Cam and Warrior Cats
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"Hmm. I don't know what's easy for you and what isn't. A Londinium cat I met seemed to have some kind of digestive trouble but I don't know what it was exactly."


"Health is where most effort is going already."


"But not so much at individual cats, really . . ."


"Yeah, I don't think I've met a representative enough sample to be confident of the best places for you to push."




And eventually Domino meows, "I think this is about as good as I can get it."


Cam studies the house and writes down human-salient features.


The most interesting thing about Domino's house is definitely that when Cam looks through the windows of the facade which the couch is up against, there are still only the usual stars and clouds visible through it, but when he gets up and walks around the side there's an entire other house right there.  The most interesting thing not about Domino's house is that the facade also completely disappears from the other side, should Cam turn around to look back at it.


The house itself seems comparatively normal after adjusting for dream weirdness.  Beige vinyl siding, natural-finished porch with a bench swing, garden with a mix of vegetables and decorative flowers at springtime growth states.  The leaves and petals blend into each other impressionistically in places.  On the door in brass are a few squiggles resembling an old-fashioned CAPTCHA, probably corresponding to an address number but not usefully decipherable.  And the scale is off; he'd have to duck to make it through the front doorway.


"This part in particular would be good to have clearer if there's any way to do that," Cam says, gesturing at the number.


"I didn't understand what writing was for until very recently," she frets.  "I think I could watch the real world and pay better attention but not from inside this dream."


"Well, I'll do what I can with this. Pity they haven't invented Street View."


"What's that?"


"Car going around taking pictures of all the things visible from the street so you can see what places look like without going there."


"When will you sleep again?"


"I don't know, I don't really have a schedule and things keep coming up. Is there a time that would work best on your end?"


"There's not a best time for us, but knowing roughly when you'll be asleep is a lot easier than not having any notice.  We - or mostly I - had to rush to get everything together for you this time."


"Ah. Sorry. I can try to take another nap circa... sunset? Topside sunset."


"It's okay but you did do some regular sleeping for a while before this started."


"That will be enough time for me."


"Then I will see you then unless I am swamped."

Cam finishes taking notes on the house and sits back down to pet cats and study the notes and put mnemonics to them.


The cats are so happy to be pet.

"Are you going to sleep often enough to pet everyone who wants it sometimes?  Or is this it," she bonks her forehead on Cam's shin, "for some of us."


"- heck. Uh, I can try to have a nap at least once a day around topside sunset, would that work for everybody? - will you be able to grab other catspeakers if more humans learn the language?"


"I think it would have to wait until the living Clan cats decide if they want humans learning about them or the StarClanners would block it, but there's no magic reason it couldn't happen."


"Any idea which way the wind is blowing among the StarClan folks?"


"I think the main thing they agree on is that they don't want the forest to be destroyed, or any things that would ruin Clan life like that."

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