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"I was thinking Law of Probability, maybe also Law of Utility depending on whether I can teach them apart or only together."

"And, who knows, maybe I'll give learning that a shot at some point."  Yes 'shatter' sounds bad, but it does not look bad if Carissa being so visibly happy is the outcome of whatever it actually means.  "How many hours of practice are we talking about, assuming I have proper reference books and expert guidance?  Three?  Seven?"


Blink blink blink. 



"I think it's like....a thousand years, in Hell," says Meritxell. "But some people are fast learners."


"To be clear, that is roughly what I was figuring."

"Also, checking model, afterlife people learn a lot slower than people in Golarion, it's just that they have all the time."



"...I don't think they learn a lot slower?" Meritxell says. "I think you start out disoriented and it can take a while to get back to what you were capable of as a human but in principle eventually you're Contessa Lrilatha and I expect she'd learn, say, a new language, faster than I would."


"Now that I think about it, there was something - crystalline, about Lrilatha, I'm not sure how to put it into words - I'm not sure I'd ask her to research a new field of study, she can be one kind of person flawlessly and at speed but - maybe there's other ways of thinking she can use, that I didn't see, we were always meeting in formal settings - I'm not sure Lrilatha comes across as something truly greater than any dath ilani, who'd defeat any of us in every contest of skill?  Just someone who spent a thousand years practicing a collection of things and is now unmatchable in those places - Taldane does not have any of the words or concepts I want to use right now.  But maybe that's the difference between what she is, and a god."

"Is it known what Lrilatha turns into in another ten thousand years?"


"- not by me."


"Gorthoklek, who you met, is a more powerful and intelligent kind of devil but I don't know if he's specifically a kind of devil downstream of Contessa Lrilatha's kind."


"Didn't see much of him or how he thought, yeah.  He looks more alien, for sure..."

"I suppose I've got time to figure it out, but I will want to figure it out, before I decide whether the afterlife here is really someplace I want to spend my own afterdeath, or if I'm supposed to figure out how to make the Starstone work reliably, or take some third option."


What third option, become Baba Yaga and wander the multiverse in a house with legs, returning only occasionally to eat your children? 

- not the time. How about instead they learn about Probability. 


Pilar messages her on the way out asking for clarification if everybody in alterCheliax is supposed to be calling their Queen 'Abrogail'.


In alterCheliax it's a thing you might call her if you know her personally, not something people who know her only as the Queen would call her, though if they did they would just get an etiquette lesson rather than being promptly executed like in real Cheliax.


She danced with one of my guests at a party I threw, does that count?

(This was approximately 24% of Pilar's total accumulated stress from the previous day.)


She what now.


Keltham does not know about that party, so, no.  Even if Keltham knew about that party, it's not really the right kind of acquaintance. If Abrogail ever kisses Pilar gently while turning her to stone to deny her Hell forever then Pilar can call her Abrogail.




Pilar really wants to get debriefed about yesterday by the proper Authority and is not above using blatant lures to accomplish this.


If lessons are to restart, Broom will be there and trying to make sure nobody destroys the world.


...these weird people may be permitted to enter her library's study hall, but had better behave themselves while in it.


If Asmodia came back with anything at all, besides superpowers, it was with some practice in setting aside distractions and focusing.  She's ready, and though she doesn't understand the meaning of all this, she's feeling a lot more motivated to grasp whatever she can now that there's any reason that anything matters.


It's disorienting to think that this quiet part is the part that really matters, and that all the meetings with intelligence services and confrontations with paladins and the Queen dancing in her ballroom are just a distraction.


It feels strange to be back at this, as if it's a habit from another world, even though it's actually only been two days off, and normal schools give you two days off sometimes, like after exams before the start of the next term. 


She has her Unseen Servant take notes for her. Because she's a fourth-circle wizard.


Meritxell sits in front. She was tipped off this morning that she needs to meet the High Priestess because Keltham might want her and she's going to make damn sure he does want her, by being the smartest.


PL-timestamp:  Day 5 / Morning


So now, hopefully, they're getting to the good part!  Previous stuff was just sort of trying to show you what Law is at all, like with Validity, and some stuff that seemed like a good idea for Cheliax to know very early on for bargaining purposes, like heredity and bargaining.  The Law of Probability is starting to get into stuff you use all over the place!

And if he'd been thinking ahead properly, Keltham would've made sure that everybody got tapped with an Owl's Wisdom at least once before they started getting lectures like these.  Probably they can get away with doing that tomorrow, one more day's lecture shouldn't set up too much triggerable cumulative enlightenment.  Keltham is saying this out loud right now because he keeps forgetting to set that up.

Anyways!  Does Cheliax already know anything about Probability, the mathematics and Law of uncertainty?  Anything he can build upon, or conversely, needs to refute and redo?


They know the failure chances for certain kinds of magic that have somewhat reliable failure chances and happen frequently enough you can record how often the failure happens, like Augury or teleporting off a picture. 


"And merchants know the failure chances for more complicated things than that, like the odds a ship you send to Casmaron will make it back, which uses past voyages to Casmaron but also the state of the ship, and the state of the seas, and the season, and the competence of the captain. If you're bad at guessing then you'll lose all your money."

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