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Catherine goes to fairyland and meets some Feanorians
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And they can make sure he understands what he needs to do when they get there and then go find local fairies.


Sounds good. Although she has no idea whether there even are any local fairies up here.


"There's got to be some? I admittedly don't know where but if we wander around I bet we'll get stopped eventually."


"All right. Well, we can wander around places we have not already wandered. Nidaros is further to the northwest, if you want to go that way, but there are mountains and some areas are widely considered impassable."


"We can head in that direction until we hit something that looks impassable, I guess?"


"I guess that works. We'll want to bring food."


"There probably won't be fairies somewhere you can't even get food but I guess it might be too scarce for you while being fine for us still."


"I'm sure there's food on the other coast, it's the mountains in the middle that are the problem. I guess we could head along the coastline? That might not even be slower if you consider how long it takes to walk over mountains."


"Sure, sounds good."



He finds himself in a different body in a very different place. He's kind of surprised about the exact moment at which it happened, but dying was pretty much his only plan for getting out of fairyland, so this is fine, probably.

He notices that the world around him appears to be completely stopped. Nobody else is taking actions of any kind. This is sort of a problem; he can't really rule a nation of frozen people.

He assumes that this is probably the fairies' fault, so he'd better go and find some more fairies. He finds himself some food and then wanders off in search of them, walking along the coast to avoid the worst of the mountains.


It takes him a long time. Fairies are sparse in this part of the world. But once he's gotten past the mountains and down the coast and into a forest then not too long after that he'll be stopped by some fairies.


They absolutely do not speak a word of Norwegian.


Ugh. He's going to have to learn fairy, isn't he. He's not terribly sure how to do that. How do people usually learn languages without a common language to begin with. Probably lots of pointing.

He points to himself and says "Egill".


For some reason the fairies think this is an incredibly surprising thing to do! They start talking among each other. They sound angry. 


Well that's bizarre. He's not immediately sure how to communicate anything more than that if they're going to be that upset about talking to him. 


Eventually after some heated discussion they run and get additional people who run and get additional people and a while after that they get someone who says "would you like to come back to our court with us and learn our language?" in very halting Norwegian.


"Yes! I would like that."


They take him back to their court! It is inside a hedge. They sit with him for two weeks, patiently teaching him the language.

Then they behead him.


Well, that's annoying. But he didn't like Egill much anyway, did he. 

He seems to be in Russia now. Any fairies in Russia? Maybe he can at least be slightly more successful on the communication front this time.


There are fairies in Russia! They find him pretty quickly, and ask what court he's from and what his business here is.


He's from Norway and some other fairies seem to have gotten him stuck in fairyland, or something, is there a way to undo that?


And let him wander off? That’s dumb of them. Uh reportedly humans slow back down if they’re not entangled with anyone.


Huh. How does he get unentangled with people?


How did he get entangled in the first place?


He's not really sure what entanglement even is? Some fairies kidnapped him and they traveled over land with him for a month and gave him a bunch of food at the end of it, would that have done it?


"...and then they let you go?"

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