Steel in Wormverse
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"Yes to both. Light saber sounds fun, actually, I should someday pull a Star Wars themed stunt."


"Being careful not to use it on people of course."




"Have you given more thought to joining the internet crowd? It can't be too hard to make something to follow you around with a nice, durable video camera."


"Yeah, actually. I bought mxglam dot com, and I'm working on learning design, though I might just hire someone for that, it's so boring and I am terrible at pretty."


"Yeah, hiring people is great if you can find the right people."


"Yeah. Main problem is, there aren't a whole lot of people who do internet site design yet, and people are somewhat wary of associating with villains." Sigh. "I might just become a hero for that."


"It doesn't need to be a really complicated website. A bunch of pictures one after the other is better than nothing. Good luck on being a hero if you choose that, but I don't think it'll be easy to get the Protectorate to forgive you."


"I won't settle for anything not pretty! And well, I don't think I'd join them, I'd just, like, stop bothering them and stuff, maybe. The problem's money."


"If you don't want to put on shows and the like I can't help you there. Well, maybe... Hm."




"For a moment I thought I could hire you, but I've no idea what for."


"Hm. Well, I do want to put on shows, I'm narcissistic and dramatic like that."


"How fast can you fly? Doing your thing in new cities might make you more famous faster."


"Hmm... haven't tested, think upwards of ninety."

"Well... I should go back to work. Let me know what you decide about Behemoth. Bye for now."

She flies off. And later she sends an email to Alexandria, asking if she should be on standby, or talk to someone about anti-Behemoth strategies, or what.

There isn't much in the way of anti-Behemoth strategies, really, especially because they don't actually have a way to track him. It's mostly stay on their toes waiting for him to appear, and then trying to damage him as much as they can and drive him away, or take the hits while waiting for Scion to show up, depending on where he hits.

Mountain thinks she could detect Behemoth a minute or two early if she happened to be in the right place at the right time, but that doesn't mean it's anywhere near worth it sending her around the world looking.

She was planning on making impromptu firing platforms for tinkers and the less mobile of the blasters. She can take hits, try to slow it down, and attempt to damage it just as easily, though. Would a giant humanoid moving statue that opposes Behemoth under her control be a good morale-booster?

Yes to all.

"Okay, thanks, I'll stop taking your time."

Back to work and studying and occasionally even relaxing. With an undertone of slightly nervous waiting for Behemoth.

A few days later, some strange seismic activity is detected in Lyon.

She's in Buffalo, New York, raising an office building. She won't know about Lyon until someone tells her.


She's contacted by the Protectorate. She's given a location, should she choose to help against Behemoth, and asked to go there immediately if she can.

It's time.

She leaves the steel girder she was about to put into place embedded into the ground and flies off at top speed. It takes her less than ten minutes to get to the collection point.
There are only a handful of capes there, and after a few minutes a teleporter appears to collect them.

They appear in New York, where a few planes are waiting.
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