know I can't bear to live," he whispers. "It hurts too much."


"James could figure you out," murmurs Isabella. "If there's anything you could live with she could find it. But if you do kill me, she will know that you did it to get her to kill you. And you will have forfeited any remaining claim on her efforts if it's safer or easier to throw you in the dungeon."


He growls.


She stops pushing her luck. For the moment.


And now he's crying. That is a thing that is happening.

...Try to sneak or don't try to sneak? Ring, which way is Jamie?


The ring tentatively points just to one side of the sound of Winter's crying, which is getting louder with time.


So she'd have to go around him. And might step on him or something, which is a guaranteed disaster however loud he's being. Can the ring do a detour...? She rubs the knotwork under her thumb. Do you have another idea, ring?


Apparently the current best route is definitely right past Winter, and it is not a very good route at that. The ring seems almost apologetic.


It is not a very good route. Damn it, Winter, why can't your emotional incontinence lead to tactical incompetence? She shifts her weight, sends another ring-hug.


Ring-hug immediately returned.


"She can find me. She will. You'll probably like the results better if I've had some cordial when she gets here."

"Aslan's creature," he snarls. "Still knows how to threaten. Much good may it do you. Shall I sprout wings and fly you to Cair Paravel next?"


"I don't know, maybe if you stabbed yourself in the shoulders enough you could make ice wings, I don't know what you are."


"Cursed!" he spits. "Damned! To live forever in unbearable suffering! I cannot, I cannot!" And he breaks down crying again.


She hasn't tried to walk without her scepter in a very long time. Slowly, she stands up. She puts her hood up all the way over her face (no light to even worry about blocking), winces silently at the frozen spot on her hand that she accidentally aggravates moving her hand. Draws her cloak completely around herself.

Follows the ring. Tiptoe by soft careful tiptoe.
There is an obstruction in her path. A weeping obstruction.

As soon as she touches him, he lets out an agonized wail and cringes away.

She flinches back, trips. How narrow is this tunnel? She tries to find the wall.

Not very narrow where she's standing - no walls within easy reach.

Winter's crying may be winding down, or just experiencing a temporary lull.
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