Edit History (Oldest to Newest)
Version: 1
Fields Changed (Original)
lasagna is not best modeled as a fluid
Connie, Alexius, and whoever turns up [dinner]

Connie manages to stop reading in a reasonable amount of time and makes it to the cafeteriaintime for dinner, obtains a plate of- lasagna?  It's probably lasagna- and glances around for her potential new homework buddy.  

Version: 2
Fields Changed Subject
[English] lasagna is not best modeled as a fluid
Connie, Alexius, and whoever turns up [dinner]

Connie manages to stop reading in a reasonable amount of time and makes it to the cafeteriaintime for dinner, obtains a plate of- lasagna?  It's probably lasagna- and glances around for her potential new homework buddy.  

Version: 3
Fields Changed Subject
[english] lasagna is not best modeled as a fluid
Connie, Alexius, and whoever turns up [dinner]

Connie manages to stop reading in a reasonable amount of time and makes it to the cafeteriaintime for dinner, obtains a plate of- lasagna?  It's probably lasagna- and glances around for her potential new homework buddy.  

Version: 4
Fields Changed Content
[english] lasagna is not best modeled as a fluid
Connie, Alexius, and whoever turns up [dinner]

Connie manages to stop reading in a reasonable amount of time and makes it to the cafeteria in time for dinner, obtains a plate of- lasagna?  It's probably lasagna- and glances around for her potential new homework buddy.  

Version: 5
Fields Changed Subject, description
[english] lasagna is not best modeled as a fluid [dinner, open]
Connie, Alexius, and whoever turns up

Connie manages to stop reading in a reasonable amount of time and makes it to the cafeteria in time for dinner, obtains a plate of- lasagna?  It's probably lasagna- and glances around for her potential new homework buddy.