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A Serg makes an ill-advised deal for power
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Well that looks like someone in need of a ride.

He slows down and rolls down his window as he approaches her. "Hey, you okay there?"


Wow that is a fancy car. And a surprisingly cute boy. A little bit older than her (maybe in college already?) but really attractive just the same. Or, attractive because of that? Who knows. 

"I'll be alright in a bit," she tells the stranger. "I don't have too much further to go." 


"Do you want a ride? I don't have anywhere to be, I'm literally just driving around aimlessly because I'm slightly in love with my car. Might as well do somebody a favour while I'm at it."


"It is a car that it looks like it would be pretty reasonable to be in love with," she admits. 

She probably shouldn't get into a car with a stranger. She almost certainly shouldn't get into a car with a stranger. But honestly, it's been a long-ass day and Irene is tired. And he's probably just some idiot rich college student driving around. He probably does want to feel her up a little, but she has ways of dealing with that. There's the mace in her purse that her mother gave her in case her father ever became a, well, problem. And she can leave the trombone between them, so he has a lot of trouble getting at her. And... 

"Let me do just one thing first," she says.

She's not about to send a text to her parents about this, fuck no. But her friend Madison, well, she can keep a secret, and she knows her mom's phone number. She picks up her phone and snaps a quick picture of the car, including the license plate. "If I don't text you back in 30 minutes," she tells Madison in the text, "this is the car to tell the police to look for." 

"Alright, let's go," she tells him. "I texted my friend, though, and I've got mace in my bag, so you'd better not try anything, alright?" She goes and drags the trombone over to the passenger seat. 


"Reasonable of you," he says agreeably, opening the passenger door for her to get in. "So where to?"


"My mom's house is just a mile from here," Irene tells him, lugging the trombone into the car and putting it on her lap, to make sure to block anything he might do. There's not really a ton of room between the seats, and wow is this a nice car. She relaxes into the chair, despite herself. She's still pretty pissed off at her dad. "Dad was supposed to pick me up and take me to his place, but, well. Shit happens." She shifts in the seat a bit, doing her best to be reasonably comfortable with the weight on her. The chair is helping, though. The chair is really helping. She tells him the address, but follows it up with "but it'll probably be easier to just point and tell you where to go. It's really not too far. It's just a lot further when you're lugging a trombone around, you know?" 


"Yeah," he says, "I can see that."

And—now she's asleep.'s surprisingly unsatisfying, though, now that he's had Valerie, to contemplate raping someone he doesn't own. And on a time limit, too—he doesn't know how long she told her friend to wait before assuming the worst. (Can he find that out with magic? He tries it.)


Yup, she's in the car, so he can read her mind, even when she's asleep. 

She texted her friend, with a picture of the car (and the license plate), telling her that if she doesn't text back in 30 minutes, that that's the car the police should look for. 


Simple, direct, effective. You've got to admire it, in a way. And he's never taken that long with anyone else...

All right, he can have a little fun.

Still reading her mind, he opens up the torture closet (and opaques and soundproofs the car), pulls her into it (and leaves all their clothes up front), closes it off (and adds just enough ambient light to see dim shapes by), and wakes her up.


Irene wakes up in a place she does not expect to be, nor has she ever been. Somewhere dark. And she's naked. Fucking hell. It takes her a second to recall her recent memories. She guesses that'll show her to get into cars with strangers, won't it. At least she has freedom of movement? No idea why they decided to not tie her up or something. And what the fuck is this cold smooth stone she's lying on. It's too smooth to be concrete. Weird. What happened anyways, did he drug her or something? Stick a syringe in her? Has to have been more than 30 minutes by now. 

"The police are going to be looking for you, asshole," she shouts. "They know what your car looks like, and they have your license plates!" Her voice echoes back much faster than she would have expected. She's in a small room, maybe? She feels around for the walls. "You better let me go now before they find you!" She does her best to try to ignore the fact that she's terrified (she's had plenty of experience with that, with her dad, at least in the past) and tries to take further stock of the situation. And they took her handbag, too. Which means no mace. Fucking hell. 


"Unfortunately for you, I have magic powers."

Hmm, what does he feel like doing to her...

