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...She's not sure what to make of that. Maybe he is just growing up? Anyway.


The subtle arts lectures have also resulted in occasional tentative inquiries about whether she is interested in helping people with their problems with subtle arts.


She is willing to take on patients.


She has some patients. Panic attacks and flashbacks to the Outer Lands, anxiety, disturbing dreams.

(She secures copies of her textbooks, now that they have been translated and duplicated.)

Dreams is easy; lucid dreaming for the long term solution and regular applications of a block against certain concepts entering dreams for the short term.

Flashbacks to traumatic experiences she can do in one session running the patient through the memory over and over while it's stripped of emotional content and salient detail - if you're flashing back to the time the orc chased you to the edge of a cliff and you broke your leg, now you've worn into the pattern of the memory the unexciting overlay of "the time nothing in particular caused you for no reason in particular to be nowhere in particular and then nothing in particular happened" until your mind wonders what all the fuss is about and leaves you alone.

Panic attacks she has to actually induce one per person in her office to see how each patient's manifest, but from there she can set up interrupts on the feedback loops. Anxiety's similar, and her textbook also recommends breathing exercises and meditation.
Subtle arts are pretty fantastic.

And then one day Finwë knocks on her door to ask if she knows where Fëanáro is.

"I - no? I saw him last yesterday when he wrapped up his class - he's not in my range -"


"What's your range?"


"Almost half a mile for this purpose."


"All right. Thank you."


"You're welcome - I could fly around the city, it wouldn't take me long to cover it -? I could check Tol Eressëa for you?"


"I'd appreciate both those things tremendously."


She nods and gets flying.


No Fëanáro in either location.


She comes back and reports this. Do you have an earwire? I have a spare around somewhere -


I don't. Will that let me reach him?


Yeah, it's not design-limited to only get people who aren't from Valinor or anything. I'll bring you the spare. She goes and gets the extra from the last batch made and brings it.

"Fëanáro," he says, "where are you?"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," he says, "but you'd have stopped me.

I wanted to grow up faster."

Bella can't hear the conversation; she's not the one with the earwire.


She can see Finwë's face go very very pale, though, and then utterly terrified, and then - "Bella, can you fly me to whichever Vala's closest - Lórien, maybe Aulë -"


"I can teleport you to Lórien, he never unmade my leaf - what's wrong -?"


"He went to the Outer Lands."


Bella reverts to Pax for a brief tirade of swearing and she sprints for the designated tree, fishing her leaf out.


He sprints with her. People are staring.


And she pops them both to Lórien.

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