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Liz? A good lawyer would argue she spent the entire fiasco underage, what with Valian time.


I don't care at all. Just want a plan before we wake her up.


I really don't know.


Think she'd seek out Maira's alts -


I wasn't planning to give her the means. Maybe. Not like the genderswap is likely to be an obstacle.


Wasn't planning to give her the means either, but it changes - how I feel about -


We don't actually have to be quick about this, we can get rid of this basement dweller, get a replacement in a year or something.


She has people she knows getting older without her. 'dead' is not the correct punishment, whatever it may be, and it's not like we'll have more information in a year -


She wasn't exactly in regular touch with her folks from Angband or that would concern me more. I don't know what she'll want to do but we needn't let her do anything. We need to pick up someone discreet who can do lockdowns if we're going with my plan...


Who're the Elves who picked it up - who are all the Elf psions and mages, actually -


Isabella actually knows all of these what with having prophetically supervised their starving-in-the-wilderness. She lists them all and their accumulated skills.


And she can suggest someone who'll be a discreet lockdown!



"So whenever we know what to say to her we can get her rezzed and locked and moved, but..."


"But we should figure out what to say to her first. 

- did you. Want to know."


"It's not that simple, I did explain how it wasn't that simple, ceteris paribus yes but ceteris isn't paribus -"


"Okay. I could tell her, and she how she takes it, but not if you don't want that."


"I don't expect that to help anything during the early stages of the conversation considering how she reacted to counterfactuals but after a while she did start kicking me out of conversations very early, might have changed... or be different if Maira's not coaching her, which she may well have been every single time... My hesitation about outright declaring that I want to know has nothing to do with thinking it'll scar me for life or anything, it is entirely to do with uninformed speculation about the effect on you of talking about it or of me knowing."


"I really really don't think you could possibly hurt me."


"At some point I imagine you'll notice that utterance isn't doing what you seem to expect it to."


"I love you too. Help me do this right, please stop asking me to settle for 'not literally torture', I love you -"


"And you had a really hard job for a really long time and now you have a really easy one. Can't you just - say "I won, yay!"-"


"Um, no."


"You want me to go 'yaaaay my relationship has been flattened out into pass/fail format and I can pass by continuing not to be Maira'? Lovely, you can ask a lot of me but that's kind of pushing it, come on, you've met me."

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