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Abadar uses a helm of opposite alignment on Hagan and a bad time is had by all
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Snuggle. "Then I will try to go very slowly. 


"...kinda want to keep snuggling you until it's time for me to sleep and then keep snuggling you while I do that, but not having snuggled someone who's in love with me under the stars before I admit that I have very little idea how objectively sensible this is."


"Are you, like, worried about anything specific or -"


"Not really. ...making you uncomfortable, I guess."


"I...wish I were more possessed of or more confident in my ability to not make bad decisions when I really really want to but you are not making me uncomfortable at all. Very very comfortable, actually."


"Oh good. Well. Don't make any bad decisions, please. I basically trust you not to but, I dunno, if it helps you at all to tell you not to, then - uh, don't."


"Won't. Unless you ask me to. Gonna have a hard time not doing anything you ask right now."


"Pff. Still kind of confused why someone as wonderful as you would like me so much. Not that I'm complaining. Opposite of complaining, over here."


"I think you're very likeable actually. Smart and pretty and magic and kind and a good mother and brave and resourceful and - wanted you for a long time. Figured at first it was just the thing where if unmarried men and women interact too much they'll start getting all kinds of impractical feelings."


"I have honestly never had this problem before."


"Well. Obviously couldn't say anything."


"I guess not. 

"I'm still - I think I'm not completely sure what you mean when you say you want to marry me. Like, what things would constitute a marriage, in your mind, and what you think they imply, and what promises we'd have to make, and what you would expect from me after, and - we should talk about all of that. But not tonight. Tonight you should hold me."


"Okay. Love you."



"Love you too. I think."


Eventually she lets him know that it's his turn, and she falls asleep snuggling him. It's kind of hard because she's busy feeling happy and loved and safe and wonderful, but eventually she manages it.


He's so happy. He snuggles her and watches her and watches out for trouble. There is none.


In a display that takes absolutely all of her nine-year-old self-control, she does not make fun of them when it is her watch. She is instead quietly delighted that her grownups are snuggling.


Oh good. And they might sleep in... a bit.... but at some point they can get a start on their day, probably.


Well she's not going to wake them up. So that's up to them.


Everything is so good and he loves her so much.


She does, eventually, wake up. And immediately smile about the fact that she's still snuggling Hagan.



" - hi."



"...I like this."


"Oh good."



"I should get up anyway, but - we can do this again, right - "


"Every night for the rest of your life, if you want."


" - I'd like that."

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