It's almost the end of Ari's shift, and if she can lay low for the next twenty minutes she can probably avoid getting yelled at tonight.  Not like it would matter much; they're not going to fire her with a week and a half left till they close for the season.  But it's still not pleasant, and it's pretty dead by this time of night anyway and she'd really prefer to go hide in the walk-in freezer and pretend to sort vegetables and maybe freak out a little about what she'll do for money in a couple of weeks when this and her job at the bed and breakfast and all the miscellaneous gigs she did for tourists aren't a thing anymore and -



This is not the walk-in freezer.


This is a bar.



It's not the bar from the restaurant she works at. She's been known to get tired and a little disoriented, but she hasn't ever gotten to the point where she's mixed up the floorplan this badly, and in any case, the bar from the restaurant she works at looks nothing like this. The bar from the restaurant she works at doesn't have stars exploding outside the windows.

 - Well, it doesn't have really fancy TVs that look like windows and which display exploding stars, anyway.  She walks over to investigate.  She can totally kill some time looking at them from different distances and bobbing her head around to test the parallax while she figures out what the actual fuck.