"Julia," Annaka says, and she sounds exactly like Mom, "this is important!"

"I know! Because you've said it eight times! It's a good thing you said it the eighth, otherwise I'd have no idea."

       "Julia, we're deciding whether to kill him."

In a sense this is completely obvious? The only options for doing something about a kid, in the Scholomance, are talking to them or killing them. In another sense it's - weirdly upsetting, to hear Annaka say, Annaka who was a normal person three years ago - Julia's pretty sure normal people don't kill people, in the real world you go to jail for that - "I knew that too," she simplifies these feelings as. "I - look, I take things seriously, I really do, I don't know how to be all Mom about them but I - don't want someone to get killed, and I'm not an idiot -"

       "Would you rather Olivia do the interview, will that make it easier to take it seriously -"

Interview? Ugh. "No, I wouldn't rather that, Olivia looks at me like I personally stole her favorite outfit out of her closet and wore it and got a stain on it."

       "Okay. Describe when you first saw him."

"Uh, I was trying to look out for things that moved, right, and I saw a kid trailing us, and at first I thought he might be going back to his dorm, but - are you transcribing this?"

        "Yes. You thought he might be going back to his dorm, but -"

"Who are you trying to impress?? Are you going to show it to Mom, hey, Mom, look, here's how we made our murder decisions -"


Julia was not expecting that answer and sputters at her. 

        "There might be a war on the outside, you know, Julie. Depending what happened in Chicago. It might be that next induction is - not that many kids, or none from America at all -"

"Or none from China -"

        "Yeah. Or none from China. Shanghai's interested in your little maleficer tagalong. I'm going to make a transcript, and god willing I'm going to show it to Mom and then we won't be - throwing tinder on a fire we can only see in flashes -"

"That's good, you should use that in comp class."

         "Julie, if you interrupt me one more time I'm going to make Olivia do this. You thought he might be going back to his dorm -"