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Version: 1
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time will not slow down
edmund gets yote into the 1990s

Edmund is pacing.

Tom hasn't tried anything lately. It's suspicious. It's deeply, profoundly suspicious - they'd been at Hogwarts a day and a half when he drugged Edmund and ripped every secret from his mind, that's not someone who just stops doing things for a bit. Especially not when he's just been thwarted. So Edmund is pacing.

I need to know why Tom's like this. I need to know what he wants. I need to know who he is.

...that door wasn't there before.

Edmund - hesitates for a moment, then turns the handle. He's never felt particularly threatened in Hogwarts - at least not by Hogwarts.

The door lets out... in a loo. A girls' loo. He steps inside cautiously and lets the door close behind him.


Version: 2
Fields Changed Character
time will not slow down
edmund gets yote into the 1990s

Edmund is pacing.

Tom hasn't tried anything lately. It's suspicious. It's deeply, profoundly suspicious - they'd been at Hogwarts a day and a half when he drugged Edmund and ripped every secret from his mind, that's not someone who just stops doing things for a bit. Especially not when he's just been thwarted. So Edmund is pacing.

I need to know why Tom's like this. I need to know what he wants. I need to know who he is.

...that door wasn't there before.

Edmund - hesitates for a moment, then turns the handle. He's never felt particularly threatened in Hogwarts - at least not by Hogwarts.

The door lets out... in a loo. A girls' loo. He steps inside cautiously and lets the door close behind him.
