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Tabby and Zeke are mad science experiments in Rockeye's new world.
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Not long... A big city starts on the American side a few miles past. Apparently that 'wilderness' was some kind of giant park. There's a sign that says 'Welcome to San Diego'.


"Ooh, I heard about this place."


There are lots of different buildings, shops, lots of people walking around, et cetera. Anything in particular they look for?


Do they know how to recognize reporters?

They can probably recognize newspapers, at least, the scientists read them sometimes.


They've seen enough television to recognise a newstand. 


When they land near it, the news stand's operator gives a friendly wave. "New partsies, eh? Welcome to San Diego. Bit young for powers aren't you two?"


"Part humans. Supers who have glowing eyes, or blue skin. Or wings. Anything that's much different from what the rest of us have."


"And what do you mean too young?"


"Well, nobody's really sure how powers happen, right? Same deal for part humans. Except most of the time partsies get powers when they're teenagers. You two can't be older than nine."


"We were born this way. So were all the kids we knew."


"Wait a minute... I heard something about that. Mad scientist down in Mexico, Jesus, were you two with that sick Lionheart ba- guy?"


"...Augh. Whole thing is a giant mess, innit? You two hurt?"


"...I hurt people."


"Sometimes it's hurt or get hurt... Why don't you two sit down? Here, split my sandwich. I was gonna have it for lunch but you look hungry."



He goes into the stand and makes a quiet phone call to the Superhuman Activity hotline while they're distracted by food. And also child services. These two need help.


Food is very good at distracting the kids with boosted metabolisms. 


He's back fast, despite the operator's urging to back away and let the heroes come deal with it. "How's the grub?"


"Great! Got anymore?"


"Not on me. Tell you what though, the local heroes... They'll take much better care of you than that jerk Lionheart. They actually care about everyone. That's what hero means. And they're probably on their way here to come look at ya. You're not exactly sneaky, just saying."


"Where are they going to take us?"


"I don't know much about it. Probably an orphanage or a hospital, at least at first. Give you somewhere to sleep while they figure out what you two want, and what you need. See if Lionheart's goons hurt you in ways you don't know about. You didn't take any medicine from him, did you? Some folks need medicine every day. I'd be worried you two do, too."

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