This sector's been an intellectually engaging challenge. The initial target this unit was assigned to proved to be low capacity, but skilled at maximizing the small potential she did have, ultimately generating an above-average energy spike with her wish. And the wish she did make puts the Incubators' pieces in a good place - something that sometimes doesn't happen, with those inclined to optimization.

The girl, Magical 90238-NISRV, known locally as 'Cecilia Uccelo,' has also had a productive emotional arc, and has proven valuable in keeping local witch populations at optimal levels. 

Potential 90304-NISRV, known locally as 'Sue Uccelo,' has recently reached initial - and, according to calculations, peak - onset of actionable potential. This unit has long experience creating emotional arcs in this particular harvest species, and believes that 90304-NISRV's potential can be similarly maximized.

Of course, doing so remains a challenge, which is why one of this unit's 'Kyubey' bodies is currently approaching 'Cecilia Uccelo.'