Mortal and Promise in fairyland
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Her ears bleed.


"We'll probably have to get the info while she's on her way back."


"We could let her out of the gate at the destination end."


"Do you think they wouldn't notice? I suppose the gate's far enough and we can release her early enough that she could detour and make it look like she came from the right place..."


"Yeah. We'd be cutting it a little close but she travels invisible anyway."


"Fair enough. We can move her to another room and interrogate her remotely so we can talk while we do it."


"And we'll need to clean the blood out of her ears."


So they move her somewhere in the mortal world after Promise has healed her and Yellow has cleaned her ears, then set their conversation rig up.

"Was the list you gave me in order of relevance? If so, ascending or descending?"



"Repeat the items of that list in descending order of relevance."


"Contingencies, names, security procedures, patterns of movement."


"What can you tell me about the contingencies?"


"There are some of them that I don't know about. I'll be ordered to say if anything happened on my trip by someone who can incapacitate me if you make me fight them. I don't know of everyone in the court who has my name. I have a distress code."


"Whenever you hear the word 'mom,' you are to do your sincere best to not let anyone suspect anything unusual happened on your trip." He looks at Promise, releasing the button that relays his voice to the other room so the fairy won't hear them. "Good enough?"


"That's not going to override her order to talk about the trip."


"Yeah, I know, it's just good to have it set up in advance for the more common case. Would 'divert suspicion' work as an extra order itself or would I need qualifiers for it to do its job?"


"I don't like 'divert', it'd tend to wind up with her having the option to accuse someone else."


"Minimise? Kind of a mouthful. Reduce? Evade? Avoid? Depending on how she's ordered I could just say 'lie'..."


"Don't say 'lie', she can say any false thing she wants if she gets 'lie', it wouldn't even have to respond to the question. We could say 'I belay that', and have her revert to our orders in lieu of following theirs."


He presses the button: "What's the phrasing of the order about anything having happened during the trip likely to be?"


"I don't know, they change it," says the fairy.


"Can you give me a few examples?"




"Do your sincere best to cooperate with me and obey what you believe to be the spirit of all orders I have given or may give you according to your sincere best up-to-date model of me and what you expect me to have meant." He tries again, seeing just how far that order can get him: "Can you give me a few examples of phrasings of the order to tell about anything that may have happened on your trip?"


"'Describe your trip here, omitting no salient detail'. 'Tell me what I want to know.' 'Answer honestly, did anything happen?' 'When I order you "talk" tell me if you have anything of interest to me to share. Talk.' 'I renew your court orders.'"

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