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Kappa and Maggie run a class at Mind Control University
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She's got te~eth, she knows how to use them! 


As she has already observed, so does he!


She laughs through a mouthful of blood and does something with her hips that almost throws him off. 


He pins her down harder. He seems inexhaustible; it's not clear when, or if, he intends to stop. (There's a usual event to mark that by, yes, but it's been and gone several times already without any sign of him slowing down.)


She makes a noise somewhere between a moan and a sigh. 


He keeps going—and keeps going—and keeps going—intense, violent, frenzied, in some strange state between lust and rage—


But he does stop, eventually. It may have been a few hours, by this point.


His friend immediately climbs into bed to cuddle him.


...She shifts, sitting up and wrapping her arms around her knees and biting her lip, trying to figure out if she would be at all welcome in this cuddle. 


For a minute all he does is lie there, breathing deeply, in his friend's arms—


But then he reaches out, slowly, hesitantly, to put his hand on her arm.

All her remaining injuries immediately start to heal. It's a pleasant sensation, like soaking the pain away in a warm bath.



She sprawls over in his direction and hugs him. 


It turns out she is welcome in this cuddle. Now it is a cuddlepile.


~Oh good.~

"Sorry about all the mixed signals," she mumbles into someone's shoulder. 


"One of our classmates is a telepath and she gave me a hint earlier."



"Say what." 


"Which part of that do you want me to elaborate on...?"


"Uh, how much she told you, I guess--sorry I just really wasn't expecting that answer." 


"She said you're cursed so that this sort of thing happens to you a lot, and that you'd mind it less from us than usual."


"Yeah. That was fun." Snuggle. 


"I'm glad! A mutually enjoyable encounter seems much better than the alternative, for us as well as for you."


"Mmhm. So you know my story, what's yours?" 


" lord has a problem," he says, "and we're here in search of a solution. In the meantime, this helps. I'm not sure how to explain what the problem is but I can try if you like; it seems only fair."


"I would very much like." 



"...d'you know how, when most people get—upset, or stressed, or excited, they can calm down afterward? My lord—doesn't. Not completely. Not until he does something about it. If he tries to keep calm by force of will he'll only get more and more tense until he snaps and flies into an uncontrollable rage. So he makes sure to find an outlet before that can happen."


(He's finished healing her by now; he snuggles up, but continues to let his friend do the talking.)


Wince. "Well, that sucks. Kinda sorry for biting and scratching and stuff now." 

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