slayer karen confesses killing vampires to priest!macalaure
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"Oh good, I was sort of worried you were going to try to convince him to bless the sewage and try to make it holy water. Yeah, I can do that. Community service builds character, or something."


"Nah, can't do that, we don't wanna piss God off. We did try blessing the water supply in one city to see if it had salutary effects on lifespan or anything."


"I assume it didn't do anything?"


"Nope. It's too bad."



A couple more weeks pass. She learns some things about magic. She asks Alex if they can go over how to subdue human opponents without hurting them. She patrols. She diligently avoids Jack O'Toole.

She has a dream. She has lots of dreams, of course. People tend to. But Zeke said that her power set comes with prophetic dreams, so she's been dutifully writing them down in a notebook next to her bed, at least on days where she doesn't immediately panic about how she's totally failed to do her homework on any sort of reasonable timeframe. 


The dream has dogs in it. She thinks they're dogs, anyway. Something is chasing her through long grass, gaining on her, calling her name through the darkness. And then, suddenly, there isn't any grass. She's standing on a mountain, in her nightgown. There's snow, all around, for miles and miles. 

     "This is sort of your job," says Dennis. Dennis is next to her. Dennis looks like he knew there would be snow in this dream when he got dressed. "Aren't you supposed to know about these things?"

She feels herself shaking her head. "No one told me. I only got here yesterday."

     "You know we have a test on Monday," he says, sounding very unimpressed.

"I know. I wanted to ask Father Michael - "

     "He won't be there. You have to fill in the answers yourself. You get that, right?"

She frowns at him. She looks back at the tall grass, now covered in snow. "Do you think they can hear us?"

     "Probably. Hey, I'm not letting you cheat off me."

"Not even a hint?"

     He frowns. "...You have to look after the little kids. That's all I'm saying, though."

She nods, then climbs up to the top of the mountain by herself. She thinks she must have left something up there. But that can't be right; she's never made it to the top of the mountain before. She always has to go back down before she finishes.

The air laughs at her. It calls her name. She pretends she can't hear. That's very rude of her, she thinks, but she has to get the thing she left. The mountain opens up as she climbs, because it's a volcano. Light spills out of it, and clear water, and steam, because that's how volcanoes are. She pretends she doesn't notice. It isn't the volcano's fault. At the top there's a garden, and it isn't covered in snow. That must be why she isn't dressed for it - it's no good if everyone there thinks she's the kind of wimp who can't even spend a few hours climbing a mountain without a coat.

Alex is there. Maybe he's the thing she forgot? That doesn't sound quite right, but it must be.

"Hi," she says. "We have a test on Monday."

     He groans. "Not already."

"I think we've prepared pretty well. Didn't you study?"

     "That's not the problem. You're going to fall asleep," says Alex. 

"No, I won't," she says, and she's irritated, because he's right, but he shouldn't be. "I'm old enough to stay up all night this time."

The wind calls her name again. But it isn't the wind, the wind doesn't do that. They're coming, she realizes, they must have followed her up the mountain - she thought they couldn't leave the tall grass, but she doesn't know why -

Alex is gone. There are wolves here, now, instead - or something like wolves - blurry gray shapes that snarl and circle her.

She's so tired.

The gray shapes pounce, and she doesn't have a weapon. She should have asked Alex for one when he was here, but she didn't.

There are fangs in her throat.


She writes down everything she remembers, when she confirms that she's still in her room and has not been eaten by wolves. And then she panics about her homework. And then she remembers that they have a field trip to the zoo today.

She sits next to Alex on the bus. "Do slayers really have prophetic dreams?"


"Yep. I don't know who sends them."


"Huh. I mean, I did get dreams about the other slayers before you showed up, but nothing weird since. Normal dream weird, I guess. How do you tell if a dream is prophetic weird or normal weird?"


"I'm not really sure, if they don't feel any different. Whether they start coming true, I guess?"


"Ah. I guess that makes sense."


"Not a good dream?"


"I got eaten by wolves at the end. But like, I used to have lots of dreams where I'd die, sometimes multiple times in the same dream, so it could totally just be a me thing."


"I'm honestly pretty damn sure I can keep you alive until you're thirty or so and scarier than I am."


"...gosh, is that the plan?"


" - yeah?"


"Oh. I didn't know I was trying to make it to thirty."


The Watcher's Council murders Slayers at eighteen, I don't think there's much reason to think they'd be short-lived otherwise. Obviously you want to be smart about which enemies you make and how much they know about you, but you've got time to figure that out.



Does this mean I have to think about getting good enough grades to get into colleges? You gotta tell me these things, man.


I don't really get why people'd want to go to college but you can tell us where and we'll set it up.


Wanting things sounds hard.

Thanks, though.

I guess I was figuring I had high school, and then if I made it more years after that alone than it took you to train me, then the training time was probably worth it for the world and stuff. So twenty-one. And no college, I guess, it'd get in the way.


I mean, you wanna die, I'm sure you'll run across an opportunity, but if you're careful I don't think it has to go that way.


I don't wanna die! Dying bad. This is why we go around preventing dying. I just have to revise my timelines, is all.


All right, well, I'm going to stick around until you can take care of yourself and then you're gonna go not die.




The zoo is nice. Nice for humans, anyway, probably some of the cages are smaller than animals would ideally prefer. It'd be weird, being stuck on the monkey island for your entire life, even if the monkey island is nice. But she pays attention, and she successfully avoids buying overpriced zoo ice cream, and she wanders around with her friends - well, with Dennis and occasionally Chris, but they're sort of her friends, now, right?

It's an all right day.


Mercy is not, typically, the sort of person who crosses lines labeled "DO NOT CROSS". Fences exist for reasons, and there are many dangerous things in this world that she doesn't know about, most of them on the other side of one fence or another.

But she can't abide bullies, and the group of students who have convinced Lance Lincoln to head to the blocked-off hyena pen with them are definitely bullies. They are definitely planning to attack him in an isolated location. They definitely need to be given the opportunity to pick on someone less easily terrified. So she crosses the line, and she heads to the pen, and to the surprise of absolutely no one but Lance, the group is in the process of lifting their victim over the railing.

The situation demands action, and so Mercy acts.

She pulls Lance back and punches Kyle DuFours in the face.


Elsewhere the student chaperone breaks off telling children how the lemurs feel about each visitor in turn and hurries off towards the hyena cage.

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