Metamancer Kaede in Elcenia
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"I'd need training to do scar tissue or clean stuff out of a wound before I fixed it but yeah pretty much?"


"That's really impressive. How do you become one, or is this one of those things people are born with here? And does it have, like, a source, or a limit?"


"Born with it. And no."


"Huh. It..." His squint stops being metaphorical and becomes physical. "It doesn't look all complete. Or, I guess it could be, but... I dunno, it looks like there's something missing in it?"


"...missing?" She lets her hands drop.


He shrugs. "Can't really explain it, or understand without looking any further, and the sense doesn't translate neatly to, like, vision or anything. But. It doesn't look like it's a... neat round thing that could heal anyone of anything? Or not like what I'd expect it to look if it were that."


"I dunno how your thing works."


"I can see magic, for a certain value of 'see,' and I get almost zero intuition for it while I'm looking, and would have to learn to interpret it and stuff to draw any more conclusions. Knowing more, on a conscious level, about it helps draw the correct conclusions and make the right inferences to figure it out. I can also manipulate magic—at least magic from my world, wizardry does not lend itself to much manipulation easily and I haven't tried anything else—and borrow it, which I also haven't tried."


"...can you give it back after if you borrow it?"


"Yeah, and it's anyone's guess whether 'borrowing' here would even actually take something from whoever, since magic here seems to be infinite."


"Oh, you wouldn't just take, like, being-a-light."


"I'm speculating, here. In my world, I can borrow the mana, the fuel of the other three kinds of mage, and then use that mana to perform their kinds of magic. I can't make someone stop being a mage. Here, though, stuff might be different, because there isn't an obvious fuel I can take some of or put back, so it might well be that I'd take 'being-a-light,' or it might be that since magic here's infinite I'd just get some of this endless well."


"If you could take being-a-light that might be useful actually, we can't heal each other."


"—and that might be the missing part that I saw."


"Oh. I didn't think to mention it, everybody knows that."


"I don't know most things everybody knows," he nods. "—hm, I wonder if I could, actually. Borrow it, I mean. Or maybe even fix it."


"Fix it?"


"Allow lights to be healed by lights."


"That would be great."


"It would! I'd... need to spend a while staring at the magic and perhaps metaphorically touching it before figuring out whether I can do anything with it and what, if so."


"Touching it?"


"It's hard to explain. It's not with my hands but the way it—feels, sort of, when I borrow magic, is that I'm reaching for it and actually grabbing it, and it's sort of the same thing except without grabbing it. Poking it, following a magical thread, provoking a reaction. Like, as a hypothetical example... I might be able to make your magic think it was healing some injury if I poked it the right way, and see how it reacted when that happened."


"Is this dangerous?"


"It's not dangerous at all with my kind of magic and I expect it not to be dangerous here, either, from what I've seen so far, but again I've never done it to this kind of magic so it's not unthinkable that something different could happen."


"I wouldn't want to stop being a light. You might have to find a really sick one."

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