Ellie and Thario in MO
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… Yyyeah, maybe. (No. Probably not.)

And then: they are up at the door they came from! Except both doors are shut. "Ugh, which did we come from?" asks Maya.


"Let's try the closer one first. If we go downstairs and the others aren't there, we can come back and try the other."


"Okay," she says, and opens the door closer to them.

Through the door: is a room that looks very much like the room they came from, though as to whether it's the same, that's a different matter.

Maya flares her aura red again when they're back on solid ground.


If it still has stairs, they can go down a few flights and make a check.


It does! It does in fact have stairs.

And then after they go down a couple of flights it would seem that the next flight of stairs stubbornly refuses to be where it should be.

Instead: there is water. In the stairwell.



"Try the other door?"


"Yeah," she says. "Probably a good idea."

So, back up the stairwell they go and then into the cylinder and Maya flares sparks and opens the other door and ferries Elleira across.

There are also stairs on this side.


Down the stairs!


Down the stairs is: not much. They can go down a few flights to the floor where Blue and Thario should be and instead there is an empty room.

"Hm," says Maya, flaring yellow and looking around.


Can Elleira sense them anywhere nearby?


Apparently she can! They're very far below them, though it feels somewhat sideways. As in, if she can sense them in 3D, assume there's another dimension that's somehow orthogonal. They're also that way.

Maya looks out the window and says, "I think this was the wrong door."


And what about the window leads her to this conclusion?


The city seems to be lacking, somewhat! Lacking what would be a good question, but a better question would be what is it not lacking.

For it is lacking quite a lot. The buildings, for one, as well as the ground, and even a forest or anything in the distance, and also a sky! Somehow it is missing a sky.


"...That's disorienting. Let's go back."


"Yeah, agreed," she says, and then back up the stairs and through the door they can go (once again helped by the sparky aura).


Back through it is.


And then back down and Elleira will notice that the other lifeforms no longer seem weirdly sideways and they also don't seem as far down as they did before, but are still… below the water. Over in the direction of the street, though, so maybe they're not actually underwater.


Is there a window they can climb out of?


Well, they could try smashing the large glass one on the floor just above the water and going through that? Shouldn't be too difficult.

(… There does not appear to be a large flood outside it, though the ground might be a bit wet.)


Yes, let's try that.


So they can smash the window, that goes fine, and Maya flares sparky and offers her arm for them to go down to the ground.


Elleira takes the proffered arm.


And then: Maya jumps out the window, taking Elleira with her.

They land quite gracefully.

Around them, the ground is… slightly wet. The lifeforms seem to be in a nearby bakery and the water seems to be coming from the electronics store that continues to miss a window, though it's only moving out very slowly.

"… Weird time, too, right."


"I think they're over there."

She points to the bakery.


So Maya spins around to look at the bakery, makes sure it doesn't contain any obvious horrible traps or some such by flaring yellow, and then makes her way over to it!

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