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fuchsias and palatinates in all night laundry
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"If it's a dream, can you wake up?"


"No. Maybe. But. I don't want to leave Ant in here alone with it."


She nods. "You might want to hurry up on figuring out a solution. I just heard what sounds like an awfully expensive amount of glass breaking."


Ant looks at the door behind them, and nudges Bina.


-Because yeah. That's a weird time-corpse right where a bus shelter used to be.


"Holy crap, that thing's Ant?"


"Kind of, I don't know, it gets bigger every time I see it. Uh, hold on, let me talk to this door - "


"Well do it fast - "


"Okay - door, you need to open anywhere other than here - "

The door opens.

On the one hand, it's a different location.

On the other, it's the laundromat.

Good enough - "Come on, everyone through!"


Ant practically tumbles through, trying not to look back at the thing that is-and-isn't em, and- stops, staring around emself. (Not blocking the door, and yet.)


She doesn't think it'll come through the door.

The memory is... Decayed. There's a hole in the floor, with jagged edges that flutter like a pulse. Black water oozes from the broken bits of particle board, becoming more organic as it falls.

The change machine says 'MEAT', and the donation jar's full of teeth.

Bina shivers, looks around, and starts walking further in.

She'd rather get away from the washers.


"Soooo what are we calling that thing. It's not Ant, so needs its own name."


"Not-Ant does kinda work."


"Yeah. Seems - I don't know. I wonder if it's a person, you know?"


Bina rounds the corner.

It's much the same, except the screen of the TV appears to have melted, leaving static pooling on the floor and strings of melted plastic all over the place.


Ant nudges at the static with eir toe, morbidly curious at the way it's reacting.


It's the consistency of sand soaked in glue, and clings to eir shoe-tip.


"I'm not sure that's a thing to be poking, at least not without a long stick..." Bina says, dubiously.


"-You're not wrong," Ant agrees, stepping back and away.


The goop strings out, following em.


"-Ugh," ey shakes eir foot. "I- what's the plan here?"


"That's kind of a work in progress... I was hoping it'd have more trouble finding us in the kiss memory, but it'll probably have an easy time here... We need a way to - confuse it, throw it off our scent, maybe?"


"-I don't think that's gonna- If it's chasing me, I'm putting you in danger and-"


Speaking of giant things that are not-Ant, the Corpse crashes into the laundromat.


Bina half reflexively jumps in front of Ant - 

There's the back door but they don't have time - 

"Lash! Keep Ant safe!" she yells, sprinting for the not-Ant.

This is the stupidest thing she's ever done.

She jumps into its mouth.

(The idea is getting into its head. Hopefully it can't chase her there.)

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