The thing where he burns people when he touches them is fun. He'll go for that.

He grabs her by the throat and hauls her down onto the floor. Her skin blisters everywhere he touches it.


Pff, magic powers, yeah right. She opens her mouth to retort and then a human shape reaches out and grabs her by the throat...

And then she's screaming. Really loudly. Because what the fuck. What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck. It feels like her throat is on fire. And he's lifting her and moving her around like she's nothing. She screams in pain louder when she hits the floor.  

Ok, maybe he might have magic powers. Which means she's fucking screwed. She punches and kicks at him, thrashing involuntarily, or at least tries to. He's over there, not quite where she's managing to kick, but it's not like she has a ton of control over herself at the moment. If he can do this sort of thing it's probably not very effective anyways, but she's in rather agonizing pain and she wants out. And her body's gonna do what it's gonna do. Fucking hell. 


In a weird way he kind of likes her. He wants to make her his.

Will it work if he just straight-up mind-controls her into wanting to belong to him and believing she does? Well, he can always try it and see. So he does that. And rolls on top of her and fucks her, still burning her with every touch.


Something weird happens in Irene's head. Very very weird.


She's still terrified out of her mind, and still in screaming pain. Literal screaming, in her case. But now she wants to be his, and is his. She belongs to him, utterly. She's pretty sure he used his magic, to make her his, well. Slave. She says it again in her head, trying it out. Yup, seems right. And he's her Master. And... she loves him? Yup yup. It's a bit difficult to process what with all the agony, but in a way that kind of proves the point. He made her his with his mind, to the point where she's still his even when he's torturing her like this. And now she's his slave. She's not sure what he's trying to accomplish with the torture at this point, but she's very much his. And it really would be a lot easier to figure out what that means without the part of her brain that's screaming in pain, terrified, and trying desperately to escape. But she's having trouble doing anything but screaming at the moment. It's not the easiest thing in the world to express out loud while you're screaming. 


If she's not sure what he's after, well, he can fix that.

He lets her feel what he's feeling. The pleasure of hurting her, of owning her, of raping her. How much he loves the way she screams. His fascination with her thoughts and feelings. (A hint of protectiveness, when he thinks about the implications of some of those thoughts.)


Well that's weird. 

What a great mindreading Master to explain things to her like that. Normally that line would be sarcastic, but it isn't this time. It is actually great that she knows what he's after now. And she's glad he's enjoying himself. She actually is, to be honest, which is really weird, even though she also really would like him to stop? And she has no idea what he plans to do with her after he rapes and tortures her. Also hopefully he can let her text her friend when she gets a chance, since her friend will call her mom (eventually). And she'd rather not get Madison into this too. Unless he wants Madison too, for whatever reason. In which case, well, she's spilled the beans now, hasn't she. 

It's nice to know that he's curious about her, she supposes. She's glad to be Of Interest to her Master? Probably. It's important to be... useful. Probably. And the little hint of protectiveness is cute, in a way, even as he tortures her, although it's kind of creepy to be able to feel him figure things out that she tries to keep bottled up as much as possible. Her thoughts are his to look at, she supposes. But it's still creepy. 



—he laughs, genuinely delighted, and kisses her shoulder (with burning lips), and explains-without-words that there is a point to this, besides just a few minutes of personal gratification—he wants to know if the magic will make her properly his, permanently his, the way it has before, if she's mind-controlled into it instead of agreeing.

It doesn't take him long to finish. She's cute and in a lot of pain and even though he's not sure he'll get to keep her she belongs to him now and that's pretty good all by itself.

He kisses her shoulder again and stops the burning effect and heals her and waits to see if there will be any magic tattoos this time.


Well, Irene is glad there's a point. Honestly, she hadn't even realized this might not be a permanent arrangement. And belonging to Master permanently sounds pretty excellent, even if it does come with lots of pain and rape and torture. 

...Those were very strange thoughts to have thunk. Regardless, she wants him to try the experiment, and she wants the experiment to succeed. Even though she hates this. That's really a lot of cognitive dissonance, you know, Master? 

She endures the pain and agony and humiliation, still screaming in pain and hating it, though happy to take whatever her Master wishes for her to take. Even though she's very much not into this sort of thing. But eventually, he finishes off inside of her, and she's glad he enjoyed using her. 

