it's obvious if you understand decision theory
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"So I've heard.  I was otherwise getting ready for a trip to the Plane of Elemental Fire, so I've definitely got the scrolls, but they were relatively hard to get - how much bothering are we talking about, is this a grit-my-teeth situation or 'you're already kinda psychologically damaged and shouldn't risk it' situation?"


"Well it'll, uh, help with any problem you might be having where you're considering not blowing up the universe."


"I'll use the Planar Resistance once I'm there if Mind Blank isn't enough.  This is definitely not a time to do anything that could look remotely like strategic self-modification."

"- I say again, should we actually head over to the whiteboard."


"Yeah, all right." 


She jumps out of the Rope Trick, again.


"Holy shit.  That's Carissa Sevar?  All right, if that's what Mister Doomlord considers to be 'well above average pretty but not exceptional' then I can see why he's not sleeping with any of the women here."


"To be fair to Mister Doomlord, I got prettier after we broke up."


"Oh, like, started using makeup and dressing sexy again once you weren't in an established relationship?  I guess that would entirely account for the discrepancy."


"Green glowing glitter," she says, and crosses the Forbiddance. Wonders idly if her earring would stop her from saying it wrong and letting the Forbiddance fry her. Probably. "Is there a list of spells and their cost to the Project in millions-of-expected-murders-passed-up somewhere I can reference for decisionmaking?"


"Does that mean you're joining the anti-doom faction here?  It's my considered opinion that you've made the right choice, we've got the cooler slumber parties."


"Green glowing glitter," he says as he climbs down.  "We use gold pieces for accounting around here, I'll see about getting you a price list."


"You know, I thought I'd never in my life see anything as doomed as Project Lawful but a project to utterly soul-annihilate everyone on it, everyone they care about, and everyone else in the universe, populated mostly by people who are against this but under oaths to try to do harm reduction, surpasses it."


"I KNOW RIGHT?  And since Mister Doomlord is the only thing those two projects have in common, it follows that all of the doominess is completely his fault.  Wow, seeing what he gets up to entirely on his own must be a very exonerating experience for you."


"- no. He is quite conceivably the most horrible person ever to walk the face of this world, but I made him, and I'm not less guilty where he's more monstrous."


"See, that is a general sort of life attitude that I associate more with the pro-doom faction.  You may need to watch out there."


"I swear to you, I would suffer an eternity as a paving stone in Hell before I assented for a single person who wanted to live to permanently die."


"Hm.  'Intense Lady'?  Doesn't have the same ring as Mister Doomlord.  I'll have to think more about what to call you."


She'll just look through the resources on offer and make sure they're prepared for their trip to Hell, then.


They include at least the results of sending somebody with an unreasonable (though not literally unlimited) budget through Absalom, Quantium, Isfahel, and probably some other places, with instructions to buy at least one of whatever low-level scrolls they didn't have already; or any higher-level scrolls that might be useful to a Project that might need to: enforce oaths, go to the Elemental Plane of Fire, hold somebody prisoner and prevent them from escaping, avoid detection, prevent mind control, undo mind control, provide an unstoppable means of committing suicide, avert known methods for trapping souls, or render somebody difficult to torture.

A lot of people here look like they'd want to talk to Carissa Sevar if not for the part where she's clearly quite busy right now.

Somebody wearing Nethys's holy symbol is observing to Keltham that Mind Blank probably stops even a pit fiend from reading your alignment.


She's going to shut down all lines of thought about what Keltham's told these people about her, which she's very curious about and which doesn't matter, and pick out some spells for surviving Hell.


"I'm ready when you are."


As many as several people in this crowd seem to be of the opinion that Carissa Sevar and Mister Doomlord should consider catching their breath for a few minutes and possibly have a refreshing drink or tasty snack before they literally go to Hell.

Some strategies of harm reduction are more straightforward than others.


....sure. Fine. Does anyone want to make conversation while she has a snack.


"How did you get that headband?"


"Sold my soul for it."




"Had a soul, wanted a headband."

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