demon!Edie in daeva!Arda
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Should we be worried about one of the demons pulling a binary search?


"Takes five days to get anywhere in a lightleaper. They find us, they head at us, we just need to be somewhere else five days later."


"Makes sense."


"We will be dependent on you for supplies."


"I can do supplies." She doesn't like how hard the Morgoth problem is and anything concrete she can do to make a difference is good.


Daeva always want something. Maybe it's really just admiration. He can't do deferential but he can manage - "thank you".


"You're more than welcome. I'm sorry I can't do more, yet."


"...thanks." A little more sincerely.


"...For not being able to do more?"


"For wanting to - you're really not like the Valar, it's hard to get used to -"


"...Yeah, I guess if your primary example to work from is the Blame The Person People Are Going To Be Upset We Killed For Everyone Else's Death Committee I can't blame you for not expecting much of us."


"It's not 'not expecting much', it's 'expecting things to have a price'. I usually'd just go tell someone to fuck themselves if they wanted to lord it around, but we need you and I can't do that. So. This is me trying to not fuck up."


She snorts. "I don't want to lord it around. I mean, even if I was naively inclined that way, it sounds way less fun than not having people justifiably resent you for being an ass."


"'Specially now that you can read our minds and tell."


"Telepathy is so great," she sighs, folding her wings in enough that they don't get in the way of twirling and doing that. "Anyway, I'm not gonna promise that I'm going to do literally everything forever free but if I need something I'll tell you, okay, and in advance, I'm not gonna try to make you guess what I want and then penalize you for not getting it, and I'm not going to be a dick about the fact that you need to save people from evil daeva."


He believes her.

It's pretty great. 


Good, it can get wearing dealing with people whose expectations of her behavior are based on the majority of not-her people.


They land on Araman. They load up the lightleapers.


She checks to make sure there isn't anything she ought to make before the lightleapers take off.


"You made them all stocked the first time. If you want to go around making people the possessions they abandoned back in Tirion, you're welcome to, but you needn't."


"Yeah, that can wait."


"We have food and fuel. That's all we really need."

He sighs.

"So, there are a few possible plans in the works. One is to make some of the lightleapers stay in one place for longer than five days, see if we can tempt the Enemy out after us - if necessary, do some runs by Endorë first, being an annoyance - and have some people on Endorë to do a full evacuation the minute we get him after us."


"...My first thought is, given how I was able to retrieve you, that if you do that it would make sense to have someone on board summon--probably someone from my world, if I can dig up someone trustworthy enough or it seems worth it to have one of us do it, and have them in physical contact with everyone so no one has to let their chips be destroyed or fall into his hands."


"That'd make the plan much more appealing. Do you have ideas about who from your world might be sufficiently trustworthy? We can pay well..."


"I think so. And, you know, with the chips we can't really constrain their long-term behavior, because daeva, but we can confirm that they're not currently the kind of person who'd do something super nefarious."

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