Bar has been good to Griffie. So as to return the favor, Griffie's not planning to leave for a long time.

When Griffie arrived, ey had only been moderately injured, by eir usual judgement. When ey heard Milliways had free healing, ey found Dawn-Shining Taliar at the infirmary. Taliar had healed eir cuts, and more surprisingly, eir ongoing tendency towards soul decay as well as the existing damage. After further research, Griffie found that using eir own healing magic to address bodily senescence was trivially simple with a stable soul as an anchor.

Griffie's heard the claim that Security is categorically adequate. Ey really doesn't want to lean on this. For one, gods can cause problems without starting violence in the main bar area. For two … in the War of Aiquzall, when an Absolute Tyrant gets fought with Absolute Freedom, what happens tends to involve a lot of collateral damage, and Bar is very nice and does not deserve collateral damage. So whenever Griffie goes home, even ignoring personal risks, ey'd really, really like to go home prepared to fight the Lower Planes and definitively win.

But that's going to take a while and could probably use some external support, which is why ey's working infirmary shifts and hanging out at the main bar in between them. Right now ey has a mug of weak-looking tea.