And then she's no longer in pain and healed and wow does that feel better. She's really fucking grateful for it, honestly. Even if he caused the problem in the first place. She can actually think properly now. Mostly. She still probably needs to catch her breath though. Definitely. 

She gives her Master an expectant look to see if things have gone the way he wanted them to. 


There are in fact no magic tattoos this time. 


He sighs slightly. So much for that.

"If you want to belong to me forever, all you have to do is figure out how to convince your non-mind-controlled self to give herself to me willingly," he says, wrapping an arm around her and holding her. "Ideally in the next twenty minutes. I'd have to do a lot of tricky magic to leave you with memories that made any sense afterward if you had to text your friend before you left the car and you didn't agree to be mine first."


She does in fact want to belong to him forever. 

She's pretty dang sure her non-mind-controlled self does not. 

She pauses and thinks about it really hard. 

It makes the pit of her stomach turn when she thinks of it, but he's reading her mind anyways, so he probably already knows. "You could threaten my friends and family," she says, feeling terrified again. "Really threaten them, with something at least as painful and horrible as you just did to me. Unless I swore to become yours, or however it works. And I'd have to really believe you. I'd have to know that you'd follow through with it, if I didn't agree." She sobs, and shakes a little. "I'm not 100% sure that would work thought, Master. She might say no. And then you'd have to do it. And I really wish you wouldn't Master. I'll try to come up with something else." 


"I wouldn't do it anyway, it'd be too difficult to pull it off—I only have magic powers in the car or on someone who gives themselves to me."

He finds that he's instinctively hugging her closer, curling around her protectively—she's his and she's scared and crying and it is hot but it's still—it makes him want to hold her and protect her and keep her and keep her safe. Even if he could hurt her family, it's—it's not something he'd do. Not to someone he wanted to keep. Not when that's how she feels about it.


That's... honestly really freaking sweet. She's had her thoughts pretty clearly modified recently, but she's pretty sure even the normal version of herself would find that pretty sweet. And honestly really relieving. She didn't like that she had to say the idea out loud. She really really didn't. 

"Hm. You said it worked on someone else before, without mind control. How'd you get them to do it? Or are they just really into that sort of thing?" 


"Oh, I told her I'd torture her until she gave up no matter how long it took. I had a lot more than half an hour to work with, that time. Maybe I should just send you home and see if I can get your number, or give you mine, maybe offer to come drive you again if you get stranded like that another time..."

He doesn't like the idea—he kind of pretty strongly dislikes it, in fact—but in practical terms it's probably a much better plan than anything involving trying to very quickly coerce a near-stranger into voluntary slavery. (Especially since... well, he disliked Valerie kind of a lot. Threatening to torture her was easy, and it was easy to mean it. Irene... yeah, she's hot when she's screaming, but he isn't sure he could summon up that same ruthless implacable anger. He... really kind of wants to own her without having to coerce her very much.)


Awwww, her Master is really oddly sweet. Fucked up as can be, but really sweet. 

"If you wipe my memory entirely and try and get my number I will in fact turn you down, or give you something fake," she says. "I didn't even give you the address of my house, just one a couple blocks away. I might take down your number, but I'd find it a little creepy, and wouldn't try and rely on you unless it was absolutely necessary. But it might work, Master. I just wouldn't put high odds on it." She pauses. "I think I can also more or less tell you what my schedule is, at least until school starts, so if you want and can find a time to grab me you can manage it. And I can tell you where I go to school. I'm sorry we don't have more time to figure this out, Master. I really would like to belong to you forever." She really does. She's tearing up a little. "I just don't see any good ways to do it that you're going to be ok with. I really hope you manage to kidnap me and, convince me to become yours another time." She pauses. "Maybe if you told me I'd get something really really really good? Can I get magic powers too?" 


"I don't think you can get magic powers of your own but I can do whatever I want with your mind and body at any time, so if you get hurt I can fix it, if you get sick I can fix it, if there's something you want to change about yourself I can probably fix that too... I don't know if I could bring you back from the dead but I don't actually know that I can't, and I'd try it, if it came up."

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