a Sapphire on Earth-16 with an indigo power ring
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She more mundanely pulls her wallet out of her pocket and fishes out a bill.


"Well, that's pretty similar. Guess your world's history is close enough. Don't have as many problems with counterfeiting?"


"Considering you have supervillains and we don't that sounds correct."


"I'm not honestly sure, we don't have superheroes either. We don't know if aliens are out there. We don't have.... I think Red Tornado is a robot? We don't have anyone like him."


"No superpowers at all? That's got to be weird. Might be for the best, though."

"Do you have Batman, at least?"


"No, I talked to him earlier I had never heard that name before. I don't actually know that much about him beyond the name and the slightly menacing slightly silly costume."


"Uh, I don't even know where to begin. He doesn't actually have any superpowers, he's just a guy who does... martial arts, basically, but that feels like it's selling him short. And he fights crime. Over the last ten years, he has been mostly responsible for turning Gotham from the most dangerous city in America to a reasonably safe place. And despite the fact that I have a power ring, turns out he is slightly terrifying. I can't explain how he does it."


"Gotham? I don't think I've heard of a city with that name. Is that the big city in Connecticut?"


"Yeah, Gotham City, it's in southwest Connecticut."


"Considering I went to college in Connecticut on my world I think I would have heard about it if it existed. Maybe it was just small and irrelevant though."


"Four years ago I'd have said you were better off without it, but it's not so bad these days."

By this time, Sapphire and Guy have finished the last of the high-voltage line repairs.

"I'll send you the coordinates for the rooftop of the building the restaurant is in—that's generally a better place to transition in than the street—and I can meet you there after I make a stop at home to change clothes. That sound good to you?"


"Works for me."


"See you in a sec."

He transitions away. For a moment it leaves a jagged green trail of light in the air behind him.


Ring can we store the staff in subspace?




(You've still got it, Guy. You've got this.)


Alright let's do that. Then show me examples of what women at the restaurant we'll be going to are wearing.


Her staff flows into the ring with a burst of indigo light.

"Compliance. Scanning."

The ring displays a collection of small holograms of women. They are wearing a variety of different types and styles of clothing, some of which are more expensive or fancy than others.


It seems like her blouse and slacks won't be out of place. Transition to the coordinates.


Sapphire is now standing on the rooftop of a medium-sized building in Manhattan. Guy is waiting for her, wearing a white collared shirt and slacks.

"The restaurant is on the first floor. Personally, I like to take the fire escape."

He heads for the fire escape and starts heading down.


"Alright," she follows.


After a few minutes they reach the first floor, enter the restaurant, and are seated. The menu offers a variety of dishes, most of which are not quite like anything she's seen before, but use familiar ingredients and flavors. The chefs aren't going to earn a Michelin star by doing things conventionally.


"Do you have recommendations? I don't think I've had any of these before."


"Oh, I just ask my ring to pick something at random without reading the menu, it's more fun that way. Everything is tasty, but if you want me to pick one, the... quail something dish is pretty good, I don't know what it's called."

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