malduoni learns about some suspicious otherworldly visitors
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He retakes his seat as well, looks uncertainly at her. "Here as in this library, or Golarion?" 


"The library. We can talk about Golarion in a bit, right now I want to make sure that everyone here is safe."


"An hour or two? I am not sure, there is no clock. Also no doors and the wizard's magic does not work here, so we cannot leave unless he -" handwave at the closed divider, "lets us. He has not harmed us though." His eyes narrow. "Who are you?" 


"My name is Lucia Ines. I am a priestess of the Inheritor - of Iomedae. Earlier today I was called to Heaven on urgent business, and on my way back I landed - I assume by the design of my goddess - here, where that man had been expecting me and asked me to do an Atonement for Carissa. Has he introduced himself to you."


"He has not. His wife told Carissa that he went by Alexeis when they met? I suspect that is not his real name." 


"He is Lawful, and not Evil." She sounds somewhat skeptical of him even so. "When I spoke to Carissa, she thought that perhaps I should talk to you."


"Oh. Why?" 


"We were talking about the nature of Good. She had some misconceptions about it but she thought your confusions about it were different in character from hers."


He blinks. The look he's giving her is distrustful and curious and hopeful and tired all at the same time. 

"Can you - say more about what you think Good is, then?" 


"Good is about fixing everything wrong with the universe. Hell, and hunger, and disease, and tyranny, and slavery, and suffering, but right now mostly Hell because everything else will be easier to fix if we fix that."


For a second his expression is one of clarity and relief and sense-of-recognition, and then he turns away slightly, his eyes shuttered. "I - agree that everything wrong with the universe needs to be fixed. It must be a great deal easier if you have a literal god on your side." 


"If you are trying to fix those things then you do have a god on your side."


He looks down. "Not where I come from." 


"Humans on Golarion didn't start out with gods on our side; they ascended."


"Hmm. - Right, Iomedae was human. But not Sarenrae, right? I am not sure where the gods who are not ascended humans come from or how long they have existed." 


"Sarenrae was an angel, a kind of neutral good outsider. She has never been human and has a different outlook on Good that is related to that, I think. The First Gods - the ones who bound Rovagug - are somewhere between thirty thousand and three hundred thousand years old; their records are confusing, and ours don't go back that far at all."


"Your world's civilization is very old. I do not think any planets I know of have recorded histories a tenth that long." 


"Huh. And yet some of them already travel between the stars. Are we close, to learning how to do that?"


"I am not sure, your tech tree is very different from any of the ones I know, because of your magic. Your Plane Shifts might do something similar to our ship's hyperspace jumps, and could maybe be generalized to travel between stars?" 


She nods and does not say anything for a moment. 


He wants to get up and pace, but resists the urge, fidgets with the arm of the chair instead. 

"I knew someone once," he says slowly. "Who I thought - wanted to fix all of those things. He came to our world and he gave us electric lights and a way to feed ourselves and he gave us starships, and I thought... I remember thinking I had not even recognized what it was that I wanted until I met him and - saw what was possible. And I thought maybe we would win together, someday."


"That is a - rare, special thing."


He turns away from her. "I was very stupid." 


"- whatever went wrong, I doubt that would be my diagnosis of it."


"I wanted to make plans - to travel elsewhere, to find people we could help and work with, to bring the gifts he had brought us to them too. But..." He trails off. "Did Carissa tell you what my real body is like?" 

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