look we all know what the best magical creature is
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"Good idea. You don't want to be interrupted."



"I'll probably want the cloak for moving it?"


"Sure. Do you want help?"


"Wouldn't hurt, yeah, it's kind of awkwardly sized."


"A bit, yeah."



She thanks Fay again, softly, and then - off to bed, then to haul the mirror down in the morning?


Bright and early. Ellie will leave Anathema to do the actual conversation.


She sets up the call to Elodie once they're settled. 


"Bonjour, Anathema. How are you?"


"I'm doing okay. How about you?"


"Well, thank you."


"So, we had something we wanted to ask for your help with, if you have time to talk right now."


"For you? Always."


Shy smile.

"Well... I told you about my mom. It looks like Voldemort's trying to spy on Ellie through legilimency, now, though we're not sure how he's doing that at a distance - we've got it sectioned off in her head, but Fay thinks we can feed Voldemort fake information, and - set a trap. To lure out my mom separately from Voldemort, and - hopefully get her back."

"Fay doesn't think Ellie or I should be there, and she thinks she'd be the best bait, but - I don't want her to have to go alone, and I was wondering if you'd be okay providing backup once we do get that set up?"


She hums and considers.

"That is a worthy goal. I do have concerns about the method by which you are laying this trap, of course, but I am sure your Miss Reynolds is taking appropriate precautions. I will need more details as they develop, times and places and so forth, but provisionally I am not opposed to helping."


"I'm... Concerned too. But Ellie wants to do this, and - it's as safe as we can make it. We haven't figured out times and places yet. Currently we're just establishing - kind of baseline 'Voldemort thinks this works.' Hopefully. Before we start feeding in outright false information."


She nods. "Keep me informed, then."


"I will. Thank you."


"Was this a purely business call, or do you have some time to talk as well?"


"I have free time, yeah."


"Oh good. I do enjoy these little chats. How are you finding Music?"


Wonderful! It's a bit slower in class than their discussions, but she's getting a lot more practice on the actual singing technique, especially since she's still keeping up with chorus club -

They can go on like this for a little bit, since Anathema's first class isn't until the afternoon, but sadly eventually they'll have to sign off.


The sad life of a student. Until later, then.


Until later.

The next few days go... Okay, though about a week later they learn Umbridge has been demanding new and more thorough background checks for some of Hogwarts' staff. Mostly the ones she likes least. 


Can they get a background check on Umbridge? Probably pointless, if it just goes through the Ministry...

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