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matirin would like it noted that he is a better judge of character than seerow and just had fewer options
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Lacie provides this, sounding kind of bored. 


"It's for our records" are magic words, everyone treats them as boring but utterly necessary. "Thanks for your time."


"You're very welcome. Is that all...?" Lacie escapes off the call as soon as possible. 


"That's everything. Have a nice day."


She hangs up. 


:Well, how did it go?: Leareth asks as soon as it's clear Matirin is done. He doesn't pause in his ward-casting work, it's practically as automatic as breathing at this point. 


<Reasonably well, I think. ...I will need to listen to the recording to determine if the job candidate is suitable, I was not paying any attention to that. But the explanations we had designed seemed convincing and I think that she was bored and impatient. Can Nayoki erase memories?>


:...Yes, though it is complicated and takes her a long time so we should not plan on needing it for many people: 


Nod. <We can do it with drugs. I can test them on people in human morphs if it is not particularly easy for her.>


:That would be a good idea, I think, especially since Nayoki is our only Mindhealer and there are many other tasks we might need her for: 


Amnesia drugs can be made to work safely on humans, though they tend to end up with a bad headache and you don't want to count on them forgetting more than an hour or so. 


The next complication in interviewing Marian Daly turns out to be that Canada is not one of the fifty states, and the Andalites were super lying about having any idea how to arrange travel visas. They end up deciding to claim that it was easier to conduct interviews in Vancouver for Canadian applicants and offering to fly her there, but Vancouver is one of the cities being surveilled for Yeerks so that should wait until they learn whether there are any indications of Yeerk activity. 

They rent a second house in Anchorage so they have a second phone number they can use for 'references' for the Mindspeaker spies, once they're prepared to rent an apartment. 


You can probably...learn...what a 'travel visa' is and how you do them? Donni volunteers to do this, she's discovered that the magic words to get any staffperson at a public building to be helpful is 'it's for a school project'. (Donni is twenty-eight but short and skinny and definitely passes for a teenager here, where the local humans tend a little taller, probably due to better nutrition in childhood.) She asks a librarian and one of the people from City Hall if they know where she could find books or instructions on how Canadian nurses get travel visas to the US, it's for school. 


Leareth checks in daily with his spies via communication-spell, which isn't guaranteed undetectable and has a magical signature that some Andalite sensors pick up at very short range, but can be done behind shielding on both ends now. 


A librarian can get Donni books on immigration law, which seems absurdly complicated and expensive and might require them to have official registration as an employer, which they don't have but could maybe forge. 

The District of Columbia, also called Washington, not to be confused for the other Washington, has Yeerks. The spy in New York has seen at least a couple of them, mostly at the airport. Vancouver seems clear so far.


They can't be sure the Vancouver pair of Thoughtsensers have read everyone in the city, but they've certainly read everyone in public buildings downtown, and a small Yeerk presence just out in the suburbs seems both less likely and less risky to them. He thinks they can risk going ahead with interviewing the candidate there, since even if there are Yeerks there shouldn't be a way of detecting them. Just in case, maybe they can take the shuttle to a less important city and rent a car. 


Nayoki has been learning to driiiiiiiiiive cars are great. 


Andalites can only spend two hours in morph but in principle this mission doesn't actually require Andalites, mages are more than capable of proving they have supernatural capabilities and more than capable of administering the drugs if the potential hire is not interested.


Leareth will go and take Nayoki and another of his mages with him. He asks Matirin to call Marian Daly back and tell her about the interview, though, somehow even though Matirin is an alien, he's better at sounding like he's from Earth than Leareth is. 

They want a private space and don't have a house there. They a hotel room? And then they can shield it and all. 


That makes sense to him. He calls Marian Daly back.


She answers, sounding out of breath and a bit distracted. "–Mhmm uh sorry this is Marian speaking who is this?" 


"Hi Marian, this is Will Jones, I'm the hiring manager for the emergency medicine role you applied for about a week ago. Is this a good time?"


"- Yes, now's a good time." Her voice is suddenly squeakier. (Nervous nervous nervous... This person sounds more - normal - than the last one, anyway.) 


"We talked to your references and they spoke really highly of you. We'd like to bring you out here for an interview - or actually, to Vancouver for an interview, for visa application paperwork bureaucratic reasons it's simpler for us to interview Canadian applicants in Canada and then apply for a travel visa for them if we end up wanting to offer them a position."


(Eeeeeeeeeee!!) "Oh right yes of course. Uh, when? I have a shift tomorrow but I could do any day the rest of the week." 


"How about Tuesday? You will have to book your own flight but we can reimburse you up to $800 for the airplane ticket and $400 for the hotel room and incidentals."

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