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Ellie in Worm
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"You'd be surprised how many people say that. It's part of why we have the tests in the first place.

Anyone else?"

Cherish looks about to speak up. An unknown quantity.


"What about... her?" she asks, looking at the Siberian.


"She wants to start at the top, we can play along."

To Ellie, "She doesn't talk, of course, but her test is always the same. It's..well, if you don't know I suspect you'll find out."

The danger sense goes apocalyptic shortly before the striped woman rushes her, snarling.


Teleporter out, blink out the window, blink again. Again.


The Siberian is fast. She can of course run absurdly fast, but when looking backward Ellie can also occasionally see her jump into the air and kick off a falling leaf. She doesn't quite move at the speed of being at her destination as soon as she can see it, but it's close.


That's not fair. It really isn't. She's not even in that body, so Ellie can't do anything about it.


And Ellie knows how much teleporting this shade can do and how fast, but she doesn't know what the Siberian's limits are. If any. The extremely unfair person runs circles around her, occasionally even literally curving to come from a different direction, and is really hard to stay away from.


The Siberian is immune to everything. Ellie tries a chaos blast, just in case 'everything at once' turns out to be an exception to everything.


It doesn't, and letting the Siberian get close enough to test that may be a bad idea. The range is only six or fifteen feet, and either participant in the chase can cover that in a blink.

Suddenly there's a cold, colorless hand over her eyes and an inexorable force moving one of her arms Siberianward.


"I know you're not here. Come out and show me what you really look like."


The Siberian spreads Ellie's fingers and bites down on one above the second knuckle. Then she lets go, takes the hand away from her quarry's face, and stands a step back. There's blood sliding down her chin.


Gah. That hurts. She grits her teeth, but refuses to scream. She grabs the stump in her other hand and applies pressure. Deep breath.

Blink away. If it is a projection, maybe there's a range limit. This is Canada, there's lots of wilderness. She travels as deep as she can, avoiding roads and towns.


That... works. The Siberian's movements and reactions slow, then she eventually stops reappearing. 


So there is a range. Good. The projector can reposition, but hopefully whatever mobility solution they have been using will be less effective in this terrain.

She should move from this position, then find somewhere hidden to rest a while. With the danger sensor up.


The Siberian is outside the danger sensor's range. Until she abruptly isn't. And she covers the distance from the edge of the range quickly, sometimes charging straight through obstacles. There's a cartoonish Siberian-shaped hole in one tree; another just falls.


She goes, again trying to outrange it.


She (it?) is faster than Ellie with the wilderness blocking line of sight. She's taken to running in the low branches of trees; it barely slows her down and it means Ellie can't keep an eye on her if she wants to look where she's going. She closes in.


She blasts a hole in the canopy and blinks straight up then over, catching herself on a treetop before blinking again.


She can't fly, and the Siberian might as well be able to. But she can change direction midair a lot more easily– it's hard to tell whether she's actually getting anywhere. But she's not currently having any more fingers bitten off, so that's good.


She's going to run it out of range eventually.


The trick is to teleport whenever the Siberian starts to move in a direction, regardless of how much safety margin it looks like she has. Once she gets that down, she's as safe as one can be when pursued by a that thing. There are a couple close calls, but no more injuries.


"How long are you going to keep chasing us?" she calls. "What happens when we decide to go back to Jack and tell him you're not what he thinks you are while you're distracted moving your real body?"


Charging: still happening. Telling Jack isn't a sufficient threat, apparently.


"What happens when we tell him that's the reason you failed?"


No response. Unless continuing rage monsterness is a response, of course. The Siberian leaps at Ellie twice more in two seconds.

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